[Libreoffice-commits] .: UnoControls/source

Libreoffice Gerrit user logerrit at kemper.freedesktop.org
Sat Sep 15 01:31:21 PDT 2012

 UnoControls/source/controls/progressmonitor.cxx |    7 ++-----
 1 file changed, 2 insertions(+), 5 deletions(-)

New commits:
commit f5beefb2eaf4bc513aebdc11355890dff3f040fa
Author: Julien Nabet <serval2412 at yahoo.fr>
Date:   Sat Sep 15 10:29:37 2012 +0200

    Fix some "Variables reassigned a value before the old one has been used"
    Change-Id: I38d62d2c095b87f08d37acfc26df07a4920be4d2

diff --git a/UnoControls/source/controls/progressmonitor.cxx b/UnoControls/source/controls/progressmonitor.cxx
index 8b3f3c2..cea1990 100644
--- a/UnoControls/source/controls/progressmonitor.cxx
+++ b/UnoControls/source/controls/progressmonitor.cxx
@@ -508,13 +508,10 @@ Size SAL_CALL ProgressMonitor::getPreferredSize () throw( RuntimeException )
     aGuard.clear () ;
     // calc preferred size of progressmonitor
-    sal_Int32   nWidth  =   0 ;
-    sal_Int32   nHeight =   0 ;
-    nWidth   =  3 * PROGRESSMONITOR_FREEBORDER          ;
+    sal_Int32 nWidth   =  3 * PROGRESSMONITOR_FREEBORDER          ;
     nWidth  +=  aProgressBarSize.Width  ;
-    nHeight  =  6 * PROGRESSMONITOR_FREEBORDER          ;
+    sal_Int32 nHeight  =  6 * PROGRESSMONITOR_FREEBORDER          ;
     nHeight +=  aTopicSize_Top.Height   ;
     nHeight +=  aProgressBarSize.Height ;
     nHeight +=  aTopicSize_Bottom.Height;

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