[Libreoffice-commits] .: 2 commits - patches/dev300

Jan Holesovsky kendy at kemper.freedesktop.org
Fri Oct 15 02:25:10 PDT 2010

 patches/dev300/apply                                |    7 
 patches/dev300/cws-commit-patch-default-dev300.diff |  152 --------------------
 patches/dev300/dmake-space-in-envvar-name.diff      |   38 -----
 3 files changed, 197 deletions(-)

New commits:
commit ca5edba8b3966e1d5cbbfafa85488741c5c309c6
Author: Jan Holesovsky <kendy at suse.cz>
Date:   Fri Oct 15 11:24:11 2010 +0200

    cws-commit-patch-default-dev300.diff removed, not used.

diff --git a/patches/dev300/apply b/patches/dev300/apply
index b4797c8..19211d4 100644
--- a/patches/dev300/apply
+++ b/patches/dev300/apply
@@ -1637,9 +1637,6 @@ comphelper-msvc8-fix.diff, thorsten, i#89973
 # some versions of make don't like us
 cygwin-make-ver.diff, i#68283, michael
-# default to DEV300 in cws-commit-patch
-cws-commit-patch-default-dev300.diff, i#87431, jholesov
 # Provides a great speed-up for a mail merge operation : 7x faster
 sw-mailmerge-faster.diff, i#40827, mloiseleur
diff --git a/patches/dev300/cws-commit-patch-default-dev300.diff b/patches/dev300/cws-commit-patch-default-dev300.diff
deleted file mode 100644
index 0f606b7..0000000
--- a/patches/dev300/cws-commit-patch-default-dev300.diff
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,152 +0,0 @@
---- solenv/bin/cws-commit-patch	2006-12-01 17:23:55.000000000 +0100
-+++ solenv/bin/cws-commit-patch	2008-03-25 18:49:02.000000000 +0100
-@@ -38,7 +38,7 @@ eval 'exec perl -wS $0 ${1+"$@"}'
- use Cwd 'abs_path';
--$default_mws = 'SRC680';
-+$default_mws = 'DEV300';
- sub usage()
- {
-@@ -109,13 +109,20 @@ sub cws_add_modules($$$@)
-             print STDERR "Unable to open patch '$patch'.";
-             exit 1;
-         }
-+        my $minus_name;
-         while (<$PATCH>) {
--            if ( /^\+\+\+ ([^\/]*)/ ) {
-+            if ( /^--- ([^\/]*)/ ) {
-+                $minus_name = $1;
-+            }
-+            elsif ( /^\+\+\+ ([^\/]*)/ ) {
-                 if ( $1 ne "" ) {
-                     $modules{$1} = "add";
-                 }
-+                elsif ( $minus_name ne "" ) {
-+                    $modules{$minus_name} = "add";
-+                }
-                 else {
--                    print STDERR "Unable to guess module name ($1) from $patch.\n";
-+                    print STDERR "Unable to guess module name from $patch.\n";
-                     close( $PATCH );
-                     exit 1;
-                 }
-@@ -183,10 +190,10 @@ sub apply_patches(@)
-     }
- }
--sub cvs_add_files(@)
-+sub cvs_add_rm_files(@)
- {
-     my ( @patches ) = @_;
--    system( "echo '===== cvs_add_files =====' >> .log" );
-+    system( "echo '===== cvs_add_rm_files =====' >> .log" );
-     my %modules = ();
-@@ -195,30 +202,48 @@ sub cvs_add_files(@)
-             print STDERR "Unable to open patch '$patch'.";
-             exit 1;
-         }
--	my $file_add = "";
-+        my $file_add = "";
-+        my $file_rm = "";
-         while (<$PATCH>) {
--            if ( /^\+\+\+ ([^\s]*)/ ) {
-+            if ( /^--- ([^\s]*)/ ) {
-+                if ( $1 ne "" ) {
-+                    $file_rm = $1;
-+                }
-+            }
-+            elsif ( /^\+\+\+ ([^\s]*)/ ) {
-                 if ( $1 ne "" ) {
--		    $file_add = $1;
-+                    $file_add = $1;
-+                }
-+            }
-+            elsif ( /^\@\@ .* \+0,0 \@\@$/ && $file_rm ne "" ) {
-+                if ( $file_rm =~ /^([^\/]+)\/(.*)/ ) {
-+                    my $dir = $1;
-+                    my $file = $2;
-+                    if ( system( "cd $dir && cvs rm $file" ) != 0 ) {
-+                        print STDERR "Unable to exec 'cd $dir && cvs rm $file'.\n";
-+                        close( $PATCH );
-+                        exit 1;
-+                    }
-                 }
-             }
-             elsif ( /^\@\@ -0,0 / && $file_add ne "" ) {
--		my @to_add = split( /\//, $file_add );
--		my $current = "";
--		for my $add ( @to_add ) {
--		    $current .= "/" unless ( $current eq "" );
--		    my $where_add_dir = $current;
--		    $current .= $add;
--		    if ( ( -d "$current" && ! -d "$current/CVS" ) || ( -f "$current" ) ) {
--			if ( system( "cd $where_add_dir && cvs add $add" ) != 0 ) {
--			    print STDERR "Unable to exec 'cd $where_add_dir && cvs add $add'.\n";
--			    close( $PATCH );
--			    exit 1;
--			}
--		    }
--		}
--	    }
-+                my @to_add = split( /\//, $file_add );
-+                my $current = "";
-+                for my $add ( @to_add ) {
-+                    $current .= "/" unless ( $current eq "" );
-+                    my $where_add_dir = $current;
-+                    $current .= $add;
-+                    if ( ( -d "$current" && ! -d "$current/CVS" ) || ( -f "$current" ) ) {
-+                        if ( system( "cd $where_add_dir && cvs add $add" ) != 0 ) {
-+                            print STDERR "Unable to exec 'cd $where_add_dir && cvs add $add'.\n";
-+                            close( $PATCH );
-+                            exit 1;
-+                        }
-+                    }
-+                }
-+            }
-         }
-         close( $PATCH );
-     }
-@@ -234,7 +259,7 @@ sub cws_commit($$$$$@)
-     apply_patches( @patches );
--    cvs_add_files( @patches );
-+    cvs_add_rm_files( @patches );
-     my @cws_modules = cws_modules( $mws, $cws );
-     my $commit_message = "#i$iz#\n" . $summary;
-@@ -261,10 +286,10 @@ if ( !defined( $ENV{'SOLARENV'} ) || $EN
-     $build_dir =~ s#/solenv/bin/[^/]*$##;
-     my $env_script = "";
-     if ( -f "$build_dir/LinuxIntelEnv.Set.sh" ) {
--	$env_script = "$build_dir/LinuxIntelEnv.Set.sh";
-+        $env_script = "$build_dir/LinuxIntelEnv.Set.sh";
-     }
-     elsif ( -f "$build_dir/LinuxX86-64Env.Set.sh" ) {
--	$env_script = "$build_dir/LinuxX86-64Env.Set.sh";
-+        $env_script = "$build_dir/LinuxX86-64Env.Set.sh";
-     }
-     else {
-         print STDERR "Unable to find '$build_dir/Linux(Intel|X86-64)Env.Set.sh'.\n";
-@@ -312,10 +337,10 @@ while (@ARGV) {
-     }
-     elsif ( $opt eq "-m" || $opt eq "--milestone" ) {
-         $milestone = shift @ARGV;
--	if (! ( $milestone =~ m/^m/ ) ) {
--	    $milestone = "m$milestone";
--	    print "Re-writing milestone to $milestone\n";
--	}
-+        if (! ( $milestone =~ m/^m/ ) ) {
-+            $milestone = "m$milestone";
-+            print "Re-writing milestone to $milestone\n";
-+        }
-     }
-     elsif ( $opt eq "-w" || $opt eq "--mws" ) {
-         $mws = shift @ARGV;
commit 1ad160ceba5938eec7e90da2458b8022bd2f7372
Author: Jan Holesovsky <kendy at suse.cz>
Date:   Fri Oct 15 11:19:47 2010 +0200

    dmake-space-in-envvar-name.diff moved to LO.

diff --git a/patches/dev300/apply b/patches/dev300/apply
index 9f30731..b4797c8 100644
--- a/patches/dev300/apply
+++ b/patches/dev300/apply
@@ -641,10 +641,6 @@ solenv-dummy-localize-sdf.diff, i#113389, pmladek
 # fix build with neon-0.24
 ucb-neon-0.24.diff, pmladek
-# don't break dmake with environment variables containing space in the name
-# [which is a broken setup, but apparently most apps don't break with that ;-)]
-dmake-space-in-envvar-name.diff, i#101786, jholesov
 # find gsicheck in the solver
 # FIXME dev300-m77 transex3-localize-gsicheck-path.diff, i#109378, pmladek # RENAMED transex3 -> l10ntools
diff --git a/patches/dev300/dmake-space-in-envvar-name.diff b/patches/dev300/dmake-space-in-envvar-name.diff
deleted file mode 100644
index 72c46aa..0000000
--- a/patches/dev300/dmake-space-in-envvar-name.diff
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,38 +0,0 @@
- dmake/getinp.c |   12 +++++++++---
- 1 files changed, 9 insertions(+), 3 deletions(-)
-diff --git dmake/getinp.c dmake/getinp.c
-index c2a0c80..033374e 100644
---- dmake/getinp.c
-+++ dmake/getinp.c
-@@ -88,17 +88,23 @@ FILE *fil;
-       /* Reading the internal rule table.  Set rule_ind to zero after the
-        * last entry so that ReadEnvironment() works as expected every time. */
--      while( (p = Rule_tab[ rule_ind++ ]) != NIL(char) )
-+      while( (p = Rule_tab[ rule_ind++ ]) != NIL(char) ) {
-      /* The last test in this if *p != '~', handles the environment
-       * passing conventions used by MKS to pass arguments.  We want to
-       * skip those environment entries. Also CYGWIN likes to export '!'
--      * prefixed environment variables that cause severe pain, axe them too */
--     if( !Readenv || (Readenv && (strchr(p,'=') != NIL(char)) && *p!='~' && *p!='!')){
-+      * prefixed environment variables that cause severe pain, axe them too.
-+      * And finally it is possible to do "env 'GGG HHH'='some value' bash"
-+      * which causes that there are env variables with spaces in the name
-+      * defined which causes dmake to malfunction too */
-+     char *equal = strchr(p,'=');
-+     char *space = strchr(p,' ');
-+     if( !Readenv || (Readenv && (equal != NIL(char)) && (space == NIL(char) || space > equal) && *p!='~' && *p!='!')){
-         strcpy( buf, p );
-         DB_PRINT( "io", ("Returning [%s]", buf) );
-         DB_RETURN( FALSE );
-      }
-+      }
-       rule_ind = 0;

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