[Libreoffice-commits] .: Branch 'feature/gnumake4' - 154 commits - .gitignore qadevOOo/build.xml qadevOOo/JunitTest_qadevOOo_unoapi.mk qadevOOo/Makefile qadevOOo/makefile.mk qadevOOo/Module_qadevOOo.mk qadevOOo/prj qadevOOo/qa qadevOOo/runner qadevOOo/testdocs qadevOOo/tests smoketestdoc/com smoketestdoc/data smoketestdoc/prj smoketestoo_native/makefile.mk smoketestoo_native/prj smoketestoo_native/smoketest.cxx testautomation/chart2 testautomation/dbaccess testautomation/extensions testautomation/framework testautomation/global testautomation/graphics testautomation/math testautomation/prj testautomation/spreadsheet testautomation/writer testautomation/xml testgraphical/prechecks testgraphical/prj testgraphical/source testgraphical/ui test/inc test/prj test/source testtools/com testtools/inc testtools/prj testtools/source

Bjoern Michaelsen bmichaelsen at kemper.freedesktop.org
Mon Jun 20 01:23:28 PDT 2011

 .gitignore                                                                                |   18 
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 qadevOOo/JunitTest_qadevOOo_unoapi.mk                                                     |   49 
 qadevOOo/Makefile                                                                         |   38 
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 testautomation/writer/optional/input/filter/lib/old/hwpreadermi.dll                       | 1557 ----------
 testautomation/writer/optional/input/filter/lib/old/jsreadermi.dll                        |  130 
 testautomation/writer/optional/input/filter/lib/wps2star.dll                              |  159 -
 testautomation/writer/optional/input/filter/regcomp/regcompli                             |   16 
 testautomation/writer/optional/input/filter/regcomp/regcompsi                             |   25 
 testautomation/writer/optional/input/filter/regcomp/regcompss                             |   57 
 testautomation/writer/optional/w_autocorrection.bas                                       |    6 
 testautomation/writer/tools/includes/w_tools_undo.inc                                     |    2 
 testautomation/xml/optional/includes/sxw7_03.inc                                          |    8 
 testgraphical/prechecks/makefile.mk                                                       |    2 
 testgraphical/source/CallExternals.pm                                                     |    2 
 testgraphical/source/fill_documents_loop.pl                                               |    2 
 testgraphical/ui/java/ConvwatchGUIProject/src/IniFile.java                                |    2 
 testtools/com/sun/star/comp/bridge/TestComponent.java                                     |   19 
 testtools/com/sun/star/comp/bridge/makefile.mk                                            |   13 
 testtools/inc/pch/precompiled_testtools.cxx                                               |    2 
 testtools/inc/pch/precompiled_testtools.hxx                                               |    2 
 testtools/prj/build.lst                                                                   |    2 
 testtools/source/bridgetest/bridgetest.cxx                                                |   63 
 testtools/source/bridgetest/cli/cli_cpp_bridgetest.cxx                                    |  122 
 testtools/source/bridgetest/cli/cli_cs_bridgetest.cs                                      |    2 
 testtools/source/bridgetest/cli/cli_cs_testobj.cs                                         |   17 
 testtools/source/bridgetest/cli/cli_vb_bridgetest.vb                                      |    2 
 testtools/source/bridgetest/constructors.cxx                                              |    7 
 testtools/source/bridgetest/cppobj.cxx                                                    |   18 
 testtools/source/bridgetest/currentcontextchecker.cxx                                     |    3 
 testtools/source/bridgetest/currentcontextchecker.hxx                                     |    5 
 testtools/source/bridgetest/idl/bridgetest.idl                                            |   49 
 testtools/source/bridgetest/idl/makefile.mk                                               |    8 
 testtools/source/bridgetest/makefile.mk                                                   |   14 
 testtools/source/bridgetest/multi.cxx                                                     |   52 
 testtools/source/bridgetest/multi.hxx                                                     |   13 
 testtools/source/bridgetest/pyuno/makefile.mk                                             |   13 
 testtools/source/cliversioning/makefile.mk                                                |   13 
 testtools/source/cliversioning/old_version_libs_v2/readme.txt                             |    3 
 testtools/source/performance/pseudo.cxx                                                   |    8 
 testtools/source/performance/ubobject.cxx                                                 |   12 
 testtools/source/performance/ubtest.cxx                                                   |   18 
 335 files changed, 1420 insertions(+), 5068 deletions(-)

New commits:
commit dd333eccf81cebfce77a47a95f9b4a3d78fd1a38
Merge: 5dee0f0... 5b5d30e...
Author: Bjoern Michaelsen <bjoern.michaelsen at canonical.com>
Date:   Mon Jun 20 09:36:26 2011 +0200

    Merge branch 'master' into feature/gnumake4

commit 5b5d30e9f6fa99d2b0c168b3cb0fa00ef3d00cc7
Author: Tor Lillqvist <tml at iki.fi>
Date:   Sun Jun 12 19:25:58 2011 +0300

    Bypass when cross-compiling, at least for now

diff --git a/test/source/cpp/makefile.mk b/test/source/cpp/makefile.mk
index cae88e0..62a6e2c 100644
--- a/test/source/cpp/makefile.mk
+++ b/test/source/cpp/makefile.mk
@@ -32,6 +32,12 @@ VISIBILITY_HIDDEN = TRUE
 .INCLUDE: settings.mk
+    @echo Nothing done when cross-compiling
+# --- Files --------------------------------------------------------
diff --git a/test/source/cpp/unoexceptionprotector/makefile.mk b/test/source/cpp/unoexceptionprotector/makefile.mk
index 86c8bc6..d3d13e6 100644
--- a/test/source/cpp/unoexceptionprotector/makefile.mk
+++ b/test/source/cpp/unoexceptionprotector/makefile.mk
@@ -32,6 +32,12 @@ VISIBILITY_HIDDEN = TRUE
 .INCLUDE: settings.mk
+    @echo Nothing done when cross-compiling
+# --- Files --------------------------------------------------------
commit f0c047b25a26339ddcde1287328d9ad0cde69011
Author: Tor Lillqvist <tml at iki.fi>
Date:   Sun Jun 12 13:01:12 2011 +0300

    Don't do anything when cross-compiling for now

diff --git a/testtools/com/sun/star/comp/bridge/makefile.mk b/testtools/com/sun/star/comp/bridge/makefile.mk
index 7083f23..0a6b9a8 100644
--- a/testtools/com/sun/star/comp/bridge/makefile.mk
+++ b/testtools/com/sun/star/comp/bridge/makefile.mk
@@ -34,6 +34,11 @@ TARGET=com_sun_star_comp_bridge
 .INCLUDE :  settings.mk
+    @echo Nothing done when cross-compiling
 # ------------------------------------------------------------------
 .IF "$(SOLAR_JAVA)" != ""
diff --git a/testtools/source/bridgetest/idl/makefile.mk b/testtools/source/bridgetest/idl/makefile.mk
index b056aec..dce276e 100644
--- a/testtools/source/bridgetest/idl/makefile.mk
+++ b/testtools/source/bridgetest/idl/makefile.mk
@@ -30,8 +30,16 @@ PRJNAME := testtools
 TARGET := bridgetest_idl
 .INCLUDE: settings.mk
+    @echo Nothing done when cross-compiling
 .INCLUDE: target.mk
 .IF "$(L10N_framework)"==""
 ALLTAR: $(MISC)$/$(TARGET).cppumaker.done $(MISC)$/$(TARGET).javamaker.done
 $(MISC)$/$(TARGET).cppumaker.done: $(BIN)$/bridgetest.rdb
diff --git a/testtools/source/bridgetest/makefile.mk b/testtools/source/bridgetest/makefile.mk
index 8ce4116..3932d04 100644
--- a/testtools/source/bridgetest/makefile.mk
+++ b/testtools/source/bridgetest/makefile.mk
@@ -34,7 +34,14 @@ ENABLE_EXCEPTIONS=TRUE
 .INCLUDE: settings.mk
+    @echo Nothing done when cross-compiling
 .IF "$(L10N_framework)"==""
 DLLPRE = # no leading "lib" on .so files
 .IF "$(GUI)"=="WNT"
diff --git a/testtools/source/bridgetest/pyuno/makefile.mk b/testtools/source/bridgetest/pyuno/makefile.mk
index b5d90cb..b7a7294 100644
--- a/testtools/source/bridgetest/pyuno/makefile.mk
+++ b/testtools/source/bridgetest/pyuno/makefile.mk
@@ -38,6 +38,12 @@ my_components = pythonloader
 # --- Settings -----------------------------------------------------
 .INCLUDE :  settings.mk
+    @echo Nothing done when cross-compiling
 # --- Files --------------------------------------------------------
 .IF "$(L10N_framework)"==""
diff --git a/testtools/source/cliversioning/makefile.mk b/testtools/source/cliversioning/makefile.mk
index bb9cd3d..803fda8 100644
--- a/testtools/source/cliversioning/makefile.mk
+++ b/testtools/source/cliversioning/makefile.mk
@@ -33,6 +33,12 @@ TARGET := test_climaker
 PACKAGE = cliversion
 .INCLUDE: settings.mk
+    @echo Nothing done when cross-compiling
 .INCLUDE : $(PRJ)$/util$/makefile.pmk
 .IF "$(debug)" != ""
commit 4d62313de5dd568230fa06634569e5d098bef7be
Merge: cb7dc5b... 51e73a5...
Author: Jan Holesovsky <kendy at suse.cz>
Date:   Mon Jun 6 12:53:10 2011 +0200

    Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/libreoffice-3-4'

commit cb7dc5b4050dd7f6978bcb90c9bfee943442bcda
Author: Tor Lillqvist <tlillqvist at novell.com>
Date:   Fri Jun 3 13:28:11 2011 +0300

    Drop %_EXT% which was always empty

diff --git a/qadevOOo/prj/d.lst b/qadevOOo/prj/d.lst
index e6e07e8..8615359 100644
--- a/qadevOOo/prj/d.lst
+++ b/qadevOOo/prj/d.lst
@@ -1 +1 @@
-..\%__SRC%\class\OOoRunner*.jar %_DEST%\bin%_EXT%
+..\%__SRC%\class\OOoRunner*.jar %_DEST%\bin
diff --git a/smoketestdoc/prj/d.lst b/smoketestdoc/prj/d.lst
index 618cd83..c89f0d9 100644
--- a/smoketestdoc/prj/d.lst
+++ b/smoketestdoc/prj/d.lst
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-mkdir: %_DEST%\bin%_EXT%
+mkdir: %_DEST%\bin
-..\%__SRC%\bin\smoketestdoc.sxw %_DEST%\bin%_EXT%\smoketestdoc.sxw
-..\%__SRC%\bin\TestExtension.oxt %_DEST%\bin%_EXT%\TestExtension.oxt
+..\%__SRC%\bin\smoketestdoc.sxw %_DEST%\bin\smoketestdoc.sxw
+..\%__SRC%\bin\TestExtension.oxt %_DEST%\bin\TestExtension.oxt
diff --git a/test/prj/d.lst b/test/prj/d.lst
index 18a599f..29388bc 100644
--- a/test/prj/d.lst
+++ b/test/prj/d.lst
@@ -1,17 +1,17 @@
-mkdir: %_DEST%\inc%_EXT%\test
-mkdir: %_DEST%\inc%_EXT%\test\detail
-..\%__SRC%\bin\test.dll %_DEST%\bin%_EXT%\test.dll
-..\%__SRC%\bin\unoexceptionprotector.dll %_DEST%\bin%_EXT%\unoexceptionprotector.dll
-..\%__SRC%\lib\itest.lib %_DEST%\lib%_EXT%\itest.lib
-..\%__SRC%\lib\libtest.dylib %_DEST%\lib%_EXT%\libtest.dylib
-..\%__SRC%\lib\libtest.so %_DEST%\lib%_EXT%\libtest.so
-..\%__SRC%\lib\unoexceptionprotector.dylib %_DEST%\lib%_EXT%\unoexceptionprotector.dylib
-..\%__SRC%\lib\unoexceptionprotector.so %_DEST%\lib%_EXT%\unoexceptionprotector.so
-..\inc\test\detail\testdllapi.hxx %_DEST%\inc%_EXT%\test\detail\testdllapi.hxx
-..\inc\test\gettestargument.hxx %_DEST%\inc%_EXT%\test\gettestargument.hxx
-..\inc\test\officeconnection.hxx %_DEST%\inc%_EXT%\test\officeconnection.hxx
-..\inc\test\oustringostreaminserter.hxx %_DEST%\inc%_EXT%\test\oustringostreaminserter.hxx
-..\inc\test\toabsolutefileurl.hxx %_DEST%\inc%_EXT%\test\toabsolutefileurl.hxx
-..\inc\test\uniquepipename.hxx %_DEST%\inc%_EXT%\test\uniquepipename.hxx
-..\%__SRC%\class\test.jar %_DEST%\bin%_EXT%\test.jar
-..\%__SRC%\class\test-tools.jar %_DEST%\bin%_EXT%\test-tools.jar
+mkdir: %_DEST%\inc\test
+mkdir: %_DEST%\inc\test\detail
+..\%__SRC%\bin\test.dll %_DEST%\bin\test.dll
+..\%__SRC%\bin\unoexceptionprotector.dll %_DEST%\bin\unoexceptionprotector.dll
+..\%__SRC%\lib\itest.lib %_DEST%\lib\itest.lib
+..\%__SRC%\lib\libtest.dylib %_DEST%\lib\libtest.dylib
+..\%__SRC%\lib\libtest.so %_DEST%\lib\libtest.so
+..\%__SRC%\lib\unoexceptionprotector.dylib %_DEST%\lib\unoexceptionprotector.dylib
+..\%__SRC%\lib\unoexceptionprotector.so %_DEST%\lib\unoexceptionprotector.so
+..\inc\test\detail\testdllapi.hxx %_DEST%\inc\test\detail\testdllapi.hxx
+..\inc\test\gettestargument.hxx %_DEST%\inc\test\gettestargument.hxx
+..\inc\test\officeconnection.hxx %_DEST%\inc\test\officeconnection.hxx
+..\inc\test\oustringostreaminserter.hxx %_DEST%\inc\test\oustringostreaminserter.hxx
+..\inc\test\toabsolutefileurl.hxx %_DEST%\inc\test\toabsolutefileurl.hxx
+..\inc\test\uniquepipename.hxx %_DEST%\inc\test\uniquepipename.hxx
+..\%__SRC%\class\test.jar %_DEST%\bin\test.jar
+..\%__SRC%\class\test-tools.jar %_DEST%\bin\test-tools.jar
diff --git a/testautomation/prj/d.lst b/testautomation/prj/d.lst
index a2d325f..87e6004 100644
--- a/testautomation/prj/d.lst
+++ b/testautomation/prj/d.lst
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-mkdir: %COMMON_DEST%\bin%_EXT%\win
+mkdir: %COMMON_DEST%\bin\win
-..\global\win\*.win %COMMON_DEST%\bin%_EXT%\win\*.win
+..\global\win\*.win %COMMON_DEST%\bin\win\*.win
commit 79cfff0b519f6970aea23de3ee6fd7080f65b832
Author: Bjoern Michaelsen <bjoern.michaelsen at canonical.com>
Date:   Wed Jun 1 16:43:04 2011 +0200

    add debug hook for junit tests

diff --git a/test/source/java/org/openoffice/test/OfficeConnection.java b/test/source/java/org/openoffice/test/OfficeConnection.java
index 6aa164a..4cc59a2 100644
--- a/test/source/java/org/openoffice/test/OfficeConnection.java
+++ b/test/source/java/org/openoffice/test/OfficeConnection.java
@@ -62,7 +62,7 @@ public final class OfficeConnection {
             description = "pipe,name=oootest" + UUID.randomUUID();
             ProcessBuilder pb = new ProcessBuilder(
                 sofficeArg.substring("path:".length()), "--quickstart=no",
-                "--nofirststartwizard", "--norestore",
+                "--nofirststartwizard", "--norestore", "--nologo",
                 "--accept=" + description + ";urp",
                 "-env:UserInstallation=" + Argument.get("user"),
@@ -104,6 +104,12 @@ public final class OfficeConnection {
                 assertNull(waitForProcess(process, 1000)); // 1 sec
+        try {
+            ProcessBuilder debugbp = new ProcessBuilder(
+                Argument.get("debugcommand").split(" "));
+            debugbp.start();
+            Thread.sleep(1000);
+        } catch(Exception e) {}
     /** Shut down the OOo instance.
commit 51e73a5871c5d2fb2e2aeeaa9c9d08d84f0f7450
Author: Bjoern Michaelsen <bjoern.michaelsen at canonical.com>
Date:   Tue May 31 14:58:48 2011 +0200

    use --nologo to prevent oosplash smoketest hangs

diff --git a/test/source/cpp/officeconnection.cxx b/test/source/cpp/officeconnection.cxx
index 9bdddca..9225411 100644
--- a/test/source/cpp/officeconnection.cxx
+++ b/test/source/cpp/officeconnection.cxx
@@ -76,7 +76,7 @@ void OfficeConnection::setUp() {
         rtl::OUString norestoreArg(RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM("--norestore"));
         //Disable use of the unix standalone splash screen app for the tests
-        rtl::OUString noSplashArg(RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM("--no-oosplash"));
+        rtl::OUString noSplashArg(RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM("--nologo"));
         rtl::OUString acceptArg(
             rtl::OUString(RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM("--accept=")) + desc +
commit c414bb1dc75b3db4fa88874ff5f978e6a0d18d56
Author: Bjoern Michaelsen <bjoern.michaelsen at canonical.com>
Date:   Tue May 31 14:58:48 2011 +0200

    use --nologo to prevent oosplash smoketest hangs

diff --git a/test/source/cpp/officeconnection.cxx b/test/source/cpp/officeconnection.cxx
index 9bdddca..9225411 100644
--- a/test/source/cpp/officeconnection.cxx
+++ b/test/source/cpp/officeconnection.cxx
@@ -76,7 +76,7 @@ void OfficeConnection::setUp() {
         rtl::OUString norestoreArg(RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM("--norestore"));
         //Disable use of the unix standalone splash screen app for the tests
-        rtl::OUString noSplashArg(RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM("--no-oosplash"));
+        rtl::OUString noSplashArg(RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM("--nologo"));
         rtl::OUString acceptArg(
             rtl::OUString(RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM("--accept=")) + desc +
commit 2b38f83ac93584f4150cae3b5f2ba367ed379c77
Merge: 387640f... 7af9ed5...
Author: Jan Holesovsky <kendy at suse.cz>
Date:   Mon May 30 13:12:16 2011 +0200

    Merge commit 'libreoffice-'

commit 387640f31642a18988f15d1377a60e2b6018cf47
Merge: e0008d6... 45ac455...
Author: Jan Holesovsky <kendy at suse.cz>
Date:   Fri May 27 20:50:06 2011 +0200

    Merge branch 'master' of git://anongit.freedesktop.org/libreoffice/testing

commit 45ac455618d67853fa40e54c5e4416e963224033
Author: Caolán McNamara <caolanm at redhat.com>
Date:   Thu May 26 11:03:13 2011 +0100

    make this more foolproof if run outside build env

diff --git a/smoketestdoc/data/Global.xml b/smoketestdoc/data/Global.xml
index ef178e1..42b76f4 100644
--- a/smoketestdoc/data/Global.xml
+++ b/smoketestdoc/data/Global.xml
@@ -532,7 +532,7 @@ Sub SetGlobalOptionsDialog ()
     REM create dialog control
     gOptionsDialog = CreateUnoDialog( oInputStreamProvider )
-    if Environ(&quot;WITH_BINFILTER&quot;) = &quot;NO&quot; then
+    if Environ(&quot;WITH_BINFILTER&quot;) &lt;&gt; &quot;YES&quot; then
         oControl = gOptionsDialog.getControl(&quot;cbOpen50Test&quot;)
         oControl.Model.setPropertyValue(&quot;Enabled&quot;, FALSE)
     End If
@@ -593,10 +593,10 @@ Sub GetOptions
     gOptionsDialog.getControl(&quot;cbDatabaseTest&quot;).setState( -( GetUserFieldState (cUserFieldTestDatabase, gOutputDoc)))
     gOptionsDialog.getControl(&quot;cbExtensionTest&quot;).setState( -( GetUserFieldState (cUserFieldTestExtension, gOutputDoc)))
     gOptionsDialog.getControl(&quot;cbSaveOpenXMLTest&quot;).setState( -( GetUserFieldState (cUserFieldTestOpenSaveXML, gOutputDoc)))
-    if Environ(&quot;WITH_BINFILTER&quot;) = &quot;NO&quot; then
-        gOptionsDialog.getControl(&quot;cbOpen50Test&quot;).setState(0)
-    else
+    if Environ(&quot;WITH_BINFILTER&quot;) = &quot;YES&quot; then
         gOptionsDialog.getControl(&quot;cbOpen50Test&quot;).setState( -( GetUserFieldState (cUserFieldTestOpen50, gOutPutDoc)))
+    else
+        gOptionsDialog.getControl(&quot;cbOpen50Test&quot;).setState(0)
     End If
     gOptionsDialog.getControl(&quot;cbSaveOpen8Test&quot;).setState( -( GetUserFieldState (cUserFieldTestOpenSave8, gOutputDoc)))
     gOptionsDialog.getControl(&quot;cbTerminateAfterTest&quot;).setState( -( GetUserFieldState (cUserFieldTestTerminateAfterTest, gOutputDoc)))
@@ -615,10 +615,10 @@ Sub ReadOptions
     bMakeDBTest = GetUserFieldState (cUserFieldTestDatabase, gOutputDoc)
     bMakeExtensionTest = GetUserFieldState (cUserFieldTestExtension, gOutputDoc)
     bMakeSaveOpenXMLTest = GetUserFieldState (cUserFieldTestOpenSaveXML, gOutputDoc)
-    if Environ(&quot;WITH_BINFILTER&quot;) = &quot;NO&quot; then
-        bMakeOpen50Test = false
-    else
+    if Environ(&quot;WITH_BINFILTER&quot;) = &quot;YES&quot; then
         bMakeOpen50Test = GetUserFieldState (cUserFieldTestOpen50, gOutPutDoc)
+    else
+        bMakeOpen50Test = false
     End If
     bMakeSaveOpen8Test = GetUserFieldState (cUserFieldTestOpenSave8, gOutputDoc)
     bMakeTerminateAfterTest = GetUserFieldState (cUserFieldTestTerminateAfterTest, gOutputDoc)
@@ -643,10 +643,10 @@ Sub SetDefaultOptions
     End If
     bMakeSaveOpenXMLTest = true
     REM Disable StarOffice 5.0 tests in case binfilter has not been included
-    if Environ(&quot;WITH_BINFILTER&quot;) = &quot;NO&quot; then
-        bMakeOpen50Test = false
-    else
+    if Environ(&quot;WITH_BINFILTER&quot;) = &quot;YES&quot; then
         bMakeOpen50Test = true
+    else
+        bMakeOpen50Test = false
     End If
     bMakeSaveOpen8Test = true
     bMakeTerminateAfterTest = false
commit 7af9ed55af52107da4328c2c63c64f18c8fc6f7e
Author: Petr Mladek <pmladek at suse.cz>
Date:   Tue May 24 19:29:14 2011 +0200

    Version, tag libreoffice- (3.4.0-rc2)
commit e0008d6df85f181b98c670916a4e104615c2a6d1
Merge: 8dd9b81... 9bebed5...
Author: Jan Holesovsky <kendy at suse.cz>
Date:   Tue May 24 15:03:19 2011 +0200

    Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/integration/dev300_m106'

commit 8dd9b81dbefb8b8afc34153285a3e39323d2e49a
Author: Bjoern Michaelsen <bjoern.michaelsen at canonical.com>
Date:   Mon May 23 16:01:04 2011 +0200

    use links in smoketest install too

diff --git a/smoketestoo_native/makefile.mk b/smoketestoo_native/makefile.mk
index 31d67d7..799fe9c 100755
--- a/smoketestoo_native/makefile.mk
+++ b/smoketestoo_native/makefile.mk
@@ -58,6 +58,6 @@ CPPTEST_LIBRARY = $(SHL1TARGETN)
 localinstall :
     $(RM) -r $(installationtest_instpath)
     $(MKDIRHIER) $(installationtest_instpath)
-    ooinstall $(installationtest_instpath)/opt
+    ooinstall -l $(installationtest_instpath)/opt
 cpptest : localinstall
commit 93bd6694bebaf23d1e5d0536c56ed7e1413f8778
Author: Julien Nabet <serval2412 at yahoo.fr>
Date:   Sun May 22 10:38:49 2011 +0200

    Fix bug fdo36158 UI:Find&Replace dialog "Notes" instead of "Comments"

diff --git a/testautomation/global/win/edia_d_h.win b/testautomation/global/win/edia_d_h.win
index 0448fcc..4c9b42b 100755
--- a/testautomation/global/win/edia_d_h.win
+++ b/testautomation/global/win/edia_d_h.win
@@ -351,7 +351,7 @@ SearchIn sym:svx:ListBox:RID_SVXDLG_SEARCH:LB_CALC_SEARCHIN
 Rows sym:svx:RadioButton:RID_SVXDLG_SEARCH:RB_CALC_ROWS
 Columns sym:svx:RadioButton:RID_SVXDLG_SEARCH:RB_CALC_COLUMNS
 SearchInAllSheets sym:svx:CheckBox:RID_SVXDLG_SEARCH:CB_ALL_SHEETS
-Notes sym:svx:CheckBox:RID_SVXDLG_SEARCH:CB_NOTES
 *FormFolderNameDialog sym:DBACCESS_HID_DLG_SAVE_AS
 FolderName sym:dbaccess:Edit:DLG_SAVE_AS:ET_TITLE
commit 4f83907d2020f22b89bbc7dc9e099bee7eb1c69b
Author: Bjoern Michaelsen <bjoern.michaelsen at canonical.com>
Date:   Thu May 19 00:26:52 2011 +0200

    fdo#37325: make toolkit.UnoScrollBarControl not fail headless

diff --git a/qadevOOo/tests/java/mod/_toolkit/UnoScrollBarControl.java b/qadevOOo/tests/java/mod/_toolkit/UnoScrollBarControl.java
index 640365f..6d9db8d 100644
--- a/qadevOOo/tests/java/mod/_toolkit/UnoScrollBarControl.java
+++ b/qadevOOo/tests/java/mod/_toolkit/UnoScrollBarControl.java
@@ -76,7 +76,7 @@ public class UnoScrollBarControl extends TestCase {
             XWindow xWin = xFrame.getContainerWindow();
             Toolkit tk = Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit();
-            Dimension dim = tk.getScreenSize();
+            Dimension dim = new Dimension(800, 600);
             Rectangle newPosSize = xWin.getPosSize();
             newPosSize.Width = new Double(dim.getWidth()).intValue();
commit 4a57e4bdad0ace4b5bc784a98750b7da1761e460
Author: Bjoern Michaelsen <bjoern.michaelsen at canonical.com>
Date:   Thu May 19 00:26:52 2011 +0200

    fdo#37325: make toolkit.UnoScrollBarControl not fail headless

diff --git a/qadevOOo/tests/java/mod/_toolkit/UnoScrollBarControl.java b/qadevOOo/tests/java/mod/_toolkit/UnoScrollBarControl.java
index 640365f..6d9db8d 100644
--- a/qadevOOo/tests/java/mod/_toolkit/UnoScrollBarControl.java
+++ b/qadevOOo/tests/java/mod/_toolkit/UnoScrollBarControl.java
@@ -76,7 +76,7 @@ public class UnoScrollBarControl extends TestCase {
             XWindow xWin = xFrame.getContainerWindow();
             Toolkit tk = Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit();
-            Dimension dim = tk.getScreenSize();
+            Dimension dim = new Dimension(800, 600);
             Rectangle newPosSize = xWin.getPosSize();
             newPosSize.Width = new Double(dim.getWidth()).intValue();
commit ed35c41764c3651d831f0dd1f3ef5678f8d04a05
Author: Bjoern Michaelsen <bjoern.michaelsen at canonical.com>
Date:   Thu May 19 00:26:52 2011 +0200

    fdo#37325: make toolkit.UnoScrollBarControl not fail headless

diff --git a/qadevOOo/tests/java/mod/_toolkit/UnoScrollBarControl.java b/qadevOOo/tests/java/mod/_toolkit/UnoScrollBarControl.java
index 640365f..6d9db8d 100644
--- a/qadevOOo/tests/java/mod/_toolkit/UnoScrollBarControl.java
+++ b/qadevOOo/tests/java/mod/_toolkit/UnoScrollBarControl.java
@@ -76,7 +76,7 @@ public class UnoScrollBarControl extends TestCase {
             XWindow xWin = xFrame.getContainerWindow();
             Toolkit tk = Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit();
-            Dimension dim = tk.getScreenSize();
+            Dimension dim = new Dimension(800, 600);
             Rectangle newPosSize = xWin.getPosSize();
             newPosSize.Width = new Double(dim.getWidth()).intValue();
commit 9ffd3013612cc1d20f04624a773f34df06132566
Author: Tor Lillqvist <tml at iki.fi>
Date:   Thu May 19 00:39:04 2011 +0300

    Add the wntgcc directories

diff --git a/.gitignore b/.gitignore
index f412986..9ea0cd6 100644
--- a/.gitignore
+++ b/.gitignore
@@ -8,6 +8,8 @@
commit 0a61d48275abf1c43db017be097ba5f005721da1
Author: Tor Lillqvist <tml at iki.fi>
Date:   Thu May 19 00:34:13 2011 +0300

    Add the unxios and unxand directories

diff --git a/.gitignore b/.gitignore
index acaf1d1..f412986 100644
--- a/.gitignore
+++ b/.gitignore
@@ -10,3 +10,7 @@
commit 1a931e92e29bf1fa7aba91e27f4f16443d9c3171
Author: Christian Dywan <christian.dywan at lanedo.com>
Date:   Wed May 18 16:06:52 2011 +0200

    Unify Display Grid/ Grid Visible and other menu items

diff --git a/testautomation/framework/optional/input/menu/en-us_draw.txt b/testautomation/framework/optional/input/menu/en-us_draw.txt
index 7334e2e..7d13102 100755
--- a/testautomation/framework/optional/input/menu/en-us_draw.txt
+++ b/testautomation/framework/optional/input/menu/en-us_draw.txt
@@ -64,7 +64,7 @@ Status ~Bar
 Input M~ethod Status
+~Snap Lines
 ********** ~Insert
diff --git a/testautomation/framework/optional/input/menu/en-us_impress.txt b/testautomation/framework/optional/input/menu/en-us_impress.txt
index fdd773a..f992eca 100755
--- a/testautomation/framework/optional/input/menu/en-us_impress.txt
+++ b/testautomation/framework/optional/input/menu/en-us_impress.txt
@@ -69,7 +69,7 @@ Status ~Bar
 Input M~ethod Status
+~Snap Lines
 ~Header and Footer...
diff --git a/testautomation/global/tools/includes/optional/t_toolbar_writer.inc b/testautomation/global/tools/includes/optional/t_toolbar_writer.inc
index 892dbd0..f1c4c96 100644
--- a/testautomation/global/tools/includes/optional/t_toolbar_writer.inc
+++ b/testautomation/global/tools/includes/optional/t_toolbar_writer.inc
@@ -217,7 +217,7 @@ function fGetObjectWriter(sToolbar as String , sObject as String) as Integer
               case "Object rotation mode" : fGetObjectWriter  = 14
               case "Display Grid"         : fGetObjectWriter  = 15
               case "Snap to Grid"         : fGetObjectWriter  = 16
-              case "Guides When Moving"   : fGetObjectWriter  = 17
+              case "Helplines While Moving"   : fGetObjectWriter  = 17
                    '-----------------                           18
               case "Wrap Off"             : fGetObjectWriter  = 19
               case "Page Wrap"            : fGetObjectWriter  = 20
@@ -582,7 +582,7 @@ function fGetObjectCalc(sToolbar as String , sObject as String) as Integer
           Select case sObject
               case "Display Grid"       : fGetObjectCalc  = 21
               case "Snap to Grid"       : fGetObjectCalc  = 22
-              case "Guides When Moving" : fGetObjectCalc  = 23
+              case "Helplines While Moving" : fGetObjectCalc  = 23
               case else : QAErrorLog "The test does not support Object : " + sObject
                           fGetObjectCalc   = 0
           end select
diff --git a/testautomation/graphics/required/includes/global/id_005.inc b/testautomation/graphics/required/includes/global/id_005.inc
index cba3847..f663674 100644
--- a/testautomation/graphics/required/includes/global/id_005.inc
+++ b/testautomation/graphics/required/includes/global/id_005.inc
@@ -699,10 +699,10 @@ testcase tiFormatCaseCharacter
     printlog "move curser 1 time to the left"
     hTypeKeys "<left>"
-    printlog "Format->Case/Characters->Uppercase"
+    printlog "Format->~Change Case->Uppercase"
     WaitSlot (1000)
-    printlog "Format->Case/Characters->Lowercase"
+    printlog "Format->~Change Case->Lowercase"
     WaitSlot (2000)
     if bAsianLan then
@@ -711,28 +711,28 @@ testcase tiFormatCaseCharacter
         end if
         printlog "if asian language (81/82/86/88):"
-           printlog "+ Format->Case/Characters->Half-width"
+           printlog "+ Format->~Change Case->Half-width"
             Warnlog "Format / Change Case / Half Width does not work."
         WaitSlot (1000)
-           printlog "+ Format->Case/Characters->Full-width"
+           printlog "+ Format->~Change Case->Full-width"
             Warnlog "Format / Change Case / Full Width does not work!"
         sleep 1
-           printlog "+ Format->Case/Characters->Hiragana"
+           printlog "+ Format->~Change Case->Hiragana"
             Warnlog "Format / Change Case / Hiragana does not work."
         sleep 1
-           printlog "+ Format->Case/Characters->Katatana"
+           printlog "+ Format->~Change Case->Katatana"
             Warnlog "Format / Change Case / Katagana does not work."
diff --git a/testautomation/graphics/required/includes/global/id_opt_1.inc b/testautomation/graphics/required/includes/global/id_opt_1.inc
index 35874fe..6c92749 100644
--- a/testautomation/graphics/required/includes/global/id_opt_1.inc
+++ b/testautomation/graphics/required/includes/global/id_opt_1.inc
@@ -422,7 +422,7 @@ testcase tToolsOptionsDrawView (sApplication as string)
     hToolsOptions (sApplication,"View")
     If LinealeSichtbar.IsChecked                Then WarnLog "Rulers Visible x"
-    If HilfslinienBeimBewegen.IsChecked         Then WarnLog "Guides When Moving x"
+    If HilfslinienBeimBewegen.IsChecked         Then WarnLog "Helplines While Moving x"
     If KontrolpunkteImBezierEditor.IsChecked    Then WarnLog "'All Control Points In B�zier Editor' x"
     If KonturFuerIndividuelleObjekte.IsChecked  Then WarnLog "'Contour of Each Individual Object' x"
@@ -441,7 +441,7 @@ testcase tToolsOptionsDrawView (sApplication as string)
     hToolsOptions (sApplication,"View")
     If True <> LinealeSichtbar.IsChecked               Then WarnLog "Rulers Visible o"
-    If True <> HilfslinienBeimBewegen.IsChecked        Then WarnLog "Guides When Moving o"
+    If True <> HilfslinienBeimBewegen.IsChecked        Then WarnLog "Helplines While Moving o"
     If True <> KontrolpunkteImBezierEditor.IsChecked   Then WarnLog "'All Control Points In B�zier Editor' o"
     If True <> KonturFuerIndividuelleObjekte.IsChecked Then WarnLog "'Contour of Each Individual Object' o"
@@ -561,7 +561,7 @@ testcase tToolsOptionsDrawGrid (sApplication as string)
     hToolsOptions (sApplication,"Grid")
     If ( irgendwas(1) = FangrasterBenutzen.IsChecked      ) Then WarnLog "Snap to Grid state changed"
-    If ( irgendwas(2) = RasterSichtbar.IsChecked          ) Then WarnLog "Visible Grid state changed"
+    If ( irgendwas(2) = RasterSichtbar.IsChecked          ) Then WarnLog "Display Grid state changed"
     '      If ( irgendwas(3) = AchsenSynchronisieren.IsChecked   ) Then WarnLog "Synchronize Axes state changed"
     if ( AchsenSynchronisieren.IsChecked = TRUE ) Then WarnLog "Synchronize Axes state changed"
@@ -638,7 +638,7 @@ testcase tToolsOptionsDrawGrid (sApplication as string)
     hToolsOptions (sApplication,"Grid")
     If FangrasterBenutzen.IsChecked     Then WarnLog "Snap to Grid x"
-    If RasterSichtbar.IsChecked         Then WarnLog "Visible Grid x"
+    If RasterSichtbar.IsChecked         Then WarnLog "Display Grid x"
     If AchsenSynchronisieren.IsChecked  Then WarnLog "Synchronize Axes x"
@@ -702,7 +702,7 @@ testcase tToolsOptionsDrawGrid (sApplication as string)
     hToolsOptions (sApplication,"Grid")
     If True <> FangrasterBenutzen.IsChecked     Then WarnLog "Snap to Grid o"
-    If True <> RasterSichtbar.IsChecked         Then WarnLog "Visible Grid o"
+    If True <> RasterSichtbar.IsChecked         Then WarnLog "Display Grid o"
     If True <> AchsenSynchronisieren.IsChecked  Then WarnLog "Synchronize Axes o"
@@ -1044,4 +1044,4 @@ testcase tToolsOptionsDrawPrint (sApplication as string)
-endcase 'tToolsOptionsDrawPrint
\ No newline at end of file
+endcase 'tToolsOptionsDrawPrint
commit 17adc313cd4a8dd656818ddf96f4137fcd4f3226
Author: Petr Mladek <pmladek at suse.cz>
Date:   Tue May 17 20:49:49 2011 +0200

    Branch libreoffice-3-4-0
    This is 'libreoffice-3-4-0' - the stable branch for the 3.4.0 release.
    Only very safe changes, reviewed by three people are allowed.
    If you want to commit more complicated fix for the next 3.4.x release,
    please use the 'libreoffice-3-4' branch.
    If you want to build something cool, unstable, and risky, use master.
commit 0ba8fbdc14802bb7cd6f76539498cc76e585daca
Author: Petr Mladek <pmladek at suse.cz>
Date:   Tue May 17 19:55:38 2011 +0200

    Version, tag libreoffice- (3.4.0-rc1)
commit 831ec52edfbee9fbf97b892178a5548881143f33
Author: Yifan <Yifan at bang.bang>
Date:   Mon May 9 17:32:36 2011 +0800

    remove JMF dependency in test case
    Signed-off-by: Petr Mladek <pmladek at suse.cz>

diff --git a/testautomation/graphics/optional/includes/global/g_mediaplayer.inc b/testautomation/graphics/optional/includes/global/g_mediaplayer.inc
index f78cdf8..e3e824a 100644
--- a/testautomation/graphics/optional/includes/global/g_mediaplayer.inc
+++ b/testautomation/graphics/optional/includes/global/g_mediaplayer.inc
@@ -39,13 +39,9 @@ testcase g_mediaplayer
     dim timevalue2
     dim timevalue3
     dim timecounter, iWaitIndex, timefound as integer
     if iSprache <> 39 then
         Printlog "- MediaPlayer"
-        if gPlatgroup = "unx" then
-           QaErrorLog "Solaris / Linux: Soundcard + Java Media Framework (JMF) Media-Libraries is needed."
-           goto endsub
-        endif
         Datei$ = ConvertPath (convertPath (gTesttoolPath + "graphics\required\input\29secsound.wav"))
         printlog "Open New Document"
         Call hNewDocument
@@ -53,12 +49,12 @@ testcase g_mediaplayer
         printlog "Check if the Media Player already exists - if so - close it"
         kontext "mPlayer"
         printlog "Close the MediaPlayer if it is open already"
-        if mPlayer.exists then 
+        if mPlayer.exists then
            warnlog "The MediaPlayer was visible since some earlier test."
            printlog "Closed the Media Player"
         printlog "Tools - MediaPlayer"
         sleep 2
@@ -76,11 +72,11 @@ testcase g_mediaplayer
         kontext "OeffnenDlg"
         Pfad.SetText Datei$
         printlog "This test wont work correctly under Solaris and Linux,"
         printlog "unless some optional Media-libraries are installed."
         printlog "Therefore we warn the tester about it if we cannot open the file."
         iWaitIndex = 0
         do while OeffnenDlg.Exists AND iWaitIndex < 10
            sleep (1)
@@ -93,15 +89,15 @@ testcase g_mediaplayer
            kontext "Mplayer"
            printlog "close document"
-           Call hCloseDocument   
+           Call hCloseDocument
            goto endsub
            kontext "Mplayer"
            if Mplayer.exists then printlog "Media Player was opened."
         timevalue1 = mTimeedit.GetText
         printlog "Stop"
         sleep 2
@@ -144,7 +140,7 @@ testcase g_mediaplayer
            Printlog "the play-button seemed to work. Good."
         printlog "Pause"
         sleep 10
@@ -159,10 +155,10 @@ testcase g_mediaplayer
            Printlog "the pause-button seemed to work. Good."
         printlog "Time"
         printlog " Click Stop to get to the beginning."
-        mStop.Click  
+        mStop.Click
         sleep 1
         printlog "And make sure it's really the beginning."
         timevalue1 = mTimeedit.GetText
@@ -173,13 +169,13 @@ testcase g_mediaplayer
            printlog "Sound stopped, time-value set to 00:00:00."
         printlog "We press 'Play'"
         printlog "Click play to get it running"
-        mPlay.Click 
+        mPlay.Click
         sleep 5
         timefound = 0
         for timecounter = 1 to 50000
             timevalue1 = mTimeedit.GetText
             if timevalue1 = "00:00:20 / 00:00:29" then
@@ -191,7 +187,7 @@ testcase g_mediaplayer
                timefound = 2
         next timecounter
         if timefound = 1 then
            Printlog "the time-counter seemed to work. Good."
         elseif timefound = 2 then
@@ -199,34 +195,34 @@ testcase g_mediaplayer
         elseif timefound = 0 then
            warnlog "Either the time didnt change, or the test-computer is too fast."
         printlog "Loop"
         printlog "Volume"
         printlog "Mute"
         sleep 1
         printlog "Time-slider"
         ' mTimeslider. 'Click
          '-Position slider
           'Moves to a different position in the file.
         printlog "Scroll-whatever"
          'Adjusts the size of the movie playback.
         printlog "Apply"
         sleep 10
         printlog "Close the MediaPlayer via Tools - MediaPlayer"
         printlog "Check if there is an object available."
         if (gApplication = "IMPRESS") then
            kontext "DocumentImpress"
@@ -236,7 +232,7 @@ testcase g_mediaplayer
         hTypeKeys ("<escape><tab><tab><tab>")
         Kontext "TabPositionAndSize"
         Active.SetPage TabPositionAndSize
@@ -250,8 +246,8 @@ testcase g_mediaplayer
         sleep 2
         printlog "close document"
-        Call  hCloseDocument	
+        Call  hCloseDocument
         qaerrorLog "#74350# - Different strings in g_mediaplayer under Italian."
\ No newline at end of file
commit 32d1ddabf96ff2b8ec09a796f7e81425581b76ec
Author: Petr Mladek <pmladek at suse.cz>
Date:   Tue May 10 20:01:45 2011 +0200

    Version, tag libreoffice- (3.4.0-beta5)
commit e33328aa32fc942e1b3ee3cbf60e5c826e44b195
Author: Petr Mladek <pmladek at suse.cz>
Date:   Fri May 6 16:44:18 2011 +0200

    Version, tag libreoffice- (3.4.0-beta4-windows)
commit b6b8bb2f3afb6cec8043494a33c66380bddb26c1
Author: Petr Mladek <pmladek at suse.cz>
Date:   Wed May 4 13:40:12 2011 +0800

    Click ellipse and rectangle icons using .uno.BasicShapes.
    The .uno.Ellipse and .uno.Rect object in Toolbar
    is not clickable now caused by the fix:
    http://cgit.freedesktop.org/libreoffice/impress/commit/ \
    Thanks Yifan Jiang <yfjiang at novell.com> for testing.

diff --git a/testautomation/global/win/bars.win b/testautomation/global/win/bars.win
index 9bd0d25..850baef 100644
--- a/testautomation/global/win/bars.win
+++ b/testautomation/global/win/bars.win
@@ -1231,7 +1231,7 @@ DruckLayout .uno:PrintLayout
 Effekt .uno:EffectWindow
 Edit .uno:EditDoc
 Einfuegen .uno:InsertCtrl
-Ellipsen .uno:Ellipse
+Ellipsen .uno:BasicShapes.ellipse
 ExecuteBtn .uno:SbaExecuteSql
 Feldbefehle .uno:InsertFieldCtrl
 Filter .uno:DataFilterStandardFilter
@@ -1271,7 +1271,7 @@ OnlineLayout .uno:BrowseView
 Paste .uno:Paste
 Praesentation .uno:Presentation
 PrintDefault .uno:PrintDefault
-Rechteck .uno:Rect
+Rechteck .uno:BasicShapes.rectangle
 Rechtschreibung .uno:Spelling
 RecSearch .uno:RecSearch
 RecSave .uno:RecSave
commit a2e1469555348896389ab21194d4b7680abc37eb
Author: Julien Nabet <serval2412 at yahoo.fr>
Date:   Tue May 3 23:05:18 2011 +0200

    Change <file>.toURL() to <file>.toURI().toURL()

diff --git a/qadevOOo/runner/helper/URLHelper.java b/qadevOOo/runner/helper/URLHelper.java
index 587d7de..442623b 100644
--- a/qadevOOo/runner/helper/URLHelper.java
+++ b/qadevOOo/runner/helper/URLHelper.java
@@ -68,8 +68,7 @@ public class URLHelper
         String sFileURL = null;
-            //sFileURL = aSystemPath.toURI().toURL().toString();
-            sFileURL = aSystemPath.toURL().toString();
+            sFileURL = aSystemPath.toURI().toURL().toString();
         catch( MalformedURLException exWrong )
commit a5cde20ee30bfeb4f66923fa535c5a6bbf8c5d0e
Author: Petr Mladek <pmladek at suse.cz>
Date:   Tue May 3 20:01:38 2011 +0200

    Version, tag libreoffice- (3.4.0-beta4)
commit a8b5e6b429ec1c3d7221d223ab866fec02b4c062
Author: Joseph Powers <jpowers27 at cox.net>
Date:   Sat Apr 30 07:58:26 2011 -0700

    Ignore .getattributes & MacX work directories

diff --git a/.gitignore b/.gitignore
index 4890e11..acaf1d1 100644
--- a/.gitignore
+++ b/.gitignore
@@ -1,9 +1,12 @@
 # backup and temporary files
 # the build directories
commit b0d71c16932d72b2f1187e7939013daadb330ed0
Author: Francois Tigeot <ftigeot at wolfpond.org>
Date:   Thu Apr 28 08:27:16 2011 +0200

    Remove OS/2 support

diff --git a/testgraphical/prechecks/makefile.mk b/testgraphical/prechecks/makefile.mk
index 13796c9..e86698f 100644
--- a/testgraphical/prechecks/makefile.mk
+++ b/testgraphical/prechecks/makefile.mk
@@ -47,7 +47,7 @@ TARGET=notargetyet
 # PERLDEBUG=-d:ptkdb
-.IF "$(GUI)"=="WNT" || "$(GUI)"=="OS2"
+.IF "$(GUI)"=="WNT"
     $(PERL) $(PERLDEBUG) softwaretests.pl -printerdriver -imagemagick -ghostscript $(P_VERBOSE) $(P_JAVA6)
     $(PERL) $(PERLDEBUG) softwaretests.pl -imagemagick -ghostscript $(P_VERBOSE) $(P_JAVA6)
diff --git a/testtools/source/bridgetest/makefile.mk b/testtools/source/bridgetest/makefile.mk
index 0abe1ab..8ce4116 100644
--- a/testtools/source/bridgetest/makefile.mk
+++ b/testtools/source/bridgetest/makefile.mk
@@ -42,11 +42,6 @@ BATCH_SUFFIX=.bat
 MY_URE_INTERNAL_JAVA_DIR=$(strip $(subst,\,/ file:///$(shell @$(WRAPCMD) echo $(SOLARBINDIR))))
 MY_LOCAL_CLASSDIR=$(strip $(subst,\,/ file:///$(shell $(WRAPCMD) echo $(PWD)/$(CLASSDIR)/)))
-.ELIF "$(GUI)"=="OS2"
-MY_URE_INTERNAL_JAVA_DIR=$(strip $(subst,\,/ file:///$(shell @$(WRAPCMD) echo $(SOLARBINDIR))))
-MY_LOCAL_CLASSDIR=$(strip $(subst,\,/ file:///$(shell $(WRAPCMD) echo $(PWD)/$(CLASSDIR)/)))
diff --git a/testtools/source/bridgetest/pyuno/makefile.mk b/testtools/source/bridgetest/pyuno/makefile.mk
index 417bdfc..b5d90cb 100644
--- a/testtools/source/bridgetest/pyuno/makefile.mk
+++ b/testtools/source/bridgetest/pyuno/makefile.mk
@@ -56,7 +56,7 @@ PYTHONPATH:=$(SOLARLIBDIR)$/pyuno:$(PWD):$(SOLARLIBDIR):$(SOLARLIBDIR)$/python:$
 .ENDIF                  # "$(GUI)"=="WNT"
-.IF "$(GUI)"!="WNT" && "$(GUI)"!="OS2"
+.IF "$(GUI)"!="WNT"
 TEST_ENV=export FOO=file://$(shell @pwd)$/$(DLLDEST) \
     UNO_TYPES=uno_types.rdb UNO_SERVICES=pyuno_services.rdb
 .ELSE # "$(GUI)" != "WNT"
commit f9a4c99b8c826d0d218eb15aae296ef5560ed041
Author: Petr Mladek <pmladek at suse.cz>
Date:   Tue Apr 26 17:09:17 2011 +0200

    Version, tag libreoffice- (3.4.0-beta3)
commit 9bebed5bb95eed61ab684bee61fa65a9f26a47df
Merge: 9913a03... 47ff553...
Author: Jan Holesovsky <kendy at suse.cz>
Date:   Fri Apr 22 08:03:35 2011 +0200

    Merge commit 'ooo/DEV300_m106' into libreoffice-3-4

commit 9913a03febb3bbdb57c8c4dad51cf4939b435b6e
Author: Marc Neumann [msc] <Marc.Neumann at oracle.com>
Date:   Tue Mar 8 11:52:31 2011 +0100

    cws dba34c: add new test for mysql connector

diff --git a/testautomation/dbaccess/optional/dba_db_MySQLnative.bas b/testautomation/dbaccess/optional/dba_db_MySQLnative.bas
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..adb2e79
--- /dev/null
+++ b/testautomation/dbaccess/optional/dba_db_MySQLnative.bas
@@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
+'encoding UTF-8  Do not remove or change this line!
+' Copyright 2000, 2010 Oracle and/or its affiliates.
+' OpenOffice.org - a multi-platform office productivity suite
+' This file is part of OpenOffice.org.
+' OpenOffice.org is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+' it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License version 3
+' only, as published by the Free Software Foundation.
+' OpenOffice.org is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+' but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+' GNU Lesser General Public License version 3 for more details
+' (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code).
+' You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
+' version 3 along with OpenOffice.org.  If not, see
+' <http://www.openoffice.org/license.html>
+' for a copy of the LGPLv3 License.
+'* owner : marc.neumann at oracle.com
+'* short description : MySQL Native Connector Extension Test
+sub main
+    printlog "--------------------------------------------------------------"
+    printlog "---      D B A C C E S S   Mysql Native Connector         ---"
+    printlog "--------------------------------------------------------------"
+    use "dbaccess/optional/includes/db_MySQLnative.inc"
+    use "dbaccess/optional/includes/db_Relations.inc"
+    call hStatusIn ("dbaccess" , "dba_db_MySQLnative.bas")
+    call db_MySQLnative
+    call hStatusOut
+end sub
+sub LoadIncludeFiles   
+   use "dbaccess/tools/dbinit.inc"   
+   Call sDBInit
+   Call GetUseFiles
+   gApplication   = "WRITER"
+end sub
diff --git a/testautomation/dbaccess/optional/includes/db_MySQLnative.inc b/testautomation/dbaccess/optional/includes/db_MySQLnative.inc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..de80287
--- /dev/null
+++ b/testautomation/dbaccess/optional/includes/db_MySQLnative.inc
@@ -0,0 +1,206 @@
+'encoding UTF-8  Do not remove or change this line!
+' Copyright 2000, 2010 Oracle and/or its affiliates.
+' OpenOffice.org - a multi-platform office productivity suite
+' This file is part of OpenOffice.org.
+' OpenOffice.org is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+' it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License version 3
+' only, as published by the Free Software Foundation.
+' OpenOffice.org is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+' but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+' GNU Lesser General Public License version 3 for more details
+' (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code).
+' You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
+' version 3 along with OpenOffice.org.  If not, see
+' <http://www.openoffice.org/license.html>
+' for a copy of the LGPLv3 License.
+'* owner : marc.neumann at oracle.com
+'* short description : Create JDBC MySQL DS & Table & fill in Test
+testcase db_MySQLnative
+    ' **************************************************
+    '   databases specific settings for JDBC MySQL
+    ' **************************************************
+    dim sDBConfigFile as string
+    sDBConfigFile = environ ( "VTT_DB_CONFIG_FILE" )
+    printlog sDBConfigFile
+    if (sDBConfigFile = "") then
+        qaerrorlog "settings for external databases not found. see wiki page. This test ist stopped now"
+        goto endsub
+    else
+        if Dir( sDBConfigFile ) = "" then ' the file does not exists
+            qaerrorlog "settings for external databases not found. see wiki page. This test ist stopped now"
+        else
+            ' file exists , so we can do th next step
+        endif
+    endif
+    Dim sFileName as string
+    sFileName = gOfficePath + Convertpath("user/work/TT_MYSQLnative.odb")
+    Dim sTableName as string
+    sTableName = "tt_test_create-table"
+    Dim sUser as string
+    sUser = "testtool"
+    Dim sPWD as string
+    sPWD = "testtool"
+    dim sCatalog as string
+    sCatalog = " "     			' not used in this ds
+    dim sSchema as string
+    sSchema = " "     			' not used in this ds
+    Dim aFieldTypeContent(30,2) as string 'database specific data matrix
+    aFieldTypeContent(1,1)="tt_bool"
+    aFieldTypeContent(1,2)="bool"
+    aFieldTypeContent(2,1)="tt_tinyint"
+    aFieldTypeContent(2,2)="tinyint"
+    aFieldTypeContent(3,1)="tt_bigint"
+    aFieldTypeContent(3,2)="bigint"
+    aFieldTypeContent(4,1)="tt_long_varbinary"
+    aFieldTypeContent(4,2)="long varbinary"
+    aFieldTypeContent(5,1)="tt_mediumblob"
+    aFieldTypeContent(5,2)="mediumblob"
+    aFieldTypeContent(6,1)="tt_longblob"
+    aFieldTypeContent(6,2)="longblob"
+    aFieldTypeContent(7,1)="tt_blob"
+    aFieldTypeContent(7,2)="blob"
+    aFieldTypeContent(8,1)="tt_tinyblob"
+    aFieldTypeContent(8,2)="tinyblob"
+    aFieldTypeContent(9,1)="tt_varbinary"
+    aFieldTypeContent(9,2)="varbinary"
+    aFieldTypeContent(10,1)="tt_binary"
+    aFieldTypeContent(10,2)="binary"
+    aFieldTypeContent(11,1)="tt_longvarchar"
+    aFieldTypeContent(11,2)="long varchar"
+    aFieldTypeContent(12,1)="tt_mediumtext"
+    aFieldTypeContent(12,2)="mediumtext"
+    aFieldTypeContent(13,1)="tt_longtext"
+    aFieldTypeContent(13,2)="longtext"
+    aFieldTypeContent(14,1)="tt_text"
+    aFieldTypeContent(14,2)="text"
+    aFieldTypeContent(15,1)="tt_tinytext"
+    aFieldTypeContent(15,2)="tinytext"
+    aFieldTypeContent(16,1)="tt_char"
+    aFieldTypeContent(16,2)="char"
+    aFieldTypeContent(17,1)="tt_numeric"
+    aFieldTypeContent(17,2)="numeric"
+    aFieldTypeContent(18,1)="tt_decimal"
+    aFieldTypeContent(18,2)="decimal"
+    aFieldTypeContent(19,1)="tt_integer"
+    aFieldTypeContent(19,2)="integer"
+    aFieldTypeContent(20,1)="tt_int"
+    aFieldTypeContent(20,2)="int"
+    aFieldTypeContent(21,1)="tt_mediumint"
+    aFieldTypeContent(21,2)="mediumint"
+    aFieldTypeContent(22,1)="tt_smallint"
+    aFieldTypeContent(22,2)="smallint"
+    aFieldTypeContent(23,1)="tt_float"
+    aFieldTypeContent(23,2)="float"
+    aFieldTypeContent(24,1)="tt_varchar"	
+    aFieldTypeContent(24,2)="varchar"
+    aFieldTypeContent(25,1)="tt_date"	
+    aFieldTypeContent(25,2)="date"
+    aFieldTypeContent(26,1)="tt_time"	
+    aFieldTypeContent(26,2)="time"
+    aFieldTypeContent(27,1)="tt_datetime"	
+    aFieldTypeContent(27,2)="datetime"
+    aFieldTypeContent(28,1)="tt_timestamp"	
+    aFieldTypeContent(28,2)="timestamp"
+    aFieldTypeContent(29,1)="tt_bit"
+    aFieldTypeContent(29,2)="bit"
+    Dim aFieldContent(1,6) as string 'database specific data matrix
+    aFieldContent(1,1)="1"
+    aFieldContent(1,2)="<space>"    
+    aFieldContent(1,3)="1"			
+    aFieldContent(1,4)="1"		
+    aFieldContent(1,5)="1"
+    aFieldContent(1,6)="1"
+    dim aDatabaseProperties(7) as string
+    aDatabaseProperties() = tools_dbtools_fgetMySQLnativeDatabaseProperties(sDBConfigFile)
+    dim dbok as boolean
+    dbok = false
+    ' if and only if no properties are defined in the environment file the test is stopped
+    if(aDatabaseProperties(1) = "no") then
+        qaerrorlog "No database properties from Mysql defiened. The Test is stopped here."
+        goto endsub
+    endif
+    dbok = fCreateMySQL_native_Datasource(sFileName,aDatabaseProperties(3),aDatabaseProperties(2),aDatabaseProperties(4),aDatabaseProperties(5))
+    if dbok = true then
+        call fOpendatabase(sFileName,aDatabaseProperties(6))
+        call fCreateTable( aFieldTypeContent(), sTableName)
+        call fInsertIntoTable( aFieldContent(), sTableName)
+        call fCloseDatabase
+        use "dbaccess/optional/includes/db_Query.inc"
+        call db_Query(sFileName,"MYSQL_JDBC",aDatabaseProperties(6))
+        call tRelation( sFileName, aDatabaseProperties(6), "rel1", "rel2" )
+    else
+        warnlog "Data Source could not be created - beyond testcases stopped"
+    endif
diff --git a/testautomation/dbaccess/optional/includes/db_Query.inc b/testautomation/dbaccess/optional/includes/db_Query.inc
index b9d8814..798bc55 100644
--- a/testautomation/dbaccess/optional/includes/db_Query.inc
+++ b/testautomation/dbaccess/optional/includes/db_Query.inc
@@ -47,6 +47,7 @@ function db_Query( sFileName , optional sType , optional sPassword)
             case "HSQLDB"
                 sType = "2"
             case "MYSQL_JDBC"
+            case "MYSQL_NATIVE"
                 sType = "3"
             case else
                 sType = "1"
diff --git a/testautomation/dbaccess/optional/includes/wiz_ReportWizard.inc b/testautomation/dbaccess/optional/includes/wiz_ReportWizard.inc
index 67010e6..8743fea 100644
--- a/testautomation/dbaccess/optional/includes/wiz_ReportWizard.inc
+++ b/testautomation/dbaccess/optional/includes/wiz_ReportWizard.inc
@@ -38,8 +38,8 @@ end sub
 testcase tNewReport
-    qaerrorlog "#i92543# crash when closing report"
-    goto endsub
+   ' qaerrorlog "#i92543# crash when closing report"
+   ' goto endsub
     call fOpenDatabase(gOfficePath + ConvertPath("user/database/biblio.odb"))
@@ -85,34 +85,33 @@ testcase tNewReport
-    Kontext "DocumentWriter"    	 
+    Kontext "DocumentWriter"
     	DocumentWriter.TypeKeys "<MOD1 SHIFT I>" ,  true ' EDIT / SELECT TEXT
-    	DocumentWriter.TypeKeys "<DOWN>" ,2,  true    	        
-        DocumentWriter.TypeKeys "<SHIFT DOWN>" , true
+    	DocumentWriter.TypeKeys "<DOWN>" ,  true
+        DocumentWriter.TypeKeys "<SHIFT END>" , true
         DocumentWriter.TypeKeys "<MOD1 C>" , true
-	dim s as String 
-	s = getClipboard	
+	dim s as String
+	s = getClipboard
-    if left(s,10) = "Identifier" then
-        printlog "Report Table Header contains " + left(s,10) + ". -> OK"
+    if s = "Identifier" then
+        printlog "Report Table Header contains " + s + ". -> OK"
-        warnlog "Report Table Header contains " + left(s,10) + " instead of IDENTIFIER"
+        warnlog "Report Table Header contains " + s + " instead of IDENTIFIER"
-    'for windows a "new Line" are two characters
-    'so I need to start at char 13 and not on 12   
-    dim iFromCharacter as integer
-    if gPlatGroup = "w95" then
-        iFromCharacter = 13
-    else
-        iFromCharacter = 12
-    endif
+    ' select next line and check content
+    Kontext "DocumentWriter"
+        DocumentWriter.TypeKeys "<DOWN>" ,  true
+        DocumentWriter.TypeKeys "<SHIFT HOME>" , true
+        DocumentWriter.TypeKeys "<MOD1 C>" , true
+    s = getClipboard
-    if mid(s,iFromCharacter,5) = "GUR00" OR mid(s,iFromCharacter,5) = "BOR04" then
-        printlog "1. record is " + mid(s,iFromCharacter,5) + ". -> OK"
+    if s = "GUR00" OR s = "BOR04" then
+        printlog "1. record is " + s + ". -> OK"
-        warnlog  "1. record is " + mid(s,iFromCharacter,5) + " instead of GUR00 OR BOR04"
+        warnlog  "1. record is " + s + " instead of GUR00 OR BOR04"
     call fCloseForm ' should be changed to a CloseReport
diff --git a/testautomation/dbaccess/tools/dbcreatetools.inc b/testautomation/dbaccess/tools/dbcreatetools.inc
index 034b1d1..222ec47 100644
--- a/testautomation/dbaccess/tools/dbcreatetools.inc
+++ b/testautomation/dbaccess/tools/dbcreatetools.inc
@@ -238,6 +238,104 @@ function fCreateMySQL_JDBC_Datasource(sFileName,sDatabaseName,sHost,sPort,sUser,
 end function
+function fCreateMySQL_native_Datasource(sFileName,sDatabaseName,sHost,sPort,sUser,optional sRegister) as boolean
+    '/// create a new MySQL database via JDBC file with the given filename 
+    '///+ and the given URL 
+    '/// <u>parameter:</u>
+    '/// <b>sFielName:</b> the file name for the database file
+    '/// <b>sDatabaseName:</b> the name of the mysql database
+    '/// <b>sHost:</b> the host where the mysql database is running
+    '/// <b>sPort:</b> the port where the mysql database is running
+    '/// <b>sUser:</b> the user for the connection        
+    '/// <b><i>optional</i> sRegister:</b> the name under which the database is be registered 
+    dim bOK as boolean
+    bOK = FALSE
+    dim sEntry as string
+    ' delete the file
+    if ( app.Dir( ConvertPath(sFileName) ) ) <> "" then
+        app.kill(ConvertPath(sFileName))
+    endif	
+    Kontext "DocumentWriter"
+        if (DocumentWriter.exists(1)) then        
+            DocumentWriter.UseMenu
+        else
+            Kontext "DocumentBackground"
+            DocumentBackground.UseMenu
+        endif  
+        hMenuSelectNr(1)
+        hMenuSelectNr(1)
+        hMenuSelectNr(5)
+        sleep(4)    
+    Kontext "DatabaseWizard"    
+        ConnectToDatabase.Check
+        sleep(1)
+        sEntry = hGetDatabaseDisplayName( "sdbc:mysqlc:*" )
+        'cut off the (JDBC) string
+        sEntry = Left( sEntry , Instr(sEntry,"(") - 2 )
+        printlog "entry = " + sEntry
+        DatabaseType.select( sEntry )
+        sleep(1)
+        NextBtn.Click
+        sleep(1)
+        MySQLnative.Check
+        NextBtn.Click
+        sleep(1)
+        DatabaseWizard.typeKeys("<TAB>",true)
+        DatabaseWizard.typeKeys(sDatabaseName,true)
+	DatabaseWizard.typeKeys("<TAB>",true)
+        DatabaseWizard.typeKeys("<TAB>",true)
+        DatabaseWizard.typeKeys(sHost,true)
+        'MySQLDatabaseName.setText(sDatabaseName)
+        'MySQLHostName.setText(sHost)
+        'MySQLPort.setText(sPort)
+        NextBtn.Click
+        sleep(1)
+        '/// add the user name 
+        printlog "add the user name"		
+        UserName.setText sUser
+        '/// check the password required checkbox
+        printlog "check the password required checkbox"        
+        PasswordRequired.Check
+        NextBtn.Click
+        FinishBtn.Click
+    Kontext "SpeichernDlg"
+        Dateiname.setText ConvertPath(sFileName)    
+        Speichern.click
+        sleep(5)
+    if ( IsMissing(sRegister) ) then
+            printlog "don't register datasource"
+    else        
+        printlog "register datasource with name " + sRegister        
+        call fRegisterDatabaseFile(ConvertPath(sFilename),sRegister)
+    end if  
+	bOK = true
+	if bOK = true then
+		printlog "--- End of function - *** Succeed ***"
+	else
+    	warnlog "--- End of function - *** Failed *** Data source was not created"
+	endif	
+	fCreateMySQL_native_Datasource = bOK
+	sleep(1)
+    call fCloseDatabase(true)
+end function
 function  fCreateAdabasDatasource(sFileName,sURL,sUser, optional sRegister) as boolean    
     '/// create a new adabas database file with the given filename 
     '///+ and the given URL
diff --git a/testautomation/dbaccess/tools/dbtools.inc b/testautomation/dbaccess/tools/dbtools.inc
index 2e40a3f..f36438b 100644
--- a/testautomation/dbaccess/tools/dbtools.inc
+++ b/testautomation/dbaccess/tools/dbtools.inc
@@ -319,6 +319,23 @@ function tools_dbtools_fgetMySQLODBCDatabaseProperties()
 end function
+function tools_dbtools_fgetMySQLnativeDatabaseProperties(sDBConfigFileName as string)
+    '/// return the databaseserver properties from the environment directory
+	'/// <u>parameter:</u>
+	'/// <br>
+    '/// <u>return:</u>
+	'/// the properties as an array
+    '/// entry 1 defined (yes or no)
+    '/// entry 2 server name 
+    '/// entry 3 database name
+    '/// entry 4 database port
+    '/// entry 5 database user name
+    '/// entry 6 database user password
+    tools_dbtools_fgetMySQLnativeDatabaseProperties = fgetGenericDatabaseProperties( sDBConfigFileName, "mysql_native" )
+end function
 function tools_dbtools_fgetAdabasDatabaseProperties()
     '/// return the databaseserver properties from the environment directory
 	'/// <u>parameter:</u>
diff --git a/testautomation/global/win/edia_d_h.win b/testautomation/global/win/edia_d_h.win
index 0448fcc..ab411b5 100755
--- a/testautomation/global/win/edia_d_h.win
+++ b/testautomation/global/win/edia_d_h.win
commit 3fa76f85dbbbd9afc156369237879c0edb92b86e
Author: Marc Neumann [msc] <Marc.Neumann at oracle.com>
Date:   Tue Feb 22 09:21:09 2011 +0100

    cws dba34c: the celldescription control is visible at all database types

diff --git a/testautomation/dbaccess/tools/tabletools.inc b/testautomation/dbaccess/tools/tabletools.inc
index 3fcf1ef..f98889d 100644
--- a/testautomation/dbaccess/tools/tabletools.inc
+++ b/testautomation/dbaccess/tools/tabletools.inc
@@ -340,7 +340,9 @@ function fCreateTable(aFieldTypeContent(),sTableName,optional sCatalog,optional
         sleep 1
         FieldType.TypeKeys "<RETURN>" , TRUE
         Description.TypeKeys "<RETURN>" , TRUE
-        CellDescription.TypeKeys "<RETURN>" , TRUE
+        if( CellDescription.isVisible() ) then
+            CellDescription.TypeKeys "<RETURN>" , TRUE
+        endif
         printlog "-------------------------------"
commit 11fe434a3821c66ac52230478eac257e32006fa8
Author: Wolfram Garten [wg] <Wolfram.Garten at oracle.com>
Date:   Mon Feb 21 11:20:31 2011 +0100

    i117035: [Automation] adapt automated testscripts to new export format svg

diff --git a/testautomation/framework/required/includes/first.inc b/testautomation/framework/required/includes/first.inc
index 35905c2..4ab2352 100644
--- a/testautomation/framework/required/includes/first.inc
+++ b/testautomation/framework/required/includes/first.inc
@@ -304,11 +304,11 @@ testcase tInFilterCountCompare()
     printlog( "Check filterlist (filterstring) for graphics files" )
     const FILE_NAME = "graphic_filters.txt"
-    const SUFFIX_STRING_LENGTH = 178
+    const SUFFIX_STRING_LENGTH = 184
 '   List of filter suffixes for verification in case of error
 '   *.bmp;*.dxf;*.emf;*.eps;*.gif;*.jpg;*.jpeg;*.jfif;*.jif;*.met;*.pbm;*.pcd;
-'   *.pct;*.pcx;*.pgm;*.png;*.ppm;*.psd;*.ras;*.sgf;*.sgv;*.svm;*.tga;*.tif;
+'   *.pct;*.pcx;*.pgm;*.png;*.ppm;*.psd;*.ras;*.sgf;*.sgv;*.svg;*.svm;*.tga;*.tif;
 '   *.tiff;*.wmf;*.xbm;*.xpm;*.pict
     dim caUIFilters( 30 ) as string
@@ -383,6 +383,8 @@ testcase tInFilterCountCompare()
         irc = iEnd - iBegin
+        printlog irc
+        printlog SUFFIX_STRING_LENGTH
         if ( irc <> SUFFIX_STRING_LENGTH ) then
             warnlog( "The list of file suffixes has changed, please verify" )
             printlog( "Found: " & irc & " chars, expected " & SUFFIX_STRING_LENGTH )
commit 886f829c6b624229a06ec01f6940fd0dee12e409
Author: Wolfram Garten [wg] <Wolfram.Garten at oracle.com>
Date:   Mon Feb 21 11:20:04 2011 +0100

    i117035: [Automation] adapt automated testscripts to new export format svg

diff --git a/testautomation/global/input/filters/graphic_filters.txt b/testautomation/global/input/filters/graphic_filters.txt
old mode 100644
new mode 100755
index 9b63e26..e86e1bd
--- a/testautomation/global/input/filters/graphic_filters.txt
+++ b/testautomation/global/input/filters/graphic_filters.txt
@@ -18,6 +18,7 @@ PSD - Adobe Photoshop (*.psd)
 RAS - Sun Raster Image (*.ras)
 SGF - StarWriter Graphics Format (*.sgf)
 SGV - StarDraw 2.0 (*.sgv)
+SVG - Scalable Vector Graphics (*.svg)
 SVM - StarView Metafile (*.svm)
 TGA - Truevision Targa (*.tga)
 TIFF - Tagged Image File Format (*.tif;*.tiff)
commit 0294a0f407dc2cc59b232f302ed02b0b7cba6aff
Author: Wolfram Garten [wg] <Wolfram.Garten at oracle.com>
Date:   Mon Feb 21 11:19:16 2011 +0100

    i117035: [Automation] adapt automated testscripts to new export format svg

diff --git a/testautomation/graphics/required/input/SaveAsPicture/SaveAsPicture.svg b/testautomation/graphics/required/input/SaveAsPicture/SaveAsPicture.svg
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..983e570
--- /dev/null
+++ b/testautomation/graphics/required/input/SaveAsPicture/SaveAsPicture.svg
@@ -0,0 +1,730 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+<!DOCTYPE svg PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD SVG 1.1//EN" 
+         "http://www.w3.org/Graphics/SVG/1.1/DTD/svg11.dtd">
+<svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"
+     xmlns:xlink="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink"
+     height="800">
+ <g transform="translate(200,200)" style="fill-opacity:1; fill:none;">
+ <g style="fill: #ffffff; stroke:#000000; stroke-width:0.172">
+  <path d="M-122.304 84.285C-122.304 84.285 -122.203 86.179 -123.027 86.16C-123.851 86.141 -140.305 38.066 -160.833 40.309C-160.833 40.309 -143.05 32.956 -122.304 84.285z"/>
+ </g>
+ <g style="fill: #ffffff; stroke:#000000; stroke-width:0.172">
+  <path d="M-118.774 81.262C-118.774 81.262 -119.323 83.078 -120.092 82.779C-120.86 82.481 -119.977 31.675 -140.043 26.801C-140.043 26.801 -120.82 25.937 -118.774 81.262z"/>
+ </g>
+ <g style="fill: #ffffff; stroke:#000000; stroke-width:0.172">
+  <path d="M-91.284 123.59C-91.284 123.59 -89.648 124.55 -90.118 125.227C-90.589 125.904 -139.763 113.102 -149.218 131.459C-149.218 131.459 -145.539 112.572 -91.284 123.59z"/>
+ </g>
+ <g style="fill: #ffffff; stroke:#000000; stroke-width:0.172">
+  <path d="M-94.093 133.801C-94.093 133.801 -92.237 134.197 -92.471 134.988C-92.704 135.779 -143.407 139.121 -146.597 159.522C-146.597 159.522 -149.055 140.437 -94.093 133.801z"/>
+ </g>
+ <g style="fill: #ffffff; stroke:#000000; stroke-width:0.172">
+  <path d="M-98.304 128.276C-98.304 128.276 -96.526 128.939 -96.872 129.687C-97.218 130.435 -147.866 126.346 -153.998 146.064C-153.998 146.064 -153.646 126.825 -98.304 128.276z"/>
+ </g>
+ <g style="fill: #ffffff; stroke:#000000; stroke-width:0.172">
+  <path d="M-109.009 110.072C-109.009 110.072 -107.701 111.446 -108.34 111.967C-108.979 112.488 -152.722 86.634 -166.869 101.676C-166.869 101.676 -158.128 84.533 -109.009 110.072z"/>
+ </g>
+ <g style="fill: #ffffff; stroke:#000000; stroke-width:0.172">
+  <path d="M-116.554 114.263C-116.554 114.263 -115.098 115.48 -115.674 116.071C-116.25 116.661 -162.638 95.922 -174.992 112.469C-174.992 112.469 -168.247 94.447 -116.554 114.263z"/>
+ </g>
+ <g style="fill: #ffffff; stroke:#000000; stroke-width:0.172">
+  <path d="M-119.154 118.335C-119.154 118.335 -117.546 119.343 -118.036 120.006C-118.526 120.669 -167.308 106.446 -177.291 124.522C-177.291 124.522 -173.066 105.749 -119.154 118.335z"/>
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+ <g style="fill: #ffffff; stroke:#000000; stroke-width:0.172">
+  <path d="M-108.42 118.949C-108.42 118.949 -107.298 120.48 -107.999 120.915C-108.7 121.35 -148.769 90.102 -164.727 103.207C-164.727 103.207 -153.862 87.326 -108.42 118.949z"/>
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+  <path d="M-128.2 90C-128.2 90 -127.6 91.8 -128.4 92C-129.2 92.2 -157.8 50.2 -177.001 57.8C-177.001 57.8 -161.8 46 -128.2 90z"/>
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+ <g style="fill: #ffffff; stroke:#000000; stroke-width:0.172">
+  <path d="M-127.505 96.979C-127.505 96.979 -126.53 98.608 -127.269 98.975C-128.007 99.343 -164.992 64.499 -182.101 76.061C-182.101 76.061 -169.804 61.261 -127.505 96.979z"/>
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+ <g style="fill: #ffffff; stroke:#000000; stroke-width:0.172">
+  <path d="M-127.62 101.349C-127.62 101.349 -126.498 102.88 -127.199 103.315C-127.9 103.749 -167.969 72.502 -183.927 85.607C-183.927 85.607 -173.062 69.726 -127.62 101.349z"/>
+ </g>
+ <g style="fill: #ffffff; stroke:#000000">
+  <path d="M-129.83 103.065C-129.327 109.113 -128.339 115.682 -126.6 118.801C-126.6 118.801 -130.2 131.201 -121.4 144.401C-121.4 144.401 -121.8 151.601 -120.2 154.801C-120.2 154.801 -116.2 163.201 -111.4 164.001C-107.516 164.648 -98.793 167.717 -88.932 169.121C-88.932 169.121 -71.8 183.201 -75 196.001C-75 196.001 -75.4 212.401 -79 214.001C-79 214.001 -67.4 202.801 -77 219.601L-81.4 238.401C-81.4 238.401 -55.8 216.801 -71.4 235.201L-81.4 261.201C-81.4 261.201 -61.8 242.801 -69 251.201L-72.2 260.001C-72.2 260.001 -29 232.801 -59.8 262.401C-59.8 262.401 -51.8 258.801 -47.4 261.601C-47.4 261.601 -40.6 260.401 -41.4 262.001C-41.4 262.001 -62.2 272.401 -65.8 290.801C-65.8 290.801 -57.4 280.801 -60.6 291.601L-60.2 303.201C-60.2 303.201 -56.2 281.601 -56.6 319.201C-56.6 319.201 -37.4 301.201 -49 322.001L-49 338.801C-49 338.801 -33.8 322.401 -40.2 335.201C-40.2 335.201 -30.2 326.401 -34.2 341.601C-34.2 341.601 -35 352.001 -30.6 340.801C-30.6 340.801 -14.6 310.201 -20.6 336.401C-20.6 
 336.401 -21.4 355.601 -16.6 340.801C-16.6 340.801 -16.2 351.201 -7 358.401C-7 358.401 -8.2 307.601 4.6 343.601L8.6 360.001C8.6 360.001 11.4 350.801 11 345.601C11 345.601 25.8 329.201 19 353.601C19 353.601 34.2 330.801 31 344.001C31 344.001 23.4 360.001 25 364.801C25 364.801 41.8 330.001 43 328.401C43 328.401 41 370.802 51.8 334.801C51.8 334.801 57.4 346.801 54.6 351.201C54.6 351.201 62.6 343.201 61.8 340.001C61.8 340.001 66.4 331.801 69.2 345.401C69.2 345.401 71 354.801 72.6 351.601C72.6 351.601 76.6 375.602 77.8 352.801C77.8 352.801 79.4 339.201 72.2 327.601C72.2 327.601 73 324.401 70.2 320.401C70.2 320.401 83.8 342.001 76.6 313.201C76.6 313.201 87.801 321.201 89.001 321.201C89.001 321.201 75.4 298.001 84.2 302.801C84.2 302.801 79 292.401 97.001 304.401C97.001 304.401 81 288.401 98.601 298.001C98.601 298.001 106.601 304.401 99.001 294.401C99.001 294.401 84.6 278.401 106.601 296.401C106.601 296.401 118.201 312.801 119.001 315.601C119.001 315.601 109.001 286.401 104.601 283.6
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 6.801 299.001 215.201 303.801 214.801C303.801 214.801 304.601 211.201 302.601 209.601C300.601 208.001 303.801 209.601 303.801 209.601C303.801 209.601 308.601 213.601 303.401 191.601C303.401 191.601 309.801 193.201 297.801 164.001C297.801 164.001 300.601 161.601 296.601 153.201C296.601 153.201 304.601 157.601 307.401 156.001C307.401 156.001 307.001 154.401 303.801 150.401C303.801 150.401 282.201 95.6 302.601 117.601C302.601 117.601 314.451 131.151 308.051 108.351C308.051 108.351 298.94 84.341 299.717 80.045L-129.83 103.065z"/>
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... etc. - the rest is truncated

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