[Libreoffice-commits] .: sw/source

Michael Stahl mst at kemper.freedesktop.org
Fri May 11 13:23:27 PDT 2012

 sw/source/core/layout/paintfrm.cxx |  159 ++++++++++++++++++++-----------------
 1 file changed, 87 insertions(+), 72 deletions(-)

New commits:
commit 3f6d3a4045507d1496709c5cff8f359a0d0e8b29
Author: Michael Stahl <mstahl at redhat.com>
Date:   Fri May 11 21:41:10 2012 +0200

    fdo#44010: fix vertical text frame borders:
    Frames with text direction Vertical RTL have their borders mangled while
    painting, everything is rotated 90 degrees and so the model "left" border
    ends up being painted as top border etc.  Clearly the new drawing layer
    based painting code is very surprised by this and ends up painting only
    points instead of lines.
    (regression from 0f0896c26fb260d1bbf31d7a886df3f61837f0f2)

diff --git a/sw/source/core/layout/paintfrm.cxx b/sw/source/core/layout/paintfrm.cxx
index b317fba..1fc1744 100644
--- a/sw/source/core/layout/paintfrm.cxx
+++ b/sw/source/core/layout/paintfrm.cxx
@@ -4544,6 +4544,89 @@ double lcl_GetExtent( const SvxBorderLine* pSideLine, const SvxBorderLine* pOppo
     return nExtent;
+static void
+lcl_MakeBorderLine(SwRect const& rRect,
+        bool const isVerticalInModel,
+        bool const isLeftOrTopBorderInModel,
+        SvxBorderLine const& rBorder,
+        SvxBorderLine const*const pLeftOrTopNeighbour,
+        SvxBorderLine const*const pRightOrBottomNeighbour)
+    // fdo#44010: for vertical text lcl_PaintTopBottomLine produces vertical
+    // borders and lcl_PaintLeftRightLine horizontal ones.
+    bool const isVertical(rRect.Height() > rRect.Width());
+    bool const isLeftOrTopBorder((isVerticalInModel == isVertical)
+            ? isLeftOrTopBorderInModel
+            : (isLeftOrTopBorderInModel != isVertical));
+    SvxBorderLine const*const pStartNeighbour(
+            (!isVertical && isVerticalInModel)
+            ? pRightOrBottomNeighbour : pLeftOrTopNeighbour);
+    SvxBorderLine const*const pEndNeighbour(
+            (pStartNeighbour == pLeftOrTopNeighbour)
+            ? pRightOrBottomNeighbour : pLeftOrTopNeighbour);
+    basegfx::B2DPoint aStart;
+    basegfx::B2DPoint aEnd;
+    if (isVertical)
+    {   // fdo#38635: always from outer edge
+        double const fStartX( (isLeftOrTopBorder)
+                ? rRect.Left()  + (rRect.Width() / 2.0)
+                : rRect.Right() - (rRect.Width() / 2.0));
+        aStart.setX(fStartX);
+        aStart.setY(rRect.Top() +
+                lcl_AlignHeight(lcl_GetLineWidth(pStartNeighbour))/2.0);
+        aEnd.setX(fStartX);
+        aEnd.setY(rRect.Bottom() -
+                lcl_AlignHeight(lcl_GetLineWidth(pEndNeighbour))/2.0);
+    }
+    else
+    {   // fdo#38635: always from outer edge
+        double const fStartY( (isLeftOrTopBorder)
+                ? rRect.Top()    + (rRect.Height() / 2.0)
+                : rRect.Bottom() - (rRect.Height() / 2.0));
+        aStart.setX(rRect.Left() +
+                lcl_AlignWidth(lcl_GetLineWidth(pStartNeighbour))/2.0);
+        aStart.setY(fStartY);
+        aEnd.setX(rRect.Right() -
+                lcl_AlignWidth(lcl_GetLineWidth(pEndNeighbour))/2.0);
+        aEnd.setY(fStartY);
+    }
+    double const nExtentLeftStart = (isLeftOrTopBorder == isVertical)
+        ?   lcl_GetExtent(pStartNeighbour, 0)
+        :   lcl_GetExtent(0, pStartNeighbour);
+    double const nExtentLeftEnd = (isLeftOrTopBorder == isVertical)
+        ?   lcl_GetExtent(pEndNeighbour, 0)
+        :   lcl_GetExtent(0, pEndNeighbour);
+    double const nExtentRightStart = (isLeftOrTopBorder == isVertical)
+        ?   lcl_GetExtent(0, pStartNeighbour)
+        :   lcl_GetExtent(pStartNeighbour, 0);
+    double const nExtentRightEnd = (isLeftOrTopBorder == isVertical)
+        ?   lcl_GetExtent(0, pEndNeighbour)
+        :   lcl_GetExtent(pEndNeighbour, 0);
+    double const nLeftWidth = (isLeftOrTopBorder == isVertical)
+         ? rBorder.GetInWidth() : rBorder.GetOutWidth();
+    double const nRightWidth = (isLeftOrTopBorder == isVertical)
+         ? rBorder.GetOutWidth() : rBorder.GetInWidth();
+    Color const aLeftColor = (isLeftOrTopBorder == isVertical)
+        ? rBorder.GetColorIn(isLeftOrTopBorder)
+        : rBorder.GetColorOut(isLeftOrTopBorder);
+    Color const aRightColor = (isLeftOrTopBorder == isVertical)
+        ? rBorder.GetColorOut(isLeftOrTopBorder)
+        : rBorder.GetColorIn(isLeftOrTopBorder);
+    ::rtl::Reference<BorderLinePrimitive2D> const xLine =
+        new BorderLinePrimitive2D(
+            aStart, aEnd, nLeftWidth, rBorder.GetDistance(), nRightWidth,
+            nExtentLeftStart, nExtentLeftEnd,
+            nExtentRightStart, nExtentRightEnd,
+            aLeftColor.getBColor(), aRightColor.getBColor(),
+            rBorder.GetColorGap().getBColor(), rBorder.HasGapColor(),
+            rBorder.GetStyle() );
+    g_pBorderLines->AddBorderLine(xLine);
 // OD 19.05.2003 #109667# - merge <lcl_PaintLeftLine> and <lcl_PaintRightLine>
 // into new method <lcl_PaintLeftRightLine(..)>
 void lcl_PaintLeftRightLine( const sal_Bool         _bLeft,
@@ -4608,41 +4691,8 @@ void lcl_PaintLeftRightLine( const sal_Bool         _bLeft,
     if ( lcl_GetLineWidth( pLeftRightBorder ) > 0 )
-        double nExtentIS = lcl_GetExtent( pTopBorder, NULL );
-        double nExtentIE = lcl_GetExtent( pBottomBorder, NULL );
-        double nExtentOS = lcl_GetExtent( NULL, pTopBorder );
-        double nExtentOE = lcl_GetExtent( NULL, pBottomBorder );
-        if ( !_bLeft )
-        {
-            nExtentIS = lcl_GetExtent( NULL, pTopBorder );
-            nExtentIE = lcl_GetExtent( NULL, pBottomBorder );
-            nExtentOS = lcl_GetExtent( pTopBorder, NULL );
-            nExtentOE = lcl_GetExtent( pBottomBorder, NULL );
-        }
-        double const fStartX( (_bLeft) // fdo#38635: always from outer edge
-                ? aRect.Left()  + (aRect.Width() / 2.0)
-                : aRect.Right() - (aRect.Width() / 2.0));
-        basegfx::B2DPoint const aStart(fStartX,
-            aRect.Top() + lcl_AlignHeight(lcl_GetLineWidth(pTopBorder))/2.0 );
-        basegfx::B2DPoint const aEnd(fStartX,
-            aRect.Bottom() - lcl_AlignHeight(lcl_GetLineWidth(pBottomBorder))/2.0 );
-        double nLeftWidth = !_bLeft ? pLeftRightBorder->GetOutWidth() : pLeftRightBorder->GetInWidth( );
-        double nRightWidth = !_bLeft ? pLeftRightBorder->GetInWidth() : pLeftRightBorder->GetOutWidth( );
-        Color aLeftColor = _bLeft ? pLeftRightBorder->GetColorOut( _bLeft ) : pLeftRightBorder->GetColorIn( _bLeft );
-        Color aRightColor = _bLeft ? pLeftRightBorder->GetColorIn( _bLeft ) : pLeftRightBorder->GetColorOut( _bLeft );
-        ::rtl::Reference<BorderLinePrimitive2D> xLine =
-            new BorderLinePrimitive2D(
-                aStart, aEnd, nLeftWidth, pLeftRightBorder->GetDistance(), nRightWidth,
-                nExtentIS, nExtentIE, nExtentOS, nExtentOE,
-                aLeftColor.getBColor(), aRightColor.getBColor(),
-                pLeftRightBorder->GetColorGap().getBColor(),
-                pLeftRightBorder->HasGapColor(), pLeftRightBorder->GetStyle( ) );
-        g_pBorderLines->AddBorderLine(xLine);
+        lcl_MakeBorderLine(
+            aRect, true, _bLeft, *pLeftRightBorder, pTopBorder, pBottomBorder);
@@ -4688,43 +4738,8 @@ void lcl_PaintTopBottomLine( const sal_Bool         _bTop,
     if ( lcl_GetLineWidth( pTopBottomBorder ) > 0 )
-        double nExtentIS = lcl_GetExtent( NULL, pLeftBorder );
-        double nExtentIE = lcl_GetExtent( NULL, pRightBorder );
-        double nExtentOS = lcl_GetExtent( pLeftBorder, NULL );
-        double nExtentOE = lcl_GetExtent( pRightBorder, NULL );
-        if ( !_bTop )
-        {
-            nExtentIS = lcl_GetExtent( pLeftBorder, NULL );
-            nExtentIE = lcl_GetExtent( pRightBorder, NULL );
-            nExtentOS = lcl_GetExtent( NULL, pLeftBorder );
-            nExtentOE = lcl_GetExtent( NULL, pRightBorder );
-        }
-        double const fStartY( (_bTop) // fdo#38635: always from outer edge
-                ? aRect.Top()    + (aRect.Height() / 2.0)
-                : aRect.Bottom() - (aRect.Height() / 2.0));
-        basegfx::B2DPoint const aStart(
-            aRect.Left() + lcl_AlignWidth(lcl_GetLineWidth(pLeftBorder))/2.0,
-            fStartY );
-        basegfx::B2DPoint const aEnd(
-            aRect.Right() - lcl_AlignWidth(lcl_GetLineWidth(pRightBorder))/2.0,
-            fStartY );
-        double nLeftWidth = !_bTop ? pTopBottomBorder->GetOutWidth() : pTopBottomBorder->GetInWidth( );
-        double nRightWidth = !_bTop ? pTopBottomBorder->GetInWidth() : pTopBottomBorder->GetOutWidth( );
-        Color aLeftColor = _bTop ? pTopBottomBorder->GetColorOut( _bTop ) : pTopBottomBorder->GetColorIn( _bTop );
-        Color aRightColor = _bTop ? pTopBottomBorder->GetColorIn( _bTop ) : pTopBottomBorder->GetColorOut( _bTop );
-        ::rtl::Reference<BorderLinePrimitive2D> xLine =
-            new BorderLinePrimitive2D(
-                aStart, aEnd, nLeftWidth, pTopBottomBorder->GetDistance(), nRightWidth,
-                nExtentIS, nExtentIE, nExtentOS, nExtentOE,
-                aLeftColor.getBColor(), aRightColor.getBColor(),
-                pTopBottomBorder->GetColorGap().getBColor(),
-                pTopBottomBorder->HasGapColor(), pTopBottomBorder->GetStyle( ) );
-        g_pBorderLines->AddBorderLine(xLine);
+        lcl_MakeBorderLine(
+            aRect, false, _bTop, *pTopBottomBorder, pLeftBorder, pRightBorder);

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