[Libreoffice-commits] .: 3 commits - binfilter/bf_svx binfilter/bf_sw binfilter/inc

Caolán McNamara caolan at kemper.freedesktop.org
Thu Sep 1 02:16:36 PDT 2011

 binfilter/bf_svx/source/svdraw/svx_svdpntv.cxx     |   32 --
 binfilter/bf_sw/source/core/crsr/sw_crsrsh.cxx     |   67 ----
 binfilter/bf_sw/source/core/crsr/sw_viscrs.cxx     |   42 --
 binfilter/bf_sw/source/core/frmedt/sw_feshview.cxx |   46 --
 binfilter/bf_sw/source/core/inc/layact.hxx         |   17 -
 binfilter/bf_sw/source/core/inc/viewimp.hxx        |    5 
 binfilter/bf_sw/source/core/layout/sw_layact.cxx   |  328 ---------------------
 binfilter/bf_sw/source/core/view/makefile.mk       |    2 
 binfilter/bf_sw/source/core/view/sw_scrrect.cxx    |   31 -
 binfilter/bf_sw/source/core/view/sw_vdraw.cxx      |   92 -----
 binfilter/bf_sw/source/core/view/sw_viewimp.cxx    |   24 -
 binfilter/bf_sw/source/core/view/sw_viewsh.cxx     |  216 -------------
 binfilter/inc/bf_svx/svdpntv.hxx                   |    3 
 binfilter/inc/bf_sw/crsrsh.hxx                     |    6 
 binfilter/inc/bf_sw/fesh.hxx                       |    9 
 binfilter/inc/bf_sw/viewsh.hxx                     |   29 -
 binfilter/inc/bf_sw/viscrs.hxx                     |    4 
 17 files changed, 953 deletions(-)

New commits:
commit 37b94f0a743650ba1732c326ef7d46f2a80bb7c4
Author: Caolán McNamara <caolanm at redhat.com>
Date:   Thu Sep 1 08:58:28 2011 +0100

    another round of unused methods

diff --git a/binfilter/bf_svx/source/svdraw/svx_svdpntv.cxx b/binfilter/bf_svx/source/svdraw/svx_svdpntv.cxx
index 4d948d7..bf9468c 100644
--- a/binfilter/bf_svx/source/svdraw/svx_svdpntv.cxx
+++ b/binfilter/bf_svx/source/svdraw/svx_svdpntv.cxx
@@ -403,38 +403,6 @@ using namespace ::com::sun::star;
-/*N*/ void SdrPaintView::ShowShownXor(OutputDevice* pOut, BOOL bShow)
-/*N*/ {
-/*N*/   USHORT nAnz=GetWinCount();
-/*N*/   USHORT nw=0;
-/*N*/   BOOL bWeiter=TRUE;
-/*N*/   do {
-/*N*/       if (pOut!=NULL) {
-/*N*/           nw=aWinList.Find(pOut);
-/*N*/           bWeiter=FALSE;
-/*N*/       }
-/*N*/       if (nw<nAnz && nw!=SDRVIEWWIN_NOTFOUND) {
-/*N*/           BOOL bOn=IsShownXorVisibleWinNum(nw);
-/*N*/           if (bOn!=bShow) {
-/*N*/               ToggleShownXor(GetWin(nw),NULL);
-/*N*/               SetShownXorVisible(nw,bShow);
-/*N*/           }
-/*N*/       } else bWeiter=FALSE;
-/*N*/   } while (bWeiter);
-/*N*/ }
-/*N*/ BOOL SdrPaintView::IsShownXorVisible(OutputDevice* pOut) const
-/*N*/ {
-/*N*/   USHORT nPos=aWinList.Find(pOut);
-/*N*/   if (nPos!=SDRVIEWWIN_NOTFOUND) {
-/*N*/       return IsShownXorVisibleWinNum(nPos);
-/*N*/   } else {
-/*N*/       return FALSE;
-/*N*/   }
-/*N*/ }
 /*N*/ void SdrPaintView::ClearPageViews()
 /*N*/ {
 /*N*/   BrkAction();
diff --git a/binfilter/bf_sw/source/core/crsr/sw_crsrsh.cxx b/binfilter/bf_sw/source/core/crsr/sw_crsrsh.cxx
index b2a8807..21ae8c0 100644
--- a/binfilter/bf_sw/source/core/crsr/sw_crsrsh.cxx
+++ b/binfilter/bf_sw/source/core/crsr/sw_crsrsh.cxx
@@ -74,20 +74,6 @@ using namespace ::com::sun::star::util;
 /*N*/   return pCurCrsr;
 /*N*/ }
-/*N*/ void SwCrsrShell::ShowCrsrs( BOOL bCrsrVis )
-/*N*/ {
-/*N*/   if( !bHasFocus || bAllProtect || bBasicHideCrsr )
-/*?*/       return;
-/*N*/   SET_CURR_SHELL( this );
-/*N*/   SwShellCrsr* pAktCrsr = pTblCrsr ? pTblCrsr : pCurCrsr;
-/*N*/   pAktCrsr->Show();
-/*N*/   if( bSVCrsrVis && bCrsrVis )    // auch SV-Cursor wieder anzeigen
-/*N*/       pVisCrsr->Show();
-/*N*/ }
 /*N*/ SwCntntFrm *SwCrsrShell::GetCurrFrm() const
 /*N*/ {
 /*N*/   SET_CURR_SHELL( (ViewShell*)this );
diff --git a/binfilter/bf_sw/source/core/crsr/sw_viscrs.cxx b/binfilter/bf_sw/source/core/crsr/sw_viscrs.cxx
index 9e161d4..cd61c92 100644
--- a/binfilter/bf_sw/source/core/crsr/sw_viscrs.cxx
+++ b/binfilter/bf_sw/source/core/crsr/sw_viscrs.cxx
@@ -105,35 +105,6 @@ MapMode* SwSelPaintRects::pMapMode = 0;
 /*N*/   pCrsrShell->GetWin()->SetCursor( 0 );
 /*N*/ }
-/*N*/ void SwVisCrsr::Show()
-/*N*/ {
-/*N*/   if( !bIsVisible )
-/*N*/   {
-/*N*/       bIsVisible = TRUE;
-/*N*/       // muss ueberhaupt angezeigt werden ?
-/*N*/       if( pCrsrShell->VisArea().IsOver( pCrsrShell->aCharRect ) )
-/*N*/ #ifdef SW_CRSR_TIMER
-/*N*/       {
-/*N*/           if( bTimerOn )
-/*N*/               Start();            // Timer aufsetzen
-/*N*/           else
-/*N*/           {
-/*N*/               if( IsActive() )
-/*N*/                   Stop();         // Timer Stoppen
-/*N*/               _SetPosAndShow();
-/*N*/           }
-/*N*/       }
-/*N*/ #else
-/*N*/           _SetPosAndShow();
-/*N*/ #endif
-/*N*/   }
-/*N*/ }
 /*N*/ void SwVisCrsr::_SetPosAndShow()
 /*N*/ {
 /*N*/   SwRect aRect;
@@ -275,21 +246,8 @@ MapMode* SwSelPaintRects::pMapMode = 0;
 /*?*/   {DBG_BF_ASSERT(0, "STRIP"); }
 /*N*/ }
-/*N*/ void SwShellCrsr::Show()
-/*N*/ {
-/*N*/   SwShellCrsr * pTmp = this;
-/*N*/   do {
-/*N*/       pTmp->SwSelPaintRects::Show();
-/*N*/   } while( this != ( pTmp = (SwShellCrsr*)*(SwCursor*)(pTmp->GetNext() )));
-/*N*/   SHOWBOOKMARKS1( 1 )
-/*N*/   SHOWREDLINES1( 1 )
-/*N*/ }
 // TRUE: an die Position kann der Cursor gesetzt werden
 /*N*/ SwShellTableCrsr::~SwShellTableCrsr() {}
 /*N*/ void SwShellTableCrsr::SetMark()              { SwShellCrsr::SetMark(); }
diff --git a/binfilter/bf_sw/source/core/frmedt/sw_feshview.cxx b/binfilter/bf_sw/source/core/frmedt/sw_feshview.cxx
index 7dd95ab..c2846dc 100644
--- a/binfilter/bf_sw/source/core/frmedt/sw_feshview.cxx
+++ b/binfilter/bf_sw/source/core/frmedt/sw_feshview.cxx
@@ -88,29 +88,6 @@ namespace binfilter {
 /*N*/       return 0 != ::binfilter::GetFlyFromMarked( &Imp()->GetDrawView()->GetMarkList(),
 /*N*/                                       (ViewShell*)this );
 /*N*/ }
-/*N*/ void SwFEShell::SetChainMarker()
-/*N*/ {
-/*N*/   bool bDelFrom = TRUE,
-/*N*/            bDelTo   = TRUE;
-/*N*/   if ( IsFrmSelected() )
-/*N*/   {
-/*?*/       SwFlyFrm *pFly = FindFlyFrm();
-/*?*/       XPolygon aPoly(3);
-/*?*/       if ( pFly->GetPrevLink() )
-/*?*/       {DBG_BF_ASSERT(0, "STRIP");
-/*?*/       }
-/*?*/       if ( pFly->GetNextLink() )
-/*?*/       {DBG_BF_ASSERT(0, "STRIP");
-/*?*/       }
-/*N*/   }
-/*N*/   if ( bDelFrom )
-/*N*/       delete pChainFrom, pChainFrom = 0;
-/*N*/   if ( bDelTo )
-/*N*/       delete pChainTo,   pChainTo = 0;
-/*N*/ }
 /* vim:set shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4 expandtab: */
diff --git a/binfilter/bf_sw/source/core/inc/layact.hxx b/binfilter/bf_sw/source/core/inc/layact.hxx
index aa0ee34..d99c8e4 100644
--- a/binfilter/bf_sw/source/core/inc/layact.hxx
+++ b/binfilter/bf_sw/source/core/inc/layact.hxx
@@ -45,17 +45,6 @@ class SwViewImp;
 class SwCntntNode;
 class SwWait;
-//Die Verwendung der LayAction laeuft immer gleich ab:
-// 1. Erzeugen des LayAction-Objektes.
-// 2. Einstellen des gewuenschten Verhaltens mittels der Set-Methoden
-// 3. Aufruf von Action()
-// 4. Baldiges Zerstoeren des Objektes.
-// Das Objekt meldet sich im CTor beim SwViewImp an und erst im DTor
-// wieder ab! Es handelt sich mithin um ein typisches Stackobjekt.
 class SwLayAction
     SwRootFrm  *pRoot;
@@ -134,12 +123,8 @@ class SwLayAction
                        const SwPageFrm* pPage );
     BOOL IsShortCut( SwPageFrm *& );
-    void InternalAction();
     SwPageFrm *CheckFirstVisPage( SwPageFrm *pPage );
-    BOOL RemoveEmptyBrowserPages();
     inline void CheckIdleEnd();
     inline ULONG GetStartTicks() { return nStartTicks; }
@@ -185,8 +170,6 @@ public:
     inline void SetCheckPageNum( USHORT nNew );
     inline void SetCheckPageNumDirect( USHORT nNew ) { nCheckPageNum = nNew; }
-    void Action();  //Jetzt gehts loos...
     BOOL IsAgain()      const { return bAgain; }
     BOOL IsComplete()   const { return bComplete; }
     BOOL IsExpFlds()    const { return bUpdateExpFlds; }
diff --git a/binfilter/bf_sw/source/core/inc/viewimp.hxx b/binfilter/bf_sw/source/core/inc/viewimp.hxx
index 711289c..23670b8 100644
--- a/binfilter/bf_sw/source/core/inc/viewimp.hxx
+++ b/binfilter/bf_sw/source/core/inc/viewimp.hxx
@@ -146,10 +146,6 @@ class SwViewImp
     void SetScrolled()        { bScrolled = TRUE; }
     SwScrollAreas *GetScrollRects() { return pScrollRects; }
-    void StartAction();         //Henkel Anzeigen und verstecken.
-    void EndAction();           //gerufen von ViewShell::ImplXXXAction
@@ -166,7 +162,6 @@ public:
     BOOL AddPaintRect( const SwRect &rRect );
     void AddScrollRect( const SwFrm *pFrm, const SwRect &rRect, long nOffs );
     SwRegionRects *GetRegion()      { return pRegion; }
-    void DelRegions();                      //Loescht Scroll- und PaintRects
     void RestartScrollTimer()            { aScrollTimer.Start(); }
diff --git a/binfilter/bf_sw/source/core/layout/sw_layact.cxx b/binfilter/bf_sw/source/core/layout/sw_layact.cxx
index 1005a60..7c07df7 100644
--- a/binfilter/bf_sw/source/core/layout/sw_layact.cxx
+++ b/binfilter/bf_sw/source/core/layout/sw_layact.cxx
@@ -423,66 +423,6 @@ namespace binfilter {
 /*N*/   pImp->pLayAct = 0;      //Abmelden
 /*N*/ }
-|*  SwLayAction::RemoveEmptyBrowserPages()
-/*N*/ BOOL SwLayAction::RemoveEmptyBrowserPages()
-/*N*/ {
-/*N*/   //Beim umschalten vom normalen in den Browsermodus bleiben u.U. einige
-/*N*/   //unangenehm lange stehen. Diese beseiten wir mal schnell.
-/*N*/   BOOL bRet = FALSE;
-/*N*/   if ( pRoot->GetFmt()->GetDoc()->IsBrowseMode() )
-/*N*/   {
-/*N*/       SwPageFrm *pPage = (SwPageFrm*)pRoot->Lower();
-/*N*/       do
-/*N*/       {
-/*N*/           if ( (pPage->GetSortedObjs() && pPage->GetSortedObjs()->Count()) ||
-/*N*/                pPage->ContainsCntnt() )
-/*N*/               pPage = (SwPageFrm*)pPage->GetNext();
-/*N*/           else
-/*N*/           {
-/*N*/               bRet = TRUE;
-/*N*/               SwPageFrm *pDel = pPage;
-/*N*/               pPage = (SwPageFrm*)pPage->GetNext();
-/*N*/               pDel->Cut();
-/*N*/               delete pDel;
-/*N*/           }
-/*N*/       } while ( pPage );
-/*N*/   }
-/*N*/   return bRet;
-/*N*/ }
-|*  SwLayAction::Action()
-/*N*/ void SwLayAction::Action()
-/*N*/ {
-/*N*/   bActionInProgress = TRUE;
-/*N*/   if ( IsCalcLayout() )
-/*?*/       SetCheckPages( FALSE );
-/*N*/   InternalAction();
-/*N*/   bAgain |= RemoveEmptyBrowserPages();
-/*N*/   while ( IsAgain() )
-/*N*/   {
-/*N*/       bAgain = bNextCycle = FALSE;
-/*N*/       InternalAction();
-/*N*/       bAgain |= RemoveEmptyBrowserPages();
-/*N*/   }
-/*N*/   if ( IsInput() )
-/*N*/       pImp->GetShell()->SetNoNextScroll();
-/*N*/   SetCheckPages( TRUE );
-/*N*/   bActionInProgress = FALSE;
-/*N*/ }
 /*N*/ SwPageFrm *SwLayAction::CheckFirstVisPage( SwPageFrm *pPage )
 /*N*/ {
 /*N*/   SwCntntFrm *pCnt = pPage->FindFirstBodyCntnt();
@@ -521,274 +461,6 @@ namespace binfilter {
 /*N*/   return pPage;
 /*N*/ }
-/*N*/ void SwLayAction::InternalAction()
-/*N*/ {
-/*N*/   OSL_ENSURE( pRoot->Lower()->IsPageFrm(), ":-( Keine Seite unterhalb der Root.");
-/*N*/   pRoot->Calc();
-/*N*/   //Die erste ungueltige bzw. zu formatierende Seite ermitteln.
-/*N*/   //Bei einer Complete-Action ist es die erste ungueltige; mithin ist die
-/*N*/   //erste zu formatierende Seite diejenige Seite mit der Numemr eins.
-/*N*/   //Bei einer Luegen-Formatierung ist die Nummer der erste Seite die Nummer
-/*N*/   //der ersten Sichtbaren Seite.
-/*N*/   SwPageFrm *pPage = IsComplete() ? (SwPageFrm*)pRoot->Lower() :
-/*N*/               pImp->GetFirstVisPage();
-/*N*/   if ( !pPage )
-/*?*/       pPage = (SwPageFrm*)pRoot->Lower();
-/*N*/   //Wenn ein "Erster-Fliess-Cntnt" innerhalb der der ersten sichtbaren Seite
-/*N*/   //ein Follow ist, so schalten wir die Seite zurueck auf den Ur-Master dieses
-/*N*/   //Cntnt's
-/*N*/   if ( !IsComplete() )
-/*N*/       pPage = CheckFirstVisPage( pPage );
-/*N*/   USHORT nFirstPageNum = pPage->GetPhyPageNum();
-/*N*/   while ( pPage && !pPage->IsInvalid() && !pPage->IsInvalidFly() )
-/*N*/       pPage = (SwPageFrm*)pPage->GetNext();
-/*N*/   SwDoc* pDoc = pRoot->GetFmt()->GetDoc();
-/*N*/   BOOL bNoLoop = pPage ? SwLayouter::StartLoopControl( pDoc, pPage ) : FALSE;
-/*N*/   USHORT nPercentPageNum = 0;
-/*N*/   while ( (pPage && !IsInterrupt()) || nCheckPageNum != USHRT_MAX )
-/*N*/   {
-/*N*/       if ( !pPage && nCheckPageNum != USHRT_MAX &&
-/*N*/            (!pPage || pPage->GetPhyPageNum() >= nCheckPageNum) )
-/*N*/       {
-/*?*/           if ( !pPage || pPage->GetPhyPageNum() > nCheckPageNum )
-/*?*/           {
-/*?*/               SwPageFrm *pPg = (SwPageFrm*)pRoot->Lower();
-/*?*/               while ( pPg && pPg->GetPhyPageNum() < nCheckPageNum )
-/*?*/                   pPg = (SwPageFrm*)pPg->GetNext();
-/*?*/               if ( pPg )
-/*?*/                   pPage = pPg;
-/*?*/               if ( !pPage )
-/*?*/                   break;
-/*?*/           }
-/*?*/           SwPageFrm *pTmp = pPage->GetPrev() ?
-/*?*/                                       (SwPageFrm*)pPage->GetPrev() : pPage;
-/*?*/           SetCheckPages( TRUE );
-/*?*/           SwFrm::CheckPageDescs( pPage );
-/*?*/           SetCheckPages( FALSE );
-/*?*/           nCheckPageNum = USHRT_MAX;
-/*?*/           pPage = pTmp;
-/*?*/           continue;
-/*N*/       }
-/*N*/       if ( nEndPage != USHRT_MAX && pPage->GetPhyPageNum() > nPercentPageNum )
-/*N*/       {
-/*?*/           nPercentPageNum = pPage->GetPhyPageNum();
-/*?*/           ::binfilter::SetProgressState( nPercentPageNum, pImp->GetShell()->GetDoc()->GetDocShell());
-/*N*/       }
-/*N*/       pOptTab = 0;
-/*N*/            //Kein ShortCut fuer Idle oder CalcLayout
-/*N*/       if ( !IsIdle() && !IsComplete() && IsShortCut( pPage ) )
-/*N*/       {
-/*N*/           XCHECKPAGE;
-/*N*/           break;
-/*N*/       }
-/*N*/       else
-/*N*/       {
-/*N*/           XCHECKPAGE;
-/*N*/           //Erst das Layout der Seite formatieren. Erst wenn das Layout
-/*N*/           //stabil ist lohnt sich die Inhaltsformatiertung.
-/*N*/           //Wenn durch die Inhaltsformatierung das Layout wieder ungueltig
-/*N*/           //wird, so wird die Inhaltsformatierung abgebrochen und das
-/*N*/           //Layout wird wieder stabilisiert.
-/*N*/           //Keine Angst: im Normafall kommt es nicht zu Oszillationen.
-/*N*/           //Das Spielchen spielen wir zweimal. erst fuer die Flys, dann
-/*N*/           //fuer den Rest.
-/*N*/           //Die Flys haben Vorrang, d.h. wenn sich an den Flys waehrend der
-/*N*/           //Formatierung des Bodys etwas aendert wird die Body-Formatierung
-/*N*/           //unterbrochen und wieder bei den Flys angefangen.
-/*N*/           while ( !IsInterrupt() && !IsNextCycle() &&
-/*N*/                   ((IS_FLYS && IS_INVAFLY) || pPage->IsInvalid()) )
-/*N*/           {
-/*N*/                 USHORT nLoop = 0; // Loop control
-/*N*/               while ( !IsInterrupt() && IS_INVAFLY && IS_FLYS )
-/*N*/               {
-/*N*/                   XCHECKPAGE;
-/*N*/                   if ( pPage->IsInvalidFlyLayout() )
-/*N*/                   {
-/*N*/                       pPage->ValidateFlyLayout();
-/*N*/                       FormatFlyLayout( pPage );
-/*N*/                       XCHECKPAGE;
-/*N*/                   }
-/*N*/                   if ( pPage->IsInvalidFlyCntnt() && IS_FLYS )
-/*N*/                   {
-/*N*/                       pPage->ValidateFlyCntnt();
-/*N*/                         // More than 20 calls of this function are enough,
-/*N*/                         // then we disallow the shrinking of fly frames.
-/*N*/                         if ( !FormatFlyCntnt( pPage, nLoop > 20 ) )
-/*N*/                       {   XCHECKPAGE;
-/*N*/                           pPage->InvalidateFlyCntnt();
-/*N*/                       }
-/*N*/                   }
-/*N*/                     ++nLoop; // Loop count
-/*N*/               }
-/*N*/               if ( !IS_FLYS )
-/*N*/               {
-/*N*/                   //Wenn keine Flys (mehr) da sind, sind die Flags
-/*N*/                   //mehr als fluessig.
-/*N*/                   pPage->ValidateFlyLayout();
-/*N*/                   pPage->ValidateFlyCntnt();
-/*N*/               }
-/*N*/               while ( !IsInterrupt() && !IsNextCycle() && pPage->IsInvalid() &&
-/*N*/                       (!IS_FLYS || (IS_FLYS && !IS_INVAFLY)) )
-/*N*/               {
-/*N*/                   PROTOCOL( pPage, PROT_FILE_INIT, 0, 0)
-/*N*/                   XCHECKPAGE;
-/*N*/                   while ( !IsNextCycle() && pPage->IsInvalidLayout() )
-/*N*/                   {
-/*N*/                       pPage->ValidateLayout();
-/*N*/                       FormatLayout( pPage );
-/*N*/                       XCHECKPAGE;
-/*N*/                   }
-/*N*/                   if ( !IsNextCycle() && pPage->IsInvalidCntnt() &&
-/*N*/                        (!IS_FLYS || (IS_FLYS && !IS_INVAFLY)) )
-/*N*/                   {
-/*N*/                       pPage->ValidateFlyInCnt();
-/*N*/                       pPage->ValidateCntnt();
-/*N*/                       if ( !FormatCntnt( pPage ) )
-/*N*/                       {
-/*N*/                           XCHECKPAGE;
-/*N*/                           pPage->InvalidateCntnt();
-/*N*/                           pPage->InvalidateFlyInCnt();
-/*N*/                           if ( IsBrowseActionStop() )
-/*?*/                               bInput = TRUE;
-/*N*/                       }
-/*N*/                   }
-/*N*/                   if( bNoLoop )
-/*N*/                       pDoc->GetLayouter()->LoopControl( pPage, LOOP_PAGE );
-/*N*/               }
-/*N*/           }
-/*N*/           //Eine vorige Seite kann wieder invalid sein.
-/*N*/           XCHECKPAGE;
-/*N*/           if ( !IS_FLYS )
-/*N*/           {
-/*N*/               //Wenn keine Flys (mehr) da sind, sind die Flags
-/*N*/               //mehr als fluessig.
-/*N*/               pPage->ValidateFlyLayout();
-/*N*/               pPage->ValidateFlyCntnt();
-/*N*/           }
-/*N*/           if ( !IsInterrupt() )
-/*N*/           {
-/*N*/               SetNextCycle( FALSE );
-/*N*/               if ( nPreInvaPage != USHRT_MAX )
-/*N*/               {
-/*N*/                   if( !IsComplete() && nPreInvaPage + 2 < nFirstPageNum )
-/*N*/                   {
-/*?*/                       pImp->SetFirstVisPageInvalid();
-/*?*/                       SwPageFrm *pTmpPage = pImp->GetFirstVisPage();
-/*?*/                       nFirstPageNum = pTmpPage->GetPhyPageNum();
-/*?*/                       if( nPreInvaPage < nFirstPageNum )
-/*?*/                       {
-/*?*/                           nPreInvaPage = nFirstPageNum;
-/*?*/                           pPage = pTmpPage;
-/*?*/                       }
-/*N*/                   }
-/*N*/                   while ( pPage->GetPrev() && pPage->GetPhyPageNum() > nPreInvaPage )
-/*N*/                       pPage = (SwPageFrm*)pPage->GetPrev();
-/*N*/                   nPreInvaPage = USHRT_MAX;
-/*N*/               }
-/*N*/               //Ist eine Vorseite invalid?
-/*N*/               while ( pPage->GetPrev() &&
-/*N*/                       ( ((SwPageFrm*)pPage->GetPrev())->IsInvalid() ||
-/*N*/                         ( ((SwPageFrm*)pPage->GetPrev())->GetSortedObjs() &&
-/*N*/                           ((SwPageFrm*)pPage->GetPrev())->IsInvalidFly())) &&
-/*N*/                       (((SwPageFrm*)pPage->GetPrev())->GetPhyPageNum() >=
-/*N*/                           nFirstPageNum) )
-/*N*/               {
-/*N*/                   pPage = (SwPageFrm*)pPage->GetPrev();
-/*N*/               }
-/*N*/               //Weiter bis zur naechsten invaliden Seite.
-/*N*/               while ( pPage && !pPage->IsInvalid() &&
-/*N*/                       (!IS_FLYS || (IS_FLYS && !IS_INVAFLY)) )
-/*N*/               {
-/*N*/                   pPage = (SwPageFrm*)pPage->GetNext();
-/*N*/               }
-/*N*/               if( bNoLoop )
-/*N*/                   pDoc->GetLayouter()->LoopControl( pPage, LOOP_PAGE );
-/*N*/           }
-/*N*/             CheckIdleEnd();
-/*N*/       }
-/*N*/   }
-/*N*/   if ( IsInterrupt() && pPage )
-/*N*/   {
-/*N*/       //Wenn ein Input anliegt wollen wir keinen Inhalt mehr Formatieren,
-/*N*/       //Das Layout muessen wir aber schon in Ordnung bringen.
-/*N*/       //Andernfalls kann folgende Situation auftreten (Bug: 3244):
-/*N*/       //Am Ende des Absatz der letzten Seite wird Text eingegeben, so das
-/*N*/       //der Absatz einen Follow fuer die nachste Seite erzeugt, ausserdem
-/*N*/       //wird gleich schnell weitergetippt - Es liegt waehrend der
-/*N*/       //Verarbeitung ein Input an. Der Absatz auf der neuen Seite wurde
-/*N*/       //bereits anformatiert, die neue Seite ist Formatiert und steht
-/*N*/       //auf CompletePaint, hat sich aber noch nicht im Auszugebenden Bereich
-/*N*/       //eingetragen. Es wird gepaintet, das CompletePaint der Seite wird
-/*N*/       //zurueckgesetzt weil der neue Absatz sich bereits eingetragen hatte,
-/*N*/       //aber die Raender der Seite werden nicht gepaintet. Naja, bei der
-/*N*/       //zwangslaeufig auftretenden naechsten LayAction traegt sich die Seite
-/*N*/       //nicht mehr ein, weil ihre (LayoutFrm-)Flags bereits zurueckgesetzt
-/*N*/       //wurden -- Der Rand der Seite wird nie gepaintet.
-/*N*/       SwPageFrm *pPg = pPage;
-/*N*/       XCHECKPAGE;
-/*N*/       const SwRect &rVis = pImp->GetShell()->VisArea();
-/*N*/         while( pPg && pPg->Frm().Bottom() < rVis.Top() )
-/*?*/           pPg = (SwPageFrm*)pPg->GetNext();
-/*N*/         if( pPg != pPage )
-/*?*/             pPg = pPg ? (SwPageFrm*)pPg->GetPrev() : pPage;
-/*N*/         // set flag for interrupt content formatting
-/*N*/         mbFormatCntntOnInterrupt = IsInput() && !IsStopPrt();
-/*N*/         long nBottom = rVis.Bottom();
-/*N*/         while ( pPg && pPg->Frm().Top() < nBottom )
-/*N*/       {
-/*N*/             XCHECKPAGE;
-/*N*/             // special case: interrupt content formatting
-/*N*/             while ( ( mbFormatCntntOnInterrupt &&
-/*N*/                       pPg->IsInvalid() &&
-/*N*/                       (!IS_FLYS || (IS_FLYS && !IS_INVAFLY))
-/*N*/                     ) ||
-/*N*/                     ( !mbFormatCntntOnInterrupt && pPg->IsInvalidLayout() )
-/*N*/                   )
-/*N*/       {
-/*?*/           XCHECKPAGE;
-/*?*/           while ( pPg->IsInvalidLayout() )
-/*?*/           {
-/*?*/               pPg->ValidateLayout();
-/*?*/               FormatLayout( pPg );
-/*?*/               XCHECKPAGE;
-/*?*/           }
-/*N*/                 if ( mbFormatCntntOnInterrupt &&
-/*N*/                      pPg->IsInvalidCntnt() &&
-/*N*/                      (!IS_FLYS || (IS_FLYS && !IS_INVAFLY))
-/*N*/                    )
-/*N*/                 {
-/*N*/                     pPg->ValidateFlyInCnt();
-/*N*/                     pPg->ValidateCntnt();
-/*N*/                     if ( !FormatCntnt( pPg ) )
-/*N*/                     {
-/*N*/                         XCHECKPAGE;
-/*N*/                         pPg->InvalidateCntnt();
-/*N*/                         pPg->InvalidateFlyInCnt();
-/*N*/                     }
-/*N*/                 }
-/*N*/             }
-/*?*/           pPg = (SwPageFrm*)pPg->GetNext();
-/*N*/       }
-/*N*/         // reset flag for special interrupt content formatting.
-/*N*/         mbFormatCntntOnInterrupt = sal_False;
-/*N*/   }
-/*N*/   pOptTab = 0;
-/*N*/   if( bNoLoop )
-/*N*/       pDoc->GetLayouter()->EndLoopControl();
-/*N*/ }
 |*  SwLayAction::IsShortCut()
diff --git a/binfilter/bf_sw/source/core/view/makefile.mk b/binfilter/bf_sw/source/core/view/makefile.mk
index e7a6e91..c9ba20b 100644
--- a/binfilter/bf_sw/source/core/view/makefile.mk
+++ b/binfilter/bf_sw/source/core/view/makefile.mk
@@ -48,7 +48,6 @@ LIBFLAGS=/NOI /NOE /PAGE:128
     sw_scrrect.cxx \
-    sw_vdraw.cxx \
     sw_viewimp.cxx \
     sw_viewsh.cxx \
         sw_vnew.cxx \
@@ -58,7 +57,6 @@ CXXFILES = \
     $(SLO)$/sw_scrrect.obj \
-    $(SLO)$/sw_vdraw.obj \
     $(SLO)$/sw_viewimp.obj \
     $(SLO)$/sw_viewsh.obj \
         $(SLO)$/sw_vnew.obj \
diff --git a/binfilter/bf_sw/source/core/view/sw_scrrect.cxx b/binfilter/bf_sw/source/core/view/sw_scrrect.cxx
index f3c45f1..b871922 100644
--- a/binfilter/bf_sw/source/core/view/sw_scrrect.cxx
+++ b/binfilter/bf_sw/source/core/view/sw_scrrect.cxx
@@ -32,7 +32,6 @@
 #include <viewimp.hxx>
-// OD 18.02.2003 #107562# - <SwAlignRect> for <ViewShell::Scroll()>
 #include <horiornt.hxx>
@@ -78,36 +77,6 @@ namespace binfilter {
-|*  ViewShell::Scroll()
-|*  Description
-|*  ViewShell::Scroll() scrolls all rectangles in the pScrollRects-list and
-|*  transfers the critical lines by calling SwViewImp::MoveScrollArea(..).
-/*N*/ void ViewShell::Scroll()
-/*N*/ {DBG_BF_ASSERT(0, "STRIP");
-/*N*/ }
-|*  ViewShell::SetNoNextScroll()
-/*N*/ void ViewShell::SetNoNextScroll()
-/*N*/ {
-/*N*/   ViewShell *pSh = this;
-/*N*/   do
-/*N*/   {   pSh->Imp()->ResetNextScroll();
-/*N*/       pSh = (ViewShell*)pSh->GetNext();
-/*N*/   } while ( pSh != this );
-/*N*/ }
 |*  SwViewImp::AddScrollRect()
 |*  Adds a scrollable rectangle and his critical lines to the list.
diff --git a/binfilter/bf_sw/source/core/view/sw_viewimp.cxx b/binfilter/bf_sw/source/core/view/sw_viewimp.cxx
index 447eb53..84741f2 100644
--- a/binfilter/bf_sw/source/core/view/sw_viewimp.cxx
+++ b/binfilter/bf_sw/source/core/view/sw_viewimp.cxx
@@ -50,32 +50,8 @@
 namespace binfilter {
-|*  SwViewImp::~SwViewImp()
 /*N*/ SwViewImp::~SwViewImp() { }
-|*  SwViewImp::DelRegions()
-/*N*/ void SwViewImp::DelRegions()
-/*N*/ {
-/*N*/   DELETEZ(pRegion);
-/*N*/   DELETEZ(pScrollRects);
-/*N*/ }
-|*  SwViewImp::AddPaintRect()
 /*N*/ BOOL SwViewImp::AddPaintRect( const SwRect &rRect )
 /*N*/ {
 /*N*/   if ( rRect.IsOver( pSh->VisArea() ) )
diff --git a/binfilter/bf_sw/source/core/view/sw_viewsh.cxx b/binfilter/bf_sw/source/core/view/sw_viewsh.cxx
index f48fe67..89382bd 100644
--- a/binfilter/bf_sw/source/core/view/sw_viewsh.cxx
+++ b/binfilter/bf_sw/source/core/view/sw_viewsh.cxx
@@ -69,165 +69,6 @@ bool bInSizeNotify = FALSE;
-|*  ViewShell::ImplEndAction()
-/*N*/ void ViewShell::ImplEndAction()
-/*N*/ {
-/*N*/   //Fuer den Drucker gibt es hier nichts zu tun.
-/*N*/   if ( !GetWin() || IsPreView() )
-/*N*/   {
-/*?*/       bPaintWorks = TRUE;
-/*?*/       UISizeNotify();
-/*?*/       return;
-/*N*/   }
-/*N*/   // #94195# remember when the handles need refresh at end of method
-/*N*/   sal_Bool bRefreshMarker(sal_False);
-/*N*/   bInEndAction = TRUE;
-/*N*/   //Laeuft hiermit das EndAction der Letzten Shell im Ring?
-/*N*/   ViewShell *pSh = (ViewShell*)this->GetNext();
-/*N*/   while ( pSh != this )
-/*?*/   {   if ( pSh->ActionPend() )
-/*?*/       {
-/*?*/           pSh = this;
-/*?*/       }
-/*?*/       else
-/*?*/           pSh = (ViewShell*)pSh->GetNext();
-/*?*/   }
-/*N*/   SET_CURR_SHELL( this );
-/*N*/   if ( Imp()->HasDrawView() && !Imp()->GetDrawView()->IsMarkHdlHidden() )
-/*?*/       Imp()->StartAction();
-/*N*/   if ( Imp()->GetRegion() && Imp()->GetRegion()->GetOrigin() != VisArea() )
-/*N*/       Imp()->DelRegions();
-/*N*/   const bool bExtraData = ::binfilter::IsExtraData( GetDoc() );
-/*N*/   {
-/*N*/       if ( Imp()->IsNextScroll() && !bExtraData )
-/*N*/           Imp()->SetScroll();
-/*N*/       else
-/*N*/       {
-/*N*/           if ( bExtraData )
-/*?*/               Imp()->bScroll = FALSE;
-/*N*/           Imp()->SetNextScroll();
-/*N*/           Imp()->ResetScroll();
-/*N*/       }
-/*N*/       SwLayAction aAction( GetLayout(), Imp() );
-/*N*/       aAction.SetComplete( FALSE );
-/*N*/       if ( nLockPaint )
-/*?*/           aAction.SetPaint( FALSE );
-/*N*/       aAction.SetInputType( INPUT_KEYBOARD );
-/*N*/       aAction.Action();
-/*N*/       Imp()->SetScroll();
-/*N*/   }
-/*N*/   //Wenn wir selbst keine Paints erzeugen, so warten wir auf das Paint
-/*N*/   //vom System. Dann ist das Clipping korrekt gesetzt; Beispiel: verschieben
-/*N*/   //eines DrawObjektes.
-/*N*/   if ( Imp()->GetRegion()     || Imp()->GetScrollRects() ||
-/*N*/        aInvalidRect.HasArea() || bExtraData )
-/*N*/   {
-/*?*/       if ( !nLockPaint )
-/*?*/       {
-/*?*/           bool bPaintsFromSystem = aInvalidRect.HasArea();
-/*?*/           GetWin()->Update();
-/*?*/           if ( aInvalidRect.HasArea() )
-/*?*/           {
-/*?*/               if ( bPaintsFromSystem )
-/*?*/                   Imp()->AddPaintRect( aInvalidRect );
-/*?*/               // AW 22.09.99: tell DrawView that drawing order will be rearranged
-/*?*/               // to give it a chance to react with proper IAO updates
-/*?*/               if (HasDrawView())
-/*?*/               {
-/*?*/               DBG_BF_ASSERT(0, "STRIP");
-/*?*/               }
-/*?*/               ResetInvalidRect();
-/*?*/               bPaintsFromSystem = TRUE;
-/*?*/           }
-/*?*/           bPaintWorks = TRUE;
-/*?*/           SwRegionRects *pRegion = Imp()->GetRegion();
-/*?*/           //JP 27.11.97: wer die Selection hided, muss sie aber auch
-/*?*/           //              wieder Showen. Sonst gibt es Paintfehler!
-/*?*/           //  z.B.: addional Mode, Seite vertikal hab zu sehen, in der
-/*?*/           // Mitte eine Selektion und mit einem anderen Cursor an linken
-/*?*/           // rechten Rand springen. Ohne ShowCrsr verschwindet die
-/*?*/           // Selektion
-/*?*/           BOOL bShowCrsr = (pRegion || Imp()->GetScrollRects()) &&
-/*?*/                               IsA( TYPE(SwCrsrShell) );
-/*?*/           if( bShowCrsr )
-/*?*/               {DBG_BF_ASSERT(0, "STRIP");}
-/*?*/           Scroll();
-/*?*/           if ( bPaintsFromSystem && Imp()->pScrolledArea )
-                    {DBG_BF_ASSERT(0, "STRIP");}
-/*?*/           if ( pRegion )
-                    {DBG_BF_ASSERT(0, "STRIP");}
-/*?*/           if( bShowCrsr )
-/*?*/               ((SwCrsrShell*)this)->ShowCrsrs( TRUE );
-/*?*/       }
-/*?*/       else
-/*?*/       {
-/*?*/           Imp()->DelRegions();
-/*?*/           bPaintWorks =  TRUE;
-/*?*/       }
-/*N*/   }
-/*N*/   else
-/*N*/       bPaintWorks = TRUE;
-/*N*/   bInEndAction = FALSE;
-/*N*/   Imp()->EndAction();
-/*N*/   //Damit sich die automatischen Scrollbars auch richtig anordnen k”nnen
-/*N*/   //muessen wir die Aktion hier kuenstlich beenden (EndAction loesst ein
-/*N*/   //Notify aus, und das muss Start-/EndAction rufen um die  Scrollbars
-/*N*/   //klarzubekommen.
-/*N*/   --nStartAction;
-/*N*/   UISizeNotify();
-/*N*/   ++nStartAction;
-/*N*/ #ifdef DBG_UTIL
-/*N*/   // No Scroll starts the timer to repair the scrolled area automatically
-/*N*/   if( GetViewOptions()->IsTest8() )
-/*N*/ #endif
-/*?*/   if ( Imp()->IsScrolled() )
-/*?*/       Imp()->RestartScrollTimer();
-/*N*/   // #94195# refresh handles when they were hard removed for display change
-/*N*/   if(bRefreshMarker && HasDrawView())
-/*N*/   {
-/*?*/       GetDrawView()->AdjustMarkHdl(FALSE);
-/*N*/   }
-/*N*/ #endif
-/*N*/ }
-|*  ViewShell::ImplStartAction()
-/*N*/ void ViewShell::ImplStartAction()
-/*N*/ {
-/*N*/   bPaintWorks = FALSE;
-/*N*/   Imp()->StartAction();
-/*N*/ }
 |*  ViewShell::AddPaintRect()
@@ -278,42 +119,6 @@ bool bInSizeNotify = FALSE;
-|*  ViewShell::MakeVisible()
-/*N*/ void ViewShell::MakeVisible( const SwRect &rRect )
-/*N*/ {
-/*N*/   if ( !VisArea().IsInside( rRect ) || /*IsScrollMDI( this, rRect ) ||*/ GetCareWin(*this) )
-/*N*/   {
-/*N*/       if ( !IsViewLocked() )
-/*N*/       {
-/*N*/           if( pWin )
-/*N*/           {
-/*N*/               const SwFrm* pRoot = GetDoc()->GetRootFrm();
-/*N*/               int nLoopCnt = 3;
-/*N*/               long nOldH;
-/*N*/               do{
-/*N*/                   nOldH = pRoot->Frm().Height();
-/*N*/                   StartAction();
-/*N*/                   DBG_BF_ASSERT(0, "STRIP");//ScrollMDI( this, rRect, USHRT_MAX, USHRT_MAX );
-/*N*/                   EndAction();
-/*N*/               } while( nOldH != pRoot->Frm().Height() && nLoopCnt-- );
-/*N*/           }
-/*N*/ #ifdef DBG_UTIL
-/*N*/           else
-/*N*/           {
-/*N*/               //MA: 04. Nov. 94, braucht doch keiner oder??
-/*N*/               OSL_ENSURE( !this, "MakeVisible fuer Drucker wird doch gebraucht?" );
-/*N*/           }
-/*N*/ #endif
-/*N*/       }
-/*N*/   }
-/*N*/ }
 |*  ViewShell::SetFirstVisPageInvalid()
@@ -346,27 +151,6 @@ bool bInSizeNotify = FALSE;
 /*N*/ {
 /*N*/ }
-|*  ViewShell::UISizeNotify()
-/*N*/ void ViewShell::UISizeNotify()
-/*N*/ {
-/*N*/   if ( bDocSizeChgd )
-/*N*/   {
-/*N*/       bDocSizeChgd = FALSE;
-/*N*/       bool bOld = bInSizeNotify;
-/*N*/       bInSizeNotify = TRUE;
-/*N*/       DBG_BF_ASSERT(0, "STRIP");//::binfilter::SizeNotify( this, GetLayout()->Frm().SSize() );
-/*N*/       bInSizeNotify = bOld;
-/*N*/   }
-/*N*/ }
 /*N*/ BOOL ViewShell::IsBrowseMode() const
 /*N*/ {
 /*N*/   return GetDoc()->IsBrowseMode();
diff --git a/binfilter/inc/bf_svx/svdpntv.hxx b/binfilter/inc/bf_svx/svdpntv.hxx
index 52db89e..c7b1b63 100644
--- a/binfilter/inc/bf_svx/svdpntv.hxx
+++ b/binfilter/inc/bf_svx/svdpntv.hxx
@@ -386,9 +386,6 @@ public:
     void SetVisualizeEnteredGroup(BOOL bNew) { bVisualizeEnteredGroup = bNew; }
     virtual void ToggleShownXor(OutputDevice* pOut, const Region* pRegion) const; // Alles togglen was als Xor im Win, nix merken! NULL=alle OutDev
-    void ShowShownXor(OutputDevice* pOut, BOOL bShow=TRUE);
-    void HideShownXor(OutputDevice* pOut) { ShowShownXor(pOut,FALSE); }
-    BOOL IsShownXorVisible(OutputDevice* pOut) const;
     // Am DragStatus laesst sich beispielsweise erfragen, welche
     // entfernung bereits gedraggd wurde, etc.
diff --git a/binfilter/inc/bf_sw/crsrsh.hxx b/binfilter/inc/bf_sw/crsrsh.hxx
index 038042a..5b168fa 100644
--- a/binfilter/inc/bf_sw/crsrsh.hxx
+++ b/binfilter/inc/bf_sw/crsrsh.hxx
@@ -274,9 +274,6 @@ public:
     // Methoden zum Anzeigen bzw. Verstecken der selektierten Bereiche mit
     // dem sichtbaren Cursor
-    void ShowCrsrs( BOOL bCrsrVis );
-    // Methoden zum Anzeigen bzw. Verstecken der selektierten Bereiche mit
-    // dem sichtbaren Cursor
     bool IsOverwriteCrsr() const { return bOverwriteCrsr; }
     void SetOverwriteCrsr( bool bFlag ) { bOverwriteCrsr = bFlag; }
diff --git a/binfilter/inc/bf_sw/fesh.hxx b/binfilter/inc/bf_sw/fesh.hxx
index 264866a..3fedfa5 100644
--- a/binfilter/inc/bf_sw/fesh.hxx
+++ b/binfilter/inc/bf_sw/fesh.hxx
@@ -204,8 +204,6 @@ public:
     //gerufen von notxtfrm::Paint, impl in wrtsh
     virtual void ConnectObj( SvInPlaceObjectRef xIPObj, const SwRect &rPrt,
                              const SwRect &rFrm ) = 0;
-    void SetChainMarker();
 } //namespace binfilter
diff --git a/binfilter/inc/bf_sw/viewsh.hxx b/binfilter/inc/bf_sw/viewsh.hxx
index de4c424..2a2fc58 100644
--- a/binfilter/inc/bf_sw/viewsh.hxx
+++ b/binfilter/inc/bf_sw/viewsh.hxx
@@ -129,12 +129,6 @@ class ViewShell : public Ring
     sal_Bool CheckInvalidForPaint( const SwRect & );//Direkt Paint oder lieber
                                                 //eine Aktion ausloesen.
-    void Scroll();  //Scrollen wenn sich aus der LayAction Scrollmoeglichkeiten
-                    //ergaben.
     static ShellResource*   pShellRes;      // Resourcen fuer die Shell
     static Window*          pCareWindow;    // diesem Fenster ausweichen
@@ -152,10 +146,6 @@ public:
     const SwViewImp *Imp() const { return pImp; }
     //Klammerung von zusammengehoerenden Aktionen.
-    inline void StartAction();
-           void ImplStartAction();
-    inline void EndAction();
-    void ImplEndAction();
     sal_uInt16 ActionCount() const { return nStartAction; }
     sal_Bool ActionPend() const { return nStartAction != 0; }
     sal_Bool IsInEndAction() const { return bInEndAction; }
@@ -172,7 +162,6 @@ public:
     //Ring arbeiten.
     sal_Bool AddPaintRect( const SwRect &rRect );
     void AddScrollRect( const SwFrm *pFrm, const SwRect &rRect, long nOffs );
-    void SetNoNextScroll();
     void InvalidateWindows( const SwRect &rRect );
     sal_Bool IsPaintInProgress() const { return bPaintInProgress; }
@@ -184,13 +173,6 @@ public:
     void EnableSmooth( sal_Bool b ) { bEnableSmooth = b; }
     const SwRect &VisArea() const { return aVisArea; }
-        //Es wird, wenn notwendig, soweit gescrollt, dass das
-        //uebergebene Rect im sichtbaren Ausschnitt liegt.
-    void MakeVisible( const SwRect & );
-    void UISizeNotify();            //Das weiterreichen der aktuellen groesse.
     //Invalidierung der ersten Sichtbaren Seite fuer alle Shells im Ring.
     void SetFirstVisPageInvalid();
@@ -302,17 +284,6 @@ inline void ViewShell::ResetInvalidRect()
-inline void ViewShell::StartAction()
-    if ( !nStartAction++ )
-        ImplStartAction();
-inline void ViewShell::EndAction()
-    if( 0 == (nStartAction - 1) )
-        ImplEndAction();
-    --nStartAction;
 } //namespace binfilter
 #endif //_VIEWSH_HXX
diff --git a/binfilter/inc/bf_sw/viscrs.hxx b/binfilter/inc/bf_sw/viscrs.hxx
index 118773e..300066c 100644
--- a/binfilter/inc/bf_sw/viscrs.hxx
+++ b/binfilter/inc/bf_sw/viscrs.hxx
@@ -67,8 +67,6 @@ class SwVisCrsr
-    void Show();
     bool IsVisible() const { return bIsVisible; }
     bool IsDragCrsr() const { return bIsDragCrsr; }
     void SetDragCrsr( BOOL bFlag = TRUE ) { bIsDragCrsr = bFlag; }
@@ -118,8 +116,6 @@ public:
     virtual operator SwShellCrsr* ();
-    void Show();            // Update und zeige alle Selektionen an
     const Point& GetPtPos() const   { return( SwPaM::GetPoint() == pPt ? aPtPt : aMkPt ); }
           Point& GetPtPos()         { return( SwPaM::GetPoint() == pPt ? aPtPt : aMkPt ); }
     const Point& GetMkPos() const   { return( SwPaM::GetMark() == pPt ? aPtPt : aMkPt ); }
commit 1e9e12058cf9caf7c0b5b342a676c68594b75676
Author: Caolán McNamara <caolanm at redhat.com>
Date:   Thu Sep 1 08:58:25 2011 +0100

    another round of unused methods

diff --git a/binfilter/bf_sw/source/core/view/sw_vdraw.cxx b/binfilter/bf_sw/source/core/view/sw_vdraw.cxx
deleted file mode 100644
index 48388fa..0000000
--- a/binfilter/bf_sw/source/core/view/sw_vdraw.cxx
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,91 +0,0 @@
-/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- */
- *
- *
- * Copyright 2000, 2010 Oracle and/or its affiliates.
- *
- * OpenOffice.org - a multi-platform office productivity suite
- *
- * This file is part of OpenOffice.org.
- *
- * OpenOffice.org is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
- * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License version 3
- * only, as published by the Free Software Foundation.
- *
- * OpenOffice.org is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU Lesser General Public License version 3 for more details
- * (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code).
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
- * version 3 along with OpenOffice.org.  If not, see
- * <http://www.openoffice.org/license.html>
- * for a copy of the LGPLv3 License.
- *
- ************************************************************************/
-#ifdef _MSC_VER
-#pragma hdrstop
-#include <bf_svx/svdpage.hxx>
-#include <bf_svx/svdpagv.hxx>
-#include <fmtanchr.hxx>
-#include <frmfmt.hxx>
-/// OD 29.08.2002 #102450#
-/// include <bf_svx/svdoutl.hxx>
-#ifdef DBG_UTIL
-#include <horiornt.hxx>
-#include "fesh.hxx"
-#include "doc.hxx"
-#include "viewimp.hxx"
-#include "dcontact.hxx"
-#include "dview.hxx"
-#include "flyfrm.hxx"
-namespace binfilter {
-|*  SwViewImp::StartAction(), EndAction()
-/*N*/ void SwViewImp::StartAction()
-/*N*/ {
-/*N*/   if ( HasDrawView() )
-/*N*/   {
-/*N*/       SET_CURR_SHELL( GetShell() );
-/*N*/       bResetXorVisibility = GetDrawView()->IsShownXorVisible( GetShell()->GetOut());
-/*N*/       GetDrawView()->HideShownXor( GetShell()->GetOut() );
-/*N*/   }
-/*N*/ }
-/*N*/ void SwViewImp::EndAction()
-/*N*/ {
-/*N*/   if ( HasDrawView() )
-/*N*/   {
-/*N*/       SET_CURR_SHELL( GetShell() );
-/*N*/       if ( bResetXorVisibility )
-/*?*/           GetDrawView()->ShowShownXor( GetShell()->GetOut() );
-/*N*/       if ( pSh->ISA(SwFEShell) )
-/*N*/           ((SwFEShell*)pSh)->SetChainMarker();    //Kann sich geaendert haben
-/*N*/   }
-/*N*/ }
-/* vim:set shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4 expandtab: */
commit dcfbcf9d754b70f8d1133b15f8bfcbc69f14cb37
Author: Caolán McNamara <caolanm at redhat.com>
Date:   Wed Aug 31 21:45:19 2011 +0100

    presumably uncalled

diff --git a/binfilter/bf_sw/source/core/crsr/sw_crsrsh.cxx b/binfilter/bf_sw/source/core/crsr/sw_crsrsh.cxx
index 7825afc..b2a8807 100644
--- a/binfilter/bf_sw/source/core/crsr/sw_crsrsh.cxx
+++ b/binfilter/bf_sw/source/core/crsr/sw_crsrsh.cxx
@@ -178,59 +178,6 @@ using namespace ::com::sun::star::util;
 /*N*/       pRegisteredIn->Remove( this );
 /*N*/ }
-//Sollte fuer das Clipboard der WaitPtr geschaltet werden?
-//Warten bei TableMode, Mehrfachselektion und mehr als x Selektieren Absaetzen.
-// steht der Curor auf einem "Symbol"-Zeichen
-// zeige das akt. selektierte "Object" an
-/*N*/ void SwCrsrShell::MakeSelVisible()
-/*N*/ {
-/*N*/   OSL_ENSURE( bHasFocus, "kein Focus aber Cursor sichtbar machen?" );
-/*N*/   if( aCrsrHeight.Y() < aCharRect.Height() && aCharRect.Height() > VisArea().Height() )
-/*N*/   {
-/*N*/       SwRect aTmp( aCharRect );
-/*N*/       long nDiff = aCharRect.Height() - VisArea().Height();
-/*N*/       if( nDiff < aCrsrHeight.X() )
-/*?*/           aTmp.Top( nDiff + aCharRect.Top() );
-/*N*/       else
-/*N*/       {
-/*N*/           aTmp.Top( aCrsrHeight.X() + aCharRect.Top() );
-/*N*/           aTmp.Height( aCrsrHeight.Y() );
-/*N*/       }
-/*N*/         if( !aTmp.HasArea() )
-/*N*/         {
-/*?*/             aTmp.SSize().Height() += 1;
-/*?*/             aTmp.SSize().Width() += 1;
-/*N*/         }
-/*N*/       MakeVisible( aTmp );
-/*N*/   }
-/*N*/   else
-/*N*/   {
-/*N*/       if( aCharRect.HasArea() )
-/*N*/           MakeVisible( aCharRect );
-/*N*/       else
-/*N*/       {
-/*?*/           SwRect aTmp( aCharRect );
-/*?*/           aTmp.SSize().Height() += 1; aTmp.SSize().Width() += 1;
-/*?*/           MakeVisible( aTmp );
-/*N*/       }
-/*N*/   }
-/*N*/ }
-// suche eine gueltige ContentPosition (nicht geschuetzt/nicht versteckt)
 /*N*/ bool SwCrsrShell::IsCrsrReadonly() const
 /*N*/ {
 /*N*/   if ( GetViewOptions()->IsReadonly() )
diff --git a/binfilter/bf_sw/source/core/frmedt/sw_feshview.cxx b/binfilter/bf_sw/source/core/frmedt/sw_feshview.cxx
index bffcfda..7dd95ab 100644
--- a/binfilter/bf_sw/source/core/frmedt/sw_feshview.cxx
+++ b/binfilter/bf_sw/source/core/frmedt/sw_feshview.cxx
@@ -89,29 +89,6 @@ namespace binfilter {
 /*N*/                                       (ViewShell*)this );
 /*N*/ }
-// zeige das akt. selektierte "Object" an
-/*N*/ void SwFEShell::MakeSelVisible()
-/*N*/ {
-/*N*/   if( Imp()->HasDrawView() &&
-/*N*/       Imp()->GetDrawView()->GetMarkList().GetMarkCount() )
-/*N*/   {
-/*?*/       DBG_BF_ASSERT(0, "STRIP");
-/*N*/   }
-/*N*/   else
-/*N*/       SwCrsrShell::MakeSelVisible();
-/*N*/ }
-/*N*/ void SwFEShell::HideChainMarker()
-/*N*/ {
-/*N*/   if ( pChainFrom )
-/*?*/       {DBG_BF_ASSERT(0, "STRIP"); }
-/*N*/   if ( pChainTo )
-/*?*/       {DBG_BF_ASSERT(0, "STRIP");}
-/*N*/ }
 /*N*/ void SwFEShell::SetChainMarker()
 /*N*/ {
 /*N*/   bool bDelFrom = TRUE,
diff --git a/binfilter/bf_sw/source/core/view/sw_vdraw.cxx b/binfilter/bf_sw/source/core/view/sw_vdraw.cxx
index bcd5656..48388fa 100644
--- a/binfilter/bf_sw/source/core/view/sw_vdraw.cxx
+++ b/binfilter/bf_sw/source/core/view/sw_vdraw.cxx
@@ -66,8 +66,7 @@ namespace binfilter {
 /*N*/   if ( HasDrawView() )
 /*N*/   {
 /*N*/       SET_CURR_SHELL( GetShell() );
-/*N*/       if ( pSh->ISA(SwFEShell) )
-/*N*/           ((SwFEShell*)pSh)->HideChainMarker();   //Kann sich geaendert haben
 /*N*/       bResetXorVisibility = GetDrawView()->IsShownXorVisible( GetShell()->GetOut());
 /*N*/       GetDrawView()->HideShownXor( GetShell()->GetOut() );
 /*N*/   }
diff --git a/binfilter/inc/bf_sw/crsrsh.hxx b/binfilter/inc/bf_sw/crsrsh.hxx
index dbff114..038042a 100644
--- a/binfilter/inc/bf_sw/crsrsh.hxx
+++ b/binfilter/inc/bf_sw/crsrsh.hxx
@@ -317,9 +317,6 @@ public:
     BOOL BasicActionPend() const    { return nBasicActionCnt != nStartAction; }
-    // zeige die aktuelle Selektion an
-    virtual void MakeSelVisible();
         // Attribut selelktieren
     bool CheckTblBoxCntnt( const SwPosition* pPos = 0 );
diff --git a/binfilter/inc/bf_sw/fesh.hxx b/binfilter/inc/bf_sw/fesh.hxx
index 030c9ce..264866a 100644
--- a/binfilter/inc/bf_sw/fesh.hxx
+++ b/binfilter/inc/bf_sw/fesh.hxx
@@ -184,9 +184,6 @@ public:
     // the draw object.
     sal_Bool ShouldObjectBeSelected(const Point& rPt);
-    // zeige die aktuelle Selektion an ( ggfs. den Rahmen/DrawObject)
-    virtual void MakeSelVisible();
     //Liefert neben der Grafik in rName bei gelinkten Grafiken den Namen mit
     //Pfad und sonst den Grafiknamen. rbLink ist TRU bei gelinkten Grafiken.
@@ -208,10 +205,6 @@ public:
     virtual void ConnectObj( SvInPlaceObjectRef xIPObj, const SwRect &rPrt,
                              const SwRect &rFrm ) = 0;
-    //Fuer das Chain wird immer der durch das Format spezifizierte Fly
-    //mit dem durch den Point getroffenen verbunden.
-    //In rRect wird das Rect des Flys geliefert (fuer Highlight desselben)
-    void HideChainMarker();
     void SetChainMarker();

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