[Libreoffice-bugs] [Bug 46933] EDITING: Numbered bibliography entry in frame displays [0]

bugzilla-daemon at bugs.documentfoundation.org bugzilla-daemon at bugs.documentfoundation.org
Wed Sep 25 12:25:35 UTC 2019


Xisco FaulĂ­ <xiscofauli at libreoffice.org> changed:

           What    |Removed                     |Added
         Resolution|FIXED                       |WORKSFORME

--- Comment #27 from Xisco FaulĂ­ <xiscofauli at libreoffice.org> ---
(In reply to stragu from comment #24)
> Also confirmed with the following:
> Version:
> Build ID: 1:6.0.3-0ubuntu1
> CPU threads: 8; OS: Linux 4.15; UI render: default; VCL: gtk3; 
> Locale: en-AU (en_GB.UTF-8); Calc: group
> But for some reason, the numbering started at 1 if I had text before the
> reference and the bibliography.
> Steps updated for 6.0:
> - create new Writer document;
> - insert Frame (insert -> frame -> frame... -> ok);
> - place cursor inside the frame;
> - insert bibliography entry (insert -> Table of Contents and Index ->
> bibliography entry... -> choose one entry from database -> insert -> close);
> - place cursor outside of the frame;
> - insert bibliography table (insert -> Table of Contents and Index -> Table
> of Contents, Index or Bibliography -> select "type" = "bibliography" and
> check "number entries" -> ok);

Actually, in the Contents, Index or Bibliography dialog is possible to select
if we want brackets for the entry references. Options: None, [], (), {}, <>, so
selecting None fixes this issue.

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