[Libreoffice-commits] .: scratch/cia

Miklos Vajna vmiklos at kemper.freedesktop.org
Fri Nov 19 01:58:56 PST 2010

 scratch/cia/libreoffice-ciabot.pl     |  282 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 scratch/cia/run-libreoffice-ciabot.pl |  118 ++++++++++++++
 2 files changed, 400 insertions(+)

New commits:
commit 6a1d4bd25effb4c80b2236dea35fdffad1221ee1
Author: Miklos Vajna <vmiklos at frugalware.org>
Date:   Fri Nov 19 10:53:56 2010 +0100

    Add scripts feeding the CIA bot from Kendy

diff --git a/scratch/cia/libreoffice-ciabot.pl b/scratch/cia/libreoffice-ciabot.pl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d0e615a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scratch/cia/libreoffice-ciabot.pl
@@ -0,0 +1,282 @@
+#!/usr/bin/perl -w
+# ciabot -- Mail a git log message to a given address, for the purposes of CIA
+# Loosely based on cvslog by Russ Allbery <rra at stanford.edu>
+# Copyright 1998  Board of Trustees, Leland Stanford Jr. University
+# Copyright 2001, 2003, 2004, 2005  Petr Baudis <pasky at ucw.cz>
+# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
+# the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2, as published by the
+# Free Software Foundation.
+# The master location of this file is in the Cogito repository
+# (see http://www.kernel.org/git/).
+# This program is designed to run as the .git/hooks/post-commit hook. It takes
+# the commit information, massages it and mails it to the address given below.
+# The calling convention of the post-commit hook is:
+#	.git/hooks/post-commit $commit_sha1 $branch_name
+# If it does not work, try to disable $xml_rpc in the configuration section
+# below. Also, remember to make the hook file executable.
+# Note that you can (and it might be actually more desirable) also use this
+# script as the GIT update hook:
+#	refname=${1#refs/heads/}
+#	[ "$refname" = "master" ] && refname=
+#	oldhead=$2
+#	newhead=$3
+#	for merged in $(git rev-list $newhead ^$oldhead | tac); do
+#		/path/to/ciabot.pl $merged $refname
+#	done
+# This is useful when you use a remote repository that you only push to. The
+# update hook will be triggered each time you push into that repository, and
+# the pushed commits will be reported through CIA.
+use strict;
+use vars qw ($project $from_email $dest_email $noisy $rpc_uri $mail
+		$xml_rpc $ignore_regexp $alt_local_message_target);
+### Configuration
+# Project name (as known to CIA).
+$project = 'LibreOffice';
+# The from address in generated mails.
+$from_email = 'kendy at suse.cz';
+# Mail all reports to this address.
+#$dest_email = 'cia at cia.navi.cx';
+$dest_email = 'cia at cia.vc';
+# If using XML-RPC, connect to this URI.
+$rpc_uri = 'http://cia.navi.cx/RPC2';
+# The 'mail' program setup
+$ENV{'MAILRC'} = '/dev/null';
+$ENV{'smtp'} = 'relay.suse.de';
+$mail = 'mail';
+# If set, the script will send CIA the full commit message. If unset, only the
+# first line of the commit message will be sent.
+$noisy = 0;
+# This script can communicate with CIA either by mail or by an XML-RPC
+# interface. The XML-RPC interface is faster and more efficient, however you
+# need to have RPC::XML perl module installed, and some large CVS hosting sites
+# (like Savannah or Sourceforge) might not allow outgoing HTTP connections
+# while they allow outgoing mail. Also, this script will hang and eventually
+# not deliver the event at all if CIA server happens to be down, which is
+# unfortunately not an uncommon condition.
+$xml_rpc = 0;
+# This variable should contain a regexp, against which each file will be
+# checked, and if the regexp is matched, the file is ignored. This can be
+# useful if you do not want auto-updated files, such as e.g. ChangeLog, to
+# appear via CIA.
+# The following example will make the script ignore all changes in two specific
+# files in two different modules, and everything concerning module 'admin':
+# $ignore_regexp = "^(gentoo/Manifest|elinks/src/bfu/inphist.c|admin/)";
+$ignore_regexp = "";
+# It can be useful to also grab the generated XML message by some other
+# programs and e.g. autogenerate some content based on it. Here you can specify
+# a file to which it will be appended.
+$alt_local_message_target = "";
+### The code itself
+use vars qw ($commit $tree @parent $author $committer);
+use vars qw ($user $repo $branch $rev @files $logmsg $message);
+my $line;
+### Input data loading
+# The commit stuff
+$repo   = $ARGV[0];
+$commit = $ARGV[1];
+$branch = $ARGV[2];
+open COMMIT, "git cat-file commit $commit|" or die "git cat-file commit $commit: $!";
+my $state = 0;
+$logmsg = '';
+while (defined ($line = <COMMIT>)) {
+  if ($state == 1) {
+    $logmsg .= $line;
+    $noisy or $state++;
+    next;
+  } elsif ($state > 1) {
+    next;
+  }
+  chomp $line;
+  unless ($line) {
+    $state = 1;
+    next;
+  }
+  my ($key, $value) = split(/ /, $line, 2);
+  if ($key eq 'tree') {
+    $tree = $value;
+  } elsif ($key eq 'parent') {
+    push(@parent, $value);
+  } elsif ($key eq 'author') {
+    $author = $value;
+  } elsif ($key eq 'committer') {
+    $committer = $value;
+  }
+close COMMIT;
+open DIFF, "git diff-tree -r $parent[0] $tree|" or die "git diff-tree $parent[0] $tree: $!";
+while (defined ($line = <DIFF>)) {
+  chomp $line;
+  my @f;
+  (undef, @f) = split(/\t/, $line, 2);
+  push (@files, @f);
+close DIFF;
+# Figure out who is doing the update.
+# XXX: Too trivial this way?
+($user) = $author =~ /<(.*?)@/;
+$rev = substr($commit, 0, 12);
+### Remove to-be-ignored files
+ at files = grep { $_ !~ m/$ignore_regexp/; } @files
+  if ($ignore_regexp);
+exit unless @files;
+### Compose the mail message
+my ($VERSION) = '1.0';
+my $ts = time;
+$message = <<EM
+   <generator>
+       <name>CIA Perl client for Git</name>
+       <version>$VERSION</version>
+   </generator>
+   <source>
+       <project>$project</project>
+       <module>$repo</module>
+$message .= "       <branch>$branch</branch>" if ($branch);
+$message .= <<EM
+   </source>
+   <timestamp>
+       $ts
+   </timestamp>
+   <body>
+       <commit>
+           <author>$user</author>
+           <revision>$rev</revision>
+           <files>
+foreach (@files) {
+  s/&/&amp;/g;
+  s/</&lt;/g;
+  s/>/&gt;/g;
+  $message .= "  <file>$_</file>\n";
+$logmsg =~ s/&/&amp;/g;
+$logmsg =~ s/</&lt;/g;
+$logmsg =~ s/>/&gt;/g;
+$message .= <<EM
+           </files>
+           <log>
+           </log>
+       </commit>
+   </body>
+### Write the message to an alt-target
+if ($alt_local_message_target and open (ALT, ">>$alt_local_message_target")) {
+  print ALT $message;
+  close ALT;
+### Send out the XML-RPC message
+if ($xml_rpc) {
+  # We gotta be careful from now on. We silence all the warnings because
+  # RPC::XML code is crappy and works with undefs etc.
+  $^W = 0;
+  $RPC::XML::ERROR if (0); # silence perl's compile-time warning
+  require RPC::XML;
+  require RPC::XML::Client;
+  my $rpc_client = new RPC::XML::Client $rpc_uri;
+  my $rpc_request = RPC::XML::request->new('hub.deliver', $message);
+  my $rpc_response = $rpc_client->send_request($rpc_request);
+  unless (ref $rpc_response) {
+    die "XML-RPC Error: $RPC::XML::ERROR\n";
+  }
+  exit;
+### Send out the mail
+# Open our mail program
+open (MAIL, "| $mail -r $from_email -s DeliverXML $dest_email") or die "Cannot execute $mail : " . ($?>>8);
+print MAIL $message;
+# Close the mail
+close MAIL;
+die "$0: mail exit status " . ($? >> 8) . "\n" unless ($? == 0);
+# vi: set sw=2:
diff --git a/scratch/cia/run-libreoffice-ciabot.pl b/scratch/cia/run-libreoffice-ciabot.pl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bc8c0aa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scratch/cia/run-libreoffice-ciabot.pl
@@ -0,0 +1,118 @@
+#!/usr/bin/perl -w
+if ( ! -d 'bootstrap' ) {
+    print STDERR "Not a directory with libreoffice repos!\n";
+    exit 1;
+sub error($) {
+    my ( $message ) = @_;
+    print STDERR "$message\n";
+sub get_branches() {
+    my %branches;
+    if ( open REFS, "git show-ref |" ) {
+        while ( <REFS> ) {
+            chomp;
+            if ( /^([^ ]*) refs\/remotes\/origin\/(.*)/ ) {
+                if ( $2 ne 'HEAD' ) {
+                    $branches{$2} = $1;
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        close REFS;
+    }
+    else {
+        error( "Cannot call git show-ref." );
+    }
+    return \%branches;
+sub report($$$) {
+    my ( $repo, $old_ref, $new_ref ) = @_;
+    my %old = %{$old_ref};
+    my %new = %{$new_ref};
+    foreach my $key ( keys %new ) {
+        my $branch_name = $key;
+        $branch_name = '' if ( $branch_name eq 'master' );
+        my $old_head = $old{$key};
+        my $new_head = $new{$key};
+        if ( defined( $old_head ) ) {
+            if ( $old_head ne $new_head ) {
+                if ( open COMMITS, "git rev-list $new_head ^$old_head | tac |" ) {
+                    while ( <COMMITS> ) {
+                        chomp;
+                        print "Sending report about $_ in $key\n";
+                        qx(libreoffice-ciabot.pl $repo $_ $branch_name)
+                    }
+                    close COMMITS;
+                }
+                else {
+                    error( "Cannot call git rev-list." );
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        else {
+            # TODO at some stage, we could play with git merge-base, and
+            # report everything etc. but... ;-)
+            print "Sending report about $_ in a newly created branch $key\n";
+            qx(libreoffice-ciabot.pl $repo $new_head $branch_name)
+        }
+    }
+print "Checking for changes in the libreoffice repo & sending reports to CIA.vc.\n";
+ at all_repos = (
+    "artwork",
+    "base",
+    "bootstrap",
+    "build",
+    "calc",
+    "components",
+    "extensions",
+    "extras",
+    "filters",
+    "help",
+    "impress",
+    "l10n",
+    "libs-core",
+    "libs-extern",
+    "libs-extern-sys",
+    "libs-gui",
+    "postprocess",
+    "sdk",
+    "testing",
+    "ure",
+    "writer"
+chomp( my $cwd = `pwd` );
+my %old_ref;
+foreach $repo (@all_repos) {
+    chdir "$cwd/$repo";
+    $old_ref{$repo} = get_branches();
+while ( 1 ) {
+    foreach $repo (@all_repos) {
+	chdir "$cwd/$repo";
+	# update
+	qx(git fetch origin);
+	my $new_ref = get_branches();
+	# report
+	report( $repo, $old_ref{$repo}, $new_ref );
+	$old_ref{$repo} = $new_ref;
+    }
+    # check every 5 minutes
+    sleep 5*60;

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