[Libreoffice-bugs] [Bug 115811] pdfium based ipdf defaults to 96 dpi for image, need an option for higher resolution

bugzilla-daemon at bugs.documentfoundation.org bugzilla-daemon at bugs.documentfoundation.org
Tue Sep 8 18:10:50 UTC 2020


V Stuart Foote <vstuart.foote at utsa.edu> changed:

           What    |Removed                     |Added
           See Also|                            |https://bugs.documentfounda
                   |                            |tion.org/show_bug.cgi?id=13
                   |                            |1768

--- Comment #13 from V Stuart Foote <vstuart.foote at utsa.edu> ---
LibreOffice ipdf insert filter does not render PDF to vector, it generates a
lowres 96 dpi raster of the 1st page of selected PDF.

The current default 96 dpi bitmap rendering is performant, but it is of low
quality/pixelated when a full page image is rendered at full page size. Setting
a more reasonable default of 300 dpi for the resulting BMP meta would make it
more appealing for screen use. 

If rework of the pdfium based ipdf filter receives a user interaction to select
the page(s) to be inserted, then it is reasonable to also specify the
resolution of the resulting bitmap (or the sampling framework PDFium uses) to
rasterize the PDF.

Likewise, should needed additional dev work on the filter be done to support
rendering to vector objects on canvas, the resolution of the filter will NOT
necessarily be at the full resolution of the source PDF--it could be, but the
extra precision would come at a performance price and is not normally needed.
Some user interaction/choice for fidelity would be appropriate. But, that is an
implementation decision for the devs.

As would be handling the PDF page selection/extraction via a dialog able to
eliminate holding the full source PDF with the ODF archive--pointed out as a
potential privacy issue in bug 131768

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