[Libreoffice-commits] .: Branch 'libreoffice-3-4' - filter/source
Michael Meeks
mmeeks at kemper.freedesktop.org
Mon Apr 4 10:20:33 PDT 2011
filter/source/config/tools/merge/pyAltFCFGMerge | 158 ++++++++++--------------
1 file changed, 72 insertions(+), 86 deletions(-)
New commits:
commit 070ecd906dc4e34ae10998aa8628ab32bf04e5ae
Author: Andreas Becker <atayoohoo at googlemail.com>
Date: Mon Apr 4 15:16:31 2011 +0100
python 3 compatibility fixes
diff --git a/filter/source/config/tools/merge/pyAltFCFGMerge b/filter/source/config/tools/merge/pyAltFCFGMerge
index 0d7666a..fcdbc81 100755
--- a/filter/source/config/tools/merge/pyAltFCFGMerge
+++ b/filter/source/config/tools/merge/pyAltFCFGMerge
@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@
# there is a java which is available for use by all
-import sys, string, os.path
+import sys, string, os.path, codecs
CFGFILE = os.environ["SOLARVER"] + "/" + os.environ["INPATH"] + "/inc/l10ntools/FCFGMerge.cfg"
@@ -66,18 +66,18 @@ Example Usage:
>>> props = Properties()
>>> props['one'] = '1'
>>> props['your name'] = "I don't know"
->>> print '\n'.join(props.keys())
+>>> print('\n'.join(list(props.keys())))
your name
>>> from StringIO import StringIO
>>> buff = StringIO()
>>> props.store(buff, "a little example...")
>>> buff.seek(0)
->>> print buff.read()
+>>> print(buff.read())
# a little example...
your\ name=I\ don\'t\ know
->>> print props['your name']
+>>> print(props['your name'])
I don't know
$Id: pyAltFCFGMerge,v 1.3 2007-12-07 10:57:44 vg Exp $
@@ -88,13 +88,11 @@ __all__ = ['Properties']
def dec2hex(n):
h = hex(n)[2:].upper()
return '\\u' + '0' * (4 - len(h)) + h
def escapestr(s):
buff = []
# QUESTION: escape leading or trailing spaces?
for c in s:
@@ -128,7 +126,6 @@ def escapestr(s):
# TODO: add support for \uXXXX?
def unescapestr(line):
buff = []
escape = 0
for i in range(len(line)):
@@ -175,12 +172,10 @@ def unescapestr(line):
return ''.join(buff)
class Properties(dict):
def __init__(self, defaults={}):
- for n,v in defaults.items():
+ for n,v in list(defaults.items()):
self[n] = v
def __getittem__(self,key):
@@ -207,11 +202,10 @@ class Properties(dict):
Reads properties from a stream (StringIO, file, etc...)
props = readprops(buff)
- for n,v in props.iteritems():
+ for n,v in list(props.items()):
self[n] = v
def readprops(buff):
name,value = None,''
props = {}
continued = 0
@@ -258,7 +252,7 @@ def readprops(buff):
name = unescapestr(line.lstrip())
# skip delimiter
- while line[i:i+1] in ('\t', ' ', ':', '='):
+ while line[i:i + 1] in ('\t', ' ', ':', '='):
i += 1
value = unescapestr(line[i:].strip())
@@ -269,7 +263,6 @@ def readprops(buff):
value += unescapestr(line.strip())
- #print 'value:',value ##
props[name] = value
return props
@@ -299,41 +292,41 @@ def run(sCmdLine):
#prints out a copyright message on stdout.
def printCopyright():
- print "FCFGMerge"
- print "Copyright: 2003 by Red Hat, Inc., based on FCFGMerge.java` by Sun"
- print "All Rights Reserved."
+ print("FCFGMerge")
+ print("Copyright: 2003 by Red Hat, Inc., based on FCFGMerge.java` by Sun")
+ print("All Rights Reserved.")
-#prints out a help message on stdout.
+# Prints out a help message on stdout.
def printHelp():
- print "____________________________________________________________"
- print "usage: FCFGMerge cfg=<file name>"
- print "parameters:"
- print "\tcfg=<file name>"
- print "\t\tmust point to a system file, which contains"
- print "\t\tall neccessary configuration data for the merge process."
- print "\tFurther cou can specify every parameter allowed in the"
- print "\tconfig file as command line parameter too, to overwrite"
- print "\tthe value from the file."
-def StringTokenizer(mstring, separators, isSepIncluded=0):
-#Return a list of tokens given a base string and a string of
-#separators, optionally including the separators if asked for"""
- token=''
- tokenList=[]
+ print("____________________________________________________________")
+ print("usage: FCFGMerge cfg=<file name>" )
+ print("parameters:" )
+ print("\tcfg=<file name>" )
+ print("\t\tmust point to a system file, which contains" )
+ print("\t\tall neccessary configuration data for the merge process.")
+ print("\tFurther cou can specify every parameter allowed in the" )
+ print("\tconfig file as command line parameter too, to overwrite" )
+ print("\tthe value from the file." )
+# Return a list of tokens given a base string and a string of
+# separators, optionally including the separators if asked for"""
+def StringTokenizer(mstring, separators, isSepIncluded = 0):
+ token = ''
+ tokenList = []
for c in mstring:
if c in separators:
if token != '':
- token=''
+ token = ''
if isSepIncluded:
- token+=c
+ token += c
if token:
return tokenList
-# can be used to analyze command line parameters
+# Can be used to analyze command line parameters
# and merge it together with might existing config
# files. That provides the possibility to overwrite
# config values via command line parameter.
@@ -356,55 +349,48 @@ class ConfigHelper:
count = len(lCommandLineArgs)
self.m_bEmpty = (count < 1)
- print lCommandLineArgs, "and len is", count
+ print(lCommandLineArgs, "and len is", count)
for arg in range(count):
# is it a named-value argument?
# Note: We ignores double "=" signs! => search from left to right
pos = lCommandLineArgs[arg].find('=')
if pos != -1:
sArg = lCommandLineArgs[arg][0:pos]
- sValue = lCommandLineArgs[arg][pos+1:]
+ sValue = lCommandLineArgs[arg][pos + 1:]
self.props[sArg] = sValue
# is it a boolean argument?
# Note: Because "--" and "-" will be interpreted as the same
# we search from right to left!
- pos = string.rfind(lCommandLineArgs[arg], '-')
+ pos = lCommandLineArgs[arg].rfind('-')
if pos == -1:
pos = lCommandLineArgs[arg].rfind('/')
if pos != -1:
- sArg = lCommandLineArgs[arg][pos+1:]
+ sArg = lCommandLineArgs[arg][pos + 1:]
self.props[sArg] = 1
- raise Exception("Invalid command line detected. The argument \""+\
- lCommandLineArgs[arg]+"\" use an unsupported format.")
-# for item in self.props:
-# print item, '->', self.props[item]
+ raise Exception("Invalid command line detected. The argument \"" + \
+ lCommandLineArgs[arg] + "\" use an unsupported format.")
def isHelp(self):
- return (
- (self.props.has_key("help")) or
- (self.props.has_key("?") ) or
- (self.props.has_key("h") )
- )
+ return ("help" in self.props) or ("?" in self.props) or ("?" in self.props)
def getValue(self, sProp):
- if not self.props.has_key(sProp):
- raise Exception("The requested config value \""+sProp+"\" "\
+ if sProp not in self.props:
+ raise Exception("The requested config value \"" + sProp + "\" "\
"does not exists!");
return self.props[sProp];
def getValueWithDefault(self, sProp, default):
- if not self.props.has_key(sProp):
+ if sProp not in self.props:
return default;
return self.props[sProp];
def getStringList(self, sProp, sDelimiter, bTrim, bDecode):
- if not self.props.has_key(sProp):
- raise Exception("The requested config value \""+sProp+"\" does "\
+ if sProp not in self.props:
+ raise Exception("The requested config value \"" + sProp + "\" does "\
"not exists!");
sValue = self.props[sProp]
@@ -412,11 +398,11 @@ class ConfigHelper:
lTokens = StringTokenizer(sValue, sDelimiter)
for sToken in lTokens:
if bTrim:
- sToken = string.strip(sToken)
+ sToken = sToken.strip()
# remove ""
if ((bDecode) and (sToken.find("\"") == 0) and \
- (sToken.rfind("\"") == len(sToken)-1)):
- sToken = sToken[1, len(sToken)-1]
+ (sToken.rfind("\"") == len(sToken) - 1)):
+ sToken = sToken[1, len(sToken) - 1]
return lValue
@@ -448,10 +434,8 @@ def generateHeader(sVersion, sEncoding, sPath, sPackage, bLanguagePack):
def generateFooter():
return "</oor:component-data>\n"
-# can merge different xml fragments together.
+# Can merge different xml fragments together.
# @author Caolan McNamara converted from the original java by Andreas Schluens
class Merger:
def __init__(self, aCfg):
self.m_aCfg = aCfg
@@ -486,11 +470,13 @@ class Merger:
self.m_lHandlers = []
+ # Merges the xml sets returned by getFragments(...), adds an xml header
+ # and footer and writes the result to a file.
def merge(self):
sPackage = self.m_aCfg.getValue(PROP_PKG)
- print "create package \""+sPackage+"\" ..."
- print "generate package header ... "
+ print("create package \"" + sPackage + "\" ...")
+ print("generate package header ... ")
sBuffer = generateHeader(\
self.m_aCfg.getValue(PROP_XMLVERSION ),\
@@ -510,25 +496,25 @@ class Merger:
lFragments = None
- if i == 0: #types
- print "generate set for types ... "
+ if i == 0: # types
+ print("generate set for types ... ")
sSetName = self.m_aCfg.getValue(PROP_SETNAME_TYPES)
- sSubDir = self.m_aCfg.getValue(PROP_SUBDIR_TYPES )
+ sSubDir = self.m_aCfg.getValue(PROP_SUBDIR_TYPES)
lFragments = self.m_lTypes
elif i == 1: # filters
- print "generate set for filter ... "
+ print("generate set for filter ... ")
sSetName = self.m_aCfg.getValue(PROP_SETNAME_FILTERS)
- sSubDir = self.m_aCfg.getValue(PROP_SUBDIR_FILTERS )
+ sSubDir = self.m_aCfg.getValue(PROP_SUBDIR_FILTERS)
lFragments = self.m_lFilters
elif i == 2: # loaders
- print "generate set for frame loader ... "
+ print("generate set for frame loader ... ")
sSetName = self.m_aCfg.getValue(PROP_SETNAME_LOADERS)
- sSubDir = self.m_aCfg.getValue(PROP_SUBDIR_LOADERS )
+ sSubDir = self.m_aCfg.getValue(PROP_SUBDIR_LOADERS)
lFragments = self.m_lLoaders
elif i == 3: # handlers
- print "generate set for content handler ... "
+ print("generate set for content handler ... ")
sSetName = self.m_aCfg.getValue(PROP_SETNAME_HANDLERS)
- sSubDir = self.m_aCfg.getValue(PROP_SUBDIR_HANDLERS )
+ sSubDir = self.m_aCfg.getValue(PROP_SUBDIR_HANDLERS)
lFragments = self.m_lHandlers
@@ -539,7 +525,7 @@ class Merger:
os.path.join(self.m_aFragmentsDir, sSubDir), \
sSetName, lFragments, 1)
- print "generate package footer ... "
+ print("generate package footer ... ")
sBuffer = sBuffer + generateFooter()
# Attention!
@@ -547,38 +533,38 @@ class Merger:
# corresponding xml file. We should suppress writing of this file on
# disk completly ...
if nItemCount < 1:
- print "Package is empty and will not result into a xml file on "\
- "disk!? Please check configuration file."
+ print("Package is empty and will not result into a xml file on "\
+ "disk!? Please check configuration file.")
- print "package contains "+str(nItemCount)+" items"
+ print("package contains " + str(nItemCount) + " items")
- aPackage = open(sPackage, 'w')
- print "write temp package \""+sPackage
+ aPackage = codecs.open(sPackage, 'w', "utf-8")
+ print("write temp package \"" + sPackage)
+ # Reads the fragment files with the file names lFragments in directory aDir,
+ # formats them and returns a string that contains the merged fragments.
def getFragments(self, aDir, sSetName, lFragments, nPrettyTabs):
sBuffer = ''
sExtXcu = self.m_aCfg.getValue(PROP_EXTENSION_XCU);
if len(lFragments) < 1:
return sBuffer
for tabs in range(nPrettyTabs):
sBuffer = sBuffer + "\t"
- sBuffer = sBuffer + "<node oor:name=\""+sSetName+"\">\n"
+ sBuffer = sBuffer + "<node oor:name=\"" + sSetName + "\">\n"
nPrettyTabs = nPrettyTabs + 1
for sFragment in lFragments:
- sFragPath = os.path.join(aDir, sFragment+"."+sExtXcu)
+ sFragPath = os.path.join(aDir, sFragment + "." + sExtXcu)
- aFragmentFile = open(sFragPath)
+ aFragmentFile = codecs.open(sFragPath, "r", "utf-8")
# handle simple files only and check for existence!
- raise Exception("fragment \""+sFragPath+"\" does not exists.")
- print "merge fragment \""+sFragPath+"\" ..."
+ raise Exception("fragment \"" + sFragPath + "\" does not exists.")
+ print("merge fragment \"" + sFragPath + "\" ...")
sBuffer = sBuffer + aFragmentFile.read()
sBuffer = sBuffer + "\n"
nPrettyTabs = nPrettyTabs - 1
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