[Libreoffice-commits] .: sw/source

Norbert Thiebaud nthiebaud at kemper.freedesktop.org
Sun Jun 17 11:34:06 PDT 2012

 sw/source/core/layout/colfrm.cxx |   46 ++++++++++++++++++++++-----------------
 1 file changed, 27 insertions(+), 19 deletions(-)

New commits:
commit de1c42d9f552bc57b28d50f4313bc982c63b84d4
Author: Norbert Thiebaud <nthiebaud at gmail.com>
Date:   Sun Jun 17 13:33:03 2012 -0500

    writer:crash(i118878) when adding columns and chang. properties in a frame
    when adding columns, GetNumCols() reflect the new number of columns
    before the actual columns available are updated.
    Due to the way and order in which properties are updated
    the code that adjust the columns can be run before the new columns
    are avialable.. and was using GetNumCols().
    This patch avoid using that api and rely on the column iterator
    to determine the acutal number of column available.
    Change-Id: I52e75ec82c1ace65b05b8df9e54f4689f2aec8d3

diff --git a/sw/source/core/layout/colfrm.cxx b/sw/source/core/layout/colfrm.cxx
index 99648f3..99a5885 100644
--- a/sw/source/core/layout/colfrm.cxx
+++ b/sw/source/core/layout/colfrm.cxx
@@ -349,20 +349,26 @@ void SwLayoutFrm::AdjustColumns( const SwFmtCol *pAttr, sal_Bool bAdjustAttribut
     const sal_Bool bLine = pAttr->GetLineAdj() != COLADJ_NONE;
     const sal_uInt16 nMin = bLine ? sal_uInt16( 20 + ( pAttr->GetLineWidth() / 2) ) : 0;
-    const sal_Bool bR2L = IsRightToLeft();
-    SwFrm *pCol = bR2L ? GetLastLower() : Lower();
     // #i27399#
     // bOrtho means we have to adjust the column frames manually. Otherwise
     // we may use the values returned by CalcColWidth:
     const sal_Bool bOrtho = pAttr->IsOrtho() && pAttr->GetNumCols() > 0;
     long nGutter = 0;
+    sal_uInt16 real_nb_col = 0;
+    SwFrm* pColHead = Lower();;
+    SwFrm* pColTail;
+    for ( pColTail = pColHead; pColTail; pColTail = pColTail->GetNext(), real_nb_col += 1 );
+    sal_uInt16 i = IsRightToLeft() ? real_nb_col : 0;
-    for ( sal_uInt16 i = 0; i < pAttr->GetNumCols(); ++i )
+    for ( SwFrm* pColCursor = IsRightToLeft() ? pColTail : pColHead;
+          pColCursor;
+          (pColCursor = IsRightToLeft() ? pColCursor->GetPrev() : pColCursor->GetNext()), (i += IsRightToLeft() ? -1 : +1) )
         if( !bOrtho )
-            const SwTwips nWidth = i == (pAttr->GetNumCols() - 1) ?
+            const SwTwips nWidth = (pColCursor == (IsRightToLeft() ? pColTail : pColHead) ) ?
                                    nAvail :
                                    pAttr->CalcColWidth( i, sal_uInt16( (Prt().*fnRect->fnGetWidth)() ) );
@@ -370,14 +376,14 @@ void SwLayoutFrm::AdjustColumns( const SwFmtCol *pAttr, sal_Bool bAdjustAttribut
                                 Size( Prt().Width(), nWidth ) :
                                 Size( nWidth, Prt().Height() );
-            pCol->ChgSize( aColSz );
+            pColCursor->ChgSize( aColSz );
             // With this, the ColumnBodyFrms from page columns gets adjusted and
             // their bFixHeight flag is set so they won't shrink/grow.
             // Don't use the flag with frame columns because BodyFrms in frame
             // columns can grow/shrink.
             if( IsBodyFrm() )
-                ((SwLayoutFrm*)pCol)->Lower()->ChgSize( aColSz );
+                ((SwLayoutFrm*)pColCursor)->Lower()->ChgSize( aColSz );
             nAvail -= nWidth;
@@ -385,7 +391,7 @@ void SwLayoutFrm::AdjustColumns( const SwFmtCol *pAttr, sal_Bool bAdjustAttribut
         if ( bOrtho || bAdjustAttributes )
             const SwColumn *pC = &pAttr->GetColumns()[i];
-            const SwAttrSet* pSet = pCol->GetAttrSet();
+            const SwAttrSet* pSet = pColCursor->GetAttrSet();
             SvxLRSpaceItem aLR( pSet->GetLRSpace() );
             //In order to have enough space for the separation lines, we have to
@@ -421,42 +427,44 @@ void SwLayoutFrm::AdjustColumns( const SwFmtCol *pAttr, sal_Bool bAdjustAttribut
                 aUL.SetUpper( pC->GetUpper());
                 aUL.SetLower( pC->GetLower());
-                ((SwLayoutFrm*)pCol)->GetFmt()->SetFmtAttr( aLR );
-                ((SwLayoutFrm*)pCol)->GetFmt()->SetFmtAttr( aUL );
+                ((SwLayoutFrm*)pColCursor)->GetFmt()->SetFmtAttr( aLR );
+                ((SwLayoutFrm*)pColCursor)->GetFmt()->SetFmtAttr( aUL );
             nGutter += aLR.GetLeft() + aLR.GetRight();
-        pCol = bR2L ? pCol->GetPrev() : pCol->GetNext();
     if( bOrtho )
         long nInnerWidth = ( nAvail - nGutter ) / pAttr->GetNumCols();
-        pCol = Lower();
-        for( sal_uInt16 i = 0; i < pAttr->GetNumCols(); pCol = pCol->GetNext(), ++i )
+        i = 0;
+        for (SwFrm* pColCursor =  pColHead; pColCursor; pColCursor = pColCursor->GetNext(), i++)
             SwTwips nWidth;
             if ( i == pAttr->GetNumCols() - 1 )
+            {
                 nWidth = nAvail;
+            }
-                SvxLRSpaceItem aLR( pCol->GetAttrSet()->GetLRSpace() );
+                SvxLRSpaceItem aLR( pColCursor->GetAttrSet()->GetLRSpace() );
                 nWidth = nInnerWidth + aLR.GetLeft() + aLR.GetRight();
             if( nWidth < 0 )
+            {
                 nWidth = 0;
+            }
             const Size aColSz = bVert ?
                                 Size( Prt().Width(), nWidth ) :
                                 Size( nWidth, Prt().Height() );
-            pCol->ChgSize( aColSz );
+            pColCursor->ChgSize( aColSz );
             if( IsBodyFrm() )
-                ((SwLayoutFrm*)pCol)->Lower()->ChgSize( aColSz );
+            {
+                ((SwLayoutFrm*)pColCursor)->Lower()->ChgSize( aColSz );
+            }
             nAvail -= nWidth;

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