[Libreoffice-commits] .: dbaccess/prj

Bjoern Michaelsen bmichaelsen at kemper.freedesktop.org
Sat Mar 26 09:09:53 PDT 2011

 dbaccess/prj/build.lst |    4 +++-
 1 file changed, 3 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)

New commits:
commit 1538b1b8de79e9a9e41233b618b4b0d4495d64c4
Author: Bjoern Michaelsen <bjoern.michaelsen at canonical.com>
Date:   Sat Mar 26 17:07:01 2011 +0100

    fd#35693: disable hangin subsequenttests (complex and unoapi tests)
     - chart2/qa/unoapi
     - configmgr/qa/unoapi
     - dbaccess/qa/unoapi
     - forms/qa/complex/forms
     - linguistic/qa/unoapi
     - qadevOOo/qa/unoapi
     - sd/qa/unoapi
     - starmath/qa/unoapi
     - ucb/qa/complex/ucb
     - ucb/qa/unoapi
     - unotools/qa/complex/tempfile

diff --git a/dbaccess/prj/build.lst b/dbaccess/prj/build.lst
index f655ddf..ed7603c 100644
--- a/dbaccess/prj/build.lst
+++ b/dbaccess/prj/build.lst
@@ -26,7 +26,9 @@ ba	dbaccess\source\ui\uno					nmake	-	all	ba_uiuno ba_inc NULL
 ba	dbaccess\source\ui\imagelists			nmake	-	all	ba_uiimglst ba_inc NULL
 ba  dbaccess\util                           nmake   -   all ba_util ba_uiimglst ba_capi ba_cdaccess ba_cmisc ba_crecovery ba_shared ba_uibrowser ba_uiapp ba_uicontrol ba_uidlg ba_uimisc ba_uiquery ba_uitabledesign ba_uirelationdesign ba_uiuno ba_conntools ba_misctools ba_miscres ba_ext_adabasui NULL
 ba  dbaccess\win32\source\odbcconfig        nmake   -   w ba_odbcconfig ba_inc NULL
-ba dbaccess\qa\unoapi nmake - all ba_q_unoapi NULL
+# fd#35693 disabled because it hangs on exit
+#ba dbaccess\qa\unoapi nmake - all ba_q_unoapi NULL
 # complex tests doesn't work
 # ba dbaccess\qa\complex\dbaccess           nmake   -   all ba_qa_complex NULL

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