[Libreoffice-commits] .: Branch 'feature/gsoc2011_wizards' - wizards/com

Xisco Fauli xfauli at kemper.freedesktop.org
Wed Jun 29 09:52:42 PDT 2011

 wizards/com/sun/star/wizards/ui/event/DataAwareFields.py |  172 ---------------
 1 file changed, 172 deletions(-)

New commits:
commit b5fe44b928105cc89767f4d560ba0dcfa4b05844
Author: Xisco Fauli <anistenis at gmail.com>
Date:   Wed Jun 29 18:51:50 2011 +0200

    I forgot to delete it

diff --git a/wizards/com/sun/star/wizards/ui/event/DataAwareFields.py b/wizards/com/sun/star/wizards/ui/event/DataAwareFields.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 95f4ea1..0000000
--- a/wizards/com/sun/star/wizards/ui/event/DataAwareFields.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,172 +0,0 @@
-import traceback
-from DataAware import *
-import uno
-This class is a factory for Value objects for different types of
-Other than some Value implementations classes this class contains static
-type conversion methods and factory methods.
- at see com.sun.star.wizards.ui.event.DataAware.Value
-class DataAwareFields(object):
-    TRUE = "true"
-    FALSE = "false"
-    '''
-    returns a Value Object which sets and gets values
-    and converting them to other types, according to the "value" argument.
-    @param owner
-    @param fieldname
-    @param value
-    @return
-    @throws NoSuchFieldException
-    '''
-    @classmethod
-    def getFieldValueFor(self, owner, fieldname, value):
-        try:
-            f = getattr(owner, fieldname)
-            if isinstance(f,bool):
-                pass
-                return self.__BooleanFieldValue(fieldname, value)
-            elif isinstance(f,str):
-                pass
-                return self.__ConvertedStringValue(fieldname, value)
-            elif isinstance(f,int):
-                pass
-                return self.__IntFieldValue(fieldname, value)
-            elif isinstance(f,float):
-                pass
-                return self.__IntFieldValue(fieldname, value)
-            else:
-                pass
-                return self.__IntFieldValue(fieldname, value)
-        except AttributeError, ex:
-            traceback.print_exc()
-            return None
-    '''__ConvertedStringValue
-    an abstract implementation of DataAware.Value to access
-    object memebers (fields) usign reflection.
-    '''
-    class __FieldValue(DataAware.Value):
-        __metaclass__ = ABCMeta
-        def __init__(self, field_):
-            self.field = field_
-        def isAssignable(self, type_):
-            return self.field.getDeclaringClass().isAssignableFrom(type_)
-    class __BooleanFieldValue(__FieldValue):
-        def __init__(self, f, convertTo_):
-            super(type(self),self).__init__(f)
-            self.convertTo = convertTo_
-        def get(self, target):
-            try:
-                b = getattr(target, self.field)
-                if isinstance(self.convertTo,bool):
-                    if b:
-                        return True
-                    else:
-                        return False
-                elif isinstance(self.convertTo,int):
-                    return int(b)
-                elif isinstance(self.convertTo,str):
-                    return str(b)
-                elif self.convertTo.type == uno.Any("short",0).type:
-                    return uno.Any("short",b)
-                else:
-                    raise AttributeError(
-                        "Cannot convert boolean value to given type (" + \
-                        str(type(self.convertTo)) + ").")
-            except Exception, ex:
-                traceback.print_exc()
-                return None
-        def set(self, value, target):
-            try:
-                self.field.setBoolean(target, toBoolean(value))
-            except Exception, ex:
-                traceback.print_exc()
-    class __IntFieldValue(__FieldValue):
-        def __init__(self, f, convertTo_):
-            super(type(self),self).__init__(f)
-            self.convertTo = convertTo_
-        def get(self, target):
-            try:
-                i = getattr(target, self.field)
-                if isinstance(self.convertTo,bool):
-                    if i:
-                        return True
-                    else:
-                        return False
-                elif isinstance(self.convertTo, int):
-                    return int(i)
-                elif isinstance(self.convertTo,str):
-                    return str(i)
-                elif self.convertTo.type == uno.Any("short",0).type:
-                    return uno.Any("[]short",(i,))
-                else:
-                    raise AttributeError(
-                        "Cannot convert int value to given type (" + \
-                        str(type(self.convertTo)) + ").");
-            except Exception, ex:
-                traceback.print_exc()
-                #traceback.print_exc__ConvertedStringValue()
-                return None
-        def set(self, value, target):
-            try:
-                self.field.setInt(target, toDouble(value))
-            except Exception, ex:
-                traceback.print_exc()
-    class __ConvertedStringValue(__FieldValue):
-        def __init__(self, f, convertTo_):
-            super(type(self),self).__init__(f)
-            self.convertTo = convertTo_
-        def get(self, target):
-            try:
-                s = getattr(target, self.field)
-                if isinstance(self.convertTo,bool):
-                    if s != None and not s == "" and s == "true":
-                        return True
-                    else:
-                        return False
-                elif isinstance(self.convertTo,str):
-                    if s == None or s == "":
-                        pass
-                    else:
-                        return s
-                else:
-                    raise AttributeError(
-                        "Cannot convert int value to given type (" + \
-                        str(type(self.convertTo)) + ")." )
-            except Exception, ex:
-                traceback.print_exc()
-                return None
-        def set(self, value, target):
-            try:
-                string_aux = ""
-                #if value is not None or not isinstance(value,uno.Any()):
-                #    string_aux = str(value)
-                self.field.set(target, string_aux)
-            except Exception, ex:
-                traceback.print_exc()

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