[Libreoffice-commits] .: 6 commits - binfilter/bf_sc binfilter/bf_sfx2 binfilter/bf_svtools binfilter/bf_sw binfilter/inc
Caolán McNamara
caolan at kemper.freedesktop.org
Wed Jun 27 08:45:07 PDT 2012
binfilter/bf_sc/source/core/tool/sc_chgtrack.cxx | 53 -
binfilter/bf_sfx2/source/bastyp/sfx2_minarray.cxx | 50 -
binfilter/bf_svtools/source/filerec/svt_filerec.cxx | 4
binfilter/bf_svtools/source/memtools/svt_svarray.cxx | 42 -
binfilter/bf_svtools/util/svt.flt | 1
binfilter/bf_sw/source/core/doc/sw_docbm.cxx | 2
binfilter/bf_sw/source/core/frmedt/sw_tblsel.cxx | 3
binfilter/bf_sw/source/core/ole/sw_ndole.cxx | 13
binfilter/bf_sw/source/core/sw3io/sw3imp.hxx | 1
binfilter/bf_sw/source/core/sw3io/sw_sw3imp.cxx | 29 -
binfilter/bf_sw/source/core/sw3io/sw_sw3style.cxx | 121 ----
binfilter/bf_sw/source/core/text/sw_porlay.cxx | 2
binfilter/inc/bf_sc/chgtrack.hxx | 1
binfilter/inc/bf_sfx2/minarray.hxx | 8
binfilter/inc/bf_starmath/utility.hxx | 1
binfilter/inc/bf_svtools/cntnrsrt.hxx | 66 +-
binfilter/inc/bf_svtools/filerec.hxx | 2
binfilter/inc/bf_svtools/svarray.hxx | 508 +++++++------------
binfilter/inc/bf_svtools/svstdarr.hxx | 5
19 files changed, 234 insertions(+), 678 deletions(-)
New commits:
commit 10c2eb2375b4e2dd889b945764162666363d2145
Author: Caolán McNamara <caolanm at redhat.com>
Date: Tue Jun 26 22:11:08 2012 +0100
inline various macros and ditch unused code
Change-Id: Idef459ca324de720ea19d36ff91c89e2196ec77b
diff --git a/binfilter/bf_sc/source/core/tool/sc_chgtrack.cxx b/binfilter/bf_sc/source/core/tool/sc_chgtrack.cxx
index e6e12c8..71d8d18 100644
--- a/binfilter/bf_sc/source/core/tool/sc_chgtrack.cxx
+++ b/binfilter/bf_sc/source/core/tool/sc_chgtrack.cxx
@@ -2918,59 +2918,6 @@ const USHORT ScChangeTrack::nContentSlots =
/*N*/ }
/*N*/ }
-/*N*/ void ScChangeTrack::Remove( ScChangeAction* pRemove )
-/*N*/ {
-/*N*/ // aus Track ausklinken
-/*N*/ ULONG nAct = pRemove->GetActionNumber();
-/*N*/ aTable.Remove( nAct );
-/*N*/ if ( nAct == nActionMax )
-/*N*/ --nActionMax;
-/*N*/ if ( pRemove == pLast )
-/*N*/ pLast = pRemove->pPrev;
-/*N*/ if ( pRemove == pFirst )
-/*N*/ pFirst = pRemove->pNext;
-/*N*/ if ( nAct == nMarkLastSaved )
-/*N*/ nMarkLastSaved =
-/*N*/ ( pRemove->pPrev ? pRemove->pPrev->GetActionNumber() : 0 );
-/*N*/ // aus der globalen Kette ausklinken
-/*N*/ if ( pRemove->pNext )
-/*N*/ pRemove->pNext->pPrev = pRemove->pPrev;
-/*N*/ if ( pRemove->pPrev )
-/*N*/ pRemove->pPrev->pNext = pRemove->pNext;
-/*N*/ // Dependencies nicht loeschen, passiert on delete automatisch durch
-/*N*/ // LinkEntry, ohne Listen abzuklappern
-/*N*/ if ( aModifiedLink.IsSet() )
-/*N*/ {
-/*N*/ NotifyModified( SC_CTM_REMOVE, nAct, nAct );
-/*N*/ if ( pRemove->GetType() == SC_CAT_CONTENT )
-/*N*/ {
-/*N*/ ScChangeActionContent* pContent = (ScChangeActionContent*) pRemove;
-/*N*/ if (( pContent = pContent->GetPrevContent() ))
-/*N*/ {
-/*N*/ ULONG nMod = pContent->GetActionNumber();
-/*N*/ NotifyModified( SC_CTM_CHANGE, nMod, nMod );
-/*N*/ }
-/*N*/ }
-/*N*/ else if ( pLast )
-/*N*/ NotifyModified( SC_CTM_CHANGE, pFirst->GetActionNumber(),
-/*N*/ pLast->GetActionNumber() );
-/*N*/ }
-/*N*/ if ( IsInPasteCut() && pRemove->GetType() == SC_CAT_CONTENT )
-/*N*/ { //! Content wird wiederverwertet
-/*N*/ ScChangeActionContent* pContent = (ScChangeActionContent*) pRemove;
-/*N*/ pContent->RemoveAllLinks();
-/*N*/ pContent->ClearTrack();
-/*N*/ pContent->pNext = pContent->pPrev = NULL;
-/*N*/ pContent->pNextContent = pContent->pPrevContent = NULL;
-/*N*/ }
-/*N*/ }
/*N*/ void ScChangeTrack::UpdateReference( ScChangeAction* pAct, BOOL bUndo )
/*N*/ {
/*N*/ ScChangeActionType eActType = pAct->GetType();
diff --git a/binfilter/bf_sfx2/source/bastyp/sfx2_minarray.cxx b/binfilter/bf_sfx2/source/bastyp/sfx2_minarray.cxx
index 2bce536..e2ef131 100644
--- a/binfilter/bf_sfx2/source/bastyp/sfx2_minarray.cxx
+++ b/binfilter/bf_sfx2/source/bastyp/sfx2_minarray.cxx
@@ -116,56 +116,6 @@ namespace binfilter {
/*N*/ return nLen;
/*N*/ }
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
-/*N*/ BOOL SfxPtrArr::Remove( void* aElem )
-/*N*/ {
-/*N*/ // einfache Aufgaben ...
-/*N*/ if ( nUsed == 0 )
-/*N*/ return FALSE;
-/*N*/ // rueckwaerts, da meist der letzte zuerst wieder entfernt wird
-/*N*/ void* *pIter = pData + nUsed - 1;
-/*N*/ for ( USHORT n = 0; n < nUsed; ++n, --pIter )
-/*N*/ if ( *pIter == aElem )
-/*N*/ {
-/*N*/ Remove(nUsed-n-1, 1);
-/*N*/ return TRUE;
-/*N*/ }
-/*N*/ return FALSE;
-/*N*/ }
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
-/*N*/ void SfxPtrArr::Insert( USHORT nPos, void* rElem )
-/*N*/ {
-/*N*/ DBG_ASSERT( sal_Int32(nUsed+1) < sal_Int32( USHRT_MAX / sizeof(void*) ), "array too large" );
-/*N*/ // musz das Array umkopiert werden?
-/*N*/ if ( nUnused == 0 )
-/*N*/ {
-/*N*/ // auf die naechste Grow-Grenze aufgerundet vergroeszern
-/*N*/ USHORT nNewSize = nUsed+nGrow;
-/*N*/ void** pNewData = new void*[nNewSize];
-/*N*/ if ( pData )
-/*N*/ {
-/*N*/ DBG_ASSERT( nUsed < nNewSize, "" );
-/*N*/ memmove( pNewData, pData, sizeof(void*)*nUsed );
-/*N*/ delete [] pData;
-/*N*/ }
-/*N*/ nUnused = nNewSize-nUsed;
-/*N*/ pData = pNewData;
-/*N*/ }
-/*N*/ // jetzt den hinteren Teil verschieben
-/*N*/ if ( nPos < nUsed )
-/*N*/ memmove( pData+nPos+1, pData+nPos, (nUsed-nPos)*sizeof(void*) );
-/*N*/ // jetzt in den freien Raum schreiben
-/*N*/ memmove( pData+nPos, &rElem, sizeof(void*) );
-/*N*/ nUsed += 1;
-/*N*/ nUnused -= 1;
-/*N*/ }
/* vim:set shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4 expandtab: */
diff --git a/binfilter/bf_svtools/source/filerec/svt_filerec.cxx b/binfilter/bf_svtools/source/filerec/svt_filerec.cxx
index 7108dab..78ebc4b 100644
--- a/binfilter/bf_svtools/source/filerec/svt_filerec.cxx
+++ b/binfilter/bf_svtools/source/filerec/svt_filerec.cxx
@@ -34,10 +34,6 @@ namespace binfilter
/* Die folgenden Makros extrahieren Teilbereiche aus einem UINT32 Wert.
Diese UINT32-Werte werden anstelle der einzelnen Werte gestreamt,
um Calls zu sparen.
diff --git a/binfilter/bf_svtools/source/memtools/svt_svarray.cxx b/binfilter/bf_svtools/source/memtools/svt_svarray.cxx
index 90d4576..bc68b21 100644
--- a/binfilter/bf_svtools/source/memtools/svt_svarray.cxx
+++ b/binfilter/bf_svtools/source/memtools/svt_svarray.cxx
@@ -204,24 +204,6 @@ BOOL SvUShortsSort::Seek_Entry( const USHORT aE, USHORT* pP ) const
return FALSE;
-void SvUShortsSort::Insert( const SvUShortsSort * pI, USHORT nS, USHORT nE )
- if( USHRT_MAX == nE )
- nE = pI->Count();
- const USHORT * pIArr = pI->GetData();
- for( ; nS < nE; ++nS )
- {
- if( ! Seek_Entry( *(pIArr+nS), &nP) )
- SvUShorts::Insert( *(pIArr+nS), nP );
- if( ++nP >= Count() )
- {
- SvUShorts::Insert( pI, nP, nS+1, nE );
- nS = nE;
- }
- }
BOOL SvUShortsSort::Insert( const USHORT aE )
@@ -231,30 +213,6 @@ BOOL SvUShortsSort::Insert( const USHORT aE )
return !bExist;
-BOOL SvUShortsSort::Insert( const USHORT aE, USHORT& rP )
- BOOL bExist = Seek_Entry( aE, &rP );
- if( !bExist )
- SvUShorts::Insert( aE, rP );
- return !bExist;
-void SvUShortsSort::Insert( const USHORT* pE, USHORT nL)
- for( USHORT n = 0; n < nL; ++n )
- if( ! Seek_Entry( *(pE+n), &nP ))
- SvUShorts::Insert( *(pE+n), nP );
-// remove ab dem Eintrag
-void SvUShortsSort::Remove( const USHORT aE, USHORT nL )
- if( nL && Seek_Entry( aE, &nP ) )
- SvUShorts::Remove( nP, nL);
/* vim:set shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4 expandtab: */
diff --git a/binfilter/bf_svtools/util/svt.flt b/binfilter/bf_svtools/util/svt.flt
index 5032849..cdf8cb7 100644
--- a/binfilter/bf_svtools/util/svt.flt
+++ b/binfilter/bf_svtools/util/svt.flt
@@ -52,7 +52,6 @@ SdbSqlScanner
diff --git a/binfilter/bf_sw/source/core/doc/sw_docbm.cxx b/binfilter/bf_sw/source/core/doc/sw_docbm.cxx
index 5e5af6c..abca478 100644
--- a/binfilter/bf_sw/source/core/doc/sw_docbm.cxx
+++ b/binfilter/bf_sw/source/core/doc/sw_docbm.cxx
@@ -68,7 +68,7 @@ namespace binfilter {
/*N*/ const String& rName, const String& rShortName,
/*N*/ {
-/*N*/ SwBookmark *pBM;
+/*N*/ SwBookmark *pBM = NULL;
/*N*/ if( MARK != eMark )
if( BOOKMARK == eMark )
diff --git a/binfilter/bf_sw/source/core/frmedt/sw_tblsel.cxx b/binfilter/bf_sw/source/core/frmedt/sw_tblsel.cxx
index cd81dde..c6e49d3 100644
--- a/binfilter/bf_sw/source/core/frmedt/sw_tblsel.cxx
+++ b/binfilter/bf_sw/source/core/frmedt/sw_tblsel.cxx
@@ -110,9 +110,6 @@ namespace binfilter {
/*N*/ : pFrm( &rCFrm ) {}
/*N*/ };
-/*N*/ SV_DECL_VARARR( _Sort_CellFrms, _Sort_CellFrm, 16, 16 )
-/*N*/ SV_IMPL_VARARR( _Sort_CellFrms, _Sort_CellFrm )
/*N*/ SV_IMPL_PTRARR( SwChartBoxes, SwTableBoxPtr );
/*N*/ SV_IMPL_PTRARR( SwChartLines, SwChartBoxes* );
diff --git a/binfilter/bf_sw/source/core/ole/sw_ndole.cxx b/binfilter/bf_sw/source/core/ole/sw_ndole.cxx
index 9bf31c4..e34a1a9 100644
--- a/binfilter/bf_sw/source/core/ole/sw_ndole.cxx
+++ b/binfilter/bf_sw/source/core/ole/sw_ndole.cxx
@@ -65,7 +65,6 @@ public:
virtual void Notify( const ::com::sun::star::uno::Sequence< rtl::OUString >& aPropertyNames );
void Insert( SwOLEObj& rObj );
- void Remove( SwOLEObj& rObj );
void RemovePtr( SwOLEObj* pObj )
@@ -418,18 +417,6 @@ SwOLELRUCache* SwOLEObj::pOLELRU_Cache = 0;
/*N*/ #endif
/*N*/ }
-/*N*/ void SwOLELRUCache::Remove( SwOLEObj& rObj )
-/*N*/ {
-/*N*/ if( !bInUnload )
-/*N*/ {
-/*N*/ USHORT nPos = SvPtrarr::GetPos( &rObj );
-/*N*/ if( USHRT_MAX != nPos && rObj.RemovedFromLRU() )
-/*N*/ SvPtrarr::Remove( nPos );
-/*N*/ }
-/*N*/ }
/* vim:set shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4 expandtab: */
diff --git a/binfilter/bf_sw/source/core/sw3io/sw3imp.hxx b/binfilter/bf_sw/source/core/sw3io/sw3imp.hxx
index b3137ac..d819573 100644
--- a/binfilter/bf_sw/source/core/sw3io/sw3imp.hxx
+++ b/binfilter/bf_sw/source/core/sw3io/sw3imp.hxx
@@ -283,7 +283,6 @@ public:
void Store( SvStream& ) {}
static USHORT ConvertFromOldPoolId( USHORT nId, USHORT nVersion );
- static USHORT ConvertToOldPoolId( USHORT nId, sal_uInt32 nFFVersion );
// Informationen, die nur beim Export eines Doks benoetigt werden
diff --git a/binfilter/bf_sw/source/core/sw3io/sw_sw3imp.cxx b/binfilter/bf_sw/source/core/sw3io/sw_sw3imp.cxx
index 73f5c46..c2b2e74 100644
--- a/binfilter/bf_sw/source/core/sw3io/sw_sw3imp.cxx
+++ b/binfilter/bf_sw/source/core/sw3io/sw_sw3imp.cxx
@@ -1249,35 +1249,6 @@ const int RES_POOLCOLL_HTML_DT_40 = 0x3007;
/*N*/ return nId;
/*N*/ }
-/*N*/ sal_uInt16 Sw3StringPool::ConvertToOldPoolId( sal_uInt16 nId, sal_uInt32 nFFVersion )
-/*N*/ {
-/*N*/ if( nFFVersion <= SOFFICE_FILEFORMAT_40 )
-/*N*/ {
-/*N*/ // H6, LISTUNG undx XMP wurden entfernt.
-/*N*/ // HR, DT und DD sind nach vorne gerueckt.
-/*N*/ switch( nId )
-/*N*/ {
-/*?*/ case RES_POOLCOLL_HTML_HR: nId = RES_POOLCOLL_HTML_HR_40; break;
-/*?*/ case RES_POOLCOLL_HEADLINE6:nId = RES_POOLCOLL_HTML_H6_40; break;
-/*?*/ case RES_POOLCOLL_HTML_DD: nId = RES_POOLCOLL_HTML_DD_40; break;
-/*?*/ case RES_POOLCOLL_HTML_DT: nId = RES_POOLCOLL_HTML_DT_40; break;
-/*N*/ //JP 05.05.98: im 3.1/4.0 war ein Bug im sw3style bei der Abfrage
-/*N*/ // ob die PoolID einer Zeichenvorlage eine Benutzer-
-/*N*/ // definierte ID ist. Alles zwischen
-/*N*/ // werden als gueltig erkannt, was falsch ist.
-/*N*/ default:
-/*N*/ ||( RES_POOLPAGE_HTML < nId && nId < RES_POOLPAGE_END ) )
-/*N*/ nId = USHRT_MAX;
-/*N*/ }
-/*N*/ }
-/*N*/ return nId;
-/*N*/ }
// Entfernen der Autoformat-Extension nach dem Laden/Speichern
// Dies ist ein Hash und eine Zahl, mit der Autoformate im
// FrmFmt-Array des Docs erweitert wurden.
diff --git a/binfilter/bf_sw/source/core/sw3io/sw_sw3style.cxx b/binfilter/bf_sw/source/core/sw3io/sw_sw3style.cxx
index d3126aa..6186498 100644
--- a/binfilter/bf_sw/source/core/sw3io/sw_sw3style.cxx
+++ b/binfilter/bf_sw/source/core/sw3io/sw_sw3style.cxx
@@ -152,7 +152,6 @@ class SwStyleSheetPool : public SfxStyleSheetBasePool {
long nExpFFVersion; // FF-Version fuer Export
using SfxStyleSheetBasePool::Create;
virtual SfxStyleSheetBase* Create( const String&, SfxStyleFamily, USHORT nMask);
- void Add( const SwFmt& rFmt, SfxStyleFamily eFam );
void CopyToDoc( BOOL bOverwrite, USHORT eMask );
void Rename( const String&, const String&, SfxStyleFamily );
SwStyleSheet *FindByPoolId( USHORT nPoolId );
@@ -436,126 +435,6 @@ public:
const int RES_POOLCOLL_HTML_XMP_40_USER = 0x3003 | USER_FMT;
-// Hinzufuegen eines neuen StyleSheets.
-// Es muss mind. ein Bit in der Maske gesetzt werden, da die Suchroutinen
-// der Basisklasse ein AND auf die Maske machen!
-// Der Set wird auch temporaer kopiert.
-#define DUMMYBITS 0x0001
-/*N*/ void SwStyleSheetPool::Add( const SwFmt& rFmt, SfxStyleFamily eFam )
-/*N*/ {
-/*N*/ SwStyleSheet& r = (SwStyleSheet&) Make( rFmt.GetName(), eFam, DUMMYBITS );
-/*N*/ // SW31-Export oder nicht
-/*N*/ r.nVersion = nExpFFVersion;
-/*N*/ // ItemSet
-/*N*/ r.GetItemSet().Put( rFmt.GetAttrSet() );
-/*N*/ // es muss natuerlich der Pointer vom kopierten geschrieben werden !!!
-/*N*/ r.pSet = &r.GetItemSet();
-/*N*/ r.bMySet = FALSE;
-/*N*/ // Members setzen
-/*N*/ OSL_ENSURE( nExpFFVersion, "SwStylePool::Add: FF-Version ist nicht gesetzt" );
-/*N*/ if( nExpFFVersion <= SOFFICE_FILEFORMAT_40 )
-/*N*/ r.nId = Sw3StringPool::ConvertToOldPoolId( rFmt.GetPoolFmtId(),
-/*N*/ nExpFFVersion );
-/*N*/ else
-/*N*/ r.nId = rFmt.GetPoolFmtId();
-/*N*/ r.pFmt = (SwFmt*) &rFmt;
-/*N*/ if( r.nId & USER_FMT )
-/*N*/ if( rDoc.IsUsed( rFmt ) )
-/*N*/ r.nMask |= SFXSTYLEBIT_USED;
-/*N*/ if( rFmt.GetPoolHlpFileId() != UCHAR_MAX )
-/*?*/ r.aHelpFile = *rDoc.GetDocPattern( rFmt.GetPoolHlpFileId() );
-/*N*/ r.nHelpId = rFmt.GetPoolHelpId();
-/*N*/ if( rFmt.IsAutoUpdateFmt() )
-/*N*/ r.cFlags |= 0x01;
-/*N*/ // Parent und Follow
-/*N*/ SwFmt* pFmt = rFmt.DerivedFrom();
-/*N*/ // Parent-Namen nur uebernehmen, wenn kein Default
-/*N*/ if( pFmt && !pFmt->IsDefault() )
-/*N*/ r.aParent = rFmt.DerivedFrom()->GetName();
-/*N*/ if( r.nFamily & SFX_STYLE_FAMILY_PARA )
-/*N*/ {
-/*N*/ r.nLevel = r.GetColl()->GetOutlineLevel();
-/*N*/ #ifdef NUM_RELSPACE
-/*N*/ if( NO_NUMBERING != r.nLevel )
-/*N*/ {
-/*N*/ // Beim Export in das 3.1- oder 4.0-Format wird die Vorlage noch
-/*N*/ // an die Outline Numerierung angepasst. Der linke Einzug wird
-/*N*/ // aber nur veraendert, wenn er nicht relativ ist.
-/*N*/ // Beim Schreiben des 5.0/5.1-Formats werden die Einzuege immer
-/*N*/ // veraendert und das Original-Item gemerkt.
-/*N*/ // Beim 3.1- und 4.0-Export werden auch Vorlagen angepasst, deren
-/*N*/ // Outline-Level >= 5 ist.
-/*N*/ const SwNumRule *pOutline = rDoc.GetOutlineNumRule();
-/*N*/ BYTE nLevel = GetRealLevel( r.nLevel );
-/*N*/ if( pOutline )
-/*N*/ {
-/*N*/ const SwNumFmt& rNumFmt = pOutline->Get( nLevel );
-/*N*/ const SvxLRSpaceItem& rLRSpace = rFmt.GetLRSpace();
-/*N*/ USHORT nOldLSpace = rLRSpace.GetTxtLeft();
-/*N*/ USHORT nLSpace = rLRSpace.GetTxtLeft();
-/*N*/ BOOL bNonProp = FALSE;
-/*N*/ if( rLRSpace.GetPropLeft() == 100U ||
-/*N*/ nExpFFVersion > SOFFICE_FILEFORMAT_40 )
-/*N*/ {
-/*N*/ if( pOutline->IsAbsSpaces() )
-/*?*/ nLSpace = rNumFmt.GetAbsLSpace();
-/*N*/ else
-/*N*/ nLSpace += rNumFmt.GetAbsLSpace();
-/*N*/ bNonProp = TRUE;
-/*N*/ }
-/*N*/ if( nLSpace != rLRSpace.GetTxtLeft() ||
-/*N*/ rNumFmt.GetFirstLineOffset() !=
-/*N*/ rLRSpace.GetTxtFirstLineOfst() )
-/*N*/ {
-/*N*/ if( nExpFFVersion > SOFFICE_FILEFORMAT_40 )
-/*N*/ {
-/*N*/ r.cFlags |= 0x02;
-/*N*/ if( SFX_ITEM_SET == r.GetItemSet().
-/*N*/ GetItemState( RES_LR_SPACE, FALSE ) )
-/*N*/ {
-/*?*/ r.pNumLRSpace = new SvxLRSpaceItem( rLRSpace );
-/*N*/ }
-/*N*/ }
-/*N*/ SvxLRSpaceItem aLRSpace( rLRSpace );
-/*N*/ aLRSpace.SetTxtFirstLineOfst(
-/*N*/ rNumFmt.GetFirstLineOffset() );
-/*N*/ if( bNonProp )
-/*N*/ aLRSpace.SetTxtLeft( nLSpace );
-/*N*/ r.GetItemSet().Put( aLRSpace );
-/*N*/ if( nExpFFVersion <= SOFFICE_FILEFORMAT_40 &&
-/*N*/ nLSpace != nOldLSpace )
-/*N*/ {
-/*N*/ const SfxPoolItem* pItem;
-/*N*/ if( SFX_ITEM_SET == rFmt.GetAttrSet().GetItemState(
-/*N*/ {
-/*N*/ SvxTabStopItem aTStop( *(SvxTabStopItem*)pItem );
-/*N*/ lcl_sw3io__ConvertNumTabStop( aTStop,
-/*N*/ (long)nOldLSpace - (long)nLSpace );
-/*N*/ r.GetItemSet().Put( aTStop );
-/*N*/ }
-/*N*/ }
-/*N*/ }
-/*N*/ }
-/*N*/ }
-/*N*/ #endif
-/*N*/ const SwTxtFmtColl& rFollow = r.GetColl()->GetNextTxtFmtColl();
-/*N*/ if( !rFollow.IsDefault() )
-/*N*/ r.aFollow = rFollow.GetName();
-/*N*/ }
-/*N*/ }
// Kopieren aller StyleSheets in das Doc
// Ggf. werden die StyleSheets neu erzeugt
diff --git a/binfilter/bf_sw/source/core/text/sw_porlay.cxx b/binfilter/bf_sw/source/core/text/sw_porlay.cxx
index 4db59f1..6a4beb0 100644
--- a/binfilter/bf_sw/source/core/text/sw_porlay.cxx
+++ b/binfilter/bf_sw/source/core/text/sw_porlay.cxx
@@ -455,7 +455,7 @@ SwLinePortion *SwLineLayout::Insert( SwLinePortion *pIns )
/*N*/ // counter for kashida array
/*N*/ USHORT nCntKash = 0;
/*N*/ #endif
-/*N*/ BYTE nScript;
+/*N*/ BYTE nScript = 0;
/*N*/ const String& rTxt = rNode.GetTxt();
diff --git a/binfilter/inc/bf_sc/chgtrack.hxx b/binfilter/inc/bf_sc/chgtrack.hxx
index 7a61ae0..4b41387 100644
--- a/binfilter/inc/bf_sc/chgtrack.hxx
+++ b/binfilter/inc/bf_sc/chgtrack.hxx
@@ -1042,7 +1042,6 @@ class ScChangeTrack : public SfxListener
/*N*/ void LookUpContents( const ScRange& rOrgRange,
/*N*/ ScDocument* pRefDoc,
/*N*/ short nDx, short nDy, short nDz );
-/*N*/ void Remove( ScChangeAction* );
/*N*/ void MasterLinks( ScChangeAction* );
/*N*/ // Content on top an Position
/*N*/ ScChangeActionContent* SearchContentAt( const ScBigAddress&,
diff --git a/binfilter/inc/bf_sfx2/minarray.hxx b/binfilter/inc/bf_sfx2/minarray.hxx
index 4c6f85a..1df1609 100644
--- a/binfilter/inc/bf_sfx2/minarray.hxx
+++ b/binfilter/inc/bf_sfx2/minarray.hxx
@@ -319,8 +319,6 @@ public:
void* GetObject( USHORT nPos ) const { return operator[](nPos); }
void*& GetObject( USHORT nPos ) { return operator[](nPos); }
- void Insert( USHORT nPos, void* rElem );
- BOOL Remove( void* rElem );
USHORT Remove( USHORT nPos, USHORT nLen );
USHORT Count() const { return nUsed; }
inline void** operator*();
@@ -358,12 +356,6 @@ public:\
T GetObject( USHORT nPos ) const { return operator[](nPos); } \
T& GetObject( USHORT nPos ) { return operator[](nPos); } \
- void Insert( USHORT nPos, T aElement ) {\
- SfxPtrArr::Insert(nPos,(void *)aElement);\
- }\
- void Remove( T aElement ) {\
- SfxPtrArr::Remove((void*)aElement);\
- }\
void Remove( USHORT nPos, USHORT nLen = 1 ) {\
SfxPtrArr::Remove( nPos, nLen ); \
diff --git a/binfilter/inc/bf_starmath/utility.hxx b/binfilter/inc/bf_starmath/utility.hxx
index be991c4..8546239 100644
--- a/binfilter/inc/bf_starmath/utility.hxx
+++ b/binfilter/inc/bf_starmath/utility.hxx
@@ -194,7 +194,6 @@ protected:
void *GetPtr(USHORT nPos) const { return SfxPtrArr::GetObject(nPos); }
void *&GetPtr(USHORT nPos) { return SfxPtrArr::GetObject(nPos); }
- void InsertPtr(USHORT nPos, void *pItem) { SfxPtrArr::Insert(nPos, pItem); }
void RemovePtr(USHORT nPos, USHORT nCount = 1) { SfxPtrArr::Remove(nPos, nCount); }
SmPickList(USHORT nInitSize = 0, USHORT nMaxSize = 5);
diff --git a/binfilter/inc/bf_svtools/cntnrsrt.hxx b/binfilter/inc/bf_svtools/cntnrsrt.hxx
index d91fd7a..42b30e2 100644
--- a/binfilter/inc/bf_svtools/cntnrsrt.hxx
+++ b/binfilter/inc/bf_svtools/cntnrsrt.hxx
@@ -25,7 +25,7 @@
namespace binfilter {
-#define DECLARE_CONTAINER_SORT_COMMON( ClassName, Type ) \
+#define DECLARE_CONTAINER_SORT_COMMON( ClassName, Type ) \
ClassName( const ClassName& ); \
ClassName& operator =( const ClassName& ); \
public: \
@@ -34,20 +34,34 @@ public: \
ClassName( USHORT InitSize, USHORT ReSize ) : \
Container( CONTAINER_MAXBLOCKSIZE, InitSize, ReSize ) {} \
- BOOL Insert( Type* pObj ); \
- \
+ BOOL Insert( Type* pObj ) \
+ { \
+ ULONG nPos; \
+ BOOL bExist = Seek_Entry( pObj, &nPos ); \
+ if( !bExist ) \
+ Container::Insert( pObj, nPos ); \
+ return !bExist; \
+ } \
+ \
Type *Remove( ULONG nPos ) \
{ return (Type *)Container::Remove( nPos ); } \
- Type *Remove( Type* pObj ); \
- \
+ Type *Remove( Type* pObj ) \
+ { \
+ ULONG nPos; \
+ if( Seek_Entry( pObj, &nPos ) ) \
+ return Remove( nPos ); \
+ else \
+ return 0; \
+ } \
+ \
void DeleteAndDestroy( ULONG nPos ) \
{ \
Type *pObj = Remove( nPos ); \
if( pObj ) \
delete pObj; \
} \
- \
+ \
void DeleteAndDestroy() \
{ while( Count() ) DeleteAndDestroy( 0 ); } \
@@ -59,7 +73,14 @@ public: \
BOOL Seek_Entry( const Type *pObj, ULONG* pPos ) const; \
- ULONG GetPos( const Type* pObj ) const; \
+ ULONG GetPos( const Type* pObj ) const \
+ { \
+ ULONG nPos; \
+ if( Seek_Entry( pObj, &nPos ) ) \
+ return nPos; \
+ else \
+ } \
#define DECLARE_CONTAINER_SORT( ClassName, Type ) \
@@ -70,42 +91,15 @@ class ClassName : private Container \
}; \
-#define DECLARE_CONTAINER_SORT_DEL( ClassName, Type ) \
+#define DECLARE_CONTAINER_SORT_DEL( ClassName, Type ) \
class ClassName : private Container \
{ \
~ClassName() { DeleteAndDestroy(); } \
}; \
#define IMPL_CONTAINER_SORT( ClassName, Type, SortFunc ) \
-BOOL ClassName::Insert( Type *pObj ) \
-{ \
- ULONG nPos; \
- BOOL bExist = Seek_Entry( pObj, &nPos ); \
- if( !bExist ) \
- Container::Insert( pObj, nPos ); \
- return !bExist; \
-} \
- \
-Type *ClassName::Remove( Type* pObj ) \
-{ \
- ULONG nPos; \
- if( Seek_Entry( pObj, &nPos ) ) \
- return Remove( nPos ); \
- else \
- return 0; \
-} \
- \
-ULONG ClassName::GetPos( const Type* pObj ) const \
-{ \
- ULONG nPos; \
- if( Seek_Entry( pObj, &nPos ) ) \
- return nPos; \
- else \
-} \
- \
BOOL ClassName::Seek_Entry( const Type* pObj, ULONG* pPos ) const \
{ \
register ULONG nO = Count(), \
diff --git a/binfilter/inc/bf_svtools/filerec.hxx b/binfilter/inc/bf_svtools/filerec.hxx
index 6d82606..6e66241 100644
--- a/binfilter/inc/bf_svtools/filerec.hxx
+++ b/binfilter/inc/bf_svtools/filerec.hxx
@@ -31,8 +31,6 @@
namespace binfilter
-SV_DECL_VARARR( SfxUINT32s, UINT32, 8, 8 )
#define SFX_REC_PRETAG_EXT BYTE(0x00) // Pre-Tag f"ur Extended-Records
diff --git a/binfilter/inc/bf_svtools/svarray.hxx b/binfilter/inc/bf_svtools/svarray.hxx
index 8f7d877..d087fca 100644
--- a/binfilter/inc/bf_svtools/svarray.hxx
+++ b/binfilter/inc/bf_svtools/svarray.hxx
@@ -20,15 +20,8 @@
#ifndef _SVARRAY_HXX
#define _SVARRAY_HXX
#include <string.h> // memmove()
#include <limits.h> // USHRT_MAX
#include <rtl/alloc.h>
@@ -76,11 +69,66 @@ public:\
AERef GetObject(USHORT nP) const { return (*this)[nP]; } \
- void Insert( const AERef aE, USHORT nP );\
- void Insert( const AE *pE, USHORT nL, USHORT nP );\
- void Remove( USHORT nP, USHORT nL = 1 );\
- void Replace( const AERef aE, USHORT nP );\
- void Replace( const AE *pE, USHORT nL, USHORT nP );\
+ void Insert( const AERef aE, USHORT nP )\
+ {\
+ if (nFree < 1)\
+ _resize (nA + ((nA > 1) ? nA : 1));\
+ if( pData && nP < nA )\
+ memmove( pData+nP+1, pData+nP, (nA-nP) * sizeof( AE ));\
+ *(pData+nP) = (AE&)aE;\
+ ++nA; --nFree;\
+ }\
+ void Insert( const AE *pE, USHORT nL, USHORT nP )\
+ {\
+ if (nFree < nL)\
+ _resize (nA + ((nA > nL) ? nA : nL));\
+ if( pData && nP < nA )\
+ memmove( pData+nP+nL, pData+nP, (nA-nP) * sizeof( AE ));\
+ if( pE )\
+ memcpy( pData+nP, pE, nL * sizeof( AE ));\
+ nA = nA + nL; nFree = nFree - nL;\
+ }\
+ void Remove( USHORT nP, USHORT nL = 1 )\
+ {\
+ if( !nL )\
+ return;\
+ if( pData && nP+1 < nA )\
+ memmove( pData+nP, pData+nP+nL, (nA-nP-nL) * sizeof( AE ));\
+ nA = nA - nL; nFree = nFree + nL;\
+ if (nFree > nA)\
+ _resize (nA);\
+ }\
+ void Replace( const AERef aE, USHORT nP )\
+ {\
+ if( nP < nA )\
+ *(pData+nP) = (AE&)aE;\
+ }\
+ void Replace( const AE *pE, USHORT nL, USHORT nP )\
+ {\
+ if( pE && nP < nA )\
+ {\
+ if( nP + nL < nA )\
+ memcpy( pData + nP, pE, nL * sizeof( AE ));\
+ else if( nP + nL < nA + nFree )\
+ {\
+ memcpy( pData + nP, pE, nL * sizeof( AE ));\
+ nP = nP + (nL - nA); \
+ nFree = nP;\
+ }\
+ else \
+ {\
+ USHORT nTmpLen = nA + nFree - nP; \
+ memcpy( pData + nP, pE, nTmpLen * sizeof( AE ));\
+ nA = nA + nFree; \
+ nFree = 0; \
+ Insert( pE + nTmpLen, nL - nTmpLen, nA );\
+ }\
+ }\
+ }\
USHORT Count() const { return nA; }\
const AE* GetData() const { return (const AE*)pData; }\
@@ -142,69 +190,6 @@ void nm::_resize (size_t n)\
-void nm::Insert( const AERef aE, USHORT nP )\
- DBG_ASSERT(nP <= nA && nA < USHRT_MAX, "Ins 1");\
- if (nFree < 1)\
- _resize (nA + ((nA > 1) ? nA : 1));\
- if( pData && nP < nA )\
- memmove( pData+nP+1, pData+nP, (nA-nP) * sizeof( AE ));\
- *(pData+nP) = (AE&)aE;\
- ++nA; --nFree;\
-void nm::Insert( const AE* pE, USHORT nL, USHORT nP )\
- DBG_ASSERT(nP<=nA && ((long)nA+nL)<USHRT_MAX,"Ins n");\
- if (nFree < nL)\
- _resize (nA + ((nA > nL) ? nA : nL));\
- if( pData && nP < nA )\
- memmove( pData+nP+nL, pData+nP, (nA-nP) * sizeof( AE ));\
- if( pE )\
- memcpy( pData+nP, pE, nL * sizeof( AE ));\
- nA = nA + nL; nFree = nFree - nL;\
-void nm::Replace( const AERef aE, USHORT nP )\
- if( nP < nA )\
- *(pData+nP) = (AE&)aE;\
-void nm::Replace( const AE *pE, USHORT nL, USHORT nP )\
- if( pE && nP < nA )\
- {\
- if( nP + nL < nA )\
- memcpy( pData + nP, pE, nL * sizeof( AE ));\
- else if( nP + nL < nA + nFree )\
- {\
- memcpy( pData + nP, pE, nL * sizeof( AE ));\
- nP = nP + (nL - nA); \
- nFree = nP;\
- }\
- else \
- {\
- USHORT nTmpLen = nA + nFree - nP; \
- memcpy( pData + nP, pE, nTmpLen * sizeof( AE ));\
- nA = nA + nFree; \
- nFree = 0; \
- Insert( pE + nTmpLen, nL - nTmpLen, nA );\
- }\
- }\
-void nm::Remove( USHORT nP, USHORT nL )\
- if( !nL )\
- return;\
- DBG_ASSERT( nP < nA && nP + nL <= nA,"Del");\
- if( pData && nP+1 < nA )\
- memmove( pData+nP, pData+nP+nL, (nA-nP-nL) * sizeof( AE ));\
- nA = nA - nL; nFree = nFree + nL;\
- if (nFree > nA)\
- _resize (nA);\
#define SV_IMPL_VARARR( nm, AE ) \
@@ -237,9 +222,52 @@ public:\
} \
AE& GetObject(USHORT nP) const { return (*this)[nP]; } \
- void Insert( const AE &aE, USHORT nP );\
- void Insert( const AE *pE, USHORT nL, USHORT nP );\
- void Remove( USHORT nP, USHORT nL = 1 );\
+ void Insert( const AE &aE, USHORT nP )\
+ {\
+ if (nFree < 1)\
+ _resize (nA + ((nA > 1) ? nA : 1));\
+ if( pData && nP < nA )\
+ memmove( pData+nP+1, pData+nP, (nA-nP) * sizeof( AE ));\
+ AE* pTmp = pData+nP;\
+ new( (DummyType*) pTmp ) AE( (AE&)aE );\
+ ++nA; --nFree;\
+ }\
+ void Insert( const AE *pE, USHORT nL, USHORT nP )\
+ {\
+ if (nFree < nL)\
+ _resize (nA + ((nA > nL) ? nA : nL));\
+ if( pData && nP < nA )\
+ memmove( pData+nP+nL, pData+nP, (nA-nP) * sizeof( AE ));\
+ if( pE )\
+ {\
+ AE* pTmp = pData+nP;\
+ for( USHORT n = 0; n < nL; n++, pTmp++, pE++)\
+ {\
+ new( (DummyType*) pTmp ) AE( (AE&)*pE );\
+ }\
+ }\
+ nA = nA + nL; nFree = nFree - nL;\
+ }\
+ void Remove( USHORT nP, USHORT nL = 1 )\
+ {\
+ if( !nL )\
+ return;\
+ AE* pTmp=pData+nP;\
+ USHORT nCtr = nP;\
+ for(USHORT n=0; n < nL; n++,pTmp++,nCtr++)\
+ {\
+ if( nCtr < nA )\
+ pTmp->~AE();\
+ }\
+ if( pData && nP+1 < nA )\
+ memmove( pData+nP, pData+nP+nL, (nA-nP-nL) * sizeof( AE ));\
+ nA = nA - nL; nFree = nFree + nL;\
+ if (nFree > nA) \
+ _resize (nA);\
+ }\
USHORT Count() const { return nA; }\
const AE* GetData() const { return (const AE*)pData; }\
@@ -307,55 +335,6 @@ void nm::_resize (size_t n)\
nFree = nL - nA;\
-void nm::Insert( const AE &aE, USHORT nP )\
- DBG_ASSERT( nP <= nA && nA < USHRT_MAX,"Ins 1");\
- if (nFree < 1)\
- _resize (nA + ((nA > 1) ? nA : 1));\
- if( pData && nP < nA )\
- memmove( pData+nP+1, pData+nP, (nA-nP) * sizeof( AE ));\
- AE* pTmp = pData+nP;\
- new( (DummyType*) pTmp ) AE( (AE&)aE );\
- ++nA; --nFree;\
-void nm::Insert( const AE* pE, USHORT nL, USHORT nP )\
- DBG_ASSERT(nP<=nA && ((long)nA+nL) < USHRT_MAX, "Ins n");\
- if (nFree < nL)\
- _resize (nA + ((nA > nL) ? nA : nL));\
- if( pData && nP < nA )\
- memmove( pData+nP+nL, pData+nP, (nA-nP) * sizeof( AE ));\
- if( pE )\
- {\
- AE* pTmp = pData+nP;\
- for( USHORT n = 0; n < nL; n++, pTmp++, pE++)\
- {\
- new( (DummyType*) pTmp ) AE( (AE&)*pE );\
- }\
- }\
- nA = nA + nL; nFree = nFree - nL;\
-void nm::Remove( USHORT nP, USHORT nL )\
- if( !nL )\
- return;\
- DBG_ASSERT( nP < nA && nP + nL <= nA,"Del");\
- AE* pTmp=pData+nP;\
- USHORT nCtr = nP;\
- for(USHORT n=0; n < nL; n++,pTmp++,nCtr++)\
- {\
- if( nCtr < nA )\
- pTmp->~AE();\
- }\
- if( pData && nP+1 < nA )\
- memmove( pData+nP, pData+nP+nL, (nA-nP-nL) * sizeof( AE ));\
- nA = nA - nL; nFree = nFree + nL;\
- if (nFree > nA) \
- _resize (nA);\
#define SV_DECL_PTRARR_GEN(nm, AE, IS, GS, Base, AERef, VPRef, vis )\
typedef BOOL (*FnForEach_##nm)( const AERef, void* );\
@@ -503,12 +482,62 @@ class vis nm : private nm##_SAR \
nm(USHORT nSize = IS, BYTE nG = GS)\
: nm##_SAR(nSize,nG) {}\
- void Insert( const nm *pI, USHORT nS=0, USHORT nE=USHRT_MAX );\
- BOOL Insert( const AE& aE );\
- BOOL Insert( const AE& aE, USHORT& rP );\
- void Insert( const AE *pE, USHORT nL );\
- void Remove( USHORT nP, USHORT nL = 1 );\
- void Remove( const AE& aE, USHORT nL = 1 );\
+ void Insert( const nm *pI, USHORT nS=0, USHORT nE=USHRT_MAX )\
+ {\
+ if( USHRT_MAX == nE )\
+ nE = pI->Count();\
+ const AE * pIArr = pI->GetData();\
+ for( ; nS < nE; ++nS )\
+ {\
+ if( ! Seek_Entry( *(pIArr+nS), &nP) )\
+ nm##_SAR::Insert( *(pIArr+nS), nP );\
+ if( ++nP >= Count() )\
+ {\
+ nm##_SAR::Insert( pI, nP, nS+1, nE );\
+ nS = nE;\
+ }\
+ }\
+ }\
+ BOOL Insert( const AE& aE )\
+ {\
+ BOOL bExist;\
+ bExist = Seek_Entry( aE, &nP );\
+ if( ! bExist )\
+ nm##_SAR::Insert( aE, nP );\
+ return !bExist;\
+ }\
+ BOOL Insert( const AE& aE, USHORT& rP )\
+ {\
+ BOOL bExist;\
+ bExist = Seek_Entry( aE, &rP );\
+ if( ! bExist )\
+ nm##_SAR::Insert( aE, rP );\
+ return !bExist;\
+ }\
+ void Insert( const AE *pE, USHORT nL )\
+ {\
+ for( USHORT n = 0; n < nL; ++n )\
+ if( ! Seek_Entry( *(pE+n), &nP ))\
+ nm##_SAR::Insert( *(pE+n), nP );\
+ }\
+ void Remove( USHORT nP, USHORT nL = 1 )\
+ {\
+ if( nL )\
+ nm##_SAR::Remove( nP, nL);\
+ }\
+ void Remove( const AE& aE, USHORT nL = 1 )\
+ {\
+ if( nL && Seek_Entry( aE, &nP ) ) \
+ nm##_SAR::Remove( nP, nL);\
+ }\
USHORT Count() const { return nm##_SAR::Count(); }\
const AE* GetData() const { return (const AE*)pData; }\
@@ -611,61 +640,7 @@ BOOL nm::Seek_Entry( const AE & aE, USHORT* pP ) const\
return FALSE;\
-#define _SV_IMPL_SORTAR_ALG(nm, AE)\
-void nm::Insert( const nm * pI, USHORT nS, USHORT nE )\
- if( USHRT_MAX == nE )\
- nE = pI->Count();\
- const AE * pIArr = pI->GetData();\
- for( ; nS < nE; ++nS )\
- {\
- if( ! Seek_Entry( *(pIArr+nS), &nP) )\
- nm##_SAR::Insert( *(pIArr+nS), nP );\
- if( ++nP >= Count() )\
- {\
- nm##_SAR::Insert( pI, nP, nS+1, nE );\
- nS = nE;\
- }\
- }\
-BOOL nm::Insert( const AE & aE )\
- BOOL bExist;\
- bExist = Seek_Entry( aE, &nP );\
- if( ! bExist )\
- nm##_SAR::Insert( aE, nP );\
- return !bExist;\
-BOOL nm::Insert( const AE & aE, USHORT& rP )\
- BOOL bExist;\
- bExist = Seek_Entry( aE, &rP );\
- if( ! bExist )\
- nm##_SAR::Insert( aE, rP );\
- return !bExist;\
-void nm::Insert( const AE* pE, USHORT nL)\
- for( USHORT n = 0; n < nL; ++n )\
- if( ! Seek_Entry( *(pE+n), &nP ))\
- nm##_SAR::Insert( *(pE+n), nP );\
-void nm::Remove( USHORT nP, USHORT nL )\
- if( nL )\
- nm##_SAR::Remove( nP, nL);\
-void nm::Remove( const AE &aE, USHORT nL )\
- if( nL && Seek_Entry( aE, &nP ) ) \
- nm##_SAR::Remove( nP, nL);\
+#define _SV_IMPL_SORTAR_ALG(nm, AE)
#define _SORTARR_BLC_CASTS(nm, AE )\
USHORT GetPos( const AE& aE ) const { \
diff --git a/binfilter/inc/bf_svtools/svstdarr.hxx b/binfilter/inc/bf_svtools/svstdarr.hxx
index 2ee2780..4648c3d 100644
--- a/binfilter/inc/bf_svtools/svstdarr.hxx
+++ b/binfilter/inc/bf_svtools/svstdarr.hxx
@@ -53,12 +53,7 @@ public:
SvUShortsSort(BYTE nSize = 1, BYTE nG = 1)
: SvUShorts(nSize,nG) {}
- void Insert( const SvUShortsSort *pI, USHORT nS=0, USHORT nE=USHRT_MAX );
BOOL Insert( const USHORT aE );
- BOOL Insert( const USHORT aE, USHORT& rP );
- void Insert( const USHORT *pE, USHORT nL );
- // remove ab dem Eintrag
- void Remove( const USHORT nP, USHORT nL = 1 );
BOOL Seek_Entry( const USHORT aE, USHORT* pP = 0 ) const;
USHORT Count() const { return SvUShorts::Count(); }
commit be3b728df5a45d03c33d1091b27fa4643418e774
Author: Caolán McNamara <caolanm at redhat.com>
Date: Tue Jun 26 21:55:17 2012 +0100
drop the DBG_UTIL non-inlines
Change-Id: I300b7ee1ea3dca444e9201f3f397e9b8c0ab5161
diff --git a/binfilter/inc/bf_svtools/svarray.hxx b/binfilter/inc/bf_svtools/svarray.hxx
index 2433e60..8f7d877 100644
--- a/binfilter/inc/bf_svtools/svarray.hxx
+++ b/binfilter/inc/bf_svtools/svarray.hxx
@@ -49,46 +49,6 @@ inline void operator delete( void*, DummyType* ) {}
namespace binfilter {
-#if !defined(DBG_UTIL)
-#define _SVVARARR_DEF_GET_OP_INLINE( nm, ArrElem ) \
-ArrElem& operator[](USHORT nP) const { return *(pData+nP); }\
-void Insert( const nm * pI, USHORT nP,\
- if( USHRT_MAX == nE ) \
- nE = pI->nA; \
- if( nS < nE ) \
- Insert( (const ArrElem*)pI->pData+nS, (USHORT)nE-nS, nP );\
-#define _SVVARARR_IMPL_GET_OP_INLINE( nm, ArrElem )
-#define _SVVARARR_DEF_GET_OP_INLINE( nm,ArrElem )\
-ArrElem& operator[](USHORT nP) const;\
-void Insert( const nm *pI, USHORT nP,\
-#define _SVVARARR_IMPL_GET_OP_INLINE( nm, ArrElem )\
-ArrElem& nm::operator[](USHORT nP) const\
- DBG_ASSERT( pData && nP < nA,"Op[]");\
- return *(pData+nP);\
-void nm::Insert( const nm *pI, USHORT nP, USHORT nStt, USHORT nE)\
- DBG_ASSERT(nP<=nA,"Ins,Ar[Start.End]");\
- if( USHRT_MAX == nE ) \
- nE = pI->nA; \
- if( nStt < nE ) \
- Insert( (const ArrElem*)pI->pData+nStt, (USHORT)nE-nStt, nP );\
#define _SV_DECL_VARARR_GEN(nm, AE, IS, GS, AERef, vis )\
typedef BOOL (*FnForEach_##nm)( const AERef, void* );\
class vis nm\
@@ -104,7 +64,16 @@ public:\
nm( USHORT= IS, BYTE= GS );\
~nm() { rtl_freeMemory( pData ); }\
+ AE& operator[](USHORT nP) const { return *(pData+nP); }\
+ void Insert( const nm * pI, USHORT nP,\
+ {\
+ if( USHRT_MAX == nE ) \
+ nE = pI->nA; \
+ if( nS < nE ) \
+ Insert( (const AE*)pI->pData+nS, (USHORT)nE-nS, nP );\
+ }\
AERef GetObject(USHORT nP) const { return (*this)[nP]; } \
void Insert( const AERef aE, USHORT nP );\
@@ -236,52 +205,10 @@ void nm::Remove( USHORT nP, USHORT nL )\
if (nFree > nA)\
_resize (nA);\
#define SV_IMPL_VARARR( nm, AE ) \
-#if !defined(DBG_UTIL)
-#define _SVOBJARR_DEF_GET_OP_INLINE( nm,ArrElem )\
-ArrElem& operator[](USHORT nP) const { return *(pData+nP); }\
-void Insert( const nm *pI, USHORT nP,\
- if( USHRT_MAX == nE ) \
- nE = pI->nA; \
- if( nS < nE ) \
- Insert( (const ArrElem*)pI->pData+nS, (USHORT)nE-nS, nP );\
-#define _SVOBJARR_IMPL_GET_OP_INLINE( nm, ArrElem )
-#define _SVOBJARR_DEF_GET_OP_INLINE( nm,ArrElem ) \
-ArrElem& operator[](USHORT nP) const;\
-void Insert( const nm *pI, USHORT nP,\
-#define _SVOBJARR_IMPL_GET_OP_INLINE( nm, ArrElem )\
-ArrElem& nm::operator[](USHORT nP) const\
- DBG_ASSERT( pData && nP < nA,"Op[]");\
- return *(pData+nP);\
-void nm::Insert( const nm *pI, USHORT nP, USHORT nStt, USHORT nE )\
- DBG_ASSERT( nP <= nA,"Ins,Ar[Start.End]");\
- if( USHRT_MAX == nE ) \
- nE = pI->nA; \
- if( nStt < nE ) \
- Insert( (const ArrElem*)pI->pData+nStt, (USHORT)nE-nStt, nP );\
#define _SV_DECL_OBJARR(nm, AE, IS, GS)\
typedef BOOL (*FnForEach_##nm)( const AE&, void* );\
class nm\
@@ -298,7 +225,16 @@ public:\
nm( USHORT= IS, BYTE= GS );\
~nm() { _destroy(); }\
+ AE& operator[](USHORT nP) const { return *(pData+nP); }\
+ void Insert( const nm *pI, USHORT nP,\
+ {\
+ if( USHRT_MAX == nE ) \
+ nE = pI->nA; \
+ if( nS < nE ) \
+ Insert( (const AE*)pI->pData+nS, (USHORT)nE-nS, nP );\
+ } \
AE& GetObject(USHORT nP) const { return (*this)[nP]; } \
void Insert( const AE &aE, USHORT nP );\
@@ -420,8 +356,6 @@ void nm::Remove( USHORT nP, USHORT nL )\
if (nFree > nA) \
_resize (nA);\
#define SV_DECL_PTRARR_GEN(nm, AE, IS, GS, Base, AERef, VPRef, vis )\
typedef BOOL (*FnForEach_##nm)( const AERef, void* );\
commit d994de2f4aebc8afdf0f8d1f1a70ca9ff2b8e094
Author: Caolán McNamara <caolanm at redhat.com>
Date: Tue Jun 26 21:40:45 2012 +0100
inline the small but pesky _ForEach so compiler can omit 90% of them
Change-Id: I666e4cb744406f9687a71493c1a64ef9950aba42
diff --git a/binfilter/inc/bf_svtools/svarray.hxx b/binfilter/inc/bf_svtools/svarray.hxx
index f974087..2433e60 100644
--- a/binfilter/inc/bf_svtools/svarray.hxx
+++ b/binfilter/inc/bf_svtools/svarray.hxx
@@ -119,6 +119,7 @@ public:\
_ForEach( 0, nA, fnForEach, pArgs );\
void ForEach( USHORT nS, USHORT nE, \
CONCAT( FnForEach_, nm ) fnForEach, void* pArgs = 0 )\
@@ -126,7 +127,13 @@ public:\
void _ForEach( USHORT nStt, USHORT nE, \
- CONCAT( FnForEach_, nm ) fnCall, void* pArgs = 0 );\
+ CONCAT( FnForEach_, nm ) fnCall, void* pArgs = 0 )\
+ {\
+ if( nStt >= nE || nE > nA )\
+ return;\
+ for( ; nStt < nE && (*fnCall)( *(const AE*)(pData+nStt), pArgs ); nStt++)\
+ ;\
+ }\
#define SV_DECL_VARARR_GEN(nm, AE, IS, GS, AERef, vis )\
@@ -230,15 +237,6 @@ void nm::Remove( USHORT nP, USHORT nL )\
_resize (nA);\
-void nm::_ForEach( USHORT nStt, USHORT nE, \
- CONCAT( FnForEach_, nm ) fnCall, void* pArgs )\
- if( nStt >= nE || nE > nA )\
- return;\
- for( ; nStt < nE && (*fnCall)( *(const AE*)(pData+nStt), pArgs ); nStt++)\
- ;\
#define SV_IMPL_VARARR( nm, AE ) \
@@ -320,7 +318,13 @@ public:\
void _ForEach( USHORT nStt, USHORT nE, \
- CONCAT( FnForEach_, nm ) fnCall, void* pArgs = 0 );\
+ CONCAT( FnForEach_, nm ) fnCall, void* pArgs = 0 )\
+ {\
+ if( nStt >= nE || nE > nA )\
+ return;\
+ for( ; nStt < nE && (*fnCall)( *(pData+nStt), pArgs ); nStt++)\
+ ;\
+ }\
#define SV_DECL_OBJARR(nm, AE, IS, GS)\
@@ -417,15 +421,6 @@ void nm::Remove( USHORT nP, USHORT nL )\
_resize (nA);\
-void nm::_ForEach( USHORT nStt, USHORT nE, \
- CONCAT( FnForEach_, nm ) fnCall, void* pArgs )\
- if( nStt >= nE || nE > nA )\
- return;\
- for( ; nStt < nE && (*fnCall)( *(pData+nStt), pArgs ); nStt++)\
- ;\
#define SV_DECL_PTRARR_GEN(nm, AE, IS, GS, Base, AERef, VPRef, vis )\
commit 5052638f05ff297ab65e9b3549422ee62a4b30f7
Author: Caolán McNamara <caolanm at redhat.com>
Date: Tue Jun 26 21:25:30 2012 +0100
_SV_DECL_PTRARR_DEF used in only one place
Change-Id: Ib725fee670413d3de0ca58fb994ab577f0c953b3
diff --git a/binfilter/inc/bf_svtools/svarray.hxx b/binfilter/inc/bf_svtools/svarray.hxx
index edce75f..f974087 100644
--- a/binfilter/inc/bf_svtools/svarray.hxx
+++ b/binfilter/inc/bf_svtools/svarray.hxx
@@ -428,11 +428,6 @@ void nm::_ForEach( USHORT nStt, USHORT nE, \
-#define _SV_DECL_PTRARR_DEF( nm, AE, IS, GS, vis )\
-_SV_DECL_VARARR_GEN( nm, AE, IS, GS, AE &, vis)\
-USHORT GetPos( const AE & aE ) const;\
#define SV_DECL_PTRARR_GEN(nm, AE, IS, GS, Base, AERef, VPRef, vis )\
typedef BOOL (*FnForEach_##nm)( const AERef, void* );\
class vis nm: public Base \
@@ -565,7 +560,10 @@ void nm::DeleteAndDestroy( USHORT nP, USHORT nL )\
typedef void* VoidPtr;
-_SV_DECL_PTRARR_DEF( SvPtrarr, VoidPtr, 0, 1, )
+_SV_DECL_VARARR_GEN( SvPtrarr, VoidPtr, 0, 1, VoidPtr &, )
+USHORT GetPos( const VoidPtr & aE ) const;
// SORTARR - Begin
commit c6d9e608bc735cb74a7d9de038ebf3546939ce7d
Author: Caolán McNamara <caolanm at redhat.com>
Date: Tue Jun 26 21:09:00 2012 +0100
_SV_DECL_PTRARR_DEF_GEN only used in one place
Change-Id: I25cfb71f35b533630efe673e7e9fae6946d5c86e
diff --git a/binfilter/inc/bf_svtools/svarray.hxx b/binfilter/inc/bf_svtools/svarray.hxx
index b84b835..edce75f 100644
--- a/binfilter/inc/bf_svtools/svarray.hxx
+++ b/binfilter/inc/bf_svtools/svarray.hxx
@@ -428,13 +428,10 @@ void nm::_ForEach( USHORT nStt, USHORT nE, \
-#define _SV_DECL_PTRARR_DEF_GEN( nm, AE, IS, GS, AERef, vis )\
-_SV_DECL_VARARR_GEN( nm, AE, IS, GS, AERef, vis)\
-USHORT GetPos( const AERef aE ) const;\
#define _SV_DECL_PTRARR_DEF( nm, AE, IS, GS, vis )\
-_SV_DECL_PTRARR_DEF_GEN( nm, AE, IS, GS, AE &, vis )
+_SV_DECL_VARARR_GEN( nm, AE, IS, GS, AE &, vis)\
+USHORT GetPos( const AE & aE ) const;\
#define SV_DECL_PTRARR_GEN(nm, AE, IS, GS, Base, AERef, VPRef, vis )\
typedef BOOL (*FnForEach_##nm)( const AERef, void* );\
commit 006cffc2278b3477f569260485c0d531cb99e43b
Author: Caolán McNamara <caolanm at redhat.com>
Date: Tue Jun 26 21:03:08 2012 +0100
remove unused _SV_DECL_VARARR
Change-Id: I7dac537a4684274c02a6e339edbb3bb3fb6501f2
diff --git a/binfilter/inc/bf_svtools/svarray.hxx b/binfilter/inc/bf_svtools/svarray.hxx
index d8288bf..b84b835 100644
--- a/binfilter/inc/bf_svtools/svarray.hxx
+++ b/binfilter/inc/bf_svtools/svarray.hxx
@@ -129,9 +129,6 @@ public:\
CONCAT( FnForEach_, nm ) fnCall, void* pArgs = 0 );\
-#define _SV_DECL_VARARR(nm, AE, IS, GS ) \
#define SV_DECL_VARARR_GEN(nm, AE, IS, GS, AERef, vis )\
_SV_DECL_VARARR_GEN(nm, AE, IS, GS, AERef, vis )\
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