[Libreoffice-commits] .: Branch 'feature/submodules' - 7785 commits - accessibility/bridge accessibility/CustomTarget_bridge_inc.mk accessibility/CustomTarget_bridge.mk accessibility/inc accessibility/Jar_accessibility.mk accessibility/Jar_uno_accessbridge.mk accessibility/Library_acc.mk accessibility/Library_java_uno_accessbridge.mk accessibility/Makefile accessibility/source afms/delzip afms/Makefile afms/makefile.mk afms/Module_afms.mk afms/prj afms/UnpackedTarball_afms.mk afms/Zip_fontunxafm.mk android/abs-lib android/Bootstrap android/CustomTarget_docloader.mk android/CustomTarget_lo4android.mk android/CustomTarget_sdremote.mk android/experimental android/Makefile android/Module_android.mk android/prj android/qa android/sdremote animations/inc animations/Library_animcore.mk animations/Module_animations.mk animations/Package_xml.mk animations/source apache-commons/ExternalProject_apache_commons_codec.mk apache-commons/ExternalProject_apache_commons_httpclient.mk 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sc/JunitTest_sc_unoapi.mk sc/Library_scd.mk sc/Library_scfilt.mk sc/Library_sc.mk sc/Library_scui.mk sc/Library_vbaobj.mk sc/Module_sc.mk scp2/CustomTarget _langmacros.mk scp2/inc scp2/InstallModule_accessories.mk scp2/InstallModule_activex.mk scp2/InstallModule_base.mk scp2/InstallModule_binfilter.mk scp2/InstallModule_calc.mk scp2/InstallModule_canvas.mk scp2/InstallModule_crashrep.mk scp2/InstallModule_draw.mk scp2/InstallModule_extensions.mk scp2/InstallModule_gnome.mk scp2/InstallModule_graphicfilter.mk scp2/InstallModule_impress.mk scp2/InstallModule_javafilter.mk scp2/InstallModule_kde.mk scp2/InstallModule_math.mk scp2/InstallModule_onlineupdate.mk scp2/InstallModule_ooo.mk scp2/InstallModule_python.mk scp2/InstallModule_quickstart.mk scp2/InstallModule_sdkoo.mk scp2/InstallModule_smoketest.mk scp2/InstallModule_stdlibs.mk scp2/InstallModule_tde.mk scp2/InstallModule_ure.mk scp2/InstallModule_ure_standalone.mk scp2/InstallModule_windows.mk scp2/InstallModule_winexplorerext.mk scp2/InstallModule_writer.mk scp2/InstallModule_xsltfilter.mk scp2/InstallScript_sdkoo.mk scp2/InstallScript_setup_osl.mk scp2/InstallScript_test. mk scp2/InstallScript_ure.mk scp2/macros scp2/Makefile scp2/Module_scp2.mk scp2/prj scp2/source scp2/util sc/Package_uiconfig.mk sc/Package_xml.mk sc/prj sc/qa scripting/examples scripting/Jar_HelloWorld.mk scripting/Jar_Highlight.mk scripting/Jar_MemoryUsage.mk scripting/Jar_ScriptFramework.mk scripting/Jar_ScriptProviderForBeanShell.mk scripting/Jar_ScriptProviderForJava.mk scripting/Jar_ScriptProviderForJavaScript.mk scripting/java scripting/Library_basprov.mk scripting/Library_dlgprov.mk scripting/Library_protocolhandler.mk scripting/Library_scriptframe.mk scripting/Library_stringresource.mk scripting/Library_vbaevents.mk scripting/Makefile scripting/Module_scripting.mk scripting/Rdb_scriptproviderforbeanshell.mk scripting/Rdb_scriptproviderforjavascript.mk scripting/source scripting/util scripting/workben sc/sdi sc/source sc/uiconfig sc/UI_scalc.mk sc/util sc/workben sc/xml sd/AllLangResTarget_sd.mk sd/CppunitTest_sd_filters_test.mk sd/CppunitTest_sd_regression_test.mk sd/CppunitTest_sd_uimpress.mk sdext/CppunitTest_pdfimport.mk sdext/CustomTarget_pdfimport.mk sdext/CustomTarget_presenter.mk sdext/Executable_pdf2xml.mk sdext/Executable_pdfunzip.mk sdext/Extension_minimizer.mk sdext/Extension_pdfimport.mk sdext/Extension_presenter.mk sdext/Library_minimizer.mk sdext/Library_pdfimport.mk sdext/Library_presenter.mk sdext/Module_sdext.mk sdext/platform.mk sdext/prj sdext/source sdext/StaticLibrary_pdfimport_s.mk sdext/Zip_minimizer.mk sdext/Zip_presenter.mk sd/inc sd/JunitTest_sd_unoapi.mk sd/Library_sdd.mk sd/Library_sdfilt.mk sd/Library_sd.mk sd/Library_sdui.mk sd/Module_sd.mk sd/Package_xml.mk sd/prj sd/qa sd/res sd/sdi sd/source sd/uiconfig sd/UI_sdraw.mk sd/UI_simpress.mk sd/util sd/workben sd/xml setup_native/prj setup_native/scripts setup_native/source setup_native/tests sfx2/AllLangResTarget_sfx2.mk sfx2/CppunitTest_sfx2_metadatable.mk sfx2/inc sfx2/JunitTest_sfx2_complex.mk sfx2/JunitTest_sfx2_unoapi.mk sfx2/Library_qstart.mk sfx2/Lib rary_sfx.mk sfx2/Module_sfx2.mk sfx2/Package_inc.mk sfx2/Package_sdi.mk sfx2/qa sfx2/README sfx2/sdi sfx2/source sfx2/util sfx2/workben shell/CustomTarget_shlxthdl_res.mk shell/CustomTarget_x64.mk shell/Executable_gnome_open_url.mk shell/Executable_lngconvex.mk shell/Executable_regsvrex.mk shell/Executable_senddoc.mk shell/Executable_uri_encode.mk shell/inc shell/Library_cmdmail.mk shell/Library_desktopbe.mk shell/Library_gconfbe.mk shell/Library_kde4be.mk shell/Library_kdebe.mk shell/Library_localebe.mk shell/Library_macbe.mk shell/Library_ooofilt.mk shell/Library_ooofilt_x64.mk shell/Library_propertyhdl.mk shell/Library_propertyhdl_x64.mk shell/Library_recentfile.mk shell/Library_shlxthdl.mk shell/Library_shlxthdl_x64.mk shell/Library_smplmail.mk shell/Library_syssh.mk shell/Library_syssh_win.mk shell/Library_tdebe.mk shell/Library_wininetbe.mk shell/Makefile shell/Module_shell.mk shell/Package_inc.mk shell/Package_scripts.mk shell/prj shell/qa shell/source shell/StaticLib rary_shlxthandler_common.mk shell/StaticLibrary_shlxthandler_common_x64.mk shell/StaticLibrary_simplemapi.mk shell/StaticLibrary_xmlparser.mk shell/StaticLibrary_xmlparser_x64.mk shell/WinResTarget_shlxthdl.mk slideshow/CppunitTest_slideshow.mk slideshow/Executable_demoshow.mk slideshow/Library_OGLTrans.mk slideshow/Library_slideshow.mk slideshow/Makefile slideshow/manifest.txt slideshow/qa slideshow/source slideshow/test slideshow/util smoketest/com smoketest/CppunitTest_smoketest.mk smoketest/data smoketest/Jar_TestExtension.mk smoketest/Library_smoketest.mk smoketest/smoketest.cxx smoketest/smoketest_too.cxx solenv/bin solenv/CustomTarget_gdb.mk solenv/CustomTarget_versionlist.mk solenv/doc solenv/gbuild solenv/gdb solenv/inc solenv/Makefile solenv/makefile.mk solenv/Module_solenv.mk solenv/Package_gdb.mk solenv/Package_inc.mk solenv/Package_minor.mk solenv/prj solenv/src soltools/adjustvisibility soltools/checkdll soltools/cpp soltools/Executable_adjustvisibility.mk solt ools/Executable_checkdll.mk soltools/Executable_cpp.mk soltools/Executable_javadep.mk soltools/Executable_ldump4.mk soltools/Executable_makedepend.mk soltools/giparser soltools/inc soltools/javadep soltools/ldump soltools/Makefile soltools/mkdepend soltools/Module_soltools.mk soltools/Package_inc.mk soltools/prj soltools/support soltools/testhxx soltools/util soltools/winunistd sot/CppunitTest_sot_test_sot.mk sot/inc sot/JunitTest_sot_complex.mk sot/Library_sot.mk sot/Package_inc.mk sot/qa sot/source sot/util sot/workben .src_root starmath/AllLangResTarget_sm.mk starmath/CppunitTest_starmath_qa_cppunit.mk starmath/inc starmath/JunitTest_sm_unoapi.mk starmath/JunitTest_starmath_unoapi.mk starmath/Library_smd.mk starmath/Library_sm.mk starmath/Makefile starmath/Module_starmath.mk starmath/Package_uiconfig.mk starmath/qa starmath/sdi starmath/source starmath/uiconfig starmath/UI_smath.mk starmath/util starmath/workben starmath/xml stlport/STLport-4.5.patch stoc/inc stoc/Interna lUnoApi_corefl.mk stoc/InternalUnoApi_insp.mk stoc/InternalUnoApi_invadp.mk stoc/InternalUnoApi_inv.mk stoc/InternalUnoApi_javaloader.mk stoc/InternalUnoApi_jen.mk stoc/InternalUnoApi_namingservice.mk stoc/InternalUnoApi_proxyfac.mk stoc/InternalUnoApi_stocserv.mk stoc/Library_bootstrap.mk stoc/Library_introspection.mk stoc/Library_invocadapt.mk stoc/Library_invocation.mk stoc/Library_javaloader.mk stoc/Library_javavm.mk stoc/Library_namingservice.mk stoc/Library_proxyfac.mk stoc/Library_reflection.mk stoc/Library_stocservices.mk stoc/Module_stoc.mk stoc/Package_xml.mk stoc/source stoc/test stoc/unosdk.mk stoc/util store/inc store/Library_store.mk store/Module_store.mk store/Package_xml.mk store/source store/util store/version.mk store/workben svl/AllLangResTarget_svl.mk svl/CppunitTest_svl_lngmisc.mk svl/CppunitTest_svl_urihelper.mk svl/inc svl/JunitTest_svl_complex.mk svl/Library_fsstorage.mk svl/Library_passwordcontainer.mk svl/Library_svl.mk svl/Module_svl.mk svl/Package _inc.mk svl/qa svl/source svl/unx svl/util svtools/AllLangResTarget_svt.mk svtools/bmpmaker svtools/CppunitTest_svtools_filters_test.mk svtools/Executable_bmp.mk svtools/Executable_bmpsum.mk svtools/Executable_g2g.mk svtools/Executable_langsupport.mk svtools/inc svtools/JunitTest_svtools_unoapi.mk svtools/langsupport svtools/Library_hatchwindowfactory.mk svtools/Library_svt.mk svtools/Module_svtools.mk svtools/Package_inc.mk svtools/qa svtools/source svtools/workben svx/AllLangResTarget_svx.mk svx/Executable_gengal.bin.mk svx/inc svx/JunitTest_svx_unoapi.mk svx/Library_svxcore.mk svx/Library_svx.mk svx/Library_textconversiondlgs.mk svx/Module_svx.mk svx/Package_inc.mk svx/Package_sdi.mk svx/qa svx/sdi svx/source svx/util svx/workben svx/xml sw/AllLangResTarget_sw.mk sw/CppunitTest_sw_filters_test.mk sw/CppunitTest_sw_layout_test.mk sw/CppunitTest_sw_macros_test.mk sw/CppunitTest_sw_regression_test.mk sw/CppunitTest_sw_subsequent_odfexport.mk sw/CppunitTest_sw_subsequent_odfi mport.mk sw/CppunitTest_sw_subsequent_ooxmlexport.mk sw/CppunitTest_sw_subsequent_ooxmlimport.mk sw/CppunitTest_sw_subsequent_ooxmltok.mk sw/CppunitTest_sw_subsequent_rtfexport.mk sw/CppunitTest_sw_subsequent_rtfimport.mk sw/CppunitTest_sw_subsequent_rtftok.mk sw/CppunitTest_sw_subsequent_ww8export.mk sw/CppunitTest_sw_subsequent_ww8import.mk sw/CppunitTest_sw_subsequent_ww8tok.mk sw/CppunitTest_sw_swdoc_test.mk swext/Extension_wiki-publisher.mk swext/Jar_mediawiki.mk swext/Makefile swext/mediawiki swext/Module_swext.mk swext/prj swext/Zip_mediawiki_develop.mk sw/inc sw/JunitTest_sw_complex.mk sw/JunitTest_sw_unoapi.mk sw/Library_msword.mk sw/Library_swd.mk sw/Library_sw.mk sw/Library_swui.mk sw/Library_vbaswobj.mk sw/Module_sw.mk sw/Package_misc.mk sw/Package_uiconfig.mk sw/Package_xml.mk sw/qa sw/sdi sw/source sw/uiconfig sw/UI_sw.mk sw/UI_swriter.mk sw/util sw/xml sysui/desktop sysui/prj sysui/source sysui/util tail_build/Makefile tail_build/prj tail_build/README TEMPLATE .SOURCECODE.HEADER test/inc test/Library_subsequenttest.mk test/Library_test.mk test/Package_inc.mk test/Package_unittest.mk test/source testtools/com testtools/CustomTarget_bridgetest_climaker.mk testtools/CustomTarget_bridgetest_javamaker.mk testtools/CustomTarget_bridgetest.mk testtools/CustomTarget_uno_test.mk testtools/inc testtools/InternalUnoApi_bridgetest.mk testtools/Jar_testComponent.mk testtools/Library_bridgetest.mk testtools/Library_constructors.mk testtools/Library_cppobj.mk testtools/Makefile testtools/Module_testtools.mk testtools/prj testtools/qa testtools/Rdb_uno_services.mk testtools/source testtools/StaticLibrary_bridgetest.mk testtools/util tomcat/build.xml tomcat/ExternalProject_tomcat.mk tomcat/Makefile tomcat/makefile.mk tomcat/Module_tomcat.mk tomcat/Package_tomcat.mk tomcat/prj tomcat/tomcat.patch tomcat/UnpackedTarball_tomcat.mk toolkit/AllLangResTarget_tk.mk toolkit/inc toolkit/JunitTest_toolkit_unoapi.mk toolkit/Library_tk.mk toolkit/Module_toolk it.mk toolkit/Package_util.mk toolkit/prj toolkit/qa toolkit/source toolkit/src2xml toolkit/test toolkit/util tools/bootstrp tools/CppunitTest_tools_test.mk tools/CustomTarget_reversemap.mk tools/Executable_bestreversemap.mk tools/Executable_mkunroll.mk tools/Executable_rscdep.mk tools/Executable_so_checksum.mk tools/inc tools/Library_tl.mk tools/Module_tools.mk tools/Package_inc.mk tools/qa tools/source tools/StaticLibrary_ooopathutils.mk tools/test tools/unx tools/win touch/CustomTarget_touch_javamaker.mk touch/idl touch/inc touch/InternalUnoApi_touch.mk touch/Library_libotouch.mk touch/Makefile touch/Module_touch.mk touch/Package_inc.mk touch/prj touch/README touch/source translations tubes/AllLangResTarget_tubes.mk tubes/CppunitTest_tubes_test.mk tubes/Executable_liboapprover.mk tubes/inc tubes/Library_tubes.mk tubes/LibreOfficeApprover.client tubes/LibreOffice.client tubes/Makefile tubes/Module_tubes.mk tubes/org.freedesktop.Telepathy.Client.LibreOfficeApprover.service tubes/org.freedesktop.Telepathy.Client.LibreOffice.service tubes/Package_inc.mk tubes/prj tubes/qa tubes/README tubes/source ucbhelper/inc ucbhelper/Library_ucbhelper.mk ucbhelper/Module_ucbhelper.mk ucbhelper/Package_inc.mk ucbhelper/source ucb/JunitTest_ucb_complex.mk ucb/JunitTest_ucb_unoapi.mk ucb/Library_cached1.mk ucb/Library_srtrs1.mk ucb/Library_ucb1.mk ucb/Library_ucpcmis1.mk ucb/Library_ucpdav1.mk ucb/Library_ucpexpand1.mk ucb/Library_ucpext.mk ucb/Library_ucpfile1.mk ucb/Library_ucpftp1.mk ucb/Library_ucpgio1.mk ucb/Library_ucpgvfs1.mk ucb/Library_ucphier1.mk ucb/Library_ucpodma1.mk ucb/Library_ucppkg1.mk ucb/Library_ucptdoc1.mk ucb/Module_ucb.mk ucb/Package_xml.mk ucb/prj ucb/qa ucb/source ucb/test ucb/workben ucpp/Executable_ucpp.mk ucpp/Makefile ucpp/Module_ucpp.mk ucpp/prj ucpp/ucpp.patch ucpp/UnpackedTarball_ucpp.mk udkapi/com udkapi/UnoApi_udkapi.mk udm/inc udm/Makefile udm/Module_udm.mk udm/Package_inc.mk udm/prj udm/source udm/StaticLibrary_udm.mk udm/util unixODBC/inc unixODBC/Module_unixODBC.mk UnoControls/inc UnoControls/Library_ctl.mk UnoControls/Makefile UnoControls/source UnoControls/util unodevtools/inc unodevtools/Makefile unodevtools/source unoil/climaker unoil/CustomTarget_climaker.mk unoil/CustomTarget_javamaker.mk unoil/Jar_unoil.mk unotest/inc unotest/Jar_test.mk unotest/Jar_test-tools.mk unotest/Library_unobootstrapprotector.mk unotest/Library_unoexceptionprotector.mk unotest/Library_unotest.mk unotest/source unotools/inc unotools/JunitTest_unotools_complex.mk unotools/Library_utl.mk unotools/Makefile unotools/Package_inc.mk unotools/qa unotools/source unotools/util unoxml/JunitTest_unordf_complex.mk unoxml/JunitTest_unoxml_complex.mk unoxml/Library_unordf.mk unoxml/Library_unoxml.mk unoxml/Module_unoxml.mk unoxml/qa unoxml/source unoxml/test unusedcode.easy unusedcode.README ure/Rdb_ure.mk ure/README ure/source uui/Library_uui.mk uui/Makefile uui/Module_uui.mk uui/Package_xml.mk uui/source uui/util vbahelper/in c vbahelper/Library_msforms.mk vbahelper/Library_vbahelper.mk vbahelper/Module_vbahelper.mk vbahelper/Package_inc.mk vbahelper/source vbahelper/util vcl/AllLangResTarget_vcl.mk vcl/android vcl/aqua vcl/CustomTarget_afm_hash.mk vcl/CustomTarget_kde4_moc.mk vcl/CustomTarget_kde_moc.mk vcl/CustomTarget_tde_moc.mk vcl/Executable_kdefilepicker.mk vcl/Executable_tdefilepicker.mk vcl/Executable_ui-previewer.mk vcl/generic vcl/headless vcl/inc vcl/ios vcl/Library_desktop_detector.mk vcl/Library_vcl.mk vcl/Library_vclplug_gen.mk vcl/Library_vclplug_gtk3.mk vcl/Library_vclplug_gtk.mk vcl/Library_vclplug_kde4.mk vcl/Library_vclplug_kde.mk vcl/Library_vclplug_svp.mk vcl/Library_vclplug_tde.mk vcl/Module_vcl.mk vcl/null vcl/Package_inc.mk vcl/prj vcl/qa vcl/source vcl/StaticLibrary_headless.mk vcl/StaticLibrary_vclmain.mk vcl/test vcl/uiconfig vcl/UI_vcl.mk vcl/unx vcl/win vcl/WinResTarget_vcl.mk vcl/workben vigra/Makefile vigra/makefile.mk vigra/Module_vigra.mk vigra/prj vigra/README vi gra/UnpackedTarball_vigra.mk wizards/AllLangResTarget_cal.mk wizards/AllLangResTarget_wwz.mk wizards/com wizards/Jar_agenda.mk wizards/Jar_commonwizards.mk wizards/Jar_fax.mk wizards/Jar_form.mk wizards/Jar_letter.mk wizards/Jar_query.mk wizards/Jar_reportbuilder.mk wizards/Jar_report.mk wizards/Jar_table.mk wizards/Jar_web.mk wizards/Makefile wizards/Module_wizards.mk wizards/Pyuno_fax.mk wizards/source wizards/util wizards/Zip_schedule.mk writerfilter/CppunitTest_writerfilter_doctok.mk writerfilter/CppunitTest_writerfilter_rtftok.mk writerfilter/CustomTarget_source.mk writerfilter/debug_setup.mk writerfilter/documentation writerfilter/inc writerfilter/JunitTest_writerfilter_complex.mk writerfilter/Library_doctok.mk writerfilter/Library_ooxml.mk writerfilter/Library_resourcemodel.mk writerfilter/Library_rtftok.mk writerfilter/Library_writerfilter.mk writerfilter/Library_writerfilter_uno.mk writerfilter/Module_writerfilter.mk writerfilter/prj writerfilter/qa writerfilter/sou rce writerfilter/unocomponent writerfilter/util writerperfect/Library_wpftdraw.mk writerperfect/Library_wpftwriter.mk writerperfect/Makefile writerperfect/Module_writerperfect.mk writerperfect/prj writerperfect/source writerperfect/StaticLibrary_writerperfect.mk writerperfect/util x11_extensions/Makefile x11_extensions/Module_x11_extensions.mk x11_extensions/Package_inc.mk x11_extensions/prj xmerge/inc xmerge/Jar_aportisdoc.mk xmerge/Jar_pexcel.mk xmerge/Jar_pocketword.mk xmerge/Jar_XMergeBridge.mk xmerge/Jar_xmerge.mk xmerge/Makefile xmerge/source xmerge/workben xml2cmp/Executable_xml2cmp.mk xml2cmp/source xmlhelp/Library_tvhlp1.mk xmlhelp/Library_ucpchelp1.mk xmlhelp/Module_xmlhelp.mk xmlhelp/Package_xml.mk xmlhelp/Package_xsl.mk xmlhelp/prj xmlhelp/source xmlhelp/util xmloff/dtd xmloff/inc xmloff/JunitTest_xmloff_unoapi.mk xmloff/Library_xof.mk xmloff/Library_xo.mk xmloff/Package_dtd.mk xmloff/Package_inc.mk xmloff/qa xmloff/source xmloff/xml xmlreader/inc xmlreader/Libra ry_xmlreader.mk xmlreader/source xmlscript/dtd xmlscript/inc xmlscript/Library_xcr.mk xmlscript/Library_xmlscript.mk xmlscript/Makefile xmlscript/Module_xmlscript.mk xmlscript/Package_dtd.mk xmlscript/Package_inc.mk xmlscript/source xmlscript/test xmlscript/util xmlsecurity/CppunitTest_qa_certext.mk xmlsecurity/inc xmlsecurity/Library_xmlsecurity.mk xmlsecurity/Library_xsec_fw.mk xmlsecurity/Library_xsec_xmlsec.mk xmlsecurity/Makefile xmlsecurity/Module_xmlsecurity.mk xmlsecurity/prj xmlsecurity/qa xmlsecurity/source xmlsecurity/test_docs xmlsecurity/tools xmlsecurity/util xmlsecurity/workben xpdf/makefile.mk xpdf/xpdf-3.02-gfxColorMaxComps.patch xsltml/ExternalPackage_xsltml.mk xsltml/Makefile xsltml/makefile.mk xsltml/Module_xsltml.mk xsltml/prj xsltml/UnpackedTarball_xsltml.mk xsltml/xsltml_2.1.2.patch zlib/makefile.mk zlib/zlib-1.2.5.patch zlib/zlib-dmakebuild.patch
Libreoffice Gerrit user
logerrit at kemper.freedesktop.org
Tue Oct 2 01:19:49 PDT 2012
Rebased ref, commits from common ancestor:
commit 001c0c9fde58831cd3fc5c9cf77749e16eeffbb1
Author: Norbert Thiebaud <nthiebaud at gmail.com>
Date: Mon Oct 1 23:48:10 2012 -0500
submodules migration
Change-Id: Ib3e472a4b1abf880f695be7a6667393d6a82f10d
diff --git a/.git-hooks/commit-msg b/.git-hooks/commit-msg
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..fa0b2e2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.git-hooks/commit-msg
@@ -0,0 +1,173 @@
+# An example hook script to check the commit log message.
+# Called by git-commit with one argument, the name of the file
+# that has the commit message. The hook should exit with non-zero
+# status after issuing an appropriate message if it wants to stop the
+# commit. The hook is allowed to edit the commit message file.
+# To enable this hook, make this file executable.
+# Uncomment the below to add a Signed-off-by line to the message.
+# SOB=$(git var GIT_AUTHOR_IDENT | sed -n 's/^\(.*>\).*$/Signed-off-by: \1/p')
+# grep -qs "^$SOB" "$1" || echo "$SOB" >> "$1"
+# This example catches duplicate Signed-off-by lines.
+base_dir=$(dirname $0)
+abort() {
+ cp $1 $1.save
+ cat >&2 <<EOF
+Commit aborted, your commit message was saved as '$1.save'.
+Reason: $2
+ exit 1
+test "" = "$(grep '^Signed-off-by: ' "$1" |
+ sort | uniq -c | sed -e '/^[ ]*1[ ]/d')" || {
+ abort "$1" "Duplicate Signed-off-by lines."
+# Check that the first line exists, and is not an asterisk
+if [ -z "`head -n 1 $1 | grep -v '^[ \t]*\*$'`" ] ; then
+ abort "$1" "Please provide the general description on the first line."
+# ...and that it is not too long
+if [ "`head -n 1 $1 | wc -c`" -gt 79 ] ; then
+ abort "$1" "The first line is too long, please try to fit into 79 characters."
+# ...and that it does not continue on the second line
+if [ "`wc -l < $1`" -gt 1 -a -n "`head -n 2 $1 | tail -n 1 | sed 's/^#.*//'`" ] ; then
+ abort "$1" "The second line is not empty - maybe the first line continues there?"
+# Check that the message is not a ChangeLog-like one
+if [ -n "`head -n 1 $1 | grep '^[0-9]\{4\}-[0-9]\{2\}-[0-9]\{2\}.*<.*@.*>'`" ] ; then
+ abort "$1" "The commit message looks like ChangeLog, please use the git form."
+# Check for whitespace in front of *'s
+if [ -n "`sed '/^#/,$d' $1 | grep '^[[:space:]]\+\*.*:'`" -a -z "`grep '^\*' $1`" ] ; then
+ abort "$1" "Please don't use whitespace in front of '* file: Description.' entries."
+#------------------ copied gerrit commit-msg hook to handle ChangeId -->
+# From Gerrit Code Review 2.3
+# Part of Gerrit Code Review (http://code.google.com/p/gerrit/)
+# Copyright (C) 2009 The Android Open Source Project
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# Check for, and add if missing, a unique Change-Id
+add_ChangeId() {
+ clean_message=`sed -e '
+ /^diff --git a\/.*/{
+ s///
+ q
+ }
+ /^Signed-off-by:/d
+ /^#/d
+ ' "$MSG" | git stripspace`
+ if test -z "$clean_message"
+ then
+ return
+ fi
+ id=`grep -i '^Change-Id:' "$MSG" | sed -e "s/.*: I//"`
+ temp_msg=`grep -v -i '^Change-Id:' "$MSG"`
+ echo "$temp_msg" > "$MSG"
+ if test -z "$id"
+ then
+ id=`_gen_ChangeId`
+ fi
+ perl -e '
+ $MSG = shift;
+ $id = shift;
+ $CHANGE_ID_AFTER = shift;
+ undef $/;
+ open(I, $MSG); $_ = <I>; close I;
+ s|^diff --git a/.*||ms;
+ s|^#.*$||mg;
+ exit unless $_;
+ @message = split /\n/;
+ $haveFooter = 0;
+ $startFooter = @message;
+ for($line = @message - 1; $line >= 0; $line--) {
+ $_ = $message[$line];
+ if (/^[a-zA-Z0-9-]+: /) {
+ $haveFooter++;
+ next;
+ }
+ next if /^[ []/;
+ $startFooter = $line if ($haveFooter && /^\r?$/);
+ last;
+ }
+ @footer = @message[$startFooter+1.. at message];
+ @message = @message[0..$startFooter];
+ push(@footer, "") unless @footer;
+ for ($line = 0; $line < @footer; $line++) {
+ $_ = $footer[$line];
+ next if /^($CHANGE_ID_AFTER):/i;
+ last;
+ }
+ splice(@footer, $line, 0, "Change-Id: I$id");
+ $_ = join("\n", @message, @footer);
+ open(O, ">$MSG"); print O; close O;
+ ' "$MSG" "$id" "$CHANGE_ID_AFTER"
+_gen_ChangeIdInput() {
+ echo "tree `git write-tree`"
+ if parent=`git rev-parse HEAD^0 2>/dev/null`
+ then
+ echo "parent $parent"
+ fi
+ echo "author `git var GIT_AUTHOR_IDENT`"
+ echo "committer `git var GIT_COMMITTER_IDENT`"
+ echo
+ printf '%s' "$clean_message"
+_gen_ChangeId() {
+ _gen_ChangeIdInput |
+ git hash-object -t commit --stdin
+#------------------ copied gerrit commit-msg hook to handle ChangeId <--
+exit 0
diff --git a/.git-hooks/post-merge b/.git-hooks/post-merge
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..25e62ed
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.git-hooks/post-merge
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+# Do not warn if there were no real merge
+git rev-parse -q --verify HEAD^2 >/dev/null || exit
+echo "!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
+echo "! You probably used 'git pull' instead of 'git pull -r' !"
+echo "!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
+echo "You can still fix it - please do 'git pull -r' now."
diff --git a/.git-hooks/pre-commit b/.git-hooks/pre-commit
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..5b752a3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.git-hooks/pre-commit
@@ -0,0 +1,135 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env perl
+# A hook script to verify what is about to be committed.
+# Called by "git commit" with no arguments. The hook should
+# exit with non-zero status after issuing an appropriate message
+# if it wants to stop the commit.
+use strict;
+#use File::Copy;
+#use Cwd;
+$ENV{LC_ALL} = "C";
+sub check_whitespaces($)
+ my ($h) = @_;
+ my $src_limited = "c|cpp|cxx|h|hrc|hxx|idl|inl|java|map|MK|pmk|pl|pm|sdi|sh|src|tab|xcu|xml";
+ my $src_full = "c|cpp|cxx|h|hrc|hxx|idl|inl|java|map|mk|MK|pmk|pl|pm|sdi|sh|src|tab|xcu|xml";
+ my $found_bad = 0;
+ my $filename;
+ my $reported_filename = "";
+ my $lineno;
+ sub bad_line
+ {
+ my ($why, $line, $file_filter) = @_;
+ if (!defined $file_filter || $filename =~ /\.($file_filter)$/)
+ {
+ if (!$found_bad)
+ {
+ print STDERR "*\n";
+ print STDERR "* You have some suspicious patch lines:\n";
+ print STDERR "*\n";
+ $found_bad = 1;
+ }
+ if ($reported_filename ne $filename)
+ {
+ print STDERR "* In $filename\n";
+ $reported_filename = $filename;
+ }
+ print STDERR "* $why (line $lineno)\n";
+ print STDERR "$filename:$lineno:$line\n";
+ }
+ }
+ open( FILES, "git-diff-index -p -M --cached $h |" ) || die "Cannot run git diff-index.";
+ while (<FILES>)
+ {
+ if (m|^diff --git a/(.*) b/\1$|)
+ {
+ $filename = $1;
+ next;
+ }
+ if (/^@@ -\S+ \+(\d+)/)
+ {
+ $lineno = $1 - 1;
+ next;
+ }
+ if (/^ /)
+ {
+ $lineno++;
+ next;
+ }
+ if (s/^\+//)
+ {
+ $lineno++;
+ chomp;
+ if (/\s$/)
+ {
+ bad_line("trailing whitespace", $_ , $src_limited);
+ }
+ if (/\s* /)
+ {
+ bad_line("indent with Tab", $_, $src_limited);
+ }
+ if (/^(?:[<>=]){7}$/)
+ {
+ bad_line("unresolved merge conflict", $src_full);
+ }
+ if (/SAL_DEBUG/)
+ {
+ bad_line("temporary debug in commit", $_, $src_limited);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if ( $found_bad)
+ {
+ exit($found_bad);
+ }
+# Do the work :-)
+# Initial commit: diff against an empty tree object
+my $against="4b825dc642cb6eb9a060e54bf8d69288fbee4904";
+if ( system( "git rev-parse --verify HEAD >/dev/null 2>&1" ) == 0 )
+ $against="HEAD"
+# If you want to allow non-ascii filenames set this variable to true.
+my $allownonascii=`git config hooks.allownonascii`;
+# Cross platform projects tend to avoid non-ascii filenames; prevent
+# them from being added to the repository. We exploit the fact that the
+# printable range starts at the space character and ends with tilde.
+if ( $allownonascii ne "true" &&
+ # Note that the use of brackets around a tr range is ok here, (it's
+ # even required, for portability to Solaris 10's /usr/bin/tr), since
+ # the square bracket bytes happen to fall in the designated range.
+ `git diff --cached --name-only --diff-filter=A -z $against | \
+ LC_ALL=C tr -d '[ -~]\\0'` ne "" )
+ print <<EOM;
+Error: Attempt to add a non-ascii file name.
+This can cause problems if you want to work
+with people on other platforms.
+To be portable it is advisable to rename the file ...
+If you know what you are doing you can disable this
+check using:
+ git config hooks.allownonascii true
+ exit( 1 );
+# fix whitespace in code
+check_whitespaces( $against);
+# all OK
+exit( 0 );
+# vi:set shiftwidth=4 expandtab:
diff --git a/.gitignore b/.gitignore
index eab21d9..c7eda8b 100644
--- a/.gitignore
+++ b/.gitignore
@@ -101,12 +101,6 @@ TAGS
-# links to the other repositories
# compiled python objects for gdb pretty printers
diff --git a/.gitmodules b/.gitmodules
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f44a16d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.gitmodules
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+[submodule "binfilter"]
+ path = binfilter
+ url = git://gerrit.libreoffice.org/binfilter
+ revision = .
+[submodule "dictionaries"]
+ path = dictionaries
+ url = git://gerrit.libreoffice.org/dictionaries
+ revision = .
+[submodule "helpcontent2"]
+ path = helpcontent2
+ url = git://gerrit.libreoffice.org/help
+ revision = .
+[submodule "translations"]
+ path = translations
+ url = git://gerrit.libreoffice.org/translations
+ revision = .
diff --git a/bin/create_bootstrap_links b/bin/create_bootstrap_links
index a42f7b8..df813b2 100755
--- a/bin/create_bootstrap_links
+++ b/bin/create_bootstrap_links
@@ -1,15 +1,17 @@
#!/usr/bin/env bash
-BIN_DIR=$(dirname $0)
-REPOS=$(cat ${BIN_DIR?}/repo-list)
-cd ${BIN_DIR?}/..
+# with submodules we do not need links anymore
-for repo in $REPOS ; do
- for link in $(ls clone/${repo}) ; do
- if [ ! -e "$link" ] ; then
- echo "Creating missing link $link"
- ln -s "clone/${repo}/$link" "$link"
- fi
- done
+#BIN_DIR=$(dirname $0)
+#REPOS=$(cat ${BIN_DIR?}/repo-list)
+#cd ${BIN_DIR?}/..
+#for repo in $REPOS ; do
+# for link in $(ls clone/${repo}) ; do
+# if [ ! -e "$link" ] ; then
+# echo "Creating missing link $link"
+# ln -s "clone/${repo}/$link" "$link"
+# fi
+# done
diff --git a/binfilter b/binfilter
new file mode 160000
index 0000000..6501eb7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/binfilter
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+Subproject commit 6501eb7a7f6ab7dba2223a5b8a721290ef1be627
diff --git a/config_host.mk.in b/config_host.mk.in
index 51990d9..6711402 100644
--- a/config_host.mk.in
+++ b/config_host.mk.in
@@ -189,6 +189,7 @@ export GCONF_LIBS=@GCONF_LIBS@
diff --git a/configure.in b/configure.in
index 4c44b7d..e2f1744 100644
--- a/configure.in
+++ b/configure.in
@@ -11,6 +11,7 @@ save_CXX=$CXX
LO_PATH= # used by path_munge to construct a PATH variable
@@ -4280,6 +4281,7 @@ else
@@ -4290,6 +4292,7 @@ if test "$with_help" != "no" -a $_os != iOS -a $_os != Android; then
@@ -4302,6 +4305,7 @@ if test -z "$with_myspell_dicts" -o "$with_myspell_dicts" = "yes"; then
@@ -11957,6 +11961,7 @@ if test -z "$WITH_LANG" -o "$WITH_LANG" = "en-US"; then
# check that the list is valid
for lang in $WITH_LANG; do
@@ -11981,6 +11986,7 @@ AC_SUBST(ALL_LANGS)
PathFormat "$SRC_ROOT/translations"
diff --git a/dictionaries b/dictionaries
new file mode 160000
index 0000000..19dba71
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dictionaries
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+Subproject commit 19dba715c843961a18bbc8871373e33be165c4ab
diff --git a/download b/download
index 7821484..cd372f2 100755
--- a/download
+++ b/download
@@ -52,17 +52,19 @@ if [ -d .git ] ; then
if [ -z "$GIT_LINK_SRC" ]; then
./g -f clone
+ echo "FIXME: GIT_LINK_SRC method is not yet implemented with submodules" 1>&2
+ exit 1;
# space-saving clone from another local workdir
- mkdir clone
- branch=$(git symbolic-ref HEAD | cut -d"/" -f 3)
- for i in $GIT_REPO_NAMES ; do
- bin/git-new-workdir $GIT_LINK_SRC/$i clone/$i $branch
- for d in clone/$i/* ; do
- if [ "${d}" != "clone/$i/git-hooks" ]; then
- ln -sfn ${d} $(basename ${d})
- fi
- done
- done
+# mkdir clone
+# branch=$(git symbolic-ref HEAD | cut -d"/" -f 3)
+# for i in $GIT_REPO_NAMES ; do
+# bin/git-new-workdir $GIT_LINK_SRC/$i clone/$i $branch
+# for d in clone/$i/* ; do
+# if [ "${d}" != "clone/$i/git-hooks" ]; then
+# ln -sfn ${d} $(basename ${d})
+# fi
+# done
+# done
@@ -169,7 +171,7 @@ for i in $filelist ; do
# echo $i
if [ "$i" != `echo $i | sed "s/^http:\///"` ]; then
- # TODO: check for comment
+ # TODO: check for comment
if [ "$tarurl" != "" ]; then
sum=`echo $i | sed "s/-.*//"`
diff --git a/g b/g
index a82fc31..d73b8a6 100755
--- a/g
+++ b/g
@@ -3,116 +3,207 @@
# Wrapper for git to handle more subdirs at the same time
-# no params, no action
-if [ "$#" -eq "0" ] ; then
- git
- echo
- echo "Additional options available only in this 'g' wrapper:"
- echo
- echo "Usage: g [options] [git commands]"
- echo " -f Force - act on all the repos, not only the changed ones"
- echo " -s Silent - do not report the repo names."
- echo " -v Verbose - Print git commands."
- echo " -1 report the repos name on the first line of the output as <repo>:"
- echo " -z just to some house cleaning (hooks mostly). this is a stand-alone option as in ./g -z"
- echo " --set-push-user [username] re-write an existing tree's config with an fd.o commit account name"
- echo " --last-working checks out the last known working build (useful for windows)";
- echo " --set-last-working adds a note denoting a working build";
- echo " --push-notes pushes all notes";
- exit $?
+if [ -n "$g_debug" ] ; then
+ set -x
-if [ ! "`type -p git`" ]; then
- echo "Cannot find the git binary! Is git installed and is in PATH?"
- exit 1
+SUBMODULES_ALL="binfilter dictionaries helpcontent2 translations"
pushd $(dirname $0) > /dev/null
popd > /dev/null
-if test -f $COREDIR/bin/repo-list
- ALLREPOS="core `cat "$COREDIR/bin/repo-list"`"
+ git
+ echo
+ echo "Usage: g [options] [git (checkout|clone|fetch|grep|pull|push|reset) [git options/args..]]"
+ echo ""
+ echo " -z restaure the git hooks and others sanity checks"
- repo=$1
- case "$repo" in
- core)
- pushd $COREDIR > /dev/null
- for hook_name in $(ls -1 $COREDIR/git-hooks) ; do
- hook=".git/hooks/$hook_name"
- if [ ! -x "$hook" ] ; then
- rm -f "$hook"
- ln -sf "$COREDIR/git-hooks/$hook_name" "$hook"
- fi
- done
- popd > /dev/null
- ;;
- translations)
- if [ -d $COREDIR/clone/translations ] ; then
- pushd $COREDIR/clone/translations > /dev/null
- for hook_name in $(ls -1 $COREDIR/clone/translations/git-hooks); do
- hook=".git/hooks/$hook_name"
- if [ ! -x "$hook" ] ; then
- rm -f "$hook"
- ln -sf "$COREDIR/clone/translations/git-hooks/$hook_name" "$hook"
- fi
- done
- # .gitattribute should be per-repo, avoid entangling repos
- if [ -L .gitattributes ] ; then
- rm -f .gitattributes
- fi
- popd > /dev/null
- fi
- ;;
- binfilter|help|dictionaries)
- if [ -d $COREDIR/clone/$repo ] ; then
- pushd $COREDIR/clone/$repo > /dev/null
- # fixme: we should really keep these per-repo to
- # keep the repos independant. since these two
- # are realy not independant yet, we keep using core's hooks
- for hook_name in $(ls -1 $COREDIR/git-hooks) ; do
- hook=".git/hooks/$hook_name"
- if [ ! -x "$hook" ] ; then
- rm -f "$hook"
- ln -sf "$COREDIR/git-hooks/$hook_name" "$hook"
- fi
- done
- # .gitattribute should be per-repo, avoid entangling repos
- if [ -L .gitattributes ] ; then
- rm -f .gitattributes
- fi
- popd > /dev/null
+local repo=$1
+local hook
+local hook_name
+ if [ -d ${repo?}/.git ] ; then
+ # use core's hook by default
+ for hook_name in $(ls -1 ${COREDIR?}/.git-hooks) ; do
+ hook="${repo?}/.git/hooks/${hook_name?}"
+ if [ ! -e "${hook?}" -o -L "${hook?}" ] ; then
+ rm -f "${hook?}"
+ ln -sf "${COREDIR?}/.git-hooks/${hook_name?}" "${hook?}"
- ;;
- esac
+ done
+ # override if need be by the submodules' own hooks
+ for hook_name in $(ls -1 ${COREDIR?}/${repo?}/.git-hooks 2>/dev/null) ; do
+ hook="${repo?}/.git/hooks/${hook_name?}"
+ if [ ! -e "${hook?}" -o -L "${hook?}" ] ; then
+ rm -f "${hook?}"
+ ln -sf "${COREDIR?}/${repo?}/.git-hooks/${hook_name?}" "${hook?}"
+ fi
+ done
+ fi
- repos="$ALLREPOS"
- for repo in $repos ; do
- refresh_hooks $repo
+local repo
+local hook_name
+local hook
+ pushd ${COREDIR?} > /dev/null
+ for hook_name in $(ls -1 ${COREDIR?}/.git-hooks) ; do
+ hook=".git/hooks/${hook_name?}"
+ if [ ! -e "${hook?}" -o -L "${hook?}" ] ; then
+ rm -f "${hook?}"
+ ln -sf "${COREDIR?}/.git-hooks/${hook_name?}" "${hook?}"
+ fi
+ done
+ for repo in ${SUBMODULES_ALL?} ; do
+ refresh_submodule_hooks $repo
+ done
+ popd > /dev/null
+local repo
+ repo="$1"
+ if [ -n "$repo" ] ; then
+ pushd "${COREDIR?}/${repo?}" > /dev/null
+ else
+ pushd "${COREDIR?}" > /dev/null
+ repo="core"
+ fi
+ echo "setting up push url for ${repo?}"
+ if [ "${repo?}" = "helpcontent2" ] ; then
+ git config remote.origin.pushurl "ssh://${PUSH_USER}gerrit.libreoffice.org:29418/help"
+ else
+ git config remote.origin.pushurl "ssh://${PUSH_USER}gerrit.libreoffice.org:29418/${repo?}"
+ fi
+ popd > /dev/null
+ PUSH_USER="$1"
+ if [ -n "$PUSH_USER" ] ; then
+ fi
+ set_push_url
+ for repo in ${SUBMODULES_ACTIVE?} ; do
+ set_push_url "${repo?}"
+ done
+local repo
+ for repo in ${SUBMODULES_ALL?} ; do
+ if [ -d ${repo?}/.git ] ; then
+ fi
- rc=$1
- if $DO_HOOK_REFRESH ; then
- refresh_all_hooks
+ if [ -f "config_host.mk" ] ; then
+ SUBMODULES_CONFIGURED=$(cat config_host.mk | grep GIT_NEEDED_SUBMODULES | sed -e "s/.*=//")
+ else
+ # if we need the configured submoduel before the configuration is done. we assumed you want them all
+ echo "cmd:$@"
+ git "$@"
+ git submodule foreach git "$@" $KEEP_GOING
+local cmd
+local create_branch="0"
+local branch
+ git checkout "$@" || return $?
+ for cmd in "$@" ; do
+ if [ "$cmd" = "-f" ]; then
+ return 0
+ elif [ "$cmd" = "-b" ] ; then
+ create_branch=1
+ elif [ "$create_branch" = "1" ] ; then
+ branch="$arg"
+ fi
+ done
+ if [ -f .gitmodules ] ; then
+ if [ -n "$branch" ] ; then
+ git submodules foreach git branch ${branch} HEAD || return $?
+ fi
+ else
+ # now that is the nasty case we moved prior to submodules
+ # make sure we have the needed repo in clone
+ ./g clone && ./g -f checkout "$@" || return $?
+ fi
+ return $?
+ git reset "$@" || return $?
+ if [ -f .gitmodules ] ; then
+ git submodule update || return $?
+ else
+ # now that is the nasty case we moved prior to submodules
+ # make sure we have the needed repo in clone
+ ./g clone && ./g -f reset "$@"
+ fi
+ return $?;
+local module
+local configured
- exit $rc;
+ for module in $SUBMODULES_CONFIGURED ; do
+ configured=$(git config --local --get submodule.${module}.url)
+ if [ -z "$configured" ] ; then
+ git submodule init $module || return $?
+ fi
+ done
+ return 0
-if [ ! -e ${CLONEDIR} ]; then mkdir -p "$CLONEDIR"; fi
+# no params, no action
+if [ "$#" -eq "0" ] ; then
+ usage
+if [ ! "`type -p git`" ]; then
+ echo "Cannot find the git binary! Is git installed and is in PATH?"
+ exit 1
# extra params for some commands, like log
@@ -125,7 +216,7 @@ PUSH_NOTES=
@@ -133,289 +224,67 @@ DO_HOOK_REFRESH=false
while [ "${COMMAND:0:1}" = "-" ] ; do
case "$COMMAND" in
- -f) KEEP_GOING=1
- ;;
- ;;
- ;;
- ;;
- --set-push-user)
- shift
- PUSH_USER="$1"
- ;;
- --last-working) LAST_WORKING=1
- ;;
- --set-last-working) SET_LAST_WORKING=1
- ;;
- --push-notes) PUSH_NOTES=1
+ -f )KEEP_GOING="||:"
- postprocess 0
+ refresh_all_hooks
+ exit 0;
+ --set-push-urls)
+ shift
+ PUSH_USER="$1"
+ if [ -n "${PUSH_USER}" ] ; then
+ fi
+ set_push_urls
+ exit 0;
+ ;;
+ -*)
+ echo "option: $COMMAND not supported" 1>&2
+ exit 1
case "$COMMAND" in
- apply)
- EXTRA="-p0 --stat --apply --index --ignore-space-change --whitespace=error"
- ;;
- clone|fetch|pull)
- ;;
- diff)
- PAGER='--no-pager'
- ;;
- log)
- if [ "$#" = "1" ] ; then
- EXTRA='-1'
- fi
- PAGER='--no-pager'
+ branch)
+ do_git_cmd ${COMMAND} "$@"
+ ;;
+ checkout)
+ do_checkout "$@" && git submodule foreach git checkout "$@"
+ ;;
+ clone)
+ do_init_modules && git submodule update && refresh_all_hooks
+ fetch)
+ (git fetch "$@" && git submodule foreach git fetch "$@" ) && git submodule update
+ ;;
+ grep)
+ KEEP_GOING="||:"
+ do_git_cmd ${COMMAND} "$@"
+ ;;
+ pull)
+ git pull "$@" && git submodule update && refresh_all_hooks
+ ;;
- if [ "$#" != "1" ] ; then
- fi
+ git submodule foreach git push "$@"
+ if [ "$?" = "0" ] ; then
+ git push "$@"
+ fi
+ ;;
+ reset)
+ do_reset
+ ;;
+ *)
+ echo "./g does not support command:$COMMAND" 1>&2
+ exit 1;
-# absolutize the parameters first
-unset FILES
-while shift ; do
- PARAM="$1"
- if [ -z "$PARAM" ] ; then
- continue
- elif [ "${PARAM:0:1}" = "-" ] ; then
- if [ \( "$COMMAND" = "checkout" -a "$PARAM" = "-b" \) -o \
- \( "$COMMAND" = "clone" -a "$PARAM" = "--reference" \) -o \
- \( "$COMMAND" = "commit" -a "$PARAM" = "-m" \) -o \
- \( "$COMMAND" = "commit" -a "$PARAM" = "-am" \) -o \
- \( "$COMMAND" = "tag" -a "$PARAM" = "-m" \) ]
- then
- # params that take an argument
- shift
- else
- if [ "$COMMAND" = "commit" -a "$PARAM" = "-F" ]
- then
- shift
- # this still needs some magic to handle relative paths
- EXTRA="${EXTRA} -F ${1}"
- else
- [ "$COMMAND" = "commit" -a "$PARAM" = "--allow-empty" ] && ALLOW_EMPTY=1
- fi
- fi
- else
- if [ "$COMMAND" = "apply" ] ; then
- grep -qs $'^+ *\t' "$PARAM" && {
- echo "Patch '$PARAM' introduces tabs in indentation, aborting."
- echo
- echo "Please fix the patch (something like s/^\(+ *\)\t/\1 /) and try again."
- echo
- exit 1
- }
- fi
- if [ "$COMMAND" == "rev-parse" ] ; then
- # this is not a file
- else
- # make the paths absolute
- FILES[$FILESNUM]=$(perl -e 'use Cwd "abs_path"; print abs_path(shift);' "$PARAM" 2>/dev/null)
- if [ -z "${FILES[$FILESNUM]}" -o ! -e "${FILES[$FILESNUM]}" ] ; then
- # it is probably not a file, but a tag name, or something
- fi
- fi
- fi
-# do it!
-DIRS="core $(cd $CLONEDIR ; ls)"
-if [ "$COMMAND" = "clone" ] ; then
-for REPO in $DIRS ; do
- if [ "$REPO" = "core" ] ; then
- NAME="main repo"
- fi
- if [ -d "$DIR" -a "z$PUSH_USER" != "z" ]; then
- echo "setting up push url for $DIR"
- (cd $DIR && git config remote.origin.pushurl "ssh://${PUSH_USER}@gerrit.libreoffice.org:29418/${REPO}")
- elif [ -d "$DIR" -a "z$LAST_WORKING" != "z" ]; then
- echo "fetching notes for $REPO ..."
- (cd $DIR && git fetch origin 'refs/notes/*:refs/notes/*')
- hash=`(cd $DIR && git log --pretty='%H %N' | grep 'win32 working build' | head -n1 | sed 's/ win32.*//')`
- if test "z$hash" != "z"; then
- echo "update to $hash"
- (cd $DIR && git checkout $hash)
- else
- echo "Warning: missing known working note on repo $REPO"
- fi
- elif [ -d "$DIR" -a "z$SET_LAST_WORKING" != "z" ]; then
- echo "fetching notes for $REPO ..."
- (cd $DIR && git fetch origin 'refs/notes/*:refs/notes/*')
- (cd $DIR && git notes add -m 'win32 working build')
- elif [ -d "$DIR" -a "z$PUSH_NOTES" != "z" ]; then
- echo "pushing notes for $REPO ..."
- (cd $DIR && git push origin 'refs/notes/*:refs/notes/*')
- elif [ \( -d "$DIR" -a -d "$DIR"/.git \) -o \( "$COMMAND" = "clone" \) ] ; then
- (
- # executed in a subshell
- if [ "$COMMAND" != "clone" ] ; then
- cd "$DIR"
- else
- cd "$CLONEDIR"
- fi
- # relativize the absolutized params again if we want to operate
- # only on the files belonging to this exact repo
- if [ "$RELATIVIZE" = "1" -a -n "$FILES" ] ; then
- PWD=$(pwd)
- PWDLEN=$(pwd | wc -c)
- for I in "${FILES[@]}" ; do
- I="${I//@REPO@/${REPO}}"
- # filter out files that don't belong to this repo
- if [ \( "${I:0:1}" = "/" \) -a \( "$COMMAND" != "clone" \) ] ; then
- if [ "${I:0:$PWDLEN}" = "$PWD/" ] ; then
- fi
- else
- fi
- done
- [ "$INSERTNUM" = "0" ] && exit 0
- fi
- # some extra params
- case "$COMMAND" in
- apply)
- for I in * ; do
- if [ -d "$I" ] ; then
- EXTRA="$EXTRA --include=$I/*"
- else
- EXTRA="$EXTRA --include=$I"
- fi
- done
- ;;
- commit)
- if [ "$ALLOW_EMPTY" != "1" ] ; then
- [ -z "$(git diff-index --name-only HEAD --)" ] && exit 0
- fi
- ;;
- push)
- if [ "$PUSH_ALL" != "1" ] ; then
- [ -n "$(git rev-list @{upstream}..HEAD)" ] || exit 0
- fi
- ;;
- status)
- LOCALCOMMITS="$(git rev-list @{upstream}..HEAD)"
- if [ -z "$LOCALCOMMITS" ] ; then
- [ -z "$(git diff-index --name-only HEAD --)" ] && exit 0
- fi
- ;;
- clone)
- EXTRA="$(git config remote.origin.url)"
- EXTRA=${EXTRA/core/${REPO}}
- ;;
- esac
- # do it!
- if [ "$COMMAND" != "clone" -o ! -d $DIR ] ; then
- if [ "$REPORT_REPOS" = "1" -a "$COMMAND" != "grep" ] ; then
- if [ "$REPORT_COMPACT" = "1" ] ; then
- echo -n "${REPO}:"
- else
- echo "===== $NAME ====="
- fi
- fi
- if [ "$REPORT_COMMANDS" = "1" ] ; then
- echo "+ git $PAGER $COMMAND $EXTRA ${FILES[@]}"
- fi
- git $PAGER "$COMMAND" $EXTRA "${FILES[@]}"
- fi
- # now we can change the dir in case of clone as well
- if [ "$COMMAND" = "clone" ] ; then
- cd $DIR
- fi
- case "$COMMAND" in
- pull|clone)
- # update links
- if [ "$DIR" != "$COREDIR" ]; then
- for link in $(ls) ; do
- if [ ! -e "$COREDIR/$link" ] ; then
- if test -h "$COREDIR/$link"; then
- rm "$COREDIR/$link"
- echo -n "re-"
- fi
- echo "creating missing link $link"
- ln -s "$DIR/$link" "$COREDIR/$link"
- fi
- done
- fi
- ;;
- status)
- # git status returns error in some versions, clear that
- ;;
- grep)
- # git grep return an 'error' if nothing is found
- # still we should continue grepping the other repos
- ;;
- esac
- if [ "$KEEP_GOING" = "1" ] ; then
- fi
- exit $RETURN
- ) || postprocess $?
- fi
-# Cleanup the broken links
-if [ "$COMMAND" = "pull" ] ; then
- for link in $(ls $COREDIR) ; do
- if [ -h "$COREDIR/$link" -a ! -e "$COREDIR/$link" ]; then
- echo "Removing broken link $link"
- rm $COREDIR/$link
- fi
- done
-# warn
-if [ "$COMMAND" = "apply" ] ; then
- echo
- echo "Don't forget to check the status & commit now ;-)"
- echo
-postprocess $?
+exit $?
# vi:set shiftwidth=4 expandtab:
diff --git a/git-hooks/commit-msg b/git-hooks/commit-msg
deleted file mode 100755
index fa0b2e2..0000000
--- a/git-hooks/commit-msg
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,173 +0,0 @@
-# An example hook script to check the commit log message.
-# Called by git-commit with one argument, the name of the file
-# that has the commit message. The hook should exit with non-zero
-# status after issuing an appropriate message if it wants to stop the
-# commit. The hook is allowed to edit the commit message file.
-# To enable this hook, make this file executable.
-# Uncomment the below to add a Signed-off-by line to the message.
-# SOB=$(git var GIT_AUTHOR_IDENT | sed -n 's/^\(.*>\).*$/Signed-off-by: \1/p')
-# grep -qs "^$SOB" "$1" || echo "$SOB" >> "$1"
-# This example catches duplicate Signed-off-by lines.
-base_dir=$(dirname $0)
-abort() {
- cp $1 $1.save
- cat >&2 <<EOF
-Commit aborted, your commit message was saved as '$1.save'.
-Reason: $2
- exit 1
-test "" = "$(grep '^Signed-off-by: ' "$1" |
- sort | uniq -c | sed -e '/^[ ]*1[ ]/d')" || {
- abort "$1" "Duplicate Signed-off-by lines."
-# Check that the first line exists, and is not an asterisk
-if [ -z "`head -n 1 $1 | grep -v '^[ \t]*\*$'`" ] ; then
- abort "$1" "Please provide the general description on the first line."
-# ...and that it is not too long
-if [ "`head -n 1 $1 | wc -c`" -gt 79 ] ; then
- abort "$1" "The first line is too long, please try to fit into 79 characters."
-# ...and that it does not continue on the second line
-if [ "`wc -l < $1`" -gt 1 -a -n "`head -n 2 $1 | tail -n 1 | sed 's/^#.*//'`" ] ; then
- abort "$1" "The second line is not empty - maybe the first line continues there?"
-# Check that the message is not a ChangeLog-like one
-if [ -n "`head -n 1 $1 | grep '^[0-9]\{4\}-[0-9]\{2\}-[0-9]\{2\}.*<.*@.*>'`" ] ; then
- abort "$1" "The commit message looks like ChangeLog, please use the git form."
-# Check for whitespace in front of *'s
-if [ -n "`sed '/^#/,$d' $1 | grep '^[[:space:]]\+\*.*:'`" -a -z "`grep '^\*' $1`" ] ; then
- abort "$1" "Please don't use whitespace in front of '* file: Description.' entries."
-#------------------ copied gerrit commit-msg hook to handle ChangeId -->
-# From Gerrit Code Review 2.3
-# Part of Gerrit Code Review (http://code.google.com/p/gerrit/)
-# Copyright (C) 2009 The Android Open Source Project
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-# You may obtain a copy of the License at
-# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-# Check for, and add if missing, a unique Change-Id
-add_ChangeId() {
- clean_message=`sed -e '
- /^diff --git a\/.*/{
- s///
- q
- }
- /^Signed-off-by:/d
- /^#/d
- ' "$MSG" | git stripspace`
- if test -z "$clean_message"
- then
- return
- fi
- id=`grep -i '^Change-Id:' "$MSG" | sed -e "s/.*: I//"`
- temp_msg=`grep -v -i '^Change-Id:' "$MSG"`
- echo "$temp_msg" > "$MSG"
- if test -z "$id"
- then
- id=`_gen_ChangeId`
- fi
- perl -e '
- $MSG = shift;
- $id = shift;
- $CHANGE_ID_AFTER = shift;
- undef $/;
- open(I, $MSG); $_ = <I>; close I;
- s|^diff --git a/.*||ms;
- s|^#.*$||mg;
- exit unless $_;
- @message = split /\n/;
- $haveFooter = 0;
- $startFooter = @message;
- for($line = @message - 1; $line >= 0; $line--) {
- $_ = $message[$line];
- if (/^[a-zA-Z0-9-]+: /) {
- $haveFooter++;
- next;
- }
- next if /^[ []/;
- $startFooter = $line if ($haveFooter && /^\r?$/);
- last;
- }
- @footer = @message[$startFooter+1.. at message];
- @message = @message[0..$startFooter];
- push(@footer, "") unless @footer;
- for ($line = 0; $line < @footer; $line++) {
- $_ = $footer[$line];
- next if /^($CHANGE_ID_AFTER):/i;
- last;
- }
- splice(@footer, $line, 0, "Change-Id: I$id");
- $_ = join("\n", @message, @footer);
- open(O, ">$MSG"); print O; close O;
- ' "$MSG" "$id" "$CHANGE_ID_AFTER"
-_gen_ChangeIdInput() {
- echo "tree `git write-tree`"
- if parent=`git rev-parse HEAD^0 2>/dev/null`
- then
- echo "parent $parent"
- fi
- echo "author `git var GIT_AUTHOR_IDENT`"
- echo "committer `git var GIT_COMMITTER_IDENT`"
- echo
- printf '%s' "$clean_message"
-_gen_ChangeId() {
- _gen_ChangeIdInput |
- git hash-object -t commit --stdin
-#------------------ copied gerrit commit-msg hook to handle ChangeId <--
-exit 0
diff --git a/git-hooks/post-merge b/git-hooks/post-merge
deleted file mode 100755
index 25e62ed..0000000
--- a/git-hooks/post-merge
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
-# Do not warn if there were no real merge
-git rev-parse -q --verify HEAD^2 >/dev/null || exit
-echo "!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
-echo "! You probably used 'git pull' instead of 'git pull -r' !"
-echo "!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
-echo "You can still fix it - please do 'git pull -r' now."
diff --git a/git-hooks/pre-commit b/git-hooks/pre-commit
deleted file mode 100755
index 5b752a3..0000000
--- a/git-hooks/pre-commit
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,135 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env perl
-# A hook script to verify what is about to be committed.
-# Called by "git commit" with no arguments. The hook should
-# exit with non-zero status after issuing an appropriate message
-# if it wants to stop the commit.
-use strict;
-#use File::Copy;
-#use Cwd;
-$ENV{LC_ALL} = "C";
-sub check_whitespaces($)
- my ($h) = @_;
- my $src_limited = "c|cpp|cxx|h|hrc|hxx|idl|inl|java|map|MK|pmk|pl|pm|sdi|sh|src|tab|xcu|xml";
- my $src_full = "c|cpp|cxx|h|hrc|hxx|idl|inl|java|map|mk|MK|pmk|pl|pm|sdi|sh|src|tab|xcu|xml";
- my $found_bad = 0;
- my $filename;
- my $reported_filename = "";
- my $lineno;
- sub bad_line
- {
- my ($why, $line, $file_filter) = @_;
- if (!defined $file_filter || $filename =~ /\.($file_filter)$/)
- {
- if (!$found_bad)
- {
- print STDERR "*\n";
- print STDERR "* You have some suspicious patch lines:\n";
- print STDERR "*\n";
- $found_bad = 1;
- }
- if ($reported_filename ne $filename)
- {
- print STDERR "* In $filename\n";
- $reported_filename = $filename;
- }
- print STDERR "* $why (line $lineno)\n";
- print STDERR "$filename:$lineno:$line\n";
- }
- }
- open( FILES, "git-diff-index -p -M --cached $h |" ) || die "Cannot run git diff-index.";
- while (<FILES>)
- {
- if (m|^diff --git a/(.*) b/\1$|)
- {
- $filename = $1;
- next;
- }
- if (/^@@ -\S+ \+(\d+)/)
- {
- $lineno = $1 - 1;
- next;
- }
- if (/^ /)
- {
- $lineno++;
- next;
- }
- if (s/^\+//)
- {
- $lineno++;
- chomp;
- if (/\s$/)
- {
- bad_line("trailing whitespace", $_ , $src_limited);
- }
- if (/\s* /)
- {
- bad_line("indent with Tab", $_, $src_limited);
- }
- if (/^(?:[<>=]){7}$/)
- {
- bad_line("unresolved merge conflict", $src_full);
- }
- if (/SAL_DEBUG/)
- {
- bad_line("temporary debug in commit", $_, $src_limited);
- }
- }
- }
- if ( $found_bad)
- {
- exit($found_bad);
- }
-# Do the work :-)
-# Initial commit: diff against an empty tree object
-my $against="4b825dc642cb6eb9a060e54bf8d69288fbee4904";
-if ( system( "git rev-parse --verify HEAD >/dev/null 2>&1" ) == 0 )
- $against="HEAD"
-# If you want to allow non-ascii filenames set this variable to true.
-my $allownonascii=`git config hooks.allownonascii`;
-# Cross platform projects tend to avoid non-ascii filenames; prevent
-# them from being added to the repository. We exploit the fact that the
-# printable range starts at the space character and ends with tilde.
-if ( $allownonascii ne "true" &&
- # Note that the use of brackets around a tr range is ok here, (it's
- # even required, for portability to Solaris 10's /usr/bin/tr), since
- # the square bracket bytes happen to fall in the designated range.
- `git diff --cached --name-only --diff-filter=A -z $against | \
- LC_ALL=C tr -d '[ -~]\\0'` ne "" )
- print <<EOM;
-Error: Attempt to add a non-ascii file name.
-This can cause problems if you want to work
-with people on other platforms.
-To be portable it is advisable to rename the file ...
-If you know what you are doing you can disable this
-check using:
- git config hooks.allownonascii true
- exit( 1 );
-# fix whitespace in code
-check_whitespaces( $against);
-# all OK
-exit( 0 );
-# vi:set shiftwidth=4 expandtab:
diff --git a/helpcontent2 b/helpcontent2
new file mode 160000
index 0000000..4507e5f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/helpcontent2
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+Subproject commit 4507e5f21836724cf768cf4e3ffbbf4ada6c87c3
diff --git a/translations b/translations
new file mode 160000
index 0000000..751ae9d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/translations
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+Subproject commit 751ae9de9563da8b26aef8e5c0f80ad502fbfe81
commit b966a09c2da9441961c93c44be556399575db849
Author: Caolán McNamara <caolanm at redhat.com>
Date: Mon Oct 1 23:57:06 2012 +0100
Resolves: fdo#54862 extra ++n causing merged cells to be skipped
commit 567c1db25bd705faac44203e4a3d01d0f5e1385c reverted a pile
of other commits, including 858b5b4f36a357fe7192e7c2ed9cc3cdfc81fd8f
but didn't revert the ++n of that commit, leading to merge groups
getting skipped
Change-Id: Ie2b46ebc433df636ebe0092f4a992631b7f06a3f
diff --git a/sw/source/filter/ww8/ww8par2.cxx b/sw/source/filter/ww8/ww8par2.cxx
index a4336b9..83db83e 100644
--- a/sw/source/filter/ww8/ww8par2.cxx
+++ b/sw/source/filter/ww8/ww8par2.cxx
@@ -2752,7 +2752,6 @@ void WW8TabDesc::FinishSwTable()
nRowSpan :
((-1) * (nRowSpan - n));
pCurrentBox->setRowSpan( nRowSpanSet );
- ++n;
commit d67dff5719b32c17f4bf02990de5d7a772db484c
Author: Caolán McNamara <caolanm at redhat.com>
Date: Mon Oct 1 11:03:34 2012 +0100
Change-Id: Id64cdd70c2877ff71c5bc90286fab6b3d8ab7ad4
diff --git a/sfx2/inc/sfx2/sfxhelp.hxx b/sfx2/inc/sfx2/sfxhelp.hxx
index 12c58c2..9de00f0 100644
--- a/sfx2/inc/sfx2/sfxhelp.hxx
+++ b/sfx2/inc/sfx2/sfxhelp.hxx
@@ -19,45 +19,45 @@
#ifndef _SFX_HELP_HXX
#define _SFX_HELP_HXX
+#include <rtl/ustring.hxx>
#include "sal/config.h"
#include "sfx2/dllapi.h"
#include "sal/types.h"
#include <vcl/help.hxx>
-#include <tools/string.hxx>
class SfxHelp_Impl;
class SfxFrame;
class SFX2_DLLPUBLIC SfxHelp : public Help
- String aTicket; // for Plugins
- String aUser;
- String aLanguageStr;
- String aCountryStr;
+ OUString aTicket; // for Plugins
+ OUString aUser;
+ OUString aLanguageStr;
+ OUString aCountryStr;
sal_Bool bIsDebug;
SfxHelp_Impl* pImp;
- SAL_DLLPRIVATE sal_Bool Start_Impl( const String& rURL, const Window* pWindow, const String& rKeyword );
- SAL_DLLPRIVATE virtual sal_Bool SearchKeyword( const XubString& rKeyWord );
- SAL_DLLPRIVATE virtual sal_Bool Start( const String& rURL, const Window* pWindow );
- SAL_DLLPRIVATE virtual void OpenHelpAgent( const rtl::OString& sHelpId );
- SAL_DLLPRIVATE String GetHelpModuleName_Impl();
- SAL_DLLPRIVATE String CreateHelpURL_Impl( const String& aCommandURL, const String& rModuleName );
+ SAL_DLLPRIVATE sal_Bool Start_Impl( const OUString& rURL, const Window* pWindow, const OUString& rKeyword );
+ SAL_DLLPRIVATE virtual sal_Bool SearchKeyword( const OUString& rKeyWord );
+ SAL_DLLPRIVATE virtual sal_Bool Start( const OUString& rURL, const Window* pWindow );
+ SAL_DLLPRIVATE virtual void OpenHelpAgent( const OString& sHelpId );
+ SAL_DLLPRIVATE OUString GetHelpModuleName_Impl();
+ SAL_DLLPRIVATE OUString CreateHelpURL_Impl( const OUString& aCommandURL, const OUString& rModuleName );
- inline void SetTicket( const String& rTicket ) { aTicket = rTicket; }
- inline void SetUser( const String& rUser ) { aUser = rUser; }
+ inline void SetTicket( const OUString& rTicket ) { aTicket = rTicket; }
+ inline void SetUser( const OUString& rUser ) { aUser = rUser; }
- virtual XubString GetHelpText( const String&, const Window* pWindow );
+ virtual OUString GetHelpText( const OUString&, const Window* pWindow );
- static String CreateHelpURL( const String& aCommandURL, const String& rModuleName );
+ static OUString CreateHelpURL( const OUString& aCommandURL, const OUString& rModuleName );
using Help::OpenHelpAgent;
- static void OpenHelpAgent( SfxFrame* pFrame, const rtl::OString& sHelpId );
- static String GetDefaultHelpModule();
- static ::rtl::OUString GetCurrentModuleIdentifier();
+ static void OpenHelpAgent( SfxFrame* pFrame, const OString& sHelpId );
+ static OUString GetDefaultHelpModule();
+ static OUString GetCurrentModuleIdentifier();
#endif // #ifndef _SFX_HELP_HXX
diff --git a/sfx2/source/appl/newhelp.cxx b/sfx2/source/appl/newhelp.cxx
index f6da0ca..8e360c6 100644
--- a/sfx2/source/appl/newhelp.cxx
+++ b/sfx2/source/appl/newhelp.cxx
@@ -627,14 +627,11 @@ void IndexTabPage_Impl::InitializeIndex()
- ::rtl::OUString aURL = HELP_URL;
- aURL += ::rtl::OUString( sFactory );
+ OUStringBuffer aURL = HELP_URL;
+ aURL.append(sFactory);
+ AppendConfigToken(aURL, sal_True);
- String aTemp = aURL;
- AppendConfigToken( aTemp, sal_True );
- aURL = aTemp;
- Content aCnt( aURL, Reference< ::com::sun::star::ucb::XCommandEnvironment >(), comphelper::getProcessComponentContext() );
+ Content aCnt( aURL.makeStringAndClear(), Reference< ::com::sun::star::ucb::XCommandEnvironment >(), comphelper::getProcessComponentContext() );
::com::sun::star::uno::Reference< ::com::sun::star::beans::XPropertySetInfo > xInfo = aCnt.getProperties();
if ( xInfo->hasPropertyByName( PROPERTY_ANCHORREF ) )
@@ -1070,17 +1067,17 @@ IMPL_LINK_NOARG(SearchTabPage_Impl, SearchHdl)
RememberSearchText( aSearchText );
- String aSearchURL = HELP_URL;
- aSearchURL += aFactory;
- aSearchURL += String( HELP_SEARCH_TAG );
+ OUStringBuffer aSearchURL(HELP_URL);
+ aSearchURL.append(aFactory);
+ aSearchURL.append(HELP_SEARCH_TAG);
if ( !aFullWordsCB.IsChecked() )
aSearchText = sfx2::PrepareSearchString( aSearchText, xBreakIterator, true );
- aSearchURL += aSearchText;
- AppendConfigToken( aSearchURL, sal_False );
+ aSearchURL.append(aSearchText);
+ AppendConfigToken(aSearchURL, sal_False);
if ( aScopeCB.IsChecked() )
- aSearchURL += DEFINE_CONST_UNICODE("&Scope=Heading");
- Sequence< ::rtl::OUString > aFactories = SfxContentHelper::GetResultSet( aSearchURL );
- const ::rtl::OUString* pFacs = aFactories.getConstArray();
+ aSearchURL.append("&Scope=Heading");
+ Sequence< OUString > aFactories = SfxContentHelper::GetResultSet(aSearchURL.makeStringAndClear());
+ const OUString* pFacs = aFactories.getConstArray();
sal_uInt32 i, nCount = aFactories.getLength();
for ( i = 0; i < nCount; ++i )
@@ -1479,11 +1476,10 @@ void BookmarksTabPage_Impl::AddBookmarks( const String& rTitle, const String& rU
- String sURL = String(sHelpURL.makeStringAndClear());
- AppendConfigToken(sURL, bUseQuestionMark);
+ AppendConfigToken(sHelpURL, bUseQuestionMark);
if (!sAnchor.isEmpty())
- sURL += String(sAnchor);
- return ::rtl::OUString(sURL);
+ sHelpURL.append(sAnchor);
+ return sHelpURL.makeStringAndClear();
void SfxHelpWindow_Impl::loadHelpContent(const ::rtl::OUString& sHelpURL, sal_Bool bAddToHistory)
@@ -1597,9 +1593,9 @@ SfxHelpIndexWindow_Impl::~SfxHelpIndexWindow_Impl()
void SfxHelpIndexWindow_Impl::Initialize()
- String aHelpURL = HELP_URL;
- AppendConfigToken( aHelpURL, sal_True );
- Sequence< ::rtl::OUString > aFactories = SfxContentHelper::GetResultSet( aHelpURL );
+ OUStringBuffer aHelpURL(HELP_URL);
+ AppendConfigToken(aHelpURL, sal_True);
+ Sequence< ::rtl::OUString > aFactories = SfxContentHelper::GetResultSet(aHelpURL.makeStringAndClear());
const ::rtl::OUString* pFacs = aFactories.getConstArray();
sal_uInt32 i, nCount = aFactories.getLength();
for ( i = 0; i < nCount; ++i )
diff --git a/sfx2/source/appl/newhelp.hxx b/sfx2/source/appl/newhelp.hxx
index 9ba6b69..6b60bb8 100644
--- a/sfx2/source/appl/newhelp.hxx
+++ b/sfx2/source/appl/newhelp.hxx
@@ -598,7 +598,7 @@ public:
/// Appends ?Language=xy&System=abc to the help URL in rURL
-void AppendConfigToken( String& rURL, sal_Bool bQuestionMark, const rtl::OUString &rLang = rtl::OUString() );
+void AppendConfigToken(OUStringBuffer& rURL, sal_Bool bQuestionMark, const OUString &rLang = rtl::OUString());
#endif // #ifndef INCLUDED_SFX_NEWHELP_HXX
diff --git a/sfx2/source/appl/sfxhelp.cxx b/sfx2/source/appl/sfxhelp.cxx
index 0d89637..b2be3e3 100644
--- a/sfx2/source/appl/sfxhelp.cxx
+++ b/sfx2/source/appl/sfxhelp.cxx
@@ -98,15 +98,15 @@ void NoHelpErrorBox::RequestHelp( const HelpEvent& )
-static bool impl_hasHelpInstalled( const rtl::OUString &rLang );
+static bool impl_hasHelpInstalled( const OUString &rLang );
/// Return the locale we prefer for displaying help
-static rtl::OUString HelpLocaleString()
+static OUString HelpLocaleString()
- static rtl::OUString aLocaleStr;
+ static OUString aLocaleStr;
if (aLocaleStr.isEmpty())
- const rtl::OUString aEnglish( "en" );
+ const OUString aEnglish( "en" );
// detect installed locale
aLocaleStr = utl::ConfigManager::getLocale();
bool bOk = !aLocaleStr.isEmpty();
@@ -114,12 +114,12 @@ static rtl::OUString HelpLocaleString()
aLocaleStr = aEnglish;
- rtl::OUString aBaseInstallPath;
+ OUString aBaseInstallPath;
static const char *szHelpPath = "/help/";
- rtl::OUString sHelpPath = aBaseInstallPath +
- rtl::OUString::createFromAscii(szHelpPath) + aLocaleStr;
+ OUString sHelpPath = aBaseInstallPath +
+ OUString::createFromAscii(szHelpPath) + aLocaleStr;
osl::DirectoryItem aDirItem;
if (!osl::DirectoryItem::get(sHelpPath, aDirItem) == osl::FileBase::E_None)
@@ -132,7 +132,7 @@ static rtl::OUString HelpLocaleString()
bOk = true;
sLang = sLang.Copy( 0, nSepPos );
sHelpPath = aBaseInstallPath +
- rtl::OUString::createFromAscii(szHelpPath) + sLang;
+ OUString::createFromAscii(szHelpPath) + sLang;
if (!osl::DirectoryItem::get(sHelpPath, aDirItem) == osl::FileBase::E_None)
bOk = false;
@@ -146,40 +146,40 @@ static rtl::OUString HelpLocaleString()
return aLocaleStr;
-void AppendConfigToken( String& rURL, sal_Bool bQuestionMark, const rtl::OUString &rLang )
+void AppendConfigToken( OUStringBuffer& rURL, sal_Bool bQuestionMark, const OUString &rLang )
- ::rtl::OUString aLocaleStr( rLang );
+ OUString aLocaleStr( rLang );
if ( aLocaleStr.isEmpty() )
aLocaleStr = HelpLocaleString();
// query part exists?
if ( bQuestionMark )
// no, so start with '?'
- rURL += '?';
+ rURL.append('?');
// yes, so only append with '&'
- rURL += '&';
+ rURL.append('&');
// set parameters
- rURL += DEFINE_CONST_UNICODE("Language=");
- rURL += String( aLocaleStr );
- rURL += SvtHelpOptions().GetSystem();
- rURL += DEFINE_CONST_UNICODE("&Version=");
- rURL += utl::ConfigManager::getProductVersion();
+ rURL.append("Language=");
+ rURL.append(aLocaleStr);
+ rURL.append("&System=");
+ rURL.append(SvtHelpOptions().GetSystem());
+ rURL.append("&Version=");
+ rURL.append(utl::ConfigManager::getProductVersion());
-sal_Bool GetHelpAnchor_Impl( const String& _rURL, String& _rAnchor )
+sal_Bool GetHelpAnchor_Impl( const OUString& _rURL, OUString& _rAnchor )
sal_Bool bRet = sal_False;
- ::rtl::OUString sAnchor;
+ OUString sAnchor;
::ucbhelper::Content aCnt( INetURLObject( _rURL ).GetMainURL( INetURLObject::NO_DECODE ),
Reference< ::com::sun::star::ucb::XCommandEnvironment >(),
comphelper::getProcessComponentContext() );
- if ( ( aCnt.getPropertyValue( ::rtl::OUString("AnchorName") ) >>= sAnchor ) )
+ if ( ( aCnt.getPropertyValue( OUString("AnchorName") ) >>= sAnchor ) )
if ( !sAnchor.isEmpty() )
@@ -203,18 +203,18 @@ sal_Bool GetHelpAnchor_Impl( const String& _rURL, String& _rAnchor )
class SfxHelpOptions_Impl : public utl::ConfigItem
- std::set < rtl::OString > m_aIds;
+ std::set < OString > m_aIds;
- bool HasId( const rtl::OString& rId ) { return m_aIds.size() ? m_aIds.find( rId ) != m_aIds.end() : false; }
- virtual void Notify( const com::sun::star::uno::Sequence< rtl::OUString >& aPropertyNames );
+ bool HasId( const OString& rId ) { return m_aIds.size() ? m_aIds.find( rId ) != m_aIds.end() : false; }
+ virtual void Notify( const com::sun::star::uno::Sequence< OUString >& aPropertyNames );
virtual void Commit();
-static Sequence< ::rtl::OUString > GetPropertyNames()
+static Sequence< OUString > GetPropertyNames()
static const char* aPropNames[] =
@@ -222,20 +222,20 @@ static Sequence< ::rtl::OUString > GetPropertyNames()
const int nCount = sizeof( aPropNames ) / sizeof( const char* );
- Sequence< ::rtl::OUString > aNames( nCount );
- ::rtl::OUString* pNames = aNames.getArray();
- ::rtl::OUString* pEnd = pNames + aNames.getLength();
+ Sequence< OUString > aNames( nCount );
+ OUString* pNames = aNames.getArray();
+ OUString* pEnd = pNames + aNames.getLength();
int i = 0;
for ( ; pNames != pEnd; ++pNames )
- *pNames = ::rtl::OUString::createFromAscii( aPropNames[i++] );
+ *pNames = OUString::createFromAscii( aPropNames[i++] );
return aNames;
- : ConfigItem( ::rtl::OUString("Office.SFX/Help") )
+ : ConfigItem( OUString("Office.SFX/Help") )
- Sequence< ::rtl::OUString > aNames = GetPropertyNames();
+ Sequence< OUString > aNames = GetPropertyNames();
Sequence< Any > aValues = GetProperties( aNames );
EnableNotification( aNames );
const Any* pValues = aValues.getConstArray();
@@ -251,16 +251,16 @@ SfxHelpOptions_Impl::SfxHelpOptions_Impl()
- ::rtl::OUString aCodedList;
+ OUString aCodedList;
if ( pValues[nProp] >>= aCodedList )
- rtl::OString aTmp(
- rtl::OUStringToOString(
- aCodedList, RTL_TEXTENCODING_UTF8 ) );
+ OString aTmp(
+ OUStringToOString(
sal_Int32 nIndex = 0;
- rtl::OString aToken = aTmp.getToken( 0, ',', nIndex );
+ OString aToken = aTmp.getToken( 0, ',', nIndex );
if ( !aToken.isEmpty() )
m_aIds.insert( aToken );
@@ -287,7 +287,7 @@ SfxHelpOptions_Impl::~SfxHelpOptions_Impl()
-void SfxHelpOptions_Impl::Notify( const com::sun::star::uno::Sequence< rtl::OUString >& )
+void SfxHelpOptions_Impl::Notify( const com::sun::star::uno::Sequence< OUString >& )
@@ -299,14 +299,14 @@ class SfxHelp_Impl
SfxHelpOptions_Impl* m_pOpt; // the options
- ::std::vector< ::rtl::OUString > m_aModulesList; // list of all installed modules
+ ::std::vector< OUString > m_aModulesList; // list of all installed modules
SfxHelpOptions_Impl* GetOptions();
- static String GetHelpText( const rtl::OUString& aCommandURL, const String& rModule );
+ static String GetHelpText( const OUString& aCommandURL, const String& rModule );
SfxHelp_Impl::SfxHelp_Impl() :
@@ -321,7 +321,7 @@ SfxHelp_Impl::~SfxHelp_Impl()
delete m_pOpt;
-String SfxHelp_Impl::GetHelpText( const rtl::OUString& aCommandURL, const String& rModule )
+String SfxHelp_Impl::GetHelpText( const OUString& aCommandURL, const String& rModule )
// create help url
String aHelpURL = SfxHelp::CreateHelpURL( aCommandURL, rModule );
@@ -348,15 +348,15 @@ SfxHelp::SfxHelp() :
// read the environment variable "HELP_DEBUG"
// if it's set, you will see debug output on active help
- ::rtl::OUString sHelpDebug;
- ::rtl::OUString sEnvVarName( "HELP_DEBUG" );
+ OUString sHelpDebug;
+ OUString sEnvVarName( "HELP_DEBUG" );
osl_getEnvironment( sEnvVarName.pData, &sHelpDebug.pData );
bIsDebug = !sHelpDebug.isEmpty();
pImp = new SfxHelp_Impl();
- ::rtl::OUString aLocaleStr = HelpLocaleString();
+ OUString aLocaleStr = HelpLocaleString();
sal_Int32 nSepPos = aLocaleStr.indexOf( '_' );
if ( nSepPos != -1 )
@@ -384,9 +384,9 @@ SfxHelp::~SfxHelp()
delete pImp;
-::rtl::OUString getDefaultModule_Impl()
+OUString getDefaultModule_Impl()
- rtl::OUString sDefaultModule;
+ OUString sDefaultModule;
SvtModuleOptions aModOpt;
if ( aModOpt.IsModuleInstalled( SvtModuleOptions::E_SWRITER ) )
sDefaultModule = DEFINE_CONST_UNICODE("swriter");
@@ -411,9 +411,9 @@ SfxHelp::~SfxHelp()
return sDefaultModule;
-::rtl::OUString getCurrentModuleIdentifier_Impl()
+OUString getCurrentModuleIdentifier_Impl()
- ::rtl::OUString sIdentifier;
+ OUString sIdentifier;
Reference < XFrame > xCurrentFrame;
Reference < XModuleManager2 > xModuleManager( ModuleManager::create(::comphelper::getProcessComponentContext()) );
Reference < XDesktop > xDesktop( ::comphelper::getProcessServiceFactory()->createInstance(
@@ -440,11 +440,10 @@ SfxHelp::~SfxHelp()
return sIdentifier;
-String SfxHelp::GetHelpModuleName_Impl()
+OUString SfxHelp::GetHelpModuleName_Impl()
- String sModuleName;
- rtl::OUString aFactoryShortName;
- rtl::OUString aModuleIdentifier = getCurrentModuleIdentifier_Impl();
+ OUString aFactoryShortName;
+ OUString aModuleIdentifier = getCurrentModuleIdentifier_Impl();
if ( !aModuleIdentifier.isEmpty() )
@@ -469,18 +468,18 @@ String SfxHelp::GetHelpModuleName_Impl()
- rtl::OUString sDefaultModule = getDefaultModule_Impl();
+ OUString sDefaultModule = getDefaultModule_Impl();
if ( !aFactoryShortName.isEmpty() )
// Map some module identifiers to their "real" help module string.
if ( aFactoryShortName == "chart2" )
- aFactoryShortName = rtl::OUString( "schart" );
+ aFactoryShortName = OUString( "schart" );
else if ( aFactoryShortName == "BasicIDE" )
- aFactoryShortName = rtl::OUString( "sbasic" );
+ aFactoryShortName = OUString( "sbasic" );
else if ( aFactoryShortName.equalsAsciiL(RTL_CONSTASCII_STRINGPARAM("sweb"))
|| aFactoryShortName.equalsAsciiL(RTL_CONSTASCII_STRINGPARAM("sglobal"))
|| aFactoryShortName.equalsAsciiL(RTL_CONSTASCII_STRINGPARAM("swxform")) )
- aFactoryShortName = rtl::OUString( "swriter" );
+ aFactoryShortName = OUString( "swriter" );
else if ( aFactoryShortName.equalsAsciiL(RTL_CONSTASCII_STRINGPARAM("dbquery"))
|| aFactoryShortName.equalsAsciiL(RTL_CONSTASCII_STRINGPARAM("dbbrowser"))
|| aFactoryShortName.equalsAsciiL(RTL_CONSTASCII_STRINGPARAM("dbrelation"))
@@ -490,7 +489,7 @@ String SfxHelp::GetHelpModuleName_Impl()
|| aFactoryShortName.equalsAsciiL(RTL_CONSTASCII_STRINGPARAM("swreport"))
|| aFactoryShortName.equalsAsciiL(RTL_CONSTASCII_STRINGPARAM("dbbrowser"))
|| aFactoryShortName.equalsAsciiL(RTL_CONSTASCII_STRINGPARAM("swform")) )
- aFactoryShortName = rtl::OUString( "sdatabase" );
+ aFactoryShortName = OUString( "sdatabase" );
else if ( aFactoryShortName.equalsAsciiL(RTL_CONSTASCII_STRINGPARAM("sbibliography"))
|| aFactoryShortName.equalsAsciiL(RTL_CONSTASCII_STRINGPARAM("StartModule")) )
aFactoryShortName = sDefaultModule;
@@ -498,48 +497,46 @@ String SfxHelp::GetHelpModuleName_Impl()
aFactoryShortName = sDefaultModule;
- sModuleName = String( aFactoryShortName );
- return sModuleName;
+ return aFactoryShortName;
-String SfxHelp::CreateHelpURL_Impl( const String& aCommandURL, const String& rModuleName )
+OUString SfxHelp::CreateHelpURL_Impl( const OUString& aCommandURL, const OUString& rModuleName )
// build up the help URL
- String aHelpURL;
+ OUStringBuffer aHelpURL("vnd.sun.star.help://");
sal_Bool bHasAnchor = sal_False;
- String aAnchor;
+ OUString aAnchor;
- String aModuleName( rModuleName );
- if ( aModuleName.Len() == 0 )
+ OUString aModuleName( rModuleName );
+ if (aModuleName.isEmpty())
aModuleName = getDefaultModule_Impl();
- aHelpURL = rtl::OUString("vnd.sun.star.help://");
- aHelpURL += aModuleName;
+ aHelpURL.append(aModuleName);
- if ( !aCommandURL.Len() )
- aHelpURL += rtl::OUString("/start");
+ if ( aCommandURL.isEmpty() )
+ aHelpURL.append("/start");
- aHelpURL += '/';
- aHelpURL += String( rtl::Uri::encode( aCommandURL,
+ aHelpURL.append('/');
+ aHelpURL.append(rtl::Uri::encode(aCommandURL,
- String aTempURL = aHelpURL;
+ OUStringBuffer aTempURL = aHelpURL;
AppendConfigToken( aTempURL, sal_True );
- bHasAnchor = GetHelpAnchor_Impl( aTempURL, aAnchor );
+ bHasAnchor = GetHelpAnchor_Impl(aTempURL.makeStringAndClear(), aAnchor);
AppendConfigToken( aHelpURL, sal_True );
if ( bHasAnchor )
- aHelpURL += '#';
- aHelpURL += aAnchor;
+ aHelpURL.append('#');
+ aHelpURL.append(aAnchor);
- return aHelpURL;
+ return aHelpURL.makeStringAndClear();
SfxHelpWindow_Impl* impl_createHelp(Reference< XFrame >& rHelpTask ,
@@ -550,7 +547,7 @@ SfxHelpWindow_Impl* impl_createHelp(Reference< XFrame >& rHelpTask ,
// otherwhise - create new help task
Reference< XFrame > xHelpTask = xDesktop->findFrame(
FrameSearchFlag::TASKS | FrameSearchFlag::CREATE);
if (!xHelpTask.is())
return 0;
@@ -565,7 +562,7 @@ SfxHelpWindow_Impl* impl_createHelp(Reference< XFrame >& rHelpTask ,
if (xHelpTask->setComponent( xHelpWindow, Reference< XController >() ))
// Customize UI ...
- xHelpTask->setName( ::rtl::OUString(DEFINE_CONST_UNICODE("OFFICE_HELP_TASK")) );
+ xHelpTask->setName( OUString("OFFICE_HELP_TASK") );
Reference< XPropertySet > xProps(xHelpTask, UNO_QUERY);
if (xProps.is())
@@ -579,42 +576,42 @@ SfxHelpWindow_Impl* impl_createHelp(Reference< XFrame >& rHelpTask ,
// This sub frame is created internaly (if we called new SfxHelpWindow_Impl() ...)
// It should exist :-)
- xHelpContent = xHelpTask->findFrame(::rtl::OUString(DEFINE_CONST_UNICODE("OFFICE_HELP")), FrameSearchFlag::CHILDREN);
+ xHelpContent = xHelpTask->findFrame(OUString("OFFICE_HELP"), FrameSearchFlag::CHILDREN);
if (!xHelpContent.is())
delete pHelpWindow;
- xHelpContent->setName(::rtl::OUString(DEFINE_CONST_UNICODE("OFFICE_HELP")));
+ xHelpContent->setName(OUString("OFFICE_HELP"));
rHelpTask = xHelpTask;
rHelpContent = xHelpContent;
return pHelpWindow;
-XubString SfxHelp::GetHelpText( const String& aCommandURL, const Window* pWindow )
+OUString SfxHelp::GetHelpText( const OUString& aCommandURL, const Window* pWindow )
- String sModuleName = GetHelpModuleName_Impl();
- String sHelpText = pImp->GetHelpText( aCommandURL, sModuleName );
+ OUString sModuleName = GetHelpModuleName_Impl();
+ OUString sHelpText = pImp->GetHelpText( aCommandURL, sModuleName );
- rtl::OString aNewHelpId;
+ OString aNewHelpId;
- if ( pWindow && !sHelpText.Len() )
+ if (pWindow && sHelpText.isEmpty())
// no help text found -> try with parent help id.
Window* pParent = pWindow->GetParent();
while ( pParent )
aNewHelpId = pParent->GetHelpId();
- sHelpText = pImp->GetHelpText( rtl::OStringToOUString(aNewHelpId, RTL_TEXTENCODING_UTF8), sModuleName );
- if ( sHelpText.Len() > 0 )
+ sHelpText = pImp->GetHelpText( OStringToOUString(aNewHelpId, RTL_TEXTENCODING_UTF8), sModuleName );
+ if (!sHelpText.isEmpty())
pParent = NULL;
pParent = pParent->GetParent();
- if ( bIsDebug && !sHelpText.Len() )
- aNewHelpId = rtl::OString();
+ if (bIsDebug && sHelpText.isEmpty())
+ aNewHelpId = OString();
// add some debug information?
@@ -627,7 +624,7 @@ XubString SfxHelp::GetHelpText( const String& aCommandURL, const Window* pWindow
if ( !aNewHelpId.isEmpty() )
sHelpText += DEFINE_CONST_UNICODE(" - ");
- sHelpText += String(rtl::OStringToOUString(aNewHelpId, RTL_TEXTENCODING_UTF8));
+ sHelpText += String(OStringToOUString(aNewHelpId, RTL_TEXTENCODING_UTF8));
@@ -635,23 +632,23 @@ XubString SfxHelp::GetHelpText( const String& aCommandURL, const Window* pWindow
/// Check for built-in help
-static bool impl_hasHelpInstalled( const rtl::OUString &rLang = rtl::OUString() )
+static bool impl_hasHelpInstalled( const OUString &rLang = OUString() )
- String aHelpRootURL( DEFINE_CONST_OUSTRING("vnd.sun.star.help://") );
- AppendConfigToken( aHelpRootURL, sal_True, rLang );
- Sequence< ::rtl::OUString > aFactories = SfxContentHelper::GetResultSet( aHelpRootURL );
+ OUStringBuffer aHelpRootURL("vnd.sun.star.help://");
+ AppendConfigToken(aHelpRootURL, sal_True, rLang);
+ Sequence< OUString > aFactories = SfxContentHelper::GetResultSet(aHelpRootURL.makeStringAndClear());
return ( aFactories.getLength() != 0 );
-sal_Bool SfxHelp::SearchKeyword( const XubString& rKeyword )
+sal_Bool SfxHelp::SearchKeyword( const OUString& rKeyword )
return Start_Impl( String(), NULL, rKeyword );
-sal_Bool SfxHelp::Start( const String& rURL, const Window* pWindow )
+sal_Bool SfxHelp::Start( const OUString& rURL, const Window* pWindow )
- return Start_Impl( rURL, pWindow, String() );
+ return Start_Impl( rURL, pWindow, OUString() );
/// Redirect the vnd.sun.star.help:// urls to http://help.libreoffice.org
@@ -661,14 +658,14 @@ static bool impl_showOnlineHelp( const String& rURL )
if ( rURL.Len() <= aInternal.Len() || rURL.Copy( 0, aInternal.Len() ) != aInternal )
return false;
- rtl::OUString aHelpLink( "http://help.libreoffice.org/" );
+ OUString aHelpLink( "http://help.libreoffice.org/" );
aHelpLink += rURL.Copy( aInternal.Len() );
Reference< XSystemShellExecute > xSystemShell(
SystemShellExecute::create(::comphelper::getProcessComponentContext()) );
- xSystemShell->execute( aHelpLink, rtl::OUString(), SystemShellExecuteFlags::URIS_ONLY );
+ xSystemShell->execute( aHelpLink, OUString(), SystemShellExecuteFlags::URIS_ONLY );
return true;
catch (const Exception&)
@@ -677,11 +674,11 @@ static bool impl_showOnlineHelp( const String& rURL )
return false;
-sal_Bool SfxHelp::Start_Impl( const String& rURL, const Window* pWindow, const String& rKeyword )
+sal_Bool SfxHelp::Start_Impl(const OUString& rURL, const Window* pWindow, const OUString& rKeyword)
- String aHelpRootURL( DEFINE_CONST_OUSTRING("vnd.sun.star.help://") );
- AppendConfigToken( aHelpRootURL, sal_True);
- Sequence< ::rtl::OUString > aFactories = SfxContentHelper::GetResultSet( aHelpRootURL );
+ OUStringBuffer aHelpRootURL("vnd.sun.star.help://");
+ AppendConfigToken(aHelpRootURL, sal_True);
+ Sequence< OUString > aFactories = SfxContentHelper::GetResultSet(aHelpRootURL.makeStringAndClear());
/* rURL may be
- a "real" URL
@@ -716,8 +713,8 @@ sal_Bool SfxHelp::Start_Impl( const String& rURL, const Window* pWindow, const S
Window* pParent = pWindow->GetParent();
while ( pParent )
- rtl::OString aHelpId = pParent->GetHelpId();
- aHelpURL = CreateHelpURL( rtl::OStringToOUString(aHelpId, RTL_TEXTENCODING_UTF8), aHelpModuleName );
+ OString aHelpId = pParent->GetHelpId();
+ aHelpURL = CreateHelpURL( OStringToOUString(aHelpId, RTL_TEXTENCODING_UTF8), aHelpModuleName );
if ( !SfxContentHelper::IsHelpErrorDocument( aHelpURL ) )
@@ -756,10 +753,10 @@ sal_Bool SfxHelp::Start_Impl( const String& rURL, const Window* pWindow, const S
// If not, create a new one and return access directly to the internal sub frame showing the help content
// search must be done here; search one desktop level could return an arbitraty frame
Reference< XFrame > xHelp = xDesktop->findFrame(
Reference< XFrame > xHelpContent = xDesktop->findFrame(
+ OUString("OFFICE_HELP"),
SfxHelpWindow_Impl* pHelpWindow = 0;
@@ -771,14 +768,14 @@ sal_Bool SfxHelp::Start_Impl( const String& rURL, const Window* pWindow, const S
return sal_False;
#ifdef DBG_UTIL
- rtl::OStringBuffer aTmp(RTL_CONSTASCII_STRINGPARAM("SfxHelp: HelpId = "));
- aTmp.append(rtl::OUStringToOString(aHelpURL, RTL_TEXTENCODING_UTF8));
+ OStringBuffer aTmp(RTL_CONSTASCII_STRINGPARAM("SfxHelp: HelpId = "));
+ aTmp.append(OUStringToOString(aHelpURL, RTL_TEXTENCODING_UTF8));
OSL_TRACE( aTmp.getStr() );
pHelpWindow->SetHelpURL( aHelpURL );
- if ( rKeyword.Len() )
+ if (!rKeyword.isEmpty())
pHelpWindow->OpenKeyword( rKeyword );
Reference < ::com::sun::star::awt::XTopWindow > xTopWindow( xHelp->getContainerWindow(), UNO_QUERY );
@@ -788,23 +785,20 @@ sal_Bool SfxHelp::Start_Impl( const String& rURL, const Window* pWindow, const S
return sal_True;
-String SfxHelp::CreateHelpURL( const String& aCommandURL, const String& rModuleName )
+OUString SfxHelp::CreateHelpURL(const OUString& aCommandURL, const OUString& rModuleName)
- String aURL;
- SfxHelp* pHelp = (static_cast< SfxHelp* >(Application::GetHelp()) );
- if ( pHelp )
- aURL = pHelp->CreateHelpURL_Impl( aCommandURL, rModuleName );
- return aURL;
+ SfxHelp* pHelp = static_cast< SfxHelp* >(Application::GetHelp());
+ return pHelp ? pHelp->CreateHelpURL_Impl( aCommandURL, rModuleName ) : OUString();
-void SfxHelp::OpenHelpAgent( SfxFrame*, const rtl::OString& sHelpId )
+void SfxHelp::OpenHelpAgent( SfxFrame*, const OString& sHelpId )
SfxHelp* pHelp = (static_cast< SfxHelp* >(Application::GetHelp()) );
if ( pHelp )
pHelp->OpenHelpAgent( sHelpId );
-void SfxHelp::OpenHelpAgent( const rtl::OString& sHelpId )
+void SfxHelp::OpenHelpAgent( const OString& sHelpId )
if ( SvtHelpOptions().IsHelpAgentAutoStartMode() )
@@ -815,7 +809,7 @@ void SfxHelp::OpenHelpAgent( const rtl::OString& sHelpId )
- aURL.Complete = CreateHelpURL_Impl( rtl::OStringToOUString(sHelpId, RTL_TEXTENCODING_UTF8), GetHelpModuleName_Impl() );
+ aURL.Complete = CreateHelpURL_Impl( OStringToOUString(sHelpId, RTL_TEXTENCODING_UTF8), GetHelpModuleName_Impl() );
Reference< XURLTransformer > xTrans( URLTransformer::create( ::comphelper::getProcessComponentContext() ) );
@@ -829,7 +823,7 @@ void SfxHelp::OpenHelpAgent( const rtl::OString& sHelpId )
Reference< XDispatch > xHelpDispatch;
if ( xDispProv.is() )
xHelpDispatch = xDispProv->queryDispatch(
- aURL, ::rtl::OUString("_helpagent"),
+ aURL, OUString("_helpagent"),
FrameSearchFlag::PARENT | FrameSearchFlag::SELF );
DBG_ASSERT( xHelpDispatch.is(), "OpenHelpAgent: could not get a dispatcher!" );
@@ -843,12 +837,12 @@ void SfxHelp::OpenHelpAgent( const rtl::OString& sHelpId )
-String SfxHelp::GetDefaultHelpModule()
+OUString SfxHelp::GetDefaultHelpModule()
return getDefaultModule_Impl();
-::rtl::OUString SfxHelp::GetCurrentModuleIdentifier()
+OUString SfxHelp::GetCurrentModuleIdentifier()
return getCurrentModuleIdentifier_Impl();
diff --git a/vcl/inc/helpwin.hxx b/vcl/inc/helpwin.hxx
index 40a969f..7dd0c31 100644
--- a/vcl/inc/helpwin.hxx
+++ b/vcl/inc/helpwin.hxx
@@ -44,8 +44,8 @@ private:
Rectangle maTextRect; // For wrapped text in QuickHelp
- String maHelpText;
- String maStatusText;
+ OUString maHelpText;
+ OUString maStatusText;
Timer maShowTimer;
Timer maHideTimer;
@@ -61,16 +61,16 @@ protected:
void ImplShow();
- HelpTextWindow( Window* pParent, const String& rText, sal_uInt16 nHelpWinStyle, sal_uInt16 nStyle );
+ HelpTextWindow( Window* pParent, const OUString& rText, sal_uInt16 nHelpWinStyle, sal_uInt16 nStyle );
- const String& GetHelpText() const { return maHelpText; }
- void SetHelpText( const String& rHelpText );
+ const OUString& GetHelpText() const { return maHelpText; }
+ void SetHelpText( const OUString& rHelpText );
sal_uInt16 GetWinStyle() const { return mnHelpWinStyle; }
sal_uInt16 GetStyle() const { return mnStyle; }
// Nur merken:
- void SetStatusText( const String& rStatusText ) { maStatusText = rStatusText; }
+ void SetStatusText( const OUString& rStatusText ) { maStatusText = rStatusText; }
void SetHelpArea( const Rectangle& rRect ) { maHelpArea = rRect; }
void ShowHelp( sal_uInt16 nDelayMode );
@@ -82,7 +82,7 @@ public:
void ImplShowHelpWindow( Window* pParent, sal_uInt16 nHelpWinStyle, sal_uInt16 nStyle,
- const String& rHelpText, const String& rStatusText,
+ const OUString& rHelpText, const OUString& rStatusText,
const Point& rScreenPos, const Rectangle* pHelpArea = NULL );
void ImplDestroyHelpWindow( bool bUpdateHideTime );
void ImplSetHelpWindowPos( Window* pHelpWindow, sal_uInt16 nHelpWinStyle, sal_uInt16 nStyle,
diff --git a/vcl/inc/vcl/help.hxx b/vcl/inc/vcl/help.hxx
index 1906bca..8753c3c 100644
--- a/vcl/inc/vcl/help.hxx
+++ b/vcl/inc/vcl/help.hxx
@@ -29,7 +29,7 @@
#ifndef _SV_HELP_HXX
#define _SV_HELP_HXX
-#include <tools/string.hxx>
+#include <rtl/ustring.hxx>
#include <tools/solar.h>
#include <vcl/dllapi.h>
@@ -69,19 +69,19 @@ class Window;
- String maHelpFile;
+ OUString maHelpFile;
virtual ~Help();
- void SetHelpFile( const String& rFileName ) { maHelpFile = rFileName; }
- const String& GetHelpFile() const { return maHelpFile; }
+ void SetHelpFile( const OUString& rFileName ) { maHelpFile = rFileName; }
+ const OUString& GetHelpFile() const { return maHelpFile; }
- virtual sal_Bool Start( const XubString& rHelpId, const Window* pWindow );
- virtual sal_Bool SearchKeyword( const XubString& rKeyWord );
- virtual void OpenHelpAgent( const rtl::OString& rHelpId );
- virtual XubString GetHelpText( const String& aHelpURL, const Window* pWindow );
+ virtual sal_Bool Start( const OUString& rHelpId, const Window* pWindow );
+ virtual sal_Bool SearchKeyword( const OUString& rKeyWord );
+ virtual void OpenHelpAgent( const OString& rHelpId );
+ virtual OUString GetHelpText( const OUString& aHelpURL, const Window* pWindow );
static void EnableContextHelp();
static void DisableContextHelp();
@@ -98,35 +98,35 @@ public:
static sal_Bool IsBalloonHelpEnabled();
static sal_Bool ShowBalloon( Window* pParent,
const Point& rScreenPos,
- const XubString& rHelpText );
+ const OUString& rHelpText );
static sal_Bool ShowBalloon( Window* pParent,
const Point& rScreenPos,
const Rectangle&,
- const XubString& rHelpText );
+ const OUString& rHelpText );
static void EnableQuickHelp();
static void DisableQuickHelp();
static sal_Bool IsQuickHelpEnabled();
static sal_Bool ShowQuickHelp( Window* pParent,
const Rectangle& rScreenRect,
- const XubString& rHelpText,
- const XubString& rLongHelpText,
+ const OUString& rHelpText,
+ const OUString& rLongHelpText,
sal_uInt16 nStyle = 0 );
static sal_Bool ShowQuickHelp( Window* pParent,
const Rectangle& rScreenRect,
- const XubString& rHelpText,
+ const OUString& rHelpText,
sal_uInt16 nStyle = 0 )
- { return Help::ShowQuickHelp( pParent, rScreenRect, rHelpText, XubString(), nStyle ); }
+ { return Help::ShowQuickHelp( pParent, rScreenRect, rHelpText, OUString(), nStyle ); }
static void HideBalloonAndQuickHelp();
static sal_uLong ShowTip( Window* pParent,
const Rectangle& rScreenRect,
- const XubString& rText, sal_uInt16 nStyle = 0 );
+ const OUString& rText, sal_uInt16 nStyle = 0 );
static void UpdateTip( sal_uLong nId,
Window* pParent,
const Rectangle& rScreenRect,
- const XubString& rText );
+ const OUString& rText );
static void HideTip( sal_uLong nId );
diff --git a/vcl/source/app/help.cxx b/vcl/source/app/help.cxx
index 9cb7a03..18a6573 100644
--- a/vcl/source/app/help.cxx
+++ b/vcl/source/app/help.cxx
@@ -26,6 +26,7 @@
+#include <comphelper/string.hxx>
#include "tools/debug.hxx"
#include "tools/diagnose_ex.h"
@@ -66,25 +67,25 @@ Help::~Help()
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
-void Help::OpenHelpAgent( const rtl::OString& )
+void Help::OpenHelpAgent( const OString& )
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
-sal_Bool Help::Start( const XubString&, const Window* )
+sal_Bool Help::Start( const OUString&, const Window* )
return sal_False;
-sal_Bool Help::SearchKeyword( const XubString& )
+sal_Bool Help::SearchKeyword( const OUString& )
return sal_False;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
-XubString Help::GetHelpText( const String&, const Window* )
+OUString Help::GetHelpText( const OUString&, const Window* )
return ImplGetSVEmptyStr();
@@ -193,7 +194,7 @@ sal_Bool Help::IsBalloonHelpEnabled()
sal_Bool Help::ShowBalloon( Window* pParent,
const Point& rScreenPos,
- const XubString& rHelpText )
+ const OUString& rHelpText )
ImplShowHelpWindow( pParent, HELPWINSTYLE_BALLOON, 0,
rHelpText, ImplGetSVEmptyStr(), rScreenPos );
@@ -205,7 +206,7 @@ sal_Bool Help::ShowBalloon( Window* pParent,
sal_Bool Help::ShowBalloon( Window* pParent,
const Point& rScreenPos, const Rectangle& rRect,
- const XubString& rHelpText )
+ const OUString& rHelpText )
ImplShowHelpWindow( pParent, HELPWINSTYLE_BALLOON, 0,
rHelpText, ImplGetSVEmptyStr(), rScreenPos, &rRect );
@@ -238,8 +239,8 @@ sal_Bool Help::IsQuickHelpEnabled()
sal_Bool Help::ShowQuickHelp( Window* pParent,
const Rectangle& rScreenRect,
- const XubString& rHelpText,
- const XubString& rLongHelpText,
+ const OUString& rHelpText,
+ const OUString& rLongHelpText,
sal_uInt16 nStyle )
ImplShowHelpWindow( pParent, HELPWINSTYLE_QUICK, nStyle,
@@ -260,7 +261,7 @@ void Help::HideBalloonAndQuickHelp()
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
sal_uIntPtr Help::ShowTip( Window* pParent, const Rectangle& rScreenRect,
- const XubString& rText, sal_uInt16 nStyle )
+ const OUString& rText, sal_uInt16 nStyle )
HelpTextWindow* pHelpWin = new HelpTextWindow( pParent, rText, nHelpWinStyle, nStyle );
@@ -274,7 +275,7 @@ sal_uIntPtr Help::ShowTip( Window* pParent, const Rectangle& rScreenRect,
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
-void Help::UpdateTip( sal_uIntPtr nId, Window* pParent, const Rectangle& rScreenRect, const XubString& rText )
+void Help::UpdateTip( sal_uIntPtr nId, Window* pParent, const Rectangle& rScreenRect, const OUString& rText )
HelpTextWindow* pHelpWin = reinterpret_cast< HelpTextWindow* >( nId );
ENSURE_OR_RETURN_VOID( pHelpWin != NULL, "Help::UpdateTip: invalid ID!" );
@@ -303,7 +304,7 @@ void Help::HideTip( sal_uLong nId )
// =======================================================================
-HelpTextWindow::HelpTextWindow( Window* pParent, const XubString& rText, sal_uInt16 nHelpWinStyle, sal_uInt16 nStyle ) :
+HelpTextWindow::HelpTextWindow( Window* pParent, const OUString& rText, sal_uInt16 nHelpWinStyle, sal_uInt16 nStyle ) :
//FloatingWindow( pParent->ImplGetFrameWindow(), WB_SYSTEMWINDOW ),
FloatingWindow( pParent, WB_SYSTEMWINDOW|WB_TOOLTIPWIN ), // #105827# if we change the parent, mirroring will not work correctly when positioning this window
maHelpText( rText )
@@ -367,10 +368,10 @@ HelpTextWindow::~HelpTextWindow()
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
-void HelpTextWindow::SetHelpText( const String& rHelpText )
+void HelpTextWindow::SetHelpText( const OUString& rHelpText )
maHelpText = rHelpText;
- if ( mnHelpWinStyle == HELPWINSTYLE_QUICK && maHelpText.Len() < HELPTEXTMAXLEN)
+ if ( mnHelpWinStyle == HELPWINSTYLE_QUICK && maHelpText.getLength() < HELPTEXTMAXLEN)
Size aSize;
aSize.Height() = GetTextHeight();
@@ -383,9 +384,11 @@ void HelpTextWindow::SetHelpText( const String& rHelpText )
Point aTmpPoint;
- sal_uInt16 nCharsInLine = 35 + ((maHelpText.Len()/100)*5);
- XubString aXXX;
- aXXX.Fill( nCharsInLine, 'x' ); // average width to have all windows consistent
+ sal_Int32 nCharsInLine = 35 + ((maHelpText.getLength()/100)*5);
+ // average width to have all windows consistent
+ OUStringBuffer aBuf;
+ comphelper::string::padToLength(aBuf, nCharsInLine, 'x');
+ OUString aXXX = aBuf.makeStringAndClear();
long nWidth = GetTextWidth( aXXX );
Size aTmpSize( nWidth, 0x7FFFFFFF );
Rectangle aTry1( aTmpPoint, aTmpSize );
@@ -428,11 +431,11 @@ void HelpTextWindow::Paint( const Rectangle& )
Rectangle aCtrlRegion( Point( 0, 0 ), GetOutputSizePixel() );
ImplControlValue aControlValue;
bNativeOK = DrawNativeControl( CTRL_TOOLTIP, PART_ENTIRE_CONTROL, aCtrlRegion,
- 0, aControlValue, rtl::OUString() );
+ 0, aControlValue, OUString() );
// paint text
- if ( mnHelpWinStyle == HELPWINSTYLE_QUICK && maHelpText.Len() < HELPTEXTMAXLEN)
+ if ( mnHelpWinStyle == HELPWINSTYLE_QUICK && maHelpText.getLength() < HELPTEXTMAXLEN)
DrawCtrlText( maTextRect.TopLeft(), maHelpText );
@@ -536,7 +539,7 @@ void HelpTextWindow::RequestHelp( const HelpEvent& /*rHEvt*/ )
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
-String HelpTextWindow::GetText() const
+XubString HelpTextWindow::GetText() const
return maHelpText;
@@ -552,12 +555,12 @@ String HelpTextWindow::GetText() const
// =======================================================================
void ImplShowHelpWindow( Window* pParent, sal_uInt16 nHelpWinStyle, sal_uInt16 nStyle,
- const XubString& rHelpText, const XubString& rStatusText,
+ const OUString& rHelpText, const OUString& rStatusText,
const Point& rScreenPos, const Rectangle* pHelpArea )
ImplSVData* pSVData = ImplGetSVData();
- if( !rHelpText.Len() && !pSVData->maHelpData.mbRequestingHelp )
+ if (rHelpText.isEmpty() && !pSVData->maHelpData.mbRequestingHelp)
HelpTextWindow* pHelpWin = pSVData->maHelpData.mpHelpWin;
@@ -602,7 +605,7 @@ void ImplShowHelpWindow( Window* pParent, sal_uInt16 nHelpWinStyle, sal_uInt16 n
- if ( !pHelpWin && rHelpText.Len() )
+ if (!pHelpWin && !rHelpText.isEmpty())
sal_uLong nCurTime = Time::GetSystemTicks();
if ( ( ( nCurTime - pSVData->maHelpData.mnLastHelpHideTime ) < pParent->GetSettings().GetHelpSettings().GetTipDelay() )
commit 2ffa6b313acc322a2502c6c200b39ec652699bf9
Author: Markus Mohrhard <markus.mohrhard at googlemail.com>
Date: Tue Oct 2 00:52:28 2012 +0200
fix errorin translation from german to english
Change-Id: Ic58ef47fbd1972762830f66fc3d4d5f1ced2c54e
diff --git a/sc/source/core/inc/adiasync.hxx b/sc/source/core/inc/adiasync.hxx
index e9f0198..3a479ce 100644
--- a/sc/source/core/inc/adiasync.hxx
+++ b/sc/source/core/inc/adiasync.hxx
@@ -52,7 +52,7 @@ private:
String* pStr;
ScAddInDocs* pDocs; // List of using documents
- FuncData* mpFuncData; // Pointer to files in collection
+ FuncData* mpFuncData; // Pointer to data in collection
sal_uLong nHandle; // is casted from double to sal_uLong
ParamType meType; // result of type PTR_DOUBLE or PTR_STRING
bool bValid; // is value valid?
commit 6eb8634a9f62bfe486ecd2f46bae37d3d930d5ef
Author: Markus Mohrhard <markus.mohrhard at googlemail.com>
Date: Tue Oct 2 00:41:08 2012 +0200
iterating here is wrong, join will already merge all necessary ranges
Change-Id: I0653cdc8675c584fa11ef90a84b79a636bd98408
diff --git a/sc/source/core/tool/rangelst.cxx b/sc/source/core/tool/rangelst.cxx
index b7347f6..e4b3867 100644
--- a/sc/source/core/tool/rangelst.cxx
+++ b/sc/source/core/tool/rangelst.cxx
@@ -465,8 +465,7 @@ bool ScRangeList::UpdateReference(
if( nDx < 0 || nDy < 0 )
size_t n = maRanges.size();
- for(size_t i = n-1; i > 0; --i)
- Join(*maRanges[i], true);
+ Join(*maRanges[n-1], true);
commit c3e6c81eb0b1b4d5ca47dd1d266be97a602e015b
Author: Markus Mohrhard <markus.mohrhard at googlemail.com>
Date: Tue Oct 2 00:39:24 2012 +0200
add test for ScRangeList::Join
Change-Id: Idb7a051e32884d8db4f6d452c280b3a985b4ff6e
diff --git a/sc/qa/unit/rangelst_test.cxx b/sc/qa/unit/rangelst_test.cxx
index 2c618a5..b5381ec 100644
--- a/sc/qa/unit/rangelst_test.cxx
+++ b/sc/qa/unit/rangelst_test.cxx
@@ -36,6 +36,8 @@ public:
void testDeleteArea_2Ranges_Case8();
void testDeleteArea_1Range();
void testDeleteArea_0Ranges();
+ void testJoin_Case1();
+ void testJoin_Case2();
void testUpdateReference_DeleteRow();
void testUpdateReference_DeleteCol();
@@ -57,6 +59,8 @@ public:
+ CPPUNIT_TEST(testJoin_Case1);
+ CPPUNIT_TEST(testJoin_Case2);
@@ -384,6 +388,29 @@ void Test::testDeleteArea_0Ranges()
+void Test::testJoin_Case1()
+ ScRangeList aList;
+ aList.push_back(new ScRange(1,1,0,3,3,0));
+ aList.Join(ScRange(4,1,0,6,3,0));
+ CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(static_cast<size_t>(1), aList.size());
+ CPPUNIT_ASSERT( ScRange(1,1,0,6,3,0) == *aList[0]);
+void Test::testJoin_Case2()
+ ScRangeList aList;
+ aList.push_back(new ScRange(1,1,0,3,3,0));
+ aList.push_back(new ScRange(4,1,0,6,3,0));
+ aList.push_back(new ScRange(7,1,0,9,3,0));
+ aList.Join(*aList[2], true);
+ CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(static_cast<size_t>(1), aList.size());
+ CPPUNIT_ASSERT(ScRange(1,1,0,9,3,0) == *aList[0]);
void Test::testUpdateReference_DeleteRow()
ScRangeList aList(ScRange(1,1,0,4,4,0));
commit d9f61e785e7469165fefc1fc8e2459ffb3335883
Author: Arnaud Versini <arnaud.versini at gmail.com>
Date: Mon Oct 1 20:52:45 2012 +0200
Remove internal usage of rtl/memory.h in sal module
Change-Id: I43650c6f4a66058e73945851a6990555e42b8ac2
Reviewed-on: https://gerrit.libreoffice.org/744
Reviewed-by: Michael Stahl <mstahl at redhat.com>
Tested-by: Michael Stahl <mstahl at redhat.com>
diff --git a/sal/osl/w32/profile.cxx b/sal/osl/w32/profile.cxx
index 1040a89..24b02ef 100644
--- a/sal/osl/w32/profile.cxx
+++ b/sal/osl/w32/profile.cxx
@@ -31,6 +31,7 @@
#include "file_url.h"
#include "path_helper.hxx"
+#include <string.h>
#include <osl/diagnose.h>
#include <osl/profile.h>
#include <osl/process.h>
@@ -40,7 +41,7 @@
#include <sal/macros.h>
#include <algorithm>
using std::min;
-static inline void copy_ustr_n( void *dest, const void *source, size_t length ) { rtl_copyMemory(dest, source, length*sizeof(sal_Unicode)); }
+static inline void copy_ustr_n( void *dest, const void *source, size_t length ) { memcpy(dest, source, length*sizeof(sal_Unicode)); }
#define LINES_INI 32
#define LINES_ADD 10
diff --git a/sal/rtl/source/byteseq.cxx b/sal/rtl/source/byteseq.cxx
index ee74581..8f9e400 100644
--- a/sal/rtl/source/byteseq.cxx
+++ b/sal/rtl/source/byteseq.cxx
@@ -33,7 +33,6 @@
#include <rtl/byteseq.h>
#include <rtl/alloc.h>
-#include <rtl/memory.h>
/* static data to be referenced by all empty strings
* the refCount is predefined to 1 and must never become 0 !
@@ -245,7 +244,7 @@ sal_Bool SAL_CALL rtl_byte_sequence_equals( sal_Sequence *pSequence1 , sal_Seque
return sal_False;
return (sal_Bool)
- (rtl_compareMemory(
+ (memcmp(
pSequence1->elements, pSequence2->elements, pSequence1->nElements )
== 0);
... etc. - the rest is truncated
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