[Libreoffice-commits] .: 7 commits - connectivity/source

Libreoffice Gerrit user logerrit at kemper.freedesktop.org
Fri Oct 26 10:13:01 PDT 2012

 connectivity/source/drivers/dbase/DTable.cxx                |   49 -
 connectivity/source/drivers/odbcbase/OPreparedStatement.cxx |  374 ++++++------
 connectivity/source/drivers/odbcbase/OResultSet.cxx         |    4 
 connectivity/source/drivers/odbcbase/OTools.cxx             |  195 ------
 connectivity/source/inc/dbase/DTable.hxx                    |    4 
 connectivity/source/inc/odbc/OBoundParam.hxx                |   78 --
 connectivity/source/inc/odbc/OPreparedStatement.hxx         |   14 
 connectivity/source/inc/odbc/OTools.hxx                     |   38 -
 8 files changed, 279 insertions(+), 477 deletions(-)

New commits:
commit 2c54307713160295ad51244eee41ef959a7fd55a
Author: Lionel Elie Mamane <lionel at mamane.lu>
Date:   Fri Oct 26 18:57:34 2012 +0200

    ODBC PreparedStatement Parameters: redesign setXXX handling
    More type-safe way, instead of void* everywhere
    void* instead of sal_Int8 for raw memory / multi-use buffers
    Fixed more issues than I care to count, but at least:
     - updates to a DECIMAL were truncated to integer because DecimalDigits set to 0
       maybe/probably also NUMERIC
     - setObjectWithInfo(... DataType::LONGVARCHAR ...) was passed as AT_EXEC, but the buffer was already free()d by then -> crash or wrong data
    Change-Id: I0e6791a05b96fb345bfe3f911386263e6cfedde9

diff --git a/connectivity/source/drivers/odbcbase/OPreparedStatement.cxx b/connectivity/source/drivers/odbcbase/OPreparedStatement.cxx
index 7689ac7..5e43eb1 100644
--- a/connectivity/source/drivers/odbcbase/OPreparedStatement.cxx
+++ b/connectivity/source/drivers/odbcbase/OPreparedStatement.cxx
@@ -37,6 +37,8 @@
 #include "connectivity/FValue.hxx"
 #include "resource/common_res.hrc"
 #include "connectivity/sqlparse.hxx"
+#include <boost/type_traits/remove_reference.hpp>
+#include <boost/type_traits/is_same.hpp>
 using namespace ::comphelper;
 using namespace connectivity;
@@ -52,6 +54,13 @@ using namespace com::sun::star::util;
+    // for now, never use wchar,
+    // but most of code is prepared to handle it
+    // in case we make this configurable
+    const bool useWChar = false;
 OPreparedStatement::OPreparedStatement( OConnection* _pConnection,const ::rtl::OUString& sql)
@@ -233,8 +242,7 @@ sal_Int32 SAL_CALL OPreparedStatement::executeUpdate(  ) throw(SQLException, Run
 void SAL_CALL OPreparedStatement::setString( sal_Int32 parameterIndex, const ::rtl::OUString& x ) throw(SQLException, RuntimeException)
-    ::rtl::OString aString(::rtl::OUStringToOString(x,getOwnConnection()->getTextEncoding()));
-    setParameter(parameterIndex,DataType::CHAR,aString.getLength(),(void*)&x);
+    setParameter(parameterIndex, DataType::CHAR, invalid_scale, x);
 // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
@@ -269,111 +277,189 @@ Reference< XResultSet > SAL_CALL OPreparedStatement::executeQuery(  ) throw(SQLE
 void SAL_CALL OPreparedStatement::setBoolean( sal_Int32 parameterIndex, sal_Bool x ) throw(SQLException, RuntimeException)
-    ::osl::MutexGuard aGuard( m_aMutex );
+    // Set the parameter as if it were an integer
+    setInt (parameterIndex, x ? 1 : 0 );
+// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// The MutexGuard must _already_ be taken!
+void OPreparedStatement::setParameterPre(sal_Int32 parameterIndex)
+    prepareStatement();
+    checkParameterIndex(parameterIndex);
+    OSL_ENSURE(m_aStatementHandle,"StatementHandle is null!");
+// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+template <typename T> void OPreparedStatement::setScalarParameter(const sal_Int32 parameterIndex, const sal_Int32 i_nType, const SQLULEN i_nColSize, const T i_Value)
+    ::osl::MutexGuard aGuard( m_aMutex );
+    setParameterPre(parameterIndex);
-    sal_Int32 value = 0;
+    typedef typename boost::remove_reference< T >::type TnoRef;
-    // If the parameter is sal_True, set the value to 1
-    if (x) {
-        value = 1;
-    }
+    TnoRef *bindBuf = static_cast< TnoRef* >( allocBindBuf(parameterIndex, sizeof(i_Value)) );
+    *bindBuf = i_Value;
-    // Set the parameter as if it were an integer
-    setInt (parameterIndex, value);
+    setParameter(parameterIndex, i_nType, i_nColSize, invalid_scale, bindBuf, sizeof(i_Value), sizeof(i_Value));
 // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
-void OPreparedStatement::setParameter(sal_Int32 parameterIndex,sal_Int32 _nType,sal_Int32 _nSize,void* _pData)
+void OPreparedStatement::setParameter(const sal_Int32 parameterIndex, const sal_Int32 _nType, const sal_Int16 _nScale, const ::rtl::OUString &_sData)
     ::osl::MutexGuard aGuard( m_aMutex );
-    checkDisposed(OStatement_BASE::rBHelper.bDisposed);
-    prepareStatement();
-    // Allocate a buffer to be used in binding.  This will be
-        // a 'permanent' buffer that the bridge will fill in with
-        // the bound data in native format.
+    setParameterPre(parameterIndex);
+    assert (_nType == DataType::VARCHAR || _nType == DataType::CHAR || _nType == DataType::DECIMAL || _nType == DataType::NUMERIC);
-    checkParameterIndex(parameterIndex);
-    sal_Int32 nRealSize = _nSize;
-    SQLSMALLINT fSqlType = static_cast<SQLSMALLINT>(OTools::jdbcTypeToOdbc(_nType));
-    switch(fSqlType)
+    sal_Int32 nCharLen;
+    sal_Int32 nByteLen;
+    void *pData;
+    if (useWChar)
-        case SQL_CHAR:
-        case SQL_VARCHAR:
-        case SQL_DECIMAL:
-        case SQL_NUMERIC:
-            ++nRealSize;
-            break;
-        case SQL_BINARY:
-        case SQL_VARBINARY:
-            nRealSize=1;    //dummy buffer, binary data isn't copied
-            break;
-        default:
-            break;
+        /*
+         * On Windows, wchar is 16 bits (UTF-16 encoding), the ODBC "W" variants functions take UTF-16 encoded strings
+         * and character lengths are number of UTF-16 codepoints.
+         * Reference: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/desktop/ms716246%28v=vs.85%29.aspx
+         * ODBC Programmer's reference > Developing Applications > Programming Considerations > Unicode >  Unicode Function Arguments
+         *            http://support.microsoft.com/kb/294169
+         *
+         * UnixODBC can be configured at compile-time so that the "W" variants expect
+         * UTF-16 or UTF-32 encoded strings, and character lengths are number of codepoints.
+         * However, UTF-16 is the default, what all/most distributions do
+         * and the established API that most drivers implement.
+         * As wchar is often 32 bits, this differs from C-style strings of wchar!
+         *
+         * Our internal OUString storage is always UTF-16, so no conversion to do here.
+         */
+        BOOST_STATIC_ASSERT( sizeof(sal_Unicode) == 2 );
+        nCharLen = _sData.getLength();
+        nByteLen = nCharLen * sizeof(sal_Unicode);
+        pData = allocBindBuf(parameterIndex, nByteLen);
+        memcpy(pData, _sData.getStr(), nByteLen);
+    }
+    else
+    {
+        ::rtl::OString sOData( ::rtl::OUStringToOString(_sData, getOwnConnection()->getTextEncoding()) );
+        nCharLen = sOData.getLength();
+        nByteLen = nCharLen;
+        pData = allocBindBuf(parameterIndex, nByteLen);
+        memcpy(pData, sOData.getStr(), nByteLen);
-    sal_Int8* bindBuf = allocBindBuf(parameterIndex, nRealSize);
+    setParameter( parameterIndex, _nType, nCharLen, _nScale, pData, nByteLen, nByteLen );
+// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void OPreparedStatement::setParameter(const sal_Int32 parameterIndex, const sal_Int32 _nType, const Sequence< sal_Int8 > &x)
+    ::osl::MutexGuard aGuard( m_aMutex );
+    setParameterPre(parameterIndex);
-    OSL_ENSURE(m_aStatementHandle,"StatementHandle is null!");
-    OTools::bindParameter(  m_pConnection,
-                            m_aStatementHandle,
-                            parameterIndex,
-                            bindBuf,
-                            getLengthBuf(parameterIndex),
-                            fSqlType,
-                            sal_False,
-                            m_pConnection->useOldDateFormat(),
-                            _pData,
-                            (Reference <XInterface>)*this,
-                            getOwnConnection()->getTextEncoding());
+    assert(_nType == DataType::BINARY || _nType == DataType::VARBINARY);
+    // don't copy the sequence, just point the ODBC directly at the sequence's storage array
+    // Why BINARY/Sequence is treated differently than strings (which are copied), I'm not sure
+    OSL_VERIFY(allocBindBuf(parameterIndex, 0) == NULL);
+    boundParams[parameterIndex-1].setSequence(x); // this ensures that the sequence stays alive
+    setParameter( parameterIndex, _nType, x.getLength(), invalid_scale, x.getConstArray(), x.getLength(), x.getLength() );
+// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void OPreparedStatement::setParameter(const sal_Int32 parameterIndex, const sal_Int32 _nType, const SQLULEN _nColumnSize, const sal_Int32 _nScale, const void* const _pData, const SQLULEN _nDataLen, const SQLLEN _nDataAllocLen)
+    SQLSMALLINT fCType, fSqlType;
+    OTools::getBindTypes(useWChar, m_pConnection->useOldDateFormat(), OTools::jdbcTypeToOdbc(_nType), fCType, fSqlType);
+    SQLLEN *pDataLen=boundParams[parameterIndex-1].getBindLengthBuffer();
+    *pDataLen=_nDataLen;
+    SQLRETURN nRetcode;
+    nRetcode = (*(T3SQLBindParameter)m_pConnection->getOdbcFunction(ODBC3SQLBindParameter))(
+                  m_aStatementHandle,
+                  // checkParameterIndex guarantees this is safe
+                  static_cast<SQLUSMALLINT>(parameterIndex),
+                  SQL_PARAM_INPUT,
+                  fCType,
+                  fSqlType,
+                  _nColumnSize,
+                  _nScale,
+                  // we trust the ODBC driver not to touch it because SQL_PARAM_INPUT
+                  const_cast<void*>(_pData),
+                  _nDataAllocLen,
+                  pDataLen);
+    OTools::ThrowException(m_pConnection, nRetcode, m_aStatementHandle, SQL_HANDLE_STMT, *this);
 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-void SAL_CALL OPreparedStatement::setByte( sal_Int32 parameterIndex, sal_Int8 x ) throw(SQLException, RuntimeException)
+void SAL_CALL OPreparedStatement::setByte( const sal_Int32 parameterIndex, const sal_Int8 x ) throw(SQLException, RuntimeException)
-    setParameter(parameterIndex,DataType::TINYINT,sizeof(sal_Int8),&x);
+    setScalarParameter(parameterIndex, DataType::TINYINT, 3, x);
 // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// For older compilers (that do not support partial specialisation of class templates)
+// uncomment if necessary (safe also on compilers that *do* support partial specialisation)
+//BOOST_STATIC_ASSERT((boost::is_same<DATE_STRUCT, boost::remove_reference<DATE_STRUCT&>::type>::value));
 void SAL_CALL OPreparedStatement::setDate( sal_Int32 parameterIndex, const Date& aData ) throw(SQLException, RuntimeException)
-    DATE_STRUCT x = OTools::DateToOdbcDate(aData);
-    setParameter(parameterIndex,DataType::DATE,sizeof(DATE_STRUCT),&x);
+    DATE_STRUCT x(OTools::DateToOdbcDate(aData));
+    setScalarParameter<DATE_STRUCT&>(parameterIndex, DataType::DATE, 10, x);
 // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
 void SAL_CALL OPreparedStatement::setTime( sal_Int32 parameterIndex, const Time& aVal ) throw(SQLException, RuntimeException)
-    TIME_STRUCT x = OTools::TimeToOdbcTime(aVal);
-    setParameter(parameterIndex,DataType::TIME,sizeof(TIME_STRUCT),&x);
+    const sal_uInt16 hundredths (aVal.HundredthSeconds);
+    SQLULEN nColSize;
+    if(hundredths == 0)
+        nColSize = 8;
+    else if(hundredths % 10 == 0)
+        nColSize = 10;
+    else
+        nColSize = 11;
+    TIME_STRUCT x(OTools::TimeToOdbcTime(aVal));
+    setScalarParameter<TIME_STRUCT&>(parameterIndex, DataType::TIME, nColSize, x);
 // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
 void SAL_CALL OPreparedStatement::setTimestamp( sal_Int32 parameterIndex, const DateTime& aVal ) throw(SQLException, RuntimeException)
-    TIMESTAMP_STRUCT x = OTools::DateTimeToTimestamp(aVal);
-    setParameter(parameterIndex,DataType::TIMESTAMP,sizeof(TIMESTAMP_STRUCT),&x);
+    sal_uInt16 s(aVal.Seconds);
+    sal_uInt16 hundredths(aVal.HundredthSeconds);
+    SQLULEN nColSize;
+    if(hundredths == 0)
+    {
+        if (s == 0)
+            nColSize=16;
+        else
+            nColSize=19;
+    }
+    else if(hundredths % 10 == 0)
+        nColSize = 21;
+    else
+        nColSize = 22;
+    TIMESTAMP_STRUCT x(OTools::DateTimeToTimestamp(aVal));
+    setScalarParameter<TIMESTAMP_STRUCT&>(parameterIndex, DataType::TIMESTAMP, nColSize, x);
 // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
 void SAL_CALL OPreparedStatement::setDouble( sal_Int32 parameterIndex, double x ) throw(SQLException, RuntimeException)
-    setParameter(parameterIndex,DataType::DOUBLE,sizeof(double),&x);
+    setScalarParameter(parameterIndex, DataType::DOUBLE, 15, x);
 // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
 void SAL_CALL OPreparedStatement::setFloat( sal_Int32 parameterIndex, float x ) throw(SQLException, RuntimeException)
-    setParameter(parameterIndex,DataType::FLOAT,sizeof(float),&x);
+    setScalarParameter(parameterIndex, DataType::FLOAT, 15, x);
 // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
 void SAL_CALL OPreparedStatement::setInt( sal_Int32 parameterIndex, sal_Int32 x ) throw(SQLException, RuntimeException)
-    setParameter(parameterIndex,DataType::INTEGER,sizeof(sal_Int32),&x);
+    setScalarParameter(parameterIndex, DataType::INTEGER, 10, x);
 // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
@@ -381,57 +467,44 @@ void SAL_CALL OPreparedStatement::setLong( sal_Int32 parameterIndex, sal_Int64 x
-        setParameter(parameterIndex,DataType::BIGINT,sizeof(sal_Int64),&x);
+        setScalarParameter(parameterIndex, DataType::BIGINT, 19, x);
-        setString(parameterIndex,ORowSetValue(x));
+        setString(parameterIndex, ORowSetValue(x));
 // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
-void SAL_CALL OPreparedStatement::setNull( sal_Int32 parameterIndex, sal_Int32 sqlType ) throw(SQLException, RuntimeException)
+void SAL_CALL OPreparedStatement::setNull( sal_Int32 parameterIndex, const sal_Int32 _nType ) throw(SQLException, RuntimeException)
     ::osl::MutexGuard aGuard( m_aMutex );
-    checkDisposed(OStatement_BASE::rBHelper.bDisposed);
+    setParameterPre(paramterIndex):
-    prepareStatement();
-    // Get the buffer needed for the length
-    checkParameterIndex(parameterIndex);
+    OSL_VERIFY(allocBindBuf(parameterIndex, 0) == NULL);
+    SQLLEN * const lenBuf = getLengthBuf (parameterIndex);
+    *lenBuf = SQL_NULL_DATA;
-    sal_Int8* lenBuf = getLengthBuf (parameterIndex);
-    *(SQLLEN*)lenBuf = SQL_NULL_DATA;
-    SQLLEN prec = 0;
-    SQLULEN nColumnSize = 0;
-    if (sqlType == SQL_CHAR || sqlType == SQL_VARCHAR || sqlType == SQL_LONGVARCHAR)
-    {
-        prec = 1;
-        nColumnSize = 1;
-    }
-    SQLSMALLINT fCType = 0;
-    SQLSMALLINT fSqlType = 0;
+    SQLSMALLINT fSqlType;
-    SQLSMALLINT nDecimalDigits = 0;
-    OTools::getBindTypes(   sal_False,
+    OTools::getBindTypes(   useWChar,
-                            (SQLSMALLINT)sqlType,
+                            OTools::jdbcTypeToOdbc(_nType),
     SQLRETURN nReturn = N3SQLBindParameter( m_aStatementHandle,
-                                            (SQLUSMALLINT)parameterIndex,
-                                            (SQLSMALLINT)SQL_PARAM_INPUT,
+                                            static_cast<SQLUSMALLINT>(parameterIndex),
+                                            SQL_PARAM_INPUT,
-                                            nColumnSize,
-                                            nDecimalDigits,
+                                            0,
+                                            0,
-                                            prec,
-                                            (SQLLEN*)lenBuf
+                                            0,
+                                            lenBuf
@@ -440,14 +513,14 @@ void SAL_CALL OPreparedStatement::setNull( sal_Int32 parameterIndex, sal_Int32 s
 void SAL_CALL OPreparedStatement::setClob( sal_Int32 parameterIndex, const Reference< XClob >& x ) throw(SQLException, RuntimeException)
     if ( x.is() )
-        setStream(parameterIndex, x->getCharacterStream(), (SQLLEN)x->length(), DataType::LONGVARCHAR);
+        setStream(parameterIndex, x->getCharacterStream(), x->length(), DataType::LONGVARCHAR);
 // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
 void SAL_CALL OPreparedStatement::setBlob( sal_Int32 parameterIndex, const Reference< XBlob >& x ) throw(SQLException, RuntimeException)
     if ( x.is() )
-        setStream(parameterIndex, x->getBinaryStream(), (SQLLEN)x->length(), DataType::LONGVARCHAR);
+        setStream(parameterIndex, x->getBinaryStream(), x->length(), DataType::LONGVARBINARY);
 // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
@@ -462,12 +535,6 @@ void SAL_CALL OPreparedStatement::setRef( sal_Int32 /*parameterIndex*/, const Re
     ::dbtools::throwFunctionNotSupportedException( "XParameters::setRef", *this );
 // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
-void OPreparedStatement::setDecimal( sal_Int32 parameterIndex, const ::rtl::OUString& x )
-    ::rtl::OString aString(::rtl::OUStringToOString(x,getOwnConnection()->getTextEncoding()));
-    setParameter(parameterIndex,DataType::DECIMAL,aString.getLength(),(void*)&x);
-// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
 void SAL_CALL OPreparedStatement::setObjectWithInfo( sal_Int32 parameterIndex, const Any& x, sal_Int32 sqlType, sal_Int32 scale ) throw(SQLException, RuntimeException)
@@ -479,31 +546,29 @@ void SAL_CALL OPreparedStatement::setObjectWithInfo( sal_Int32 parameterIndex, c
     switch (sqlType)
+        case DataType::CHAR:
         case DataType::VARCHAR:
         case DataType::LONGVARCHAR:
                 ::rtl::OUString sStr;
                 x >>= sStr;
-                ::rtl::OString aString(::rtl::OUStringToOString(sStr,getOwnConnection()->getTextEncoding()));
-                setParameter(parameterIndex,sqlType,aString.getLength(),&aString);
+                setParameter(parameterIndex, sqlType, scale, sStr);
         case DataType::DECIMAL:
-            {
-                ORowSetValue aValue;
-                aValue.fill(x);
-                setDecimal(parameterIndex,aValue);
-            }
-            break;
         case DataType::NUMERIC:
+            if(x.hasValue())
                 ORowSetValue aValue;
-                setString(parameterIndex,aValue);
+                // TODO: make sure that this calls the string overload
+                setParameter(parameterIndex, sqlType, scale, aValue);
+            else
+                setNull(parameterIndex,sqlType);
@@ -513,9 +578,6 @@ void SAL_CALL OPreparedStatement::setObjectWithInfo( sal_Int32 parameterIndex, c
 void SAL_CALL OPreparedStatement::setObjectNull( sal_Int32 parameterIndex, sal_Int32 sqlType, const ::rtl::OUString& /*typeName*/ ) throw(SQLException, RuntimeException)
-    ::osl::MutexGuard aGuard( m_aMutex );
-    checkDisposed(OStatement_BASE::rBHelper.bDisposed);
 // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
@@ -531,20 +593,21 @@ void SAL_CALL OPreparedStatement::setObject( sal_Int32 parameterIndex, const Any
 void SAL_CALL OPreparedStatement::setShort( sal_Int32 parameterIndex, sal_Int16 x ) throw(SQLException, RuntimeException)
-    setParameter(parameterIndex,DataType::SMALLINT,sizeof(sal_Int16),&x);
+    setScalarParameter(parameterIndex, DataType::SMALLINT, 5, x);
 // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
 void SAL_CALL OPreparedStatement::setBytes( sal_Int32 parameterIndex, const Sequence< sal_Int8 >& x ) throw(SQLException, RuntimeException)
-    setParameter(parameterIndex,DataType::BINARY,x.getLength(),(void*)&x);
-    boundParams[parameterIndex-1].setSequence(x); // this assures that the sequence stays alive
+    setParameter(parameterIndex, DataType::BINARY, x);
 // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
 void SAL_CALL OPreparedStatement::setCharacterStream( sal_Int32 parameterIndex, const Reference< ::com::sun::star::io::XInputStream >& x, sal_Int32 length ) throw(SQLException, RuntimeException)
+    // LEM: It is quite unclear to me what the interface here is.
+    // The XInputStream provides *bytes*, not characters.
     setStream(parameterIndex, x, length, DataType::LONGVARCHAR);
 // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
@@ -557,6 +620,7 @@ void SAL_CALL OPreparedStatement::setBinaryStream( sal_Int32 parameterIndex, con
 void SAL_CALL OPreparedStatement::clearParameters(  ) throw(SQLException, RuntimeException)
+    ::osl::MutexGuard aGuard( m_aMutex );
     OSL_ENSURE(m_aStatementHandle,"StatementHandle is null!");
     SQLRETURN nRet = N3SQLFreeStmt (m_aStatementHandle, SQL_RESET_PARAMS);
@@ -566,6 +630,7 @@ void SAL_CALL OPreparedStatement::clearParameters(  ) throw(SQLException, Runtim
 // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
 void SAL_CALL OPreparedStatement::clearBatch(  ) throw(SQLException, RuntimeException)
+    ::dbtools::throwFunctionNotSupportedException( "XPreparedBatchExecution::clearBatch", *this );
     //  clearParameters(  );
     //  m_aBatchList.erase();
@@ -573,11 +638,14 @@ void SAL_CALL OPreparedStatement::clearBatch(  ) throw(SQLException, RuntimeExce
 void SAL_CALL OPreparedStatement::addBatch( ) throw(SQLException, RuntimeException)
+    ::dbtools::throwFunctionNotSupportedException( "XPreparedBatchExecution::addBatch", *this );
 // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
 Sequence< sal_Int32 > SAL_CALL OPreparedStatement::executeBatch(  ) throw(SQLException, RuntimeException)
+    ::dbtools::throwFunctionNotSupportedException( "XPreparedBatchExecution::executeBatch", *this );
+    // not reached, but keep -Werror happy
     return Sequence< sal_Int32 > ();
 // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
@@ -607,12 +675,6 @@ void OPreparedStatement::initBoundParam () throw(SQLException)
         boundParams = new OBoundParam[numParams];
-        // initialize each bound parameter
-        for (sal_Int32 i = 0; i < numParams; i++)
-        {
-            boundParams[i].initialize ();
-        }
 // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
@@ -623,14 +685,13 @@ void OPreparedStatement::initBoundParam () throw(SQLException)
 // parameter.
-sal_Int8* OPreparedStatement::allocBindBuf( sal_Int32 index,sal_Int32 bufLen)
+void* OPreparedStatement::allocBindBuf( sal_Int32 index,sal_Int32 bufLen)
-    sal_Int8* b = NULL;
+    void* b = NULL;
     // Sanity check the parameter number
-    if ((index >= 1) &&
-        (index <= numParams) && bufLen > 0 )
+    if ((index >= 1) && (index <= numParams))
         b = boundParams[index - 1].allocBindDataBuffer(bufLen);
@@ -644,9 +705,9 @@ sal_Int8* OPreparedStatement::allocBindBuf( sal_Int32 index,sal_Int32 bufLen)
 // Gets the length buffer for the given parameter index
-sal_Int8* OPreparedStatement::getLengthBuf (sal_Int32 index)
+SQLLEN* OPreparedStatement::getLengthBuf (sal_Int32 index)
-    sal_Int8* b = NULL;
+    SQLLEN* b = NULL;
     // Sanity check the parameter number
@@ -737,7 +798,7 @@ void OPreparedStatement::setStream(
                                     sal_Int32 ParameterIndex,
                                     const Reference< XInputStream>& x,
                                     SQLLEN length,
-                                    sal_Int32 SQLtype)
+                                    sal_Int32 _nType)
     ::osl::MutexGuard aGuard( m_aMutex );
@@ -749,35 +810,33 @@ void OPreparedStatement::setStream(
     // Get the buffer needed for the length
-    sal_Int8* lenBuf = getLengthBuf(ParameterIndex);
+    SQLLEN * const lenBuf = getLengthBuf(ParameterIndex);
     // Allocate a new buffer for the parameter data.  This buffer
     // will be returned by SQLParamData (it is set to the parameter
-    // number, a 4-sal_Int8 integer)
+    // number, a sal_Int32)
-    sal_Int8* dataBuf = allocBindBuf (ParameterIndex, 4);
+    sal_Int32* dataBuf = static_cast<sal_Int32*>( allocBindBuf(ParameterIndex, sizeof(ParameterIndex)) );
+    *dataBuf = ParameterIndex;
     // Bind the parameter with SQL_LEN_DATA_AT_EXEC
-    SQLLEN  atExec = SQL_LEN_DATA_AT_EXEC (length);
-    memcpy (dataBuf, &ParameterIndex, sizeof(ParameterIndex));
-    memcpy (lenBuf, &atExec, sizeof (atExec));
+    *lenBuf = SQL_LEN_DATA_AT_EXEC (length);
-    if ((SQLtype == SQL_BINARY) || (SQLtype == SQL_VARBINARY) || (SQLtype == SQL_LONGVARBINARY))
-        Ctype = SQL_C_BINARY;
+    SQLSMALLINT fCType, fSqlType;
+    OTools::getBindTypes(useWChar, m_pConnection->useOldDateFormat(), OTools::jdbcTypeToOdbc(_nType), fCType, fSqlType);
     OSL_ENSURE(m_aStatementHandle,"StatementHandle is null!");
-                        (SQLUSMALLINT)ParameterIndex,
-                        (SQLUSMALLINT)SQL_PARAM_INPUT,
-                        Ctype,
-                        (SQLSMALLINT)SQLtype,
-                        (SQLULEN)length,
-                        0,
-                        dataBuf,
-                        sizeof(ParameterIndex),
-                        (SQLLEN*)lenBuf);
+                       static_cast<SQLUSMALLINT>(ParameterIndex),
+                       SQL_PARAM_INPUT,
+                       fCType,
+                       fSqlType,
+                       length,
+                       invalid_scale,
+                       dataBuf,
+                       sizeof(ParameterIndex),
+                       lenBuf);
     // Save the input stream
     boundParams[ParameterIndex - 1].setInputStream (x, length);
@@ -840,7 +899,9 @@ void OPreparedStatement::prepareStatement()
 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
 void OPreparedStatement::checkParameterIndex(sal_Int32 _parameterIndex)
-    if( !_parameterIndex || _parameterIndex > numParams)
+    if( _parameterIndex > numParams ||
+        _parameterIndex < 1 ||
+        _parameterIndex > std::numeric_limits<SQLUSMALLINT>::max() )
         ::connectivity::SharedResources aResources;
         const ::rtl::OUString sError( aResources.getResourceStringWithSubstitution(STR_WRONG_PARAM_INDEX,
diff --git a/connectivity/source/drivers/odbcbase/OResultSet.cxx b/connectivity/source/drivers/odbcbase/OResultSet.cxx
index 7cfebcb..96d7d8e 100644
--- a/connectivity/source/drivers/odbcbase/OResultSet.cxx
+++ b/connectivity/source/drivers/odbcbase/OResultSet.cxx
@@ -1058,7 +1058,7 @@ void SAL_CALL OResultSet::updateDouble( sal_Int32 columnIndex, double x ) throw(
 void SAL_CALL OResultSet::updateString( sal_Int32 columnIndex, const ::rtl::OUString& x ) throw(SQLException, RuntimeException)
     sal_Int32 nType = m_aRow[columnIndex].getTypeKind();
-    SQLSMALLINT nOdbcType = static_cast<SQLSMALLINT>(OTools::jdbcTypeToOdbc(nType));
+    SQLSMALLINT nOdbcType = OTools::jdbcTypeToOdbc(nType);
     m_aRow[columnIndex] = x;
     m_aRow[columnIndex].setTypeKind(nType); // OJ: otherwise longvarchar will be recognized by fillNeededData
@@ -1067,7 +1067,7 @@ void SAL_CALL OResultSet::updateString( sal_Int32 columnIndex, const ::rtl::OUSt
 void SAL_CALL OResultSet::updateBytes( sal_Int32 columnIndex, const Sequence< sal_Int8 >& x ) throw(SQLException, RuntimeException)
     sal_Int32 nType = m_aRow[columnIndex].getTypeKind();
-    SQLSMALLINT nOdbcType = static_cast<SQLSMALLINT>(OTools::jdbcTypeToOdbc(nType));
+    SQLSMALLINT nOdbcType = OTools::jdbcTypeToOdbc(nType);
     m_aRow[columnIndex] = x;
     m_aRow[columnIndex].setTypeKind(nType); // OJ: otherwise longvarbinary will be recognized by fillNeededData
diff --git a/connectivity/source/drivers/odbcbase/OTools.cxx b/connectivity/source/drivers/odbcbase/OTools.cxx
index b38dd2b..3e32780 100644
--- a/connectivity/source/drivers/odbcbase/OTools.cxx
+++ b/connectivity/source/drivers/odbcbase/OTools.cxx
@@ -150,190 +150,6 @@ void OTools::getValue(  OConnection* _pConnection,
     _bWasNull = pcbValue == SQL_NULL_DATA;
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-void OTools::bindParameter( OConnection* _pConnection,
-                            SQLHANDLE _hStmt,
-                            sal_Int32 nPos,
-                            sal_Int8*& pDataBuffer,
-                            sal_Int8* pLenBuffer,
-                            SQLSMALLINT _nODBCtype,
-                            sal_Bool _bUseWChar,
-                            sal_Bool _bUseOldTimeDate,
-                            const void* _pValue,
-                            const ::com::sun::star::uno::Reference< ::com::sun::star::uno::XInterface >& _xInterface,
-                            rtl_TextEncoding _nTextEncoding)
-                             throw(::com::sun::star::sdbc::SQLException, ::com::sun::star::uno::RuntimeException)
-    RTL_LOGFILE_CONTEXT_AUTHOR( aLogger, "odbc", "Ocke.Janssen at sun.com", "OTools::bindParameter" );
-    SQLRETURN nRetcode;
-    SQLSMALLINT fSqlType;
-    SQLLEN  nMaxLen = 0;
-    SQLLEN* pLen    = (SQLLEN*)pLenBuffer;
-    SQLULEN nColumnSize=0;
-    SQLSMALLINT nDecimalDigits=0;
-    bool atExec;
-    OTools::getBindTypes(_bUseWChar,_bUseOldTimeDate,_nODBCtype,fCType,fSqlType);
-    OTools::bindData(_nODBCtype,_bUseWChar,pDataBuffer,pLen,_pValue,_nTextEncoding,nColumnSize, atExec);
-    if ((nColumnSize == 0) && (fSqlType == SQL_CHAR || fSqlType == SQL_VARCHAR || fSqlType == SQL_LONGVARCHAR))
-        nColumnSize = 1;
-    if (atExec)
-        memcpy(pDataBuffer,&nPos,sizeof(nPos));
-    nRetcode = (*(T3SQLBindParameter)_pConnection->getOdbcFunction(ODBC3SQLBindParameter))(_hStmt,
-                  (SQLUSMALLINT)nPos,
-                  SQL_PARAM_INPUT,
-                  fCType,
-                  fSqlType,
-                  nColumnSize,
-                  nDecimalDigits,
-                  pDataBuffer,
-                  nMaxLen,
-                  pLen);
-    OTools::ThrowException(_pConnection,nRetcode,_hStmt,SQL_HANDLE_STMT,_xInterface);
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-void OTools::bindData(  SQLSMALLINT _nOdbcType,
-                        sal_Bool _bUseWChar,
-                        sal_Int8 *&_pData,
-                        SQLLEN*& pLen,
-                        const void* _pValue,
-                        rtl_TextEncoding _nTextEncoding,
-                        SQLULEN& _nColumnSize,
-                        bool &atExec)
-    RTL_LOGFILE_CONTEXT_AUTHOR( aLogger, "odbc", "Ocke.Janssen at sun.com", "OTools::bindData" );
-    _nColumnSize = 0;
-    atExec = false;
-    switch (_nOdbcType)
-    {
-        case SQL_CHAR:
-        case SQL_VARCHAR:
-        case SQL_DECIMAL:
-            if(_bUseWChar)
-            {
-                *pLen = SQL_NTS;
-                ::rtl::OUString sStr(*(::rtl::OUString*)_pValue);
-                _nColumnSize = sStr.getLength();
-                *((rtl::OUString*)_pData) = sStr;
-                // Pointer on Char*
-                _pData = (sal_Int8*)((rtl::OUString*)_pData)->getStr();
-            }
-            else
-            {
-                ::rtl::OString aString(::rtl::OUStringToOString(*(::rtl::OUString*)_pValue,_nTextEncoding));
-                *pLen = SQL_NTS;
-                _nColumnSize = aString.getLength();
-                memcpy(_pData,aString.getStr(),aString.getLength());
-                ((sal_Int8*)_pData)[aString.getLength()] = '\0';
-            }
-            break;
-        case SQL_BIGINT:
-            *((sal_Int64*)_pData) = *(sal_Int64*)_pValue;
-            *pLen = sizeof(sal_Int64);
-            _nColumnSize = *pLen;
-            break;
-        case SQL_NUMERIC:
-            if(_bUseWChar)
-            {
-                ::rtl::OUString aString = rtl::OUString::valueOf(*(double*)_pValue);
-                _nColumnSize = aString.getLength();
-                *pLen = _nColumnSize;
-                *((rtl::OUString*)_pData) = aString;
-                // Pointer on Char*
-                _pData = (sal_Int8*)((rtl::OUString*)_pData)->getStr();
-            }
-            else
-            {
-                ::rtl::OString aString = ::rtl::OString::valueOf(*(double*)_pValue);
-                _nColumnSize = aString.getLength();
-                *pLen = _nColumnSize;
-                memcpy(_pData,aString.getStr(),aString.getLength());
-                ((sal_Int8*)_pData)[_nColumnSize] = '\0';
-            }   break;
-        case SQL_BIT:
-        case SQL_TINYINT:
-            *((sal_Int8*)_pData) = *(sal_Int8*)_pValue;
-            *pLen = sizeof(sal_Int8);
-            break;
-        case SQL_SMALLINT:
-            *((sal_Int16*)_pData) = *(sal_Int16*)_pValue;
-            *pLen = sizeof(sal_Int16);
-            break;
-        case SQL_INTEGER:
-            *((sal_Int32*)_pData) = *(sal_Int32*)_pValue;
-            *pLen = sizeof(sal_Int32);
-            break;
-        case SQL_FLOAT:
-            *((float*)_pData) = *(float*)_pValue;
-            *pLen = sizeof(float);
-            break;
-        case SQL_REAL:
-        case SQL_DOUBLE:
-            *((double*)_pData) = *(double*)_pValue;
-            *pLen = sizeof(double);
-            break;
-        case SQL_BINARY:
-        case SQL_VARBINARY:
-            {
-                const ::com::sun::star::uno::Sequence< sal_Int8 >* pSeq = static_cast< const ::com::sun::star::uno::Sequence< sal_Int8 >* >(_pValue);
-                OSL_ENSURE(pSeq,"OTools::bindData: Sequence is null!");
-                if(pSeq)
-                {
-                    _pData = (sal_Int8*)pSeq->getConstArray();
-                    *pLen = pSeq->getLength();
-                }
-            }
-            break;
-        case SQL_LONGVARBINARY:
-            {
-                sal_Int32 nLen = 0;
-                nLen = ((const ::com::sun::star::uno::Sequence< sal_Int8 > *)_pValue)->getLength();
-                *pLen = (SQLLEN)SQL_LEN_DATA_AT_EXEC(nLen);
-            }
-            atExec = true;
-            break;
-        case SQL_LONGVARCHAR:
-        {
-            sal_Int32 nLen = 0;
-            if(_bUseWChar)
-                nLen = sizeof(sal_Unicode) * ((::rtl::OUString*)_pValue)->getLength();
-            else
-            {
-                ::rtl::OString aString(::rtl::OUStringToOString(*(::rtl::OUString*)_pValue,_nTextEncoding));
-                nLen = aString.getLength();
-            }
-            *pLen = (SQLLEN)SQL_LEN_DATA_AT_EXEC(nLen);
-            atExec = true;
-        }   break;
-        case SQL_DATE:
-            *(DATE_STRUCT*)_pData = *(DATE_STRUCT*)_pValue;
-            *pLen = (SQLLEN)sizeof(DATE_STRUCT);
-            _nColumnSize = 10;
-            break;
-        case SQL_TIME:
-            *(TIME_STRUCT*)_pData = *(TIME_STRUCT*)_pValue;
-            *pLen = (SQLLEN)sizeof(TIME_STRUCT);
-            _nColumnSize = 8;
-            break;
-        case SQL_TIMESTAMP:
-            *(TIMESTAMP_STRUCT*)_pData = *(TIMESTAMP_STRUCT*)_pValue;
-            *pLen = (SQLLEN)sizeof(TIMESTAMP_STRUCT);
-            // 20+sub-zero precision; we have hundredths of seconds
-            _nColumnSize = 22;
-            break;
-    }
 // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
 void OTools::bindValue( OConnection* _pConnection,
                         SQLHANDLE _aStatementHandle,
@@ -342,7 +158,7 @@ void OTools::bindValue( OConnection* _pConnection,
                         SQLSMALLINT _nMaxLen,
                         const void* _pValue,
                         void* _pData,
-                        SQLLEN *pLen,
+                        SQLLEN * const pLen,
                         const ::com::sun::star::uno::Reference< ::com::sun::star::uno::XInterface >& _xInterface,
                         rtl_TextEncoding _nTextEncoding,
                         sal_Bool _bUseOldTimeDate) throw(::com::sun::star::sdbc::SQLException, ::com::sun::star::uno::RuntimeException)
@@ -779,7 +595,7 @@ void OTools::GetInfo(OConnection* _pConnection,
 // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
-sal_Int32 OTools::MapOdbcType2Jdbc(sal_Int32 _nType)
+sal_Int32 OTools::MapOdbcType2Jdbc(SQLSMALLINT _nType)
     sal_Int32 nValue = DataType::VARCHAR;
@@ -857,7 +673,7 @@ sal_Int32 OTools::MapOdbcType2Jdbc(sal_Int32 _nType)
 // jdbcTypeToOdbc
 // Convert the JDBC SQL type to the correct ODBC type
-sal_Int32 OTools::jdbcTypeToOdbc(sal_Int32 jdbcType)
+SQLSMALLINT OTools::jdbcTypeToOdbc(sal_Int32 jdbcType)
     RTL_LOGFILE_CONTEXT_AUTHOR( aLogger, "odbc", "Ocke.Janssen at sun.com", "OTools::jdbcTypeToOdbc" );
     // For the most part, JDBC types match ODBC types.  We'll
@@ -876,6 +692,11 @@ sal_Int32 OTools::jdbcTypeToOdbc(sal_Int32 jdbcType)
     case DataType::TIMESTAMP:
         odbcType = SQL_TIMESTAMP;
+    // ODBC doesn't have any notion of CLOB or BLOB
+    case DataType::CLOB:
+        odbcType = SQL_LONGVARCHAR;
+    case DataType::BLOB:
+        odbcType = SQL_LONGVARBINARY;
     return odbcType;
diff --git a/connectivity/source/inc/odbc/OBoundParam.hxx b/connectivity/source/inc/odbc/OBoundParam.hxx
index 8e587b4..fca532b 100644
--- a/connectivity/source/inc/odbc/OBoundParam.hxx
+++ b/connectivity/source/inc/odbc/OBoundParam.hxx
@@ -20,6 +20,7 @@
 #include <com/sun/star/io/XInputStream.hpp>
+#include <com/sun/star/sdbc/DataType.hpp>
 #include "odbc/odbcbasedllapi.hxx"
 namespace connectivity
@@ -31,50 +32,29 @@ namespace connectivity
+                : binaryData(NULL)
+                , paramInputStreamLen(0)
+                , sqlType(::com::sun::star::sdbc::DataType::SQLNULL)
+                , outputParameter(false)
-                paramLength = NULL;
-                binaryData  = NULL;
-                pA1=0;
-                pA2=0;
-                pB1=0;
-                pB2=0;
-                pC1=0;
-                pC2=0;
-                pS1=0;
-                pS2=0;
-                delete [] binaryData;
-                delete [] paramLength;
+                free(binaryData);
-            // initialize
-            // Perform an necessary initialization
-            //--------------------------------------------------------------------
-            void initialize ()
-            {
-                // Allocate storage for the length.  Note - the length is
-                // stored in native format, and will have to be converted
-                // to a Java sal_Int32.  The jdbcodbc 'C' bridge provides an
-                // interface to do this.
-                paramLength = new sal_Int8[sizeof(SQLLEN)];
-            }
-            //--------------------------------------------------------------------
             // allocBindDataBuffer
             // Allocates and returns a new bind data buffer of the specified
             // length
-            sal_Int8* allocBindDataBuffer (sal_Int32 bufLen)
+            void* allocBindDataBuffer (sal_Int32 bufLen)
-                if ( binaryData )
-                    delete [] binaryData;
-                binaryData = new sal_Int8[bufLen];
-                // Reset the input stream, we are doing a new bind
+                // Reset the input stream and sequence, we are doing a new bind
                 setInputStream (NULL, 0);
+                aSequence.realloc(0);
+                free(binaryData);
+                binaryData = (bufLen > 0) ? malloc(bufLen) : NULL;
                 return binaryData;
@@ -83,7 +63,7 @@ namespace connectivity
             // getBindDataBuffer
             // Returns the data buffer to be used when binding to a parameter
-            sal_Int8* getBindDataBuffer ()
+            void* getBindDataBuffer ()
                 return binaryData;
@@ -92,9 +72,9 @@ namespace connectivity
             // getBindLengthBuffer
             // Returns the length buffer to be used when binding to a parameter
-            sal_Int8* getBindLengthBuffer ()
+            SQLLEN* getBindLengthBuffer ()
-                return paramLength;
+                return ¶mLength;
@@ -176,20 +156,20 @@ namespace connectivity
             // Data attributes
-            sal_Int8* binaryData;       // Storage area to be used
-                                        // when binding the parameter
+            void  *binaryData;       // Storage area to be used
+                                     // when binding the parameter
-            sal_Int8* paramLength;      // Storage area to be used
-                                        // for the bound length of the
-                                        // parameter.  Note that this
-                                        // data is in native format.
+            SQLLEN paramLength;      // Storage area to be used
+                                     // for the bound length of the
+                                     // parameter.  Note that this
+                                     // data is in native format.
             ::com::sun::star::uno::Reference< ::com::sun::star::io::XInputStream> paramInputStream;
             ::com::sun::star::uno::Sequence< sal_Int8 > aSequence;
                                         // When an input stream is
-                                        // bound to a parameter, the
-                                        // input stream is saved
-                                        // until needed.
+                                        // bound to a parameter, a
+                                        // reference to the input stream is saved
+                                        // until not needed anymore.
             sal_Int32 paramInputStreamLen;                // Length of input stream
@@ -197,16 +177,6 @@ namespace connectivity
                                                             // register an OUT parameter
             sal_Bool outputParameter;   // true for OUTPUT parameters
-            sal_Int32 pA1;              //pointers
-            sal_Int32 pA2;
-            sal_Int32 pB1;
-            sal_Int32 pB2;
-            sal_Int32 pC1;
-            sal_Int32 pC2;
-            sal_Int32 pS1;
-            sal_Int32 pS2;// reserved for strings(UTFChars)
diff --git a/connectivity/source/inc/odbc/OPreparedStatement.hxx b/connectivity/source/inc/odbc/OPreparedStatement.hxx
index 0d34099..139ea3f 100644
--- a/connectivity/source/inc/odbc/OPreparedStatement.hxx
+++ b/connectivity/source/inc/odbc/OPreparedStatement.hxx
@@ -46,6 +46,7 @@ namespace connectivity
                                     public  OPreparedStatement_BASE
+            static const short invalid_scale = -1;
             struct Parameter
                 ::com::sun::star::uno::Any  aValue;
@@ -74,15 +75,20 @@ namespace connectivity
             void putParamData (sal_Int32 index) throw(::com::sun::star::sdbc::SQLException);
             void setStream (sal_Int32 ParameterIndex,const ::com::sun::star::uno::Reference< ::com::sun::star::io::XInputStream>& x,
                                                         SQLLEN length,sal_Int32 SQLtype) throw(::com::sun::star::sdbc::SQLException);
-            sal_Int8* getLengthBuf (sal_Int32 index);
-            sal_Int8* allocBindBuf (    sal_Int32 index,    sal_Int32 bufLen);
+            SQLLEN* getLengthBuf (sal_Int32 index);
+            void* allocBindBuf (    sal_Int32 index,    sal_Int32 bufLen);
             void initBoundParam () throw(::com::sun::star::sdbc::SQLException);
-            void setParameter(sal_Int32 parameterIndex,sal_Int32 _nType,sal_Int32 _nSize,void* _pData);
+            void setParameterPre(sal_Int32 parameterIndex);
+            template <typename T> void setScalarParameter(sal_Int32 parameterIndex, sal_Int32 _nType, SQLULEN _nColumnSize, const T i_Value);
+            void setParameter(sal_Int32 parameterIndex, sal_Int32 _nType, SQLULEN _nColumnSize, sal_Int32 _nScale, const void* _pData, SQLULEN _nDataLen, SQLLEN _nDataAllocLen);
+            void setParameter(sal_Int32 parameterIndex, sal_Int32 _nType, sal_Int32 _nColumnSize, sal_Int32 _nByteSize, void* _pData);
+            // Wrappers for special cases
+            void setParameter(sal_Int32 parameterIndex, sal_Int32 _nType, sal_Int16 _nScale, const ::rtl::OUString &_sData);
+            void setParameter(sal_Int32 parameterIndex, sal_Int32 _nType, const com::sun::star::uno::Sequence< sal_Int8 > &_Data);
             sal_Bool isPrepared() const { return m_bPrepared;}
             void prepareStatement();
             void checkParameterIndex(sal_Int32 _parameterIndex);
-            void setDecimal( sal_Int32 parameterIndex, const ::rtl::OUString& x );
                 creates the driver specific resultset (factory)
diff --git a/connectivity/source/inc/odbc/OTools.hxx b/connectivity/source/inc/odbc/OTools.hxx
index 0688496..a971d4c 100644
--- a/connectivity/source/inc/odbc/OTools.hxx
+++ b/connectivity/source/inc/odbc/OTools.hxx
@@ -138,8 +138,8 @@ namespace connectivity
                                 sal_Bool &_rValue,
                                 const ::com::sun::star::uno::Reference< ::com::sun::star::uno::XInterface >& _xInterface) throw(::com::sun::star::sdbc::SQLException, ::com::sun::star::uno::RuntimeException);
-            static sal_Int32 MapOdbcType2Jdbc(sal_Int32 _nType);
-            static sal_Int32 jdbcTypeToOdbc(sal_Int32 jdbcType);
+            static sal_Int32 MapOdbcType2Jdbc(SQLSMALLINT _nType);
+            static SQLSMALLINT jdbcTypeToOdbc(sal_Int32 jdbcType);
             static DATE_STRUCT DateToOdbcDate(const ::com::sun::star::util::Date& x)
@@ -206,40 +206,6 @@ namespace connectivity
                                     void* _pValue,
                                     SQLLEN _nSize) throw(::com::sun::star::sdbc::SQLException, ::com::sun::star::uno::RuntimeException);
-            /**
-                bindData copies data from pValue to pData
-                @param  _nOdbcType          [in] the ODBC sql type
-                @param  _bUseWChar          [in] true when Unicode should be used
-                @param  _pData              [in/out] data copy destination
-                @param  pLen                [out] buffer length of data written to _pData
-                @param  _pValue             [in] contains the data to be copied
-                @param  _nTextEncoding      [in] the text encoding
-                @param  _nColumnSize        [out] columnSize of data written to _pData
-                @param  atExec              [out] data was not copied, but setup for data-at-execution;
-                                                  caller is responsible for writing a token in _pData
-            */
-            static void bindData(   SQLSMALLINT _nOdbcType,
-                                    sal_Bool _bUseWChar,
-                                    sal_Int8 *&_pData,
-                                    SQLLEN*& pLen,
-                                    const void* _pValue,
-                                    rtl_TextEncoding _nTextEncoding,
-                                    SQLULEN& _nColumnSize,
-                                    bool &atExec);
-            static void bindParameter(  OConnection* _pConnection,
-                                        SQLHANDLE _hStmt,
-                                        sal_Int32 nPos,
-                                        sal_Int8*& pDataBuffer,
-                                        sal_Int8* pLenBuffer,
-                                        SQLSMALLINT _nODBCtype,
-                                        sal_Bool _bUseWChar,
-                                        sal_Bool _bUseOldTimeDate,
-                                        const void* _pValue,
-                                        const ::com::sun::star::uno::Reference< ::com::sun::star::uno::XInterface >& _xInterface,
-                                        rtl_TextEncoding _nTextEncoding)
-                                         throw(::com::sun::star::sdbc::SQLException, ::com::sun::star::uno::RuntimeException);
             static void bindValue(  OConnection* _pConnection,
                                     SQLHANDLE _aStatementHandle,
                                     sal_Int32 columnIndex,
commit 626da7211498429b55eba3b438d82e5119d3ec68
Author: Lionel Elie Mamane <lionel at mamane.lu>
Date:   Fri Oct 26 17:36:49 2012 +0200

    duplicated code
    Change-Id: Ifa9b93b2daf0bb448711eb1bd3ebab69febf4f9c

diff --git a/connectivity/source/drivers/odbcbase/OPreparedStatement.cxx b/connectivity/source/drivers/odbcbase/OPreparedStatement.cxx
index a5d24dd..7689ac7 100644
--- a/connectivity/source/drivers/odbcbase/OPreparedStatement.cxx
+++ b/connectivity/source/drivers/odbcbase/OPreparedStatement.cxx
@@ -199,31 +199,6 @@ sal_Bool SAL_CALL OPreparedStatement::execute(  ) throw(SQLException, RuntimeExc
-    // Now loop while more data is needed (i.e. a data-at-
-    // execution parameter was given).  For each parameter
-    // that needs data, put the data from the input stream.
-    while (needData) {
-        // Get the parameter number that requires data
-        sal_Int32* paramIndex = 0;
-        N3SQLParamData (m_aStatementHandle,(SQLPOINTER*)&paramIndex);
-        // If the parameter index is -1, there is no more
-        // data required
-        if (*paramIndex == -1) {
-            needData = sal_False;
-        }
-        else {
-            // Now we have the proper parameter index,
-            // get the data from the input stream
-            // and do a SQLPutData
-            putParamData(*paramIndex);
-        }
-    }
     // Now determine if there is a result set associated with
     // the SQL statement that was executed.  Get the column
     // count, and if it is not zero, there is a result set.
commit 7b4e7e027966bdd3be941d2f65399eabab0ca70e
Author: Lionel Elie Mamane <lionel at mamane.lu>
Date:   Thu Oct 25 11:40:12 2012 +0200

    odbc::OTools::bindParameter takes an ODBCtype, not a JDBCtype
    Change-Id: I6de4e86f09be74518c9980d1b2347217cdcc4e02

diff --git a/connectivity/source/inc/odbc/OTools.hxx b/connectivity/source/inc/odbc/OTools.hxx
index 99339e2..0688496 100644
--- a/connectivity/source/inc/odbc/OTools.hxx
+++ b/connectivity/source/inc/odbc/OTools.hxx
@@ -232,7 +232,7 @@ namespace connectivity
                                         sal_Int32 nPos,
                                         sal_Int8*& pDataBuffer,
                                         sal_Int8* pLenBuffer,
-                                        SQLSMALLINT _nJDBCtype,
+                                        SQLSMALLINT _nODBCtype,
                                         sal_Bool _bUseWChar,
                                         sal_Bool _bUseOldTimeDate,
                                         const void* _pValue,
commit 7bb42b171e0c0f5c8f5967d21418f56c52a29370
Author: Lionel Elie Mamane <lionel at mamane.lu>
Date:   Thu Oct 25 11:35:10 2012 +0200

    UpdateBuffer optimisation: cache column value, isBound() and isNull()
    Change-Id: I70f92224e22e9a9a1283564b5b1be7bf1e0240d0

diff --git a/connectivity/source/drivers/dbase/DTable.cxx b/connectivity/source/drivers/dbase/DTable.cxx
index e88a7c1..f1bdb32 100644
--- a/connectivity/source/drivers/dbase/DTable.cxx
+++ b/connectivity/source/drivers/dbase/DTable.cxx
@@ -1814,8 +1814,11 @@ sal_Bool ODbaseTable::UpdateBuffer(OValueRefVector& rRow, OValueRefRow pOrgRow,
         ++nPos; // the row values start at 1
+        const ORowSetValue &thisColVal = rRow.get()[nPos]->get();
+        const bool thisColIsBound = thisColVal.isBound();
+        const bool thisColIsNull = !thisColIsBound || thisColVal.isNull();
         // don't overwrite non-bound columns
-        if ( ! (bForceAllFields || rRow.get()[nPos]->isBound()) )
+        if ( ! (bForceAllFields || thisColIsBound) )
             // No - don't overwrite this field, it has not changed.
             nByteOffset += nLen;
@@ -1828,14 +1831,14 @@ sal_Bool ODbaseTable::UpdateBuffer(OValueRefVector& rRow, OValueRefRow pOrgRow,
             ODbaseIndex* pIndex = reinterpret_cast< ODbaseIndex* >( xTunnel->getSomething(ODbaseIndex::getUnoTunnelImplementationId()) );
             OSL_ENSURE(pIndex,"ODbaseTable::UpdateBuffer: No Index returned!");
             // Update !!
-            if (pOrgRow.is() && rRow.get()[nPos]->isBound() && !rRow.get()[nPos]->getValue().isNull() )
-                pIndex->Update(m_nFilePos,*(pOrgRow->get())[nPos],*rRow.get()[nPos]);
+            if (pOrgRow.is() && !thisColIsNull)
+                pIndex->Update(m_nFilePos, *(pOrgRow->get())[nPos], thisColVal);
-                pIndex->Insert(m_nFilePos,*rRow.get()[nPos]);
+                pIndex->Insert(m_nFilePos, thisColVal);
         char* pData = (char *)(m_pBuffer + nByteOffset);
-        if (rRow.get()[nPos]->getValue().isNull() || !rRow.get()[nPos]->isBound())
+        if (thisColIsNull)
             if ( bSetZero )
                 memset(pData,0,nLen);   // Clear to NULL char ('\0')
@@ -1853,7 +1856,7 @@ sal_Bool ODbaseTable::UpdateBuffer(OValueRefVector& rRow, OValueRefRow pOrgRow,
                 case DataType::TIMESTAMP:
                         sal_Int32 nJulianDate = 0, nJulianTime = 0;
-                        lcl_CalcJulDate(nJulianDate,nJulianTime,rRow.get()[nPos]->getValue());
+                        lcl_CalcJulDate(nJulianDate,nJulianTime, thisColVal);
                         // Exactly 8 bytes to copy:
@@ -1862,10 +1865,10 @@ sal_Bool ODbaseTable::UpdateBuffer(OValueRefVector& rRow, OValueRefRow pOrgRow,
                 case DataType::DATE:
                     ::com::sun::star::util::Date aDate;
-                    if(rRow.get()[nPos]->getValue().getTypeKind() == DataType::DOUBLE)
-                        aDate = ::dbtools::DBTypeConversion::toDate(rRow.get()[nPos]->getValue().getDouble());
+                    if(thisColVal.getTypeKind() == DataType::DOUBLE)
+                        aDate = ::dbtools::DBTypeConversion::toDate(thisColVal.getDouble());
-                        aDate = rRow.get()[nPos]->getValue();
+                        aDate = thisColVal;
                     char s[9];
@@ -1879,13 +1882,13 @@ sal_Bool ODbaseTable::UpdateBuffer(OValueRefVector& rRow, OValueRefRow pOrgRow,
                 } break;
                 case DataType::INTEGER:
-                        sal_Int32 nValue = rRow.get()[nPos]->getValue();
+                        sal_Int32 nValue = thisColVal;
                 case DataType::DOUBLE:
-                        const double d = rRow.get()[nPos]->getValue();
+                        const double d = thisColVal;
                         m_pColumns->getByIndex(i) >>= xCol;
                         if (getBOOL(xCol->getPropertyValue(OMetaConnection::getPropMap().getNameByIndex(PROPERTY_ID_ISCURRENCY)))) // Currency is treated separately
@@ -1905,7 +1908,7 @@ sal_Bool ODbaseTable::UpdateBuffer(OValueRefVector& rRow, OValueRefRow pOrgRow,
                     memset(pData,' ',nLen); // Clear to NULL
-                    const double n = rRow.get()[nPos]->getValue();
+                    const double n = thisColVal;
                     // one, because const_cast GetFormatPrecision on SvNumberFormat is not constant,
                     // even though it really could and should be
@@ -1937,7 +1940,7 @@ sal_Bool ODbaseTable::UpdateBuffer(OValueRefVector& rRow, OValueRefRow pOrgRow,
                 } break;
                 case DataType::BIT:
-                    *pData = rRow.get()[nPos]->getValue().getBool() ? 'T' : 'F';
+                    *pData = thisColVal.getBool() ? 'T' : 'F';
                 case DataType::LONGVARBINARY:
                 case DataType::LONGVARCHAR:
@@ -1949,7 +1952,7 @@ sal_Bool ODbaseTable::UpdateBuffer(OValueRefVector& rRow, OValueRefRow pOrgRow,
                     // Next initial character restore again:
                     pData[nLen] = cNext;
-                    if (!m_pMemoStream || !WriteMemo(rRow.get()[nPos]->get(), nBlockNo))
+                    if (!m_pMemoStream || !WriteMemo(thisColVal, nBlockNo))
                     rtl::OString aBlock(rtl::OString::valueOf(static_cast<sal_Int32>(nBlockNo)));
@@ -1965,7 +1968,7 @@ sal_Bool ODbaseTable::UpdateBuffer(OValueRefVector& rRow, OValueRefRow pOrgRow,
                     memset(pData,' ',nLen); // Clear to NULL
-                    ::rtl::OUString sStringToWrite( rRow.get()[nPos]->getValue().getString() );
+                    ::rtl::OUString sStringToWrite( thisColVal.getString() );
                     // convert the string, using the connection's encoding
                     ::rtl::OString sEncoded;
commit 77e60c005812968af9885c20fac0a098012fbeba
Author: Lionel Elie Mamane <lionel at mamane.lu>
Date:   Thu Oct 25 11:16:24 2012 +0200

    fdo#52392 dbase: correctly NULL out non-filled in fields in inserted rows
    Change-Id: Id2e8ad5b6bed1c184de6dccf7fa43254099fb958

diff --git a/connectivity/source/drivers/dbase/DTable.cxx b/connectivity/source/drivers/dbase/DTable.cxx
index dee73fa..e88a7c1 100644
--- a/connectivity/source/drivers/dbase/DTable.cxx
+++ b/connectivity/source/drivers/dbase/DTable.cxx
@@ -1505,7 +1505,7 @@ sal_Bool ODbaseTable::InsertRow(OValueRefVector& rRow, sal_Bool bFlush,const Ref
     sal_uInt32 nTempPos = m_nFilePos;
     m_nFilePos = (sal_uIntPtr)m_aHeader.db_anz + 1;
-    sal_Bool bInsertRow = UpdateBuffer( rRow, NULL, _xCols );
+    sal_Bool bInsertRow = UpdateBuffer( rRow, NULL, _xCols, true );
     if ( bInsertRow )
         sal_uInt32 nFileSize = 0, nMemoFileSize = 0;
@@ -1567,7 +1567,7 @@ sal_Bool ODbaseTable::UpdateRow(OValueRefVector& rRow, OValueRefRow& pOrgRow,con
         nMemoFileSize = m_pMemoStream->Tell();
-    if (!UpdateBuffer(rRow, pOrgRow,_xCols) || !WriteBuffer())
+    if (!UpdateBuffer(rRow, pOrgRow, _xCols, false) || !WriteBuffer())
         if (HasMemoFields() && m_pMemoStream)
             m_pMemoStream->SetStreamSize(nMemoFileSize);    // restore old size
@@ -1668,7 +1668,7 @@ static double toDouble(const rtl::OString& rString)
-sal_Bool ODbaseTable::UpdateBuffer(OValueRefVector& rRow, OValueRefRow pOrgRow,const Reference<XIndexAccess>& _xCols)
+sal_Bool ODbaseTable::UpdateBuffer(OValueRefVector& rRow, OValueRefRow pOrgRow, const Reference<XIndexAccess>& _xCols, const bool bForceAllFields)
     RTL_LOGFILE_CONTEXT_AUTHOR( aLogger, "dbase", "Ocke.Janssen at sun.com", "ODbaseTable::UpdateBuffer" );
     OSL_ENSURE(m_pBuffer,"Buffer is NULL!");
@@ -1814,10 +1814,10 @@ sal_Bool ODbaseTable::UpdateBuffer(OValueRefVector& rRow, OValueRefRow pOrgRow,c
         ++nPos; // the row values start at 1
-        // If the variable is bound at all?
-        if ( !rRow.get()[nPos]->isBound() )
+        // don't overwrite non-bound columns
+        if ( ! (bForceAllFields || rRow.get()[nPos]->isBound()) )
-            // No - the next field.
+            // No - don't overwrite this field, it has not changed.
             nByteOffset += nLen;
@@ -1828,14 +1828,14 @@ sal_Bool ODbaseTable::UpdateBuffer(OValueRefVector& rRow, OValueRefRow pOrgRow,c
             ODbaseIndex* pIndex = reinterpret_cast< ODbaseIndex* >( xTunnel->getSomething(ODbaseIndex::getUnoTunnelImplementationId()) );
             OSL_ENSURE(pIndex,"ODbaseTable::UpdateBuffer: No Index returned!");
             // Update !!
-            if (pOrgRow.is() && !rRow.get()[nPos]->getValue().isNull() )
+            if (pOrgRow.is() && rRow.get()[nPos]->isBound() && !rRow.get()[nPos]->getValue().isNull() )
         char* pData = (char *)(m_pBuffer + nByteOffset);
-        if (rRow.get()[nPos]->getValue().isNull())
+        if (rRow.get()[nPos]->getValue().isNull() || !rRow.get()[nPos]->isBound())
             if ( bSetZero )
                 memset(pData,0,nLen);   // Clear to NULL char ('\0')
diff --git a/connectivity/source/inc/dbase/DTable.hxx b/connectivity/source/inc/dbase/DTable.hxx
index 334a814..691b654 100644
--- a/connectivity/source/inc/dbase/DTable.hxx
+++ b/connectivity/source/inc/dbase/DTable.hxx
@@ -107,7 +107,7 @@ namespace connectivity
             sal_Bool WriteMemo(const ORowSetValue& aVariable, sal_uIntPtr& rBlockNr);
             sal_Bool WriteBuffer();
-            sal_Bool UpdateBuffer(OValueRefVector& rRow, OValueRefRow pOrgRow,const ::com::sun::star::uno::Reference< ::com::sun::star::container::XIndexAccess>& _xCols);
+            sal_Bool UpdateBuffer(OValueRefVector& rRow, OValueRefRow pOrgRow,const ::com::sun::star::uno::Reference< ::com::sun::star::container::XIndexAccess>& _xCols, bool bForceAllFields);
             ::com::sun::star::uno::Reference< ::com::sun::star::beans::XPropertySet> isUniqueByColumnName(sal_Int32 _nColumnPos);
             void AllocBuffer();
commit 41e11da6008f046d0f3f3705939775d8bcd6e712
Author: Lionel Elie Mamane <lionel at mamane.lu>
Date:   Thu Oct 25 10:15:39 2012 +0200

    improve comments
    Change-Id: I50c64d5fcf1d642052be5edbe64dde2c03c1eba9

diff --git a/connectivity/source/drivers/dbase/DTable.cxx b/connectivity/source/drivers/dbase/DTable.cxx
index 078d630..dee73fa 100644
--- a/connectivity/source/drivers/dbase/DTable.cxx
+++ b/connectivity/source/drivers/dbase/DTable.cxx
@@ -1838,9 +1838,9 @@ sal_Bool ODbaseTable::UpdateBuffer(OValueRefVector& rRow, OValueRefRow pOrgRow,c
         if (rRow.get()[nPos]->getValue().isNull())
             if ( bSetZero )
-                memset(pData,0,nLen);   // Clear to NULL
+                memset(pData,0,nLen);   // Clear to NULL char ('\0')
-                memset(pData,' ',nLen); // Clear to NULL
+                memset(pData,' ',nLen); // Clear to space/blank ('\0x20')
             nByteOffset += nLen;
             OSL_ENSURE( nByteOffset <= m_nBufferSize ,"ByteOffset > m_nBufferSize!");
commit bacc03791d45d6f079fdf606d772ada32c108ae6
Author: Lionel Elie Mamane <lionel at mamane.lu>
Date:   Thu Oct 25 10:10:15 2012 +0200

    dbase::ODbaseTable::WriteMemo does not change its ORowSetValue& argument
    Change-Id: Icf6a71900d79377cde84c2307ce85a9b3c96a54f

diff --git a/connectivity/source/drivers/dbase/DTable.cxx b/connectivity/source/drivers/dbase/DTable.cxx
index 28d4436..078d630 100644
--- a/connectivity/source/drivers/dbase/DTable.cxx
+++ b/connectivity/source/drivers/dbase/DTable.cxx
@@ -2002,7 +2002,7 @@ sal_Bool ODbaseTable::UpdateBuffer(OValueRefVector& rRow, OValueRefRow pOrgRow,c
 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-sal_Bool ODbaseTable::WriteMemo(ORowSetValue& aVariable, sal_uIntPtr& rBlockNr)
+sal_Bool ODbaseTable::WriteMemo(const ORowSetValue& aVariable, sal_uIntPtr& rBlockNr)
     RTL_LOGFILE_CONTEXT_AUTHOR( aLogger, "dbase", "Ocke.Janssen at sun.com", "ODbaseTable::WriteMemo" );
     // if the BlockNo 0 is given, the block will be appended at the end
diff --git a/connectivity/source/inc/dbase/DTable.hxx b/connectivity/source/inc/dbase/DTable.hxx
index ad352d0..334a814 100644
--- a/connectivity/source/inc/dbase/DTable.hxx
+++ b/connectivity/source/inc/dbase/DTable.hxx
@@ -105,7 +105,7 @@ namespace connectivity
             sal_Bool ReadMemoHeader();
             sal_Bool ReadMemo(sal_uIntPtr nBlockNo, ORowSetValue& aVariable);
-            sal_Bool WriteMemo(ORowSetValue& aVariable, sal_uIntPtr& rBlockNr);
+            sal_Bool WriteMemo(const ORowSetValue& aVariable, sal_uIntPtr& rBlockNr);
             sal_Bool WriteBuffer();
             sal_Bool UpdateBuffer(OValueRefVector& rRow, OValueRefRow pOrgRow,const ::com::sun::star::uno::Reference< ::com::sun::star::container::XIndexAccess>& _xCols);
             ::com::sun::star::uno::Reference< ::com::sun::star::beans::XPropertySet> isUniqueByColumnName(sal_Int32 _nColumnPos);

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