[Libreoffice-commits] .: sw/inc sw/source

Andras Timar timar at kemper.freedesktop.org
Tue Jul 17 13:00:30 PDT 2012

 sw/inc/expfld.hxx                |    2 
 sw/inc/reffld.hxx                |   24 ++++----
 sw/source/core/fields/expfld.cxx |   19 ++++--
 sw/source/core/fields/reffld.cxx |  117 +++++++++++++++++++++++++--------------
 4 files changed, 101 insertions(+), 61 deletions(-)

New commits:
commit 7dde426915ebbb7ea2ca3dc661f0a9ac70a26d5c
Author: Uray M. János <uray.janos at gmail.com>
Date:   Tue Jul 17 19:00:21 2012 +0200

    fdo#50801 fix cross-reference text when Caption order is Numbering first
    Change-Id: I7306f99c18d0f9cfb3b0ce147ecc200662d23b3d

diff --git a/sw/inc/expfld.hxx b/sw/inc/expfld.hxx
index c15e0a2..0663ef5 100644
--- a/sw/inc/expfld.hxx
+++ b/sw/inc/expfld.hxx
@@ -123,7 +123,7 @@ public:
     virtual bool        QueryValue( com::sun::star::uno::Any& rVal, sal_uInt16 nWhich ) const;
     virtual bool        PutValue( const com::sun::star::uno::Any& rVal, sal_uInt16 nWhich );
-    static sal_uInt16   GetReferenceTextPos( const SwFmtFld& rFmt, SwDoc& rDoc);
+    static sal_uInt16   GetReferenceTextPos( const SwFmtFld& rFmt, SwDoc& rDoc, unsigned nHint = 0);
     // #i82544#
     void                SetLateInitialization() { bLateInitialization = true;}
diff --git a/sw/inc/reffld.hxx b/sw/inc/reffld.hxx
index 5d54b6d..6daf7f6 100644
--- a/sw/inc/reffld.hxx
+++ b/sw/inc/reffld.hxx
@@ -48,19 +48,19 @@ enum REFERENCESUBTYPE
+    REF_PAGE = REF_BEGIN, // "Page"
+    REF_CHAPTER,          // "Chapter"
+    REF_CONTENT,          // "Reference"
+    REF_UPDOWN,           // "Above/Below"
+    REF_PAGE_PGDESC,      // "As Page Style"
+    REF_ONLYNUMBER,       // "Category and Number"
+    REF_ONLYCAPTION,      // "Caption Text"
+    REF_ONLYSEQNO,        // "Numbering"
     // --> #i81002#
     // new reference format types for referencing bookmarks and set references
+    REF_NUMBER,              // "Number"
+    REF_NUMBER_NO_CONTEXT,   // "Number (no context)"
+    REF_NUMBER_FULL_CONTEXT, // "Number (full context)"
@@ -72,7 +72,7 @@ class SwGetRefFieldType : public SwFieldType
     SwDoc* pDoc;
     // Overlay in order to update all ref-fields.
-   virtual void Modify( const SfxPoolItem*, const SfxPoolItem * );
+    virtual void Modify( const SfxPoolItem*, const SfxPoolItem* );
     SwGetRefFieldType(SwDoc* pDoc );
     virtual SwFieldType*    Copy() const;
diff --git a/sw/source/core/fields/expfld.cxx b/sw/source/core/fields/expfld.cxx
index fee0e9c..29aa927 100644
--- a/sw/source/core/fields/expfld.cxx
+++ b/sw/source/core/fields/expfld.cxx
@@ -895,19 +895,21 @@ void SwGetExpField::SetValue( const double& rAny )
 /* --------------------------------------------------
     Description: Find the index of the reference text
     following the current field
+    nHint: search starting position after the current
+    field (or 0 if default)
-xub_StrLen SwGetExpField::GetReferenceTextPos( const SwFmtFld& rFmt, SwDoc& rDoc)
+xub_StrLen SwGetExpField::GetReferenceTextPos( const SwFmtFld& rFmt, SwDoc& rDoc, unsigned nHint)
     const SwTxtFld* pTxtFld = rFmt.GetTxtFld();
     const SwTxtNode& rTxtNode = pTxtFld->GetTxtNode();
-    xub_StrLen nRet = *pTxtFld->GetStart() + 1;
+    xub_StrLen nRet = nHint ? nHint : *pTxtFld->GetStart() + 1;
     String sNodeText = rTxtNode.GetTxt();
     sNodeText.Erase(0, nRet);
-        //now check if sNodeText starts with a non-alphanumeric character plus a blank
+        // now check if sNodeText starts with a non-alphanumeric character plus blanks
         sal_uInt16 nSrcpt = pBreakIt->GetRealScriptOfText( sNodeText, 0 );
         static sal_uInt16 nIds[] =
@@ -934,11 +936,14 @@ xub_StrLen SwGetExpField::GetReferenceTextPos( const SwFmtFld& rFmt, SwDoc& rDoc
             if( !bIsAlphaNum ||
                 (c0 == ' ' || c0 == '\t'))
+                // ignoring blanks
-                if( sNodeText.Len() > 1 &&
-                    (sNodeText.GetChar(1) == ' ' ||
-                     sNodeText.GetChar(1) == '\t'))
-                    nRet++;
+                unsigned i = 1;
+                while (i < sNodeText.Len() &&
+                    (sNodeText.GetChar(i) == ' ' ||
+                     sNodeText.GetChar(i) == '\t')
+                )
+                    nRet++, i++;
diff --git a/sw/source/core/fields/reffld.cxx b/sw/source/core/fields/reffld.cxx
index c9f3bf1..420a445 100644
--- a/sw/source/core/fields/reffld.cxx
+++ b/sw/source/core/fields/reffld.cxx
@@ -67,6 +67,7 @@
 #include <set>
 #include <map>
+#include <algorithm> // min, max
 #include <sfx2/childwin.hxx>
@@ -290,16 +291,28 @@ void SwGetRefField::UpdateField( const SwTxtFld* pFldTxtAttr )
     SwDoc* pDoc = ((SwGetRefFieldType*)GetTyp())->GetDoc();
-    sal_uInt16 nStt = USHRT_MAX;
-    sal_uInt16 nEnd = USHRT_MAX;
-    SwTxtNode* pTxtNd = SwGetRefFieldType::FindAnchor( pDoc, sSetRefName,
-                                        nSubType, nSeqNo, &nStt, &nEnd );
+    // finding the reference target (the number)
+    sal_uInt16 nNumStart, nNumEnd;
+    SwTxtNode* pTxtNd = SwGetRefFieldType::FindAnchor(
+        pDoc, sSetRefName, nSubType, nSeqNo, &nNumStart, &nNumEnd
+    );
+    // not found?
     if ( !pTxtNd )
         sTxt = ViewShell::GetShellRes()->aGetRefFld_RefItemNotFound;
         return ;
+    // where is the category name (e.g. "Illustration")?
+    rtl::OUString const Text = pTxtNd->GetTxt();
+    unsigned const nCatStart = Text.indexOf(sSetRefName);
+    unsigned const nCatEnd = nCatStart == unsigned(-1) ?
+        unsigned(-1) : nCatStart + sSetRefName.getLength();
+    bool const bHasCat = nCatStart != unsigned(-1);
+    // length of the referenced text
+    unsigned const nLen = Text.getLength();
+    // which format?
     switch( GetFormat() )
     case REF_CONTENT:
@@ -307,73 +320,95 @@ void SwGetRefField::UpdateField( const SwTxtFld* pFldTxtAttr )
     case REF_ONLYSEQNO:
+            // needed part of Text
+            unsigned nStart, nEnd;
             switch( nSubType )
             case REF_SEQUENCEFLD:
-                nEnd = pTxtNd->GetTxt().Len();
                 switch( GetFormat() )
+                // "Category and Number"
                 case REF_ONLYNUMBER:
-                    if( nStt + 1 < nEnd )
-                        nEnd = nStt + 1;
-                    nStt = 0;
+                    if (bHasCat) {
+                        nStart = std::min<unsigned>(nNumStart, nCatStart);
+                        nEnd = std::max<unsigned>(nNumEnd, nCatEnd);
+                    } else {
+                        nStart = nNumStart;
+                        nEnd = nNumEnd;
+                    }
-                case REF_ONLYCAPTION:
-                    {
-                        const SwTxtAttr* const pTxtAttr =
-                            pTxtNd->GetTxtAttrForCharAt(nStt, RES_TXTATR_FIELD);
-                        if( pTxtAttr )
-                            nStt = SwGetExpField::GetReferenceTextPos(
-                                                pTxtAttr->GetFld(), *pDoc );
-                        else if( nStt + 1 < nEnd )
-                            ++nStt;
+                // "Caption Text"
+                case REF_ONLYCAPTION: {
+                    // next alphanumeric character after category+number
+                    if (const SwTxtAttr* const pTxtAttr =
+                        pTxtNd->GetTxtAttrForCharAt(nNumStart, RES_TXTATR_FIELD)
+                    ) {
+                        // start searching from nFrom
+                        unsigned const nFrom = bHasCat ?
+                            std::max<unsigned>(nNumStart + 1, nCatEnd) : nNumStart + 1;
+                        nStart = SwGetExpField::GetReferenceTextPos(
+                            pTxtAttr->GetFld(), *pDoc, nFrom
+                        );
+                    } else {
+                        nStart = bHasCat ?
+                            std::max<unsigned>(nNumEnd, nCatEnd) : nNumEnd;
+                    nEnd = nLen;
+                }
+                // "Numbering"
                 case REF_ONLYSEQNO:
-                    if( nStt + 1 < nEnd )
-                        nEnd = nStt + 1;
+                    nStart = nNumStart;
+                    nEnd = std::min<unsigned>(nStart + 1, nLen);
+                // "Reference" (whole Text)
-                    nStt = 0;
+                    nStart = 0;
+                    nEnd = nLen;
             case REF_BOOKMARK:
-                if( USHRT_MAX == nEnd )
-                {
-                    // Text steht ueber verschiedene Nodes verteilt.
-                    // Gesamten Text oder nur bis zum Ende vom Node?
-                    nEnd = pTxtNd->GetTxt().Len();
-                }
+                nStart = nNumStart;
+                // Text steht ueber verschiedene Nodes verteilt.
+                // Gesamten Text oder nur bis zum Ende vom Node?
+                nEnd = nNumEnd == USHRT_MAX ? nLen : nNumEnd;
             case REF_OUTLINE:
+                nStart = nNumStart;
+                nEnd = nNumEnd;
             case REF_FOOTNOTE:
             case REF_ENDNOTE:
+                // die Nummer oder den NumString besorgen
+                for( unsigned i = 0; i < pDoc->GetFtnIdxs().Count(); ++i )
-                    // die Nummer oder den NumString besorgen
-                    sal_uInt16 n, nFtnCnt = pDoc->GetFtnIdxs().Count();
-                    SwTxtFtn* pFtnIdx;
-                    for( n = 0; n < nFtnCnt; ++n )
-                        if( nSeqNo == (pFtnIdx = pDoc->GetFtnIdxs()[ n ])->GetSeqRefNo() )
-                        {
-                            sTxt = pFtnIdx->GetFtn().GetViewNumStr( *pDoc );
-                            break;
-                        }
-                    nStt = nEnd;        // kein Bereich, der String ist fertig
+                    SwTxtFtn* const pFtnIdx = pDoc->GetFtnIdxs()[i];
+                    if( nSeqNo == pFtnIdx->GetSeqRefNo() )
+                    {
+                        sTxt = pFtnIdx->GetFtn().GetViewNumStr( *pDoc );
+                        break;
+                    }
+                return;
+            default:
+                nStart = nNumStart;
+                nEnd = nNumEnd;
-            if( nStt != nEnd )      // ein Bereich?
+            if( nStart != nEnd ) // ein Bereich?
-                sTxt = pTxtNd->GetExpandTxt( nStt, nEnd - nStt );
+                sTxt = pTxtNd->GetExpandTxt( nStart, nEnd - nStart );
                 // alle Sonderzeichen entfernen (durch Blanks ersetzen):
                 if( sTxt.Len() )
@@ -396,7 +431,7 @@ void SwGetRefField::UpdateField( const SwTxtFld* pFldTxtAttr )
             const SwTxtFrm* pFrm = (SwTxtFrm*)pTxtNd->getLayoutFrm( pDoc->GetCurrentLayout(), 0,0,sal_False),
                         *pSave = pFrm;
-            while( pFrm && !pFrm->IsInside( nStt ) )
+            while( pFrm && !pFrm->IsInside( nNumStart ) )
                 pFrm = (SwTxtFrm*)pFrm->GetFollow();
             if( pFrm || 0 != ( pFrm = pSave ))
@@ -443,14 +478,14 @@ void SwGetRefField::UpdateField( const SwTxtFld* pFldTxtAttr )
             // Node stehen!
             if( pFldTxtAttr->GetpTxtNode() == pTxtNd )
-                sTxt = nStt < *pFldTxtAttr->GetStart()
+                sTxt = nNumStart < *pFldTxtAttr->GetStart()
                             ? aLocaleData.getAboveWord()
                             : aLocaleData.getBelowWord();
             sTxt = ::IsFrameBehind( *pFldTxtAttr->GetpTxtNode(), *pFldTxtAttr->GetStart(),
-                                    *pTxtNd, nStt )
+                                    *pTxtNd, nNumStart )
                         ? aLocaleData.getAboveWord()
                         : aLocaleData.getBelowWord();

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