[Libreoffice-commits] .: 2 commits - libcmis/makefile.mk ooo.lst.in ucb/source

Cédric Bosdonnat cbosdo at kemper.freedesktop.org
Tue Jun 26 03:53:31 PDT 2012

 libcmis/makefile.mk                  |    7 
 ooo.lst.in                           |    2 
 ucb/source/ucp/cmis/cmis_content.cxx |  462 +++++++++++++++++++----------------
 ucb/source/ucp/cmis/cmis_content.hxx |    2 
 4 files changed, 261 insertions(+), 212 deletions(-)

New commits:
commit 11066aca8ff0b0d4b84169f8d79b465579dbe616
Author: Cédric Bosdonnat <cedric.bosdonnat at free.fr>
Date:   Tue Jun 26 12:49:09 2012 +0200

    cmisucp: catch the exception when getting CMIS object
    Fixes crashers like the one when cancelling authentication request.
    The error message are still not meaningful for the user, but this would
    require libcmis API changes.
    Change-Id: I22afbf4d39522a2b0dbd043a68dfef2b9308dcec

diff --git a/ucb/source/ucp/cmis/cmis_content.cxx b/ucb/source/ucp/cmis/cmis_content.cxx
index 9159c64..bb6e1a0 100644
--- a/ucb/source/ucp/cmis/cmis_content.cxx
+++ b/ucb/source/ucp/cmis/cmis_content.cxx
@@ -209,25 +209,18 @@ namespace cmis
-    libcmis::ObjectPtr Content::getObject( )
+    libcmis::ObjectPtr Content::getObject( ) throw ( libcmis::Exception )
-        try
+        if ( !m_pObject.get() )
-            if ( !m_pObject.get() )
+            if ( !m_sObjectPath.isEmpty( ) )
+                m_pObject = m_pSession->getObjectByPath( OUSTR_TO_STDSTR( m_sObjectPath ) );
+            else
-                if ( !m_sObjectPath.isEmpty( ) )
-                    m_pObject = m_pSession->getObjectByPath( OUSTR_TO_STDSTR( m_sObjectPath ) );
-                else
-                {
-                    m_pObject = m_pSession->getRootFolder( );
-                    m_sObjectPath = "/";
-                }
+                m_pObject = m_pSession->getRootFolder( );
+                m_sObjectPath = "/";
-        catch ( const libcmis::Exception& e )
-        {
-            SAL_INFO( "cmisucp", "Unexpected exception: " << e.what() );
-        }
         return m_pObject;
@@ -240,8 +233,21 @@ namespace cmis
     bool Content::isFolder(const uno::Reference< ucb::XCommandEnvironment >& xEnv )
-        resetAuthProvider( xEnv );
-        return getObject( )->getBaseType( ) == "cmis:folder";
+        bool bIsFolder = false;
+        try
+        {
+            resetAuthProvider( xEnv );
+            bIsFolder = getObject( )->getBaseType( ) == "cmis:folder";
+        }
+        catch ( const libcmis::Exception& e )
+        {
+            ucbhelper::cancelCommandExecution(
+                                ucb::IOErrorCode_GENERAL,
+                                uno::Sequence< uno::Any >( 0 ),
+                                xEnv,
+                                rtl::OUString::createFromAscii( e.what() ) );
+        }
+        return bIsFolder;
     uno::Any Content::getBadArgExcept()
@@ -267,111 +273,122 @@ namespace cmis
         for( sal_Int32 n = 0; n < nProps; ++n )
-            const beans::Property& rProp = pProps[ n ];
-            if ( rProp.Name == "IsDocument" )
-            {
-                if ( getObject( ).get( ) )
-                    xRow->appendBoolean( rProp, getObject()->getBaseType( ) == "cmis:document" );
-                else if ( m_pObjectType.get( ) )
-                    xRow->appendBoolean( rProp, m_pObjectType->getBaseType()->getId( ) == "cmis:document" );
-                else
-                    xRow->appendVoid( rProp );
-            }
-            else if ( rProp.Name == "IsFolder" )
-            {
-                if ( getObject( ).get( ) )
-                    xRow->appendBoolean( rProp, getObject()->getBaseType( ) == "cmis:folder" );
-                else if ( m_pObjectType.get( ) )
-                    xRow->appendBoolean( rProp, m_pObjectType->getBaseType()->getId( ) == "cmis:folder" );
-                else
-                    xRow->appendVoid( rProp );
-            }
-            else if ( rProp.Name == "Title" )
+            try
-                rtl::OUString sTitle;
-                if ( getObject().get() )
-                    sTitle = rtl::OUString::createFromAscii( getObject()->getName().c_str( ) );
-                else if ( m_pObjectProps.size() > 0 )
+                const beans::Property& rProp = pProps[ n ];
+                if ( rProp.Name == "IsDocument" )
-                    map< string, libcmis::PropertyPtr >::iterator it = m_pObjectProps.find( "cmis:name" );
-                    if ( it != m_pObjectProps.end( ) )
+                    if ( getObject( ).get( ) )
+                        xRow->appendBoolean( rProp, getObject()->getBaseType( ) == "cmis:document" );
+                    else if ( m_pObjectType.get( ) )
+                        xRow->appendBoolean( rProp, m_pObjectType->getBaseType()->getId( ) == "cmis:document" );
+                    else
+                        xRow->appendVoid( rProp );
+                }
+                else if ( rProp.Name == "IsFolder" )
+                {
+                    if ( getObject( ).get( ) )
+                        xRow->appendBoolean( rProp, getObject()->getBaseType( ) == "cmis:folder" );
+                    else if ( m_pObjectType.get( ) )
+                        xRow->appendBoolean( rProp, m_pObjectType->getBaseType()->getId( ) == "cmis:folder" );
+                    else
+                        xRow->appendVoid( rProp );
+                }
+                else if ( rProp.Name == "Title" )
+                {
+                    rtl::OUString sTitle;
+                    if ( getObject().get() )
+                        sTitle = rtl::OUString::createFromAscii( getObject()->getName().c_str( ) );
+                    else if ( m_pObjectProps.size() > 0 )
-                        vector< string > values = it->second->getStrings( );
-                        if ( values.size() > 0 )
-                            sTitle = rtl::OUString::createFromAscii( values.front( ).c_str( ) );
+                        map< string, libcmis::PropertyPtr >::iterator it = m_pObjectProps.find( "cmis:name" );
+                        if ( it != m_pObjectProps.end( ) )
+                        {
+                            vector< string > values = it->second->getStrings( );
+                            if ( values.size() > 0 )
+                                sTitle = rtl::OUString::createFromAscii( values.front( ).c_str( ) );
+                        }
-                }
-                // Nothing worked... get it from the path
-                if ( sTitle.isEmpty( ) )
-                {
-                    rtl::OUString sPath = m_sObjectPath;
+                    // Nothing worked... get it from the path
+                    if ( sTitle.isEmpty( ) )
+                    {
+                        rtl::OUString sPath = m_sObjectPath;
-                    // Get rid of the trailing slash problem
-                    if ( sPath[ sPath.getLength( ) - 1 ] == '/' )
-                        sPath = sPath.copy( 0, sPath.getLength() - 1 );
+                        // Get rid of the trailing slash problem
+                        if ( sPath[ sPath.getLength( ) - 1 ] == '/' )
+                            sPath = sPath.copy( 0, sPath.getLength() - 1 );
-                    // Get the last segment
-                    sal_Int32 nPos = sPath.lastIndexOf( '/' );
-                    if ( nPos >= 0 )
-                        sTitle = sPath.copy( nPos + 1 );
-                }
+                        // Get the last segment
+                        sal_Int32 nPos = sPath.lastIndexOf( '/' );
+                        if ( nPos >= 0 )
+                            sTitle = sPath.copy( nPos + 1 );
+                    }
-                if ( !sTitle.isEmpty( ) )
-                    xRow->appendString( rProp, sTitle );
-                else
-                    xRow->appendVoid( rProp );
-            }
-            else if ( rProp.Name == "TitleOnServer" )
-            {
-                string path;
-                if ( getObject().get( ) )
-                {
-                    vector< string > paths = getObject( )->getPaths( );
-                    if ( paths.size( ) > 0 )
-                        path = paths.front( );
+                    if ( !sTitle.isEmpty( ) )
+                        xRow->appendString( rProp, sTitle );
-                        path = getObject()->getName( );
+                        xRow->appendVoid( rProp );
+                }
+                else if ( rProp.Name == "TitleOnServer" )
+                {
+                    string path;
+                    if ( getObject().get( ) )
+                    {
+                        vector< string > paths = getObject( )->getPaths( );
+                        if ( paths.size( ) > 0 )
+                            path = paths.front( );
+                        else
+                            path = getObject()->getName( );
-                    xRow->appendString( rProp, rtl::OUString::createFromAscii( path.c_str() ) );
+                        xRow->appendString( rProp, rtl::OUString::createFromAscii( path.c_str() ) );
+                    }
+                    else
+                        xRow->appendVoid( rProp );
-                else
-                    xRow->appendVoid( rProp );
-            }
-            else if ( rProp.Name == "IsReadOnly" )
-            {
-                boost::shared_ptr< libcmis::AllowableActions > allowableActions = getObject()->getAllowableActions( );
-                sal_Bool bReadOnly = sal_False;
-                if ( allowableActions->isAllowed( libcmis::ObjectAction::SetContentStream ) )
-                    bReadOnly = sal_True;
+                else if ( rProp.Name == "IsReadOnly" )
+                {
+                    boost::shared_ptr< libcmis::AllowableActions > allowableActions = getObject()->getAllowableActions( );
+                    sal_Bool bReadOnly = sal_False;
+                    if ( allowableActions->isAllowed( libcmis::ObjectAction::SetContentStream ) )
+                        bReadOnly = sal_True;
-                xRow->appendBoolean( rProp, bReadOnly );
-            }
-            else if ( rProp.Name == "DateCreated" )
-            {
-                util::DateTime aTime = lcl_boostToUnoTime( getObject( )->getCreationDate( ) );
-                xRow->appendTimestamp( rProp, aTime );
-            }
-            else if ( rProp.Name == "DateModified" )
-            {
-                util::DateTime aTime = lcl_boostToUnoTime( getObject( )->getLastModificationDate( ) );
-                xRow->appendTimestamp( rProp, aTime );
-            }
-            else if ( rProp.Name == "Size" )
-            {
-                libcmis::Document* document = dynamic_cast< libcmis::Document* >( getObject().get( ) );
-                if ( NULL != document )
-                    xRow->appendLong( rProp, document->getContentLength() );
+                    xRow->appendBoolean( rProp, bReadOnly );
+                }
+                else if ( rProp.Name == "DateCreated" )
+                {
+                    util::DateTime aTime = lcl_boostToUnoTime( getObject( )->getCreationDate( ) );
+                    xRow->appendTimestamp( rProp, aTime );
+                }
+                else if ( rProp.Name == "DateModified" )
+                {
+                    util::DateTime aTime = lcl_boostToUnoTime( getObject( )->getLastModificationDate( ) );
+                    xRow->appendTimestamp( rProp, aTime );
+                }
+                else if ( rProp.Name == "Size" )
+                {
+                    libcmis::Document* document = dynamic_cast< libcmis::Document* >( getObject().get( ) );
+                    if ( NULL != document )
+                        xRow->appendLong( rProp, document->getContentLength() );
+                    else
+                        xRow->appendVoid( rProp );
+                }
+                else if ( rProp.Name == "CreatableContentsInfo" )
+                {
+                    xRow->appendObject( rProp, uno::makeAny( queryCreatableContentsInfo( xEnv ) ) );
+                }
-                    xRow->appendVoid( rProp );
+                    SAL_INFO( "cmisucp", "Looking for unsupported property " << rProp.Name );
-            else if ( rProp.Name == "CreatableContentsInfo" )
+            catch ( const libcmis::Exception& e )
-                xRow->appendObject( rProp, uno::makeAny( queryCreatableContentsInfo( xEnv ) ) );
+                ucbhelper::cancelCommandExecution(
+                                    ucb::IOErrorCode_GENERAL,
+                                    uno::Sequence< uno::Any >( 0 ),
+                                    xEnv,
+                                    rtl::OUString::createFromAscii( e.what() ) );
-            else
-                SAL_INFO( "cmisucp", "Looking for unsupported property " << rProp.Name );
         return uno::Reference< sdbc::XRow >( xRow.get() );
@@ -504,105 +521,106 @@ namespace cmis
                 xEnv );
-        try
+        // For transient content, the URL is the one of the parent
+        if ( m_bTransient )
-            // For transient content, the URL is the one of the parent
-            if ( m_bTransient )
+            rtl::OUString sNewPath;
+            // Try to get the object from the server if there is any
+            libcmis::Folder* pFolder = NULL;
+            try
-                rtl::OUString sNewPath;
+                pFolder = dynamic_cast< libcmis::Folder* >( getObject( ).get( ) );
+            }
+            catch ( const libcmis::Exception& )
+            {
+            }
+            if ( pFolder != NULL )
+            {
+                map< string, libcmis::PropertyPtr >::iterator it = m_pObjectProps.find( "cmis:name" );
+                if ( it == m_pObjectProps.end( ) )
+                {
+                    ucbhelper::cancelCommandExecution( uno::makeAny
+                        ( uno::RuntimeException( "Missing name property",
+                            static_cast< cppu::OWeakObject * >( this ) ) ),
+                        xEnv );
+                }
+                string newName = it->second->getStrings( ).front( );
+                string newPath = pFolder->getPath( );
+                if ( newPath[ newPath.size( ) - 1 ] != '/' )
+                    newPath += "/";
+                newPath += newName;
+                libcmis::ObjectPtr object;
+                try
+                {
+                    object = m_pSession->getObjectByPath( newPath );
+                    sNewPath = rtl::OUString::createFromAscii( newPath.c_str( ) );
+                }
+                catch ( const libcmis::Exception& )
+                {
+                    // Nothing matched the path
+                }
-                // Try to get the object from the server if there is any
-                libcmis::Folder* pFolder = dynamic_cast< libcmis::Folder* >( getObject( ).get( ) );
-                if ( pFolder != NULL )
+                if ( NULL != object.get( ) )
-                    map< string, libcmis::PropertyPtr >::iterator it = m_pObjectProps.find( "cmis:name" );
-                    if ( it == m_pObjectProps.end( ) )
+                    // Are the base type matching?
+                    if ( object->getBaseType( ) != m_pObjectType->getBaseType( )->getId() )
                         ucbhelper::cancelCommandExecution( uno::makeAny
-                            ( uno::RuntimeException( "Missing name property",
+                            ( uno::RuntimeException( "Can't change a folder into a document and vice-versa.",
                                 static_cast< cppu::OWeakObject * >( this ) ) ),
                             xEnv );
-                    string newName = it->second->getStrings( ).front( );
-                    string newPath = pFolder->getPath( );
-                    if ( newPath[ newPath.size( ) - 1 ] != '/' )
-                        newPath += "/";
-                    newPath += newName;
-                    libcmis::ObjectPtr object;
-                    try
-                    {
-                        object = m_pSession->getObjectByPath( newPath );
-                        sNewPath = rtl::OUString::createFromAscii( newPath.c_str( ) );
-                    }
-                    catch ( const libcmis::Exception& )
+                    // Update the existing object if it's a document
+                    libcmis::Document* document = dynamic_cast< libcmis::Document* >( object.get( ) );
+                    if ( NULL != document )
-                        // Nothing matched the path
+                        boost::shared_ptr< ostream > pOut( new ostringstream ( ios_base::binary | ios_base::in | ios_base::out ) );
+                        uno::Reference < io::XOutputStream > xOutput = new ucbhelper::StdOutputStream( pOut );
+                        copyData( xInputStream, xOutput );
+                        document->setContentStream( pOut, string( ), bReplaceExisting );
+                }
+                else
+                {
+                    // We need to create a brand new object... either folder or document
+                    bool bIsFolder = m_pObjectType->getBaseType( )->getId( ) == "cmis:folder";
+                    setCmisProperty( "cmis:objectTypeId", m_pObjectType->getId( ) );
-                    if ( NULL != object.get( ) )
+                    if ( bIsFolder )
-                        // Are the base type matching?
-                        if ( object->getBaseType( ) != m_pObjectType->getBaseType( )->getId() )
-                        {
-                            ucbhelper::cancelCommandExecution( uno::makeAny
-                                ( uno::RuntimeException( "Can't change a folder into a document and vice-versa.",
-                                    static_cast< cppu::OWeakObject * >( this ) ) ),
-                                xEnv );
-                        }
-                        // Update the existing object if it's a document
-                        libcmis::Document* document = dynamic_cast< libcmis::Document* >( object.get( ) );
-                        if ( NULL != document )
-                        {
-                            boost::shared_ptr< ostream > pOut( new ostringstream ( ios_base::binary | ios_base::in | ios_base::out ) );
-                            uno::Reference < io::XOutputStream > xOutput = new ucbhelper::StdOutputStream( pOut );
-                            copyData( xInputStream, xOutput );
-                            document->setContentStream( pOut, string( ), bReplaceExisting );
-                        }
+                        libcmis::FolderPtr pNew = pFolder->createFolder( m_pObjectProps );
+                        sNewPath = rtl::OUString::createFromAscii( newPath.c_str( ) );
-                        // We need to create a brand new object... either folder or document
-                        bool bIsFolder = m_pObjectType->getBaseType( )->getId( ) == "cmis:folder";
-                        setCmisProperty( "cmis:objectTypeId", m_pObjectType->getId( ) );
-                        if ( bIsFolder )
-                        {
-                            libcmis::FolderPtr pNew = pFolder->createFolder( m_pObjectProps );
-                            sNewPath = rtl::OUString::createFromAscii( newPath.c_str( ) );
-                        }
-                        else
-                        {
-                            boost::shared_ptr< ostream > pOut( new ostringstream ( ios_base::binary | ios_base::in | ios_base::out ) );
-                            uno::Reference < io::XOutputStream > xOutput = new ucbhelper::StdOutputStream( pOut );
-                            copyData( xInputStream, xOutput );
-                            libcmis::DocumentPtr pNew = pFolder->createDocument( m_pObjectProps, pOut, string() );
-                            sNewPath = rtl::OUString::createFromAscii( newPath.c_str( ) );
-                        }
+                        boost::shared_ptr< ostream > pOut( new ostringstream ( ios_base::binary | ios_base::in | ios_base::out ) );
+                        uno::Reference < io::XOutputStream > xOutput = new ucbhelper::StdOutputStream( pOut );
+                        copyData( xInputStream, xOutput );
+                        libcmis::DocumentPtr pNew = pFolder->createDocument( m_pObjectProps, pOut, string() );
+                        sNewPath = rtl::OUString::createFromAscii( newPath.c_str( ) );
+                }
-                    if ( !sNewPath.isEmpty( ) )
-                    {
-                        // Update the current content: it's no longer transient
-                        m_sObjectPath = sNewPath;
-                        URL aUrl( m_sURL );
-                        aUrl.setObjectPath( m_sObjectPath );
-                        m_sURL = aUrl.asString( );
-                        m_pObject.reset( );
-                        m_pObjectType.reset( );
-                        m_pObjectProps.clear( );
-                        m_bTransient = false;
-                        inserted();
-                    }
+                if ( !sNewPath.isEmpty( ) )
+                {
+                    // Update the current content: it's no longer transient
+                    m_sObjectPath = sNewPath;
+                    URL aUrl( m_sURL );
+                    aUrl.setObjectPath( m_sObjectPath );
+                    m_sURL = aUrl.asString( );
+                    m_pObject.reset( );
+                    m_pObjectType.reset( );
+                    m_pObjectProps.clear( );
+                    m_bTransient = false;
+                    inserted();
-        catch ( const libcmis::Exception& e )
-        {
-            throw uno::Exception( rtl::OUString::createFromAscii( e.what( ) ), *this );
-        }
     const int TRANSFER_BUFFER_SIZE = 65536;
@@ -621,13 +639,24 @@ namespace cmis
     uno::Sequence< uno::Any > Content::setPropertyValues(
             const uno::Sequence< beans::PropertyValue >& rValues,
-            const uno::Reference< ucb::XCommandEnvironment >& )
+            const uno::Reference< ucb::XCommandEnvironment >& xEnv )
-        // Get the already set properties if possible
-        if ( !m_bTransient && getObject( ).get( ) )
+        try
+        {
+            // Get the already set properties if possible
+            if ( !m_bTransient && getObject( ).get( ) )
+            {
+                m_pObjectProps = getObject()->getProperties( );
+                m_pObjectType = getObject()->getTypeDescription();
+            }
+        }
+        catch ( const libcmis::Exception& e )
-            m_pObjectProps = getObject()->getProperties( );
-            m_pObjectType = getObject()->getTypeDescription();
+            ucbhelper::cancelCommandExecution(
+                                ucb::IOErrorCode_GENERAL,
+                                uno::Sequence< uno::Any >( 0 ),
+                                xEnv,
+                                rtl::OUString::createFromAscii( e.what() ) );
         sal_Int32 nCount = rValues.getLength();
@@ -681,16 +710,27 @@ namespace cmis
-        if ( !m_bTransient && bChanged )
+        try
-            getObject()->updateProperties();
+            if ( !m_bTransient && bChanged )
+            {
+                getObject()->updateProperties();
+            }
+        }
+        catch ( const libcmis::Exception& e )
+        {
+            ucbhelper::cancelCommandExecution(
+                                ucb::IOErrorCode_GENERAL,
+                                uno::Sequence< uno::Any >( 0 ),
+                                xEnv,
+                                rtl::OUString::createFromAscii( e.what() ) );
         return aRet;
     sal_Bool Content::feedSink( uno::Reference< uno::XInterface> xSink,
-        const uno::Reference< ucb::XCommandEnvironment >& /*xEnv*/ )
+        const uno::Reference< ucb::XCommandEnvironment >& xEnv )
         if ( !xSink.is() )
             return sal_False;
@@ -705,17 +745,28 @@ namespace cmis
         if ( xDataStreamer.is() && !xOut.is() )
             xOut = xDataStreamer->getStream()->getOutputStream();
-        libcmis::Document* document = dynamic_cast< libcmis::Document* >( getObject().get() );
-        boost::shared_ptr< istream > aIn = document->getContentStream( );
+        try
+        {
+            libcmis::Document* document = dynamic_cast< libcmis::Document* >( getObject().get() );
+            boost::shared_ptr< istream > aIn = document->getContentStream( );
-        uno::Reference< io::XInputStream > xIn = new ucbhelper::StdInputStream( aIn );
-        if( !xIn.is( ) )
-            return sal_False;
+            uno::Reference< io::XInputStream > xIn = new ucbhelper::StdInputStream( aIn );
+            if( !xIn.is( ) )
+                return sal_False;
-        if ( xDataSink.is() )
-            xDataSink->setInputStream( xIn );
-        else if ( xOut.is() )
-            copyData( xIn, xOut );
+            if ( xDataSink.is() )
+                xDataSink->setInputStream( xIn );
+            else if ( xOut.is() )
+                copyData( xIn, xOut );
+        }
+        catch ( const libcmis::Exception& e )
+        {
+            ucbhelper::cancelCommandExecution(
+                                ucb::IOErrorCode_GENERAL,
+                                uno::Sequence< uno::Any >( 0 ),
+                                xEnv,
+                                rtl::OUString::createFromAscii( e.what() ) );
+        }
         return sal_True;
@@ -814,7 +865,7 @@ namespace cmis
         return uno::Sequence< ucb::CommandInfo >(aCommandInfoTable, isFolder(xEnv) ? nProps : nProps - 2);
-    ::rtl::OUString Content::getParentURL()
+    ::rtl::OUString Content::getParentURL( )
         rtl::OUString sRet;
@@ -966,10 +1017,11 @@ namespace cmis
             catch ( const libcmis::Exception& e )
-                ucbhelper::cancelCommandExecution( uno::makeAny
-                    ( uno::RuntimeException( rtl::OUString::createFromAscii( e.what() ),
-                        static_cast< cppu::OWeakObject * >( this ) ) ),
-                    xEnv );
+                ucbhelper::cancelCommandExecution(
+                                    ucb::IOErrorCode_GENERAL,
+                                    uno::Sequence< uno::Any >( 0 ),
+                                    xEnv,
+                                    rtl::OUString::createFromAscii( e.what() ) );
diff --git a/ucb/source/ucp/cmis/cmis_content.hxx b/ucb/source/ucp/cmis/cmis_content.hxx
index a0d619b..359aaaa 100644
--- a/ucb/source/ucp/cmis/cmis_content.hxx
+++ b/ucb/source/ucp/cmis/cmis_content.hxx
@@ -188,7 +188,7 @@ public:
         queryCreatableContentsInfo( const com::sun::star::uno::Reference< com::sun::star::ucb::XCommandEnvironment >& xEnv )
                 throw( com::sun::star::uno::RuntimeException );
-    libcmis::ObjectPtr getObject( );
+    libcmis::ObjectPtr getObject( ) throw ( libcmis::Exception );
commit ddefa2deee1ca4260633f604568524a7a75c8b1e
Author: Cédric Bosdonnat <cedric.bosdonnat at free.fr>
Date:   Mon Jun 25 11:16:10 2012 +0200

    libcmis: updated to 0.2.3
    Among the useful fixes:
     * SharePoint fixes
     * Base64 encoding fixed
    Change-Id: Ic39a8d7ef9e9e19d5e0e37b6bfe86d0b2ba1bece

diff --git a/libcmis/makefile.mk b/libcmis/makefile.mk
index f3416ae..37e4f6b 100644
--- a/libcmis/makefile.mk
+++ b/libcmis/makefile.mk
@@ -41,11 +41,8 @@ TARGET=cmis
     @echo "Using system libcmis..."
-# Fixed for 0.2.3
 .IF "$(OS)$(COM)" == "WNTMSC"
diff --git a/ooo.lst.in b/ooo.lst.in
index 7778ab4..bcdde33 100644
--- a/ooo.lst.in
+++ b/ooo.lst.in
@@ -88,7 +88,7 @@ f02578f5218f217a9f20e9c30e119c6a-boost_1_44_0.tar.bz2

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