LGM Infrastructure: Domain names, DNS and Web Hosting

ale rimoldi ale at graphicslab.org
Sun Dec 15 15:44:46 UTC 2024


This is a follow up to Lasse's request in:

Re: LGM 25 Nuremberg: HELP REQUIRED Online Resources

This thread is specific to the domain names, the DNS servers, and the
web hosting.

As a reminder, here is the starting point:

- Our domain name is "owned" by Louis Desjardins, who wished to hand
  it over.
- We are currently being hosted by Tuxfamily, which has become (very)
- We don't have a working website anymore (spoiler: it works now. For

Here are the actions that have been done or promised:

- Thanks to Stefan, our website works again (at Tuxfamily).
- Afgral has offered to manage the domain name.
- In January, Louis can transfer the domain name to Afgral.
- KDE has offered to host the DNS entries.
- KDE has offered to provide static hosting (possibly also dynamic
- Lasse suggested that we could also host at github.io.
- Lasse has worked on making old LGM websites static (most should
  already be)
- Lasse is creating a static website for 2025/

The current situation is:

- We can publish the website for 2025 ASAP on Tuxfamily, through Github.
- A migration to a new infrastructure can happen in January.

I suggest the following next steps are:

- I (ale) will create a repository on Github for the LGM 2025
- I (ale) will setup the trigger for updating the 2025/ web site with
  each push to the Github repository.
- Lasse will push a new website for the LGM 2025 to Github
- I (ale) make 2025/ the default page for lgm.org
- Dynamic content will be managed on "ad hoc" infrastructure (provided
  by the yearly organizer).

In the near future (starting from next January):

- We will publish all old sites as static files (ale, Lasse)
- We will find a solution for publishing the lgm.org/site as a static
  site (ale)
- We will move the domain name to Afgral (Timothée? Cédric?)
- We will move the DNS to KDE (Afgral)
- We will move to a new Web Hosting (ale, Lasse)

Anything missing? Anything wrong? Any comments? Suggestions?

Have a wonderful start to the week!

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