[Libreoffice-commits] .: README.Android

Michael Meeks michael at kemper.freedesktop.org
Fri Jan 20 04:08:51 PST 2012

 README.Android |   16 ++++++++++++++++
 1 file changed, 16 insertions(+)

New commits:
commit 0eef5f6b501ca9d2fb105d276ef86c896671e9cc
Author: Michael Meeks <michael.meeks at suse.com>
Date:   Fri Jan 20 12:08:01 2012 +0000

    android: Add debugging tips

diff --git a/README.Android b/README.Android
index 555f093..aae6531 100644
--- a/README.Android
+++ b/README.Android
@@ -28,6 +28,22 @@ this point:
 	and continue onwards & upwards.
+* Debugging
+	Debugging is fun, the default NDK gdb (in v7) is busted, you
+need to download a new one from:
+	http://code.google.com/p/mingw-and-ndk/
+	Even this 'fixed' gdb is broken in the way that it can see
+symbols only for shlibs that were already loaded when the debuggee was
+attached, so you need to carefully guess where to put:
+	fprintf(stderr, "Sleeping NOW!\n"); ::sleep(20);
+	into the code; and when you see that in logcat, you have time
+to run: ndk-gdb and it will attach the process.
 * Detailed explanation
 Unit tests are the first thing we want to run on Android, to get some

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