[Libreoffice-commits] .: filter/source

Joseph Powers jpowers at kemper.freedesktop.org
Fri Jun 10 22:00:42 PDT 2011

 filter/source/graphicfilter/icgm/elements.hxx |  194 +++++++++++++-------------
 1 file changed, 97 insertions(+), 97 deletions(-)

New commits:
commit bfb3b3ec98b75a48b5b62f91124cb18db0758111
Author: Joseph Powers <jpowers27 at cox.net>
Date:   Fri Jun 10 22:00:32 2011 -0700

    White space cleanup.
    My editor isn't doing tab expansion... not sure why. so I'm cleaning the
    tabs out first so my changes aren't hidden.

diff --git a/filter/source/graphicfilter/icgm/elements.hxx b/filter/source/graphicfilter/icgm/elements.hxx
index 92b39d1..4ff4100 100644
--- a/filter/source/graphicfilter/icgm/elements.hxx
+++ b/filter/source/graphicfilter/icgm/elements.hxx
@@ -31,115 +31,115 @@
 #include "main.hxx"
 #include <tools/table.hxx>
-#define nBackGroundColor	aColorTable[ 0 ]
+#define nBackGroundColor    aColorTable[ 0 ]
 class CGMElements
-        void				ImplInsertHatch( sal_Int32 Key, int Style, long Distance, long Angle );
+        void                ImplInsertHatch( sal_Int32 Key, int Style, long Distance, long Angle );
-        CGM*				mpCGM;
-        long				nMetaFileVersion;
-        sal_uInt32				nIntegerPrecision;	// maybe 1, 2, 4 Bytes
-        sal_uInt32				nIndexPrecision;	//   "		"	    "
-        RealPrecision		eRealPrecision;
-        sal_uInt32				nRealSize;			// maybe 4 or 8 bytes
-        sal_uInt32				nColorPrecision;	//	 "	    "       "
-        sal_uInt32				nColorIndexPrecision;//	 "      "       "
-        ScalingMode			eScalingMode;
-        double				nScalingFactor;
-        VDCType				eVDCType;			// Integer / Real
-        sal_uInt32				nVDCIntegerPrecision;
-        RealPrecision		eVDCRealPrecision;
-        sal_uInt32				nVDCRealSize;
-        FloatRect			aVDCExtent;
-        FloatRect			aVDCExtentMaximum;
-        DeviceViewPortMode	eDeviceViewPortMode;
-        double				nDeviceViewPortScale;
-        DeviceViewPortMap	eDeviceViewPortMap;
-        DeviceViewPortMapH	eDeviceViewPortMapH;
-        DeviceViewPortMapV	eDeviceViewPortMapV;
-        FloatRect			aDeviceViewPort;
-        double				nMitreLimit;
-        ClipIndicator		eClipIndicator;
-        FloatRect			aClipRect;
-        ColorSelectionMode	eColorSelectionMode;
-        ColorModel			eColorModel;
-        sal_uInt32				nColorMaximumIndex;				// default 63
-        sal_uInt32				nLatestColorMaximumIndex;		// default 63
-        sal_Int8				aColorTableEntryIs[ 256 ];
-        sal_uInt32				aColorTable[ 256 ];
-        sal_uInt32				aLatestColorTable[ 256 ];
-        sal_uInt32				nColorValueExtent[ 8 ];	// RGB, CMYK
+        CGM*                mpCGM;
+        long                nMetaFileVersion;
+        sal_uInt32          nIntegerPrecision;  // maybe 1, 2, 4 Bytes
+        sal_uInt32          nIndexPrecision;    //   "      "       "
+        RealPrecision       eRealPrecision;
+        sal_uInt32          nRealSize;          // maybe 4 or 8 bytes
+        sal_uInt32          nColorPrecision;    //   "      "       "
+        sal_uInt32          nColorIndexPrecision;//  "      "       "
+        ScalingMode         eScalingMode;
+        double              nScalingFactor;
+        VDCType             eVDCType;           // Integer / Real
+        sal_uInt32          nVDCIntegerPrecision;
+        RealPrecision       eVDCRealPrecision;
+        sal_uInt32          nVDCRealSize;
+        FloatRect           aVDCExtent;
+        FloatRect           aVDCExtentMaximum;
+        DeviceViewPortMode  eDeviceViewPortMode;
+        double              nDeviceViewPortScale;
+        DeviceViewPortMap   eDeviceViewPortMap;
+        DeviceViewPortMapH  eDeviceViewPortMapH;
+        DeviceViewPortMapV  eDeviceViewPortMapV;
+        FloatRect           aDeviceViewPort;
+        double              nMitreLimit;
+        ClipIndicator       eClipIndicator;
+        FloatRect           aClipRect;
+        ColorSelectionMode  eColorSelectionMode;
+        ColorModel          eColorModel;
+        sal_uInt32          nColorMaximumIndex;             // default 63
+        sal_uInt32          nLatestColorMaximumIndex;       // default 63
+        sal_Int8            aColorTableEntryIs[ 256 ];
+        sal_uInt32          aColorTable[ 256 ];
+        sal_uInt32          aLatestColorTable[ 256 ];
+        sal_uInt32          nColorValueExtent[ 8 ]; // RGB, CMYK
-        sal_uInt32				nAspectSourceFlags;	// bit = 0 -> INDIVIDUAL
+        sal_uInt32          nAspectSourceFlags; // bit = 0 -> INDIVIDUAL
                                                 //       1 -> BUNDLED
-        LineBundle*			pLineBundle;		// Pointer to the current LineBundleIndex
-        LineBundle			aLineBundle;
-        List				aLineList;
-        SpecMode			eLineWidthSpecMode;
-        LineCapType			eLineCapType;
-        LineJoinType		eLineJoinType;
-        MarkerBundle*		pMarkerBundle;		// Pointer to the current MarkerBundleIndex
-        MarkerBundle		aMarkerBundle;
-        List				aMarkerList;
-        SpecMode			eMarkerSizeSpecMode;
-        EdgeBundle*			pEdgeBundle;		// Pointer to the current EdgeBundleIndex
-        EdgeBundle			aEdgeBundle;
-        List				aEdgeList;
-        EdgeVisibility		eEdgeVisibility;
-        SpecMode			eEdgeWidthSpecMode;
-        TextBundle*			pTextBundle;		// Pointer to the current TextBundleIndex
-        TextBundle			aTextBundle;
-        List				aTextList;
-        double				nCharacterHeight;
-        double				nCharacterOrientation[ 4 ];
-        UnderlineMode		eUnderlineMode;
-        sal_uInt32				nUnderlineColor;
-        TextPath			eTextPath;
-        TextAlignmentH		eTextAlignmentH;
-        TextAlignmentV		eTextAlignmentV;
-        double				nTextAlignmentHCont;
-        double				nTextAlignmentVCont;
-        long				nCharacterSetIndex;
-        long				nAlternateCharacterSetIndex;
-        CharacterCodingA	eCharacterCodingA;
-        CGMFList			aFontList;
-        FillBundle*			pFillBundle;		// Pointer to the current EdgeBundleIndex
-        FillBundle			aFillBundle;
-        List				aFillList;
-        FloatPoint			aFillRefPoint;
-        Table				aHatchTable;
-        Transparency		eTransparency;
-        sal_uInt32				nAuxiliaryColor;
+        LineBundle*         pLineBundle;        // Pointer to the current LineBundleIndex
+        LineBundle          aLineBundle;
+        List                aLineList;
+        SpecMode            eLineWidthSpecMode;
+        LineCapType         eLineCapType;
+        LineJoinType        eLineJoinType;
+        MarkerBundle*       pMarkerBundle;      // Pointer to the current MarkerBundleIndex
+        MarkerBundle        aMarkerBundle;
+        List                aMarkerList;
+        SpecMode            eMarkerSizeSpecMode;
+        EdgeBundle*         pEdgeBundle;        // Pointer to the current EdgeBundleIndex
+        EdgeBundle          aEdgeBundle;
+        List                aEdgeList;
+        EdgeVisibility      eEdgeVisibility;
+        SpecMode            eEdgeWidthSpecMode;
+        TextBundle*         pTextBundle;        // Pointer to the current TextBundleIndex
+        TextBundle          aTextBundle;
+        List                aTextList;
+        double              nCharacterHeight;
+        double              nCharacterOrientation[ 4 ];
+        UnderlineMode       eUnderlineMode;
+        sal_uInt32          nUnderlineColor;
+        TextPath            eTextPath;
+        TextAlignmentH      eTextAlignmentH;
+        TextAlignmentV      eTextAlignmentV;
+        double              nTextAlignmentHCont;
+        double              nTextAlignmentVCont;
+        long                nCharacterSetIndex;
+        long                nAlternateCharacterSetIndex;
+        CharacterCodingA    eCharacterCodingA;
+        CGMFList            aFontList;
+        FillBundle*         pFillBundle;        // Pointer to the current EdgeBundleIndex
+        FillBundle          aFillBundle;
+        List                aFillList;
+        FloatPoint          aFillRefPoint;
+        Table               aHatchTable;
+        Transparency        eTransparency;
+        sal_uInt32          nAuxiliaryColor;
         // Delimiter Counts -> which will be increased by each 'begin' operation
-        //					   and decreased by each 'end' operation
-        sal_Bool				bSegmentCount;
+        //                     and decreased by each 'end' operation
+        sal_Bool            bSegmentCount;
                             CGMElements( CGM& rCGM );
-        CGMElements&		operator=( CGMElements& );
-        void				Init();
-        void				DeleteTable( Table& );
-        Bundle*				GetBundleIndex( sal_uInt32 nIndex, List&, Bundle& );
-        Bundle*				GetBundle( List& rList, long nIndex );
-        Bundle*				InsertBundle( List&, Bundle& );
-        void				DeleteAllBundles( List& );
-        void				CopyAllBundles( List& Source, List& Dest );
+        CGMElements&        operator=( CGMElements& );
+        void                Init();
+        void                DeleteTable( Table& );
+        Bundle*             GetBundleIndex( sal_uInt32 nIndex, List&, Bundle& );
+        Bundle*             GetBundle( List& rList, long nIndex );
+        Bundle*             InsertBundle( List&, Bundle& );
+        void                DeleteAllBundles( List& );
+        void                CopyAllBundles( List& Source, List& Dest );

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