[Libreoffice-commits] Changes to 'refs/tags/ooo/DEV300_m93'

Bjoern Michaelsen bmichaelsen at kemper.freedesktop.org
Tue Aug 23 07:48:21 PDT 2011

Tag 'ooo/DEV300_m93' created by Bjoern Michaelsen <bjoern.michaelsen at canonical.com> at 2011-08-23 14:38 -0700

merged tag ooo/DEV300_m93 from old repositories
Version: GnuPG v1.4.11 (GNU/Linux)


Changes since ooo/DEV300_m92:
Bjoern Michaelsen (1):
      merged tag ooo/DEV300_m93

Carsten Driesner (13):
      fwk149: #i112582# Fix FocusSet/FocusGet events for complex ComboBox control
      fwk149: #i102518# Make recovery dialog accessible for typical NetBook screen res (1024x600)
      fwk149: #i113055# Fixed suspicious self assignment
      fwk149: #i113055# Fixed suspicious self assignment
      fwk149: Merge changes
      fwk149: #i115194# Command line arguments that won't open/create/load documents don't hinder to show the Start Center on startup
      fwk149: Merge changes
      fwk149: Merge changes from DEV300_m90
      fwk149: Merge changes from DEV300_m90
      fwk149: Merge changes from DEV300_m90
      fwk149: Merge changes from DEV300_m90
      fwk149: Merge changes from DEV300_m90
      fwk149: Merge changes from DEV300_m90

Daniel Rentz [dr] (1):
      calc33stopper2: #i115313# revert calculation of scaling factor for drawing layer to behaviour of OOo 3.2

Dirk Voelzke (1):
      tl88:#i100744# Better exception handling while retrieving information from packages

Frank Schoenheit [fs] (195):
      dba34a: #i112571# spare superfluous enterState call (which caused an assertion to fire)
      dba34a: added diagnostics
      dba34a: #i112617# typo
      dba34a: fail the test on caught exceptions
      dba34a: #i112876# fixed warnings (thanks to CMC)
      dba34a: #i113551# fixed documentation (thanks to simonaw)
      dba34a: #i111295# getFormattedValue: don't treat non-numeric columns with numeric formats
      dba33h: merge after pulling OOO330.m6
      dba33h: merge after pulling OOO330.m6
      dba33h: merge after pulling DEV300.m87
      dba33h: merge after pulling DEV300.m87
      dba33h: merge after pulling DEV300.m87
      dba33h: merge after pulling DEV300.m87
      dba33h: merge after pulling DEV300.m87
      dba33h: merge after pulling DEV300.m87
      dba33h: merge after pulling DEV300.m87
      dba33h: merge after pulling DEV300.m87
      dba33h: merge after pulling DEV300.m87
      dba33h: merge after pulling DEV300.m87
      dba33h: merge after pulling DEV300.m87
      dba33h: merge after pulling DEV300.m87
      dba34a: #i111379# don't throw exceptions in the header, move this to the CXX
      dba33i: merged latest changes from CWS dba33h
      dba34a: merged in CWS dba33i
      dba34a: merged in CWS dba33i
      dba34a: merged in CWS dba33i
      dba34a: merged in CWS dba33i
      dba34a: merged in CWS dba33i
      dba34a: merged in CWS dba33i
      dba34a: merged in CWS dba33i
      dba34a: merged in CWS dba33i
      dba34a: merged in CWS dba33i
      dba34a: merged in CWS dba33i
      dba34a: merged in CWS dba33i
      merged in latest changes from CWS dba33i
      merged in latest changes from CWS dba33i
      merged in latest changes from CWS dba33i
      merged in latest changes from CWS dba33i
      merged in latest changes from CWS dba33i
      merged in latest changes from CWS dba33i
      merged in latest changes from CWS dba33i
      merged in latest changes from CWS dba33i
      dba34a: removed SvLBox'es (and friends) Set/GetWindowBits. They were used in parallel to Window's
      dba34a: i113188# don't call into XWindow implementations with own mutex locked
      dba34a: removed SvLBox'es (and friends) Set/GetWindowBits. They were used in parallel to Window's
      dba34a: removed SvLBox'es (and friends) Set/GetWindowBits. They were used in parallel to Window's
      dba34a: removed SvLBox'es (and friends) Set/GetWindowBits. They were used in parallel to Window's
      dba34a: removed SvLBox'es (and friends) Set/GetWindowBits. They were used in parallel to Window's
      dba34a: removed SvLBox'es (and friends) Set/GetWindowBits. They were used in parallel to Window's
      dba34a: removed SvLBox'es (and friends) Set/GetWindowBits. They were used in parallel to Window's
      dba34a: removed SvLBox'es (and friends) Set/GetWindowBits. They were used in parallel to Window's
      dba34a: #i100000#
      dba34a: during #i114403#: allow list boxes to have a bound column of '0'
      dba34a: #i114403# don't access non-existing values
      dba34a: merge after pulling latest changes from CWS dba33i
      dba34a: merge after pulling changes from CWS dba33j
      dba34a: properly close the connection, and survive (without error log) if there actually isn't a connection
      dba34a: let the state message for incomplete tests end with OK - otherwise, some weird code elsewhere interprets it is failure
      dba34a: #i113403# reset m_documentBasicManager to NULL when it dies
      dba34a: #i107809# drop support for old Mozilla profile format, support new-style SeaMonkey profiles
      dba34a: removed unused string resources / resource IDs
      dba34a: #i114492# properly calculate the composed filter, placing enough brackets around the single terms ...
      dba34a: export/import min-/max-/default-/value for date/time as XML-Schema conformant strings
      dba34a: #i110304# when converting a string to a css.util.DateTime, don't go the way via a float, as it causes rounding errors
      dba34a: merge after pulling impress197
      dba34a: merge after pulling impress197
      dba34a: ensure the newly introduced WinBits for TreeListBoxes do not overlap with existing win bits also used by this class
      dba34a: silence GCC warning
      dba34a: yet another GCC warning silenced
      dba34a: #i111148# do not call setPropertyValue from within setFastPropertyValue_NoBroadcast, this is prone to deadlocks. Instead, use the newly introduced setDependentFastPropertyValue, which postpones the notifications to a more appropriate point in time
      dba34a: #i111148# do not call setPropertyValue from within setFastPropertyValue_NoBroadcast, this is prone to deadlocks. Instead, use the newly introduced setDependentFastPropertyValue, which postpones the notifications to a more appropriate point in time
      dba34a: #i113671# still creating the Accessible in the ctor, but adjusting the comment why it has not been removed (as originally intended)
      dba34a: silence conversion warning
      dba34a: impl_fireAll: oops ... don't forget to reset handles/newValues/oldValues ...
      dba34a: querydeep.* is not used anymore
      dba34a: remove comphelper/optionalvalue.hxx, and the only client it had (replaced with boost/optional.hpp)
      dba34a: remove comphelper/optionalvalue.hxx, and the only client it had (replaced with boost/optional.hpp)
      dba34a: added FlagGuard, a specialization of ScopeGuard
      dba34a: #i114403# fixed the form-based filter for list boxes
      dba34a: #i114403# fixed the form-based filter for list boxes
      dba34a: #i113475# SRB->ORB
      dba34a: merged latest changes from CWS dba33j
      dba34a: merged latest changes from CWS dba33j
      dba34a: corrected identified in map file
      dba34a: #i108357# complement existing PrePaint with new PostPaint
      dba34a: #i108357# complement existing PrePaint with new PostPaint
      dba34a: #i111148# re-enabled the tests
      dba34a: merge after pulling latest changes from CWS dba33j
      dba33j: #i114438#
      dba33j: merge after pulling OOO330.m8
      dba33j: merge after pulling OOO330.m8
      dba33j: merge after pulling OOO330.m8
      dba33j: merge after pulling OOO330.m8
      dba33j: merge after pulling OOO330.m8
      dba33j: merge after pulling OOO330.m8
      dba33j: merge after pulling OOO330.m8
      dba34a: merged latest changes from CWS dba33j
      dba34a: merge
      dba34a: merged latest changes from CWS dba33j
      dba34a: merge
      dba34a: merged latest changes from CWS dba33j
      dba34a: merge
      dba34a: merged latest changes from CWS dba33j
      dba34a: merge
      dba34a: merged latest changes from CWS dba33j
      dba34a: merge
      dba34a: merged latest changes from CWS dba33j
      dba34a: merge
      dba34a: merged latest changes from CWS dba33j
      dba34a: merge
      dba34a: merged latest changes from CWS dba33j
      dba34a: merge
      dba34a: merged latest changes from CWS dba33j
      dba34a: merge
      dba34a: merged latest changes from CWS dba33j
      dba34a: merge
      dba34a: WaE
      dba34a: WaE
      dba34a: GCC WaE
      dba34a: merge after pulling latest changes from CWS dba33j
      dba34a: merge after pulling latest changes from CWS dba33j
      dba34a: merged latest changes from CWS dba33j
      dba34a: pulled DEV300.m88
      dba34a: pulled DEV300.m88
      dba34a: pulled DEV300.m88
      dba34a: pulled DEV300.m88
      dba34a: pulled DEV300.m88
      dba34a: pulled DEV300.m88
      dba34a: pulled DEV300.m88
      dba34a: pulled DEV300.m88
      dba34a: #i111000# make UI names for the PDF import filter unique
      dba34a: +assign(Any) / +getNames
      dba34a: #i114671#
      dba34a: #i114671#
      dba34a: merged latest changes from CWS dba33j
      dba34a: merged latest changes from CWS dba33j
      Automated merge with ssh://hg@hg.services.openoffice.org/cws/dba34a
      Automated merge with ssh://hg@hg.services.openoffice.org/cws/dba34a
      dba34a: #i114698# when a property is present in both the aggregate and the delegatee, expose it only once, and route access to it to the delegatee
      dba34a: #i114698# allow for property change notifications for properties which do not exist as real property, but as attribute only
      dba34a: #i114719#: it's allowed for a model to provide an empty view data container
      dba34a: #i114606# some refactoring (not really related to the fix for the bug, but perhaps next time I have some bug here, it's easier to understand the stone-aged code here ...)
      dba34a: #i114606# render: hide the sdr page at the FmFormView before actually deleting it
      dba34a: #i114606# ~FmXFormView: do not only assert when our adapter list is not empty upon destruction, but properly clean it up
      dba34a: #i98351# remove the (unused, and not existent in config anymore) IsGermanPreReform property
      dba34a: #i114726# removed code using the non-existent IsSpellInAllLocales config option
      dba34a: during #i114726#: IsHideMarkings also doesn't exist anymore in config
      dba34a: during #i114726#: DocumentWindows also doesn't exist anymore in config
      dba34a: #i114733# SearchFile: expand vnd.sun.star.expand URLs before processing them further
      dba34a: separate the handling of generic property/attributes into a dedicated method, which can be called at appropriate time by derived classes (if desired, otherwise OElementImport will call it automatically)
      dba34a: OElementImport::EndElement: don't assert m_aValues being empty - this is legitimate, especially for grid controls
      dba34a: #i114770# fix getDate
      dba34a: #i105989# fix setEvaluationResult
      dba34a: fix off-by-one in previous fix
      dba34a: #i105989# proper number of elements in m_aSelectionEvaluation
      dba34a: removed nonsensical return statement
      dba34a: #i105989#  fixed sorting by function column
      dba34a: #i97111# make the 'Test Connection' button big enough to display all its text
      dba34a: GCC WaE
      dba34a: #i31275# allow 'select as you type' aka 'quick selection' for tree list boxes (SvLBox derivees, to be precise), and enable this for Base main window, and the stylist
      dba34a: #i31275# allow 'select as you type' aka 'quick selection' for tree list boxes (SvLBox derivees, to be precise), and enable this for Base main window, and the stylist
      dba34a: #i31275# allow 'select as you type' aka 'quick selection' for tree list boxes (SvLBox derivees, to be precise), and enable this for Base main window, and the stylist
      dba34a: #i31275# allow 'select as you type' aka 'quick selection' for tree list boxes (SvLBox derivees, to be precise), and enable this for Base main window, and the stylist
      dba34a: #i31275# allow 'select as you type' aka 'quick selection' for tree list boxes (SvLBox derivees, to be precise), and enable this for Base main window, and the stylist
      dba34a: #i31275# allow 'select as you type' aka 'quick selection' for tree list boxes (SvLBox derivees, to be precise), and enable this for Base main window, and the stylist
      dba34a: #i31275# allow 'select as you type' aka 'quick selection' for tree list boxes (SvLBox derivees, to be precise), and enable this for Base main window, and the stylist
      dba34a: #i114785# removed assertion - not really useful, and the asserted condition is in fact valid in some cases
      dba34a: #i114752# allow setting an empty reference, not only an empty Any, as ControlLabel
      dba34a: recognize hsqldb.compatible_version in the properties file
      dba34a: removed assertion from impl_matchPropertyGroup - it is allowed that no group matches, as long as we did not migrate all properties to this new mechanism
      dba34a: GCC WaE
      dba34a: #i114792# restore m_nNULLPos/m_nBoundColumnType when old list data is still cached
      Automated merge with http://hg-lan.germany.sun.com/ooo/DEV300
      Automated merge with http://hg-lan.germany.sun.com/ooo/DEV300
      Automated merge with http://hg-lan.germany.sun.com/ooo/DEV300
      Automated merge with http://hg-lan.germany.sun.com/ooo/DEV300
      Automated merge with http://hg-lan.germany.sun.com/ooo/DEV300
      Automated merge with http://hg-lan.germany.sun.com/ooo/DEV300
      Automated merge with http://hg-lan.germany.sun.com/ooo/DEV300
      Automated merge with http://hg-lan.germany.sun.com/ooo/DEV300
      Automated merge with http://hg-lan.germany.sun.com/ooo/DEV300
      Automated merge with http://hg-lan.germany.sun.com/ooo/DEV300
      Automated merge with http://hg-lan.germany.sun.com/ooo/DEV300
      Automated merge with http://hg-lan.germany.sun.com/ooo/DEV300
      dba34a: GCC WaE
      dba34a: WaE
      dba34a: if there exists a data source registration from the previous test run, revoke it
      dba34a: #i112617#
      dba34a: #i31275# findMatchingEntry: start with the 'current + 1st' entry
      dba34a: remaint of #i105989#: for calculating the sort column indexes, don't ask the table, but the select columns (the column orders in both might differ)
      dba34a: s_propertyMetaData should not be a global static, as it uses other global statics for initialization, which makes proper initialization dependent on module-load-order
      dba34a: during #i115312#: getFastPropertyValue( FILTER ): don't deliver an invalid filter when one predicate string cannot be generated, instead just skip this particular string
      dba34a: #i115312# partly reverted the fix for issue #i114403#: don't quote string literals in the form controller, this is the responsibility of the filter control, which can decide much better in which situations this is necessary
      dba34a: properly append the OR when retrieving the filter clause
      dba34a: #i114403# when delivering our text (getText, plus notifications), and we're a filter list box created for a list box control, translate between display strings and values. (Filter list boxes (*not* combo boxes!) still messed up. This needs a follow-up issue.)

Helge Delfs [hde] (6):
      automationdev300m91#i115378#assure fields are updated before content is checked
      fwk149#i115132#fixed problem with uno-slot position and closing hyperlink dialog, execution of hyperlink disabled
      automationdev300m91#i115427#added waitslot for stability
      automationdev300m91#i115475#added optional bool parameter bLeaveSelected
      automationdev300m91#i115375#fix selecting objects
      automationdev300m91#i115375#added a sleep due to timer on slot FormatGroup

Juergen Schmidt (2):
      jsc331: i115237: add missing not operator
      jsc331: i115310: correct resolveLink function

Kurt Zenker (6):
      CWS-TOOLING: integrate CWS jsc331
      CWS-TOOLING: integrate CWS jsc331
      CWS-TOOLING: integrate CWS calc33stopper2
      CWS-TOOLING: integrate CWS tl88
      CWS-TOOLING: integrate CWS tl88

Marc Neumann [msc] (3):
      cws dba34a: #i114752# create new test case for this issue
      cws dba34a: new control added
      cws automationdev300m91: #i115468# workaround for this issue

Mikhail Voytenko (11):
      fwk149: rebase to DEV300_m88
      fwk149: rebase to DEV300_m88
      fwk149: rebase to DEV300_m88
      fwk149: rebase to DEV300_m88
      fwk149: rebase to DEV300_m88
      fwk149: rebase to DEV300_m88
      fwk149: #163442# no password for powerpoint filter is supported
      fwk149: #i106591# do not use mmap to copy files
      fwk149: #i112602# integrate the patch
      fwk149: #i105142# avoid the crash in case of broken file
      fwk149: #i114668# check whether the directory can be opened

Miklos Vajna (24):
      vmiklos01: #i113532# add defines for new rtf keywords
      vmiklos01: #i113532# add RtfExport based on MSWordExportBase
      vmiklos01: #i113532# adapt RtfExport to build on dev300-m85
      vmiklos01: #i113532# add RtfFilter that invokes RtfExport or RtfImport
      vmiklos01: #i113532# update filter config to use RtfFilter
      vmiklos01: #i81569# quote strings in info group
      vmiklos01: #i106677# listoverride index starts at one, not zero
      vmiklos01: #i113532# remove most of SwRTFWriter
      vmiklos01: #i113532# add README-rtf.txt from the issue
      vmiklos01: #i113532# add author to README-rtf.txt
      vmiklos01: #i113532# Use OSL_THIS_FUNC instead of the non-portable __PRETTY_FUNCTION__
      vmiklos01: #i113532# Use OSL_THIS_FUNC instead of the non-portable __PRETTY_FUNCTION__
      vmiklos01: #i113532# fix outline numbering
      vmiklos01: #i113532# fix numbering indents
      vmiklos01: #i113532# implement missing character style support
      vmiklos01: #i113532# implement missing text frame support
      vmiklos01: #i113532# fix tables at the start of the document
      vmiklos01: #i113532# fix for nested tables
      vmiklos01: #i113532# backed out changeset b6c31fdf8791
      vmiklos01: #i113532# fix for nested tables
      vmiklos01: #i113532# fix for nested tables
      vmiklos01: #i113532# fix non-text frames
      vmiklos01: #i66619# fix title pages
      vmiklos01: #i113532# fix order of entries in the revtbl

Oliver Craemer [oc] (5):
      #i115353# MSC_SPECIAL_DIALOG does not work anymore
      #i1154083# Printtests broken due to enhanced listbox
      #i115399# c_import_general.bas has warnings
      #i115408# printtest broken due to enhanced listbox

Release Engineering (1):

Thomas Lange [tl] (1):
      cws tl88: #i115354# crash when opening File/Print dialog fixed

Thorsten Bosbach (2):
      #i115122# hid.lst is version independant
      #i115361# fix setting of buildid in special case

Vladimir Glazunov (42):
      CWS-TOOLING: integrate CWS vmiklos01
      CWS-TOOLING: integrate CWS vmiklos01
      CWS-TOOLING: integrate CWS vmiklos01
      CWS-TOOLING: integrate CWS vmiklos01
      CWS-TOOLING: integrate CWS vmiklos01
      CWS-TOOLING: integrate CWS dba34a
      CWS-TOOLING: integrate CWS dba34a
      CWS-TOOLING: integrate CWS dba34a
      CWS-TOOLING: integrate CWS dba34a
      CWS-TOOLING: integrate CWS dba34a
      CWS-TOOLING: integrate CWS dba34a
      CWS-TOOLING: integrate CWS dba34a
      CWS-TOOLING: integrate CWS dba34a
      CWS-TOOLING: integrate CWS dba34a
      CWS-TOOLING: integrate CWS dba34a
      CWS-TOOLING: integrate CWS dba34a
      CWS-TOOLING: integrate CWS dba34a
      CWS-TOOLING: integrate CWS sb132
      CWS-TOOLING: integrate CWS sb132
      CWS-TOOLING: integrate CWS sb132
      CWS-TOOLING: integrate CWS sb132
      CWS-TOOLING: integrate CWS sb132
      CWS-TOOLING: integrate CWS sb132
      CWS-TOOLING: integrate CWS sb132
      CWS-TOOLING: integrate CWS os143
      CWS-TOOLING: integrate CWS os143
      CWS-TOOLING: integrate CWS os143
      #i10000# changes from OOO330 m14
      #i10000# changes from OOO330 m14
      #i10000# changes from OOO330 m14
      #i10000# changes from OOO330 m14
      #i10000# changes from OOO330 m14
      CWS-TOOLING: integrate CWS fwk149
      CWS-TOOLING: integrate CWS fwk149
      CWS-TOOLING: integrate CWS fwk149
      CWS-TOOLING: integrate CWS fwk149
      CWS-TOOLING: integrate CWS fwk149
      CWS-TOOLING: integrate CWS fwk149
      CWS-TOOLING: integrate CWS automationdev300m91
      #i10000# regenerated configure
      #i10000# added export for x64
      #i10000# some additional fixes for CWS vmiklos01

obo (1):
      masterfix DEV300: #i10000# WaE converting negative value '-0x000000001' to 'USHORT'

os (53):
      #i84723# overlapping in ruler prevented (from gang65)
      #i85003# show disabled style name field for built-in styles (from simonaw)
      #i100037# command names added, duplicate DeleteNote/DeleteComment removed
      #i100037# command names added, duplicate DeleteNote/DeleteComment removed
      #i112518# prevent modification of document in getRenderCount() while printing
      #i111993# Add Styles button position issue fixed
      #i110813# prevent pasting RTF footnotes into footnotes
      #i105722# remove section links of label documents in mail merge
      #i109951# from-to-selection error fixed
      component_* methods moved and exported
      rtf import registration
      background of paragraphs is \cbpat
      #i114662# missing search attributes added
      export InputFields as FORMTEXT
      shape properties wzDescription and wzName support added
      shape properties wzDescription and wzName support added
      shape properties wzDescription and wzName support added
      header/footer postion fixed
      #i114781# envelope dialog preview fixed
      #i114819# NearestBookmark(): prevent duplicated exports at the same position
      fixed warnings
      SW_DLLPUBLIC added to build msword library on solaris
      enable exceptions
      new: HasInvisibleContent; fixed: EmbedAllLinks
      #i114081# SID_MAIL_PREPAREEXPORT re-implemented
      #i114081# SID_MAIL_PREPAREEXPORT re-implemented
      m89 merged
      m89 merged
      m89 merged
      locked rtf files after import: delete stream
      HackIsWW8OrHigher returns false now to fix encoding problems
      GetSortedBookmarks: don't insert bookmarks from different nodes
      export all attributes of parent styles in RTF
      form control export: check sequence length
      output of \ffhaslistbox moved
      #i115132# ItemCommand added to replaced menu items
      store fline(0) if no border is set, drop export of fLineDrawDash
      crash on access to TableNodeInfoInner prevented
      rebase to m91
      rebase to m91
      rebase to m91
      unused variables removed
      DEV300:m92 merged
      DEV300:m92 merged
      DEV300:m92 merged
      DEV300:m92 merged
      DEV300:m92 merged

sb (53):
      cleaned up comment
      sb132: merged in DEV300_m88
      sb132: merged in DEV300_m88
      sb132: merged in DEV300_m88
      sb132: merged in DEV300_m88
      sb132: merged in DEV300_m88
      sb132: merged in DEV300_m88
      sb132: merged in DEV300_m88
      sb132: #i113833# removed unused configmgr::Node::findMember
      sb132: #i114145# removed unused TESTDIR and NO_TESTS
      sb132: #i114145# removed unused TESTDIR and NO_TESTS
      sb132: #i114145# removed unused TESTDIR and NO_TESTS
      sb132: #i114145# removed unused TESTDIR and NO_TESTS
      sb132: #i114145# removed unused TESTDIR and NO_TESTS
      sb132: #i114155# use "en" as additional fallback locale after "en-US"
      sb132: #i114193# accept old CppUnit 1.12.0
      sb132: #i114422# adapted install_solaris.sh
      sb132: #i113211# correctly pass char* to %s
      sb132: #i113570# correctly pass char* to %s (patch by tono)
      sb132: #i97025# removed cut/paste test (using system clipboard) from smoketest
      sb132: merged in DEV300_m89
      sb132: merged in DEV300_m89
      sb132: merged in DEV300_m89
      sb132: merged in DEV300_m89
      sb132: merged in DEV300_m89
      sb132: merged in DEV300_m89
      sb132: merged in DEV300_m89
      sb132: #i115169# missing dependency extensions -> curl
      sb132: merged in DEV300_m90
      sb132: merged in DEV300_m90
      sb132: merged in DEV300_m90
      sb132: merged in DEV300_m90
      sb132: merged in DEV300_m90
      sb132: merged in DEV300_m90
      sb132: merged in DEV300_m90
      sb132: #i112107# getImplementationName should not throw
      sb132: #i115142# component factories should implement XServiceInfo
      sb132: #i113212# support x-iscii-de (based on a patch by cmc)
      sb132: #i112448# proper clean up in JobQueue::enter (patch by olistraub)
      sb132: #i112448# proper initialization of ClientJob (patch by olistraub)
      sb132: #i109191# avoid early finalization of Java URP proxies
      sb132: #i114840# fix inadvertent deviation of stringToDouble from C99 strtod
      sb132: #i114877# combined configmgr::Components::{init,get}Singleton
      sb132: #i114290# current OSL_THIS_FUNC, esp. as used in OSL_LOG_PREFIX, does not work
      sb132: merged in DEV300_m91
      sb132: merged in DEV300_m91
      sb132: merged in DEV300_m91
      sb132: merged in DEV300_m91
      sb132: merged in DEV300_m91
      sb132: merged in DEV300_m91
      sb132: merged in DEV300_m91
      sb132: #i114840# $(CPPUNITTESTER) is not yet available while building sal
      sb132: #i112107# handle configmgr::Access::asProperty being called on an access w/o parent

 animations/source/animcore/targetpropertiescreator.cxx                                                              |    1 
 basctl/source/basicide/macrodlg.cxx                                                                                 |    7 
 basctl/source/basicide/moduldl2.cxx                                                                                 |    2 
 basctl/source/basicide/moduldlg.cxx                                                                                 |    7 
 basctl/source/basicide/objdlg.cxx                                                                                   |    7 
 basic/source/sbx/sbxbool.cxx                                                                                        |    2 
 bridges/source/remote/urp/urp_job.hxx                                                                               |    1 
 chart2/source/controller/dialogs/tp_DataSource.cxx                                                                  |    2 
 comphelper/inc/comphelper/namedvaluecollection.hxx                                                                  |   12 
 comphelper/inc/comphelper/optionalvalue.hxx                                                                         |  187 
 comphelper/inc/comphelper/property.hxx                                                                              |    8 
 comphelper/inc/comphelper/querydeep.hxx                                                                             |  484 -
 comphelper/inc/comphelper/scopeguard.hxx                                                                            |   16 
 comphelper/inc/comphelper/servicedecl.hxx                                                                           |    4 
 comphelper/source/misc/makefile.mk                                                                                  |    1 
 comphelper/source/misc/namedvaluecollection.cxx                                                                     |   49 
 comphelper/source/misc/querydeep.cxx                                                                                |   76 
 comphelper/source/property/propagg.cxx                                                                              |   24 
 configmgr/source/access.cxx                                                                                         |   10 
 configmgr/source/childaccess.cxx                                                                                    |   17 
 configmgr/source/components.cxx                                                                                     |    6 
 configmgr/source/components.hxx                                                                                     |    4 
 configmgr/source/configurationprovider.cxx                                                                          |   24 
 configmgr/source/configurationregistry.cxx                                                                          |   58 
 configmgr/source/configurationregistry.hxx                                                                          |   22 
 configmgr/source/defaultprovider.cxx                                                                                |   68 
 configmgr/source/defaultprovider.hxx                                                                                |   22 
 configmgr/source/node.cxx                                                                                           |    4 
 configmgr/source/node.hxx                                                                                           |    5 
 configmgr/source/services.cxx                                                                                       |   15 
 configmgr/source/update.cxx                                                                                         |   86 
 configmgr/source/update.hxx                                                                                         |   22 
 configure.in                                                                                                        |    6 
 connectivity/inc/connectivity/filtermanager.hxx                                                                     |    7 
 connectivity/source/commontools/FValue.cxx                                                                          |   30 
 connectivity/source/commontools/dbtools2.cxx                                                                        |    1 
 connectivity/source/commontools/filtermanager.cxx                                                                   |   60 
 connectivity/source/drivers/file/FResultSet.cxx                                                                     |   31 
 connectivity/source/drivers/file/FStatement.cxx                                                                     |   19 
 connectivity/source/drivers/file/fanalyzer.cxx                                                                      |   28 
 connectivity/source/drivers/hsqldb/HDriver.cxx                                                                      |   38 
 connectivity/source/drivers/mozab/bootstrap/MNSFolders.cxx                                                          |   26 
 connectivity/source/drivers/mozab/bootstrap/MNSFolders.hxx                                                          |    3 
 connectivity/source/drivers/mozab/bootstrap/MNSProfileDiscover.cxx                                                  |  118 
 connectivity/source/drivers/mozab/bootstrap/MNSProfileDiscover.hxx                                                  |    3 
 connectivity/source/drivers/mozab/mozab.xcu                                                                         |    2 
 connectivity/source/drivers/mozab/mozab2.xcu                                                                        |    2 
 connectivity/source/inc/file/fcomp.hxx                                                                              |    2 
 cppcanvas/inc/cppcanvas/renderer.hxx                                                                                |   18 
 cppcanvas/source/mtfrenderer/implrenderer.cxx                                                                       |   46 
 cppcanvas/source/mtfrenderer/textaction.cxx                                                                         |   20 
 cppu/source/threadpool/jobqueue.cxx                                                                                 |    4 
 cppuhelper/inc/cppuhelper/propshlp.hxx                                                                              |   35 
 cppuhelper/source/cc5_solaris_sparc.map                                                                             |    6 
 cppuhelper/source/gcc3.map                                                                                          |    7 
 cppuhelper/source/msvc_win32_intel.map                                                                              |    6 
 cppuhelper/source/propshlp.cxx                                                                                      |  109 
 crashrep/source/win32/soreport.cpp                                                                                  |    2 
 cui/source/customize/acccfg.cxx                                                                                     |    4 
 cui/source/customize/cfg.cxx                                                                                        |    2 
 cui/source/customize/cfgutil.cxx                                                                                    |    4 
 cui/source/customize/selector.cxx                                                                                   |    4 
 cui/source/dialogs/hangulhanjadlg.cxx                                                                               |    2 
 cui/source/dialogs/hlmarkwn.cxx                                                                                     |    4 
 cui/source/dialogs/scriptdlg.cxx                                                                                    |    2 
 cui/source/dialogs/srchxtra.cxx                                                                                     |    2 
 cui/source/dialogs/thesdlg.cxx                                                                                      |    2 
 cui/source/options/dbregister.cxx                                                                                   |    2 
 cui/source/options/fontsubs.cxx                                                                                     |    2 
 cui/source/options/optdict.cxx                                                                                      |    2 
 cui/source/options/optfltr.cxx                                                                                      |    2 
 cui/source/options/optlingu.cxx                                                                                     |    8 
 cui/source/options/optpath.cxx                                                                                      |    1 
 cui/source/options/treeopt.cxx                                                                                      |    4 
 cui/source/options/webconninfo.cxx                                                                                  |    2 
 cui/source/tabpages/autocdlg.cxx                                                                                    |    8 
 dbaccess/qa/complex/dbaccess/DataSource.java                                                                        |    4 
 dbaccess/source/ext/macromigration/macromigration.src                                                               |    2 
 dbaccess/source/ext/macromigration/migrationlog.cxx                                                                 |    2 
 dbaccess/source/ui/app/AppDetailPageHelper.cxx                                                                      |    2 
 dbaccess/source/ui/app/AppDetailView.cxx                                                                            |    2 
 dbaccess/source/ui/app/AppDetailView.hxx                                                                            |    2 
 dbaccess/source/ui/control/dbtreelistbox.cxx                                                                        |    2 
 dbaccess/source/ui/dlg/ConnectionPage.cxx                                                                           |    2 
 dbaccess/source/ui/dlg/DBSetupConnectionPages.cxx                                                                   |    2 
 dbaccess/source/ui/dlg/ExtensionNotPresent.cxx                                                                      |  218 
 dbaccess/source/ui/dlg/ExtensionNotPresent.hrc                                                                      |   48 
 dbaccess/source/ui/dlg/ExtensionNotPresent.src                                                                      |   90 
 dbaccess/source/ui/dlg/adminpages.cxx                                                                               |   19 
 dbaccess/source/ui/dlg/adminpages.hxx                                                                               |    4 
 dbaccess/source/ui/dlg/adtabdlg.cxx                                                                                 |    2 
 dbaccess/source/ui/dlg/dbadmin2.src                                                                                 |   40 
 dbaccess/source/ui/dlg/makefile.mk                                                                                  |    2 
 dbaccess/source/ui/dlg/sqlmessage.cxx                                                                               |    2 
 dbaccess/source/ui/dlg/tablespage.cxx                                                                               |    2 
 dbaccess/source/ui/inc/ExtensionNotPresent.hxx                                                                      |  101 
 dbaccess/source/ui/inc/dbu_dlg.hrc                                                                                  |   22 
 dbaccess/source/ui/misc/WNameMatch.cxx                                                                              |    6 
 dbaccess/source/ui/misc/dbumiscres.src                                                                              |    2 
 desktop/source/app/app.cxx                                                                                          |  125 
 desktop/source/app/cmdlineargs.cxx                                                                                  |  281 
 desktop/source/app/cmdlineargs.hxx                                                                                  |  129 
 desktop/source/deployment/gui/dp_gui_extlistbox.cxx                                                                 |   54 
 desktop/source/deployment/registry/package/dp_package.cxx                                                           |   16 
 desktop/source/migration/wizard.cxx                                                                                 |    1 
 editeng/inc/editeng/svxrtf.hxx                                                                                      |    7 
 editeng/source/editeng/eertfpar.cxx                                                                                 |    1 
 editeng/source/rtf/makefile.mk                                                                                      |    3 
 editeng/source/rtf/rtfgrf.cxx                                                                                       |   36 
 extensions/prj/build.lst                                                                                            |    2 
 extensions/source/bibliography/datman.cxx                                                                           |    2 
 extensions/source/propctrlr/formcomponenthandler.cxx                                                                |    2 
 extensions/source/propctrlr/selectlabeldialog.cxx                                                                   |    2 
 extensions/source/scanner/sanedlg.cxx                                                                               |   13 
 filter/source/config/fragments/filters/MS_PowerPoint_97.xcu                                                         |    2 
 filter/source/config/fragments/filters/MS_PowerPoint_97_Vorlage.xcu                                                 |    2 
 filter/source/config/fragments/filters/Rich_Text_Format.xcu                                                         |    4 
 filter/source/xsltdialog/xmlfiltersettingsdialog.cxx                                                                |    2 
 forms/qa/integration/forms/ListSelection.java                                                                       |    5 
 forms/qa/unoapi/knownissues.xcl                                                                                     |    4 
 forms/source/component/Filter.cxx                                                                                   |   48 
 forms/source/component/Filter.hxx                                                                                   |    5 
 forms/source/component/FormComponent.cxx                                                                            |   54 
 forms/source/component/ListBox.cxx                                                                                  |   24 
 forms/source/helper/windowstateguard.cxx                                                                            |   28 
 formula/source/ui/dlg/structpg.cxx                                                                                  |    2 
 framework/source/uielement/comboboxtoolbarcontroller.cxx                                                            |   33 
 jurt/com/sun/star/lib/uno/bridges/java_remote/ProxyFactory.java                                                     |   13 
 odk/configure.pl                                                                                                    |   23 
 officecfg/registry/data/org/openoffice/Office/UI/GenericCommands.xcu                                                |    7 
 officecfg/registry/data/org/openoffice/Office/UI/WriterCommands.xcu                                                 |   10 
 package/inc/ZipPackageFolder.hxx                                                                                    |    7 
 package/source/xstor/owriteablestream.cxx                                                                           |   20 
 package/source/xstor/xstorage.cxx                                                                                   |   20 
 package/source/zippackage/ZipPackage.cxx                                                                            |   16 
 package/source/zippackage/ZipPackageFolder.cxx                                                                      |   15 
 package/source/zippackage/ZipPackageStream.cxx                                                                      |   15 
 package/source/zippackage/ZipPackageStream.hxx                                                                      |    6 
 qadevOOo/runner/stats/Summarizer.java                                                                               |    2 
 qadevOOo/tests/java/mod/_forms/GenericModelTest.java                                                                |   28 
 reportdesign/source/core/sdr/UndoEnv.cxx                                                                            |  110 
 reportdesign/source/ui/report/ReportController.cxx                                                                  |  183 
 sal/inc/osl/diagnose.h                                                                                              |   10 
 sal/inc/rtl/math.h                                                                                                  |    8 
 sal/osl/unx/file_misc.cxx                                                                                           |   57 
 sal/prj/build.lst                                                                                                   |    1 
 sal/qa/OStringBuffer/makefile.mk                                                                                    |    2 
 sal/qa/osl/process/makefile.mk                                                                                      |    2 
 sal/qa/osl/profile/makefile.mk                                                                                      |    1 
 sal/qa/rtl/alloc/makefile.mk                                                                                        |    2 
 sal/qa/rtl/crc32/makefile.mk                                                                                        |    2 
 sal/qa/rtl/digest/makefile.mk                                                                                       |    2 
 sal/qa/rtl/doublelock/makefile.mk                                                                                   |    2 
 sal/qa/rtl/locale/makefile.mk                                                                                       |    2 
 sal/qa/rtl/math/export.exp                                                                                          |    1 
 sal/qa/rtl/math/makefile.mk                                                                                         |   84 
 sal/qa/rtl/math/rtl_math.cxx                                                                                        |  626 -
 sal/qa/rtl/math/rtl_old_testint64.cxx                                                                               |  122 
 sal/qa/rtl/math/test-rtl-math.cxx                                                                                   |   76 
 sal/qa/rtl/math/test_rtl_math.cxx                                                                                   |  674 -
 sal/qa/rtl/random/makefile.mk                                                                                       |    2 
 sal/qa/rtl_strings/makefile.mk                                                                                      |    1 
 sal/rtl/source/math.cxx                                                                                             |    2 
 sal/systools/win32/kill/kill.cxx                                                                                    |    2 
 sal/textenc/convertiscii.tab                                                                                        |    2 
 sal/textenc/tencinfo.c                                                                                              |    5 
 sc/source/ui/miscdlgs/acredlin.cxx                                                                                  |    2 
 sc/source/ui/miscdlgs/conflictsdlg.cxx                                                                              |    2 
 sc/source/ui/miscdlgs/solveroptions.cxx                                                                             |    2 
 sc/source/ui/navipi/content.cxx                                                                                     |    6 
 sc/source/ui/unoobj/docuno.cxx                                                                                      |    2 
 sc/source/ui/view/drawvie4.cxx                                                                                      |    2 
 sc/source/ui/view/drawview.cxx                                                                                      |    2 
 sc/source/ui/view/gridwin3.cxx                                                                                      |    2 
 scp2/source/ooo/file_library_ooo.scp                                                                                |    2 
 scripting/source/basprov/basscript.cxx                                                                              |   22 
 scripting/source/basprov/basscript.hxx                                                                              |    6 
 scripting/source/basprov/makefile.mk                                                                                |    1 
 sd/source/filter/ppt/propread.cxx                                                                                   |    2 
 sd/source/ui/animations/CustomAnimationList.cxx                                                                     |    2 
 sd/source/ui/dlg/dlgassim.cxx                                                                                       |    4 
 sd/source/ui/dlg/sdtreelb.cxx                                                                                       |    9 
 sd/source/ui/inc/sdtreelb.hxx                                                                                       |    1 
 sd/source/ui/toolpanel/ToolPanelViewShell.cxx                                                                       |   24 
 sdext/source/pdfimport/config/pdf_import_filter.xcu                                                                 |    6 
 setup_native/scripts/install_solaris.sh                                                                             |    2 
 sfx2/inc/sfx2/mgetempl.hxx                                                                                          |    5 
 sfx2/inc/sfx2/sfxbasemodel.hxx                                                                                      |    7 
 sfx2/inc/sfx2/sfxsids.hrc                                                                                           |    2 
 sfx2/source/appl/newhelp.cxx                                                                                        |    2 
 sfx2/source/dialog/mailmodel.cxx                                                                                    |  137 
 sfx2/source/dialog/mgetempl.cxx                                                                                     |   12 
 sfx2/source/dialog/mgetempl.hrc                                                                                     |    1 
 sfx2/source/dialog/mgetempl.src                                                                                     |    8 
 sfx2/source/dialog/templdlg.cxx                                                                                     |    8 
 sfx2/source/dialog/versdlg.cxx                                                                                      |    2 
 sfx2/source/doc/sfxbasemodel.cxx                                                                                    |   13 
 sfx2/source/view/sfxbasecontroller.cxx                                                                              |    4 
 sfx2/source/view/viewsh.cxx                                                                                         |    3 
 shell/qa/makefile.mk                                                                                                |    2 
 shell/source/win32/simplemail/senddoc.cxx                                                                           |    2 
 smoketestoo_native/data/Events.xml                                                                                  |   22 
 smoketestoo_native/data/Global.xml                                                                                  |   36 
 smoketestoo_native/data/OptionsDlg.xml                                                                              |   20 
 smoketestoo_native/data/Test_10er.xml                                                                               |  161 
 smoketestoo_native/data/content.xml                                                                                 |    2 
 solenv/inc/_tg_shl.mk                                                                                               |  100 
 solenv/inc/minor.mk                                                                                                 |    6 
 solenv/inc/pstrules.mk                                                                                              |   21 
 solenv/inc/settings.mk                                                                                              |    6 
 solenv/inc/tg_shl.mk                                                                                                |   10 
 sot/source/sdstor/stgdir.cxx                                                                                        |    5 
 svtools/inc/rtfkeywd.hxx                                                                                            |   13 
 svtools/inc/rtftoken.h                                                                                              |    2 
 svtools/inc/svtools/svicnvw.hxx                                                                                     |    3 
 svtools/inc/svtools/svlbox.hxx                                                                                      |   30 
 svtools/inc/svtools/svtreebx.hxx                                                                                    |   12 
 svtools/source/contnr/svicnvw.cxx                                                                                   |   11 
 svtools/source/contnr/svimpbox.cxx                                                                                  |   70 
 svtools/source/contnr/svimpicn.cxx                                                                                  |   19 
 svtools/source/contnr/svlbox.cxx                                                                                    |   73 
 svtools/source/contnr/svtreebx.cxx                                                                                  |   37 
 svtools/source/control/ruler.cxx                                                                                    |   42 
 svtools/source/inc/svimpbox.hxx                                                                                     |    4 
 svtools/source/inc/svimpicn.hxx                                                                                     |    3 
 svtools/source/svrtf/rtfkey2.cxx                                                                                    |    1 
 svtools/source/svrtf/rtfkeywd.cxx                                                                                   |    1 
 svtools/source/uno/treecontrolpeer.cxx                                                                              |   24 
 svx/inc/svx/sdrpagewindow.hxx                                                                                       |    1 
 svx/inc/svx/svdpagv.hxx                                                                                             |    3 
 svx/inc/svx/svdpntv.hxx                                                                                             |    3 
 svx/sdi/svx.sdi                                                                                                     |   28 
 svx/source/dialog/docrecovery.hrc                                                                                   |    4 
 svx/source/dialog/simptabl.cxx                                                                                      |    1 
 svx/source/fmcomp/gridcell.cxx                                                                                      |    6 
 svx/source/form/datanavi.cxx                                                                                        |    2 
 svx/source/form/fmshimp.cxx                                                                                         |  115 
 svx/source/form/fmvwimp.cxx                                                                                         |  244 
 svx/source/form/formcontroller.cxx                                                                                  |  107 
 svx/source/inc/fmvwimp.hxx                                                                                          |   23 
 svx/source/inc/formcontroller.hxx                                                                                   |    3 
 svx/source/svdraw/sdrpagewindow.cxx                                                                                 |    4 
 svx/source/svdraw/svdpagv.cxx                                                                                       |   15 
 svx/source/svdraw/svdpntv.cxx                                                                                       |    8 
 svx/source/unodialogs/textconversiondlgs/chinese_dictionarydialog.cxx                                               |    2 
 svx/source/xml/xmlgrhlp.cxx                                                                                         |   13 
 sw/inc/cmdid.h                                                                                                      |    2 
 sw/inc/doc.hxx                                                                                                      |    1 
 sw/inc/ring.hxx                                                                                                     |    3 
 sw/inc/unoframe.hxx                                                                                                 |    2 
 sw/qa/core/makefile.mk                                                                                              |    2 
 sw/sdi/_annotsh.sdi                                                                                                 |    6 
 sw/sdi/_docsh.sdi                                                                                                   |    5 
 sw/sdi/_textsh.sdi                                                                                                  |    2 
 sw/sdi/swriter.sdi                                                                                                  |   27 
 sw/source/core/doc/doc.cxx                                                                                          |  110 
 sw/source/core/unocore/unosrch.cxx                                                                                  |   62 
 sw/source/filter/rtf/makefile.mk                                                                                    |    6 
 sw/source/filter/rtf/rtfatr.cxx                                                                                     | 4356 ----------
 sw/source/filter/rtf/rtffly.cxx                                                                                     |   23 
 sw/source/filter/rtf/rtfnum.cxx                                                                                     |  330 
 sw/source/filter/rtf/swparrtf.cxx                                                                                   |   44 
 sw/source/filter/rtf/swparrtf.hxx                                                                                   |    2 
 sw/source/filter/rtf/wrtrtf.cxx                                                                                     | 1810 ----
 sw/source/filter/rtf/wrtrtf.hxx                                                                                     |  254 
 sw/source/filter/ww8/README-rtf.txt                                                                                 |  227 
 sw/source/filter/ww8/docxexport.cxx                                                                                 |  125 
 sw/source/filter/ww8/docxexport.hxx                                                                                 |   22 
 sw/source/filter/ww8/docxexportfilter.cxx                                                                           |   19 
 sw/source/filter/ww8/makefile.mk                                                                                    |   14 
 sw/source/filter/ww8/rtfattributeoutput.cxx                                                                         | 3447 +++++++
 sw/source/filter/ww8/rtfattributeoutput.hxx                                                                         |  590 +
 sw/source/filter/ww8/rtfexport.cxx                                                                                  | 1269 ++
 sw/source/filter/ww8/rtfexport.hxx                                                                                  |  212 
 sw/source/filter/ww8/rtfexportfilter.cxx                                                                            |  226 
 sw/source/filter/ww8/rtfexportfilter.hxx                                                                            |   85 
 sw/source/filter/ww8/rtfimportfilter.cxx                                                                            |  137 
 sw/source/filter/ww8/rtfimportfilter.hxx                                                                            |   75 
 sw/source/filter/ww8/rtfsdrexport.cxx                                                                               |  586 +
 sw/source/filter/ww8/rtfsdrexport.hxx                                                                               |  115 
 sw/source/filter/ww8/writerhelper.cxx                                                                               |   16 
 sw/source/filter/ww8/writerhelper.hxx                                                                               |    2 
 sw/source/filter/ww8/wrtw8esh.cxx                                                                                   |   66 
 sw/source/filter/ww8/wrtw8nds.cxx                                                                                   |  134 
 sw/source/filter/ww8/wrtw8num.cxx                                                                                   |    5 
 sw/source/filter/ww8/wrtw8sty.cxx                                                                                   |   36 
 sw/source/filter/ww8/wrtww8.cxx                                                                                     |    3 
 sw/source/filter/ww8/wrtww8.hxx                                                                                     |   71 
 sw/source/filter/ww8/ww8atr.cxx                                                                                     |   25 
 sw/source/ui/app/docsh.cxx                                                                                          |   17 
 sw/source/ui/app/docsh2.cxx                                                                                         |   14 
 sw/source/ui/app/mn.src                                                                                             |    6 
 sw/source/ui/chrdlg/swuiccoll.cxx                                                                                   |    2 
 sw/source/ui/config/mailconfigpage.cxx                                                                              |    2 
 sw/source/ui/config/optcomp.cxx                                                                                     |    2 
 sw/source/ui/dbui/addresslistdialog.cxx                                                                             |    2 
 sw/source/ui/dbui/dbmgr.cxx                                                                                         |   27 
 sw/source/ui/dbui/dbtree.cxx                                                                                        |    2 
 sw/source/ui/dbui/mailmergechildwindow.cxx                                                                          |    2 
 sw/source/ui/dbui/mmaddressblockpage.cxx                                                                            |    2 
 sw/source/ui/dbui/selectdbtabledialog.cxx                                                                           |    2 
 sw/source/ui/dialog/uiregionsw.cxx                                                                                  |    2 
 sw/source/ui/docvw/AnnotationMenuButton.cxx                                                                         |   11 
 sw/source/ui/docvw/SidebarWin.cxx                                                                                   |    1 
 sw/source/ui/envelp/envlop1.cxx                                                                                     |    6 
 sw/source/ui/envelp/label1.cxx                                                                                      |    2 
 sw/source/ui/envelp/mailmrge.cxx                                                                                    |    2 
 sw/source/ui/fldui/changedb.cxx                                                                                     |    2 
 sw/source/ui/fldui/flddinf.cxx                                                                                      |    2 
 sw/source/ui/fldui/fldref.cxx                                                                                       |    2 
 sw/source/ui/inc/swuicnttab.hxx                                                                                     |    2 
 sw/source/ui/index/cnttab.cxx                                                                                       |   26 
 sw/source/ui/misc/glosbib.cxx                                                                                       |    2 
 sw/source/ui/misc/glossary.cxx                                                                                      |    2 
 sw/source/ui/misc/redlndlg.cxx                                                                                      |    2 
 sw/source/ui/shells/annotsh.cxx                                                                                     |   14 
 sw/source/ui/shells/textfld.cxx                                                                                     |    6 
 sw/source/ui/uno/unotxdoc.cxx                                                                                       |    3 
 sw/source/ui/utlui/content.cxx                                                                                      |    1 
 sw/source/ui/utlui/navipi.cxx                                                                                       |    4 
 sw/util/msword.map                                                                                                  |    3 
 testautomation/dbaccess/optional/includes/ctrl_General.inc                                                          |   92 
 testautomation/dbaccess/optional/includes/ctrl_Several2.inc                                                         |    4 
 testautomation/dbaccess/optional/includes/ctrl_Wizards.inc                                                          |    8 
 testautomation/dbaccess/tools/dbcreatetools.inc                                                                     |   11 
 testautomation/extensions/optional/input/extension_sources/TaskPaneComponent/src/toolpanels/TaskPaneComponentUI.xdl |    2 
 testautomation/global/hid/hid.lst                                                                                   |    2 
 testautomation/global/required/includes/g_printing.inc                                                              |    2 
 testautomation/global/system/includes/master.inc                                                                    |    4 
 testautomation/global/tools/includes/optional/t_control_objects.inc                                                 |    2 
 testautomation/global/win/dial_d_h.win                                                                              |    2 
 testautomation/global/win/edia_i_o.win                                                                              |    1 
 testautomation/global/win/sys_dial.win                                                                              |    5 
 testautomation/graphics/required/includes/impress/im_003_.inc                                                       |    6 
 testautomation/spreadsheet/optional/includes/import_general/c_import_general.inc                                    |   27 
 testautomation/spreadsheet/optional/includes/so7pp1/c_so7_pp1_ibis.inc                                              |    6 
 testautomation/writer/optional/includes/contextmenu/w_contextmenu1.inc                                              |   13 
 testautomation/writer/optional/includes/drawing/w_drawing_tools2.inc                                                |   37 
 testautomation/writer/optional/includes/fields/w_fields1.inc                                                        |   12 
 testautomation/writer/required/includes/w_001b_.inc                                                                 |    1 
 testautomation/writer/tools/includes/w_tools.inc                                                                    |   24 
 toolkit/source/controls/unocontrols.cxx                                                                             |   14 
 tools/inc/tools/wintypes.hxx                                                                                        |   13 
 unotools/source/config/pathoptions.cxx                                                                              |   13 
 vcl/inc/vcl/ilstbox.hxx                                                                                             |   16 
 vcl/inc/vcl/mnemonicengine.hxx                                                                                      |    6 
 vcl/inc/vcl/quickselectionengine.hxx                                                                                |   95 
 vcl/inc/vcl/window.hxx                                                                                              |    1 
 vcl/prj/d.lst                                                                                                       |    1 
 vcl/source/control/ilstbox.cxx                                                                                      |  145 
 vcl/source/control/makefile.mk                                                                                      |    3 
 vcl/source/control/quickselectionengine.cxx                                                                         |  183 
 vcl/source/window/window.cxx                                                                                        |    6 
 vcl/unx/source/printer/ppdparser.cxx                                                                                |   62 
 writerfilter/qa/cppunittests/doctok/makefile.mk                                                                     |    2 
 writerfilter/qa/cppunittests/qname/makefile.mk                                                                      |    2 
 writerfilter/qa/cppunittests/sl/makefile.mk                                                                         |    2 
 writerfilter/qa/cppunittests/xxml/makefile.mk                                                                       |    2 
 writerfilter/source/filter/RtfFilter.cxx                                                                            |  146 
 writerfilter/source/filter/RtfFilter.hxx                                                                            |  102 
 writerfilter/source/filter/WriterFilter.cxx                                                                         |    2 
 writerfilter/source/filter/makefile.mk                                                                              |    3 
 xmloff/inc/xmloff/xmltoken.hxx                                                                                      |    3 
 xmloff/prj/build.lst                                                                                                |    3 
 xmloff/source/chart/SchXMLTableContext.cxx                                                                          |    6 
 xmloff/source/core/xmltoken.cxx                                                                                     |    3 
 xmloff/source/core/xmluconv.cxx                                                                                     |   88 
 xmloff/source/forms/controlelement.cxx                                                                              |    2 
 xmloff/source/forms/controlelement.hxx                                                                              |    2 
 xmloff/source/forms/elementexport.cxx                                                                               |  125 
 xmloff/source/forms/elementexport.hxx                                                                               |    7 
 xmloff/source/forms/elementimport.cxx                                                                               |  511 -
 xmloff/source/forms/elementimport.hxx                                                                               |   65 
 xmloff/source/forms/form_handler_factory.hxx                                                                        |   50 
 xmloff/source/forms/handler/form_handler_factory.cxx                                                                |   90 
 xmloff/source/forms/handler/makefile.mk                                                                             |   55 
 xmloff/source/forms/handler/property_handler_base.cxx                                                               |   61 
 xmloff/source/forms/handler/property_handler_base.hxx                                                               |   64 
 xmloff/source/forms/handler/vcl_date_handler.cxx                                                                    |  114 
 xmloff/source/forms/handler/vcl_date_handler.hxx                                                                    |   55 
 xmloff/source/forms/handler/vcl_time_handler.cxx                                                                    |  115 
 xmloff/source/forms/handler/vcl_time_handler.hxx                                                                    |   55 
 xmloff/source/forms/makefile.mk                                                                                     |    2 
 xmloff/source/forms/property_description.hxx                                                                        |  140 
 xmloff/source/forms/property_group.hxx                                                                              |   47 
 xmloff/source/forms/property_handler.hxx                                                                            |   84 
 xmloff/source/forms/property_ids.hxx                                                                                |   56 
 xmloff/source/forms/property_meta_data.cxx                                                                          |  270 
 xmloff/source/forms/property_meta_data.hxx                                                                          |   65 
 xmloff/source/forms/propertyexport.cxx                                                                              |   27 
 xmloff/source/forms/propertyexport.hxx                                                                              |   19 
 xmloff/source/forms/propertyimport.cxx                                                                              |   11 
 xmloff/source/forms/propertyimport.hxx                                                                              |    2 
 xmloff/source/forms/valueproperties.cxx                                                                             |   36 
 xmloff/util/makefile.mk                                                                                             |    1 
 395 files changed, 12722 insertions(+), 12513 deletions(-)

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