[Libreoffice-commits] .: patches/dev300

Jan Holesovsky kendy at kemper.freedesktop.org
Fri Apr 29 15:06:26 PDT 2011

 patches/dev300/apply                       |    7 
 patches/dev300/speed-sal-fewer-lstats.diff |  286 -----------------------------
 2 files changed, 293 deletions(-)

New commits:
commit 70e41c036ab62395f7002cadda2d8f6f3e5cd025
Author: Jan Holesovsky <kendy at suse.cz>
Date:   Sat Apr 30 00:05:51 2011 +0200

    Kill speed-sal-fewer-lstats.diff, too fragile.

diff --git a/patches/dev300/apply b/patches/dev300/apply
index 98873d5..dc1817b 100644
--- a/patches/dev300/apply
+++ b/patches/dev300/apply
@@ -183,13 +183,6 @@ buildfix-instsetoo_native-archive.diff, i#111617
 buildfix-instsetoo_native-no-PKGFORMAT.diff, i#112761, rengelha
-[ TemporaryHacks and not MacOSXOnly ]
-# don't lstat() that much while creating absolute URLs - breaks unopkg
-# run as e.g. used during Mac dmg generation, as parts of the
-# configmgr paths are not yet existing then
-speed-sal-fewer-lstats.diff, i#89730, jholesov
 #[ CJKTemporaryHacks ]
 # the following patch is disabled temporary.
 # default value of tab stop for Chinese version
diff --git a/patches/dev300/speed-sal-fewer-lstats.diff b/patches/dev300/speed-sal-fewer-lstats.diff
deleted file mode 100644
index cebfcd4..0000000
--- a/patches/dev300/speed-sal-fewer-lstats.diff
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,286 +0,0 @@
- sal/osl/unx/file_url.cxx |  260 ++++-----------------------------------------
- 1 files changed, 24 insertions(+), 236 deletions(-)
-diff --git sal/osl/unx/file_url.cxx sal/osl/unx/file_url.cxx
-index 53f27b3..e5b4cca 100644
---- sal/osl/unx/file_url.cxx
-+++ sal/osl/unx/file_url.cxx
-@@ -439,250 +439,38 @@ oslFileError osl_getSystemPathFromFileURL_Ex(
-     return osl_error;
- }
--namespace /* private */
--    /******************************************************
--     * Helper function, return a pinter to the final '\0'
--     * of a string
--     ******************************************************/
--    sal_Unicode* ustrtoend(sal_Unicode* pStr)
--    {		
--        return (pStr + rtl_ustr_getLength(pStr));
--    }
--    /*********************************************
--     ********************************************/
--    sal_Unicode* ustrchrcat(const sal_Unicode chr, sal_Unicode* d)
--    {
--        sal_Unicode* p = ustrtoend(d);
--        *p++ = chr;
--        *p   = 0;		
--        return d;	
--    }
--    /******************************************************
--     *
--     ******************************************************/
--    bool _islastchr(sal_Unicode* pStr, sal_Unicode Chr)
--    {
--           sal_Unicode* p = ustrtoend(pStr);
--           if (p > pStr)
--               p--;
--           return (*p == Chr);  
--    }
--    /******************************************************
--     * Remove the last part of a path, a path that has 
--     * only a '/' or no '/' at all will be returned
--     * unmodified 
--     ******************************************************/
--    sal_Unicode* _rmlastpathtoken(sal_Unicode* aPath)
--    {
--        /* 	we always may skip -2 because we
--               may at least stand on a '/' but
--               either there is no other character
--               before this '/' or it's another 
--               character than the '/' 
--        */
--        sal_Unicode* p = ustrtoend(aPath) - 2;
-+ * Resolve the paths if they exist. The resulting
-+ * path must not exceed PATH_MAX else
-+ * osl_File_E_NAMETOOLONG is the result
-+ ******************************************************/
--        // move back to the next path separator
--        // or to the start of the string
--        while ((p > aPath) && (*p != UNICHAR_SLASH))
--            p--;
-+static oslFileError osl_getAbsoluteFileURL_impl_(const rtl::OUString& unresolved, rtl::OUString& resolved)
-+    char unresolved_path[PATH_MAX];
-+    char resolved_path[PATH_MAX];
--        if (p >= aPath)
--        {
--            if (UNICHAR_SLASH == *p)
--            {
--                p++;
--               *p = '\0';
--            }
--            else
--            {
--                   *p = '\0';
--            }
--        }
--        return aPath;
--    }
-+    if (!UnicodeToText(unresolved_path, sizeof(unresolved_path), unresolved.getStr(), unresolved.getLength()))
-+        return oslTranslateFileError(OSL_FET_ERROR, ENAMETOOLONG);
--    /******************************************************
--     * 
--     ******************************************************/
--    oslFileError _osl_resolvepath(
--        /*inout*/ sal_Unicode* path, 
--        /*inout*/ sal_Unicode* current_pos, 
--        /*inout*/ bool* failed)
--    {
--        oslFileError ferr = osl_File_E_None;
--        if (!*failed)
--        {
--            char unresolved_path[PATH_MAX];			
--            if (!UnicodeToText(unresolved_path, sizeof(unresolved_path), path, rtl_ustr_getLength(path)))
--                return oslTranslateFileError(OSL_FET_ERROR, ENAMETOOLONG);
--            char resolved_path[PATH_MAX];			
--            if (realpath(unresolved_path, resolved_path))
--            {
--                if (!TextToUnicode(resolved_path, strlen(resolved_path), path, PATH_MAX))		
--                    return oslTranslateFileError(OSL_FET_ERROR, ENAMETOOLONG);
--                current_pos = ustrtoend(path) - 1;	    					
--            }
--            else
--            {
--                if (EACCES == errno || ENOTDIR == errno || ENOENT == errno)
--                    *failed = true;
--                else
--                    ferr = oslTranslateFileError(OSL_FET_ERROR, errno);
--            }
--        }
--        return ferr;
--    }	
--    /******************************************************
--     * Works even with non existing paths. The resulting 
--     * path must not exceed PATH_MAX else 
--     * osl_File_E_NAMETOOLONG is the result
--     ******************************************************/
--    oslFileError osl_getAbsoluteFileURL_impl_(const rtl::OUString& unresolved_path, rtl::OUString& resolved_path)
-+    if (realpath(unresolved_path, resolved_path))
-     {
--        // the given unresolved path must not exceed PATH_MAX 
--        if (unresolved_path.getLength() >= (PATH_MAX - 2))
-+        sal_Unicode path[PATH_MAX];
-+        if (!TextToUnicode(resolved_path, strlen(resolved_path), path, PATH_MAX))
-             return oslTranslateFileError(OSL_FET_ERROR, ENAMETOOLONG);
--        sal_Unicode        path_resolved_so_far[PATH_MAX];	    
--        const sal_Unicode* punresolved = unresolved_path.getStr(); 
--        sal_Unicode*       presolvedsf = path_resolved_so_far;
--        // reserve space for leading '/' and trailing '\0'
--        // do not exceed this limit 
--        sal_Unicode* sentinel = path_resolved_so_far + PATH_MAX - 2; 
--        // if realpath fails with error ENOTDIR, EACCES or ENOENT
--        // we will not call it again, because _osl_realpath should also
--        // work with non existing directories etc. 
--        bool realpath_failed = false;
--        oslFileError ferr;
--        path_resolved_so_far[0] = '\0';
--        while (*punresolved != '\0')
--        {
--            // ignore '/.' , skip one part back when '/..' 
--            if ((UNICHAR_DOT == *punresolved) && (UNICHAR_SLASH == *presolvedsf))
--            {            
--                if ('\0' == *(punresolved + 1))
--                {
--                    punresolved++;
--                    continue;
--                }
--                else if (UNICHAR_SLASH == *(punresolved + 1))
--                {
--                    punresolved += 2;
--                    continue;
--                }            
--                else if ((UNICHAR_DOT == *(punresolved + 1)) && ('\0' == *(punresolved + 2) || (UNICHAR_SLASH == *(punresolved + 2))))
--                {                
--                    _rmlastpathtoken(path_resolved_so_far);
--                    presolvedsf = ustrtoend(path_resolved_so_far) - 1;
--                    if (UNICHAR_SLASH == *(punresolved + 2))
--                        punresolved += 3;
--                    else
--                        punresolved += 2;
--                    continue;
--                }                    
--                else // a file or directory name may start with '.' 
--                {
--                    if ((presolvedsf = ustrtoend(path_resolved_so_far)) > sentinel)
--                        return oslTranslateFileError(OSL_FET_ERROR, ENAMETOOLONG);
--                    ustrchrcat(*punresolved++, path_resolved_so_far); 
--                    if ('\0' == *punresolved && !realpath_failed)
--                    {
--                        ferr = _osl_resolvepath(
--                            path_resolved_so_far, 
--                            presolvedsf, 
--                            &realpath_failed);
--                        if (osl_File_E_None != ferr)
--                            return ferr;
--                    }
--                }
--            }
--            else if (UNICHAR_SLASH == *punresolved)
--            {  
--                if ((presolvedsf = ustrtoend(path_resolved_so_far)) > sentinel)
--                    return oslTranslateFileError(OSL_FET_ERROR, ENAMETOOLONG);
--                ustrchrcat(*punresolved++, path_resolved_so_far); 
--                if (!realpath_failed)
--                {                
--                    ferr = _osl_resolvepath(
--                        path_resolved_so_far, 
--                        presolvedsf, 
--                        &realpath_failed);
--                    if (osl_File_E_None != ferr)
--                        return ferr;
--                    if (!_islastchr(path_resolved_so_far, UNICHAR_SLASH))
--                    {
--                        if ((presolvedsf = ustrtoend(path_resolved_so_far)) > sentinel)
--                            return oslTranslateFileError(OSL_FET_ERROR, ENAMETOOLONG);
--                        ustrchrcat(UNICHAR_SLASH, path_resolved_so_far); 
--                    }
--                }
--            }
--            else // any other character
--            {
--                if ((presolvedsf = ustrtoend(path_resolved_so_far)) > sentinel)
--                    return oslTranslateFileError(OSL_FET_ERROR, ENAMETOOLONG);
--                ustrchrcat(*punresolved++, path_resolved_so_far); 
--                if ('\0' == *punresolved && !realpath_failed)
--                {            
--                    ferr = _osl_resolvepath(
--                        path_resolved_so_far, 
--                        presolvedsf, 
--                        &realpath_failed);
--                    if (osl_File_E_None != ferr)
--                        return ferr;
--                }
--            }
--        }
--        sal_Int32 len = rtl_ustr_getLength(path_resolved_so_far);
--        OSL_ASSERT(len < PATH_MAX);
--        resolved_path = rtl::OUString(path_resolved_so_far, len);
-+        resolved = rtl::OUString(path, rtl_ustr_getLength(path));
-         return osl_File_E_None;
-     }
-+    else
-+    {
-+        if (EACCES != errno && ENOTDIR != errno && ENOENT != errno)
-+            return oslTranslateFileError(OSL_FET_ERROR, errno);
-+    }
--} // end namespace private
-+    // the 'unresolved' does not exist, let's just copy it to 'resolved'
-+    resolved = unresolved;
-+    return osl_File_E_None;
- /******************************************************
-  * osl_getAbsoluteFileURL

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