[Libreoffice-commits] .: sc/inc sc/source

Libreoffice Gerrit user logerrit at kemper.freedesktop.org
Fri Dec 14 19:08:26 PST 2012

 sc/inc/viewopti.hxx              |    4 ++--
 sc/source/core/tool/viewopti.cxx |   36 ++++++++++++++++++------------------
 2 files changed, 20 insertions(+), 20 deletions(-)

New commits:
commit 2d754521853b9ae89f4d9621150857f6592603b9
Author: Kohei Yoshida <kohei.yoshida at gmail.com>
Date:   Fri Dec 14 22:05:11 2012 -0500

    Fixed accidentally modified default view options.
    It was unintentionally caused by
    Also made the default values easier to see.
    Let's not do
      foo1 =
      foo2 =
      foo3 = true;
    type of assignment which may give the reader the wrong impression.
    Let's do
      foo1 = true;
      foo2 = true;
      foo3 = true;
    Change-Id: I181b80d2aae96d65b662b187bc884913fec836db

diff --git a/sc/inc/viewopti.hxx b/sc/inc/viewopti.hxx
index 4bea442..07e8c04 100644
--- a/sc/inc/viewopti.hxx
+++ b/sc/inc/viewopti.hxx
@@ -86,7 +86,7 @@ public:
     void                    SetDefaults();
     void                    SetOption( ScViewOption eOpt, sal_Bool bNew = sal_True )    { aOptArr[eOpt] = bNew; }
-    sal_Bool                    GetOption( ScViewOption eOpt ) const                { return aOptArr[eOpt]; }
+    bool                    GetOption( ScViewOption eOpt ) const                { return aOptArr[eOpt]; }
     void                    SetObjMode( ScVObjType eObj, ScVObjMode eMode ) { aModeArr[eObj] = eMode; }
     ScVObjMode              GetObjMode( ScVObjType eObj ) const             { return aModeArr[eObj]; }
@@ -103,7 +103,7 @@ public:
     int                     operator!= ( const ScViewOptions& rOpt ) const { return !(operator==(rOpt)); }
-    sal_Bool            aOptArr     [MAX_OPT];
+    bool            aOptArr     [MAX_OPT];
     ScVObjMode      aModeArr    [MAX_TYPE];
     Color           aGridCol;
     String          aGridColName;
diff --git a/sc/source/core/tool/viewopti.cxx b/sc/source/core/tool/viewopti.cxx
index d1078a5..64a4fec 100644
--- a/sc/source/core/tool/viewopti.cxx
+++ b/sc/source/core/tool/viewopti.cxx
@@ -134,24 +134,24 @@ ScViewOptions::~ScViewOptions()
 void ScViewOptions::SetDefaults()
-    aOptArr[ VOPT_FORMULAS    ] =
-    aOptArr[ VOPT_SYNTAX      ] =
-    aOptArr[ VOPT_HELPLINES   ] =
-    aOptArr[ VOPT_GRID_ONTOP  ] =
-    aOptArr[ VOPT_NOTES       ] =
-    aOptArr[ VOPT_NULLVALS    ] =
-    aOptArr[ VOPT_VSCROLL     ] =
-    aOptArr[ VOPT_HSCROLL     ] =
-    aOptArr[ VOPT_TABCONTROLS ] =
-    aOptArr[ VOPT_OUTLINER    ] =
-    aOptArr[ VOPT_HEADER      ] =
-    aOptArr[ VOPT_GRID        ] =
-    aOptArr[ VOPT_ANCHOR      ] =
-    aOptArr[ VOPT_PAGEBREAKS  ] =
-    aOptArr[ VOPT_CLIPMARKS   ] = sal_True;
-    aModeArr[VOBJ_TYPE_OLE ]  =
-    aModeArr[VOBJ_TYPE_CHART] =
+    aOptArr[ VOPT_FORMULAS    ] = false;
+    aOptArr[ VOPT_SYNTAX      ] = false;
+    aOptArr[ VOPT_HELPLINES   ] = false;
+    aOptArr[ VOPT_GRID_ONTOP  ] = false;
+    aOptArr[ VOPT_NOTES       ] = true;
+    aOptArr[ VOPT_NULLVALS    ] = true;
+    aOptArr[ VOPT_VSCROLL     ] = true;
+    aOptArr[ VOPT_HSCROLL     ] = true;
+    aOptArr[ VOPT_TABCONTROLS ] = true;
+    aOptArr[ VOPT_OUTLINER    ] = true;
+    aOptArr[ VOPT_HEADER      ] = true;
+    aOptArr[ VOPT_GRID        ] = true;
+    aOptArr[ VOPT_ANCHOR      ] = true;
+    aOptArr[ VOPT_PAGEBREAKS  ] = true;
+    aOptArr[ VOPT_CLIPMARKS   ] = true;
     aGridCol     = Color( SC_STD_GRIDCOLOR );

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