[Libreoffice-bugs] [Bug 134742] [CJK Issue, Enhancement] Distinguishing both Korean and Japanese font from all CJK[Chinese-Japanese-Korean] fonts such as Noto CJK font series and Source Han Sans series, etc.

bugzilla-daemon at bugs.documentfoundation.org bugzilla-daemon at bugs.documentfoundation.org
Sat Aug 1 06:26:25 UTC 2020


--- Comment #2 from DaeHyun Sung <sungdh86 at gmail.com> ---
I think that change the code and improving the ability to distinguish fonts
between Korean, Chinese and Japanese.

1. remove  Hardcode script for "Noto" CJK fonts
2. add hardcode script at attemptToDisambiguateHan(UScriptCode eScript,
OutputDevice const &rDevice) and change distinguish among Korean, Japanese and
Chinese fonts.

-            static const sal_Unicode aKorean[] = { 0x3131 };
-            static const sal_Unicode aJapanese[] = { 0x3007, 0x9F9D };
-            static const sal_Unicode aTraditionalChinese[] = { 0x570B };
-            static const sal_Unicode aSimplifiedChinese[] = { 0x56FD };
Korean: U+3131 ㄱ   Hangul Letter Kiyeok
Japanese: U+3007 〇 Ideographic Number Zero & U+9F9D 龝
Traditional Chinese: U+570B 國
Simplified Chinese: U+56FD  国

That code’s problem
Both Japaese kanji U+3007 〇 and  U+9F9D 龝 also uses in Korean & Chinese.

U+3007 〇 
Definition: zero
It uses in CJK(Chinese, Japanese and Korean) 
It usually uses number expression in MS Excel, LibreOffice.

U+9F9D 龝 
Definition: autumn, fall; year
Mandarin Chinese reads qiū 
Korean Hanja sound is 추 chu 
Japanese Kun sound is ‘AKI' or ‘TOKI’ 
Japanese On sound is ‘SHUU’
That meaning likes ‘秋’.

[한자 너 어디 있었니?] 54. 분탕 焚蕩
참고로 가을날 벼에 달라붙은 메뚜기 모양을 한 글자인 龝(추)는 秋의 고자(古字)로 서예가들이 멋을 부리기 위해 사용하기도 한다.
「龝」の漢字‐読み方・意味・部首・画数 - 漢字辞典 https://kanjitisiki.com/jis2/2-3/020.html
龝 - 中國哲學書電子化計劃 https://ctext.org/dictionary.pl?if=gb&char=%E9%BE%9D
《康熙字典·四》:    秋:〔古文〕𥤛𪚼龝𪔁《唐韻》七由切《集韻》《韻會》雌由切《正韻》此由切,𠀤音鰌。

Also, Both U+570B 國 and U+56FD 国 doesn't distinguish CJK languages.
Because, 'U+570B 國’ uses in Traditional Chinese,  Korean, Japanese texts.
U+570B 國
Korean: 國
21國 정상급 26명 온다…평창서 `외교 올림픽`
핵융합발전 프로젝트 韓國이 주도..."ITER 부품의 70~80% 도맡아"
Japanese: 國
ORANGE RANGE、母校の吹奏楽部・琉球國祭り太鼓とのライブを公開
Traditional Chinese: 國
國家森林遊樂區免費入園一次 上路一週最熱門是這地方  

Also, 'U+56FD 国’ uses in both Simplified Chinese and Japanese.
U+56FD 国
Japanese: 国
日本人の子ども連れ去りは国ぐるみの誘拐? 批准した国際条約、国内で適用せずは許されるのか
Simplified Chinese: 国
中国国际云书馆上线运行 http://world.people.com.cn/n1/2020/0726/c1002-31797808.html

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