[Libreoffice-commits] .: binfilter/bf_sw binfilter/inc

Caolán McNamara caolan at kemper.freedesktop.org
Thu Sep 1 08:42:43 PDT 2011

 binfilter/bf_sw/source/core/crsr/sw_crsrsh.cxx     |   29 -
 binfilter/bf_sw/source/core/crsr/sw_viscrs.cxx     |  110 ----
 binfilter/bf_sw/source/core/frmedt/makefile.mk     |    1 
 binfilter/bf_sw/source/core/frmedt/sw_fefly1.cxx   |   24 
 binfilter/bf_sw/source/core/frmedt/sw_feshview.cxx |   93 ---
 binfilter/bf_sw/source/core/inc/frmtool.hxx        |    5 
 binfilter/bf_sw/source/core/inc/layact.hxx         |    8 
 binfilter/bf_sw/source/core/inc/layouter.hxx       |    6 
 binfilter/bf_sw/source/core/inc/txtfrm.hxx         |    8 
 binfilter/bf_sw/source/core/inc/viewimp.hxx        |   27 
 binfilter/bf_sw/source/core/layout/sw_layact.cxx   |  569 ---------------------
 binfilter/bf_sw/source/core/layout/sw_layouter.cxx |   75 --
 binfilter/bf_sw/source/core/text/sw_txtfrm.cxx     |   12 
 binfilter/bf_sw/source/core/view/sw_viewimp.cxx    |   29 -
 binfilter/inc/bf_sw/crsrsh.hxx                     |    7 
 binfilter/inc/bf_sw/fesh.hxx                       |    6 
 binfilter/inc/bf_sw/viscrs.hxx                     |    3 
 17 files changed, 1012 deletions(-)

New commits:
commit dba4bbae2a0d4bdffd742a13a1d3fd5d87544a28
Author: Caolán McNamara <caolanm at redhat.com>
Date:   Thu Sep 1 16:41:09 2011 +0100

    another layer

diff --git a/binfilter/bf_sw/source/core/crsr/sw_crsrsh.cxx b/binfilter/bf_sw/source/core/crsr/sw_crsrsh.cxx
index 21ae8c0..49e623f 100644
--- a/binfilter/bf_sw/source/core/crsr/sw_crsrsh.cxx
+++ b/binfilter/bf_sw/source/core/crsr/sw_crsrsh.cxx
@@ -164,25 +164,6 @@ using namespace ::com::sun::star::util;
 /*N*/       pRegisteredIn->Remove( this );
 /*N*/ }
-/*N*/ bool SwCrsrShell::IsCrsrReadonly() const
-/*N*/ {
-/*N*/   if ( GetViewOptions()->IsReadonly() )
-/*N*/   {
-/*N*/       SwFrm *pFrm = GetCurrFrm();
-/*N*/       SwFlyFrm *pFly;
-/*N*/       if( pFrm && pFrm->IsInFly() &&
-/*N*/            (pFly = pFrm->FindFlyFrm())->GetFmt()->GetEditInReadonly().GetValue() &&
-/*N*/            pFly->Lower() &&
-/*N*/            !pFly->Lower()->IsNoTxtFrm() &&
-/*N*/            !GetDrawView()->GetMarkList().GetMarkCount() )
-/*N*/       {
-/*N*/           return FALSE;
-/*N*/       }
-/*N*/       return TRUE;
-/*N*/   }
-/*N*/   return FALSE;
-/*N*/ }
 // SwCursor - Methode !!!!
 /*N*/ bool SwCursor::IsReadOnlyAvailable() const
 /*N*/ {
@@ -191,16 +172,6 @@ using namespace ::com::sun::star::util;
 /*N*/   return pShCrsr ? pShCrsr->GetShell()->IsReadOnlyAvailable() :
 /*N*/       pUnoCrsr ? TRUE : FALSE;
 /*N*/ }
-// Abfrage, ob ueberhaupt eine Selektion existiert, sprich der akt. Cursor
-// aufgespannt oder nicht der einzigste ist.
-/*N*/ bool SwCrsrShell::IsSelection() const
-/*N*/ {
-/*N*/   return IsTableMode() || pCurCrsr->HasMark() ||
-/*N*/           pCurCrsr->GetNext() != pCurCrsr;
-/*N*/ }
 /* vim:set shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4 expandtab: */
diff --git a/binfilter/bf_sw/source/core/crsr/sw_viscrs.cxx b/binfilter/bf_sw/source/core/crsr/sw_viscrs.cxx
index cd61c92..851991c 100644
--- a/binfilter/bf_sw/source/core/crsr/sw_viscrs.cxx
+++ b/binfilter/bf_sw/source/core/crsr/sw_viscrs.cxx
@@ -105,95 +105,6 @@ MapMode* SwSelPaintRects::pMapMode = 0;
 /*N*/   pCrsrShell->GetWin()->SetCursor( 0 );
 /*N*/ }
-/*N*/ void SwVisCrsr::_SetPosAndShow()
-/*N*/ {
-/*N*/   SwRect aRect;
-/*N*/     long nTmpY = pCrsrShell->aCrsrHeight.Y();
-/*N*/     if( 0 > nTmpY )
-/*N*/   {
-/*?*/         nTmpY = -nTmpY;
-/*?*/         aTxtCrsr.SetOrientation( 900 );
-/*?*/       aRect = SwRect( pCrsrShell->aCharRect.Pos(),
-/*?*/            Size( pCrsrShell->aCharRect.Height(), nTmpY ) );
-/*?*/       aRect.Pos().X() += pCrsrShell->aCrsrHeight.X();
-/*?*/         if( pCrsrShell->IsOverwriteCrsr() )
-/*?*/             aRect.Pos().Y() += aRect.Width();
-/*N*/   }
-/*N*/   else
-/*N*/     {
-/*N*/         aTxtCrsr.SetOrientation( 0 );
-/*N*/       aRect = SwRect( pCrsrShell->aCharRect.Pos(),
-/*N*/            Size( pCrsrShell->aCharRect.Width(), nTmpY ) );
-/*N*/       aRect.Pos().Y() += pCrsrShell->aCrsrHeight.X();
-/*N*/     }
-/*N*/     // check if cursor should show the current cursor bidi level
-/*N*/     aTxtCrsr.SetDirection( CURSOR_DIRECTION_NONE );
-/*N*/     const SwCursor* pTmpCrsr = pCrsrShell->_GetCrsr();
-/*N*/     if ( pTmpCrsr && !pCrsrShell->IsOverwriteCrsr() )
-/*N*/     {
-/*N*/         SwNode& rNode = pTmpCrsr->GetPoint()->nNode.GetNode();
-/*N*/         if( rNode.IsTxtNode() )
-/*N*/         {
-/*N*/             const SwTxtNode& rTNd = *rNode.GetTxtNode();
-/*N*/             Point aPt( aRect.Pos() );
-/*N*/             SwFrm* pFrm = rTNd.GetFrm( &aPt );
-/*N*/             if ( pFrm )
-/*N*/             {
-/*N*/                 const SwScriptInfo* pSI = ((SwTxtFrm*)pFrm)->GetScriptInfo();
-/*N*/                  // cursor level has to be shown
-/*N*/                 if ( pSI && pSI->CountDirChg() > 1 )
-/*N*/                 {
-/*N*/                     aTxtCrsr.SetDirection(
-/*N*/                         ( pTmpCrsr->GetCrsrBidiLevel() % 2 ) ?
-/*N*/                           CURSOR_DIRECTION_RTL :
-/*N*/                           CURSOR_DIRECTION_LTR );
-/*N*/                 }
-/*N*/                 if ( pFrm->IsRightToLeft() )
-/*N*/                 {
-/*N*/                     const OutputDevice *pOut = pCrsrShell->GetOut();
-/*N*/                     if ( pOut )
-/*N*/                     {
-/*N*/                         USHORT nSize = pOut->GetSettings().GetStyleSettings().GetCursorSize();
-/*N*/                         Size aSize( nSize, nSize );
-/*N*/                         aSize = pOut->PixelToLogic( aSize );
-/*N*/                         aRect.Left( aRect.Left() - aSize.Width() );
-/*N*/                     }
-/*N*/                 }
-/*N*/             }
-/*N*/         }
-/*N*/     }
-/*N*/     if( aRect.Height() )
-/*N*/     {DBG_BF_ASSERT(0, "STRIP");
-/*N*/     }
-/*N*/     if( !pCrsrShell->IsOverwriteCrsr() || bIsDragCrsr ||
-/*N*/         pCrsrShell->IsSelection() )
-/*N*/         aRect.Width( 0 );
-/*N*/   aTxtCrsr.SetSize( aRect.SSize() );
-/*N*/   aTxtCrsr.SetPos( aRect.Pos() );
-/*N*/     if ( !pCrsrShell->IsCrsrReadonly()  || pCrsrShell->GetViewOptions()->IsSelectionInReadonly() )
-/*N*/   {
-/*N*/       if ( pCrsrShell->GetDrawView() )
-/*N*/           ((SwDrawView*)pCrsrShell->GetDrawView())->SetAnimationEnabled(
-/*N*/                   !pCrsrShell->IsSelection() );
-/*N*/       USHORT nStyle = bIsDragCrsr ? CURSOR_SHADOW : 0;
-/*N*/       if( nStyle != aTxtCrsr.GetStyle() )
-/*N*/       {
-/*?*/           aTxtCrsr.SetStyle( nStyle );
-/*?*/           aTxtCrsr.SetWindow( bIsDragCrsr ? pCrsrShell->GetWin() : 0 );
-/*N*/       }
-/*N*/       aTxtCrsr.Show();
-/*N*/   }
-/*N*/ }
 // ------ Ab hier Klassen / Methoden fuer die Selectionen -------
 /*N*/ SwSelPaintRects::~SwSelPaintRects()
@@ -208,27 +119,6 @@ MapMode* SwSelPaintRects::pMapMode = 0;
 /*N*/   SwRects::Remove( 0, Count() );
 /*N*/ }
-/*N*/ void SwSelPaintRects::Show()
-/*N*/ {
-/*N*/   if( pCShell->GetDrawView() )
-/*N*/   {
-/*N*/       SdrView* pView = (SdrView*)pCShell->GetDrawView();
-/*N*/       pView->SetAnimationEnabled( !pCShell->IsSelection() );
-/*N*/   }
-/*N*/   SwRects aTmp;
-/*N*/   aTmp.Insert( this, 0 );     // Kopie vom Array
-/*N*/   SwRects::Remove( 0, SwRects::Count() );
-/*N*/   FillRects();
-/*N*/   if( Count() || aTmp.Count() )
-/*N*/   {
-/*?*/   DBG_BF_ASSERT(0, "STRIP");
-/*N*/   }
-/*N*/ }
 /*N*/ SwShellCrsr::~SwShellCrsr() {}
 /*N*/ SwShellCrsr::operator SwShellCrsr* () { return this; }
diff --git a/binfilter/bf_sw/source/core/frmedt/makefile.mk b/binfilter/bf_sw/source/core/frmedt/makefile.mk
index 758d062..a447a9a 100644
--- a/binfilter/bf_sw/source/core/frmedt/makefile.mk
+++ b/binfilter/bf_sw/source/core/frmedt/makefile.mk
@@ -48,7 +48,6 @@ CDEFS+=-Dmydebug
         $(SLO)$/sw_fefly1.obj \
-        $(SLO)$/sw_feshview.obj \
         $(SLO)$/sw_fetab.obj \
         $(SLO)$/sw_fews.obj \
diff --git a/binfilter/bf_sw/source/core/frmedt/sw_fefly1.cxx b/binfilter/bf_sw/source/core/frmedt/sw_fefly1.cxx
index a310a83..b99b14d 100644
--- a/binfilter/bf_sw/source/core/frmedt/sw_fefly1.cxx
+++ b/binfilter/bf_sw/source/core/frmedt/sw_fefly1.cxx
@@ -180,30 +180,6 @@ using namespace ::com::sun::star;
 /*N*/   return ::binfilter::lcl_FindAnchorPos( *pDoc, rFly.Frm().Pos(), rFly, rSet );
 /*N*/ }
-|*  SwFEShell::FindFlyFrm()
-|*  Beschreibung        Liefert den Fly wenn einer Selektiert ist.
-/*N*/ SwFlyFrm *SwFEShell::FindFlyFrm() const
-/*N*/ {
-/*N*/   if ( Imp()->HasDrawView() )
-/*N*/   {
-/*N*/       // Ein Fly ist genau dann erreichbar, wenn er selektiert ist.
-/*N*/       const SdrMarkList &rMrkList = Imp()->GetDrawView()->GetMarkList();
-/*N*/       if( rMrkList.GetMarkCount() != 1 )
-/*N*/           return 0;
-/*?*/       SdrObject *pO = rMrkList.GetMark( 0 )->GetObj();
-/*?*/       return pO->IsWriterFlyFrame() ? ((SwVirtFlyDrawObj*)pO)->GetFlyFrm() : 0;
-/*N*/   }
-/*N*/   return 0;
-/*N*/ }
 } //namespace binfilter
 /* vim:set shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4 expandtab: */
diff --git a/binfilter/bf_sw/source/core/frmedt/sw_feshview.cxx b/binfilter/bf_sw/source/core/frmedt/sw_feshview.cxx
deleted file mode 100644
index c2846dc..0000000
--- a/binfilter/bf_sw/source/core/frmedt/sw_feshview.cxx
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,93 +0,0 @@
-/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- */
- *
- *
- * Copyright 2000, 2010 Oracle and/or its affiliates.
- *
- * OpenOffice.org - a multi-platform office productivity suite
- *
- * This file is part of OpenOffice.org.
- *
- * OpenOffice.org is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
- * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License version 3
- * only, as published by the Free Software Foundation.
- *
- * OpenOffice.org is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU Lesser General Public License version 3 for more details
- * (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code).
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
- * version 3 along with OpenOffice.org.  If not, see
- * <http://www.openoffice.org/license.html>
- * for a copy of the LGPLv3 License.
- *
- ************************************************************************/
-#ifdef _MSC_VER
-#pragma hdrstop
-#include "hintids.hxx"
-#ifdef WIN
-#include <bf_svx/svdopath.hxx>
-#include <bf_svx/svdvmark.hxx>
-#include <bf_svx/protitem.hxx>
-#include <bf_so3/ipobj.hxx>
-#include <poolfmt.hrc>      // fuer InitFldTypes
-#include <frmfmt.hxx>
-#include <frmatr.hxx>
-#include <horiornt.hxx>
-#include "fesh.hxx"
-#include "doc.hxx"
-#include "dview.hxx"
-#include "dflyobj.hxx"
-#include "dcontact.hxx"
-#include "viewimp.hxx"
-#include "flyfrm.hxx"
-#include "ndole.hxx"
-#include "txtfrm.hxx"
-namespace binfilter {
-#define SCROLLVAL 75
-//Tattergrenze fuer Drawing-SS
-#define MINMOVE ((USHORT)GetOut()->PixelToLogic(Size(Imp()->GetDrawView()->GetMarkHdlSizePixel()/2,0)).Width())
-/*N*/ SwFlyFrm *GetFlyFromMarked( const SdrMarkList *pLst, ViewShell *pSh )
-/*N*/ {
-/*N*/   if ( !pLst )
-/*?*/       pLst = pSh->HasDrawView() ? &pSh->Imp()->GetDrawView()->GetMarkList():0;
-/*N*/   if ( pLst && pLst->GetMarkCount() == 1 )
-/*N*/   {
-/*?*/       SdrObject *pO = pLst->GetMark( 0 )->GetObj();
-/*?*/       if ( pO->IsWriterFlyFrame() )
-/*?*/           return ((SwVirtFlyDrawObj*)pO)->GetFlyFrm();
-/*N*/   }
-/*N*/   return 0;
-/*N*/ }
-/*N*/ BOOL SwFEShell::IsFrmSelected() const
-/*N*/ {
-/*N*/   if ( !Imp()->HasDrawView() )
-/*N*/       return FALSE;
-/*N*/   else
-/*N*/       return 0 != ::binfilter::GetFlyFromMarked( &Imp()->GetDrawView()->GetMarkList(),
-/*N*/                                       (ViewShell*)this );
-/*N*/ }
-/* vim:set shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4 expandtab: */
diff --git a/binfilter/bf_sw/source/core/inc/frmtool.hxx b/binfilter/bf_sw/source/core/inc/frmtool.hxx
index df29a17..6176a9f 100644
--- a/binfilter/bf_sw/source/core/inc/frmtool.hxx
+++ b/binfilter/bf_sw/source/core/inc/frmtool.hxx
@@ -78,11 +78,6 @@ void MA_FASTCALL DrawGraphic( const SvxBrushItem *, OutputDevice *,
 // Created declaration here to avoid <extern> declarations
 void SwAlignGrfRect( SwRect *pGrfRect, const OutputDevice &rOut );
-//Fly besorgen, wenn keine List hineingereicht wird, wir die der aktuellen
-//Shell benutzt.
-//Implementierung in feshview.cxx
-SwFlyFrm *GetFlyFromMarked( const SdrMarkList *pLst, ViewShell *pSh );
 SwFrm *SaveCntnt( SwLayoutFrm *pLay, SwFrm *pStart );
 void RestoreCntnt( SwFrm *pSav, SwLayoutFrm *pParent, SwFrm *pSibling );
diff --git a/binfilter/bf_sw/source/core/inc/layact.hxx b/binfilter/bf_sw/source/core/inc/layact.hxx
index d99c8e4..af814a6 100644
--- a/binfilter/bf_sw/source/core/inc/layact.hxx
+++ b/binfilter/bf_sw/source/core/inc/layact.hxx
@@ -110,20 +110,12 @@ class SwLayAction
     void ChkFlyAnchor( SwFlyFrm *, const SwPageFrm * );
-    void FormatFlyLayout( const SwPageFrm * );
-    BOOL FormatFlyCntnt( const SwPageFrm *, sal_Bool bDontShrink );
     BOOL _FormatFlyCntnt( const SwFlyFrm * );
     BOOL __FormatFlyCntnt( const SwCntntFrm * );
     void FormatFlyInCnt( SwFlyInCntFrm* );
     BOOL FormatLayout( SwLayoutFrm *, BOOL bAddRect = TRUE );
     BOOL FormatLayoutTab( SwTabFrm *, BOOL bAddRect = TRUE );
     BOOL FormatLayoutFly( SwFlyFrm *, BOOL bAddRect = TRUE );
-    BOOL FormatCntnt( const SwPageFrm* pPage );
-    void _FormatCntnt( const SwCntntFrm* pCntnt,
-                       const SwPageFrm* pPage );
-    BOOL IsShortCut( SwPageFrm *& );
-    SwPageFrm *CheckFirstVisPage( SwPageFrm *pPage );
     inline void CheckIdleEnd();
     inline ULONG GetStartTicks() { return nStartTicks; }
diff --git a/binfilter/bf_sw/source/core/inc/layouter.hxx b/binfilter/bf_sw/source/core/inc/layouter.hxx
index ce9ef82..541deb4 100644
--- a/binfilter/bf_sw/source/core/inc/layouter.hxx
+++ b/binfilter/bf_sw/source/core/inc/layouter.hxx
@@ -44,15 +44,9 @@ class SwLooping;
 class SwLayouter
     SwLooping* pLooping;
-    BOOL StartLooping( SwPageFrm* pPage );
-    void LoopControl( SwPageFrm* pPage, BYTE nLoop );
-    void EndLoopControl();
-    static BOOL StartLoopControl( SwDoc* pDoc, SwPageFrm *pPage );
 } //namespace binfilter
diff --git a/binfilter/bf_sw/source/core/inc/txtfrm.hxx b/binfilter/bf_sw/source/core/inc/txtfrm.hxx
index 093d39c..b0aae88 100644
--- a/binfilter/bf_sw/source/core/inc/txtfrm.hxx
+++ b/binfilter/bf_sw/source/core/inc/txtfrm.hxx
@@ -427,14 +427,6 @@ public:
     ULONG GetThisLines() const { return nThisLines;}
     void RecalcAllLines();
-    // Stoppt Animationen innerhalb von Numerierungen
-    // visit all portions for Accessibility
-    // returns the script info stored at the paraportion
-    const SwScriptInfo* GetScriptInfo() const;
     // Swaps width and height of the text frame
     void SwapWidthAndHeight();
     // Calculates the a limit value when switching from
diff --git a/binfilter/bf_sw/source/core/inc/viewimp.hxx b/binfilter/bf_sw/source/core/inc/viewimp.hxx
index 23670b8..d98b540 100644
--- a/binfilter/bf_sw/source/core/inc/viewimp.hxx
+++ b/binfilter/bf_sw/source/core/inc/viewimp.hxx
@@ -137,8 +137,6 @@ class SwViewImp
     void ResetStopPrt() { bStopPrt = FALSE; }
-    void SetFirstVisPage();     //Neue Ermittlung der ersten sichtbaren Seite
     void ResetNextScroll()    { bNextScroll = FALSE; }
     void SetNextScroll()      { bNextScroll = TRUE; }
     void SetScroll()          { bScroll = TRUE; }
@@ -152,10 +150,6 @@ public:
     const ViewShell *GetShell() const { return pSh; }
           ViewShell *GetShell()       { return pSh; }
-    //Verwaltung zur ersten sichtbaren Seite
-    inline const SwPageFrm *GetFirstVisPage() const;
-    inline       SwPageFrm *GetFirstVisPage();
     void SetFirstVisPageInvalid() { bFirstPageInvalid = TRUE; }
     //SS'en fuer Paint- und Scrollrects.
@@ -198,27 +192,6 @@ public:
     void    SetRestoreActions(USHORT nSet){nRestoreActions = nSet;}
     USHORT  GetRestoreActions() const{return nRestoreActions;}
-//Kann auf dem Stack angelegt werden, wenn etwas ausgegeben oder
-//gescrolled wird. Handles und sontiges vom Drawing werden im CTor
-//gehidet und im DTor wieder sichtbar gemacht.
-// Hiding of handles is no longer necessary, removed
-inline SwPageFrm *SwViewImp::GetFirstVisPage()
-    if ( bFirstPageInvalid )
-        SetFirstVisPage();
-    return pFirstVisPage;
-inline const SwPageFrm *SwViewImp::GetFirstVisPage() const
-    if ( bFirstPageInvalid )
-        ((SwViewImp*)this)->SetFirstVisPage();
-    return pFirstVisPage;
 } //namespace binfilter
 #endif //_VIEWIMP_HXX
diff --git a/binfilter/bf_sw/source/core/layout/sw_layact.cxx b/binfilter/bf_sw/source/core/layout/sw_layact.cxx
index 7c07df7..1a36e65 100644
--- a/binfilter/bf_sw/source/core/layout/sw_layact.cxx
+++ b/binfilter/bf_sw/source/core/layout/sw_layact.cxx
@@ -102,28 +102,12 @@ namespace binfilter {
 /*N*/               } \
 /*N*/           }
-/*N*/ #define XCHECKPAGE \
-/*N*/           {   if ( IsAgain() ) \
-/*N*/               {   BreakPoint(); \
-/*N*/                   if( bNoLoop ) \
-/*N*/                       pDoc->GetLayouter()->EndLoopControl(); \
-/*N*/                   return; \
-/*N*/               } \
-/*N*/           }
 /*N*/ #else
 /*?*/ #define CHECKPAGE \
 /*?*/           {   if ( IsAgain() ) \
 /*?*/                   return; \
 /*?*/           }
-/*?*/ #define XCHECKPAGE \
-/*?*/           {   if ( IsAgain() ) \
-/*?*/               { \
-/*?*/                   if( bNoLoop ) \
-/*?*/                       pDoc->GetLayouter()->EndLoopControl(); \
-/*?*/                   return; \
-/*?*/               } \
-/*?*/           }
 /*N*/ #endif
 /*N*/ #define RESCHEDULE \
@@ -423,48 +407,8 @@ namespace binfilter {
 /*N*/   pImp->pLayAct = 0;      //Abmelden
 /*N*/ }
-/*N*/ SwPageFrm *SwLayAction::CheckFirstVisPage( SwPageFrm *pPage )
-/*N*/ {
-/*N*/   SwCntntFrm *pCnt = pPage->FindFirstBodyCntnt();
-/*N*/   SwCntntFrm *pChk = pCnt;
-/*N*/   BOOL bPageChgd = FALSE;
-/*N*/   while ( pCnt && pCnt->IsFollow() )
-/*?*/       pCnt = (SwCntntFrm*)pCnt->FindPrev();
-/*N*/   if ( pCnt && pChk != pCnt )
-/*?*/   {   bPageChgd = TRUE;
-/*?*/       pPage = pCnt->FindPageFrm();
-/*N*/   }
-/*N*/   if ( pPage->GetFmt()->GetDoc()->GetFtnIdxs().Count() )
-/*N*/   {
-/*N*/       SwFtnContFrm *pCont = pPage->FindFtnCont();
-/*N*/       if ( pCont )
-/*N*/       {
-/*N*/           pCnt = pCont->ContainsCntnt();
-/*N*/           pChk = pCnt;
-/*N*/           while ( pCnt && pCnt->IsFollow() )
-/*?*/               pCnt = (SwCntntFrm*)pCnt->FindPrev();
-/*N*/           if ( pCnt && pCnt != pChk )
-/*N*/           {
-/*?*/               if ( bPageChgd )
-/*?*/               {
-/*?*/                   //Die 'oberste' Seite benutzten.
-/*?*/                   SwPageFrm *pTmp = pCnt->FindPageFrm();
-/*?*/                   if ( pPage->GetPhyPageNum() > pTmp->GetPhyPageNum() )
-/*?*/                       pPage = pTmp;
-/*?*/               }
-/*?*/               else
-/*?*/                   pPage = pCnt->FindPageFrm();
-/*N*/           }
-/*N*/       }
-/*N*/   }
-/*N*/   return pPage;
-/*N*/ }
-|*  SwLayAction::IsShortCut()
 |*  Beschreibung:       Liefert ein True, wenn die Seite vollstaendig unter
 |*      oder rechts neben dem sichbaren Bereich liegt.
 |*      Es kann passieren, dass sich die Verhaeltnisse derart aendern, dass
@@ -546,209 +490,6 @@ namespace binfilter {
 /*N*/   return 0;
 /*N*/ }
-/*N*/ const SwFrm *lcl_FindFirstInvaFly( const SwPageFrm *pPage, long nBottom )
-/*N*/ {
-/*N*/   OSL_ENSURE( pPage->GetSortedObjs(), "FindFirstInvaFly, no Flys" );
-/*N*/   for ( USHORT i = 0; i < pPage->GetSortedObjs()->Count(); ++i )
-/*N*/   {
-/*N*/       SdrObject *pO = (*pPage->GetSortedObjs())[i];
-/*N*/       if ( pO->IsWriterFlyFrame() )
-/*N*/       {
-/*N*/           const SwFlyFrm *pFly = ((SwVirtFlyDrawObj*)pO)->GetFlyFrm();
-/*N*/           if ( pFly->Frm().Top() <= nBottom )
-/*N*/           {
-/*N*/               if ( pFly->IsInvalid() || pFly->IsCompletePaint() )
-/*N*/                   return pFly;
-/*N*/               const SwFrm *pTmp;
-/*N*/               if ( 0 != (pTmp = lcl_FindFirstInvaCntnt( pFly, nBottom, 0 )) &&
-/*N*/                    pTmp->Frm().Top() <= nBottom )
-/*N*/                   return pTmp;
-/*N*/           }
-/*N*/       }
-/*N*/   }
-/*N*/   return 0;
-/*N*/ }
-/*N*/ BOOL SwLayAction::IsShortCut( SwPageFrm *&prPage )
-/*N*/ {
-/*N*/   BOOL bRet = FALSE;
-/*N*/   const bool bBrowse = pRoot->GetFmt()->GetDoc()->IsBrowseMode();
-/*N*/   //Wenn die Seite nicht Gueltig ist wird sie schnell formatiert, sonst
-/*N*/   //gibts nix als Aerger.
-/*N*/   if ( !prPage->IsValid() )
-/*N*/   {
-/*N*/       if ( bBrowse )
-/*N*/       {
-            /// format complete page
-            /// Thus, loop on all lowers of the page <prPage>, instead of only
-            /// format its first lower.
-            /// NOTE: In online layout (bBrowse == TRUE) a page can contain
-            ///     a header frame and/or a footer frame beside the body frame.
-/*N*/           prPage->Calc();
-/*N*/             SwFrm* pPageLowerFrm = prPage->Lower();
-/*N*/             while ( pPageLowerFrm )
-/*N*/             {
-/*N*/                 pPageLowerFrm->Calc();
-/*N*/                 pPageLowerFrm = pPageLowerFrm->GetNext();
-/*N*/             }
-/*N*/       }
-/*N*/       else
-/*N*/           FormatLayout( prPage );
-/*N*/       if ( IsAgain() )
-/*?*/           return FALSE;
-/*N*/   }
-/*N*/   const SwRect &rVis = pImp->GetShell()->VisArea();
-/*N*/   if ( (prPage->Frm().Top() >= rVis.Bottom()) ||
-/*N*/        (prPage->Frm().Left()>= rVis.Right()) )
-/*N*/   {
-/*N*/       bRet = TRUE;
-/*N*/       //Jetzt wird es ein bischen unangenehm: Der erste CntntFrm dieser Seite
-/*N*/       //im Bodytext muss Formatiert werden, wenn er dabei die Seite
-/*N*/       //wechselt, muss ich nochmal eine Seite zuvor anfangen, denn
-/*N*/       //es wurde ein PageBreak verarbeitet.
-/*N*/ //Noch unangenehmer: Der naechste CntntFrm ueberhaupt muss
-/*N*/       //Formatiert werden, denn es kann passieren, dass kurzfristig
-/*N*/       //leere Seiten existieren (Bsp. Absatz ueber mehrere Seiten
-/*N*/       //wird geloescht oder verkleinert).
-/*N*/       //Ist fuer den Browser uninteressant, wenn der letzte Cnt davor bereits
-/*N*/       //nicht mehr sichbar ist.
-/*N*/       const SwPageFrm *p2ndPage = prPage;
-/*N*/       const SwCntntFrm *pCntnt;
-/*N*/       const SwLayoutFrm* pBody = p2ndPage->FindBodyCont();
-/*N*/       if( p2ndPage->IsFtnPage() && pBody )
-/*?*/           pBody = (SwLayoutFrm*)pBody->GetNext();
-/*N*/       pCntnt = pBody ? pBody->ContainsCntnt() : 0;
-/*N*/       while ( p2ndPage && !pCntnt )
-/*N*/       {
-/*N*/           p2ndPage = (SwPageFrm*)p2ndPage->GetNext();
-/*N*/           if( p2ndPage )
-/*N*/           {
-/*N*/               pBody = p2ndPage->FindBodyCont();
-/*N*/               if( p2ndPage->IsFtnPage() && pBody )
-/*?*/                   pBody = (SwLayoutFrm*)pBody->GetNext();
-/*N*/               pCntnt = pBody ? pBody->ContainsCntnt() : 0;
-/*N*/           }
-/*N*/       }
-/*N*/       if ( pCntnt )
-/*N*/       {
-/*N*/           bool bTstCnt = TRUE;
-/*N*/           if ( bBrowse )
-/*N*/           {
-/*N*/               //Der Cnt davor schon nicht mehr sichtbar?
-/*N*/               const SwFrm *pLst = pCntnt;
-/*N*/               if ( pLst->IsInTab() )
-/*?*/                   pLst = pCntnt->FindTabFrm();
-/*N*/               if ( pLst->IsInSct() )
-/*?*/                   pLst = pCntnt->FindSctFrm();
-/*N*/               pLst = pLst->FindPrev();
-/*N*/               if ( pLst &&
-/*N*/                    (pLst->Frm().Top() >= rVis.Bottom() ||
-/*N*/                     pLst->Frm().Left()>= rVis.Right()) )
-/*N*/               {
-/*?*/                   bTstCnt = FALSE;
-/*N*/               }
-/*N*/           }
-/*N*/           if ( bTstCnt )
-/*N*/           {
-/*N*/               if ( pCntnt->IsInSct() )
-/*N*/               {
-/*N*/                   const SwSectionFrm *pSct = ((SwFrm*)pCntnt)->ImplFindSctFrm();
-/*N*/                   if ( !pSct->IsValid() )
-/*N*/                   {
-/*N*/                       pSct->Calc();
-/*N*/                       pSct->SetCompletePaint();
-/*N*/                       if ( IsAgain() )
-/*?*/                           return FALSE;
-/*N*/                   }
-/*N*/               }
-/*N*/               if ( !pCntnt->IsValid() )
-/*N*/               {   pCntnt->Calc();
-/*N*/                   pCntnt->SetCompletePaint();
-/*N*/                   if ( IsAgain() )
-/*N*/                       return FALSE;
-/*N*/               }
-/*N*/               if ( pCntnt->IsInTab() )
-/*N*/               {
-/*N*/                   const SwTabFrm *pTab = ((SwFrm*)pCntnt)->ImplFindTabFrm();
-/*N*/                   if ( !pTab->IsValid() )
-/*N*/                   {
-/*N*/                       pTab->Calc();
-/*N*/                       pTab->SetCompletePaint();
-/*N*/                       if ( IsAgain() )
-/*?*/                           return FALSE;
-/*N*/                   }
-/*N*/               }
-/*N*/               if ( pCntnt->IsInSct() )
-/*N*/               {
-/*N*/                   const SwSectionFrm *pSct = ((SwFrm*)pCntnt)->ImplFindSctFrm();
-/*N*/                   if ( !pSct->IsValid() )
-/*N*/                   {
-/*N*/                       pSct->Calc();
-/*N*/                       pSct->SetCompletePaint();
-/*N*/                       if ( IsAgain() )
-/*?*/                           return FALSE;
-/*N*/                   }
-/*N*/               }
-/*N*/ #ifdef USED
-/*?*/               if ( (pCntnt->FindPageFrm() != p2ndPage) &&
-/*?*/                    prPage->GetPrev() )
-/*?*/               {
-/*?*/                   prPage = (SwPageFrm*)prPage->GetPrev();
-/*?*/                   bRet = FALSE;
-/*?*/               }
-/*N*/ #else
-/*N*/               const SwPageFrm* pTmp = pCntnt->FindPageFrm();
-/*N*/               if ( pTmp != p2ndPage && prPage->GetPrev() )
-/*N*/               {
-/*N*/                   bRet = FALSE;
-/*N*/                   if( pTmp->GetPhyPageNum() < prPage->GetPhyPageNum()
-/*N*/                       && pTmp->IsInvalid() )
-/*N*/                       prPage = (SwPageFrm*)pTmp;
-/*N*/                   else
-/*N*/                       prPage = (SwPageFrm*)prPage->GetPrev();
-/*N*/               }
-/*N*/ #endif
-/*N*/           }
-/*N*/       }
-/*N*/   }
-/*N*/   if ( !bRet && bBrowse )
-/*N*/   {
-/*N*/       const long nBottom = rVis.Bottom();
-/*N*/       const SwFrm *pFrm;
-/*N*/       if ( prPage->GetSortedObjs() &&
-/*N*/            (prPage->IsInvalidFlyLayout() || prPage->IsInvalidFlyCntnt()) &&
-/*N*/            0 != (pFrm = lcl_FindFirstInvaFly( prPage, nBottom )) &&
-/*N*/            pFrm->Frm().Top() <= nBottom )
-/*N*/       {
-/*N*/           return FALSE;
-/*N*/       }
-/*N*/       if ( prPage->IsInvalidLayout() &&
-/*N*/            0 != (pFrm = lcl_FindFirstInvaLay( prPage, nBottom )) &&
-/*N*/            pFrm->Frm().Top() <= nBottom )
-/*N*/       {
-/*N*/           return FALSE;
-/*N*/       }
-/*N*/       if ( (prPage->IsInvalidCntnt() || prPage->IsInvalidFlyInCnt()) &&
-/*N*/            0 != (pFrm = lcl_FindFirstInvaCntnt( prPage, nBottom, 0 )) &&
-/*N*/            pFrm->Frm().Top() <= nBottom )
-/*N*/       {
-/*N*/           return FALSE;
-/*N*/       }
-/*N*/       bRet = TRUE;
-/*N*/   }
-/*N*/   return bRet;
-/*N*/ }
 |*  SwLayAction::ChkFlyAnchor()
@@ -772,53 +513,6 @@ namespace binfilter {
 /*N*/   }
 /*N*/ }
-|*  SwLayAction::FormatFlyLayout()
-/*N*/ void SwLayAction::FormatFlyLayout( const SwPageFrm *pPage )
-/*N*/ {
-/*N*/   for ( USHORT i = 0; pPage->GetSortedObjs() &&
-/*N*/                       i < pPage->GetSortedObjs()->Count(); ++i )
-/*N*/   {
-/*N*/       SdrObject *pO = (*pPage->GetSortedObjs())[i];
-/*N*/       if ( pO->IsWriterFlyFrame() )
-/*N*/       {
-/*N*/           const USHORT nOld = i;
-/*N*/           SwFlyFrm *pFly = ((SwVirtFlyDrawObj*)pO)->GetFlyFrm();
-/*N*/           ChkFlyAnchor( pFly, pPage );
-/*N*/           if ( IsAgain() )
-/*?*/               return;
-/*N*/           while ( pPage == pFly->FindPageFrm() )
-/*N*/           {
-/*N*/               SwFrmFmt *pFmt = pFly->GetFmt();
-/*N*/               if( FLY_AUTO_CNTNT == pFmt->GetAnchor().GetAnchorId() &&
-/*N*/                   pFly->GetAnchor() &&
-/*N*/                   ( REL_CHAR == pFmt->GetHoriOrient().GetRelationOrient() ||
-/*N*/                     REL_CHAR == pFmt->GetVertOrient().GetRelationOrient() ) )
-/*?*/                   _FormatCntnt( (SwCntntFrm*)pFly->GetAnchor(), pPage );
-/*N*/                if( !FormatLayoutFly( pFly ) )
-/*N*/                   break;
-/*N*/           }
-/*N*/           CHECKPAGE;
-/*N*/           if ( !IS_FLYS )
-/*N*/               break;
-/*N*/           if ( nOld > pPage->GetSortedObjs()->Count() )
-/*?*/               i -= nOld - pPage->GetSortedObjs()->Count();
-/*N*/           else
-/*N*/           {   //Positionswechsel!
-/*N*/               USHORT nAct;
-/*N*/               pPage->GetSortedObjs()->Seek_Entry(pFly->GetVirtDrawObj(),&nAct);
-/*N*/               if ( nAct < i )
-/*?*/                   i = nAct;
-/*N*/               else if ( nAct > i )
-/*?*/                   --i;
-/*N*/           }
-/*N*/       }
-/*N*/   }
-/*N*/ }
 |*  SwLayAction::FormatLayout(), FormatLayoutFly, FormatLayoutTab()
@@ -1389,269 +1083,6 @@ namespace binfilter {
-|*  SwLayAction::FormatCntnt()
-/*N*/ BOOL SwLayAction::FormatCntnt( const SwPageFrm *pPage )
-/*N*/ {
-/*N*/   const SwCntntFrm *pCntnt = pPage->ContainsCntnt();
-/*N*/   const bool bBrowse = pRoot->GetFmt()->GetDoc()->IsBrowseMode();
-/*N*/   while ( pCntnt && pPage->IsAnLower( pCntnt ) )
-/*N*/   {
-/*N*/       //Wenn der Cntnt sich eh nicht veraendert koennen wir ein paar
-/*N*/       //Abkuerzungen nutzen.
-/*N*/       const BOOL bFull = !pCntnt->IsValid() || pCntnt->IsCompletePaint() ||
-/*N*/                          pCntnt->IsRetouche() || pCntnt->GetDrawObjs();
-/*N*/       if ( bFull )
-/*N*/       {
-/*N*/           //Damit wir nacher nicht suchen muessen.
-/*N*/           const BOOL bNxtCnt = IsCalcLayout() && !pCntnt->GetFollow();
-/*N*/           const SwCntntFrm *pCntntNext = bNxtCnt ? pCntnt->GetNextCntntFrm() : 0;
-/*N*/           const SwCntntFrm *pCntntPrev = pCntnt->GetPrev() ? pCntnt->GetPrevCntntFrm() : 0;
-/*N*/           const SwLayoutFrm*pOldUpper  = pCntnt->GetUpper();
-/*N*/           const SwTabFrm *pTab = pCntnt->FindTabFrm();
-/*N*/           const BOOL bInValid = !pCntnt->IsValid() || pCntnt->IsCompletePaint();
-/*N*/           const BOOL bOldPaint = IsPaint();
-/*N*/           bPaint = bOldPaint && !(pTab && pTab == pOptTab);
-/*N*/           _FormatCntnt( pCntnt, pPage );
-/*N*/           bPaint = bOldPaint;
-/*N*/           if ( !pCntnt->GetValidLineNumFlag() && pCntnt->IsTxtFrm() )
-/*N*/           {
-/*N*/               const ULONG nAllLines = ((SwTxtFrm*)pCntnt)->GetAllLines();
-/*N*/               ((SwTxtFrm*)pCntnt)->RecalcAllLines();
-/*N*/               if ( IsPaintExtraData() && IsPaint() &&
-/*N*/                    nAllLines != ((SwTxtFrm*)pCntnt)->GetAllLines() )
-/*?*/                   pImp->GetShell()->AddPaintRect( pCntnt->Frm() );
-/*N*/           }
-/*N*/           if ( IsAgain() )
-/*N*/               return FALSE;
-/*N*/           //Wenn Layout oder Flys wieder Invalid sind breche ich die Verarbeitung
-/*N*/           //vorlaeufig ab - allerdings nicht fuer die BrowseView, denn dort wird
-/*N*/           //das Layout staendig ungueltig, weil die Seitenhoehe angepasst wird.
-/*N*/           //Desgleichen wenn der Benutzer weiterarbeiten will und mindestens ein
-/*N*/           //Absatz verarbeitet wurde.
-/*N*/           if ( (!pTab || (pTab && !bInValid)) )
-/*N*/           {
-/*N*/               CheckIdleEnd();
-/*N*/                 // consider interrupt formatting.
-/*N*/                 if ( ( IsInterrupt() && !mbFormatCntntOnInterrupt ) ||
-/*N*/                      ( !bBrowse && pPage->IsInvalidLayout() ) ||
-/*N*/                      // consider interrupt formatting
-/*N*/                      ( IS_FLYS && IS_INVAFLY && !mbFormatCntntOnInterrupt )
-/*N*/                    )
-/*N*/                   return FALSE;
-/*N*/           }
-/*N*/           if ( pOldUpper != pCntnt->GetUpper() )
-/*N*/           {
-/*N*/               const USHORT nCurNum = pCntnt->FindPageFrm()->GetPhyPageNum();
-/*N*/               if (  nCurNum < pPage->GetPhyPageNum() )
-/*N*/                   nPreInvaPage = nCurNum;
-/*N*/               //Wenn der Frm mehr als eine Seite rueckwaerts geflossen ist, so
-/*N*/               //fangen wir nocheinmal von vorn an damit wir nichts auslassen.
-/*N*/               if ( !IsCalcLayout() && pPage->GetPhyPageNum() > nCurNum+1 )
-/*N*/               {
-/*N*/                   SetNextCycle( TRUE );
-/*N*/                     // consider interrupt formatting
-/*N*/                     if ( !mbFormatCntntOnInterrupt )
-/*N*/                     {
-/*N*/                         return FALSE;
-/*N*/                     }
-/*N*/               }
-/*N*/           }
-/*N*/           //Wenn der Frame die Seite vorwaerts gewechselt hat, so lassen wir
-/*N*/           //den Vorgaenger nocheinmal durchlaufen.
-/*N*/           //So werden einerseits Vorgaenger erwischt, die jetzt f?r Retouche
-/*N*/           //verantwortlich sind, andererseits werden die Fusszeilen
-/*N*/           //auch angefasst.
-/*N*/           bool bSetCntnt = TRUE;
-/*N*/           if ( pCntntPrev )
-/*N*/           {
-/*N*/                 if ( !pCntntPrev->IsValid() && pPage->IsAnLower( pCntntPrev ) )
-/*N*/                   pPage->InvalidateCntnt();
-/*N*/               if ( pOldUpper != pCntnt->GetUpper() &&
-/*N*/                    pPage->GetPhyPageNum() < pCntnt->FindPageFrm()->GetPhyPageNum() )
-/*N*/               {
-/*N*/                   pCntnt = pCntntPrev;
-/*N*/                   bSetCntnt = FALSE;
-/*N*/               }
-/*N*/           }
-/*N*/           if ( bSetCntnt )
-/*N*/           {
-/*N*/               if ( bBrowse && !IsIdle() && !IsCalcLayout() && !IsComplete() &&
-/*N*/                    pCntnt->Frm().Top() > pImp->GetShell()->VisArea().Bottom())
-/*N*/               {
-/*N*/                    const long nBottom = pImp->GetShell()->VisArea().Bottom();
-/*N*/                   const SwFrm *pTmp = lcl_FindFirstInvaCntnt( pPage,
-/*N*/                                                           nBottom, pCntnt );
-/*N*/                   if ( !pTmp )
-/*N*/                   {
-/*N*/                       if ( (!(IS_FLYS && IS_INVAFLY) ||
-/*N*/                             !lcl_FindFirstInvaFly( pPage, nBottom )) &&
-/*N*/                             (!pPage->IsInvalidLayout() ||
-/*N*/                              !lcl_FindFirstInvaLay( pPage, nBottom )))
-/*N*/                           SetBrowseActionStop( TRUE );
-/*N*/                         // consider interrupt formatting.
-/*N*/                         if ( !mbFormatCntntOnInterrupt )
-/*N*/                         {
-/*N*/                             return FALSE;
-/*N*/                         }
-/*N*/                   }
-/*N*/               }
-/*N*/               pCntnt = bNxtCnt ? pCntntNext : pCntnt->GetNextCntntFrm();
-/*N*/           }
-/*N*/           RESCHEDULE;
-/*N*/       }
-/*N*/       else
-/*N*/       {
-/*N*/           if ( !pCntnt->GetValidLineNumFlag() && pCntnt->IsTxtFrm() )
-/*N*/           {
-/*N*/               const ULONG nAllLines = ((SwTxtFrm*)pCntnt)->GetAllLines();
-/*N*/               ((SwTxtFrm*)pCntnt)->RecalcAllLines();
-/*N*/               if ( IsPaintExtraData() && IsPaint() &&
-/*N*/                    nAllLines != ((SwTxtFrm*)pCntnt)->GetAllLines() )
-/*?*/                   pImp->GetShell()->AddPaintRect( pCntnt->Frm() );
-/*N*/           }
-/*N*/           //Falls der Frm schon vor der Abarbeitung hier formatiert wurde.
-/*N*/           if ( pCntnt->IsTxtFrm() && ((SwTxtFrm*)pCntnt)->HasRepaint() &&
-/*N*/                 IsPaint() )
-/*N*/               PaintCntnt( pCntnt, pPage, pCntnt->Frm(), pCntnt->Frm().Bottom());
-/*N*/           if ( IsIdle() )
-/*N*/           {
-/*N*/               CheckIdleEnd();
-/*N*/                 // consider interrupt formatting.
-/*N*/                 if ( IsInterrupt() && !mbFormatCntntOnInterrupt )
-/*N*/                   return FALSE;
-/*N*/           }
-/*N*/           if ( bBrowse && !IsIdle() && !IsCalcLayout() && !IsComplete() &&
-/*N*/                pCntnt->Frm().Top() > pImp->GetShell()->VisArea().Bottom())
-/*N*/           {
-/*?*/               DBG_BF_ASSERT(0, "STRIP");
-/*N*/           }
-/*N*/           pCntnt = pCntnt->GetNextCntntFrm();
-/*N*/       }
-/*N*/   }
-/*N*/   CheckWaitCrsr();
-/*N*/     // consider interrupt formatting.
-/*N*/     return !IsInterrupt() || mbFormatCntntOnInterrupt;
-/*N*/ }
-|*  SwLayAction::_FormatCntnt()
-|*  Beschreibung        Returnt TRUE wenn der Absatz verarbeitet wurde,
-|*                      FALSE wenn es nichts zu verarbeiten gab.
-/*N*/ void SwLayAction::_FormatCntnt( const SwCntntFrm *pCntnt,
-/*N*/                                 const SwPageFrm  *pPage )
-/*N*/ {
-/*N*/   //wird sind hier evtl. nur angekommen, weil der Cntnt DrawObjekte haelt.
-/*N*/   const BOOL bDrawObjsOnly = pCntnt->IsValid() && !pCntnt->IsCompletePaint() &&
-/*N*/                        !pCntnt->IsRetouche();
-/*N*/     SWRECTFN( pCntnt )
-/*N*/   if ( !bDrawObjsOnly && IsPaint() )
-/*N*/   {
-/*N*/       const BOOL bPosOnly = !pCntnt->GetValidPosFlag() &&
-/*N*/                             !pCntnt->IsCompletePaint() &&
-/*N*/                             pCntnt->GetValidSizeFlag() &&
-/*N*/                             pCntnt->GetValidPrtAreaFlag() &&
-/*N*/                             ( !pCntnt->IsTxtFrm() ||
-/*N*/                               !((SwTxtFrm*)pCntnt)->HasAnimation() );
-/*N*/       const SwFrm *pOldUp = pCntnt->GetUpper();
-/*N*/       const SwRect aOldRect( pCntnt->UnionFrm() );
-/*N*/         const long nOldBottom = (pCntnt->*fnRect->fnGetPrtBottom)();
-/*N*/       pCntnt->OptCalc();
-/*N*/       if( IsAgain() )
-/*N*/           return;
-/*N*/         if( (*fnRect->fnYDiff)( (pCntnt->Frm().*fnRect->fnGetBottom)(),
-/*N*/                                 (aOldRect.*fnRect->fnGetBottom)() ) < 0 )
-/*N*/           pCntnt->SetRetouche();
-/*N*/       const SwRect aNewRect( pCntnt->UnionFrm() );
-/*N*/         if ( bPosOnly &&
-/*N*/              (aNewRect.*fnRect->fnGetTop)() != (aOldRect.*fnRect->fnGetTop)() &&
-/*N*/            !pCntnt->IsInTab() && !pCntnt->IsInSct() &&
-/*N*/              ( !pCntnt->GetPrev() || !pCntnt->GetPrev()->IsTabFrm() ) &&
-/*N*/            pOldUp == pCntnt->GetUpper() &&
-/*N*/              (aNewRect.*fnRect->fnGetLeft)() == (aOldRect.*fnRect->fnGetLeft)() &&
-/*N*/              aNewRect.SSize() == aOldRect.SSize()
-/*N*/            )
-/*N*/       {
-/*N*/             _AddScrollRect( pCntnt, pPage, (*fnRect->fnYDiff)(
-/*N*/                             (pCntnt->Frm().*fnRect->fnGetTop)(),
-/*N*/                             (aOldRect.*fnRect->fnGetTop)() ), nOldBottom );
-/*N*/       }
-/*N*/       else
-/*N*/           PaintCntnt( pCntnt, pCntnt->FindPageFrm(), aOldRect, nOldBottom);
-/*N*/   }
-/*N*/   else
-/*N*/   {
-/*N*/       if ( IsPaint() && pCntnt->IsTxtFrm() && ((SwTxtFrm*)pCntnt)->HasRepaint() )
-/*N*/             PaintCntnt( pCntnt, pPage, pCntnt->Frm(),
-/*N*/                         (pCntnt->Frm().*fnRect->fnGetBottom)() );
-/*N*/       pCntnt->OptCalc();
-/*N*/   }
-/*N*/   //Die im Absatz verankerten Flys wollen auch mitspielen.
-/*N*/   const SwDrawObjs *pObjs = pCntnt->GetDrawObjs();
-/*N*/   for ( USHORT i = 0; pObjs && i < pObjs->Count(); ++i )
-/*N*/   {
-/*N*/       SdrObject *pO = (*pObjs)[i];
-/*N*/       if ( pO->IsWriterFlyFrame() )
-/*N*/       {
-/*N*/           SwFlyFrm* pFly = ((SwVirtFlyDrawObj*)pO)->GetFlyFrm();
-/*N*/           if ( pFly->IsFlyInCntFrm() && ((SwFlyInCntFrm*)pFly)->IsInvalid() )
-/*N*/           {
-/*N*/                 FormatFlyInCnt( (SwFlyInCntFrm*)pFly );
-/*N*/               pObjs = pCntnt->GetDrawObjs();
-/*N*/               CHECKPAGE;
-/*N*/           }
-/*N*/       }
-/*N*/   }
-/*N*/ }
-|*  SwLayAction::FormatFlyCntnt()
-|*      - Returnt TRUE wenn der Inhalt aller Flys vollstaendig verarbeitet
-|*        wurde, FALSE bei einem vorzeitigen Abbruch.
-/*N*/ BOOL SwLayAction::FormatFlyCntnt( const SwPageFrm *pPage, sal_Bool bDontShrink )
-/*N*/ {
-/*N*/   for ( USHORT i = 0; pPage->GetSortedObjs() &&
-/*N*/                       i < pPage->GetSortedObjs()->Count(); ++i )
-/*N*/   {
-/*N*/       if ( IsAgain() )
-/*?*/           return FALSE;
-/*N*/       SdrObject *pO = (*pPage->GetSortedObjs())[i];
-/*N*/       if ( pO->IsWriterFlyFrame() )
-/*N*/       {
-/*N*/             SwFlyFrm *pFly = ((SwVirtFlyDrawObj*)pO)->GetFlyFrm();
-/*N*/             sal_Bool bOldShrink = pFly->IsNoShrink();
-/*N*/             if( bDontShrink )
-/*?*/                 pFly->SetNoShrink( sal_True );
-/*N*/           if ( !_FormatFlyCntnt( pFly ) )
-/*N*/             {
-/*N*/                 if( bDontShrink )
-/*?*/                     pFly->SetNoShrink( bOldShrink );
-/*N*/               return FALSE;
-/*N*/             }
-/*N*/             if( bDontShrink )
-/*?*/                 pFly->SetNoShrink( bOldShrink );
-/*N*/       }
-/*N*/   }
-/*N*/   return TRUE;
-/*N*/ }
 |*  SwLayAction::FormatFlyInCnt()
 |*  Beschreibung        Da die Flys im Cntnt nix mit der Seite am Hut
diff --git a/binfilter/bf_sw/source/core/layout/sw_layouter.cxx b/binfilter/bf_sw/source/core/layout/sw_layouter.cxx
index fa87779..d396cbe 100644
--- a/binfilter/bf_sw/source/core/layout/sw_layouter.cxx
+++ b/binfilter/bf_sw/source/core/layout/sw_layouter.cxx
@@ -48,7 +48,6 @@ namespace binfilter {
 /*N*/   USHORT nCount;
 /*N*/ public:
 /*N*/   SwLooping( SwPageFrm* pPage );
-/*N*/   void Control( SwPageFrm* pPage );
 /*N*/   static void Drastic( SwFrm* pFrm );
 /*N*/ };
@@ -78,44 +77,6 @@ namespace binfilter {
 /*N*/   }
 /*N*/ }
-/*N*/ void SwLooping::Control( SwPageFrm* pPage )
-/*N*/ {
-/*N*/   if( !pPage )
-/*N*/       return;
-/*N*/   USHORT nNew = pPage->GetPhyPageNum();
-/*N*/   if( nNew > nMaxPage )
-/*N*/       nMaxPage = nNew;
-/*N*/   if( nNew < nMinPage )
-/*N*/   {
-/*N*/       nMinPage = nNew;
-/*N*/       nMaxPage = nNew;
-/*N*/       nCount = 0;
-/*N*/   }
-/*N*/   else if( nNew > nMinPage + 2 )
-/*N*/   {
-/*N*/       nMinPage = nNew - 2;
-/*N*/       nMaxPage = nNew;
-/*N*/       nCount = 0;
-/*N*/   }
-/*N*/   else if( ++nCount > LOOP_DETECT )
-/*N*/   {
-/*N*/ #ifdef DBG_UTIL
-/*N*/ #if OSL_DEBUG_LEVEL > 1
-/*N*/       static BOOL bNoLouie = FALSE;
-/*N*/       if( bNoLouie )
-/*N*/           return;
-/*N*/ #endif
-/*N*/ #endif
-/*N*/       OSL_ENSURE( FALSE, "Looping Louie" );
-/*N*/       nCount = 0;
-/*N*/       Drastic( pPage->Lower() );
-/*N*/       if( nNew > nMinPage && pPage->GetPrev() )
-/*N*/           Drastic( ((SwPageFrm*)pPage->GetPrev())->Lower() );
-/*N*/       if( nNew < nMaxPage && pPage->GetNext() )
-/*N*/           Drastic( ((SwPageFrm*)pPage->GetNext())->Lower() );
-/*N*/   }
-/*N*/ }
 |*  SwLayouter::SwLayouter()
@@ -131,42 +92,6 @@ namespace binfilter {
 /*N*/   delete pLooping;
 /*N*/ }
-/*N*/ void SwLayouter::LoopControl( SwPageFrm* pPage, BYTE /*nLoop*/ )
-/*N*/ {
-/*N*/   OSL_ENSURE( pLooping, "Looping: Lost control" );
-/*N*/   pLooping->Control( pPage );
-/*N*/ }
-/*N*/ BOOL SwLayouter::StartLooping( SwPageFrm* pPage )
-/*N*/ {
-/*N*/   if( pLooping )
-/*?*/       return FALSE;
-/*N*/   pLooping = new SwLooping( pPage );
-/*N*/   return TRUE;
-/*N*/ }
-/*N*/ void SwLayouter::EndLoopControl()
-/*N*/ {
-/*N*/   delete pLooping;
-/*N*/   pLooping = NULL;
-/*N*/ }
-/*N*/ BOOL SwLayouter::StartLoopControl( SwDoc* pDoc, SwPageFrm *pPage )
-/*N*/ {
-/*N*/   OSL_ENSURE( pDoc, "No doc, no fun" );
-/*N*/   if( !pDoc->GetLayouter() )
-/*N*/       pDoc->SetLayouter( new SwLayouter() );
-/*N*/   return !pDoc->GetLayouter()->pLooping &&
-/*N*/           pDoc->GetLayouter()->StartLooping( pPage );
-/*N*/ }
 /* vim:set shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4 expandtab: */
diff --git a/binfilter/bf_sw/source/core/text/sw_txtfrm.cxx b/binfilter/bf_sw/source/core/text/sw_txtfrm.cxx
index 9d8359a..32e867e 100644
--- a/binfilter/bf_sw/source/core/text/sw_txtfrm.cxx
+++ b/binfilter/bf_sw/source/core/text/sw_txtfrm.cxx
@@ -1943,18 +1943,6 @@ public:
 /*N*/   }
 /*N*/ }
- *                      SwTxtFrm::GetScriptInfo()
- *************************************************************************/
-/*N*/ const SwScriptInfo* SwTxtFrm::GetScriptInfo() const
-/*N*/ {
-/*N*/     const SwParaPortion* pPara = GetPara();
-/*N*/     return pPara ? &pPara->GetScriptInfo() : 0;
-/*N*/ }
  *                      lcl_CalcFlyBasePos()
  * Helper function for SwTxtFrm::CalcBasePosForFly()
diff --git a/binfilter/bf_sw/source/core/view/sw_viewimp.cxx b/binfilter/bf_sw/source/core/view/sw_viewimp.cxx
index 84741f2..0c34524 100644
--- a/binfilter/bf_sw/source/core/view/sw_viewimp.cxx
+++ b/binfilter/bf_sw/source/core/view/sw_viewimp.cxx
@@ -105,35 +105,6 @@ namespace binfilter {
 /*N*/   }
 /*N*/   return FALSE;
 /*N*/ }
-|*  SwViewImp::SetFirstVisPage(), ImplGetFirstVisPage();
-/*N*/ void SwViewImp::SetFirstVisPage()
-/*N*/ {
-/*N*/   if ( pSh->bDocSizeChgd && pSh->VisArea().Top() > pSh->GetLayout()->Frm().Height() )
-/*N*/   {
-/*N*/       //Wir stecken in einer Action und die VisArea sitzt wegen
-/*N*/       //Loeschoperationen hinter der erste sichtbaren Seite.
-/*N*/       //Damit nicht zu heftig Formatiert wird, liefern wir die letzte Seite
-/*N*/       //zurueck.
-/*?*/       pFirstVisPage = (SwPageFrm*)pSh->GetLayout()->Lower();
-/*?*/       while ( pFirstVisPage && pFirstVisPage->GetNext() )
-/*?*/           pFirstVisPage = (SwPageFrm*)pFirstVisPage->GetNext();
-/*N*/   }
-/*N*/   else
-/*N*/   {
-/*N*/       SwPageFrm *pPage = (SwPageFrm*)pSh->GetLayout()->Lower();
-/*N*/       while ( pPage && !pPage->Frm().IsOver( pSh->VisArea() ) )
-/*N*/           pPage = (SwPageFrm*)pPage->GetNext();
-/*N*/       pFirstVisPage = pPage ? pPage : (SwPageFrm*)pSh->GetLayout()->Lower();
-/*N*/   }
-/*N*/   bFirstPageInvalid = FALSE;
-/*N*/ }
 /* vim:set shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4 expandtab: */
diff --git a/binfilter/inc/bf_sw/crsrsh.hxx b/binfilter/inc/bf_sw/crsrsh.hxx
index 5b168fa..2699239 100644
--- a/binfilter/inc/bf_sw/crsrsh.hxx
+++ b/binfilter/inc/bf_sw/crsrsh.hxx
@@ -281,9 +281,6 @@ public:
     // gebe den aktuellen Frame, in dem der Cursor steht, zurueck
     SwCntntFrm *GetCurrFrm() const;
-    //TRUE wenn der Crsr wenn der Crsr wegen Readonly gehidet ist,
-    //FALSE wenn der arbeitet (trotz Readonly).
-    bool IsCrsrReadonly() const;
     // darf der Cursor in ReadOnlyBereiche?
     bool IsReadOnlyAvailable() const { return bSetCrsrInReadOnly; }
@@ -294,10 +291,6 @@ public:
     //ChgLink callen, innerhalb einer Action wird der Ruf verzoegert.
     void CallChgLnk();
-    // Abfrage, ob ueberhaupt eine Selektion existiert, sprich der akt. Cursor
-    // aufgespannt oder nicht der einzigste ist.
-    bool IsSelection() const;
      * liefert das SRectangle, auf dem der Cursor steht.
diff --git a/binfilter/inc/bf_sw/fesh.hxx b/binfilter/inc/bf_sw/fesh.hxx
index 3fedfa5..e34f3ca 100644
--- a/binfilter/inc/bf_sw/fesh.hxx
+++ b/binfilter/inc/bf_sw/fesh.hxx
@@ -171,8 +171,6 @@ class SwFEShell : public SwEditShell
     BOOL bCheckForOLEInCaption;
-    SwFlyFrm *FindFlyFrm() const;
     SwFEShell( SwDoc& rDoc, Window *pWin );
@@ -187,10 +185,6 @@ public:
     //Liefert neben der Grafik in rName bei gelinkten Grafiken den Namen mit
     //Pfad und sonst den Grafiknamen. rbLink ist TRU bei gelinkten Grafiken.
-//SS fuer Rahmen --------------------------------------------
-    BOOL IsFrmSelected() const;
     //Der Client fuer das OleObject muss bezueglich der Scalierung auf dem
     //neuesten Stand gehalten werden. Impl in der WrtShell.
     //Wird ein Pointer auf eine Size uebergeben, so ist diese die aktuelle
diff --git a/binfilter/inc/bf_sw/viscrs.hxx b/binfilter/inc/bf_sw/viscrs.hxx
index 300066c..ae271e5 100644
--- a/binfilter/inc/bf_sw/viscrs.hxx
+++ b/binfilter/inc/bf_sw/viscrs.hxx
@@ -62,8 +62,6 @@ class SwVisCrsr
     Cursor aTxtCrsr;
     const SwCrsrShell* pCrsrShell;
-    void _SetPosAndShow();
@@ -95,7 +93,6 @@ class SwSelPaintRects : public SwRects
-    void Show();
     void Hide();
     const SwCrsrShell* GetShell() const { return pCShell; }

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