[Libreoffice-commits] .: src/xlsrecord.py src/xlsstream.py

Kohei Yoshida kohei at kemper.freedesktop.org
Fri Dec 14 15:46:33 PST 2012

 src/xlsrecord.py |  230 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-------------------------
 src/xlsstream.py |    2 
 2 files changed, 130 insertions(+), 102 deletions(-)

New commits:
commit ca2e8bee5d40ec5bb0107bb4cfa489add35e0890
Author: Kohei Yoshida <kohei.yoshida at gmail.com>
Date:   Fri Dec 14 18:47:23 2012 -0500

    Handler for SxDXF record. Not complete yet.
    Re-used the DXFN parser code from CF.

diff --git a/src/xlsrecord.py b/src/xlsrecord.py
index 40d808d..b81af59 100644
--- a/src/xlsrecord.py
+++ b/src/xlsrecord.py
@@ -148,6 +148,125 @@ records."""
         self.hasMoreThan255 = False
         self.values = []
+class DXFN(object):
+    def __init__ (self, strm):
+        bits = strm.readUnsignedInt(4)
+        self.alchNinch          = (bits & 0x00000001) != 0  # whether the value of dxfalc.alc MUST be ignored.
+        self.alcvNinch          = (bits & 0x00000002) != 0  # whether the value of dxfalc.alcv MUST be ignored.
+        self.wrapNinch          = (bits & 0x00000004) != 0  # whether the value of dxfalc.fWrap MUST be ignored.
+        self.trotNinch          = (bits & 0x00000008) != 0  # whether the value of dxfalc.trot MUST be ignored.
+        self.kintoNinch         = (bits & 0x00000010) != 0  # whether the value of dxfalc.fJustLast MUST be ignored.
+        self.cIndentNinch       = (bits & 0x00000020) != 0  # whether the values of dxfalc.cIndent and dxfalc.iIndent MUST be ignored.
+        self.fShrinkNinch       = (bits & 0x00000040) != 0  # whether the value of dxfalc.fShrinkToFit MUST be ignored.
+        self.fMergeCellNinch    = (bits & 0x00000080) != 0  # whether the value of dxfalc.fMergeCell MUST be ignored.
+        self.lockedNinch        = (bits & 0x00000100) != 0  # whether the value of dxfprot.fLocked MUST be ignored.
+        self.hiddenNinch        = (bits & 0x00000200) != 0  # whether the value of dxfprot.fHidden MUST be ignored.
+        self.glLeftNinch        = (bits & 0x00000400) != 0  # whether the values of dxfbdr.dgLeft and dxfbdr.icvLeft MUST be ignored .
+        self.glRightNinch       = (bits & 0x00000800) != 0  # whether the values of dxfbdr.dgRight and dxfbdr.icvRight MUST be ignored.
+        self.glTopNinch         = (bits & 0x00001000) != 0  # whether the values of dxfbdr.dgTop and dxfbdr.icvTop MUST be ignored.
+        self.glBottomNinch      = (bits & 0x00002000) != 0  # whether the values of dxfbdr.dgBottom and dxfbdr.icvBottom MUST be ignored.
+        self.glDiagDownNinch    = (bits & 0x00004000) != 0  # whether the value of dxfbdr.bitDiagDown MUST be ignored.
+        self.glDiagUpNinch      = (bits & 0x00008000) != 0  # whether the value of dxfbdr.bitDiagUp MUST be ignored.
+        self.flsNinch           = (bits & 0x00010000) != 0  # whether the value of dxfpat.fls MUST be ignored.
+        self.icvFNinch          = (bits & 0x00020000) != 0  # whether the value of dxfpat.icvForeground MUST be ignored.
+        self.icvBNinch          = (bits & 0x00040000) != 0  # whether the value of dxfpat.icvBackground MUST be ignored.
+        self.ifmtNinch          = (bits & 0x00080000) != 0  # whether the value of dxfnum.ifmt MUST be ignored.
+        self.fIfntNinch         = (bits & 0x00100000) != 0  # whether the value of dxffntd.ifnt MUST be ignored.
+        self.V                  = (bits & 0x00200000) != 0  # (unused)
+        self.W                  = (bits & 0x01C00000) != 0  # (reserved; 3-bits)
+        self.ibitAtrNum         = (bits & 0x02000000) != 0  # whether number formatting information is part of this structure.
+        self.ibitAtrFnt         = (bits & 0x04000000) != 0  # whether font information is part of this structure.
+        self.ibitAtrAlc         = (bits & 0x08000000) != 0  # whether alignment information is part of this structure.
+        self.ibitAtrBdr         = (bits & 0x10000000) != 0  # whether border formatting information is part of this structure.
+        self.ibitAtrPat         = (bits & 0x20000000) != 0  # whether pattern information is part of this structure.
+        self.ibitAtrProt        = (bits & 0x40000000) != 0  # whether rotation information is part of this structure.
+        self.iReadingOrderNinch = (bits & 0x80000000) != 0  # whether the value of dxfalc.iReadingOrder MUST be ignored.
+        bits = strm.readUnsignedInt(2)
+        self.fIfmtUser          = (bits & 0x0001) != 0  # When set to 1, dxfnum contains a format string.
+        self.f                  = (bits & 0x0002) != 0  # (unused)
+        self.fNewBorder         = (bits & 0x0004) != 0  # 0=border formats to all cells; 1=border formats to the range outline only
+        self.fZeroInited        = (bits & 0x8000) != 0  # whether the value of dxfalc.iReadingOrder MUST be taken into account.
+        if self.ibitAtrNum:
+            # DXFNum (number format)
+            if self.fIfmtUser:
+                # DXFNumUser (string)
+                sizeDXFNumUser = strm.readUnsignedInt(2)
+                strBytes = strm.readBytes(sizeDXFNumUser)
+                text, textLen = globals.getRichText(strBytes)
+                self.numFmtName = text
+            else:
+                # DXFNumIFmt
+                strm.readBytes(1) # ignored
+                self.numFmtID = strm.readUnsignedInt(1)
+        if self.ibitAtrFnt:
+            # DXFFntD (font information)
+            nameLen = strm.readUnsignedInt(1)
+            if nameLen > 0:
+                # Note the text length may double in case of a double-byte string.
+                curPos = strm.getCurrentPos()
+                self.fontName, nameLen = globals.getRichText(strm.readRemainingBytes(), nameLen)
+                self.setCurrentPos(curPos) # Move back to the pre-text position.
+                self.moveForward(realLen)  # Move for exactly the bytes read.
+            if 63 - nameLen < 0:
+                raise RecordError
+            strm.readBytes(63 - nameLen) # Ignore these bytes.
+            self.fontAttrs = strm.readBytes(16) # I'll process this later.
+            self.fontColor = strm.readUnsignedInt(4)
+            strm.readUnsignedInt(4) # ignored
+            tsNinch = strm.readUnsignedInt(4)
+            sssNinch = strm.readUnsignedInt(4) != 0
+            ulsNinch = strm.readUnsignedInt(4) != 0
+            blsNinch = strm.readUnsignedInt(4) != 0
+            strm.readUnsignedInt(4) # ignored
+            ich = strm.readUnsignedInt(4)
+            cch = strm.readUnsignedInt(4)
+            iFnt = strm.readUnsignedInt(2)
+        if self.ibitAtrAlc:
+            # DXFALC (text alignment properties)
+            strm.readUnsignedInt(8)
+        if self.ibitAtrBdr:
+            # DXFBdr (border properties)
+            strm.readUnsignedInt(8)
+        if self.ibitAtrPat:
+            # DXFPat (pattern and colors)
+            strm.readUnsignedInt(4)
+        if self.ibitAtrProt:
+            # DXFProt (protection attributes)
+            strm.readUnsignedInt(2)
+    def appendLines (self, hdl):
+        # (TODO: This is not complete)
+        if self.ibitAtrNum:
+            if self.fIfmtUser:
+                hdl.appendLine("number format to use: %s (name)"%self.numFmtName)
+            else:
+                hdl.appendLine("number format to use: %d (ID)"%self.numFmtID)
+        if self.fNewBorder:
+            s = "only outline of the range"
+        else:
+            s = "all cells in the range"
+        hdl.appendLineString("border formats applied", s)
+class DXFN12NoCB(object):
+    def __init__ (self, strm):
+        self.dxfn = DXFN(strm)
+    def appendLines (self, hdl):
+        self.dxfn.appendLines(hdl)
 class BaseRecordHandler(globals.ByteStream):
     def __init__ (self, header, size, bytes, strmData):
@@ -640,105 +759,11 @@ class CF(BaseRecordHandler):
         self.compFunction = self.readUnsignedInt(1)
         sizeFormula1 = self.readUnsignedInt(2)
         sizeFormula2 = self.readUnsignedInt(2)
-        self.__parseDXFN()
+        self.rgbdxf = DXFN(self)
         self.formula1 = self.readBytes(sizeFormula1)
         self.formula2 = self.readBytes(sizeFormula2)
-    def __parseDXFN (self):
-        bits = self.readUnsignedInt(4)
-        self.alchNinch          = (bits & 0x00000001) != 0  # whether the value of dxfalc.alc MUST be ignored.
-        self.alcvNinch          = (bits & 0x00000002) != 0  # whether the value of dxfalc.alcv MUST be ignored.
-        self.wrapNinch          = (bits & 0x00000004) != 0  # whether the value of dxfalc.fWrap MUST be ignored.
-        self.trotNinch          = (bits & 0x00000008) != 0  # whether the value of dxfalc.trot MUST be ignored.
-        self.kintoNinch         = (bits & 0x00000010) != 0  # whether the value of dxfalc.fJustLast MUST be ignored.
-        self.cIndentNinch       = (bits & 0x00000020) != 0  # whether the values of dxfalc.cIndent and dxfalc.iIndent MUST be ignored.
-        self.fShrinkNinch       = (bits & 0x00000040) != 0  # whether the value of dxfalc.fShrinkToFit MUST be ignored.
-        self.fMergeCellNinch    = (bits & 0x00000080) != 0  # whether the value of dxfalc.fMergeCell MUST be ignored.
-        self.lockedNinch        = (bits & 0x00000100) != 0  # whether the value of dxfprot.fLocked MUST be ignored.
-        self.hiddenNinch        = (bits & 0x00000200) != 0  # whether the value of dxfprot.fHidden MUST be ignored.
-        self.glLeftNinch        = (bits & 0x00000400) != 0  # whether the values of dxfbdr.dgLeft and dxfbdr.icvLeft MUST be ignored .
-        self.glRightNinch       = (bits & 0x00000800) != 0  # whether the values of dxfbdr.dgRight and dxfbdr.icvRight MUST be ignored.
-        self.glTopNinch         = (bits & 0x00001000) != 0  # whether the values of dxfbdr.dgTop and dxfbdr.icvTop MUST be ignored.
-        self.glBottomNinch      = (bits & 0x00002000) != 0  # whether the values of dxfbdr.dgBottom and dxfbdr.icvBottom MUST be ignored.
-        self.glDiagDownNinch    = (bits & 0x00004000) != 0  # whether the value of dxfbdr.bitDiagDown MUST be ignored.
-        self.glDiagUpNinch      = (bits & 0x00008000) != 0  # whether the value of dxfbdr.bitDiagUp MUST be ignored.
-        self.flsNinch           = (bits & 0x00010000) != 0  # whether the value of dxfpat.fls MUST be ignored.
-        self.icvFNinch          = (bits & 0x00020000) != 0  # whether the value of dxfpat.icvForeground MUST be ignored.
-        self.icvBNinch          = (bits & 0x00040000) != 0  # whether the value of dxfpat.icvBackground MUST be ignored.
-        self.ifmtNinch          = (bits & 0x00080000) != 0  # whether the value of dxfnum.ifmt MUST be ignored.
-        self.fIfntNinch         = (bits & 0x00100000) != 0  # whether the value of dxffntd.ifnt MUST be ignored.
-        self.V                  = (bits & 0x00200000) != 0  # (unused)
-        self.W                  = (bits & 0x01C00000) != 0  # (reserved; 3-bits)
-        self.ibitAtrNum         = (bits & 0x02000000) != 0  # whether number formatting information is part of this structure.
-        self.ibitAtrFnt         = (bits & 0x04000000) != 0  # whether font information is part of this structure.
-        self.ibitAtrAlc         = (bits & 0x08000000) != 0  # whether alignment information is part of this structure.
-        self.ibitAtrBdr         = (bits & 0x10000000) != 0  # whether border formatting information is part of this structure.
-        self.ibitAtrPat         = (bits & 0x20000000) != 0  # whether pattern information is part of this structure.
-        self.ibitAtrProt        = (bits & 0x40000000) != 0  # whether rotation information is part of this structure.
-        self.iReadingOrderNinch = (bits & 0x80000000) != 0  # whether the value of dxfalc.iReadingOrder MUST be ignored.
-        bits = self.readUnsignedInt(2)
-        self.fIfmtUser          = (bits & 0x0001) != 0  # When set to 1, dxfnum contains a format string.
-        self.f                  = (bits & 0x0002) != 0  # (unused)
-        self.fNewBorder         = (bits & 0x0004) != 0  # 0=border formats to all cells; 1=border formats to the range outline only
-        self.fZeroInited        = (bits & 0x8000) != 0  # whether the value of dxfalc.iReadingOrder MUST be taken into account.
-        if self.ibitAtrNum:
-            # DXFNum (number format)
-            if self.fIfmtUser:
-                # DXFNumUser (string)
-                sizeDXFNumUser = self.readUnsignedInt(2)
-                strBytes = self.readBytes(sizeDXFNumUser)
-                text, textLen = globals.getRichText(strBytes)
-                self.numFmtName = text
-            else:
-                # DXFNumIFmt
-                self.readUnsignedInt(1) # ignored
-                self.numFmtID = self.readUnsignedInt(1)
-        if self.ibitAtrFnt:
-            # DXFFntD (font information)
-            nameLen = self.readUnsignedInt(1)
-            if nameLen > 0:
-                # Note the text length may double in case of a double-byte string.
-                curPos = self.getCurrentPos()
-                self.fontName, nameLen = globals.getRichText(self.readRemainingBytes(), nameLen)
-                self.setCurrentPos(curPos) # Move back to the pre-text position.
-                self.moveForward(realLen)  # Move for exactly the bytes read.
-            if 63 - nameLen < 0:
-                raise RecordError
-            self.readUnsignedInt(63 - nameLen) # Ignore these bytes.
-            self.fontAttrs = self.readBytes(16) # I'll process this later.
-            self.fontColor = self.readUnsignedInt(4)
-            self.readUnsignedInt(4) # ignored
-            tsNinch = self.readUnsignedInt(4)
-            sssNinch = self.readUnsignedInt(4) != 0
-            ulsNinch = self.readUnsignedInt(4) != 0
-            blsNinch = self.readUnsignedInt(4) != 0
-            self.readUnsignedInt(4) # ignored
-            ich = self.readUnsignedInt(4)
-            cch = self.readUnsignedInt(4)
-            iFnt = self.readUnsignedInt(2)
-        if self.ibitAtrAlc:
-            # DXFALC (text alignment properties)
-            self.readUnsignedInt(8)
-        if self.ibitAtrBdr:
-            # DXFBdr (border properties)
-            self.readUnsignedInt(8)
-        if self.ibitAtrPat:
-            # DXFPat (pattern and colors)
-            self.readUnsignedInt(4)
-        if self.ibitAtrProt:
-            # DXFProt (protection attributes)
-            self.readUnsignedInt(2)
     conditionType = {
         0x01: "use comparison function",
         0x02: "use 1st formula"
@@ -766,12 +791,7 @@ class CF(BaseRecordHandler):
         compFuncText = globals.getValueOrUnknown(CF.compFunction, self.compFunction)
         self.appendLine("comparison function: %s (0x%2.2X)"%(compFuncText, self.compFunction))
-        # DXFN structure (TODO: This is not complete)
-        if self.ibitAtrNum:
-            if self.fIfmtUser:
-                self.appendLine("number format to use: %s (name)"%self.numFmtName)
-            else:
-                self.appendLine("number format to use: %d (ID)"%self.numFmtID)
+        self.rgbdxf.appendLines(self)
         # formulas
@@ -3072,6 +3092,14 @@ class SXDtr(BaseRecordHandler):
         self.appendMultiLine("The month value must be 1 if the day of month value is 0.")
+class SxDXF(BaseRecordHandler):
+    def __parseBytes (self):
+        self.dxf = DXFN12NoCB(self)
+    def parseBytes (self):
+        self.__parseBytes()
+        self.dxf.appendLines(self)
 class SXFDBType(BaseRecordHandler):
diff --git a/src/xlsstream.py b/src/xlsstream.py
index bb9d2c0..322582d 100644
--- a/src/xlsstream.py
+++ b/src/xlsstream.py
@@ -171,7 +171,7 @@ recData = {
     0x00F0: ["SXRULE", "PivotTable Rule Data"],
     0x00F1: ["SXEX", "PivotTable View Extended Information", xlsrecord.SXEx],
     0x00F2: ["SXFILT", "PivotTable Rule Filter"],
-    0x00F4: ["SxDXF", "PivotTable Differential Formatting"],
+    0x00F4: ["SxDXF", "PivotTable Differential Formatting", xlsrecord.SxDXF],
     0x00F6: ["SXNAME", "PivotTable Name"],
     0x00F7: ["SXSELECT", "PivotTable Selection Information"],
     0x00F8: ["SXPAIR", "PivotTable Name Pair"],

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