[Libreoffice-commits] .: 2 commits - binfilter/bf_sw binfilter/inc binfilter/prj
Caolán McNamara
caolan at kemper.freedesktop.org
Fri Aug 19 01:31:20 PDT 2011
binfilter/bf_sw/source/core/edit/sw_edws.cxx | 23
binfilter/bf_sw/source/ui/app/sw_apphdl.cxx | 22
binfilter/bf_sw/source/ui/app/sw_docsh.cxx | 5
binfilter/bf_sw/source/ui/app/sw_docsh2.cxx | 15
binfilter/bf_sw/source/ui/app/sw_docshini.cxx | 2
binfilter/bf_sw/source/ui/app/sw_docstyle.cxx | 51
binfilter/bf_sw/source/ui/app/sw_swmodul1.cxx | 1
binfilter/bf_sw/source/ui/dbui/sw_dbmgr.cxx | 1
binfilter/bf_sw/source/ui/inc/ccoll.hxx | 1
binfilter/bf_sw/source/ui/inc/uitool.hxx | 1
binfilter/bf_sw/source/ui/inc/wrtsh.hxx | 319 --
binfilter/bf_sw/source/ui/index/sw_toxmgr.cxx | 2
binfilter/bf_sw/source/ui/makefile.mk | 3
binfilter/bf_sw/source/ui/uno/sw_unomod.cxx | 1
binfilter/bf_sw/source/ui/uno/sw_unotxdoc.cxx | 17
binfilter/bf_sw/source/ui/wrtsh/makefile.mk | 57
binfilter/bf_sw/source/ui/wrtsh/sw_move.cxx | 99
binfilter/bf_sw/source/ui/wrtsh/sw_wrtsh.src | 2847 --------------------------
binfilter/bf_sw/source/ui/wrtsh/sw_wrtsh1.cxx | 71
binfilter/bf_sw/source/ui/wrtsh/sw_wrtsh3.cxx | 64
binfilter/bf_sw/source/ui/wrtsh/wrtsh.hrc | 173 -
binfilter/bf_sw/util/makefile.mk | 3
binfilter/inc/bf_sw/docsh.hxx | 8
binfilter/inc/bf_sw/editsh.hxx | 3
binfilter/inc/bf_sw/swmodule.hxx | 1
binfilter/prj/build.lst | 3
26 files changed, 10 insertions(+), 3783 deletions(-)
New commits:
commit f7e3dd4efe9432f4e139c464b5af909f54bfafaf
Author: Caolán McNamara <caolanm at redhat.com>
Date: Fri Aug 19 08:54:08 2011 +0100
callcatcher: reduce further
diff --git a/binfilter/bf_sw/source/core/edit/sw_edws.cxx b/binfilter/bf_sw/source/core/edit/sw_edws.cxx
index 1ebde49..2179612 100644
--- a/binfilter/bf_sw/source/core/edit/sw_edws.cxx
+++ b/binfilter/bf_sw/source/core/edit/sw_edws.cxx
@@ -84,29 +84,6 @@ namespace binfilter {
/*N*/ pSh = (ViewShell *)pSh->GetNext();
/*N*/ } while(pSh != this);
/*N*/ }
- * void SwEditShell::CalcLayout()
- ******************************************************************************/
-/*N*/ void SwEditShell::CalcLayout()
-/*N*/ {
-/*N*/ StartAllAction();
-/*N*/ ViewShell::CalcLayout();
-/*N*/ ViewShell *pSh = this;
-/*N*/ do
-/*N*/ {
-/*N*/ if ( pSh->GetWin() )
-/*N*/ pSh->GetWin()->Invalidate();
-/*N*/ pSh = (ViewShell*)pSh->GetNext();
-/*N*/ } while ( pSh != this );
-/*N*/ EndAllAction();
-/*N*/ }
/* vim:set shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4 expandtab: */
diff --git a/binfilter/inc/bf_sw/editsh.hxx b/binfilter/inc/bf_sw/editsh.hxx
index 1c79414..db370c8 100644
--- a/binfilter/inc/bf_sw/editsh.hxx
+++ b/binfilter/inc/bf_sw/editsh.hxx
@@ -227,9 +227,6 @@ public:
void StartAllAction();
void EndAllAction();
- //Damit Start-/EndActions aufgesetzt werden koennen.
- void CalcLayout();
/* Anwenden der ViewOptions mit Start-/EndAction */
inline void ApplyViewOptions( const SwViewOption &rOpt );
commit 508adb9d62b6e525d0bf475d3bb9e890a70520b2
Author: Caolán McNamara <caolanm at redhat.com>
Date: Thu Aug 18 23:35:27 2011 +0100
SwWrtShell cannot be constructed
diff --git a/binfilter/bf_sw/source/ui/app/sw_apphdl.cxx b/binfilter/bf_sw/source/ui/app/sw_apphdl.cxx
index ac7494f..b5c5553 100644
--- a/binfilter/bf_sw/source/ui/app/sw_apphdl.cxx
+++ b/binfilter/bf_sw/source/ui/app/sw_apphdl.cxx
@@ -45,7 +45,7 @@
#include <horiornt.hxx>
-#include <wrtsh.hxx>
+#include <viewsh.hxx>
#include <cmdid.h> // Funktion-Ids
#include <swmodule.hxx>
#include <wdocsh.hxx>
@@ -80,22 +80,6 @@ namespace binfilter {
/*M*/ {
/*M*/ if( rHint.ISA( SfxEventHint ) )
/*M*/ {
-/*M*/ SfxEventHint& rEvHint = (SfxEventHint&) rHint;
-/*M*/ SwDocShell* pDocSh = PTR_CAST( SwDocShell, rEvHint.GetObjShell() );
-/*M*/ if( pDocSh )
-/*M*/ {
-/*M*/ SwWrtShell* pWrtSh = pDocSh ? pDocSh->GetWrtShell() : 0;
-/*M*/ switch( rEvHint.GetEventId() )
-/*M*/ {
-/*M*/ // alle FIX-Date/Time Felder auf akt. setzen
-/*M*/ if( pWrtSh )
-/*M*/ {
-/*?*/ DBG_BF_ASSERT(0, "STRIP");
-/*M*/ }
-/*M*/ break;
-/*M*/ }
-/*M*/ }
/*M*/ }
/*M*/ else if(rHint.ISA(SfxItemSetHint))
/*M*/ {
@@ -108,8 +92,8 @@ namespace binfilter {
/*M*/ GetItemState( SID_ATTR_ADDRESS, sal_False ))
/*M*/ bAuthorInitialised = FALSE;
/*M*/ }
-/*M*/ else if(rHint.ISA(SfxSimpleHint))
-/*M*/ {
+/*M*/ else if(rHint.ISA(SfxSimpleHint))
+/*M*/ {
/*M*/ ULONG nHintId = ((SfxSimpleHint&)rHint).GetId();
/*M*/ if(SFX_HINT_COLORS_CHANGED == nHintId ||
diff --git a/binfilter/bf_sw/source/ui/app/sw_docsh.cxx b/binfilter/bf_sw/source/ui/app/sw_docsh.cxx
index 1a8db95..786f972 100644
--- a/binfilter/bf_sw/source/ui/app/sw_docsh.cxx
+++ b/binfilter/bf_sw/source/ui/app/sw_docsh.cxx
@@ -56,8 +56,8 @@
#include <horiornt.hxx>
-#include <wrtsh.hxx> // Verbindung zur Core
#include <wdocsh.hxx>
+#include <crsrsh.hxx>
#include <swmodule.hxx>
#include <globdoc.hxx>
#include <usrpref.hxx>
/*N*/ BOOL bSttTimer = FALSE;
// ohne WrtShell haben wir eine WebDocShell und muessen uns die
// Optionen vom Modul holen
-/*N*/ if( pWrtShell ? pWrtShell->GetViewOptions()->IsGraphic()
-/*N*/ : SW_MOD()->GetUsrPref(TRUE)->IsGraphic() )
+/*N*/ if( SW_MOD()->GetUsrPref(TRUE)->IsGraphic() )
/*N*/ {
/*N*/ const SvxLinkManager& rLnkMgr = pDoc->GetLinkManager();
/*N*/ const ::binfilter::SvBaseLinks& rLnks = rLnkMgr.GetLinks();
diff --git a/binfilter/bf_sw/source/ui/app/sw_docsh2.cxx b/binfilter/bf_sw/source/ui/app/sw_docsh2.cxx
index a055277..754c908 100644
--- a/binfilter/bf_sw/source/ui/app/sw_docsh2.cxx
+++ b/binfilter/bf_sw/source/ui/app/sw_docsh2.cxx
@@ -69,7 +69,6 @@
#include <horiornt.hxx>
-#include <wrtsh.hxx>
#include <fldbas.hxx>
#include <viewopt.hxx>
#include <globdoc.hxx>
@@ -136,13 +135,6 @@ using namespace ::rtl;
/*N*/ if( nAction )
/*N*/ {
-/*N*/ BOOL bUnlockView(false);
-/*N*/ if( pWrtShell )
-/*N*/ {
-/*N*/ bUnlockView = !pWrtShell->IsViewLocked();
-/*N*/ pWrtShell->LockView( TRUE ); //lock visible section
-/*N*/ pWrtShell->StartAllAction();
-/*N*/ }
/*N*/ switch( nAction )
/*N*/ {
/*N*/ case 1:
@@ -153,13 +145,6 @@ using namespace ::rtl;
/*N*/ pDoc->GetSysFldType( RES_FILENAMEFLD )->UpdateFlds();
/*N*/ break;
/*N*/ }
-/*N*/ if( pWrtShell )
-/*N*/ {
-/*N*/ pWrtShell->EndAllAction();
-/*N*/ if( bUnlockView )
-/*N*/ pWrtShell->LockView( FALSE );
-/*N*/ }
/*N*/ }
/*N*/ }
diff --git a/binfilter/bf_sw/source/ui/app/sw_docshini.cxx b/binfilter/bf_sw/source/ui/app/sw_docshini.cxx
index 008c940..1889bb8 100644
--- a/binfilter/bf_sw/source/ui/app/sw_docshini.cxx
+++ b/binfilter/bf_sw/source/ui/app/sw_docshini.cxx
@@ -316,7 +316,6 @@ using namespace ::rtl;
/*N*/ , pBasePool(0)
/*N*/ , pFontList(0)
/*N*/ , pView( 0 )
-/*N*/ , pWrtShell( 0 )
/*N*/ , nUpdateDocMode(document::UpdateDocMode::ACCORDING_TO_CONFIG)
/*N*/ {
/*N*/ RTL_LOGFILE_CONTEXT_AUTHOR( aLog, "SW", "JP93722", "SwDocShell::SwDocShell" );
@@ -335,7 +334,6 @@ using namespace ::rtl;
/*?*/ , pBasePool(0)
/*?*/ , pFontList(0)
/*?*/ , pView( 0 )
-/*?*/ , pWrtShell( 0 )
/*?*/ , nUpdateDocMode(document::UpdateDocMode::ACCORDING_TO_CONFIG)
/*?*/ {
/*?*/ RTL_LOGFILE_CONTEXT_AUTHOR( aLog, "SW", "JP93722", "SwDocShell::SwDocShell" );
diff --git a/binfilter/bf_sw/source/ui/app/sw_docstyle.cxx b/binfilter/bf_sw/source/ui/app/sw_docstyle.cxx
index 55ac68c..f500bd6 100644
--- a/binfilter/bf_sw/source/ui/app/sw_docstyle.cxx
+++ b/binfilter/bf_sw/source/ui/app/sw_docstyle.cxx
@@ -47,7 +47,6 @@
#include <horiornt.hxx>
-#include <wrtsh.hxx>
#include <docsh.hxx>
#include <osl/diagnose.h>
#include <charfmt.hxx>
@@ -73,48 +72,6 @@ namespace binfilter {
#define cPAGE (sal_Unicode)'g'
#define cNUMRULE (sal_Unicode)'n'
-// Dieses Zeichen wird bei der Herausgabe der Namen wieder entfernt und
-// die Familie wird neu generiert.
-// Ausserdem gibt es jetzt zusaetzlich das Bit bPhysical. Ist dieses Bit
-// TRUE, werden die Pool-Formatnamen NICHT mit eingetragen.
-/*N*/ class SwImplShellAction
-/*N*/ {
-/*N*/ SwWrtShell* pSh;
-/*N*/ CurrShell* pCurrSh;
-/*N*/ public:
-/*N*/ SwImplShellAction( SwDoc& rDoc );
-/*N*/ ~SwImplShellAction();
-/*N*/ SwWrtShell* GetSh() { return pSh; }
-/*N*/ };
-/*N*/ SwImplShellAction::SwImplShellAction( SwDoc& rDoc )
-/*N*/ : pCurrSh( 0 )
-/*N*/ {
-/*N*/ if( rDoc.GetDocShell() )
-/*N*/ pSh = rDoc.GetDocShell()->GetWrtShell();
-/*N*/ else
-/*N*/ pSh = 0;
-/*N*/ if( pSh )
-/*N*/ {
-/*N*/ pCurrSh = new CurrShell( pSh );
-/*N*/ pSh->StartAllAction();
-/*N*/ }
-/*N*/ }
-/*N*/ SwImplShellAction::~SwImplShellAction()
-/*N*/ {
-/*N*/ if( pCurrSh )
-/*N*/ {
-/*N*/ pSh->EndAllAction();
-/*N*/ delete pCurrSh;
-/*N*/ }
-/*N*/ }
Beschreibung: SwCharFormate finden/anlegen
evtl. Style fuellen
@@ -555,10 +512,7 @@ namespace binfilter {
/*N*/ if( pFmt && pFmt->DerivedFrom() &&
/*N*/ pFmt->DerivedFrom()->GetName() != rStr )
/*N*/ {
-/*N*/ {
-/*N*/ SwImplShellAction aTmp( rDoc );
-/*N*/ bRet = pFmt->SetDerivedFrom( pParent );
-/*N*/ }
+/*N*/ bRet = pFmt->SetDerivedFrom( pParent );
/*N*/ if( bRet )
/*N*/ {
@@ -581,7 +535,6 @@ namespace binfilter {
/*N*/ if( rStr.Len() && !SfxStyleSheetBase::SetFollow( rStr ))
/*?*/ return FALSE;
-/*N*/ SwImplShellAction aTmpSh( rDoc );
/*N*/ switch(nFamily)
/*N*/ {
@@ -715,8 +668,6 @@ namespace binfilter {
/*N*/ if(!bPhysical)
/*?*/ FillStyleSheet( FillPhysical );
-/*N*/ SwImplShellAction aTmpSh( rDoc );
/*N*/ OSL_ENSURE( &rSet != &aCoreSet, "SetItemSet mit eigenem Set ist nicht erlaubt" );
/*N*/ SwFmt* pFmt = 0;
diff --git a/binfilter/bf_sw/source/ui/app/sw_swmodul1.cxx b/binfilter/bf_sw/source/ui/app/sw_swmodul1.cxx
index da1e07a..9c7a148 100644
--- a/binfilter/bf_sw/source/ui/app/sw_swmodul1.cxx
+++ b/binfilter/bf_sw/source/ui/app/sw_swmodul1.cxx
@@ -64,7 +64,6 @@
#include <horiornt.hxx>
-#include <wrtsh.hxx>
#include <docsh.hxx>
#include <dbmgr.hxx>
#include <uinums.hxx>
diff --git a/binfilter/bf_sw/source/ui/dbui/sw_dbmgr.cxx b/binfilter/bf_sw/source/ui/dbui/sw_dbmgr.cxx
index b4c46b0..6c1b3a6 100644
--- a/binfilter/bf_sw/source/ui/dbui/sw_dbmgr.cxx
+++ b/binfilter/bf_sw/source/ui/dbui/sw_dbmgr.cxx
@@ -65,7 +65,6 @@
#include <horiornt.hxx>
-#include <wrtsh.hxx>
#include <fldbas.hxx>
#include <flddat.hxx>
#include <swmodule.hxx>
diff --git a/binfilter/bf_sw/source/ui/inc/ccoll.hxx b/binfilter/bf_sw/source/ui/inc/ccoll.hxx
index eaf9a89..85e9dc1 100644
--- a/binfilter/bf_sw/source/ui/inc/ccoll.hxx
+++ b/binfilter/bf_sw/source/ui/inc/ccoll.hxx
@@ -35,7 +35,6 @@
namespace binfilter {
-class SwWrtShell;
class SwFmt;
class SwCollCondition;
diff --git a/binfilter/bf_sw/source/ui/inc/uitool.hxx b/binfilter/bf_sw/source/ui/inc/uitool.hxx
index 2e765ea..e7a4579 100644
--- a/binfilter/bf_sw/source/ui/inc/uitool.hxx
+++ b/binfilter/bf_sw/source/ui/inc/uitool.hxx
@@ -43,7 +43,6 @@ class SfxMedium;
class SwPageDesc;
class SvxTabStopItem;
-class SwWrtShell;
class SwDocShell;
class SwFrmFmt;
diff --git a/binfilter/bf_sw/source/ui/inc/wrtsh.hxx b/binfilter/bf_sw/source/ui/inc/wrtsh.hxx
deleted file mode 100644
index ba23775..0000000
--- a/binfilter/bf_sw/source/ui/inc/wrtsh.hxx
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,319 +0,0 @@
-/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- */
- *
- *
- * Copyright 2000, 2010 Oracle and/or its affiliates.
- *
- * OpenOffice.org - a multi-platform office productivity suite
- *
- * This file is part of OpenOffice.org.
- *
- * OpenOffice.org is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
- * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License version 3
- * only, as published by the Free Software Foundation.
- *
- * OpenOffice.org is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU Lesser General Public License version 3 for more details
- * (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code).
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
- * version 3 along with OpenOffice.org. If not, see
- * <http://www.openoffice.org/license.html>
- * for a copy of the LGPLv3 License.
- *
- ************************************************************************/
-#ifndef _WRTSH_HXX
-#define _WRTSH_HXX
-#include <bf_svtools/bf_solar.h>
-#include <fesh.hxx>
-#include <sortopt.hxx>
-#include <tools/debug.hxx>
-namespace com { namespace sun { namespace star { namespace util {
- struct SearchOptions;
-} } } }
-class Window;
-class SbxArray;
-class SvGlobalName;
-class Timer;
-namespace binfilter {
-class SvInPlaceObjectRef;
-class SvEmbeddedObjectRef;
-class SvxMacro;
-class SwDoc;
-class SpellCheck;
-class SwViewOption;
-class SwFlyFrmAttrMgr;
-class SwField;
-class SwTOXBase;
-class SdrView;
-class SwView;
-class SwInputFieldList;
-class SwSection;
-class SwFmtINetFmt;
-class SvxINetBookmark;
-class SvxAutoCorrect;
-class NaviContentBookmark;
-struct SwCallMouseEvent;
-class DropEvent;
-struct ChartSelectionInfo;
-class SfxStringListItem;
-class SwWrtShell: public SwFEShell
- typedef long (SwWrtShell::*SELECTFUNC)(const Point *, BOOL bProp );
- // Alle Selektionen aufheben
- //setzt den Cursorstack nach dem Bewegen mit PageUp/-Down
- //zurueck, falls ein Stack aufgebaut ist
- inline void ResetCursorStack();
- enum SelectionType
- {
- SEL_TXT = CNT_TXT, // Text, niemals auch Rahmen 0x0001
- SEL_GRF = CNT_GRF, // Grafik 0x0002
- SEL_OLE = CNT_OLE, // OLE 0x0010
- SEL_FRM = 0x0020, // Rahmen, keine Inhaltsform
- SEL_NUM = 0x0040, // NumListe
- SEL_TBL = 0x0080, // Cursor steht in Tabelle
- SEL_TBL_CELLS = 0x0100, // Tabellenzellen sind selektiert
- SEL_DRW = 0x0200, // Zeichenobjekte (Rechteck, Kreis...)
- SEL_DRW_TXT = 0x0400, // Draw-Textobjekte im Editmode
- SEL_BEZ = 0x0800, // Bezierobjekte editieren
- SEL_DRW_FORM = 0x1000 // Zeichenobjekte: DB-Forms
- };
- BOOL IsModePushed() const { return 0 != pModeStack; }
- BOOL IsInSelect() const { return bInSelect; }
- void SetInSelect(BOOL bSel = TRUE) { bInSelect = bSel; }
- BOOL IsStdMode() const { return !bExtMode && !bAddMode; }
- BOOL IsExtMode() const { return bExtMode; }
- BOOL IsAddMode() const { return bAddMode; }
- BOOL IsInsMode() const { return bIns; }
- BOOL IsSelFrmMode() const { return bLayoutMode; }
- // Tabellenzellen selektieren fuer Bearbeiten von Formeln in der Ribbonbar
- inline void SelTblCells( const Link &rLink, BOOL bMark = TRUE );
- inline void EndSelTblCells();
- //Wortweisen oder zeilenweisen Selektionsmodus verlassen. Wird
- //in der Regel in MB-Up gerufen.
- BOOL IsExtSel() const { return bSelWrd || bSelLn; }
- //Basiscursortravelling
-typedef bool (SwWrtShell:: *FNSimpleMove)();
- // Felder Update
- BOOL IsNoEdit() const { return bNoEdit; }
- // Loeschen
- // loescht auch Rahmen bzw. setzt den Cursor in den Rahmen,
- // wenn bDelFrm == FALSE ist
- // Prueft, ob eine Wortselektion vorliegt.
- // Gemaess den Regeln fuer intelligentes Cut / Paste
- // werden umgebende Spaces rausgeschnitten.
- // Liefert Art der Wortselektion zurueck (siehe enum)
- enum {
- NO_WORD = 0,
- };
- virtual void CalcAndSetScale( SvEmbeddedObjectRef xObj,
- const SwRect *pFlyPrtRect = 0,
- const SwRect *pFlyFrmRect = 0 );
- virtual void ConnectObj( SvInPlaceObjectRef xIPObj, const SwRect &rPrt,
- const SwRect &rFrm );
- // Vorlagen und Formate
- // enum gibt an, was geschehen soll, wenn das Style nicht gefunden wurde
- enum GetStyle { GETSTYLE_NOCREATE, // keins anlegen
- GETSTYLE_CREATESOME, // falls auf PoolId mapt anlegen
- GETSTYLE_CREATEANY }; // ggfs Standard returnen
- // Aktuelle Vorlage anhand der geltenden Attribute aendern
- enum DoType { UNDO, REDO, REPEAT };
- String GetDoString( DoType eDoType ) const;
- //Suchen oder Ersetzen
- // Aktion vor Cursorbewegung
- // Hebt gfs. Selektionen auf, triggert Timer und GCAttr()
- // Eingabefelder updaten
- //"Handler" fuer Anederungen an der DrawView - fuer Controls.
- virtual void DrawSelChanged( SdrView * );
- // jump to the next / previous hyperlink - inside text and also
- // on graphics
- // Zugehoerige SwView ermitteln
- const SwView& GetView() const { return rView; }
- SwView& GetView() { return rView; }
- //Weil es sonst keiner macht, gibt es hier eine ExecMacro()
- // rufe ins dunkle Basic/JavaScript
- // ein Klick aus das angegebene Feld. Der Cursor steht auf diesem.
- // Fuehre die vor definierten Aktionen aus.
- inline BOOL IsInClickToEdit() const ;
- SwWrtShell(SwDoc&, Window*, SwView&, SwRootFrm*, SwViewOption const*);
- virtual ~SwWrtShell();
- String GetWrdDelim();
- String GetSDelim();
- String GetBothDelim();
- struct ModeStack
- {
- ModeStack *pNext;
- BOOL bAdd,
- bExt,
- bIns;
- ModeStack(ModeStack *pNextMode, BOOL _bIns, BOOL _bExt, BOOL _bAdd)
- : pNext(pNextMode)
- , bAdd(_bAdd)
- , bExt(_bExt)
- , bIns(_bIns)
- {}
- } *pModeStack;
- // Cursor bei PageUp / -Down mitnehmen
- enum PageMove
- {
- MV_NO,
- } ePageMove;
- struct CrsrStack
- {
- Point aDocPos;
- CrsrStack *pNext;
- BOOL bValidCurPos : 1;
- BOOL bIsFrmSel : 1;
- SwTwips lOffset;
- CrsrStack( BOOL bValid, BOOL bFrmSel, const Point &rDocPos,
- SwTwips lOff, CrsrStack *pN )
- : aDocPos(rDocPos), pNext(pN), lOffset(lOff)
- {
- bValidCurPos = bValid;
- bIsFrmSel = bFrmSel;
- }
- } *pCrsrStack;
- SwView &rView;
- Point aDest;
- BOOL bDestOnStack;
- BOOL HasCrsrStack() const { return 0 != pCrsrStack; }
- BOOL PopCrsr(BOOL bUpdate, BOOL bSelect = FALSE);
- // ENDE Cursor bei PageUp / -Down mitnehmen
- // Selektionen
- BOOL bIns :1;
- BOOL bInSelect :1;
- BOOL bExtMode :1;
- BOOL bAddMode :1;
- BOOL bLayoutMode :1;
- BOOL bNoEdit :1;
- BOOL bCopy :1;
- BOOL bSelWrd :1;
- BOOL bSelLn :1;
- BOOL bIsInClickToEdit:1;
- BOOL bClearMark :1; // Selektion fuer ChartAutoPilot nicht loeschen
- Point aStart;
- Link aSelTblLink;
- SELECTFUNC fnLeaveSelect;
- //setzt den Cursorstack nach dem Bewegen mit PageUp/-Down zurueck.
- void SttDragDrop(Timer *);
- long StdSelect(const Point *, BOOL bProp=FALSE );
- //Verschieben von Text aus Drag and Drop; Point ist
- //Destination fuer alle Selektionen.
- void LeaveExtSel() { bSelWrd = bSelLn = FALSE;}
- enum BookMarkMove
- {
- };
- inline void SwWrtShell::ResetCursorStack()
- {
- if ( HasCrsrStack() )
- }
-inline void SwWrtShell::SelTblCells(const Link &rLink, BOOL bMark )
- SetSelTblCells( TRUE );
- bClearMark = bMark;
- aSelTblLink = rLink;
-inline void SwWrtShell::EndSelTblCells()
- SetSelTblCells( FALSE );
- bClearMark = TRUE;
-inline BOOL SwWrtShell::IsInClickToEdit() const { return bIsInClickToEdit; }
-} //namespace binfilter
-/* vim:set shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4 expandtab: */
diff --git a/binfilter/bf_sw/source/ui/index/sw_toxmgr.cxx b/binfilter/bf_sw/source/ui/index/sw_toxmgr.cxx
index ba9a3aa..80d0374 100644
--- a/binfilter/bf_sw/source/ui/index/sw_toxmgr.cxx
+++ b/binfilter/bf_sw/source/ui/index/sw_toxmgr.cxx
@@ -28,7 +28,7 @@
#include <horiornt.hxx>
-#include <wrtsh.hxx>
+#include <viewsh.hxx>
#include <shellres.hxx>
#include <globals.hrc>
diff --git a/binfilter/bf_sw/source/ui/makefile.mk b/binfilter/bf_sw/source/ui/makefile.mk
index e637c91..5093a0b 100644
--- a/binfilter/bf_sw/source/ui/makefile.mk
+++ b/binfilter/bf_sw/source/ui/makefile.mk
@@ -66,8 +66,7 @@ LIB1FILES= \
$(SLB)$/sw_globdoc.lib \
$(SLB)$/sw_index.lib \
$(SLB)$/sw_unoidl.lib \
- $(SLB)$/sw_web.lib \
- $(SLB)$/sw_wrtsh.lib
+ $(SLB)$/sw_web.lib
.INCLUDE : target.mk
diff --git a/binfilter/bf_sw/source/ui/uno/sw_unomod.cxx b/binfilter/bf_sw/source/ui/uno/sw_unomod.cxx
index 7b924bd..e9ea0e5 100644
--- a/binfilter/bf_sw/source/ui/uno/sw_unomod.cxx
+++ b/binfilter/bf_sw/source/ui/uno/sw_unomod.cxx
@@ -50,7 +50,6 @@
#include <horiornt.hxx>
-#include <wrtsh.hxx>
#include <viewopt.hxx>
#include <osl/mutex.hxx>
#include <vcl/svapp.hxx>
diff --git a/binfilter/bf_sw/source/ui/uno/sw_unotxdoc.cxx b/binfilter/bf_sw/source/ui/uno/sw_unotxdoc.cxx
index fcc7f97..da3b302 100644
--- a/binfilter/bf_sw/source/ui/uno/sw_unotxdoc.cxx
+++ b/binfilter/bf_sw/source/ui/uno/sw_unotxdoc.cxx
@@ -46,7 +46,6 @@
#include <horiornt.hxx>
-#include <wrtsh.hxx>
#include <viewsh.hxx>
#include <pvprtdat.hxx>
#include <swprtopt.hxx>
@@ -1856,10 +1855,7 @@ void SwXTextDocument::refresh(void) throw( RuntimeException )
SolarMutexGuard aGuard;
throw RuntimeException();
- SwWrtShell *pWrtShell = pDocShell->GetWrtShell();
- if(pWrtShell)
- pWrtShell->CalcLayout();
void SwXTextDocument::addRefreshListener(const Reference< util::XRefreshListener > & l)
@@ -1993,19 +1989,6 @@ sal_Int32 SAL_CALL SwXTextDocument::getRendererCount(
if (!pDoc)
throw RuntimeException();
- SwWrtShell *pWrtShell = pDoc->GetDocShell()->GetWrtShell();
- if( pWrtShell )
- {
- SwViewOption aViewOpt( *pWrtShell->GetViewOptions() );
- aViewOpt.SetPDFExport( TRUE );
- if ( pWrtShell->IsBrowseMode() )
- aViewOpt.SetPrtFormat( TRUE );
- pWrtShell->ApplyViewOptions( aViewOpt );
- pWrtShell->CalcLayout();
- aViewOpt.SetPDFExport( FALSE );
- pWrtShell->ApplyViewOptions( aViewOpt );
- }
return pDoc->GetPageCount();
diff --git a/binfilter/bf_sw/source/ui/wrtsh/makefile.mk b/binfilter/bf_sw/source/ui/wrtsh/makefile.mk
deleted file mode 100644
index e7933f0..0000000
--- a/binfilter/bf_sw/source/ui/wrtsh/makefile.mk
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,57 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 2000, 2010 Oracle and/or its affiliates.
-# OpenOffice.org - a multi-platform office productivity suite
-# This file is part of OpenOffice.org.
-# OpenOffice.org is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
-# it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License version 3
-# only, as published by the Free Software Foundation.
-# OpenOffice.org is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-# GNU Lesser General Public License version 3 for more details
-# (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code).
-# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
-# version 3 along with OpenOffice.org. If not, see
-# <http://www.openoffice.org/license.html>
-# for a copy of the LGPLv3 License.
-# --- Settings -----------------------------------------------------
-.INCLUDE : $(PRJ)$/inc$/bf_sw$/swpre.mk
-.INCLUDE : settings.mk
-.INCLUDE : $(PRJ)$/inc$/bf_sw$/sw.mk
-INC+= -I$(PRJ)$/inc$/bf_sw
-# --- Files --------------------------------------------------------
- sw_wrtsh.src
- $(SLO)$/sw_move.obj \
- $(SLO)$/sw_wrtsh1.obj \
- $(SLO)$/sw_wrtsh3.obj
-# --- Tagets -------------------------------------------------------
-.INCLUDE : target.mk
diff --git a/binfilter/bf_sw/source/ui/wrtsh/sw_move.cxx b/binfilter/bf_sw/source/ui/wrtsh/sw_move.cxx
deleted file mode 100644
index 9d59bd9..0000000
--- a/binfilter/bf_sw/source/ui/wrtsh/sw_move.cxx
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,99 +0,0 @@
-/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- */
- *
- *
- * Copyright 2000, 2010 Oracle and/or its affiliates.
- *
- * OpenOffice.org - a multi-platform office productivity suite
- *
- * This file is part of OpenOffice.org.
- *
- * OpenOffice.org is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
- * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License version 3
- * only, as published by the Free Software Foundation.
- *
- * OpenOffice.org is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU Lesser General Public License version 3 for more details
- * (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code).
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
- * version 3 along with OpenOffice.org. If not, see
- * <http://www.openoffice.org/license.html>
- * for a copy of the LGPLv3 License.
- *
- ************************************************************************/
-#ifdef _MSC_VER
-#pragma hdrstop
-#include <horiornt.hxx>
-#include <wrtsh.hxx>
-namespace binfilter {
-/* Immer:
- - Zuruecksetzen des Cursorstacks
- - Timer nachtriggern
- - gfs. GCAttr
- bei Selektion
- - SttSelect()
- sonst
- - EndSelect()
- */
-const long nReadOnlyScrollOfst = 10;
- Beschreibung: Spaltenweises Springen
- Parameter: mit oder ohne SSelection
- Return: Erfolg oder Misserfolg
-/*N*/ BOOL SwWrtShell::PopCrsr(BOOL bUpdate, BOOL)
-/*N*/ {
-/*N*/ if( 0 == pCrsrStack)
-/*N*/ return FALSE;
-/*?*/ const BOOL bValidPos = pCrsrStack->bValidCurPos;
-/*?*/ if( bUpdate && bValidPos )
-/*?*/ {
-/*?*/ // falls ein Vorgaenger auf dem Stack steht, dessen Flag fuer eine
-/*?*/ // gueltige Position verwenden.
-/*?*/ SwRect aTmpArea(VisArea());
-/*?*/ aTmpArea.Pos().Y() -= pCrsrStack->lOffset;
-/*?*/ if( aTmpArea.IsInside( pCrsrStack->aDocPos ) )
-/*?*/ {
-/*?*/ DBG_BF_ASSERT(0, "STRIP");
-/*?*/ }
-/*?*/ // Falls eine Verschiebung zwischen dem sichtbaren Bereich
-/*?*/ // und der gemerkten Cursorpositionen auftritt, werden
-/*?*/ // alle gemerkten Positionen weggeschmissen
-/*?*/ else
-/*?*/ {
-/*?*/ DBG_BF_ASSERT(0, "STRIP");
-/*?*/ return FALSE;
-/*?*/ }
-/*?*/ }
-/*?*/ CrsrStack *pTmp = pCrsrStack;
-/*?*/ pCrsrStack = pCrsrStack->pNext;
-/*?*/ delete pTmp;
-/*?*/ if( 0 == pCrsrStack )
-/*?*/ {
-/*?*/ ePageMove = MV_NO;
-/*?*/ bDestOnStack = FALSE;
-/*?*/ }
-/*?*/ return bValidPos;
-/*N*/ }
-/* vim:set shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4 expandtab: */
diff --git a/binfilter/bf_sw/source/ui/wrtsh/sw_wrtsh.src b/binfilter/bf_sw/source/ui/wrtsh/sw_wrtsh.src
deleted file mode 100644
index 38fdb85..0000000
--- a/binfilter/bf_sw/source/ui/wrtsh/sw_wrtsh.src
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2847 +0,0 @@
- *
- *
- * Copyright 2000, 2010 Oracle and/or its affiliates.
- *
- * OpenOffice.org - a multi-platform office productivity suite
- *
- * This file is part of OpenOffice.org.
- *
- * OpenOffice.org is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
- * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License version 3
- * only, as published by the Free Software Foundation.
- *
- * OpenOffice.org is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU Lesser General Public License version 3 for more details
- * (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code).
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
- * version 3 along with OpenOffice.org. If not, see
- * <http://www.openoffice.org/license.html>
- * for a copy of the LGPLv3 License.
- *
- ************************************************************************/
-#include "wrtsh.hrc"
- // Undo
- Text [ de ] = "unmöglich" ;
- Text [ en-US ] = "not possible" ;
- Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
- Text[ pt ] = "ImpossÃvel";
- Text[ ru ] = "невозможно";
- Text[ el ] = "αδÏνατον";
- Text[ nl ] = "Onmogelijk";
- Text[ fr ] = "impossible";
- Text[ es ] = "imposible";
- Text[ fi ] = "ei mahdollinen";
- Text[ ca ] = "impossible";
- Text[ it ] = "Impossibile";
- Text[ sk ] = "nie je možné";
- Text[ da ] = "ikke mulig";
- Text[ sv ] = "inte möjlig";
- Text[ pl ] = "niemożliwe";
- Text[ pt-BR ] = "impossÃvel";
- Text[ th ] = "ไม่สามารถเป็นไปได้";
- Text[ ja ] = "ä¸å¯èƒ½";
- Text[ ko ] = "불가능";
- Text[ zh-CN ] = "ä¸å¯èƒ½";
- Text[ zh-TW ] = "ä¸å¯èƒ½";
- Text[ tr ] = "olanaksız";
- Text[ hi-IN ] = "संà¤à¤µ नहीं";
- Text[ ar ] = "غير ممكن";
- Text[ he ] = "unmöglich";
- Text [ de ] = "Löschen" ;
- Text [ en-US ] = "Delete" ;
- Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
- Text[ pt ] = "Eliminar";
- Text[ ru ] = "Удалить";
- Text[ el ] = "ΔιαγÏαφή";
- Text[ nl ] = "Wissen";
- Text[ fr ] = "Supprimer";
- Text[ es ] = "Borrar";
- Text[ fi ] = "Poista";
- Text[ ca ] = "Suprimeix";
- Text[ it ] = "Elimina";
- Text[ sk ] = "Zmazať";
- Text[ da ] = "Slet";
- Text[ sv ] = "Radera";
- Text[ pl ] = "Usuń";
- Text[ pt-BR ] = "Excluir";
- Text[ th ] = "ลบ";
- Text[ ja ] = "削除";
- Text[ ko ] = "ì‚ì œ";
- Text[ zh-CN ] = "åˆ é™¤";
- Text[ zh-TW ] = "刪除";
- Text[ tr ] = "Sil";
- Text[ hi-IN ] = "मिटाओ";
- Text[ ar ] = "ØØ°Ù";
- Text[ he ] = "‮מחיקה‬";
- Text [ de ] = "Einfügen" ;
- Text [ en-US ] = "Insert" ;
- Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
- Text[ pt ] = "Inserir";
- Text[ ru ] = "Ð’Ñтавить";
- Text[ el ] = "Εισαγωγή";
- Text[ nl ] = "Invoegen";
- Text[ fr ] = "Insérer";
- Text[ es ] = "Insertar";
- Text[ fi ] = "Lisää";
- Text[ ca ] = "Insereix";
- Text[ it ] = "Inserisci";
- Text[ sk ] = "Vložiť";
- Text[ da ] = "Indsæt";
- Text[ sv ] = "Infoga";
- Text[ pl ] = "Wstaw";
- Text[ pt-BR ] = "Inserir";
- Text[ th ] = "à¹à¸—รà¸";
- Text[ ja ] = "挿入";
- Text[ ko ] = "삽입";
- Text[ zh-CN ] = "æ’å…¥";
- Text[ zh-TW ] = "æ’å…¥";
- Text[ tr ] = "Ekle";
- Text[ hi-IN ] = "जोड़ो";
- Text[ ar ] = "إدراج";
- Text[ he ] = "‮הוספה‬";
- Text [ de ] = "Ãœberschreiben" ;
- Text [ en-US ] = "Overwrite" ;
- Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
- Text[ pt ] = "Substituir";
- Text[ ru ] = "Заменить";
- Text[ el ] = "Αντικατάσταση";
- Text[ nl ] = "Overschrijven";
- Text[ fr ] = "Écraser";
- Text[ es ] = "Sobrescribir";
- Text[ fi ] = "Korvaa";
- Text[ ca ] = "Sobreescriu";
- Text[ it ] = "Sovrascrivi";
- Text[ sk ] = "PrepÃsaÅ¥";
- Text[ da ] = "Overskriv";
- Text[ sv ] = "Skriv över";
- Text[ pl ] = "ZastÄ…p";
- Text[ pt-BR ] = "Sobrescrever";
- Text[ th ] = "เขียนทับ";
- Text[ ja ] = "上書ã";
- Text[ ko ] = "ê²¹ì³ì“°ê¸°";
- Text[ zh-CN ] = "改写";
- Text[ zh-TW ] = "覆寫";
- Text[ tr ] = "Ãœzerine yaz";
- Text[ hi-IN ] = "ओवररइटà¥";
- Text[ ar ] = "الكتابة Ùوق";
- Text[ he ] = "Ãœberschreiben";
- Text [ de ] = "neuer Absatz" ;
- Text [ en-US ] = "New Paragraph" ;
- Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
- Text[ pt ] = "Novo parágrafo";
- Text[ ru ] = "Ñоздание абзаца";
- Text[ el ] = "ΔημιουÏγία παÏαγÏάφου";
- Text[ nl ] = "Nieuwe alinea";
- Text[ fr ] = "Nouveau paragraphe";
- Text[ es ] = "Párrafo nuevo";
- Text[ fi ] = "Uusi kappale";
- Text[ ca ] = "Parà graf nou";
- Text[ it ] = "Nuovo paragrafo";
- Text[ sk ] = "Nový odstavec";
- Text[ da ] = "nyt afsnit";
- Text[ sv ] = "Nytt stycke";
- Text[ pl ] = "Nowy akapit";
- Text[ pt-BR ] = "Novo Parágrafo";
- Text[ th ] = "ย่à¸à¸«à¸™à¹‰à¸²à¹ƒà¸«à¸¡à¹ˆ";
- Text[ ja ] = "æ–°ã—ã„段è½";
- Text[ ko ] = "새 단ë½";
- Text[ zh-CN ] = "新建段è½";
- Text[ zh-TW ] = "新建段è½";
- Text[ tr ] = "Yeni paragraf";
- Text[ hi-IN ] = "नया परिचà¥à¤›à¥‡à¤¦";
- Text[ ar ] = "Ùقرة جديدة";
- Text[ he ] = "neuer Absatz";
- Text [ de ] = "Verschieben" ;
- Text [ en-US ] = "Move" ;
- Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
- Text[ pt ] = "Mover";
- Text[ ru ] = "ПеремеÑтить";
- Text[ el ] = "Μετακίνηση";
- Text[ nl ] = "Verplaatsen";
- Text[ fr ] = "Déplacer";
- Text[ es ] = "Desplazar";
- Text[ fi ] = "Siirrä";
- Text[ ca ] = "Mou";
- Text[ it ] = "Sposta";
- Text[ sk ] = "Presunúť";
- Text[ da ] = "Flyt";
- Text[ sv ] = "Flytta";
- Text[ pl ] = "Przesuń";
- Text[ pt-BR ] = "Mover";
- Text[ th ] = "ย้าย";
- Text[ ja ] = "移動";
- Text[ ko ] = "ì´ë™";
- Text[ zh-CN ] = "移动";
- Text[ zh-TW ] = "移動";
- Text[ tr ] = "Taşı";
- Text[ hi-IN ] = "सà¥à¤¥à¤¾à¤¨ परिवरà¥à¤¤à¤¨ करो";
- Text[ ar ] = "إزاØØ©";
- Text[ he ] = "Verschieben";
- Text [ de ] = "Attribute anwenden" ;
- Text [ en-US ] = "Apply attributes" ;
- Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
- Text[ pt ] = "Aplicar atributos";
- Text[ ru ] = "Применить атрибуты";
- Text[ el ] = "ΕφαÏμογή ιδιοτήτων";
- Text[ nl ] = "Attributen toepassen";
- Text[ fr ] = "Appliquer les attributs";
- Text[ es ] = "Aplicar atributos";
- Text[ fi ] = "Käytä määritteitä";
- Text[ ca ] = "Aplica els atributs";
- Text[ it ] = "Applica attributi";
- Text[ sk ] = "Použiť atribúty";
- Text[ da ] = "Anvend attributter";
- Text[ sv ] = "Använd attribut";
- Text[ pl ] = "Zastosuj atrybuty";
- Text[ pt-BR ] = "Aplicar atributos";
- Text[ th ] = "ใช้คุณลัà¸à¸©à¸“ะ";
- Text[ ja ] = "属性ã®é©ç”¨";
- Text[ ko ] = "ì†ì„± ì ìš©";
- Text[ zh-CN ] = "使用属性";
- Text[ zh-TW ] = "使用屬性";
- Text[ tr ] = "Öznitelikleri değiştir";
- Text[ hi-IN ] = "à¤à¤Ÿà¥à¤°à¤¿à¤¬à¥à¤¯à¥‚टà¥à¤¸ लागू करो";
- Text[ ar ] = "استخدام السمات";
- Text[ he ] = "Attribute anwenden";
- Text [ de ] = "Vorlagen anwenden" ;
- Text [ en-US ] = "Apply Styles" ;
- Text [ x-comment ] = "; All ; All \"Vorlage\"/Styles are always written with capital S. 10.5.00EM";
- Text[ pt ] = "Aplicar estilos";
- Text[ ru ] = "Применить Ñтили";
- Text[ el ] = "ΕφαÏμογή Ï€ÏοτÏπων";
- Text[ nl ] = "Opmaakprofielen toepassen";
- Text[ fr ] = "Appliquer les styles";
- Text[ es ] = "Aplicar estilos";
- Text[ fi ] = "Käytä tyylejä";
- Text[ ca ] = "Aplica els estils";
- Text[ it ] = "Applica stili";
- Text[ sk ] = "Použiť štýly";
- Text[ da ] = "Anvend typografi";
- Text[ sv ] = "Använd mallar";
- Text[ pl ] = "Zastosuj style";
- Text[ pt-BR ] = "Aplicar Estilos";
- Text[ th ] = "ใช้ลัà¸à¸©à¸“ะ";
- Text[ ja ] = "スタイルã®é©ç”¨";
- Text[ ko ] = "ìŠ¤íƒ€ì¼ ì ìš©";
- Text[ zh-CN ] = "ä½¿ç”¨æ ·å¼";
- Text[ zh-TW ] = "使用樣å¼";
- Text[ tr ] = "Biçim uygula";
- Text[ hi-IN ] = "शैलियाठलागू करो";
- Text[ ar ] = "استخدام النماذج";
- Text[ he ] = "Vorlagen anwenden";
- Text [ de ] = "Attribute zurücksetzen" ;
- Text [ en-US ] = "Reset attributes" ;
- Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
- Text[ pt ] = "Restaurar atributos";
- Text[ ru ] = "ВоÑÑтановить атрибуты";
- Text[ el ] = "ΕπαναφοÏά ιδιοτήτων";
- Text[ nl ] = "Attributen herstellen";
- Text[ fr ] = "Restaurer les attributs";
- Text[ es ] = "Restablecer atributos";
- Text[ fi ] = "Palauta määritteet";
- Text[ ca ] = "Reinicia els atributs";
- Text[ it ] = "Reimposta attributi";
- Text[ sk ] = "Obnoviť atribúty";
- Text[ da ] = "Nulstil attributter";
- Text[ sv ] = "Återställ attribut";
- Text[ pl ] = "Resetuj atrybuty";
- Text[ pt-BR ] = "Redefinir atributos";
- Text[ th ] = "à¸à¸³à¸«à¸™à¸”คุณลัà¸à¸©à¸“ะใหม่";
- Text[ ja ] = "属性ã®ãƒªã‚»ãƒƒãƒˆ";
- Text[ ko ] = "ì†ì„± ì›ëž˜ëŒ€ë¡œ";
- Text[ zh-CN ] = "é‡è®¾å±žæ€§";
- Text[ zh-TW ] = "é‡è¨å±¬æ€§";
- Text[ tr ] = "Öznitelikleri ilk değerler al";
- Text[ hi-IN ] = "à¤à¤Ÿà¥à¤°à¤¿à¤¬à¥à¤¯à¥‚टà¥à¤¸ रिसेटà¥à¤Ÿ करो";
- Text[ ar ] = "إعادة تعيين السمات";
- Text[ he ] = "Attribute zurücksetzen";
- Text [ de ] = "Attribute anwenden" ;
- Text [ en-US ] = "Apply attributes" ;
- Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
- Text[ pt ] = "Aplicar atributos";
- Text[ ru ] = "Применить атрибуты";
- Text[ el ] = "ΕφαÏμογή ιδιοτήτων";
- Text[ nl ] = "Attributen toepassen";
- Text[ fr ] = "Appliquer les attributs";
- Text[ es ] = "Aplicar atributos";
- Text[ fi ] = "Käytä määritteitä";
- Text[ ca ] = "Aplica els atributs";
- Text[ it ] = "Applica attributi";
- Text[ sk ] = "Použiť atribúty";
- Text[ da ] = "Anvend attributter";
- Text[ sv ] = "Använd attribut";
- Text[ pl ] = "Zastosuj atrybuty";
- Text[ pt-BR ] = "Aplicar atributos";
- Text[ th ] = "ใช้คุณลัà¸à¸©à¸“ะ";
- Text[ ja ] = "属性ã®é©ç”¨";
- Text[ ko ] = "ì†ì„± ì ìš©";
- Text[ zh-CN ] = "使用属性";
- Text[ zh-TW ] = "使用屬性";
- Text[ tr ] = "Öznitelikleri uygula";
- Text[ hi-IN ] = "à¤à¤Ÿà¥à¤°à¤¿à¤¬à¥à¤¯à¥‚टà¥à¤¸ लगाओ";
- Text[ ar ] = "استخدام السمات";
- Text[ he ] = "Attribute anwenden";
- Text [ de ] = "Dokument einfügen" ;
- Text [ en-US ] = "Insert Document" ;
- Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
- Text[ pt ] = "Inserir documento";
- Text[ ru ] = "Ð’Ñтавить документ";
- Text[ el ] = "Εισαγωγή εγγÏάφου";
- Text[ nl ] = "Document invoegen";
- Text[ fr ] = "Insérer un document";
- Text[ es ] = "Insertar documento";
- Text[ fi ] = "Lisää asiakirja";
- Text[ ca ] = "Insereix el document";
- Text[ it ] = "Inserisci documento";
- Text[ sk ] = "Vložiť dokument";
- Text[ da ] = "Indsæt dokument";
- Text[ sv ] = "Infoga dokument";
- Text[ pl ] = "Wstaw dokument";
- Text[ pt-BR ] = "Inserir Documento";
- Text[ th ] = "à¹à¸—รà¸à¹€à¸à¸à¸ªà¸²à¸£";
- Text[ ja ] = "ドã‚ュメントã®æŒ¿å…¥";
- Text[ ko ] = "문서 삽입";
- Text[ zh-CN ] = "æ’入文档";
- Text[ zh-TW ] = "æ’入文件";
- Text[ tr ] = "Belge ekle";
- Text[ hi-IN ] = "लेखपतà¥à¤° जोड़ो";
- Text[ ar ] = "إدراج مستند";
- Text[ he ] = "‮הוספת מסמך‬";
- Text [ de ] = "AutoText einfügen" ;
- Text [ en-US ] = "Insert AutoText" ;
- Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
- Text[ pt ] = "Inserir AutoTexto";
- Text[ ru ] = "Ð’Ñтавить автотекÑÑ‚";
- Text[ el ] = "Εισαγωγή αυτόματου κειμÎνου";
- Text[ nl ] = "AutoTekst invoegen";
- Text[ fr ] = "Insérer un AutoTexte";
- Text[ es ] = "Insertar Texto automático";
- Text[ fi ] = "Lisää automaattinen teksti";
- Text[ ca ] = "Insereix el text automà tic";
- Text[ it ] = "Inserisci testo automatico";
- Text[ sk ] = "Vložiť automatický text";
- Text[ da ] = "Indsæt AutoTekst";
- Text[ sv ] = "Infoga AutoText";
- Text[ pl ] = "Wstaw Autotekst";
- Text[ pt-BR ] = "Inserir AutoTexto";
- Text[ th ] = "à¹à¸—รà¸à¸‚้à¸à¸„วามà¸à¸±à¸•à¹‚นมัติ";
- Text[ ja ] = "入力支æ´ã®æŒ¿å…¥";
- Text[ ko ] = "ìžë™ í…스트 삽입";
- Text[ zh-CN ] = "æ’入自动图文集";
- Text[ zh-TW ] = "æ’入自動圖文集";
- Text[ tr ] = "Otomatik metin ekle";
- Text[ hi-IN ] = "सà¥à¤µà¤šà¤¾à¤²à¤¿à¤¤ टेकà¥à¤¸à¥à¤Ÿà¥ जोड़ो";
- Text[ ar ] = "إدراج نص تلقائي";
- Text[ he ] = "AutoText einfügen";
- Text [ de ] = "Textmarke löschen" ;
- Text [ en-US ] = "Delete bookmark" ;
- Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
- Text[ pt ] = "Eliminar marcador de texto";
- Text[ ru ] = "Удалить закладку";
- Text[ el ] = "ΔιαγÏαφή ÏƒÎ·Î¼Î±Î´Î¹Î¿Ï ÎºÎµÎ¹Î¼Îνου";
- Text[ nl ] = "Tekstmarkering verwijderen";
- Text[ fr ] = "Supprimer le repère de texte";
- Text[ es ] = "Borrar marca de texto";
- Text[ fi ] = "Poista kirjanmerkki";
- Text[ ca ] = "Suprimeix l'adreça d'interès";
- Text[ it ] = "Elimina segnalibro";
- Text[ sk ] = "Zmazať záložku";
- Text[ da ] = "Slet tekstmarkering";
- Text[ sv ] = "Radera bokmärke";
- Text[ pl ] = "Usuń zakładkę";
- Text[ pt-BR ] = "Excluir marcador";
- Text[ th ] = "ลบตัวคั่น";
- Text[ ja ] = "テã‚ストマークã®å‰Šé™¤";
- Text[ ko ] = "책갈피 ì‚ì œ";
- Text[ zh-CN ] = "åˆ é™¤ä¹¦ç¾";
- Text[ zh-TW ] = "刪除內文標籤";
- Text[ tr ] = "Metin iÅŸaretini sil";
- Text[ hi-IN ] = "पृषà¥à¤ संकेत मिटाओ ";
- Text[ ar ] = "Øذ٠إشارة مرجعية";
- Text[ he ] = "Textmarke löschen";
- Text [ de ] = "Textmarke einfügen" ;
- Text [ en-US ] = "Insert bookmark" ;
- Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
- Text[ pt ] = "Inserir marcador de texto";
- Text[ ru ] = "Ð’Ñтавить закладку";
- Text[ el ] = "Εισαγωγή ÏƒÎ·Î¼Î±Î´Î¹Î¿Ï ÎºÎµÎ¹Î¼Îνου";
- Text[ nl ] = "Tekstmarkering invoegen";
- Text[ fr ] = "Insérer un repère de texte";
- Text[ es ] = "Insertar marca";
- Text[ fi ] = "Lisää kirjanmerkki";
- Text[ ca ] = "Insereix una adreça d'interès";
- Text[ it ] = "Inserisci segnalibro";
- Text[ sk ] = "Vložiť záložku";
- Text[ da ] = "Indsæt tekstmarkering";
- Text[ sv ] = "Infoga bokmärke";
- Text[ pl ] = "Wstaw zakładkę";
- Text[ pt-BR ] = "Inserir marcador";
- Text[ th ] = "à¹à¸—รà¸à¸•à¸±à¸§à¸„ั่น";
- Text[ ja ] = "テã‚ストマークã®æŒ¿å…¥";
- Text[ ko ] = "책갈피 삽입";
- Text[ zh-CN ] = "æ’入书ç¾";
- Text[ zh-TW ] = "æ’入內文標籤";
- Text[ tr ] = "Metin iÅŸareti ekle";
- Text[ hi-IN ] = "पृषà¥à¤ संकेत जोड़ो";
- Text[ ar ] = "إدراج إشارة مرجعية";
- Text[ he ] = "Textmarke einfügen";
- Text [ de ] = "Tabelle sortieren" ;
- Text [ en-US ] = "Sort table" ;
- Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
- Text[ pt ] = "Ordenar tabela";
- Text[ ru ] = "Сортировка таблицы";
- Text[ el ] = "Ταξινόμηση πίνακα";
- Text[ nl ] = "Tabel sorteren";
- Text[ fr ] = "Trier le tableau";
- Text[ es ] = "Ordenar tabla";
- Text[ fi ] = "Lajittele taulukko";
- Text[ ca ] = "Ordena la taula";
- Text[ it ] = "Ordina tabella";
- Text[ sk ] = "Zoradiť tabuľku";
- Text[ da ] = "Sorter tabel";
- Text[ sv ] = "Sortera tabell";
- Text[ pl ] = "Sortuj tabelÄ™";
- Text[ pt-BR ] = "Ordenar tabela";
- Text[ th ] = "เรียงตาราง";
- Text[ ja ] = "表ã®ä¸¦ã¹æ›¿ãˆ";
- Text[ ko ] = "í‘œ ì •ë ¬";
- Text[ zh-CN ] = "排åºè¡¨æ ¼";
- Text[ zh-TW ] = "排åºè¡¨æ ¼";
- Text[ tr ] = "Tabloyu sırala";
- Text[ hi-IN ] = "सारणी सोरà¥à¤Ÿ करो";
- Text[ ar ] = "Ùرز الجدول";
- Text[ he ] = "Tabelle sortieren";
- Text [ de ] = "Text sortieren" ;
- Text [ en-US ] = "Sort text" ;
- Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
- Text[ pt ] = "Ordenar texto";
- Text[ ru ] = "Сортировка текÑта";
- Text[ el ] = "Ταξινόμηση κειμÎνου";
- Text[ nl ] = "Tekst sorteren";
- Text[ fr ] = "Trier le texte";
- Text[ es ] = "Ordenar texto";
- Text[ fi ] = "Lajittele teksti";
- Text[ ca ] = "Ordena el text";
- Text[ it ] = "Ordina testo";
- Text[ sk ] = "Radiť text";
- Text[ da ] = "Sorter tekst";
- Text[ sv ] = "Sortera text";
- Text[ pl ] = "Sortuj tekst";
- Text[ pt-BR ] = "Ordenar texto";
- Text[ th ] = "เรียงข้à¸à¸„วาม";
- Text[ ja ] = "テã‚ストã®ä¸¦ã¹æ›¿ãˆ";
- Text[ ko ] = "í…스트 ì •ë ¬";
- Text[ zh-CN ] = "排åºæ–‡å—";
- Text[ zh-TW ] = "排åºæ–‡å—";
- Text[ tr ] = "Metni sırala";
- Text[ hi-IN ] = "टेकà¥à¤¸à¥à¤Ÿà¥ सोरà¥à¤Ÿ करो";
- Text[ ar ] = "Ùرز النص";
- Text[ he ] = "Text sortieren";
- Text [ de ] = "Tabelle einfügen" ;
- Text [ en-US ] = "Insert Table" ;
- Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
- Text[ pt ] = "Inserir tabela";
- Text[ ru ] = "Ð’Ñтавить таблицу";
- Text[ el ] = "Εισαγωγή πίνακα";
- Text[ nl ] = "Tabel invoegen";
- Text[ fr ] = "Insérer un tableau";
- Text[ es ] = "Insertar tabla";
- Text[ fi ] = "Lisää taulukko";
- Text[ ca ] = "Insereix una taula";
- Text[ it ] = "Inserisci tabella";
- Text[ sk ] = "Vložiť tabuľku";
- Text[ da ] = "Indsæt tabel";
- Text[ sv ] = "Infoga tabell";
- Text[ pl ] = "Wstaw tabelÄ™";
- Text[ pt-BR ] = "Inserir Tabela";
- Text[ th ] = "à¹à¸—รà¸à¸•à¸²à¸£à¸²à¸‡";
- Text[ ja ] = "表ã®æŒ¿å…¥";
- Text[ ko ] = "표 삽입";
- Text[ zh-CN ] = "æ’å…¥è¡¨æ ¼";
- Text[ zh-TW ] = "æ’å…¥è¡¨æ ¼";
- Text[ tr ] = "Tablo ekle";
- Text[ hi-IN ] = "सारणी जोड़ो";
- Text[ ar ] = "إدراج جدول";
- Text[ he ] = "‮הוספת טבלה‬";
- Text [ de ] = "Konvertierung Text -> Tabelle" ;
- Text [ en-US ] = "Convert text -> table" ;
- Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
- Text[ pt ] = "Converter texto -> tabela";
- Text[ ru ] = "Преобразовать текÑÑ‚ в таблицу";
- Text[ el ] = "ΜετατÏοπή Κείμενο -> Πίνακας";
- Text[ nl ] = "Tekst naar tabel converteren";
- Text[ fr ] = "Conversion de texte en tableau";
- Text[ es ] = "Convertir texto en tabla";
- Text[ fi ] = "Muunna teksti -> taulukko";
- Text[ ca ] = "Converteix text -> taula";
- Text[ it ] = "Converti testo in tabella.";
- Text[ sk ] = "Previesť text na tabuľku";
- Text[ da ] = "Konverter tekst til tabel";
- Text[ sv ] = "Konvertera text till tabell";
- Text[ pl ] = "Konwertuj tekst na tabelÄ™";
- Text[ pt-BR ] = "Converter texto -> tabela";
- Text[ th ] = "à¹à¸›à¸¥à¸‡à¸‚้à¸à¸„วาม -> ตาราง";
- Text[ ja ] = "文書を表ã«å¤‰æ›";
- Text[ ko ] = "í…스트를 표로 변환";
- Text[ zh-CN ] = "æ–‡å—转æ¢æˆè¡¨æ ¼";
- Text[ zh-TW ] = "æ–‡å—轉æ›æˆè¡¨æ ¼";
- Text[ tr ] = "Metni tabloya dönüştür";
- Text[ hi-IN ] = "टेकà¥à¤¸à¥à¤Ÿà¥ बदलो -> सारणी";
- Text[ ar ] = "تØويل نص -> جدول";
- Text[ he ] = "Konvertierung Text -> Tabelle";
- Text [ de ] = "Konvertierung Tabelle -> Text" ;
- Text [ en-US ] = "Convert table to text" ;
- Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
- Text[ pt ] = "Converter tabela -> texto";
- Text[ ru ] = "Преобразовать таблицу в текÑÑ‚";
- Text[ el ] = "ΜετατÏοπή Πίνακας -> Κείμενο";
- Text[ nl ] = "Tabel naar tekst converteren";
- Text[ fr ] = "Convertir le tableau en texte";
- Text[ es ] = "Convertir tabla en texto";
- Text[ fi ] = "Muunna taulukko tekstiksi";
- Text[ ca ] = "Converteix la taula en text";
- Text[ it ] = "Converti tabella in testo";
- Text[ sk ] = "Previesť tabuľku na text";
- Text[ da ] = "Konverter tabel til tekst";
- Text[ sv ] = "Konvertera tabell till text";
- Text[ pl ] = "Konwertuj tabelÄ™ na tekst";
- Text[ pt-BR ] = "Converter tabela em texto";
- Text[ th ] = "à¹à¸›à¸¥à¸‡à¸•à¸²à¸£à¸²à¸‡à¹€à¸›à¹‡à¸™à¸‚้à¸à¸„วาม";
- Text[ ja ] = "表を文書ã«å¤‰æ›";
- Text[ ko ] = "표를 í…스트로 변환";
- Text[ zh-CN ] = "è¡¨æ ¼è½¬æ¢æˆæ–‡å—";
- Text[ zh-TW ] = "è¡¨æ ¼è½‰æ›æˆæ–‡å—";
- Text[ tr ] = "Tabloyu metne dönüştür";
- Text[ hi-IN ] = "सारणी को टेकà¥à¤¸à¥à¤Ÿà¥ में बदलो";
- Text[ ar ] = "تØويل الجدول إلى نص";
- Text[ he ] = "Konvertierung Tabelle -> Text";
- Text [ de ] = "Kopieren" ;
- Text [ en-US ] = "Copy" ;
- Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
- Text[ pt ] = "Copiar";
- Text[ ru ] = "Копировать";
- Text[ el ] = "ΑντιγÏαφή";
- Text[ nl ] = "Kopiëren";
- Text[ fr ] = "Copier";
- Text[ es ] = "Copiar";
- Text[ fi ] = "Kopioi";
- Text[ ca ] = "Copia";
- Text[ it ] = "Copia";
- Text[ sk ] = "Kópia";
- Text[ da ] = "Kopier";
- Text[ sv ] = "Kopiera";
- Text[ pl ] = "Kopiuj";
- Text[ pt-BR ] = "Copiar";
- Text[ th ] = "คัดลà¸à¸";
- Text[ ja ] = "コピー";
- Text[ ko ] = "복사";
- Text[ zh-CN ] = "å¤åˆ¶";
- Text[ zh-TW ] = "複製";
- Text[ tr ] = "Kopyala";
- Text[ hi-IN ] = "पà¥à¤°à¤¤à¤¿à¤²à¤¿à¤ªà¤¿";
- Text[ ar ] = "نسخ";
- Text[ he ] = "‮העתקה‬";
- Text [ de ] = "Ersetzen" ;
- Text [ en-US ] = "Replace" ;
- Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
- Text[ pt ] = "Substituir";
- Text[ ru ] = "Заменить";
- Text[ el ] = "Αντικατάσταση";
- Text[ nl ] = "Vervangen";
- Text[ fr ] = "Remplacer";
- Text[ es ] = "Reemplazar";
- Text[ fi ] = "Korvaa";
- Text[ ca ] = "Reemplaça";
- Text[ it ] = "Sostituisci";
- Text[ sk ] = "Nahradiť";
- Text[ da ] = "Erstat";
- Text[ sv ] = "Ersätt";
- Text[ pl ] = "Zamień";
- Text[ pt-BR ] = "Substituir";
- Text[ th ] = "à¹à¸—นที่";
- Text[ ja ] = "ç½®æ›";
- Text[ ko ] = "바꾸기";
- Text[ zh-CN ] = "替æ¢";
- Text[ zh-TW ] = "代替";
- Text[ tr ] = "DeÄŸiÅŸtir";
- Text[ hi-IN ] = "पà¥à¤°à¤¤à¤¿à¤¸à¥à¤¥à¤¾à¤ªà¤¨";
- Text[ ar ] = "استبدال";
- Text[ he ] = "‮החלפה‬";
- Text [ de ] = "Harter Seitenumbruch" ;
- Text [ en-US ] = "Direct page break" ;
- Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
- Text[ pt ] = "Quebra de página fixa";
- Text[ ru ] = "ЖеÑткий разрыв Ñтраниц";
- Text[ el ] = "Έντονη αλλαγή σελίδας";
- Text[ nl ] = "Vast pagina-einde";
- Text[ fr ] = "Saut de page direct";
- Text[ es ] = "Salto fijo de página";
- Text[ fi ] = "Suora sivunvaihto";
- Text[ ca ] = "Salt de pà gina directe";
- Text[ it ] = "Interruzione di pagina fissa";
- Text[ sk ] = "Priame zalomenie strany";
- Text[ da ] = "HÃ¥rdt sideskift";
- Text[ sv ] = "HÃ¥rd sidbrytning";
- Text[ pl ] = "Twardy podział strony";
- Text[ pt-BR ] = "Quebra de página direta";
- Text[ th ] = "à¹à¸šà¹ˆà¸‡à¸«à¸™à¹‰à¸²à¹‚ดยตรง";
- Text[ ja ] = "ä»»æ„指定ã®æ”¹ãƒšãƒ¼ã‚¸";
- Text[ ko ] = "ìˆ˜ë™ íŽ˜ì´ì§€ 나누기";
- Text[ zh-CN ] = "手工æ¢é¡µ";
- Text[ zh-TW ] = "手動æ›é ";
- Text[ tr ] = "Sabit sayfa sonu";
- Text[ hi-IN ] = "सीधा पृषà¥à¤ खणà¥à¤¡à¤¨";
- Text[ ar ] = "Ùاصل صÙØات يدوي";
- Text[ he ] = "Harter Seitenumbruch";
- Text [ de ] = "Harter Spaltenumbruch" ;
- Text [ en-US ] = "Direct column break" ;
- Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
- Text[ pt ] = "Quebra de coluna fixa";
- Text[ ru ] = "ЖеÑткий разрыв колонок";
- Text[ el ] = "Έντονη αλλαγή στήλης";
- Text[ nl ] = "Vast kolomeinde";
- Text[ fr ] = "Saut de colonne direct";
- Text[ es ] = "Salto de columna directo";
- Text[ fi ] = "Suora sarakkeenvaihto";
- Text[ ca ] = "Salt de columna directe";
- Text[ it ] = "Interruzione di colonna fissa";
- Text[ sk ] = "Priame zalomenie stĺpca";
- Text[ da ] = "HÃ¥rdt spalteskift";
- Text[ sv ] = "HÃ¥rd kolumnbrytning";
- Text[ pl ] = "Twardy podział kolumny";
- Text[ pt-BR ] = "Quebra de coluna direta";
- Text[ th ] = "à¹à¸šà¹ˆà¸‡à¸„à¸à¸¥à¸±à¸¡à¸™à¹Œà¹‚ดยตรง";
- Text[ ja ] = "ä»»æ„指定ã®æ”¹åˆ—";
- Text[ ko ] = "ìˆ˜ë™ ì—´ 나누기";
- Text[ zh-CN ] = "手工æ¢åˆ—";
- Text[ zh-TW ] = "手動æ›æ¬„";
- Text[ tr ] = "Sabit sütun sonu";
- Text[ hi-IN ] = "सीधा सà¥à¤¤à¤‚ठखणà¥à¤¡à¤¨";
- Text[ ar ] = "Ùاصل أعمدة يدوي";
- Text[ he ] = "Harter Spaltenumbruch";
- Text [ de ] = "Makro abspielen" ;
- Text [ en-US ] = "Run macro" ;
- Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
- Text[ pt ] = "Executar macro";
- Text[ ru ] = "Выполнить макроÑ";
- Text[ el ] = "ΕκτÎλεση μακÏοεντολής";
- Text[ nl ] = "Macro starten";
- Text[ fr ] = "Exécuter la macro";
- Text[ es ] = "Reproducir macro";
- Text[ fi ] = "Suorita makro";
- Text[ ca ] = "Executa la macro";
- Text[ it ] = "Esegui macro";
- Text[ sk ] = "Spustiť makro";
- Text[ da ] = "Spil makro";
- Text[ sv ] = "Spela upp makro";
- Text[ pl ] = "Uruchom makro";
- Text[ pt-BR ] = "Executar macro";
- Text[ th ] = "ใช้งานมาโคร";
- Text[ ja ] = "マクãƒã®å®Ÿè¡Œ";
- Text[ ko ] = "매í¬ë¡œ 실행";
- Text[ zh-CN ] = "执行å®";
- Text[ zh-TW ] = "執行巨集";
- Text[ tr ] = "Makroyu çalıştır";
- Text[ hi-IN ] = "मॉकà¥à¤°à¥‹ चलाओ";
- Text[ ar ] = "تنÙيذ الماكرو";
- Text[ he ] = "Makro abspielen";
- Text [ de ] = "Briefumschlag einfügen" ;
- Text [ en-US ] = "Insert Envelope" ;
- Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
- Text[ pt ] = "Inserir envelope";
- Text[ ru ] = "Ð’Ñтавить конверт";
- Text[ el ] = "Εισαγωγή φακÎλου επιστολής";
- Text[ nl ] = "Envelop invoegen";
- Text[ fr ] = "Insérer une enveloppe";
- Text[ es ] = "Insertar sobre";
- Text[ fi ] = "Lisää kirjekuori";
- Text[ ca ] = "Insereix el sobre";
- Text[ it ] = "Inserisci busta";
- Text[ sk ] = "Vložiť obálku";
- Text[ da ] = "Indsæt konvolut";
- Text[ sv ] = "Infoga kuvert";
- Text[ pl ] = "Wstaw kopertÄ™";
- Text[ pt-BR ] = "Inserir Envelope";
- Text[ th ] = "à¹à¸—รà¸à¸‹à¸à¸‡à¸ˆà¸”หมาย";
- Text[ ja ] = "å°ç’ã®æŒ¿å…¥";
- Text[ ko ] = "편지봉투 삽입";
- Text[ zh-CN ] = "æ’入信å°";
- Text[ zh-TW ] = "æ’入信å°";
- Text[ tr ] = "Zarf ekle";
- Text[ hi-IN ] = "लिफाफा जोड़ो";
- Text[ ar ] = "إدراج ظرÙ";
- Text[ he ] = "‮הוספת מעטפה‬";
- Text [ de ] = "Kopieren" ;
- Text [ en-US ] = "Copy" ;
- Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
- Text[ pt ] = "Copiar";
- Text[ ru ] = "Копировать";
- Text[ el ] = "ΑντιγÏαφή";
- Text[ nl ] = "Kopiëren";
- Text[ fr ] = "Copier";
- Text[ es ] = "Copiar";
- Text[ fi ] = "Kopioi";
- Text[ ca ] = "Copia";
- Text[ it ] = "Copia";
- Text[ sk ] = "Kópia";
- Text[ da ] = "Kopier";
- Text[ sv ] = "Kopiera";
- Text[ pl ] = "Kopiuj";
- Text[ pt-BR ] = "Copiar";
- Text[ th ] = "คัดลà¸à¸";
- Text[ ja ] = "コピーã™ã‚‹";
- Text[ ko ] = "복사";
- Text[ zh-CN ] = "å¤åˆ¶";
- Text[ zh-TW ] = "複製";
- Text[ tr ] = "Kopyala";
- Text[ hi-IN ] = "पà¥à¤°à¤¤à¤¿à¤²à¤¿à¤ªà¤¿";
- Text[ ar ] = "نسخ";
- Text[ he ] = "‮העתקה‬";
- Text [ de ] = "Verschieben" ;
- Text [ en-US ] = "Move" ;
- Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
- Text[ pt ] = "Mover";
- Text[ ru ] = "ПеремеÑтить";
- Text[ el ] = "Μετακίνηση";
- Text[ nl ] = "Verplaatsen";
- Text[ fr ] = "Déplacer";
- Text[ es ] = "Desplazar";
- Text[ fi ] = "Siirrä";
- Text[ ca ] = "Mou";
- Text[ it ] = "Spostare";
- Text[ sk ] = "Presunúť";
- Text[ da ] = "Flyt";
- Text[ sv ] = "Flytta";
- Text[ pl ] = "Przesuń";
- Text[ pt-BR ] = "Mover";
- Text[ th ] = "ย้าย";
- Text[ ja ] = "移動ã™ã‚‹";
- Text[ ko ] = "ì´ë™";
- Text[ zh-CN ] = "移动";
- Text[ zh-TW ] = "移動";
- Text[ tr ] = "Taşı";
- Text[ hi-IN ] = "सà¥à¤¥à¤¾à¤¨ परिवरà¥à¤¤à¤¨ करो";
- Text[ ar ] = "إزاØØ©";
- Text[ he ] = "Verschieben";
- Text [ de ] = "Ruler einfügen" ;
- Text [ en-US ] = "Insert ruler" ;
- Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
- Text[ pt ] = "Inserir régua";
- Text[ ru ] = "Ð’Ñтавить линейку разметки";
- Text[ el ] = "Εισαγωγή χάÏακα";
- Text[ nl ] = "Liniaal invoegen";
- Text[ fr ] = "Insérer une règle";
- Text[ es ] = "Insertar regla";
- Text[ fi ] = "Lisää viivain";
- Text[ ca ] = "Insereix el regle";
- Text[ it ] = "Inserisci ruler";
- Text[ sk ] = "VložiÅ¥ pravÃtko";
- Text[ da ] = "Indsæt lineal";
- Text[ sv ] = "Infoga linjal";
- Text[ pl ] = "Wstaw linijkÄ™";
- Text[ pt-BR ] = "Inserir régua";
- Text[ th ] = "à¹à¸—รà¸à¹„ม้บรรทัด";
- Text[ ja ] = "ルーラã®æŒ¿å…¥";
- Text[ ko ] = "ëˆˆê¸ˆìž ì‚½ìž…";
- Text[ zh-CN ] = "æ’å…¥æ ‡å°º";
- Text[ zh-TW ] = "æ’入標尺";
- Text[ tr ] = "Cetvel ekle";
- Text[ hi-IN ] = "रूलर जोड़ो";
- Text[ ar ] = "إدراج مسطرة";
- Text[ he ] = "Ruler einfügen";
- Text [ de ] = "%PRODUCTNAME Chart einfügen" ;
- Text [ en-US ] = "Insert %PRODUCTNAME Chart" ;
- Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
- Text[ pt ] = "Inserir %PRODUCTNAME Chart";
- Text[ ru ] = "Ð’Ñтавить %PRODUCTNAME Chart";
- Text[ el ] = "Εισαγωγή διαγÏάμματος %PRODUCTNAME";
- Text[ nl ] = "%PRODUCTNAME Chart invoegen";
- Text[ fr ] = "Insérer un diagramme %PRODUCTNAME Chart";
- Text[ es ] = "Insertar un diagrama de %PRODUCTNAME Chart";
- Text[ fi ] = "Lisää %PRODUCTNAME-kaavio";
- Text[ ca ] = "Insereix el %PRODUCTNAME Chart";
- Text[ it ] = "Inserisci %PRODUCTNAME Chart";
- Text[ sk ] = "Vložiť graf %PRODUCTNAME";
- Text[ da ] = "Indsæt %PRODUCTNAME Chart";
- Text[ sv ] = "Infoga %PRODUCTNAME Chart";
- Text[ pl ] = "Wstaw wykres %PRODUCTNAME Chart";
- Text[ pt-BR ] = "Inserir gráfico do %PRODUCTNAME Chart";
- Text[ th ] = "à¹à¸—รà¸à¹à¸œà¸™à¸ ูมิ %PRODUCTNAME ";
- Text[ ja ] = "%PRODUCTNAME Chart ã®æŒ¿å…¥";
- Text[ ko ] = "%PRODUCTNAME Chart 삽입";
- Text[ zh-CN ] = "æ’å…¥ %PRODUCTNAME 图表";
- Text[ zh-TW ] = "æ’å…¥ %PRODUCTNAME 圖表";
- Text[ tr ] = "%PRODUCTNAME GrafiÄŸi Ekle";
- Text[ hi-IN ] = "%PRODUCTNAME चारà¥à¤Ÿ जोड़ो";
- Text[ ar ] = "إدراج %PRODUCTNAME Chart";
- Text[ he ] = "%PRODUCTNAME Chart einfügen";
- Text [ de ] = "Rahmen einfügen" ;
- Text [ en-US ] = "Insert frame" ;
- Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
- Text[ pt ] = "Inserir moldura";
- Text[ ru ] = "Ð’Ñтавить рамку";
- Text[ el ] = "Εισαγωγή πλαισίου";
- Text[ nl ] = "Kader invoegen";
- Text[ fr ] = "Insérer un cadre";
- Text[ es ] = "Insertar marco";
- Text[ fi ] = "Lisää kehys";
- Text[ ca ] = "Insereix un marc";
- Text[ it ] = "Inserisci cornice";
- Text[ sk ] = "Vložiť rámec";
- Text[ da ] = "Indsæt ramme";
- Text[ sv ] = "Infoga ram";
- Text[ pl ] = "Wstaw ramkÄ™";
- Text[ pt-BR ] = "Inserir moldura";
- Text[ th ] = "à¹à¸—รà¸à¸à¸£à¸à¸š";
- Text[ ja ] = "æž ã®æŒ¿å…¥";
- Text[ ko ] = "í”„ë ˆìž„ 삽입";
- Text[ zh-CN ] = "æ’入框对象";
- Text[ zh-TW ] = "æ’入框物件";
- Text[ tr ] = "Çerçeve ekle";
- Text[ hi-IN ] = "फà¥à¤°à¥‡à¤® जोड़ो";
- Text[ ar ] = "إدراج كادر";
- Text[ he ] = "Rahmen einfügen";
- Text [ de ] = "Rahmen löschen" ;
- Text [ en-US ] = "Delete frame" ;
- Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
- Text[ pt ] = "Eliminar moldura";
- Text[ ru ] = "Удалить рамку";
- Text[ el ] = "ΔιαγÏαφή πλαισίου";
- Text[ nl ] = "Kader wissen";
- Text[ fr ] = "Supprimer le cadre";
- Text[ es ] = "Borrar el marco";
- Text[ fi ] = "Poista kehys";
- Text[ ca ] = "Suprimeix el marc";
- Text[ it ] = "Elimina cornice";
- Text[ sk ] = "OdstrániÅ¥ ohraniÄenie";
- Text[ da ] = "Slet ramme";
- Text[ sv ] = "Radera ram";
- Text[ pl ] = "Usuń ramkę";
- Text[ pt-BR ] = "Excluir moldura";
- Text[ th ] = "ลบà¸à¸£à¸à¸š";
- Text[ ja ] = "æž ã®å‰Šé™¤";
- Text[ ko ] = "í”„ë ˆìž„ ì‚ì œ";
- Text[ zh-CN ] = "åˆ é™¤æ¡†å¯¹è±¡";
- Text[ zh-TW ] = "刪除框物件";
- Text[ tr ] = "Çerçeveyi sil";
- Text[ hi-IN ] = "फà¥à¤°à¥‡à¤® मिटाओ";
- Text[ ar ] = "Øذ٠كادر";
- Text[ he ] = "Rahmen löschen";
- Text [ de ] = "AutoFormat" ;
- Text [ en-US ] = "AutoFormat" ;
- Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
- Text[ pt ] = "AutoFormato";
- Text[ ru ] = "Ðвтоформат";
- Text[ el ] = "Αυτόματη μοÏφοποίηση";
- Text[ nl ] = "AutoOpmaak";
- Text[ fr ] = "AutoFormat";
- Text[ es ] = "Formateado automático";
- Text[ fi ] = "Automaattinen muotoilu";
- Text[ ca ] = "Formatatge automà tic";
- Text[ it ] = "Formattazione automatica";
- Text[ sk ] = "Automatický formát";
- Text[ da ] = "AutoFormat";
- Text[ sv ] = "Autoformat";
- Text[ pl ] = "Autoformatowanie";
- Text[ pt-BR ] = "AutoFormatação";
- Text[ th ] = "รูปà¹à¸šà¸šà¸à¸±à¸•à¹‚นมัติ";
- Text[ ja ] = "オートフォーマット";
- Text[ ko ] = "ìžë™ ì„œì‹";
- Text[ zh-CN ] = "è‡ªåŠ¨æ ¼å¼";
- Text[ zh-TW ] = "è‡ªå‹•æ ¼å¼";
- Text[ tr ] = "Otomatik formatlama";
- Text[ hi-IN ] = "सà¥à¤µà¤šà¤¾à¤²à¤¿à¤¤ रचना";
- Text[ ar ] = "تنسيق تلقائي";
- Text[ he ] = "‮עיצוב ×וטומטי‬";
- Text [ de ] = "Tabellenüberschrift" ;
- Text [ en-US ] = "Table heading" ;
- Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
- Text[ pt ] = "TÃtulo da tabela";
- Text[ ru ] = "Заголовок таблицы";
- Text[ el ] = "Επικεφαλίδα πίνακα";
- Text[ nl ] = "Tabelkop";
- Text[ fr ] = "Titre de la table";
- Text[ es ] = "Encabezado de la tabla";
- Text[ fi ] = "Taulukon otsikko";
- Text[ ca ] = "Encapçalament de la taula";
- Text[ it ] = "Intestazione tabella";
- Text[ sk ] = "Nadpis tabuľky";
- Text[ da ] = "Tabeloverskrift";
- Text[ sv ] = "Tabellöverskrift";
- Text[ pl ] = "Nagłówek tabeli";
- Text[ pt-BR ] = "TÃtulo de tabela";
- Text[ th ] = "หัวข้à¸à¸•à¸²à¸£à¸²à¸‡";
- Text[ ja ] = "表ã®è¦‹å‡ºã—";
- Text[ ko ] = "í‘œ ì œëª©";
- Text[ zh-CN ] = "è¡¨æ ¼æ ‡é¢˜";
- Text[ zh-TW ] = "è¡¨æ ¼æ¨™é¡Œ";
- Text[ tr ] = "Tablo başlığı";
- Text[ hi-IN ] = "सारणी शीरà¥à¤·à¤•";
- Text[ ar ] = "عنوان الجدول";
- Text[ he ] = "Tabellenüberschrift";
- Text [ de ] = "Ersetzen" ;
- Text [ en-US ] = "Replace" ;
- Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
- Text[ pt ] = "Substituir";
- Text[ ru ] = "Заменить";
- Text[ el ] = "Αντικατάσταση";
- Text[ nl ] = "Vervangen";
- Text[ fr ] = "Remplacer";
- Text[ es ] = "Reemplazar";
- Text[ fi ] = "Korvaa";
- Text[ ca ] = "Reemplaça";
- Text[ it ] = "Sostituisci";
- Text[ sk ] = "Nahradiť";
- Text[ da ] = "Erstat";
- Text[ sv ] = "Ersätt";
- Text[ pl ] = "Zamień";
- Text[ pt-BR ] = "Substituir";
- Text[ th ] = "à¹à¸—นที่";
- Text[ ja ] = "ç½®æ›";
- Text[ ko ] = "바꾸기";
- Text[ zh-CN ] = "替æ¢";
- Text[ zh-TW ] = "代替";
- Text[ tr ] = "DeÄŸiÅŸtir";
- Text[ hi-IN ] = "पà¥à¤°à¤¤à¤¿à¤¸à¥à¤¥à¤¾à¤ªà¤¨";
- Text[ ar ] = "استبدال";
- Text[ he ] = "‮החלפה‬";
- Text [ de ] = "Bereich einfügen" ;
- Text [ en-US ] = "Insert section" ;
- Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
- Text[ pt ] = "Inserir secção";
- Text[ ru ] = "Ð’Ñтавить раздел";
- Text[ el ] = "Εισαγωγή ενότητας";
- Text[ nl ] = "Bereik invoegen";
- Text[ fr ] = "Insérer une section";
- Text[ es ] = "Insertar una sección";
- Text[ fi ] = "Lisää osa";
- Text[ ca ] = "Insereix una secció";
- Text[ it ] = "Inserisci area";
- Text[ sk ] = "Vložiť oblasť";
- Text[ da ] = "Indsæt område";
- Text[ sv ] = "Infoga område";
- Text[ pl ] = "Wstaw sekcjÄ™";
- Text[ pt-BR ] = "Inserir seção";
- Text[ th ] = "à¹à¸—รà¸à¸ªà¹ˆà¸§à¸™";
- Text[ ja ] = "範囲ã®æŒ¿å…¥";
- Text[ ko ] = "êµ¬ì— ì‚½ìž…";
- Text[ zh-CN ] = "æ’入区域";
- Text[ zh-TW ] = "æ’å…¥å€åŸŸ";
- Text[ tr ] = "Bölüm ekle";
- Text[ hi-IN ] = "विà¤à¤¾à¤— जोड़ो";
- Text[ ar ] = "إدراج نطاق";
- Text[ he ] = "Bereich einfügen";
- Text [ de ] = "Bereich löschen" ;
- Text [ en-US ] = "Delete section" ;
- Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
- Text[ pt ] = "Eliminar categoria";
- Text[ ru ] = "Удалить раздел";
- Text[ el ] = "ΔιαγÏαφή ενότητας";
- Text[ nl ] = "Bereik wissen";
- Text[ fr ] = "Supprimer la section";
- Text[ es ] = "Borrar sección";
- Text[ fi ] = "Poista osa";
- Text[ ca ] = "Suprimeix una secció";
- Text[ it ] = "Elimina area";
- Text[ sk ] = "Odstrániť sekciu";
- Text[ da ] = "Slet område";
- Text[ sv ] = "Radera kategori";
- Text[ pl ] = "Usuń sekcję";
- Text[ pt-BR ] = "Excluir seção";
- Text[ th ] = "ลบส่วน";
- Text[ ja ] = "範囲ã®å‰Šé™¤";
- Text[ ko ] = "êµ¬ì— ì‚ì œ";
- Text[ zh-CN ] = "åˆ é™¤åŒºåŸŸ";
- Text[ zh-TW ] = "刪除å€åŸŸ";
- Text[ tr ] = "Bölümü sil";
- Text[ hi-IN ] = "विà¤à¤¾à¤— मिटाओ";
- Text[ ar ] = "Øذ٠الÙئة";
- Text[ he ] = "Bereich löschen";
- Text [ de ] = "Bereich ändern" ;
- Text [ en-US ] = "Modify section" ;
- Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
- Text[ pt ] = "Alterar secção";
- Text[ ru ] = "Изменить раздел";
- Text[ el ] = "ΤÏοποποίηση ενότητας";
- Text[ nl ] = "Bereik wijzigen";
- Text[ fr ] = "Éditer la section";
- Text[ es ] = "Modificar la sección";
- Text[ fi ] = "Muokkaa osaa";
- Text[ ca ] = "Modifica la secció";
- Text[ it ] = "Cambia area";
- Text[ sk ] = "Upraviť sekciu";
- Text[ da ] = "Modificer område";
- Text[ sv ] = "Ändra område";
- Text[ pl ] = "Modyfikuj sekcjÄ™";
- Text[ pt-BR ] = "Modificar seção";
- Text[ th ] = "ดัดà¹à¸›à¸¥à¸‡à¸ªà¹ˆà¸§à¸™";
- Text[ ja ] = "範囲ã®å¤‰æ›´";
- Text[ ko ] = "êµ¬ì— ìˆ˜ì •";
- Text[ zh-CN ] = "更改区域";
- Text[ zh-TW ] = "變更å€åŸŸ";
- Text[ tr ] = "Bölümü değiştir";
- Text[ hi-IN ] = "विà¤à¤¾à¤— सà¥à¤§à¤¾à¤°à¥‹";
- Text[ ar ] = "تعديل النطاق";
- Text[ he ] = "Bereich ändern";
- Text [ de ] = "Passwortschutz ändern" ;
- Text [ en-US ] = "Change password protection" ;
- Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
- Text[ pt ] = "Alterar protecção da senha";
- Text[ ru ] = "Изменить защиту паролем";
- Text[ el ] = "Αλλαγή Ï€Ïοστασίας ÎºÏ‰Î´Î¹ÎºÎ¿Ï Ï€Ïόσβασης";
- Text[ nl ] = "Wachtwoordbeveiliging wijzigen";
- Text[ fr ] = "Modification du mot de passe";
- Text[ es ] = "Cambiar contraseña";
- Text[ fi ] = "Muuta salasanasuojausta";
- Text[ ca ] = "Canvia la contrasenya";
- Text[ it ] = "Cambia protezione password";
- Text[ sk ] = "Upraviť ochranu heslom";
- Text[ da ] = "Modificer adgangskodebeskyttelse";
- Text[ sv ] = "Ändra lösenordsskydd";
- Text[ pl ] = "Zmień ochronę hasłem";
- Text[ pt-BR ] = "Alterar a proteção por senha";
- Text[ th ] = "เปลี่ยนà¸à¸²à¸£à¸›à¹‰à¸à¸‡à¸à¸±à¸™à¸£à¸«à¸±à¸ªà¸œà¹ˆà¸²à¸™";
- Text[ ja ] = "パスワードä¿è·ã®å¤‰æ›´";
- Text[ ko ] = "암호 보안 변경";
- Text[ zh-CN ] = "更改ä¿æŠ¤å¯†ç ";
- Text[ zh-TW ] = "變更ä¿è·å¯†ç¢¼";
- Text[ tr ] = "Şifre korumasını değiştir";
- Text[ hi-IN ] = "कूटशबà¥à¤¦ रकà¥à¤·à¤¾ बदलो";
- Text[ ar ] = "تغيير Øماية كلمة السر";
- Text[ he ] = "Passwortschutz ändern";
- Text [ de ] = "Standardwerte ändern" ;
- Text [ en-US ] = "Modify default values" ;
- Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
- Text[ pt ] = "Alterar valores padrão";
- Text[ ru ] = "Изменить Ñтандартные значениÑ";
- Text[ el ] = "ΤÏοποποίηση Ï€ÏοεπιλεγμÎνων τιμών";
- Text[ nl ] = "Standaardwaarden wijzigen";
- Text[ fr ] = "Changement des valeurs standard";
- Text[ es ] = "Modificar valores predeterminados";
- Text[ fi ] = "Muokkaa oletusarvoja";
- Text[ ca ] = "Modifica els valors per defecte";
- Text[ it ] = "Cambia valori predefiniti";
- Text[ sk ] = "Upraviť východzie hodnoty";
- Text[ da ] = "Modificer standardværdier";
- Text[ sv ] = "Ändra standardvärden";
- Text[ pl ] = "Modyfikuj wartości domyślne";
- Text[ pt-BR ] = "Modificar valores padrão";
- Text[ th ] = "ดัดà¹à¸›à¸¥à¸‡à¸„่าเริ่มต้น";
- Text[ ja ] = "標準値ã®å¤‰æ›´";
- Text[ ko ] = "기본값 ìˆ˜ì •";
- Text[ zh-CN ] = "æ›´æ”¹æ ‡å‡†å€¼";
- Text[ zh-TW ] = "變更標準值";
- Text[ tr ] = "Öndeğerleri değiştir";
- Text[ hi-IN ] = "अनà¥à¤ªà¤¸à¥à¤¥à¤¿à¤¤à¤¿ मूलà¥à¤¯à¥‹à¤‚ को सà¥à¤§à¤¾à¤°à¥‹";
- Text[ ar ] = "تعديل القيم الاÙتراضية";
- Text[ he ] = "Standardwerte ändern";
- Text [ de ] = "Gliederung stufen" ;
- Text [ en-US ] = "Promote Outline" ;
- Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
- Text[ pt ] = "Escalonar esquema";
- Text[ ru ] = "Уровни Ñтруктуры";
- Text[ el ] = "ΔιάÏθÏωση με εσοχÎÏ‚";
- Text[ nl ] = "Overzichtsniveaus bepalen";
- Text[ fr ] = "Échelonner la structure";
- Text[ es ] = "Escalonar el esquema";
- Text[ fi ] = "Korota jäsennystasoa";
- Text[ ca ] = "Promou el contorn";
- Text[ it ] = "Graduare struttura";
- Text[ sk ] = "O úroveň vyššie";
- Text[ da ] = "Inddel disposition";
- Text[ sv ] = "Dela in disposition";
- Text[ pl ] = "Konspekt wyżej";
- Text[ pt-BR ] = "Promover Tópico";
- Text[ th ] = "เลื่à¸à¸™à¹€à¸„้าร่าง";
- Text[ ja ] = "アウトラインã®ãƒ¬ãƒ™ãƒ«";
- Text[ ko ] = "개요 수준 올리기";
- Text[ zh-CN ] = "分级大纲";
- Text[ zh-TW ] = "分級大綱";
- Text[ tr ] = "Anahatı değiştir";
- Text[ hi-IN ] = "बाहरी रूपरेखा को उतà¥à¤¤à¥‡à¤œà¤¿à¤¤ करो";
- Text[ ar ] = "تدريج التقسيم";
- Text[ he ] = "Gliederung stufen";
- Text [ de ] = "Gliederung verschieben" ;
- Text [ en-US ] = "Move outline" ;
- Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
- Text[ pt ] = "Mover esquema";
- Text[ ru ] = "ПеремеÑтить Ñтруктуру";
- Text[ el ] = "Μετακίνηση διάÏθÏωσης";
- Text[ nl ] = "Overzicht verplaatsen";
- Text[ fr ] = "Déplacer le plan";
- Text[ es ] = "Desplazar esquema";
- Text[ fi ] = "Siirrä ääriviivaa";
- Text[ ca ] = "Mou el contorn";
- Text[ it ] = "Sposta struttura";
- Text[ sk ] = "Presunúť úroveň";
- Text[ da ] = "Flyt disposition";
- Text[ sv ] = "Flytta disposition";
- Text[ pl ] = "PrzenieÅ› konspekt";
- Text[ pt-BR ] = "Mover tópicos";
- Text[ th ] = "ย้ายเค้าร่าง";
- Text[ ja ] = "アウトラインã®ç§»å‹•";
- Text[ ko ] = "개요 ì´ë™";
- Text[ zh-CN ] = "移动大纲";
- Text[ zh-TW ] = "移動大綱";
- Text[ tr ] = "Anahatı taşı";
- Text[ hi-IN ] = "बाहरी रूपरेखा का सà¥à¤¥à¤¾à¤¨ परिवरà¥à¤¤à¤¨ करो";
- Text[ ar ] = "نقل التقسيم";
- Text[ he ] = "Gliederung verschieben";
- Text [ de ] = "Nummerierung einfügen" ;
- Text [ en-US ] = "Insert numbering" ;
- Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
- Text[ pt ] = "Inserir numeração";
- Text[ ru ] = "Ð’Ñтавить нумерацию";
- Text[ el ] = "Εισαγωγή αÏίθμησης";
- Text[ nl ] = "Nummering invoegen";
- Text[ fr ] = "Insérer une numérotation";
- Text[ es ] = "Insertar numeración";
- Text[ fi ] = "Lisää numerointi";
- Text[ ca ] = "Insereix la numeració";
- Text[ it ] = "Inserisci numerazione";
- Text[ sk ] = "VložiÅ¥ ÄÃslovanie";
- Text[ da ] = "Indsæt nummerering";
- Text[ sv ] = "Infoga numrering";
- Text[ pl ] = "Wstaw numeracjÄ™";
- Text[ pt-BR ] = "Inserir numeração";
- Text[ th ] = "à¹à¸—รà¸à¸¥à¸³à¸”ับตัวเลข";
- Text[ ja ] = "番å·ä»˜ã‘ã®æŒ¿å…¥";
- Text[ ko ] = "번호 매기기 삽입";
- Text[ zh-CN ] = "æ’入编å·";
- Text[ zh-TW ] = "æ’入編號";
- Text[ tr ] = "Numaralama ekle";
- Text[ hi-IN ] = "संखà¥à¤¯à¤¾ देना जोड़ो";
- Text[ ar ] = "إدراج ترقيم";
- Text[ he ] = "Nummerierung einfügen";
- Text [ de ] = "Nummerierung stufen" ;
- Text [ en-US ] = "Shift numbering" ;
- Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
- Text[ pt ] = "Escalonar numeração";
- Text[ ru ] = "Уровни нумерации";
- Text[ el ] = "ΑÏίθμηση με εσοχÎÏ‚";
- Text[ nl ] = "Nummering indelen";
- Text[ fr ] = "Échelonner la numérotation";
- Text[ es ] = "Graduar numeración";
- Text[ fi ] = "Siirrä numerointi";
- Text[ ca ] = "Desplaça la numeració";
- Text[ it ] = "Sposta numerazione";
- Text[ sk ] = "Posunúť ÄÃslovanie";
- Text[ da ] = "Inddel nummerering";
- Text[ sv ] = "Flernivånumrering";
- Text[ pl ] = "Przesuń numerację";
- Text[ pt-BR ] = "Deslocar numeração";
- Text[ th ] = "เลื่à¸à¸™à¸¥à¸³à¸”ับตัวเลข";
- Text[ ja ] = "番å·ä»˜ã‘ã®æ®µéšŽä»˜ã‘";
- Text[ ko ] = "번호 매기기 단계";
- Text[ zh-CN ] = "分级编å·";
- Text[ zh-TW ] = "分級編號";
- Text[ tr ] = "Numaralamayı kaydır";
- Text[ hi-IN ] = "संखà¥à¤¯à¤¾ देना सà¥à¤¥à¤¾à¤¨à¤¾à¤¨à¥à¤¤à¤° करो";
- Text[ ar ] = "تدريج الترقيم";
- Text[ he ] = "Nummerierung stufen";
- Text [ de ] = "Absätze verschieben" ;
- Text [ en-US ] = "Move paragraphs" ;
- Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
- Text[ pt ] = "Mover parágrafos";
- Text[ ru ] = "ПеремеÑтить абзацы";
- Text[ el ] = "ΜεταφοÏά παÏαγÏάφων";
- Text[ nl ] = "Alinea's verplaatsen";
- Text[ fr ] = "Déplacer paragraphes";
- Text[ es ] = "Desplazar párrafos";
- Text[ fi ] = "Siirrä kappaleita";
- Text[ ca ] = "Mou els parà grafs";
- Text[ it ] = "Sposta paragrafi";
- Text[ sk ] = "Presunúť odstavce";
- Text[ da ] = "Flyt afsnit";
- Text[ sv ] = "Flytta stycken";
- Text[ pl ] = "PrzenieÅ› akapity";
- Text[ pt-BR ] = "Mover parágrafos";
- Text[ th ] = "ย้ายย่à¸à¸«à¸™à¹‰à¸²";
- Text[ ja ] = "段è½ã®ç§»å‹•";
- Text[ ko ] = "ë‹¨ë½ ì´ë™";
- Text[ zh-CN ] = "移动段è½";
- Text[ zh-TW ] = "移動段è½";
- Text[ tr ] = "Paragrafları taşı";
- Text[ hi-IN ] = "परिचà¥à¤›à¥‡à¤¦à¥‹à¤‚ का सà¥à¤¥à¤¾à¤¨ परिवरà¥à¤¤à¤¨ करो";
- Text[ ar ] = "إزاØØ© الÙقرات";
- Text[ he ] = "Absätze verschieben";
- Text [ de ] = "Zeichenobjekt einfügen" ;
- Text [ en-US ] = "Insert Draw Object" ;
- Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
- Text[ pt ] = "Inserir objecto de desenho";
- Text[ ru ] = "Ð’Ñтавить графичеÑкий объект";
- Text[ el ] = "Εισαγωγή αντικειμÎνου σχεδίασης";
- Text[ nl ] = "Tekenobject invoegen";
- Text[ fr ] = "Insérer un objet de dessin";
- Text[ es ] = "Insertar objeto de dibujo";
- Text[ fi ] = "Lisää piirrosobjekti";
- Text[ ca ] = "Insereix l'objecte de dibuix";
- Text[ it ] = "Inserisci oggetti di disegno";
- Text[ sk ] = "Vložiť kresby";
- Text[ da ] = "Indsæt tegneobjekt";
- Text[ sv ] = "Infoga ritobjekt";
- Text[ pl ] = "Wstaw obiekt rysunkowy";
- Text[ pt-BR ] = "Inserir Objeto de Desenho";
- Text[ th ] = "à¹à¸—รà¸à¸§à¸±à¸•à¸–ุวาดรูป";
- Text[ ja ] = "æ画オブジェクトã®æŒ¿å…¥";
- Text[ ko ] = "그리기 개체 삽입";
- Text[ zh-CN ] = "æ’入绘图对象";
- Text[ zh-TW ] = "æ’入繪圖物件";
- Text[ tr ] = "Çizim nesnesi ekle";
- Text[ hi-IN ] = "रेखाचितà¥à¤° वसà¥à¤¤à¥ जोड़ो";
- Text[ ar ] = "إدراج كائن رسومي";
- Text[ he ] = "Zeichenobjekt einfügen";
- Text [ de ] = "Nummer an/aus" ;
- Text [ en-US ] = "Number On/Off" ;
- Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
- Text[ pt ] = "Número activado/des.";
- Text[ ru ] = "Ðомер";
- Text[ el ] = "ΑÏιθμός Îαι/Όχι";
- Text[ nl ] = "Nummer aan/uit";
- Text[ fr ] = "(Dés)activer le numéro";
- Text[ es ] = "Número activado/desactivado";
- Text[ fi ] = "Numerot Käytössä/poissa käytöstä";
- Text[ ca ] = "Número activat/desactivat";
- Text[ it ] = "Mostra/nascondi numero";
- Text[ sk ] = "ÄŒÃsla zap/vyp";
- Text[ da ] = "Aktiver/deaktiver nummer";
- Text[ sv ] = "Nummer på/av";
- Text[ pl ] = "Włącz/wyłącz numerację";
- Text[ pt-BR ] = "Ativar/Desativar Número";
- Text[ th ] = "ตัวเลข มี/ไม่มี";
- Text[ ja ] = "ç•ªå· ã‚ªãƒ³/オフ";
- Text[ ko ] = "번호 ì ìš©/í•´ì œ";
- Text[ zh-CN ] = "显示/éšå…¥ç¼–å·";
- Text[ zh-TW ] = "顯示/隱入編號";
- Text[ tr ] = "Numara açık/kapalı";
- Text[ hi-IN ] = "संखà¥à¤¯à¤¾ शà¥à¤°à¥/बंद";
- Text[ ar ] = "إظهار/إخÙاء الرقم";
- Text[ he ] = "Nummer an/aus";
- Text [ de ] = "Einzug vergrößern" ;
- Text [ en-US ] = "Increase Indent" ;
- Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
- Text[ pt ] = "Aumentar avanço";
- Text[ ru ] = "Увеличить отÑтуп";
- Text[ el ] = "ΑÏξηση εσοχής";
- Text[ nl ] = "Inspringing vergroten";
- Text[ fr ] = "Augmenter le retrait";
- Text[ es ] = "Aumentar sangrÃa";
- Text[ fi ] = "Lisää sisennystä";
- Text[ ca ] = "Augmenta el sagnat";
- Text[ it ] = "Aumenta rientro";
- Text[ sk ] = "ZväÄÅ¡iÅ¥ odsadenie";
- Text[ da ] = "Forstør indrykning";
- Text[ sv ] = "Öka indrag";
- Text[ pl ] = "Zwiększ wcięcie";
- Text[ pt-BR ] = "Aumentar Recuo";
- Text[ th ] = "เพิ่มระยะเยื้à¸à¸‡";
- Text[ ja ] = "インデントã®é–“éš”ã®æ‹¡å¤§";
- Text[ ko ] = "들여쓰기";
- Text[ zh-CN ] = "增大缩进";
- Text[ zh-TW ] = "增大縮排";
- Text[ tr ] = "Girintiyi büyüt";
- Text[ hi-IN ] = "इनà¥à¤¡à¥‡à¤¨à¥à¤Ÿ बढ़ाओ ";
- Text[ ar ] = "زيادة الإزاØØ©";
- Text[ he ] = "‮הוספת שוליי×‬";
- Text [ de ] = "Einzug verringern" ;
- Text [ en-US ] = "Decrease indent" ;
- Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
- Text[ pt ] = "Reduzir avanço de parágrafo";
- Text[ ru ] = "Уменьшить отÑтуп";
- Text[ el ] = "Μείωση εσοχής";
- Text[ nl ] = "Inspringing verkleinen";
- Text[ fr ] = "Réduire le retrait";
- Text[ es ] = "Reducir la sangrÃa";
- Text[ fi ] = "Vähennä sisennystä";
- Text[ ca ] = "Redueix el sagnat";
- Text[ it ] = "Riduci rientro";
- Text[ sk ] = "Zmenšiť odsadenie";
- Text[ da ] = "Formindsk indrykning";
- Text[ sv ] = "Minska indrag";
- Text[ pl ] = "Zmniejsz wcięcie";
- Text[ pt-BR ] = "Reduzir recuo";
- Text[ th ] = "ลดระยะเยื้à¸à¸‡";
- Text[ ja ] = "インデント間隔ã®ç¸®å°";
- Text[ ko ] = "내어쓰기";
- Text[ zh-CN ] = "å‡å°‘缩进";
- Text[ zh-TW ] = "減少縮排";
- Text[ tr ] = "Girintiyi küçült";
- Text[ hi-IN ] = "इनà¥à¤¡à¥‡à¤¨à¥à¤Ÿ घटाओ";
- Text[ ar ] = "إنقاص الإزاØØ©";
- Text[ he ] = "‮הפחתת שוליי×‬";
- Text [ de ] = "Beschriftung einfügen" ;
- Text [ en-US ] = "Insert caption" ;
- Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
- Text[ pt ] = "Inserir legenda";
- Text[ ru ] = "Ð’Ñтавить название";
- Text[ el ] = "Εισαγωγή λεζάντας";
- Text[ nl ] = "Bijschrift invoegen";
- Text[ fr ] = "Insérer une légende";
- Text[ es ] = "Insertar etiqueta";
- Text[ fi ] = "Lisää otsikko";
- Text[ ca ] = "Insereix una llegenda";
- Text[ it ] = "Inserisci dicitura";
- Text[ sk ] = "Vložiť popis";
- Text[ da ] = "Indsæt billedtekst";
- Text[ sv ] = "Infoga bildtext";
- Text[ pl ] = "Wstaw podpis";
- Text[ pt-BR ] = "Inserir legenda";
- Text[ th ] = "à¹à¸—รà¸à¸„ำบรรยายภาพ";
- Text[ ja ] = "図表番å·ã®æŒ¿å…¥";
- Text[ ko ] = "캡션 삽입";
- Text[ zh-CN ] = "æ’å…¥æ ‡ç¾";
- Text[ zh-TW ] = "æ’入標籤";
- Text[ tr ] = "Resim yazısı ekle";
- Text[ hi-IN ] = "कॉपà¥à¤¶à¤¨à¥ जोड़ो";
- Text[ ar ] = "إدراج تسمية توضيØية";
- Text[ he ] = "Beschriftung einfügen";
- Text [ de ] = "Nummerierung neu starten" ;
- Text [ en-US ] = "Restart numbering" ;
- Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
- Text[ pt ] = "Reiniciar numeração";
- Text[ ru ] = "Ðачать нумерацию заново";
- Text[ el ] = "Επανεκκίνηση αÏίθμησης";
- Text[ nl ] = "Nieuwe nummering";
- Text[ fr ] = "Reprendre la numérotation";
- Text[ es ] = "Reiniciar numeración";
- Text[ fi ] = "Aloita numerointi uudestaan";
- Text[ ca ] = "Reinicia la numeració";
- Text[ it ] = "Riavvia la numerazione";
- Text[ sk ] = "ReÅ¡tartovaÅ¥ ÄÃslovanie";
- Text[ da ] = "Genstart nummerering";
- Text[ sv ] = "Starta numrering på nytt";
- Text[ pl ] = "Zacznij numeracjÄ™ od nowa";
- Text[ pt-BR ] = "Reiniciar numeração";
- Text[ th ] = "เริ่มลำดับตัวเลขใหม่";
- Text[ ja ] = "番å·ä»˜ã‘ã‚’æ–°ã—ã開始";
- Text[ ko ] = "번호 다시 매기기";
- Text[ zh-CN ] = "é‡æ–°å¼€å§‹ç¼–å·";
- Text[ zh-TW ] = "é‡æ–°ç·¨è™Ÿ";
- Text[ tr ] = "Numaralamayı yeniden başlat";
- Text[ hi-IN ] = "संखà¥à¤¯à¤¾ देना पà¥à¤¨à¤ƒ पà¥à¤°à¤¾à¤°à¤‚ठकरो";
- Text[ ar ] = "إعادة بدء الترقيم";
- Text[ he ] = "‮מיספור-ספירה חדשה‬";
- Text [ de ] = "Fußnote ändern" ;
- Text [ en-US ] = "Modify footnote" ;
- Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
- Text[ pt ] = "Modificar nota de rodapé";
- Text[ ru ] = "Изменить ÑноÑку";
- Text[ el ] = "ΤÏοποποίηση υποσημείωσης";
- Text[ nl ] = "Voetnoot wijzigen";
- Text[ fr ] = "Modifier la note de bas de page";
- Text[ es ] = "Modificar nota al pie";
- Text[ fi ] = "Muokkaa alaviitettä";
- Text[ ca ] = "Modifica la nota al peu";
- Text[ it ] = "Modifica nota a piè pagina";
- Text[ sk ] = "UpraviÅ¥ poznámku pod Äiarou";
- Text[ da ] = "Modificer fodnote";
- Text[ sv ] = "Ändra fotnot";
- Text[ pl ] = "Modyfikuj przypis dolny";
- Text[ pt-BR ] = "Modificar nota de rodapé";
- Text[ th ] = "ดัดà¹à¸›à¸¥à¸‡à¹à¸à¹‰à¹„ขเชิงà¸à¸£à¸£à¸–";
- Text[ ja ] = "脚注ã®å¤‰æ›´";
- Text[ ko ] = "ê°ì£¼ ìˆ˜ì •";
- Text[ zh-CN ] = "更改注脚";
- Text[ zh-TW ] = "變更註腳";
- Text[ tr ] = "Dipnotu deÄŸiÅŸtir";
- Text[ hi-IN ] = "पृषà¥à¤ के नीचे की टीका सà¥à¤§à¤¾à¤°à¥‹";
- Text[ ar ] = "تعديل الØاشية السÙلية";
- Text[ he ] = "Fußnote ändern";
- /* !! sollte NIE gebraucht/uebersetzt werden !! */
- Text = "Redline" ;
- Text [ de ] = "Änderung akzeptieren" ;
- Text [ en-US ] = "Accept changes" ;
- Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
- Text[ pt ] = "Aceitar modificações";
- Text[ ru ] = "ПринÑÑ‚ÑŒ изменениÑ";
- Text[ el ] = "Αποδοχή αλλαγών";
- Text[ nl ] = "Wijziging accepteren";
- Text[ fr ] = "Accepter la modification";
- Text[ es ] = "Aceptar modificaciones";
- Text[ fi ] = "Hyväksy muutokset";
- Text[ ca ] = "Accepta els canvis";
- Text[ it ] = "Accetta le modifiche";
- Text[ sk ] = "Prijať zmeny";
- Text[ da ] = "Accepter ændring";
- Text[ sv ] = "Acceptera ändring";
- Text[ pl ] = "Akceptuj zmiany";
- Text[ pt-BR ] = "Aceitar modificações";
- Text[ th ] = "ยà¸à¸¡à¸£à¸±à¸šà¸à¸²à¸£à¹€à¸›à¸¥à¸µà¹ˆà¸¢à¸™à¹à¸›à¸¥à¸‡";
- Text[ ja ] = "変更をå—ã‘入れる";
- Text[ ko ] = "변경 ë™ì˜";
- Text[ zh-CN ] = "接å—更改";
- Text[ zh-TW ] = "接å—變更";
- Text[ tr ] = "DeÄŸiÅŸiklikleri kabul et";
- Text[ hi-IN ] = "परिवरà¥à¤¤à¤¨à¥‹à¤‚ को सà¥à¤µà¥€à¤•à¥ƒà¤¤ करो";
- Text[ ar ] = "قبول التغييرات";
- Text[ he ] = "Änderung akzeptieren";
- Text [ de ] = "Änderung ablehnen" ;
- Text [ en-US ] = "Reject change" ;
- Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
- Text[ pt ] = "Rejeitar alteração";
- Text[ ru ] = "Отклонить изменениÑ";
- Text[ el ] = "ΑπόÏÏιψη αλλαγών";
- Text[ nl ] = "Wijziging verwerpen";
- Text[ fr ] = "Rejeter la modification";
- Text[ es ] = "Rechazar modificación";
- Text[ fi ] = "Hylkää muutos";
- Text[ ca ] = "Rebutja el canvi";
- Text[ it ] = "Rifiuta modifica";
- Text[ sk ] = "Odmietnuť zmenu";
- Text[ da ] = "Forkast ændring";
- Text[ sv ] = "Ignorera ändring";
- Text[ pl ] = "Odrzuć zmiany";
- Text[ pt-BR ] = "Rejeitar modificações";
- Text[ th ] = "ปà¸à¸´à¹€à¸ªà¸˜à¸à¸²à¸£à¹€à¸›à¸¥à¸µà¹ˆà¸¢à¸™à¹à¸›à¸¥à¸‡";
- Text[ ja ] = "変更をå—ã‘入れãªã„";
- Text[ ko ] = "변경 거부";
- Text[ zh-CN ] = "æ‹’ç»æ›´æ”¹";
- Text[ zh-TW ] = "拒絕變更";
- Text[ tr ] = "DeÄŸiÅŸikliÄŸi reddet";
- Text[ hi-IN ] = "परिवरà¥à¤¤à¤¨ असà¥à¤µà¥€à¤•à¤¾à¤° करो";
- Text[ ar ] = "رÙض التغيير";
- Text[ he ] = "Änderung ablehnen";
- Text [ de ] = "Tabelle auftrennen" ;
- Text [ en-US ] = "Split Table" ;
- Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
- Text[ pt ] = "Dividir tabela";
- Text[ ru ] = "Разбить таблицу";
- Text[ el ] = "ΔιαίÏεση πίνακα";
- Text[ nl ] = "Tabel opsplitsen";
- Text[ fr ] = "Scinder le tableau";
- Text[ es ] = "Dividir tabla";
- Text[ fi ] = "Jaa taulukko";
- Text[ ca ] = "Divideix la taula";
- Text[ it ] = "Dividi tabella";
- Text[ sk ] = "Rozdeliť tabuľku";
- Text[ da ] = "Opdel tabel";
- Text[ sv ] = "Dela tabell";
- Text[ pl ] = "Podziel tabelÄ™";
- Text[ pt-BR ] = "Dividir a Tabela";
- Text[ th ] = "à¹à¸¢à¸à¸•à¸²à¸£à¸²à¸‡";
- Text[ ja ] = "表ã®åˆ†å‰²";
- Text[ ko ] = "표 나누기";
- Text[ zh-CN ] = "åˆ†éš”è¡¨æ ¼";
- Text[ zh-TW ] = "åˆ†é–‹è¡¨æ ¼";
- Text[ tr ] = "Tabloyu böl";
- Text[ hi-IN ] = "सारणी अलगा करो";
- Text[ ar ] = "Ùصل الجدول";
- Text[ he ] = "‮פיצול טבלה‬";
- Text [ de ] = "Attribut stoppen" ;
- Text [ en-US ] = "Stop attribute" ;
- Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
- Text[ pt ] = "Parar atributo";
- Text[ ru ] = "ОÑтановить атрибут";
- Text[ el ] = "Διακοπή ιδιότητας";
- Text[ nl ] = "Attribuut stoppen";
- Text[ fr ] = "Arrêter";
- Text[ es ] = "Detener atributo";
- Text[ fi ] = "Pysäytä ominaisuus";
- Text[ ca ] = "Atura l'atribut";
- Text[ it ] = "Interrompi attributo";
- Text[ sk ] = "Atribút zastavenia";
- Text[ da ] = "Stop attribut";
- Text[ sv ] = "Stoppa attribut";
- Text[ pl ] = "Zatrzymaj atrybuty";
- Text[ pt-BR ] = "Atributos de parada";
- Text[ th ] = "หยุดคุณลัà¸à¸©à¸“ะ";
- Text[ ja ] = "属性ã®ä¸æ¢";
- Text[ ko ] = "ì†ì„± 중지";
- Text[ zh-CN ] = "åœæ¢æ˜¾ç¤ºå±žæ€§";
- Text[ zh-TW ] = "åœæ¢é¡¯ç¤ºå±¬æ€§";
- Text[ tr ] = "Özniteliği durdur";
- Text[ hi-IN ] = "à¤à¤Ÿà¥à¤°à¤¿à¤¬à¥à¤¯à¥‚ट रोको";
- Text[ ar ] = "وق٠السمات";
- Text[ he ] = "Attribut stoppen";
- Text [ de ] = "AutoKorrektur" ;
- Text [ en-US ] = "AutoCorrect" ;
- Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
- Text[ pt ] = "AutoCorrecção";
- Text[ ru ] = "Ðвтозамена";
- Text[ el ] = "Αυτόματη ΔιόÏθωση";
- Text[ nl ] = "AutoCorrectie";
- Text[ fr ] = "AutoCorrection";
- Text[ es ] = "Corrección automática";
- Text[ fi ] = "Autom. korjaus";
- Text[ ca ] = "Correcció automà tica";
- Text[ it ] = "Correzione automatica";
- Text[ sk ] = "Automatické opravy";
- Text[ da ] = "AutoKorrektur";
- Text[ sv ] = "AutoKorrigering";
- Text[ pl ] = "Autokorekta";
- Text[ pt-BR ] = "AutoCorreção";
- Text[ th ] = "à¹à¸à¹‰à¹„ขให้ถูà¸à¸•à¹‰à¸à¸‡à¸à¸±à¸•à¹‚นมัติ";
- Text[ ja ] = "オートコレクト";
- Text[ ko ] = "ìžë™ ìˆ˜ì •/ìžë™ ì„œì‹";
- Text[ zh-CN ] = "自动更æ£";
- Text[ zh-TW ] = "è‡ªå‹•æ ¡æ£";
- Text[ tr ] = "Otomatik düzeltme";
- Text[ hi-IN ] = "सà¥à¤µà¤šà¤¾à¤²à¤¿à¤¤ ढंग से ठीक करो";
- Text[ ar ] = "تصØÙŠØ ØªÙ„Ù‚Ø§Ø¦ÙŠ";
- Text[ he ] = "‮תיקון ×וטומטי‬";
- Text [ de ] = "Tabelle verbinden" ;
- Text [ en-US ] = "Merge table";
- Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
- Text[ pt ] = "Unir tabela";
- Text[ ru ] = "Объединить таблицу";
- Text[ el ] = "Συγχώνευση πινάκων";
- Text[ nl ] = "Tabel verbinden";
- Text[ fr ] = "Fusionner les tableaux";
- Text[ es ] = "unir tablas";
- Text[ fi ] = "Yhdistä taulukko";
- Text[ ca ] = "Fusiona la taula";
- Text[ it ] = "Collega tabella";
- Text[ sk ] = "ZlúÄiÅ¥ tabuľku";
- Text[ da ] = "Flet tabeller";
- Text[ sv ] = "Sammanfoga tabeller";
- Text[ pl ] = "Scal tabele";
- Text[ pt-BR ] = "Mesclar tabela";
- Text[ th ] = "ผสานตาราง";
- Text[ ja ] = "表ã®çµåˆ";
- Text[ ko ] = "표 합치기";
- Text[ zh-CN ] = "åˆå¹¶è¡¨æ ¼";
- Text[ zh-TW ] = "åˆä½µè¡¨æ ¼";
- Text[ tr ] = "Tabloyu birleÅŸtir";
- Text[ hi-IN ] = "सारणी को मिलाओ";
- Text[ ar ] = "وصل الجدول";
- Text[ he ] = "Tabelle verbinden";
- Text [ de ] = "Groß-/Kleinschreibung" ;
- Text [ en-US ] = "~Change Case";
- Text[ pt ] = "Caixa/Caracteres";
- Text[ ru ] = "региÑÑ‚Ñ€";
- Text[ el ] = "Κεφαλαία/Πεζά";
- Text[ nl ] = "Hoofdletters/kleine letters";
- Text[ fr ] = "Casse/Caractères";
- Text[ es ] = "Mayúsculas/minúsculas";
- Text[ fi ] = "Muuta kirjainkoko";
- Text[ ca ] = "Majúscules/minúscules";
- Text[ it ] = "Maiuscole/minuscole";
- Text[ sk ] = "Veľkosť/znaky";
- Text[ da ] = "Store og små bogstaver";
- Text[ sv ] = "Bokstäver/tecken";
- Text[ pl ] = "Wielkie i małe litery";
- Text[ pt-BR ] = "Caixa/Caracteres";
- Text[ th ] = "ตัวพิมพ์/ตัวà¸à¸±à¸à¸‚ระ";
- Text[ ja ] = "æ–‡å—種ã®å¤‰æ›";
- Text[ ko ] = "ë¬¸ìž ë°”ê¾¸ê¸°";
- Text[ zh-CN ] = "å—æ¯å¤§å°å†™";
- Text[ zh-TW ] = "å—æ¯å¤§å°å¯«";
- Text[ tr ] = "Büyük/küçük harf";
- Text[ hi-IN ] = "केस/अकà¥à¤·à¤°à¥‡à¤‚";
- Text[ ar ] = "الكتابة بأØر٠كبيرة أو صغيرة";
- Text[ he ] = "‮סיווג ×ותיות‬";
- Text [ de ] = "Nummerierung löschen" ;
- Text [ en-US ] = "Delete numbering" ;
- Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
- Text[ pt ] = "Eliminar numeração";
- Text[ ru ] = "Удалить нумерацию";
- Text[ el ] = "ΔιαγÏαφή αÏίθμησης";
- Text[ nl ] = "Nummering wissen";
- Text[ fr ] = "Supprimer la numérotation";
- Text[ es ] = "Borrar numeración";
- Text[ fi ] = "Poista numerointi";
- Text[ ca ] = "Suprimeix la numeració";
- Text[ it ] = "Elimina numerazione";
- Text[ sk ] = "OdstrániÅ¥ ÄÃslovanie";
- Text[ da ] = "Slet nummerering";
- Text[ sv ] = "Radera numrering";
- Text[ pl ] = "Usuń numerację";
- Text[ pt-BR ] = "Excluir numeração";
- Text[ th ] = "ลบลำดับตัวเลข";
- Text[ ja ] = "番å·ä»˜ã‘ã®å‰Šé™¤";
- Text[ ko ] = "번호 매기기 ì‚ì œ";
- Text[ zh-CN ] = "åˆ é™¤ç¼–å·";
- Text[ zh-TW ] = "刪除編號";
- Text[ tr ] = "Numaralamayı sil";
- Text[ hi-IN ] = "संखà¥à¤¯à¤¾ देना मिटाओ";
- Text[ ar ] = "Øذ٠الترقيم";
- Text[ he ] = "Nummerierung löschen";
- Text [ de ] = "Zeichenobjekte" ;
- Text [ en-US ] = "Draw objects" ;
- Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
- Text[ pt ] = "Objectos de desenho";
- Text[ ru ] = "ГрафичеÑкий объект";
- Text[ el ] = "Αντικείμενα σχεδίασης";
- Text[ nl ] = "Tekenobjecten";
- Text[ fr ] = "Objets de dessin";
- Text[ es ] = "Objetos de dibujo";
- Text[ fi ] = "Piirrosobjektit";
- Text[ ca ] = "Objectes de dibuix";
- Text[ it ] = "Oggetti di disegno";
- Text[ sk ] = "Kresby";
- Text[ da ] = "Tegneobjekter";
- Text[ sv ] = "Ritobjekt";
- Text[ pl ] = "Obiekty rysunkowe";
- Text[ pt-BR ] = "Objetos de desenho";
- Text[ th ] = "วาดวัตถุ";
- Text[ ja ] = "図形æ画オブジェクト";
- Text[ ko ] = "그리기 개체";
- Text[ zh-CN ] = "绘图对象";
- Text[ zh-TW ] = "繪圖物件";
- Text[ tr ] = "Çizim nesneleri";
- Text[ hi-IN ] = "रेखाचितà¥à¤° वसà¥à¤¤à¥";
- Text[ ar ] = "كائنات رسومية";
- Text[ he ] = "Zeichenobjekte";
- Text [ de ] = "Zeichenobjekte gruppieren" ;
- Text [ en-US ] = "Group draw objects" ;
- Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
- Text[ pt ] = "Agrupar objectos de desenho";
- Text[ ru ] = "Группировать графичеÑкие объекты";
- Text[ el ] = "Ομαδοποίηση αντικειμÎνων σχεδίασης";
- Text[ nl ] = "Tekenobjecten groeperen";
- Text[ fr ] = "Grouper des objets de dessin";
- Text[ es ] = "Agrupar objetos de dibujo";
- Text[ fi ] = "Ryhmittele piirrosobjektit";
- Text[ ca ] = "Agrupa els objectes de dibuix";
- Text[ it ] = "Raggruppa oggetti di disegno";
- Text[ sk ] = "Zoskupiť kresby";
- Text[ da ] = "Grupper tegneobjekter";
- Text[ sv ] = "Gruppera ritobjekt";
- Text[ pl ] = "Grupuj obiekty rysunkowe";
- Text[ pt-BR ] = "Agrupar objetos de desenho";
- Text[ th ] = "จัดà¸à¸¥à¸¸à¹ˆà¸¡à¸§à¸±à¸•à¸–ุวาดรูป";
- Text[ ja ] = "図形æ画をグループ化ã™ã‚‹";
- Text[ ko ] = "그리기 개체 그룹";
- Text[ zh-CN ] = "分组绘图对象";
- Text[ zh-TW ] = "繪圖物件群組";
- Text[ tr ] = "Çizim nesnelerini grupla";
- Text[ hi-IN ] = "रेखाचितà¥à¤° वसà¥à¤¤à¥ समूह";
- Text[ ar ] = "تجميع كائنات رسومية";
- Text[ he ] = "Zeichenobjekte gruppieren";
- Text [ de ] = "Gruppenobjekt auflösen" ;
- Text [ en-US ] = "Ungroup drawing objects" ;
- Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
- Text[ pt ] = "Desagrupar objectos";
- Text[ ru ] = "Разгруппировать графичеÑкий объект";
- Text[ el ] = "ΚατάÏγηση ομαδοποίησης αντικειμÎνων";
- Text[ nl ] = "Groepsobject opheffen";
- Text[ fr ] = "Dissocier les objets";
- Text[ es ] = "Resolver objeto de grupo";
- Text[ fi ] = "Pura piirrosobjektien ryhmitys";
- Text[ ca ] = "Desagrupa els objectes de dibuix";
- Text[ it ] = "Sciogli gruppo oggetti";
- Text[ sk ] = "Zrušiť zoskupenie kresieb";
- Text[ da ] = "Ophæv gruppeobjekter";
- Text[ sv ] = "Lös upp gruppobjekt";
- Text[ pl ] = "Rozgrupuj obiekty rysunkowe";
- Text[ pt-BR ] = "Desagrupar objetos de desenho";
- Text[ th ] = "ไม่จัดà¸à¸¥à¸¸à¹ˆà¸¡à¸§à¸±à¸•à¸–ุวาดรูป";
- Text[ ja ] = "グループ化ã•ã‚ŒãŸã‚ªãƒ–ジュクトã®è§£é™¤";
- Text[ ko ] = "그리기 개체 그룹 í•´ì œ";
- Text[ zh-CN ] = "å–消分组对象";
- Text[ zh-TW ] = "å–消群組物件";
- Text[ tr ] = "Nesne grubunu çöz";
- Text[ hi-IN ] = "रेखाचितà¥à¤° वसà¥à¤¤à¥ को अलगाना";
- Text[ ar ] = "ÙÙƒ تجميع الكائنات";
- Text[ he ] = "Gruppenobjekt auflösen";
- Text [ de ] = "Zeichenobjekte löschen" ;
- Text [ en-US ] = "Delete drawing objects" ;
- Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
- Text[ pt ] = "Eliminar objectos de desenho";
- Text[ ru ] = "Удалить графичеÑкие объекты";
- Text[ el ] = "ΔιαγÏαφή αντικειμÎνων σχεδίασης";
- Text[ nl ] = "Tekenobjecten wissen";
- Text[ fr ] = "Supprimer des objets de dessin";
- Text[ es ] = "Borrar objetos de dibujo";
- Text[ fi ] = "Poista piirrosobjektit";
- Text[ ca ] = "Suprimeix els objectes de dibuix";
- Text[ it ] = "Elimina oggetti di disegno";
- Text[ sk ] = "Zmazať kreslenie objektov";
- Text[ da ] = "Slet tegneobjekter";
- Text[ sv ] = "Radera ritobjekt";
- Text[ pl ] = "Usuń obiekty rysunkowe";
- Text[ pt-BR ] = "Excluir objetos de desenho";
- Text[ th ] = "ลบวัตถุวาดรูป";
- Text[ ja ] = "図形æ画オブジェクトを解除";
- Text[ ko ] = "그리기 개체 ì‚ì œ";
- Text[ zh-CN ] = "åˆ é™¤ç»˜å›¾å¯¹è±¡";
- Text[ zh-TW ] = "刪除繪圖物件";
- Text[ tr ] = "Çizim nesnelerini sil";
- Text[ hi-IN ] = "रेखाचितà¥à¤° वसà¥à¤¤à¥à¤“ं को मिटाओ";
- Text[ ar ] = "Øذ٠كائنات رسومية";
- Text[ he ] = "Zeichenobjekte löschen";
- Text [ de ] = "Grafik ersetzen" ;
- Text [ en-US ] = "Replace graphics" ;
- Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
- Text[ pt ] = "Substituir imagem";
- Text[ ru ] = "Заменить графику";
- Text[ el ] = "Αντικατάσταση γÏαφικών";
- Text[ nl ] = "Afbeelding vervangen";
- Text[ fr ] = "Remplacer l'image";
- Text[ es ] = "Reemplazar imagen";
- Text[ fi ] = "Korvaa grafiikka";
- Text[ ca ] = "Reemplaça la imatge";
- Text[ it ] = "Sostituisci l'immagine";
- Text[ sk ] = "Nahradiť obrázok";
- Text[ da ] = "Erstat grafik";
- Text[ sv ] = "Ersätt grafik";
- Text[ pl ] = "Zamień grafikę";
- Text[ pt-BR ] = "Substituir figura";
- Text[ th ] = "à¹à¸—นที่à¸à¸£à¸²à¸Ÿà¸´à¸„";
- Text[ ja ] = "図ã®ç½®æ›";
- Text[ ko ] = "그림 바꾸기";
- Text[ zh-CN ] = "替æ¢å›¾å½¢";
- Text[ zh-TW ] = "代替圖形";
- Text[ tr ] = "GrafiÄŸi deÄŸiÅŸtirmek";
- Text[ hi-IN ] = "सà¥à¤šà¤¿à¤¤à¥à¤° को पà¥à¤°à¤¤à¤¿à¤¸à¥à¤¥à¤¾à¤ªà¤¿à¤¤ करो";
- Text[ ar ] = "استبدال الرسومات";
- Text[ he ] = "Grafik ersetzen";
- Text [ de ] = "Grafik löschen" ;
- Text [ en-US ] = "Delete graphics" ;
- Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
- Text[ pt ] = "Eliminar imagem";
- Text[ ru ] = "Удалить графику";
- Text[ el ] = "ΔιαγÏαφή γÏαφικοÏ";
- Text[ nl ] = "Afbeelding wissen";
- Text[ fr ] = "Supprimer l'image";
- Text[ es ] = "Borrar imagen";
- Text[ fi ] = "Poista grafiikka";
- Text[ ca ] = "Suprimeix la imatge";
- Text[ it ] = "Elimina immagine";
- Text[ sk ] = "Odstrániť obrázok";
- Text[ da ] = "Slet grafik";
- Text[ sv ] = "Radera grafik";
- Text[ pl ] = "Usuń grafikę";
- Text[ pt-BR ] = "Excluir gráfico";
- Text[ th ] = "ลบà¸à¸£à¸²à¸Ÿà¸´à¸„";
- Text[ ja ] = "図ã®å‰Šé™¤";
- Text[ ko ] = "그림 ì‚ì œ";
- Text[ zh-CN ] = "åˆ é™¤å›¾å½¢";
- Text[ zh-TW ] = "刪除圖形";
- Text[ tr ] = "GrafiÄŸi silme";
- Text[ hi-IN ] = "सà¥à¤šà¤¿à¤¤à¥à¤° मिटाओ";
- Text[ ar ] = "Øذ٠صورة";
- Text[ he ] = "Grafik löschen";
- Text [ de ] = "Objekt löschen" ;
- Text [ en-US ] = "Delete object" ;
- Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
- Text[ pt ] = "Eliminar objecto";
- Text[ ru ] = "Удалить объект";
- Text[ el ] = "ΔιαγÏαφή αντικειμÎνου";
- Text[ nl ] = "Object wissen";
- Text[ fr ] = "Supprimer l'objet";
- Text[ es ] = "Borrar objeto";
- Text[ fi ] = "Poista objekti";
- Text[ ca ] = "Suprimeix l'objecte";
- Text[ it ] = "Elimina oggetto";
- Text[ sk ] = "Odstrániť objekt";
- Text[ da ] = "Slet objekt";
- Text[ sv ] = "Radera objekt";
- Text[ pl ] = "Usuń obiekt";
- Text[ pt-BR ] = "Excluir objeto";
- Text[ th ] = "ลบวัตถุ";
- Text[ ja ] = "オブジェクトã®å‰Šé™¤";
- Text[ ko ] = "개체 ì‚ì œ";
- Text[ zh-CN ] = "åˆ é™¤å¯¹è±¡";
- Text[ zh-TW ] = "刪除物件";
- Text[ tr ] = "Nesneyi silme";
- Text[ hi-IN ] = "वसà¥à¤¤à¥ मिटाओ";
- Text[ ar ] = "Øذ٠كائن";
- Text[ he ] = "Objekt löschen";
- Text [ de ] = "Tabellenattribute anwenden" ;
- Text [ en-US ] = "Apply table attributes" ;
- Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
- Text[ pt ] = "Aplicar atributos da tabela";
- Text[ ru ] = "Применить атрибуты таблицы";
- Text[ el ] = "ΕφαÏμογή ιδιοτήτων πίνακα";
- Text[ nl ] = "Tabelattributen toepassen";
- Text[ fr ] = "Appliquer les attributs de tableau";
- Text[ es ] = "Aplicar atributos de la tabla";
- Text[ fi ] = "Käytä taulukkomääritteitä";
- Text[ ca ] = "Aplica els atributs de la taula";
- Text[ it ] = "Utilizza gli attributi della tabella";
- Text[ sk ] = "Použiť atribúty tabuľky";
- Text[ da ] = "Anvend tabelattributter";
- Text[ sv ] = "Använd tabellattribut";
- Text[ pl ] = "Zastosuj atrybuty tabeli";
- Text[ pt-BR ] = "Aplicar atributos da tabela";
- Text[ th ] = "ใช้คุณลัà¸à¸©à¸“ะตาราง";
- Text[ ja ] = "表ã®å±žæ€§ã®é©ç”¨";
- Text[ ko ] = "í‘œì˜ ì†ì„± ì ìš©";
- Text[ zh-CN ] = "ä½¿ç”¨è¡¨æ ¼å±žæ€§";
- Text[ zh-TW ] = "ä½¿ç”¨è¡¨æ ¼å±¬æ€§";
- Text[ tr ] = "Tablo özniteliklerini kullan";
- Text[ hi-IN ] = "टेबल à¤à¤Ÿà¥à¤°à¤¿à¤¬à¥à¤¯à¥‚टà¥à¤¸ लगाओ";
- Text[ ar ] = "استخدام سمات الجدول";
- Text[ he ] = "Tabellenattribute anwenden";
- Text [ de ] = "Autoformat Tabelle" ;
- Text [ en-US ] = "AutoFormat Table" ;
- Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
- Text[ pt ] = "AutoFormato tabela";
- Text[ ru ] = "Ðвтоформат таблицы";
- Text[ el ] = "Αυτόματη μοÏφοποίηση πίνακα";
- Text[ nl ] = "AutoOpmaak tabel";
- Text[ fr ] = "AutoFormat de tableau";
- Text[ es ] = "Formateado automático tabla";
- Text[ fi ] = "Automaattinen taulukon muotoilu";
- Text[ ca ] = "Taula de formatatge automà tic";
- Text[ it ] = "Formattazione automatica tabella";
- Text[ sk ] = "Automatický formát tabuľky";
- Text[ da ] = "AutoFormat tabel";
- Text[ sv ] = "Autoformat Tabell";
- Text[ pl ] = "Autoformatowanie tabeli";
- Text[ pt-BR ] = "AutoFormatar Tabela";
- Text[ th ] = "ตารางรูปà¹à¸šà¸šà¸à¸±à¸•à¹‚นมัติ";
- Text[ ja ] = "オートフォーマット 表";
- Text[ ko ] = "í‘œ ìžë™ ì„œì‹";
- Text[ zh-CN ] = "è‡ªåŠ¨æ ¼å¼ è¡¨æ ¼";
- Text[ zh-TW ] = "è‡ªå‹•æ ¼å¼ è¡¨æ ¼";
- Text[ tr ] = "Otomatik formatlama Tablo";
- Text[ hi-IN ] = "सारणी का सà¥à¤µà¤šà¤¾à¤²à¤¿à¤¤ रचना";
- Text[ ar ] = "تنسيق تلقائي للجدول";
- Text[ he ] = "Autoformat Tabelle";
- Text [ de ] = "Spalte einfügen" ;
- Text [ en-US ] = "Insert Column" ;
- Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
- Text[ pt ] = "Inserir coluna";
- Text[ ru ] = "Ð’Ñтавить Ñтолбец";
- Text[ el ] = "Εισαγωγή στήλης";
- Text[ nl ] = "Kolom invoegen";
- Text[ fr ] = "Insérer une colonne";
- Text[ es ] = "Insertar columna";
- Text[ fi ] = "Lisää sarake";
- Text[ ca ] = "Insereix una columna";
- Text[ it ] = "Inserisci colonna";
- Text[ sk ] = "Vložiť stĺpec";
- Text[ da ] = "Indsæt kolonne";
- Text[ sv ] = "Infoga kolumn";
- Text[ pl ] = "Wstaw kolumnÄ™";
- Text[ pt-BR ] = "Inserir Coluna";
- Text[ th ] = "à¹à¸—รà¸à¸„à¸à¸¥à¸±à¸¡à¸™à¹Œ";
- Text[ ja ] = "列ã®æŒ¿å…¥";
- Text[ ko ] = "열 삽입";
- Text[ zh-CN ] = "æ’入列";
- Text[ zh-TW ] = "æ’入欄";
- Text[ tr ] = "Sütunu ekle";
- Text[ hi-IN ] = "सà¥à¤¤à¤‚ठजोड़ो";
- Text[ ar ] = "إدراج عمود";
- Text[ he ] = "â€®×”×›× ×¡×ª טור‬";
- Text [ de ] = "Zeile einfügen" ;
- Text [ en-US ] = "Insert Row" ;
- Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
- Text[ pt ] = "Inserir linha";
- Text[ ru ] = "Ð’Ñтавить Ñтроку";
- Text[ el ] = "Εισαγωγή γÏαμμής";
- Text[ nl ] = "Rij invoegen";
- Text[ fr ] = "Insérer une ligne";
- Text[ es ] = "Insertar fila";
- Text[ fi ] = "Lisää rivi";
- Text[ ca ] = "Insereix una fila";
- Text[ it ] = "Inserisci riga";
- Text[ sk ] = "Vložiť riadok";
- Text[ da ] = "Indsæt række";
- Text[ sv ] = "Infoga rad";
- Text[ pl ] = "Wstaw wiersz";
- Text[ pt-BR ] = "Inserir Linha";
- Text[ th ] = "à¹à¸—รà¸à¹à¸–ว";
- Text[ ja ] = "è¡Œã®æŒ¿å…¥";
- Text[ ko ] = "행 삽입";
- Text[ zh-CN ] = "æ’入行";
- Text[ zh-TW ] = "æ’入行";
- Text[ tr ] = "Satır ekle";
- Text[ hi-IN ] = "पंकà¥à¤¤à¤¿ जोड़ो";
- Text[ ar ] = "إدراج صÙ";
- Text[ he ] = "â€®×”×›× ×¡×ª שורה‬";
- Text [ de ] = "Zeile/Spalte löschen" ;
- Text [ en-US ] = "Delete row/column" ;
- Text [ x-comment ] = " ";
- Text[ pt ] = "Eliminar linha/coluna";
- Text[ ru ] = "Удалить Ñтроку/Ñтолбец";
- Text[ el ] = "ΔιαγÏαφή γÏαμμής/στήλης";
- Text[ nl ] = "Rij/Kolom wissen";
- Text[ fr ] = "Supprimer la ligne/colonne";
- Text[ es ] = "Borrar fila/columna";
- Text[ fi ] = "Poista rivi/sarake";
- Text[ ca ] = "Suprimeix la fila/columna";
- Text[ it ] = "Elimina riga/colonna";
- Text[ sk ] = "Odstrániť riadok/stĺpec";
... etc. - the rest is truncated
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