[Libreoffice-commits] .: sc/source

David Tardon dtardon at kemper.freedesktop.org
Sat Nov 20 02:44:08 PST 2010

 sc/source/filter/excel/xechart.cxx           |    2 -
 sc/source/filter/excel/xelink.cxx            |    2 -
 sc/source/filter/excel/xename.cxx            |    2 -
 sc/source/filter/excel/xeroot.cxx            |   32 +++++++++++++--------------
 sc/source/filter/excel/xetable.cxx           |   10 ++++----
 sc/source/filter/excel/xiescher.cxx          |    4 +--
 sc/source/filter/excel/xiroot.cxx            |   16 ++++++-------
 sc/source/filter/xcl97/XclExpChangeTrack.cxx |    2 -
 8 files changed, 35 insertions(+), 35 deletions(-)

New commits:
commit d018bff4bf839d9355406cd847f68c4c1d49c78b
Author: David Tardon <dtardon at redhat.com>
Date:   Sat Nov 20 11:42:30 2010 +0100

    replace ScfRef with boost::shared_ptr in assertions too

diff --git a/sc/source/filter/excel/xechart.cxx b/sc/source/filter/excel/xechart.cxx
index 4a66cad..d35c37e 100644
--- a/sc/source/filter/excel/xechart.cxx
+++ b/sc/source/filter/excel/xechart.cxx
@@ -686,7 +686,7 @@ sal_uInt32 XclExpChEscherFormat::RegisterColor( sal_uInt16 nPropId )
 void XclExpChEscherFormat::WriteBody( XclExpStream& rStrm )
-    DBG_ASSERT( maData.mxEscherSet.is(), "XclExpChEscherFormat::WriteBody - missing property container" );
+    DBG_ASSERT( maData.mxEscherSet, "XclExpChEscherFormat::WriteBody - missing property container" );
     // write Escher property container via temporary memory stream
     SvMemoryStream aMemStrm;
     maData.mxEscherSet->Commit( aMemStrm );
diff --git a/sc/source/filter/excel/xelink.cxx b/sc/source/filter/excel/xelink.cxx
index deeca44..722b395 100644
--- a/sc/source/filter/excel/xelink.cxx
+++ b/sc/source/filter/excel/xelink.cxx
@@ -1775,7 +1775,7 @@ bool XclExpSupbookBuffer::InsertAddIn(
         xSupbook = maSupbookList.GetRecord( mnAddInSB );
-    DBG_ASSERT( xSupbook.is(), "XclExpSupbookBuffer::InsertAddin - missing add-in supbook" );
+    DBG_ASSERT( xSupbook, "XclExpSupbookBuffer::InsertAddin - missing add-in supbook" );
     rnSupbook = mnAddInSB;
     rnExtName = xSupbook->InsertAddIn( rName );
     return rnExtName > 0;
diff --git a/sc/source/filter/excel/xename.cxx b/sc/source/filter/excel/xename.cxx
index b64c2dc..1196a9a 100644
--- a/sc/source/filter/excel/xename.cxx
+++ b/sc/source/filter/excel/xename.cxx
@@ -310,7 +310,7 @@ bool XclExpName::IsMacroCall( bool bVBasic, bool bFunc ) const
 void XclExpName::Save( XclExpStream& rStrm )
-    DBG_ASSERT( mxName.is() && (mxName->Len() > 0), "XclExpName::Save - missing name" );
+    DBG_ASSERT( mxName && (mxName->Len() > 0), "XclExpName::Save - missing name" );
     DBG_ASSERT( !(IsGlobal() && ::get_flag( mnFlags, EXC_NAME_BUILTIN )), "XclExpName::Save - global built-in name" );
     SetRecSize( 11 + mxName->GetSize() + (mxTokArr ? mxTokArr->GetSize() : 2) );
     XclExpRecord::Save( rStrm );
diff --git a/sc/source/filter/excel/xeroot.cxx b/sc/source/filter/excel/xeroot.cxx
index 27c8443..4b6169c 100644
--- a/sc/source/filter/excel/xeroot.cxx
+++ b/sc/source/filter/excel/xeroot.cxx
@@ -76,91 +76,91 @@ XclExpRoot::XclExpRoot( XclExpRootData& rExpRootData ) :
 XclExpTabInfo& XclExpRoot::GetTabInfo() const
-    DBG_ASSERT( mrExpData.mxTabInfo.is(), "XclExpRoot::GetTabInfo - missing object (wrong BIFF?)" );
+    DBG_ASSERT( mrExpData.mxTabInfo, "XclExpRoot::GetTabInfo - missing object (wrong BIFF?)" );
     return *mrExpData.mxTabInfo;
 XclExpAddressConverter& XclExpRoot::GetAddressConverter() const
-    DBG_ASSERT( mrExpData.mxAddrConv.is(), "XclExpRoot::GetAddressConverter - missing object (wrong BIFF?)" );
+    DBG_ASSERT( mrExpData.mxAddrConv, "XclExpRoot::GetAddressConverter - missing object (wrong BIFF?)" );
     return *mrExpData.mxAddrConv;
 XclExpFormulaCompiler& XclExpRoot::GetFormulaCompiler() const
-    DBG_ASSERT( mrExpData.mxFmlaComp.is(), "XclExpRoot::GetFormulaCompiler - missing object (wrong BIFF?)" );
+    DBG_ASSERT( mrExpData.mxFmlaComp, "XclExpRoot::GetFormulaCompiler - missing object (wrong BIFF?)" );
     return *mrExpData.mxFmlaComp;
 XclExpProgressBar& XclExpRoot::GetProgressBar() const
-    DBG_ASSERT( mrExpData.mxProgress.is(), "XclExpRoot::GetProgressBar - missing object (wrong BIFF?)" );
+    DBG_ASSERT( mrExpData.mxProgress, "XclExpRoot::GetProgressBar - missing object (wrong BIFF?)" );
     return *mrExpData.mxProgress;
 XclExpSst& XclExpRoot::GetSst() const
-    DBG_ASSERT( mrExpData.mxSst.is(), "XclExpRoot::GetSst - missing object (wrong BIFF?)" );
+    DBG_ASSERT( mrExpData.mxSst, "XclExpRoot::GetSst - missing object (wrong BIFF?)" );
     return *mrExpData.mxSst;
 XclExpPalette& XclExpRoot::GetPalette() const
-    DBG_ASSERT( mrExpData.mxPalette.is(), "XclExpRoot::GetPalette - missing object (wrong BIFF?)" );
+    DBG_ASSERT( mrExpData.mxPalette, "XclExpRoot::GetPalette - missing object (wrong BIFF?)" );
     return *mrExpData.mxPalette;
 XclExpFontBuffer& XclExpRoot::GetFontBuffer() const
-    DBG_ASSERT( mrExpData.mxFontBfr.is(), "XclExpRoot::GetFontBuffer - missing object (wrong BIFF?)" );
+    DBG_ASSERT( mrExpData.mxFontBfr, "XclExpRoot::GetFontBuffer - missing object (wrong BIFF?)" );
     return *mrExpData.mxFontBfr;
 XclExpNumFmtBuffer& XclExpRoot::GetNumFmtBuffer() const
-    DBG_ASSERT( mrExpData.mxNumFmtBfr.is(), "XclExpRoot::GetNumFmtBuffer - missing object (wrong BIFF?)" );
+    DBG_ASSERT( mrExpData.mxNumFmtBfr, "XclExpRoot::GetNumFmtBuffer - missing object (wrong BIFF?)" );
     return *mrExpData.mxNumFmtBfr;
 XclExpXFBuffer& XclExpRoot::GetXFBuffer() const
-    DBG_ASSERT( mrExpData.mxXFBfr.is(), "XclExpRoot::GetXFBuffer - missing object (wrong BIFF?)" );
+    DBG_ASSERT( mrExpData.mxXFBfr, "XclExpRoot::GetXFBuffer - missing object (wrong BIFF?)" );
     return *mrExpData.mxXFBfr;
 XclExpLinkManager& XclExpRoot::GetGlobalLinkManager() const
-    DBG_ASSERT( mrExpData.mxGlobLinkMgr.is(), "XclExpRoot::GetGlobalLinkManager - missing object (wrong BIFF?)" );
+    DBG_ASSERT( mrExpData.mxGlobLinkMgr, "XclExpRoot::GetGlobalLinkManager - missing object (wrong BIFF?)" );
     return *mrExpData.mxGlobLinkMgr;
 XclExpLinkManager& XclExpRoot::GetLocalLinkManager() const
-    DBG_ASSERT( GetLocalLinkMgrRef().is(), "XclExpRoot::GetLocalLinkManager - missing object (wrong BIFF?)" );
+    DBG_ASSERT( GetLocalLinkMgrRef(), "XclExpRoot::GetLocalLinkManager - missing object (wrong BIFF?)" );
     return *GetLocalLinkMgrRef();
 XclExpNameManager& XclExpRoot::GetNameManager() const
-    DBG_ASSERT( mrExpData.mxNameMgr.is(), "XclExpRoot::GetNameManager - missing object (wrong BIFF?)" );
+    DBG_ASSERT( mrExpData.mxNameMgr, "XclExpRoot::GetNameManager - missing object (wrong BIFF?)" );
     return *mrExpData.mxNameMgr;
 XclExpObjectManager& XclExpRoot::GetObjectManager() const
-    DBG_ASSERT( mrExpData.mxObjMgr.is(), "XclExpRoot::GetObjectManager - missing object (wrong BIFF?)" );
+    DBG_ASSERT( mrExpData.mxObjMgr, "XclExpRoot::GetObjectManager - missing object (wrong BIFF?)" );
     return *mrExpData.mxObjMgr;
 XclExpFilterManager& XclExpRoot::GetFilterManager() const
-    DBG_ASSERT( mrExpData.mxFilterMgr.is(), "XclExpRoot::GetFilterManager - missing object (wrong BIFF?)" );
+    DBG_ASSERT( mrExpData.mxFilterMgr, "XclExpRoot::GetFilterManager - missing object (wrong BIFF?)" );
     return *mrExpData.mxFilterMgr;
 XclExpPivotTableManager& XclExpRoot::GetPivotTableManager() const
-    DBG_ASSERT( mrExpData.mxPTableMgr.is(), "XclExpRoot::GetPivotTableManager - missing object (wrong BIFF?)" );
+    DBG_ASSERT( mrExpData.mxPTableMgr, "XclExpRoot::GetPivotTableManager - missing object (wrong BIFF?)" );
     return *mrExpData.mxPTableMgr;
@@ -231,7 +231,7 @@ XclExpRecordRef XclExpRoot::CreateRecord( sal_uInt16 nRecId ) const
         case EXC_ID_EXTERNSHEET:    xRec = GetLocalLinkMgrRef();    break;
         case EXC_ID_NAME:           xRec = mrExpData.mxNameMgr;     break;
-    DBG_ASSERT( xRec.is(), "XclExpRoot::CreateRecord - unknown record ID or missing object" );
+    DBG_ASSERT( xRec, "XclExpRoot::CreateRecord - unknown record ID or missing object" );
     return xRec;
diff --git a/sc/source/filter/excel/xetable.cxx b/sc/source/filter/excel/xetable.cxx
index f9c7ff2..631b771 100644
--- a/sc/source/filter/excel/xetable.cxx
+++ b/sc/source/filter/excel/xetable.cxx
@@ -680,7 +680,7 @@ bool XclExpLabelCell::IsMultiLineText() const
 void XclExpLabelCell::Init( const XclExpRoot& rRoot,
         const ScPatternAttr* pPattern, XclExpStringRef xText )
-    DBG_ASSERT( xText.is() && xText->Len(), "XclExpLabelCell::XclExpLabelCell - empty string passed" );
+    DBG_ASSERT( xText && xText->Len(), "XclExpLabelCell::XclExpLabelCell - empty string passed" );
     mxText = xText;
     mnSstIndex = 0;
@@ -846,7 +846,7 @@ XclExpFormulaCell::XclExpFormulaCell(
             // other formula cell covered by a matrix - find the ARRAY record
             mxAddRec = rArrayBfr.FindArray( rScTokArr );
             // should always be found, if Calc document is not broken
-            DBG_ASSERT( mxAddRec.is(), "XclExpFormulaCell::XclExpFormulaCell - no matrix found" );
+            DBG_ASSERT( mxAddRec, "XclExpFormulaCell::XclExpFormulaCell - no matrix found" );
@@ -868,7 +868,7 @@ void XclExpFormulaCell::Save( XclExpStream& rStrm )
         mxTokArr = mxAddRec->CreateCellTokenArray( rStrm.GetRoot() );
     // FORMULA record itself
-    DBG_ASSERT( mxTokArr.is(), "XclExpFormulaCell::Save - missing token array" );
+    DBG_ASSERT( mxTokArr, "XclExpFormulaCell::Save - missing token array" );
     if( !mxTokArr )
         mxTokArr = rStrm.GetRoot().GetFormulaCompiler().CreateErrorFormula( EXC_ERR_NA );
     SetContSize( 16 + mxTokArr->GetSize() );
@@ -1936,7 +1936,7 @@ void XclExpRow::Save( XclExpStream& rStrm )
 void XclExpRow::InsertCell( XclExpCellRef xCell, size_t nPos, bool bIsMergedBase )
-    DBG_ASSERT( xCell.is(), "XclExpRow::InsertCell - missing cell" );
+    DBG_ASSERT( xCell, "XclExpRow::InsertCell - missing cell" );
     /*  #109751# If we have a multi-line text in a merged cell, and the resulting
         row height has not been confirmed, we need to force the EXC_ROW_UNSYNCED
@@ -2005,7 +2005,7 @@ XclExpRowBuffer::XclExpRowBuffer( const XclExpRoot& rRoot ) :
 void XclExpRowBuffer::AppendCell( XclExpCellRef xCell, bool bIsMergedBase )
-    DBG_ASSERT( xCell.is(), "XclExpRowBuffer::AppendCell - missing cell" );
+    DBG_ASSERT( xCell, "XclExpRowBuffer::AppendCell - missing cell" );
     GetOrCreateRow( xCell->GetXclRow(), false ).AppendCell( xCell, bIsMergedBase );
diff --git a/sc/source/filter/excel/xiescher.cxx b/sc/source/filter/excel/xiescher.cxx
index 1122f7d..8295128 100644
--- a/sc/source/filter/excel/xiescher.cxx
+++ b/sc/source/filter/excel/xiescher.cxx
@@ -3202,7 +3202,7 @@ void XclImpDffConverter::StartProgressBar( sal_Size nProgressSize )
 void XclImpDffConverter::Progress( sal_Size nDelta )
-    DBG_ASSERT( mxProgress.is(), "XclImpDffConverter::Progress - invalid call, no progress bar" );
+    DBG_ASSERT( mxProgress, "XclImpDffConverter::Progress - invalid call, no progress bar" );
     mxProgress->Progress( nDelta );
@@ -3858,7 +3858,7 @@ void XclImpDrawing::ImplConvertObjects( XclImpDffConverter& rDffConv, SdrModel&
 void XclImpDrawing::AppendRawObject( const XclImpDrawObjRef& rxDrawObj )
-    DBG_ASSERT( rxDrawObj.is(), "XclImpDrawing::AppendRawObject - unexpected empty reference" );
+    DBG_ASSERT( rxDrawObj, "XclImpDrawing::AppendRawObject - unexpected empty reference" );
     maRawObjs.push_back( rxDrawObj );
diff --git a/sc/source/filter/excel/xiroot.cxx b/sc/source/filter/excel/xiroot.cxx
index 9e0c23c..09e7e41 100644
--- a/sc/source/filter/excel/xiroot.cxx
+++ b/sc/source/filter/excel/xiroot.cxx
@@ -151,7 +151,7 @@ ExcelToSc& XclImpRoot::GetOldFmlaConverter() const
 XclImpSst& XclImpRoot::GetSst() const
-    DBG_ASSERT( mrImpData.mxSst.is(), "XclImpRoot::GetSst - invalid call, wrong BIFF" );
+    DBG_ASSERT( mrImpData.mxSst, "XclImpRoot::GetSst - invalid call, wrong BIFF" );
     return *mrImpData.mxSst;
@@ -204,7 +204,7 @@ XclImpNameManager& XclImpRoot::GetNameManager() const
 XclImpLinkManager& XclImpRoot::GetLinkManager() const
-    DBG_ASSERT( mrImpData.mxLinkMgr.is(), "XclImpRoot::GetLinkManager - invalid call, wrong BIFF" );
+    DBG_ASSERT( mrImpData.mxLinkMgr, "XclImpRoot::GetLinkManager - invalid call, wrong BIFF" );
     return *mrImpData.mxLinkMgr;
@@ -221,13 +221,13 @@ XclImpSheetDrawing& XclImpRoot::GetCurrSheetDrawing() const
 XclImpCondFormatManager& XclImpRoot::GetCondFormatManager() const
-    DBG_ASSERT( mrImpData.mxCondFmtMgr.is(), "XclImpRoot::GetCondFormatManager - invalid call, wrong BIFF" );
+    DBG_ASSERT( mrImpData.mxCondFmtMgr, "XclImpRoot::GetCondFormatManager - invalid call, wrong BIFF" );
     return *mrImpData.mxCondFmtMgr;
 XclImpValidationManager& XclImpRoot::GetValidationManager() const
-    DBG_ASSERT( mrImpData.mxValidMgr.is(), "XclImpRoot::GetValidationManager - invalid call, wrong BIFF" );
+    DBG_ASSERT( mrImpData.mxValidMgr, "XclImpRoot::GetValidationManager - invalid call, wrong BIFF" );
     return *mrImpData.mxValidMgr;
@@ -240,25 +240,25 @@ XclImpAutoFilterBuffer& XclImpRoot::GetFilterManager() const
 XclImpWebQueryBuffer& XclImpRoot::GetWebQueryBuffer() const
-    DBG_ASSERT( mrImpData.mxWebQueryBfr.is(), "XclImpRoot::GetWebQueryBuffer - invalid call, wrong BIFF" );
+    DBG_ASSERT( mrImpData.mxWebQueryBfr, "XclImpRoot::GetWebQueryBuffer - invalid call, wrong BIFF" );
     return *mrImpData.mxWebQueryBfr;
 XclImpPivotTableManager& XclImpRoot::GetPivotTableManager() const
-    DBG_ASSERT( mrImpData.mxPTableMgr.is(), "XclImpRoot::GetPivotTableManager - invalid call, wrong BIFF" );
+    DBG_ASSERT( mrImpData.mxPTableMgr, "XclImpRoot::GetPivotTableManager - invalid call, wrong BIFF" );
     return *mrImpData.mxPTableMgr;
 XclImpSheetProtectBuffer& XclImpRoot::GetSheetProtectBuffer() const
-    DBG_ASSERT( mrImpData.mxTabProtect.is(), "XclImpRoot::GetSheetProtectBuffer - invalid call, wrong BIFF" );
+    DBG_ASSERT( mrImpData.mxTabProtect, "XclImpRoot::GetSheetProtectBuffer - invalid call, wrong BIFF" );
     return *mrImpData.mxTabProtect;
 XclImpDocProtectBuffer& XclImpRoot::GetDocProtectBuffer() const
-    DBG_ASSERT( mrImpData.mxDocProtect.is(), "XclImpRoot::GetDocProtectBuffer - invalid call, wrong BIFF" );
+    DBG_ASSERT( mrImpData.mxDocProtect, "XclImpRoot::GetDocProtectBuffer - invalid call, wrong BIFF" );
     return *mrImpData.mxDocProtect;
diff --git a/sc/source/filter/xcl97/XclExpChangeTrack.cxx b/sc/source/filter/xcl97/XclExpChangeTrack.cxx
index 3f7d23b..37e311c 100644
--- a/sc/source/filter/xcl97/XclExpChangeTrack.cxx
+++ b/sc/source/filter/xcl97/XclExpChangeTrack.cxx
@@ -741,7 +741,7 @@ void XclExpChTrData::Clear()
 void XclExpChTrData::WriteFormula( XclExpStream& rStrm, const XclExpChTrTabIdBuffer& rTabIdBuffer )
-    DBG_ASSERT( mxTokArr.is() && !mxTokArr->Empty(), "XclExpChTrData::Write - no formula" );
+    DBG_ASSERT( mxTokArr && !mxTokArr->Empty(), "XclExpChTrData::Write - no formula" );
     rStrm << *mxTokArr;
     for( XclExpRefLog::const_iterator aIt = maRefLog.begin(), aEnd = maRefLog.end(); aIt != aEnd; ++aIt )

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