[Libreoffice-bugs] [Bug 49946] landscape PRINTING result on portrait paper sheet for 2 pages per sheet ( Brother MFC-J6510DW)

bugzilla-daemon at bugs.documentfoundation.org bugzilla-daemon at bugs.documentfoundation.org
Wed Oct 18 15:01:03 UTC 2017


--- Comment #38 from Marc Ekstrand <marcekstrand at gmail.com> ---
I have this problem as well.  It started after downloading and beginning to use
LibreOffice 5.4.2.  I use two printers and both have the same problem  a
Brother HL-L2360D and also a copier on a network, Canon iR-ADV 4225.  The text
created in portrait view is turned to landscape.  This shows up in the print
preview and is the way the sheet then prints.  No changes of printer setting
seem to fix this problem.  A work around is to change the paper type to A4 and
then it prints in the right orientation - obviously I have to adjust the
margins accordingly and force printing on standard paper on the printer end.

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