[Libreoffice-commits] core.git: 2 commits - bridges/Library_cpp_uno.mk bridges/source configure.ac desktop/source helpcompiler/Library_helplinker.mk jpeg/patches jpeg/UnpackedTarball_jpeg.mk libxmlsec/UnpackedTarball_xmlsec.mk libxmlsec/xmlsec1-1.2.14_old_automake.patch nss/ExternalProject_nss.mk odk/settings README.cross solenv/bin testtools/Module_testtools.mk xpdf/ExternalProject_xpdf.mk

Tor Lillqvist tml at iki.fi
Wed Apr 3 11:25:30 PDT 2013

 README.cross                                           |   21 
 bridges/Library_cpp_uno.mk                             |    6 
 bridges/source/cpp_uno/gcc3_macosx_powerpc/cpp2uno.cxx |  719 -----------------
 bridges/source/cpp_uno/gcc3_macosx_powerpc/except.cxx  |  277 ------
 bridges/source/cpp_uno/gcc3_macosx_powerpc/share.hxx   |   85 --
 bridges/source/cpp_uno/gcc3_macosx_powerpc/uno2cpp.cxx |  636 ---------------
 configure.ac                                           |  168 ---
 desktop/source/deployment/misc/dp_platform.cxx         |    3 
 helpcompiler/Library_helplinker.mk                     |    7 
 jpeg/UnpackedTarball_jpeg.mk                           |    6 
 jpeg/patches/struct_alignment.patch                    |   48 -
 libxmlsec/UnpackedTarball_xmlsec.mk                    |    6 
 libxmlsec/xmlsec1-1.2.14_old_automake.patch            |  126 --
 nss/ExternalProject_nss.mk                             |    1 
 odk/settings/settings.mk                               |    3 
 solenv/bin/modules/installer/download.pm               |    5 
 testtools/Module_testtools.mk                          |    4 
 xpdf/ExternalProject_xpdf.mk                           |    1 
 18 files changed, 28 insertions(+), 2094 deletions(-)

New commits:
commit 7aa6f1b01481c1d0f1a12f56ad197c797056c37b
Author: Tor Lillqvist <tml at iki.fi>
Date:   Wed Apr 3 21:04:16 2013 +0300

    Remove Mac OS X for PowerPC support
    Change-Id: I10b15141e6a5f93365e1cfa6fbc0c7cc3ea49b15

diff --git a/README.cross b/README.cross
index 7b6cb65..87aa95d 100644
--- a/README.cross
+++ b/README.cross
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ Cross-compiling LibreOffice
 Cross-compilation works, to various degree, to the following
-platforms: Windows, iOS, Android, PowerPC Mac OS X, Raspbian.
+platforms: Windows, iOS, Android, and Raspbian.
@@ -391,25 +391,6 @@ To debug, do manually what "make run" would do and when the app has
 started, run ndk-gdb.
-PowerPC Mac OS X
-Cross-compiling for PowerPC Mac OS X from Intel Mac OS X is easy in
-theory. The APIs available should after all be closely identical to
-those on a corrersponding (obsolete) version of Mac OS X for Intel,
-and LibreOffice builds fine natively on PowerPC Mac already. Only a
-little experimenting has been done with it, and it seems that nobody
-actually is interested in it. An autogen.lastrun looked like this when
-last tried:
-CC=ccache /Xcode3/usr/bin/gcc-4.0 -arch ppc
-CXX=ccache /Xcode3/usr/bin/g++-4.0 -arch ppc
-CC_FOR_BUILD=ccache /Xcode3/usr/bin/gcc-4.0
-CXX_FOR_BUILD=ccache /Xcode3/usr/bin/g++-4.0
diff --git a/bridges/Library_cpp_uno.mk b/bridges/Library_cpp_uno.mk
index 987517d..b19753f 100644
--- a/bridges/Library_cpp_uno.mk
+++ b/bridges/Library_cpp_uno.mk
@@ -142,12 +142,6 @@ bridge_noopt_objects := except
 bridge_asm_objects := call
-else ifeq ($(OS)$(CPU),MACOSXP)
-bridges_SELECTED_BRIDGE := gcc3_macosx_powerpc
-bridge_noopt_objects := uno2cpp
-bridge_exception_objects := cpp2uno except
 else ifeq ($(OS)$(CPU),SOLARISI)
 bridges_SELECTED_BRIDGE := gcc3_solaris_intel
diff --git a/bridges/source/cpp_uno/gcc3_macosx_powerpc/cpp2uno.cxx b/bridges/source/cpp_uno/gcc3_macosx_powerpc/cpp2uno.cxx
deleted file mode 100644
index 7fb88fe..0000000
--- a/bridges/source/cpp_uno/gcc3_macosx_powerpc/cpp2uno.cxx
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,719 +0,0 @@
-/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- */
- * This file is part of the LibreOffice project.
- *
- * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
- *
- * This file incorporates work covered by the following license notice:
- *
- *   Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
- *   contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed
- *   with this work for additional information regarding copyright
- *   ownership. The ASF licenses this file to you under the Apache
- *   License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file
- *   except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
- *   the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 .
- */
-#include <com/sun/star/uno/genfunc.hxx>
-#include <uno/data.h>
-#include <typelib/typedescription.hxx>
-#include "bridges/cpp_uno/shared/bridge.hxx"
-#include "bridges/cpp_uno/shared/cppinterfaceproxy.hxx"
-#include "bridges/cpp_uno/shared/types.hxx"
-#include "bridges/cpp_uno/shared/vtablefactory.hxx"
-#include "share.hxx"
-using namespace ::com::sun::star::uno;
-static typelib_TypeClass cpp2uno_call(
-    bridges::cpp_uno::shared::CppInterfaceProxy * pThis,
-    const typelib_TypeDescription * pMemberTypeDescr,
-    typelib_TypeDescriptionReference * pReturnTypeRef, // 0 indicates void return
-    sal_Int32 nParams, typelib_MethodParameter * pParams,
-        void ** gpreg, void ** fpreg, void ** ovrflw,
-    sal_Int64 * pRegisterReturn /* space for register return */ )
-        // gpreg:  [ret *], this, [gpr params]
-        // fpreg:  [fpr params]
-        // ovrflw: [gpr or fpr params (space for entire parameter list in structure format properly aligned)]
-    // return
-    typelib_TypeDescription * pReturnTypeDescr = 0;
-    if (pReturnTypeRef)
-        TYPELIB_DANGER_GET( &pReturnTypeDescr, pReturnTypeRef );
-    void * pUnoReturn = 0;
-    void * pCppReturn = 0; // complex return ptr: if != 0 && != pUnoReturn, reconversion need
-    sal_Int32 ngpreg = 0;
-    sal_Int32 nfpreg = 0;
-    if (pReturnTypeDescr)
-    {
-        if (bridges::cpp_uno::shared::isSimpleType( pReturnTypeDescr ))
-            pUnoReturn = pRegisterReturn; // direct way for simple types
-        else // complex return via ptr (pCppReturn)
-        {
-            pCppReturn = *gpreg;
-            ngpreg++;
-            ++ovrflw;
-            pUnoReturn = (bridges::cpp_uno::shared::relatesToInterfaceType( pReturnTypeDescr )
-                          ? alloca( pReturnTypeDescr->nSize )
-                          : pCppReturn); // direct way
-        }
-    }
-    // pop this
-    ngpreg++;
-    ++ovrflw;
-        // after handling optional return pointer and "this"
-        // make use of the space that is allocated to store all parameters in the callers stack
-        // by comying the proper registers filled with parameters to that space
-    char * pCppStack = (char *)ovrflw;
-    sal_Int32 nPos;
-    for ( nPos = 0; nPos < nParams; ++nPos )
-    {
-        const typelib_MethodParameter & rParam = pParams[nPos];
-        if (rParam.bOut)
-        {
-            if (ngpreg < 8)
-            {
-                *(sal_Int32 *)pCppStack = ((sal_Int32 *)gpreg)[ngpreg++];
-            }
-            pCppStack += sizeof (sal_Int32);
-        }
-        else
-        {
-        switch (rParam.pTypeRef->eTypeClass)
-        {
-        case typelib_TypeClass_FLOAT:
-            if (nfpreg < 13)
-            {
-                *(float *)pCppStack = ((double *)fpreg)[nfpreg++];
-            }
-            pCppStack += sizeof (float);
-            ngpreg += 1;
-            break;
-        case typelib_TypeClass_DOUBLE:
-            if (nfpreg < 13)
-            {
-                *(double *)pCppStack = ((double *)fpreg)[nfpreg++];
-            }
-            pCppStack += sizeof (double);
-            ngpreg += 2;
-            break;
-        case typelib_TypeClass_UNSIGNED_HYPER:
-        case typelib_TypeClass_HYPER:
-            if (ngpreg < 8)
-            {
-                *(sal_Int32 *)pCppStack = ((sal_Int32 *)gpreg)[ngpreg++];
-            }
-            pCppStack += sizeof (sal_Int32);
-                        // fall through on purpose
-        default:
-            if (ngpreg < 8)
-            {
-                *(sal_Int32 *)pCppStack = ((sal_Int32 *)gpreg)[ngpreg++];
-            }
-            pCppStack += sizeof (sal_Int32);
-        }
-        }
-    }
-        // now the stack has all of the parameters stored in it ready to be processed
-        // so we are ready to build the uno call stack
-    pCppStack = (char *)ovrflw;
-    // stack space
-    OSL_ENSURE( sizeof(void *) == sizeof(sal_Int32), "### unexpected size!" );
-    // parameters
-    void ** pUnoArgs = (void **)alloca( 4 * sizeof(void *) * nParams );
-    void ** pCppArgs = pUnoArgs + nParams;
-    // indizes of values this have to be converted (interface conversion cpp<=>uno)
-    sal_Int32 * pTempIndizes = (sal_Int32 *)(pUnoArgs + (2 * nParams));
-    // type descriptions for reconversions
-    typelib_TypeDescription ** ppTempParamTypeDescr = (typelib_TypeDescription **)(pUnoArgs + (3 * nParams));
-    sal_Int32 nTempIndizes   = 0;
-    for ( nPos = 0; nPos < nParams; ++nPos )
-    {
-        const typelib_MethodParameter & rParam = pParams[nPos];
-        typelib_TypeDescription * pParamTypeDescr = 0;
-        TYPELIB_DANGER_GET( &pParamTypeDescr, rParam.pTypeRef );
-        if (!rParam.bOut && bridges::cpp_uno::shared::isSimpleType( pParamTypeDescr ))
-                // value
-        {
-            switch (pParamTypeDescr->eTypeClass)
-            {
-            case typelib_TypeClass_BOOLEAN:
-            case typelib_TypeClass_BYTE:
-                pCppArgs[nPos] = pCppStack +3;
-                pUnoArgs[nPos] = pCppStack +3;
-                break;
-            case typelib_TypeClass_CHAR:
-            case typelib_TypeClass_SHORT:
-            case typelib_TypeClass_UNSIGNED_SHORT:
-                pCppArgs[nPos] = pCppStack +2;
-                pUnoArgs[nPos] = pCppStack +2;
-                break;
-            case typelib_TypeClass_HYPER:
-            case typelib_TypeClass_UNSIGNED_HYPER:
-            case typelib_TypeClass_DOUBLE:
-                pCppArgs[nPos] = pCppStack;
-                pUnoArgs[nPos] = pCppStack;
-                pCppStack += sizeof(sal_Int32); // extra long (two regs)
-                break;
-            default:
-                pCppArgs[nPos] = pCppStack;
-                pUnoArgs[nPos] = pCppStack;
-            }
-            // no longer needed
-            TYPELIB_DANGER_RELEASE( pParamTypeDescr );
-        }
-        else // ptr to complex value | ref
-        {
-            pCppArgs[nPos] = *(void **)pCppStack;
-            if (! rParam.bIn) // is pure out
-            {
-                // uno out is unconstructed mem!
-                pUnoArgs[nPos] = alloca( pParamTypeDescr->nSize );
-                pTempIndizes[nTempIndizes] = nPos;
-                // will be released at reconversion
-                ppTempParamTypeDescr[nTempIndizes++] = pParamTypeDescr;
-            }
-            // is in/inout
-            else if (bridges::cpp_uno::shared::relatesToInterfaceType( pParamTypeDescr ))
-            {
-                uno_copyAndConvertData( pUnoArgs[nPos] = alloca( pParamTypeDescr->nSize ),
-                                        *(void **)pCppStack, pParamTypeDescr,
-                                        pThis->getBridge()->getCpp2Uno() );
-                pTempIndizes[nTempIndizes] = nPos; // has to be reconverted
-                // will be released at reconversion
-                ppTempParamTypeDescr[nTempIndizes++] = pParamTypeDescr;
-            }
-            else // direct way
-            {
-                pUnoArgs[nPos] = *(void **)pCppStack;
-                // no longer needed
-                TYPELIB_DANGER_RELEASE( pParamTypeDescr );
-            }
-        }
-        pCppStack += sizeof(sal_Int32); // standard parameter length
-    }
-    // ExceptionHolder
-    uno_Any aUnoExc; // Any will be constructed by callee
-    uno_Any * pUnoExc = &aUnoExc;
-    // invoke uno dispatch call
-    (*pThis->getUnoI()->pDispatcher)(
-         pThis->getUnoI(), pMemberTypeDescr, pUnoReturn, pUnoArgs, &pUnoExc );
-    // in case an exception occurred...
-    if (pUnoExc)
-    {
-        // destruct temporary in/inout params
-        for ( ; nTempIndizes--; )
-        {
-            sal_Int32 nIndex = pTempIndizes[nTempIndizes];
-            if (pParams[nIndex].bIn) // is in/inout => was constructed
-                uno_destructData( pUnoArgs[nIndex], ppTempParamTypeDescr[nTempIndizes], 0 );
-            TYPELIB_DANGER_RELEASE( ppTempParamTypeDescr[nTempIndizes] );
-        }
-        if (pReturnTypeDescr)
-            TYPELIB_DANGER_RELEASE( pReturnTypeDescr );
-        CPPU_CURRENT_NAMESPACE::raiseException(
-                    &aUnoExc, pThis->getBridge()->getUno2Cpp() );
-                // has to destruct the any
-        // is here for dummy
-        return typelib_TypeClass_VOID;
-    }
-    else // else no exception occurred...
-    {
-        // temporary params
-        for ( ; nTempIndizes--; )
-        {
-            sal_Int32 nIndex = pTempIndizes[nTempIndizes];
-            typelib_TypeDescription * pParamTypeDescr = ppTempParamTypeDescr[nTempIndizes];
-            if (pParams[nIndex].bOut) // inout/out
-            {
-                // convert and assign
-                uno_destructData( pCppArgs[nIndex], pParamTypeDescr, cpp_release );
-                uno_copyAndConvertData( pCppArgs[nIndex], pUnoArgs[nIndex], pParamTypeDescr,
-                                        pThis->getBridge()->getUno2Cpp() );
-            }
-            // destroy temp uno param
-            uno_destructData( pUnoArgs[nIndex], pParamTypeDescr, 0 );
-            TYPELIB_DANGER_RELEASE( pParamTypeDescr );
-        }
-        // return
-        if (pCppReturn) // has complex return
-        {
-            if (pUnoReturn != pCppReturn) // needs reconversion
-            {
-                uno_copyAndConvertData( pCppReturn, pUnoReturn, pReturnTypeDescr,
-                                        pThis->getBridge()->getUno2Cpp() );
-                // destroy temp uno return
-                uno_destructData( pUnoReturn, pReturnTypeDescr, 0 );
-            }
-            // complex return ptr is set to return reg
-            *(void **)pRegisterReturn = pCppReturn;
-        }
-        if (pReturnTypeDescr)
-        {
-            typelib_TypeClass eRet = (typelib_TypeClass)pReturnTypeDescr->eTypeClass;
-            TYPELIB_DANGER_RELEASE( pReturnTypeDescr );
-            return eRet;
-        }
-        else
-            return typelib_TypeClass_VOID;
-    }
-static typelib_TypeClass cpp_mediate(
-    sal_Int32 nFunctionIndex,
-        sal_Int32 nVtableOffset,
-        void ** gpreg, void ** fpreg, void ** ovrflw,
-    sal_Int64 * pRegisterReturn /* space for register return */ )
-    OSL_ENSURE( sizeof(sal_Int32)==sizeof(void *), "### unexpected!" );
-    // gpreg:  [ret *], this, [other gpr params]
-    // fpreg:  [fpr params]
-    // ovrflw: [gpr or fpr params (in space allocated for all params properly aligned)]
-        void * pThis;
-    if( nFunctionIndex & 0x80000000 )
-    {
-        nFunctionIndex &= 0x7fffffff;
-        pThis = gpreg[1];
-    }
-    else
-        {
-        pThis = gpreg[0];
-        }
-        pThis = static_cast< char * >(pThis) - nVtableOffset;
-        bridges::cpp_uno::shared::CppInterfaceProxy * pCppI
-    = bridges::cpp_uno::shared::CppInterfaceProxy::castInterfaceToProxy(pThis);
-    typelib_InterfaceTypeDescription * pTypeDescr = pCppI->getTypeDescr();
-    OSL_ENSURE( nFunctionIndex < pTypeDescr->nMapFunctionIndexToMemberIndex, "### illegal vtable index!" );
-    if (nFunctionIndex >= pTypeDescr->nMapFunctionIndexToMemberIndex)
-    {
-        throw RuntimeException(
-            rtl::OUString( "illegal vtable index!" ),
-            (XInterface *)pThis );
-    }
-    // determine called method
-    sal_Int32 nMemberPos = pTypeDescr->pMapFunctionIndexToMemberIndex[nFunctionIndex];
-    OSL_ENSURE( nMemberPos < pTypeDescr->nAllMembers, "### illegal member index!" );
-    TypeDescription aMemberDescr( pTypeDescr->ppAllMembers[nMemberPos] );
-    typelib_TypeClass eRet;
-    switch (aMemberDescr.get()->eTypeClass)
-    {
-    case typelib_TypeClass_INTERFACE_ATTRIBUTE:
-    {
-        if (pTypeDescr->pMapMemberIndexToFunctionIndex[nMemberPos] == nFunctionIndex)
-        {
-            // is GET method
-            eRet = cpp2uno_call(
-                pCppI, aMemberDescr.get(),
-                ((typelib_InterfaceAttributeTypeDescription *)aMemberDescr.get())->pAttributeTypeRef,
-                0, 0, // no params
-                gpreg, fpreg, ovrflw, pRegisterReturn );
-        }
-        else
-        {
-            // is SET method
-            typelib_MethodParameter aParam;
-            aParam.pTypeRef =
-                ((typelib_InterfaceAttributeTypeDescription *)aMemberDescr.get())->pAttributeTypeRef;
-            aParam.bIn      = sal_True;
-            aParam.bOut     = sal_False;
-            eRet = cpp2uno_call(
-                pCppI, aMemberDescr.get(),
-                0, // indicates void return
-                1, &aParam,
-                gpreg, fpreg, ovrflw, pRegisterReturn );
-        }
-        break;
-    }
-    case typelib_TypeClass_INTERFACE_METHOD:
-    {
-        // is METHOD
-        switch (nFunctionIndex)
-        {
-        case 1: // acquire()
-            pCppI->acquireProxy(); // non virtual call!
-            eRet = typelib_TypeClass_VOID;
-            break;
-        case 2: // release()
-            pCppI->releaseProxy(); // non virtual call!
-            eRet = typelib_TypeClass_VOID;
-            break;
-        case 0: // queryInterface() opt
-        {
-            typelib_TypeDescription * pTD = 0;
-            TYPELIB_DANGER_GET( &pTD, reinterpret_cast< Type * >( gpreg[2] )->getTypeLibType() );
-            if (pTD)
-            {
-                XInterface * pInterface = 0;
-                (*pCppI->getBridge()->getCppEnv()->getRegisteredInterface)(
-                    pCppI->getBridge()->getCppEnv(),
-                    (void **)&pInterface, pCppI->getOid().pData, (typelib_InterfaceTypeDescription *)pTD );
-                if (pInterface)
-                {
-                    ::uno_any_construct(
-                        reinterpret_cast< uno_Any * >( gpreg[0] ),
-                        &pInterface, pTD, cpp_acquire );
-                    pInterface->release();
-                    TYPELIB_DANGER_RELEASE( pTD );
-                    *(void **)pRegisterReturn = gpreg[0];
-                    eRet = typelib_TypeClass_ANY;
-                    break;
-                }
-                TYPELIB_DANGER_RELEASE( pTD );
-            }
-        } // else perform queryInterface()
-        default:
-            eRet = cpp2uno_call(
-                pCppI, aMemberDescr.get(),
-                ((typelib_InterfaceMethodTypeDescription *)aMemberDescr.get())->pReturnTypeRef,
-                ((typelib_InterfaceMethodTypeDescription *)aMemberDescr.get())->nParams,
-                ((typelib_InterfaceMethodTypeDescription *)aMemberDescr.get())->pParams,
-                gpreg, fpreg, ovrflw, pRegisterReturn );
-        }
-        break;
-    }
-    default:
-    {
-        throw RuntimeException(
-            rtl::OUString( "no member description found!" ),
-            (XInterface *)pThis );
-    }
-    }
-    return eRet;
- * is called on incoming vtable calls
- * (called by asm snippets)
- */
-static void cpp_vtable_call( int nFunctionIndex, int nVtableOffset, void** gpregptr, void** fpregptr, void** ovrflw)
-        sal_Int32     gpreg[8];
-        double        fpreg[13];
-        // FIXME: why are we restoring the volatile ctr register here
-    sal_Int32   ctrsave = ((sal_Int32*)gpregptr)[-1];
-        memcpy( gpreg, gpregptr, 32);
-        memcpy( fpreg, fpregptr, 104);
-    volatile long nRegReturn[2];
-        // sal_Bool bComplex = nFunctionIndex & 0x80000000 ? sal_True : sal_False;
-    typelib_TypeClass aType =
-             cpp_mediate( nFunctionIndex, nVtableOffset, (void**)gpreg, (void**)fpreg, ovrflw, (sal_Int64*)nRegReturn );
-        // FIXME: why are we restoring the volatile ctr register here
-        // FIXME: and why are we putting back the values for r4, r5, and r6 as well
-        // FIXME: this makes no sense to me, all of these registers are volatile!
-    __asm__( "lwz r4, %0\n\t"
-        "mtctr r4\n\t"
-        "lwz r4, %1\n\t"
-        "lwz r5, %2\n\t"
-        "lwz r6, %3\n\t"
-         : : "m"(ctrsave), "m"(gpreg[1]), "m"(gpreg[2]), "m"(gpreg[3]) );
-    switch( aType )
-    {
-                // move return value into register space
-                // (will be loaded by machine code snippet)
-                case typelib_TypeClass_BOOLEAN:
-                case typelib_TypeClass_BYTE:
-                  __asm__( "lbz r3,%0\n\t" : :
-               "m"(nRegReturn[0]) );
-                  break;
-                case typelib_TypeClass_CHAR:
-                case typelib_TypeClass_SHORT:
-                case typelib_TypeClass_UNSIGNED_SHORT:
-                  __asm__( "lhz r3,%0\n\t" : :
-               "m"(nRegReturn[0]) );
-                  break;
-        case typelib_TypeClass_FLOAT:
-                  __asm__( "lfs f1,%0\n\t" : :
-                           "m" (*((float*)nRegReturn)) );
-          break;
-        case typelib_TypeClass_DOUBLE:
-          __asm__( "lfd f1,%0\n\t" : :
-                           "m" (*((double*)nRegReturn)) );
-          break;
-        case typelib_TypeClass_HYPER:
-        case typelib_TypeClass_UNSIGNED_HYPER:
-          __asm__( "lwz r4,%0\n\t" : :
-                           "m"(nRegReturn[1]) );  // fall through
-        default:
-          __asm__( "lwz r3,%0\n\t" : :
-                           "m"(nRegReturn[0]) );
-          break;
-    }
-int const codeSnippetSize = 136;
-unsigned char * codeSnippet( unsigned char * code, sal_Int32 functionIndex,
-                  sal_Int32 vtableOffset, bool simpleRetType )
-    if (! simpleRetType )
-        functionIndex |= 0x80000000;
-    // OSL_ASSERT( sizeof (long) == 4 );
-    // FIXME: why are we leaving an 8k gap in the stack here
-    // FIXME: is this to allow room for signal handling frames?
-    // FIXME: seems like overkill here but this is what was done for Mac OSX for gcc2
-    // FIXME: also why no saving of the non-volatile CR pieces here, to be safe
-    // FIXME: we probably should
-    /* generate this code */
-    // # so first save gpr 3 to gpr 10 (aligned to 4)
-    //  stw   r3, -8000(r1)
-    //  stw   r4, -7996(r1)
-    //  stw   r5, -7992(r1)
-    //  stw   r6, -7988(r1)
-    //  stw   r7, -7984(r1)
-    //  stw   r8, -7980(r1)
-    //  stw   r9, -7976(r1)
-    //  stw   r10,-7972(r1)
-    // # next save fpr 1 to fpr 13 (aligned to 8)
-    //  stfd  f1, -7968(r1)
-    //  stfd  f2, -7960(r1)
-    //  stfd  f3, -7952(r1)
-    //  stfd  f4, -7944(r1)
-    //  stfd  f5, -7936(r1)
-    //  stfd  f6, -7928(r1)
-    //  stfd  f7, -7920(r1)
-    //  stfd  f8, -7912(r1)
-    //  stfd  f9, -7904(r1)
-    //  stfd  f10,-7896(r1)
-    //  stfd  f11,-7888(r1)
-    //  stfd  f12,-7880(r1)
-    //  stfd  f13,-7872(r1)
-    // FIXME: ctr is volatile, while are we saving it and not CR?
-    // mfctr r3
-    // stw r3, -8004(r1)
-    // # now here is where cpp_vtable_call must go
-    // lis r3,0xdead
-    // ori r3,r3,0xbeef
-    // mtctr r3
-    // # now load up the functionIndex number
-    // lis r3, 0xdead
-    // ori r3,r3,0xbeef
-    // # now load up the vtableOffset
-    // lis r4, 0xdead
-    // ori r4,r4,0xbeef
-    // #now load up the pointer to the saved gpr registers
-    // addi r5,r1,-8000
-    // #now load up the pointer to the saved fpr registers
-    // addi r6,r1,-7968
-    // #now load up the pointer to the overflow call stack
-    // addi r7,r1,24 # frame pointer plus 24
-    // bctr
-    unsigned long * p = (unsigned long *) code;
-    * p++ = 0x9061e0c0;
-    * p++ = 0x9081e0c4;
-    * p++ = 0x90a1e0c8;
-    * p++ = 0x90c1e0cc;
-    * p++ = 0x90e1e0d0;
-    * p++ = 0x9101e0d4;
-    * p++ = 0x9121e0d8;
-    * p++ = 0x9141e0dc;
-    * p++ = 0xd821e0e0;
-    * p++ = 0xd841e0e8;
-    * p++ = 0xd861e0f0;
-    * p++ = 0xd881e0f8;
-    * p++ = 0xd8a1e100;
-    * p++ = 0xd8c1e108;
-    * p++ = 0xd8e1e110;
-    * p++ = 0xd901e118;
-    * p++ = 0xd921e120;
-    * p++ = 0xd941e128;
-    * p++ = 0xd961e130;
-    * p++ = 0xd981e138;
-    * p++ = 0xd9a1e140;
-    * p++ = 0x7c6902a6;
-    * p++ = 0x9061e0bc;
-    * p++ = 0x3c600000 | (((unsigned long)cpp_vtable_call) >> 16);
-    * p++ = 0x60630000 | (((unsigned long)cpp_vtable_call) & 0x0000FFFF);
-    * p++ = 0x7c6903a6;
-    * p++ = 0x3c600000 | (((unsigned long)functionIndex) >> 16);
-    * p++ = 0x60630000 | (((unsigned long)functionIndex) & 0x0000FFFF);
-    * p++ = 0x3c800000 | (((unsigned long)vtableOffset) >> 16);
-    * p++ = 0x60840000 | (((unsigned long)vtableOffset) & 0x0000FFFF);
-    * p++ = 0x38a1e0c0;
-    * p++ = 0x38c1e0e0;
-    * p++ = 0x38e10018;
-    * p++ = 0x4e800420;
-    return (code + codeSnippetSize);
-void bridges::cpp_uno::shared::VtableFactory::flushCode(unsigned char const * bptr, unsigned char const * eptr)
-    int const lineSize = 32;
-    for (unsigned char const * p = bptr; p < eptr + lineSize; p += lineSize) {
-        __asm__ volatile ("dcbst 0, %0" : : "r"(p) : "memory");
-    }
-    __asm__ volatile ("sync" : : : "memory");
-    for (unsigned char const * p = bptr; p < eptr + lineSize; p += lineSize) {
-        __asm__ volatile ("icbi 0, %0" : : "r"(p) : "memory");
-    }
-    __asm__ volatile ("isync" : : : "memory");
-struct bridges::cpp_uno::shared::VtableFactory::Slot { void * fn; };
-bridges::cpp_uno::shared::VtableFactory::Slot *
-bridges::cpp_uno::shared::VtableFactory::mapBlockToVtable(void * block)
-    return static_cast< Slot * >(block) + 2;
-sal_Size bridges::cpp_uno::shared::VtableFactory::getBlockSize(
-    sal_Int32 slotCount)
-    return (slotCount + 2) * sizeof (Slot) + slotCount * codeSnippetSize;
-bridges::cpp_uno::shared::VtableFactory::Slot *
-    void * block, sal_Int32 slotCount)
-    Slot * slots = mapBlockToVtable(block);
-    slots[-2].fn = 0;
-    slots[-1].fn = 0;
-    return slots + slotCount;
-unsigned char * bridges::cpp_uno::shared::VtableFactory::addLocalFunctions(
-    Slot ** slots, unsigned char * code,
-    typelib_InterfaceTypeDescription const * type, sal_Int32 functionOffset,
-    sal_Int32 functionCount, sal_Int32 vtableOffset)
-    (*slots) -= functionCount;
-    Slot * s = *slots;
-  // fprintf(stderr, "in addLocalFunctions functionOffset is %x\n",functionOffset);
-  // fprintf(stderr, "in addLocalFunctions vtableOffset is %x\n",vtableOffset);
-  // fflush(stderr);
-    for (sal_Int32 i = 0; i < type->nMembers; ++i) {
-        typelib_TypeDescription * member = 0;
-        TYPELIB_DANGER_GET(&member, type->ppMembers[i]);
-        OSL_ASSERT(member != 0);
-        switch (member->eTypeClass) {
-        case typelib_TypeClass_INTERFACE_ATTRIBUTE:
-            // Getter:
-            (s++)->fn = code;
-            code = codeSnippet(
-                code, functionOffset++, vtableOffset,
-                bridges::cpp_uno::shared::isSimpleType(
-                    reinterpret_cast<
-                    typelib_InterfaceAttributeTypeDescription * >(
-                        member)->pAttributeTypeRef));
-            // Setter:
-            if (!reinterpret_cast<
-                typelib_InterfaceAttributeTypeDescription * >(
-                    member)->bReadOnly)
-            {
-                (s++)->fn = code;
-                code = codeSnippet(code, functionOffset++, vtableOffset, true);
-            }
-            break;
-        case typelib_TypeClass_INTERFACE_METHOD:
-            (s++)->fn = code;
-            code = codeSnippet(
-                code, functionOffset++, vtableOffset,
-                bridges::cpp_uno::shared::isSimpleType(
-                    reinterpret_cast<
-                    typelib_InterfaceMethodTypeDescription * >(
-                        member)->pReturnTypeRef));
-            break;
-        default:
-            OSL_ASSERT(false);
-            break;
-        }
-        TYPELIB_DANGER_RELEASE(member);
-    }
-    return code;
-/* vim:set shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4 expandtab: */
diff --git a/bridges/source/cpp_uno/gcc3_macosx_powerpc/except.cxx b/bridges/source/cpp_uno/gcc3_macosx_powerpc/except.cxx
deleted file mode 100644
index a4ba995..0000000
--- a/bridges/source/cpp_uno/gcc3_macosx_powerpc/except.cxx
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,277 +0,0 @@
-/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- */
- * This file is part of the LibreOffice project.
- *
- * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
- *
- * This file incorporates work covered by the following license notice:
- *
- *   Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
- *   contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed
- *   with this work for additional information regarding copyright
- *   ownership. The ASF licenses this file to you under the Apache
- *   License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file
- *   except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
- *   the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 .
- */
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <dlfcn.h>
-#include <cxxabi.h>
-#include <boost/unordered_map.hpp>
-#include <rtl/strbuf.hxx>
-#include <rtl/ustrbuf.hxx>
-#include <osl/diagnose.h>
-#include <osl/mutex.hxx>
-#include <com/sun/star/uno/genfunc.hxx>
-#include <typelib/typedescription.hxx>
-#include <uno/any2.h>
-#include "share.hxx"
-using namespace ::std;
-using namespace ::osl;
-using namespace ::rtl;
-using namespace ::com::sun::star::uno;
-using namespace ::__cxxabiv1;
-void dummy_can_throw_anything( char const * )
-static OUString toUNOname( char const * p ) SAL_THROW(())
-#ifdef DEBUG
-    char const * start = p;
-    // example: N3com3sun4star4lang24IllegalArgumentExceptionE
-    OUStringBuffer buf( 64 );
-    OSL_ASSERT( 'N' == *p );
-    ++p; // skip N
-    while ('E' != *p)
-    {
-        // read chars count
-        long n = (*p++ - '0');
-        while ('0' <= *p && '9' >= *p)
-        {
-            n *= 10;
-            n += (*p++ - '0');
-        }
-        buf.appendAscii( p, n );
-        p += n;
-        if ('E' != *p)
-            buf.append( (sal_Unicode)'.' );
-    }
-#ifdef DEBUG
-    OUString ret( buf.makeStringAndClear() );
-    OString c_ret( OUStringToOString( ret, RTL_TEXTENCODING_ASCII_US ) );
-    fprintf( stderr, "> toUNOname(): %s => %s\n", start, c_ret.getStr() );
-    return ret;
-    return buf.makeStringAndClear();
-class RTTI
-    typedef boost::unordered_map< OUString, type_info *, OUStringHash > t_rtti_map;
-    Mutex m_mutex;
-    t_rtti_map m_rttis;
-    t_rtti_map m_generatedRttis;
-    void * m_hApp;
-    RTTI() SAL_THROW(());
-    ~RTTI() SAL_THROW(());
-    type_info * getRTTI( typelib_CompoundTypeDescription * ) SAL_THROW(());
-    : m_hApp( dlopen( 0, RTLD_LAZY ) )
-    dlclose( m_hApp );
-type_info * RTTI::getRTTI( typelib_CompoundTypeDescription *pTypeDescr ) SAL_THROW(())
-    type_info * rtti;
-    OUString const & unoName = *(OUString const *)&pTypeDescr->aBase.pTypeName;
-    MutexGuard guard( m_mutex );
-    t_rtti_map::const_iterator iFind( m_rttis.find( unoName ) );
-    if (iFind == m_rttis.end())
-    {
-        // RTTI symbol
-        OStringBuffer buf( 64 );
-        buf.append( "_ZTIN" );
-        sal_Int32 index = 0;
-        do
-        {
-            OUString token( unoName.getToken( 0, '.', index ) );
-            buf.append( token.getLength() );
-            OString c_token( OUStringToOString( token, RTL_TEXTENCODING_ASCII_US ) );
-            buf.append( c_token );
-        }
-        while (index >= 0);
-        buf.append( 'E' );
-        OString symName( buf.makeStringAndClear() );
-        rtti = (type_info *)dlsym( m_hApp, symName.getStr() );
-        if (rtti)
-        {
-            pair< t_rtti_map::iterator, bool > insertion(
-                m_rttis.insert( t_rtti_map::value_type( unoName, rtti ) ) );
-            OSL_ENSURE( insertion.second, "### inserting new rtti failed?!" );
-        }
-        else
-        {
-            // try to lookup the symbol in the generated rtti map
-            t_rtti_map::const_iterator iiFind( m_generatedRttis.find( unoName ) );
-            if (iiFind == m_generatedRttis.end())
-            {
-                // we must generate it !
-                // symbol and rtti-name is nearly identical,
-                // the symbol is prefixed with _ZTI
-                char const * rttiName = symName.getStr() +4;
-#ifdef DEBUG
-                fprintf( stderr,"generated rtti for %s\n", rttiName );
-                if (pTypeDescr->pBaseTypeDescription)
-                {
-                    // ensure availability of base
-                    type_info * base_rtti = getRTTI(
-                        (typelib_CompoundTypeDescription *)pTypeDescr->pBaseTypeDescription );
-                    rtti = new __si_class_type_info(
-                        strdup( rttiName ), (__class_type_info *)base_rtti );
-                }
-                else
-                {
-                    // this class has no base class
-                    rtti = new __class_type_info( strdup( rttiName ) );
-                }
-                pair< t_rtti_map::iterator, bool > insertion(
-                    m_generatedRttis.insert( t_rtti_map::value_type( unoName, rtti ) ) );
-                OSL_ENSURE( insertion.second, "### inserting new generated rtti failed?!" );
-            }
-            else // taking already generated rtti
-            {
-                rtti = iiFind->second;
-            }
-        }
-    }
-    else
-    {
-        rtti = iFind->second;
-    }
-    return rtti;
-static void deleteException( void * pExc )
-    __cxa_exception const * header = ((__cxa_exception const *)pExc - 1);
-    typelib_TypeDescription * pTD = 0;
-    OUString unoName( toUNOname( header->exceptionType->name() ) );
-    ::typelib_typedescription_getByName( &pTD, unoName.pData );
-    OSL_ENSURE( pTD, "### unknown exception type! leaving out destruction => leaking!!!" );
-    if (pTD)
-    {
-        ::uno_destructData( pExc, pTD, cpp_release );
-        ::typelib_typedescription_release( pTD );
-    }
-void raiseException( uno_Any * pUnoExc, uno_Mapping * pUno2Cpp )
-    void * pCppExc;
-    type_info * rtti;
-    {
-    // construct cpp exception object
-    typelib_TypeDescription * pTypeDescr = 0;
-    TYPELIB_DANGER_GET( &pTypeDescr, pUnoExc->pType );
-    OSL_ASSERT( pTypeDescr );
-    if (! pTypeDescr)
-        terminate();
-    pCppExc = __cxa_allocate_exception( pTypeDescr->nSize );
-    ::uno_copyAndConvertData( pCppExc, pUnoExc->pData, pTypeDescr, pUno2Cpp );
-    // destruct uno exception
-    ::uno_any_destruct( pUnoExc, 0 );
-    // avoiding locked counts
-    static RTTI * s_rtti = 0;
-    if (! s_rtti)
-    {
-        MutexGuard guard( Mutex::getGlobalMutex() );
-        if (! s_rtti)
-        {
-            s_rtti = new RTTI();
-            static RTTI rtti_data;
-            s_rtti = &rtti_data;
-        }
-    }
-    rtti = (type_info *)s_rtti->getRTTI( (typelib_CompoundTypeDescription *) pTypeDescr );
-    OSL_ENSURE( rtti, "### no rtti for throwing exception!" );
-    if (! rtti)
-        terminate();
-    }
-    __cxa_throw( pCppExc, rtti, deleteException );
-void fillUnoException( __cxa_exception * header, uno_Any * pExc, uno_Mapping * pCpp2Uno )
-    OSL_ENSURE( header, "### no exception header!!!" );
-    if (! header)
-        terminate();
-    typelib_TypeDescription * pExcTypeDescr = 0;
-    OUString unoName( toUNOname( header->exceptionType->name() ) );
-    ::typelib_typedescription_getByName( &pExcTypeDescr, unoName.pData );
-    OSL_ENSURE( pExcTypeDescr, "### can not get type description for exception!!!" );
-    if (! pExcTypeDescr)
-        terminate();
-    // construct uno exception any
-    ::uno_any_constructAndConvert( pExc, header->adjustedPtr, pExcTypeDescr, pCpp2Uno );
-    ::typelib_typedescription_release( pExcTypeDescr );
-/* vim:set shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4 expandtab: */
diff --git a/bridges/source/cpp_uno/gcc3_macosx_powerpc/share.hxx b/bridges/source/cpp_uno/gcc3_macosx_powerpc/share.hxx
deleted file mode 100644
index 0bc37f6..0000000
--- a/bridges/source/cpp_uno/gcc3_macosx_powerpc/share.hxx
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,85 +0,0 @@
-/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- */
- * This file is part of the LibreOffice project.
- *
- * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
- *
- * This file incorporates work covered by the following license notice:
- *
- *   Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
- *   contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed
- *   with this work for additional information regarding copyright
- *   ownership. The ASF licenses this file to you under the Apache
- *   License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file
- *   except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
- *   the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 .
- */
-#include "uno/mapping.h"
-#include <typeinfo>
-#include <exception>
-#include <cstddef>
-  void dummy_can_throw_anything( char const * );
-// ----- following decl from libstdc++-v3/libsupc++/unwind-cxx.h and unwind.h
-struct _Unwind_Exception
-    unsigned exception_class __attribute__((__mode__(__DI__)));
-    void * exception_cleanup;
-    unsigned private_1 __attribute__((__mode__(__word__)));
-    unsigned private_2 __attribute__((__mode__(__word__)));
-} __attribute__((__aligned__));
-struct __cxa_exception
-    ::std::type_info *exceptionType;
-    void (*exceptionDestructor)(void *);
-    ::std::unexpected_handler unexpectedHandler;
-    ::std::terminate_handler terminateHandler;
-    __cxa_exception *nextException;
-    int handlerCount;
-    int handlerSwitchValue;
-    const unsigned char *actionRecord;
-    const unsigned char *languageSpecificData;
-    void *catchTemp;
-    void *adjustedPtr;
-    _Unwind_Exception unwindHeader;
-extern "C" void *__cxa_allocate_exception(
-    std::size_t thrown_size ) throw();
-extern "C" void __cxa_throw (
-    void *thrown_exception, std::type_info *tinfo, void (*dest) (void *) ) __attribute__((noreturn));
-struct __cxa_eh_globals
-    __cxa_exception *caughtExceptions;
-    unsigned int uncaughtExceptions;
-extern "C" __cxa_eh_globals *__cxa_get_globals () throw();
-// -----
-void raiseException(
-    uno_Any * pUnoExc, uno_Mapping * pUno2Cpp );
-void fillUnoException(
-    __cxa_exception * header, uno_Any *, uno_Mapping * pCpp2Uno );
-/* vim:set shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4 expandtab: */
diff --git a/bridges/source/cpp_uno/gcc3_macosx_powerpc/uno2cpp.cxx b/bridges/source/cpp_uno/gcc3_macosx_powerpc/uno2cpp.cxx
deleted file mode 100644
index 0f5e0bc..0000000
--- a/bridges/source/cpp_uno/gcc3_macosx_powerpc/uno2cpp.cxx
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,636 +0,0 @@
-/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- */
- * This file is part of the LibreOffice project.
- *
- * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
- *
- * This file incorporates work covered by the following license notice:
- *
- *   Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
- *   contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed
- *   with this work for additional information regarding copyright
- *   ownership. The ASF licenses this file to you under the Apache
- *   License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file
- *   except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
- *   the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 .
- */
-#include <sys/types.h>
-#include <sys/malloc.h>
-#include <com/sun/star/uno/genfunc.hxx>
-#include <uno/data.h>
-#include "bridges/cpp_uno/shared/bridge.hxx"
-#include "bridges/cpp_uno/shared/types.hxx"
-#include "bridges/cpp_uno/shared/unointerfaceproxy.hxx"
-#include "bridges/cpp_uno/shared/vtables.hxx"
-#include "share.hxx"
-using namespace ::rtl;
-using namespace ::com::sun::star::uno;
-static void callVirtualMethod(
-    void * pAdjustedThisPtr,
-    sal_Int32 nVtableIndex,
-    void * pRegisterReturn,
-    typelib_TypeClass eReturnType,
-    char * pPT,
-    sal_Int32 * pStackLongs,
-    sal_Int32 /* nStackLongs */)
-  // parameter list is mixed list of * and values
-  // reference parameters are pointers
-  // the basic idea here is to use gpr[8] as a storage area for
-  // the future values of registers r3 to r10 needed for the call,
-  // and similarly fpr[13] as a storage area for the future values
-  // of floating point registers f1 to f13
-     unsigned long * mfunc;        // actual function to be invoked
-     int gpr[8];                   // storage for gpregisters, map to r3-r10
-     int off;                      // offset used to find function
-     double fpr[13];               // storage for fpregisters, map to f1-f13
-     int n;                        // number of gprs mapped so far
-     int f;                        // number of fprs mapped so far
-     volatile long *p;             // pointer to parameter overflow area
-     int c;                        // character of parameter type being decoded
-     volatile double dret;         // temporary function return values
-     volatile int iret, iret2;
-     // Because of the Power PC calling conventions we could be passing
-     // parameters in both register types and on the stack. To create the
-     // stack parameter area we need we now simply allocate local
-     // variable storage param[] that is at least the size of the parameter stack
-     // (more than enough space) which we can overwrite the parameters into.
-     // Note: This keeps us from having to decode the signature twice and
-     // prevents problems with later local variables.
-     // FIXME: I do not believe the following is true but we will keep the
-     // FIXME: extra space just to be safe until proven otherwise
-     // Note: could require up to  2*nStackLongs words of parameter stack area
-     // if the call has many float parameters (i.e. floats take up only 1
-     // word on the stack but take 2 words in parameter area in the
-     // stack frame .
-     // unsigned long param[(2*nStackLongs)];
-     /* now begin to load the C++ function arguments into storage */
-     n = 0;
-     f = 0;
-     /* set up a pointer to the stack parameter area */
-     __asm__ ( "addi %0,r1,24" : "=r" (p) : /* no inputs */ );
-     // #i94421#, work around compiler error:
-     volatile long * pCopy = p;
-     (void) pCopy; // avoid warning about unused variable
-     // never called
-     // if (! pAdjustedThisPtr )CPPU_CURRENT_NAMESPACE::dummy_can_throw_anything("xxx"); // address something
-     // now we need to parse the entire signature string
-     // until we get the END indicator
-     // treat complex return pointer like any other parameter
-     // parse the argument list up to the ending )
-     while (*pPT != 'X') {
-       c = *pPT;
-       switch (c) {
-       case 'D':                   /* type is double */
-            if (f < 13) {
-               fpr[f++] = *((double *)pStackLongs);   /* store in register */
-               n+=2;
-               p+=2;
-            } else {
-               *p++ = *pStackLongs;       /* or on the parameter stack */
-               *p++ = *(pStackLongs + 1);
-            }
-            pStackLongs += 2;
-            break;
-       case 'F':                   /* type is float */
-         /* floats are stored as 1 32 bit word on param stack */
-            if (f < 13) {
-               fpr[f++] = *((float *)pStackLongs);
-               n+=1;
-           p++;
-            } else {
-               *((float *)p) = *((float *)pStackLongs);
-               p += 1;
-            }
-            pStackLongs += 1;
-            break;
-       case 'H':                /* type is long long */
-            if (n < 8)
-            {
-               gpr[n++] = *pStackLongs;
-               p++;
-            }
-        else
-               *p++ = *pStackLongs;
-            if(n < 8)
-            {
-               gpr[n++] = *(pStackLongs+1);
-               p++;
-            }
-            else
-               *p++ = *(pStackLongs+1);
-            pStackLongs += 2;
-            break;
-       case 'S':
-            if (n < 8) {
-               gpr[n++] = *((unsigned short*)pStackLongs);
-               p++;
-            } else {
-               *p++ = *((unsigned short *)pStackLongs);
-            }
-            pStackLongs += 1;
-            break;
-       case 'B':
-            if (n < 8) {
-               gpr[n++] = *((char *)pStackLongs);
-               p++;
-            } else {
-               *p++ = *((char *)pStackLongs);
-            }
-            pStackLongs += 1;
-            break;
-       default:
-            if (n < 8) {
-               gpr[n++] = *pStackLongs;
-               p++;
-            } else {
-               *p++ = *pStackLongs;
-            }
-            pStackLongs += 1;
-            break;
-       }
-       pPT++;
-     }
-     /* figure out the address of the function we need to invoke */
-     off = nVtableIndex;
-     off = off * 4;                         // 4 bytes per slot
-     mfunc = *((unsigned long **)pAdjustedThisPtr);    // get the address of the vtable
-     mfunc = (unsigned long *)((char *)mfunc + off); // get the address from the vtable entry at offset
-     mfunc = *((unsigned long **)mfunc);                 // the function is stored at the address
-     typedef void (*FunctionCall)(sal_uInt32, sal_uInt32, sal_uInt32, sal_uInt32, sal_uInt32, sal_uInt32, sal_uInt32, sal_uInt32);
-     FunctionCall ptr = (FunctionCall)mfunc;
-    /* Set up the machine registers and invoke the function */
-    __asm__ __volatile__ (
-                "lwz     r3,      0(%0)\n\t"
-                "lwz     r4,      4(%0)\n\t"
-                "lwz     r5,      8(%0)\n\t"
-                "lwz     r6,      12(%0)\n\t"
-                "lwz     r7,      16(%0)\n\t"
-                "lwz     r8,      20(%0)\n\t"
-                "lwz     r9,      24(%0)\n\t"
-                "lwz     r10,     28(%0)\n\t"
-                "lfd     f1,      0(%1)\n\t"
-                "lfd     f2,      8(%1)\n\t"
-                "lfd     f3,      16(%1)\n\t"
-                "lfd     f4,      24(%1)\n\t"
-                "lfd     f5,      32(%1)\n\t"
-                "lfd     f6,      40(%1)\n\t"
-                "lfd     f7,      48(%1)\n\t"
-                "lfd     f8,      56(%1)\n\t"
-                "lfd     f9,      64(%1)\n\t"
-                "lfd     f10,     72(%1)\n\t"
-                "lfd     f11,     80(%1)\n\t"
-                "lfd     f12,     88(%1)\n\t"
-                "lfd     f13,     96(%1)\n\t"
-          : : "r" (gpr), "r" (fpr)
-          : "r0", "r3", "r4", "r5", "r6", "r7", "r8", "r9", "r10",
-            "f1", "f2", "f3", "f4", "f5", "f6", "f7", "f8", "f9",
-            "f10", "f11", "f12", "f13"
-    );
-    // tell gcc that r3 to r10 are not available to it for doing the TOC and exception munge on the func call
-    register sal_uInt32 r3 __asm__("r3");
-    register sal_uInt32 r4 __asm__("r4");
-    register sal_uInt32 r5 __asm__("r5");
-    register sal_uInt32 r6 __asm__("r6");
-    register sal_uInt32 r7 __asm__("r7");
-    register sal_uInt32 r8 __asm__("r8");
-    register sal_uInt32 r9 __asm__("r9");
-    register sal_uInt32 r10 __asm__("r10");
-    (*ptr)(r3, r4, r5, r6, r7, r8, r9, r10);
-    __asm__ __volatile__ (
-                "stw     r3,      %1\n\t"
-                "stw     r4,      %2\n\t"
-                "stfd    f1,      %0\n\t"
-        : : "m" (dret), "m" (iret), "m" (iret2)
-    );
-    switch( eReturnType )
-    {
-        case typelib_TypeClass_HYPER:
-        case typelib_TypeClass_UNSIGNED_HYPER:
-            ((long*)pRegisterReturn)[1] = iret2;
-                        // fall thru on purpose
-        case typelib_TypeClass_LONG:
-        case typelib_TypeClass_UNSIGNED_LONG:
-        case typelib_TypeClass_ENUM:
-            ((long*)pRegisterReturn)[0] = iret;
-            break;
-        case typelib_TypeClass_CHAR:
-        case typelib_TypeClass_SHORT:
-        case typelib_TypeClass_UNSIGNED_SHORT:
-                *(unsigned short*)pRegisterReturn = (unsigned short)iret;
-            break;
-        case typelib_TypeClass_BOOLEAN:
-        case typelib_TypeClass_BYTE:
-                *(unsigned char*)pRegisterReturn = (unsigned char)iret;
-            break;
-        case typelib_TypeClass_FLOAT:
-                *(float*)pRegisterReturn = (float)dret;
-            break;
-        case typelib_TypeClass_DOUBLE:
-            *(double*)pRegisterReturn = dret;
-            break;
-        default:
-            break;
-    }
-static void cpp_call(
-    bridges::cpp_uno::shared::UnoInterfaceProxy * pThis,
-    bridges::cpp_uno::shared::VtableSlot aVtableSlot,
-    typelib_TypeDescriptionReference * pReturnTypeRef,
-    sal_Int32 nParams, typelib_MethodParameter * pParams,
-    void * pUnoReturn, void * pUnoArgs[], uno_Any ** ppUnoExc )
-      // max space for: [complex ret ptr], values|ptr ...
-      char * pCppStack      =
-          (char *)alloca( sizeof(sal_Int32) + ((nParams+2) * sizeof(sal_Int64)) );
-      char * pCppStackStart = pCppStack;
-        // need to know parameter types for callVirtualMethod so generate a signature string
-        char * pParamType = (char *) alloca(nParams+2);
-        char * pPT = pParamType;
-    // return
-    typelib_TypeDescription * pReturnTypeDescr = 0;
-    TYPELIB_DANGER_GET( &pReturnTypeDescr, pReturnTypeRef );
-    OSL_ENSURE( pReturnTypeDescr, "### expected return type description!" );
-    void * pCppReturn = 0; // if != 0 && != pUnoReturn, needs reconversion
-    if (pReturnTypeDescr)
-    {
-        if (bridges::cpp_uno::shared::isSimpleType( pReturnTypeDescr ))
-        {
-            pCppReturn = pUnoReturn; // direct way for simple types
-        }
-        else
-        {
-            // complex return via ptr
-            pCppReturn = *(void **)pCppStack
-                           = (bridges::cpp_uno::shared::relatesToInterfaceType( pReturnTypeDescr )
-               ? alloca( pReturnTypeDescr->nSize )
-               : pUnoReturn); // direct way
-                        *pPT++ = 'C'; //signify that a complex return type on stack
-            pCppStack += sizeof(void *);
-        }
-    }
-    // push this
-        void * pAdjustedThisPtr = reinterpret_cast< void ** >(pThis->getCppI())
-      + aVtableSlot.offset;
-    *(void**)pCppStack = pAdjustedThisPtr;
-    pCppStack += sizeof( void* );
-        *pPT++ = 'I';
-    // stack space
-    OSL_ENSURE( sizeof(void *) == sizeof(sal_Int32), "### unexpected size!" );
-    // args
-    void ** pCppArgs  = (void **)alloca( 3 * sizeof(void *) * nParams );
-    // indizes of values this have to be converted (interface conversion cpp<=>uno)
-    sal_Int32 * pTempIndizes = (sal_Int32 *)(pCppArgs + nParams);
-    // type descriptions for reconversions
-    typelib_TypeDescription ** ppTempParamTypeDescr = (typelib_TypeDescription **)(pCppArgs + (2 * nParams));
-    sal_Int32 nTempIndizes   = 0;
-    for ( sal_Int32 nPos = 0; nPos < nParams; ++nPos )
-    {
-        const typelib_MethodParameter & rParam = pParams[nPos];
-        typelib_TypeDescription * pParamTypeDescr = 0;
-        TYPELIB_DANGER_GET( &pParamTypeDescr, rParam.pTypeRef );
-        if (!rParam.bOut
-                    && bridges::cpp_uno::shared::isSimpleType( pParamTypeDescr ))
-        {
-            uno_copyAndConvertData( pCppArgs[nPos] = pCppStack, pUnoArgs[nPos], pParamTypeDescr,
-                                    pThis->getBridge()->getUno2Cpp() );
-            switch (pParamTypeDescr->eTypeClass)
-            {
-                          // we need to know type of each param so that we know whether to use
-                          // gpr or fpr to pass in parameters:
-                          // Key: I - int, long, pointer, etc means pass in gpr
-                          //      B - byte value passed in gpr
-                          //      S - short value passed in gpr
-                          //      F - float value pass in fpr
-                          //      D - double value pass in fpr
-                          //      H - long long int pass in proper pairs of gpr (3,4) (5,6), etc
-                          //      X - indicates end of parameter description string
-                  case typelib_TypeClass_LONG:
-                  case typelib_TypeClass_UNSIGNED_LONG:
-                  case typelib_TypeClass_ENUM:
-                *pPT++ = 'I';
-                break;
-                   case typelib_TypeClass_SHORT:
-                  case typelib_TypeClass_CHAR:
-                  case typelib_TypeClass_UNSIGNED_SHORT:
-                            *pPT++ = 'S';
-                            break;
-                  case typelib_TypeClass_BOOLEAN:
-                  case typelib_TypeClass_BYTE:
-                            *pPT++ = 'B';
-                            break;
-                  case typelib_TypeClass_FLOAT:
-                            *pPT++ = 'F';
-                break;
-                case typelib_TypeClass_DOUBLE:
-                *pPT++ = 'D';
-                pCppStack += sizeof(sal_Int32); // extra long
-                break;
-            case typelib_TypeClass_HYPER:
-            case typelib_TypeClass_UNSIGNED_HYPER:
-                *pPT++ = 'H';
-                pCppStack += sizeof(sal_Int32); // extra long
-            default:
-                break;
-            }
-            // no longer needed
-            TYPELIB_DANGER_RELEASE( pParamTypeDescr );
-        }
-        else // ptr to complex value | ref
-        {
-            if (! rParam.bIn) // is pure out
-            {
-                // cpp out is constructed mem, uno out is not!
-                uno_constructData(
-                    *(void **)pCppStack = pCppArgs[nPos] = alloca( pParamTypeDescr->nSize ),
-                    pParamTypeDescr );
-                pTempIndizes[nTempIndizes] = nPos; // default constructed for cpp call
-                // will be released at reconversion
-                ppTempParamTypeDescr[nTempIndizes++] = pParamTypeDescr;
-            }
-            // is in/inout
-            else if (bridges::cpp_uno::shared::relatesToInterfaceType( pParamTypeDescr ))
-            {
-                uno_copyAndConvertData(
-                    *(void **)pCppStack = pCppArgs[nPos] = alloca( pParamTypeDescr->nSize ),
-                    pUnoArgs[nPos], pParamTypeDescr, pThis->getBridge()->getUno2Cpp() );
-                pTempIndizes[nTempIndizes] = nPos; // has to be reconverted
-                // will be released at reconversion
-                ppTempParamTypeDescr[nTempIndizes++] = pParamTypeDescr;
-            }
-            else // direct way
-            {
-                *(void **)pCppStack = pCppArgs[nPos] = pUnoArgs[nPos];
-                // no longer needed
-                TYPELIB_DANGER_RELEASE( pParamTypeDescr );
-            }
-                        *pPT++='I';
-        }
-        pCppStack += sizeof(sal_Int32); // standard parameter length
-    }
-        // terminate the signature string
-        *pPT++='X';
-        *pPT=0;
-    try
-    {
-        OSL_ENSURE( !( (pCppStack - pCppStackStart ) & 3), "UNALIGNED STACK !!! (Please DO panic)" );
-        callVirtualMethod(
-            pAdjustedThisPtr, aVtableSlot.index,
-            pCppReturn, pReturnTypeDescr->eTypeClass, pParamType,
-            (sal_Int32 *)pCppStackStart, (pCppStack - pCppStackStart) / sizeof(sal_Int32) );
-        // NO exception occurred...
-        *ppUnoExc = 0;
-        // reconvert temporary params
-        for ( ; nTempIndizes--; )
-        {
-            sal_Int32 nIndex = pTempIndizes[nTempIndizes];
-            typelib_TypeDescription * pParamTypeDescr = ppTempParamTypeDescr[nTempIndizes];
-            if (pParams[nIndex].bIn)
-            {
-                if (pParams[nIndex].bOut) // inout
-                {
-                    uno_destructData( pUnoArgs[nIndex], pParamTypeDescr, 0 ); // destroy uno value
-                    uno_copyAndConvertData( pUnoArgs[nIndex], pCppArgs[nIndex], pParamTypeDescr,
-                                            pThis->getBridge()->getCpp2Uno() );
-                }
-            }
-            else // pure out
-            {
-                uno_copyAndConvertData( pUnoArgs[nIndex], pCppArgs[nIndex], pParamTypeDescr,
-                                        pThis->getBridge()->getCpp2Uno() );
-            }
-            // destroy temp cpp param => cpp: every param was constructed
-            uno_destructData( pCppArgs[nIndex], pParamTypeDescr, cpp_release );
-            TYPELIB_DANGER_RELEASE( pParamTypeDescr );
-        }
-        // return value
-        if (pCppReturn && pUnoReturn != pCppReturn)
-        {
-            uno_copyAndConvertData( pUnoReturn, pCppReturn, pReturnTypeDescr,
-                                    pThis->getBridge()->getCpp2Uno() );
-            uno_destructData( pCppReturn, pReturnTypeDescr, cpp_release );
-        }
-    }
-     catch (...)
-     {
-          // fill uno exception
-        fillUnoException( CPPU_CURRENT_NAMESPACE::__cxa_get_globals()->caughtExceptions, *ppUnoExc, pThis->getBridge()->getCpp2Uno() );
-        // temporary params
-        for ( ; nTempIndizes--; )
-        {
-            sal_Int32 nIndex = pTempIndizes[nTempIndizes];
-            // destroy temp cpp param => cpp: every param was constructed
-            uno_destructData( pCppArgs[nIndex], ppTempParamTypeDescr[nTempIndizes], cpp_release );
-            TYPELIB_DANGER_RELEASE( ppTempParamTypeDescr[nTempIndizes] );
-        }
-        // return type
-        if (pReturnTypeDescr)
-            TYPELIB_DANGER_RELEASE( pReturnTypeDescr );
-    }
-namespace bridges { namespace cpp_uno { namespace shared {
-void unoInterfaceProxyDispatch(
-    uno_Interface * pUnoI, const typelib_TypeDescription * pMemberDescr,
-    void * pReturn, void * pArgs[], uno_Any ** ppException )
-    // is my surrogate
-    bridges::cpp_uno::shared::UnoInterfaceProxy * pThis
-           = static_cast< bridges::cpp_uno::shared::UnoInterfaceProxy * > (pUnoI);
-        //  typelib_InterfaceTypeDescription * pTypeDescr = pThis->pTypeDescr;
-    switch (pMemberDescr->eTypeClass)
-    {
-    case typelib_TypeClass_INTERFACE_ATTRIBUTE:
-    {
-        VtableSlot aVtableSlot(
-            getVtableSlot(
-                reinterpret_cast<
-                    typelib_InterfaceAttributeTypeDescription const * >(
-                        pMemberDescr)));
-        if (pReturn)
-        {
-            // dependent dispatch
-            cpp_call(
-                pThis, aVtableSlot,
-                ((typelib_InterfaceAttributeTypeDescription *)pMemberDescr)->pAttributeTypeRef,
-                0, 0, // no params
-                pReturn, pArgs, ppException );
-        }
-        else
-        {
-            // is SET
-            typelib_MethodParameter aParam;
-            aParam.pTypeRef =
-                ((typelib_InterfaceAttributeTypeDescription *)pMemberDescr)->pAttributeTypeRef;
-            aParam.bIn      = sal_True;
-            aParam.bOut     = sal_False;
-            typelib_TypeDescriptionReference * pReturnTypeRef = 0;
-            OUString aVoidName("void");
-            typelib_typedescriptionreference_new(
-                &pReturnTypeRef, typelib_TypeClass_VOID, aVoidName.pData );
-            // dependent dispatch
-                        aVtableSlot.index += 1; //get then set method
-            cpp_call(
-                pThis, aVtableSlot,
-                pReturnTypeRef,
-                1, &aParam,
-                pReturn, pArgs, ppException );
-            typelib_typedescriptionreference_release( pReturnTypeRef );
-        }
-        break;
-    }
-    case typelib_TypeClass_INTERFACE_METHOD:
-    {
-        VtableSlot aVtableSlot(
-            getVtableSlot(
-                reinterpret_cast<
-                    typelib_InterfaceMethodTypeDescription const * >(
-                        pMemberDescr)));
-        switch (aVtableSlot.index)
-        {
-            // standard calls
-        case 1: // acquire uno interface
-            (*pUnoI->acquire)( pUnoI );
-            *ppException = 0;
-            break;
-        case 2: // release uno interface
-            (*pUnoI->release)( pUnoI );
-            *ppException = 0;
-            break;
-        case 0: // queryInterface() opt
-        {
-            typelib_TypeDescription * pTD = 0;
-            TYPELIB_DANGER_GET( &pTD, reinterpret_cast< Type * >( pArgs[0] )->getTypeLibType() );
-            if (pTD)
-            {
-                uno_Interface * pInterface = 0;
-                (*pThis->pBridge->getUnoEnv()->getRegisteredInterface)(
-                    pThis->pBridge->getUnoEnv(),
-                    (void **)&pInterface, pThis->oid.pData, (typelib_InterfaceTypeDescription *)pTD );
-                if (pInterface)
-                {
-                    ::uno_any_construct(
-                        reinterpret_cast< uno_Any * >( pReturn ),
-                        &pInterface, pTD, 0 );
-                    (*pInterface->release)( pInterface );
-                    TYPELIB_DANGER_RELEASE( pTD );
-                    *ppException = 0;
-                    break;
-                }
-                TYPELIB_DANGER_RELEASE( pTD );
-            }
-        } // else perform queryInterface()
-        default:
-            // dependent dispatch
-            cpp_call(
-                pThis, aVtableSlot,
-                ((typelib_InterfaceMethodTypeDescription *)pMemberDescr)->pReturnTypeRef,
-                ((typelib_InterfaceMethodTypeDescription *)pMemberDescr)->nParams,
-                ((typelib_InterfaceMethodTypeDescription *)pMemberDescr)->pParams,
-                pReturn, pArgs, ppException );
-        }
-        break;
-    }
-    default:
-    {
-        ::com::sun::star::uno::RuntimeException aExc(
-            OUString("illegal member type description!"),
-            ::com::sun::star::uno::Reference< ::com::sun::star::uno::XInterface >() );
-        Type const & rExcType = ::getCppuType( &aExc );
-        // binary identical null reference
-        ::uno_type_any_construct( *ppException, &aExc, rExcType.getTypeLibType(), 0 );
-    }
-    }
-} } }
-/* vim:set shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4 expandtab: */
diff --git a/configure.ac b/configure.ac
index abd069d..a3f50aa 100644
--- a/configure.ac
+++ b/configure.ac
@@ -2353,10 +2353,7 @@ dnl Check / find MacOSX SDK and compiler, version checks
 dnl ===================================================================
 if test "$_os" = "Darwin"; then
-    if test "$build_cpu" = i386 -a "$host_cpu" = powerpc; then
-        # Cross-compiling for PPC from Intel
-        arch='-arch ppc'
-    elif test "$enable_64_bit" = "" -o "$enable_64_bit" = "no"; then
+    if test "$enable_64_bit" = "" -o "$enable_64_bit" = "no"; then
@@ -3435,13 +3432,6 @@ darwin*)
-    powerpc*)
-        CPU=P
-        RTL_ARCH=PowerPC
-        PLATFORMID=macosx_powerpc
-        OUTPATH=unxmacxp
-        ;;
         if test "$BITNESS_OVERRIDE" = 64; then
             AC_MSG_ERROR([Can't build 64-bit code in 32-bit OS])
@@ -5078,12 +5068,6 @@ if test "$_os" != "WINNT" -o "$WITH_MINGW" = "yes"; then
             case "$_os-$host_cpu" in
-            Darwin-powerpc)
-                test -z "$ac_cv_alignof_short" && ac_cv_alignof_short=1
-                test -z "$ac_cv_alignof_int" && ac_cv_alignof_int=1
-                test -z "$ac_cv_alignof_long" && ac_cv_alignof_long=1
-                test -z "$ac_cv_alignof_double" && ac_cv_alignof_double=1
-                ;;
                 test -z "$ac_cv_alignof_short" && ac_cv_alignof_short=2
                 test -z "$ac_cv_alignof_int" && ac_cv_alignof_int=4
diff --git a/desktop/source/deployment/misc/dp_platform.cxx b/desktop/source/deployment/misc/dp_platform.cxx
index 1c5b89f..d75733d 100644
--- a/desktop/source/deployment/misc/dp_platform.cxx
+++ b/desktop/source/deployment/misc/dp_platform.cxx
@@ -56,7 +56,6 @@
 #define PLATFORM_NETBSD_X86         "netbsd_x86"
 #define PLATFORM_NETBSD_X86_64      "netbsd_x86_64"
 #define PLATFORM_MACOSX_X86         "macosx_x86"
-#define PLATFORM_MACOSX_PPC         "macosx_powerpc"
 #define PLATFORM_OPENBSD_X86        "openbsd_x86"
 #define PLATFORM_OPENBSD_X86_64     "openbsd_x86_64"
 #define PLATFORM_DRAGONFLY_X86      "dragonfly_x86"
@@ -166,8 +165,6 @@ namespace
             ret = checkOSandCPU("NetBSD", "X86_64");
         else if (token == PLATFORM_MACOSX_X86)
             ret = checkOSandCPU("MacOSX", "x86");
-        else if (token == PLATFORM_MACOSX_PPC)
-            ret = checkOSandCPU("MacOSX", "PowerPC");
         else if (token == PLATFORM_AIX_POWERPC)
             ret = checkOSandCPU("AIX", "PowerPC");
         else if (token == PLATFORM_OPENBSD_X86)
diff --git a/helpcompiler/Library_helplinker.mk b/helpcompiler/Library_helplinker.mk
index 26a5dba..9a6a989 100644
--- a/helpcompiler/Library_helplinker.mk
+++ b/helpcompiler/Library_helplinker.mk
@@ -68,15 +68,8 @@ $(eval $(call gb_Library_add_exception_objects,helplinker,\
     helpcompiler/source/BasCodeTagger \
-ifeq ($(strip $(OS)$(CPU)$(COM)),MACOSXPGCC)
-$(eval $(call gb_Library_add_cxxobjects,helplinker,\
-    helpcompiler/source/HelpLinker \
 $(eval $(call gb_Library_add_exception_objects,helplinker,\
     helpcompiler/source/HelpLinker \
 # vim: set noet sw=4 ts=4:
diff --git a/jpeg/UnpackedTarball_jpeg.mk b/jpeg/UnpackedTarball_jpeg.mk
index 19e4dd7..d2bdfd6 100644
--- a/jpeg/UnpackedTarball_jpeg.mk
+++ b/jpeg/UnpackedTarball_jpeg.mk
@@ -17,10 +17,4 @@ $(eval $(call gb_UnpackedTarball_add_patches,jpeg,\
     jpeg/patches/jpeg-8c-jmorecfg.patch \
-ifeq ($(OS)$(CPU),MACOSXP)
-$(eval $(call gb_UnpackedTarball_add_patches,jpeg,\
-    jpeg/patches/struct_alignment.patch \
 # vim: set noet sw=4 ts=4:
diff --git a/jpeg/patches/struct_alignment.patch b/jpeg/patches/struct_alignment.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index 09966c3..0000000
--- a/jpeg/patches/struct_alignment.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,48 +0,0 @@
-without this patch, the jpeg_decompress_struct & jpec_compress_struct will be padded, this in turn
-results in a mismatch when the jpeg filter in svtools is built, where no
-padding is assumed. Only affects Mac/PPC apparenlty, see fdo#47035
---- misc/jpeg-8c/jpeglib.h	2010-11-17 22:01:56.000000000 +0100
-+++ misc/build/jpeg-8c/jpeglib.h	2012-05-19 13:58:31.000000000 +0200
-@@ -288,9 +288,9 @@
-   JDIMENSION image_width;	/* input image width */
-   JDIMENSION image_height;	/* input image height */
-   int input_components;		/* # of color components in input image */
--  J_COLOR_SPACE in_color_space;	/* colorspace of input image */
-   double input_gamma;		/* image gamma of input image */
-+  J_COLOR_SPACE in_color_space;	/* colorspace of input image */
-   /* Compression parameters --- these fields must be set before calling
-    * jpeg_start_compress().  We recommend calling jpeg_set_defaults() to
-@@ -359,16 +359,16 @@
-   /* Parameters controlling emission of special markers. */
-   boolean write_JFIF_header;	/* should a JFIF marker be written? */
-+  boolean write_Adobe_marker;	/* should an Adobe marker be written? */
-   UINT8 JFIF_major_version;	/* What to write for the JFIF version number */
-   UINT8 JFIF_minor_version;
-   /* These three values are not used by the JPEG code, merely copied */
-   /* into the JFIF APP0 marker.  density_unit can be 0 for unknown, */
-   /* 1 for dots/inch, or 2 for dots/cm.  Note that the pixel aspect */
-   /* ratio is defined by X_density/Y_density even when density_unit=0. */
--  UINT8 density_unit;		/* JFIF code for pixel size units */
-   UINT16 X_density;		/* Horizontal pixel density */
-   UINT16 Y_density;		/* Vertical pixel density */
--  boolean write_Adobe_marker;	/* should an Adobe marker be written? */
-+  UINT8 density_unit;		/* JFIF code for pixel size units */
-   /* State variable: index of next scanline to be written to
-    * jpeg_write_scanlines().  Application may use this to control its
-@@ -583,11 +583,11 @@
-   /* Data copied from JFIF marker; only valid if saw_JFIF_marker is TRUE: */
-   UINT8 JFIF_major_version;	/* JFIF version number */
-   UINT8 JFIF_minor_version;
-+  UINT8 Adobe_transform;	/* Color transform code from Adobe marker */
-   UINT8 density_unit;		/* JFIF code for pixel size units */
-   UINT16 X_density;		/* Horizontal pixel density */
-   UINT16 Y_density;		/* Vertical pixel density */
-   boolean saw_Adobe_marker;	/* TRUE iff an Adobe APP14 marker was found */
--  UINT8 Adobe_transform;	/* Color transform code from Adobe marker */
-   boolean CCIR601_sampling;	/* TRUE=first samples are cosited */
diff --git a/libxmlsec/UnpackedTarball_xmlsec.mk b/libxmlsec/UnpackedTarball_xmlsec.mk
index fc2ed16..7860295 100644
--- a/libxmlsec/UnpackedTarball_xmlsec.mk
+++ b/libxmlsec/UnpackedTarball_xmlsec.mk
@@ -42,10 +42,4 @@ $(eval $(call gb_UnpackedTarball_add_patches,xmlsec,\
-ifeq ($(OS)$(CPU),MACOSXP)
-$(eval $(call gb_UnpackedTarball_add_patches,xmlsec,\
-	libxmlsec/xmlsec1-1.2.14_old_automake.patch \
 # vim: set noet sw=4 ts=4:
diff --git a/libxmlsec/xmlsec1-1.2.14_old_automake.patch b/libxmlsec/xmlsec1-1.2.14_old_automake.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index a802659..0000000
--- a/libxmlsec/xmlsec1-1.2.14_old_automake.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,126 +0,0 @@
---- misc/xmlsec1-1.2.14/configure.in	2012-09-12 19:15:56.000000000 +0200
-+++ misc/build/xmlsec1-1.2.14/configure.in	2012-09-12 18:56:01.000000000 +0200
-@@ -21,8 +21,8 @@
--AM_INIT_AUTOMAKE([1.7 tar-ustar])
- dnl
---- misc/xmlsec1-1.2.14/src/gnutls/Makefile.am	2009-12-05 22:19:18.000000000 +0100
-+++ misc/build/xmlsec1-1.2.14/src/gnutls/Makefile.am	2012-09-12 19:09:38.000000000 +0200
-@@ -18,7 +18,11 @@
- 	$(NULL)
--libxmlsec1_gnutls_la_SOURCES =\
-+SHAREDLIBHACKDEP = ../strings.c
-+libxmlsec1_gnutls_la_SOURCES = $(SHAREDLIBHACKDEP) \
- 	app.c \
- 	ciphers.c \
- 	crypto.c \
-@@ -28,10 +32,6 @@
- 	globals.h \
- 	$(NULL)
--libxmlsec1_gnutls_la_SOURCES += ../strings.c
- libxmlsec1_gnutls_la_LIBADD = \
- 	../libxmlsec1.la \
---- misc/xmlsec1-1.2.14/src/mscrypto/Makefile.am	2012-09-12 19:15:56.000000000 +0200
-+++ misc/build/xmlsec1-1.2.14/src/mscrypto/Makefile.am	2012-09-12 19:10:52.000000000 +0200
-@@ -19,7 +19,11 @@
- 	$(NULL)
--libxmlsec1_mscrypto_la_SOURCES =\
-+SHAREDLIBHACKDEP = ../strings.c
-+libxmlsec1_mscrypto_la_SOURCES = $(SHAREDLIBHACKDEP) \
- 	app.c \
- 	certkeys.c \
- 	ciphers.c \
-@@ -38,10 +42,6 @@
- 	akmngr.c \
- 	$(NULL)
--libxmlsec1_mscrypto_la_SOURCES += ../strings.c
- libxmlsec1_mscrypto_la_LIBADD = \
- 	../libxmlsec1.la \
---- misc/xmlsec1-1.2.14/src/nss/Makefile.am	2012-09-12 19:15:56.000000000 +0200
-+++ misc/build/xmlsec1-1.2.14/src/nss/Makefile.am	2012-09-12 19:11:58.000000000 +0200
-@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@
- 	libxmlsec1-nss.la \
- 	$(NULL)
--libxmlsec1_nss_la_CPPFLAGS = \
-+libxmlsec1_nss_la_CFLAGS = \
- 	-I../../include \
- 	-I$(top_srcdir)/include \
-@@ -18,7 +18,11 @@
- 	$(NULL)
--libxmlsec1_nss_la_SOURCES =\
-+SHAREDLIBHACKDEP = ../strings.c
-+libxmlsec1_nss_la_SOURCES = $(SHAREDLIBHACKDEP) \
- 	app.c \
- 	bignum.c \
- 	ciphers.c \
-@@ -40,10 +44,6 @@
- 	tokens.c \
- 	$(NULL)
--libxmlsec1_nss_la_SOURCES += ../strings.c
- libxmlsec1_nss_la_LIBADD = \
- 	../libxmlsec1.la \
- 	$(NSS_LIBS) \
---- misc/xmlsec1-1.2.14/src/openssl/Makefile.am	2009-12-05 22:19:18.000000000 +0100
-+++ misc/build/xmlsec1-1.2.14/src/openssl/Makefile.am	2012-09-12 19:12:55.000000000 +0200
-@@ -18,7 +18,11 @@
- 	$(NULL)
--libxmlsec1_openssl_la_SOURCES =\
-+SHAREDLIBHACKDEP = ../strings.c
-+libxmlsec1_openssl_la_SOURCES = $(SHAREDLIBHACKDEP) \
- 	app.c \
- 	bn.c \
- 	ciphers.c \
-@@ -36,10 +40,6 @@
- 	globals.h \
- 	$(NULL)
--libxmlsec1_openssl_la_SOURCES += ../strings.c
- libxmlsec1_openssl_la_LIBADD = \
- 	../libxmlsec1.la \
diff --git a/nss/ExternalProject_nss.mk b/nss/ExternalProject_nss.mk
index e37b6ba..46ced7c 100644
--- a/nss/ExternalProject_nss.mk
+++ b/nss/ExternalProject_nss.mk
@@ -75,7 +75,6 @@ $(call gb_ExternalProject_get_state_target,nss,build): $(call gb_ExternalProject
 		$(if $(filter 1060 1070 1080,$(MAC_OS_X_VERSION_MIN_REQUIRED)),NSS_USE_SYSTEM_SQLITE=1)) \
 		$(if $(filter SOLARIS,$(OS)),NS_USE_GCC=1) \
 		$(if $(filter YES,$(CROSS_COMPILING)),\
-		$(if $(filter MACOSXP,$(OS)$(CPU)),CPU_ARCH=ppc) \
 		NSINSTALL="$(call gb_ExternalExecutable_get_command,python) $(SRCDIR)/nss/nsinstall.py") \
 		NSDISTMODE=copy \
 		$(MAKE) -j1 nss_build_all \
diff --git a/odk/settings/settings.mk b/odk/settings/settings.mk
index 58abdd5..2a24e8b 100644
--- a/odk/settings/settings.mk
+++ b/odk/settings/settings.mk
@@ -390,9 +390,6 @@ else
 ifeq "$(PROCTYPE)" "x86_64"
diff --git a/solenv/bin/modules/installer/download.pm b/solenv/bin/modules/installer/download.pm
index 18d2768..96ecf61 100644
--- a/solenv/bin/modules/installer/download.pm
+++ b/solenv/bin/modules/installer/download.pm
@@ -424,10 +424,6 @@ sub get_download_architecture
         $arch = "x86-64";
-    elsif ( $installer::globals::compiler =~ /^unxmacxp/ )
-    {
-        $arch = "PPC";
-    }
     return $arch;
@@ -599,7 +595,6 @@ sub resolve_variables_in_downloadname
     elsif ( $installer::globals::islinuxbuild ) { $os = "linux"; }
     elsif ( $installer::globals::compiler =~ /unxmacxi/ ) { $os = "macosxi"; }
     elsif ( $installer::globals::compiler =~ /unxmacxx/ ) { $os = "macosxx"; }
-    elsif ( $installer::globals::compiler =~ /unxmacxp/ ) { $os = "macosxp"; }
     else { $os = ""; }
     $downloadname =~ s/\{os\}/$os/;
diff --git a/testtools/Module_testtools.mk b/testtools/Module_testtools.mk
index fe812de..fe55ea8 100644
--- a/testtools/Module_testtools.mk
+++ b/testtools/Module_testtools.mk
@@ -51,13 +51,9 @@ $(eval $(call gb_Module_add_targets,testtools,\
-# FIXME: Mac OSX PPC GCC fails this test!, likely broken UNO bridge.
-# (is it still relevant?)
-ifneq ($(COM)$(OS)$(CPU),GCCMACOSXP)
 $(eval $(call gb_Module_add_check_targets,testtools,\
 	CustomTarget_uno_test \
diff --git a/xpdf/ExternalProject_xpdf.mk b/xpdf/ExternalProject_xpdf.mk
index 181128c..4a96c9e 100644
--- a/xpdf/ExternalProject_xpdf.mk
+++ b/xpdf/ExternalProject_xpdf.mk
@@ -38,7 +38,6 @@ $(call gb_ExternalProject_get_state_target,xpdf,build):
 			$(if $(filter YES,$(CROSS_COMPILING)),--build=$(BUILD_PLATFORM) --host=$(HOST_PLATFORM)) \
 			$(if $(filter MACOSX,$(OS)),--prefix=/@.__________________________________________________OOO) \
 			$(if $(SYSBASE),CFLAGS="-I$(SYSBASE)/usr/include") \
-			$(if $(filter MACOSXP,$(OS)$(CPU)),CXXFLAGS="-malign-natural") \
 			&& MAKEFLAGS="$(subst r,,$(MAKEFLAGS))" $(MAKE) \
commit d8842c2221cb5e6ea958381f9dcd76d9bb9bbafc
Author: Tor Lillqvist <tml at iki.fi>
Date:   Wed Apr 3 20:58:39 2013 +0300

    Remove Mac OS X 10.4 and 10.5 SDK support
    Change-Id: Ib47f75f115f3410299890e775784b7c7bbc1316c

diff --git a/configure.ac b/configure.ac
index cc24bf0..abd069d 100644
--- a/configure.ac
+++ b/configure.ac
@@ -2370,9 +2370,9 @@ if test "$_os" = "Darwin"; then
     # The intent is that for "most" Mac-based developers, a suitable
     # SDK will be found automatically without any configure options.
-    # For developers still using Xcode 2 or 3, in /Developer, either
+    # For developers still using Xcode 3, in /Developer, either
     # because it is the only Xcode they have, or they have that in
-    # addition to Xcode 4 in /Applications/Xcode.app, the 10.4 SDK
+    # addition to Xcode 4 in /Applications/Xcode.app, the 10.6 SDK
     # should be found.
     # For developers with a current Xcode 4 installed from the Mac App
@@ -2381,13 +2381,11 @@ if test "$_os" = "Darwin"; then
     AC_MSG_CHECKING([what Mac OS X SDK to use])
     if test -z "$with_macosx_sdk"; then
-        if test -d /Developer/SDKs/MacOSX10.4u.sdk; then
-            with_macosx_sdk=10.4
-        elif test -d /Developer-old/SDKs/MacOSX10.4u.sdk; then
-            with_macosx_sdk=10.4
-        elif test -d /Xcode3/SDKs/MacOSX10.4u.sdk; then
-            with_macosx_sdk=10.4
-        elif test -d /Developer/SDKs/MacOSX10.6.sdk; then
+        if test -d /Developer/SDKs/MacOSX10.6.sdk; then
+            with_macosx_sdk=10.6
+        elif test -d /Developer-old/SDKs/MacOSX10.6.sdk; then
+            with_macosx_sdk=10.6
+        elif test -d /Xcode3/SDKs/MacOSX10.6.sdk; then
         elif test -d /Developer/SDKs/MacOSX10.7.sdk; then
@@ -2407,12 +2405,6 @@ if test "$_os" = "Darwin"; then
     case $with_macosx_sdk in
-    10.4)
-        MACOSX_SDK_VERSION=1040
-        ;;
-    10.5)
-        MACOSX_SDK_VERSION=1050
-        ;;
@@ -2423,7 +2415,7 @@ if test "$_os" = "Darwin"; then
-        AC_MSG_ERROR([with-macosx-sdk $with_macosx_sdk is not a supported value, supported value are 10.4--8])
+        AC_MSG_ERROR([with-macosx-sdk $with_macosx_sdk is not a supported value, supported value are 10.6--8])
@@ -2433,16 +2425,21 @@ if test "$_os" = "Darwin"; then
     # happen).
     if test -z "$MACOSX_SDK_PATH"; then
         case $with_macosx_sdk in
-        10.4)
-            if test -d /Developer/SDKs/MacOSX10.4u.sdk; then
-                MACOSX_SDK_PATH=/Developer/SDKs/MacOSX10.4u.sdk
-            elif test -d /Developer-old/SDKs/MacOSX10.4u.sdk; then
-                MACOSX_SDK_PATH=/Developer-old/SDKs/MacOSX10.4u.sdk
-            elif test -d /Xcode3/SDKs/MacOSX10.4u.sdk; then
-                MACOSX_SDK_PATH=/Xcode3/SDKs/MacOSX10.4u.sdk
+        10.6)
+            if test -d /Developer/SDKs/MacOSX10.6.sdk; then
+                MACOSX_SDK_PATH=/Developer/SDKs/MacOSX10.6.sdk
+            elif test -d /Developer-old/SDKs/MacOSX10.6.sdk; then
+                MACOSX_SDK_PATH=/Developer-old/SDKs/MacOSX10.6.sdk
+            elif test -d /Xcode3/SDKs/MacOSX10.6.sdk; then
+                MACOSX_SDK_PATH=/Xcode3/SDKs/MacOSX10.6.sdk
+            elif test -x /usr/bin/xcode-select; then
+                xcodepath="`xcode-select -print-path`"
+                if test -d "$xcodepath/Platforms/MacOSX.platform/Developer/SDKs/MacOSX$with_macosx_sdk.sdk"; then
+                    MACOSX_SDK_PATH="$xcodepath/Platforms/MacOSX.platform/Developer/SDKs/MacOSX$with_macosx_sdk.sdk"
+                fi
-        10.6|10.7|10.8)
+        10.7|10.8)
             if test -d /Developer/SDKs/MacOSX$with_macosx_sdk.sdk; then
             elif test -x /usr/bin/xcode-select; then
@@ -2460,12 +2457,7 @@ if test "$_os" = "Darwin"; then
     AC_MSG_RESULT([SDK $with_macosx_sdk at $MACOSX_SDK_PATH])
     if test "$with_macosx_version_min_required" = ""; then
-        case $with_macosx_sdk in
-        10.4|10.5)
-            with_macosx_version_min_required="10.4";;
-        *)
-            with_macosx_version_min_required="10.6";;
-        esac
+        with_macosx_version_min_required="10.6"
     if test "$with_macosx_version_max_allowed" = ""; then
@@ -2476,12 +2468,6 @@ if test "$_os" = "Darwin"; then
     case "$with_macosx_version_min_required" in
-    10.4)
-        ;;
-    10.5)
-        ;;
@@ -2492,32 +2478,12 @@ if test "$_os" = "Darwin"; then
-        AC_MSG_ERROR([with-macosx-version-min-required $with_macosx_version_min_required is not a supported value, supported value are 10.4--8])
+        AC_MSG_ERROR([with-macosx-version-min-required $with_macosx_version_min_required is not a supported value, supported value are 10.6--8])
-    if test "$BITNESS_OVERRIDE" = 64; then
-        case $with_macosx_version_min_required in
-        10.4|10.5)
-            AC_MSG_ERROR([Can't build 64-bit code for with-macosx-version-min-required=$with_macosx_version_min_required])
-            ;;
-        esac
-    fi
     if test "$BITNESS_OVERRIDE" = ""; then
         case "$with_macosx_version_min_required" in
-        10.4)
-            case "$with_macosx_sdk" in
-            10.4)
-                ;;
-            10.6)
-                ;;
-            *)
-                AC_MSG_WARN([Building with a SDK > 10.6 possibly breaks 10.6 compatibility. Do not use for the TDF build])
-                add_warning "Building with a SDK > 10.6 possibly breaks 10.6 compatibility. Do not use for the TDF build"
-                ;;
-            esac
-            ;;
             case "$with_macosx_sdk" in
@@ -2539,24 +2505,6 @@ if test "$_os" = "Darwin"; then
     if test -z "$save_CC"; then
         AC_MSG_CHECKING([what compiler to use])
         case $with_macosx_sdk in
-        10.4)
-            case "$MACOSX_SDK_PATH" in
-            /Developer/*)
-                gccprefix=""
-                ;;
-            /Developer-old/*)
-                gccprefix=/Developer-old/usr/bin/
-                ;;
-            /Xcode3/*)
-                gccprefix=/Xcode3/usr/bin/
-                ;;
-            *)
-                AC_MSG_ERROR([Cannot guess gcc location for this SDK])
-                ;;
-            esac
-            CC="${gccprefix}gcc-4.0 $arch -mmacosx-version-min=$with_macosx_version_min_required -isysroot $MACOSX_SDK_PATH"
-            CXX="${gccprefix}g++-4.0 $arch -mmacosx-version-min=$with_macosx_version_min_required -isysroot $MACOSX_SDK_PATH"
-            ;;
             # did someone copy her 10.6 sdk into xcode 4 (needed on Mountain Lion)?
             if test "$(echo $MACOSX_SDK_PATH | cut -c1-23)" = "/Applications/Xcode.app"; then
@@ -2578,12 +2526,6 @@ if test "$_os" = "Darwin"; then
     case "$with_macosx_version_max_allowed" in
-    10.4)
-        ;;
-    10.5)
-        ;;
@@ -2594,7 +2536,7 @@ if test "$_os" = "Darwin"; then
-        AC_MSG_ERROR([with-macosx-version-max-allowed $with_macosx_version_max_allowed is not a supported value, supported value are 10.4--8])
+        AC_MSG_ERROR([with-macosx-version-max-allowed $with_macosx_version_max_allowed is not a supported value, supported value are 10.6--8])
@@ -2763,23 +2705,7 @@ if test "$GCC" = "yes"; then
     _gcc_major=`echo $_gcc_version | $AWK -F. '{ print \$1 }'`
     GCCVER=`echo $_gcc_version | $AWK -F. '{ print \$1*10000+\$2*100+\$3 }'`
-    if test "$_os" = "Darwin" -a "$with_macosx_sdk" = "10.4" -a "$GCCVER" -ge "040100"; then
-        if test -z "$save_CC" -a -x "$GCC_HOME/bin/gcc-4.0"; then
-            export CC="$GCC_HOME/bin/gcc-4.0"
-            #  export CC to make it finally available to config.guess
-            GCCVER2=`$CC -dumpversion | $AWK -F. '{ print \$1*10000+\$2*100+\$3 }'`
-            if test "$GCCVER2" -ge "040000" -a "$GCCVER2" -lt "040100"; then
-                GCCVER=$GCCVER2
-            fi
-        fi
-        if test "$GCCVER" -ge "040100"; then
-            AC_MSG_ERROR([You need to use the gcc-4.0 compiler (gcc $_gcc_version won't work with the MacOSX10.4u.sdk) - set CC accordingly])
-        else
-            AC_MSG_RESULT([implicitly using CC=$CC])
-        fi
-    else
-        AC_MSG_RESULT([gcc $_gcc_version])
-    fi
+    AC_MSG_RESULT([gcc $_gcc_version])
     if test "$GCCVER" -lt 040000; then
         AC_MSG_ERROR([GCC $_gcc_version is too old, must be at least GCC 4.0.0])
@@ -5030,22 +4956,7 @@ if test "$GXX" = "yes"; then
     _gpp_version=`$CXX -dumpversion`
     _gpp_majmin=`echo $_gpp_version | $AWK -F. '{ print \$1*100+\$2 }'`
-    if test "$_os" = "Darwin" -a "$with_macosx_sdk" = "10.4" -a "$_gpp_majmin" -ge "401"; then
-        if test -z "$save_CXX" -a -x "$GCC_HOME/bin/g++-4.0"; then
-            export CXX="$GCC_HOME/bin/g++-4.0"
-            _gpp_majmin_2=`$CXX -dumpversion | $AWK -F. '{ print \$1*100+\$2 }'`
-            if test "$_gpp_majmin_2" -ge "400" -a "$_gpp_majmin_2" -lt "401"; then
-                _gpp_majmin=$_gpp_majmin_2
-            fi
-        fi
-        if test "$_gpp_majmin" -ge "401"; then
-            AC_MSG_ERROR([You need to use the g++-4.0 compiler (g++ $_gpp_version will not work with the MacOSX10.4u.sdk) - set CXX accordingly])
-        else
-            AC_MSG_RESULT([implicitly using CXX=$CXX])
-        fi
-    else
-        AC_MSG_RESULT([checked (g++ $_gpp_version)])
-    fi
+    AC_MSG_RESULT([checked (g++ $_gpp_version)])
     if test "$_gpp_majmin" = "304"; then
         AC_MSG_CHECKING([whether $CXX has the enum bug])
@@ -7409,12 +7320,6 @@ no|disable)
     if test "$DISABLE_SCRIPTING" = TRUE -a -n $PYTHON_FOR_BUILD; then
         AC_MSG_RESULT([no, overridden by --disable-scripting])
-    elif test $_os = Darwin -a \( "$with_macosx_version_min_required" = 10.4 -o "$with_macosx_version_min_required" = 10.5 \) \
-                            -a \( "$with_macosx_sdk" = 10.4 -o "$with_macosx_sdk" = 10.5 \); then
-        # When building against a more recent SDK the ionternal Python can't be compiled, I can't be bothered to fix that for now,
-        # building against a recent SDK is only for developer's own builds anyway.
-        AC_MSG_RESULT([internal, the Python in Mac OS X $with_macosx_version_min_required is incompatible with Python3-ified pyuno])
-        enable_python=internal
     elif test $build_os = cygwin; then
         dnl When building on Windows we don't attempt to use any installed
         dnl "system"  Python.
@@ -7445,9 +7350,6 @@ internal)
-    if test $_os = Darwin -a -z "$PYTHON_CFLAGS" -a \( "$with_macosx_version_min_required" = 10.4 -o "$with_macosx_version_min_required" = 10.5 \); then
-        AC_MSG_ERROR([Cannot use "system" Python, the Python in Mac OS X $with_macosx_version_min_required is incompatible with Python3-ified pyuno])
-    fi

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