[Libreoffice-commits] .: Branch 'libreoffice-3-5' - 4 commits - oox/inc oox/source starmath/source

Lubos Lunak llunak at kemper.freedesktop.org
Tue Dec 20 01:54:52 PST 2011

 oox/inc/oox/mathml/importutils.hxx |   19 +++++++++++++++----
 oox/source/mathml/importutils.cxx  |   12 ++++++------
 starmath/source/ooxmlexport.cxx    |   32 +++++++++++---------------------
 starmath/source/ooxmlexport.hxx    |    2 +-
 starmath/source/ooxmlimport.cxx    |   29 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++---
 starmath/source/ooxmlimport.hxx    |    2 +-
 6 files changed, 60 insertions(+), 36 deletions(-)

New commits:
commit 40f129a99e691babaf7320cb32dff7ec5c77275c
Author: Luboš Luňák <l.lunak at suse.cz>
Date:   Tue Dec 20 10:46:43 2011 +0100

    if a bracket pair has no left/right bracket, it needs to explicit (fdo#32636)

diff --git a/starmath/source/ooxmlimport.cxx b/starmath/source/ooxmlimport.cxx
index 60fb230..1cdee7f 100644
--- a/starmath/source/ooxmlimport.cxx
+++ b/starmath/source/ooxmlimport.cxx
@@ -346,6 +346,10 @@ OUString SmOoxmlImport::handleD()
         closing = STR( " right " ) + closing;
     if( separator == STR( "|" )) // plain "|" would be actually "V" (logical or)
         separator = STR( " mline " );
+    if( opening.isEmpty())
+        opening = STR( "left none " );
+    if( closing.isEmpty())
+        closing = STR( " right none" );
     OUStringBuffer ret;
     ret.append( opening );
     bool first = true;
commit 0e0988cc08269eb125bf6e362b8ddba0c0771296
Author: Luboš Luňák <l.lunak at suse.cz>
Date:   Tue Dec 20 10:44:01 2011 +0100

    import m:eqArr (part of fdo#32636)

diff --git a/starmath/source/ooxmlimport.cxx b/starmath/source/ooxmlimport.cxx
index 8a763a2..60fb230 100644
--- a/starmath/source/ooxmlimport.cxx
+++ b/starmath/source/ooxmlimport.cxx
@@ -116,6 +116,9 @@ OUString SmOoxmlImport::readOMathArg()
             case OPENING( M_TOKEN( d )):
                 ret += handleD();
+            case OPENING( M_TOKEN( eqArr )):
+                ret += handleEqArr();
+                break;
             case OPENING( M_TOKEN( f )):
                 ret += handleF();
@@ -358,6 +361,22 @@ OUString SmOoxmlImport::handleD()
     return ret.makeStringAndClear();
+OUString SmOoxmlImport::handleEqArr()
+    stream.ensureOpeningTag( M_TOKEN( eqArr ));
+    OUString ret;
+    do
+    { // there must be at least one m:e
+        if( !ret.isEmpty())
+            ret += STR( "#" );
+        ret += STR( " " );
+        ret += readOMathArgInElement( M_TOKEN( e ));
+        ret += STR( " " );
+    } while( !stream.atEnd() && stream.findTag( OPENING( M_TOKEN( e ))));
+    stream.ensureClosingTag( M_TOKEN( eqArr ));
+    return STR( "stack {" ) + ret + STR( "}" );
 OUString SmOoxmlImport::handleF()
     stream.ensureOpeningTag( M_TOKEN( f ));
diff --git a/starmath/source/ooxmlimport.hxx b/starmath/source/ooxmlimport.hxx
index 5bea975..dc6816f 100644
--- a/starmath/source/ooxmlimport.hxx
+++ b/starmath/source/ooxmlimport.hxx
@@ -49,7 +49,7 @@ private:
     rtl::OUString handleBox();
     rtl::OUString handleBorderBox();
     rtl::OUString handleD();
-    rtl::OUString handleE();
+    rtl::OUString handleEqArr();
     rtl::OUString handleF();
     rtl::OUString handleFunc();
     enum LimLowUpp_t { LimLow, LimUpp };
commit a77bbdb6f4203be700bacacd186757b058941346
Author: Luboš Luňák <l.lunak at suse.cz>
Date:   Tue Dec 20 10:43:17 2011 +0100

    export vertical stack as m:eqArr, seems to fit much better

diff --git a/starmath/source/ooxmlexport.cxx b/starmath/source/ooxmlexport.cxx
index 3604894..a7740da 100644
--- a/starmath/source/ooxmlexport.cxx
+++ b/starmath/source/ooxmlexport.cxx
@@ -152,7 +152,7 @@ void SmOoxmlExport::HandleTable( const SmNode* pNode, int nLevel )
     //OOXML output stack which would grow
     //without bound in a multi step conversion
     if( nLevel || pNode->GetNumSubNodes() > 1 )
-        HandleVerticalStack( pNode, nLevel, 0 );
+        HandleVerticalStack( pNode, nLevel );
         HandleAllSubNodes( pNode, nLevel );
@@ -174,29 +174,19 @@ void SmOoxmlExport::HandleAllSubNodes( const SmNode* pNode, int nLevel )
-// output vertical stack, firstItem says which child to use as first (if there
-// are more than two children, OOXML can have only a vertical stack of two items,
-// so create a bigger vertical stack recursively)
-void SmOoxmlExport::HandleVerticalStack( const SmNode* pNode, int nLevel, int firstItem )
+void SmOoxmlExport::HandleVerticalStack( const SmNode* pNode, int nLevel )
-    if( firstItem == pNode->GetNumSubNodes() - 1 ) // only one item, just output the item
+    m_pSerializer->startElementNS( XML_m, XML_eqArr, FSEND );
+    int size = pNode->GetNumSubNodes();
+    for( int i = 0;
+         i < size;
+         ++i )
-        HandleNode( pNode->GetSubNode( firstItem ), nLevel + 1 );
-        return;
+        m_pSerializer->startElementNS( XML_m, XML_e, FSEND );
+        HandleNode( pNode->GetSubNode( i ), nLevel + 1 );
+        m_pSerializer->endElementNS( XML_m, XML_e );
-    m_pSerializer->startElementNS( XML_m, XML_f, FSEND );
-    m_pSerializer->startElementNS( XML_m, XML_fPr, FSEND );
-    m_pSerializer->singleElementNS( XML_m, XML_type, FSNS( XML_m, XML_val ), "noBar", FSEND );
-    m_pSerializer->endElementNS( XML_m, XML_fPr );
-    m_pSerializer->startElementNS( XML_m, XML_num, FSEND );
-    HandleNode( pNode->GetSubNode( firstItem ), nLevel + 1 );
-    m_pSerializer->endElementNS( XML_m, XML_num );
-    // TODO this nesting means MSOffice will use smaller fonts for nested items,
-    // not sure if there's another way to represent a bigger stack than 2 items
-    m_pSerializer->startElementNS( XML_m, XML_den, FSEND );
-    HandleVerticalStack( pNode, nLevel, firstItem + 1 );
-    m_pSerializer->endElementNS( XML_m, XML_den );
-    m_pSerializer->endElementNS( XML_m, XML_f );
+    m_pSerializer->endElementNS( XML_m, XML_eqArr );
 void SmOoxmlExport::HandleText( const SmNode* pNode, int /*nLevel*/)
diff --git a/starmath/source/ooxmlexport.hxx b/starmath/source/ooxmlexport.hxx
index b1703c3..34b13ed 100644
--- a/starmath/source/ooxmlexport.hxx
+++ b/starmath/source/ooxmlexport.hxx
@@ -46,7 +46,7 @@ private:
     void HandleNode( const SmNode* pNode, int nLevel );
     void HandleAllSubNodes( const SmNode* pNode, int nLevel );
     void HandleTable( const SmNode* pNode, int nLevel );
-    void HandleVerticalStack( const SmNode* pNode, int nLevel, int firstItem );
+    void HandleVerticalStack( const SmNode* pNode, int nLevel );
     void HandleText( const SmNode* pNode, int nLevel );
     void HandleMath( const SmNode* pNode, int nLevel );
     void HandleFractions( const SmNode* pNode, int nLevel, const char* type = NULL );
commit 54c83fa349620d178d3d4802be43dc4e100a9c3d
Author: Luboš Luňák <l.lunak at suse.cz>
Date:   Tue Dec 20 10:42:30 2011 +0100

    skip unknown elements when reading multiple elements from docx mathml

diff --git a/oox/inc/oox/mathml/importutils.hxx b/oox/inc/oox/mathml/importutils.hxx
index 6906851..9b90681 100644
--- a/oox/inc/oox/mathml/importutils.hxx
+++ b/oox/inc/oox/mathml/importutils.hxx
@@ -104,7 +104,18 @@ while( !stream.atEnd() && stream.currentToken() != CLOSING( element ))
 stream.ensureClosingTag( element );
- If there may be just a one type of sub-element, handle it directly without the switch statement.
+ If there may not be a zero number of sub-elements, use a helper bool variable or use a do-while loop.
+ Parse an element that may contain an unknown number of sub-elements of the same type:
+ @code
+stream.ensureOpeningTag( element );
+while( !stream.atEnd() && stream.findTag( OPENING( subelement )))
+    {
+    handleSubelement();
+    }
+stream.ensureClosingTag( element );
+ @endcode
  If there may not be a zero number of sub-elements, use a helper bool variable or use a do-while loop.
  @since 3.5
@@ -198,9 +209,9 @@ public:
     void ensureClosingTag( int token );
      Tries to find the given token, until either found (returns true) or end of current element.
-     Position in the stream is set to make the tag current.
+     Position in the stream is set to make the tag current (i.e. it will be the next one read).
-    bool recoverAndFindTag( int token );
+    bool findTag( int token );
      Skips the given element (i.e. reads up to and including the matching closing tag).
@@ -211,7 +222,7 @@ public:
     void handleUnexpectedTag();
     Tag checkTag( int token, bool optional );
-    bool recoverAndFindTagInternal( int token, bool silent );
+    bool findTagInternal( int token, bool silent );
     void skipElementInternal( int token, bool silent );
     std::vector< Tag > tags;
     unsigned int pos;
diff --git a/oox/source/mathml/importutils.cxx b/oox/source/mathml/importutils.cxx
index 2a7d19c..4a71d56 100644
--- a/oox/source/mathml/importutils.cxx
+++ b/oox/source/mathml/importutils.cxx
@@ -233,14 +233,14 @@ XmlStream::Tag XmlStream::checkTag( int token, bool optional )
     if( optional )
     { // avoid printing debug messages about skipping tags if the optional one
       // will not be found and the position will be reset back
-        if( currentToken() != token && !recoverAndFindTagInternal( token, true ))
+        if( currentToken() != token && !findTagInternal( token, true ))
             pos = savedPos;
             return Tag();
-    if( currentToken() == token || recoverAndFindTag( token ))
+    if( currentToken() == token || findTag( token ))
         Tag ret = currentTag();
@@ -255,12 +255,12 @@ XmlStream::Tag XmlStream::checkTag( int token, bool optional )
     return Tag();
-bool XmlStream::recoverAndFindTag( int token )
+bool XmlStream::findTag( int token )
-    return recoverAndFindTagInternal( token, false );
+    return findTagInternal( token, false );
-bool XmlStream::recoverAndFindTagInternal( int token, bool /*silent*/ )
+bool XmlStream::findTagInternal( int token, bool /*silent*/ )
     int depth = 0;
@@ -320,7 +320,7 @@ void XmlStream::skipElementInternal( int token, bool /*silent*/ )
 //        fprintf( stderr, "Skipping unexpected element %s\n", CSTR( tokenToString( currentToken())));
     // and just find the matching closing tag
-    if( recoverAndFindTag( closing ))
+    if( findTag( closing ))
 //        if( !silent )
 //            fprintf( stderr, "Skipped unexpected element %s\n", CSTR( tokenToString( token )));
diff --git a/starmath/source/ooxmlimport.cxx b/starmath/source/ooxmlimport.cxx
index 73f0ea5..8a763a2 100644
--- a/starmath/source/ooxmlimport.cxx
+++ b/starmath/source/ooxmlimport.cxx
@@ -346,7 +346,7 @@ OUString SmOoxmlImport::handleD()
     OUStringBuffer ret;
     ret.append( opening );
     bool first = true;
-    while( stream.currentToken() == OPENING( M_TOKEN( e )))
+    while( stream.findTag( OPENING( M_TOKEN( e ))))
         if( !first )
             ret.append( separator );
@@ -464,12 +464,12 @@ OUString SmOoxmlImport::handleM()
             if( !row.isEmpty())
                 row += STR( " # " );
             row += readOMathArgInElement( M_TOKEN( e ));
-        } while( !stream.atEnd() && stream.currentToken() == OPENING( M_TOKEN( e )));
+        } while( !stream.atEnd() && stream.findTag( OPENING( M_TOKEN( e ))));
         if( !allrows.isEmpty())
             allrows += STR( " ## " );
         allrows += row;
         stream.ensureClosingTag( M_TOKEN( mr ));
-    } while( !stream.atEnd() && stream.currentToken() == OPENING( M_TOKEN( mr )));
+    } while( !stream.atEnd() && stream.findTag( OPENING( M_TOKEN( mr ))));
     stream.ensureClosingTag( M_TOKEN( m ));
     return STR( "matrix {" ) + allrows + STR( "}" );

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