[Libreoffice-commits] .: sw/inc
Christoph Herzog
cherzog at kemper.freedesktop.org
Mon Apr 18 14:11:57 PDT 2011
sw/inc/SwStyleNameMapper.hxx | 4 -
sw/inc/swtable.hxx | 109 ++++++++++++++++++++++---------------------
sw/inc/swtblfmt.hxx | 8 +--
sw/inc/swundo.hxx | 6 +-
sw/inc/wdocsh.hxx | 4 -
5 files changed, 67 insertions(+), 64 deletions(-)
New commits:
commit 4ac8e9836d81c7212950e5e10aee667ce6d8467b
Author: Christoph Herzog <rhogez at googlemail.com>
Date: Mon Apr 18 23:11:33 2011 +0200
Translate German comments.
diff --git a/sw/inc/SwStyleNameMapper.hxx b/sw/inc/SwStyleNameMapper.hxx
index 03db252..894621c 100644
--- a/sw/inc/SwStyleNameMapper.hxx
+++ b/sw/inc/SwStyleNameMapper.hxx
@@ -39,7 +39,7 @@
#include <stringhash.hxx>
-/* This class holds all data about the names of styles used in the user
+/** This class holds all data about the names of styles used in the user
* interface (UI names...these are localised into different languages).
* These UI names are loaded from the resource files on demand.
@@ -67,7 +67,7 @@
* 5. Numbering Rule contains the NumRule name array.
* There is a further complication that came to light later. If someone enters
* a user-defined style name which is the same as a programmatic name, this
* name clash must be handled.
diff --git a/sw/inc/swtable.hxx b/sw/inc/swtable.hxx
index 6632cb6..bd2dafe 100644
--- a/sw/inc/swtable.hxx
+++ b/sw/inc/swtable.hxx
@@ -40,7 +40,7 @@ class SwStartNode;
#include <memory>
#include <boost/noncopyable.hpp>
-#include <node.hxx> // fuer StartNode->GetMyIndex
+#include <node.hxx> // For StartNode->GetMyIndex.
class SwFmt;
@@ -79,20 +79,20 @@ SV_DECL_REF( SwServerObject )
SV_DECL_PTRARR_DEL(SwTableLines, SwTableLine*, 10, 20)
SV_DECL_PTRARR_DEL(SwTableBoxes, SwTableBox*, 25, 50)
-// speicher die Inhaltstragenden Box-Pointer zusaetzlich in einem
-// sortierten Array (fuers rechnen in der Tabelle)
+// Save content-bearing box-pointers additionally in a sorted array
+// (for calculation in table).
typedef SwTableBox* SwTableBoxPtr;
SV_DECL_PTRARR_SORT( SwTableSortBoxes, SwTableBoxPtr, 25, 50 )
typedef SwTableLine* SwTableLinePtr;
-class SW_DLLPUBLIC SwTable: public SwClient //Client vom FrmFmt
+class SW_DLLPUBLIC SwTable: public SwClient //Client of FrmFmt.
SwTableLines aLines;
SwTableSortBoxes aSortCntBoxes;
- SwServerObjectRef refObj; // falls DataServer -> Pointer gesetzt
+ SwServerObjectRef refObj; // In case DataServer -> pointer is set.
SwHTMLTableLayout *pHTMLLayout;
@@ -102,17 +102,17 @@ protected:
// boxes have been build (SwTableNode::MakeCopy with tables in tables).
SwTableNode* pTableNode;
-//SOLL das fuer jede Tabelle einstellbar sein?
+ // Should that be adjustable for every table?
TblChgMode eTblChgMode;
- sal_uInt16 nGrfsThatResize; // Anzahl der Grfs, die beim HTML-Import
- // noch ein Resize der Tbl. anstossen
- sal_uInt16 nRowsToRepeat; // number of rows to repeat on every page
+ sal_uInt16 nGrfsThatResize; // Count of Grfs that initiate a resize of table
+ // at HTML-import.
+ sal_uInt16 nRowsToRepeat; // Number of rows to repeat on every page.
sal_Bool bModifyLocked :1;
sal_Bool bNewModel :1; // sal_False: old SubTableModel; sal_True: new RowSpanModel
- bool bDontChangeModel; // This is set by functions (like Merge()) to forbid a laet model change
+ bool bDontChangeModel; // This is set by functions (like Merge()) to forbid a laet model change.
sal_Bool IsModifyLocked(){ return bModifyLocked;}
@@ -158,13 +158,13 @@ public:
SwHTMLTableLayout *GetHTMLTableLayout() { return pHTMLLayout; }
const SwHTMLTableLayout *GetHTMLTableLayout() const { return pHTMLLayout; }
- void SetHTMLTableLayout( SwHTMLTableLayout *p ); //Eigentumsuebergang!
+ void SetHTMLTableLayout( SwHTMLTableLayout *p ); //Change of property!
sal_uInt16 IncGrfsThatResize() { return ++nGrfsThatResize; }
sal_uInt16 DecGrfsThatResize() { return nGrfsThatResize ? --nGrfsThatResize : 0; }
- void LockModify() { bModifyLocked = sal_True; } //Muessen _immer_ paarig
- void UnlockModify() { bModifyLocked = sal_False;} //benutzt werden!
+ void LockModify() { bModifyLocked = sal_True; } // Must be used always
+ void UnlockModify() { bModifyLocked = sal_False;} // in pairs!
void SetTableModel( sal_Bool bNew ){ bNewModel = bNew; }
sal_Bool IsNewModel() const { return bNewModel; }
@@ -250,69 +250,72 @@ public:
SwTableSortBoxes& GetTabSortBoxes() { return aSortCntBoxes; }
const SwTableSortBoxes& GetTabSortBoxes() const { return aSortCntBoxes; }
- // lese die 1. Nummer und loesche sie aus dem String
- // (wird von GetTblBox und SwTblFld benutzt)
+ // Read 1st number and delete it from string (used by GetTblBox and SwTblFld).
// #i80314#
// add 3rd parameter in order to control validation check on <rStr>
static sal_uInt16 _GetBoxNum( String& rStr,
sal_Bool bFirst = sal_False,
const bool bPerformValidCheck = false );
- // suche die Inhaltstragende Box mit dem Namen
+ // Search content-bearing box with that name.
// #i80314#
// add 2nd parameter in order to control validation check in called method
// <_GetBoxNum(..)>
const SwTableBox* GetTblBox( const String& rName,
const bool bPerformValidCheck = false ) const;
- // kopiere die selektierten Boxen in ein anderes Dokument.
+ // Copy selected boxes to another document.
sal_Bool MakeCopy( SwDoc*, const SwPosition&, const SwSelBoxes&,
sal_Bool bCpyNds = sal_True, sal_Bool bCpyName = sal_False ) const;
- // kopiere die Tabelle in diese. (die Logik steht im TBLRWCL.CXX)
+ // Copy table in this (implemented in TBLRWCL.CXX).
sal_Bool InsTable( const SwTable& rCpyTbl, const SwNodeIndex&,
SwUndoTblCpyTbl* pUndo = 0 );
sal_Bool InsTable( const SwTable& rCpyTbl, const SwSelBoxes&,
SwUndoTblCpyTbl* pUndo = 0 );
sal_Bool InsNewTable( const SwTable& rCpyTbl, const SwSelBoxes&,
SwUndoTblCpyTbl* pUndo );
- // kopiere die Headline (mit Inhalt!) der Tabelle in eine andere
+ // Copy headline of table (with content!) into an other one.
sal_Bool CopyHeadlineIntoTable( SwTableNode& rTblNd );
- // erfrage die Box, dessen Start-Index auf nBoxStt steht
+ // Get box, whose start index is set on nBoxStt.
SwTableBox* GetTblBox( sal_uLong nSttIdx );
const SwTableBox* GetTblBox( sal_uLong nSttIdx ) const
{ return ((SwTable*)this)->GetTblBox( nSttIdx ); }
- // returnt sal_True wenn sich in der Tabelle Verschachtelungen befinden
+ // Returns sal_True if table contains nestings.
sal_Bool IsTblComplex() const;
- //returnt sal_True wenn die Tabelle oder Selektion ausgeglichen ist
+ // Returns sal_True if table or selection is balanced.
sal_Bool IsTblComplexForChart( const String& rSel,
SwChartLines* pGetCLines = 0 ) const;
- // suche alle Inhaltstragenden-Boxen der Grundline in der diese Box
+ // Search all content-bearing boxes of the base line on which this box stands.
+ // rBoxes as a return value for immediate use.
// steht. rBoxes auch als Return-Wert, um es gleich weiter zu benutzen
- //JP 31.01.97: bToTop = sal_True -> hoch bis zur Grundline,
- // sal_False-> sonst nur die Line der Box
+ // bToTop = sal_True -> up to base line, sal_False-> else only line of box.
SwSelBoxes& SelLineFromBox( const SwTableBox* pBox,
SwSelBoxes& rBoxes, sal_Bool bToTop = sal_True ) const;
- // erfrage vom Client Informationen
+ // Get information from client.
virtual sal_Bool GetInfo( SfxPoolItem& ) const;
- // suche im Format nach der angemeldeten Tabelle
+ // Search in format for registered table.
static SwTable * FindTable( SwFrmFmt const*const pFmt );
- // Struktur ein wenig aufraeumen
+ // Clean up structure a bit.
void GCLines();
- // returns the table node via aSortCntBoxes or pTableNode
+ // Returns the table node via aSortCntBoxes or pTableNode.
SwTableNode* GetTableNode() const;
void SetTableNode( SwTableNode* pNode ) { pTableNode = pNode; }
- // Daten Server-Methoden
+ // Data server methods.
void SetRefObject( SwServerObject* );
const SwServerObject* GetObject() const { return &refObj; }
SwServerObject* GetObject() { return &refObj; }
- //Daten fuer das Chart fuellen.
+ // Fill data for chart.
void UpdateCharts() const;
TblChgMode GetTblChgMode() const { return eTblChgMode; }
@@ -328,7 +331,7 @@ public:
-class SW_DLLPUBLIC SwTableLine: public SwClient // Client vom FrmFmt
+class SW_DLLPUBLIC SwTableLine: public SwClient // Client of FrmFmt.
SwTableBoxes aBoxes;
SwTableBox *pUpper;
@@ -352,11 +355,11 @@ public:
SwFrmFmt* GetFrmFmt() { return (SwFrmFmt*)GetRegisteredIn(); }
SwFrmFmt* GetFrmFmt() const { return (SwFrmFmt*)GetRegisteredIn(); }
- //Macht ein eingenes FrmFmt wenn noch mehr Lines von ihm abhaengen.
+ // Creates a own FrmFmt if more lines depend on it.
SwFrmFmt* ClaimFrmFmt();
void ChgFrmFmt( SwTableLineFmt* pNewFmt );
- // suche nach der naechsten/vorherigen Box mit Inhalt
+ // Search next/previous box with content.
SwTableBox* FindNextBox( const SwTable&, const SwTableBox* =0,
sal_Bool bOvrTblLns=sal_True ) const;
SwTableBox* FindPreviousBox( const SwTable&, const SwTableBox* =0,
@@ -368,23 +371,23 @@ public:
void RegisterToFormat( SwFmt& rFmt );
-class SW_DLLPUBLIC SwTableBox: public SwClient //Client vom FrmFmt
+class SW_DLLPUBLIC SwTableBox: public SwClient //Client of FrmFmt.
- friend class SwNodes; // um den Index umzusetzen !
- friend void DelBoxNode(SwTableSortBoxes&); // um den StartNode* zu loeschen !
+ friend class SwNodes; // Transpose index.
+ friend void DelBoxNode(SwTableSortBoxes&); // Delete StartNode* !
friend class SwXMLTableContext;
- //nicht (mehr) implementiert.
+ // Not implemented (any more).
SwTableBox( const SwTableBox & );
- SwTableBox &operator=( const SwTableBox &); //gibts nicht.
+ SwTableBox &operator=( const SwTableBox &); // Does not exist.
SwTableLines aLines;
const SwStartNode * pSttNd;
SwTableLine *pUpper;
SwTableBox_Impl* pImpl;
- // falls das Format schon Formeln/Values enthaelt, muss ein neues
- // fuer die neue Box erzeugt werden.
+ // In case Format contains formulas/values already,
+ // a new one must be created for the new box.
SwTableBoxFmt* CheckBoxFmt( SwTableBoxFmt* );
@@ -407,7 +410,7 @@ public:
SwFrmFmt* GetFrmFmt() { return (SwFrmFmt*)GetRegisteredIn(); }
SwFrmFmt* GetFrmFmt() const { return (SwFrmFmt*)GetRegisteredIn(); }
- //Macht ein eingenes FrmFmt wenn noch mehr Boxen von ihm abhaengen.
+ // Creates its own FrmFmt if more boxes depend on it.
SwFrmFmt* ClaimFrmFmt();
void ChgFrmFmt( SwTableBoxFmt *pNewFmt );
@@ -419,30 +422,30 @@ public:
{ return pSttNd ? pSttNd->GetIndex() : 0; }
- // suche nach der naechsten/vorherigen Box mit Inhalt
+ // Search next/previous box with content.
SwTableBox* FindNextBox( const SwTable&, const SwTableBox* =0,
sal_Bool bOvrTblLns=sal_True ) const;
SwTableBox* FindPreviousBox( const SwTable&, const SwTableBox* =0,
sal_Bool bOvrTblLns=sal_True ) const;
- // gebe den Namen dieser Box zurueck. Dieser wird dynamisch bestimmt
- // und ergibt sich aus der Position in den Lines/Boxen/Tabelle
+ // Return name of this box. It is determined dynamically and
+ // is calculated from the position in the lines/boxes/table.
String GetName() const;
- // gebe den "Wert" der Box zurueck (fuers rechnen in der Tabelle)
+ // Return "value" of box (for calculating in table).
double GetValue( SwTblCalcPara& rPara ) const;
sal_Bool IsInHeadline( const SwTable* pTbl = 0 ) const;
- // enthaelt die Box Inhalt, der als Nummer formatiert werden kann?
+ // Contains box contents, that can be formated as a number?
sal_Bool HasNumCntnt( double& rNum, sal_uInt32& rFmtIndex,
sal_Bool& rIsEmptyTxtNd ) const;
sal_uLong IsValidNumTxtNd( sal_Bool bCheckAttr = sal_True ) const;
- // teste ob der BoxInhalt mit der Nummer uebereinstimmt, wenn eine
- // Tabellenformel gesetzt ist. (fuers Redo des Change vom NumFormat!)
+ // If a table formula is set, test if box contents is congruent with number.
+ // (For Redo of change of NumFormat!).
sal_Bool IsNumberChanged() const;
- // ist das eine FormelBox oder eine Box mit numerischen Inhalt (AutoSum)
- // Was es ist, besagt der ReturnWert - die WhichId des Attributes
- // Leere Boxen haben den ReturnWert USHRT_MAX !!
+ // Is that a formula box or a box with numeric contents (AutoSum)?
+ // What it is is indicated by the return value - the WhichId of the attribute.
+ // Empty boxes have the return value USHRT_MAX !!
sal_uInt16 IsFormulaOrValueBox() const;
// Loading of a document requires an actualisation of cells with values
@@ -450,7 +453,7 @@ public:
- // zugriff auf interne Daten - z.Z. benutzt fuer den NumFormatter
+ // Access on internal data - currently used for the NumFormatter.
inline const Color* GetSaveUserColor() const;
inline const Color* GetSaveNumFmtColor() const;
inline void SetSaveUserColor(const Color* p );
diff --git a/sw/inc/swtblfmt.hxx b/sw/inc/swtblfmt.hxx
index eb93754..e723563 100644
--- a/sw/inc/swtblfmt.hxx
+++ b/sw/inc/swtblfmt.hxx
@@ -48,7 +48,7 @@ protected:
- TYPEINFO(); //Bereits in Basisklasse Client drin.
+ TYPEINFO(); // Already in base class Content.
@@ -68,7 +68,7 @@ protected:
- TYPEINFO(); //Bereits in Basisklasse Client drin.
+ TYPEINFO(); // Already in base class Content.
@@ -87,11 +87,11 @@ protected:
: SwFrmFmt( rPool, rFmtNm, pDrvdFrm, RES_FRMFMT, aTableBoxSetRange )
- // zum Erkennen von Veraenderungen (haupts. TableBoxAttribute)
+ // For recognition of changes (especially TableBoxAttribute).
virtual void Modify( const SfxPoolItem* pOld, const SfxPoolItem* pNewValue );
- TYPEINFO(); //Bereits in Basisklasse Client drin.
+ TYPEINFO(); // Already in base class Content.
diff --git a/sw/inc/swundo.hxx b/sw/inc/swundo.hxx
index 3d7715c..0268c89 100644
--- a/sw/inc/swundo.hxx
+++ b/sw/inc/swundo.hxx
@@ -36,15 +36,15 @@
typedef ::std::vector< ::rtl::OUString > SwUndoComments_t;
-// die Ids fuer StdAktionen
+// The IDs for StdActions.
enum SwUndoId
UNDO_END, // 2
- REPEAT_START, // alle UndoIds zwischen REPEAT_START und
- // REPEAT_END sind Repeat-Faehig !!
+ REPEAT_START, // All UndoIDs between REPEAT_START and
+ // REPEAT_END are Repeat-enabled !!
diff --git a/sw/inc/wdocsh.hxx b/sw/inc/wdocsh.hxx
index a3ad4a5..30e354f 100644
--- a/sw/inc/wdocsh.hxx
+++ b/sw/inc/wdocsh.hxx
@@ -33,13 +33,13 @@
class SW_DLLPUBLIC SwWebDocShell: public SwDocShell
- sal_uInt16 nSourcePara; // aktive Zeile in der SourceView
+ sal_uInt16 nSourcePara; // Active line in source view.
using SotObject::GetInterface;
- // aber selbst implementieren
+ // But implement yourself.
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