[Libreoffice-commits] .: Branch 'libreoffice-3-4' - patches/dev300

Tor Lillqvist tml at kemper.freedesktop.org
Tue Apr 5 06:38:28 PDT 2011

 patches/dev300/apply                           |    5 
 patches/dev300/win32-restore-associations.diff |  210 -------------------------
 2 files changed, 215 deletions(-)

New commits:
commit 36bf9a2a50c3307315c25a3fa01938d192a56cc5
Author: Tor Lillqvist <tlillqvist at novell.com>
Date:   Tue Apr 5 16:37:17 2011 +0300

    win32-restore-associations.diff is integrated

diff --git a/patches/dev300/apply b/patches/dev300/apply
index 0a743e9..3283732 100644
--- a/patches/dev300/apply
+++ b/patches/dev300/apply
@@ -1319,11 +1319,6 @@ ooop-updatable-sameversion.diff
 #Always use default iconset
-[ Win32Only ]
-# Save old associations for MS doc types when installing OOo, and then
-# restore them if still relevant when uninstalling OOo
-win32-restore-associations.diff, n#530872, tml
 [ Fixes ]
 #sc-xclimpchangetrack-discard-bogus-formula-size.diff, n#355304, tml
diff --git a/patches/dev300/win32-restore-associations.diff b/patches/dev300/win32-restore-associations.diff
deleted file mode 100644
index 8d037c3..0000000
--- a/patches/dev300/win32-restore-associations.diff
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,210 +0,0 @@
---- scp2/source/ooo/windowscustomaction_ooo.scp
-+++ scp2/source/ooo/windowscustomaction_ooo.scp
-@@ -56,6 +56,15 @@
- 	Inbinarytable = 1;
- 	Assignment1 = ("InstallExecuteSequence", "Not REMOVE=\"ALL\" And Not PATCH And _IsSetupTypeMin<>\"Custom\"", "CostFinalize");
- End
-+WindowsCustomAction gid_Customaction_Restoreregallmsdocdll
-+    Name = "Restoreregallmsdocdll";
-+    Typ = "65";
-+    Source = "reg4allmsdoc.dll";
-+    Target = "RestoreRegAllMSDoc";
-+    Inbinarytable = 1;
-+    Assignment1 = ("InstallExecuteSequence", "REMOVE=\"ALL\" And Not PATCH", "end");
- WindowsCustomAction gid_Customaction_Regactivexdll1
- 	Name = "Regactivexdll1";
---- setup_native/source/win32/customactions/reg4allmsdoc/reg4allmsi.cxx
-+++ setup_native/source/win32/customactions/reg4allmsdoc/reg4allmsi.cxx
-@@ -191,6 +191,9 @@
-     return rc;
- }
-+// Unused
-+#if 0 
- //----------------------------------------------------------
- static BOOL RemoveExtensionInRegistry( LPCSTR lpSubKey )
- {
-@@ -241,6 +244,8 @@
-     return ( ERROR_SUCCESS == lResult );
- }
- //----------------------------------------------------------
- bool GetMsiProp( MSIHANDLE handle, LPCSTR name, /*out*/std::string& value )
- {
-@@ -268,11 +273,59 @@
- }
- //----------------------------------------------------------
-+static void saveOldRegistration( LPCSTR lpSubKey )
-+    BOOL    bRet = false;
-+    HKEY    hKey = NULL;
-+    LONG    lResult = RegOpenKeyExA( HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT, lpSubKey, 0,
-+                                     KEY_QUERY_VALUE|KEY_SET_VALUE, &hKey );
-+    if ( ERROR_SUCCESS == lResult )
-+    {
-+        CHAR    szBuffer[1024];
-+        DWORD   nSize = sizeof( szBuffer );
-+        lResult = RegQueryValueExA( hKey, "", NULL, NULL, (LPBYTE)szBuffer, &nSize );
-+        if ( ERROR_SUCCESS == lResult )
-+        {
-+            szBuffer[nSize] = '\0';
-+            // No need to save assocations for our own types
-+            if ( strncmp( szBuffer, "OpenOffice.org.", 15 ) != 0 )
-+            {
-+                // Save the old association
-+                RegSetValueExA( hKey, "OOoBackupAssociation", 0,
-+                                REG_SZ, (LPBYTE)szBuffer, nSize );
-+                // Also save what the old association means, just so we can try to verify
-+                // if/when restoring it that the old application still exists
-+                HKEY hKey2 = NULL;
-+                lResult = RegOpenKeyExA( HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT, szBuffer, 0,
-+                                         KEY_QUERY_VALUE, &hKey2 );
-+                if ( ERROR_SUCCESS == lResult )
-+                {
-+                    nSize = sizeof( szBuffer );
-+                    lResult = RegQueryValueExA( hKey2, "", NULL, NULL, (LPBYTE)szBuffer, &nSize );
-+                    if ( ERROR_SUCCESS == lResult )
-+                    {
-+                        RegSetValueExA( hKey, "OOoBackupAssociationDeref", 0,
-+                                        REG_SZ, (LPBYTE)szBuffer, nSize );
-+                    }
-+                    RegCloseKey( hKey2 );
-+                }
-+            }
-+        }
-+        RegCloseKey( hKey );
-+    }
- static void registerForExtensions( MSIHANDLE handle, BOOL bRegisterAll )
- { // Check all file extensions
-     int nIndex = 0;
-     while ( g_Extensions[nIndex] != 0 )
-     {
-+        saveOldRegistration( g_Extensions[nIndex] );
-         BOOL bRegister = bRegisterAll || CheckExtensionInRegistry( g_Extensions[nIndex] );
-         if ( bRegister )
-             registerForExtension( handle, nIndex, true );
-@@ -290,6 +346,10 @@
- }
- //----------------------------------------------------------
-+// This is the (slightly misleadinly named) entry point for the
-+// custom action called Regallmsdocdll.
- extern "C" UINT __stdcall FindRegisteredExtensions( MSIHANDLE handle )
- {
-     if ( IsSetMsiProp( handle, "FILETYPEDIALOGUSED" ) )
-@@ -309,7 +369,12 @@
-     return ERROR_SUCCESS;
- }
-+#if 0
- //----------------------------------------------------------
-+// This entry is not called for any custom action.
- extern "C" UINT __stdcall DeleteRegisteredExtensions( MSIHANDLE /*handle*/ )
- {         
-     OutputDebugStringFormat( "DeleteRegisteredExtensions\n" );
-@@ -324,5 +389,79 @@
-     return ERROR_SUCCESS;
- }
-+static void restoreOldRegistration( LPCSTR lpSubKey )
-+    BOOL    bRet = false;
-+    HKEY    hKey = NULL;
-+    LONG    lResult = RegOpenKeyExA( HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT, lpSubKey, 0,
-+                                     KEY_QUERY_VALUE|KEY_SET_VALUE, &hKey );
-+    if ( ERROR_SUCCESS == lResult )
-+    {
-+        CHAR    szBuffer[1024];
-+        DWORD   nSize = sizeof( szBuffer );
-+        lResult = RegQueryValueExA( hKey, "OOoBackupAssociation", NULL, NULL,
-+                                    (LPBYTE)szBuffer, &nSize );
-+        if ( ERROR_SUCCESS == lResult )
-+        {
-+            HKEY hKey2 = NULL;
-+            lResult = RegOpenKeyExA( HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT, szBuffer, 0,
-+                                     KEY_QUERY_VALUE, &hKey2 );
-+            if ( ERROR_SUCCESS == lResult )
-+            {
-+                CHAR   szBuffer2[1024];
-+                DWORD  nSize2 = sizeof( szBuffer2 );
-+                lResult = RegQueryValueExA( hKey2, "", NULL, NULL, (LPBYTE)szBuffer2, &nSize2 );
-+                if ( ERROR_SUCCESS == lResult )
-+                {
-+                    CHAR   szBuffer3[1024];
-+                    DWORD  nSize3 = sizeof( szBuffer3 );
-+                    // Try to verify that the old association is OK to restore
-+                    lResult = RegQueryValueExA( hKey, "OOoBackupAssociationDeref", NULL, NULL,
-+                                                (LPBYTE)szBuffer3, &nSize3 );
-+                    if ( ERROR_SUCCESS == lResult )
-+                    {
-+                        if ( nSize2 == nSize3 && strcmp (szBuffer2, szBuffer3) == 0)
-+                        {
-+                            // Yep. So restore it
-+                            RegSetValueExA( hKey, "", 0, REG_SZ, (LPBYTE)szBuffer, nSize );
-+                        }
-+                    }
-+                }
-+                RegCloseKey( hKey2 );
-+            }
-+            RegDeleteValueA( hKey, "OOoBackupAssociation" );
-+        }
-+        RegDeleteValueA( hKey, "OOoBackupAssociationDeref" );
-+        RegCloseKey( hKey );
-+    }
-+// This function is not in OO.o. We call this from the
-+// Restoreregallmsdocdll custom action.
-+extern "C" UINT __stdcall RestoreRegAllMSDoc( MSIHANDLE /*handle*/ )
-+    OutputDebugStringFormat( "RestoreRegAllMSDoc\n" );
-+    int nIndex = 0;
-+    while ( g_Extensions[nIndex] != 0 )
-+    {
-+        restoreOldRegistration( g_Extensions[nIndex] );
-+        ++nIndex;
-+    }
-+    return ERROR_SUCCESS;
- /* vim:set shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4 expandtab: */
---- setup_native/source/win32/customactions/reg4allmsdoc/exports.dxp
-+++ setup_native/source/win32/customactions/reg4allmsdoc/exports.dxp
-@@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
- FindRegisteredExtensions
- LookForRegisteredExtensions
- RegisterSomeExtensions

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