[Libreoffice-bugs] [Bug 143073] Draw 'Page Pane' is unstable on duplicating and rearranege -- REGRESSION, worked in

bugzilla-daemon at bugs.documentfoundation.org bugzilla-daemon at bugs.documentfoundation.org
Thu Jul 1 16:04:50 UTC 2021


Buovjaga <ilmari.lauhakangas at libreoffice.org> changed:

           What    |Removed                     |Added
                 CC|                            |ilmari.lauhakangas at libreoff
                   |                            |ice.org
         Resolution|---                         |WORKSFORME
             Status|UNCONFIRMED                 |RESOLVED

--- Comment #5 from Buovjaga <ilmari.lauhakangas at libreoffice.org> ---
Ok, let's close as wfm and you can set back to unconfirmed, if it comes back

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