[Libreoffice-commits] .: formula/inc formula/source sc/inc sc/qa sc/source sc/util

Eike Rathke erack at kemper.freedesktop.org
Wed Sep 7 03:27:40 PDT 2011

 formula/inc/formula/compiler.hrc               |   10 +
 formula/inc/formula/opcode.hxx                 |    6 
 formula/source/core/resource/core_resource.src |   32 ++++-
 sc/inc/helpids.h                               |    5 
 sc/qa/unit/ucalc.cxx                           |    5 
 sc/source/core/inc/interpre.hxx                |    5 
 sc/source/core/tool/interpr1.cxx               |  103 ++++++++++++++++
 sc/source/core/tool/interpr4.cxx               |    5 
 sc/source/ui/src/scfuncs.src                   |  156 +++++++++++++++++++++++++
 sc/util/hidother.src                           |    5 
 10 files changed, 327 insertions(+), 5 deletions(-)

New commits:
commit c6b49f9098fb6c9816202e8d465c342788736af5
Author: Wolfgang Pechlaner <libo at pechlaner.at>
Date:   Sun Sep 4 14:40:25 2011 +0200

    BITxxx functions according to ODF 1.2 OpenFormula
    Implements BITAND, BITOR, BITXOR, BITLSHIFT and BITRSHIFT as specified by
    OASIS OpenDocument Format 1.2 OpenFormula / ODFF.
    Changes made by the committer:
    * Original submission added the new functions to the Logical group, that group
      has only functions though that return a logical value 1/0/true/false. ODFF
      groups them under "Bit operation functions" that currently is not available
      in Calc. Added the functions to the Mathematical group instead.
    * Changed descriptions of functions in the Function Wizard.
    * One sal_uInt64 constant instead of several identical literal 281474976710655
    * Replaced 'or' operators with ||
    * Don't push two return values, if PushIllegalArgument() was used don't use
      PushDouble() thereafter.
    * Treat double values with ::rtl::math::approxFloor() to obtain integer
    * For BITLSHIFT and BITRSHIFT implemented a different algorithm following the
      ODFF specification that allows larger shift values.
    * Use our block braces style, respectively don't use block braces for one-line
    * Fixed indentation levels.
    * Adapted RTL_LOGFILE_CONTEXT_AUTHOR to say "pechlaner". Credit to whom credit
      is due ;-)

diff --git a/formula/inc/formula/compiler.hrc b/formula/inc/formula/compiler.hrc
index 5c58d9d..a7b5cd8 100755
--- a/formula/inc/formula/compiler.hrc
+++ b/formula/inc/formula/compiler.hrc
@@ -392,9 +392,13 @@
 #define SC_OPCODE_NUMBERVALUE       392
 #define SC_OPCODE_CHISQ_DIST        393
 #define SC_OPCODE_CHISQ_INV         394
-#define SC_OPCODE_STOP_2_PAR        395
-#define SC_OPCODE_LAST_OPCODE_ID    394      /* last OpCode */
+#define SC_OPCODE_BITAND            395
+#define SC_OPCODE_BITOR             396
+#define SC_OPCODE_BITXOR            397
+#define SC_OPCODE_BITRSHIFT         398
+#define SC_OPCODE_BITLSHIFT         399
+#define SC_OPCODE_STOP_2_PAR        400
+#define SC_OPCODE_LAST_OPCODE_ID    399     /* last OpCode */
 /*** Interna ***/
diff --git a/formula/inc/formula/opcode.hxx b/formula/inc/formula/opcode.hxx
index fc9a9b7..571e1b0 100644
--- a/formula/inc/formula/opcode.hxx
+++ b/formula/inc/formula/opcode.hxx
@@ -365,6 +365,12 @@ enum OpCodeEnum
         ocTableOp           = SC_OPCODE_TABLE_OP,
         ocBetaDist          = SC_OPCODE_BETA_DIST,
         ocBetaInv           = SC_OPCODE_BETA_INV,
+    // Bit functions
+        ocBitAnd            = SC_OPCODE_BITAND,
+        ocBitOr             = SC_OPCODE_BITOR,
+        ocBitXor            = SC_OPCODE_BITXOR,
+        ocBitRshift         = SC_OPCODE_BITRSHIFT,
+        ocBitLshift         = SC_OPCODE_BITLSHIFT,
     // miscellaneous
         ocWeek              = SC_OPCODE_WEEK,
         ocGetDayOfWeek      = SC_OPCODE_GET_DAY_OF_WEEK,
diff --git a/formula/source/core/resource/core_resource.src b/formula/source/core/resource/core_resource.src
index b8a5f12..e42a06d 100644
--- a/formula/source/core/resource/core_resource.src
+++ b/formula/source/core/resource/core_resource.src
     String SC_OPCODE_GAMMA { Text = "GAMMA" ; };
     String SC_OPCODE_CHISQ_DIST { Text = "CHISQDIST" ; };
     String SC_OPCODE_CHISQ_INV { Text = "CHISQINV" ;};
+    String SC_OPCODE_BITAND        { Text = "BITAND" ;};
+    String SC_OPCODE_BITOR         { Text = "BITOR" ;};
+    String SC_OPCODE_BITXOR        { Text = "BITXOR" ;};
+    String SC_OPCODE_BITRSHIFT     { Text = "BITRSHIFT" ;};
+    String SC_OPCODE_BITLSHIFT     { Text = "BITLSHIFT" ;};
     /* BEGIN defined ERROR.TYPE() values. */
     String SC_OPCODE_ERROR_NULL    { Text = "#NULL!"  ; };
     String SC_OPCODE_ERROR_DIVZERO { Text = "#DIV/0!" ; };
@@ -672,7 +676,11 @@ Resource RID_STRLIST_FUNCTION_NAMES_ENGLISH
     String SC_OPCODE_GAMMA { Text = "GAMMA" ; };
     String SC_OPCODE_CHISQ_DIST { Text = "CHISQDIST" ; };
     String SC_OPCODE_CHISQ_INV { Text = "CHISQINV" ;};
+    String SC_OPCODE_BITAND    { Text = "BITAND" ;};
+    String SC_OPCODE_BITOR    { Text = "BITOR" ;};
+    String SC_OPCODE_BITXOR    { Text = "BITXOR" ;};
+    String SC_OPCODE_BITRSHIFT    { Text = "BITRSHIFT" ;};
+    String SC_OPCODE_BITLSHIFT    { Text = "BITLSHIFT" ;};
     /* BEGIN defined ERROR.TYPE() values. */
     String SC_OPCODE_ERROR_NULL    { Text = "#NULL!"  ; };
     String SC_OPCODE_ERROR_DIVZERO { Text = "#DIV/0!" ; };
@@ -1860,6 +1868,26 @@ Resource RID_STRLIST_FUNCTION_NAMES
         Text [ en-US ] = "CHISQINV" ;
+    {
+        Text [ en-US ] = "BITAND" ;
+    };
+    {
+        Text [ en-US ] = "BITOR" ;
+    };
+    {
+        Text [ en-US ] = "BITXOR" ;
+    };
+    {
+        Text [ en-US ] = "BITRSHIFT" ;
+    };
+    {
+        Text [ en-US ] = "BITLSHIFT" ;
+    };
     /* BEGIN defined ERROR.TYPE() values. */
     /* ERROR.TYPE( #NULL! ) == 1 */
diff --git a/sc/inc/helpids.h b/sc/inc/helpids.h
index c80dd1b..5546cf8 100644
--- a/sc/inc/helpids.h
+++ b/sc/inc/helpids.h
@@ -692,3 +692,8 @@
 #define HID_FUNC_UNICODE                                        "SC_HID_FUNC_UNICODE"
 #define HID_FUNC_UNICHAR                                        "SC_HID_FUNC_UNICHAR"
 #define HID_FUNC_NUMBERVALUE                                    "SC_HID_FUNC_NUMBERVALUE"
+#define HID_FUNC_BITAND                                         "SC_HID_FUNC_BITAND"
+#define HID_FUNC_BITOR                                          "SC_HID_FUNC_BITOR"
+#define HID_FUNC_BITXOR                                         "SC_HID_FUNC_BITXOR"
+#define HID_FUNC_BITLSHIFT                                      "SC_HID_FUNC_BITLSHIFT"
+#define HID_FUNC_BITRSHIFT                                      "SC_HID_FUNC_BITRSHIFT"
diff --git a/sc/qa/unit/ucalc.cxx b/sc/qa/unit/ucalc.cxx
index e32c28b..ec03cd6 100644
--- a/sc/qa/unit/ucalc.cxx
+++ b/sc/qa/unit/ucalc.cxx
@@ -1764,6 +1764,11 @@ void Test::testFunctionLists()
+        "BITAND",
+        "BITLSHIFT",
+        "BITOR",
+        "BITRSHIFT",
+        "BITXOR",
diff --git a/sc/source/core/inc/interpre.hxx b/sc/source/core/inc/interpre.hxx
index 27027d5..a693f58 100644
--- a/sc/source/core/inc/interpre.hxx
+++ b/sc/source/core/inc/interpre.hxx
@@ -557,6 +557,11 @@ void ScColRowNameAuto();
 void ScGetPivotData();
 void ScHyperLink();
 void ScBahtText();
+void ScBitAnd();
+void ScBitOr();
+void ScBitXor();
+void ScBitRshift();
+void ScBitLshift();
 void ScTTT();
 //----------------Funktionen in interpr2.cxx---------------
diff --git a/sc/source/core/tool/interpr1.cxx b/sc/source/core/tool/interpr1.cxx
index f581ac7..3d6b5c3 100644
--- a/sc/source/core/tool/interpr1.cxx
+++ b/sc/source/core/tool/interpr1.cxx
@@ -77,6 +77,8 @@
 #define SC_DOUBLE_MAXVALUE  1.7e307
+static const sal_uInt64 n2power48 = 281474976710656;  // 2^48
 IMPL_FIXEDMEMPOOL_NEWDEL( ScInterpreter, 32, 16 )
@@ -1449,6 +1451,107 @@ void ScInterpreter::ScNot()
+void ScInterpreter::ScBitAnd()
+    RTL_LOGFILE_CONTEXT_AUTHOR( aLogger, "sc", "pechlaner", "ScInterpreter::ScBitAnd" );
+    if ( !MustHaveParamCount( GetByte(), 2 ) )
+        return;
+    double num1 = ::rtl::math::approxFloor( GetDouble());
+    double num2 = ::rtl::math::approxFloor( GetDouble());
+    if (    (num1 >= n2power48) || (num1 < 0) ||
+            (num2 >= n2power48) || (num2 < 0))
+        PushIllegalArgument();
+    else
+        PushDouble ((sal_uInt64) num1 & (sal_uInt64) num2);
+void ScInterpreter::ScBitOr()
+    RTL_LOGFILE_CONTEXT_AUTHOR( aLogger, "sc", "pechlaner", "ScInterpreter::ScBitOr" );
+    if ( !MustHaveParamCount( GetByte(), 2 ) )
+        return;
+    double num1 = ::rtl::math::approxFloor( GetDouble());
+    double num2 = ::rtl::math::approxFloor( GetDouble());
+    if (    (num1 >= n2power48) || (num1 < 0) ||
+            (num2 >= n2power48) || (num2 < 0))
+        PushIllegalArgument();
+    else
+        PushDouble ((sal_uInt64) num1 | (sal_uInt64) num2);
+void ScInterpreter::ScBitXor()
+    RTL_LOGFILE_CONTEXT_AUTHOR( aLogger, "sc", "pechlaner", "ScInterpreter::ScBitXor" );
+    if ( !MustHaveParamCount( GetByte(), 2 ) )
+        return;
+    double num1 = ::rtl::math::approxFloor( GetDouble());
+    double num2 = ::rtl::math::approxFloor( GetDouble());
+    if (    (num1 >= n2power48) || (num1 < 0) ||
+            (num2 >= n2power48) || (num2 < 0))
+        PushIllegalArgument();
+    else
+        PushDouble ((sal_uInt64) num1 ^ (sal_uInt64) num2);
+void ScInterpreter::ScBitLshift()
+    RTL_LOGFILE_CONTEXT_AUTHOR( aLogger, "sc", "pechlaner", "ScInterpreter::ScBitLshift" );
+    if ( !MustHaveParamCount( GetByte(), 2 ) )
+        return;
+    double fShift = ::rtl::math::approxFloor( GetDouble());
+    double num = ::rtl::math::approxFloor( GetDouble());
+    if ((num >= n2power48) || (num < 0))
+        PushIllegalArgument();
+    else
+    {
+        double fRes;
+        if (fShift < 0)
+            fRes = ::rtl::math::approxFloor( num / pow( 2.0, -fShift));
+        else if (fShift == 0)
+            fRes = num;
+        else
+            fRes = num * pow( 2.0, fShift);
+        PushDouble( fRes);
+    }
+void ScInterpreter::ScBitRshift()
+    RTL_LOGFILE_CONTEXT_AUTHOR( aLogger, "sc", "pechlaner", "ScInterpreter::ScBitRshift" );
+    if ( !MustHaveParamCount( GetByte(), 2 ) )
+        return;
+    double fShift = ::rtl::math::approxFloor( GetDouble());
+    double num = ::rtl::math::approxFloor( GetDouble());
+    if ((num >= n2power48) || (num < 0))
+        PushIllegalArgument();
+    else
+    {
+        double fRes;
+        if (fShift < 0)
+            fRes = num * pow( 2.0, -fShift);
+        else if (fShift == 0)
+            fRes = num;
+        else
+            fRes = ::rtl::math::approxFloor( num / pow( 2.0, fShift));
+        PushDouble( fRes);
+    }
 void ScInterpreter::ScPi()
     RTL_LOGFILE_CONTEXT_AUTHOR( aLogger, "sc", "er", "ScInterpreter::ScPi" );
diff --git a/sc/source/core/tool/interpr4.cxx b/sc/source/core/tool/interpr4.cxx
index 05ff646..5a3e81d 100644
--- a/sc/source/core/tool/interpr4.cxx
+++ b/sc/source/core/tool/interpr4.cxx
@@ -4063,6 +4063,11 @@ StackVar ScInterpreter::Interpret()
                 case ocAsc              : ScAsc();                      break;
                 case ocUnicode          : ScUnicode();                  break;
                 case ocUnichar          : ScUnichar();                  break;
+                case ocBitAnd           : ScBitAnd();                   break;
+                case ocBitOr            : ScBitOr();                    break;
+                case ocBitXor           : ScBitXor();                   break;
+                case ocBitRshift        : ScBitRshift();                break;
+                case ocBitLshift        : ScBitLshift();                break;
                 case ocTTT              : ScTTT();                      break;
                 case ocNone : nFuncFmtType = NUMBERFORMAT_UNDEFINED;    break;
                 default : PushError( errUnknownOpCode);                 break;
diff --git a/sc/source/ui/src/scfuncs.src b/sc/source/ui/src/scfuncs.src
index 4f99f90..8f8bb04 100644
--- a/sc/source/ui/src/scfuncs.src
+++ b/sc/source/ui/src/scfuncs.src
@@ -9037,6 +9037,162 @@ Resource RID_SC_FUNCTION_DESCRIPTIONS2
             Text [ en-US ] = "Defines the character used as the decimal point." ;
+    Resource SC_OPCODE_BITAND
+    {
+        String 1 // Description
+        {
+            Text [ en-US ] = "Bitwise \"AND\" of two integers.";
+        };
+        ExtraData =
+        {
+            0;
+            ID_FUNCTION_GRP_MATH;
+            U2S( HID_FUNC_BITAND );
+            2;  0;  0;
+            0;
+        };
+        String 2 // Name of Parameter 1
+        {
+            Text [ en-US ] = "Number" ;
+        };
+        String 3 // Description of Parameter 1
+        {
+            Text [ en-US ] = "Positive integer less than 2^48." ;
+        };
+        String 4 // Name of Parameter 2
+        {
+            Text [ en-US ] = "Number" ;
+        };
+        String 5 // Description of Parameter 2
+        {
+            Text [ en-US ] = "Positive integer less than 2^48." ;
+        };
+    };
+    Resource SC_OPCODE_BITOR
+    {
+        String 1 // Description
+        {
+            Text [ en-US ] = "Bitwise \"OR\" of two integers.";
+        };
+        ExtraData =
+        {
+            0;
+            ID_FUNCTION_GRP_MATH;
+            U2S( HID_FUNC_BITOR );
+            2;  0;  0;
+            0;
+        };
+        String 2 // Name of Parameter 1
+        {
+            Text [ en-US ] = "Number" ;
+        };
+        String 3 // Description of Parameter 1
+        {
+            Text [ en-US ] = "Positive integer less than 2^48." ;
+        };
+        String 4 // Name of Parameter 2
+        {
+            Text [ en-US ] = "Number" ;
+        };
+        String 5 // Description of Parameter 2
+        {
+            Text [ en-US ] = "Positive integer less than 2^48." ;
+        };
+    };
+    Resource SC_OPCODE_BITXOR
+    {
+        String 1 // Description
+        {
+            Text [ en-US ] = "Bitwise \"exclusive OR\" of two integers.";
+        };
+        ExtraData =
+        {
+            0;
+            ID_FUNCTION_GRP_MATH;
+            U2S( HID_FUNC_BITXOR );
+            2;  0;  0;
+            0;
+        };
+        String 2 // Name of Parameter 1
+        {
+            Text [ en-US ] = "Number" ;
+        };
+        String 3 // Description of Parameter 1
+        {
+            Text [ en-US ] = "Positive integer less than 2^48." ;
+        };
+        String 4 // Name of Parameter 2
+        {
+            Text [ en-US ] = "Number" ;
+        };
+        String 5 // Description of Parameter 2
+        {
+            Text [ en-US ] = "Positive integer less than 2^48." ;
+        };
+    };
+    {
+        String 1 // Description
+        {
+            Text [ en-US ] = "Bitwise right shift of an integer value.";
+        };
+        ExtraData =
+        {
+            0;
+            ID_FUNCTION_GRP_MATH;
+            U2S( HID_FUNC_BITRSHIFT );
+            2;  0;  0;
+            0;
+        };
+        String 2 // Name of Parameter 1
+        {
+            Text [ en-US ] = "Number" ;
+        };
+        String 3 // Description of Parameter 1
+        {
+            Text [ en-US ] = "The value to be shifted. Positive integer less than 2^48." ;
+        };
+        String 4 // Name of Parameter 2
+        {
+            Text [ en-US ] = "Shift" ;
+        };
+        String 5 // Description of Parameter 2
+        {
+            Text [ en-US ] = "The integer number of bits the value is to be shifted." ;
+        };
+    };
+    {
+        String 1 // Description
+        {
+            Text [ en-US ] = "Bitwise left shift of an integer value.";
+        };
+        ExtraData =
+        {
+            0;
+            ID_FUNCTION_GRP_MATH;
+            U2S( HID_FUNC_BITLSHIFT );
+            2;  0;  0;
+            0;
+        };
+        String 2 // Name of Parameter 1
+        {
+            Text [ en-US ] = "Number" ;
+        };
+        String 3 // Description of Parameter 1
+        {
+            Text [ en-US ] = "The value to be shifted. Positive integer less than 2^48." ;
+        };
+        String 4 // Name of Parameter 2
+        {
+            Text [ en-US ] = "Shift" ;
+        };
+        String 5 // Description of Parameter 2
+        {
+            Text [ en-US ] = "The integer number of bits the value is to be shifted." ;
+        };
+    };
 #if defined(U2S)
diff --git a/sc/util/hidother.src b/sc/util/hidother.src
index d575580..b45e5fa 100644
--- a/sc/util/hidother.src
+++ b/sc/util/hidother.src
@@ -363,6 +363,11 @@ hidspecial HID_FUNC_NUMBERVALUE     { HelpID = HID_FUNC_NUMBERVALUE; };
 hidspecial HID_FUNC_GAMMA           { HelpID = HID_FUNC_GAMMA; };
 hidspecial HID_FUNC_CHISQDIST       { HelpID = HID_FUNC_CHISQDIST; };
 hidspecial HID_FUNC_CHISQINV        { HelpID = HID_FUNC_CHISQINV; };
+hidspecial HID_FUNC_BITAND          { HelpID = HID_FUNC_BITAND; };
+hidspecial HID_FUNC_BITOR           { HelpID = HID_FUNC_BITOR; };
+hidspecial HID_FUNC_BITXOR          { HelpID = HID_FUNC_BITXOR; };
+hidspecial HID_FUNC_BITRSHIFT       { HelpID = HID_FUNC_BITRSHIFT; };
+hidspecial HID_FUNC_BITLSHIFT       { HelpID = HID_FUNC_BITLSHIFT; };
 // ... and from Analysis Addin

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