[Libreoffice-commits] .: Branch 'feature/gsoc2011_wizards' - wizards/com

Xisco Fauli xfauli at kemper.freedesktop.org
Thu Jul 21 10:27:19 PDT 2011

 wizards/com/sun/star/wizards/RemoteAgendaWizard                    |    6 
 wizards/com/sun/star/wizards/agenda/AgendaTemplate.py              | 1191 ++++++++++
 wizards/com/sun/star/wizards/agenda/AgendaWizardDialog.py          |  280 ++
 wizards/com/sun/star/wizards/agenda/AgendaWizardDialogConst.py     |   47 
 wizards/com/sun/star/wizards/agenda/AgendaWizardDialogImpl.py      |  386 +++
 wizards/com/sun/star/wizards/agenda/AgendaWizardDialogResources.py |  154 +
 wizards/com/sun/star/wizards/agenda/CGAgenda.py                    |   27 
 wizards/com/sun/star/wizards/agenda/CGTopic.py                     |   45 
 wizards/com/sun/star/wizards/agenda/TemplateConsts.py              |  110 
 wizards/com/sun/star/wizards/agenda/TopicsControl.py               |  909 +++++++
 wizards/com/sun/star/wizards/common/ConfigSet.py                   |  227 +
 wizards/com/sun/star/wizards/common/Desktop.py                     |  100 
 wizards/com/sun/star/wizards/common/FileAccess.py                  |    5 
 wizards/com/sun/star/wizards/common/SystemDialog.py                |   13 
 wizards/com/sun/star/wizards/text/TextDocument.py                  |    2 
 wizards/com/sun/star/wizards/text/TextSectionHandler.py            |   33 
 wizards/com/sun/star/wizards/ui/ControlScroller.py                 |  293 ++
 wizards/com/sun/star/wizards/ui/UnoDialog.py                       |  101 
 wizards/com/sun/star/wizards/ui/UnoDialog2.py                      |   13 
 wizards/com/sun/star/wizards/ui/WizardDialog.py                    |    6 
 wizards/com/sun/star/wizards/ui/event/RadioDataAware.py            |    6 
 wizards/com/sun/star/wizards/ui/event/UnoDataAware.py              |    1 
 22 files changed, 3832 insertions(+), 123 deletions(-)

New commits:
commit e070214c12e6fc03ab25e3a61b1c30eec92c7261
Author: Xisco Fauli <anistenis at gmail.com>
Date:   Thu Jul 21 19:24:50 2011 +0200

    First attempt to create the Agenda Wizard
    the Document preview and the wizard are already shown

diff --git a/wizards/com/sun/star/wizards/RemoteAgendaWizard b/wizards/com/sun/star/wizards/RemoteAgendaWizard
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..996ad35
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wizards/com/sun/star/wizards/RemoteAgendaWizard
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+from agenda.AgendaWizardDialogImpl import AgendaWizardDialogImpl
+import sys
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+    AgendaWizardDialogImpl.main(sys.argv)
diff --git a/wizards/com/sun/star/wizards/agenda/AgendaTemplate.py b/wizards/com/sun/star/wizards/agenda/AgendaTemplate.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..274da3e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wizards/com/sun/star/wizards/agenda/AgendaTemplate.py
@@ -0,0 +1,1191 @@
+from text.TextDocument import *
+from uno import Any
+from TemplateConsts import *
+from common.FileAccess import FileAccess
+from common.Helper import Helper
+from com.sun.star.i18n.NumberFormatIndex import TIME_HHMM, DATE_SYSTEM_LONG
+from text.TextSectionHandler import TextSectionHandler
+from com.sun.star.text.PlaceholderType import TEXT
+from TopicsControl import TopicsControl
+from threading import RLock
+def synchronized(lock):
+    ''' Synchronization decorator. '''
+    def wrap(f):
+        def newFunction(*args, **kw):
+            lock.acquire()
+            try:
+                return f(*args, **kw)
+            finally:
+                lock.release()
+        return newFunction
+    return wrap
+The classes here implement the whole document-functionality of the agenda wizard:
+the live-preview and the final "creation" of the document, when the user clicks "finish". <br/>
+<h2>Some terminology:<h2/>
+items are names or headings. we don't make any distinction.
+The Agenda Template is used as general "controller" of the whole document, whereas the
+two child-classes ItemsTable and TopicsTable control the item tables (note plural!) and the
+topics table (note singular).
+<br/>   <br/>
+Other small classes are used to abstract the handling of cells and text and we
+try to use them as components.
+We tried to keep the Agenda Template as flexible as possible, though there
+must be many limitations, because it is generated dynamically.<br/><br/>
+To keep the template flexible the following decisions were made:<br/>
+1. Item tables.<br/>
+1.a. there might be arbitrary number of Item tables.<br/>
+1.b. Item tables design (bordewr, background) is arbitrary.<br/>
+1.c. Items text styles are individual, and use stylelist styles with predefined names.<br/>
+As result the following limitations:<br/>
+Pairs of Name->value for each item.<br/>
+Tables contain *only* those pairs.<br/>
+2. Topics table.<br/>
+2.a. arbitrary structure.<br/>
+2.b. design is arbitrary.<br/>
+As result the following limitations:<br/>
+No column merge is allowed.<br/>
+One compolsary Heading row.<br/>
+To let the template be flexible, we use a kind of "detection": we look where
+the items are read the design of each table, reaplying it after writing the
+A note about threads:<br/>
+Many methods here are synchronized, in order to avoid colission made by
+events fired too often.
+ at author rpiterman
+class AgendaTemplate(TextDocument):
+    DAY_IN_MILLIS = (24 * 60 * 60 * 1000)
+    writtenTopics = []
+    itemsCache = None
+    _allItems = []
+    items = []
+    itemsMap = {}
+    document = None
+    textSectionHandler = None
+    template = None
+    agenda = None
+    lock = RLock()
+    '''constructor. The document is *not* loaded here.
+    only some formal members are set.
+    @param  AgendaTemplate.document_ service factory.
+    @param agenda_ the data model (CGAgenda)
+    @param resources_ resources.
+    '''
+    def __init__(self,  xmsf_, agenda_, resources_, listener):
+        super(AgendaTemplate,self).__init__(xmsf_,listener, None,
+            "WIZARD_LIVE_PREVIEW")
+        AgendaTemplate.agenda = agenda_
+        self.resources = resources_
+        if AgendaTemplate.itemsCache is None:
+            self.initItemsCache()
+        AgendaTemplate._allItems = None
+    @synchronized(lock)
+    def load(self, templateURL, topics):
+        AgendaTemplate.template = self.calcTemplateName(templateURL)
+        AgendaTemplate.document = self.loadAsPreview(templateURL, False)
+        self.xFrame.ComponentWindow.Enable = False
+        self.xTextDocument.lockControllers()
+        self.initialize()
+        self.initializeData(topics)
+        self.xTextDocument.unlockControllers()
+    '''
+    The agenda templates are in format of aw-XXX.ott
+    the templates name is then XXX.ott.
+    This method calculates it.
+    @param url
+    @return the template name without the "aw-" at the beginning.
+    '''
+    def calcTemplateName(self, url):
+        return FileAccess.connectURLs(FileAccess.getParentDir(url), FileAccess.getFilename(url)[3:])
+    '''synchronize the document to the model.<br/>
+    this method rewrites all titles, item tables , and the topics table-
+    thus synchronizing the document to the data model (CGAgenda).
+    @param topicsData since the model does not contain Topics
+    information (it is only actualized on save) the given list
+    supplies this information.
+    '''
+    def initializeData(self, topicsData):
+        for i in self.itemsTables:
+            try:
+                i.write("")
+            except Exception, ex:
+                traceback.print_exc()
+        self.redrawTitle("txtTitle")
+        self.redrawTitle("txtDate")
+        self.redrawTitle("txtTime")
+        self.redrawTitle("cbLocation")
+        Topics.writeAll(topicsData)
+        if AgendaTemplate.agenda.cp_TemplateName is None:
+            AgendaTemplate.agenda.cp_TemplateName = ""
+        self.setTemplateTitle(AgendaTemplate.agenda.cp_TemplateName)
+    '''redraws/rewrites the table which contains the given item
+    This method is called when the user checks/unchecks an item.
+    The table is being found, in which the item is, and redrawn.
+    @param itemName
+    '''
+    @synchronized(lock)
+    def redraw(self, itemName):
+        try:
+            # get the table in which the item is...
+            itemsTable = AgendaTemplate.itemsMap.get(itemName)
+            # rewrite the table.
+            itemsTable.write(None)
+        except Exception, e:
+            traceback.print_exc()
+    '''update the documents title property to the given title
+    @param newTitle title.
+    '''
+    @synchronized(lock)
+    def setTemplateTitle(self, newTitle):
+        self.m_xDocProps.Title = newTitle
+    '''checks the data model if the
+    item corresponding to the given string should be shown
+    @param itemName a string representing an Item (name or heading).
+    @return true if the model specifies that the item should be displayed.
+    '''
+    @classmethod
+    def isShowItem(self, itemName):
+        if itemName == FILLIN_MEETING_TYPE:
+            return AgendaTemplate.agenda.cp_ShowMeetingType
+        elif itemName == FILLIN_READ:
+            return AgendaTemplate.agenda.cp_ShowRead
+        elif itemName == FILLIN_BRING:
+            return AgendaTemplate.agenda.cp_ShowBring
+        elif itemName == FILLIN_NOTES:
+            return AgendaTemplate.agenda.cp_ShowNotes
+        elif itemName == FILLIN_FACILITATOR:
+            return AgendaTemplate.agenda.cp_ShowFacilitator
+        elif itemName == FILLIN_TIMEKEEPER:
+            return AgendaTemplate.agenda.cp_ShowTimekeeper
+        elif itemName == FILLIN_NOTETAKER:
+            return AgendaTemplate.agenda.cp_ShowNotetaker
+        elif itemName == FILLIN_PARTICIPANTS:
+            return AgendaTemplate.agenda.cp_ShowAttendees
+        elif itemName == FILLIN_CALLED_BY:
+            return AgendaTemplate.agenda.cp_ShowCalledBy
+        elif itemName == FILLIN_OBSERVERS:
+            return AgendaTemplate.agenda.cp_ShowObservers
+        elif itemName == FILLIN_RESOURCE_PERSONS:
+            return AgendaTemplate.agenda.cp_ShowResourcePersons
+        else:
+            raise ValueError("No such item")
+    '''itemsCache is a Map containing all agenda item. These are object which
+    "write themselfs" to the table, given a table cursor.
+    A cache is used in order to reuse the objects, instead of recreate them.
+    This method fills the cache will all items objects (names and headings).
+    '''
+    def initItemsCache(self):
+        AgendaTemplate.itemsCache = {}
+        # Headings
+        AgendaTemplate.itemsCache[FILLIN_MEETING_TYPE] = AgendaItem(FILLIN_MEETING_TYPE, TextElement (self.resources.itemMeetingType, STYLE_MEETING_TYPE), PlaceholderElement(STYLE_MEETING_TYPE_TEXT, self.resources.reschkMeetingTitle_value, self.resources.resPlaceHolderHint, self.xMSF))
+        AgendaTemplate.itemsCache[FILLIN_BRING] = AgendaItem(FILLIN_BRING, TextElement (self.resources.itemBring, STYLE_BRING), PlaceholderElement (STYLE_BRING_TEXT, self.resources.reschkBring_value, self.resources.resPlaceHolderHint,  self.xMSF))
+        AgendaTemplate.itemsCache[FILLIN_READ] = AgendaItem (FILLIN_READ, TextElement (self.resources.itemRead, STYLE_READ), PlaceholderElement (STYLE_READ_TEXT, self.resources.reschkRead_value, self.resources.resPlaceHolderHint,  self.xMSF))
+        AgendaTemplate.itemsCache[FILLIN_NOTES] = AgendaItem (FILLIN_NOTES, TextElement (self.resources.itemNote, STYLE_NOTES), PlaceholderElement (STYLE_NOTES_TEXT, self.resources.reschkNotes_value, self.resources.resPlaceHolderHint,  self.xMSF))
+        # Names
+        AgendaTemplate.itemsCache[FILLIN_CALLED_BY] = AgendaItem (FILLIN_CALLED_BY, TextElement (self.resources.itemCalledBy, STYLE_CALLED_BY), PlaceholderElement (STYLE_CALLED_BY_TEXT, self.resources.reschkConvenedBy_value, self.resources.resPlaceHolderHint,  self.xMSF))
+        AgendaTemplate.itemsCache[FILLIN_FACILITATOR] =AgendaItem (FILLIN_FACILITATOR, TextElement (self.resources.itemFacilitator, STYLE_FACILITATOR), PlaceholderElement (STYLE_FACILITATOR_TEXT, self.resources.reschkPresiding_value, self.resources.resPlaceHolderHint,  self.xMSF))
+        AgendaTemplate.itemsCache[FILLIN_PARTICIPANTS] = AgendaItem (FILLIN_PARTICIPANTS, TextElement (self.resources.itemAttendees, STYLE_PARTICIPANTS), PlaceholderElement (STYLE_PARTICIPANTS_TEXT, self.resources.reschkAttendees_value, self.resources.resPlaceHolderHint,  self.xMSF))
+        AgendaTemplate.itemsCache[FILLIN_NOTETAKER] = AgendaItem (FILLIN_NOTETAKER, TextElement (self.resources.itemNotetaker, STYLE_NOTETAKER), PlaceholderElement (STYLE_NOTETAKER_TEXT, self.resources.reschkNoteTaker_value, self.resources.resPlaceHolderHint,  self.xMSF))
+        AgendaTemplate.itemsCache[FILLIN_TIMEKEEPER] = AgendaItem (FILLIN_TIMEKEEPER, TextElement (self.resources.itemTimekeeper, STYLE_TIMEKEEPER), PlaceholderElement (STYLE_TIMEKEEPER_TEXT, self.resources.reschkTimekeeper_value, self.resources.resPlaceHolderHint,  self.xMSF))
+        AgendaTemplate.itemsCache[FILLIN_OBSERVERS] = AgendaItem (FILLIN_OBSERVERS, TextElement (self.resources.itemObservers, STYLE_OBSERVERS), PlaceholderElement (STYLE_OBSERVERS_TEXT, self.resources.reschkObservers_value, self.resources.resPlaceHolderHint,  self.xMSF))
+        AgendaTemplate.itemsCache[FILLIN_RESOURCE_PERSONS] = AgendaItem (FILLIN_RESOURCE_PERSONS, TextElement (self.resources.itemResource, STYLE_RESOURCE_PERSONS), PlaceholderElement (STYLE_RESOURCE_PERSONS_TEXT, self.resources.reschkResourcePersons_value, self.resources.resPlaceHolderHint,  self.xMSF))
+    '''Initializes a template.<br/>
+    This method does the following tasks:<br/>
+    Get a Time and Date format for the document, and retrieve the null date of the document (which is
+    document-specific).<br/>
+    Initializes the Items Cache map.
+    Analyses the document:<br/>
+    -find all "fille-ins" (apear as &gt;xxx&lt; in the document).
+    -analyze all items sections (and the tables in them).
+    -locate the titles and actualize them
+    -analyze the topics table
+    '''
+    def initialize(self):
+        '''
+        Get the default locale of the document, and create the date and time formatters.
+        '''
+        dateUtils = Helper.DateUtils(self.xMSF, AgendaTemplate.document)
+        self.formatter = dateUtils.formatter
+        self.dateFormat = dateUtils.getFormat(DATE_SYSTEM_LONG)
+        self.timeFormat = dateUtils.getFormat(TIME_HHMM)
+        '''
+        get the document properties object.
+        '''
+        self.m_xDocProps = AgendaTemplate.document.DocumentProperties
+        self.initItemsCache()
+        AgendaTemplate._allItems = self.searchFillInItems()
+        self.initializeTitles()
+        self.initializeItemsSections()
+        AgendaTemplate.textSectionHandler = TextSectionHandler(AgendaTemplate.document, AgendaTemplate.document)
+        self.topics = Topics()
+        del AgendaTemplate._allItems[:]
+        AgendaTemplate._allItems = None
+    '''
+    locates the titles (name, location, date, time) and saves a reference to thier Text ranges.
+    '''
+    def initializeTitles(self):
+        i = 0
+        while i < len(AgendaTemplate._allItems):
+            workwith = AgendaTemplate._allItems[i]
+            text = workwith.String.lstrip().lower()
+            if text == FILLIN_TITLE:
+                self.teTitle = PlaceholderTextElement(workwith, self.resources.resPlaceHolderTitle, self.resources.resPlaceHolderHint,  AgendaTemplate.document)
+                self.trTitle = workwith
+                del AgendaTemplate._allItems[i]
+                i -= 1
+            elif text == FILLIN_DATE:
+                self.teDate = PlaceholderTextElement(workwith, self.resources.resPlaceHolderDate, self.resources.resPlaceHolderHint,  AgendaTemplate.document)
+                self.trDate = workwith
+                del AgendaTemplate._allItems[i]
+                i -= 1
+            elif text == FILLIN_TIME:
+                self.teTime = PlaceholderTextElement(workwith, self.resources.resPlaceHolderTime, self.resources.resPlaceHolderHint,  AgendaTemplate.document)
+                self.trTime = workwith
+                del AgendaTemplate._allItems[i]
+                i -= 1
+            elif text == FILLIN_LOCATION:
+                self.teLocation = PlaceholderTextElement(workwith, self.resources.resPlaceHolderLocation, self.resources.resPlaceHolderHint,  AgendaTemplate.document)
+                self.trLocation = workwith
+                del AgendaTemplate._allItems[i]
+                i -= 1
+            i += 1
+    '''
+    searches the document for items in the format "&gt;*&lt;"
+    @return a vector containing the XTextRanges of the found items
+    '''
+    def searchFillInItems(self):
+        try:
+            sd = AgendaTemplate.document.createSearchDescriptor()
+            sd.setSearchString("<[^>]+>")
+            sd.setPropertyValue("SearchRegularExpression", True)
+            sd.setPropertyValue("SearchWords", True)
+            ia = AgendaTemplate.document.findAll(sd)
+            try:
+                l = [ia.getByIndex(i) for i in xrange(ia.Count)]
+            except Exception, ex:
+                print "Nonfatal Error in finding fillins."
+            return l
+        except Exception, ex:
+            traceback.print_exc()
+            raise AttributeError ("Fatal Error: Loading template failed: searching fillins failed");
+    '''
+    analyze the item sections in the template. delegates the analyze of each table to the
+    ItemsTable class.
+    '''
+    def initializeItemsSections(self):
+        sections = self.getSections(AgendaTemplate.document, SECTION_ITEMS)
+        # for each section - there is a table...
+        self.itemsTables = []
+        for i in xrange(len(sections)):
+            try:
+                self.itemsTables.append(ItemsTable(self.getSection(sections[i]), self.getTable(sections[i])))
+            except Exception, ex:
+                traceback.print_exc()
+                raise IllegalArgumentException ("Fatal Error while initialilzing Template: items table in section " + sections[i]);
+    def getSections(self, document, s):
+        allSections = document.TextSections.ElementNames
+        return self.getNamesWhichStartWith(allSections, s)
+    @classmethod
+    def getSection(self, name):
+        return AgendaTemplate.document.TextSections.getByName(name)
+    @classmethod
+    def getTable(self, name):
+        return AgendaTemplate.document.TextTables.getByName(name)
+    '''
+    implementation of DataAware.Listener, is
+    called when title/date/time or location are
+    changed.
+    '''
+    @synchronized(lock)
+    def eventPerformed(self, param):
+        controlName = Helper.getUnoPropertyValue(UnoDialog2.getModel(param.Source), PropertyNames.PROPERTY_NAME)
+        self.redrawTitle(controlName)
+    @synchronized(lock)
+    def redrawTitle(self, controlName):
+        if controlName == "txtTitle":
+            self.writeTitle(self.teTitle, self.trTitle, AgendaTemplate.agenda.cp_Title)
+        elif controlName == "txtDate":
+            self.writeTitle(self.teDate, self.trDate, self.getDateString(AgendaTemplate.agenda.cp_Date))
+        elif controlName == "txtTime":
+            self.writeTitle(self.teTime, self.trTime, self.getTimeString(AgendaTemplate.agenda.cp_Time))
+        elif controlName == "cbLocation":
+            self.writeTitle(self.teLocation, self.trLocation, AgendaTemplate.agenda.cp_Location)
+        else:
+            raise IllegalArgumentException ("No such title control...");
+    def writeTitle(self, te, tr, text):
+        if text is None:
+            te.text = ""
+        else:
+            te.text = text
+        te.write(tr)
+    def getDateString(self, d):
+        if d is None or d == "":
+            return ""
+        date = Integer(d).intValue.intValue()
+        self.calendar.clear()
+        self.calendar.set(date / 10000, (date % 10000) / 100 - 1, date % 100)
+        date1 = JavaTools.getTimeInMillis(self.calendar)
+        '''
+        docNullTime and date1 are in millis, but
+        I need a day...
+        '''
+        daysDiff = (date1 - self.docNullTime) / self.__class__.DAY_IN_MILLIS + 1
+        return self.formatter.convertNumberToString(self.dateFormat, daysDiff)
+    def getTimeString(self, s):
+        if s == None or s == "":
+            return ""
+        time = Integer(s).intValue.intValue()
+        t = ((double)(time / 1000000) / 24) + ((double)((time % 1000000) / 1000) / (24 * 60))
+        return self.formatter.convertNumberToString(self.timeFormat, t)
+    @synchronized(lock)
+    def finish(self, topics):
+        createMinutes(topics)
+        deleteHiddenSections()
+        AgendaTemplate.textSectionHandler.removeAllTextSections()
+    '''
+    hidden sections exist when an item's section is hidden because the
+    user specified not to display any items which it contains.
+    When finishing the wizard removes this sections entireley from the document.
+    '''
+    def deleteHiddenSections(self):
+        allSections = AgendaTemplate.document.TextSections.ElementNames
+        try:
+            for i in allSections:
+                self.section = getSection(i)
+                visible = bool(Helper.getUnoPropertyValue(self.section, "IsVisible"))
+                if not visible:
+                    self.section.Anchor.String = ""
+        except Exception, ex:
+            traceback.print_exc()
+    '''
+    create the minutes for the given topics or remove the minutes section from the document.
+    If no topics are supplied, or the user
+    specified not to create minuts, the minutes section will be removed,
+    @param topicsData supplies PropertyValue arrays containing the values for the topics.
+    '''
+    @synchronized(lock)
+    def createMinutes(self, topicsData):
+        # if the minutes section should be removed (the
+        # user did not check "create minutes")
+        if not AgendaTemplate.agenda.cp_IncludeMinutes or (topicsData.size() <= 1):
+            try:
+                minutesAllSection = getSection(SECTION_MINUTES_ALL)
+                minutesAllSection.Anchor.String = ""
+            except Exception, ex:
+                traceback.print_exc()
+        # the user checked "create minutes"
+        else:
+            try:
+                topicStartTime = 0
+                try:
+                    topicStartTime = Integer(AgendaTemplate.agenda.cp_Time).intValue.intValue()
+                except Exception, ex:
+                    pass
+                #first I replace the minutes titles...
+                AgendaTemplate.items = searchFillInItems()
+                itemIndex = 0
+                while itemIndex < self.items.size():
+                    item = (XTextRange)
+                    self.items.get(itemIndex)
+                    itemText = item.getString().trim().toLowerCase()
+                    if itemText == FILLIN_MINUTES_TITLE:
+                        fillMinutesItem(item, AgendaTemplate.agenda.cp_Title, self.resources.resPlaceHolderTitle)
+                    elif itemText == FILLIN_MINUTES_LOCATION:
+                        fillMinutesItem(item, AgendaTemplate.agenda.cp_Location, self.resources.resPlaceHolderLocation)
+                    elif itemText == FILLIN_MINUTES_DATE:
+                        fillMinutesItem(item, getDateString(AgendaTemplate.agenda.cp_Date), self.resources.resPlaceHolderDate)
+                    elif itemText == FILLIN_MINUTES_TIME:
+                        fillMinutesItem(item, getTimeString(AgendaTemplate.agenda.cp_Time), self.resources.resPlaceHolderTime)
+                    itemIndex += 1
+                self.items.clear()
+                '''
+                now add minutes for each topic.
+                The template contains *one* minutes section, so
+                we first use the one available, and then add a one...
+                topics data has *always* an empty topic at the end...
+                '''
+                i = 0
+                while i < topicsData.size() - 1:
+                    topic = topicsData.get(i)
+                    AgendaTemplate.items = searchFillInItems()
+                    itemIndex = 0
+                    while itemIndex < self.items.size():
+                        item = (XTextRange)
+                        self.items.get(itemIndex)
+                        itemText = item.getString().trim().toLowerCase()
+                        if itemText == FILLIN_MINUTE_NUM:
+                            fillMinutesItem(item, topic[0].Value, "")
+                        elif itemText == FILLIN_MINUTE_TOPIC:
+                            fillMinutesItem(item, topic[1].Value, "")
+                        elif itemText == FILLIN_MINUTE_RESPONSIBLE:
+                            fillMinutesItem(item, topic[2].Value, "")
+                        elif itemText == FILLIN_MINUTE_TIME:
+                            topicTime = 0
+                            try:
+                                topicTime = topic[3].Value
+                            except Exception, ex:
+                                pass
+                            # if the topic has no time, we do not display any time here.
+                            if topicTime == 0 or topicStartTime == 0:
+                                time = (String)
+                                topic[3].Value
+                            else:
+                                time = getTimeString(String.valueOf(topicStartTime)) + " - "
+                                topicStartTime += topicTime * 1000
+                                time += getTimeString(String.valueOf(topicStartTime))
+                            fillMinutesItem(item, time, "")
+                        itemIndex += 1
+                    AgendaTemplate.textSectionHandler.removeTextSectionbyName(SECTION_MINUTES)
+                    # after the last section we do not insert a one.
+                    if i < topicsData.size() - 2:
+                        AgendaTemplate.textSectionHandler.insertTextSection(SECTION_MINUTES, AgendaTemplate.template, False)
+                    i += 1
+            except Exception, ex:
+                traceback.print_exc()
+    '''given a text range and a text, fills the given
+    text range with the given text.
+    If the given text is empty, uses a placeholder with the giveb placeholder text.
+    @param range text range to fill
+    @param text the text to fill to the text range object.
+    @param placeholder the placeholder text to use, if the text argument is empty (null or "")
+    '''
+    def fillMinutesItem(self, range, text, placeholder):
+        paraStyle = Helper.getUnoPropertyValue(range, "ParaStyleName")
+        range.setString(text)
+        Helper.setUnoPropertyValue(range, "ParaStyleName", paraStyle)
+        if text == None or text == "":
+            if placeholder != None and not placeholder == "":
+                placeHolder = createPlaceHolder(AgendaTemplate.document, placeholder, self.resources.resPlaceHolderHint)
+                try:
+                    range.getStart().getText().insertTextContent(range.getStart(), placeHolder, True)
+                except Exception, ex:
+                    traceback.print_exc()
+    '''creates a placeholder field with the given text and given hint.
+    @param  AgendaTemplate.document service factory
+    @param ph place holder text
+    @param hint hint text
+    @return the place holder field.
+    '''
+    @classmethod
+    def createPlaceHolder(self, xmsf, ph, hint):
+        try:
+            placeHolder =  xmsf.createInstance("com.sun.star.text.TextField.JumpEdit")
+        except Exception, ex:
+            traceback.print_exc()
+            return None
+        Helper.setUnoPropertyValue(placeHolder, "PlaceHolder", ph)
+        Helper.setUnoPropertyValue(placeHolder, "Hint", hint)
+        Helper.setUnoPropertyValue(placeHolder, "PlaceHolderType", Any("short",TEXT))
+        return placeHolder
+    def getNamesWhichStartWith(self, allNames, prefix):
+        v = []
+        for i in allNames:
+            if i.startswith(prefix):
+                v.append(i)
+        return v
+    '''convenience method, for removing a number of cells from a table.
+    @param table
+    @param start
+    @param count
+    '''
+    @classmethod
+    def removeTableRows(self, table, start, count):
+        rows = table.Rows
+        rows.removeByIndex(start, count)
+    '''Convenience method for inserting some cells into a table.
+    @param table
+    @param start
+    @param count
+    '''
+    @classmethod
+    def insertTableRows(self, table, start, count):
+        rows = table.Rows
+        rows.insertByIndex(start, count)
+    '''returns the row index for this cell name.
+    @param cellName
+    @return the row index for this cell name.
+    '''
+    @classmethod
+    def getRowIndex(self, cellName):
+        return int(cellName.RangeName[1:])
+    '''returns the rows count of this table, assuming
+    there is no vertical merged cells.
+    @param table
+    @return the rows count of the given table.
+    '''
+    @classmethod
+    def getRowCount(self, table):
+        cells = table.getCellNames()
+        return int(cells[len(cells) - 1][1:])
+class ItemsTable(object):
+    '''
+    the items in the table.
+    '''
+    def __init__(self, section_, table_):
+        Topics.table = table_
+        self.section = section_
+        '''
+        go through all <*> items in the document
+        and each one if it is in this table.
+        If they are, register them to belong here, notice their order
+        and remove them from the list of all <*> items, so the next
+        search will be faster.
+        '''
+        i = 0
+        while i < len(AgendaTemplate._allItems):
+            workwith = AgendaTemplate._allItems[i]
+            t = Helper.getUnoPropertyValue(workwith, "TextTable")
+            if t == Topics.table:
+                iText = workwith.String.lower().lstrip()
+                ai = AgendaTemplate.itemsCache.get(iText)
+                if ai is not None:
+                    AgendaTemplate.items.append(ai)
+                    del AgendaTemplate._allItems[i]
+                    AgendaTemplate.itemsMap[iText] = self
+                    i -= 1
+            i += 1
+    '''
+    link the section to the template. this will restore the original table
+    with all the items.<br/>
+    then break the link, to make the section editable.<br/>
+    then, starting at cell one, write all items that should be visible.
+    then clear the rest and remove obsolete rows.
+    If no items are visible, hide the section.
+    @param dummy we need a param to make this an Implementation of AgendaElement.
+    @throws Exception
+    '''
+    def write(self, dummy):
+        with AgendaTemplate.lock:
+            name = self.section.Name
+            # link and unlink the section to the template.
+            AgendaTemplate.textSectionHandler.linkSectiontoTemplate(self.section, AgendaTemplate.template, name)
+            AgendaTemplate.textSectionHandler.breakLinkOfTextSection(self.section)
+            # we need to get a instance after linking.
+            Topics.table = AgendaTemplate.getTable(name)
+            self.section = AgendaTemplate.getSection(name)
+            cursor = Topics.table.createCursorByCellName("A1")
+            # should this section be visible?
+            visible = False
+            # write items
+            # ===========
+            cellName = ""
+            '''
+            now go through all items that belong to this
+            table. Check each one agains the model. If it should
+            be display, call it's write method.
+            All items are of type AgendaItem which means they write
+            two cells to the table: a title (text) and a placeholder.
+            see AgendaItem class below.
+            '''
+            for i in AgendaTemplate.items:
+                if AgendaTemplate.isShowItem(i.name):
+                    visible = True
+                    i.table = Topics.table
+                    i.write(cursor)
+                    # I store the cell name which was last written...
+                    cellName = cursor.RangeName
+                    cursor.goRight(1, False)
+            if visible:
+                boolean = True
+            else:
+                boolean = False
+            Helper.setUnoPropertyValue(self.section, "IsVisible", boolean)
+            if not visible:
+                return
+                '''
+                remove obsolete rows
+                ====================
+                if the cell that was last written is the current cell,
+                it means this is the end of the table, so we end here.
+                (because after getting the cellName above, I call the goRight method.
+                If it did not go right, it means its the last cell.
+                '''
+            if cellName == cursor.RangeName:
+                return
+                '''
+                if not, we continue and clear all cells until we are at the end of the row.
+                '''
+            while (not cellName == cursor.RangeName and (not cursor.RangeName.startswith("A"))):
+                cell = xTextTable.getCellByName(cursor.RangeName)
+                cell.String = ""
+                cellName = cursor.RangeName
+                cursor.goRight(1, False)
+            '''
+            again: if we are at the end of the table, end here.
+            '''
+            if cellName == cursor.RangeName:
+                return
+            rowIndex = AgendaTemplate.getRowIndex(cursor)
+            rowsCount = AgendaTemplate.getRowCount(Topics.table)
+            '''
+            now before deleteing i move the cursor up so it
+            does not disappear, because it will crash office.
+            '''
+            cursor.gotoStart(False)
+            if rowsCount >= rowIndex:
+                pass
+                #COMMENTED
+                #removeTableRows(Topics.table, rowIndex - 1, (rowsCount - rowIndex) + 1)
+This class handles the preview of the topics table.
+You can call it the controller of the topics table.
+It differs from ItemsTable in that it has no data model -
+the update is done programttically.<br/>
+The decision to make this class a class by its own
+was done out of logic reasons and not design/functionality reasons,
+since there is anyway only one instance of this class at runtime
+it could have also be implemented in the AgendaTemplate class
+but for clarity and separation I decided to make a sub class for it.
+ at author rp143992
+class Topics(object):
+    '''Analyze the structure of the Topics table.
+    The structure Must be as follows:<br>
+    -One Header Row. <br>
+    -arbitrary number of rows per topic <br>
+    -arbitrary content in the topics row <br>
+    -only soft formatting will be restored. <br>
+    -the topic rows must repeat three times. <br>
+    -in the topics rows, placeholders for number, topic, responsible, and duration
+    must be placed.<br>
+    <br>
+    A word about table format: to reconstruct the format of the
+    table we hold to the following formats: first row (header), topic, and last row.
+    We hold the format of the last row, because one might wish to give it
+    a special format, other than the one on the bottom of each topic.
+    The left and right borders of the whole table are, on the other side,
+    part of the topics rows format, and need not be preserved seperateley.
+    '''
+    table = None
+    lastRowFormat = []
+    numCell = -1
+    topicCell = -1
+    responsibleCell = -1
+    timeCell = -1
+    def __init__(self):
+        self.topicItems = {}
+        self.topicCells = []
+        self.topicCellFormats = []
+        self.firstRowFormat = []
+        # This is the topics table. say hallo :-)
+        try:
+            Topics.table = AgendaTemplate.getTable(SECTION_TOPICS)
+        except Exception, ex:
+            traceback.print_exc()
+            raise AttributeError ("Fatal error while loading template: table " + SECTION_TOPICS + " could not load.");
+        '''
+        first I store all <*> ranges
+        which are in the topics table.
+        I store each <*> range in this - the key
+        is the cell it is in. Later when analyzing the topic,
+        cell by cell, I check in this map to know
+        if a cell contains a <*> or not.
+        '''
+        items = {}
+        for i in AgendaTemplate._allItems:
+            t = Helper.getUnoPropertyValue(i, "TextTable")
+            if t == Topics.table:
+                cell = Helper.getUnoPropertyValue(i, "Cell")
+                iText = cell.String
+                items[iText] = i
+        '''
+        in the topics table, there are always one
+        title row and three topics defined.
+        So no mutter how many rows a topic takes - we
+        can restore its structure and format.
+        '''
+        rows = AgendaTemplate.getRowCount(Topics.table)
+        self.rowsPerTopic = (rows - 1) / 3
+        firstCell = "A" + str(1 + self.rowsPerTopic + 1)
+        afterLastCell = "A" + str(1 + (self.rowsPerTopic * 2) + 1)
+        # go to the first row of the 2. topic
+        cursor = Topics.table.createCursorByCellName(firstCell)
+        # analyze the structure of the topic rows.
+        while not cursor.RangeName == afterLastCell:
+            cell = Topics.table.getCellByName(cursor.RangeName)
+            # first I store the content and para style of the cell
+            ae = TextElement(cell)
+            # if the cell contains a relevant <...>
+            # i add the text element to the hash,
+            # so it's text can be updated later.
+            if items[cell.String] is not None:
+                self.topicItems[cell.String.lower().lstrip()] = ae
+            self.topicCells.append(ae)
+            # and store the format of the cell.
+            self.topicCellFormats.append( TableCellFormatter(Topics.table.getCellByName(cursor.RangeName)))
+            # goto next cell.
+            cursor.goRight(1, False)
+        '''
+        now - in which cell is every fillin?
+        '''
+        Topics.numCell = self.topicCells.index(self.topicItems[FILLIN_TOPIC_NUMBER])
+        Topics.topicCell = self.topicCells.index(self.topicItems[FILLIN_TOPIC_TOPIC])
+        Topics.responsibleCell = self.topicCells.index(self.topicItems[FILLIN_TOPIC_RESPONSIBLE])
+        Topics.timeCell = self.topicCells.index(self.topicItems[FILLIN_TOPIC_TIME])
+        '''now that we know how the topics look like,
+        we get the format of the first and last rows.
+        '''
+        # format of first row
+        cursor.gotoStart(False)
+        tmp_do_var1 = True
+        while tmp_do_var1:
+            self.firstRowFormat.append(TableCellFormatter (Topics.table.getCellByName(cursor.RangeName)))
+            cursor.goRight(1, False)
+            tmp_do_var1 = not cursor.RangeName.startswith("A")
+        # format of the last row
+        cursor.gotoEnd(False)
+        while not cursor.RangeName.startswith("A"):
+            Topics.lastRowFormat.append(TableCellFormatter (Topics.table.getCellByName(cursor.RangeName)))
+            cursor.goLeft(1, False)
+        # we missed the A cell - so we have to add it also..
+        Topics.lastRowFormat.append(TableCellFormatter (Topics.table.getCellByName(cursor.RangeName)))
+        #COMMENTED
+        #AgendaTemplate.removeTableRows(Topics.table, 1 + self.rowsPerTopic, rows - self.rowsPerTopic - 1)
+    '''@param topic the topic number to write
+    @param data the data of the topic.
+    @return the number of rows that have been added
+    to the table. 0 or a negative number: no rows added.
+    '''
+    def write2(self, topic, data):
+        if topic >= len(AgendaTemplate.writtenTopics):
+            size = topic - len(AgendaTemplate.writtenTopics)
+            AgendaTemplate.writtenTopics += [None] * size
+        AgendaTemplate.writtenTopics.insert(topic, "")
+        # make sure threr are enough rows for me...
+        rows = AgendaTemplate.getRowCount(Topics.table)
+        reqRows = 1 + (topic + 1) * self.rowsPerTopic
+        firstRow = reqRows - self.rowsPerTopic + 1
+        diff = reqRows - rows
+        if diff > 0:
+            AgendaTemplate.insertTableRows(Topics.table, rows, diff)
+            # set the item's text...
+        self.setItemText(Topics.numCell, data[0].Value)
+        self.setItemText(Topics.topicCell, data[1].Value)
+        self.setItemText(Topics.responsibleCell, data[2].Value)
+        self.setItemText(Topics.timeCell, data[3].Value)
+        # now write !
+        cursor = Topics.table.createCursorByCellName("A" + str(firstRow))
+        for i in self.topicCells:
+            i.write(Topics.table.getCellByName(cursor.RangeName))
+            cursor.goRight(1, False)
+        # now format !
+        cursor.gotoCellByName("A" + str(firstRow), False)
+        self.formatTable(cursor, self.topicCellFormats, False)
+        return diff
+    '''check if the topic with the given index is written to the table.
+    @param topic the topic number (0 base)
+    @return true if the topic is already written to the table. False if not.
+    (false would mean rows must be added to the table in order to
+    be able to write this topic).
+    '''
+    def isWritten(self, topic):
+        return (AgendaTemplate.writtenTopics.size() > topic and AgendaTemplate.writtenTopics.get(topic) != None)
+    '''rewrites a single cell containing.
+    This is used in order to refresh the topic/responsible/duration data in the
+    preview document, in response to a change in the gui (by the user).
+    Since the structure of the topics table is flexible, we don't reference a cell
+    number. Rather, we use "what" argument to specify which cell should be redrawn.
+    The Topics object, which analyzed the structure of the topics table appon
+    initialization, refreshes the approperiate cell.
+    @param topic index of the topic (0 based).
+    @param what 0 for num, 1 for topic, 2 for responsible, 3 for duration
+    @param data the row's data.
+    @throws Exception if something goes wrong (thow nothing should)
+    '''
+    def writeCell(self, topic, what, data):
+        # if the whole row should be written...
+        if not isWritten(topic):
+            write(topic, data)
+            # write only the "what" cell.
+        else:
+            # calculate the table row.
+            firstRow = 1 + (topic * self.rowsPerTopic) + 1
+            # go to the first cell of this topic.
+            cursor = Topics.table.createCursorByCellName("A" + firstRow)
+            te = None
+            cursorMoves = 0
+            tmp_switch_var1 = what
+            if tmp_switch_var1 == 0:
+                te = setItemText(Topics.numCell, data[0].Value)
+                cursorMoves = Topics.numCell
+            elif tmp_switch_var1 == 1:
+                te = setItemText(Topics.topicCell, data[1].Value)
+                cursorMoves = Topics.topicCell
+            elif tmp_switch_var1 == 2:
+                te = setItemText(Topics.responsibleCell, data[2].Value)
+                cursorMoves = Topics.responsibleCell
+            elif tmp_switch_var1 == 3:
+                te = setItemText(Topics.timeCell, data[3].Value)
+                cursorMoves = Topics.timeCell
+            # move the cursor to the needed cell...
+            cursor.goRight(cursorMoves, False)
+            xc = Topics.table.getCellByName(cursor.RangeName)
+            # and write it !
+            te.write(xc)
+            (self.topicCellFormats.get(cursorMoves)).format(xc)
+    '''writes the given topic.
+    if the first topic was involved, reformat the
+    first row.
+    If any rows were added to the table, reformat
+    the last row.
+    @param topic the index of the topic to write.
+    @param data the topic's data. (see TopicsControl
+    for explanation about the topics data model)
+    @throws Exception if something goes wrong (though nothing should).
+    '''
+    def write(self, topic, data):
+        diff = self.write2(topic, data)
+        '''if the first topic has been written,
+        one needs to reformat the first row.
+        '''
+        if topic == 0:
+            self.formatFirstRow()
+        '''
+        if any rows were added, one needs to format
+        the whole table again.
+        '''
+        if diff > 0:
+            self.formatLastRow()
+    '''Writes all the topics to thetopics table.
+    @param topicsData a List containing all Topic's Data.
+    '''
+    @classmethod
+    def writeAll(self, topicsData):
+        try:
+            i = 0
+            while i < (len(topicsData) - 1):
+                self.write2(i, topicsData[i])
+                i += 1
+            self.formatLastRow()
+        except Exception, ex:
+            traceback.print_exc()
+    '''removes obsolete rows, reducing the
+    topics table to the given number of topics.
+    Note this method does only reducing - if
+    the number of topics given is greater than the
+    number of actuall topics it does *not* add
+    rows !
+    Note also that the first topic will never be removed.
+    If the table contains no topics, the whole section will
+    be removed uppon finishing.
+    The reason for that is a "table-design" one: the first topic is
+    maintained in order to be able to add rows with a design of this topic,
+    and not of the header row.
+    @param topics the number of topics the table should contain.
+    @throws Exception
+    '''
+    def reduceDocumentTo(self, topics):
+        # we never remove the first topic...
+        if topics <= 0:
+            topics = 1
+        tableRows = Topics.table.getRows()
+        targetNumOfRows = topics * self.rowsPerTopic + 1
+        if tableRows.getCount() > targetNumOfRows:
+            tableRows.removeByIndex(targetNumOfRows, tableRows.getCount() - targetNumOfRows)
+        formatLastRow()
+        while AgendaTemplate.writtenTopics.size() > topics:
+            AgendaTemplate.writtenTopics.remove(topics)
+    '''reapply the format of the first (header) row.
+    '''
+    def formatFirstRow(self):
+        cursor = Topics.table.createCursorByCellName("A1")
+        self.formatTable(cursor, self.firstRowFormat, False)
+    '''reaply the format of the last row.
+    '''
+    @classmethod
+    def formatLastRow(self):
+        cursor = Topics.table.createCursorByCellName("A1")
+        cursor.gotoEnd(False)
+        self.formatTable(cursor, Topics.lastRowFormat, True)
+    '''returns a text element for the given cell,
+    which will write the given text.
+    @param cell the topics cell number.
+    @param value the value to write.
+    @return a TextElement object which will write the given value
+    to the given cell.
+    '''
+    def setItemText(self, cell, value):
+        if cell >= 0:
+            te = self.topicCells[cell]
+            if te is not None:
+                te.text = str(value)
+            return te
+        return None
+    '''formats a series of cells from the given one,
+    using the given List of TableCellFormatter objects,
+    in the given order.
+    This method is used to format the first (header) and the last
+    rows of the table.
+    @param cursor a table cursor, pointing to the start cell to format
+    @param formats a List containing TableCellFormatter objects. Each will format one cell in the direction specified.
+    @param reverse if true the cursor will move left, formatting in reverse order (used for the last row).
+    '''
+    @classmethod
+    def formatTable(self, cursor, formats, reverse):
+        for i in formats:
+            i.format(Topics.table.getCellByName(cursor.RangeName))
+            if reverse:
+                cursor.goLeft(1, False)
+            else:
+                cursor.goRight(1, False)
+TODO To change the template for this generated type comment go to
+Window - Preferences - Java - Code Style - Code Templates
+class ParaStyled(object):
+    paraStyle = ""
+    def __init__(self, paraStyle_):
+        ParaStyled.paraStyle = paraStyle_
+    def format(self, textRange):
+        if textRange is None:
+            textRange = textRange.Text
+        cursor = textRange.createTextCursorByRange(textRange)
+        Helper.setUnoPropertyValue(cursor, "ParaStyleName", ParaStyled.paraStyle)
+    def write(self, textRange):
+        self.format(textRange)
+A basic implementation of AgendaElement:
+writes a String to the given XText/XTextRange, and applies
+a ParaStyle to it (using the parent class).
+ at author rp143992
+class TextElement(ParaStyled):
+    def __init__(self, text_, paraStyle_=None):
+        if paraStyle_ is None:
+            self.text = text_.String
+            paraStyle_ = Helper.getUnoPropertyValue(text_.Start, "ParaStyleName")
+        else:
+            self.text = text_
+        super(TextElement,self).__init__(paraStyle_)
+    def write(self, textRange):
+        textRange.String = self.text
+        if not self.text == "":
+           super(TextElement,self).write(textRange)
+A Text element which, if the text to write is empty (null or "")
+inserts a placeholder instead.
+ at author rp143992
+TODO To change the template for this generated type comment go to
+Window - Preferences - Java - Code Style - Code Templates
+class PlaceholderTextElement(TextElement):
+    def __init__(self, textRange, placeHolderText_, hint_, xmsf_):
+        super(PlaceholderTextElement,self).__init__(textRange)
+        self.placeHolderText = placeHolderText_
+        self.hint = hint_
+        self.xmsf = xmsf_
+    def write(self, textRange):
+        super(PlaceholderTextElement,self).write(textRange)
+        if self.text is None or self.text == "":
+            try:
+                xTextContent = AgendaTemplate.createPlaceHolder( self.xmsf, self.placeHolderText, self.hint)
+                textRange.Text.insertTextContent(textRange.Start, xTextContent, True)
+            except Exception, ex:
+                traceback.print_exc()
+An Agenda element which writes no text, but inserts a placeholder, and formats
+it using a ParaStyleName.
+ at author rp143992
+class PlaceholderElement(ParaStyled):
+    def __init__(self, paraStyle, placeHolderText_, hint_,  xmsf_):
+        super(PlaceholderElement,self).__init__(paraStyle)
+        self.placeHolderText = placeHolderText_
+        self.hint = hint_
+        self.xmsf =  xmsf_
+    def write(self, textRange):
+        try:
+            xTextContent = AgendaTemplate.createPlaceHolder( AgendaTemplate.document, self.placeHolderText, self.hint)
+            textRange.Text.insertTextContent(textRange.Start, xTextContent, True)
+            super(PlaceholderElement,self).write(textRange)
+        except Exception, ex:
+            traceback.print_exc()
+An implementation of AgendaElement which
+gets as a parameter a table cursor, and writes
+a text to the cell marked by this table cursor, and
+a place holder to the next cell.
+ at author rp143992
+TODO To change the template for this generated type comment go to
+Window - Preferences - Java - Code Style - Code Templates
+class AgendaItem(object):
+    def __init__(self, name_, te, f):
+        self.name = name_
+        self.field = f
+        self.textElement = te
+    def write(self, tableCursor):
+        cellname = tableCursor.RangeName
+        cell = Topics.table.getCellByName(cellname)
+        self.textElement.write(cell)
+        tableCursor.goRight(1, False)
+        #second field is actually always null...
+        # this is a preparation for adding placeholders.
+        if self.field is not None:
+            self.field.write(cell)
+reads/write a table cell format from/to a table cell or a group of cells.
+class TableCellFormatter(object):
+    properties = ("BackColor", "BackTransparent", "BorderDistance",
+        "BottomBorderDistance", "LeftBorder",
+        "LeftBorderDistance", "RightBorder", "RightBorderDistance",
+        "TopBorder", "TopBorderDistance")
+    def __init__(self, tableCell):
+        self.values = []
+        for i in TableCellFormatter.properties:
+            pass
+            #COMMENTED
+            #self.values.append( Helper.getUnoPropertyValue(tableCell, i) )
+    def format(self, tableCell):
+        pass
+        #COMMENTED
+        #Helper.setUnoPropertyValues(
+        #    tableCell, TableCellFormatter.properties, tuple(self.values))
diff --git a/wizards/com/sun/star/wizards/agenda/AgendaWizardDialog.py b/wizards/com/sun/star/wizards/agenda/AgendaWizardDialog.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ec8a2b0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wizards/com/sun/star/wizards/agenda/AgendaWizardDialog.py
@@ -0,0 +1,280 @@
+from ui.WizardDialog import *
+from com.sun.star.awt.FontUnderline import SINGLE
+from AgendaWizardDialogConst import *
+from AgendaWizardDialogResources import *
+class AgendaWizardDialog(WizardDialog):
+    def __init__(self, xmsf):
+        super(AgendaWizardDialog,self).__init__(xmsf, HID )
+        #Load Resources
+        self.resources = AgendaWizardDialogResources(xmsf)
+        #set dialog properties...
+        Helper.setUnoPropertyValues(
+            self.xDialogModel, ("Closeable",
+                PropertyNames.PROPERTY_HEIGHT,
+                "Moveable",
+                PropertyNames.PROPERTY_POSITION_X,
+                PropertyNames.PROPERTY_POSITION_Y,
+                PropertyNames.PROPERTY_STEP,
+                PropertyNames.PROPERTY_TABINDEX,
+                "Title",
+                PropertyNames.PROPERTY_WIDTH),
+            (True, 210, True, 200, 52, 1, 1,
+                self.resources.resAgendaWizardDialog_title,310))
+        self.IMGHELP1_HID = ""
+        self.PROPS_LIST = ("Dropdown",
+                PropertyNames.PROPERTY_HEIGHT,
+                PropertyNames.PROPERTY_HELPURL,
+                PropertyNames.PROPERTY_POSITION_X,
+                PropertyNames.PROPERTY_POSITION_Y,
+                PropertyNames.PROPERTY_STEP,
+                PropertyNames.PROPERTY_TABINDEX,
+                PropertyNames.PROPERTY_WIDTH)
+        self.PROPS_LABEL_B = ("FontDescriptor",
+                PropertyNames.PROPERTY_HEIGHT,
+                PropertyNames.PROPERTY_LABEL,
+                PropertyNames.PROPERTY_MULTILINE,
+                PropertyNames.PROPERTY_POSITION_X,
+                PropertyNames.PROPERTY_POSITION_Y,
+                PropertyNames.PROPERTY_STEP,
+                PropertyNames.PROPERTY_TABINDEX,
+                PropertyNames.PROPERTY_WIDTH)
+        self.PROPS_CHECK = (PropertyNames.PROPERTY_HEIGHT,
+                PropertyNames.PROPERTY_HELPURL,
+                PropertyNames.PROPERTY_LABEL,
+                PropertyNames.PROPERTY_POSITION_X,
+                PropertyNames.PROPERTY_POSITION_Y,
+                PropertyNames.PROPERTY_STATE,
+                PropertyNames.PROPERTY_STEP,
+                PropertyNames.PROPERTY_TABINDEX,
+                PropertyNames.PROPERTY_WIDTH)
+        self.PROPS_BUTTON = (PropertyNames.PROPERTY_HEIGHT,
+                PropertyNames.PROPERTY_HELPURL,
+                PropertyNames.PROPERTY_LABEL,
+                PropertyNames.PROPERTY_POSITION_X,
+                PropertyNames.PROPERTY_POSITION_Y,
+                PropertyNames.PROPERTY_STEP,
+                PropertyNames.PROPERTY_TABINDEX,
+                PropertyNames.PROPERTY_WIDTH)
+        self.PROPS_X = (PropertyNames.PROPERTY_HEIGHT,
+                PropertyNames.PROPERTY_HELPURL,
+                PropertyNames.PROPERTY_POSITION_X,
+                PropertyNames.PROPERTY_POSITION_Y,
+                PropertyNames.PROPERTY_STEP,
+                PropertyNames.PROPERTY_TABINDEX,
+                PropertyNames.PROPERTY_WIDTH)
+        self.PROPS_TEXTAREA = (PropertyNames.PROPERTY_HEIGHT,
+                PropertyNames.PROPERTY_LABEL,
+                PropertyNames.PROPERTY_MULTILINE,
+                PropertyNames.PROPERTY_POSITION_X,
+                PropertyNames.PROPERTY_POSITION_Y,
+                PropertyNames.PROPERTY_STEP,
+                PropertyNames.PROPERTY_TABINDEX,
+                PropertyNames.PROPERTY_WIDTH)
+        self.PROPS_TEXT = (PropertyNames.PROPERTY_HEIGHT,
+                PropertyNames.PROPERTY_LABEL,
+                PropertyNames.PROPERTY_POSITION_X,
+                PropertyNames.PROPERTY_POSITION_Y,
+                PropertyNames.PROPERTY_STEP,
+                PropertyNames.PROPERTY_TABINDEX,
+                PropertyNames.PROPERTY_WIDTH)
+        self.PROPS_IMAGE = ("Border",
+                PropertyNames.PROPERTY_HEIGHT,
+                PropertyNames.PROPERTY_HELPURL,
+                PropertyNames.PROPERTY_IMAGEURL,
+                PropertyNames.PROPERTY_POSITION_X,
+                PropertyNames.PROPERTY_POSITION_Y,
+                "ScaleImage",
+                PropertyNames.PROPERTY_STEP,
+                PropertyNames.PROPERTY_TABINDEX,
+                PropertyNames.PROPERTY_WIDTH)
+        self.fontDescriptor1 = \
+            uno.createUnoStruct('com.sun.star.awt.FontDescriptor')
+        self.fontDescriptor2 = \
+            uno.createUnoStruct('com.sun.star.awt.FontDescriptor')
+        self.fontDescriptor4 = \
+            uno.createUnoStruct('com.sun.star.awt.FontDescriptor')
+        #Set member- FontDescriptors...
+        self.fontDescriptor1.Weight = 150
+        self.fontDescriptor1.Underline = SINGLE
+        self.fontDescriptor2.Weight = 100
+        self.fontDescriptor4.Weight = 150
+    '''
+    build components
+    '''
+    def buildStep1(self):
+        self.insertLabel("lblTitle1", self.PROPS_LABEL_B, (self.fontDescriptor4,
+            16, self.resources.reslblTitle1_value, True, 91, 8, 1, 100,212))
+        self.insertLabel("lblPageDesign", self.PROPS_TEXT,
+            (8, self.resources.reslblPageDesign_value, 97, 32, 1, 101, 66))
+        self.listPageDesign = self.insertListBox("listPageDesign",
+            (True, 12, LISTPAGEDESIGN_HID, 166, 30, 1, 102, 70), self)
+        self.chkMinutes = self.insertCheckBox("chkMinutes", None,
+            self.PROPS_CHECK, (9, CHKMINUTES_HID,
+            self.resources.reschkMinutes_value, 97, 50, 0, 1, 103, 203), self)
+        self.insertImage("imgHelp1", self.PROPS_IMAGE,
+            (0, 10, self.IMGHELP1_HID,
+                INFO_IMAGE_URL, 92,
+                145, False, 1, 104, 10))
+        self.insertLabel("lblHelp1", self.PROPS_TEXTAREA,
+            (39, self.resources.reslblHelp1_value, True,104,145, 1, 105,199))
+    def buildStep2(self):
+        self.insertLabel("lblTitle2", self.PROPS_LABEL_B,
+            (self.fontDescriptor4, 16,
+                self.resources.reslblTitle2_value, True,91, 8, 2, 200,212))
+        self.insertLabel("lblDate", self.PROPS_TEXT,
+            (8, self.resources.reslblDate_value, 97, 32, 2, 201,66))
+        self.txtDate = self.insertDateField("txtDate", None, self.PROPS_LIST,
+            (True, 12, TXTDATE_HID,166,30, 2, 202,70), self)
+        self.insertLabel("lblTime", self.PROPS_TEXT,
+            (8, self.resources.reslblTime_value, 97, 50, 2, 203, 66))
+        self.txtTime = self.insertTimeField("txtTime", None,
+            (PropertyNames.PROPERTY_HEIGHT,
+                PropertyNames.PROPERTY_HELPURL,
+                PropertyNames.PROPERTY_POSITION_X,
+                PropertyNames.PROPERTY_POSITION_Y,
+                PropertyNames.PROPERTY_STEP,
+                "StrictFormat",
+                PropertyNames.PROPERTY_TABINDEX,
+                PropertyNames.PROPERTY_WIDTH),
+            (12, TXTTIME_HID, 166, 48, 2, True, 204,70), self)
+        self.insertLabel("lblTitle", self.PROPS_TEXT,
+            (8, self.resources.reslblTitle_value, 97, 68, 2, 205,66))
+        self.txtTitle = self.insertTextField("txtTitle", None,
+            (PropertyNames.PROPERTY_HEIGHT,
+                PropertyNames.PROPERTY_HELPURL,
+                PropertyNames.PROPERTY_MULTILINE,
+                PropertyNames.PROPERTY_POSITION_X,
+                PropertyNames.PROPERTY_POSITION_Y,
+                PropertyNames.PROPERTY_STEP,
+                PropertyNames.PROPERTY_TABINDEX,
+                PropertyNames.PROPERTY_WIDTH),
+            (26, TXTTITLE_HID, True, 166, 66, 2, 206, 138), self)
+        self.insertLabel("lblLocation", self.PROPS_TEXT,
+            (8, self.resources.reslblLocation_value, 97, 100, 2, 207, 66))
+        self.cbLocation = self.insertTextField("cbLocation", None,
+            (PropertyNames.PROPERTY_HEIGHT,
+                PropertyNames.PROPERTY_HELPURL,
+                PropertyNames.PROPERTY_MULTILINE,
+                PropertyNames.PROPERTY_POSITION_X,
+                PropertyNames.PROPERTY_POSITION_Y,
+                PropertyNames.PROPERTY_STEP,
+                PropertyNames.PROPERTY_TABINDEX,
+                PropertyNames.PROPERTY_WIDTH),
+            (34, CBLOCATION_HID, True, 166,98, 2, 208, 138), self)
+        self.insertImage("imgHelp2", self.PROPS_IMAGE,
+            (0, 10, self.IMGHELP1_HID,
+                INFO_IMAGE_URL,
+                92, 145, False, 2, 209, 10))
+        self.insertLabel("lblHelp2", self.PROPS_TEXTAREA,
+            (39, self.resources.reslblHelp2_value, True, 104, 145, 2, 210, 199))
+    def buildStep3(self):
+        self.insertLabel("lblTitle3", self.PROPS_LABEL_B,
+            (self.fontDescriptor4, 16, self.resources.reslblTitle3_value,
+                True, 91, 8, 3, 300,212))
+        self.chkMeetingTitle = self.insertCheckBox("chkMeetingTitle", None,
+            self.PROPS_CHECK,
+            (8, CHKMEETINGTITLE_HID, self.resources.reschkMeetingTitle_value,
+                97, 32, 1, 3, 301, 69), self)
+        self.chkRead = self.insertCheckBox("chkRead", None, self.PROPS_CHECK,
+            (8, CHKREAD_HID, self.resources.reschkRead_value,
+                97, 46, 0, 3, 302, 162), self)
+        self.chkBring = self.insertCheckBox("chkBring", None, self.PROPS_CHECK,
+            (8, CHKBRING_HID, self.resources.reschkBring_value,
+                97, 60, 0, 3, 303, 162), self)
+        self.chkNotes = self.insertCheckBox("chkNotes", None, self.PROPS_CHECK,
+            (8, CHKNOTES_HID, self.resources.reschkNotes_value,
+                97, 74, 1, 3, 304, 160), self)
+        self.insertImage("imgHelp3", self.PROPS_IMAGE, (0, 10,
+            self.IMGHELP1_HID, INFO_IMAGE_URL,
+                92, 145, False, 3, 305, 10))
+        self.insertLabel("lblHelp3", self.PROPS_TEXTAREA,
+            (39, self.resources.reslblHelp3_value, True,104, 145, 3, 306, 199))
+    def buildStep4(self):
+        self.insertLabel("lblTitle5", self.PROPS_LABEL_B,
+            (self.fontDescriptor4, 16, self.resources.reslblTitle5_value,
+                True, 91, 8, 4, 400, 212))
+        self.chkConvenedBy = self.insertCheckBox("chkConvenedBy", None,
+            self.PROPS_CHECK, (8, CHKCONVENEDBY_HID,
+                self.resources.reschkConvenedBy_value, 97, 32, 1, 4, 401, 150), self)
+        self.chkPresiding = self.insertCheckBox("chkPresiding", None,
+            self.PROPS_CHECK, (8, CHKPRESIDING_HID,
+                self.resources.reschkPresiding_value, 97, 46, 0, 4, 402, 150), self)
+        self.chkNoteTaker = self.insertCheckBox("chkNoteTaker", None,
+            self.PROPS_CHECK, (8, CHKNOTETAKER_HID,
+                self.resources.reschkNoteTaker_value, 97, 60, 0, 4, 403, 150), self)
+        self.chkTimekeeper = self.insertCheckBox("chkTimekeeper", None,
+            self.PROPS_CHECK, (8, CHKTIMEKEEPER_HID,
+                self.resources.reschkTimekeeper_value, 97, 74, 0, 4, 404, 150), self)
+        self.chkAttendees = self.insertCheckBox("chkAttendees", None,
+            self.PROPS_CHECK, (8, CHKATTENDEES_HID,
+                self.resources.reschkAttendees_value, 97, 88, 1, 4, 405, 150), self)
+        self.chkObservers = self.insertCheckBox("chkObservers", None,
+            self.PROPS_CHECK, (8, CHKOBSERVERS_HID,
+                self.resources.reschkObservers_value, 97, 102, 0, 4, 406, 150), self)
+        self.chkResourcePersons = self.insertCheckBox("chkResourcePersons", None,
+                self.resources.reschkResourcePersons_value, 97, 116, 0,
+                4, 407, 150), self)
+        self.insertImage("imgHelp4", self.PROPS_IMAGE,
+            (0, 10, self.IMGHELP1_HID, INFO_IMAGE_URL,
+                92, 145, False, 4, 408, 10))
+        self.insertLabel("lblHelp4", self.PROPS_TEXTAREA,
+            (39, self.resources.reslblHelp4_value, True,104, 145, 4, 409, 199))
+    def buildStep5(self):
+        self.insertLabel("lblTitle4", self.PROPS_LABEL_B,
+            (self.fontDescriptor4, 16, self.resources.reslblTitle4_value,
+                True, 91, 8, 5, 500, 212))
+        self.insertLabel("lblTopic", self.PROPS_TEXT,
+            (8, self.resources.reslblTopic_value, 107, 28, 5, 71, 501))
+        self.insertLabel("lblResponsible", self.PROPS_TEXT,
+            (8, self.resources.reslblResponsible_value, 195, 28, 5, 72, 502))
+        self.insertLabel("lblDuration", self.PROPS_TEXT,
+            (8, self.resources.reslblDuration_value, 267, 28, 5, 73, 503))
+        self.btnInsert = self.insertButton("btnInsert", BTNINSERT_ACTION_PERFORMED,
+            self.PROPS_BUTTON, (14, BTNINSERT_HID,
+                self.resources.resButtonInsert, 92, 136, 5, 580, 40), self)
+        self.btnRemove = self.insertButton("btnRemove", BTNREMOVE_ACTION_PERFORMED,
+                self.PROPS_BUTTON, (14, BTNREMOVE_HID,
+                    self.resources.resButtonRemove, 134, 136, 5, 581, 40), self)
+        self.btnUp = self.insertButton("btnUp", BTNUP_ACTION_PERFORMED,
+                self.PROPS_BUTTON, (14, BTNUP_HID,
+                    self.resources.resButtonUp, 222, 136, 5, 582, 40), self)
+        self.btnDown = self.insertButton("btnDown", BTNDOWN_ACTION_PERFORMED,
+                self.PROPS_BUTTON, (14, BTNDOWN_HID,
+                    self.resources.resButtonDown, 264, 136, 5, 583, 40), self)
+    def buildStep6(self):
+        self.insertLabel("lblTitle6", self.PROPS_LABEL_B,
+            (self.fontDescriptor4, 16, self.resources.reslblTitle6_value,
+                True, 91, 8, 6, 600, 212))
+        self.insertLabel("lblHelpPg6", self.PROPS_TEXTAREA,
+            (24, self.resources.reslblHelpPg6_value, True,
+                97, 32, 6, 601,204))
+        self.insertLabel("lblTemplateName", self.PROPS_TEXT,
+            (8, self.resources.reslblTemplateName_value,
+                97, 62, 6, 602, 101))
+        self.txtTemplateName = self.insertTextField("txtTemplateName",
+            (12, TXTTEMPLATENAME_HID, 202, 60, 6, 603, 100), self)
+        self.insertLabel("lblProceed", self.PROPS_TEXT,
+            (8, self.resources.reslblProceed_value, 97, 101, 6, 607,204))
+        self.optCreateAgenda = self.insertRadioButton("optCreateAgenda", None,
+                self.resources.resoptCreateAgenda_value,
+                103, 113, 1, 6, 608, 198), self)
+        self.optMakeChanges = self.insertRadioButton("optMakeChanges", None,
+                self.resources.resoptMakeChanges_value, 103, 125, 6, 609, 198), self)
+        self.insertImage("imgHelp6", self.PROPS_IMAGE, (0, 10, self.IMGHELP1_HID,
+            INFO_IMAGE_URL, 92, 145, False, 6, 610, 10))
+        self.insertLabel("lblHelp6", self.PROPS_TEXTAREA,
+            (39, self.resources.reslblHelp6_value, True, 104, 145, 6, 611, 199))
diff --git a/wizards/com/sun/star/wizards/agenda/AgendaWizardDialogConst.py b/wizards/com/sun/star/wizards/agenda/AgendaWizardDialogConst.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..dadd842
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wizards/com/sun/star/wizards/agenda/AgendaWizardDialogConst.py
@@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
+from common.HelpIds import HelpIds
+TXTTEMPLATENAME_TEXT_CHANGED =     "templateTitleChanged"
+BTNUP_ACTION_PERFORMED =           "rowUp"
+INFO_IMAGE_URL = "private:resource/dbu/image/19205"
+HID = 41051
+LISTPAGEDESIGN_HID =      HelpIds.getHelpIdString(HID + 6)
+CHKMINUTES_HID =          HelpIds.getHelpIdString(HID + 7)
+TXTTIME_HID =             HelpIds.getHelpIdString(HID + 8)
+TXTDATE_HID =             HelpIds.getHelpIdString(HID + 9)
+TXTTITLE_HID =            HelpIds.getHelpIdString(HID + 10)
+CBLOCATION_HID =          HelpIds.getHelpIdString(HID + 11)
+CHKMEETINGTITLE_HID =     HelpIds.getHelpIdString(HID + 12)
+CHKREAD_HID =             HelpIds.getHelpIdString(HID + 13)
+CHKBRING_HID =            HelpIds.getHelpIdString(HID + 14)
+CHKNOTES_HID =            HelpIds.getHelpIdString(HID + 15)
+CHKCONVENEDBY_HID =       HelpIds.getHelpIdString(HID + 16)
+CHKPRESIDING_HID =        HelpIds.getHelpIdString(HID + 17)
+CHKNOTETAKER_HID =        HelpIds.getHelpIdString(HID + 18)
+CHKTIMEKEEPER_HID =       HelpIds.getHelpIdString(HID + 19)
+CHKATTENDEES_HID =        HelpIds.getHelpIdString(HID + 20)
+CHKOBSERVERS_HID =        HelpIds.getHelpIdString(HID + 21)
+CHKRESOURCEPERSONS_HID =  HelpIds.getHelpIdString(HID + 22)
+TXTTEMPLATENAME_HID =     HelpIds.getHelpIdString(HID + 23)
+TXTTEMPLATEPATH_HID =     HelpIds.getHelpIdString(HID + 24)
+BTNTEMPLATEPATH_HID =     HelpIds.getHelpIdString(HID + 25)
+OPTCREATEAGENDA_HID =     HelpIds.getHelpIdString(HID + 26)
+OPTMAKECHANGES_HID =      HelpIds.getHelpIdString(HID + 27)
+BTNINSERT_HID =           HelpIds.getHelpIdString(HID + 28)
+BTNREMOVE_HID =           HelpIds.getHelpIdString(HID + 29)
+BTNUP_HID =               HelpIds.getHelpIdString(HID + 30)
+BTNDOWN_HID =             HelpIds.getHelpIdString(HID + 31)
+LAST_HID = HID + 32
diff --git a/wizards/com/sun/star/wizards/agenda/AgendaWizardDialogImpl.py b/wizards/com/sun/star/wizards/agenda/AgendaWizardDialogImpl.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a29ea3c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wizards/com/sun/star/wizards/agenda/AgendaWizardDialogImpl.py
@@ -0,0 +1,386 @@
+from AgendaWizardDialog import *
+from common.Configuration import *
+from CGAgenda import CGAgenda
+from AgendaTemplate import *
+from common.NoValidPathException import *
+from common.FileAccess import *
+from ui.PathSelection import *
+from ui.event.UnoDataAware import *
+from ui.event.RadioDataAware import *
+from com.sun.star.awt.VclWindowPeerAttribute import OK
+from common.NoValidPathException import *
+class AgendaWizardDialogImpl(AgendaWizardDialog):
+    fileAccess1 = None
+    def __init__(self, xmsf):
+        super(AgendaWizardDialogImpl, self).__init__(xmsf)
+        self.filenameChanged = False
+    def enterStep(self, OldStep, NewStep):
+        pass
+    def leaveStep(self, OldStep, NewStep):
+        pass
+    '''
+    used in developement to start the wizard
+    '''
+    @classmethod
+    def main(self, args):
+        ConnectStr = \
+            "uno:socket,host=localhost,port=2002;urp;StarOffice.ComponentContext"
+        try:
+            xLocMSF = Desktop.connect(ConnectStr)
+            wizard = AgendaWizardDialogImpl(xLocMSF)
+            wizard.startWizard()
+        except Exception, exception:
+            traceback.print_exc()
+    '''
+    read the configuration data, open the specified template,
+    initialize the template controller (AgendaTemplate) and
+    set the status of the displayed template to the one
+    read from the configuration.
+    build the dialog.
+    Synchronize the dialog to the same status (read from
+    the configuration).
+    show the dialog.
+    '''
+    def startWizard(self):
+        self.running = True
+        try:
+            # read configuration data.
+            self.agenda = CGAgenda()
+            root = Configuration.getConfigurationRoot(
+                self.xMSF, "/org.openoffice.Office.Writer/Wizards/Agenda",
+                False)
+            self.agenda.readConfiguration(root, "cp_")
+            # initialize the agenda temself.myPathSelectionListener()plate
+            self.agendaTemplate = AgendaTemplate(
+                self.xMSF, self.agenda, self.resources, self)
+            self.initializeTemplates()
+            self.agendaTemplate.load(self.agendaTemplates[1][0], [])
+            # build the dialog.
+            self.buildStep1()
+            self.buildStep2()
+            self.buildStep3()
+            self.buildStep4()
+            self.buildStep5()
+            self.topicsControl = TopicsControl(self, self.xMSF, self.agenda)
+            self.buildStep6()
+            self.drawNaviBar()
+            self.initializePaths()
+            #special Control for setting the save Path:
+            self.insertPathSelectionControl()
+            # create the peer
+            xw = self.agendaTemplate.xFrame.getContainerWindow()
+            self.createWindowPeer(xw)
+            # initialize roadmap
+            self.addRoadmap()
+            self.insertRoadMapItems(
+                [self.resources.resStep1, self.resources.resStep2,
+                    self.resources.resStep3, self.resources.resStep4,
+                    self.resources.resStep5, self.resources.resStep6],
+                [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6],[True, True, True, True, True, True])
+            self.nMaxStep = 6
+            self.setCurrentRoadmapItemID(1)
+            # synchronize GUI and CGAgenda object.
+            self.makeDA()
+            if self.myPathSelection.xSaveTextBox.Text.lower() == "":
+                self.myPathSelection.initializePath()
+            self.executeDialogFromComponent(self.agendaTemplate.xFrame)
+            self.removeTerminateListener()
+            self.closeDocument()
+            self.running = False
+        except Exception, ex:
+            self.removeTerminateListener()
+            traceback.print_exc()
+            self.running = False
+            return
+    def insertPathSelectionControl(self):
+        self.myPathSelection = PathSelection(
+            self.xMSF, self, PathSelection.TransferMode.SAVE,
+            PathSelection.DialogTypes.FILE)
+        self.myPathSelection.insert(6, 97, 70, 205, 45,
+            self.resources.reslblTemplatePath_value, True,
+            HelpIds.getHelpIdString(HID + 24),
+            HelpIds.getHelpIdString(HID + 25))
+        self.myPathSelection.sDefaultDirectory = self.sUserTemplatePath
+        self.myPathSelection.sDefaultName = "myAgendaTemplate.ott"
+        self.myPathSelection.sDefaultFilter = "writer8_template"
+        self.myPathSelection.addSelectionListener(
+            self.myPathSelectionListener())
+    def initializePaths(self):
+        try:
+            self.sTemplatePath = FileAccess.getOfficePath2(
+                self.xMSF, "Template", "share", "/wizard")
+            self.sUserTemplatePath = FileAccess.getOfficePath2(
+                self.xMSF, "Template", "user", "")
+            self.sBitmapPath = FileAccess.combinePaths(
+                self.xMSF, self.sTemplatePath, "/../wizard/bitmap")
+        except NoValidPathException:
+            traceback.print_exc()
+    def checkSavePath(self):
+        if self.agenda.cp_TemplatePath is None \
+            or self.agenda.cp_TemplatePath == "" \
+            or not self.getFileAccess().exists(
+                FileAccess.getParentDir(self.agenda.cp_TemplatePath), False) \
+            or not self.getFileAccess().isDirectory(
+                FileAccess.getParentDir(self.agenda.cp_TemplatePath)):
+            try:
+                self.agenda.cp_TemplatePath = FileAccess.connectURLs(
+                    FileAccess.getOfficePath(xMSF, "Work", "", ""),
+                    resources.resDefaultFilename)
+            except Exception, ex:
+                traceback.print_exc()
+    '''
+    bind controls to the agenda member (DataAware model)
+    '''
+    def makeDA(self):
+        self.setControlProperty(
+            "listPageDesign", "StringItemList", tuple(self.agendaTemplates[0]))
+        self.checkSavePath()
+        #setFilename(agenda.cp_TemplatePath);
+        UnoDataAware.attachListBox(
+            self.agenda, "cp_AgendaType", self.listPageDesign, True).updateUI()
+        UnoDataAware.attachCheckBox(
+            self.agenda, "cp_IncludeMinutes", self.chkMinutes, True).updateUI()
+        UnoDataAware.attachEditControl(
+            self.agenda, "cp_Title", self.txtTitle, True).updateUI()
+        UnoDataAware.attachDateControl(
+            self.agenda, "cp_Date", self.txtDate, True).updateUI()
+        UnoDataAware.attachTimeControl(
+            self.agenda, "cp_Time", self.txtTime, True).updateUI()
+        UnoDataAware.attachEditControl(
+            self.agenda, "cp_Location", self.cbLocation, True).updateUI()
+        UnoDataAware.attachCheckBox(
+            self.agenda, "cp_ShowMeetingType", self.chkMeetingTitle, True)
+        UnoDataAware.attachCheckBox(
+            self.agenda, "cp_ShowRead", self.chkRead, True).updateUI()
+        UnoDataAware.attachCheckBox(
+            self.agenda, "cp_ShowBring", self.chkBring, True).updateUI()
+        UnoDataAware.attachCheckBox(
+            self.agenda, "cp_ShowNotes", self.chkNotes, True).updateUI()
+        UnoDataAware.attachCheckBox(
+            self.agenda, "cp_ShowCalledBy", self.chkConvenedBy, True).updateUI()
+        UnoDataAware.attachCheckBox(
+            self.agenda, "cp_ShowFacilitator", self.chkPresiding, True).updateUI()
+        UnoDataAware.attachCheckBox(
+            self.agenda, "cp_ShowNotetaker", self.chkNoteTaker, True).updateUI()
+        UnoDataAware.attachCheckBox(
+            self.agenda, "cp_ShowTimekeeper", self.chkTimekeeper, True).updateUI()
+        UnoDataAware.attachCheckBox(
+            self.agenda, "cp_ShowAttendees", self.chkAttendees, True).updateUI()
+        UnoDataAware.attachCheckBox(
+            self.agenda, "cp_ShowObservers", self.chkObservers, True).updateUI()
+        UnoDataAware.attachCheckBox(
+            self.agenda, "cp_ShowResourcePersons",self.chkResourcePersons, True).updateUI()
+        UnoDataAware.attachEditControl(
+            self.agenda, "cp_TemplateName", self.txtTemplateName, True).updateUI()
+        RadioDataAware.attachRadioButtons(
+            self.agenda, "cp_ProceedMethod",
+                (self.optCreateAgenda, self.optMakeChanges), True).updateUI()
+    '''
+    read the available agenda wizard templates.
+    '''
+    def initializeTemplates(self):
+        try:
+            self.sTemplatePath = FileAccess.getOfficePath2(
+                self.xMSF, "Template", "share", "/wizard")
+            sAgendaPath = FileAccess.combinePaths(
+                self.xMSF, self.sTemplatePath, "/wizard/agenda")
+            self.agendaTemplates = FileAccess.getFolderTitles(
+                self.xMSF, "aw", sAgendaPath)
+            return True
+        except NoValidPathException:
+            traceback.print_exc()
+            return False
+    '''
+    first page, page design listbox changed.
+    '''
+    def pageDesignChanged(self, item):
+        try:
+            self.agendaTemplate.load(
+                self.agendaTemplates[1][item.Selected],
+                self.topicsControl.scrollfields)
+        except Exception:
+            SystemDialog.showMessageBox(
+                self.xMSF, "ErrBox", OK, self.resources.resErrOpenTemplate)
+            traceback.print_exc()
+    '''
+    last page, template title changed...
+    '''
+    def templateTitleChanged(self):
+        title = Helper.getUnoPropertyValue(getModel(txtTemplateName), "Text")
+        self.agendaTemplate.setTemplateTitle(title)
+    '''
+    convenience method.
+    instead of creating a FileAccess object every time
+    it is needed, I have a FileAccess object memeber.
+    the first time it is needed it will be created, and
+    then be reused...
+    @return the FileAccess memeber object.
+    '''
+    def getFileAccess(self):
+        if AgendaWizardDialogImpl.fileAccess1 is None:
+            try:
+                AgendaWizardDialogImpl.fileAccess1 = FileAccess(self.xMSF)
+            except Exception, e:
+                traceback.print_exc()
+        return AgendaWizardDialogImpl.fileAccess1
+    '''
+    last page, "browse" ("...") button was clicked...
+    '''
+    def saveAs(self):
+        try:
+            checkSavePath()
+            saveAs = SystemDialog.createStoreDialog(xMSF)
+            saveAs.addFilterToDialog("ott", "writer8_template", True)
+            # call the saveAs dialog.
+            url = saveAs.callStoreDialog(
+                FileAccess.getParentDir(self.agenda.cp_TemplatePath),
+                FileAccess.getFilename(self.agenda.cp_TemplatePath))
+            if url != None:
+                self.agenda.cp_TemplatePath = url
+                setFilename(url)
+                self.filenameChanged = True
+        except Exception, ex:
+            traceback.print_exc()
+    '''
+    is called when the user
+    changes the path through the "save as" dialog.
+    The path displayed is a translated, user-friendly, platform dependant path.
+    @param url the new save url.
+    '''
+    def setFilename(self, url):
+        try:
+            path = getFileAccess().getPath(url, "")
+            Helper.setUnoPropertyValue(
+                getModel(self.myPathSelection.xSaveTextBox), "Text", path)
+        except Exception, ex:
+            traceback.print_exc()
+    def insertRow(self):
+        self.topicsControl.insertRow()
+    def removeRow(self):
+        self.topicsControl.removeRow()
+    def rowUp(self):
+        self.topicsControl.rowUp()
+    def rowDown(self):
+        self.topicsControl.rowDown()
+    def cancelWizard(self):
+        self.xUnoDialog.endExecute()
+        self.running = False
+    def finishWizard(self):
+        bSaveSuccess = False
+        # pesimistic :(
+        try:
+            fileAccess = FileAccess.FileAccess_unknown(xMSF)
+            self.sPath = self.myPathSelection.getSelectedPath()
+            if self.sPath.equals(""):
+                self.myPathSelection.triggerPathPicker()
+                self.sPath = self.myPathSelection.getSelectedPath()
+            self.sPath = fileAccess.getURL(self.sPath)
+            #first, if the filename was not changed, thus
+            #it is coming from a saved session, check if the
+            # file exists and warn the user.
+            if not self.filenameChanged:
+                if fileAccess.exists(self.sPath, True):
+                    answer = SystemDialog.showMessageBox(
+                        xMSF, xControl.Peer, "MessBox",
+                        VclWindowPeerAttribute.YES_NO + \
+                            VclWindowPeerAttribute.DEF_NO,
+                        resources.resFileExists)
+                    if (answer == 3):
+                    # user said: no, do not overwrite....
+                        return False
+            self.agendaTemplate.xTextDocument.lockControllers()
+            xTextDocument = self.agendaTemplate.document
+            bSaveSuccess = OfficeDocument.store(
+                xMSF, xTextDocument, self.sPath, "writer8_template", False)
+        except Exception, e:
+            SystemDialog.showMessageBox(
+                xMSF, xControl.Peer, "ErrBox", VclWindowPeerAttribute.OK,
+                resources.resErrSaveTemplate)
+        if bSaveSuccess:
+            try:
+                self.topicsControl.saveTopics(self.agenda)
+                root = Configuration.getConfigurationRoot(
+                    xMSF, "/org.openoffice.Office.Writer/Wizards/Agenda", True)
+                self.agenda.writeConfiguration(root, "cp_")
+                Configuration.commit(root)
+                self.agendaTemplate.finish(self.topicsControl.getTopicsData())
+                xStoreable = self.agendaTemplate.document
+                xStoreable.store()
+                self.agendaTemplate.xTextDocument.unlockControllers()
+                loadValues = range(2)
+                loadValues[0] = PropertyValue.PropertyValue()
+                loadValues[0].Name = "AsTemplate"
+                if self.agenda.cp_ProceedMethod == 1:
+                    loadValues[0].Value = Boolean.TRUE
+                else:
+                    loadValues[0].Value = Boolean.FALSE
+                loadValues[1] = PropertyValue.PropertyValue()
+                loadValues[1].Name = "InteractionHandler"
+                xIH = xMSF.createInstance(
+                    "com.sun.star.comp.uui.UUIInteractionHandler")
+                loadValues[1].Value = xIH
+                oDoc = OfficeDocument.load(
+                    Desktop.getDesktop(self.xMSF),
+                    self.sPath, "_default", loadValues)
+                myViewHandler = ViewHandler(self.xMSF, oDoc)
+                myViewHandler.setViewSetting("ZoomType", OPTIMAL)
+            except Exception, ex:
+                traceback.print_exc()
+        else:
+            self.agendaTemplate.xTextDocument.unlockControllers()
+            return False
+        self.xUnoDialog.endExecute()
+        self.running = False
+        return True
+    def closeDocument(self):
+        try:
+            xCloseable = self.agendaTemplate.xFrame
+            xCloseable.close(False)
+        except CloseVetoException, e:
+            traceback.print_exc()
diff --git a/wizards/com/sun/star/wizards/agenda/AgendaWizardDialogResources.py b/wizards/com/sun/star/wizards/agenda/AgendaWizardDialogResources.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c49901a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wizards/com/sun/star/wizards/agenda/AgendaWizardDialogResources.py
@@ -0,0 +1,154 @@
+from common.Resource import Resource
+class AgendaWizardDialogResources(Resource):
+    MODULE_NAME = "dbw"
+    def __init__(self, xmsf):
+        super(AgendaWizardDialogResources,self).__init__(xmsf,
+            AgendaWizardDialogResources.MODULE_NAME)
+        #Delete the String, uncomment the getResText method
+        self.resAgendaWizardDialog_title = self.getResText(
+            AgendaWizardDialogResources.RID_AGENDAWIZARDDIALOG_START + 1)
+        self.resoptMakeChanges_value = self.getResText(
+            AgendaWizardDialogResources.RID_AGENDAWIZARDDIALOG_START + 2)
+        self.reslblTemplateName_value = self.getResText(
+            AgendaWizardDialogResources.RID_AGENDAWIZARDDIALOG_START + 3)
+        self.reslblTemplatePath_value = self.getResText(
+            AgendaWizardDialogResources.RID_AGENDAWIZARDDIALOG_START + 4)
+        self.reslblProceed_value = self.getResText(
+            AgendaWizardDialogResources.RID_AGENDAWIZARDDIALOG_START + 5)
+        self.reslblTitle1_value = self.getResText(
+            AgendaWizardDialogResources.RID_AGENDAWIZARDDIALOG_START + 6)
+        self.reslblTitle3_value = self.getResText(
+            AgendaWizardDialogResources.RID_AGENDAWIZARDDIALOG_START + 7)
+        self.reslblTitle2_value = self.getResText(
+            AgendaWizardDialogResources.RID_AGENDAWIZARDDIALOG_START + 8)
+        self.reslblTitle4_value = self.getResText(
+            AgendaWizardDialogResources.RID_AGENDAWIZARDDIALOG_START + 9)
+        self.reslblTitle5_value = self.getResText(
+            AgendaWizardDialogResources.RID_AGENDAWIZARDDIALOG_START + 10)
+        self.reslblTitle6_value = self.getResText(
+            AgendaWizardDialogResources.RID_AGENDAWIZARDDIALOG_START + 11)
+        self.reschkMinutes_value = self.getResText(
+            AgendaWizardDialogResources.RID_AGENDAWIZARDDIALOG_START + 12)
+        self.reslblHelp1_value = self.getResText(
+            AgendaWizardDialogResources.RID_AGENDAWIZARDDIALOG_START + 13)
+        self.reslblTime_value = self.getResText(
+            AgendaWizardDialogResources.RID_AGENDAWIZARDDIALOG_START + 14)
+        self.reslblTitle_value = self.getResText(
+            AgendaWizardDialogResources.RID_AGENDAWIZARDDIALOG_START + 15)
+        self.reslblLocation_value = self.getResText(
+            AgendaWizardDialogResources.RID_AGENDAWIZARDDIALOG_START + 16)
+        self.reslblHelp2_value = self.getResText(
+            AgendaWizardDialogResources.RID_AGENDAWIZARDDIALOG_START + 17)
+        self.resbtnTemplatePath_value = self.getResText(
+            AgendaWizardDialogResources.RID_AGENDAWIZARDDIALOG_START + 18)
+        self.resoptCreateAgenda_value = self.getResText(
+            AgendaWizardDialogResources.RID_AGENDAWIZARDDIALOG_START + 19)
+        self.reslblHelp6_value = self.getResText(
+            AgendaWizardDialogResources.RID_AGENDAWIZARDDIALOG_START + 20)
+        self.reslblTopic_value = self.getResText(
+            AgendaWizardDialogResources.RID_AGENDAWIZARDDIALOG_START + 21)
+        self.reslblResponsible_value = self.getResText(
+            AgendaWizardDialogResources.RID_AGENDAWIZARDDIALOG_START + 22)
+        self.reslblDuration_value = self.getResText(
+            AgendaWizardDialogResources.RID_AGENDAWIZARDDIALOG_START + 23)
+        self.reschkConvenedBy_value = self.getResText(
+            AgendaWizardDialogResources.RID_AGENDAWIZARDDIALOG_START + 24)
+        self.reschkPresiding_value = self.getResText(
+            AgendaWizardDialogResources.RID_AGENDAWIZARDDIALOG_START + 25)
+        self.reschkNoteTaker_value = self.getResText(
+            AgendaWizardDialogResources.RID_AGENDAWIZARDDIALOG_START + 26)
+        self.reschkTimekeeper_value = self.getResText(
+            AgendaWizardDialogResources.RID_AGENDAWIZARDDIALOG_START + 27)
+        self.reschkAttendees_value = self.getResText(
+            AgendaWizardDialogResources.RID_AGENDAWIZARDDIALOG_START + 28)
+        self.reschkObservers_value = self.getResText(
+            AgendaWizardDialogResources.RID_AGENDAWIZARDDIALOG_START + 29)
+        self.reschkResourcePersons_value = self.getResText(
+            AgendaWizardDialogResources.RID_AGENDAWIZARDDIALOG_START + 30)
+        self.reslblHelp4_value = self.getResText(
+            AgendaWizardDialogResources.RID_AGENDAWIZARDDIALOG_START + 31)
+        self.reschkMeetingTitle_value = self.getResText(
+            AgendaWizardDialogResources.RID_AGENDAWIZARDDIALOG_START + 32)
+        self.reschkRead_value = self.getResText(
+            AgendaWizardDialogResources.RID_AGENDAWIZARDDIALOG_START + 33)
+        self.reschkBring_value = self.getResText(
+            AgendaWizardDialogResources.RID_AGENDAWIZARDDIALOG_START + 34)
+        self.reschkNotes_value = self.getResText(
+            AgendaWizardDialogResources.RID_AGENDAWIZARDDIALOG_START + 35)
+        self.reslblHelp3_value = self.getResText(
+            AgendaWizardDialogResources.RID_AGENDAWIZARDDIALOG_START + 36)
+        self.reslblDate_value = self.getResText(
+            AgendaWizardDialogResources.RID_AGENDAWIZARDDIALOG_START + 38)
+        self.reslblHelpPg6_value = self.getResText(
+            AgendaWizardDialogResources.RID_AGENDAWIZARDDIALOG_START + 39)
+        self.reslblPageDesign_value = self.getResText(
+            AgendaWizardDialogResources.RID_AGENDAWIZARDDIALOG_START + 40)
+        self.resDefaultFilename = self.getResText(
+            AgendaWizardDialogResources.RID_AGENDAWIZARDDIALOG_START + 41)
+        self.resDefaultFilename = self.resDefaultFilename[:-4] + ".ott"
+        self.resDefaultTitle = self.getResText(
+            AgendaWizardDialogResources.RID_AGENDAWIZARDDIALOG_START + 42)
+        self.resErrSaveTemplate = self.getResText(
+            AgendaWizardDialogResources.RID_AGENDAWIZARDDIALOG_START + 43)
+        self.resPlaceHolderTitle = self.getResText(
+            AgendaWizardDialogResources.RID_AGENDAWIZARDDIALOG_START + 44)
+        self.resPlaceHolderDate = self.getResText(
+            AgendaWizardDialogResources.RID_AGENDAWIZARDDIALOG_START + 45)
+        self.resPlaceHolderTime = self.getResText(
+            AgendaWizardDialogResources.RID_AGENDAWIZARDDIALOG_START + 46)
+        self.resPlaceHolderLocation = self.getResText(
+            AgendaWizardDialogResources.RID_AGENDAWIZARDDIALOG_START + 47)
+        self.resPlaceHolderHint = self.getResText(
+            AgendaWizardDialogResources.RID_AGENDAWIZARDDIALOG_START + 48)
+        self.resStep1 = self.getResText(
+            AgendaWizardDialogResources.RID_AGENDAWIZARDDIALOG_START + 50)
+        self.resStep2 = self.getResText(
+            AgendaWizardDialogResources.RID_AGENDAWIZARDDIALOG_START + 51)
+        self.resStep3 = self.getResText(
+            AgendaWizardDialogResources.RID_AGENDAWIZARDDIALOG_START + 52)
+        self.resStep4 = self.getResText(
+            AgendaWizardDialogResources.RID_AGENDAWIZARDDIALOG_START + 53)
+        self.resStep5 = self.getResText(
+            AgendaWizardDialogResources.RID_AGENDAWIZARDDIALOG_START + 54)
+        self.resStep6 = self.getResText(
+            AgendaWizardDialogResources.RID_AGENDAWIZARDDIALOG_START + 55)
+        self.resErrOpenTemplate = self.getResText(
+            AgendaWizardDialogResources.RID_AGENDAWIZARDDIALOG_START + 56)
+        self.itemMeetingType = self.getResText(
+            AgendaWizardDialogResources.RID_AGENDAWIZARDDIALOG_START + 57)
+        self.itemBring = self.getResText(
+            AgendaWizardDialogResources.RID_AGENDAWIZARDDIALOG_START + 58)
+        self.itemRead = self.getResText(
+            AgendaWizardDialogResources.RID_AGENDAWIZARDDIALOG_START + 59)
+        self.itemNote = self.getResText(
+            AgendaWizardDialogResources.RID_AGENDAWIZARDDIALOG_START + 60)
+        self.itemCalledBy = self.getResText(
+            AgendaWizardDialogResources.RID_AGENDAWIZARDDIALOG_START + 61)
+        self.itemFacilitator = self.getResText(
+            AgendaWizardDialogResources.RID_AGENDAWIZARDDIALOG_START + 62)
+        self.itemAttendees = self.getResText(
+            AgendaWizardDialogResources.RID_AGENDAWIZARDDIALOG_START + 63)
+        self.itemNotetaker = self.getResText(
+            AgendaWizardDialogResources.RID_AGENDAWIZARDDIALOG_START + 64)
+        self.itemTimekeeper = self.getResText(
+            AgendaWizardDialogResources.RID_AGENDAWIZARDDIALOG_START + 65)
+        self.itemObservers = self.getResText(
+            AgendaWizardDialogResources.RID_AGENDAWIZARDDIALOG_START + 66)
+        self.itemResource = self.getResText(
+            AgendaWizardDialogResources.RID_AGENDAWIZARDDIALOG_START + 67)
+        self.resButtonInsert = self.getResText(
+            AgendaWizardDialogResources.RID_AGENDAWIZARDDIALOG_START + 68)
+        self.resButtonRemove = self.getResText(
+            AgendaWizardDialogResources.RID_AGENDAWIZARDDIALOG_START + 69)
+        self.resButtonUp = self.getResText(
+            AgendaWizardDialogResources.RID_AGENDAWIZARDDIALOG_START + 70)
+        self.resButtonDown = self.getResText(
+            AgendaWizardDialogResources.RID_AGENDAWIZARDDIALOG_START + 71)
+        self.resFileExists = self.getResText(
+            AgendaWizardDialogResources.RID_COMMON_START + 19)
diff --git a/wizards/com/sun/star/wizards/agenda/CGAgenda.py b/wizards/com/sun/star/wizards/agenda/CGAgenda.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2e699d9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wizards/com/sun/star/wizards/agenda/CGAgenda.py
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+from common.ConfigGroup import *
+from common.ConfigSet import ConfigSet
+from CGTopic import CGTopic
+class CGAgenda(ConfigGroup):
+    cp_AgendaType = int()
+    cp_IncludeMinutes = bool()
+    cp_Title = ""
+    cp_Date = str()
+    cp_Time = str()
+    cp_Location = ""
+    cp_ShowMeetingType = bool()
+    cp_ShowRead = bool()
+    cp_ShowBring = bool()
+    cp_ShowNotes = bool()
+    cp_ShowCalledBy = bool()
+    cp_ShowFacilitator = bool()
+    cp_ShowNotetaker = bool()
+    cp_ShowTimekeeper = bool()
+    cp_ShowAttendees = bool()
+    cp_ShowObservers = bool()
+    cp_ShowResourcePersons = bool()
+    cp_TemplateName = str()
+    cp_TemplatePath = str()
+    cp_ProceedMethod = int()
+    cp_Topics = ConfigSet(CGTopic())
diff --git a/wizards/com/sun/star/wizards/agenda/CGTopic.py b/wizards/com/sun/star/wizards/agenda/CGTopic.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ae6fb51
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wizards/com/sun/star/wizards/agenda/CGTopic.py
@@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
+from common.ConfigGroup import *
+CGTopic means: Configuration Group Topic.
+This object encapsulates a configuration group with topic information.
+Since the topics gui conftrol uses its own data model, there is
+also code here to convert from the data model to CGTopic object (the constructor)
+and vice versa (setDataToRow method - used when loading the last session...)
+class CGTopic(ConfigGroup):
+    cp_Index = int()
+    cp_Topic = str()
+    cp_Responsible = str()
+    cp_Time = str()
+    '''
+    create a new CGTopic object with data from the given row.
+    the row object is a PropertyValue array, as used
+    by the TopicsControl's data model.
+    @param row PropertyValue array as used by the TopicsControl data model.
+    '''
+    def __init__(self, row=None):
+        if row is None:
+            return
+        num = row[0].Value
+        CGTopic.cp_Index = int(row[0].Value[:-1])
+        CGTopic.cp_Topic = row[1].Value
+        CGTopic.cp_Responsible = row[2].Value
+        CGTopic.cp_Time = row[3].Value
+    '''
+    copies the data in this CGTopic object
+    to the given row.
+    @param row the row object (PropertyValue array) to
+    copy the data to.
+    '''
+    def setDataToRow(self, row):
+        row[0].Value = "" + str(CGTopic.cp_Index) + "."
+        row[1].Value = CGTopic.cp_Topic
+        row[2].Value = CGTopic.cp_Responsible
+        row[3].Value = CGTopic.cp_Time
diff --git a/wizards/com/sun/star/wizards/agenda/TemplateConsts.py b/wizards/com/sun/star/wizards/agenda/TemplateConsts.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..364d3d8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wizards/com/sun/star/wizards/agenda/TemplateConsts.py
@@ -0,0 +1,110 @@
+FILLIN_TITLE = "<title>"
+FILLIN_DATE = "<date>"
+FILLIN_TIME = "<time>"
+FILLIN_LOCATION = "<location>"
+section name <b>prefix</b> for sections that contain items.
+this is also used as table name prefix, since each items section
+must contain a table whos name is identical name to the section's name.
+the name of the section which contains the topics.
+the name of the parent minutes section.
+the name of the child nimutes section.
+This section will be duplicated for each topic.
+taged headings and names.
+These will be searched in item tables (in the template) and will be
+replaced with resource strings.
+FILLIN_MEETING_TYPE = "<meeting-type>"
+FILLIN_BRING = "<bring>"
+FILLIN_READ = "<read>"
+FILLIN_NOTES = "<notes>"
+FILLIN_CALLED_BY = "<called-by>"
+FILLIN_FACILITATOR = "<facilitator>"
+FILLIN_PARTICIPANTS = "<attendees>"
+FILLIN_NOTETAKER = "<notetaker>"
+FILLIN_TIMEKEEPER = "<timekeeper>"
+FILLIN_OBSERVERS = "<observers>"
+FILLIN_RESOURCE_PERSONS = "<resource-persons>"
+Styles (paragraph styles) used for agenda items.
+headings styles
+STYLE_BRING = "Bring"
+STYLE_READ = "Read"
+STYLE_NOTES = "Notes"
+names styles
+STYLE_FACILITATOR = "Facilitator"
+STYLE_NOTETAKER = "Notetaker"
+STYLE_TIMEKEEPER = "Timekeeper"
+STYLE_OBSERVERS = "Observers"
+Styles (paragraph styles) used for the <b>text</b> of agenda items
+The agenda wizard creates fill-in fields with the given styles...)
+headings fields styles
+names field styles
+Fillins for the topic table.
+These strings will be searched inside the topic table as
+part of detecting its structure.
+FILLIN_TOPIC_TIME = "<topic-time>"
+fillins for minutes.
+These will be searched in the minutes section and will be replaced
+with the appropriate data.
+FILLIN_MINUTES_TITLE = "<minutes-title>"
+FILLIN_MINUTES_LOCATION = "<minutes-location>"
+FILLIN_MINUTES_DATE = "<minutes-date>"
+FILLIN_MINUTES_TIME = "<minutes-time>"
+Minutes-topic fillins
+These will be searched in the minutes-child-section, and
+will be replaced with topic data.

... etc. - the rest is truncated

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