[Libreoffice-commits] .: sw/inc
Christoph Herzog
cherzog at kemper.freedesktop.org
Mon Apr 18 11:19:00 PDT 2011
sw/inc/docufld.hxx | 14 ++--
sw/inc/fmtfsize.hxx | 4 -
sw/inc/reffld.hxx | 15 +----
sw/inc/ring.hxx | 2
sw/inc/section.hxx | 74 ++++++++++++-------------
sw/inc/shellid.hxx | 4 -
sw/inc/shellio.hxx | 148 +++++++++++++++++++++++----------------------------
sw/inc/shellres.hxx | 22 +++----
sw/inc/sortopt.hxx | 4 -
sw/inc/splargs.hxx | 2
sw/inc/swabstdlg.hxx | 3 -
sw/inc/swacorr.hxx | 9 +--
12 files changed, 139 insertions(+), 162 deletions(-)
New commits:
commit 12268c51a789b88584e5e70208b9e1ed66699e02
Author: Christoph Herzog <rhogez at googlemail.com>
Date: Mon Apr 18 20:18:04 2011 +0200
Translations of German comments.
diff --git a/sw/inc/docufld.hxx b/sw/inc/docufld.hxx
index 1818bec..e40ce15 100644
--- a/sw/inc/docufld.hxx
+++ b/sw/inc/docufld.hxx
@@ -352,16 +352,16 @@ public:
class SwHiddenTxtField : public SwField
- String aTRUETxt; // Text wenn Bedingung sal_True
- String aFALSETxt; // Wenn Bedingung falsch
- String aContent; // Ausgewerteter DB-Text
+ String aTRUETxt; // Text if condition sal_True.
+ String aFALSETxt; // If condition false.
+ String aContent; // Evaluated DB-text.
- String aCond; // Bedingung
+ String aCond; // Condition.
sal_uInt16 nSubType;
- sal_Bool bCanToggle : 1; // kann das Feld einzeln getoggelt werden?
- sal_Bool bIsHidden : 1; // ist es nicht sichtbar?
- sal_Bool bValid : 1; // DB-Feld evaluiert?
+ sal_Bool bCanToggle : 1; // Can field be toggled alone?
+ sal_Bool bIsHidden : 1; // Is it not visible?
+ sal_Bool bValid : 1; // Is DB-field evaluated?
virtual String Expand() const;
virtual SwField* Copy() const;
diff --git a/sw/inc/fmtfsize.hxx b/sw/inc/fmtfsize.hxx
index d33c00f..2e8f4b1 100644
--- a/sw/inc/fmtfsize.hxx
+++ b/sw/inc/fmtfsize.hxx
@@ -52,8 +52,8 @@ class SW_DLLPUBLIC SwFmtFrmSize: public SfxPoolItem
Size aSize;
SwFrmSize eFrmHeightType;
SwFrmSize eFrmWidthType;
- sal_uInt8 nWidthPercent; //Fuer Tabellen kann die Breite in Prozent
- sal_uInt8 nHeightPercent; //angegeben sein.
+ sal_uInt8 nWidthPercent;
+ sal_uInt8 nHeightPercent;
// For tables: width can be given in percent.
diff --git a/sw/inc/reffld.hxx b/sw/inc/reffld.hxx
index f27efb4..8874639 100644
--- a/sw/inc/reffld.hxx
+++ b/sw/inc/reffld.hxx
@@ -66,15 +66,13 @@ enum REFERENCEMARK
- Beschreibung: Referenz holen
- --------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+// Get reference.
class SwGetRefFieldType : public SwFieldType
SwDoc* pDoc;
- // ueberlagert, um alle Ref-Felder zu updaten
+ // Overlay in order to update all ref-fields.
virtual void Modify( const SfxPoolItem*, const SfxPoolItem * );
SwGetRefFieldType(SwDoc* pDoc );
@@ -89,9 +87,6 @@ public:
sal_uInt16* pStt, sal_uInt16* pEnd = 0 );
- Beschreibung: Referenzfeld
- --------------------------------------------------------------------*/
class SW_DLLPUBLIC SwGetRefField : public SwField
@@ -130,7 +125,7 @@ public:
void SetExpand( const String& rStr ) { sTxt = rStr; }
- // SubType erfragen/setzen
+ // Get/set sub type.
virtual sal_uInt16 GetSubType() const;
virtual void SetSubType( sal_uInt16 n );
@@ -143,11 +138,11 @@ public:
String GetExpandedTxtOfReferencedTxtNode() const;
- // SequenceNo erfragen/setzen (nur fuer REF_SEQUENCEFLD interressant)
+ // Get/set SequenceNo (of interest only for REF_SEQUENCEFLD).
sal_uInt16 GetSeqNo() const { return nSeqNo; }
void SetSeqNo( sal_uInt16 n ) { nSeqNo = n; }
- // Name der Referenz
+ // Name of reference.
virtual const String& GetPar1() const;
virtual void SetPar1(const String& rStr);
diff --git a/sw/inc/ring.hxx b/sw/inc/ring.hxx
index 238067c..8249e45 100644
--- a/sw/inc/ring.hxx
+++ b/sw/inc/ring.hxx
@@ -34,7 +34,7 @@
Ring *pNext;
- Ring* pPrev; // zur Optimierung, damit das ein/ausketten schneller geht!
+ Ring* pPrev; // In order to speed up inserting and deleting.
Ring() { pNext = this; pPrev = this; }
diff --git a/sw/inc/section.hxx b/sw/inc/section.hxx
index 4716ca9..dcd6e76 100644
--- a/sw/inc/section.hxx
+++ b/sw/inc/section.hxx
@@ -46,7 +46,7 @@ namespace com { namespace sun { namespace star {
namespace text { class XTextSection; }
} } }
-// Forward Deklaration
class SwSectionFmt;
class SwDoc;
class SwSection;
@@ -69,9 +69,9 @@ enum SectionType { CONTENT_SECTION,
enum LinkCreateType
- CREATE_NONE, // nichts weiter tun
- CREATE_CONNECT, // Link gleich connecten
- CREATE_UPDATE // Link connecten und updaten
+ CREATE_NONE, // Do nothing.
+ CREATE_CONNECT, // Connect created link.
+ CREATE_UPDATE // Connect created link and update it.
class SW_DLLPUBLIC SwSectionData
@@ -82,22 +82,22 @@ private:
String m_sSectionName;
String m_sCondition;
String m_sLinkFileName;
- String m_sLinkFilePassword; // must be changed to Sequence
+ String m_sLinkFilePassword; // Must be changed to Sequence.
::com::sun::star::uno::Sequence <sal_Int8> m_Password;
- /// it seems this flag caches the current final "hidden" state
+ /// It seems this flag caches the current final "hidden" state.
bool m_bHiddenFlag : 1;
- /// flags that correspond to attributes in the format:
+ /// Flags that correspond to attributes in the format:
/// may have different value than format attribute:
/// format attr has value for this section, while flag is
/// effectively ORed with parent sections!
bool m_bProtectFlag : 1;
- // edit in readonly sections
+ // Edit in readonly sections.
bool m_bEditInReadonlyFlag : 1;
- bool m_bHidden : 1; // all paragraphs hidden?
- bool m_bCondHiddenFlag : 1; // Hiddenflag for condition
- bool m_bConnectFlag : 1; // connected to server?
+ bool m_bHidden : 1; // All paragraphs hidden?
+ bool m_bCondHiddenFlag : 1; // Hiddenflag for condition.
+ bool m_bConnectFlag : 1; // Connected to server?
@@ -155,15 +155,15 @@ public:
class SW_DLLPUBLIC SwSection
: public SwClient
- // damit beim Anlegen/Loeschen von Frames das Flag richtig gepflegt wird!
+ // In order to correctly maintain the flag when creating/deleting frames.
friend class SwSectionNode;
- // the "read CTOR" of SwSectionFrm have to change the Hiddenflag
+ // The "read CTOR" of SwSectionFrm have to change the Hiddenflag.
friend class SwSectionFrm;
SwSectionData m_Data;
- SwServerObjectRef m_RefObj; // set if DataServer
+ SwServerObjectRef m_RefObj; // Set if DataServer.
::sfx2::SvBaseLinkRef m_RefLink;
SW_DLLPRIVATE void ImplSetHiddenFlag(
@@ -191,8 +191,8 @@ public:
SwSectionFmt* GetFmt() { return (SwSectionFmt*)GetRegisteredIn(); }
SwSectionFmt* GetFmt() const { return (SwSectionFmt*)GetRegisteredIn(); }
- // setze die Hidden/Protected -> gesamten Baum updaten !
- // (Attribute/Flags werden gesetzt/erfragt)
+ // Set hidden/protected -> update the whole tree!
+ // (Attributes/flags are set/get.)
bool IsHidden() const { return m_Data.IsHidden(); }
void SetHidden (bool const bFlag = true);
bool IsProtect() const;
@@ -200,15 +200,15 @@ public:
bool IsEditInReadonly() const;
void SetEditInReadonly(bool const bFlag = true);
- // erfrage die internen Flags (Zustand inklusive Parents nicht, was
- // aktuell an der Section gesetzt ist!!)
+ // Get internal flags (state including parents, not what is
+ // currently set at section!).
bool IsHiddenFlag() const { return m_Data.IsHiddenFlag(); }
bool IsProtectFlag() const { return m_Data.IsProtectFlag(); }
bool IsEditInReadonlyFlag() const { return m_Data.IsEditInReadonlyFlag(); }
void SetCondHidden(bool const bFlag = true);
bool IsCondHidden() const { return m_Data.IsCondHidden(); }
- // erfrage (auch ueber die Parents), ob diese Section versteckt sein soll.
+ // Query (also for parents) if this section is to be hidden.
sal_Bool CalcHiddenFlag() const;
@@ -219,25 +219,25 @@ public:
const String& GetLinkFileName() const;
void SetLinkFileName(String const& rNew, String const*const pPassWd = 0);
- // password of linked file (only valid during runtime!)
+ // Password of linked file (only valid during runtime!)
String const& GetLinkFilePassword() const
{ return m_Data.GetLinkFilePassword(); }
void SetLinkFilePassword(String const& rS)
{ m_Data.SetLinkFilePassword(rS); }
- // get / set password of this section
+ // Get / set password of this section
::com::sun::star::uno::Sequence<sal_Int8> const& GetPassword() const
{ return m_Data.GetPassword(); }
void SetPassword(::com::sun::star::uno::Sequence <sal_Int8> const& rNew)
{ m_Data.SetPassword(rNew); }
- // Daten Server-Methoden
+ // Data server methods.
void SetRefObject( SwServerObject* pObj );
const SwServerObject* GetObject() const { return & m_RefObj; }
SwServerObject* GetObject() { return & m_RefObj; }
bool IsServer() const { return m_RefObj.Is(); }
- // Methoden fuer gelinkte Bereiche
+ // Methods for linked ranges.
sal_uInt16 GetUpdateType() const { return m_RefLink->GetUpdateMode(); }
void SetUpdateType(sal_uInt16 const nType )
{ m_RefLink->SetUpdateMode(nType); }
@@ -255,12 +255,12 @@ public:
bool IsLinkType() const { return m_Data.IsLinkType(); }
- // Flags fuer UI - Verbindung geklappt?
+ // Flags for UI. Did connection work?
bool IsConnectFlag() const { return m_Data.IsConnectFlag(); }
void SetConnectFlag(bool const bFlag = true)
{ m_Data.SetConnectFlag(bFlag); }
- // return the TOX base class if the section is a TOX section
+ // Return the TOX base class if the section is a TOX section
const SwTOXBase* GetTOXBase() const;
void BreakLink();
@@ -276,45 +276,45 @@ class SW_DLLPUBLIC SwSectionFmt
friend class SwDoc;
- /** why does this exist in addition to the m_wXObject in SwFrmFmt?
+ /** Why does this exist in addition to the m_wXObject in SwFrmFmt?
in case of an index, both a SwXDocumentIndex and a SwXTextSection
register at this SwSectionFmt, so we need to have two refs.
::com::sun::star::text::XTextSection> m_wXTextSection;
- SW_DLLPRIVATE void UpdateParent(); // Parent wurde veraendert
+ SW_DLLPRIVATE void UpdateParent(); // Parent has been changed.
SwSectionFmt( SwSectionFmt* pDrvdFrm, SwDoc *pDoc );
virtual void Modify( const SfxPoolItem* pOld, const SfxPoolItem* pNew );
- TYPEINFO(); //Bereits in Basisklasse Client drin.
+ TYPEINFO(); // Already contained in base class client.
- //Vernichtet alle Frms in aDepend (Frms werden per PTR_CAST erkannt).
+ // Deletes all Frms in aDepend (Frms are recognized via PTR_CAST).
virtual void DelFrms();
- //Erzeugt die Ansichten
+ // Creates views.
virtual void MakeFrms();
- // erfrage vom Format Informationen
+ // Get information from Format.
virtual sal_Bool GetInfo( SfxPoolItem& ) const;
SwSection* GetSection() const;
inline SwSectionFmt* GetParent() const;
inline SwSection* GetParentSection() const;
- // alle Sections, die von dieser abgeleitet sind
- // - sortiert nach : Name oder Position oder unsortiert
- // - alle oder nur die, die sich im normalten Nodes-Array befinden
+ // All sections that are derived from this one:
+ // - sorted according to name or position or unsorted
+ // - all of them or only those that are in the normal Nodes-array.
sal_uInt16 GetChildSections( SwSections& rArr,
SectionSort eSort = SORTSECT_NOT,
sal_Bool bAllSections = sal_True ) const;
- // erfrage, ob sich die Section im Nodes-Array oder UndoNodes-Array
- // befindet.
+ // Query whether section is in Nodes-array or in UndoNodes-array.
sal_Bool IsInNodesArr() const;
SwSectionNode* GetSectionNode(bool const bEvenIfInUndo = false);
@@ -322,7 +322,7 @@ public:
{ return const_cast<SwSectionFmt *>(this)
->GetSectionNode(bEvenIfInUndo); }
- // ist die Section eine gueltige fuers GlobalDocument?
+ // Is section a valid one for global document?
const SwSection* GetGlobalDocSection() const;
SW_DLLPRIVATE ::com::sun::star::uno::WeakReference<
diff --git a/sw/inc/shellid.hxx b/sw/inc/shellid.hxx
index 9794ebf..ee5ec2b 100644
--- a/sw/inc/shellid.hxx
+++ b/sw/inc/shellid.hxx
@@ -30,9 +30,7 @@
#include <sfx2/shell.hxx>
- Beschreibung: Mapping fuer UI-Parameter
- --------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+// Mapping for UI-parameters
diff --git a/sw/inc/shellio.hxx b/sw/inc/shellio.hxx
index 05d247c..49c530f 100644
--- a/sw/inc/shellio.hxx
+++ b/sw/inc/shellio.hxx
@@ -49,7 +49,6 @@
#include <docfac.hxx> // SwDocFac
#include <iodetect.hxx>
-// einige Forward - Deklarationen
class SfxFilterContainer;
class SfxFilter;
class SfxItemPool;
@@ -68,8 +67,8 @@ class SwTextBlocks;
struct SwPosition;
struct Writer_Impl;
-// ab so vielen chars wird ein mit einem ASCII/W4W-Reader eingelesener
-// Absatz zwangsweise umgebrochen. Muss immer groesser als 200 sein !!!
+// Defines the count of chars at which a paragraph read via ASCII/W4W-Reader
+// is forced to wrap. It has to be always greater than 200!!!
#define MAX_ASCII_PARA 10000
@@ -109,11 +108,11 @@ public:
/**************** SwReader/Reader ************************/
-// Basisklasse der moeglichen Optionen fuer einen speziellen Reader
+// Base class of possible options for a special reader.
class Reader;
-// Ruft den Reader mit seinen Optionen, Dokument, Cursor etc.
+// Calls reader with its options, document, cursor etc.
class SwReader;
-// SwRead ist der Pointer auf die Read-Optionen-Basisklasse
+// SwRead is pointer to the read-options base class.
typedef Reader *SwRead;
class SwgReaderOption
@@ -164,35 +163,31 @@ class SwReader: public SwDocFac
SvStream* pStrm;
SotStorageRef pStg;
com::sun::star::uno::Reference < com::sun::star::embed::XStorage > xStg;
- SfxMedium* pMedium; // wer ein Medium haben will (W4W)
+ SfxMedium* pMedium; // Who wants to obtain a Medium (W4W).
SwPaM* pCrsr;
String aFileName;
String sBaseURL;
- /*
- * Initiales Einlesen. Dokument wird erst beim Read(..) angelegt.
- * oder falls es mitgegeben wird, in dieses.
- * Sonderfall fuer Load mit Sw3Reader
- */
+ // Initial reading. Document is created only at Read(...)
+ // or in case it is given, into that.
+ // Special case for Load with Sw3Reader.
SwReader( SfxMedium&, const String& rFilename, SwDoc *pDoc = 0 );
- /*
- * In ein existierendes Dokument einlesen, Dokument und
- * Position im Dokument werden aus dem SwPaM uebernommen.
- */
+ // Read into existing document.
+ // Document and position in document are taken from SwPaM.
SwReader( SvStream&, const String& rFilename, const String& rBaseURL, SwPaM& );
SwReader( SfxMedium&, const String& rFilename, SwPaM& );
SwReader( const com::sun::star::uno::Reference < com::sun::star::embed::XStorage >&, const String& rFilename, SwPaM& );
- /*
- * Nur SwReader::Read(...) ist die Export-Schnittstelle!!!
- */
+ // The only export interface is SwReader::Read(...)!!!
sal_Bool NeedsPasswd( const Reader& );
sal_Bool CheckPasswd( const String&, const Reader& );
sal_uLong Read( const Reader& );
- // ask for glossaries
+ // Ask for glossaries.
sal_Bool HasGlossaries( const Reader& );
sal_Bool ReadGlossaries( const Reader&, SwTextBlocks&, sal_Bool bSaveRelFiles );
@@ -204,9 +199,9 @@ protected:
-/**************** SPEZIELLE Reader ************************/
+/**************** Special Readers ************************/
-// spezielle - Reader koennen beides sein !! (Excel, W4W, .. )
+// Special Readers can be both!! (Excel, W4W, .. ).
@@ -224,12 +219,12 @@ protected:
SvStream* pStrm;
SotStorageRef pStg;
com::sun::star::uno::Reference < com::sun::star::embed::XStorage > xStg;
- SfxMedium* pMedium; // wer ein Medium haben will (W4W)
+ SfxMedium* pMedium; // Who wants to obtain a Medium (W4W).
SwgReaderOption aOpt;
sal_Bool bInsertMode : 1;
sal_Bool bTmplBrowseMode : 1;
- sal_Bool bReadUTF8: 1; // Stream als UTF-8 interpretieren
+ sal_Bool bReadUTF8: 1; // Interprete stream as UTF-8.
sal_Bool bBlockMode: 1;
sal_Bool bOrganizerMode : 1;
sal_Bool bHasAskTemplateName : 1;
@@ -247,14 +242,14 @@ public:
virtual void SetFltName( const String& rFltNm );
static void SetNoOutlineNum( SwDoc& rDoc );
- // den Item-Set eines Frm-Formats an das alte Format anpassen
+ // Adapt item-set of a Frm-Format to the old format.
static void ResetFrmFmtAttrs( SfxItemSet &rFrmSet );
- // die Rahmen-/Grafik-/OLE-Vorlagen an das alte Format (ohne
- // Umrandung etc.) anpassen
+ // Adapt Frame-/Graphics-/OLE- styles to the old format
+ // (without borders etc.).
static void ResetFrmFmts( SwDoc& rDoc );
- // Die Filter-Vorlage laden, setzen und wieder freigeben
+ // Load filter template, set it and release it again.
SwDoc* GetTemplateDoc();
sal_Bool SetTemplate( SwDoc& rDoc );
void ClearTemplate();
@@ -275,8 +270,8 @@ public:
virtual sal_Bool HasGlossaries() const;
virtual sal_Bool ReadGlossaries( SwTextBlocks&, sal_Bool bSaveRelFiles ) const;
- // read the sections of the document, which is equal to the medium.
- // returns the count of it
+ // Read the sections of the document, which is equal to the medium.
+ // Returns the count of it
virtual sal_uInt16 GetSectionList( SfxMedium& rMedium,
SvStrings& rStrings ) const;
@@ -286,8 +281,8 @@ public:
virtual sal_uLong Read(SwDoc &, const String& rBaseURL, SwPaM &,const String &)=0;
- // alle die die Streams / Storages nicht geoeffnet brauchen,
- // muessen die Methode ueberladen (W4W!!)
+ // Everyone who does not need the streams / storages open
+ // has to overload the method (W4W!!).
virtual int SetStrmStgPtr();
@@ -312,11 +307,8 @@ public:
-// Der uebergebene Stream muss dynamisch angelegt werden und
-// vor dem Loeschen der Instanz per Stream() angefordert
-// und geloescht werden!
+// The given stream has to be created dynamically and must
+// be requested via Stream() before the instance is deleted!
class SwImpBlocks;
@@ -332,7 +324,7 @@ public:
void Flush(){}
SwDoc* GetDoc();
- void ClearDoc(); // Doc-Inhalt loeschen
+ void ClearDoc(); // Delete Doc-contents.
const String& GetName();
void SetName( const String& );
sal_uLong GetError() const { return nErr; }
@@ -341,32 +333,32 @@ public:
void SetBaseURL( const String& rURL );
sal_Bool IsOld() const;
- sal_uLong ConvertToNew(); // Textbausteine konvertieren
+ sal_uLong ConvertToNew(); // Convert text modules.
- sal_uInt16 GetCount() const; // Anzahl Textbausteine ermitteln
- sal_uInt16 GetIndex( const String& ) const; // Index fuer Kurznamen ermitteln
- sal_uInt16 GetLongIndex( const String& ) const; //Index fuer Langnamen ermitteln
- const String& GetShortName( sal_uInt16 ) const; // Kurzname fuer Index zurueck
- const String& GetLongName( sal_uInt16 ) const; // Langname fuer Index zurueck
+ sal_uInt16 GetCount() const; // Get count text modules.
+ sal_uInt16 GetIndex( const String& ) const; // Get index of short names.
+ sal_uInt16 GetLongIndex( const String& ) const; // Get index of long names.
+ const String& GetShortName( sal_uInt16 ) const; // Get short name for index.
+ const String& GetLongName( sal_uInt16 ) const; // Get long name for index.
- sal_Bool Delete( sal_uInt16 ); // Loeschen
- sal_uInt16 Rename( sal_uInt16, const String*, const String* ); // Umbenennen
+ sal_Bool Delete( sal_uInt16 );
+ sal_uInt16 Rename( sal_uInt16, const String*, const String* );
sal_uLong CopyBlock( SwTextBlocks& rSource, String& rSrcShort,
- const String& rLong ); // Block kopieren
+ const String& rLong );
- sal_Bool BeginGetDoc( sal_uInt16 ); // Textbaustein einlesen
- void EndGetDoc(); // Textbaustein wieder loslassen
+ sal_Bool BeginGetDoc( sal_uInt16 ); // Read text modules.
+ void EndGetDoc(); // Release text modules.
- sal_Bool BeginPutDoc( const String&, const String& ); // Speichern Beginn
- sal_uInt16 PutDoc(); // Speichern Ende
+ sal_Bool BeginPutDoc( const String&, const String& ); // Begin save.
+ sal_uInt16 PutDoc(); // End save.
- sal_uInt16 PutText( const String&, const String&, const String& ); // Speichern( Kurzn., Text)
+ sal_uInt16 PutText( const String&, const String&, const String& ); // Save (short name, text).
sal_Bool IsOnlyTextBlock( sal_uInt16 ) const;
sal_Bool IsOnlyTextBlock( const String& rShort ) const;
- const String& GetFileName() const; // Dateiname von pImp
- sal_Bool IsReadOnly() const; // ReadOnly-Flag von pImp
+ const String& GetFileName() const; // Filename of pImp.
+ sal_Bool IsReadOnly() const; // ReadOnly-flag of pImp.
sal_Bool GetMacroTable( sal_uInt16 nIdx, SvxMacroTableDtor& rMacroTbl );
sal_Bool SetMacroTable( sal_uInt16 nIdx, const SvxMacroTableDtor& rMacroTbl );
@@ -387,17 +379,13 @@ SW_DLLPUBLIC SwRead SwGetReaderXML();
// END source/filter/basflt/fltini.cxx
-extern sal_Bool SetHTMLTemplate( SwDoc &rDoc ); //Fuer Vorlagen aus HTML.vor laden shellio.cxx
+extern sal_Bool SetHTMLTemplate( SwDoc &rDoc ); //For templates from HTML before loading shellio.cxx.
- * Schreiben, Writer
- */
-/* Basis-Klasse aller Writer */
+// Base-class of all writers.
class IDocumentSettingAccess;
class IDocumentStylePoolAccess;
@@ -416,7 +404,7 @@ class SW_DLLPUBLIC Writer
- SwPaM* pOrigPam; // der letze zu bearbeitende Pam
+ SwPaM* pOrigPam; // Last Pam that has to be processed.
const String* pOrigFileName;
void ResetWriter();
@@ -472,32 +460,33 @@ public:
const String& GetBaseURL() const { return sBaseURL;}
- // suche die naechste Bookmark-Position aus der Bookmark-Tabelle
+ // Look up next bookmark position from bookmark-table.
sal_Int32 FindPos_Bkmk( const SwPosition& rPos ) const;
- // build a bookmark table, which is sort by the node position. The
+ // Build a bookmark table, which is sort by the node position. The
// OtherPos of the bookmarks also inserted.
void CreateBookmarkTbl();
- // search alle Bookmarks in the range and return it in the Array
+ // Search alle Bookmarks in the range and return it in the Array.
sal_uInt16 GetBookmarks( const SwCntntNode& rNd,
xub_StrLen nStt, xub_StrLen nEnd,
SvPtrarr& rArr );
- // lege einen neuen PaM an der Position an
+ // Create new PaM at position.
static SwPaM * NewSwPaM(SwDoc & rDoc,
sal_uLong const nStartIdx, sal_uLong const nEndIdx);
- // kopiere ggfs. eine lokale Datei ins Internet
+ // If applicable copy a local file into internet.
sal_Bool CopyLocalFileToINet( String& rFileNm );
- // Stream-spezifische Routinen, im Storage-Writer NICHT VERWENDEN!
- // Optimierung der Ausgabe auf den Stream.
+ // Stream-specific routines. Do not use in storage-writer!
+ // Optimizing output on stream.
SvStream& OutLong( SvStream& rStrm, long nVal );
SvStream& OutULong( SvStream& rStrm, sal_uLong nVal );
- // Hex-Zahl ausgeben, default ist 2.stellige Zahl
+ // Output hex number; default is two-digit number.
SvStream& OutHex( SvStream& rStrm, sal_uLong nHex, sal_uInt8 nLen = 2 );
- // 4-st. Hex-Zahl ausgeben
+ // Output four-digit hex number.
inline SvStream& OutHex4( SvStream& rStrm, sal_uInt16 nHex )
{ return OutHex( rStrm, nHex, 4 ); }
@@ -518,7 +507,7 @@ SV_DECL_REF(Writer)
-// Basisklasse fuer alle Storage-Writer
+// Base class for all storage writers.
class SW_DLLPUBLIC StgWriter : public Writer
@@ -526,7 +515,7 @@ protected:
SotStorageRef pStg;
com::sun::star::uno::Reference < com::sun::star::embed::XStorage > xStg;
- // Fehler beim Aufruf erzeugen
+ // Create error at call.
virtual sal_uLong WriteStream();
virtual sal_uLong WriteStorage() = 0;
virtual sal_uLong WriteMedium( SfxMedium& ) = 0;
@@ -544,8 +533,8 @@ public:
SotStorage& GetStorage() const { return *pStg; }
-// Schnittstellenklasse fuer den allgemeinen Zugriff auf die
-// speziellen Writer
+// Interface class for general access on special writers.
class SwWriter
@@ -574,7 +563,6 @@ public:
typedef Reader* (*FnGetReader)();
typedef void (*FnGetWriter)(const String&, const String& rBaseURL, WriterRef&);
@@ -592,22 +580,22 @@ struct SwReaderWriterEntry
: pReader( NULL ), fnGetReader( fnReader ), fnGetWriter( fnWriter ), bDelReader( bDel )
- /// Get access to the reader
+ /// Get access to the reader.
Reader* GetReader();
- /// Get access to the writer
+ /// Get access to the writer.
void GetWriter( const String& rNm, const String& rBaseURL, WriterRef& xWrt ) const;
namespace SwReaderWriter
- /// Return reader based on ReaderWriterEnum
+ /// Return reader based on ReaderWriterEnum.
Reader* GetReader( ReaderWriterEnum eReader );
- /// Return reader based on the name
+ /// Return reader based on the name.
Reader* GetReader( const String& rFltName );
- /// Return writer based on the name
+ /// Return writer based on the name.
void GetWriter( const String& rFltName, const String& rBaseURL, WriterRef& xWrt );
diff --git a/sw/inc/shellres.hxx b/sw/inc/shellres.hxx
index 3f341df..80f1235 100644
--- a/sw/inc/shellres.hxx
+++ b/sw/inc/shellres.hxx
@@ -44,7 +44,7 @@ struct SW_DLLPUBLIC ShellResource : public Resource
String aPostItPage;
String aPostItLine;
- // Calc Fehlerstrings
+ // Calc error-strings.
String aCalc_Syntax;
String aCalc_ZeroDiv;
String aCalc_Brack;
@@ -55,21 +55,21 @@ struct SW_DLLPUBLIC ShellResource : public Resource
String aCalc_Default;
String aCalc_Error;
- // fuers GetRefFeld - oben/unten
+ // For GetRefField - up/down.
String aGetRefFld_Up;
String aGetRefFld_Down;
- // for GetRefField - referenced item not found
+ // For GetRefField - referenced item not found.
String aGetRefFld_RefItemNotFound;
- // fuer dynamisches Menu - String "alle"
+ // For dynamic menu - string "all".
String aStrAllPageHeadFoot;
- // fuer einige Listboxen - String "keine"
+ // For some list boxes - string "none"
String aStrNone;
- // fuer Felder, die Fixiert sind
+ // For fixed fields.
String aFixedStr;
- // custom fields of type css::util::Duration
+ // Custom fields of type css::util::Duration.
String sDurationFormat;
- //names of TOXs
+ //Names of TOXs.
String aTOXIndexName;
String aTOXUserName;
String aTOXContentName;
@@ -82,7 +82,7 @@ struct SW_DLLPUBLIC ShellResource : public Resource
SvStringsDtor aDocInfoLst;
- // die AutoFormat-Redline-Kommentare
+ // The autoFormat-Redline comments.
inline const SvStringsDtor& GetAutoFmtNameLst() const;
enum PageNameMode
@@ -91,9 +91,9 @@ struct SW_DLLPUBLIC ShellResource : public Resource
- // returns for the specific filter the new names of pagedescs
+ // Returns for the specific filter the new names of pagedescs
// This method is for the old code of the specific filters with
- // now localized names
+ // now localized names.
String GetPageDescName( sal_uInt16 nNo, PageNameMode eMode );
diff --git a/sw/inc/sortopt.hxx b/sw/inc/sortopt.hxx
index f010a6c..12066e2 100644
--- a/sw/inc/sortopt.hxx
+++ b/sw/inc/sortopt.hxx
@@ -36,9 +36,7 @@
enum SwSortDirection { SRT_COLUMNS, SRT_ROWS };
- Beschreibung: SortierSchluessel
- --------------------------------------------------------------------*/
struct SW_DLLPUBLIC SwSortKey
diff --git a/sw/inc/splargs.hxx b/sw/inc/splargs.hxx
index 0b7f6b2..678a8d3 100644
--- a/sw/inc/splargs.hxx
+++ b/sw/inc/splargs.hxx
@@ -130,7 +130,7 @@ struct SwSpellArgs : SwArgsBase
* class SwInterHyphInfo
-// Parameter-Klasse fuer Hyphenate
+// Parameter-class for Hyphenate.
// docedt.cxx: SwDoc::Hyphenate()
// txtedt.cxx: SwTxtNode::Hyphenate()
// txthyph.cxx: SwTxtFrm::Hyphenate()
diff --git a/sw/inc/swabstdlg.hxx b/sw/inc/swabstdlg.hxx
index 4d84284..40da780 100644
--- a/sw/inc/swabstdlg.hxx
+++ b/sw/inc/swabstdlg.hxx
@@ -28,7 +28,6 @@
-// include ---------------------------------------------------------------
#include <tools/solar.h>
#include <tools/string.hxx>
@@ -338,7 +337,7 @@ public:
-//-------Swabstract fractory
+// Swabstract fractory
class SwAbstractDialogFactory
diff --git a/sw/inc/swacorr.hxx b/sw/inc/swacorr.hxx
index 06589a8..af11eb4 100644
--- a/sw/inc/swacorr.hxx
+++ b/sw/inc/swacorr.hxx
@@ -38,13 +38,12 @@ class SwAutoCorrect : public SvxAutoCorrect
using SvxAutoCorrect::PutText;
- // - return den Ersetzungstext (nur fuer SWG-Format, alle anderen
- // koennen aus der Wortliste herausgeholt werden!)
- // rShort ist der Stream-Name - gecryptet!
+ // Return replacement text (only for SWG-format, all others can be obtained from wordlist!).
+ // rShort is stream-name - encrypted!
virtual sal_Bool GetLongText( const com::sun::star::uno::Reference < com::sun::star::embed::XStorage >& , const String& rFileName, const String& rShort, String& rLong );
- // - Text mit Attributierung (kann nur der SWG - SWG-Format!)
- // rShort ist der Stream-Name - gecryptet!
+ // Text with attributes (only SWG-format!).
+ // rShort is stream-name - encrypted!
virtual sal_Bool PutText( const com::sun::star::uno::Reference < com::sun::star::embed::XStorage >&, const String& rFileName, const String& rShort, SfxObjectShell& ,
String& );
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