<div dir="ltr"><div>Hello all, long time! Hopefully I'll be able to join you next year. <br></div><div><br></div><div>The KDE community can provide support by hosting the LGM website if you like. But we'd have to sort some technical things out first like:<br></div><div><span class="gmail-transaction-comment"><br></span></div><div class="gmail_quote gmail_quote_container"><div dir="ltr" class="gmail_attr">On Sun, Dec 8, 2024 at 3:19 PM ale rimoldi <<a href="mailto:ale@graphicslab.org">ale@graphicslab.org</a>> wrote:<br></div><blockquote class="gmail_quote" style="margin:0px 0px 0px 0.8ex;border-left:1px solid rgb(204,204,204);padding-left:1ex">
This having been said, i think that there are four important topics<br>
about the online resources and all of them need some discussion:<br>
- DNS<br></blockquote><div> </div><div><span class="gmail-transaction-comment">Would it be acceptable to have this pointed at the KDE DNS provider? (CloudNS.net)</span></div><div><span class="gmail-transaction-comment"><br></span> </div><blockquote class="gmail_quote" style="margin:0px 0px 0px 0.8ex;border-left:1px solid rgb(204,204,204);padding-left:1ex">
- website<br></blockquote><div><br></div><div><span class="gmail-transaction-comment"><li class="gmail-remarkup-list-item">- For the current year, what sort of website would we be taking on the hosting of?</li><li class="gmail-remarkup-list-item">- For the historical archives, is this anything other than a static site?</li>
<li class="gmail-remarkup-list-item">- Hosting wise, is there anything else needed aside from the website(s)?</li></span></div><div> <br></div><blockquote class="gmail_quote" style="margin:0px 0px 0px 0.8ex;border-left:1px solid rgb(204,204,204);padding-left:1ex">
- mailing list (archived messaging)<br></blockquote><div><br></div><div>We also have some mail servers, would you also need to use those? </div><div> <br></div><blockquote class="gmail_quote" style="margin:0px 0px 0px 0.8ex;border-left:1px solid rgb(204,204,204);padding-left:1ex">
- messaging platform (real time messaging)<br></blockquote><div><br></div><div>If it also helps, KDE has an <span class="gmail-transaction-comment">irc <-> matrix bridge</span> that the sysadmins can help setup from your irc channel to a matrix room. <br></div><div><br></div><div>Please let me know what you think and I can get you in touch with the KDE sysadmins so you can organize things. <br></div><div><br></div><div>Cheers :)<br></div><div><br></div><div> </div><blockquote class="gmail_quote" style="margin:0px 0px 0px 0.8ex;border-left:1px solid rgb(204,204,204);padding-left:1ex">
I will start here with my thoughts but, if other people agree that a<br>
discussion is worth to be conducted, it's probably better if the<br>
replies go to one thread per topic (or some topics can go into a common<br>
and before going into the details, here my proposition for the next<br>
(urgent) steps:<br>
- AFGRAL gets in touch with louis and takes control of the LGM.org<br>
- we find a new place where to host our archive with the static files<br>
(if nothing better is proposed, i can temporary host them on "my"<br>
shared web space; i guess that the AFGRAL can do the same; i can<br>
participate in rebuilding the sites from the git repositories)<br>
and now, a lot of details!<br>
# DNS<br>
Luis Desjardins is the "owner" of the DNS entries.<br>
He already asked for the ownership to be transferred.<br>
Since the LGM itself has no way to own them by itself, i'm very<br>
comfortable with the idea of having them in the hands of the AFGRAL<br>
(or any other entity around the AFGRAL if cedric's "we" did not refer<br>
to the account he has used for sending his email)<br>
If nobody disagree with this, I think that there is not much discussion<br>
needed and the AFGRAL is welcome to do get in touch with louis and get<br>
the name transferred.<br>
(probably, we only need <a href="http://libregraphiscmeeting.org" rel="noreferrer" target="_blank">libregraphiscmeeting.org</a> , if louis still has<br>
other similar domains.)<br>
# Hosting the "main" website with the landing page and the archive<br>
We need to move.<br>
personally, i haven't noticed that tuxfamily has been down for such a<br>
long time.<br>
we were very lucky that it was online during the latest LGM.<br>
we have a bunch of static web sites, each in its own directory, that are<br>
very rarely (or never) updated.<br>
my suggestion is to go for one of two solutions:<br>
- we are not picky at all, anybody can host them and we make sure that<br>
it's easy for us to migrate to a new host at any time, or<br>
- we try to find a stable host that can host us (for free). like<br>
tuxfamily used to be.<br>
if we can make sure that at the end of each LGM a static site is<br>
checked into our github repository, we can be somehow more relaxed<br>
about this issue:<br>
we have very low requirements!<br>
since tuxfamily is currently down, i would suggest that we need a<br>
solution that can be online before the end of the christmas holidays.<br>
(or at least before the organization for the next LGM 2025 wants to go<br>
public with their information!)<br>
in the wors case, i can probably host it myself on my shared server, if<br>
no better solution is proposed (in such a short time).<br>
during the christmas holidays, i can reserve some time for recreating<br>
the websites.<br>
# the yearly LGM site<br>
for the last few years, we had a rather good experience with a static<br>
site that could be "automatically" updated by pushing to the github<br>
if the organizers want / need a dynamic site (wordpress, django,<br>
...), hosting them on a common server becomes a bit harder.<br>
with tux family we had the constraint that it only supported PHP and<br>
we mostly went for wordpress.<br>
that's all we could do.<br>
often, it was enough.<br>
i've already seen that somebody suggested creating subdomains that can<br>
be hosted by the organizers (and their partners).<br>
i'm fine with that, but it makes a bit harder to later host the static<br>
(probably, not a big issue, though. but it's worth to check about it<br>
before deciding to use sub domains! it's an additional requirements for<br>
the host of the static sites)<br>
then we would have all lgm up to 2024 in <a href="http://lgm.org/20xx" rel="noreferrer" target="_blank">lgm.org/20xx</a> and the following<br>
ones in <a href="http://20xx.lgm.org" rel="noreferrer" target="_blank">20xx.lgm.org</a>.<br>
maybe there is also an easy way to create a redirect. it needs to be<br>
tested. and documented.<br>
as i said at the beginning of this email, for me the only hard condition<br>
at the end of the lgm a static version of the site (with all the public<br>
content!) is checked into the git repository.<br>
(of course, you can disagree with me also about that! what i want to<br>
say, is that all the rest is open for discussions and we can probably be<br>
rather flexible!)<br>
# archived messages: the mailing list<br>
currently, the "official" communication canal of the LGM is this<br>
mailing list.<br>
i've not seen many critical voices about this, but those who are not<br>
comfortable with it do not really have a place to complain.<br>
(i guess that most people who have not got into mailing list before the<br>
mid of the years 2010 are not used to register to mailing lists!<br>
(forums, facebook, statckoverflow, slack, ... have won the race)<br>
the advantage of this mailing lists:<br>
- it's very easy for us to use. (and everybody can use it)<br>
- freedesktop seems to manage it in a very stable way.<br>
the minus points:<br>
- many people are not used to mails and mailing lists anymore<br>
- no visual elements<br>
- (personally, i don't get a notification if there are mails i should<br>
is there any need for discussions here?<br>
# real time messaging<br>
officially, we are using the #lgm channel on libera chat.<br>
the advantages:<br>
- it works.<br>
- it has very low (no) maintenance costs for us.<br>
do i need to talk about the issues?<br>
- no persistence of the messages (it's not possible to get home in the<br>
evening and check what has happened during the day (or during the<br>
- almost none of us is permanently / often in the channel anymore.<br>
- many people have never heard of irc<br>
- most LGM projects do not (actively) use irc (anymore).<br>
- no fancy / visual content<br>
personally, i'm all for finding a new platform.<br>
if possible one that is completely based on free software.<br>
i've proposed to switch to element chat (matrix) in the past, but the<br>
the response was not very positive.<br>
personally, i'm not 100% convinced by element myself, but i've been<br>
using it in for another project for years and it works "well enough".<br>
the biggest issue is, for me, that many people still don't use it /<br>
don't know about it.<br>
the onboarding is rather painless, but:<br>
- for many people, it's one more platform<br>
- it's not the same as other platforms they are using.<br>
but i don't see any better solution that is completely (at least<br>
theoretically) open source and is as easy to use (for the end users!).<br>
and at least a bit popular (among our pairs).<br>
if i recall correctly, at the time i proposed it, the biggest concerns<br>
were about hosting (which is indeed hard, but i don't see how it can be<br>
an issue for the lgm: we don't even manage to easily host a static<br>
website) and about encryption (again, not an issue for me, but i<br>
respect that other people have fundamentally different opinions on<br>
that's was a long mail.<br>
hopefully, i was not too boring, and i really hope that we can find<br>
good solutions to the issues we are facing!<br>
and i can invest some time in finding those solutions...<br>
have a wonderful start to the week<br>
</blockquote></div><div><br clear="all"></div><br><span class="gmail_signature_prefix">-- </span><br><div dir="ltr" class="gmail_signature">1111.1010.r.i.1101|n.o.i.s.1110|i.m.1010.g.1110|مقاومة<br>fsf member #5439<br>usuario GNU/Linux #471966<br>|_|0|_|<br>|_|_|0|<br>|0|0|0|<br><a href="<a href="http://www.gunga.com.br" target="_blank">http://www.gunga.com.br</a>">gunga</a><br><a href="<a href="http://www.tempoecoarte.com.br" target="_blank">http://www.tempoecoarte.com.br</a>">tempoecoarte</a><div><a href="<a href="http://www.atelier-labs.org" target="_blank">http://www.atelier-labs.org</a>">atelier-labs</a></div><div><a href="<a href="http://www.mocambos.net" target="_blank">http://www.mocambos.net</a>">rede mocambos</a><br></div></div></div>