[Libreoffice-commits] .: filter/inc

Joseph Powers jpowers at kemper.freedesktop.org
Thu Jun 16 06:31:29 PDT 2011

 filter/inc/filter/msfilter/escherex.hxx | 1295 +++++++++++++++++---------------
 1 file changed, 688 insertions(+), 607 deletions(-)

New commits:
commit 26b70f99912d9a8f71361524d7692a20c5d37258
Author: Joseph Powers <jpowers27 at cox.net>
Date:   Thu Jun 16 06:31:24 2011 -0700

    Remove unused enum entry (ESCHER_BlipFlagDontSave)
    Actually this was mostly a whitespace cleanup.

diff --git a/filter/inc/filter/msfilter/escherex.hxx b/filter/inc/filter/msfilter/escherex.hxx
index fb048be..c1accfc 100644
--- a/filter/inc/filter/msfilter/escherex.hxx
+++ b/filter/inc/filter/msfilter/escherex.hxx
@@ -50,282 +50,281 @@
         /*Record Name       FBT-Value   Instance                  Contents                                                          Wrd Exl PPt Ver*/
 // In der Mickysoft-Doku heissen die msofbt... statt ESCHER_...
-#define ESCHER_DggContainer      0xF000 /*                           per-document data                                                  X   X   X     */
-#define   ESCHER_Dgg             0xF006 /*                           an FDGG and several FIDCLs                                         X   X   X   0 */
-#define   ESCHER_CLSID           0xF016 /*                           the CLSID of the application that put the data on the clipboard    C   C   C   0 */
-#define   ESCHER_OPT             0xF00B /* count of properties       the document-wide default shape properties                         X   X   X   3 */
-#define   ESCHER_ColorMRU        0xF11A /* count of colors           the colors in the MRU swatch                                       X   X   X   0 */
-#define   ESCHER_SplitMenuColors 0xF11E /* count of colors           the colors in the top-level split menus                            X   X   X   0 */
-#define   ESCHER_BstoreContainer 0xF001 /* count of BLIPs            all images in the document (JPEGs, metafiles, etc.)                X   X   X     */
-#define     ESCHER_BSE           0xF007 /* BLIP type                 an FBSE (one per BLIP)                                             X   X   X   2 */
-#define     ESCHER_BlipFirst     0xF018 /*                           range of fbts reserved for various kinds of BLIPs                  X   X   X     */
-#define     ESCHER_BlipLast      0xF117 /*                           range of fbts reserved for various kinds of BLIPs                  X   X   X     */
-#define ESCHER_DgContainer       0xF002 /*                           per-sheet/page/slide data                                          X   X   X     */
-#define   ESCHER_Dg              0xF008 /* drawing ID                an FDG                                                             X   X   X   0 */
-#define   ESCHER_RegroupItems    0xF118 /* count of regroup entries  several FRITs                                                      X   X   X   0 */
-#define   ESCHER_ColorScheme     0xF120 /* count of colors           the colors of the source host's color scheme                           C   C   0 */
-#define   ESCHER_SpgrContainer   0xF003 /*                           several SpContainers, the first of which is the group shape itself X   X   X     */
-#define   ESCHER_SpContainer     0xF004 /*                           a shape                                                            X   X   X     */
-#define     ESCHER_Spgr          0xF009 /*                           an FSPGR; only present if the shape is a group shape               X   X   X   1 */
-#define     ESCHER_Sp            0xF00A /* shape type                an FSP                                                             X   X   X   2 */
+#define ESCHER_DggContainer     0xF000  /*                           per-document data                                                  X   X   X     */
+#define ESCHER_Dgg              0xF006  /*                           an FDGG and several FIDCLs                                         X   X   X   0 */
+#define ESCHER_CLSID            0xF016  /*                           the CLSID of the application that put the data on the clipboard    C   C   C   0 */
+#define ESCHER_OPT              0xF00B  /* count of properties       the document-wide default shape properties                         X   X   X   3 */
+#define ESCHER_ColorMRU         0xF11A  /* count of colors           the colors in the MRU swatch                                       X   X   X   0 */
+#define ESCHER_SplitMenuColors  0xF11E  /* count of colors           the colors in the top-level split menus                            X   X   X   0 */
+#define ESCHER_BstoreContainer  0xF001  /* count of BLIPs            all images in the document (JPEGs, metafiles, etc.)                X   X   X     */
+#define ESCHER_BSE              0xF007  /* BLIP type                 an FBSE (one per BLIP)                                             X   X   X   2 */
+#define ESCHER_BlipFirst        0xF018  /*                           range of fbts reserved for various kinds of BLIPs                  X   X   X     */
+#define ESCHER_BlipLast         0xF117  /*                           range of fbts reserved for various kinds of BLIPs                  X   X   X     */
+#define ESCHER_DgContainer      0xF002  /*                           per-sheet/page/slide data                                          X   X   X     */
+#define ESCHER_Dg               0xF008  /* drawing ID                an FDG                                                             X   X   X   0 */
+#define ESCHER_RegroupItems     0xF118  /* count of regroup entries  several FRITs                                                      X   X   X   0 */
+#define ESCHER_ColorScheme      0xF120  /* count of colors           the colors of the source host's color scheme                           C   C   0 */
+#define ESCHER_SpgrContainer    0xF003  /*                           several SpContainers, the first of which is the group shape itself X   X   X     */
+#define ESCHER_SpContainer      0xF004  /*                           a shape                                                            X   X   X     */
+#define ESCHER_Spgr             0xF009  /*                           an FSPGR; only present if the shape is a group shape               X   X   X   1 */
+#define ESCHER_Sp               0xF00A  /* shape type                an FSP                                                             X   X   X   2 */
 //#define     ESCHER_OPT           0xF00B /* count of properties       a shape property table                                             X   X   X   3 */
-#define     ESCHER_Textbox       0xF00C /*                           RTF text                                                           C   C   C   0 */
-#define     ESCHER_ClientTextbox 0xF00D /* host-defined              the text in the textbox, in host-defined format                    X   X   X     */
-#define     ESCHER_Anchor        0xF00E /*                           a RECT, in 100000ths of an inch                                    C   C   C   0 */
-#define     ESCHER_ChildAnchor   0xF00F /*                           a RECT, in units relative to the parent group                      X   X   X   0 */
-#define     ESCHER_ClientAnchor  0xF010 /* host-defined              the location of the shape, in a host-defined format                X   X   X     */
-#define     ESCHER_ClientData    0xF011 /* host-defined              host-specific data                                                 X   X   X     */
-#define     ESCHER_OleObject     0xF11F /*                           a serialized IStorage for an OLE object                            C   C   C   0 */
-#define     ESCHER_DeletedPspl   0xF11D /*                           an FPSPL; only present in top-level deleted shapes                 X           0 */
-#define   ESCHER_SolverContainer 0xF005 /* count of rules            the rules governing shapes                                         X   X   X     */
-#define     ESCHER_ConnectorRule 0xF012 /*                           an FConnectorRule                                                      X   X   1 */
-#define     ESCHER_AlignRule     0xF013 /*                           an FAlignRule                                                      X   X   X   0 */
-#define     ESCHER_ArcRule       0xF014 /*                           an FARCRU                                                          X   X   X   0 */
-#define     ESCHER_ClientRule    0xF015 /* host-defined              host-defined                                                                     */
-#define     ESCHER_CalloutRule   0xF017 /*                           an FCORU                                                           X   X   X   0 */
-#define ESCHER_Selection         0xF119 /*                           an FDGSL followed by the SPIDs of the shapes in the selection              X   0 */
-#define ESCHER_UDefProp			 0xF122
-#define SHAPEFLAG_GROUP			0x001	// This shape is a group shape
-#define SHAPEFLAG_CHILD			0x002	// Not a top-level shape
-#define SHAPEFLAG_PATRIARCH		0x004	// This is the topmost group shape. Exactly one of these per drawing.
-#define SHAPEFLAG_DELETED		0x008	// The shape has been deleted
-#define SHAPEFLAG_OLESHAPE		0x010	// The shape is an OLE object
-#define SHAPEFLAG_HAVEMASTER	0x020	// Shape has a hspMaster property
-#define SHAPEFLAG_FLIPH			0x040	// Shape is flipped horizontally
-#define SHAPEFLAG_FLIPV			0x080	// Shape is flipped vertically
-#define SHAPEFLAG_CONNECTOR		0x100	// Connector type of shape
-#define SHAPEFLAG_HAVEANCHOR	0x200	// Shape has an anchor of some kind
-#define SHAPEFLAG_BACKGROUND	0x400	// Background shape
-#define SHAPEFLAG_HAVESPT		0x800	// Shape has a shape type property
-#define ESCHER_ShpInst_Min				0
-#define ESCHER_ShpInst_NotPrimitive		ESCHER_ShpInst_Min
-#define ESCHER_ShpInst_Rectangle		1
-#define ESCHER_ShpInst_RoundRectangle	2
-#define ESCHER_ShpInst_Ellipse			3
-#define ESCHER_ShpInst_Diamond			4
-#define ESCHER_ShpInst_IsocelesTriangle	5
-#define ESCHER_ShpInst_RightTriangle	6
-#define ESCHER_ShpInst_Parallelogram	7
-#define ESCHER_ShpInst_Trapezoid		8
-#define ESCHER_ShpInst_Hexagon			9
-#define ESCHER_ShpInst_Octagon			10
-#define ESCHER_ShpInst_Plus				11
-#define ESCHER_ShpInst_Star				12
-#define ESCHER_ShpInst_Arrow			13
-#define ESCHER_ShpInst_ThickArrow		14
-#define ESCHER_ShpInst_HomePlate		15
-#define ESCHER_ShpInst_Cube				16
-#define ESCHER_ShpInst_Balloon			17
-#define ESCHER_ShpInst_Seal				18
-#define ESCHER_ShpInst_Arc				19
-#define ESCHER_ShpInst_Line				20
-#define ESCHER_ShpInst_Plaque			21
-#define ESCHER_ShpInst_Can				22
-#define ESCHER_ShpInst_Donut			23
-#define ESCHER_ShpInst_TextSimple		24
-#define ESCHER_ShpInst_TextOctagon		25
-#define ESCHER_ShpInst_TextHexagon		26
-#define ESCHER_ShpInst_TextCurve		27
-#define ESCHER_ShpInst_TextWave			28
-#define ESCHER_ShpInst_TextRing			29
-#define ESCHER_ShpInst_TextOnCurve		30
-#define ESCHER_ShpInst_TextOnRing		31
-#define ESCHER_ShpInst_StraightConnector1 32
-#define ESCHER_ShpInst_BentConnector2	33
-#define ESCHER_ShpInst_BentConnector3	34
-#define ESCHER_ShpInst_BentConnector4	35
-#define ESCHER_ShpInst_BentConnector5	36
-#define ESCHER_ShpInst_CurvedConnector2	37
-#define ESCHER_ShpInst_CurvedConnector3	38
-#define ESCHER_ShpInst_CurvedConnector4	39
-#define ESCHER_ShpInst_CurvedConnector5	40
-#define ESCHER_ShpInst_Callout1			41
-#define ESCHER_ShpInst_Callout2			42
-#define ESCHER_ShpInst_Callout3			43
-#define ESCHER_ShpInst_AccentCallout1	44
-#define ESCHER_ShpInst_AccentCallout2	45
-#define ESCHER_ShpInst_AccentCallout3	46
-#define ESCHER_ShpInst_BorderCallout1	47
-#define ESCHER_ShpInst_BorderCallout2	48
-#define ESCHER_ShpInst_BorderCallout3	49
-#define ESCHER_ShpInst_AccentBorderCallout1	50
-#define ESCHER_ShpInst_AccentBorderCallout2	51
-#define ESCHER_ShpInst_AccentBorderCallout3	52
-#define ESCHER_ShpInst_Ribbon			53
-#define ESCHER_ShpInst_Ribbon2			54
-#define ESCHER_ShpInst_Chevron			55
-#define ESCHER_ShpInst_Pentagon			56
-#define ESCHER_ShpInst_NoSmoking		57
-#define ESCHER_ShpInst_Seal8			58
-#define ESCHER_ShpInst_Seal16			59
-#define ESCHER_ShpInst_Seal32			60
-#define ESCHER_ShpInst_WedgeRectCallout	61
-#define ESCHER_ShpInst_WedgeRRectCallout	62
-#define ESCHER_ShpInst_WedgeEllipseCallout	63
-#define ESCHER_ShpInst_Wave				64
-#define ESCHER_ShpInst_FoldedCorner		65
-#define ESCHER_ShpInst_LeftArrow		66
-#define ESCHER_ShpInst_DownArrow		67
-#define ESCHER_ShpInst_UpArrow			68
-#define ESCHER_ShpInst_LeftRightArrow	69
-#define ESCHER_ShpInst_UpDownArrow		70
-#define ESCHER_ShpInst_IrregularSeal1	71
-#define ESCHER_ShpInst_IrregularSeal2	72
-#define ESCHER_ShpInst_LightningBolt	73
-#define ESCHER_ShpInst_Heart			74
-#define ESCHER_ShpInst_PictureFrame		75
-#define ESCHER_ShpInst_QuadArrow		76
-#define ESCHER_ShpInst_LeftArrowCallout	77
-#define ESCHER_ShpInst_RightArrowCallout	78
-#define ESCHER_ShpInst_UpArrowCallout	79
-#define ESCHER_ShpInst_DownArrowCallout	80
-#define ESCHER_ShpInst_LeftRightArrowCallout	81
-#define ESCHER_ShpInst_UpDownArrowCallout	82
-#define ESCHER_ShpInst_QuadArrowCallout	83
-#define ESCHER_ShpInst_Bevel			84
-#define ESCHER_ShpInst_LeftBracket		85
-#define ESCHER_ShpInst_RightBracket		86
-#define ESCHER_ShpInst_LeftBrace		87
-#define ESCHER_ShpInst_RightBrace		88
-#define ESCHER_ShpInst_LeftUpArrow		89
-#define ESCHER_ShpInst_BentUpArrow		90
-#define ESCHER_ShpInst_BentArrow		91
-#define ESCHER_ShpInst_Seal24			92
-#define ESCHER_ShpInst_StripedRightArrow	93
-#define ESCHER_ShpInst_NotchedRightArrow	94
-#define ESCHER_ShpInst_BlockArc			95
-#define ESCHER_ShpInst_SmileyFace		96
-#define ESCHER_ShpInst_VerticalScroll	97
-#define ESCHER_ShpInst_HorizontalScroll	98
-#define ESCHER_ShpInst_CircularArrow	99
-#define ESCHER_ShpInst_NotchedCircularArrow	100
-#define ESCHER_ShpInst_UturnArrow		101
-#define ESCHER_ShpInst_CurvedRightArrow	102
-#define ESCHER_ShpInst_CurvedLeftArrow	103
-#define ESCHER_ShpInst_CurvedUpArrow	104
-#define ESCHER_ShpInst_CurvedDownArrow	105
-#define ESCHER_ShpInst_CloudCallout		106
-#define ESCHER_ShpInst_EllipseRibbon	107
-#define ESCHER_ShpInst_EllipseRibbon2	108
-#define ESCHER_ShpInst_FlowChartProcess	109
-#define ESCHER_ShpInst_FlowChartDecision	110
-#define ESCHER_ShpInst_FlowChartInputOutput	111
-#define ESCHER_ShpInst_FlowChartPredefinedProcess	112
-#define ESCHER_ShpInst_FlowChartInternalStorage	113
-#define ESCHER_ShpInst_FlowChartDocument	114
-#define ESCHER_ShpInst_FlowChartMultidocument	115
-#define ESCHER_ShpInst_FlowChartTerminator	116
-#define ESCHER_ShpInst_FlowChartPreparation	117
-#define ESCHER_ShpInst_FlowChartManualInput	118
-#define ESCHER_ShpInst_FlowChartManualOperation	119
-#define ESCHER_ShpInst_FlowChartConnector	120
-#define ESCHER_ShpInst_FlowChartPunchedCard	121
-#define ESCHER_ShpInst_FlowChartPunchedTape	122
-#define ESCHER_ShpInst_FlowChartSummingJunction	123
-#define ESCHER_ShpInst_FlowChartOr		124
-#define ESCHER_ShpInst_FlowChartCollate	125
-#define ESCHER_ShpInst_FlowChartSort	126
-#define ESCHER_ShpInst_FlowChartExtract	127
-#define ESCHER_ShpInst_FlowChartMerge	128
-#define ESCHER_ShpInst_FlowChartOfflineStorage	129
-#define ESCHER_ShpInst_FlowChartOnlineStorage	130
-#define ESCHER_ShpInst_FlowChartMagneticTape	131
-#define ESCHER_ShpInst_FlowChartMagneticDisk	132
-#define ESCHER_ShpInst_FlowChartMagneticDrum	133
-#define ESCHER_ShpInst_FlowChartDisplay	134
-#define ESCHER_ShpInst_FlowChartDelay	135
-#define ESCHER_ShpInst_TextPlainText	136
-#define ESCHER_ShpInst_TextStop			137
-#define ESCHER_ShpInst_TextTriangle		138
-#define ESCHER_ShpInst_TextTriangleInverted	139
-#define ESCHER_ShpInst_TextChevron		140
-#define ESCHER_ShpInst_TextChevronInverted	141
-#define ESCHER_ShpInst_TextRingInside	142
-#define ESCHER_ShpInst_TextRingOutside	143
-#define ESCHER_ShpInst_TextArchUpCurve	144
-#define ESCHER_ShpInst_TextArchDownCurve	145
-#define ESCHER_ShpInst_TextCircleCurve	146
-#define ESCHER_ShpInst_TextButtonCurve	147
-#define ESCHER_ShpInst_TextArchUpPour	148
-#define ESCHER_ShpInst_TextArchDownPour	149
-#define ESCHER_ShpInst_TextCirclePour	150
-#define ESCHER_ShpInst_TextButtonPour	151
-#define ESCHER_ShpInst_TextCurveUp		152
-#define ESCHER_ShpInst_TextCurveDown	153
-#define ESCHER_ShpInst_TextCascadeUp	154
-#define ESCHER_ShpInst_TextCascadeDown	155
-#define ESCHER_ShpInst_TextWave1		156
-#define ESCHER_ShpInst_TextWave2		157
-#define ESCHER_ShpInst_TextWave3		158
-#define ESCHER_ShpInst_TextWave4		159
-#define ESCHER_ShpInst_TextInflate		160
-#define ESCHER_ShpInst_TextDeflate		161
-#define ESCHER_ShpInst_TextInflateBottom	162
-#define ESCHER_ShpInst_TextDeflateBottom	163
-#define ESCHER_ShpInst_TextInflateTop		164
-#define ESCHER_ShpInst_TextDeflateTop		165
-#define ESCHER_ShpInst_TextDeflateInflate	166
-#define ESCHER_ShpInst_TextDeflateInflateDeflate	167
-#define ESCHER_ShpInst_TextFadeRight	168
-#define ESCHER_ShpInst_TextFadeLeft		169
-#define ESCHER_ShpInst_TextFadeUp		170
-#define ESCHER_ShpInst_TextFadeDown		171
-#define ESCHER_ShpInst_TextSlantUp		172
-#define ESCHER_ShpInst_TextSlantDown	173
-#define ESCHER_ShpInst_TextCanUp		174
-#define ESCHER_ShpInst_TextCanDown		175
-#define ESCHER_ShpInst_FlowChartAlternateProcess	176
-#define ESCHER_ShpInst_FlowChartOffpageConnector	177
-#define ESCHER_ShpInst_Callout90		178
-#define ESCHER_ShpInst_AccentCallout90	179
-#define ESCHER_ShpInst_BorderCallout90	180
-#define ESCHER_ShpInst_AccentBorderCallout90	181
-#define ESCHER_ShpInst_LeftRightUpArrow	182
-#define ESCHER_ShpInst_Sun				183
-#define ESCHER_ShpInst_Moon				184
-#define ESCHER_ShpInst_BracketPair		185
-#define ESCHER_ShpInst_BracePair		186
-#define ESCHER_ShpInst_Seal4			187
-#define ESCHER_ShpInst_DoubleWave		188
-#define ESCHER_ShpInst_ActionButtonBlank	189
-#define ESCHER_ShpInst_ActionButtonHome		190
-#define ESCHER_ShpInst_ActionButtonHelp		191
-#define ESCHER_ShpInst_ActionButtonInformation	192
-#define ESCHER_ShpInst_ActionButtonForwardNext	193
-#define ESCHER_ShpInst_ActionButtonBackPrevious	194
-#define ESCHER_ShpInst_ActionButtonEnd		195
-#define ESCHER_ShpInst_ActionButtonBeginning	196
-#define ESCHER_ShpInst_ActionButtonReturn	197
-#define ESCHER_ShpInst_ActionButtonDocument	198
-#define ESCHER_ShpInst_ActionButtonSound	199
-#define ESCHER_ShpInst_ActionButtonMovie	200
-#define ESCHER_ShpInst_HostControl			201
-#define ESCHER_ShpInst_TextBox				202
-#define ESCHER_ShpInst_COUNT                203
-#define ESCHER_ShpInst_Max					0x0FFF
-#define ESCHER_ShpInst_Nil					ESCHER_ShpInst_Max
+#define ESCHER_Textbox          0xF00C  /*                           RTF text                                                           C   C   C   0 */
+#define ESCHER_ClientTextbox    0xF00D  /* host-defined              the text in the textbox, in host-defined format                    X   X   X     */
+#define ESCHER_Anchor           0xF00E  /*                           a RECT, in 100000ths of an inch                                    C   C   C   0 */
+#define ESCHER_ChildAnchor      0xF00F  /*                           a RECT, in units relative to the parent group                      X   X   X   0 */
+#define ESCHER_ClientAnchor     0xF010  /* host-defined              the location of the shape, in a host-defined format                X   X   X     */
+#define ESCHER_ClientData       0xF011  /* host-defined              host-specific data                                                 X   X   X     */
+#define ESCHER_OleObject        0xF11F  /*                           a serialized IStorage for an OLE object                            C   C   C   0 */
+#define ESCHER_DeletedPspl      0xF11D  /*                           an FPSPL; only present in top-level deleted shapes                 X           0 */
+#define ESCHER_SolverContainer  0xF005  /* count of rules            the rules governing shapes                                         X   X   X     */
+#define ESCHER_ConnectorRule    0xF012  /*                           an FConnectorRule                                                      X   X   1 */
+#define ESCHER_AlignRule        0xF013  /*                           an FAlignRule                                                      X   X   X   0 */
+#define ESCHER_ArcRule          0xF014  /*                           an FARCRU                                                          X   X   X   0 */
+#define ESCHER_ClientRule       0xF015  /* host-defined              host-defined                                                                     */
+#define ESCHER_CalloutRule      0xF017  /*                           an FCORU                                                           X   X   X   0 */
+#define ESCHER_Selection        0xF119  /*                           an FDGSL followed by the SPIDs of the shapes in the selection              X   0 */
+#define ESCHER_UDefProp         0xF122
+#define SHAPEFLAG_GROUP         0x001   /* This shape is a group shape */
+#define SHAPEFLAG_CHILD         0x002   /* Not a top-level shape */
+#define SHAPEFLAG_PATRIARCH     0x004   /* This is the topmost group shape. Exactly one of these per drawing. */
+#define SHAPEFLAG_DELETED       0x008   /* The shape has been deleted */
+#define SHAPEFLAG_OLESHAPE      0x010   /* The shape is an OLE object */
+#define SHAPEFLAG_HAVEMASTER    0x020   /* Shape has a hspMaster property */
+#define SHAPEFLAG_FLIPH         0x040   /* Shape is flipped horizontally */
+#define SHAPEFLAG_FLIPV         0x080   /* Shape is flipped vertically */
+#define SHAPEFLAG_CONNECTOR     0x100   /* Connector type of shape */
+#define SHAPEFLAG_HAVEANCHOR    0x200   /* Shape has an anchor of some kind */
+#define SHAPEFLAG_BACKGROUND    0x400   /* Background shape */
+#define SHAPEFLAG_HAVESPT       0x800   /* Shape has a shape type property */
+#define ESCHER_ShpInst_Min                          0
+#define ESCHER_ShpInst_NotPrimitive                 ESCHER_ShpInst_Min
+#define ESCHER_ShpInst_Rectangle                    1
+#define ESCHER_ShpInst_RoundRectangle               2
+#define ESCHER_ShpInst_Ellipse                      3
+#define ESCHER_ShpInst_Diamond                      4
+#define ESCHER_ShpInst_IsocelesTriangle             5
+#define ESCHER_ShpInst_RightTriangle                6
+#define ESCHER_ShpInst_Parallelogram                7
+#define ESCHER_ShpInst_Trapezoid                    8
+#define ESCHER_ShpInst_Hexagon                      9
+#define ESCHER_ShpInst_Octagon                      10
+#define ESCHER_ShpInst_Plus                         11
+#define ESCHER_ShpInst_Star                         12
+#define ESCHER_ShpInst_Arrow                        13
+#define ESCHER_ShpInst_ThickArrow                   14
+#define ESCHER_ShpInst_HomePlate                    15
+#define ESCHER_ShpInst_Cube                         16
+#define ESCHER_ShpInst_Balloon                      17
+#define ESCHER_ShpInst_Seal                         18
+#define ESCHER_ShpInst_Arc                          19
+#define ESCHER_ShpInst_Line                         20
+#define ESCHER_ShpInst_Plaque                       21
+#define ESCHER_ShpInst_Can                          22
+#define ESCHER_ShpInst_Donut                        23
+#define ESCHER_ShpInst_TextSimple                   24
+#define ESCHER_ShpInst_TextOctagon                  25
+#define ESCHER_ShpInst_TextHexagon                  26
+#define ESCHER_ShpInst_TextCurve                    27
+#define ESCHER_ShpInst_TextWave                     28
+#define ESCHER_ShpInst_TextRing                     29
+#define ESCHER_ShpInst_TextOnCurve                  30
+#define ESCHER_ShpInst_TextOnRing                   31
+#define ESCHER_ShpInst_StraightConnector1           32
+#define ESCHER_ShpInst_BentConnector2               33
+#define ESCHER_ShpInst_BentConnector3               34
+#define ESCHER_ShpInst_BentConnector4               35
+#define ESCHER_ShpInst_BentConnector5               36
+#define ESCHER_ShpInst_CurvedConnector2             37
+#define ESCHER_ShpInst_CurvedConnector3             38
+#define ESCHER_ShpInst_CurvedConnector4             39
+#define ESCHER_ShpInst_CurvedConnector5             40
+#define ESCHER_ShpInst_Callout1                     41
+#define ESCHER_ShpInst_Callout2                     42
+#define ESCHER_ShpInst_Callout3                     43
+#define ESCHER_ShpInst_AccentCallout1               44
+#define ESCHER_ShpInst_AccentCallout2               45
+#define ESCHER_ShpInst_AccentCallout3               46
+#define ESCHER_ShpInst_BorderCallout1               47
+#define ESCHER_ShpInst_BorderCallout2               48
+#define ESCHER_ShpInst_BorderCallout3               49
+#define ESCHER_ShpInst_AccentBorderCallout1         50
+#define ESCHER_ShpInst_AccentBorderCallout2         51
+#define ESCHER_ShpInst_AccentBorderCallout3         52
+#define ESCHER_ShpInst_Ribbon                       53
+#define ESCHER_ShpInst_Ribbon2                      54
+#define ESCHER_ShpInst_Chevron                      55
+#define ESCHER_ShpInst_Pentagon                     56
+#define ESCHER_ShpInst_NoSmoking                    57
+#define ESCHER_ShpInst_Seal8                        58
+#define ESCHER_ShpInst_Seal16                       59
+#define ESCHER_ShpInst_Seal32                       60
+#define ESCHER_ShpInst_WedgeRectCallout             61
+#define ESCHER_ShpInst_WedgeRRectCallout            62
+#define ESCHER_ShpInst_WedgeEllipseCallout          63
+#define ESCHER_ShpInst_Wave                         64
+#define ESCHER_ShpInst_FoldedCorner                 65
+#define ESCHER_ShpInst_LeftArrow                    66
+#define ESCHER_ShpInst_DownArrow                    67
+#define ESCHER_ShpInst_UpArrow                      68
+#define ESCHER_ShpInst_LeftRightArrow               69
+#define ESCHER_ShpInst_UpDownArrow                  70
+#define ESCHER_ShpInst_IrregularSeal1               71
+#define ESCHER_ShpInst_IrregularSeal2               72
+#define ESCHER_ShpInst_LightningBolt                73
+#define ESCHER_ShpInst_Heart                        74
+#define ESCHER_ShpInst_PictureFrame                 75
+#define ESCHER_ShpInst_QuadArrow                    76
+#define ESCHER_ShpInst_LeftArrowCallout             77
+#define ESCHER_ShpInst_RightArrowCallout            78
+#define ESCHER_ShpInst_UpArrowCallout               79
+#define ESCHER_ShpInst_DownArrowCallout             80
+#define ESCHER_ShpInst_LeftRightArrowCallout        81
+#define ESCHER_ShpInst_UpDownArrowCallout           82
+#define ESCHER_ShpInst_QuadArrowCallout             83
+#define ESCHER_ShpInst_Bevel                        84
+#define ESCHER_ShpInst_LeftBracket                  85
+#define ESCHER_ShpInst_RightBracket                 86
+#define ESCHER_ShpInst_LeftBrace                    87
+#define ESCHER_ShpInst_RightBrace                   88
+#define ESCHER_ShpInst_LeftUpArrow                  89
+#define ESCHER_ShpInst_BentUpArrow                  90
+#define ESCHER_ShpInst_BentArrow                    91
+#define ESCHER_ShpInst_Seal24                       92
+#define ESCHER_ShpInst_StripedRightArrow            93
+#define ESCHER_ShpInst_NotchedRightArrow            94
+#define ESCHER_ShpInst_BlockArc                     95
+#define ESCHER_ShpInst_SmileyFace                   96
+#define ESCHER_ShpInst_VerticalScroll               97
+#define ESCHER_ShpInst_HorizontalScroll             98
+#define ESCHER_ShpInst_CircularArrow                99
+#define ESCHER_ShpInst_NotchedCircularArrow         100
+#define ESCHER_ShpInst_UturnArrow                   101
+#define ESCHER_ShpInst_CurvedRightArrow             102
+#define ESCHER_ShpInst_CurvedLeftArrow              103
+#define ESCHER_ShpInst_CurvedUpArrow                104
+#define ESCHER_ShpInst_CurvedDownArrow              105
+#define ESCHER_ShpInst_CloudCallout                 106
+#define ESCHER_ShpInst_EllipseRibbon                107
+#define ESCHER_ShpInst_EllipseRibbon2               108
+#define ESCHER_ShpInst_FlowChartProcess             109
+#define ESCHER_ShpInst_FlowChartDecision            110
+#define ESCHER_ShpInst_FlowChartInputOutput         111
+#define ESCHER_ShpInst_FlowChartPredefinedProcess   112
+#define ESCHER_ShpInst_FlowChartInternalStorage     113
+#define ESCHER_ShpInst_FlowChartDocument            114
+#define ESCHER_ShpInst_FlowChartMultidocument       115
+#define ESCHER_ShpInst_FlowChartTerminator          116
+#define ESCHER_ShpInst_FlowChartPreparation         117
+#define ESCHER_ShpInst_FlowChartManualInput         118
+#define ESCHER_ShpInst_FlowChartManualOperation     119
+#define ESCHER_ShpInst_FlowChartConnector           120
+#define ESCHER_ShpInst_FlowChartPunchedCard         121
+#define ESCHER_ShpInst_FlowChartPunchedTape         122
+#define ESCHER_ShpInst_FlowChartSummingJunction     123
+#define ESCHER_ShpInst_FlowChartOr                  124
+#define ESCHER_ShpInst_FlowChartCollate             125
+#define ESCHER_ShpInst_FlowChartSort                126
+#define ESCHER_ShpInst_FlowChartExtract             127
+#define ESCHER_ShpInst_FlowChartMerge               128
+#define ESCHER_ShpInst_FlowChartOfflineStorage      129
+#define ESCHER_ShpInst_FlowChartOnlineStorage       130
+#define ESCHER_ShpInst_FlowChartMagneticTape        131
+#define ESCHER_ShpInst_FlowChartMagneticDisk        132
+#define ESCHER_ShpInst_FlowChartMagneticDrum        133
+#define ESCHER_ShpInst_FlowChartDisplay             134
+#define ESCHER_ShpInst_FlowChartDelay               135
+#define ESCHER_ShpInst_TextPlainText                136
+#define ESCHER_ShpInst_TextStop                     137
+#define ESCHER_ShpInst_TextTriangle                 138
+#define ESCHER_ShpInst_TextTriangleInverted         139
+#define ESCHER_ShpInst_TextChevron                  140
+#define ESCHER_ShpInst_TextChevronInverted          141
+#define ESCHER_ShpInst_TextRingInside               142
+#define ESCHER_ShpInst_TextRingOutside              143
+#define ESCHER_ShpInst_TextArchUpCurve              144
+#define ESCHER_ShpInst_TextArchDownCurve            145
+#define ESCHER_ShpInst_TextCircleCurve              146
+#define ESCHER_ShpInst_TextButtonCurve              147
+#define ESCHER_ShpInst_TextArchUpPour               148
+#define ESCHER_ShpInst_TextArchDownPour             149
+#define ESCHER_ShpInst_TextCirclePour               150
+#define ESCHER_ShpInst_TextButtonPour               151
+#define ESCHER_ShpInst_TextCurveUp                  152
+#define ESCHER_ShpInst_TextCurveDown                153
+#define ESCHER_ShpInst_TextCascadeUp                154
+#define ESCHER_ShpInst_TextCascadeDown              155
+#define ESCHER_ShpInst_TextWave1                    156
+#define ESCHER_ShpInst_TextWave2                    157
+#define ESCHER_ShpInst_TextWave3                    158
+#define ESCHER_ShpInst_TextWave4                    159
+#define ESCHER_ShpInst_TextInflate                  160
+#define ESCHER_ShpInst_TextDeflate                  161
+#define ESCHER_ShpInst_TextInflateBottom            162
+#define ESCHER_ShpInst_TextDeflateBottom            163
+#define ESCHER_ShpInst_TextInflateTop               164
+#define ESCHER_ShpInst_TextDeflateTop               165
+#define ESCHER_ShpInst_TextDeflateInflate           166
+#define ESCHER_ShpInst_TextDeflateInflateDeflate    167
+#define ESCHER_ShpInst_TextFadeRight                168
+#define ESCHER_ShpInst_TextFadeLeft                 169
+#define ESCHER_ShpInst_TextFadeUp                   170
+#define ESCHER_ShpInst_TextFadeDown                 171
+#define ESCHER_ShpInst_TextSlantUp                  172
+#define ESCHER_ShpInst_TextSlantDown                173
+#define ESCHER_ShpInst_TextCanUp                    174
+#define ESCHER_ShpInst_TextCanDown                  175
+#define ESCHER_ShpInst_FlowChartAlternateProcess    176
+#define ESCHER_ShpInst_FlowChartOffpageConnector    177
+#define ESCHER_ShpInst_Callout90                    178
+#define ESCHER_ShpInst_AccentCallout90              179
+#define ESCHER_ShpInst_BorderCallout90              180
+#define ESCHER_ShpInst_AccentBorderCallout90        181
+#define ESCHER_ShpInst_LeftRightUpArrow             182
+#define ESCHER_ShpInst_Sun                          183
+#define ESCHER_ShpInst_Moon                         184
+#define ESCHER_ShpInst_BracketPair                  185
+#define ESCHER_ShpInst_BracePair                    186
+#define ESCHER_ShpInst_Seal4                        187
+#define ESCHER_ShpInst_DoubleWave                   188
+#define ESCHER_ShpInst_ActionButtonBlank            189
+#define ESCHER_ShpInst_ActionButtonHome             190
+#define ESCHER_ShpInst_ActionButtonHelp             191
+#define ESCHER_ShpInst_ActionButtonInformation      192
+#define ESCHER_ShpInst_ActionButtonForwardNext      193
+#define ESCHER_ShpInst_ActionButtonBackPrevious     194
+#define ESCHER_ShpInst_ActionButtonEnd              195
+#define ESCHER_ShpInst_ActionButtonBeginning        196
+#define ESCHER_ShpInst_ActionButtonReturn           197
+#define ESCHER_ShpInst_ActionButtonDocument         198
+#define ESCHER_ShpInst_ActionButtonSound            199
+#define ESCHER_ShpInst_ActionButtonMovie            200
+#define ESCHER_ShpInst_HostControl                  201
+#define ESCHER_ShpInst_TextBox                      202
+#define ESCHER_ShpInst_COUNT                        203
+#define ESCHER_ShpInst_Max                          0x0FFF
+#define ESCHER_ShpInst_Nil                          ESCHER_ShpInst_Max
 enum ESCHER_BlibType
-{							// GEL provided types...
-   ERROR = 0,				// An error occurred during loading
-   UNKNOWN,					// An unknown blip type
-   EMF,						// Windows Enhanced Metafile
-   WMF,						// Windows Metafile
-   PICT,					// Macintosh PICT
-   PEG,						// JFIF
-   PNG,						// PNG
-   DIB,						// Windows DIB
-   FirstClient = 32,		// First client defined blip type
-   LastClient  = 255		// Last client defined blip type
+{                           // GEL provided types...
+   ERROR = 0,               // An error occurred during loading
+   UNKNOWN,                 // An unknown blip type
+   EMF,                     // Windows Enhanced Metafile
+   WMF,                     // Windows Metafile
+   PICT,                    // Macintosh PICT
+   PEG,                     // JFIF
+   PNG,                     // PNG
+   DIB,                     // Windows DIB
+   FirstClient = 32,        // First client defined blip type
+   LastClient  = 255        // Last client defined blip type
 enum ESCHER_FillStyle
-    ESCHER_FillSolid,		// Fill with a solid color
+    ESCHER_FillSolid,       // Fill with a solid color
     ESCHER_FillPattern,     // Fill with a pattern (bitmap)
     ESCHER_FillTexture,     // A texture (pattern with its own color map)
     ESCHER_FillPicture,     // Center a picture in the shape
@@ -356,11 +355,11 @@ enum ESCHER_wMode
 enum ESCHER_ShapePath
-    ESCHER_ShapeLines,        // A line of straight segments
-    ESCHER_ShapeLinesClosed,  // A closed polygonal object
-    ESCHER_ShapeCurves,       // A line of Bezier curve segments
-    ESCHER_ShapeCurvesClosed, // A closed shape with curved edges
-    ESCHER_ShapeComplex      // pSegmentInfo must be non-empty
+    ESCHER_ShapeLines,          // A line of straight segments
+    ESCHER_ShapeLinesClosed,    // A closed polygonal object
+    ESCHER_ShapeCurves,         // A line of Bezier curve segments
+    ESCHER_ShapeCurvesClosed,   // A closed shape with curved edges
+    ESCHER_ShapeComplex         // pSegmentInfo must be non-empty
@@ -376,18 +375,18 @@ enum ESCHER_WrapMode
 enum ESCHER_bwMode
-    ESCHER_bwColor,          // only used for predefined shades
-    ESCHER_bwAutomatic,      // depends on object type
-    ESCHER_bwGrayScale,      // shades of gray only
-    ESCHER_bwLightGrayScale, // shades of light gray only
-    ESCHER_bwInverseGray,    // dark gray mapped to light gray, etc.
-    ESCHER_bwGrayOutline,    // pure gray and white
-    ESCHER_bwBlackTextLine,  // black text and lines, all else grayscale
-    ESCHER_bwHighContrast,   // pure black and white mode (no grays)
-    ESCHER_bwBlack,          // solid black
-    ESCHER_bwWhite,          // solid white
-    ESCHER_bwDontShow,       // object not drawn
-    ESCHER_bwNumModes        // number of Black and white modes
+    ESCHER_bwColor,             // only used for predefined shades
+    ESCHER_bwAutomatic,         // depends on object type
+    ESCHER_bwGrayScale,         // shades of gray only
+    ESCHER_bwLightGrayScale,    // shades of light gray only
+    ESCHER_bwInverseGray,       // dark gray mapped to light gray, etc.
+    ESCHER_bwGrayOutline,       // pure gray and white
+    ESCHER_bwBlackTextLine,     // black text and lines, all else grayscale
+    ESCHER_bwHighContrast,      // pure black and white mode (no grays)
+    ESCHER_bwBlack,             // solid black
+    ESCHER_bwWhite,             // solid white
+    ESCHER_bwDontShow,          // object not drawn
+    ESCHER_bwNumModes           // number of Black and white modes
@@ -430,24 +429,24 @@ enum ESCHER_txfl
     ESCHER_txflBtoT,            // Bottom to Top non-@
     ESCHER_txflTtoBN,           // Top to Bottom non-@
     ESCHER_txflHorzA,           // Horizontal @-font
-    ESCHER_txflVertN			// Vertical, non-@
+    ESCHER_txflVertN            // Vertical, non-@
 //  text direction (needed for Bi-Di support)
 enum ESCHER_txDir
-    ESCHER_txdirLTR,			// left-to-right text direction
-    ESCHER_txdirRTL,			// right-to-left text direction
-    ESCHER_txdirContext			// context text direction
+    ESCHER_txdirLTR,            // left-to-right text direction
+    ESCHER_txdirRTL,            // right-to-left text direction
+    ESCHER_txdirContext         // context text direction
 // Callout Type
 enum ESCHER_spcot
-    ESCHER_spcotRightAngle = 1,
-    ESCHER_spcotOneSegment = 2,
-    ESCHER_spcotTwoSegment = 3,
-    ESCHER_spcotThreeSegment = 4
+    ESCHER_spcotRightAngle  = 1,
+    ESCHER_spcotOneSegment  = 2,
+    ESCHER_spcotTwoSegment  = 3,
+    ESCHER_spcotThreeSegment= 4
 // Callout Angle
@@ -473,30 +472,25 @@ enum ESCHER_spcod
 // FontWork alignment
 enum ESCHER_GeoTextAlign
-    ESCHER_AlignTextStretch,      /* Stretch each line of text to fit width. */
-    ESCHER_AlignTextCenter,       /* Center text on width. */
-    ESCHER_AlignTextLeft,         /* Left justify. */
-    ESCHER_AlignTextRight,        /* Right justify. */
-    ESCHER_AlignTextLetterJust,   /* Spread letters out to fit width. */
-    ESCHER_AlignTextWordJust,     /* Spread words out to fit width. */
-    ESCHER_AlignTextInvalid       /* Invalid */
+    ESCHER_AlignTextStretch,        // Stretch each line of text to fit width.
+    ESCHER_AlignTextCenter,         // Center text on width.
+    ESCHER_AlignTextLeft,           // Left justify.
+    ESCHER_AlignTextRight,          // Right justify.
+    ESCHER_AlignTextLetterJust,     // Spread letters out to fit width.
+    ESCHER_AlignTextWordJust,       // Spread words out to fit width.
+    ESCHER_AlignTextInvalid         // Invalid
 //  flags for pictures
 enum ESCHER_BlipFlags
     ESCHER_BlipFlagDefault = 0,
-    ESCHER_BlipFlagComment = 0,   // Blip name is a comment
-    ESCHER_BlipFlagFile,          // Blip name is a file name
-    ESCHER_BlipFlagURL,           // Blip name is a full URL
-    ESCHER_BlipFlagType = 3,      // Mask to extract type
+    ESCHER_BlipFlagComment = 0,     // Blip name is a comment
+    ESCHER_BlipFlagFile,            // Blip name is a file name
+    ESCHER_BlipFlagURL,             // Blip name is a full URL
+    ESCHER_BlipFlagType = 3,        // Mask to extract type
    /* Or the following flags with any of the above. */
-    ESCHER_BlipFlagDontSave = 4,  // A "dont" is the depression in the metal
-                             // body work of an automobile caused when a
-                             // cyclist violently thrusts his or her nose
-                             // at it, thus a DontSave is another name for
-                             // a cycle lane.
-    ESCHER_BlipFlagDoNotSave = 4, // For those who prefer English
+    ESCHER_BlipFlagDoNotSave = 4,
     ESCHER_BlipFlagLinkToFile = 8
@@ -505,7 +499,7 @@ enum ESCHER_3DRenderMode
     ESCHER_FullRender,      // Generate a full rendering
     ESCHER_Wireframe,       // Generate a wireframe
-    ESCHER_BoundingCube		// Generate a bounding cube
+    ESCHER_BoundingCube     // Generate a bounding cube
@@ -530,20 +524,20 @@ enum ESCHER_ShadowType
 //  - the type of a (length) measurement
 enum ESCHER_dzType
-   ESCHER_dzTypeMin          = 0,
-   ESCHER_dzTypeDefault      = 0,  // Default size, ignore the values
-   ESCHER_dzTypeA            = 1,  // Values are in EMUs
-   ESCHER_dzTypeV            = 2,  // Values are in pixels
-   ESCHER_dzTypeShape        = 3,  // Values are 16.16 fractions of shape size
-   ESCHER_dzTypeFixedAspect  = 4,  // Aspect ratio is fixed
-   ESCHER_dzTypeAFixed       = 5,  // EMUs, fixed aspect ratio
-   ESCHER_dzTypeVFixed       = 6,  // Pixels, fixed aspect ratio
-   ESCHER_dzTypeShapeFixed   = 7,  // Proportion of shape, fixed aspect ratio
+   ESCHER_dzTypeMin         = 0,
+   ESCHER_dzTypeDefault     = 0,        // Default size, ignore the values
+   ESCHER_dzTypeA           = 1,        // Values are in EMUs
+   ESCHER_dzTypeV           = 2,        // Values are in pixels
+   ESCHER_dzTypeShape       = 3,        // Values are 16.16 fractions of shape size
+   ESCHER_dzTypeFixedAspect = 4,        // Aspect ratio is fixed
+   ESCHER_dzTypeAFixed      = 5,        // EMUs, fixed aspect ratio
+   ESCHER_dzTypeVFixed      = 6,        // Pixels, fixed aspect ratio
+   ESCHER_dzTypeShapeFixed  = 7,        // Proportion of shape, fixed aspect ratio
    ESCHER_dzTypeFixedAspectEnlarge= 8,  // Aspect ratio is fixed, favor larger size
-   ESCHER_dzTypeAFixedBig    = 9,  // EMUs, fixed aspect ratio
-   ESCHER_dzTypeVFixedBig    = 10, // Pixels, fixed aspect ratio
-   ESCHER_dzTypeShapeFixedBig= 11, // Proportion of shape, fixed aspect ratio
-   ESCHER_dzTypeMax         = 11
+   ESCHER_dzTypeAFixedBig    = 9,       // EMUs, fixed aspect ratio
+   ESCHER_dzTypeVFixedBig    = 10,      // Pixels, fixed aspect ratio
+   ESCHER_dzTypeShapeFixedBig= 11,      // Proportion of shape, fixed aspect ratio
+   ESCHER_dzTypeMax          = 11
 // how to interpret the colors in a shaded fill.
@@ -571,36 +565,36 @@ enum ESCHER_ShadeType
 // compound line style
 enum ESCHER_LineStyle
-    ESCHER_LineSimple,            // Single line (of width lineWidth)
-    ESCHER_LineDouble,            // Double lines of equal width
-    ESCHER_LineThickThin,         // Double lines, one thick, one thin
-    ESCHER_LineThinThick,         // Double lines, reverse order
-    ESCHER_LineTriple             // Three lines, thin, thick, thin
+    ESCHER_LineSimple,          // Single line (of width lineWidth)
+    ESCHER_LineDouble,          // Double lines of equal width
+    ESCHER_LineThickThin,       // Double lines, one thick, one thin
+    ESCHER_LineThinThick,       // Double lines, reverse order
+    ESCHER_LineTriple           // Three lines, thin, thick, thin
 //  how to "fill" the line contour
 enum ESCHER_LineType
-   ESCHER_lineSolidType,         // Fill with a solid color
-   ESCHER_linePattern,           // Fill with a pattern (bitmap)
-   ESCHER_lineTexture,           // A texture (pattern with its own color map)
-   ESCHER_linePicture            // Center a picture in the shape
+   ESCHER_lineSolidType,        // Fill with a solid color
+   ESCHER_linePattern,          // Fill with a pattern (bitmap)
+   ESCHER_lineTexture,          // A texture (pattern with its own color map)
+   ESCHER_linePicture           // Center a picture in the shape
 // dashed line style
 enum ESCHER_LineDashing
-    ESCHER_LineSolid,              // Solid (continuous) pen
-    ESCHER_LineDashSys,            // PS_DASH system   dash style
-    ESCHER_LineDotSys,             // PS_DOT system   dash style
-    ESCHER_LineDashDotSys,         // PS_DASHDOT system dash style
-    ESCHER_LineDashDotDotSys,      // PS_DASHDOTDOT system dash style
-    ESCHER_LineDotGEL,             // square dot style
-    ESCHER_LineDashGEL,            // dash style
-    ESCHER_LineLongDashGEL,        // long dash style
-    ESCHER_LineDashDotGEL,         // dash short dash
-    ESCHER_LineLongDashDotGEL,     // long dash short dash
-    ESCHER_LineLongDashDotDotGEL   // long dash short dash short dash
+    ESCHER_LineSolid,               // Solid (continuous) pen
+    ESCHER_LineDashSys,             // PS_DASH system   dash style
+    ESCHER_LineDotSys,              // PS_DOT system   dash style
+    ESCHER_LineDashDotSys,          // PS_DASHDOT system dash style
+    ESCHER_LineDashDotDotSys,       // PS_DASHDOTDOT system dash style
+    ESCHER_LineDotGEL,              // square dot style
+    ESCHER_LineDashGEL,             // dash style
+    ESCHER_LineLongDashGEL,         // long dash style
+    ESCHER_LineDashDotGEL,          // dash short dash
+    ESCHER_LineLongDashDotGEL,      // long dash short dash
+    ESCHER_LineLongDashDotDotGEL    // long dash short dash short dash
 // line end effect
@@ -645,6 +639,7 @@ enum ESCHER_LineCap
     ESCHER_LineEndCapSquare,  // Square protrudes by half line width
     ESCHER_LineEndCapFlat     // Line ends at end point
 // Shape Properties
 // 1pt = 12700 EMU (English Metric Units)
 // 1pt = 20 Twip = 20/1440" = 1/72"
@@ -707,7 +702,7 @@ enum ESCHER_LineCap
 #define ESCHER_Prop_gtextFStrikethrough         255  /*  sal_Bool              Strike through font       */
 // Blip
 #define ESCHER_Prop_cropFromTop                 256  /*  LONG              16.16 fraction times total                          */
-#define ESCHER_Prop_cropFromBottom				257  /*  LONG                image width or height,                            */
+#define ESCHER_Prop_cropFromBottom              257  /*  LONG                image width or height,                            */
 #define ESCHER_Prop_cropFromLeft                258  /*  LONG                as appropriate.                                   */
 #define ESCHER_Prop_cropFromRight               259  /*  LONG                                                                  */
 #define ESCHER_Prop_pib                         260  /*  IMsoBlip*         Blip to display                                     */
@@ -903,8 +898,8 @@ enum ESCHER_LineCap
 #define ESCHER_Prop_hspMaster                   769  /*  MSOHSP          master shape                                        */
 #define ESCHER_Prop_cxstyle                     771  /*  MSOCXSTYLE      Type of connector                                   */
 #define ESCHER_Prop_bWMode                      772  /*  ESCHERwMode     Settings for modifications to                       */
-#define ESCHER_Prop_bWModePureBW                773  /*  ESCHERwMode	 be made when in different                         */
-#define ESCHER_Prop_bWModeBW                    774  /*  ESCHERwMode	 forms of black-and-white mode.                    */
+#define ESCHER_Prop_bWModePureBW                773  /*  ESCHERwMode     be made when in different                         */
+#define ESCHER_Prop_bWModeBW                    774  /*  ESCHERwMode     forms of black-and-white mode.                    */
 #define ESCHER_Prop_fOleIcon                    826  /*  sal_Bool            For OLE objects, whether the object is in icon form */
 #define ESCHER_Prop_fPreferRelativeResize       827  /*  sal_Bool            For UI only. Prefer relative resizing.              */
 #define ESCHER_Prop_fLockShapeType              828  /*  sal_Bool            Lock the shape type (don't allow Change Shape)      */
@@ -934,8 +929,8 @@ enum ESCHER_LineCap
 #define ESCHER_Prop_dxWrapDistRight             902  /*  LONG            Right wrapping distance from text (Word)                                                               */
 #define ESCHER_Prop_dyWrapDistBottom            903  /*  LONG            Bottom wrapping distance from text (Word)                                                              */
 #define ESCHER_Prop_lidRegroup                  904  /*  LONG            Regroup ID                                                                                             */
-#define ESCHER_Prop_tableProperties				927
-#define ESCHER_Prop_tableRowProperties			928
+#define ESCHER_Prop_tableProperties             927
+#define ESCHER_Prop_tableRowProperties          928
 #define ESCHER_Prop_fEditedWrap                 953  /*  sal_Bool            Has the wrap polygon been edited?                                                                      */
 #define ESCHER_Prop_fBehindDocument             954  /*  sal_Bool            Word-only (shape is behind text)                                                                       */
 #define ESCHER_Prop_fOnDblClickNotify           955  /*  sal_Bool            Notify client on a double click                                                                        */
@@ -944,14 +939,14 @@ enum ESCHER_LineCap
 #define ESCHER_Prop_fHidden                     958  /*  sal_Bool            Do not display                                                                                         */
 #define ESCHER_Prop_fPrint                      959  /*  sal_Bool            Print this shape                                                                                       */
-#define ESCHER_Persist_PrivateEntry			0x80000000
-#define ESCHER_Persist_Dgg					0x00010000
-#define ESCHER_Persist_Dg					0x00020000
-#define ESCHER_Persist_CurrentPosition		0x00040000
-#define ESCHER_Persist_Grouping_Snap		0x00050000
-#define ESCHER_Persist_Grouping_Logic		0x00060000
+#define ESCHER_Persist_PrivateEntry         0x80000000
+#define ESCHER_Persist_Dgg                  0x00010000
+#define ESCHER_Persist_Dg                   0x00020000
+#define ESCHER_Persist_CurrentPosition      0x00040000
+#define ESCHER_Persist_Grouping_Snap        0x00050000
+#define ESCHER_Persist_Grouping_Logic       0x00060000
 const sal_uInt32 DFF_DGG_CLUSTER_SIZE       = 0x00000400;   /// Shape IDs per cluster in DGG atom.
@@ -970,40 +965,41 @@ namespace com { namespace sun { namespace star {
 struct MSFILTER_DLLPUBLIC EscherConnectorListEntry
-    ::com::sun::star::uno::Reference< ::com::sun::star::drawing::XShape	>	mXConnector;
-    ::com::sun::star::awt::Point			maPointA;
-    ::com::sun::star::uno::Reference< ::com::sun::star::drawing::XShape	>	mXConnectToA;
-    ::com::sun::star::awt::Point			maPointB;
-    ::com::sun::star::uno::Reference< ::com::sun::star::drawing::XShape	>	mXConnectToB;
+    ::com::sun::star::uno::Reference< ::com::sun::star::drawing::XShape >   mXConnector;
+    ::com::sun::star::awt::Point            maPointA;
+    ::com::sun::star::uno::Reference< ::com::sun::star::drawing::XShape >   mXConnectToA;
+    ::com::sun::star::awt::Point            maPointB;
+    ::com::sun::star::uno::Reference< ::com::sun::star::drawing::XShape >   mXConnectToB;
-    sal_uInt32		GetConnectorRule( sal_Bool bFirst );
+    sal_uInt32      GetConnectorRule( sal_Bool bFirst );
                     EscherConnectorListEntry( const ::com::sun::star::uno::Reference< ::com::sun::star::drawing::XShape > & rC,
                                         const ::com::sun::star::awt::Point& rPA,
                                         ::com::sun::star::uno::Reference< ::com::sun::star::drawing::XShape > & rSA ,
                                         const ::com::sun::star::awt::Point& rPB,
                                         ::com::sun::star::uno::Reference< ::com::sun::star::drawing::XShape > & rSB ) :
-                                            mXConnector	( rC ),
-                                            maPointA	( rPA ),
+                                            mXConnector ( rC ),
+                                            maPointA    ( rPA ),
                                             mXConnectToA( rSA ),
-                                            maPointB	( rPB ),
+                                            maPointB    ( rPB ),
                                             mXConnectToB( rSB ) {}
-    sal_uInt32		GetClosestPoint( const Polygon& rPoly, const ::com::sun::star::awt::Point& rP );
+    sal_uInt32      GetClosestPoint( const Polygon& rPoly, const ::com::sun::star::awt::Point& rP );
 struct MSFILTER_DLLPUBLIC EscherExContainer
-    sal_uInt32	nContPos;
-    SvStream&	rStrm;
+    sal_uInt32  nContPos;
+    SvStream&   rStrm;
     EscherExContainer( SvStream& rSt, const sal_uInt16 nRecType, const sal_uInt16 nInstance = 0 );
-    sal_uInt32	nContPos;
-    SvStream&	rStrm;
+    sal_uInt32  nContPos;
+    SvStream&   rStrm;
     EscherExAtom( SvStream& rSt, const sal_uInt16 nRecType, const sal_uInt16 nInstance = 0, const sal_uInt8 nVersion = 0 );
@@ -1011,24 +1007,27 @@ struct MSFILTER_DLLPUBLIC EscherExAtom
 struct EscherPropertyValueHelper
-        static sal_Bool GetPropertyValue(
-                ::com::sun::star::uno::Any& rAny,
-                    const ::com::sun::star::uno::Reference< ::com::sun::star::beans::XPropertySet > &,
-                        const String& rPropertyName,
-                            sal_Bool bTestPropertyAvailability = sal_False );
-        static ::com::sun::star::beans::PropertyState GetPropertyState(
-                    const ::com::sun::star::uno::Reference < ::com::sun::star::beans::XPropertySet > &,
-                        const String& rPropertyName );
+    static sal_Bool GetPropertyValue(
+        ::com::sun::star::uno::Any& rAny,
+        const ::com::sun::star::uno::Reference< ::com::sun::star::beans::XPropertySet > &,
+        const String& rPropertyName,
+        sal_Bool bTestPropertyAvailability = sal_False
+    );
+    static ::com::sun::star::beans::PropertyState GetPropertyState(
+        const ::com::sun::star::uno::Reference < ::com::sun::star::beans::XPropertySet > &,
+        const String& rPropertyName
+    );
 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 struct EscherPersistEntry
-    sal_uInt32	mnID;
-    sal_uInt32	mnOffset;
-            EscherPersistEntry( sal_uInt32 nId, sal_uInt32 nOffset ) { mnID = nId; mnOffset = nOffset; };
+    sal_uInt32  mnID;
+    sal_uInt32  mnOffset;
+    EscherPersistEntry( sal_uInt32 nId, sal_uInt32 nOffset ) { mnID = nId; mnOffset = nOffset; };
@@ -1037,221 +1036,303 @@ struct EscherPersistEntry
 class EscherBlibEntry
-        friend class EscherGraphicProvider;
-        friend class EscherEx;
+    friend class EscherGraphicProvider;
+    friend class EscherEx;
-    protected:
-        sal_uInt32			mnIdentifier[ 4 ];
-        sal_uInt32			mnPictureOffset;		// offset auf die grafik im PictureStreams
-        sal_uInt32			mnSize;					// size of real graphic
+    sal_uInt32      mnIdentifier[ 4 ];
+    sal_uInt32      mnPictureOffset;        // offset auf die grafik im PictureStreams
+    sal_uInt32      mnSize;                 // size of real graphic
-        sal_uInt32			mnRefCount;				// !! reference count
-        sal_uInt32			mnSizeExtra;			// !! size of preceding header
+    sal_uInt32      mnRefCount;             // !! reference count
+    sal_uInt32      mnSizeExtra;            // !! size of preceding header
-        ESCHER_BlibType	meBlibType;
+    ESCHER_BlibType meBlibType;
-        Size			maPrefSize;
-        MapMode			maPrefMapMode;
+    Size            maPrefSize;
+    MapMode         maPrefMapMode;
-        sal_Bool		mbIsEmpty;
-        sal_Bool		mbIsNativeGraphicPossible;
+    sal_Bool        mbIsEmpty;
+    sal_Bool        mbIsNativeGraphicPossible;
-    public:
-                        EscherBlibEntry( sal_uInt32 nPictureOffset, const GraphicObject& rObj,
-                                                const ByteString& rId, const GraphicAttr* pAttr = NULL );
+                    EscherBlibEntry(
+                        sal_uInt32 nPictureOffset,
+                        const GraphicObject& rObj,
+                        const ByteString& rId,
+                        const GraphicAttr* pAttr = NULL
+                    );
-                        ~EscherBlibEntry();
+                    ~EscherBlibEntry();
-        void			WriteBlibEntry( SvStream& rSt, sal_Bool bWritePictureOffset, sal_uInt32 nResize = 0 );
-        sal_Bool		IsEmpty() const { return mbIsEmpty; };
+    void            WriteBlibEntry( SvStream& rSt, sal_Bool bWritePictureOffset, sal_uInt32 nResize = 0 );
+    sal_Bool        IsEmpty() const { return mbIsEmpty; };
-        sal_Bool			operator==( const EscherBlibEntry& ) const;
+    sal_Bool        operator==( const EscherBlibEntry& ) const;
 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+#define _E_GRAPH_PROV_USE_INSTANCES             1
 class MSFILTER_DLLPUBLIC EscherGraphicProvider
-        sal_uInt32				mnFlags;
+    sal_uInt32              mnFlags;
-        EscherBlibEntry**		mpBlibEntrys;
-        sal_uInt32				mnBlibBufSize;
-        sal_uInt32				mnBlibEntrys;
+    EscherBlibEntry**       mpBlibEntrys;
+    sal_uInt32              mnBlibBufSize;
+    sal_uInt32              mnBlibEntrys;
-    protected :
-        sal_uInt32					ImplInsertBlib( EscherBlibEntry* p_EscherBlibEntry );
+    al_uInt32                  ImplInsertBlib( EscherBlibEntry* p_EscherBlibEntry );
-    public :
-        sal_uInt32	GetBlibStoreContainerSize( SvStream* pMergePicStreamBSE = NULL ) const;
-        void		WriteBlibStoreContainer( SvStream& rStrm, SvStream* pMergePicStreamBSE = NULL  );
-        sal_Bool WriteBlibStoreEntry(SvStream& rStrm, sal_uInt32 nBlipId,
-            sal_Bool bWritePictureOffset, sal_uInt32 nResize = 0);
-        sal_uInt32	GetBlibID( SvStream& rPicOutStream, const ByteString& rGraphicId, const Rectangle& rBoundRect,
-                    const com::sun::star::awt::Rectangle* pVisArea = NULL, const GraphicAttr* pGrafikAttr = NULL );
-        sal_Bool	HasGraphics() const { return mnBlibEntrys != 0; };
+    sal_uInt32  GetBlibStoreContainerSize( SvStream* pMergePicStreamBSE = NULL ) const;
+    void        WriteBlibStoreContainer( SvStream& rStrm, SvStream* pMergePicStreamBSE = NULL  );
+    sal_Bool    WriteBlibStoreEntry(SvStream& rStrm, sal_uInt32 nBlipId,
+    sal_Bool    bWritePictureOffset, sal_uInt32 nResize = 0);
+    sal_uInt32  GetBlibID(
+                    SvStream& rPicOutStream,
+                    const ByteString& rGraphicId,
+                    const Rectangle& rBoundRect,
+                    const com::sun::star::awt::Rectangle* pVisArea = NULL,
+                    const GraphicAttr* pGrafikAttr = NULL
+                );
+    sal_Bool    HasGraphics() const { return mnBlibEntrys != 0; };
-        void		SetNewBlipStreamOffset( sal_Int32 nOffset );
+    void        SetNewBlipStreamOffset( sal_Int32 nOffset );
-        sal_Bool	GetPrefSize( const sal_uInt32 nBlibId, Size& rSize, MapMode& rMapMode );
+    sal_Bool    GetPrefSize( const sal_uInt32 nBlibId, Size& rSize, MapMode& rMapMode );
-        EscherGraphicProvider( sal_uInt32 nFlags = _E_GRAPH_PROV_DO_NOT_ROTATE_METAFILES );
-        ~EscherGraphicProvider();
+                EscherGraphicProvider( sal_uInt32 nFlags = _E_GRAPH_PROV_DO_NOT_ROTATE_METAFILES );
+                ~EscherGraphicProvider();
 class MSFILTER_DLLPUBLIC EscherSolverContainer
-    List				maShapeList;
-    List				maConnectorList;
+    List                maShapeList;
+    List                maConnectorList;
-    sal_uInt32			GetShapeId( const ::com::sun::star::uno::Reference< ::com::sun::star::drawing::XShape > & rShape ) const;
-    void				AddShape( const ::com::sun::star::uno::Reference< ::com::sun::star::drawing::XShape > &, sal_uInt32 nId );
-    void				AddConnector( const ::com::sun::star::uno::Reference< ::com::sun::star::drawing::XShape > &,
-                                        const ::com::sun::star::awt::Point& rA,
-                                    ::com::sun::star::uno::Reference< ::com::sun::star::drawing::XShape > &,
-                                        const ::com::sun::star::awt::Point& rB,
-                                    ::com::sun::star::uno::Reference< ::com::sun::star::drawing::XShape > & rConB );
-    void				WriteSolver( SvStream& );
-                        EscherSolverContainer(){};
-                        ~EscherSolverContainer();
+    sal_uInt32      GetShapeId(
+                        const ::com::sun::star::uno::Reference< ::com::sun::star::drawing::XShape > & rShape
+                    ) const;
+    void            AddShape(
+                        const ::com::sun::star::uno::Reference< ::com::sun::star::drawing::XShape > &,
+                        sal_uInt32 nId
+                    );
+    void            AddConnector(
+                        const ::com::sun::star::uno::Reference< ::com::sun::star::drawing::XShape > &,
+                        const ::com::sun::star::awt::Point& rA,
+                        ::com::sun::star::uno::Reference< ::com::sun::star::drawing::XShape > &,
+                        const ::com::sun::star::awt::Point& rB,
+                        ::com::sun::star::uno::Reference< ::com::sun::star::drawing::XShape > & rConB
+                    );
+    void            WriteSolver( SvStream& );
+                    EscherSolverContainer(){};
+                    ~EscherSolverContainer();
 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+#define ESCHER_CREATEPOLYGON_LINE           1
 class GraphicAttr;
 class SdrObjCustomShape;
 struct EscherPropSortStruct
-    sal_uInt8*	pBuf;
-    sal_uInt32	nPropSize;
-    sal_uInt32	nPropValue;
-    sal_uInt16	nPropId;
+    sal_uInt8*  pBuf;
+    sal_uInt32  nPropSize;
+    sal_uInt32  nPropValue;
+    sal_uInt16  nPropId;
 typedef std::vector< EscherPropSortStruct > EscherProperties;
 class MSFILTER_DLLPUBLIC EscherPropertyContainer
-        EscherGraphicProvider*	pGraphicProvider;
-        SvStream*				pPicOutStrm;
-        Rectangle*				pShapeBoundRect;
-        EscherPropSortStruct*	pSortStruct;
-        sal_uInt32				nSortCount;
-        sal_uInt32				nSortBufSize;
-        sal_uInt32				nCountCount;
-        sal_uInt32				nCountSize;
-        sal_Bool				bHasComplexData;
-        sal_Bool				bSuppressRotation;
+    EscherGraphicProvider*  pGraphicProvider;
+    SvStream*               pPicOutStrm;
+    Rectangle*              pShapeBoundRect;
-        sal_uInt32	ImplGetColor( const sal_uInt32 rColor, sal_Bool bSwap = sal_True );
-        void		ImplCreateGraphicAttributes( const ::com::sun::star::uno::Reference< ::com::sun::star::beans::XPropertySet > & rXPropSet,
-                                                    sal_uInt32 nBlibId, sal_Bool bCreateCroppingAttributes );
-        sal_Bool    ImplCreateEmbeddedBmp( const ByteString& rUniqueId );
-        void		ImplInit();
+    EscherPropSortStruct*   pSortStruct;
-    public :
+    sal_uInt32              nSortCount;
+    sal_uInt32              nSortBufSize;
+    sal_uInt32              nCountCount;
+    sal_uInt32              nCountSize;
-        EscherPropertyContainer();
-        EscherPropertyContainer(
-            EscherGraphicProvider& rGraphicProvider,	// the PropertyContainer needs to know
-                    SvStream* pPicOutStrm,				// the GraphicProvider to be able to write
-                        Rectangle& rShapeBoundRect );	// FillBitmaps or GraphicObjects.
-                                                        // under some cirumstances the ShapeBoundRect is adjusted
-                                                        // this will happen when rotated GraphicObjects
-                                                        // are saved to PowerPoint
-        ~EscherPropertyContainer();
+    sal_Bool                bHasComplexData;
+    sal_Bool                bSuppressRotation;
-        void		AddOpt( sal_uInt16 nPropertyID, const rtl::OUString& rString );
-        void		AddOpt( sal_uInt16 nPropertyID, sal_uInt32 nPropValue,
-                            sal_Bool bBlib = sal_False );
+    sal_uInt32  ImplGetColor( const sal_uInt32 rColor, sal_Bool bSwap = sal_True );
+    void        ImplCreateGraphicAttributes(
+                    const ::com::sun::star::uno::Reference< ::com::sun::star::beans::XPropertySet > & rXPropSet,
+                    sal_uInt32 nBlibId,
+                    sal_Bool bCreateCroppingAttributes
+                );
+    sal_Bool    ImplCreateEmbeddedBmp( const ByteString& rUniqueId );
+    void        ImplInit();
-        void		AddOpt( sal_uInt16 nPropertyID, sal_Bool bBlib, sal_uInt32 nPropValue,
-                            sal_uInt8* pProp, sal_uInt32 nPropSize );
-        sal_Bool	GetOpt( sal_uInt16 nPropertyID, sal_uInt32& rPropValue ) const;
-        sal_Bool	GetOpt( sal_uInt16 nPropertyID, EscherPropSortStruct& rPropValue ) const;
-        EscherProperties GetOpts() const;
-        void		Commit( SvStream& rSt, sal_uInt16 nVersion = 3, sal_uInt16 nRecType = ESCHER_OPT );
-        sal_Bool	CreateShapeProperties( const ::com::sun::star::uno::Reference< ::com::sun::star::drawing::XShape > & rXShape );
-        sal_Bool    CreateOLEGraphicProperties( const ::com::sun::star::uno::Reference< ::com::sun::star::drawing::XShape > & rXOleObject );
-        /** Creates a complex ESCHER_Prop_fillBlip containing the BLIP directly (for Excel charts). */
-        sal_Bool    CreateEmbeddedBitmapProperties( const ::rtl::OUString& rBitmapUrl,
-                        ::com::sun::star::drawing::BitmapMode eBitmapMode );
-        /** Creates a complex ESCHER_Prop_fillBlip containing a hatch style (for Excel charts). */
-        sal_Bool    CreateEmbeddedHatchProperties( const ::com::sun::star::drawing::Hatch& rHatch,
-                        const Color& rBackColor, bool bFillBackground );
+    EscherPropertyContainer();
+    EscherPropertyContainer(
+        EscherGraphicProvider& rGraphicProvider,    // the PropertyContainer needs to know
+        SvStream* pPicOutStrm,                      // the GraphicProvider to be able to write
+        Rectangle& rShapeBoundRect                  // FillBitmaps or GraphicObjects.
+    );                                              // under some circumstances the ShapeBoundRect
+                                                    // is adjusted this will happen when rotated
+                                                    // GraphicObjects are saved to PowerPoint
+    ~EscherPropertyContainer();
+    void        AddOpt( sal_uInt16 nPropertyID, const rtl::OUString& rString );
+    void        AddOpt(
+                    sal_uInt16 nPropertyID,
+                    sal_uInt32 nPropValue,
+                    sal_Bool bBlib = sal_False
+                );
+    void        AddOpt(
+                    sal_uInt16 nPropertyID,
+                    sal_Bool bBlib,
+                    sal_uInt32 nPropValue,
+                    sal_uInt8* pProp,
+                    sal_uInt32 nPropSize
+                );
+    sal_Bool    GetOpt( sal_uInt16 nPropertyID, sal_uInt32& rPropValue ) const;
+    sal_Bool    GetOpt( sal_uInt16 nPropertyID, EscherPropSortStruct& rPropValue ) const;
+    EscherProperties GetOpts() const;
+    void        Commit( SvStream& rSt, sal_uInt16 nVersion = 3, sal_uInt16 nRecType = ESCHER_OPT );
+    sal_Bool    CreateShapeProperties(
+                    const ::com::sun::star::uno::Reference< ::com::sun::star::drawing::XShape > & rXShape
+                );
+    sal_Bool    CreateOLEGraphicProperties(
+                    const ::com::sun::star::uno::Reference< ::com::sun::star::drawing::XShape > & rXOleObject
+                );
+    /** Creates a complex ESCHER_Prop_fillBlip containing the BLIP directly (for Excel charts). */
+    sal_Bool    CreateEmbeddedBitmapProperties(
+                    const ::rtl::OUString& rBitmapUrl,
+                    ::com::sun::star::drawing::BitmapMode eBitmapMode
+                );
+    /** Creates a complex ESCHER_Prop_fillBlip containing a hatch style (for Excel charts). */
+    sal_Bool    CreateEmbeddedHatchProperties(
+                    const ::com::sun::star::drawing::Hatch& rHatch,
+                    const Color& rBackColor,
+                    bool bFillBackground
+                );
                     // the GraphicProperties will only be created if a GraphicProvider and PicOutStrm is known
                     // DR: #99897# if no GraphicProvider is present, a complex ESCHER_Prop_fillBlip
                     //             will be created, containing the BLIP directly (e.g. for Excel charts).
-        sal_Bool	CreateGraphicProperties( const ::com::sun::star::uno::Reference< ::com::sun::star::beans::XPropertySet > & rXPropSet,
-                        const String& rSource, const sal_Bool bCreateFillBitmap, const sal_Bool bCreateCroppingAttributes = sal_False,
-                            const sal_Bool bFillBitmapModeAllowed = sal_True );
-        sal_Bool	CreatePolygonProperties( const ::com::sun::star::uno::Reference< ::com::sun::star::beans::XPropertySet > & rXPropSet,
-                        sal_uInt32 nFlags, sal_Bool bBezier, ::com::sun::star::awt::Rectangle& rGeoRect, Polygon* pPolygon = NULL );
-        static sal_uInt32 GetGradientColor( const ::com::sun::star::awt::Gradient* pGradient, sal_uInt32 nStartColor );
-        void        CreateGradientProperties( const ::com::sun::star::awt::Gradient & rGradient );
-        void		CreateGradientProperties( const ::com::sun::star::uno::Reference< ::com::sun::star::beans::XPropertySet > & );
-        void		CreateLineProperties( const ::com::sun::star::uno::Reference< ::com::sun::star::beans::XPropertySet > &, sal_Bool bEdge );
-        void		CreateFillProperties( const ::com::sun::star::uno::Reference< ::com::sun::star::beans::XPropertySet > &, sal_Bool bEdge );
-        void		CreateTextProperties( const ::com::sun::star::uno::Reference< ::com::sun::star::beans::XPropertySet > &, sal_uInt32 nText,
-                        const sal_Bool bIsCustomShape = sal_False, const sal_Bool bIsTextFrame = sal_True );
-        sal_Bool	CreateConnectorProperties( const ::com::sun::star::uno::Reference< ::com::sun::star::drawing::XShape > & rXShape,
-                                                EscherSolverContainer& rSolver, ::com::sun::star::awt::Rectangle& rGeoRect,
-                                                    sal_uInt16& rShapeType, sal_uInt16& rShapeFlags );
-                    // Because shadow properties depends to the line and fillstyle, the CreateShadowProperties method should be called at last.
-                    // It activ only when at least a FillStyle or LineStyle is set.
-        sal_Bool	CreateShadowProperties( const ::com::sun::star::uno::Reference< ::com::sun::star::beans::XPropertySet > & );
+    sal_Bool    CreateGraphicProperties(
+                    const ::com::sun::star::uno::Reference< ::com::sun::star::beans::XPropertySet > & rXPropSet,
+                    const String& rSource,
+                    const sal_Bool bCreateFillBitmap,
+                    const sal_Bool bCreateCroppingAttributes = sal_False,
+                    const sal_Bool bFillBitmapModeAllowed = sal_True
+                );
+    sal_Bool    CreatePolygonProperties(
+                    const ::com::sun::star::uno::Reference< ::com::sun::star::beans::XPropertySet > & rXPropSet,
+                    sal_uInt32 nFlags,
+                    sal_Bool bBezier,
+                    ::com::sun::star::awt::Rectangle& rGeoRect,
+                    Polygon* pPolygon = NULL
+                );
+    static sal_uInt32 GetGradientColor(
+                    const ::com::sun::star::awt::Gradient* pGradient,
+                    sal_uInt32 nStartColor
+                );
+    void        CreateGradientProperties( const ::com::sun::star::awt::Gradient & rGradient );
+    void        CreateGradientProperties(
+                    const ::com::sun::star::uno::Reference< ::com::sun::star::beans::XPropertySet > &
+                );
+    void        CreateLineProperties(
+                    const ::com::sun::star::uno::Reference< ::com::sun::star::beans::XPropertySet > &,
+                    sal_Bool bEdge
+                );
+    void        CreateFillProperties( const ::com::sun::star::uno::Reference< ::com::sun::star::beans::XPropertySet > &, sal_Bool bEdge );
+    void        CreateTextProperties(
+                    const ::com::sun::star::uno::Reference< ::com::sun::star::beans::XPropertySet > &,
+                    sal_uInt32 nText,
+                    const sal_Bool bIsCustomShape = sal_False,
+                    const sal_Bool bIsTextFrame = sal_True
+                );
+    sal_Bool    CreateConnectorProperties(
+                    const ::com::sun::star::uno::Reference< ::com::sun::star::drawing::XShape > & rXShape,
+                    EscherSolverContainer& rSolver,
+                    ::com::sun::star::awt::Rectangle& rGeoRect,
+                    sal_uInt16& rShapeType,
+                    sal_uInt16& rShapeFlags
+                );
+                // Because shadow properties depends to the line and fillstyle, the CreateShadowProperties method should be called at last.
+                // It activ only when at least a FillStyle or LineStyle is set.
+    sal_Bool    CreateShadowProperties(
+                    const ::com::sun::star::uno::Reference< ::com::sun::star::beans::XPropertySet > &
+                );
         // creates all necessary CustomShape properties, this includes also Text-, Shadow-, Fill-, and LineProperties
-        void		CreateCustomShapeProperties( const MSO_SPT eShapeType, const ::com::sun::star::uno::Reference< ::com::sun::star::drawing::XShape > & );
-        sal_Bool	IsFontWork() const;
-        // helper functions which are also used by the escher import
-        static PolyPolygon GetPolyPolygon( const ::com::sun::star::uno::Reference< ::com::sun::star::drawing::XShape > & rXShape );
-        static PolyPolygon GetPolyPolygon( const ::com::sun::star::uno::Any& rSource );
-        static MSO_SPT GetCustomShapeType( const ::com::sun::star::uno::Reference< ::com::sun::star::drawing::XShape > & rXShape, sal_uInt32& nMirrorFlags );
-        static MSO_SPT GetCustomShapeType( const ::com::sun::star::uno::Reference< ::com::sun::star::drawing::XShape > & rXShape, sal_uInt32& nMirrorFlags, rtl::OUString& rShapeType );
+    void        CreateCustomShapeProperties(
+                    const MSO_SPT eShapeType,
+                    const ::com::sun::star::uno::Reference< ::com::sun::star::drawing::XShape > &
+                );
+    sal_Bool    IsFontWork() const;
+    // helper functions which are also used by the escher import
+    static PolyPolygon  GetPolyPolygon(
+                            const ::com::sun::star::uno::Reference< ::com::sun::star::drawing::XShape > & rXShape
+                        );
+    static PolyPolygon  GetPolyPolygon( const ::com::sun::star::uno::Any& rSource );
+    static MSO_SPT      GetCustomShapeType(
+                            const ::com::sun::star::uno::Reference< ::com::sun::star::drawing::XShape > & rXShape,
+                            sal_uInt32& nMirrorFlags
+                        );
+    static MSO_SPT      GetCustomShapeType(
+                            const ::com::sun::star::uno::Reference< ::com::sun::star::drawing::XShape > & rXShape,
+                            sal_uInt32& nMirrorFlags,
+                            rtl::OUString& rShapeType
+                        );
     // helper functions which are also used in ooxml export
-    static sal_Bool GetLineArrow( const sal_Bool bLineStart,
-                      const ::com::sun::star::uno::Reference< ::com::sun::star::beans::XPropertySet > & rXPropSet,
-                      ESCHER_LineEnd& reLineEnd, sal_Int32& rnArrowLength, sal_Int32& rnArrowWidth );
-    static sal_Bool IsDefaultObject( SdrObjCustomShape* pCustoShape );
-    static void LookForPolarHandles( const MSO_SPT eShapeType, sal_Int32& nAdjustmentsWhichNeedsToBeConverted );
-    static sal_Bool GetAdjustmentValue( const com::sun::star::drawing::EnhancedCustomShapeAdjustmentValue & rkProp, sal_Int32 nIndex, sal_Int32 nAdjustmentsWhichNeedsToBeConverted, sal_Int32& nValue );
+    static sal_Bool     GetLineArrow(
+                            const sal_Bool bLineStart,
+                            const ::com::sun::star::uno::Reference< ::com::sun::star::beans::XPropertySet > & rXPropSet,
+                            ESCHER_LineEnd& reLineEnd,
+                            sal_Int32& rnArrowLength,
+                            sal_Int32& rnArrowWidth
+                        );
+    static sal_Bool     IsDefaultObject( SdrObjCustomShape* pCustoShape );
+    static void         LookForPolarHandles(
+                            const MSO_SPT eShapeType,
+                            sal_Int32& nAdjustmentsWhichNeedsToBeConverted
+                        );
+    static sal_Bool     GetAdjustmentValue( const com::sun::star::drawing::EnhancedCustomShapeAdjustmentValue & rkProp, sal_Int32 nIndex, sal_Int32 nAdjustmentsWhichNeedsToBeConverted, sal_Int32& nValue );
 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
@@ -1260,18 +1341,18 @@ class MSFILTER_DLLPUBLIC EscherPersistTable
-        List	maPersistTable;
+        List    maPersistTable;
-        sal_Bool	PtIsID( sal_uInt32 nID );
-        void	PtInsert( sal_uInt32 nID, sal_uInt32 nOfs );
-        sal_uInt32	PtDelete( sal_uInt32 nID );
-        sal_uInt32	PtGetOffsetByID( sal_uInt32 nID );
-        sal_uInt32	PtReplace( sal_uInt32 nID, sal_uInt32 nOfs );
-        sal_uInt32	PtReplaceOrInsert( sal_uInt32 nID, sal_uInt32 nOfs );
-        sal_uInt32	PtGetCount() const { return maPersistTable.Count(); };
+        sal_Bool    PtIsID( sal_uInt32 nID );
+        void    PtInsert( sal_uInt32 nID, sal_uInt32 nOfs );
+        sal_uInt32  PtDelete( sal_uInt32 nID );
+        sal_uInt32  PtGetOffsetByID( sal_uInt32 nID );
+        sal_uInt32  PtReplace( sal_uInt32 nID, sal_uInt32 nOfs );
+        sal_uInt32  PtReplaceOrInsert( sal_uInt32 nID, sal_uInt32 nOfs );
+        sal_uInt32  PtGetCount() const { return maPersistTable.Count(); };
-        virtual	~EscherPersistTable();
+        virtual ~EscherPersistTable();
 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
@@ -1283,12 +1364,12 @@ class MSFILTER_DLLPUBLIC EscherExClientRecord_Base
                                 EscherExClientRecord_Base() {}
-    virtual						~EscherExClientRecord_Base();
+    virtual                     ~EscherExClientRecord_Base();
                                 /// Application writes the record header
                                 /// using rEx.AddAtom(...) followed by
                                 /// record data written to rEx.GetStream()
-    virtual	void				WriteData( EscherEx& rEx ) const = 0;
+    virtual void                WriteData( EscherEx& rEx ) const = 0;
@@ -1297,38 +1378,39 @@ class MSFILTER_DLLPUBLIC EscherExClientAnchor_Base
                                 EscherExClientAnchor_Base() {}
-    virtual						~EscherExClientAnchor_Base();
+    virtual                     ~EscherExClientAnchor_Base();
                                 /// Application writes the record header
                                 /// using rEx.AddAtom(...) followed by
                                 /// record data written to rEx.GetStream()
-    virtual	void				WriteData( EscherEx& rEx,
+    virtual void                WriteData( EscherEx& rEx,
                                     const Rectangle& rRect ) = 0;
 class InteractionInfo
     bool mbHasInteraction;
-    std::auto_ptr<SvMemoryStream>		mpHyperlinkRecord;
+    std::auto_ptr<SvMemoryStream>       mpHyperlinkRecord;
     InteractionInfo( SvMemoryStream* pStream, bool bInteraction ) : mbHasInteraction( bInteraction )
         mpHyperlinkRecord.reset( pStream );
-    bool	hasInteraction() { return mbHasInteraction; }
-    const std::auto_ptr< SvMemoryStream >&	getHyperlinkRecord() { return mpHyperlinkRecord; }
+    bool    hasInteraction() { return mbHasInteraction; }
+    const std::auto_ptr< SvMemoryStream >&  getHyperlinkRecord() { return mpHyperlinkRecord; }
 class EscherExHostAppData
-        EscherExClientAnchor_Base*	pClientAnchor;
-        EscherExClientRecord_Base*	pClientData;
-        EscherExClientRecord_Base*	pClientTextbox;
-        InteractionInfo*		pInteractionInfo;
+        EscherExClientAnchor_Base*  pClientAnchor;
+        EscherExClientRecord_Base*  pClientData;
+        EscherExClientRecord_Base*  pClientTextbox;
+        InteractionInfo*        pInteractionInfo;
         // ignore single shape if entire pages are written
-        sal_Bool						bDontWriteShape;
+        sal_Bool                        bDontWriteShape;
         EscherExHostAppData() : pClientAnchor(0), pClientData(0),
@@ -1460,20 +1542,20 @@ class MSFILTER_DLLPUBLIC EscherEx : public EscherPersistTable
         EscherExGlobalRef       mxGlobal;
         ImplEscherExSdrPtr      mpImplEscherExSdr;
-        SvStream*				mpOutStrm;
-        sal_uInt32					mnStrmStartOfs;
+        SvStream*               mpOutStrm;
+        sal_uInt32                  mnStrmStartOfs;
         std::vector< sal_uInt32 > mOffsets;
         std::vector< sal_uInt16 > mRecTypes;
-        sal_uInt32					mnCurrentDg;
-        sal_uInt32					mnCountOfs;
+        sal_uInt32                  mnCurrentDg;
+        sal_uInt32                  mnCountOfs;
-        sal_uInt32					mnGroupLevel;
-        sal_uInt16					mnHellLayerId;
+        sal_uInt32                  mnGroupLevel;
+        sal_uInt16                  mnHellLayerId;
-        sal_Bool					mbEscherSpgr;
-        sal_Bool					mbEscherDg;
-        sal_Bool					mbOleEmf;					// OLE is EMF instead of WMF
+        sal_Bool                    mbEscherSpgr;
+        sal_Bool                    mbEscherDg;
+        sal_Bool                    mbOleEmf;                   // OLE is EMF instead of WMF
         virtual sal_Bool DoSeek( sal_uInt32 nKey );
@@ -1489,8 +1571,7 @@ public:
     /** Returns the graphic provider from the global object that has been
         passed to the constructor.
-    inline EscherGraphicProvider&
-                        GetGraphicProvider() { return *mxGlobal; }
+    inline EscherGraphicProvider& GetGraphicProvider() { return *mxGlobal; }
     /** Called if a picture shall be written and no picture stream is set at
         class ImplEscherExSdr.
@@ -1522,63 +1603,63 @@ public:
             current stream position are always expanded to include the inserted
-    void                InsertAtCurrentPos( sal_uInt32 nBytes, bool bExpandEndOfAtom );
+    void            InsertAtCurrentPos( sal_uInt32 nBytes, bool bExpandEndOfAtom );
-        void	InsertPersistOffset( sal_uInt32 nKey, sal_uInt32 nOffset );	// Es wird nicht geprueft, ob sich jener schluessel schon in der PersistantTable befindet
-        void    ReplacePersistOffset( sal_uInt32 nKey, sal_uInt32 nOffset );
-        sal_uInt32  GetPersistOffset( sal_uInt32 nKey );
-        sal_Bool	SeekToPersistOffset( sal_uInt32 nKey );
-        virtual sal_Bool InsertAtPersistOffset( sal_uInt32 nKey, sal_uInt32 nValue );// nValue wird im Stream an entrsprechender Stelle eingefuegt(overwrite modus), ohne dass sich die
+    void            InsertPersistOffset( sal_uInt32 nKey, sal_uInt32 nOffset ); // Es wird nicht geprueft, ob sich jener schluessel schon in der PersistantTable befindet
+    void            ReplacePersistOffset( sal_uInt32 nKey, sal_uInt32 nOffset );
+    sal_uInt32      GetPersistOffset( sal_uInt32 nKey );
+    sal_Bool        SeekToPersistOffset( sal_uInt32 nKey );
+    virtual sal_Bool InsertAtPersistOffset( sal_uInt32 nKey, sal_uInt32 nValue );// nValue wird im Stream an entrsprechender Stelle eingefuegt(overwrite modus), ohne dass sich die
                                                                     // aktuelle StreamPosition aendert
-        SvStream&	GetStream() const	{ return *mpOutStrm; }
-        sal_uLong	GetStreamPos() const	{ return mpOutStrm->Tell(); }
+    SvStream&       GetStream() const   { return *mpOutStrm; }
+    sal_uLong       GetStreamPos() const    { return mpOutStrm->Tell(); }
-        virtual sal_Bool SeekBehindRecHeader( sal_uInt16 nRecType );				// der stream muss vor einem gueltigen Record Header oder Atom stehen
+    virtual sal_Bool SeekBehindRecHeader( sal_uInt16 nRecType );                // der stream muss vor einem gueltigen Record Header oder Atom stehen
                 // features beim erzeugen folgender Container:
-                //		ESCHER_DggContainer:	ein EscherDgg Atom wird automatisch erzeugt und verwaltet
-                //		ESCHER_DgContainer:		ein EscherDg Atom wird automatisch erzeugt und verwaltet
-                //		ESCHER_SpgrContainer:
-                //		ESCHER_SpContainer:
-        virtual void OpenContainer( sal_uInt16 nEscherContainer, int nRecInstance = 0 );
-        virtual void CloseContainer();
-        virtual void BeginAtom();
-        virtual void EndAtom( sal_uInt16 nRecType, int nRecVersion = 0, int nRecInstance = 0 );
-        virtual void AddAtom( sal_uInt32 nAtomSitze, sal_uInt16 nRecType, int nRecVersion = 0, int nRecInstance = 0 );
-        virtual void AddChildAnchor( const Rectangle& rRectangle );
-        virtual void AddClientAnchor( const Rectangle& rRectangle );
-        virtual sal_uInt32 EnterGroup( const String& rShapeName, const Rectangle* pBoundRect = 0 );
-        sal_uInt32	EnterGroup( const Rectangle* pBoundRect = NULL );
-        sal_uInt32	GetGroupLevel() const { return mnGroupLevel; };
-        virtual sal_Bool SetGroupSnapRect( sal_uInt32 nGroupLevel, const Rectangle& rRect );
-        virtual sal_Bool SetGroupLogicRect( sal_uInt32 nGroupLevel, const Rectangle& rRect );
-        virtual void LeaveGroup();
+                //      ESCHER_DggContainer:    ein EscherDgg Atom wird automatisch erzeugt und verwaltet
+                //      ESCHER_DgContainer:     ein EscherDg Atom wird automatisch erzeugt und verwaltet
+                //      ESCHER_SpgrContainer:
+                //      ESCHER_SpContainer:
+    virtual void OpenContainer( sal_uInt16 nEscherContainer, int nRecInstance = 0 );
+    virtual void CloseContainer();
+    virtual void BeginAtom();
+    virtual void EndAtom( sal_uInt16 nRecType, int nRecVersion = 0, int nRecInstance = 0 );
+    virtual void AddAtom( sal_uInt32 nAtomSitze, sal_uInt16 nRecType, int nRecVersion = 0, int nRecInstance = 0 );
+    virtual void AddChildAnchor( const Rectangle& rRectangle );
+    virtual void AddClientAnchor( const Rectangle& rRectangle );
+    virtual sal_uInt32 EnterGroup( const String& rShapeName, const Rectangle* pBoundRect = 0 );
+    sal_uInt32  EnterGroup( const Rectangle* pBoundRect = NULL );
+    sal_uInt32  GetGroupLevel() const { return mnGroupLevel; };
+    virtual sal_Bool SetGroupSnapRect( sal_uInt32 nGroupLevel, const Rectangle& rRect );
+    virtual sal_Bool SetGroupLogicRect( sal_uInt32 nGroupLevel, const Rectangle& rRect );
+    virtual void LeaveGroup();
                 // ein ESCHER_Sp wird geschrieben ( Ein ESCHER_DgContainer muss dazu geoeffnet sein !!)
-        virtual void AddShape( sal_uInt32 nShpInstance, sal_uInt32 nFlagIds, sal_uInt32 nShapeID = 0 );
+    virtual void AddShape( sal_uInt32 nShpInstance, sal_uInt32 nFlagIds, sal_uInt32 nShapeID = 0 );
-        virtual void Commit( EscherPropertyContainer& rProps, const Rectangle& rRect );
+    virtual void Commit( EscherPropertyContainer& rProps, const Rectangle& rRect );
-        sal_uInt32	GetColor( const sal_uInt32 nColor, sal_Bool bSwap = sal_True );
-        sal_uInt32	GetColor( const Color& rColor, sal_Bool bSwap = sal_True );
+    sal_uInt32  GetColor( const sal_uInt32 nColor, sal_Bool bSwap = sal_True );
+    sal_uInt32  GetColor( const Color& rColor, sal_Bool bSwap = sal_True );
                 // ...Sdr... implemented in eschesdo.cxx
-        void	AddSdrPage( const SdrPage& rPage );
-        void    AddUnoShapes( const ::com::sun::star::uno::Reference< ::com::sun::star::drawing::XShapes >& rxShapes );
+    void    AddSdrPage( const SdrPage& rPage );
+    void    AddUnoShapes( const ::com::sun::star::uno::Reference< ::com::sun::star::drawing::XShapes >& rxShapes );
                 /// returns the ShapeID
-        sal_uInt32	AddSdrObject( const SdrObject& rObj );
+    sal_uInt32  AddSdrObject( const SdrObject& rObj );
                 /// If objects are written through AddSdrObject the
                 /// SolverContainer has to be written, and maybe some
                 /// maintenance to be done.
-        void	EndSdrObjectPage();
+    void    EndSdrObjectPage();
                 /// Called before a shape is written, application supplies
                 /// ClientRecords. May set AppData::bDontWriteShape so the
@@ -1589,7 +1670,7 @@ public:
                 /// Called after a shape is written to inform the application
                 /// of the resulted shape type and ID.
-    virtual	void	EndShape( sal_uInt16 nShapeType, sal_uInt32 nShapeID );
+    virtual void    EndShape( sal_uInt16 nShapeType, sal_uInt32 nShapeID );
                 /// Called before an AdditionalText EnterGroup occurs.
                 /// The current shape will be written in three parts:
@@ -1607,17 +1688,17 @@ public:
                 /// EndShape is called for the textbox shape.
                 /// EndShape is called for the group shape, this provides
                 ///   the same functionality as an ordinary recursive group.
-    virtual	EscherExHostAppData*	EnterAdditionalTextGroup();
+    virtual EscherExHostAppData*    EnterAdditionalTextGroup();
                 /// Called if an ESCHER_Prop_lTxid shall be written
-    virtual	sal_uInt32	QueryTextID( const ::com::sun::star::uno::Reference< ::com::sun::star::drawing::XShape >&, sal_uInt32 nShapeId );
+    virtual sal_uInt32  QueryTextID( const ::com::sun::star::uno::Reference< ::com::sun::star::drawing::XShape >&, sal_uInt32 nShapeId );
             // add an dummy rectangle shape into the escher stream
         sal_uInt32  AddDummyShape();
     static const SdrObject* GetSdrObject( const ::com::sun::star::uno::Reference< ::com::sun::star::drawing::XShape >& rXShape );
-    void SetHellLayerId( sal_uInt16 nId )		{ mnHellLayerId = nId; }
-    sal_uInt16 GetHellLayerId() const			{ return mnHellLayerId; }
+    void SetHellLayerId( sal_uInt16 nId )       { mnHellLayerId = nId; }
+    sal_uInt16 GetHellLayerId() const           { return mnHellLayerId; }
                         EscherEx( const EscherEx& );

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