[Libreoffice-commits] .: Branch 'feature/gtk3' - 2 commits - vcl/generic vcl/inc vcl/Library_vcl.mk vcl/Library_vclplug_gen.mk vcl/Library_vclplug_svp.mk vcl/Package_afmhash.mk vcl/README vcl/unx

Michael Meeks michael at kemper.freedesktop.org
Thu Sep 29 06:14:52 PDT 2011

 vcl/Library_vcl.mk                             |   31 
 vcl/Library_vclplug_gen.mk                     |    8 
 vcl/Library_vclplug_svp.mk                     |    1 
 vcl/Package_afmhash.mk                         |    4 
 vcl/README                                     |   30 
 vcl/generic/fontmanager/Makefile               |   32 
 vcl/generic/fontmanager/adobeenc.tab           | 1087 ++++++
 vcl/generic/fontmanager/afm_keyword_list       |   62 
 vcl/generic/fontmanager/fontcache.cxx          |  814 ++++
 vcl/generic/fontmanager/fontconfig.cxx         | 1028 ++++++
 vcl/generic/fontmanager/fontmanager.cxx        | 4085 +++++++++++++++++++++++++
 vcl/generic/fontmanager/helper.cxx             |  405 ++
 vcl/generic/fontmanager/parseAFM.cxx           | 1492 +++++++++
 vcl/generic/fontmanager/parseAFM.hxx           |  337 ++
 vcl/generic/glyphs/gcach_ftyp.cxx              | 2649 ++++++++++++++++
 vcl/generic/glyphs/gcach_ftyp.hxx              |  201 +
 vcl/generic/glyphs/gcach_layout.cxx            |  669 ++++
 vcl/generic/glyphs/gcach_rbmp.cxx              |  277 +
 vcl/generic/glyphs/glyphcache.cxx              |  503 +++
 vcl/generic/glyphs/graphite_serverfont.cxx     |  154 
 vcl/generic/print/bitmap_gfx.cxx               |  735 ++++
 vcl/generic/print/common_gfx.cxx               | 1287 +++++++
 vcl/generic/print/fontsubst.cxx                |  235 +
 vcl/generic/print/genprnpsp.cxx                | 1418 ++++++++
 vcl/generic/print/glyphset.cxx                 |  949 +++++
 vcl/generic/print/glyphset.hxx                 |  137 
 vcl/generic/print/printerjob.cxx               | 1197 +++++++
 vcl/generic/print/psheader.ps                  |  368 ++
 vcl/generic/print/pspgraphics.cxx              | 1413 ++++++++
 vcl/generic/print/psputil.cxx                  |  271 +
 vcl/generic/print/psputil.hxx                  |   80 
 vcl/generic/print/text_gfx.cxx                 |  869 +++++
 vcl/inc/generic/geninst.h                      |   72 
 vcl/inc/generic/genprn.h                       |  111 
 vcl/inc/generic/glyphcache.hxx                 |  428 ++
 vcl/inc/generic/printergfx.hxx                 |  445 ++
 vcl/inc/generic/printerjob.hxx                 |  151 
 vcl/inc/generic/pspgraphics.h                  |  192 +
 vcl/inc/printergfx.hxx                         |  445 --
 vcl/inc/printerjob.hxx                         |  151 
 vcl/inc/saldatabasic.hxx                       |    1 
 vcl/inc/salinst.hxx                            |    4 
 vcl/inc/unx/glyphcache.hxx                     |  428 --
 vcl/inc/unx/headless/svpinst.hxx               |    7 
 vcl/inc/unx/headless/svpprn.hxx                |    7 
 vcl/inc/unx/pspgraphics.h                      |  191 -
 vcl/inc/unx/salinst.h                          |   39 
 vcl/inc/unx/salprn.h                           |  111 
 vcl/unx/generic/app/salinst.cxx                |   11 
 vcl/unx/generic/fontmanager/Makefile           |   32 
 vcl/unx/generic/fontmanager/adobeenc.tab       | 1087 ------
 vcl/unx/generic/fontmanager/afm_keyword_list   |   62 
 vcl/unx/generic/fontmanager/fontcache.cxx      |  814 ----
 vcl/unx/generic/fontmanager/fontconfig.cxx     | 1028 ------
 vcl/unx/generic/fontmanager/fontmanager.cxx    | 4085 -------------------------
 vcl/unx/generic/fontmanager/helper.cxx         |  405 --
 vcl/unx/generic/fontmanager/parseAFM.cxx       | 1492 ---------
 vcl/unx/generic/fontmanager/parseAFM.hxx       |  337 --
 vcl/unx/generic/gdi/gcach_xpeer.hxx            |    2 
 vcl/unx/generic/gdi/pspgraphics.cxx            | 1414 --------
 vcl/unx/generic/gdi/salgdi.cxx                 |    2 
 vcl/unx/generic/gdi/salgdi2.cxx                |    2 
 vcl/unx/generic/gdi/salgdi3.cxx                |  194 -
 vcl/unx/generic/gdi/salprnpsp.cxx              | 1498 ---------
 vcl/unx/generic/glyphs/gcach_ftyp.cxx          | 2649 ----------------
 vcl/unx/generic/glyphs/gcach_ftyp.hxx          |  201 -
 vcl/unx/generic/glyphs/gcach_layout.cxx        |  669 ----
 vcl/unx/generic/glyphs/gcach_rbmp.cxx          |  277 -
 vcl/unx/generic/glyphs/glyphcache.cxx          |  503 ---
 vcl/unx/generic/glyphs/graphite_serverfont.cxx |  154 
 vcl/unx/generic/printergfx/bitmap_gfx.cxx      |  735 ----
 vcl/unx/generic/printergfx/common_gfx.cxx      | 1287 -------
 vcl/unx/generic/printergfx/glyphset.cxx        |  949 -----
 vcl/unx/generic/printergfx/glyphset.hxx        |  137 
 vcl/unx/generic/printergfx/printerjob.cxx      | 1197 -------
 vcl/unx/generic/printergfx/psheader.ps         |  368 --
 vcl/unx/generic/printergfx/psputil.cxx         |  271 -
 vcl/unx/generic/printergfx/psputil.hxx         |   80 
 vcl/unx/generic/printergfx/text_gfx.cxx        |  869 -----
 vcl/unx/generic/window/salframe.cxx            |    2 
 vcl/unx/gtk/gdi/salnativewidgets-gtk.cxx       |    2 
 vcl/unx/gtk/window/gtkframe.cxx                |    2 
 vcl/unx/headless/svpprn.cxx                    |  115 
 vcl/unx/headless/svppspgraphics.cxx            |    4 
 vcl/unx/headless/svptext.cxx                   |    2 
 85 files changed, 24253 insertions(+), 24296 deletions(-)

New commits:
commit 2bbcea9ff72b369974858b8bfee3883c9386525e
Author: Michael Meeks <michael.meeks at suse.com>
Date:   Thu Sep 29 12:11:28 2011 +0100

    generic: re-structure generic code to increase re-use between backends
    move more chunks of unx/generic into generic/ and into libvcl itself.
    This allows the headless backend to remove it's X linkage finally.

diff --git a/vcl/Library_vcl.mk b/vcl/Library_vcl.mk
index f97b256..3c90ea2 100644
--- a/vcl/Library_vcl.mk
+++ b/vcl/Library_vcl.mk
@@ -50,7 +50,7 @@ $(eval $(call gb_Library_set_include,vcl,\
     -I$(SRCDIR)/solenv/inc \
     -I$(OUTDIR)/inc \
 	$(if $(filter WNTGCC,$(OS)$(COM)),-I$(OUTDIR)/inc/external/wine) \
-    -I$(WORKDIR)/CustomTarget/vcl/unx/generic/fontmanager \
+    -I$(WORKDIR)/CustomTarget/vcl/generic/fontmanager \
 $(eval $(call gb_Library_add_defs,vcl,\
@@ -264,6 +264,15 @@ $(eval $(call gb_Library_add_exception_objects,vcl,\
     vcl/source/window/window \
     vcl/source/window/winproc \
     vcl/source/window/wrkwin \
+    vcl/generic/print/bitmap_gfx \
+    vcl/generic/print/common_gfx \
+    vcl/generic/print/glyphset \
+    vcl/generic/print/printerjob \
+    vcl/generic/print/psputil \
+    vcl/generic/print/pspgraphics \
+    vcl/generic/print/genprnpsp \
+    vcl/generic/print/text_gfx \
+    vcl/generic/print/fontsubst \
 # optional parts
@@ -282,7 +291,7 @@ $(eval $(call gb_Library_add_exception_objects,vcl,\
 # handle X11 platforms, which have additional files and possibly system graphite
 ifeq ($(GUIBASE),unx)
 $(eval $(call gb_Library_add_exception_objects,vcl,\
-    vcl/unx/generic/glyphs/graphite_serverfont \
+    vcl/generic/glyphs/graphite_serverfont \
 $(eval $(call gb_Library_add_linked_libs,vcl,\
@@ -398,15 +407,15 @@ $(eval $(call gb_Library_add_defs,vcl,\
     -D_XSALSET_LIBNAME=\"$(call gb_Library_get_runtime_filename,spa)\" \
 $(eval $(call gb_Library_add_exception_objects,vcl,\
-    vcl/unx/generic/glyphs/gcach_ftyp \
-    vcl/unx/generic/glyphs/gcach_layout \
-    vcl/unx/generic/glyphs/gcach_rbmp \
-    vcl/unx/generic/glyphs/glyphcache \
-    vcl/unx/generic/fontmanager/fontcache \
-    vcl/unx/generic/fontmanager/fontconfig \
-    vcl/unx/generic/fontmanager/fontmanager \
-    vcl/unx/generic/fontmanager/helper \
-    vcl/unx/generic/fontmanager/parseAFM \
+    vcl/generic/glyphs/gcach_ftyp \
+    vcl/generic/glyphs/gcach_layout \
+    vcl/generic/glyphs/gcach_rbmp \
+    vcl/generic/glyphs/glyphcache \
+    vcl/generic/fontmanager/fontcache \
+    vcl/generic/fontmanager/fontconfig \
+    vcl/generic/fontmanager/fontmanager \
+    vcl/generic/fontmanager/helper \
+    vcl/generic/fontmanager/parseAFM \
     vcl/unx/generic/plugadapt/salplug \
     vcl/unx/generic/printer/cupsmgr \
     vcl/unx/generic/printer/jobdata \
diff --git a/vcl/Library_vclplug_gen.mk b/vcl/Library_vclplug_gen.mk
index ffc70a8..ab23208 100644
--- a/vcl/Library_vclplug_gen.mk
+++ b/vcl/Library_vclplug_gen.mk
@@ -96,20 +96,12 @@ $(eval $(call gb_Library_add_exception_objects,vclplug_gen,\
     vcl/unx/generic/dtrans/X11_service \
     vcl/unx/generic/dtrans/X11_transferable \
     vcl/unx/generic/gdi/gcach_xpeer \
-    vcl/unx/generic/gdi/pspgraphics \
     vcl/unx/generic/gdi/salbmp \
     vcl/unx/generic/gdi/salgdi2 \
     vcl/unx/generic/gdi/salgdi3 \
     vcl/unx/generic/gdi/salgdi \
-    vcl/unx/generic/gdi/salprnpsp \
     vcl/unx/generic/gdi/salvd \
     vcl/unx/generic/gdi/xrender_peer \
-    vcl/unx/generic/printergfx/bitmap_gfx \
-    vcl/unx/generic/printergfx/common_gfx \
-    vcl/unx/generic/printergfx/glyphset \
-    vcl/unx/generic/printergfx/printerjob \
-    vcl/unx/generic/printergfx/psputil \
-    vcl/unx/generic/printergfx/text_gfx \
     vcl/unx/generic/window/FWS \
     vcl/unx/generic/window/salframe \
     vcl/unx/generic/window/salobj \
diff --git a/vcl/Library_vclplug_svp.mk b/vcl/Library_vclplug_svp.mk
index 40a01f6..da2a837 100644
--- a/vcl/Library_vclplug_svp.mk
+++ b/vcl/Library_vclplug_svp.mk
@@ -41,7 +41,6 @@ $(eval $(call gb_Library_add_cxxflags,vclplug_svp,\
 $(eval $(call gb_Library_add_defs,vclplug_svp,\
-    -D_XSALSET_LIBNAME=\"$(call gb_Library_get_runtime_filename,spa)\" \
@@ -89,13 +88,6 @@ $(eval $(call gb_Library_add_exception_objects,vclplug_svp,\
     vcl/unx/headless/svppspgraphics \
     vcl/unx/headless/svptext \
     vcl/unx/headless/svpvd \
-    vcl/unx/generic/gdi/salprnpsp \
-    vcl/unx/generic/printergfx/bitmap_gfx \
-    vcl/unx/generic/printergfx/common_gfx \
-    vcl/unx/generic/printergfx/glyphset \
-    vcl/unx/generic/printergfx/printerjob \
-    vcl/unx/generic/printergfx/psputil \
-    vcl/unx/generic/printergfx/text_gfx \
 ifeq ($(OS),LINUX)
diff --git a/vcl/Package_afmhash.mk b/vcl/Package_afmhash.mk
index cc7cd58..6e38295 100644
--- a/vcl/Package_afmhash.mk
+++ b/vcl/Package_afmhash.mk
@@ -24,7 +24,7 @@
 # in which case the provisions of the GPLv3+ or the LGPLv3+ are applicable
 # instead of those above.
-$(eval $(call gb_Package_Package,vcl_afmhash,$(WORKDIR)/CustomTarget/vcl/unx/generic/fontmanager))
-$(eval $(call gb_Package_add_customtarget,vcl_afmhash,vcl/unx/generic/fontmanager,SRCDIR))
+$(eval $(call gb_Package_Package,vcl_afmhash,$(WORKDIR)/CustomTarget/vcl/generic/fontmanager))
+$(eval $(call gb_Package_add_customtarget,vcl_afmhash,vcl/generic/fontmanager,SRCDIR))
 # vim: set noet sw=4 ts=4:
diff --git a/vcl/README b/vcl/README
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c752457
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vcl/README
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+Welcome to the Visual Class Libraries (vcl) code
+	+ the main cross-platform chunk of source
+	+ cross-platform abstraction headers / definition
+	vcl/
+		+ external headers
+	+ shared helper code for backends,
+	  actually built into vcl
+	+ OS/X backend
+	+ skeleton Android backend
+	+ windows backend
+	+ unix specific platform backend code and its' sub-platforms
+	gtk/
+	gtk3/
+	kde/
+	generic/  - raw X
diff --git a/vcl/generic/fontmanager/Makefile b/vcl/generic/fontmanager/Makefile
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7fb7b03
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vcl/generic/fontmanager/Makefile
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+# Version: MPL 1.1 / GPLv3+ / LGPLv3+
+# The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License Version
+# 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
+# the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/
+# Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis,
+# WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License
+# for the specific language governing rights and limitations under the
+# License.
+# The Initial Developer of the Original Code is
+#        Bjoern Michaelsen <bjoern.michaelsen at canonical.com> (Canonical Ltd.)
+# Portions created by the Initial Developer are Copyright (C) 2011 the
+# Initial Developer. All Rights Reserved.
+# Contributor(s): Jan Holesovsky <kendy at suse.cz>
+# Alternatively, the contents of this file may be used under the terms of
+# either the GNU General Public License Version 3 or later (the "GPLv3+"), or
+# the GNU Lesser General Public License Version 3 or later (the "LGPLv3+"),
+# in which case the provisions of the GPLv3+ or the LGPLv3+ are applicable
+# instead of those above.
+all : afm_hash.hpp
+afm_hash.hpp : $(realpath $(dir $(firstword $(MAKEFILE_LIST))))/afm_keyword_list
+	$(GPERF) -C -t -l -L C++ -m 20 -Z AfmKeywordHash -k '1,4,6,$$' $< | sed -e "s/(char\*)0/(char\*)0, NOPE/g" | grep -v "^#line" > $@
+.PHONY : all
+# vim: set noet sw=4:
diff --git a/vcl/generic/fontmanager/adobeenc.tab b/vcl/generic/fontmanager/adobeenc.tab
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..492e92f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vcl/generic/fontmanager/adobeenc.tab
@@ -0,0 +1,1087 @@
+ *
+ *
+ * Copyright 2000, 2010 Oracle and/or its affiliates.
+ *
+ * OpenOffice.org - a multi-platform office productivity suite
+ *
+ * This file is part of OpenOffice.org.
+ *
+ * OpenOffice.org is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License version 3
+ * only, as published by the Free Software Foundation.
+ *
+ * OpenOffice.org is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU Lesser General Public License version 3 for more details
+ * (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code).
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
+ * version 3 along with OpenOffice.org.  If not, see
+ * <http://www.openoffice.org/license.html>
+ * for a copy of the LGPLv3 License.
+ *
+ ************************************************************************/
+struct AdobeEncEntry {
+    sal_Unicode         aUnicode;
+    sal_uInt8           aAdobeStandardCode;
+    const char* const   pAdobename;
+static const AdobeEncEntry aAdobeCodes[]=
+    { 0x0041, 0101, "A" },
+    { 0x00C6, 0341, "AE" },
+    { 0x01FC, 0,    "AEacute" },
+    { 0xF7E6, 0,    "AEsmall" },
+    { 0x00C1, 0,    "Aacute" },
+    { 0xF7E1, 0,    "Aacutesmall" },
+    { 0x0102, 0,    "Abreve" },
+    { 0x00C2, 0,    "Acircumflex" },
+    { 0xF7E2, 0,    "Acircumflexsmall" },
+    { 0xF6C9, 0,    "Acute" },
+    { 0xF7B4, 0,    "Acutesmall" },
+    { 0x00C4, 0,    "Adieresis" },
+    { 0xF7E4, 0,    "Adieresissmall" },
+    { 0x00C0, 0,    "Agrave" },
+    { 0xF7E0, 0,    "Agravesmall" },
+    { 0x0391, 0,    "Alpha" },
+    { 0x0386, 0,    "Alphatonos" },
+    { 0x0100, 0,    "Amacron" },
+    { 0x0104, 0,    "Aogonek" },
+    { 0x00C5, 0,    "Aring" },
+    { 0x01FA, 0,    "Aringacute" },
+    { 0xF7E5, 0,    "Aringsmall" },
+    { 0xF761, 0,    "Asmall" },
+    { 0x00C3, 0,    "Atilde" },
+    { 0xF7E3, 0,    "Atildesmall" },
+    { 0x0042, 0102, "B" },
+    { 0x0392, 0,    "Beta" },
+    { 0xF6F4, 0,    "Brevesmall" },
+    { 0xF762, 0,    "Bsmall" },
+    { 0x0043, 0103, "C" },
+    { 0x0106, 0,    "Cacute" },
+    { 0xF6CA, 0,    "Caron" },
+    { 0xF6F5, 0,    "Caronsmall" },
+    { 0x010C, 0,    "Ccaron" },
+    { 0x00C7, 0,    "Ccedilla" },
+    { 0xF7E7, 0,    "Ccedillasmall" },
+    { 0x0108, 0,    "Ccircumflex" },
+    { 0x010A, 0,    "Cdotaccent" },
+    { 0xF7B8, 0,    "Cedillasmall" },
+    { 0x03A7, 0,    "Chi" },
+    { 0xF6F6, 0,    "Circumflexsmall" },
+    { 0xF763, 0,    "Csmall" },
+    { 0x0044, 0104, "D" },
+    { 0x010E, 0,    "Dcaron" },
+    { 0x0110, 0,    "Dcroat" },
+    { 0x2206, 0,    "Delta" },
+    { 0x0394, 0,    "Delta" },
+    { 0xF6CB, 0,    "Dieresis" },
+    { 0xF6CC, 0,    "DieresisAcute" },
+    { 0xF6CD, 0,    "DieresisGrave" },
+    { 0xF7A8, 0,    "Dieresissmall" },
+    { 0xF6F7, 0,    "Dotaccentsmall" },
+    { 0xF764, 0,    "Dsmall" },
+    { 0x0045, 0105, "E" },
+    { 0x00C9, 0,    "Eacute" },
+    { 0xF7E9, 0,    "Eacutesmall" },
+    { 0x0114, 0,    "Ebreve" },
+    { 0x011A, 0,    "Ecaron" },
+    { 0x00CA, 0,    "Ecircumflex" },
+    { 0xF7EA, 0,    "Ecircumflexsmall" },
+    { 0x00CB, 0,    "Edieresis" },
+    { 0xF7EB, 0,    "Edieresissmall" },
+    { 0x0116, 0,    "Edotaccent" },
+    { 0x00C8, 0,    "Egrave" },
+    { 0xF7E8, 0,    "Egravesmall" },
+    { 0x0112, 0,    "Emacron" },
+    { 0x014A, 0,    "Eng" },
+    { 0x0118, 0,    "Eogonek" },
+    { 0x0395, 0,    "Epsilon" },
+    { 0x0388, 0,    "Epsilontonos" },
+    { 0xF765, 0,    "Esmall" },
+    { 0x0397, 0,    "Eta" },
+    { 0x0389, 0,    "Etatonos" },
+    { 0x00D0, 0,    "Eth" },
+    { 0xF7F0, 0,    "Ethsmall" },
+    { 0x20AC, 0,    "Euro" },
+    { 0x0046, 0106, "F" },
+    { 0xF766, 0,    "Fsmall" },
+    { 0x0047, 0107, "G" },
+    { 0x0393, 0,    "Gamma" },
+    { 0x011E, 0,    "Gbreve" },
+    { 0x01E6, 0,    "Gcaron" },
+    { 0x011C, 0,    "Gcircumflex" },
+    { 0x0122, 0,    "Gcommaaccent" },
+    { 0x0120, 0,    "Gdotaccent" },
+    { 0xF6CE, 0,    "Grave" },
+    { 0xF760, 0,    "Gravesmall" },
+    { 0xF767, 0,    "Gsmall" },
+    { 0x0048, 0110, "H" },
+    { 0x25CF, 0,    "H18533" },
+    { 0x25AA, 0,    "H18543" },
+    { 0x25AB, 0,    "H18551" },
+    { 0x25A1, 0,    "H22073" },
+    { 0x0126, 0,    "Hbar" },
+    { 0x0124, 0,    "Hcircumflex" },
+    { 0xF768, 0,    "Hsmall" },
+    { 0xF6CF, 0,    "Hungarumlaut" },
+    { 0xF6F8, 0,    "Hungarumlautsmall" },
+    { 0x0049, 0111, "I" },
+    { 0x0132, 0,    "IJ" },
+    { 0x00CD, 0,    "Iacute" },
+    { 0xF7ED, 0,    "Iacutesmall" },
+    { 0x012C, 0,    "Ibreve" },
+    { 0x00CE, 0,    "Icircumflex" },
+    { 0xF7EE, 0,    "Icircumflexsmall" },
+    { 0x00CF, 0,    "Idieresis" },
+    { 0xF7EF, 0,    "Idieresissmall" },
+    { 0x0130, 0,    "Idotaccent" },
+    { 0x2111, 0,    "Ifraktur" },
+    { 0x00CC, 0,    "Igrave" },
+    { 0xF7EC, 0,    "Igravesmall" },
+    { 0x012A, 0,    "Imacron" },
+    { 0x012E, 0,    "Iogonek" },
+    { 0x0399, 0,    "Iota" },
+    { 0x03AA, 0,    "Iotadieresis" },
+    { 0x038A, 0,    "Iotatonos" },
+    { 0xF769, 0,    "Ismall" },
+    { 0x0128, 0,    "Itilde" },
+    { 0x004A, 0112, "J" },
+    { 0x0134, 0,    "Jcircumflex" },
+    { 0xF76A, 0,    "Jsmall" },
+    { 0x004B, 0113, "K" },
+    { 0x039A, 0,    "Kappa" },
+    { 0x0136, 0,    "Kcommaaccent" },
+    { 0xF76B, 0,    "Ksmall" },
+    { 0x004C, 0114, "L" },
+    { 0xF6BF, 0,    "LL" },
+    { 0x0139, 0,    "Lacute" },
+    { 0x039B, 0,    "Lambda" },
+    { 0x013D, 0,    "Lcaron" },
+    { 0x013B, 0,    "Lcommaaccent" },
+    { 0x013F, 0,    "Ldot" },
+    { 0x0141, 0350, "Lslash" },
+    { 0xF6F9, 0,    "Lslashsmall" },
+    { 0xF76C, 0,    "Lsmall" },
+    { 0x004D, 0115, "M" },
+    { 0xF6D0, 0,    "Macron" },
+    { 0xF7AF, 0,    "Macronsmall" },
+    { 0xF76D, 0,    "Msmall" },
+    { 0x039C, 0,    "Mu" },
+    { 0x004E, 0116, "N" },
+    { 0x0143, 0,    "Nacute" },
+    { 0x0147, 0,    "Ncaron" },
+    { 0x0145, 0,    "Ncommaaccent" },
+    { 0xF76E, 0,    "Nsmall" },
+    { 0x00D1, 0,    "Ntilde" },
+    { 0xF7F1, 0,    "Ntildesmall" },
+    { 0x039D, 0,    "Nu" },
+    { 0x004F, 0117, "O" },
+    { 0x0152, 0,    "OE" },
+    { 0xF6FA, 0,    "OEsmall" },
+    { 0x00D3, 0,    "Oacute" },
+    { 0xF7F3, 0,    "Oacutesmall" },
+    { 0x014E, 0,    "Obreve" },
+    { 0x00D4, 0,    "Ocircumflex" },
+    { 0xF7F4, 0,    "Ocircumflexsmall" },
+    { 0x00D6, 0,    "Odieresis" },
+    { 0xF7F6, 0,    "Odieresissmall" },
+    { 0xF6FB, 0,    "Ogoneksmall" },
+    { 0x00D2, 0,    "Ograve" },
+    { 0xF7F2, 0,    "Ogravesmall" },
+    { 0x01A0, 0,    "Ohorn" },
+    { 0x0150, 0,    "Ohungarumlaut" },
+    { 0x014C, 0,    "Omacron" },
+    { 0x2126, 0,    "Omega" },
+    { 0x03A9, 0,    "Omega" },
+    { 0x038F, 0,    "Omegatonos" },
+    { 0x039F, 0,    "Omicron" },
+    { 0x038C, 0,    "Omicrontonos" },
+    { 0x00D8, 0351, "Oslash" },
+    { 0x01FE, 0,    "Oslashacute" },
+    { 0xF7F8, 0,    "Oslashsmall" },
+    { 0xF76F, 0,    "Osmall" },
+    { 0x00D5, 0,    "Otilde" },
+    { 0xF7F5, 0,    "Otildesmall" },
+    { 0x0050, 0120, "P" },
+    { 0x03A6, 0,    "Phi" },
+    { 0x03A0, 0,    "Pi" },
+    { 0x03A8, 0,    "Psi" },
+    { 0xF770, 0,    "Psmall" },
+    { 0x0051, 0121, "Q" },
+    { 0xF771, 0,    "Qsmall" },
+    { 0x0052, 0122, "R" },
+    { 0x0154, 0,    "Racute" },
+    { 0x0158, 0,    "Rcaron" },
+    { 0x0156, 0,    "Rcommaaccent" },
+    { 0x211C, 0,    "Rfraktur" },
+    { 0x03A1, 0,    "Rho" },
+    { 0xF6FC, 0,    "Ringsmall" },
+    { 0xF772, 0,    "Rsmall" },
+    { 0x0053, 0123, "S" },
+    { 0x250C, 0,    "SF010000" },
+    { 0x2514, 0,    "SF020000" },
+    { 0x2510, 0,    "SF030000" },
+    { 0x2518, 0,    "SF040000" },
+    { 0x253C, 0,    "SF050000" },
+    { 0x252C, 0,    "SF060000" },
+    { 0x2534, 0,    "SF070000" },
+    { 0x251C, 0,    "SF080000" },
+    { 0x2524, 0,    "SF090000" },
+    { 0x2500, 0,    "SF100000" },
+    { 0x2502, 0,    "SF110000" },
+    { 0x2561, 0,    "SF190000" },
+    { 0x2562, 0,    "SF200000" },
+    { 0x2556, 0,    "SF210000" },
+    { 0x2555, 0,    "SF220000" },
+    { 0x2563, 0,    "SF230000" },
+    { 0x2551, 0,    "SF240000" },
+    { 0x2557, 0,    "SF250000" },
+    { 0x255D, 0,    "SF260000" },
+    { 0x255C, 0,    "SF270000" },
+    { 0x255B, 0,    "SF280000" },
+    { 0x255E, 0,    "SF360000" },
+    { 0x255F, 0,    "SF370000" },
+    { 0x255A, 0,    "SF380000" },
+    { 0x2554, 0,    "SF390000" },
+    { 0x2569, 0,    "SF400000" },
+    { 0x2566, 0,    "SF410000" },
+    { 0x2560, 0,    "SF420000" },
+    { 0x2550, 0,    "SF430000" },
+    { 0x256C, 0,    "SF440000" },
+    { 0x2567, 0,    "SF450000" },
+    { 0x2568, 0,    "SF460000" },
+    { 0x2564, 0,    "SF470000" },
+    { 0x2565, 0,    "SF480000" },
+    { 0x2559, 0,    "SF490000" },
+    { 0x2558, 0,    "SF500000" },
+    { 0x2552, 0,    "SF510000" },
+    { 0x2553, 0,    "SF520000" },
+    { 0x256B, 0,    "SF530000" },
+    { 0x256A, 0,    "SF540000" },
+    { 0x015A, 0,    "Sacute" },
+    { 0x0160, 0,    "Scaron" },
+    { 0xF6FD, 0,    "Scaronsmall" },
+    { 0x015E, 0,    "Scedilla" },
+    { 0xF6C1, 0,    "Scedilla" },
+    { 0x015C, 0,    "Scircumflex" },
+    { 0x0218, 0,    "Scommaaccent" },
+    { 0x03A3, 0,    "Sigma" },
+    { 0xF773, 0,    "Ssmall" },
+    { 0x0054, 0124, "T" },
+    { 0x03A4, 0,    "Tau" },
+    { 0x0166, 0,    "Tbar" },
+    { 0x0164, 0,    "Tcaron" },
+    { 0x0162, 0,    "Tcommaaccent" },
+    { 0x021A, 0,    "Tcommaaccent" },
+    { 0x0398, 0,    "Theta" },
+    { 0x00DE, 0,    "Thorn" },
+    { 0xF7FE, 0,    "Thornsmall" },
+    { 0xF6FE, 0,    "Tildesmall" },
+    { 0xF774, 0,    "Tsmall" },
+    { 0x0055, 0125, "U" },
+    { 0x00DA, 0,    "Uacute" },
+    { 0xF7FA, 0,    "Uacutesmall" },
+    { 0x016C, 0,    "Ubreve" },
+    { 0x00DB, 0,    "Ucircumflex" },
+    { 0xF7FB, 0,    "Ucircumflexsmall" },
+    { 0x00DC, 0,    "Udieresis" },
+    { 0xF7FC, 0,    "Udieresissmall" },
+    { 0x00D9, 0,    "Ugrave" },
+    { 0xF7F9, 0,    "Ugravesmall" },
+    { 0x01AF, 0,    "Uhorn" },
+    { 0x0170, 0,    "Uhungarumlaut" },
+    { 0x016A, 0,    "Umacron" },
+    { 0x0172, 0,    "Uogonek" },
+    { 0x03A5, 0,    "Upsilon" },
+    { 0x03D2, 0,    "Upsilon1" },
+    { 0x03AB, 0,    "Upsilondieresis" },
+    { 0x038E, 0,    "Upsilontonos" },
+    { 0x016E, 0,    "Uring" },
+    { 0xF775, 0,    "Usmall" },
+    { 0x0168, 0,    "Utilde" },
+    { 0x0056, 0126, "V" },
+    { 0xF776, 0,    "Vsmall" },
+    { 0x0057, 0127, "W" },
+    { 0x1E82, 0,    "Wacute" },
+    { 0x0174, 0,    "Wcircumflex" },
+    { 0x1E84, 0,    "Wdieresis" },
+    { 0x1E80, 0,    "Wgrave" },
+    { 0xF777, 0,    "Wsmall" },
+    { 0x0058, 0130, "X" },
+    { 0x039E, 0,    "Xi" },
+    { 0xF778, 0,    "Xsmall" },
+    { 0x0059, 0131, "Y" },
+    { 0x00DD, 0,    "Yacute" },
+    { 0xF7FD, 0,    "Yacutesmall" },
+    { 0x0176, 0,    "Ycircumflex" },
+    { 0x0178, 0,    "Ydieresis" },
+    { 0xF7FF, 0,    "Ydieresissmall" },
+    { 0x1EF2, 0,    "Ygrave" },
+    { 0xF779, 0,    "Ysmall" },
+    { 0x005A, 0132, "Z" },
+    { 0x0179, 0,    "Zacute" },
+    { 0x017D, 0,    "Zcaron" },
+    { 0xF6FF, 0,    "Zcaronsmall" },
+    { 0x017B, 0,    "Zdotaccent" },
+    { 0x0396, 0,    "Zeta" },
+    { 0xF77A, 0,    "Zsmall" },
+    { 0x0061, 0141, "a" },
+    { 0x00E1, 0,    "aacute" },
+    { 0x0103, 0,    "abreve" },
+    { 0x00E2, 0,    "acircumflex" },
+    { 0x00B4, 0302, "acute" },
+    { 0x0301, 0,    "acutecomb" },
+    { 0x00E4, 0,    "adieresis" },
+    { 0x00E6, 0361, "ae" },
+    { 0x01FD, 0,    "aeacute" },
+    { 0x2015, 0,    "afii00208" },
+    { 0x0410, 0,    "afii10017" },
+    { 0x0411, 0,    "afii10018" },
+    { 0x0412, 0,    "afii10019" },
+    { 0x0413, 0,    "afii10020" },
+    { 0x0414, 0,    "afii10021" },
+    { 0x0415, 0,    "afii10022" },
+    { 0x0401, 0,    "afii10023" },
+    { 0x0416, 0,    "afii10024" },
+    { 0x0417, 0,    "afii10025" },
+    { 0x0418, 0,    "afii10026" },
+    { 0x0419, 0,    "afii10027" },
+    { 0x041A, 0,    "afii10028" },
+    { 0x041B, 0,    "afii10029" },
+    { 0x041C, 0,    "afii10030" },
+    { 0x041D, 0,    "afii10031" },
+    { 0x041E, 0,    "afii10032" },
+    { 0x041F, 0,    "afii10033" },
+    { 0x0420, 0,    "afii10034" },
+    { 0x0421, 0,    "afii10035" },
+    { 0x0422, 0,    "afii10036" },
+    { 0x0423, 0,    "afii10037" },
+    { 0x0424, 0,    "afii10038" },
+    { 0x0425, 0,    "afii10039" },
+    { 0x0426, 0,    "afii10040" },
+    { 0x0427, 0,    "afii10041" },
+    { 0x0428, 0,    "afii10042" },
+    { 0x0429, 0,    "afii10043" },
+    { 0x042A, 0,    "afii10044" },
+    { 0x042B, 0,    "afii10045" },
+    { 0x042C, 0,    "afii10046" },
+    { 0x042D, 0,    "afii10047" },
+    { 0x042E, 0,    "afii10048" },
+    { 0x042F, 0,    "afii10049" },
+    { 0x0490, 0,    "afii10050" },
+    { 0x0402, 0,    "afii10051" },
+    { 0x0403, 0,    "afii10052" },
+    { 0x0404, 0,    "afii10053" },
+    { 0x0405, 0,    "afii10054" },
+    { 0x0406, 0,    "afii10055" },
+    { 0x0407, 0,    "afii10056" },
+    { 0x0408, 0,    "afii10057" },
+    { 0x0409, 0,    "afii10058" },
+    { 0x040A, 0,    "afii10059" },
+    { 0x040B, 0,    "afii10060" },
+    { 0x040C, 0,    "afii10061" },
+    { 0x040E, 0,    "afii10062" },
+    { 0xF6C4, 0,    "afii10063" },
+    { 0xF6C5, 0,    "afii10064" },
+    { 0x0430, 0,    "afii10065" },
+    { 0x0431, 0,    "afii10066" },
+    { 0x0432, 0,    "afii10067" },
+    { 0x0433, 0,    "afii10068" },
+    { 0x0434, 0,    "afii10069" },
+    { 0x0435, 0,    "afii10070" },
+    { 0x0451, 0,    "afii10071" },
+    { 0x0436, 0,    "afii10072" },
+    { 0x0437, 0,    "afii10073" },
+    { 0x0438, 0,    "afii10074" },
+    { 0x0439, 0,    "afii10075" },
+    { 0x043A, 0,    "afii10076" },
+    { 0x043B, 0,    "afii10077" },
+    { 0x043C, 0,    "afii10078" },
+    { 0x043D, 0,    "afii10079" },
+    { 0x043E, 0,    "afii10080" },
+    { 0x043F, 0,    "afii10081" },
+    { 0x0440, 0,    "afii10082" },
+    { 0x0441, 0,    "afii10083" },
+    { 0x0442, 0,    "afii10084" },
+    { 0x0443, 0,    "afii10085" },
+    { 0x0444, 0,    "afii10086" },
+    { 0x0445, 0,    "afii10087" },
+    { 0x0446, 0,    "afii10088" },
+    { 0x0447, 0,    "afii10089" },
+    { 0x0448, 0,    "afii10090" },
+    { 0x0449, 0,    "afii10091" },
+    { 0x044A, 0,    "afii10092" },
+    { 0x044B, 0,    "afii10093" },
+    { 0x044C, 0,    "afii10094" },
+    { 0x044D, 0,    "afii10095" },
+    { 0x044E, 0,    "afii10096" },
+    { 0x044F, 0,    "afii10097" },
+    { 0x0491, 0,    "afii10098" },
+    { 0x0452, 0,    "afii10099" },
+    { 0x0453, 0,    "afii10100" },
+    { 0x0454, 0,    "afii10101" },
+    { 0x0455, 0,    "afii10102" },
+    { 0x0456, 0,    "afii10103" },
+    { 0x0457, 0,    "afii10104" },
+    { 0x0458, 0,    "afii10105" },
+    { 0x0459, 0,    "afii10106" },
+    { 0x045A, 0,    "afii10107" },
+    { 0x045B, 0,    "afii10108" },
+    { 0x045C, 0,    "afii10109" },
+    { 0x045E, 0,    "afii10110" },
+    { 0x040F, 0,    "afii10145" },
+    { 0x0462, 0,    "afii10146" },
+    { 0x0472, 0,    "afii10147" },
+    { 0x0474, 0,    "afii10148" },
+    { 0xF6C6, 0,    "afii10192" },
+    { 0x045F, 0,    "afii10193" },
+    { 0x0463, 0,    "afii10194" },
+    { 0x0473, 0,    "afii10195" },
+    { 0x0475, 0,    "afii10196" },
+    { 0xF6C7, 0,    "afii10831" },
+    { 0xF6C8, 0,    "afii10832" },
+    { 0x04D9, 0,    "afii10846" },
+    { 0x200E, 0,    "afii299" },
+    { 0x200F, 0,    "afii300" },
+    { 0x200D, 0,    "afii301" },
+    { 0x066A, 0,    "afii57381" },
+    { 0x060C, 0,    "afii57388" },
+    { 0x0660, 0,    "afii57392" },
+    { 0x0661, 0,    "afii57393" },
+    { 0x0662, 0,    "afii57394" },
+    { 0x0663, 0,    "afii57395" },
+    { 0x0664, 0,    "afii57396" },
+    { 0x0665, 0,    "afii57397" },
+    { 0x0666, 0,    "afii57398" },
+    { 0x0667, 0,    "afii57399" },
+    { 0x0668, 0,    "afii57400" },
+    { 0x0669, 0,    "afii57401" },
+    { 0x061B, 0,    "afii57403" },
+    { 0x061F, 0,    "afii57407" },
+    { 0x0621, 0,    "afii57409" },
+    { 0x0622, 0,    "afii57410" },
+    { 0x0623, 0,    "afii57411" },
+    { 0x0624, 0,    "afii57412" },
+    { 0x0625, 0,    "afii57413" },
+    { 0x0626, 0,    "afii57414" },
+    { 0x0627, 0,    "afii57415" },
+    { 0x0628, 0,    "afii57416" },
+    { 0x0629, 0,    "afii57417" },
+    { 0x062A, 0,    "afii57418" },
+    { 0x062B, 0,    "afii57419" },
+    { 0x062C, 0,    "afii57420" },
+    { 0x062D, 0,    "afii57421" },
+    { 0x062E, 0,    "afii57422" },
+    { 0x062F, 0,    "afii57423" },
+    { 0x0630, 0,    "afii57424" },
+    { 0x0631, 0,    "afii57425" },
+    { 0x0632, 0,    "afii57426" },
+    { 0x0633, 0,    "afii57427" },
+    { 0x0634, 0,    "afii57428" },
+    { 0x0635, 0,    "afii57429" },
+    { 0x0636, 0,    "afii57430" },
+    { 0x0637, 0,    "afii57431" },
+    { 0x0638, 0,    "afii57432" },
+    { 0x0639, 0,    "afii57433" },
+    { 0x063A, 0,    "afii57434" },
+    { 0x0640, 0,    "afii57440" },
+    { 0x0641, 0,    "afii57441" },
+    { 0x0642, 0,    "afii57442" },
+    { 0x0643, 0,    "afii57443" },
+    { 0x0644, 0,    "afii57444" },
+    { 0x0645, 0,    "afii57445" },
+    { 0x0646, 0,    "afii57446" },
+    { 0x0648, 0,    "afii57448" },
+    { 0x0649, 0,    "afii57449" },
+    { 0x064A, 0,    "afii57450" },
+    { 0x064B, 0,    "afii57451" },
+    { 0x064C, 0,    "afii57452" },
+    { 0x064D, 0,    "afii57453" },
+    { 0x064E, 0,    "afii57454" },
+    { 0x064F, 0,    "afii57455" },
+    { 0x0650, 0,    "afii57456" },
+    { 0x0651, 0,    "afii57457" },
+    { 0x0652, 0,    "afii57458" },
+    { 0x0647, 0,    "afii57470" },
+    { 0x06A4, 0,    "afii57505" },
+    { 0x067E, 0,    "afii57506" },
+    { 0x0686, 0,    "afii57507" },
+    { 0x0698, 0,    "afii57508" },
+    { 0x06AF, 0,    "afii57509" },
+    { 0x0679, 0,    "afii57511" },
+    { 0x0688, 0,    "afii57512" },
+    { 0x0691, 0,    "afii57513" },
+    { 0x06BA, 0,    "afii57514" },
+    { 0x06D2, 0,    "afii57519" },
+    { 0x06D5, 0,    "afii57534" },
+    { 0x20AA, 0,    "afii57636" },
+    { 0x05BE, 0,    "afii57645" },
+    { 0x05C3, 0,    "afii57658" },
+    { 0x05D0, 0,    "afii57664" },
+    { 0x05D1, 0,    "afii57665" },
+    { 0x05D2, 0,    "afii57666" },
+    { 0x05D3, 0,    "afii57667" },
+    { 0x05D4, 0,    "afii57668" },
+    { 0x05D5, 0,    "afii57669" },
+    { 0x05D6, 0,    "afii57670" },
+    { 0x05D7, 0,    "afii57671" },
+    { 0x05D8, 0,    "afii57672" },
+    { 0x05D9, 0,    "afii57673" },
+    { 0x05DA, 0,    "afii57674" },
+    { 0x05DB, 0,    "afii57675" },
+    { 0x05DC, 0,    "afii57676" },
+    { 0x05DD, 0,    "afii57677" },
+    { 0x05DE, 0,    "afii57678" },
+    { 0x05DF, 0,    "afii57679" },
+    { 0x05E0, 0,    "afii57680" },
+    { 0x05E1, 0,    "afii57681" },
+    { 0x05E2, 0,    "afii57682" },
+    { 0x05E3, 0,    "afii57683" },
+    { 0x05E4, 0,    "afii57684" },
+    { 0x05E5, 0,    "afii57685" },
+    { 0x05E6, 0,    "afii57686" },
+    { 0x05E7, 0,    "afii57687" },
+    { 0x05E8, 0,    "afii57688" },
+    { 0x05E9, 0,    "afii57689" },
+    { 0x05EA, 0,    "afii57690" },
+    { 0xFB2A, 0,    "afii57694" },
+    { 0xFB2B, 0,    "afii57695" },
+    { 0xFB4B, 0,    "afii57700" },
+    { 0xFB1F, 0,    "afii57705" },
+    { 0x05F0, 0,    "afii57716" },
+    { 0x05F1, 0,    "afii57717" },
+    { 0x05F2, 0,    "afii57718" },
+    { 0xFB35, 0,    "afii57723" },
+    { 0x05B4, 0,    "afii57793" },
+    { 0x05B5, 0,    "afii57794" },
+    { 0x05B6, 0,    "afii57795" },
+    { 0x05BB, 0,    "afii57796" },
+    { 0x05B8, 0,    "afii57797" },
+    { 0x05B7, 0,    "afii57798" },
+    { 0x05B0, 0,    "afii57799" },
+    { 0x05B2, 0,    "afii57800" },
+    { 0x05B1, 0,    "afii57801" },
+    { 0x05B3, 0,    "afii57802" },
+    { 0x05C2, 0,    "afii57803" },
+    { 0x05C1, 0,    "afii57804" },
+    { 0x05B9, 0,    "afii57806" },
+    { 0x05BC, 0,    "afii57807" },
+    { 0x05BD, 0,    "afii57839" },
+    { 0x05BF, 0,    "afii57841" },
+    { 0x05C0, 0,    "afii57842" },
+    { 0x02BC, 0,    "afii57929" },
+    { 0x2105, 0,    "afii61248" },
+    { 0x2113, 0,    "afii61289" },
+    { 0x2116, 0,    "afii61352" },
+    { 0x202C, 0,    "afii61573" },
+    { 0x202D, 0,    "afii61574" },
+    { 0x202E, 0,    "afii61575" },
+    { 0x200C, 0,    "afii61664" },
+    { 0x066D, 0,    "afii63167" },
+    { 0x02BD, 0,    "afii64937" },
+    { 0x00E0, 0,    "agrave" },
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+    { 0x2083, 0,    "threeinferior" },
+    { 0xF733, 0,    "threeoldstyle" },
+    { 0x00BE, 0,    "threequarters" },
+    { 0xF6DE, 0,    "threequartersemdash" },
+    { 0x00B3, 0,    "threesuperior" },
+    { 0x02DC, 0304, "tilde" },
+    { 0x0303, 0,    "tildecomb" },
+    { 0x0384, 0,    "tonos" },
+    { 0x2122, 0,    "trademark" },
+    { 0xF8EA, 0,    "trademarksans" },
+    { 0xF6DB, 0,    "trademarkserif" },
+    { 0x25BC, 0,    "triagdn" },
+    { 0x25C4, 0,    "triaglf" },
+    { 0x25BA, 0,    "triagrt" },
+    { 0x25B2, 0,    "triagup" },
+    { 0xF6F3, 0,    "tsuperior" },
+    { 0x0032, 062,  "two" },
+    { 0x2025, 0,    "twodotenleader" },
+    { 0x2082, 0,    "twoinferior" },
+    { 0xF732, 0,    "twooldstyle" },
+    { 0x00B2, 0,    "twosuperior" },
+    { 0x2154, 0,    "twothirds" },
+    { 0x0075, 0165, "u" },
+    { 0x00FA, 0,    "uacute" },
+    { 0x016D, 0,    "ubreve" },
+    { 0x00FB, 0,    "ucircumflex" },
+    { 0x00FC, 0,    "udieresis" },
+    { 0x00F9, 0,    "ugrave" },
+    { 0x01B0, 0,    "uhorn" },
+    { 0x0171, 0,    "uhungarumlaut" },
+    { 0x016B, 0,    "umacron" },
+    { 0x005F, 0137, "underscore" },
+    { 0x2017, 0,    "underscoredbl" },
+    { 0x222A, 0,    "union" },
+    { 0x2200, 0,    "universal" },
+    { 0x0173, 0,    "uogonek" },
+    { 0x2580, 0,    "upblock" },
+    { 0x03C5, 0,    "upsilon" },
+    { 0x03CB, 0,    "upsilondieresis" },
+    { 0x03B0, 0,    "upsilondieresistonos" },
+    { 0x03CD, 0,    "upsilontonos" },
+    { 0x016F, 0,    "uring" },
+    { 0x0169, 0,    "utilde" },
+    { 0x0076, 0166, "v" },
+    { 0x0077, 0167, "w" },
+    { 0x1E83, 0,    "wacute" },
+    { 0x0175, 0,    "wcircumflex" },
+    { 0x1E85, 0,    "wdieresis" },
+    { 0x2118, 0,    "weierstrass" },
+    { 0x1E81, 0,    "wgrave" },
+    { 0x0078, 0170, "x" },
+    { 0x03BE, 0,    "xi" },
+    { 0x0079, 0171, "y" },
+    { 0x00FD, 0,    "yacute" },
+    { 0x0177, 0,    "ycircumflex" },
+    { 0x00FF, 0,    "ydieresis" },
+    { 0x00A5, 0245, "yen" },
+    { 0x1EF3, 0,    "ygrave" },
+    { 0x007A, 0172, "z" },
+    { 0x017A, 0,    "zacute" },
+    { 0x017E, 0,    "zcaron" },
+    { 0x017C, 0,    "zdotaccent" },
+    { 0x0030, 060,  "zero" },
+    { 0x2080, 0,    "zeroinferior" },
+    { 0xF730, 0,    "zerooldstyle" },
+    { 0x2070, 0,    "zerosuperior" },
+    { 0x03B6, 0,    "zeta" }
diff --git a/vcl/generic/fontmanager/afm_keyword_list b/vcl/generic/fontmanager/afm_keyword_list
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..c9bb134
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vcl/generic/fontmanager/afm_keyword_list
@@ -0,0 +1,62 @@
+struct hash_entry { const char* name; enum parseKey eKey; };
diff --git a/vcl/generic/fontmanager/fontcache.cxx b/vcl/generic/fontmanager/fontcache.cxx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..78a1626
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vcl/generic/fontmanager/fontcache.cxx
@@ -0,0 +1,814 @@
+/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- */
+ *
+ *
+ * Copyright 2000, 2010 Oracle and/or its affiliates.
+ *
+ * OpenOffice.org - a multi-platform office productivity suite
+ *
+ * This file is part of OpenOffice.org.
+ *
+ * OpenOffice.org is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License version 3
+ * only, as published by the Free Software Foundation.
+ *
+ * OpenOffice.org is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU Lesser General Public License version 3 for more details
+ * (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code).
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
+ * version 3 along with OpenOffice.org.  If not, see
+ * <http://www.openoffice.org/license.html>
+ * for a copy of the LGPLv3 License.
+ *
+ ************************************************************************/
+// MARKER(update_precomp.py): autogen include statement, do not remove
+#include "precompiled_vcl.hxx"
+#include <cstdlib>
+#include <cstring>
+#include "fontcache.hxx"
+#include "osl/thread.h"
+#include "unotools/atom.hxx"
+#include "tools/stream.hxx"
+#include <rtl/strbuf.hxx>
+#include <unistd.h>
+#include <sys/stat.h>
+#include <cstdio>
+#define FONTCACHEFILE "/user/psprint/pspfontcache"
+#define CACHE_MAGIC "PspFontCacheFile format 4"
+using namespace std;
+using namespace psp;
+using namespace utl;
+using ::rtl::OUString;
+using ::rtl::OString;
+using ::rtl::OUStringToOString;
+ *  static helpers
+ */
+ *  FontCache constructor
+ */
+    m_bDoFlush = false;
+    m_aCacheFile = getOfficePath( UserPath );
+    if( m_aCacheFile.Len() )
+    {
+        m_aCacheFile.AppendAscii( FONTCACHEFILE );
+        read();
+    }
+ *  FontCache destructor
+ */
+    clearCache();
+ *  FontCache::clearCache
+ */
+void FontCache::clearCache()
+    for( FontCacheData::iterator dir_it = m_aCache.begin(); dir_it != m_aCache.end(); ++dir_it )
+    {
+        for( FontDirMap::iterator entry_it = dir_it->second.m_aEntries.begin(); entry_it != dir_it->second.m_aEntries.end(); ++entry_it )
+        {
+            for( FontCacheEntry::iterator font_it = entry_it->second.m_aEntry.begin(); font_it != entry_it->second.m_aEntry.end(); ++font_it )
+                delete *font_it;
+        }
+    }
+    m_aCache.clear();
+ *  FontCache::Commit
+ */
+void FontCache::flush()
+    if( ! m_bDoFlush || ! m_aCacheFile.Len() )
+        return;
+    SvFileStream aStream;
+    aStream.Open( m_aCacheFile, STREAM_WRITE | STREAM_TRUNC );
+    if( ! (aStream.IsOpen() && aStream.IsWritable()) )
+    {
+        fprintf( stderr, "FontCache::flush: opening cache file %s failed\n", ByteString( m_aCacheFile, osl_getThreadTextEncoding() ).GetBuffer() );
+        return;
+    }
+    aStream.SetLineDelimiter( LINEEND_LF );
+    aStream.WriteLine( ByteString( CACHE_MAGIC ) );
+    PrintFontManager& rManager( PrintFontManager::get() );
+    MultiAtomProvider* pAtoms = rManager.m_pAtoms;
+    for( FontCacheData::const_iterator dir_it = m_aCache.begin(); dir_it != m_aCache.end(); ++ dir_it )
+    {
+        const FontDirMap& rDir( dir_it->second.m_aEntries );
+        ByteString aDirectory( rManager.getDirectory( dir_it->first ) );
+        rtl::OStringBuffer aLine(
+            RTL_CONSTASCII_STRINGPARAM("FontCacheDirectory:"));
+        aLine.append(dir_it->second.m_nTimestamp);
+        aLine.append(':');
+        aLine.append(aDirectory);
+        if( rDir.empty() && dir_it->second.m_bNoFiles )
+            aLine.insert(0, RTL_CONSTASCII_STRINGPARAM("Empty"));
+        aStream.WriteLine(ByteString(aLine.makeStringAndClear()));
+        for( FontDirMap::const_iterator entry_it = rDir.begin(); entry_it != rDir.end(); ++entry_it )
+        {
+            // insert cache entries
+            const FontCacheEntry& rEntry( entry_it->second.m_aEntry );
+            if( rEntry.begin() == rEntry.end() )
+                continue;
+            aLine.append(RTL_CONSTASCII_STRINGPARAM("File:"));
+            aLine.append(entry_it->first);
+            aStream.WriteLine(ByteString(aLine.makeStringAndClear()));
+            int nEntrySize = entry_it->second.m_aEntry.size();
+            // write: type;nfonts
+            aLine.append(static_cast<sal_Int32>(rEntry.front()->m_eType));
+            aLine.append(';');
+            aLine.append(static_cast<sal_Int32>(nEntrySize));
+            aStream.WriteLine(ByteString(aLine.makeStringAndClear()));
+            sal_Int32 nSubEntry = 0;
+            for( FontCacheEntry::const_iterator it = rEntry.begin(); it != rEntry.end(); ++it, nSubEntry++ )
+            {
+                /*
+                 *  for each font entry write:
+                 *  name[;name[;name]]
+                 *  fontnr;PSName;italic;weight;width;pitch;encoding;ascend;descend;leading;vsubst;gxw;gxh;gyw;gyh;useroverrride;embed;antialias[;{metricfile,typeflags}][;stylename]
+                 */
+                if( nEntrySize > 1 )
+                    nSubEntry = static_cast<const PrintFontManager::TrueTypeFontFile*>(*it)->m_nCollectionEntry;
+                else
+                    nSubEntry = -1;
+                aLine.append(OUStringToOString(pAtoms->getString( ATOM_FAMILYNAME, (*it)->m_nFamilyName), RTL_TEXTENCODING_UTF8));
+                for( ::std::list< int >::const_iterator name_it = (*it)->m_aAliases.begin(); name_it != (*it)->m_aAliases.end(); ++name_it )
+                {
+                    const OUString& rAdd( pAtoms->getString( ATOM_FAMILYNAME, *name_it ) );
+                    if( rAdd.getLength() )
+                    {
+                        aLine.append(';');
+                        aLine.append(OUStringToOString(rAdd, RTL_TEXTENCODING_UTF8));
+                    }
+                }
+                aStream.WriteLine(ByteString(aLine.makeStringAndClear()));
+                const OUString& rPSName( pAtoms->getString( ATOM_PSNAME, (*it)->m_nPSName ) );
+                aLine.append(nSubEntry);
+                aLine.append(';');
+                aLine.append(OUStringToOString(rPSName, RTL_TEXTENCODING_UTF8));
+                aLine.append(';');
+                aLine.append(static_cast<sal_Int32>((*it)->m_eItalic));
+                aLine.append(';');
+                aLine.append(static_cast<sal_Int32>((*it)->m_eWeight));
+                aLine.append(';');
+                aLine.append(static_cast<sal_Int32>((*it)->m_eWidth));
+                aLine.append(';');
+                aLine.append(static_cast<sal_Int32>((*it)->m_ePitch));
+                aLine.append(';');
+                aLine.append(static_cast<sal_Int32>((*it)->m_aEncoding));
+                aLine.append(';');
+                aLine.append(static_cast<sal_Int32>((*it)->m_nAscend));
+                aLine.append(';');
+                aLine.append(static_cast<sal_Int32>((*it)->m_nDescend));
+                aLine.append(';');
+                aLine.append(static_cast<sal_Int32>((*it)->m_nLeading));
+                aLine.append(';');
+                aLine.append((*it)->m_bHaveVerticalSubstitutedGlyphs ? '1' : '0');
+                aLine.append(';');
+                aLine.append(static_cast<sal_Int32>((*it)->m_aGlobalMetricX.width ));
+                aLine.append(';');
+                aLine.append(static_cast<sal_Int32>((*it)->m_aGlobalMetricX.height));
+                aLine.append(';');
+                aLine.append(static_cast<sal_Int32>((*it)->m_aGlobalMetricY.width ));
+                aLine.append(';');
+                aLine.append(static_cast<sal_Int32>((*it)->m_aGlobalMetricY.height));
+                aLine.append(';');
+                aLine.append((*it)->m_bUserOverride ? '1' : '0');
+                aLine.append(';');
+                aLine.append(static_cast<sal_Int32>(0));
+                aLine.append(';');
+                aLine.append(static_cast<sal_Int32>(0));
+                switch( (*it)->m_eType )
+                {
+                    case fonttype::Type1:
+                        aLine.append(';');
+                        aLine.append(static_cast<const PrintFontManager::Type1FontFile*>(*it)->m_aMetricFile);
+                        break;
+                    case fonttype::TrueType:
+                        aLine.append(';');
+                        aLine.append(static_cast<sal_Int32>(static_cast<const PrintFontManager::TrueTypeFontFile*>(*it)->m_nTypeFlags));
+                        break;
+                    default: break;
+                }
+                if( (*it)->m_aStyleName.getLength() )
+                {
+                    aLine.append(';');
+                    aLine.append(OUStringToOString((*it)->m_aStyleName, RTL_TEXTENCODING_UTF8));
+                }
+                aStream.WriteLine(ByteString(aLine.makeStringAndClear()));
+            }
+            aStream.WriteLine( ByteString() );
+        }
+    }
+    m_bDoFlush = false;
+ * FontCache::read
+ */
+void FontCache::read()
+    PrintFontManager& rManager( PrintFontManager::get() );
+    MultiAtomProvider* pAtoms = rManager.m_pAtoms;
+    SvFileStream aStream( m_aCacheFile, STREAM_READ );
+    if( ! aStream.IsOpen() )
+    {
+        fprintf( stderr, "FontCache::read: opening cache file %s failed\n", ByteString( m_aCacheFile, osl_getThreadTextEncoding() ).GetBuffer() );
+        return;
+    }
+    ByteString aLine;
+    aStream.ReadLine( aLine );
+    if( !aLine.Equals( CACHE_MAGIC ) )
+    {
+        #if OSL_DEBUG_LEVEL >1
+        fprintf( stderr, "FontCache::read: cache file %s fails magic test\n", ByteString( m_aCacheFile, osl_getThreadTextEncoding() ).GetBuffer() );
+        #endif
+        return;
+    }
+    int nDir = 0;
+    FontDirMap* pDir = NULL;
+    xub_StrLen nIndex;
+    bool bKeepOnlyUserOverridden = false;
+    do
+    {
+        aStream.ReadLine( aLine );
+        if( aLine.CompareTo( "FontCacheDirectory:", 19 ) == COMPARE_EQUAL ||
+            aLine.CompareTo( "EmptyFontCacheDirectory:", 24 ) == COMPARE_EQUAL )
+        {
+            bool bEmpty = (aLine.CompareTo( "Empty", 5 ) == COMPARE_EQUAL);
+            xub_StrLen nSearchIndex = bEmpty ? 24 : 19;
+            OString aDir;
+            sal_Int64 nTimestamp = 0;
+            xub_StrLen nTEnd = aLine.Search( ':', nSearchIndex );
+            if( nTEnd != STRING_NOTFOUND )
+            {
+                rtl::OString aTimeStamp = aLine.Copy( nSearchIndex, nTEnd - nSearchIndex );
+                nTimestamp = aTimeStamp.toInt64();
+                aDir = aLine.Copy( nTEnd+1 );
+            }
+            else
+            {
+                // invalid format, remove
+                pDir = NULL;
+                nDir = 0;
+                m_bDoFlush = true;
+                continue;
+            }
+            // is the directory modified ?
+            struct stat aStat;
+            if( stat( aDir.getStr(), &aStat )               ||
+                ! S_ISDIR(aStat.st_mode) )
+            {
+                // remove outdated cache data
+                pDir = NULL;
+                nDir = 0;
+                m_bDoFlush = true;
+                continue;
+            }
+            else
+            {
+                nDir = rManager.getDirectoryAtom( aDir, true );
+                m_aCache[ nDir ].m_nTimestamp = (sal_Int64)aStat.st_mtime;
+                m_aCache[ nDir ].m_bNoFiles = bEmpty;
+                pDir = bEmpty ? NULL : &m_aCache[ nDir ].m_aEntries;
+                bKeepOnlyUserOverridden = ((sal_Int64)aStat.st_mtime != nTimestamp);
+                m_aCache[ nDir ].m_bUserOverrideOnly = bKeepOnlyUserOverridden;
+            }
+        }
+        else if( pDir && aLine.CompareTo( "File:", 5 ) == COMPARE_EQUAL )
+        {
+            OString aFile( aLine.Copy( 5 ) );
+            aStream.ReadLine( aLine );
+            const char* pLine = aLine.GetBuffer();
+            fonttype::type eType = (fonttype::type)atoi( pLine );
+            if( eType != fonttype::TrueType     &&
+                eType != fonttype::Type1        &&
+                eType != fonttype::Builtin
+                )
+                continue;
+            while( *pLine && *pLine != ';' )
+                pLine++;
+            if( *pLine != ';' )
+                continue;
+            pLine++;
+            sal_Int32 nFonts = atoi( pLine );
+            for( int n = 0; n < nFonts; n++ )
+            {
+                aStream.ReadLine( aLine );
+                pLine = aLine.GetBuffer();
+                int nLen = aLine.Len();
+                PrintFontManager::PrintFont* pFont = NULL;
+                switch( eType )
+                {
+                    case fonttype::TrueType:
+                        pFont = new PrintFontManager::TrueTypeFontFile();
+                        break;
+                    case fonttype::Type1:
+                        pFont = new PrintFontManager::Type1FontFile();
+                        break;
+                    case fonttype::Builtin:
+                        pFont = new PrintFontManager::BuiltinFont();
+                        break;
+                    default: break;
+                }
+                for( nIndex = 0; nIndex < nLen && pLine[nIndex] != ';'; nIndex++ )
+                    ;
+                pFont->m_nFamilyName = pAtoms->getAtom( ATOM_FAMILYNAME,
+                                                        OUString( pLine, nIndex, RTL_TEXTENCODING_UTF8 ),
+                                                        sal_True );
+                while( nIndex < nLen )
+                {
+                    xub_StrLen nLastIndex = nIndex+1;
+                    for( nIndex = nLastIndex ; nIndex < nLen && pLine[nIndex] != ';'; nIndex++ )
+                        ;
+                    if( nIndex - nLastIndex )
+                    {
+                        OUString aAlias( pLine+nLastIndex, nIndex-nLastIndex, RTL_TEXTENCODING_UTF8 );
+                        pFont->m_aAliases.push_back( pAtoms->getAtom( ATOM_FAMILYNAME, aAlias, sal_True ) );
+                    }
+                }
+                aStream.ReadLine( aLine );
+                pLine = aLine.GetBuffer();
+                nLen = aLine.Len();
+                // get up to 20 token positions
+                const int nMaxTokens = 20;
+                int nTokenPos[nMaxTokens];
+                nTokenPos[0] = 0;
+                int nTokens = 1;
+                for( int i = 0; i < nLen; i++ )
+                {
+                    if( pLine[i] == ';' )
+                    {
+                        nTokenPos[nTokens++] = i+1;
+                        if( nTokens == nMaxTokens )
+                            break;
+                    }
+                }
+                if( nTokens < 18 )
+                {
+                    delete pFont;
+                    continue;
+                }
+                int nCollEntry      = atoi( pLine );
+                pFont->m_nPSName    = pAtoms->getAtom( ATOM_PSNAME, OUString( pLine + nTokenPos[1], nTokenPos[2]-nTokenPos[1]-1, RTL_TEXTENCODING_UTF8 ), sal_True );
+                pFont->m_eItalic    = (FontItalic)atoi( pLine+nTokenPos[2] );
+                pFont->m_eWeight    = (FontWeight)atoi( pLine+nTokenPos[3] );
+                pFont->m_eWidth     = (FontWidth)atoi( pLine+nTokenPos[4] );
+                pFont->m_ePitch     = (FontPitch)atoi( pLine+nTokenPos[5] );
+                pFont->m_aEncoding  = (rtl_TextEncoding)atoi( pLine+nTokenPos[6] );
+                pFont->m_nAscend    = atoi( pLine + nTokenPos[7] );
+                pFont->m_nDescend   = atoi( pLine + nTokenPos[8] );
+                pFont->m_nLeading   = atoi( pLine + nTokenPos[9] );
+                pFont->m_bHaveVerticalSubstitutedGlyphs
+                                    = (atoi( pLine + nTokenPos[10] ) != 0);
+                pFont->m_aGlobalMetricX.width
+                                    = atoi( pLine + nTokenPos[11] );
+                pFont->m_aGlobalMetricX.height
+                                    = atoi( pLine + nTokenPos[12] );
+                pFont->m_aGlobalMetricY.width
+                                    = atoi( pLine + nTokenPos[13] );
+                pFont->m_aGlobalMetricY.height
+                                    = atoi( pLine + nTokenPos[14] );
+                pFont->m_bUserOverride
+                                    = (atoi( pLine + nTokenPos[15] ) != 0);
+                int nStyleTokenNr = 18;
+                switch( eType )
+                {
+                    case fonttype::TrueType:
+                        static_cast<PrintFontManager::TrueTypeFontFile*>(pFont)->m_nTypeFlags = atoi( pLine + nTokenPos[18] );
+                        static_cast<PrintFontManager::TrueTypeFontFile*>(pFont)->m_nCollectionEntry = nCollEntry;
+                        static_cast<PrintFontManager::TrueTypeFontFile*>(pFont)->m_nDirectory = nDir;
+                        static_cast<PrintFontManager::TrueTypeFontFile*>(pFont)->m_aFontFile = aFile;
+                        nStyleTokenNr++;
+                        break;
+                    case fonttype::Type1:
+                    {
+                        int nTokLen = (nTokens > 19 ) ? nTokenPos[19]-nTokenPos[18]-1 : nLen - nTokenPos[18];
+                        static_cast<PrintFontManager::Type1FontFile*>(pFont)->m_aMetricFile = OString( pLine + nTokenPos[18], nTokLen );
+                        static_cast<PrintFontManager::Type1FontFile*>(pFont)->m_nDirectory = nDir;
+                        static_cast<PrintFontManager::Type1FontFile*>(pFont)->m_aFontFile = aFile;
+                        nStyleTokenNr++;
+                    }
+                    break;
+                    case fonttype::Builtin:
+                        static_cast<PrintFontManager::BuiltinFont*>(pFont)->m_nDirectory = nDir;
+                        static_cast<PrintFontManager::BuiltinFont*>(pFont)->m_aMetricFile = aFile;
+                        break;
+                    default: break;
+                }
+                if( nTokens > nStyleTokenNr )
+                    pFont->m_aStyleName = OUString::intern( pLine + nTokenPos[nStyleTokenNr],
+                                                            nLen - nTokenPos[nStyleTokenNr],
+                                                            RTL_TEXTENCODING_UTF8 );
+                bool bObsolete = false;
+                if( bKeepOnlyUserOverridden )
+                {
+                    if( pFont->m_bUserOverride )
+                    {
+                        rtl::OStringBuffer aFilePath(rManager.getDirectory(nDir));
+                        aFilePath.append('/').append(aFile);
+                        struct stat aStat;
+                        if( stat( aFilePath.getStr(), &aStat )   ||
+                            ! S_ISREG( aStat.st_mode )              ||
+                            aStat.st_size < 16 )
+                        {
+                            bObsolete = true;
+                        }
+                        #if OSL_DEBUG_LEVEL > 2
+                        else
+                            fprintf( stderr, "keeping file %s in outdated cache entry due to user override\n",
+                                     aFilePath.getStr() );
+                        #endif
+                    }
+                    else
+                        bObsolete = true;
+                }
+                if( bObsolete )
+                {
+                    m_bDoFlush = true;
+                    fprintf( stderr, "removing obsolete font %s\n", aFile.getStr() );
+                    delete pFont;
+                    continue;
+                }
+                FontCacheEntry& rEntry = (*pDir)[aFile].m_aEntry;
+                rEntry.push_back( pFont );
+            }
+        }
+    } while( ! aStream.IsEof() );
+ *  FontCache::updateDirTimestamp
+ */
+void FontCache::updateDirTimestamp( int nDirID )
+    PrintFontManager& rManager( PrintFontManager::get() );
+    const OString& rDir = rManager.getDirectory( nDirID );
+    struct stat aStat;
+    if( ! stat( rDir.getStr(), &aStat ) )
+        m_aCache[ nDirID ].m_nTimestamp = (sal_Int64)aStat.st_mtime;
+ *  FontCache::copyPrintFont
+ */
+void FontCache::copyPrintFont( const PrintFontManager::PrintFont* pFrom, PrintFontManager::PrintFont* pTo ) const
+    if( pFrom->m_eType != pTo->m_eType )
+        return;
+    switch( pFrom->m_eType )
+    {
+        case fonttype::TrueType:
+            static_cast<PrintFontManager::TrueTypeFontFile*>(pTo)->m_nDirectory = static_cast<const PrintFontManager::TrueTypeFontFile*>(pFrom)->m_nDirectory;
+            static_cast<PrintFontManager::TrueTypeFontFile*>(pTo)->m_aFontFile = static_cast<const PrintFontManager::TrueTypeFontFile*>(pFrom)->m_aFontFile;
+            static_cast<PrintFontManager::TrueTypeFontFile*>(pTo)->m_nCollectionEntry = static_cast<const PrintFontManager::TrueTypeFontFile*>(pFrom)->m_nCollectionEntry;
+            static_cast<PrintFontManager::TrueTypeFontFile*>(pTo)->m_nTypeFlags = static_cast<const PrintFontManager::TrueTypeFontFile*>(pFrom)->m_nTypeFlags;
+            break;
+        case fonttype::Type1:
+            static_cast<PrintFontManager::Type1FontFile*>(pTo)->m_nDirectory = static_cast<const PrintFontManager::Type1FontFile*>(pFrom)->m_nDirectory;
+            static_cast<PrintFontManager::Type1FontFile*>(pTo)->m_aFontFile = static_cast<const PrintFontManager::Type1FontFile*>(pFrom)->m_aFontFile;
+            static_cast<PrintFontManager::Type1FontFile*>(pTo)->m_aMetricFile = static_cast<const PrintFontManager::Type1FontFile*>(pFrom)->m_aMetricFile;
+            break;
+        case fonttype::Builtin:
+            static_cast<PrintFontManager::BuiltinFont*>(pTo)->m_nDirectory = static_cast<const PrintFontManager::BuiltinFont*>(pFrom)->m_nDirectory;
+            static_cast<PrintFontManager::BuiltinFont*>(pTo)->m_aMetricFile = static_cast<const PrintFontManager::BuiltinFont*>(pFrom)->m_aMetricFile;
+            break;
+        default: break;
+    }
+    pTo->m_nFamilyName      = pFrom->m_nFamilyName;
+    pTo->m_aStyleName       = pFrom->m_aStyleName;
+    pTo->m_aAliases         = pFrom->m_aAliases;
+    pTo->m_nPSName          = pFrom->m_nPSName;
+    pTo->m_eItalic          = pFrom->m_eItalic;
+    pTo->m_eWeight          = pFrom->m_eWeight;
+    pTo->m_eWidth           = pFrom->m_eWidth;
+    pTo->m_ePitch           = pFrom->m_ePitch;
+    pTo->m_aEncoding        = pFrom->m_aEncoding;
+    pTo->m_aGlobalMetricX   = pFrom->m_aGlobalMetricX;
+    pTo->m_aGlobalMetricY   = pFrom->m_aGlobalMetricY;
+    pTo->m_nAscend          = pFrom->m_nAscend;
+    pTo->m_nDescend         = pFrom->m_nDescend;
+    pTo->m_nLeading         = pFrom->m_nLeading;
+    pTo->m_nXMin            = pFrom->m_nXMin;
+    pTo->m_nYMin            = pFrom->m_nYMin;
+    pTo->m_nXMax            = pFrom->m_nXMax;
+    pTo->m_nYMax            = pFrom->m_nYMax;
+    pTo->m_bHaveVerticalSubstitutedGlyphs = pFrom->m_bHaveVerticalSubstitutedGlyphs;
+    pTo->m_bUserOverride    = pFrom->m_bUserOverride;
+ *  FontCache::equalsPrintFont
+ */
+bool FontCache::equalsPrintFont( const PrintFontManager::PrintFont* pLeft, PrintFontManager::PrintFont* pRight ) const
+    if( pLeft->m_eType != pRight->m_eType )
+        return false;
+    switch( pLeft->m_eType )
+    {
+        case fonttype::TrueType:
+        {
+            const PrintFontManager::TrueTypeFontFile* pLT = static_cast<const PrintFontManager::TrueTypeFontFile*>(pLeft);
+            const PrintFontManager::TrueTypeFontFile* pRT = static_cast<const PrintFontManager::TrueTypeFontFile*>(pRight);
+            if( pRT->m_nDirectory       != pLT->m_nDirectory        ||
+                pRT->m_aFontFile        != pLT->m_aFontFile         ||
+                pRT->m_nCollectionEntry != pLT->m_nCollectionEntry  ||
+                pRT->m_nTypeFlags       != pLT->m_nTypeFlags )
+                return false;
+        }
+        break;
+        case fonttype::Type1:
+        {
+            const PrintFontManager::Type1FontFile* pLT = static_cast<const PrintFontManager::Type1FontFile*>(pLeft);
+            const PrintFontManager::Type1FontFile* pRT = static_cast<const PrintFontManager::Type1FontFile*>(pRight);
+            if( pRT->m_nDirectory       != pLT->m_nDirectory        ||
+                pRT->m_aFontFile        != pLT->m_aFontFile         ||
+                pRT->m_aMetricFile      != pLT->m_aMetricFile )
+                return false;
+        }
+        break;
+        case fonttype::Builtin:
+        {
+            const PrintFontManager::BuiltinFont* pLT = static_cast<const PrintFontManager::BuiltinFont*>(pLeft);
+            const PrintFontManager::BuiltinFont* pRT = static_cast<const PrintFontManager::BuiltinFont*>(pRight);
+            if( pRT->m_nDirectory       != pLT->m_nDirectory        ||
+                pRT->m_aMetricFile      != pLT->m_aMetricFile )
+                return false;
+        }
+        break;
+        default: break;
+    }
+    if( pRight->m_nFamilyName       != pLeft->m_nFamilyName     ||
+        pRight->m_aStyleName        != pLeft->m_aStyleName      ||
+        pRight->m_nPSName           != pLeft->m_nPSName         ||
+        pRight->m_eItalic           != pLeft->m_eItalic         ||
+        pRight->m_eWeight           != pLeft->m_eWeight         ||
+        pRight->m_eWidth            != pLeft->m_eWidth          ||
+        pRight->m_ePitch            != pLeft->m_ePitch          ||
+        pRight->m_aEncoding         != pLeft->m_aEncoding       ||
+        pRight->m_aGlobalMetricX    != pLeft->m_aGlobalMetricX  ||
+        pRight->m_aGlobalMetricY    != pLeft->m_aGlobalMetricY  ||
+        pRight->m_nAscend           != pLeft->m_nAscend         ||
+        pRight->m_nDescend          != pLeft->m_nDescend        ||
+        pRight->m_nLeading          != pLeft->m_nLeading        ||
+        pRight->m_nXMin             != pLeft->m_nXMin           ||
+        pRight->m_nYMin             != pLeft->m_nYMin           ||
+        pRight->m_nXMax             != pLeft->m_nXMax           ||
+        pRight->m_nYMax             != pLeft->m_nYMax           ||
+        pRight->m_bHaveVerticalSubstitutedGlyphs != pLeft->m_bHaveVerticalSubstitutedGlyphs ||
+        pRight->m_bUserOverride     != pLeft->m_bUserOverride
+        )
+        return false;
+    std::list< int >::const_iterator lit, rit;
+    for( lit = pLeft->m_aAliases.begin(), rit = pRight->m_aAliases.begin();
+         lit != pLeft->m_aAliases.end() && rit != pRight->m_aAliases.end() && (*lit) == (*rit);
+         ++lit, ++rit )
+        ;
+    return lit == pLeft->m_aAliases.end() && rit == pRight->m_aAliases.end();
+ *  FontCache::clonePrintFont
+ */
+PrintFontManager::PrintFont* FontCache::clonePrintFont( const PrintFontManager::PrintFont* pOldFont ) const
+    PrintFontManager::PrintFont* pFont = NULL;
+    switch( pOldFont->m_eType )
+    {
+        case fonttype::TrueType:
+            pFont = new PrintFontManager::TrueTypeFontFile();
+            break;
+        case fonttype::Type1:
+            pFont = new PrintFontManager::Type1FontFile();
+            break;
+        case fonttype::Builtin:
+            pFont = new PrintFontManager::BuiltinFont();
+            break;
+        default: break;
+    }
+    if( pFont )
+    {
+        copyPrintFont( pOldFont, pFont );
+    }
+    return pFont;
+ }
+ *  FontCache::getFontCacheFile
+ */
+bool FontCache::getFontCacheFile( int nDirID, const OString& rFile, list< PrintFontManager::PrintFont* >& rNewFonts ) const
+    bool bSuccess = false;
+    FontCacheData::const_iterator dir = m_aCache.find( nDirID );
+    if( dir != m_aCache.end() )
+    {
+        FontDirMap::const_iterator entry = dir->second.m_aEntries.find( rFile );
+        if( entry != dir->second.m_aEntries.end() )
+        {
+            for( FontCacheEntry::const_iterator font = entry->second.m_aEntry.begin(); font != entry->second.m_aEntry.end(); ++font )
+            {
+                bSuccess = true;
+                PrintFontManager::PrintFont* pFont = clonePrintFont( *font );
+                rNewFonts.push_back( pFont );
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    return bSuccess;
+ *  FontCache::updateFontCacheEntry
+ */
+void FontCache::updateFontCacheEntry( const PrintFontManager::PrintFont* pFont, bool bFlush )
+    OString aFile;
+    int nDirID = 0;
+    switch( pFont->m_eType )
+    {
+        case fonttype::TrueType:
+            nDirID = static_cast<const PrintFontManager::TrueTypeFontFile*>(pFont)->m_nDirectory;
+            aFile = static_cast<const PrintFontManager::TrueTypeFontFile*>(pFont)->m_aFontFile;
+            break;
+        case fonttype::Type1:
+            nDirID = static_cast<const PrintFontManager::Type1FontFile*>(pFont)->m_nDirectory;
+            aFile = static_cast<const PrintFontManager::Type1FontFile*>(pFont)->m_aFontFile;
+            break;
+        case fonttype::Builtin:
+            nDirID = static_cast<const PrintFontManager::BuiltinFont*>(pFont)->m_nDirectory;
+            aFile = static_cast<const PrintFontManager::BuiltinFont*>(pFont)->m_aMetricFile;
+            break;
+        default:
+            return;
+    }
+    FontCacheData::const_iterator dir = m_aCache.find( nDirID );
+    FontDirMap::const_iterator entry;
+    FontCacheEntry::const_iterator font;
+    PrintFontManager::PrintFont* pCacheFont = NULL;
+    if( dir != m_aCache.end() )
+    {
+        entry = dir->second.m_aEntries.find( aFile );
+        if( entry != dir->second.m_aEntries.end() )
+        {
+            for( font = entry->second.m_aEntry.begin(); font != entry->second.m_aEntry.end(); ++font )
+            {
+                if( (*font)->m_eType == pFont->m_eType &&
+                    ( (*font)->m_eType != fonttype::TrueType ||
+                      static_cast<const PrintFontManager::TrueTypeFontFile*>(*font)->m_nCollectionEntry == static_cast<const PrintFontManager::TrueTypeFontFile*>(pFont)->m_nCollectionEntry
+                      ) )
+                    break;
+            }
+            if( font != entry->second.m_aEntry.end() )
+                pCacheFont = *font;
+        }
+    }
+    else
+        createCacheDir( nDirID );
+    if( pCacheFont )
+    {
+        if( ! equalsPrintFont( pFont, pCacheFont ) )
+        {
+            copyPrintFont( pFont, pCacheFont );
+            m_bDoFlush = true;
+        }
+    }
+    else
+    {
+        pCacheFont = clonePrintFont( pFont );
+        m_aCache[nDirID].m_aEntries[aFile].m_aEntry.push_back( pCacheFont );
+        m_bDoFlush = true;
+    }
+    if( bFlush )
+        flush();
+ *  FontCache::listDirectory
+ */
+bool FontCache::listDirectory( const OString& rDir, std::list< PrintFontManager::PrintFont* >& rNewFonts ) const
+    PrintFontManager& rManager( PrintFontManager::get() );
+    int nDirID = rManager.getDirectoryAtom( rDir );
+    FontCacheData::const_iterator dir = m_aCache.find( nDirID );
+    bool bFound = (dir != m_aCache.end());
+    if( bFound && !dir->second.m_bNoFiles )
+    {
+        for( FontDirMap::const_iterator file = dir->second.m_aEntries.begin(); file != dir->second.m_aEntries.end(); ++file )
+        {
+            for( FontCacheEntry::const_iterator font = file->second.m_aEntry.begin(); font != file->second.m_aEntry.end(); ++font )
+            {
+                PrintFontManager::PrintFont* pFont = clonePrintFont( *font );
+                rNewFonts.push_back( pFont );
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    return bFound;
+ *  FontCache::listDirectory
+ */
+bool FontCache::scanAdditionalFiles( const OString& rDir )
+    PrintFontManager& rManager( PrintFontManager::get() );
+    int nDirID = rManager.getDirectoryAtom( rDir );
+    FontCacheData::const_iterator dir = m_aCache.find( nDirID );
+    bool bFound = (dir != m_aCache.end());
+    return (bFound && dir->second.m_bUserOverrideOnly);
+ *  FontCache::createCacheDir
+ */
+void FontCache::createCacheDir( int nDirID )
+    PrintFontManager& rManager( PrintFontManager::get() );
+    const OString& rDir = rManager.getDirectory( nDirID );
+    struct stat aStat;
+    if( ! stat( rDir.getStr(), &aStat ) )
+        m_aCache[nDirID].m_nTimestamp = (sal_Int64)aStat.st_mtime;
+ *  FontCache::markEmptyDir
+ */
+void FontCache::markEmptyDir( int nDirID, bool bNoFiles )
+    createCacheDir( nDirID );
+    m_aCache[nDirID].m_bNoFiles = bNoFiles;
+    m_bDoFlush = true;
+/* vim:set shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4 expandtab: */
diff --git a/vcl/generic/fontmanager/fontconfig.cxx b/vcl/generic/fontmanager/fontconfig.cxx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..be91349
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vcl/generic/fontmanager/fontconfig.cxx
@@ -0,0 +1,1028 @@
+/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- */
+ *
+ *
+ * Copyright 2000, 2010 Oracle and/or its affiliates.
+ *
+ * OpenOffice.org - a multi-platform office productivity suite
+ *
+ * This file is part of OpenOffice.org.
+ *
+ * OpenOffice.org is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License version 3
+ * only, as published by the Free Software Foundation.
+ *
+ * OpenOffice.org is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU Lesser General Public License version 3 for more details
+ * (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code).
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
+ * version 3 along with OpenOffice.org.  If not, see
+ * <http://www.openoffice.org/license.html>
+ * for a copy of the LGPLv3 License.
+ *
+ ************************************************************************/
+// MARKER(update_precomp.py): autogen include statement, do not remove
+#include "precompiled_vcl.hxx"
+#include "fontcache.hxx"
+#include "impfont.hxx"
+#include "vcl/fontmanager.hxx"
+#include "vcl/vclenum.hxx"
+using namespace psp;
+#include <fontconfig/fontconfig.h>
+#include <ft2build.h>
+#include <fontconfig/fcfreetype.h>
+// allow compile on baseline (currently with fontconfig 2.2.0)
+#ifndef FC_WEIGHT_BOOK      // TODO: remove when baseline moves to fc>=2.2.1
+    #define FC_WEIGHT_BOOK 75
+#ifndef FC_EMBEDDED_BITMAP  // TODO: remove when baseline moves to fc>=2.3.92
+    #define FC_EMBEDDED_BITMAP "embeddedbitmap"
+#ifndef FC_FAMILYLANG       // TODO: remove when baseline moves to fc>=2.2.97
+    #define FC_FAMILYLANG "familylang"
+#ifndef FC_CAPABILITY       // TODO: remove when baseline moves to fc>=2.2.97
+    #define FC_CAPABILITY "capability"
+#ifndef FC_STYLELANG        // TODO: remove when baseline moves to fc>=2.2.97
+    #define FC_STYLELANG "stylelang"
+#ifndef FC_HINT_STYLE       // TODO: remove when baseline moves to fc>=2.2.91
+    #define FC_HINT_STYLE  "hintstyle"
+    #define FC_HINT_NONE   0
+    #define FC_HINT_SLIGHT 1
+    #define FC_HINT_MEDIUM 2
+    #define FC_HINT_FULL   3
+#ifndef FC_FT_FACE
+    #define FC_FT_FACE "ftface"
+#ifndef FC_EMBOLDEN
+    #define FC_EMBOLDEN "embolden"
+    #define FC_FONTFORMAT "fontformat"
+#include <cstdio>
+#include <cstdarg>
+#include "unotools/atom.hxx"
+#include "osl/module.h"
+#include "osl/thread.h"
+#include "osl/process.h"
+#include "rtl/ustrbuf.hxx"
+#include "rtl/locale.hxx"
+#include "sal/alloca.h"
+#include <utility>
+#include <algorithm>
+using namespace osl;
+using ::rtl::OUString;
+using ::rtl::OUStringBuffer;
+using ::rtl::OString;
+    typedef std::pair<FcChar8*, FcChar8*> lang_and_element;
+class FontCfgWrapper
+    FcFontSet*      m_pOutlineSet;
+    void addFontSet( FcSetName );
+    FontCfgWrapper();
+    ~FontCfgWrapper();
+    static FontCfgWrapper& get();
+    static void release();
+    FcFontSet* getFontSet();
+    FcResult LocalizedElementFromPattern(FcPattern* pPattern, FcChar8 **family,
+                                         const char *elementtype, const char *elementlangtype);
+//to-do, make private and add some cleanish accessor methods
+    boost::unordered_map< rtl::OString, rtl::OString, rtl::OStringHash > m_aFontNameToLocalized;
+    boost::unordered_map< rtl::OString, rtl::OString, rtl::OStringHash > m_aLocalizedToCanonical;
+    void cacheLocalizedFontNames(FcChar8 *origfontname, FcChar8 *bestfontname, const std::vector< lang_and_element > &lang_and_elements);
+    : m_pOutlineSet( NULL )
+    FcInit();
+void FontCfgWrapper::addFontSet( FcSetName eSetName )
+    /*
+      add only acceptable outlined fonts to our config,
+      for future fontconfig use
+    */
+    FcFontSet* pOrig = FcConfigGetFonts( FcConfigGetCurrent(), eSetName );
+    if( !pOrig )
+        return;
+    // filter the font sets to remove obsolete faces
+    for( int i = 0; i < pOrig->nfont; ++i )
+    {
+        FcPattern* pPattern = pOrig->fonts[i];
+        // #i115131# ignore non-outline fonts
+        FcBool bOutline = FcFalse;
+        FcResult eOutRes = FcPatternGetBool( pPattern, FC_OUTLINE, 0, &bOutline );
+        if( (eOutRes != FcResultMatch) || (bOutline == FcFalse) )
+            continue;
+        FcPatternReference( pPattern );
+        FcFontSetAdd( m_pOutlineSet, pPattern );
+    }
+    // TODO?: FcFontSetDestroy( pOrig );
+    int compareFontNames(const FcPattern *a, const FcPattern *b)
+    {
+        FcChar8 *pNameA=NULL, *pNameB=NULL;
+        bool bHaveA = FcPatternGetString(a, FC_FAMILY, 0, &pNameA) == FcResultMatch;
+        bool bHaveB = FcPatternGetString(b, FC_FAMILY, 0, &pNameB) == FcResultMatch;
+        if (bHaveA && bHaveB)
+            return strcmp((const char*)pNameA, (const char*)pNameB);
+        return bHaveA - bHaveB;
+    }
+    //Sort fonts so that fonts with the same family name are side-by-side, with
+    //those with higher version numbers first
+    class SortFont : public ::std::binary_function< const FcPattern*, const FcPattern*, bool >
+    {
+    public:
+        bool operator()(const FcPattern *a, const FcPattern *b)
+        {
+            int comp = compareFontNames(a, b);
+            if (comp != 0)
+                return comp < 0;
+            int nVersionA=0, nVersionB=0;
+            bool bHaveA = FcPatternGetInteger(a, FC_FONTVERSION, 0, &nVersionA) == FcResultMatch;
+            bool bHaveB = FcPatternGetInteger(b, FC_FONTVERSION, 0, &nVersionB) == FcResultMatch;
+            if (bHaveA && bHaveB)
+                return nVersionA > nVersionB;
+            return bHaveA - bHaveA;
+        }
+    };
+    //See fdo#30729 for where an old opensymbol installed system-wide can
+    //clobber the new opensymbol installed locally
+    //
+    //See if this font is a duplicate with equal attributes which has already been
+    //inserted, or if it an older version of an inserted fonts. Depends on FcFontSet
+    //on being sorted with SortFont
+    bool isPreviouslyDuplicateOrObsoleted(FcFontSet *pFSet, int i)
+    {
+        if (i == 0)
+            return false;
+        const FcPattern *a = pFSet->fonts[i];
+        const FcPattern *b = pFSet->fonts[i-1];
+        if (compareFontNames(a, b) != 0)
+            return false;
+        FcPattern* pTestPatternA = FcPatternDuplicate(a);
+        FcPatternDel(pTestPatternA, FC_FILE);
+        FcPatternDel(pTestPatternA, FC_CHARSET);
+        FcPatternDel(pTestPatternA, FC_CAPABILITY);
+        FcPatternDel(pTestPatternA, FC_FONTVERSION);
+        FcPattern* pTestPatternB = FcPatternDuplicate(b);
+        FcPatternDel(pTestPatternB, FC_FILE);
+        FcPatternDel(pTestPatternB, FC_CHARSET);
+        FcPatternDel(pTestPatternB, FC_CAPABILITY);
+        FcPatternDel(pTestPatternB, FC_FONTVERSION);
+        bool bIsDup = FcPatternEqual(pTestPatternA, pTestPatternB);
+        FcPatternDestroy(pTestPatternB);
+        FcPatternDestroy(pTestPatternA);
+        return bIsDup;
+    }
+FcFontSet* FontCfgWrapper::getFontSet()
+    if( !m_pOutlineSet )
+    {
+        m_pOutlineSet = FcFontSetCreate();
+        addFontSet( FcSetSystem );
+        if( FcGetVersion() > 20400 ) // #i85462# prevent crashes
+            addFontSet( FcSetApplication );
+        ::std::sort(m_pOutlineSet->fonts,m_pOutlineSet->fonts+m_pOutlineSet->nfont,SortFont());
+    }
+    return m_pOutlineSet;
+    if( m_pOutlineSet )
+        FcFontSetDestroy( m_pOutlineSet );
+    //To-Do: get gtk vclplug smoketest to pass
+    //FcFini();
+static FontCfgWrapper* pOneInstance = NULL;
+FontCfgWrapper& FontCfgWrapper::get()
+    if( ! pOneInstance )
+        pOneInstance = new FontCfgWrapper();
+    return *pOneInstance;
+void FontCfgWrapper::release()
+    if( pOneInstance )
+    {
+        delete pOneInstance;
+        pOneInstance = NULL;
+    }
+    class localizedsorter
+    {
+            rtl::OLocale maLoc;
+        public:
+            localizedsorter(rtl_Locale* pLoc) : maLoc(pLoc) {}
+            FcChar8* bestname(const std::vector<lang_and_element> &elements);
+    };
+    FcChar8* localizedsorter::bestname(const std::vector<lang_and_element> &elements)
+    {
+        FcChar8* candidate = elements.begin()->second;
+        rtl::OString sLangMatch(rtl::OUStringToOString(maLoc.getLanguage().toAsciiLowerCase(), RTL_TEXTENCODING_UTF8));
+        rtl::OString sFullMatch = sLangMatch;
+        sFullMatch += OString('-');
+        sFullMatch += rtl::OUStringToOString(maLoc.getCountry().toAsciiLowerCase(), RTL_TEXTENCODING_UTF8);
+        std::vector<lang_and_element>::const_iterator aEnd = elements.end();
+        bool alreadyclosematch = false;
+        for( std::vector<lang_and_element>::const_iterator aIter = elements.begin(); aIter != aEnd; ++aIter )
+        {
+            const char *pLang = (const char*)aIter->first;
+            if( rtl_str_compare( pLang, sFullMatch.getStr() ) == 0)
+            {
+                // both language and country match
+                candidate = aIter->second;
+                break;
+            }
+            else if( alreadyclosematch )
+            {
+                // override candidate only if there is a perfect match
+                continue;
+            }
+            else if( rtl_str_compare( pLang, sLangMatch.getStr()) == 0)
+            {
+                // just the language matches
+                candidate = aIter->second;
+                alreadyclosematch = true;
+            }
+            else if( rtl_str_compare( pLang, "en") == 0)
+            {
+                // fallback to the english element name
+                candidate = aIter->second;
+            }
+        }
+        return candidate;
+    }
+//Set up maps to quickly map between a fonts best UI name and all the rest of its names, and vice versa
+void FontCfgWrapper::cacheLocalizedFontNames(FcChar8 *origfontname, FcChar8 *bestfontname, const std::vector< lang_and_element > &lang_and_elements)
+    std::vector<lang_and_element>::const_iterator aEnd = lang_and_elements.end();
+    for (std::vector<lang_and_element>::const_iterator aIter = lang_and_elements.begin(); aIter != aEnd; ++aIter)
+    {
+        const char *candidate = (const char*)(aIter->second);
+        if (rtl_str_compare(candidate, (const char*)bestfontname) != 0)
+            m_aFontNameToLocalized[OString(candidate)] = OString((const char*)bestfontname);
+    }
+    if (rtl_str_compare((const char*)origfontname, (const char*)bestfontname) != 0)
+        m_aLocalizedToCanonical[OString((const char*)bestfontname)] = OString((const char*)origfontname);
+FcResult FontCfgWrapper::LocalizedElementFromPattern(FcPattern* pPattern, FcChar8 **element,
+                                                     const char *elementtype, const char *elementlangtype)
+{                                                /* e. g.:      ^ FC_FAMILY              ^ FC_FAMILYLANG */
+    FcChar8 *origelement;
+    FcResult eElementRes = FcPatternGetString( pPattern, elementtype, 0, &origelement );
+    *element = origelement;
+    if( eElementRes == FcResultMatch)
+    {
+        FcChar8* elementlang = NULL;
+        if (FcPatternGetString( pPattern, elementlangtype, 0, &elementlang ) == FcResultMatch)
+        {
+            std::vector< lang_and_element > lang_and_elements;
+            lang_and_elements.push_back(lang_and_element(elementlang, *element));
+            int k = 1;
+            while (1)
+            {
+                if (FcPatternGetString( pPattern, elementlangtype, k, &elementlang ) != FcResultMatch)
+                    break;
+                if (FcPatternGetString( pPattern, elementtype, k, element ) != FcResultMatch)
+                    break;
+                lang_and_elements.push_back(lang_and_element(elementlang, *element));
+                ++k;
+            }
+            //possible to-do, sort by UILocale instead of process locale
+            rtl_Locale* pLoc;
+            osl_getProcessLocale(&pLoc);
+            localizedsorter aSorter(pLoc);
+            *element = aSorter.bestname(lang_and_elements);
+            //if this element is a fontname, map the other names to this best-name
+            if (rtl_str_compare(elementtype, FC_FAMILY) == 0)
+                cacheLocalizedFontNames(origelement, *element, lang_and_elements);
+        }
+    }
+    return eElementRes;
+ * PrintFontManager::initFontconfig
+ */
+bool PrintFontManager::initFontconfig()
+    FontCfgWrapper::get();
+    return true;
+    FontWeight convertWeight(int weight)
+    {
+        // set weight
+        if( weight <= FC_WEIGHT_THIN )
+            return WEIGHT_THIN;
+        else if( weight <= FC_WEIGHT_ULTRALIGHT )
+            return WEIGHT_ULTRALIGHT;
+        else if( weight <= FC_WEIGHT_LIGHT )
+            return WEIGHT_LIGHT;
+        else if( weight <= FC_WEIGHT_BOOK )
+            return WEIGHT_SEMILIGHT;
+        else if( weight <= FC_WEIGHT_NORMAL )
+            return WEIGHT_NORMAL;
+        else if( weight <= FC_WEIGHT_MEDIUM )
+            return WEIGHT_MEDIUM;
+        else if( weight <= FC_WEIGHT_SEMIBOLD )
+            return WEIGHT_SEMIBOLD;
+        else if( weight <= FC_WEIGHT_BOLD )
+            return WEIGHT_BOLD;
+        else if( weight <= FC_WEIGHT_ULTRABOLD )
+            return WEIGHT_ULTRABOLD;
+        return WEIGHT_BLACK;
+    }
+    FontItalic convertSlant(int slant)
+    {
+        // set italic
+        if( slant == FC_SLANT_ITALIC )
+            return ITALIC_NORMAL;
+        else if( slant == FC_SLANT_OBLIQUE )
+            return ITALIC_OBLIQUE;
+        return ITALIC_NONE;
+    }
+    FontPitch convertSpacing(int spacing)
+    {
+        // set pitch
+        if( spacing == FC_MONO || spacing == FC_CHARCELL )
+            return PITCH_FIXED;
+        return PITCH_VARIABLE;
+    }
+    // translation: fontconfig enum -> vcl enum
+    FontWidth convertWidth(int width)
+    {
+        if (width == FC_WIDTH_ULTRACONDENSED)
+            return WIDTH_ULTRA_CONDENSED;
+        else if (width == FC_WIDTH_EXTRACONDENSED)
+            return WIDTH_EXTRA_CONDENSED;
+        else if (width == FC_WIDTH_CONDENSED)
+            return WIDTH_CONDENSED;
+        else if (width == FC_WIDTH_SEMICONDENSED)
+            return WIDTH_SEMI_CONDENSED;
+        else if (width == FC_WIDTH_SEMIEXPANDED)
+            return WIDTH_SEMI_EXPANDED;
+        else if (width == FC_WIDTH_EXPANDED)
+            return WIDTH_EXPANDED;
+        else if (width == FC_WIDTH_EXTRAEXPANDED)
+            return WIDTH_EXTRA_EXPANDED;
+        else if (width == FC_WIDTH_ULTRAEXPANDED)
+            return WIDTH_ULTRA_EXPANDED;
+        return WIDTH_NORMAL;
+    }
+int PrintFontManager::countFontconfigFonts( boost::unordered_map<rtl::OString, int, rtl::OStringHash>& o_rVisitedPaths )
+    int nFonts = 0;
+    FontCfgWrapper& rWrapper = FontCfgWrapper::get();
+    FcFontSet* pFSet = rWrapper.getFontSet();
+    if( pFSet )
+    {
+        fprintf( stderr, "found %d entries in fontconfig fontset\n", pFSet->nfont );
+        for( int i = 0; i < pFSet->nfont; i++ )
+        {
+            FcChar8* file = NULL;
+            FcChar8* family = NULL;
+            FcChar8* style = NULL;
+            FcChar8* format = NULL;
+            int slant = 0;
+            int weight = 0;
+            int spacing = 0;
+            int nCollectionEntry = -1;
+            FcBool outline = false;
+            FcResult eFileRes         = FcPatternGetString(pFSet->fonts[i], FC_FILE, 0, &file);
+            FcResult eFamilyRes       = rWrapper.LocalizedElementFromPattern( pFSet->fonts[i], &family, FC_FAMILY, FC_FAMILYLANG );
+            FcResult eStyleRes        = rWrapper.LocalizedElementFromPattern( pFSet->fonts[i], &style, FC_STYLE, FC_STYLELANG );
+            FcResult eSlantRes        = FcPatternGetInteger(pFSet->fonts[i], FC_SLANT, 0, &slant);
+            FcResult eWeightRes       = FcPatternGetInteger(pFSet->fonts[i], FC_WEIGHT, 0, &weight);
+            FcResult eSpacRes         = FcPatternGetInteger(pFSet->fonts[i], FC_SPACING, 0, &spacing);
+            FcResult eOutRes          = FcPatternGetBool(pFSet->fonts[i], FC_OUTLINE, 0, &outline);
+            FcResult eIndexRes        = FcPatternGetInteger(pFSet->fonts[i], FC_INDEX, 0, &nCollectionEntry);
+            FcResult eFormatRes       = FcPatternGetString(pFSet->fonts[i], FC_FONTFORMAT, 0, &format);
+            if( eFileRes != FcResultMatch || eFamilyRes != FcResultMatch || eOutRes != FcResultMatch )
+                continue;
+#if (OSL_DEBUG_LEVEL > 2)
+            fprintf( stderr, "found font \"%s\" in file %s\n"
+                     "   weight = %d, slant = %d, style = \"%s\"\n"
+                     "   spacing = %d, outline = %d, format %s\n"
+                     , family, file
+                     , eWeightRes == FcResultMatch ? weight : -1
+                     , eSpacRes == FcResultMatch ? slant : -1
+                     , eStyleRes == FcResultMatch ? (const char*) style : "<nil>"
+                     , eSpacRes == FcResultMatch ? spacing : -1
+                     , eOutRes == FcResultMatch ? outline : -1
+                     , eFormatRes == FcResultMatch ? (const char*)format : "<unknown>"
+                     );
+//            OSL_ASSERT(eOutRes != FcResultMatch || outline);
+            // only outline fonts are usable to psprint anyway
+            if( eOutRes == FcResultMatch && ! outline )
+                continue;
+            if (isPreviouslyDuplicateOrObsoleted(pFSet, i))
+            {
+                fprintf(stderr, "Ditching %s as duplicate/obsolete\n", file);
+                continue;
+            }
+            // see if this font is already cached

... etc. - the rest is truncated

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