[Libreoffice-bugs] [Bug 106374] VIEWING: Document canvas view jumps to beginning of index after updating

bugzilla-daemon at bugs.documentfoundation.org bugzilla-daemon at bugs.documentfoundation.org
Thu Jul 26 09:24:28 UTC 2018


--- Comment #10 from Mike Kaganski <mikekaganski at hotmail.com> ---
This one is easy to change, just

>         case FN_UPDATE_CUR_TOX:
>         {
>             const SwTOXBase* pBase = m_pWrtShell->GetCurTOX();
>             if(pBase)
>             {
>+                const bool bWasLocked = m_pWrtShell->IsViewLocked();
>+                m_pWrtShell->LockView(true);
>                 m_pWrtShell->StartAction();
>                 if(TOX_INDEX == pBase->GetType())
>                     m_pWrtShell->ApplyAutoMark();
>                 m_pWrtShell->UpdateTableOf( *pBase );
>                 m_pWrtShell->EndAction();
>+                if (!bWasLocked)
>+                    m_pWrtShell->LockView(false);
>             }
>         }
>         break;

to void SwView::Execute(SfxRequest &rReq) in
C:\lo\core\sw\source\uibase\uiview\view2.cxx. Note though, that the update not
only jumps the view; it also moves the cursor position to the position just
before the index field (which is natural: the cursor is placed inside the
field, e.g. by right-clicking; the content of the field is regenerated - i.e.,
it is destroyed and recreated again; so the position is lost in the process;
and the content of the field might be very different after the update). So is
the change consistent from UX PoV?

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