[Libreoffice-commits] .: 4 commits - scp2/source solenv/bin
Libreoffice Gerrit user
logerrit at kemper.freedesktop.org
Fri Sep 28 04:07:21 PDT 2012
scp2/source/ooo/file_ooo.scp | 12 -
solenv/bin/modules/installer/windows/msp.pm | 264 ++--------------------------
2 files changed, 25 insertions(+), 251 deletions(-)
New commits:
commit 52e61794edd630261b34cd5a20cccc220231877c
Author: Tor Lillqvist <tlillqvist at novell.com>
Date: Thu Jul 19 10:55:35 2012 +0200
set MSP name
Change-Id: Ib1120ea82a8e3e9d15d524ff413a1342dec3dad0
diff --git a/solenv/bin/modules/installer/windows/msp.pm b/solenv/bin/modules/installer/windows/msp.pm
index a5e9ad2..e144c45 100644
--- a/solenv/bin/modules/installer/windows/msp.pm
+++ b/solenv/bin/modules/installer/windows/msp.pm
@@ -311,41 +311,7 @@ sub set_mspfilename
my ($allvariables, $mspdir, $languagesarrayref) = @_;
- my $databasename = $allvariables->{'PRODUCTNAME'};
- $databasename = lc($databasename);
- $databasename =~ s/\.//g;
- $databasename =~ s/\-//g;
- $databasename =~ s/\s//g;
- if ( $allvariables->{'MSPPRODUCTVERSION'} ) { $databasename = $databasename . $allvariables->{'MSPPRODUCTVERSION'}; }
- # possibility to overwrite the name with variable DATABASENAME
- # if ( $allvariables->{'DATABASENAME'} ) { $databasename = $allvariables->{'DATABASENAME'}; }
- # Adding patch info to database name
- # if ( $installer::globals::buildid ) { $databasename = $databasename . "_" . $installer::globals::buildid; }
- # if ( $allvariables->{'VENDORPATCHVERSION'} ) { $databasename = $databasename . "_" . $allvariables->{'VENDORPATCHVERSION'}; }
- if (( $allvariables->{'SERVICEPACK'} ) && ( $allvariables->{'SERVICEPACK'} == 1 ))
- {
- my $windowspatchlevel = 0;
- if ( $allvariables->{'MSPPATCHLEVEL'} ) { $windowspatchlevel = $allvariables->{'MSPPATCHLEVEL'}; }
- $databasename = $databasename . "_servicepack_" . $windowspatchlevel;
- my $languagestring = create_langstring($languagesarrayref);
- $databasename = $databasename . $languagestring;
- }
- else
- {
- my $hotfixaddon = "hotfix_";
- $hotfixaddon = $hotfixaddon . $installer::globals::buildid;
- my $cwsname = "";
- if ( $allvariables->{'OVERWRITE_CWSNAME'} ) { $hotfixaddon = $allvariables->{'OVERWRITE_CWSNAME'}; }
- $databasename = $databasename . "_" . $hotfixaddon;
- }
- $databasename = $databasename . ".msp";
+ my $databasename = $allvariables->{'PRODUCTNAME'} . "-PTF-" . $allvariables->{'PRODUCTVERSION'} . "-" . $allvariables->{'WINDOWSPATCHLEVEL'} . ".msp";
my $fullmspname = $mspdir . $installer::globals::separator . $databasename;
commit 997bfce2df6648160ccec41e0a4e440d8711b429
Author: Andras Timar <atimar at suse.com>
Date: Fri Jul 20 22:55:26 2012 +0200
work around unexpected behaviour of msidb.exe from SDK 7.1
Change-Id: I48cfa19c40140dc81b105e27051f99e8f1a0c8ae
diff --git a/solenv/bin/modules/installer/windows/msp.pm b/solenv/bin/modules/installer/windows/msp.pm
index 7816cec..a5e9ad2 100644
--- a/solenv/bin/modules/installer/windows/msp.pm
+++ b/solenv/bin/modules/installer/windows/msp.pm
@@ -175,23 +175,27 @@ sub include_tables_into_pcpfile
$localworkdir =~ s/\//\\\\/g;
- $systemcall = $msidb . " -d " . $localfullpcpfilepath . " -f " . $localworkdir . " -i " . $tables;
- $returnvalue = system($systemcall);
+ my @tables = split(' ', $tables); # I found that msidb from Windows SDK 7.1 did not accept more than one table.
+ foreach my $table (@tables)
+ {
+ $systemcall = $msidb . " -d " . $localfullpcpfilepath . " -f " . $localworkdir . " -i " . $table;
- $infoline = "Systemcall: $systemcall\n";
- push( @installer::globals::logfileinfo, $infoline);
+ $returnvalue = system($systemcall);
- if ($returnvalue)
- {
- $infoline = "ERROR: Could not execute $systemcall !\n";
- push( @installer::globals::logfileinfo, $infoline);
- installer::exiter::exit_program("ERROR: Could not include tables into pcp file: $fullpcpfilepath !", "include_tables_into_pcpfile");
- }
- else
- {
- $infoline = "Success: Executed $systemcall successfully!\n";
+ $infoline = "Systemcall: $systemcall\n";
push( @installer::globals::logfileinfo, $infoline);
+ if ($returnvalue)
+ {
+ $infoline = "ERROR: Could not execute $systemcall !\n";
+ push( @installer::globals::logfileinfo, $infoline);
+ installer::exiter::exit_program("ERROR: Could not include tables into pcp file: $fullpcpfilepath !", "include_tables_into_pcpfile");
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ $infoline = "Success: Executed $systemcall successfully!\n";
+ push( @installer::globals::logfileinfo, $infoline);
+ }
commit 609583db3f83343e3e42e6c94fd4cf218f11327c
Author: Andras Timar <atimar at suse.com>
Date: Sun Jul 22 09:11:14 2012 +0200
revert fc1e9f253dd07362065f2be9691be89fb9b3f84f
I don't know, if it made sense, but it definitely broke MSP
patch creation in SUSE environment, so I reverted it.
Change-Id: Ib6cea4a59993b4edadabfa1fdca42264a8eb2311
diff --git a/solenv/bin/modules/installer/windows/msp.pm b/solenv/bin/modules/installer/windows/msp.pm
index d76d1e4..7816cec 100644
--- a/solenv/bin/modules/installer/windows/msp.pm
+++ b/solenv/bin/modules/installer/windows/msp.pm
@@ -86,196 +86,6 @@ sub install_installation_sets
-# Collecting the destinations of all files with flag PATCH in a hash.
-sub collect_patch_file_destinations
- my ( $filesarray ) = @_;
- my %patchfiledestinations = ();
- my %nopatchfiledestinations = ();
- my $patchcounter = 0;
- my $nopatchcounter = 0;
- for ( my $i = 0; $i <= $#{$filesarray}; $i++ )
- {
- my $onefile = ${$filesarray}[$i];
- my $styles = "";
- if ( $onefile->{'Styles'} ) { $styles = $onefile->{'Styles'} };
- if ( $styles =~ /\bPATCH\b/ )
- {
- $patchfiledestinations{$onefile->{'destination'}} = 1;
- $patchcounter++;
- }
- else
- {
- $nopatchfiledestinations{$onefile->{'destination'}} = 1;
- $nopatchcounter++;
- }
- }
- return (\%patchfiledestinations, \%nopatchfiledestinations, $patchcounter, $nopatchcounter);
-# Returning the first path segment of a path
-sub get_first_path_segment
- my ( $path ) = @_;
- my $firstsegment = "";
- my $remainder = $path;
- if ( $path =~ /^\s*(.*?)[\/\\](.*)\s*$/ )
- {
- $firstsegment = $1;
- $remainder = $2;
- }
- return ($firstsegment, $remainder);
-# Finding the flexible path in the destinations, that are saved in
-# the hash $nopatchfiledestinations.
-sub prepare_path_in_nopatchfilehash
- my ($nopatchfiledestinations, $newpath) = @_;
- my $infoline = "";
- my $flexiblepath = "";
- my $found = 0;
- my %checked_destinations = ();
- foreach my $onedestination ( keys %{$nopatchfiledestinations} )
- {
- $flexiblepath = "";
- $found = 0;
- my $found_first_segement = 1;
- my $firstsegement = "";
- my $fixedpath = $onedestination;
- my $testfile = $newpath . $installer::globals::separator . $fixedpath;
- while (( ! -f $testfile ) && ( $found_first_segement ))
- {
- $firstsegement = "";
- ( $firstsegement, $fixedpath ) = get_first_path_segment($fixedpath);
- if ( $firstsegement ne "" )
- {
- $found_first_segement = 1;
- $flexiblepath = $flexiblepath . $firstsegement . $installer::globals::separator;
- }
- else
- {
- $found_first_segement = 0;
- }
- $testfile = $newpath . $installer::globals::separator . $fixedpath;
- }
- if ( -f $testfile ) { $found = 1; }
- if ( $found ) { last; }
- }
- if ( ! $found ) { installer::exiter::exit_program("ERROR: Could not determine flexible destination path for msp patch creation!", "prepare_path_in_nopatchfilehash"); }
- $infoline = "Setting flexible path for msp creation: $flexiblepath\n";
- push( @installer::globals::logfileinfo, $infoline);
- foreach my $onedestination ( keys %{$nopatchfiledestinations} )
- {
- $onedestination =~ s/^\s*\Q$flexiblepath\E//;
- $checked_destinations{$onedestination} = 1;
- }
- return \%checked_destinations;
-# Synchronizing the two installed products in that way, that only
-# files with flag PATCH are different.
-sub synchronize_installation_sets
- my ($olddatabase, $newdatabase, $filesarray) = @_;
- my $infoline = "\nSynchronizing installed products because of PATCH flag\n";
- push( @installer::globals::logfileinfo, $infoline);
- $infoline = "Old product: $olddatabase\n";
- push( @installer::globals::logfileinfo, $infoline);
- $infoline = "New product: $newdatabase\n";
- push( @installer::globals::logfileinfo, $infoline);
- my ( $patchfiledestinations, $nopatchfiledestinations, $patchfilecounter, $nopatchfilecounter ) = collect_patch_file_destinations($filesarray);
- $infoline = "Number of files with PATCH flag: $patchfilecounter\n";
- push( @installer::globals::logfileinfo, $infoline);
- $infoline = "Number of files without PATCH flag: $nopatchfilecounter\n";
- push( @installer::globals::logfileinfo, $infoline);
- foreach my $localfile ( sort keys %{$patchfiledestinations} )
- {
- $infoline = "\tPATCH file: $localfile\n";
- push( @installer::globals::logfileinfo, $infoline);
- }
- my $oldpath = $olddatabase;
- if ( $^O =~ /cygwin/i ) { $oldpath =~ s/\\/\//g; }
- installer::pathanalyzer::get_path_from_fullqualifiedname(\$oldpath);
- $oldpath =~ s/\\\s*$//;
- $oldpath =~ s/\/\s*$//;
- my $newpath = $newdatabase;
- if ( $^O =~ /cygwin/i ) { $newpath =~ s/\\/\//g; }
- installer::pathanalyzer::get_path_from_fullqualifiedname(\$newpath);
- $newpath =~ s/\\\s*$//;
- $newpath =~ s/\/\s*$//;
- # The destination path is not correct. destinations in the hash contain
- # the flexible installation path, that is not part in the administrative installation
- $nopatchfiledestinations = prepare_path_in_nopatchfilehash($nopatchfiledestinations, $newpath);
- foreach my $onedestination ( keys %{$nopatchfiledestinations} )
- {
- my $source = $oldpath . $installer::globals::separator . $onedestination;
- my $dest = $newpath . $installer::globals::separator . $onedestination;
- if ( -f $source )
- {
- if ( -f $dest )
- {
- my $copyreturn = copy($source, $dest);
- # installer::systemactions::copy_one_file($source, $dest);
- # $infoline = "Synchronizing file: $source to $dest\n";
- # push( @installer::globals::logfileinfo, $infoline);
- }
- else
- {
- $infoline = "Not synchronizing. Destination file \"$dest\" does not exist.\n";
- push( @installer::globals::logfileinfo, $infoline);
- }
- }
- else
- {
- $infoline = "Not synchronizing. Source file \"$source\" does not exist.\n";
- push( @installer::globals::logfileinfo, $infoline);
- }
- }
# Extracting all tables from a pcp file
@@ -1386,12 +1196,6 @@ sub create_msp_patch
installer::logger::print_message( "... installing products ...\n" );
my ($olddatabase, $newdatabase) = install_installation_sets($installationdir);
- installer::logger::include_timestamp_into_logfile("\nPerformance Info: Starting synchronization of installation sets");
- # Synchronizing installed products, allowing only different files with PATCH flag
- installer::logger::print_message( "... synchronizing installation sets ...\n" );
- synchronize_installation_sets($olddatabase, $newdatabase, $filesarray);
installer::logger::include_timestamp_into_logfile("\nPerformance Info: Starting pcp file creation");
# Create pcp file
commit 53cd03a5336563ab51b3e7fe874640cc24124de5
Author: Andras Timar <atimar at suse.com>
Date: Sat Jul 21 10:43:33 2012 +0200
install help xsl files unconditionally, needed for MSP patch creation
Change-Id: Iec60fca2895cffac34290dc8db8954b95dda6606
diff --git a/scp2/source/ooo/file_ooo.scp b/scp2/source/ooo/file_ooo.scp
index c283294..a42f683 100644
--- a/scp2/source/ooo/file_ooo.scp
+++ b/scp2/source/ooo/file_ooo.scp
@@ -382,6 +382,12 @@ STD_FILTER_FILE( gid_File_Filter_Iti, iti)
STD_RES_FILE( gid_File_Res_Eps, eps )
+File gid_File_Help_Help_Zip
+ Dir = gid_Dir_Help;
+ Name = "helpxsl.zip";
#if defined WITH_HELP
File gid_File_Help_Common_Zip
Dir = gid_Dir_Help_Isolanguage;
@@ -390,12 +396,6 @@ File gid_File_Help_Common_Zip
Patchfiles = ();
-File gid_File_Help_Help_Zip
- Dir = gid_Dir_Help;
- Name = "helpxsl.zip";
File gid_File_Help_Sbasic_Zip
Dir = gid_Dir_Help_Isolanguage;
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