[Libreoffice-commits] .: Branch 'libreoffice-3-4' - 2 commits - patches/dev300

Michael Meeks michael at kemper.freedesktop.org
Thu Apr 7 06:38:27 PDT 2011

 patches/dev300/apply                                                    |   59 
 patches/dev300/buildfix-svx-uiconfig-layout.diff                        |   20 
 patches/dev300/buildfix-sw-uiconfig-layout.diff                         |   20 
 patches/dev300/buildfix-toolkit-workben-layout.diff                     |   34 
 patches/dev300/layout-accessibility-dispose-only-once.diff              |   78 
 patches/dev300/layout-crash-fix.diff                                    |   20 
 patches/dev300/layout-default-enable-config_office.diff                 |   26 
 patches/dev300/layout-disable-experimental.diff                         |   53 
 patches/dev300/layout-disabled-layout-build-fix.diff                    |   27 
 patches/dev300/layout-fix-experimental-layout.diff                      |  147 -
 patches/dev300/layout-generate-localize-sdf-2.diff                      |   34 
 patches/dev300/layout-generate-localize-sdf.diff                        |  150 -
 patches/dev300/layout-listbox-minsize.diff                              |   19 
 patches/dev300/layout-move-copy-fixed-height.diff                       |   20 
 patches/dev300/layout-parallel-build.diff                               |   43 
 patches/dev300/layout-post-cws-layoutdialogs2-edit-noop-reversal.diff   |   29 
 patches/dev300/layout-post-cws-layoutdialogs2-mysteriously-missing.diff |  202 -
 patches/dev300/layoutdialogs2-development.diff                          | 1304 ----------
 patches/dev300/mdv-exceptcxx-include-string.diff                        |   10 
 patches/dev300/ooqstart.desktop-exec.diff                               |   11 
 patches/dev300/sfx2-privateprotectedpublic.diff                         |   35 
 patches/dev300/svx-fix-layout-build.diff                                |   35 
 patches/dev300/sw-mailmerge-faster.diff                                 |  186 -
 patches/dev300/wizards-path.diff                                        |   22 
 24 files changed, 1 insertion(+), 2583 deletions(-)

New commits:
commit 2dfcdea38aca00a1b5ae0cbd4bd91dc2d572a2a2
Author: Michael Meeks <michael.meeks at novell.com>
Date:   Thu Apr 7 14:37:17 2011 +0100

    remove obsolete LayoutDialogs approach

diff --git a/patches/dev300/apply b/patches/dev300/apply
index 03e97cf..812b558 100644
--- a/patches/dev300/apply
+++ b/patches/dev300/apply
@@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ MacOSXCommon : Common
 Win32Common : Common, Win32Only, CliMonoCommon, CliComponent
 # Experimental sections
 Experimental: VBAUntested, ArkOnlyExperimental, \
-	      UnUsedButNotYetRemovedFromGit, UnUsedAndObsoleteLayoutDialogs, WebDAV, \
+	      UnUsedButNotYetRemovedFromGit, WebDAV, \
 	      PostgreSQL, RadioButtons, WWInProgress, \
 	      KDE4Experimental, MinGW, \
 	      CrossWin32Patches, AutoLayout, \
@@ -1150,47 +1150,6 @@ dont-check-fqdn.diff
 # hyperlink issue with numeric slide names in Impress
 sd-update-relative-links.diff, n#355674, i#55224, rodo
-[ UnUsedAndObsoleteLayoutDialogs ]
-# convert some simple dialogs to layout engine
-# FIXME: these bits are part of layoutdialogs2 -- some things got
-# removed upstream, apparently.
-layout-post-cws-layoutdialogs2-edit-noop-reversal.diff, n#552450
-# Enable layout'ed dialogs.
-# FIXME: do not enable the layout dialogs by default; there are still problems with them (resizing, look, ...)
-#layout-default-enable-config_office.diff, janneke
-layout-accessibility-dispose-only-once.diff, n#500267, janneke
-# Fix heavy parallel build of the zips containing the xmls
-layout-fix-experimental-layout.diff, n#557230, thorsten
-layout-crash-fix.diff, n#557230, thorsten
-layout-listbox-minsize.diff, n#557230, thorsten
-layout-move-copy-fixed-height.diff, n#559438, thorsten
-# FIXME: temporary hack to build with layout disabled
-# is there a better fix?
-layout-disabled-layout-build-fix.diff, pmladek
-# really localize the layout dialogs
-# FIXME: generates localize.sdf from the .zip files in solver
-# should replace layout-localize-fix-sc.diff
-# FIXME 2011-04-05: No makefiles in sc any more, that part needs to be
-# redone for gbuild in some way I guess, commenting out it for
-# now.
-# layout-generate-localize-sdf.diff, deb#570378, pmladek
-# zoom dialog was not localized
-# FIXME 2011-04-05: A follow-up on the previous, so also
-# commented out.
-# layout-generate-localize-sdf-2.diff, bnc#595823, pmladek
-svx-fix-layout-build.diff, rodo
 [ OxygenOfficePalettes ]
diff --git a/patches/dev300/buildfix-svx-uiconfig-layout.diff b/patches/dev300/buildfix-svx-uiconfig-layout.diff
deleted file mode 100644
index e0d9554..0000000
--- a/patches/dev300/buildfix-svx-uiconfig-layout.diff
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,20 +0,0 @@
- svx/uiconfig/layout/layout.mk |    2 +-
- 1 files changed, 1 insertions(+), 1 deletions(-)
-diff --git svx/uiconfig/layout/layout.mk svx/uiconfig/layout/layout.mk
-index f6bea87..a79ae67 100644
---- svx/uiconfig/layout/layout.mk
-+++ svx/uiconfig/layout/layout.mk
-@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
- # TODO: move to solenv/inc
- # copies: sw/uiconfig/layout svx/uiconfig/layout
- XML_LANGS=$(alllangiso)
diff --git a/patches/dev300/buildfix-sw-uiconfig-layout.diff b/patches/dev300/buildfix-sw-uiconfig-layout.diff
deleted file mode 100644
index 8e74f35..0000000
--- a/patches/dev300/buildfix-sw-uiconfig-layout.diff
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,20 +0,0 @@
- sw/uiconfig/layout/layout.mk |    2 +-
- 1 files changed, 1 insertions(+), 1 deletions(-)
-diff --git sw/uiconfig/layout/layout.mk sw/uiconfig/layout/layout.mk
-index f6bea87..a79ae67 100644
---- sw/uiconfig/layout/layout.mk
-+++ sw/uiconfig/layout/layout.mk
-@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
- # TODO: move to solenv/inc
- # copies: sw/uiconfig/layout svx/uiconfig/layout
- XML_LANGS=$(alllangiso)
diff --git a/patches/dev300/buildfix-toolkit-workben-layout.diff b/patches/dev300/buildfix-toolkit-workben-layout.diff
deleted file mode 100644
index bf3025e..0000000
--- a/patches/dev300/buildfix-toolkit-workben-layout.diff
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,34 +0,0 @@
---- toolkit/workben/layout/TEST
-+++ toolkit/workben/layout/TEST
-@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
- #! /bin/sh
--for d in $(cd ../../../../.. && pwd)/ooo-svn /usr/lib/ooo3/; do
-+for d in $(cd ../../../../.. && pwd)/ooo-git /usr/lib/ooo3/; do
-     if test -d $d; then
-         export OOO_INSTALL_PREFIX=$d
- 	break
---- toolkit/workben/layout/test.cxx
-+++ toolkit/workben/layout/test.cxx
-@@ -199,6 +199,11 @@ void LayoutTest::ParseCommandLine()
-         OUString aParam = OUString( GetCommandLineParam( i ) );
-         if ( aParam.equalsAsciiL( RTL_CONSTASCII_STRINGPARAM( "-h" ) ) || aParam.equalsAsciiL( RTL_CONSTASCII_STRINGPARAM( "--help" ) ) )
-             usage();
-+        if ( aParam.equalsAscii( "--oustring-cstr"))
-+            exit (printf ("%s: The strings: %s and %s.\n",
-+                          __PRETTY_FUNCTION__,
-+                          OUSTRING_CSTR (OUString::createFromAscii ("foo")),
-+                          OUSTRING_CSTR (OUString::createFromAscii ("bar"))));
-         if ( aParam.equalsAsciiL( RTL_CONSTASCII_STRINGPARAM( "--inst" ) ) )
-         {
-             if ( i >= GetCommandLineParamCount() - 1)
---- toolkit/workben/layout/tpsort.cxx
-+++ toolkit/workben/layout/tpsort.cxx
-@@ -442,7 +442,7 @@ void ScTabPageSortFields::FillFieldLists()
-                     {
-                         aFieldName	= aStrColumn;
-                         aFieldName += ' ';
--                        aFieldName += ColToAlpha( col );
-+                        aFieldName += ScColToAlpha( col );
-                     }
-                     nFieldArr[i] = col;
-                     aLbSort1.InsertEntry( aFieldName, i );
diff --git a/patches/dev300/layout-accessibility-dispose-only-once.diff b/patches/dev300/layout-accessibility-dispose-only-once.diff
deleted file mode 100644
index 2175504..0000000
--- a/patches/dev300/layout-accessibility-dispose-only-once.diff
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,78 +0,0 @@
- toolkit/source/layout/vcl/wfield.cxx  |    4 ++++
- toolkit/source/layout/vcl/wrapper.cxx |   13 ++++++-------
- 2 files changed, 10 insertions(+), 7 deletions(-)
-diff --git toolkit/source/layout/vcl/wfield.cxx toolkit/source/layout/vcl/wfield.cxx
-index 7f16769..bf89d60 100644
---- toolkit/source/layout/vcl/wfield.cxx
-+++ toolkit/source/layout/vcl/wfield.cxx
-@@ -419,6 +419,8 @@ ComboBox::~ComboBox ()
- #ifndef __SUNPRO_CC
-     OSL_TRACE ("%s: deleting ComboBox for window: %p", __FUNCTION__, GetWindow ());
- #endif
-+    SetClickHdl (Link ());
-+    SetSelectHdl (Link ());
- }
- ComboBoxImpl::~ComboBoxImpl ()
-@@ -668,6 +670,8 @@ public:
- ListBox::~ListBox ()
- {
-+    SetClickHdl (Link ());
-+    SetSelectHdl (Link ());
- }
- sal_uInt16 ListBox::InsertEntry (String const& rStr, sal_uInt16 nPos)
-diff --git toolkit/source/layout/vcl/wrapper.cxx toolkit/source/layout/vcl/wrapper.cxx
-index 9c69662..d377970 100644
---- toolkit/source/layout/vcl/wrapper.cxx
-+++ toolkit/source/layout/vcl/wrapper.cxx
-@@ -174,7 +174,10 @@ WindowImpl::WindowImpl (Context *context, const PeerHandle &peer, Window *window
- WindowImpl::~WindowImpl ()
- {
-     if (mpWindow)
-+    {
-+        mpWindow->GetWindow ()->SetAccessible (0);
-         mpWindow->mpImpl = 0;
-+    }
-     if (mvclWindow)
-     {
-         VCLXWindow *v = mvclWindow->GetWindowPeer ();
-@@ -696,10 +699,6 @@ ControlImpl::ControlImpl (Context *context, const PeerHandle &peer, Window *wind
- ControlImpl::~ControlImpl ()
- {
--    if ((!!mGetFocusHdl || !!mLoseFocusHdl) && mxWindow.is ())
--        /* Disposing will be done @ VCLXWindow::dispose () maFocusListeners.disposeAndClear()
--           don't do it twice */
--        mxWindow.clear ();
- }
- void ControlImpl::SetGetFocusHdl (Link const& link)
-@@ -723,7 +722,7 @@ void ControlImpl::SetLoseFocusHdl (Link const& link)
- Link& ControlImpl::GetLoseFocusHdl ()
- {
--    return mGetFocusHdl;
-+    return mLoseFocusHdl;
- }
- void ControlImpl::UpdateListening (Link const& link)
-@@ -735,10 +734,10 @@ void ControlImpl::UpdateListening (Link const& link)
-         mxWindow->addFocusListener (this);
- }
--void SAL_CALL ControlImpl::disposing (lang::EventObject const&)
-+void SAL_CALL ControlImpl::disposing (lang::EventObject const& e)
-     throw (uno::RuntimeException)
- {
--///    mxWindow.clear ();
-+    WindowImpl::disposing (e);
- }
- void SAL_CALL ControlImpl::focusGained (awt::FocusEvent const&)
diff --git a/patches/dev300/layout-crash-fix.diff b/patches/dev300/layout-crash-fix.diff
deleted file mode 100644
index 44e86da..0000000
--- a/patches/dev300/layout-crash-fix.diff
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,20 +0,0 @@
- toolkit/inc/layout/layout.hxx |    2 +-
- 1 files changed, 1 insertions(+), 1 deletions(-)
-diff --git toolkit/inc/layout/layout.hxx toolkit/inc/layout/layout.hxx
-index d0e0b2e..a9cd3bb 100644
---- toolkit/inc/layout/layout.hxx
-+++ toolkit/inc/layout/layout.hxx
-@@ -110,7 +110,7 @@ public:
-         inline t##Impl &getImpl() const
- #define DECL_GET_WINDOW( cls ) ::cls* Get##cls() const
--#define IMPL_GET_WINDOW( cls ) ::cls* cls::Get##cls() const { return dynamic_cast< ::cls*>( GetWindow() ); }
-+#define IMPL_GET_WINDOW( cls ) ::cls* cls::Get##cls() const { return static_cast< ::cls*>( GetWindow() ); }
- #define DECL_GET_VCLXWINDOW( cls ) ::VCLX##cls* GetVCLX##cls() const
- #define IMPL_GET_VCLXWINDOW( cls ) ::VCLX##cls* cls::Get##VCLX##cls() const { return dynamic_cast< ::VCLX##cls*>( GetVCLXWindow() ); }
diff --git a/patches/dev300/layout-default-enable-config_office.diff b/patches/dev300/layout-default-enable-config_office.diff
deleted file mode 100644
index 27c86bd..0000000
--- a/patches/dev300/layout-default-enable-config_office.diff
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,26 +0,0 @@
- configure.in |    4 ++--
- 1 files changed, 2 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)
-diff --git configure.in configure.in
-index 1cc6fbd..6017fc9 100644
---- configure.in
-+++ configure.in
-@@ -235,7 +235,7 @@ AC_ARG_ENABLE(static-gtk,
- ],,)
- AC_ARG_ENABLE(layout,
--[  --enable-layout         Enable the compilation and use of layout dialogs
-+[  --disable-layout        Disable the compilation and use of layout dialogs
- ],,)
- AC_ARG_ENABLE(build-mozilla,
-@@ -7134,7 +7134,7 @@ fi
- AC_MSG_CHECKING([whether to use layout dialogs])
--if test -n "$enable_layout" && test "$enable_layout" != "no"; then
-+if test -z "$enable_layout" || test "$enable_layout" != "no"; then
-    AC_MSG_RESULT([yes])
- else
diff --git a/patches/dev300/layout-disable-experimental.diff b/patches/dev300/layout-disable-experimental.diff
deleted file mode 100644
index 4fa22cf..0000000
--- a/patches/dev300/layout-disable-experimental.diff
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,53 +0,0 @@
- configure.in |   14 ++++++++++++++
- set_soenv.in |    1 +
- 2 files changed, 15 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)
-diff --git configure.in configure.in
-index 6017fc9..6bcf3f0 100644
---- configure.in
-+++ configure.in
-@@ -237,6 +237,11 @@ AC_ARG_ENABLE(static-gtk,
- [  --disable-layout        Disable the compilation and use of layout dialogs
- ],,)
-+[  --enable-layout-experimental  Enable the compilation and use of layout dialogs
-+                               tagged experimental.
- AC_ARG_ENABLE(build-mozilla,
- [  --disable-build-mozilla Use this option if you do not want to build the
-                           mozilla components from the mozilla source code but
-@@ -7143,6 +7147,16 @@ else
- fi
-+AC_MSG_CHECKING([whether to use experimental layout dialogs])
-+if test -n "$enable_layout_experimental" && test "$enable_layout_experimental" == "yes"; then
-+   AC_MSG_RESULT([yes])
-+   AC_MSG_RESULT([no])
- # ===================================================================
- # De- or increase default verbosity of build process
- # ===================================================================
-diff --git set_soenv.in set_soenv.in
-index 223acb2..6790259 100644
---- set_soenv.in
-+++ set_soenv.in
-@@ -1803,6 +1803,7 @@ ToFile( "ENABLE_RANDR",      "@ENABLE_RANDR@",      "e" );
- ToFile( "ENABLE_DIRECTX",    "@ENABLE_DIRECTX@",    "e" );
- ToFile( "ENABLE_LAYOUT",     "@ENABLE_LAYOUT@",     "e" );
- ToFile( "ENABLE_PCH",        "@ENABLE_PCH@",       "e" );
- ToFile( "NO_HIDS",           "@NO_HIDS@",       "e" );
diff --git a/patches/dev300/layout-disabled-layout-build-fix.diff b/patches/dev300/layout-disabled-layout-build-fix.diff
deleted file mode 100644
index b65ccde..0000000
--- a/patches/dev300/layout-disabled-layout-build-fix.diff
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,27 +0,0 @@
- sfx2/inc/sfx2/layout.hxx |    2 ++
- 1 files changed, 2 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)
-diff --git sfx2/inc/sfx2/layout.hxx sfx2/inc/sfx2/layout.hxx
-index 836a762..b4e145c 100644
---- sfx2/inc/sfx2/layout.hxx
-+++ sfx2/inc/sfx2/layout.hxx
-@@ -49,6 +49,7 @@
-     SfxDialog (::Window* parent, char const* xml_file, char const* id, SfxBindings* bindings=0, SfxChildWindow* child=0);
- };
- class SFX2_DLLPUBLIC SfxTabPage
-     : public ::SfxTabPage
-     , public InPlug
-@@ -61,6 +62,7 @@
-     Size GetOptimalSize (WindowSizeType eType) const;
-     void FreeResource ();
- };
- } // end namespace layout
- #endif /* _SFX2_LAYOUT_HXX */
diff --git a/patches/dev300/layout-fix-experimental-layout.diff b/patches/dev300/layout-fix-experimental-layout.diff
deleted file mode 100644
index 092946b..0000000
--- a/patches/dev300/layout-fix-experimental-layout.diff
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,147 +0,0 @@
---- cui/source/inc/numfmt.hxx
-+++ cui/source/inc/numfmt.hxx
-@@ -77,8 +77,12 @@ public:
- };
- // -----------------------------------------------------------------------
- #include <sfx2/layout.hxx>
- #include <layout/layout-pre.hxx>
-+#define LocalizedString String
- class SvxNumberFormatTabPage : public SfxTabPage
- {
-@@ -182,7 +186,9 @@ private:
- #endif
- };
- #include <layout/layout-post.hxx>
- #endif
---- cui/source/tabpages/numfmt.cxx
-+++ cui/source/tabpages/numfmt.cxx
-@@ -233,19 +229,19 @@ void SvxNumberPreviewImpl::DataChanged( const DataChangedEvent& rDCEvt )
- #define HDL(hdl) LINK( this, SvxNumberFormatTabPage, hdl )
- #include <layout/layout-pre.hxx>
- #undef CUI_RES
- #define CUI_RES(x) #x
- #define CUI_RES_PLAIN(x) ResId (x, CUI_MGR ())
- #define THIS_CUI_RES(x) this, #x
- #undef SfxTabPage
- #define SfxTabPage( parent, id, args ) SfxTabPage( parent, "number-format.xml", id, &args )
--#else /* !ENABLE_LAYOUT */
--#endif /* !ENABLE_LAYOUT */
- SvxNumberFormatTabPage::SvxNumberFormatTabPage( Window*				pParent,
-                                                 const SfxItemSet&	rCoreAttrs )
-@@ -276,7 +272,7 @@ SvxNumberFormatTabPage::SvxNumberFormatTabPage( Window*				pParent,
-         aFtLanguage     ( this, CUI_RES( FT_LANGUAGE ) ),
-         aLbLanguage     ( this, CUI_RES( LB_LANGUAGE ), sal_False ),
-         aCbSourceFormat ( this, CUI_RES( CB_SOURCEFORMAT ) ),
-         aWndPreview     ( LAYOUT_THIS_WINDOW(this), CUI_RES_PLAIN( WND_NUMBER_PREVIEW ) ),
- #else
-         aWndPreview     ( this, CUI_RES_PLAIN( WND_NUMBER_PREVIEW ) ),
-@@ -288,7 +284,7 @@ SvxNumberFormatTabPage::SvxNumberFormatTabPage( Window*				pParent,
-         sAutomaticEntry ( THIS_CUI_RES( STR_AUTO_ENTRY)),
-         pLastActivWindow( NULL )
- {
-     aLbFormat.Clear ();
- #endif /* ENABLE_LAYOUT */
-@@ -1166,7 +1162,7 @@ void SvxNumberFormatTabPage::UpdateFormatListBox_Impl
-             aPos.Y()=nStdFormatY;
-             aSize.Height()=nStdFormatHeight;
-             aLbFormat.SetPosSizePixel(aPos,aSize);
-             aLbCurrency.Disable();
- #else /* !ENABLE_LAYOUT */
-             aLbCurrency.Hide();
-@@ -1177,7 +1173,7 @@ void SvxNumberFormatTabPage::UpdateFormatListBox_Impl
-             aPos.Y()=nCurFormatY;
-             aSize.Height()=nCurFormatHeight;
-             aLbFormat.SetPosSizePixel(aPos,aSize);
-             aLbCurrency.Enable();
- #else /* !ENABLE_LAYOUT */
-             aLbCurrency.Show();
-@@ -1315,7 +1311,7 @@ IMPL_LINK( SvxNumberFormatTabPage, SelFormatHdl_Impl, void *, pLb )
-         // Reinit options enable/disable for current selection.
-         if (aLbFormat.GetSelectEntryPos () == LISTBOX_ENTRY_NOTFOUND)
- #else /* !ENABLE_LAYOUT */
-         // Current category may be UserDefined with no format entries defined.
---- sc/source/ui/attrdlg/scdlgfact.cxx
-+++ sc/source/ui/attrdlg/scdlgfact.cxx
-@@ -28,10 +28,6 @@
- // MARKER(update_precomp.py): autogen include statement, do not remove
- #include "precompiled_sc.hxx"
- #include "scdlgfact.hxx"
-@@ -149,7 +145,7 @@ String AbstractTabDialog_Impl::GetText() const
-     return pDlg->GetText();
- }
- namespace layout
- {
- IMPL_ABSTDLG_BASE(AbstractTabDialog_Impl);
-@@ -184,7 +180,7 @@ String AbstractTabDialog_Impl::GetText() const
-     return pDlg->GetText();
- }
- }
--#endif /* ENABLE_LAYOUT */
- // AbstractScImportAsciiDlg_Impl begin
---- sc/source/ui/attrdlg/scdlgfact.hxx
-+++ sc/source/ui/attrdlg/scdlgfact.hxx
-@@ -368,7 +368,8 @@ class AbstractTabDialog_Impl : public SfxAbstractTabDialog
-     virtual void		SetText( const XubString& rStr );
-     virtual String   	GetText() const;
- };
- namespace layout
- {
- //add for ScAttrDlg , ScHFEditDlg, ScStyleDlg, ScSubTotalDlg, ScCharDlg, ScParagraphDlg, ScValidationDlg, ScSortDlg
-@@ -384,7 +385,7 @@ class AbstractTabDialog_Impl : public SfxAbstractTabDialog
-     virtual String   	GetText() const;
- };
- } // end namespace layout
--#endif /* ENABLE_LAYOUT */
- //------------------------------------------------------------------------
- //AbstractDialogFactory_Impl implementations
- class ScAbstractDialogFactory_Impl : public ScAbstractDialogFactory
diff --git a/patches/dev300/layout-generate-localize-sdf-2.diff b/patches/dev300/layout-generate-localize-sdf-2.diff
deleted file mode 100644
index 6e767a2..0000000
--- a/patches/dev300/layout-generate-localize-sdf-2.diff
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,34 +0,0 @@
---- svx/uiconfig/layout/makefile.mk.old	2010-11-10 20:50:39.000000000 +0100
-+++ svx/uiconfig/layout/makefile.mk	2010-11-23 20:47:22.000000000 +0100
-@@ -47,9 +47,9 @@ all .PHONY:
- .INCLUDE :  target.mk
--localize.sdf: $(COMMONMISC)$/$(PRJNAME)$/source$/dialog$/localize.sdf
-+localize.sdf: $(COMMONMISC)$/$(PRJNAME)$/source$/dialog$/localize.sdf $(COMMONMISC)$/$(PRJNAME)$/source$/cui$/localize.sdf
-     grep srchdlg.src $(COMMONMISC)$/$(PRJNAME)$/source$/dialog$/localize.sdf | awk -F'\t' '{{printf "%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\n", "layout", "svx\\uiconfig\\layout\\find-and-replace.xml", $$3, "layout", $$5 $$6 "_label", "", "", $$8, "0", $$10, $$11, $$12, "", $$14, $$15}}' | sed -e 's/\(\(FL\|STR\)_[^\t]*\)_label/\1_text/' -e 's/\tRID_SVXDLG_SEARCH/\t/' -e 's/\t_label/\tRID_SVXDLG_SEARCH_title/' > find-and-replace-$@
--    grep zoom.src $(COMMONMISC)$/$(PRJNAME)$/source$/dialog$/localize.sdf | awk -F'\t' '{{printf "%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\n", "layout", "svx\\uiconfig\\layout\\zoom.xml", $$3, "layout", $$5 $$6 "_label", "", "", $$8, "0", $$10, $$11, $$12, "", $$14, $$15}}' | sed -e 's/\(\(FL\|STR\)_[^\t]*\)_label/\1_text/' -e 's/\tRID_SVXDLG_ZOOM/\t/' -e 's/\t_label/\tRID_SVXDLG_ZOOM_title/' > zoom-$@
-+    grep zoom.src $(COMMONMISC)$/$(PRJNAME)$/source$/cui$/localize.sdf | awk -F'\t' '{{printf "%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\n", "layout", "svx\\uiconfig\\layout\\zoom.xml", $$3, "layout", $$5 $$6 "_label", "", "", $$8, "0", $$10, $$11, $$12, "", $$14, $$15}}' | sed -e 's/\(\(FL\|STR\)_[^\t]*\)_label/\1_text/' -e 's/\tRID_SVXDLG_ZOOM/\t/' -e 's/\t_label/\tRID_SVXDLG_ZOOM_title/' > zoom-$@
-     echo '#empty' | cat - find-and-replace-$@ zoom-$@ > $@
-     rm -f *-$@
-@@ -61,10 +61,19 @@ $(COMMONMISC)$/$(PRJNAME)$/source$/dialo
-     -unzip -o -d $(COMMONMISC)$/$(PRJNAME) $(SOLARCOMMONSDFDIR)$/$(PRJNAME).zip $(subst,$(COMMONMISC)$/$(PRJNAME)$/, $@)
-     $(TOUCH) $@
-+$(COMMONMISC)$/$(PRJNAME)$/source$/cui$/localize.sdf : $(SOLARCOMMONSDFDIR)$/$(PRJNAME).zip 
-+    @@-$(MKDIRHIER) $(@:d) 
-+    -unzip -o -d $(COMMONMISC)$/$(PRJNAME) $(SOLARCOMMONSDFDIR)$/$(PRJNAME).zip $(subst,$(COMMONMISC)$/$(PRJNAME)$/, $@) 
-+    $(TOUCH) $@ 
- $(COMMONMISC)$/$(PRJNAME)$/source$/dialog$/localize.sdf :
-     @@-$(MKDIRHIER) $(@:d)
-     $(TOUCH) $@
-+$(COMMONMISC)$/$(PRJNAME)$/source$/cui$/localize.sdf : 
-+    @@-$(MKDIRHIER) $(@:d) 
-+    $(TOUCH) $@ 
- .ENDIF # "$(WITH_LANG)"!=""
diff --git a/patches/dev300/layout-generate-localize-sdf.diff b/patches/dev300/layout-generate-localize-sdf.diff
deleted file mode 100644
index 5b61839..0000000
--- a/patches/dev300/layout-generate-localize-sdf.diff
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,150 +0,0 @@
- sc/uiconfig/layout/makefile.mk  |   35 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++--------
- svx/uiconfig/layout/layout.mk   |   28 ++++++++++++----------------
- svx/uiconfig/layout/makefile.mk |   27 +++++++++++++++++++++------
- 3 files changed, 60 insertions(+), 30 deletions(-)
-diff --git sc/uiconfig/layout/makefile.mk sc/uiconfig/layout/makefile.mk
-index 0b19c02..c02d34e 100644
---- sc/uiconfig/layout/makefile.mk
-+++ sc/uiconfig/layout/makefile.mk
-@@ -51,15 +51,34 @@ all .PHONY:
- .INCLUDE :  target.mk
--localize.sdf: $(PRJ)/source/ui/miscdlgs/localize.sdf $(PRJ)/source/ui/src/localize.sdf
--    grep instbdlg.src $(PRJ)/source/ui/miscdlgs/localize.sdf | awk -F'\t' '{{printf "%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\n", "layout", "sc\\uiconfig\\layout\\insert-sheet.xml", $$3, "layout", $$5 $$6 "_label", "", "", $$8, "0", $$10, $$11, $$12, "", $$14, $$15}}' | sed -e 's/\(\(FL\|STR\)_[^\t]*\)_label/\1_text/' -e 's/\tRID_SCDLG_INSERT_TABLE/\t/' -e 's/\t_label/\tRID_SCDLG_INSERT_TABLE_title/' > insert-sheet-$@
--    grep -E 'miscdlgs.src.*(FT_DEST|FT_INSERT|STR_NEWDOC|RID_SCDLG_MOVETAB|BTN_COPY)' $(PRJ)/source/ui/src/localize.sdf | awk -F'\t' '{{printf "%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\n", "layout", "sc\\uiconfig\\layout\\move-copy-sheet.xml", $$3, "layout", $$5 $$6 "_label", "", "", $$8, "0", $$10, $$11, $$12, "", $$14, $$15}}' | sed -e 's/\(\(FL\|STR\)_[^\t]*\)_label/\1_text/' -e 's/\tRID_SCDLG_MOVETAB/\t/' -e 's/\t_label/\tRID_SCDLG_MOVETAB_title/'> move-copy-sheet-$@
--    grep sortdlg.src $(PRJ)/source/ui/src/localize.sdf | awk -F'\t' '{{printf "%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\n", "layout", "sc\\uiconfig\\layout\\sort-options.xml", $$3, "layout", $$5 $$6 "_label", "", "", $$8, "0", $$10, $$11, $$12, "", $$14, $$15}}' | sed -e 's/\(\(FL\|STR\)_[^\t]*\)_label/\1_text/' -e 's/\tRID_SCDLG_SORT/\t/' -e 's/\t_label/\tRID_SCDLG_SORT_title/' -e 's/\tRID_SCPAGE_SORT_OPTIONS/\t/' -e 's/\tRID_SCPAGE_SORT_FIELDS/\t/' > sort-options-$@
-+localize.sdf: $(COMMONMISC)$/$(PRJNAME)$/source$/ui$/miscdlgs$/localize.sdf $(COMMONMISC)$/$(PRJNAME)$/source$/ui$/src$/localize.sdf
-+    grep instbdlg.src $(COMMONMISC)$/$(PRJNAME)$/source$/ui$/miscdlgs$/localize.sdf | awk -F'\t' '{{printf "%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\n", "layout", "sc\\uiconfig\\layout\\insert-sheet.xml", $$3, "layout", $$5 $$6 "_label", "", "", $$8, "0", $$10, $$11, $$12, "", $$14, $$15}}' | sed -e 's/\(\(FL\|STR\)_[^\t]*\)_label/\1_text/' -e 's/\tRID_SCDLG_INSERT_TABLE/\t/' -e 's/\t_label/\tRID_SCDLG_INSERT_TABLE_title/' > insert-sheet-$@
-+    grep -E 'miscdlgs.src.*(FT_DEST|FT_INSERT|STR_NEWDOC|RID_SCDLG_MOVETAB|BTN_COPY)' $(COMMONMISC)$/$(PRJNAME)$/source$/ui$/src$/localize.sdf | awk -F'\t' '{{printf "%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\n", "layout", "sc\\uiconfig\\layout\\move-copy-sheet.xml", $$3, "layout", $$5 $$6 "_label", "", "", $$8, "0", $$10, $$11, $$12, "", $$14, $$15}}' | sed -e 's/\(\(FL\|STR\)_[^\t]*\)_label/\1_text/' -e 's/\tRID_SCDLG_MOVETAB/\t/' -e 's/\t_label/\tRID_SCDLG_MOVETAB_title/'> move-copy-sheet-$@
-+    grep sortdlg.src $(COMMONMISC)$/$(PRJNAME)$/source$/ui$/src$/localize.sdf | awk -F'\t' '{{printf "%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\n", "layout", "sc\\uiconfig\\layout\\sort-options.xml", $$3, "layout", $$5 $$6 "_label", "", "", $$8, "0", $$10, $$11, $$12, "", $$14, $$15}}' | sed -e 's/\(\(FL\|STR\)_[^\t]*\)_label/\1_text/' -e 's/\tRID_SCDLG_SORT/\t/' -e 's/\t_label/\tRID_SCDLG_SORT_title/' -e 's/\tRID_SCPAGE_SORT_OPTIONS/\t/' -e 's/\tRID_SCPAGE_SORT_FIELDS/\t/' > sort-options-$@
-     echo '#empty' | cat - insert-sheet-$@ move-copy-sheet-$@ sort-options-$@ > $@
-     rm -f *-$@
--    touch $@
-+.IF "$(WITH_LANG)"!=""
--    touch $@
-+# FIXME: do not duplicate the code from target.mk
-+$(COMMONMISC)$/$(PRJNAME)$/source$/ui$/miscdlgs$/localize.sdf : $(SOLARCOMMONSDFDIR)$/$(PRJNAME).zip
-+    @@-$(MKDIRHIER) $(@:d)
-+    -unzip -o -d $(COMMONMISC)$/$(PRJNAME) $(SOLARCOMMONSDFDIR)$/$(PRJNAME).zip $(subst,$(COMMONMISC)$/$(PRJNAME)$/, $@)
-+    $(TOUCH) $@
-+$(COMMONMISC)$/$(PRJNAME)$/source$/ui$/src$/localize.sdf : $(SOLARCOMMONSDFDIR)$/$(PRJNAME).zip
-+    @@-$(MKDIRHIER) $(@:d)
-+    -unzip -o -d $(COMMONMISC)$/$(PRJNAME) $(SOLARCOMMONSDFDIR)$/$(PRJNAME).zip $(subst,$(COMMONMISC)$/$(PRJNAME)$/, $@)
-+    $(TOUCH) $@
-+$(COMMONMISC)$/$(PRJNAME)$/source$/ui$/src$/localize.sdf :
-+    @@-$(MKDIRHIER) $(@:d)
-+    $(TOUCH) $@
-+$(COMMONMISC)$/$(PRJNAME)$/source$/ui$/miscdlgs$/localize.sdf :
-+    @@-$(MKDIRHIER) $(@:d)
-+    $(TOUCH) $@
-+.ENDIF # "$(WITH_LANG)"!=""
-diff --git svx/uiconfig/layout/layout.mk svx/uiconfig/layout/layout.mk
-index a79ae67..227da15 100644
---- svx/uiconfig/layout/layout.mk
-+++ svx/uiconfig/layout/layout.mk
-@@ -1,33 +1,29 @@
--# TODO: move to solenv/inc
--# copies: sw/uiconfig/layout svx/uiconfig/layout
- XML_LANGS=$(alllangiso)
--ALL_XMLS=$(foreach,i,$(XML_FILES) $(XML_DEST)/$i) $(foreach,i,$(XML_LANGS) $(foreach,j,$(XML_FILES) $(XML_DEST)/$i/$j))
-+ALL_XMLS=$(foreach,i,$(XML_FILES) $(XML_DEST)$/$i) $(foreach,i,$(XML_LANGS) $(foreach,j,$(XML_FILES) $(XML_DEST)$/$i$/$j))
-+XML_DEPS=$(foreach,i,$(XML_FILES) $(MISC)$/$i.dep)
- # Must remove the -j (no duplicate base file names) flag
- XML_ZIP = $(PRJNAME)-layout
-+ZIP1DEPS=localize.sdf $(XML_DEPS)
--$(foreach,i,$(XML_LANGS) $(XML_DEST)/$i/%.xml): %.xml
--    -$(MKDIR) $(@:d)
--    @echo $(foreach,i,$(XML_LANGS) $(XML_DEST)/$i/%.xml): %.xml
--    $(TRALAY) -m localize.sdf -o $(XML_DEST) -l $(XML_LANGS:f:t" -l ") $<
--$(XML_DEST)/%.xml: %.xml
--    -$(MKDIR) $(@:d)
--    $(COPY) $< $@
-+$(MISC)$/%.xml.dep: %.xml
-+    -$(MKDIR) "$(XML_DEST)"
-+    cp "$<" "$(XML_DEST)"
-+    $(TRALAY) -m localize.sdf -o "$(XML_DEST)" -l $(XML_LANGS:f:t" -l ") "$<"
-+    $(TOUCH) "$@"
- # Don't want to overwrite filled localize.sdf with empty template
- template.sdf:
--    $(foreach,i,$(XML_FILES) $(TRALAY) -l en-US $i) > $@
-+    $(foreach,i,$(XML_FILES) $(TRALAY) -l en-US "$i") > $@
-diff --git svx/uiconfig/layout/makefile.mk svx/uiconfig/layout/makefile.mk
-index 944fc39..23e3dcc 100644
---- svx/uiconfig/layout/makefile.mk
-+++ svx/uiconfig/layout/makefile.mk
-@@ -36,9 +36,8 @@ TARGET=layout
- all: ALLTAR
-- "find-and-replace.xml"\
-- zoom.xml\
-+ find-and-replace.xml\
-+ zoom.xml
- .INCLUDE : layout.mk
-@@ -48,8 +47,24 @@ all .PHONY:
- .INCLUDE :  target.mk
--localize.sdf: $(PRJ)/source/dialog/localize.sdf
--    grep srchdlg.src $(PRJ)/source/dialog/localize.sdf | awk -F'\t' '{{printf "%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\n", "layout", "svx\\uiconfig\\layout\\find-and-replace.xml", $$3, "layout", $$5 $$6 "_label", "", "", $$8, "0", $$10, $$11, $$12, "", $$14, $$15}}' | sed -e 's/\(\(FL\|STR\)_[^\t]*\)_label/\1_text/' -e 's/\tRID_SVXDLG_SEARCH/\t/' -e 's/\t_label/\tRID_SVXDLG_SEARCH_title/' > find-and-replace-$@
--    grep zoom.src $(PRJ)/source/dialog/localize.sdf | awk -F'\t' '{{printf "%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\n", "layout", "svx\\uiconfig\\layout\\zoom.xml", $$3, "layout", $$5 $$6 "_label", "", "", $$8, "0", $$10, $$11, $$12, "", $$14, $$15}}' | sed -e 's/\(\(FL\|STR\)_[^\t]*\)_label/\1_text/' -e 's/\tRID_SVXDLG_ZOOM/\t/' -e 's/\t_label/\tRID_SVXDLG_ZOOM_title/' > zoom-$@
-+localize.sdf: $(COMMONMISC)$/$(PRJNAME)$/source$/dialog$/localize.sdf
-+    grep srchdlg.src $(COMMONMISC)$/$(PRJNAME)$/source$/dialog$/localize.sdf | awk -F'\t' '{{printf "%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\n", "layout", "svx\\uiconfig\\layout\\find-and-replace.xml", $$3, "layout", $$5 $$6 "_label", "", "", $$8, "0", $$10, $$11, $$12, "", $$14, $$15}}' | sed -e 's/\(\(FL\|STR\)_[^\t]*\)_label/\1_text/' -e 's/\tRID_SVXDLG_SEARCH/\t/' -e 's/\t_label/\tRID_SVXDLG_SEARCH_title/' > find-and-replace-$@
-+    grep zoom.src $(COMMONMISC)$/$(PRJNAME)$/source$/dialog$/localize.sdf | awk -F'\t' '{{printf "%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\n", "layout", "svx\\uiconfig\\layout\\zoom.xml", $$3, "layout", $$5 $$6 "_label", "", "", $$8, "0", $$10, $$11, $$12, "", $$14, $$15}}' | sed -e 's/\(\(FL\|STR\)_[^\t]*\)_label/\1_text/' -e 's/\tRID_SVXDLG_ZOOM/\t/' -e 's/\t_label/\tRID_SVXDLG_ZOOM_title/' > zoom-$@
-     echo '#empty' | cat - find-and-replace-$@ zoom-$@ > $@
-     rm -f *-$@
-+.IF "$(WITH_LANG)"!=""
-+# FIXME: do not duplicate the code from target.mk
-+$(COMMONMISC)$/$(PRJNAME)$/source$/dialog$/localize.sdf : $(SOLARCOMMONSDFDIR)$/$(PRJNAME).zip
-+    @@-$(MKDIRHIER) $(@:d)
-+    -unzip -o -d $(COMMONMISC)$/$(PRJNAME) $(SOLARCOMMONSDFDIR)$/$(PRJNAME).zip $(subst,$(COMMONMISC)$/$(PRJNAME)$/, $@)
-+    $(TOUCH) $@
-+$(COMMONMISC)$/$(PRJNAME)$/source$/dialog$/localize.sdf :
-+    @@-$(MKDIRHIER) $(@:d)
-+    $(TOUCH) $@
-+.ENDIF # "$(WITH_LANG)"!=""
diff --git a/patches/dev300/layout-listbox-minsize.diff b/patches/dev300/layout-listbox-minsize.diff
deleted file mode 100644
index 3bae7c5..0000000
--- a/patches/dev300/layout-listbox-minsize.diff
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,19 +0,0 @@
- vcl/source/control/lstbox.cxx |    1 +
- 1 files changed, 1 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)
-diff --git vcl/source/control/lstbox.cxx vcl/source/control/lstbox.cxx
-index a78ef20..7756d03 100644
---- vcl/source/control/lstbox.cxx
-+++ vcl/source/control/lstbox.cxx
-@@ -98,6 +98,7 @@ ListBox::~ListBox()
- void ListBox::ImplInitListBoxData()
- {
-+    mpImplLB        = NULL;
-     mpFloatWin		= NULL;
-     mpImplWin		= NULL;
-     mpBtn			= NULL;
diff --git a/patches/dev300/layout-move-copy-fixed-height.diff b/patches/dev300/layout-move-copy-fixed-height.diff
deleted file mode 100644
index 8dd5626..0000000
--- a/patches/dev300/layout-move-copy-fixed-height.diff
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,20 +0,0 @@
- sc/uiconfig/layout/move-copy-sheet.xml |    2 +-
- 1 files changed, 1 insertions(+), 1 deletions(-)
-diff --git sc/uiconfig/layout/move-copy-sheet.xml sc/uiconfig/layout/move-copy-sheet.xml
-index 3d26db1..9328724 100644
---- sc/uiconfig/layout/move-copy-sheet.xml
-+++ sc/uiconfig/layout/move-copy-sheet.xml
-@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@
-         <fixedtext id="FT_DEST" _label="To ~document"/>
-         <listbox has_border="true" dropdown="true" id="LB_DEST" tabstop="true"/>
-         <fixedtext id="FT_INSERT" _label="~Insert before"/>
--        <listbox has_border="true" id="LB_INSERT" tabstop="true" string-item-list=" : : : : " />
-+        <listbox has_border="true" id="LB_INSERT" tabstop="true" line-count="7" string-item-list=" : : : : " />
-         <checkbox id="BTN_COPY" tabstop="true" _label="~Copy"/>
-     <dialogbuttonhbox border="5" spacing="5">
-         <flow/>
diff --git a/patches/dev300/layout-parallel-build.diff b/patches/dev300/layout-parallel-build.diff
deleted file mode 100644
index 6eb3b8b..0000000
--- a/patches/dev300/layout-parallel-build.diff
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,43 +0,0 @@
---- solenv/inc/layout.mk
-+++ solenv/inc/layout.mk
-@@ -1,31 +1,28 @@
- XML_LANGS=$(alllangiso)
--ALL_XMLS=$(foreach,i,$(XML_FILES) "$(XML_DEST)/$i") $(foreach,i,$(XML_LANGS) $(foreach,j,$(XML_FILES) "$(XML_DEST)/$i/$j"))
-+ALL_XMLS=$(foreach,i,$(XML_FILES) $(XML_DEST)$/$i) $(foreach,i,$(XML_LANGS) $(foreach,j,$(XML_FILES) $(XML_DEST)$/$i$/$j))
-+XML_DEPS=$(foreach,i,$(XML_FILES) $(MISC)$/$i.dep)
- # Must remove the -j (no duplicate base file names) flag
- XML_ZIP = $(PRJNAME)-layout
--ALLTAR: localize.sdf $(XML_ZIP)
-+ZIP1DEPS=localize.sdf $(XML_DEPS)
--$(foreach,i,$(XML_LANGS) $(XML_DEST)/$i/%.xml): %.xml
--    $(COMMAND_ECHO)-$(MKDIR) $(@:d)
--    @echo $(foreach,i,$(XML_LANGS) $(XML_DEST)/$i/%.xml): %.xml
-+$(MISC)$/%.xml.dep: %.xml
-+    $(COMMAND_ECHO)cp "$<" "$(XML_DEST)"
-     $(TRALAY) -m localize.sdf -o "$(XML_DEST)" -l $(XML_LANGS:f:t" -l ") "$<"
--$(XML_DEST)/%.xml: %.xml
--    $(COMMAND_ECHO)-$(MKDIR) $(@:d)
--    $(COMMAND_ECHO)$(COPY) "$<" "$@"
-+    $(COMMAND_ECHO)$(TOUCH) "$@"
- # Don't want to overwrite filled localize.sdf with empty template
- template.sdf:
-     $(foreach,i,$(XML_FILES) $(TRALAY) -l en-US "$i") > $@
--$(ZIP1LIST): localize.sdf
diff --git a/patches/dev300/layout-post-cws-layoutdialogs2-edit-noop-reversal.diff b/patches/dev300/layout-post-cws-layoutdialogs2-edit-noop-reversal.diff
deleted file mode 100644
index 6bed9cc..0000000
--- a/patches/dev300/layout-post-cws-layoutdialogs2-edit-noop-reversal.diff
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,29 +0,0 @@
- toolkit/source/layout/vcl/wfield.cxx |    4 ++--
- 1 files changed, 2 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)
-diff --git toolkit/source/layout/vcl/wfield.cxx toolkit/source/layout/vcl/wfield.cxx
-index ac4c3db..7f16769 100644
---- toolkit/source/layout/vcl/wfield.cxx
-+++ toolkit/source/layout/vcl/wfield.cxx
-@@ -105,7 +105,7 @@ Edit::~Edit ()
- void Edit::SetSelection( Selection const& rSelection )
- {
--    if ( !getImpl().mxEdit.is() )
-+    if ( getImpl().mxEdit.is() )
-         getImpl().mxEdit->setSelection( awt::Selection( rSelection.Min(), rSelection.Max() ) );
-     GetEdit ()->SetSelection (rSelection);
-@@ -125,7 +125,7 @@ void Edit::SetText( OUString const& rStr )
- String Edit::GetText() const
- {
--    if ( !getImpl().mxEdit.is() )
-+    if ( getImpl().mxEdit.is() )
-         return getImpl().mxEdit->getText();
-     return OUString();
- }
diff --git a/patches/dev300/layout-post-cws-layoutdialogs2-mysteriously-missing.diff b/patches/dev300/layout-post-cws-layoutdialogs2-mysteriously-missing.diff
deleted file mode 100644
index c084e70..0000000
--- a/patches/dev300/layout-post-cws-layoutdialogs2-mysteriously-missing.diff
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,202 +0,0 @@
-diff --git svx/uiconfig/layout/find-and-replace.xml svx/uiconfig/layout/find-and-replace.xml
-new file mode 100644
-index 0000000..f406dfd
---- /dev/null
-+++ svx/uiconfig/layout/find-and-replace.xml
-@@ -0,0 +1,167 @@
-+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
-+<!-- This is a template.  i18n translation is not performed in-place;
-+     i18n translated XML files are generated from this template by
-+     transex3/layout/tralay.  !-->
-+<sfxmodelessdialog _title="Find &amp; Replace" help-id="SID_SEARCH_DLG" closeable="true" sizeable="true" moveable="true" id="RID_SVXDLG_SEARCH" xmlns="http://openoffice.org/2007/layout" xmlns:cnt="http://openoffice.org/2007/layout/container">
-+    <hbox border="12">
-+    <table columns="3">
-+    <string id="RID_SVXSTR_SEARCH_STYLES" _text="Including Styles"/>
-+    <string id="RID_SVXSTR_SEARCH" _text="(Search)"/>
-+    <string id="RID_SVXSTR_REPLACE" _text="(Replace)"/>
-+    <string id="STR_WORDCALC" _text="~Entire cells"/>
-+    <string id="STR_MORE_BTN" _text="More ~Options"/>
-+    <string id="STR_LESS_BTN" _text="Less ~Options"/>
-+    <!-- row -->
-+    <align valign="1" halign="0">
-+        <fixedtext id="FT_SEARCH" _label="~Search for" font-style-name="Bold"/>
-+    </align>
-+    <!-- poor man's colsep -->
-+    <min-size cnt:x-expand="false" min-width="12"/>
-+    <vbox cnt:x-expand="false">
-+        <imagebutton defbutton="true" id="BTN_SEARCH" tabstop="true" _label="~Find" cnt:expand="false"
-+             image-align="0" graphic="res/commandimagelist/sc_searchdialog.png"/>
-+    </vbox>
-+    <!-- row: poor man's rowsep -->
-+    <min-size cnt:col-span="3" cnt:x-expand="false" min-height="12"/>
-+    <!-- row -->
-+    <vbox spacing="0" border="0" cnt:x-expand="true">
-+        <combobox dropdown="true" id="ED_SEARCH" tabstop="true" cnt:expand="true"/>
-+        <listbox has_border="true" dropdown="true" show="false" id="LB_SEARCH" sort="true" tabstop="true" cnt:expand="true"/>
-+    </vbox>
-+    <!-- poor man's colsep -->
-+    <min-size cnt:x-expand="false" min-width="12"/>
-+    <vbox cnt:x-expand="false">
-+        <pushbutton id="BTN_SEARCH_ALL" tabstop="true" _label="Find ~All" cnt:expand="false"/>
-+    </vbox>
-+    <!-- row -->
-+    <vbox spacing="0" border="0" cnt:expand="false" cnt:col-span="3">
-+        <fixedtext show="false" id="FT_SEARCH_ATTR" word-break="true"/>
-+        <fixedtext show="false" id="FT_SEARCH_FORMATS" word-break="true"/>
-+    </vbox>
-+    <!-- row: poor man's rowsep -->
-+    <min-size cnt:col-span="3" cnt:x-expand="false" min-height="6"/>
-+    <!-- row -->
-+    <fixedline cnt:y-expand="false" cnt:col-span="3"/>
-+    <!-- row: poor man's rowsep -->
-+    <min-size cnt:col-span="3" cnt:x-expand="false" min-height="6"/>
-+    <!-- row -->
-+    <align valign="1" halign="0">
-+        <fixedtext id="FT_REPLACE" _label="Re~place with" font-style-name="Bold"/>
-+    </align>
-+    <!-- poor man's colsep -->
-+    <min-size cnt:x-expand="false" min-width="12"/>
-+    <vbox cnt:x-expand="false">
-+        <pushbutton id="BTN_REPLACE" tabstop="true" _label="~Replace" cnt:expand="false"/>
-+    </vbox>
-+    <!-- row: poor man's rowsep -->
-+    <min-size cnt:col-span="3" cnt:x-expand="false" min-height="12"/>
-+    <!-- row -->
-+    <vbox spacing="0" border="0" cnt:x-expand="true">
-+        <combobox dropdown="true" id="ED_REPLACE" tabstop="true" cnt:expand="true"/>
-+        <listbox has_border="true" dropdown="true" show="false" id="LB_REPLACE" sort="true" tabstop="true" cnt:expand="true"/>
-+    </vbox>
-+    <!-- poor man's colsep -->
-+    <min-size cnt:x-expand="false" min-width="12"/>
-+    <vbox cnt:x-expand="false">
-+        <pushbutton id="BTN_REPLACE_ALL" tabstop="true" _label="Replace A~ll" cnt:expand="false"/>
-+    </vbox>
-+    <!-- row -->
-+    <vbox spacing="6" border="0" cnt:col-span="3">
-+        <fixedtext show="false" id="FT_REPLACE_ATTR" word-break="true"/>
-+        <fixedtext show="false" id="FT_REPLACE_FORMATS" word-break="true"/>
-+        <fixedline show="false" id="FL_SEARCH_COMPONENT"/>
-+    </vbox>
-+    <!-- row: poor man's rowsep -->
-+    <min-size cnt:col-span="3" cnt:x-expand="false" min-height="12"/>
-+    <!-- row -->
-+    <vbox spacing="6" border="0" cnt:col-span="3">
-+        <hbox spacing="12">
-+                <checkbox id="CB_MATCH_CASE" tabstop="true" _label="Ma~tch case"/>
-+        <min-size min-width="0"/>
-+        <vbox cnt:x-expand="false" cnt:padding="12">
-+                    <pushbutton show="false" id="BTN_COMPONENT_1" tabstop="true" cnt:expand="false" cnt:padding="12"/>
-+        </vbox>
-+                <checkbox id="CB_WHOLE_WORDS" tabstop="true" _label="Whole wor~ds only"/>
-+        <min-size min-width="0"/>
-+        <vbox cnt:x-expand="false" cnt:padding="12">
-+                    <pushbutton show="false" id="BTN_COMPONENT_2" tabstop="true" cnt:expand="false"/>
-+        </vbox>
-+        <flow/>
-+        </hbox>
-+    </vbox>
-+    <!-- row: poor man's rowsep -->
-+    <min-size cnt:col-span="3" cnt:x-expand="false" min-height="6"/>
-+    <!-- row -->
-+        <fixedline cnt:y-expand="false" cnt:col-span="3"/>
-+    <!-- row: poor man's rowsep -->
-+    <min-size cnt:col-span="3" cnt:x-expand="false" min-height="6"/>
-+    <!-- row -->
-+    <hbox cnt:col-span="3">
-+        <vbox cnt:expand="false">
-+        <morebutton delta="174" map-unit="MAP_APPFONT" id="BTN_MORE" state="false" tabstop="true" cnt:expand="false"/>
-+        </vbox>
-+        <flow/>
-+            <dialogbuttonhbox cnt:expand="false">
-+        <vbox cnt:expand="false" cnt:fill="false">
-+            <helpbutton id="BTN_HELP" tabstop="true" cnt:expand="false"/>
-+        </vbox>
-+        <vbox cnt:expand="false" cnt:fill="false">
-+            <cancelbutton id="BTN_CLOSE" tabstop="true" _label="~Close" cnt:expand="false"/>
-+        </vbox>
-+            </dialogbuttonhbox>
-+    </hbox>
-+    <!-- row -->
-+        <fixedline show="false" id="FL_OPTIONS" cnt:col-span="3"/>
-+    <!-- row -->
-+    <hbox spacing="6" border="0" cnt:col-span="3">
-+        <vbox spacing="6" border="0">
-+        <min-size min-height="0"/>
-+        <checkbox show="false" id="CB_SELECTIONS" tabstop="true" _label="Current selection ~only"/>
-+        <checkbox show="false" id="CB_BACKWARDS" tabstop="true" _label="Bac~kwards"/>
-+        <checkbox show="false" id="CB_REGEXP" tabstop="true" _label="Regular e~xpressions"/>
-+        <hbox>
-+            <checkbox show="false" id="CB_SIMILARITY" tabstop="true" _label="S~imilarity search"/>
-+            <align halign="1">
-+            <vbox cnt:x-expand="false">
-+            <pushbutton show="false" id="PB_SIMILARITY" tabstop="true" _label="~..." cnt:expand="false"/>
-+            </vbox>
-+            </align>
-+        </hbox>
-+        <checkbox show="false" id="CB_LAYOUTS" tabstop="true" _label="Search for St~yles"/>
-+        <checkbox show="false" id="CB_NOTES" tabstop="true" _label="Notes"/>
-+        <checkbox show="false" id="CB_JAP_MATCH_FULL_HALF_WIDTH" tabstop="true" _label="Match character width"/>
-+        <hbox>
-+            <checkbox show="false" id="CB_JAP_SOUNDS_LIKE" tabstop="true" _label="Sounds like (Japanese)"/>
-+            <align halign="1">
-+            <vbox cnt:x-expand="false">
-+            <pushbutton show="false" id="PB_JAP_OPTIONS" tabstop="true" _label="..." cnt:expand="false"/>
-+            </vbox>
-+            </align>
-+        </hbox>
-+        <fixedline show="false" id="FL_CALC"/>
-+        <hbox spacing="6" border="0">
-+            <fixedtext show="false" id="FT_CALC_SEARCHIN" _label="~Search in"/>
-+            <listbox has_border="true" dropdown="true" show="false" id="LB_CALC_SEARCHIN" tabstop="true" string-item-list="Formulas:Values:Notes"/>
-+        </hbox>
-+        <hbox spacing="6" border="0">
-+            <fixedtext show="false" id="FT_CALC_SEARCHDIR" _label="~Search direction"/>
-+            <vbox spacing="6" border="6">
-+            <radiobutton show="false" id="RB_CALC_ROWS" _label="Ro~ws"/>
-+            <radiobutton show="false" id="RB_CALC_COLUMNS" _label="Col~umns"/>
-+            </vbox>
-+        </hbox>
-+        <checkbox show="false" id="CB_ALL_SHEETS" _label="Search in all sheets"/>
-+        </vbox>
-+        <vbox spacing="6" border="0" cnt:x-expand="false">
-+        <min-size min-width="100" cnt:expand="false"/>
-+        <pushbutton show="false" id="BTN_ATTRIBUTE" tabstop="true" _label="Attri~butes..." cnt:expand="false"/>
-+        <pushbutton show="false" id="BTN_FORMAT" tabstop="true" _label="For~mat..." cnt:expand="false"/>
-+        <pushbutton show="false" id="BTN_NOFORMAT" tabstop="true" _label="~No Format" cnt:expand="false"/>
-+        </vbox>
-+    </hbox>
-+    </table>
-+    </hbox>
-diff --git svx/uiconfig/layout/makefile.mk svx/uiconfig/layout/makefile.mk
-index e75ae5e..944fc39 100644
---- svx/uiconfig/layout/makefile.mk
-+++ svx/uiconfig/layout/makefile.mk
-@@ -35,7 +35,10 @@ TARGET=layout
- all: ALLTAR
-+ "find-and-replace.xml"\
-+ zoom.xml\
- .INCLUDE : layout.mk
-@@ -44,3 +47,9 @@ all .PHONY:
- .INCLUDE :  target.mk
-+localize.sdf: $(PRJ)/source/dialog/localize.sdf
-+    grep srchdlg.src $(PRJ)/source/dialog/localize.sdf | awk -F'\t' '{{printf "%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\n", "layout", "svx\\uiconfig\\layout\\find-and-replace.xml", $$3, "layout", $$5 $$6 "_label", "", "", $$8, "0", $$10, $$11, $$12, "", $$14, $$15}}' | sed -e 's/\(\(FL\|STR\)_[^\t]*\)_label/\1_text/' -e 's/\tRID_SVXDLG_SEARCH/\t/' -e 's/\t_label/\tRID_SVXDLG_SEARCH_title/' > find-and-replace-$@
-+    grep zoom.src $(PRJ)/source/dialog/localize.sdf | awk -F'\t' '{{printf "%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\n", "layout", "svx\\uiconfig\\layout\\zoom.xml", $$3, "layout", $$5 $$6 "_label", "", "", $$8, "0", $$10, $$11, $$12, "", $$14, $$15}}' | sed -e 's/\(\(FL\|STR\)_[^\t]*\)_label/\1_text/' -e 's/\tRID_SVXDLG_ZOOM/\t/' -e 's/\t_label/\tRID_SVXDLG_ZOOM_title/' > zoom-$@
-+    echo '#empty' | cat - find-and-replace-$@ zoom-$@ > $@
-+    rm -f *-$@
diff --git a/patches/dev300/layoutdialogs2-development.diff b/patches/dev300/layoutdialogs2-development.diff
deleted file mode 100644
index 304668b..0000000
--- a/patches/dev300/layoutdialogs2-development.diff
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1304 +0,0 @@
-b7cd118... configure: Regenerate.  Fixes naive builds.
-d130ba7... Wordcount: minor HIG tweaks.
-01a6fce... Zoom: minor HIG spacing tweaks.
-67f2b82... Zoom: fix align-test and update zoom.xml.
-fa8d7ec... Zoom: add align-test.xml to illustrate zoom alignment bug.
-6c70e47... Find-and-Replace: request font-style-name="Bold", does not seem to work.
-afacef2... Find-and-Replace: Add alignment for combobox labels.
-27de12f... Find-and-Replace: Replace pairs of <flow> with <align>. Fixes ugly non-emptiness of more-<hbox>.
-5e1f71e... Find-and-Replace: add nice 12pt border.
-ba667ea... Find-and-Replace: also add rowsep at lower fixedline.
-150333c... Find-and-Replace: Add poor man's colsep and rowsep substitute spaces.
-fe770b8... Find-and-Replace: use <vbox cnt:x-expand="false"> for buttons.
-ab48d2a... Find-and-Replace: add <vbox>s and use cnt:expand="false" to stop vertical button expansion.
-099e60d... Find-and-Replace: use sc icon. Fixes FIND button height.
-a35e707... Bugfix have empty/invisible containers not take up space.
-5520d73... Find-and-replace: Fix/remove most property errors.
-ae26364... Table: make x, y expand default.
-4269438... Use OSL_TRACE rather than printf. Fixes warning visibility.
-3f9b304... Boxtest: add <vbox><table x-expand="true"> pair to trigger property errors.
-bc138f1... Junk extra <table> from boxtest. Fixes visual output.
-0cf4adf... Eradicate PROPHELPER_SET_INFO: junk static caching.
-f10be27... Update awk+sed localize generation rules. Fixes multiple (wrong) titles in Find & Replace.
-5f02d6f... Use dash (-) instead of underscore (_) to separate language modifiers. Fixes en_GB etc.
-e765573... Add "defbutton=true" to dialogs. Fixes ENTER doing default action: n#439222.
-284c473... Michael's new table-based find and replace.
-1c1f4cc... Apply Michael's boxtest patch.
-diff --git sc/uiconfig/layout/insert-sheet.xml sc/uiconfig/layout/insert-sheet.xml
-index 0ce5843..517a24d 100644
---- sc/uiconfig/layout/insert-sheet.xml
-+++ sc/uiconfig/layout/insert-sheet.xml
-@@ -49,7 +49,7 @@
- 	    </vbox>
- 	</hbox>
- 	<dialogbuttonhbox border="5" spacing="5">
--            <okbutton default="true" id="BTN_OK"/>
-+            <okbutton defbutton="true" id="BTN_OK"/>
-             <cancelbutton id="BTN_CANCEL"/>
-             <helpbutton id="BTN_HELP"/>
- 	</dialogbuttonhbox>
-diff --git sc/uiconfig/layout/makefile.mk sc/uiconfig/layout/makefile.mk
-index 4688e04..4832e5c 100644
---- sc/uiconfig/layout/makefile.mk
-+++ sc/uiconfig/layout/makefile.mk
-@@ -60,8 +60,8 @@ all .PHONY:
- .INCLUDE :  target.mk
- localize.sdf: $(PRJ)/source/ui/miscdlgs/localize.sdf $(PRJ)/source/ui/src/localize.sdf
--	grep instbdlg.src $(PRJ)/source/ui/miscdlgs/localize.sdf | awk -F'\t' '{{printf "%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\n", "layout", "sc\\uiconfig\\layout\\insert-sheet.xml", $$3, "layout", $$6 "_label", "", "", $$8, "0", $$10, $$11, $$12, "", $$14, $$15}}' | sed -e 's/\(\(FL\|STR\)_[^\t]*\)_label/\1_text/' -e 's/\t_label/\tRID_SCDLG_INSERT_TABLE_title/' > insert-sheet-$@
--	grep -E 'miscdlgs.src.*(FT_DEST|FT_INSERT|STR_NEWDOC|RID_SCDLG_MOVETAB|BTN_COPY)' $(PRJ)/source/ui/src/localize.sdf | awk -F'\t' '{{printf "%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\n", "layout", "sc\\uiconfig\\layout\\move-copy-sheet.xml", $$3, "layout", $$6 "_label", "", "", $$8, "0", $$10, $$11, $$12, "", $$14, $$15}}' | sed -e 's/\(\(FL\|STR\)_[^\t]*\)_label/\1_text/' -e 's/\t_label/\tRID_SCDLG_MOVETAB_title/' > move-copy-sheet-$@
--	grep sortdlg.src $(PRJ)/source/ui/src/localize.sdf | awk -F'\t' '{{printf "%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\n", "layout", "sc\\uiconfig\\layout\\sort-options.xml", $$3, "layout", $$6 "_label", "", "", $$8, "0", $$10, $$11, $$12, "", $$14, $$15}}' | sed -e 's/\(\(FL\|STR\)_[^\t]*\)_label/\1_text/' -e 's/\t_label/\tRID_SCDLG_SORT_title/' > sort-options-$@
-+    grep instbdlg.src $(PRJ)/source/ui/miscdlgs/localize.sdf | awk -F'\t' '{{printf "%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\n", "layout", "sc\\uiconfig\\layout\\insert-sheet.xml", $$3, "layout", $$5 $$6 "_label", "", "", $$8, "0", $$10, $$11, $$12, "", $$14, $$15}}' | sed -e 's/\(\(FL\|STR\)_[^\t]*\)_label/\1_text/' -e 's/\tRID_SCDLG_INSERT_TABLE/\t/' -e 's/\t_label/\tRID_SCDLG_INSERT_TABLE_title/' > insert-sheet-$@
-+    grep -E 'miscdlgs.src.*(FT_DEST|FT_INSERT|STR_NEWDOC|RID_SCDLG_MOVETAB|BTN_COPY)' $(PRJ)/source/ui/src/localize.sdf | awk -F'\t' '{{printf "%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\n", "layout", "sc\\uiconfig\\layout\\move-copy-sheet.xml", $$3, "layout", $$5 $$6 "_label", "", "", $$8, "0", $$10, $$11, $$12, "", $$14, $$15}}' | sed -e 's/\(\(FL\|STR\)_[^\t]*\)_label/\1_text/' -e 's/\tRID_SCDLG_MOVETAB/\t/' -e 's/\t_label/\tRID_SCDLG_MOVETAB_title/'> move-copy-sheet-$@
-+    grep sortdlg.src $(PRJ)/source/ui/src/localize.sdf | awk -F'\t' '{{printf "%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\n", "layout", "sc\\uiconfig\\layout\\sort-options.xml", $$3, "layout", $$5 $$6 "_label", "", "", $$8, "0", $$10, $$11, $$12, "", $$14, $$15}}' | sed -e 's/\(\(FL\|STR\)_[^\t]*\)_label/\1_text/' -e 's/\tRID_SCDLG_SORT/\t/' -e 's/\t_label/\tRID_SCDLG_SORT_title/' -e 's/\tRID_SCPAGE_SORT_OPTIONS/\t/' -e 's/\tRID_SCPAGE_SORT_FIELDS/\t/' > sort-options-$@
- 	echo '#empty' | cat - insert-sheet-$@ move-copy-sheet-$@ sort-options-$@ > $@
- 	rm -f *-$@
-diff --git sc/uiconfig/layout/move-copy-sheet.xml sc/uiconfig/layout/move-copy-sheet.xml
-index 79720df..6e68b5a 100644
---- sc/uiconfig/layout/move-copy-sheet.xml
-+++ sc/uiconfig/layout/move-copy-sheet.xml
-@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@
- 	    <flow/>
-             <cancelbutton id="BTN_CANCEL" tabstop="true"/>
-             <helpbutton id="BTN_HELP" tabstop="true"/>
--            <okbutton default="true" id="BTN_OK" tabstop="true"/>
-+            <okbutton defbutton="true" id="BTN_OK" tabstop="true"/>
- 	</dialogbuttonhbox>
-     </vbox>
- </modaldialog>
-diff --git sc/uiconfig/layout/string-input.xml sc/uiconfig/layout/string-input.xml
-index 0a59899..a29a564 100644
---- sc/uiconfig/layout/string-input.xml
-+++ sc/uiconfig/layout/string-input.xml
-@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@
-         <fixedtext id="FT_LABEL" label="FT-LABEL"/>
-         <edit has_border="true" id="ED_INPUT" tabstop="true"/>
- 	<dialogbuttonhbox border="5" spacing="5">
--            <okbutton default="true" id="BTN_OK" tabstop="true"/>
-+            <okbutton defbutton="true" id="BTN_OK" tabstop="true"/>
-             <cancelbutton id="BTN_CANCEL" tabstop="true"/>
-             <helpbutton id="BTN_HELP" tabstop="true"/>
- 	</dialogbuttonhbox>
-diff --git svx/uiconfig/layout/find-and-replace.xml svx/uiconfig/layout/find-and-replace.xml
-index ad5af2b..aff0531 100644
---- svx/uiconfig/layout/find-and-replace.xml
-+++ svx/uiconfig/layout/find-and-replace.xml
-@@ -3,109 +3,165 @@
-      i18n translated XML files are generated from this template by
-      transex3/layout/tralay.  !-->
--<sfxmodelessdialog _title="Find &amp; Replace" help-id="SID_SEARCH_DLG" closeable="true" sizeable="true" moveable="true" output-size="true" id="RID_SVXDLG_SEARCH" sv-look="true" xmlns="http://openoffice.org/2007/layout" xmlns:cnt="http://openoffice.org/2007/layout/container">
--    <vbox spacing="5" border="5">
-+<sfxmodelessdialog _title="Find &amp; Replace" help-id="SID_SEARCH_DLG" closeable="true" sizeable="true" moveable="true" id="RID_SVXDLG_SEARCH" xmlns="http://openoffice.org/2007/layout" xmlns:cnt="http://openoffice.org/2007/layout/container">
-+    <hbox border="12">
-+    <table columns="3">
- 	<string id="RID_SVXSTR_SEARCH_STYLES" _text="Including Styles"/>
- 	<string id="RID_SVXSTR_SEARCH" _text="(Search)"/>
- 	<string id="RID_SVXSTR_REPLACE" _text="(Replace)"/>
- 	<string id="STR_WORDCALC" _text="~Entire cells"/>
- 	<string id="STR_MORE_BTN" _text="More ~Options"/>
- 	<string id="STR_LESS_BTN" _text="Less ~Options"/>
--	<hbox homogeneous="false" spacing="5" border="0">
--	    <vbox spacing="5" border="0">
--		<fixedtext id="FT_SEARCH" _label="~Search for"/>
--		<combobox dropdown="true" id="ED_SEARCH" tabstop="true" cnt:expand="false"/>
--		<listbox has_border="true" dropdown="true" show="false" id="LB_SEARCH" sort="true" tabstop="true"/>
--		<fixedtext show="false" id="FT_SEARCH_ATTR" word-break="true"/>
--		<fixedtext show="false" id="FT_SEARCH_FORMATS" word-break="true"/>
--		<flow/>
--		<flow/>
-+    <!-- row -->
-+    <align valign="1" halign="0">
-+        <fixedtext id="FT_SEARCH" _label="~Search for" font-style-name="Bold"/>
-+    </align>
-+    <!-- poor man's colsep -->
-+    <min-size cnt:x-expand="false" min-width="12"/>
-+    <vbox cnt:x-expand="false">
-+        <imagebutton defbutton="true" id="BTN_SEARCH" tabstop="true" _label="~Find" cnt:expand="false"
-+             image-align="0" graphic="res/commandimagelist/sc_searchdialog.png"/>
-+    </vbox>
-+    <!-- row: poor man's rowsep -->
-+    <min-size cnt:col-span="3" cnt:x-expand="false" min-height="12"/>
-+    <!-- row -->
-+    <vbox spacing="0" border="0" cnt:x-expand="true">
-+        <combobox dropdown="true" id="ED_SEARCH" tabstop="true" cnt:expand="true"/>
-+        <listbox has_border="true" dropdown="true" show="false" id="LB_SEARCH" sort="true" tabstop="true" cnt:expand="true"/>
-+    </vbox>
-+    <!-- poor man's colsep -->
-+    <min-size cnt:x-expand="false" min-width="12"/>
-+    <vbox cnt:x-expand="false">
-+        <pushbutton id="BTN_SEARCH_ALL" tabstop="true" _label="Find ~All" cnt:expand="false"/>
-+    </vbox>
-+    <!-- row -->
-+    <vbox spacing="0" border="0" cnt:expand="false" cnt:col-span="3">
-+        <fixedtext show="false" id="FT_SEARCH_ATTR" word-break="true"/>
-+        <fixedtext show="false" id="FT_SEARCH_FORMATS" word-break="true"/>
-+    </vbox>
-+    <!-- row: poor man's rowsep -->
-+    <min-size cnt:col-span="3" cnt:x-expand="false" min-height="6"/>
-+    <!-- row -->
-+    <fixedline cnt:y-expand="false" cnt:col-span="3"/>
-+    <!-- row: poor man's rowsep -->
-+    <min-size cnt:col-span="3" cnt:x-expand="false" min-height="6"/>
-+    <!-- row -->
-+    <align valign="1" halign="0">
-+        <fixedtext id="FT_REPLACE" _label="Re~place with" font-style-name="Bold"/>
-+    </align>
-+    <!-- poor man's colsep -->
-+    <min-size cnt:x-expand="false" min-width="12"/>
-+    <vbox cnt:x-expand="false">
-+        <pushbutton id="BTN_REPLACE" tabstop="true" _label="~Replace" cnt:expand="false"/>
-+    </vbox>
-+    <!-- row: poor man's rowsep -->
-+    <min-size cnt:col-span="3" cnt:x-expand="false" min-height="12"/>
-+    <!-- row -->
-+    <vbox spacing="0" border="0" cnt:x-expand="true">
-+        <combobox dropdown="true" id="ED_REPLACE" tabstop="true" cnt:expand="true"/>
-+        <listbox has_border="true" dropdown="true" show="false" id="LB_REPLACE" sort="true" tabstop="true" cnt:expand="true"/>
-+    </vbox>
-+    <!-- poor man's colsep -->
-+    <min-size cnt:x-expand="false" min-width="12"/>
-+    <vbox cnt:x-expand="false">
-+        <pushbutton id="BTN_REPLACE_ALL" tabstop="true" _label="Replace A~ll" cnt:expand="false"/>
-+    </vbox>
-+    <!-- row -->
-+    <vbox spacing="6" border="0" cnt:col-span="3">
-+        <fixedtext show="false" id="FT_REPLACE_ATTR" word-break="true"/>
-+        <fixedtext show="false" id="FT_REPLACE_FORMATS" word-break="true"/>
-+        <fixedline show="false" id="FL_SEARCH_COMPONENT"/>
-+    </vbox>
-+    <!-- row: poor man's rowsep -->
-+    <min-size cnt:col-span="3" cnt:x-expand="false" min-height="12"/>
-+    <!-- row -->
-+    <vbox spacing="6" border="0" cnt:col-span="3">
-+        <hbox spacing="12">
-+                <checkbox id="CB_MATCH_CASE" tabstop="true" _label="Ma~tch case"/>
-+        <min-size min-width="0"/>
-+        <vbox cnt:x-expand="false" cnt:padding="12">
-+                    <pushbutton show="false" id="BTN_COMPONENT_1" tabstop="true" cnt:expand="false" cnt:padding="12"/>
-+        </vbox>
-+                <checkbox id="CB_WHOLE_WORDS" tabstop="true" _label="Whole wor~ds only"/>
-+        <min-size min-width="0"/>
-+        <vbox cnt:x-expand="false" cnt:padding="12">
-+                    <pushbutton show="false" id="BTN_COMPONENT_2" tabstop="true" cnt:expand="false"/>
-+        </vbox>
- 		<flow/>
-+        </hbox>
-+    </vbox>
-+    <!-- row: poor man's rowsep -->
-+    <min-size cnt:col-span="3" cnt:x-expand="false" min-height="6"/>
-+    <!-- row -->
-+        <fixedline cnt:y-expand="false" cnt:col-span="3"/>
-+    <!-- row: poor man's rowsep -->
-+    <min-size cnt:col-span="3" cnt:x-expand="false" min-height="6"/>
-+    <!-- row -->
-+    <hbox cnt:col-span="3">
-+        <vbox cnt:expand="false">
-+        <morebutton delta="174" map-unit="MAP_APPFONT" id="BTN_MORE" state="false" tabstop="true" cnt:expand="false"/>
- 	    </vbox>
--	    <vbox cnt:expand="false" spacing="5" border="0">
--		<min-size min-width="100" cnt:expand="false"/>
--		<pushbutton default="true" id="BTN_SEARCH" tabstop="true" _label="~Find" cnt:expand="false"/>
--		<pushbutton id="BTN_SEARCH_ALL" tabstop="true" _label="Find ~All" cnt:expand="false"/>
--	    </vbox>
--	</hbox>
--        <hbox spacing="5" border="0">
- 	    <flow/>
--	    <vbox cnt:expand="false" spacing="5" border="0">
--		<min-size min-width="100" cnt:expand="false"/>
--		<fixedline id="FL_SEARCH_COMMAND"/>
--	    </vbox>
--	</hbox>
--	<hbox homogeneous="false" spacing="5" border="0">
--	    <vbox spacing="5" border="0">
--		<fixedtext id="FT_REPLACE" _label="Re~place with"/>
--		<combobox dropdown="true" id="ED_REPLACE" tabstop="true" cnt:expand="false"/>
--		<listbox has_border="true" dropdown="true" show="false" id="LB_REPLACE" sort="true" tabstop="true"/>
--		<fixedtext show="false" id="FT_REPLACE_ATTR" word-break="true"/>
--		<fixedtext show="false" id="FT_REPLACE_FORMATS" word-break="true"/>
--		<fixedline show="false" id="FL_SEARCH_COMPONENT"/>
--		<flow/>
--		<flow/>
--		<flow/>
--	    </vbox>
--	    <vbox cnt:expand="false" spacing="5" border="0">
--		<min-size min-width="100" cnt:expand="false"/>
--		<pushbutton id="BTN_REPLACE" tabstop="true" _label="~Replace" cnt:expand="false"/>
--		<pushbutton id="BTN_REPLACE_ALL" tabstop="true" _label="Replace A~ll" cnt:expand="false"/>
--	    </vbox>
--	</hbox>
--        <checkbox id="CB_MATCH_CASE" tabstop="true" _label="Ma~tch case"/>
--        <pushbutton show="false" id="BTN_COMPONENT_1" tabstop="true" cnt:expand="false"/>
--        <checkbox id="CB_WHOLE_WORDS" tabstop="true" _label="Whole wor~ds only"/>
--        <pushbutton show="false" id="BTN_COMPONENT_2" tabstop="true" cnt:expand="false"/>
--        <fixedline id="FL_BUTTONS"/>
--	<hbox>
--            <morebutton delta="174" map-unit="MAP_APPFONT" id="BTN_MORE" state="false" tabstop="true"/>
--            <dialogbuttonhbox>
--		<helpbutton id="BTN_HELP" tabstop="true" cnt:expand="false"/>
--		<cancelbutton id="BTN_CLOSE" tabstop="true" _label="~Close" cnt:expand="false"/>
-+            <dialogbuttonhbox cnt:expand="false">
-+        <vbox cnt:expand="false" cnt:fill="false">
-+            <helpbutton id="BTN_HELP" tabstop="true" cnt:expand="false"/>
-+        </vbox>
-+        <vbox cnt:expand="false" cnt:fill="false">
-+            <cancelbutton id="BTN_CLOSE" tabstop="true" _label="~Close" cnt:expand="false"/>
-+        </vbox>
-             </dialogbuttonhbox>
- 	</hbox>
--        <fixedline show="false" id="FL_OPTIONS"/>
--	<hbox homogeneous="false" spacing="5" border="0">
--	    <vbox spacing="5" border="0">
-+    <!-- row -->
-+        <fixedline show="false" id="FL_OPTIONS" cnt:col-span="3"/>
-+    <!-- row -->
-+    <hbox spacing="6" border="0" cnt:col-span="3">
-+        <vbox spacing="6" border="0">
-+        <min-size min-height="0"/>
- 		<checkbox show="false" id="CB_SELECTIONS" tabstop="true" _label="Current selection ~only"/>
- 		<checkbox show="false" id="CB_BACKWARDS" tabstop="true" _label="Bac~kwards"/>
- 		<checkbox show="false" id="CB_REGEXP" tabstop="true" _label="Regular e~xpressions"/>
- 		<hbox>
- 		    <checkbox show="false" id="CB_SIMILARITY" tabstop="true" _label="S~imilarity search"/>
--		    <flow/>
--		    <pushbutton show="false" id="PB_SIMILARITY" tabstop="true" _label="~..." cnt:expand="false"/>
--		    <flow/>
-+            <align halign="1">
-+            <vbox cnt:x-expand="false">
-+            <pushbutton show="false" id="PB_SIMILARITY" tabstop="true" _label="~..." cnt:expand="false"/>
-+            </vbox>
-+            </align>
- 		</hbox>
- 		<checkbox show="false" id="CB_LAYOUTS" tabstop="true" _label="Search for St~yles"/>
-+        <checkbox show="false" id="CB_NOTES" tabstop="true" _label="Notes"/>
- 		<checkbox show="false" id="CB_JAP_MATCH_FULL_HALF_WIDTH" tabstop="true" _label="Match character width"/>
- 		<hbox>
- 		    <checkbox show="false" id="CB_JAP_SOUNDS_LIKE" tabstop="true" _label="Sounds like (Japanese)"/>
--		    <flow/>
--		    <pushbutton show="false" id="PB_JAP_OPTIONS" tabstop="true" _label="..." cnt:expand="false"/>
--		    <flow/>
-+            <align halign="1">
-+            <vbox cnt:x-expand="false">
-+            <pushbutton show="false" id="PB_JAP_OPTIONS" tabstop="true" _label="..." cnt:expand="false"/>
-+            </vbox>
-+            </align>
- 		</hbox>
- 		<fixedline show="false" id="FL_CALC"/>
--		<hbox spacing="5" border="0">
-+        <hbox spacing="6" border="0">
- 		    <fixedtext show="false" id="FT_CALC_SEARCHIN" _label="~Search in"/>
- 		    <listbox has_border="true" dropdown="true" show="false" id="LB_CALC_SEARCHIN" tabstop="true"/>
- 		</hbox>
--		<hbox spacing="5" border="0">
-+        <hbox spacing="6" border="0">
- 		    <fixedtext show="false" id="FT_CALC_SEARCHDIR" _label="~Search direction"/>
--		    <vbox spacing="5" border="5">
-+            <vbox spacing="6" border="6">
- 			<radiobutton show="false" id="RB_CALC_ROWS" _label="Ro~ws"/>
- 			<radiobutton show="false" id="RB_CALC_COLUMNS" _label="Col~umns"/>
- 		    </vbox>
- 		</hbox>
- 		<checkbox show="false" id="CB_ALL_SHEETS" _label="Search in all sheets"/>
- 	    </vbox>
--	    <vbox cnt:expand="false" spacing="5" border="0">
-+        <vbox spacing="6" border="0" cnt:x-expand="false">
- 		<min-size min-width="100" cnt:expand="false"/>
- 		<pushbutton show="false" id="BTN_ATTRIBUTE" tabstop="true" _label="Attri~butes..." cnt:expand="false"/>
- 		<pushbutton show="false" id="BTN_FORMAT" tabstop="true" _label="For~mat..." cnt:expand="false"/>
- 		<pushbutton show="false" id="BTN_NOFORMAT" tabstop="true" _label="~No Format" cnt:expand="false"/>
- 	    </vbox>
- 	</hbox>
--    </vbox>
-+    </table>
-+    </hbox>
- </sfxmodelessdialog>
-diff --git svx/uiconfig/layout/makefile.mk svx/uiconfig/layout/makefile.mk
-index 871db2f..26679e2 100644
---- svx/uiconfig/layout/makefile.mk
-+++ svx/uiconfig/layout/makefile.mk
-@@ -54,7 +54,7 @@ all .PHONY:
- .INCLUDE :  target.mk
- localize.sdf: $(PRJ)/source/dialog/localize.sdf
--	grep srchdlg.src $(PRJ)/source/dialog/localize.sdf | awk -F'\t' '{{printf "%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\n", "layout", "svx\\uiconfig\\layout\\find-and-replace.xml", $$3, "layout", $$6 "_label", "", "", $$8, "0", $$10, $$11, $$12, "", $$14, $$15}}' | sed -e 's/\(\(FL\|STR\)_[^\t]*\)_label/\1_text/' -e 's/\t_label/\tRID_SVXDLG_SEARCH_title/' > find-and-replace-$@
--	grep zoom.src $(PRJ)/source/dialog/localize.sdf | awk -F'\t' '{{printf "%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\n", "layout", "svx\\uiconfig\\layout\\zoom.xml", $$3, "layout", $$6 "_label", "", "", $$8, "0", $$10, $$11, $$12, "", $$14, $$15}}' | sed -e 's/\(\(FL\|STR\)_[^\t]*\)_label/\1_text/' -e 's/\t_label/\tRID_SVXDLG_ZOOM_title/' > zoom-$@
-+    grep srchdlg.src $(PRJ)/source/dialog/localize.sdf | awk -F'\t' '{{printf "%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\n", "layout", "svx\\uiconfig\\layout\\find-and-replace.xml", $$3, "layout", $$5 $$6 "_label", "", "", $$8, "0", $$10, $$11, $$12, "", $$14, $$15}}' | sed -e 's/\(\(FL\|STR\)_[^\t]*\)_label/\1_text/' -e 's/\tRID_SVXDLG_SEARCH/\t/' -e 's/\t_label/\tRID_SVXDLG_SEARCH_title/' > find-and-replace-$@
-+    grep zoom.src $(PRJ)/source/dialog/localize.sdf | awk -F'\t' '{{printf "%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\n", "layout", "svx\\uiconfig\\layout\\zoom.xml", $$3, "layout", $$5 $$6 "_label", "", "", $$8, "0", $$10, $$11, $$12, "", $$14, $$15}}' | sed -e 's/\(\(FL\|STR\)_[^\t]*\)_label/\1_text/' -e 's/\tRID_SVXDLG_ZOOM/\t/' -e 's/\t_label/\tRID_SVXDLG_ZOOM_title/' > zoom-$@
- 	echo '#empty' | cat - find-and-replace-$@ zoom-$@ > $@
- 	rm -f *-$@
-diff --git svx/uiconfig/layout/zoom.xml svx/uiconfig/layout/zoom.xml
-index 5938643..4b4270f 100644
---- svx/uiconfig/layout/zoom.xml
-+++ svx/uiconfig/layout/zoom.xml
-@@ -8,10 +8,10 @@
-              id="RID_SVXDLG_ZOOM" _title="Zoom &amp; View Layout" optimumsize="true"
- 	     help-id="SID_ATTR_ZOOM"
-              has_border="true" sizeable="true" moveable="true" closeable="true">
--    <vbox spacing="5" border="5">
-+    <vbox spacing="0" border="12">
- 	<hbox spacing="0" border="0">
--	    <vbox spacing="5" border="5">
--		<fixedline id="FL_ZOOM" _text="Zoom factor" cnt:expand="true"/>
-+        <vbox spacing="6" border="0">
-+        <fixedline id="FL_ZOOM" _text="Zoom factor" cnt:expand="false"/>
- 		<radiobutton radiogroup="zoom-factor" id="BTN_OPTIMAL"   _label="Optimal"/>
- 		<radiobutton radiogroup="zoom-factor" id="BTN_WHOLE_PAGE" _label="Whole Page"/>
- 		<radiobutton radiogroup="zoom-factor" id="BTN_PAGE_WIDTH" _label="Page Width"/>
-@@ -20,7 +20,7 @@
- 		    <align cnt:expand="false" cnt:fill="true">
- 			<radiobutton cnt:v-align="0.5" cnt:v-fill="0" radiogroup="zoom-factor" id="BTN_USER" _label="Variable"/>
- 		    </align>
--		    <flow cnt:padding="10" cnt:expand="false"/>
-+            <flow cnt:padding="12" cnt:expand="false"/>
- 		    <metricfield id="ED_USER" value-step="1"
- 				 repeat="true" has_border="true" spin="true"
- 				 _text="100%" unit="11" custom-unit-text="%"
-@@ -28,15 +28,16 @@
- 				 cnt:expand="false"/>
- 		</hbox>
- 	    </vbox>
--	    <vbox spacing="5" border="5">
--		<fixedline id="FL_VIEWLAYOUT" _text="View layout" cnt:expand="true"/>
-+        <flow/>
-+        <vbox spacing="6" border="0">
-+        <fixedline id="FL_VIEWLAYOUT" _text="View layout" cnt:expand="false"/>
- 		<radiobutton radiogroup="zoom-layout" id="BTN_AUTOMATIC" _label="~Automatic"/>
- 		<radiobutton radiogroup="zoom-layout" id="BTN_SINGLE"    _label="~Single page"/>
- 		<hbox cnt:expand="false" cnt:fill="true">
- 		    <align cnt:expand="false" cnt:fill="true">
- 			<radiobutton cnt:v-align="0.5" cnt:v-fill="0" radiogroup="zoom-layout" id="BTN_COLUMNS" _label="~Columns"/>
- 		    </align>
--		    <flow cnt:padding="10" cnt:expand="false"/>
-+            <flow cnt:padding="12" cnt:expand="false"/>
- 		    <metricfield id="ED_COLUMNS" value-step="1"
- 				 repeat="true" has_border="true" spin="true"
- 				 _text="100%"
-@@ -45,15 +46,15 @@
- 				 spin-value="1"
- 				 cnt:expand="false"/>
- 		</hbox>
--		<hbox><flow cnt:expand="false" cnt:padding="10"/><checkbox id="CHK_BOOK" _label="~Book mode"/></hbox>
-+        <hbox><flow cnt:expand="false" cnt:padding="12"/><checkbox id="CHK_BOOK" _label="~Book mode"/></hbox>
- 	    </vbox>
- 	</hbox>
--        <fixedline cnt:padding="1" id="FL_BOTTOM"/>
--	<dialogbuttonhbox border="5" spacing="5">
-+        <fixedline cnt:padding="6" id="FL_BOTTOM"/>
-+    <dialogbuttonhbox border="0" spacing="12">
- 	    <flow/>
--	    <okbutton     id="BTN_ZOOM_OK"/>
-+        <okbutton defbutton="true" id="BTN_ZOOM_OK"/>
- 	    <cancelbutton id="BTN_ZOOM_CANCEL"/>
--	    <helpbutton   id="BTN_ZOOM_HELP"/>
-+        <helpbutton id="BTN_ZOOM_HELP"/>
- 	</dialogbuttonhbox>
-     </vbox>
- </modaldialog>
-diff --git sw/uiconfig/layout/makefile.mk sw/uiconfig/layout/makefile.mk
-index 5f4bc52..8debaa6 100644
---- sw/uiconfig/layout/makefile.mk
-+++ sw/uiconfig/layout/makefile.mk
-@@ -50,6 +50,7 @@ all .PHONY:
- .INCLUDE :  target.mk
- localize.sdf: $(PRJ)/source/ui/dialog/localize.sdf
--	grep wordcountdialog.src $(PRJ)/source/ui/dialog/localize.sdf | awk -F'\t' '{{printf "%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\n", "layout", "sw\\uiconfig\\layout\\wordcount.xml", $$3, "layout", $$6 "_label", "", "", $$8, "0", $$10, $$11, $$12, "", $$14, $$15}}' | sed -e 's/\(\(FL\|STR\)_[^\t]*\)_label/\1_text/' -e 's/\t_label/\tDLG_WORDCOUNT_title/' > wordcount-$@
-+#	grep wordcountdialog.src $(PRJ)/source/ui/dialog/localize.sdf | awk -F'\t' '{{printf "%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\n", "layout", "sw\\uiconfig\\layout\\wordcount.xml", $$3, "layout", $$6 "_label", "", "", $$8, "0", $$10, $$11, $$12, "", $$14, $$15}}' | sed -e 's/\(\(FL\|STR\)_[^\t]*\)_label/\1_text/' -e 's/\t_label/\tDLG_WORDCOUNT_title/' > wordcount-$@
-+    grep wordcountdialog.src $(PRJ)/source/ui/dialog/localize.sdf | awk -F'\t' '{{printf "%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\n", "layout", "sw\\uiconfig\\layout\\wordcount.xml", $$3, "layout", $$5 $$6 "_label", "", "", $$8, "0", $$10, $$11, $$12, "", $$14, $$15}}' | sed -e 's/\(\(FL\|STR\)_[^\t]*\)_label/\1_text/'  -e 's/\tDLG_WORDCOUNT/\t/' -e 's/\t_label/\tDLG_WORDCOUNT_title/' > wordcount-$@
- 	echo '#empty' | cat - wordcount-$@ > $@
- 	rm -f *-$@
-diff --git sw/uiconfig/layout/wordcount.xml sw/uiconfig/layout/wordcount.xml
-index e922294..fc7ff94 100644
---- sw/uiconfig/layout/wordcount.xml
-+++ sw/uiconfig/layout/wordcount.xml
-@@ -9,10 +9,10 @@
-              id="DLG_WORDCOUNT"
-              sizeable="true" moveable="true" optimumsize="true" closeable="true"
-              has_border="true" sv-look="true" _title="Word Count">
--    <vbox border="5" spacing="5">
-+    <vbox border="12" spacing="6">
-         <fixedline id="FL_CURRENT" _text="Current selection"/>
- 	<hbox>
--	    <vbox cnt:padding="13" spacing="5">
-+        <vbox cnt:padding="12" spacing="6">
- 		<hbox>
- 		    <fixedtext id="FT_CURRENTWORD" _label="Words:"/>
- 		    <flow cnt:padding="60"/>
-@@ -25,11 +25,11 @@
- 		</hbox>
- 	    </vbox>
- 	</hbox>
--	<!-- if we could do cnt:cnt:padding="-13" here, we would not have to close
-+    <!-- if we could do cnt:cnt:padding="-12" here, we would not have to close
- 	     and reopen the hbox/vbox thing !-->
-         <fixedline id="FL_DOC" _text="Whole document"/>
- 	<hbox>
--	    <vbox cnt:padding="13" spacing="5">
-+        <vbox cnt:padding="12" spacing="6">
- 		<hbox>
- 		    <fixedtext id="FT_DOCWORD" _label="Words:"/>
- 		    <fixedtext id="FI_DOCWORD" right="true" _label="000"/>
-@@ -41,9 +41,9 @@
- 	    </vbox>
- 	</hbox>
-         <fixedline cnt:padding="1" id="FL_BOTTOM"/>
--	<dialogbuttonhbox spacing="5">
-+    <dialogbuttonhbox spacing="12">
-             <flow/>
--            <okbutton id="PB_OK"/>
-+            <okbutton defbutton="true" id="PB_OK"/>
-             <helpbutton id="PB_HELP"/>
-         </dialogbuttonhbox>
-     </vbox>
-diff --git toolkit/source/layout/core/bin.cxx toolkit/source/layout/core/bin.cxx
-index 62ea068..dad845d 100644
---- toolkit/source/layout/core/bin.cxx
-+++ toolkit/source/layout/core/bin.cxx
-@@ -165,6 +165,12 @@ Align::allocateArea( const awt::Rectangle &rArea )
-     allocateChildAt( mxChild, aChildArea );
- }
-+Align::emptyVisible ()
-+    return true;
- /* MinSize */
- MinSize::MinSize() : Bin()
-@@ -178,6 +184,12 @@ MinSize::MinSize() : Bin()
-              &mnMinHeight );
- }
-+MinSize::emptyVisible ()
-+    return true;
- awt::Size SAL_CALL MinSize::getMinimumSize()
-     throw(uno::RuntimeException)
- {
-diff --git toolkit/source/layout/core/bin.hxx toolkit/source/layout/core/bin.hxx
-index c23c371..0b75bc2 100644
---- toolkit/source/layout/core/bin.hxx
-+++ toolkit/source/layout/core/bin.hxx
-@@ -75,8 +75,6 @@ public:
-     // css::awt::XLayoutConstrains
-     virtual css::awt::Size SAL_CALL getMinimumSize()
-         throw(css::uno::RuntimeException);
- };
- // Align gives control over child position on the allocated space.
-@@ -91,11 +89,11 @@ protected:
- public:
-     Align();
-+    bool emptyVisible ();
-     // css::awt::XLayoutContainer
-     virtual void SAL_CALL allocateArea( const css::awt::Rectangle &rArea )
-         throw (css::uno::RuntimeException);
- };
- // Makes child request its or a specified size, whatever is larger.
-@@ -108,11 +106,10 @@ protected:
- public:
-     MinSize();
-+    bool emptyVisible ();
-     // css::awt::XLayoutContainer
-     virtual css::awt::Size SAL_CALL getMinimumSize()
-         throw(css::uno::RuntimeException);
- };
- } //  namespace layoutimpl
-diff --git toolkit/source/layout/core/box-base.cxx toolkit/source/layout/core/box-base.cxx
-index f0b7a42..f03cd5c 100644
---- toolkit/source/layout/core/box-base.cxx
-+++ toolkit/source/layout/core/box-base.cxx
-@@ -69,9 +69,9 @@ static bool isVisible( uno::Reference< awt::XLayoutConstrains > xWidget )
-         uno::Sequence< uno::Reference< awt::XLayoutConstrains > > aChildren
-             = xContainer->getChildren();
--        // FIXME: <flow> workaround: empty visible containers always visible:
--        if ( !aChildren.getLength() )
--            return true;
-+        if (!aChildren.getLength ())
-+            if (Container *c = dynamic_cast <Container*> (xWidget.get ()))
-+                return c->emptyVisible ();
-         for ( int i = 0; i < aChildren.getLength(); i++ )
-             if ( isVisible( aChildren[i] ) )
-diff --git toolkit/source/layout/core/box-base.hxx toolkit/source/layout/core/box-base.hxx
-index 4fa7e53..67365a3 100644
---- toolkit/source/layout/core/box-base.hxx
-+++ toolkit/source/layout/core/box-base.hxx
-@@ -57,7 +57,6 @@ public:
-     struct ChildProps: public PropHelper
-     {
-         //ChildProps( ChildProps* );
-     };
- protected:
-diff --git toolkit/source/layout/core/box.hxx toolkit/source/layout/core/box.hxx
-index 98190ca..d99a603 100644
---- toolkit/source/layout/core/box.hxx
-+++ toolkit/source/layout/core/box.hxx
-@@ -83,8 +83,6 @@ public:
-     // helper: mix of getMinimumSize() and getHeightForWidth()
-     css::awt::Size calculateSize( long nWidth = 0 );
- private:
-     /* Helpers to deal with the joint Box directions. */
-     inline int primDim (const css::awt::Size &size)
-diff --git toolkit/source/layout/core/container.cxx toolkit/source/layout/core/container.cxx
-index c9b4513..608d5a4 100644
---- toolkit/source/layout/core/container.cxx
-+++ toolkit/source/layout/core/container.cxx
-@@ -50,6 +50,12 @@ Container::Container()
-     setChangeListener( this );
- }
-+Container::emptyVisible ()
-+    return false;
- uno::Any
- Container::queryInterface( const uno::Type & rType ) throw (uno::RuntimeException)
- {
-diff --git toolkit/source/layout/core/container.hxx toolkit/source/layout/core/container.hxx
-index 5cac33d..71fba80 100644
---- toolkit/source/layout/core/container.hxx
-+++ toolkit/source/layout/core/container.hxx
-@@ -73,6 +73,8 @@ public:
-     Container();
-     virtual ~Container() {}
-+    virtual bool emptyVisible (){ return false; };
-     // XInterface
-     virtual void SAL_CALL acquire() throw() { PropHelper::acquire(); }
-     virtual void SAL_CALL release() throw() { PropHelper::release(); }
-@@ -129,8 +131,6 @@ public:
-     css::awt::Size SAL_CALL calcAdjustedSize( const css::awt::Size& rNewSize )
-         throw(css::uno::RuntimeException) { return rNewSize; }
- protected:
-     void propertiesChanged();
- };
-diff --git toolkit/source/layout/core/dialogbuttonhbox.cxx toolkit/source/layout/core/dialogbuttonhbox.cxx
-index 67a7ec0..0475723 100644
---- toolkit/source/layout/core/dialogbuttonhbox.cxx
-+++ toolkit/source/layout/core/dialogbuttonhbox.cxx
-@@ -39,13 +39,12 @@
- #include "proplist.hxx"
- #if TEST_LAYOUT && !defined( DBG_UTIL )
--#include <cstdio>
- #undef DBG_ERROR
--#define DBG_ERROR printf
- #undef DBG_ERROR1
--#define DBG_ERROR1 printf
- #undef DBG_ERROR2
--#define DBG_ERROR2 printf
- #endif /* TEST_LAYOUT && !DBG_UTIL */
- namespace layoutimpl
-diff --git toolkit/source/layout/core/flow.cxx toolkit/source/layout/core/flow.cxx
-index 4bfd1b9..b004336 100644
---- toolkit/source/layout/core/flow.cxx
-+++ toolkit/source/layout/core/flow.cxx
-@@ -56,6 +56,12 @@ Flow::Flow()
-              &mnSpacing );
- }
-+Flow::emptyVisible ()
-+    return true;
- void SAL_CALL
- Flow::addChild( const uno::Reference< awt::XLayoutConstrains >& xChild )
-     throw (uno::RuntimeException, css::awt::MaxChildrenException)
-diff --git toolkit/source/layout/core/flow.hxx toolkit/source/layout/core/flow.hxx
-index d550947..91aa829 100644
---- toolkit/source/layout/core/flow.hxx
-+++ toolkit/source/layout/core/flow.hxx
-@@ -63,6 +63,8 @@ protected:
- public:
-     Flow();
-+    bool emptyVisible ();
-     // css::awt::XLayoutContainer
-     virtual void SAL_CALL addChild( const css::uno::Reference< css::awt::XLayoutConstrains >& Child )
-         throw (css::uno::RuntimeException, css::awt::MaxChildrenException);
-@@ -87,8 +89,6 @@ public:
-     virtual sal_Int32 SAL_CALL getHeightForWidth( sal_Int32 nWidth )
-         throw(css::uno::RuntimeException);
- private:
-     // shared between getMinimumSize() and getHeightForWidth()
-     css::awt::Size calculateSize( long nMaxWidth );
-diff --git toolkit/source/layout/core/helper.cxx toolkit/source/layout/core/helper.cxx
-index ec4f80f..ff13269 100644
---- toolkit/source/layout/core/helper.cxx
-+++ toolkit/source/layout/core/helper.cxx
-@@ -42,13 +42,12 @@
- #include "proplist.hxx"
- #if TEST_LAYOUT && !defined( DBG_UTIL )
--#include <cstdio>
- #undef DBG_ERROR
--#define DBG_ERROR printf
- #undef DBG_ERROR1
--#define DBG_ERROR1 printf
- #undef DBG_ERROR2
--#define DBG_ERROR2 printf
- #endif /* TEST_LAYOUT && !DBG_UTIL */
- namespace layoutimpl
-@@ -357,6 +356,11 @@ PropHelper::queryInterface( const ::com::sun::star::uno::Type & rType ) throw(::
-     return OPropertySetHelper::queryInterface( rType );
- }
-+uno::Reference <beans::XPropertySetInfo> SAL_CALL PropHelper::getPropertySetInfo () throw (uno::RuntimeException)
-+    return css::uno::Reference <css::beans::XPropertySetInfo> (createPropertySetInfo (getInfoHelper ()));
- } // namespace layoutimpl
- #include <awt/vclxbutton.hxx>
-diff --git toolkit/source/layout/core/helper.hxx toolkit/source/layout/core/helper.hxx
-index 806efd0..bc74690 100644
---- toolkit/source/layout/core/helper.hxx
-+++ toolkit/source/layout/core/helper.hxx
-@@ -106,23 +106,13 @@ public:
-     virtual void SAL_CALL getFastPropertyValue( css::uno::Any& rValue,
-                                                 sal_Int32 nHandle ) const;
--    // you -must- use this macro in sub-classes that define new properties.
--    // NB. 'static' ...
--    // com::sun::star::beans::XMultiPropertySet
--    css::uno::Reference< css::beans::XPropertySetInfo > SAL_CALL \
--    getPropertySetInfo() throw(css::uno::RuntimeException) \
--    { \
--        static css::uno::Reference< css::beans::XPropertySetInfo > xInfo( \
--            createPropertySetInfo( getInfoHelper() ) ); \
--        return xInfo; \
--    }
-+    virtual css::uno::Reference <css::beans::XPropertySetInfo> SAL_CALL getPropertySetInfo () throw (css::uno::RuntimeException);
-     struct Listener
-     {
-         virtual void propertiesChanged() = 0;
-     };
-     void setChangeListener( Listener *pListener )
-     {
-         mpListener = pListener;
-diff --git toolkit/source/layout/core/proplist.cxx toolkit/source/layout/core/proplist.cxx
-index 857bb51..483730b 100644
---- toolkit/source/layout/core/proplist.cxx
-+++ toolkit/source/layout/core/proplist.cxx
-@@ -42,13 +42,12 @@
- #include "helper.hxx"
- #if TEST_LAYOUT && !defined( DBG_UTIL )
--#include <cstdio>
- #undef DBG_ERROR
--#define DBG_ERROR printf
- #undef DBG_ERROR1
--#define DBG_ERROR1 printf
- #undef DBG_ERROR2
--#define DBG_ERROR2 printf
- #endif /* TEST_LAYOUT && !DBG_UTIL */
- namespace layoutimpl
-diff --git toolkit/source/layout/core/root.cxx toolkit/source/layout/core/root.cxx
-index bb264f3..eafafca 100644
---- toolkit/source/layout/core/root.cxx
-+++ toolkit/source/layout/core/root.cxx
-@@ -32,7 +32,6 @@
- #include "root.hxx"
- #include <cassert>
--#include <cstdio>
- #include <com/sun/star/awt/WindowAttribute.hpp>
- #include <com/sun/star/awt/XMessageBox.hpp>
-@@ -106,7 +105,7 @@ void ShowMessageBox( uno::Reference< lang::XMultiServiceFactory > const& xFactor
- void LayoutRoot::error( OUString const& message )
- {
--    printf( "%s\n", OUSTRING_CSTR( message ) );
-+    OSL_TRACE( "%s\n", OUSTRING_CSTR( message ) );
-     ShowMessageBox( mxFactory, mxToolkit,
-                     OUString::createFromAscii( "Fatal error" ),
-                     message );
-diff --git toolkit/source/layout/core/table.cxx toolkit/source/layout/core/table.cxx
-index 87c15e2..2beefc1 100644
---- toolkit/source/layout/core/table.cxx
-+++ toolkit/source/layout/core/table.cxx
-@@ -47,20 +47,20 @@ namespace layoutimpl
- using namespace com::sun::star;
- Table::ChildProps::ChildProps( Table::ChildData *pData )
--    {
--        addProp( RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM( "XExpand" ),
--                 ::getCppuType( static_cast< const sal_Bool* >( NULL ) ),
-+    addProp( RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM( "XExpand" ),
-+             ::getCppuType( static_cast< const sal_Bool* >( NULL ) ),
-              &( pData->mbExpand[ 0 ] ) );
--        addProp( RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM( "YExpand" ),
--                 ::getCppuType( static_cast< const sal_Bool* >( NULL ) ),
-+    addProp( RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM( "YExpand" ),
-+             ::getCppuType( static_cast< const sal_Bool* >( NULL ) ),
-              &( pData->mbExpand[ 1 ] ) );
--        addProp( RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM( "ColSpan" ),
--                 ::getCppuType( static_cast< const sal_Int32* >( NULL ) ),
-+    addProp( RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM( "ColSpan" ),
-+             ::getCppuType( static_cast< const sal_Int32* >( NULL ) ),
-              &( pData->mnColSpan ) );
--        addProp( RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM( "RowSpan" ),
--                 ::getCppuType( static_cast< const sal_Int32* >( NULL ) ),
-+    addProp( RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM( "RowSpan" ),
-+             ::getCppuType( static_cast< const sal_Int32* >( NULL ) ),
-              &( pData->mnRowSpan ) );
--    }
- bool Table::ChildData::isVisible()
- {
-@@ -79,21 +79,21 @@ Table::Table()
- Table::ChildData::ChildData( uno::Reference< awt::XLayoutConstrains > const& xChild )
-     : Box_Base::ChildData( xChild )
--//    , mbExpand( { 0, 1 } )
-+//    , mbExpand( { 1, 1 } )
-     , mnColSpan( 1 )
-     , mnRowSpan( 1 )
-     , mnLeftCol( 0 )
-     , mnRightCol( 0 )
-     , mnTopRow( 0 )
-     , mnBottomRow( 0 )
--    {
--    mbExpand[ 0 ] = 0;
-+    mbExpand[ 0 ] = 1;
-     mbExpand[ 1 ] = 1;
- }
- Table::ChildData*
- Table::createChild( uno::Reference< awt::XLayoutConstrains > const& xChild )
--        {
-     return new ChildData( xChild );
- }
-@@ -106,9 +106,9 @@ Table::createChildProps( Box_Base::ChildData *pData )
- void SAL_CALL
- Table::addChild( const uno::Reference< awt::XLayoutConstrains >& xChild )
-     throw( uno::RuntimeException, awt::MaxChildrenException )
--        {
-     if ( xChild.is() )
--            {
-+    {
-         Box_Base::addChild( xChild );
-         // cause of flicker
-         allocateChildAt( xChild, awt::Rectangle( 0,0,0,0 ) );
-@@ -240,14 +240,14 @@ Table::getMinimumSize() throw( uno::RuntimeException )
-     mnColExpandables =( mnRowExpandables = 0 );
-     maRequisition.Width =( maRequisition.Height = 0 );
-     for ( std::vector<GroupData>::iterator it = maCols.begin();
--         it != maCols.end(); it++ )
-+          it != maCols.end(); it++ )
-     {
-         maRequisition.Width += it->mnSize;
-         if ( it->mbExpand )
-             mnColExpandables++;
-     }
-     for ( std::vector<GroupData>::iterator it = maRows.begin();
--         it != maRows.end(); it++ )
-+          it != maRows.end(); it++ )
-     {
-         maRequisition.Height += it->mnSize;
-         if ( it->mbExpand )
-diff --git toolkit/source/layout/core/table.hxx toolkit/source/layout/core/table.hxx
-index dac2aaa..b41be25 100644
---- toolkit/source/layout/core/table.hxx
-+++ toolkit/source/layout/core/table.hxx
-@@ -99,8 +99,6 @@ public:
-     virtual sal_Int32 SAL_CALL getHeightForWidth( sal_Int32 /*nWidth*/ )
-     throw(css::uno::RuntimeException)
-     { return maRequisition.Height; }
- };
- } //  namespace layoutimpl
-diff --git toolkit/source/layout/core/translate.cxx toolkit/source/layout/core/translate.cxx
-index d0fc9f7..b059984 100644
---- toolkit/source/layout/core/translate.cxx
-+++ toolkit/source/layout/core/translate.cxx
-@@ -58,13 +58,13 @@ getLocaleSubdirList( lang::Locale const& rLocale )
- {
-     std::list<OUString> aSubdirs;
-     aSubdirs.push_front( OUString::createFromAscii( "." ) );
--    aSubdirs.push_front( OUString::createFromAscii( "en_US" ) );
-+    aSubdirs.push_front( OUString::createFromAscii( "en-US" ) );
-     if ( rLocale.Language.getLength() )
-         aSubdirs.push_front( rLocale.Language );
-     if ( rLocale.Country.getLength() )
-     {
-         OUString aLocaleCountry = rLocale.Language
--            + OUString::createFromAscii( "_" )
-+            + OUString::createFromAscii( "-" )
-             + rLocale.Country;
-         aSubdirs.push_front( aLocaleCountry );
-         if ( rLocale.Variant.getLength() )
-diff --git toolkit/src2xml/source/src2xml.py toolkit/src2xml/source/src2xml.py
-index 128cfa1..b03c5e6 100644
---- toolkit/src2xml/source/src2xml.py
-+++ toolkit/src2xml/source/src2xml.py
-@@ -182,7 +182,7 @@ def post_process (s):
-     s = s.replace ('<modaldialog', '<modaldialog sizeable="true"')
-     s = s.replace (' rid=', ' id=')
-     s = s.replace (' border="true"', ' has_border="true"')
--    s = s.replace (' def-button="true"', ' default="true"')
-+    s = s.replace (' def-button="true"', ' defbutton="true"')
-     s = s.replace (' drop-down="', ' dropdown="')
-     s = s.replace (' tab-stop="', ' tabstop="')
-     return s
-diff --git toolkit/uiconfig/layout/tab-dialog.xml toolkit/uiconfig/layout/tab-dialog.xml
-index 1d631e9..2639752 100644
---- toolkit/uiconfig/layout/tab-dialog.xml
-+++ toolkit/uiconfig/layout/tab-dialog.xml
-@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@
- 	<tabcontrol id="ID_TABCONTROL"/>
- 	<dialogbuttonhbox border="5" spacing="5" cnt:expand="false">
- 	    <flow/>
--	    <okbutton id="BTN_OK" show="false"/>
-+        <okbutton defbutton="true" id="BTN_OK" show="false"/>
- 	    <pushbutton id="BTN_USER" _label="&lt;User&gt;" show="false"/>
- 	    <cancelbutton id="BTN_CANCEL" show="false"/>
- 	    <helpbutton id="BTN_HELP" show="false"/>
-diff --git toolkit/workben/layout/TEST toolkit/workben/layout/TEST
-index d6a20cb..8a04a66 100755
---- toolkit/workben/layout/TEST
-+++ toolkit/workben/layout/TEST
-@@ -1,3 +1,11 @@
--export OOO_INSTALL_PREFIX=$(cd ../../../../.. && pwd)/ooo-svn
-+#! /bin/sh
-+for d in $(cd ../../../../.. && pwd)/ooo-svn /usr/lib/ooo3/; do
-+    if test -d $d; then
-+        export OOO_INSTALL_PREFIX=$d
-+    break
-+    fi
- test -d $OOO_INSTALL_PREFIX/openoffice.org3 && export OOO_PREFIX_BRAND=$OOO_INSTALL_PREFIX/openoffice.org3 || export OOO_PREFIX_BRAND=$OOO_INSTALL_PREFIX
--LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$OOO_PREFIX_BRAND/basis-link/program:$OOO_PREFIX_BRAND/basis-link/ure-link/lib ../../unxlngx6.pro/bin/test "$@"
-+export LD_LIBRARY_PATH="$OOO_PREFIX_BRAND/basis-link/program:$OOO_PREFIX_BRAND/basis-link/ure-link/lib"
-+../../unx*.pro/bin/test "$@"
-diff --git toolkit/workben/layout/align-test.xml toolkit/workben/layout/align-test.xml
-new file mode 100644
-index 0000000..f01830e
---- /dev/null
-+++ toolkit/workben/layout/align-test.xml
-@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
-+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
-+<!-- This is a template.  i18n translation is not performed in-place;
-+     i18n translated xml files are generated from this template by
-+     transex3/layout/tralay.  !-->
-+<dialog xmlns="http://openoffice.org/2007/layout"
-+        xmlns:cnt="http://openoffice.org/2007/layout/container"
-+        title="Align Test" optimumsize="true" has_border="true" sizeable="true" moveable="true">
-+    <vbox spacing="5" border="5">
-+    <fixedline/>
-+    <hbox spacing="0" border="0">
-+        <vbox spacing="5" border="5">
-+        <fixedline _text="X" cnt:expand="false"/>
-+        <pushbutton label="foo"/>
-+        <pushbutton label="foo"/>
-+        <pushbutton label="foo"/>
-+        <pushbutton label="foo"/>
-+        <pushbutton label="foo"/>
-+        <pushbutton label="foo"/>
-+        <pushbutton label="foo"/>
-+        </vbox>
-+        <vbox spacing="5" border="5">
-+        <fixedline _text="X" cnt:expand="false"/>
-+        <pushbutton label="bar"/>
-+        </vbox>
-+    </hbox>
-+        <fixedline/>
-+    <min-size cnt:spacing="0" min-width="200"/>
-+    </vbox>
-diff --git toolkit/workben/layout/boxtest.xml toolkit/workben/layout/boxtest.xml
-index 8015b3f..263ae40 100644
---- toolkit/workben/layout/boxtest.xml
-+++ toolkit/workben/layout/boxtest.xml
-@@ -4,6 +4,8 @@
-         xmlns:cnt="http://openoffice.org/2007/layout/container"
-         title="Box Test" optimumsize="true" has_border="true" sizeable="true" moveable="true">
- 	<vbox>
-+      <table>
-+        <vbox>
- 		<hbox cnt:expand="false" cnt:fill="false">
- 			<pushbutton label="XML Left"
- 			            cnt:expand="false" cnt:fill="false"/>
-@@ -28,5 +30,7 @@
- 	                <pushbutton label="XML Right"
- 	                            cnt:expand="true" cnt:fill="true"/>
- 	        </hbox>
-+        </vbox>
-+    </table>
- 	</vbox>
- </dialog>
-diff --git toolkit/workben/layout/editor.cxx toolkit/workben/layout/editor.cxx
-index f3ad65c..e10e54e 100644
---- toolkit/workben/layout/editor.cxx
-+++ toolkit/workben/layout/editor.cxx
-@@ -344,9 +344,14 @@ public:
-             {
-                 beans::Property prop = it.next();
-                 rtl::OUString name( prop.Name );
--                rtl::OUString value( pChild->getProperty( name, CONTAINER_PROPERTY ) );
--                std::pair< rtl::OUString, rtl::OUString > pair( name, value );
--                pChild->maOriChildProps.push_back( pair );
-+        try {
-+            rtl::OUString value( pChild->getProperty( name, CONTAINER_PROPERTY ) );
-+            std::pair< rtl::OUString, rtl::OUString > pair( name, value );
-+            pChild->maOriChildProps.push_back( pair );
-+        } catch ( beans::UnknownPropertyException &rEx ) {
-+            fprintf (stderr, "ERROR: widget reports that it has a property it cannot return: '%s' this normally means that someone screwed up their PROPERTY_SET_INFO macro usage.\n",
-+                 rtl::OUStringToOString (rEx.Message, RTL_TEXTENCODING_UTF8).getStr());
-+        }
-             }
-         }
-diff --git toolkit/workben/layout/empty.xml toolkit/workben/layout/empty.xml
-new file mode 100644
-index 0000000..a8408e5
---- /dev/null
-+++ toolkit/workben/layout/empty.xml
-@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
-+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
-+<!-- This is a template.  i18n translation is not performed in-place;
-+     i18n translated xml files are generated from this template by
-+     transex3/layout/tralay.  !-->
-+<dialog xmlns="http://openoffice.org/2007/layout"
-+        xmlns:cnt="http://openoffice.org/2007/layout/container"
-+        title="Empty Test" optimumsize="true" has_border="true" sizeable="true" moveable="true">
-+  <vbox spacing="1" border="10">
-+    <min-size min-width="200"/>
-+    <fixedline height="1"/>
-+    <vbox spacing="10">
-+      <vbox show="false"/>
-+      <vbox show="false"/>
-+      <vbox show="false"/>
-+      <vbox show="false"/>
-+      <vbox show="false"/>
-+      <vbox show="false"/>
-+      <vbox show="false"/>
-+      <vbox show="false"/>
-+      <vbox show="false"/>
-+      <vbox show="false"/>
-+    </vbox>
-+    <fixedline height="1"/>
-+  </vbox>
-diff --git toolkit/workben/layout/insert-sheet.xml toolkit/workben/layout/insert-sheet.xml
-index 0ce5843..517a24d 100644
---- toolkit/workben/layout/insert-sheet.xml
-+++ toolkit/workben/layout/insert-sheet.xml
-@@ -49,7 +49,7 @@
- 	    </vbox>
- 	</hbox>
- 	<dialogbuttonhbox border="5" spacing="5">
--            <okbutton default="true" id="BTN_OK"/>
-+            <okbutton defbutton="true" id="BTN_OK"/>
-             <cancelbutton id="BTN_CANCEL"/>
-             <helpbutton id="BTN_HELP"/>
- 	</dialogbuttonhbox>
-diff --git toolkit/workben/layout/move-copy-sheet.xml toolkit/workben/layout/move-copy-sheet.xml
-index 79720df..6e68b5a 100644
---- toolkit/workben/layout/move-copy-sheet.xml
-+++ toolkit/workben/layout/move-copy-sheet.xml
-@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@
- 	    <flow/>
-             <cancelbutton id="BTN_CANCEL" tabstop="true"/>
-             <helpbutton id="BTN_HELP" tabstop="true"/>
--            <okbutton default="true" id="BTN_OK" tabstop="true"/>
-+            <okbutton defbutton="true" id="BTN_OK" tabstop="true"/>
- 	</dialogbuttonhbox>
-     </vbox>
- </modaldialog>
-diff --git toolkit/workben/layout/plugin.xml toolkit/workben/layout/plugin.xml
-index f630e72..908907d 100644
---- toolkit/workben/layout/plugin.xml
-+++ toolkit/workben/layout/plugin.xml
-@@ -20,7 +20,7 @@
- 	</hbox>
- 	<dialogbuttonhbox border="5" spacing="5">
- 	    <flow/>
--	    <okbutton id="BTN_OK"/>
-+        <okbutton defbutton="true" id="BTN_OK"/>
- 	    <cancelbutton id="BTN_CANCEL" />
- 	    <helpbutton id="BTN_HELP"/>
- 	</dialogbuttonhbox>
-diff --git toolkit/workben/layout/recover.xml toolkit/workben/layout/recover.xml
-index 7c96191..1d74b59 100644
---- toolkit/workben/layout/recover.xml
-+++ toolkit/workben/layout/recover.xml
-@@ -58,7 +58,7 @@ LINE TEST"/>
- 	<checkbox id="CH_LOGFILE" _label="Open additional text document to display the restore logfile"/>
- 	<dialogbuttonhbox border="5" spacing="5">
- 	    <flow/>
--	    <okbutton id="BTN_OK" _label="Restore"/>
-+        <okbutton defbutton="true" id="BTN_OK" _label="Restore"/>
- 	    <cancelbutton id="BTN_CANCEL" />
- 	    <helpbutton id="BTN_HELP"/>
- 	</dialogbuttonhbox>
-diff --git toolkit/workben/layout/sortdlg.xml toolkit/workben/layout/sortdlg.xml
-index a17920e..ce45a60 100644
---- toolkit/workben/layout/sortdlg.xml
-+++ toolkit/workben/layout/sortdlg.xml
-@@ -56,7 +56,7 @@
-             </pagelist>
-         </tabcontrol>
-         <hbox>
--            <okbutton id="1" tabstop="true"/>
-+            <okbutton defbutton="true" id="1" tabstop="true"/>
-             <cancelbutton id="1" tabstop="true"/>
-             <helpbutton id="1" tabstop="true"/>
-             <pushbutton id="1" tabstop="true"/>
-diff --git toolkit/workben/layout/string-input.xml toolkit/workben/layout/string-input.xml
-index 0a59899..a29a564 100644
---- toolkit/workben/layout/string-input.xml
-+++ toolkit/workben/layout/string-input.xml
-@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@
-         <fixedtext id="FT_LABEL" label="FT-LABEL"/>
-         <edit has_border="true" id="ED_INPUT" tabstop="true"/>
- 	<dialogbuttonhbox border="5" spacing="5">
--            <okbutton default="true" id="BTN_OK" tabstop="true"/>
-+            <okbutton defbutton="true" id="BTN_OK" tabstop="true"/>
-             <cancelbutton id="BTN_CANCEL" tabstop="true"/>
-             <helpbutton id="BTN_HELP" tabstop="true"/>
- 	</dialogbuttonhbox>

... etc. - the rest is truncated

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