[Libreoffice-commits] core.git: tools/inc tools/Library_tl.mk tools/Package_inc.mk tools/source

Andras Timar atimar at suse.com
Thu Apr 4 13:40:13 PDT 2013

 tools/Library_tl.mk            |    4 
 tools/Package_inc.mk           |    1 
 tools/inc/tools/fsys.hxx       |  335 --------
 tools/source/fsys/comdep.cxx   |   32 
 tools/source/fsys/comdep.hxx   |   98 --
 tools/source/fsys/dirent.cxx   | 1627 -----------------------------------------
 tools/source/fsys/fstat.cxx    |  133 ---
 tools/source/fsys/tdir.cxx     |  416 ----------
 tools/source/fsys/tempfile.cxx |    1 
 tools/source/fsys/unx.cxx      |  366 ---------
 tools/source/fsys/unx.hxx      |   74 -
 tools/source/fsys/wntmsc.cxx   |  770 -------------------
 tools/source/fsys/wntmsc.hxx   |   67 -
 13 files changed, 3924 deletions(-)

New commits:
commit 75e014c30753f635ddc74cdb654a8342049a114b
Author: Andras Timar <atimar at suse.com>
Date:   Thu Apr 4 21:40:03 2013 +0200

    fdo#61514 clean obsolete tools/ filesystem abstraction
    Change-Id: I7d1d5eca43d0b0f9a013e31383abc574a7b15f93

diff --git a/tools/Library_tl.mk b/tools/Library_tl.mk
index cf29eff..a48117e 100644
--- a/tools/Library_tl.mk
+++ b/tools/Library_tl.mk
@@ -49,10 +49,6 @@ $(eval $(call gb_Library_add_exception_objects,tl,\
     tools/source/datetime/tdate \
     tools/source/datetime/ttime \
     tools/source/debug/debug \
-    tools/source/fsys/comdep \
-    tools/source/fsys/dirent \
-    tools/source/fsys/fstat \
-    tools/source/fsys/tdir \
     tools/source/fsys/tempfile \
     tools/source/fsys/urlobj \
     tools/source/fsys/wldcrd \
diff --git a/tools/Package_inc.mk b/tools/Package_inc.mk
index 5557b12..6d6f402 100644
--- a/tools/Package_inc.mk
+++ b/tools/Package_inc.mk
@@ -36,7 +36,6 @@ $(eval $(call gb_Package_add_file,tools_inc,inc/tools/extendapplicationenvironme
 $(eval $(call gb_Package_add_file,tools_inc,inc/tools/fldunit.hxx,tools/fldunit.hxx))
 $(eval $(call gb_Package_add_file,tools_inc,inc/tools/fontenum.hxx,tools/fontenum.hxx))
 $(eval $(call gb_Package_add_file,tools_inc,inc/tools/fract.hxx,tools/fract.hxx))
-$(eval $(call gb_Package_add_file,tools_inc,inc/tools/fsys.hxx,tools/fsys.hxx))
 $(eval $(call gb_Package_add_file,tools_inc,inc/tools/gen.hxx,tools/gen.hxx))
 $(eval $(call gb_Package_add_file,tools_inc,inc/tools/getprocessworkingdir.hxx,tools/getprocessworkingdir.hxx))
 $(eval $(call gb_Package_add_file,tools_inc,inc/tools/globname.hxx,tools/globname.hxx))
diff --git a/tools/inc/tools/fsys.hxx b/tools/inc/tools/fsys.hxx
deleted file mode 100644
index e135a76..0000000
--- a/tools/inc/tools/fsys.hxx
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,335 +0,0 @@
-/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- */
- * This file is part of the LibreOffice project.
- *
- * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
- *
- * This file incorporates work covered by the following license notice:
- *
- *   Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
- *   contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed
- *   with this work for additional information regarding copyright
- *   ownership. The ASF licenses this file to you under the Apache
- *   License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file
- *   except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
- *   the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 .
- */
-#ifndef _FSYS_HXX
-#define _FSYS_HXX
-#include <tools/solar.h>
-#include <tools/datetime.hxx>
-#include <tools/string.hxx>
-#include <tools/link.hxx>
-#include <tools/wldcrd.hxx>
-#include <tools/errcode.hxx>
-#include "tools/toolsdllapi.h"
-#include <cstdarg>
-#include <vector>
-// FSys-Types
-class DirEntry;
-class FileStat;
-class SvFileStream;
-class BigInt;
-typedef ::std::vector< DirEntry* > DirEntryList;
-typedef ::std::vector< FileStat* > FileStatList;
-// DirEntryKind
-typedef int DirEntryKind;
-#define FSYS_KIND_NONE              ((DirEntryKind)     0)
-#define FSYS_KIND_FILE              ((DirEntryKind)     1)
-#define FSYS_KIND_DIR               ((DirEntryKind)     2)
-#define FSYS_KIND_DEV               ((DirEntryKind)     4)
-#define FSYS_KIND_BLOCK             ((DirEntryKind)     8)
-#define FSYS_KIND_CHAR              ((DirEntryKind)    16)
-#define FSYS_KIND_WILD              ((DirEntryKind)    32)
-#define FSYS_KIND_BLOCK_REMOTE      ((DirEntryKind)    64)
-#define FSYS_KIND_REMOVEABLE        ((DirEntryKind)   128)
-#define FSYS_KIND_FIXED             ((DirEntryKind)   256)
-#define FSYS_KIND_REMOTE            ((DirEntryKind)   512)
-#define FSYS_KIND_RAM               ((DirEntryKind)  1024)
-#define FSYS_KIND_CDROM             ((DirEntryKind)  2048)
-#define FSYS_KIND_ALL               ((DirEntryKind)  4095)
-#define FSYS_KIND_VISIBLE           ((DirEntryKind)  4096)
-// FSysSort
-typedef int FSysSort;
-#define FSYS_SORT_NONE              ((FSysSort)   0)
-#define FSYS_SORT_SIZE              ((FSysSort)   1)
-#define FSYS_SORT_CREATED           ((FSysSort)   2)
-#define FSYS_SORT_MODIFYED          ((FSysSort)   4)
-#define FSYS_SORT_ACCESSED          ((FSysSort)   8)
-#define FSYS_SORT_ASCENDING         ((FSysSort)  16)
-#define FSYS_SORT_DESCENDING        ((FSysSort)  32)
-#define FSYS_SORT_EXT               ((FSysSort)  64)
-#define FSYS_SORT_NAME              ((FSysSort) 128)
-#define FSYS_SORT_KIND              ((FSysSort) 256)
-#define FSYS_SORT_CREATOR           ((FSysSort) 512)
-#define FSYS_SORT_END               ((FSysSort)1024)
-typedef ::std::vector< FSysSort > FSysSortList;
-// DirEntryFlag
-enum DirEntryFlag
-    FSYS_FLAG_VOLUME,                      // Dir( FSYS_FLAG_VOLUME ) and GetDevice()
-    FSYS_FLAG_ABSROOT,                     // e.g. "a:\" or "\"
-    FSYS_FLAG_RELROOT,                     // e.g. "a:", "a:." or "."
-    FSYS_FLAG_PARENT,                      // e.g. ".."
-// FSysPathStyle
-enum FSysPathStyle
-// FSysAccess
-typedef int FSysAccess;
-#define FSYS_ACCESS_CACHED          2
-#define FSYS_ACCESS_FORCED          1
-// FSysAction
-typedef int FSysAction;
-#define FSYS_ACTION_RECURSIVE       0x02    // deep through dircetory structure
-#define FSYS_ACTION_USERECYCLEBIN   0x04    // move to recycle bin
-#define FSYS_ACTION_STANDARD        0
-// RFS
-#define RFS_IDENTIFIER  "-rfs-"
-typedef sal_uIntPtr FSysError;
-// FileStat
-struct dirent;
-    friend class    Dir;
-    friend struct   DirReader_Impl;
-    friend void     ImpInitFileStat( FileStat&, dirent* );
-    sal_uIntPtr     nError;
-    DirEntryKind    nKindFlags;
-    sal_uIntPtr     nSize;
-    String          aCreator;
-    String          aType;
-    Date            aDateCreated;
-    Time            aTimeCreated;
-    Date            aDateModified;
-    Time            aTimeModified;
-    Date            aDateAccessed;
-    Time            aTimeAccessed;
-    TOOLS_DLLPRIVATE void ImpInit( void* );
-                    // Implementation
-                    FileStat( SAL_UNUSED_PARAMETER const void *pInfo ); // CInfoPBRec
-                    FileStat( const DirEntry& rDirEntry,
-                              FSysAccess nAccess = FSYS_ACCESS_FLOPPY );
-    sal_Bool        Update( const DirEntry& rDirEntry,
-                            sal_Bool bForceAccess = sal_True );
-    sal_uIntPtr     GetError() const { return ERRCODE_TOERROR(nError); }
-    sal_uIntPtr     GetErrorCode() const { return nError; }
-    sal_uIntPtr     GetSize() const { return nSize; }
-    DirEntryKind    GetKind() const { return nKindFlags; }
-    sal_Bool        IsKind( DirEntryKind nKind ) const;
-    String          GetType() const { return aType; }
-    String          GetCreator() const { return aCreator; }
-    Date            DateCreated() const  { return aDateCreated;  }
-    Time            TimeCreated() const  { return aTimeCreated;  }
-    Date            DateModified() const { return aDateModified; }
-    Time            TimeModified() const { return aTimeModified; }
-    Date            DateAccessed() const { return aDateAccessed; }
-    Time            TimeAccessed() const { return aTimeAccessed; }
-    static sal_uIntPtr SetReadOnlyFlag( const DirEntry &rEntry, sal_Bool bRO = sal_True );
-    static sal_Bool GetReadOnlyFlag( const DirEntry &rEntry );
-// DirEntry
-class DirEntryStack;
-const char* ImpCheckDirEntry( const void* p );
-friend struct DirReader_Impl;
-    FileStat*           pStat;      // optional
-    rtl::OString        aName;
-    DirEntry*           pParent;
-    sal_uIntPtr         nError;
-    DirEntryFlag        eFlag;
-    TOOLS_DLLPRIVATE    DirEntry( const rtl::OString& rInitName,
-                                  DirEntryFlag aDirFlag );
-    friend class Dir;
-    friend class FileStat;
-    friend const char* ImpCheckDirEntry( const void* p );
-    TOOLS_DLLPRIVATE FSysError       ImpParseName( const rtl::OString& rIntiName );
-    TOOLS_DLLPRIVATE const DirEntry* ImpGetTopPtr() const;
-    TOOLS_DLLPRIVATE DirEntry*       ImpGetTopPtr();
-    void                ImpTrim();
-    const rtl::OString& ImpTheName() const;
-    DirEntryFlag        ImpTheFlag() const { return eFlag; };
-    DirEntry*           ImpChangeParent( DirEntry* pNewParent, sal_Bool bNormalize = sal_True );
-    DirEntry*           ImpGetParent() { return pParent; }
-    FileStat*           ImpGetStat() const { return pStat; }
-    void                ImpSetStat( FileStat *p ) { pStat = p; }
-    void                SetError( sal_uIntPtr nErr ) { nError = nErr; }
-    DirEntry*           GetParent() { return pParent; }
-                        DirEntry( DirEntryFlag aDirFlag = FSYS_FLAG_CURRENT );
-                        DirEntry( const DirEntry& rEntry );
-                        DirEntry( const rtl::OString& rInitName,
-                                   FSysPathStyle eParser = FSYS_STYLE_HOST );
-                        DirEntry( const String& rInitName,
-                                   FSysPathStyle eParser = FSYS_STYLE_HOST );
-                        ~DirEntry();
-    sal_uIntPtr         GetError() const { return nError; }
-    sal_Bool            IsValid() const;
-    DirEntryFlag        GetFlag() const { return eFlag; };
-    void                SetExtension( const String& rExt, char cSep = '.' );
-    String              GetExtension( char cSep = '.' ) const;
-    void                SetName( const String& rName, FSysPathStyle eFormatter = FSYS_STYLE_HOST );
-    String              GetName( FSysPathStyle eFormatter = FSYS_STYLE_HOST ) const;
-    String              CutName( FSysPathStyle eFormatter = FSYS_STYLE_HOST );
-    String              GetBase(char cSep = '.' ) const;
-    DirEntry            GetPath() const;
-    DirEntry            GetDevice() const;
-    String              GetVolume() const;
-    String              GetFull( FSysPathStyle eFormatter = FSYS_STYLE_HOST,
-                                 sal_Bool bWithDelimiter = sal_False,
-                                 sal_uInt16 nMaxChars = STRING_MAXLEN ) const;
-    DirEntry            TempName( DirEntryKind = FSYS_KIND_NONE ) const;
-    sal_Bool            MakeShortName( const String& rLongName,
-                                       DirEntryKind eCreateKind = FSYS_KIND_NONE,
-                                       sal_Bool bUseTilde = sal_True,
-                                       FSysPathStyle eStyle = FSYS_STYLE_DETECT );
-    bool                IsAbs() const;
-    sal_Bool            ToAbs();
-    sal_Bool            Find( const String& rPfad, char cDelim = 0 );
-    sal_Bool            SetCWD( sal_Bool bSloppy = sal_False ) const;
-    sal_Bool            MakeDir( sal_Bool bSloppy = sal_False ) const;
-    sal_Bool            Exists( FSysAccess nAccess = FSYS_ACCESS_FLOPPY ) const;
-    sal_Bool            First();
-    sal_uInt16          Level() const;
-    const DirEntry&     operator []( sal_uInt16 nParentLevel ) const;
-    sal_Bool            Contains( const DirEntry &rSubEntry ) const;
-    FSysError           Kill( FSysAction nActions = FSYS_ACTION_STANDARD ) const;
-    DirEntry&           operator =( const DirEntry& rOrigDir );
-    DirEntry            operator +( const DirEntry& rSubDir ) const;
-    DirEntry&           operator +=( const DirEntry& rSubDir );
-    sal_Bool            operator ==( const DirEntry& rAnotherDir ) const;
-    sal_Bool            operator !=( const DirEntry& rAnotherDir ) const
-                            { return !(DirEntry::operator==( rAnotherDir )); }
-    inline sal_Int32 NameCompareDirect( const DirEntry &rWith ) const
-    {
-#ifdef UNX
-        return rWith.aName.compareTo(aName);
-        rtl::OString aThis(rtl::OString(aName).toAsciiLowerCase());
-        rtl::OString aWith(rtl::OString(rWith.aName).toAsciiLowerCase());
-        return aWith.compareTo(aThis);
-    }
-    static String       GetAccessDelimiter( FSysPathStyle eFormatter = FSYS_STYLE_HOST );
-    static String       GetSearchDelimiter( FSysPathStyle eFormatter = FSYS_STYLE_HOST );
-// Dir
-struct DirReader_Impl;
-class TOOLS_DLLPUBLIC Dir : public DirEntry
-    friend struct DirReader_Impl;
-    DirReader_Impl* pReader;        // is system-dependent
-    DirEntryList*   pLst;
-    FSysSortList*   pSortLst;       // NULL if no sorting requested
-    FileStatList*   pStatLst;       // NULL if no stats requested
-    WildCard        aNameMask;
-    DirEntryKind eAttrMask;
-    TOOLS_DLLPRIVATE        Dir( const Dir& );        // not allowed
-    TOOLS_DLLPRIVATE Dir&   operator =( const Dir& ); // not allowed
-#ifdef _DIR_CXX
-    TOOLS_DLLPRIVATE void   Construct( DirEntryKind nKind = FSYS_KIND_DIR|FSYS_KIND_FILE );
-#ifndef _TOOLS_HXX
-    sal_Bool            ImpInsertPointReached( const DirEntry& rIsSmaller,
-                                           const FileStat& rNewStat,
-                                           size_t nCurPos,
-                                           size_t nSortIndex ) const;
-    void            ImpSortedInsert( const DirEntry *pNewEntry,
-                                     const FileStat *pNewStat );
-                    Dir( const DirEntry& rDirEntry,
-                         DirEntryKind nKind = FSYS_KIND_ALL );
-                    ~Dir();
-    void            Reset();
-    sal_uInt16          Scan( sal_uInt16 nCount = 5 );
-    size_t          Count( sal_Bool bUpdated = sal_True ) const;
-    Dir&            operator +=( const Dir& rDir );
-    DirEntry&       operator []( size_t nIndex ) const;
-#if defined(DBG_UTIL)
-void FSysTest();
-/* vim:set shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4 expandtab: */
diff --git a/tools/source/fsys/comdep.cxx b/tools/source/fsys/comdep.cxx
deleted file mode 100644
index 5366feb..0000000
--- a/tools/source/fsys/comdep.cxx
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,32 +0,0 @@
-/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- */
- * This file is part of the LibreOffice project.
- *
- * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
- *
- * This file incorporates work covered by the following license notice:
- *
- *   Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
- *   contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed
- *   with this work for additional information regarding copyright
- *   ownership. The ASF licenses this file to you under the Apache
- *   License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file
- *   except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
- *   the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 .
- */
-#include "comdep.hxx"
-#include <tools/debug.hxx>
-#include <tools/fsys.hxx>
-DBG_NAMEEX( DirEntry )
-#if defined UNX
-#include "unx.cxx"
-#elif defined WNT
-#include "wntmsc.cxx"
-/* vim:set shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4 expandtab: */
diff --git a/tools/source/fsys/comdep.hxx b/tools/source/fsys/comdep.hxx
deleted file mode 100644
index 2b1e135..0000000
--- a/tools/source/fsys/comdep.hxx
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,98 +0,0 @@
-/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- */
- * This file is part of the LibreOffice project.
- *
- * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
- *
- * This file incorporates work covered by the following license notice:
- *
- *   Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
- *   contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed
- *   with this work for additional information regarding copyright
- *   ownership. The ASF licenses this file to you under the Apache
- *   License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file
- *   except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
- *   the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 .
- */
-#ifndef _COMDEP_HXX
-#define _COMDEP_HXX
-#include <tools/fsys.hxx>
-#define ACCESSDELIM(e)  ( ( e == FSYS_STYLE_NTFS ) ? "\\" : "/" )
-#define ACCESSDELIM_C(e)(char)\
-                        ( ( e == FSYS_STYLE_NTFS ) ? '\\' : '/' )
-#define SEARCHDELIM(e)  ( (e == FSYS_STYLE_BSD) ? ":" : ";" )
-#define ACTPARENT(e)    ".."
-#define ACTCURRENT(e)   "."
-#if defined UNX
-#include "unx.hxx"
-#elif defined WNT
-#include "wntmsc.hxx"
-#ifndef LINUX
-DIR *opendir( const char* pPfad );
-dirent *readdir( DIR *pDir );
-int closedir( DIR *pDir );
-char *volumeid( const char* pPfad );
-struct DirReader_Impl
-    Dir*        pDir;
-    DIR*        pDosDir;
-    dirent*     pDosEntry;
-    DirEntry*   pParent;
-    String      aPath;
-    rtl::OString aBypass;
-    sal_Bool    bReady;
-    sal_Bool    bInUse;
-                DirReader_Impl( Dir &rDir )
-                :   pDir( &rDir ),
-                    pDosEntry( 0 ),
-                    pParent( 0 ),
-                    aPath(rDir.GetFull()),
-                    bReady ( sal_False ),
-                    bInUse( sal_False )
-                {
-                    // only use the String from Member-Var
-#if defined(UNX)    // for further explanation see DirReader_Impl::Read() in unx.cxx
-                    pDosDir = NULL;
-                    aBypass = rtl::OUStringToOString(aPath, osl_getThreadTextEncoding());
-                    pDosDir = opendir( aBypass.getStr() );
-                    // Determine parents for new DirEntries
-                    pParent = pDir->GetFlag() == FSYS_FLAG_NORMAL ||
-                              pDir->GetFlag() == FSYS_FLAG_ABSROOT
-                                    ? pDir
-                                    : pDir->GetParent();
-                }
-                ~DirReader_Impl()
-                { if( pDosDir ) closedir( pDosDir ); }
-    // Init and Read are system-independent
-    sal_uInt16  Init(); ///< Initializes (and if necessary) reads devices
-    sal_uInt16  Read(); ///< Reads one entry and appends it if ok
-#if defined WNT
-sal_Bool IsRedirectable_Impl( const rtl::OString &rPath );
-#define IsRedirectable_Impl( rPath )    sal_True
-/* vim:set shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4 expandtab: */
diff --git a/tools/source/fsys/dirent.cxx b/tools/source/fsys/dirent.cxx
deleted file mode 100644
index 4c42f47..0000000
--- a/tools/source/fsys/dirent.cxx
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1627 +0,0 @@
-/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- */
- * This file is part of the LibreOffice project.
- *
- * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
- *
- * This file incorporates work covered by the following license notice:
- *
- *   Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
- *   contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed
- *   with this work for additional information regarding copyright
- *   ownership. The ASF licenses this file to you under the Apache
- *   License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file
- *   except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
- *   the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 .
- */
-#if !defined UNX
-#ifdef WNT
-#include <windows.h>
-#undef GetObject
-#include <io.h>
-#include <process.h>
-#if defined(UNX)
-#include <unistd.h>
-#include <sys/types.h>
-#include <sys/stat.h>
-#include <ctype.h>
-#include <errno.h>
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <string.h>
-#include <tools/debug.hxx>
-#include "comdep.hxx"
-#include <tools/fsys.hxx>
-#include <tools/urlobj.hxx>
-#include <vector>
-#include <tools/stream.hxx>
-#include <osl/mutex.hxx>
-#include <osl/file.hxx>
-#include <rtl/instance.hxx>
-#include <comphelper/string.hxx>
-using namespace osl;
-using ::rtl::OUString;
-static rtl::OUString GetSystemTempDirPath_Impl()
-    rtl::OUString aTmpURL, aPath;
-    osl::FileBase::getTempDirURL( aTmpURL );
-    osl::FileBase::getSystemPathFromFileURL( aTmpURL, aPath );
-    return aPath;
-int Sys2SolarError_Impl( int nSysErr )
-    switch ( nSysErr )
-    {
-#ifdef WNT
-        case NO_ERROR:                  return ERRCODE_NONE;
-        case ERROR_INVALID_BLOCK:       return ERRCODE_IO_GENERAL;
-        case ERROR_BAD_FORMAT:          return ERRCODE_IO_WRONGFORMAT;
-        case ERROR_BAD_UNIT:            return ERRCODE_IO_INVALIDDEVICE;
-        case ERROR_NOT_READY:           return ERRCODE_IO_DEVICENOTREADY;
-        case ERROR_BAD_COMMAND:         return ERRCODE_IO_GENERAL;
-        case ERROR_CRC:                 return ERRCODE_IO_BADCRC;
-        case ERROR_BAD_LENGTH:          return ERRCODE_IO_INVALIDLENGTH;
-        case ERROR_SEEK:                return ERRCODE_IO_CANTSEEK;
-        case ERROR_NOT_DOS_DISK:        return ERRCODE_IO_WRONGFORMAT;
-        case ERROR_WRITE_FAULT:         return ERRCODE_IO_CANTWRITE;
-        case ERROR_READ_FAULT:          return ERRCODE_IO_CANTREAD;
-        case ERROR_GEN_FAILURE:         return ERRCODE_IO_GENERAL;
-        case ERROR_WRONG_DISK:          return ERRCODE_IO_INVALIDDEVICE;
-        case 0:         return ERRCODE_NONE;
-        case ENOENT:    return ERRCODE_IO_NOTEXISTS;
-        case EACCES:    return ERRCODE_IO_ACCESSDENIED;
-        case EEXIST:    return ERRCODE_IO_ALREADYEXISTS;
-        case ENOMEM:    return ERRCODE_IO_OUTOFMEMORY;
-        case ENOSPC:    return ERRCODE_IO_OUTOFSPACE;
-    }
-    OSL_TRACE( "FSys: unknown system error %d occurred", nSysErr );
-    return FSYS_ERR_UNKNOWN;
-class DirEntryStack
-    ::std::vector< DirEntry* >  maStack;
-                        DirEntryStack() {};
-                        ~DirEntryStack();
-    inline  void        Push( DirEntry *pEntry );
-    inline  DirEntry*   Pop();
-    inline  DirEntry*   Top();
-    inline  DirEntry*   Bottom();
-    inline  bool        Empty();
-    inline  void        Clear();
-inline void DirEntryStack::Push( DirEntry *pEntry )
-    maStack.push_back( pEntry );
-inline DirEntry* DirEntryStack::Pop()
-    DirEntry*   pEntry = NULL;
-    if ( !maStack.empty() ) {
-        pEntry = maStack.back();
-        maStack.pop_back();
-    }
-    return pEntry;
-inline DirEntry* DirEntryStack::Top()
-    return maStack.empty() ? NULL : maStack.back();
-inline DirEntry* DirEntryStack::Bottom()
-    return maStack.empty() ? NULL : maStack.front();
-inline bool DirEntryStack::Empty()
-    return maStack.empty();
-inline void DirEntryStack::Clear()
-    maStack.clear();
-DBG_NAME( DirEntry );
-    maStack.clear();
-#ifdef DBG_UTIL
-/** Check DirEntry for DBG_UTIL
-    @param p Pointer to DirEntry
-    @return char* Error-TExtension or NULL
-const char* ImpCheckDirEntry( const void* p )
-    DirEntry* p0 = (DirEntry*)p;
-    if ( p0->pParent )
-        DBG_CHKOBJ( p0->pParent, DirEntry, ImpCheckDirEntry );
-    return NULL;
-/** Insert "..." for max length of nMaxChars */
-rtl::OString ImplCutPath( const rtl::OString& rStr, sal_Int32 nMax, char cAccDel )
-    sal_Int32 nMaxPathLen = nMax;
-    sal_Bool bInsertPrefix = sal_False;
-    sal_Int32 nBegin = rStr.indexOf(cAccDel);
-    rtl::OStringBuffer aCutPath(rStr);
-    if( nBegin == -1 )
-        nBegin = 0;
-    else
-        nMaxPathLen += 2;   // Prefix <Disk>:
-    while( aCutPath.getLength() > nMaxPathLen )
-    {
-        sal_Int32 nEnd = aCutPath.toString().indexOf(cAccDel, nBegin + 1);
-        sal_Int32 nCount;
-        if ( nEnd != -1 )
-        {
-            nCount = nEnd - nBegin;
-            aCutPath.remove(nBegin, nCount);
-            bInsertPrefix = sal_True;
-        }
-        else
-            break;
-    }
-    if ( aCutPath.getLength() > nMaxPathLen )
-    {
-        for ( sal_Int32 n = nMaxPathLen; n > nMaxPathLen/2; --n )
-        {
-            if (!comphelper::string::isalnumAscii(aCutPath[n]))
-            {
-                comphelper::string::truncateToLength(aCutPath, n);
-                aCutPath.append("...");
-                break;
-            }
-        }
-    }
-    if ( bInsertPrefix )
-    {
-        rtl::OStringBuffer aIns;
-        aIns.append(cAccDel).append("...");
-        aCutPath.insert(nBegin, aIns.makeStringAndClear());
-    }
-    return aCutPath.makeStringAndClear();
-FSysError DirEntry::ImpParseName( const rtl::OString& rPfad )
-#if defined(WNT)
-    DBG_CHKTHIS( DirEntry, ImpCheckDirEntry );
-    // put single names onto stack
-    String aPfad(rtl::OStringToOUString(rPfad, osl_getThreadTextEncoding()));
-    DirEntryStack   aStack;
-    do
-    {
-        // split name before first "\\",
-        // if '\\' is at beginning of string, name is set to '\\'.
-        // ":" also splits the string and belongs to the name.
-        // search first occurance of '\\', '/' or ':'
-        sal_uInt16 nPos;
-        for ( nPos = 0;
-              nPos < aPfad.Len() &&                             //?O
-                  aPfad.GetChar(nPos) != '\\' && aPfad.GetChar(nPos) != '/' &&      //?O
-                  aPfad.GetChar(nPos) != ':';                               //?O
-              nPos++ )
-            /* do nothing */;
-        // is the name a UNC pathname?
-        if ( nPos == 0 && aPfad.Len() > 1 &&
-             ( ( aPfad.GetChar(0) == '\\' && aPfad.GetChar(1) == '\\' ) ||
-               ( aPfad.GetChar(0) == '/' && aPfad.GetChar(1) == '/' ) ) )
-        {
-            for ( nPos = 2; aPfad.Len() > nPos; ++nPos )
-                if ( aPfad.GetChar(nPos) == '\\' || aPfad.GetChar(nPos) == '/' )
-                    break;
-            aName = rtl::OUStringToOString(aPfad.Copy( 2, nPos-2 ), osl_getThreadTextEncoding());
-            aStack.Push( new DirEntry( aName, FSYS_FLAG_ABSROOT ) );
-        }
-        // Is the name the root of the current drive?
-        else if ( nPos == 0 && aPfad.Len() > 0 &&
-                  ( aPfad.GetChar(0) == '\\' || aPfad.GetChar(0) == '/' ) )
-        {
-            // Push root directory of current drive
-            aStack.Push( new DirEntry( FSYS_FLAG_ABSROOT ) );
-        }
-        else
-        {
-            // Is the name itself a drive?
-            if ( nPos < aPfad.Len() && aPfad.GetChar(nPos) == ':' )
-            {
-                aName = rtl::OUStringToOString(aPfad.Copy( 0, nPos + 1 ), osl_getThreadTextEncoding());
-                // Is the name the root of a drive?
-                if ( (nPos + 1) < aPfad.Len() &&
-                     ( aPfad.GetChar(nPos+1) == '\\' || aPfad.GetChar(nPos+1) == '/' ) )
-                {
-                    // unsupported if stack not empty or is a Novell format (URL)
-                    if ( !aStack.Empty() || aName.getLength() > 2 )
-                    {
-                        aName = rPfad;
-                        return FSYS_ERR_MISPLACEDCHAR;
-                    }
-                    // Push as root directory of drive
-                    aStack.Push( new DirEntry( aName, FSYS_FLAG_ABSROOT ) );
-                }
-                else
-                {
-                    // clear stack if another drive is currently on it
-                    if ( !aStack.Empty() )
-                    {
-                        rtl::OString aThis(aStack.Bottom()->aName);
-                        aThis = aThis.toAsciiLowerCase();
-                        rtl::OString aOther(aName);
-                        aOther = aOther.toAsciiLowerCase();
-                        if (aThis.compareTo(aOther) != 0)
-                            aStack.Clear();
-                    }
-                    if ( aStack.Empty() )
-                        aStack.Push( new DirEntry( aName, FSYS_FLAG_RELROOT ) );
-                }
-            }
-            // Name is not a drive
-            else
-            {
-                // split the name without seperator
-                aName = rtl::OUStringToOString(aPfad.Copy( 0, nPos ), osl_getThreadTextEncoding());
-                // Is the name the current directory?
-                if ( aName == "." )
-                    /* do nothing */;
-                // Is the name the parent directory?
-                else if ( aName == ".." )
-                {
-                    // Is the stack empty, or a parent (or relative root) on it?
-                    if ( ( aStack.Empty() ) ||
-                         ( aStack.Top()->eFlag == FSYS_FLAG_PARENT ) ||
-                         ( aStack.Top()->eFlag == FSYS_FLAG_RELROOT ) )
-                        // add leading parent to stack
-                        aStack.Push( new DirEntry( FSYS_FLAG_PARENT ) );
-                    // It's an absolute root path
-                    else if ( aStack.Top()->eFlag == FSYS_FLAG_ABSROOT )
-                    {
-                        // Then there is no parent directory
-                        aName = rPfad;
-                        return FSYS_ERR_NOTEXISTS;
-                    }
-                    else
-                        // Otherwise removee parent TOS
-                        delete aStack.Pop();
-                }
-                else
-                {
-                    // add ordinary entries to the stack
-                    DirEntry *pNew = new DirEntry( aName, FSYS_FLAG_NORMAL );
-                    if ( !pNew->IsValid() )
-                    {
-                        aName = rPfad;
-                        ErrCode eErr = pNew->GetError();
-                        delete pNew;
-                        return eErr;
-                    }
-                    aStack.Push( pNew );
-                }
-            }
-        }
-        // determine remainder of path
-        aPfad.Erase( 0, nPos + 1 );
-        while ( aPfad.Len() && ( aPfad.GetChar(0) == '\\' || aPfad.GetChar(0) == '/' ) )
-            aPfad.Erase( 0, 1 );
-    }
-    while ( aPfad.Len() );
-    sal_uIntPtr nErr = ERRCODE_NONE;
-    // Set the main entry itself
-    if ( aStack.Empty() )
-    {
-        eFlag = FSYS_FLAG_CURRENT;
-        aName = rtl::OString();
-    }
-    else
-    {
-        eFlag = aStack.Top()->eFlag;
-        aName = aStack.Top()->aName;
-        nErr = aStack.Top()->nError;
-        delete aStack.Pop();
-    }
-    // pop parent entry from stack
-    DirEntry** pTemp = &pParent;
-    while ( !aStack.Empty() )
-    {
-        *pTemp = aStack.Pop();
-        // set member pointer to the pParent of the member's own parent
-        pTemp = &( (*pTemp)->pParent );
-    }
-    // Does this describe a volume?
-    if ( !pParent && eFlag == FSYS_FLAG_RELROOT && !aName.isEmpty() )
-        eFlag = FSYS_FLAG_VOLUME;
-    // use full aName if error code was set
-    if ( nErr )
-        aName = rPfad;
-    return nErr;
-    DBG_CHKTHIS( DirEntry, ImpCheckDirEntry );
-    // Add single names to the stack
-    DirEntryStack   aStack;
-    rtl::OString aPfad(rPfad);
-    do
-    {
-        // split names on the first occurance of "/",
-        // if '/' starts the string, it itself becomes the name
-        // search first occurance of "/"
-        sal_uInt16 nPos;
-        for ( nPos = 0;
-              nPos < aPfad.getLength() && aPfad[nPos] != '/';
-              nPos++ )
-            /* do nothing */;
-        // is the name the root of the current drive?
-        if ( nPos == 0 && !aPfad.isEmpty() && ( aPfad[0] == '/' ) )
-        {
-            // push root directory of current drive to stack
-            aStack.Push( new DirEntry( FSYS_FLAG_ABSROOT ) );
-        }
-        else
-        {
-            // split name without seperator
-            aName = aPfad.copy(0, nPos);
-            // Is the name the current directory?
-            if ( aName == "." )
-                /* do nothing */;
-#ifdef UNX
-            // Is the name the user's home directory?
-            else if ( aName == "~" )
-            {
-                DirEntry aHome( String( (const char *) getenv( "HOME" ), osl_getThreadTextEncoding()) );
-                for ( sal_uInt16 n = aHome.Level(); n; --n )
-                    aStack.Push( new DirEntry( aHome[ (sal_uInt16) n-1 ] ) );
-            }
-            // Is the name the current parent directory?
-            else if ( aName == ".." )
-            {
-                // Is the stack empty, or a parent (or relative root) is on top?
-                if ( ( aStack.Empty() ) || ( aStack.Top()->eFlag == FSYS_FLAG_PARENT ) )
-                {
-                    // push leading parents to stack
-                    aStack.Push( new DirEntry(rtl::OString(), FSYS_FLAG_PARENT) );
-                }
-                // Is the name an absolute root?
-                else if ( aStack.Top()->eFlag == FSYS_FLAG_ABSROOT )
-                {
-                    // they do not have parent directories
-                    return FSYS_ERR_NOTEXISTS;
-                }
-                else
-                    // otherwise remove parent TOS from stack
-                    delete aStack.Pop();
-            }
-            else
-            {
-                DirEntry *pNew = NULL;
-                // push ordinary entries on the stack
-                pNew = new DirEntry( aName, FSYS_FLAG_NORMAL );
-                if ( !pNew->IsValid() )
-                {
-                    aName = rPfad;
-                    ErrCode eErr = pNew->GetError();
-                    delete pNew;
-                    return eErr;
-                }
-                aStack.Push( pNew );
-            }
-        }
-        // get remainder of path
-        aPfad = nPos < aPfad.getLength()
-            ? aPfad.copy(nPos + 1) : rtl::OString();
-        while ( !aPfad.isEmpty() && ( aPfad[0] == '/' ) )
-            aPfad = aPfad.copy(1);
-    }
-    while (!aPfad.isEmpty());
-    // insert main entry itself
-    if ( aStack.Empty() )
-    {
-        eFlag = FSYS_FLAG_CURRENT;
-        aName = rtl::OString();
-    }
-    else
-    {
-        eFlag = aStack.Top()->eFlag;
-        aName = aStack.Top()->aName;
-        delete aStack.Pop();
-    }
-    // Get parent entries from stack
-    DirEntry** pTemp = &pParent;
-    while ( !aStack.Empty() )
-    {
-        *pTemp = aStack.Pop();
-        pTemp = &( (*pTemp)->pParent );
-    }
-    return FSYS_ERR_OK;
-static FSysPathStyle GetStyle( FSysPathStyle eStyle )
-    if ( eStyle == FSYS_STYLE_HOST || eStyle == FSYS_STYLE_DETECT )
-        return DEFSTYLE;
-    else
-        return eStyle;
-/** Convert name to match OS norm. */
-void DirEntry::ImpTrim()
-    // Do not trim wildcard characters
-    if ( ( aName.indexOf( '*' ) != -1 ) ||
-         ( aName.indexOf( '?' ) != -1 ) ||
-         ( aName.indexOf( ';' ) != -1 ) )
-        return;
-#if defined(WNT)
-    if ( aName.getLength() > 254 )
-    {
-        aName = aName.copy(254);
-    }
-    if ( aName.getLength() > 250 )
-    {
-        aName = aName.copy(250);
-    }
-DirEntry::DirEntry( const rtl::OString& rName, DirEntryFlag eDirFlag ) :
-            pStat( 0 ),
-            aName( rName )
-    DBG_CTOR( DirEntry, ImpCheckDirEntry );
-    pParent         = NULL;
-    eFlag           = eDirFlag;
-    nError          = FSYS_ERR_OK;
-    ImpTrim();
-DirEntry::DirEntry( const DirEntry& rOrig ) :
-            pStat( rOrig.pStat ? new FileStat(*rOrig.pStat) : 0 ),
-            aName( rOrig.aName )
-    DBG_CTOR( DirEntry, ImpCheckDirEntry );
-    eFlag           = rOrig.eFlag;
-    nError          = rOrig.nError;
-    if ( rOrig.pParent )
-    {
-        pParent = new DirEntry( *rOrig.pParent );
-    }
-    else
-    {
-        pParent = NULL;
-    }
-DirEntry::DirEntry( const String& rInitName, FSysPathStyle eStyle ) :
-            pStat( 0 )
-    DBG_CTOR( DirEntry, ImpCheckDirEntry );
-    (void) eStyle; // only used for DBG_UTIL
-    pParent         = NULL;
-    // faster check for empty string
-    if ( !rInitName.Len())
-    {
-        eFlag                   = FSYS_FLAG_CURRENT;
-        nError                  = FSYS_ERR_OK;
-        return;
-    }
-    rtl::OString aTmpName(rtl::OUStringToOString(rInitName, osl_getThreadTextEncoding()));
-    if (aTmpName.matchIgnoreAsciiCase(rtl::OString("file:")))
-    {
-        DBG_WARNING( "File URLs are not permitted but accepted" );
-        aTmpName = rtl::OUStringToOString(INetURLObject( rInitName ).PathToFileName(), osl_getThreadTextEncoding());
-#ifdef DBG_UTIL
-                eStyle = FSYS_STYLE_HOST;
-    }
-    else
-    {
-        ::rtl::OUString aTmp;
-        ::rtl::OUString aOInitName;
-        if ( FileBase::getFileURLFromSystemPath( OUString( rInitName ), aTmp ) == FileBase::E_None )
-        {
-            aOInitName = OUString( rInitName );
-            aTmpName = rtl::OUStringToOString(aOInitName, osl_getThreadTextEncoding());
-        }
-#ifdef DBG_UTIL
-        if (eStyle == FSYS_STYLE_HOST && aTmpName.indexOf( "://" ) != -1)
-        {
-            rtl::OStringBuffer aErr("DirEntries akzeptieren nur File URLS: ");
-            aErr.append(aTmpName);
-            DBG_WARNING(aErr.getStr());
-        }
-    }
-    nError  = ImpParseName( aTmpName );
-    if ( nError != FSYS_ERR_OK )
-        eFlag = FSYS_FLAG_INVALID;
-DirEntry::DirEntry( const rtl::OString& rInitName, FSysPathStyle eStyle ) :
-            pStat( 0 )
-    DBG_CTOR( DirEntry, ImpCheckDirEntry );
-    (void) eStyle; // only used for DBG_UTIL
-    pParent         = NULL;
-    // faster check for empty string
-    if ( rInitName.isEmpty() )
-    {
-        eFlag                   = FSYS_FLAG_CURRENT;
-        nError                  = FSYS_ERR_OK;
-        return;
-    }
-    rtl::OString aTmpName( rInitName );
-    if (aTmpName.matchIgnoreAsciiCase(rtl::OString("file:")))
-    {
-        DBG_WARNING( "File URLs are not permitted but accepted" );
-        aTmpName = rtl::OUStringToOString(INetURLObject( rInitName ).PathToFileName(), osl_getThreadTextEncoding());
-#ifdef DBG_UTIL
-        eStyle = FSYS_STYLE_HOST;
-    }
-#ifdef DBG_UTIL
-    else
-    {
-        if( eStyle == FSYS_STYLE_HOST && rInitName.indexOf("://") != -1 )
-        {
-            rtl::OStringBuffer aErr("DirEntries akzeptieren nur File URLS: ");
-            aErr.append(rInitName);
-            DBG_WARNING(aErr.getStr());
-        }
-    }
-    nError  = ImpParseName( aTmpName );
-    if ( nError != FSYS_ERR_OK )
-        eFlag = FSYS_FLAG_INVALID;
-DirEntry::DirEntry( DirEntryFlag eDirFlag ) :
-            pStat( 0 )
-    DBG_CTOR( DirEntry, ImpCheckDirEntry );
-    eFlag           = eDirFlag;
-    nError          = ( eFlag == FSYS_FLAG_INVALID ) ? FSYS_ERR_UNKNOWN : FSYS_ERR_OK;
-    pParent         = NULL;
-    DBG_DTOR( DirEntry, ImpCheckDirEntry );
-    delete pParent;
-    delete pStat;
-const DirEntry* DirEntry::ImpGetTopPtr() const
-    DBG_CHKTHIS( DirEntry, ImpCheckDirEntry );
-    const DirEntry *pTemp = this;
-    while ( pTemp->pParent )
-        pTemp = pTemp->pParent;
-    return pTemp;
-DirEntry* DirEntry::ImpGetTopPtr()
-    DBG_CHKTHIS( DirEntry, ImpCheckDirEntry );
-    DirEntry *pTemp = this;
-    while ( pTemp->pParent )
-        pTemp = pTemp->pParent;
-    return pTemp;
-DirEntry* DirEntry::ImpChangeParent( DirEntry* pNewParent, sal_Bool bNormalize )
-    DBG_CHKTHIS( DirEntry, ImpCheckDirEntry );
-    DirEntry *pTemp = pParent;
-    if ( bNormalize && pNewParent &&
-         pNewParent->eFlag == FSYS_FLAG_RELROOT && pNewParent->aName.isEmpty() )
-    {
-        pParent = 0;
-        delete pNewParent;
-    }
-    else
-        pParent = pNewParent;
-    return pTemp;
-sal_Bool DirEntry::Exists( FSysAccess nAccess ) const
-    static osl::Mutex aLocalMutex;
-    osl::MutexGuard aGuard( aLocalMutex );
-        if ( !IsValid() )
-                return sal_False;
-#if defined WNT
-    // get special file names from system
-    if ( aName.equalsIgnoreAsciiCase("CLOCK$") ||
-           aName.equalsIgnoreAsciiCase("CON") ||
-           aName.equalsIgnoreAsciiCase("AUX") ||
-           aName.equalsIgnoreAsciiCase("COM1") ||
-           aName.equalsIgnoreAsciiCase("COM2") ||
-           aName.equalsIgnoreAsciiCase("COM3") ||
-           aName.equalsIgnoreAsciiCase("COM4") ||
-           aName.equalsIgnoreAsciiCase("LPT1") ||
-           aName.equalsIgnoreAsciiCase("LPT2") ||
-           aName.equalsIgnoreAsciiCase("LPT3") ||
-           aName.equalsIgnoreAsciiCase("NUL") ||
-           aName.equalsIgnoreAsciiCase("PRN") )
-        return sal_True;
-        DirEntryKind eKind = FileStat( *this, nAccess ).GetKind();
-        if ( eKind & ( FSYS_KIND_FILE | FSYS_KIND_DIR ) )
-        {
-            return sal_True;
-        }
-#if defined WNT
-        if ( 0 != ( eKind & FSYS_KIND_DEV ) )
-        {
-            return DRIVE_EXISTS( ImpGetTopPtr()->aName[0] );
-        }
-        return 0 != ( eKind & ( FSYS_KIND_FILE | FSYS_KIND_DIR ) );
-sal_Bool DirEntry::First()
-        String    aUniPathName( GetPath().GetFull() );
-        rtl::OString aPathName(rtl::OUStringToOString(aUniPathName, osl_getThreadTextEncoding()));
-        DIR *pDir = opendir(aPathName.getStr());
-        if ( pDir )
-        {
-                WildCard aWildeKarte(rtl::OStringToOUString(CMP_LOWER(aName), osl_getThreadTextEncoding()));
-                for ( dirent* pEntry = readdir( pDir );
-                          pEntry;
-                          pEntry = readdir( pDir ) )
-                {
-                        rtl::OString aFound(pEntry->d_name);
-                        if (aWildeKarte.Matches(rtl::OStringToOUString(CMP_LOWER(aFound), osl_getThreadTextEncoding())))
-                        {
-                                aName = aFound;
-                                closedir( pDir );
-                                return sal_True;
-                        }
-                }
-                closedir( pDir );
-        }
-        return sal_False;
-String DirEntry::GetFull( FSysPathStyle eStyle, sal_Bool bWithDelimiter,
-                          sal_uInt16 nMaxChars ) const
-    DBG_CHKTHIS( DirEntry, ImpCheckDirEntry );
-    rtl::OStringBuffer aBuf;
-    eStyle = GetStyle( eStyle );
-    if ( pParent )
-    {
-        if ( ( pParent->eFlag == FSYS_FLAG_ABSROOT ||
-               pParent->eFlag == FSYS_FLAG_RELROOT ||
-               pParent->eFlag == FSYS_FLAG_VOLUME ) )
-        {
-            aBuf.append(rtl::OUStringToOString(pParent->GetName( eStyle ), osl_getThreadTextEncoding()));
-            aBuf.append(rtl::OUStringToOString(GetName( eStyle ), osl_getThreadTextEncoding()));
-        }
-        else
-        {
-            aBuf.append(rtl::OUStringToOString(pParent->GetFull( eStyle ), osl_getThreadTextEncoding()));
-            aBuf.append(ACCESSDELIM_C(eStyle));
-            aBuf.append(rtl::OUStringToOString(GetName( eStyle ), osl_getThreadTextEncoding()));
-        }
-    }
-    else
-    {
-        aBuf.append(rtl::OUStringToOString(GetName(eStyle), osl_getThreadTextEncoding()));
-    }
-    //! Hack
-    if ( bWithDelimiter )
-        if ( aBuf[aBuf.getLength()-1] != ACCESSDELIM_C(eStyle) )
-            aBuf.append(ACCESSDELIM_C(eStyle));
-    rtl::OString aRet = aBuf.makeStringAndClear();
-    // HACK
-    if ( nMaxChars < STRING_MAXLEN )
-        aRet = ImplCutPath( aRet, nMaxChars, ACCESSDELIM_C(eStyle) );
-    return rtl::OStringToOUString(aRet, osl_getThreadTextEncoding());
-DirEntry DirEntry::GetPath() const
-    DBG_CHKTHIS( DirEntry, ImpCheckDirEntry );
-    if ( pParent )
-        return DirEntry( *pParent );
-    return DirEntry();
-String DirEntry::GetExtension( char cSep ) const
-    DBG_CHKTHIS( DirEntry, ImpCheckDirEntry );
-    const char *p0 = aName.getStr();
-    const char *p1 = p0 + aName.getLength() - 1;
-    while ( p1 >= p0 && *p1 != cSep )
-        p1--;
-    if ( p1 >= p0 )
-    {
-        // found a cSep at position p1
-        return rtl::OStringToOUString(aName.copy(p1 - p0 + 1),
-            osl_getThreadTextEncoding());
-    }
-    return String();
-String DirEntry::GetBase( char cSep ) const
-    DBG_CHKTHIS( DirEntry, ImpCheckDirEntry );
-    const char *p0 = aName.getStr();
-    const char *p1 = p0 + aName.getLength() - 1;
-    while ( p1 >= p0 && *p1 != cSep )
-        p1--;
-    if ( p1 >= p0 )
-    {
-        // found a cSep at position p1
-        return rtl::OStringToOUString(aName.copy(0, p1 - p0),
-            osl_getThreadTextEncoding());
-    }
-    // did not find a cSep
-    return rtl::OStringToOUString(aName, osl_getThreadTextEncoding());
-String DirEntry::GetName( FSysPathStyle eStyle ) const
-    DBG_CHKTHIS( DirEntry, ImpCheckDirEntry );
-    rtl::OStringBuffer aRet;
-    eStyle = GetStyle( eStyle );
-    switch( eFlag )
-    {
-        case FSYS_FLAG_PARENT:
-            aRet.append(ACTPARENT(eStyle));
-            break;
-        case FSYS_FLAG_ABSROOT:
-        {
-            aRet.append(aName);
-            aRet.append(ACCESSDELIM_C(eStyle));
-            break;
-        }
-        case FSYS_FLAG_INVALID:
-        case FSYS_FLAG_VOLUME:
-        {
-            aRet.append(aName);
-            break;
-        }
-        case FSYS_FLAG_RELROOT:
-            if ( aName.isEmpty() )
-            {
-                aRet.append(ACTCURRENT(eStyle));
-                break;
-            }
-        default:
-            aRet.append(aName);
-            break;
-    }
-    return rtl::OStringToOUString(aRet.makeStringAndClear(),
-        osl_getThreadTextEncoding());
-bool DirEntry::IsAbs() const
-    DBG_CHKTHIS( DirEntry, ImpCheckDirEntry );
-#ifdef UNX
-    return ( pParent ? pParent->IsAbs() : eFlag == FSYS_FLAG_ABSROOT );
-    return ( pParent ? pParent->IsAbs() : eFlag == FSYS_FLAG_ABSROOT && !aName.isEmpty() );
-String DirEntry::CutName( FSysPathStyle eStyle )
-    DBG_CHKTHIS( DirEntry, ImpCheckDirEntry );
-    eStyle = GetStyle( eStyle );
-    String aOldName( GetName( eStyle ) );
-    if ( pParent )
-    {
-        DirEntry *pOldParent = pParent;
-        if ( pOldParent )
-        {
-            pParent = pOldParent->pParent;
-            eFlag = pOldParent->eFlag;
-            aName = pOldParent->aName;
-            pOldParent->pParent = NULL;
-            delete pOldParent;
-        }
-        else
-        {
-            eFlag = FSYS_FLAG_CURRENT;
-            aName = rtl::OString();
-        }
-    }
-    else
-    {
-        eFlag = FSYS_FLAG_CURRENT;
-        aName = rtl::OString();
-        delete pParent;
-        pParent = NULL;
-    }
-    return aOldName;
-sal_Bool DirEntry::operator==( const DirEntry& rEntry ) const
-    DBG_CHKTHIS( DirEntry, ImpCheckDirEntry );
-    // test whether the contents are textual the same
-    if ( nError && ( nError == rEntry.nError ) )
-        return sal_True;
-    if ( nError || rEntry.nError ||
-         ( eFlag == FSYS_FLAG_INVALID ) ||
-         ( rEntry.eFlag == FSYS_FLAG_INVALID ) )
-        return sal_False;
-    const DirEntry *pThis = (DirEntry *)this;
-    const DirEntry *pWith = (DirEntry *)&rEntry;
-    while( pThis && pWith && (pThis->eFlag == pWith->eFlag) )
-    {
-        if ( CMP_LOWER(pThis->aName) != CMP_LOWER(pWith->aName) )
-            break;
-        pThis = pThis->pParent;
-        pWith = pWith->pParent;
-    }
-    return ( !pThis && !pWith );
-DirEntry& DirEntry::operator=( const DirEntry& rEntry )
-    DBG_CHKTHIS( DirEntry, ImpCheckDirEntry );
-    if ( this == &rEntry )
-        return *this;
-    if ( rEntry.nError != FSYS_ERR_OK ) {
-        OSL_FAIL("Zuweisung mit invalidem DirEntry");
-        nError = rEntry.nError;
-        return *this;
-    }
-    // set name and type, but keep refs
-    aName                       = rEntry.aName;
-    eFlag                       = rEntry.eFlag;
-    nError                      = FSYS_ERR_OK;
-    DirEntry *pOldParent = pParent;
-    if ( rEntry.pParent )
-        pParent = new DirEntry( *rEntry.pParent );
-    else
-        pParent = NULL;
-    if ( pOldParent )
-        delete pOldParent;
-    return *this;
-DirEntry DirEntry::operator+( const DirEntry& rEntry ) const
-    DBG_CHKTHIS( DirEntry, ImpCheckDirEntry );
-#ifdef DBG_UTIL
-        static sal_Bool bTested = sal_False;
-        if ( !bTested )
-        {
-                bTested = sal_True;
-                FSysTest();
-        }
-        const DirEntry *pEntryTop = rEntry.ImpGetTopPtr();
-        const DirEntry *pThisTop = ImpGetTopPtr();
-    if (
-        (eFlag == FSYS_FLAG_RELROOT && aName.isEmpty()) ||
-        (
-         (!pEntryTop->aName.isEmpty()  ||
-          ((rEntry.Level()>1)?(rEntry[rEntry.Level()-2].aName.equalsIgnoreAsciiCase(RFS_IDENTIFIER)):sal_False))
-          &&
-         (pEntryTop->eFlag == FSYS_FLAG_ABSROOT ||
-          pEntryTop->eFlag == FSYS_FLAG_RELROOT ||
-          pEntryTop->eFlag == FSYS_FLAG_VOLUME)
-        )
-       )
-    {
-                return rEntry;
-    }
-    // something + "." (=> pEntryTop == &rEntry)
-    if (pEntryTop->eFlag == FSYS_FLAG_RELROOT && pEntryTop->aName.isEmpty())
-    {
-        DBG_ASSERT( pEntryTop == &rEntry, "DirEntry::op+ buggy" );
-        return *this;
-    }
-    // root += ".." (=> impossible)
-        if ( pEntryTop->eFlag == FSYS_FLAG_PARENT && pThisTop == this &&
-                ( eFlag == FSYS_FLAG_ABSROOT ) )
-                return DirEntry( FSYS_FLAG_INVALID );
-        // something += abs (=> only append device if existant)
-        if ( pEntryTop->eFlag == FSYS_FLAG_ABSROOT )
-        {
-                rtl::OString aDevice;
-                if ( pThisTop->eFlag == FSYS_FLAG_ABSROOT )
-                    aDevice = pThisTop->aName;
-                DirEntry aRet = rEntry;
-                if ( !aDevice.isEmpty() )
-                    aRet.ImpGetTopPtr()->aName = aDevice;
-                return aRet;
-        }
-        // something += ".." (=> break apart)
-        if ( eFlag == FSYS_FLAG_NORMAL && pEntryTop->eFlag == FSYS_FLAG_PARENT )
-        {
-                String aConcated( GetFull() );
-                aConcated += ACCESSDELIM_C(FSYS_STYLE_HOST);
-                aConcated += rEntry.GetFull();
-                return DirEntry( aConcated );
-        }
-        // otherwise append consecutively
-        DirEntry aRet( rEntry );
-        DirEntry *pTop = aRet.ImpGetTopPtr();
-        pTop->pParent = new DirEntry( *this );
-        return aRet;
-DirEntry &DirEntry::operator+=( const DirEntry& rEntry )
-    DBG_CHKTHIS( DirEntry, ImpCheckDirEntry );
-    return *this = *this + rEntry;
-String DirEntry::GetAccessDelimiter( FSysPathStyle eFormatter )
-        return rtl::OUString( ACCESSDELIM_C( GetStyle( eFormatter ) ) );
-void DirEntry::SetExtension( const String& rExtension, char cSep )
-    DBG_CHKTHIS( DirEntry, ImpCheckDirEntry );
-    // do not set extensions for drives
-    if(eFlag == FSYS_FLAG_ABSROOT)
-    {
-        nError = FSYS_ERR_NOTSUPPORTED;
-        return;
-    }
-    rtl::OStringBuffer aBuf(aName);
-    // search cSep within aName
-    const sal_Char *p0 = aBuf.getStr();
-    const sal_Char *p1 = p0 + aBuf.getLength() - 1;
-    while ( p1 >= p0 && *p1 != cSep )
-        p1--;
-    if ( p1 >= p0 )
-    {
-        // found a cSep on position p1
-        sal_Int32 n = static_cast<sal_Int32>(
-                p1 - p0 + 1 - ( rExtension.Len() ? 0 : 1 ));
-        aBuf.remove(n, aBuf.getLength()-n);
-    }
-    else if ( rExtension.Len() )
-    {
-        // no cSep was found
-        aBuf.append(cSep);
-    }
-    aBuf.append(rtl::OUStringToOString(rExtension,
-        osl_getThreadTextEncoding()));
-    aName = aBuf.makeStringAndClear();
-void DirEntry::SetName( const String& rName, FSysPathStyle eFormatter )
-    DBG_CHKTHIS( DirEntry, ImpCheckDirEntry );
-    if ( eFormatter == FSYS_STYLE_HOST || eFormatter == FSYS_STYLE_DETECT )
-        eFormatter = DEFSTYLE;
-    sal_Char cAccDelim(ACCESSDELIM_C(eFormatter));
-    if ( (eFlag != FSYS_FLAG_NORMAL) ||
-         (aName.indexOf(':') != -1) ||
-         (aName.indexOf(cAccDelim) != -1) )
-    {
-        eFlag = FSYS_FLAG_INVALID;
-    }
-    else
-    {
-        aName = rtl::OUStringToOString(rName, osl_getThreadTextEncoding());
-    }
-sal_Bool DirEntry::Find( const String& rPfad, char cDelim )
-    DBG_CHKTHIS( DirEntry, ImpCheckDirEntry );
-    if ( ImpGetTopPtr()->eFlag == FSYS_FLAG_ABSROOT )
-            return sal_True;
-    sal_Bool bWild = aName.indexOf( '*' ) != -1 ||
-                     aName.indexOf( '?' ) != -1;
-    if ( !cDelim )
-            cDelim = SEARCHDELIM(DEFSTYLE)[0];
-    rtl::OString aThis = rtl::OStringBuffer()
-        .append(ACCESSDELIM_C(DEFSTYLE))
-        .append(rtl::OUStringToOString(GetFull(),
-            osl_getThreadTextEncoding()))
-        .makeStringAndClear();
-    sal_Int32 nIndex = 0;
-    do
-    {
-        rtl::OStringBuffer aPath(rtl::OUStringToOString(rPfad,
-            osl_getThreadTextEncoding()).getToken( 0, cDelim, nIndex ));
-        if ( aPath.getLength() )
-        {
-            if (aPath[aPath.getLength()-1] == ACCESSDELIM_C(DEFSTYLE))
-                aPath.remove(aPath.getLength()-1, 1);
-            aPath.append(aThis);
-            DirEntry aEntry(rtl::OStringToOUString(
-                aPath.makeStringAndClear(), osl_getThreadTextEncoding()));
-            if ( aEntry.ToAbs() &&
-                     ( ( !bWild && aEntry.Exists() ) || ( bWild && aEntry.First() ) ) )
-            {
-                    (*this) = aEntry;
-                    return sal_True;
-            }
-        }
-    }
-    while ( nIndex >= 0 );
-    return sal_False;
-#ifndef UNX
-DirEntry DirEntry::GetDevice() const
-        DBG_CHKTHIS( DirEntry, ImpCheckDirEntry );
-        const DirEntry *pTop = ImpGetTopPtr();
-        if ( ( pTop->eFlag == FSYS_FLAG_ABSROOT || pTop->eFlag == FSYS_FLAG_RELROOT ) &&
-                 !pTop->aName.isEmpty() )
-                return DirEntry( pTop->aName, FSYS_FLAG_VOLUME );
-        else
-                return DirEntry( rtl::OString(), FSYS_FLAG_INVALID );
-String DirEntry::GetSearchDelimiter( FSysPathStyle eFormatter )
-    return rtl::OStringToOUString(rtl::OString(SEARCHDELIM(GetStyle(eFormatter))), osl_getThreadTextEncoding());
-    struct TempNameBase_Impl : public rtl::Static< DirEntry, TempNameBase_Impl > {};
-DirEntry DirEntry::TempName( DirEntryKind eKind ) const
-        // use base-temp-dir if necessary
-        const DirEntry &rEntry = TempNameBase_Impl::get();
-        if ( !pParent && FSYS_FLAG_CURRENT != rEntry.eFlag && FSYS_FLAG_ABSROOT != eFlag )
-        {
-                DirEntry aFactory( rEntry );
-                aFactory += GetName();
-                return aFactory.TempName();
-        }
-        rtl::OString aDirName;
-        char *ret_val;
-        size_t i;
-        // determine Directory, Prefix and Extension
-        char pfx[6];
-        char ext[5];
-        const char *dir;
-        const char *pWild = strchr( aName.getStr(), '*' );
-        if ( !pWild )
-            pWild = strchr( aName.getStr(), '?' );
-        if ( pWild )
-        {
-            if ( pParent )
-                aDirName = rtl::OUStringToOString(pParent->GetFull(), osl_getThreadTextEncoding());
-            strncpy( pfx, aName.getStr(), Min( (int)5, (int)(pWild-aName.getStr()) ) );
-            pfx[ pWild-aName.getStr() ] = 0;
-            const char *pExt = strchr( pWild, '.' );
-            if ( pExt )
-            {
-                strncpy( ext, pExt, 4 );
-                ext[4] = 0;
-            }
-            else
-                strcpy( ext, ".tmp" );
-        }
-        else
-        {
-            aDirName = rtl::OUStringToOString(GetFull(), osl_getThreadTextEncoding());
-            strcpy( pfx, "lo" );
-            strcpy( ext, ".tmp" );
-        }
-        dir = aDirName.getStr();
-        OString sTempRoot;
-        if ( eFlag == FSYS_FLAG_CURRENT || ( !pParent && pWild ) )
-        {
-            rtl::OUString aPath = GetSystemTempDirPath_Impl();
-            sTempRoot = OUStringToOString( aPath, osl_getThreadTextEncoding() );
-            dir = sTempRoot.getStr();
-        }
-        DirEntry aRet(FSYS_FLAG_INVALID);
-        i = strlen(dir);
-        // need to add ?\\? + prefix + number + pid + .ext + '\0'
-#       define TMPNAME_SIZE  ( 1 + 5 + 5 + 10 + 4 + 1 )
-        ret_val = new char[i + TMPNAME_SIZE ];
-        if (ret_val)
-        {
-            strcpy(ret_val,dir);
-            /* Make sure directory ends with a separator    */
-#if defined(WNT)
-            if ( i>0 && ret_val[i-1] != '\\' && ret_val[i-1] != '/' &&
-                 ret_val[i-1] != ':')
-                ret_val[i++] = '\\';
-#elif defined UNX
-            if (i>0 && ret_val[i-1] != '/')
-                ret_val[i++] = '/';
-#error unknown operating system
-            strncpy(ret_val + i, pfx, 5);
-            ret_val[i + 5] = '\0';      /* strncpy doesn't put a 0 if more  */
-            i = strlen(ret_val);        /* than 'n' chars.          */
-            /* Prefix can have 5 chars, leaving 3 for numbers. 26 ** 3 == 17576
-             * Welcome to the 21st century, we can have longer filenames now ;)
-             * New format: pfx + "5 char milli/micro second res" + "current pid" + ".tmp"
-             */
-#ifdef _WIN32
-            /* Milliseconds !! */
-            static unsigned long u = GetTickCount();
-            unsigned long mypid = static_cast<unsigned long>(_getpid());
-            /* Microseconds !! */
-            static unsigned long u = clock();
-            unsigned long mypid = static_cast<unsigned long>(getpid());
-            for ( unsigned long nOld = u; ++u != nOld; ) /* Hae??? */
-            {
-                u %= 100000;  /* on *NIX repeats every 100ms, maybe less if CLOCKS_PER_SEC > 10^6 */
-                snprintf(ret_val+i, TMPNAME_SIZE, "%05lu%lu", u, mypid);
-                strcat(ret_val,ext);
-                if ( FSYS_KIND_FILE == eKind )
-                {
-                    SvFileStream aStream( String( ret_val, osl_getThreadTextEncoding()),
-                                            STREAM_WRITE|STREAM_SHARE_DENYALL );
-                    if ( aStream.IsOpen() )
-                    {
-                        aStream.Seek( STREAM_SEEK_TO_END );
-                        if ( 0 == aStream.Tell() )
-                        {
-                                aRet = DirEntry( String( ret_val, osl_getThreadTextEncoding()));
-                                break;
-                        }
-                        aStream.Close();
-                    }
-                }
-                else
-                {
-                    // Redirect
-                    String aRetVal(ret_val, osl_getThreadTextEncoding());
-                    String aRedirected (aRetVal);
-                    if ( FSYS_KIND_DIR == eKind )
-                    {
-                        if (0 == _mkdir(rtl::OUStringToOString(aRedirected, osl_getThreadTextEncoding()).getStr()))
-                        {
-                            aRet = DirEntry( aRetVal );
-                            break;
-                        }
-                    }
-                    else
-                    {
-#if defined(UNX)
-                        if (access(rtl::OUStringToOString(aRedirected, osl_getThreadTextEncoding()).getStr(), F_OK))
-                        {
-                                aRet = DirEntry( aRetVal );
-                                break;
-                        }
-                        struct stat aStat;
-                        if (stat(rtl::OUStringToOString(aRedirected, osl_getThreadTextEncoding()).getStr(), &aStat))
-                        {
-                            aRet = DirEntry( aRetVal );
-                            break;
-                        }
-                    }
-                }
-            }
-            delete[] ret_val;
-            ret_val = 0;
-        }
-        return aRet;
-const DirEntry &DirEntry::operator[]( sal_uInt16 nParentLevel ) const
-    DBG_CHKTHIS( DirEntry, ImpCheckDirEntry );
-    //TPF: maybe to be implemented (FastFSys)
-    const DirEntry *pRes = this;
-    while ( pRes && nParentLevel-- )
-        pRes = pRes->pParent;
-    return *pRes;
-sal_Bool DirEntry::MakeDir( sal_Bool bSloppy ) const
-    DBG_CHKTHIS( DirEntry, ImpCheckDirEntry );
-        // fast check if exists
-        if ( FileStat( *this ).IsKind( FSYS_KIND_DIR ) )
-                return sal_True;
-        if ( bSloppy && pParent )
-                 if ( FileStat( *pParent ).IsKind( FSYS_KIND_DIR ) )
-                          return sal_True;
-        const DirEntry *pNewDir = bSloppy ? pParent : this;
-        if ( pNewDir )
-        {
-                // Create path to dir
-                if ( pNewDir->pParent && !pNewDir->pParent->MakeDir(sal_False) )
-                        return sal_False;
-                // create dir ourselves
-                if ( pNewDir->eFlag == FSYS_FLAG_ABSROOT ||
-                         pNewDir->eFlag == FSYS_FLAG_VOLUME )
-                        return sal_True;
-                else
-                {
-                        //? nError = ???
-                        if ( FileStat( *pNewDir ).IsKind( FSYS_KIND_DIR ) )
-                                return sal_True;
-                        else
-                        {
-                                String aDirName(pNewDir->GetFull());
-                                rtl::OString bDirName(rtl::OUStringToOString(aDirName, osl_getThreadTextEncoding()));
-#ifdef WIN32
-                                SetLastError(0);
-                                sal_Bool bResult = (0 == _mkdir(bDirName.getStr()));
-                                if ( !bResult )
-                                {
-#ifdef WIN32
-                                    ((DirEntry *)this)->SetError( Sys2SolarError_Impl(  GetLastError() ) );
-                                    ((DirEntry *)this)->SetError( Sys2SolarError_Impl(  errno ) );
-                                }
-                                return bResult;
-                        }
-                }
-        }
-        return sal_True;
-FSysError DirEntry::Kill(  FSysAction nActions ) const
-    DBG_CHKTHIS( DirEntry, ImpCheckDirEntry );
-        FSysError eError = FSYS_ERR_OK;
-        // Terminate name string with two '0'
-        String aTmpName( GetFull() );
-        rtl::OString bTmpName(rtl::OUStringToOString(aTmpName, osl_getThreadTextEncoding()));
-        char *pName = new char[bTmpName.getLength()+2];
-        strcpy( pName, bTmpName.getStr() );
-        pName[bTmpName.getLength()+1] = (char) 0;
-        // delete read-only files as well
-        sal_Bool isReadOnly = FileStat::GetReadOnlyFlag(*this);
-        if (isReadOnly)
-        {
-            FileStat::SetReadOnlyFlag(*this, sal_False);
-        }
-        // directory?
-        if ( FileStat( *this ).IsKind(FSYS_KIND_DIR) )
-        {
-                // Delete recursively?
-                if ( FSYS_ACTION_RECURSIVE == (nActions & FSYS_ACTION_RECURSIVE) )
-                {
-                        Dir aDir( *this, FSYS_KIND_DIR|FSYS_KIND_FILE );
-                        for ( sal_uInt16 n = 0; eError == FSYS_ERR_OK && n < aDir.Count(); ++n )
-                        {
-                                const DirEntry &rSubDir = aDir[n];
-                                DirEntryFlag flag = rSubDir.GetFlag();
-                                if ( flag != FSYS_FLAG_CURRENT && flag != FSYS_FLAG_PARENT )
-                                        eError = rSubDir.Kill(nActions);
-                        }
-                }
-                // remove Dir myself
-#ifdef WIN32
-                SetLastError(0);
-                if ( eError == FSYS_ERR_OK && 0 != _rmdir( (char*) pName ) )
-                {
-                        // Change CWD if deletion failed
-#ifdef WIN32
-                    eError = Sys2SolarError_Impl( GetLastError() );
-                    eError = Sys2SolarError_Impl( errno );
-                        if ( eError )
-                        {
-                                GetPath().SetCWD();
-#ifdef WIN32
-                                SetLastError(0);
-                                if (_rmdir( (char*) pName) != 0)
-                                {
-#ifdef WIN32
-                                    eError = Sys2SolarError_Impl( GetLastError() );
-                                    eError = Sys2SolarError_Impl( errno );
-                                }
-                                else
-                                {
-                                    eError = FSYS_ERR_OK;
-                                }
-                        }
-                }
-        }
-        else
-        {
-                {
-#if defined(WNT)
-                        SHFILEOPSTRUCT aOp;
-                        aOp.hwnd = 0;
-                        aOp.wFunc = FO_DELETE;
-                        aOp.pFrom = pName;
-                        aOp.pTo = 0;
-                        aOp.fFlags = FOF_ALLOWUNDO|FOF_SILENT|FOF_NOCONFIRMATION;
-                        aOp.hNameMappings = 0;
-                        aOp.lpszProgressTitle = 0;
-                        eError = Sys2SolarError_Impl( SHFileOperation( &aOp ) );
-                        eError = ERRCODE_IO_NOTSUPPORTED;
-                }
-                else
-                {
-#ifdef WIN32
-                    SetLastError(0);
-                    if ( 0 != _unlink( (char*) pName ) )
-                    {
-#ifdef WIN32
-                        eError = Sys2SolarError_Impl( GetLastError() );
-                        eError = Sys2SolarError_Impl( errno );
-                    }
-                    else
-                    {
-                        eError = ERRCODE_NONE;
-                    }
-                }
-        }
-        // restore original read-only flag upon error
-        if ( isReadOnly && (eError!=ERRCODE_NONE) )
-        {
-            FileStat::SetReadOnlyFlag(*this, isReadOnly);
-        }
-        delete[] pName;
-        return eError;
-/** Check if rSubEntry is (in)directly beneath *this */
-sal_Bool DirEntry::Contains( const DirEntry &rSubEntry ) const
-    DBG_ASSERT( IsAbs() && rSubEntry.IsAbs(), "must be absolute entries" );
-        sal_uInt16 nThisLevel = Level();
-    sal_uInt16 nSubLevel = rSubEntry.Level();
-    if ( nThisLevel < nSubLevel )
-    {
-        for ( ; nThisLevel; --nThisLevel, --nSubLevel )
-            if ( (*this)[nThisLevel-1] != rSubEntry[nSubLevel-1] )
-                return sal_False;
-        return sal_True;
-    }
-    return sal_False;
-sal_uInt16 DirEntry::Level() const
-    DBG_CHKTHIS( DirEntry, ImpCheckDirEntry );
-    sal_uInt16 nLevel = 0;
-    const DirEntry *pRes = this;
-    while ( pRes )
-    {
-        pRes = pRes->pParent;
-        nLevel++;
-    }
-    return nLevel;
-sal_Bool DirEntry::IsValid() const
-        return (nError == FSYS_ERR_OK);
-#if defined(DBG_UTIL)
-void FSysTest()
-/* vim:set shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4 expandtab: */
diff --git a/tools/source/fsys/fstat.cxx b/tools/source/fsys/fstat.cxx
deleted file mode 100644
index a0bbae1..0000000
--- a/tools/source/fsys/fstat.cxx
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,133 +0,0 @@
-/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- */
- * This file is part of the LibreOffice project.
- *
- * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
- *
- * This file incorporates work covered by the following license notice:
- *
- *   Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
- *   contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed
- *   with this work for additional information regarding copyright
- *   ownership. The ASF licenses this file to you under the Apache
- *   License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file
- *   except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
- *   the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 .
- */
-#ifdef UNX
-#include <errno.h>
-#include <limits.h>
-#include <string.h>
-#include "comdep.hxx"
-#include <tools/fsys.hxx>
-FileStat::FileStat( const DirEntry& rDirEntry, FSysAccess nAccess )
-:   // don't use Default-Ctors!
-    aDateCreated( sal_uIntPtr(0) ),
-    aTimeCreated( sal_uIntPtr(0) ),
-    aDateModified( sal_uIntPtr(0) ),
-    aTimeModified( sal_uIntPtr(0) ),
-    aDateAccessed( sal_uIntPtr(0) ),
-    aTimeAccessed( sal_uIntPtr(0) )
-    sal_Bool bCached = FSYS_ACCESS_CACHED == (nAccess & FSYS_ACCESS_CACHED);
-    sal_Bool bFloppy = FSYS_ACCESS_FLOPPY == (nAccess & FSYS_ACCESS_FLOPPY);
-    const FileStat *pStatFromDir = bCached ? rDirEntry.ImpGetStat() : 0;
-    if ( pStatFromDir )
-    {
-        nError = pStatFromDir->nError;
-        nKindFlags = pStatFromDir->nKindFlags;
-        nSize = pStatFromDir->nSize;
-        aCreator = pStatFromDir->aCreator;
-        aType = pStatFromDir->aType;
-        aDateCreated = pStatFromDir->aDateCreated;
-        aTimeCreated = pStatFromDir->aTimeCreated;
-        aDateModified = pStatFromDir->aDateModified;
-        aTimeModified = pStatFromDir->aTimeModified;
-        aDateAccessed = pStatFromDir->aDateAccessed;
-        aTimeAccessed = pStatFromDir->aTimeAccessed;
-    }
-    else
-        Update( rDirEntry, bFloppy );
-sal_Bool FileStat::IsKind( DirEntryKind nKind ) const
-    sal_Bool bRet = ( ( nKind == FSYS_KIND_UNKNOWN ) &&
-                  ( nKindFlags == FSYS_KIND_UNKNOWN ) ) ||
-                   ( ( nKindFlags & nKind ) == nKind );
-    return bRet;
-sal_Bool FileStat::GetReadOnlyFlag( const DirEntry &rEntry )
-    rtl::OString aFPath(rtl::OUStringToOString(rEntry.GetFull(), osl_getThreadTextEncoding()));
-#if defined WNT
-    DWORD nRes = GetFileAttributes( (LPCTSTR) aFPath.getStr() );
-    return ULONG_MAX != nRes &&
-#elif defined UNX
-    /* could we stat the object? */
-    struct stat aBuf;
-    if (stat(aFPath.getStr(), &aBuf))
-        return sal_False;
-    /* jupp, is writable for user? */
-    return((aBuf.st_mode & S_IWUSR) != S_IWUSR);
-    return sal_False;
-sal_uIntPtr FileStat::SetReadOnlyFlag( const DirEntry &rEntry, sal_Bool bRO )
-    rtl::OString aFPath(rtl::OUStringToOString(rEntry.GetFull(), osl_getThreadTextEncoding()));
-#if defined WNT
-    DWORD nRes = GetFileAttributes( (LPCTSTR) aFPath.getStr() );
-    if ( ULONG_MAX != nRes )
-        nRes = SetFileAttributes( (LPCTSTR) aFPath.getStr(),
-                    ( nRes & ~FILE_ATTRIBUTE_READONLY ) |
-                    ( bRO ? FILE_ATTRIBUTE_READONLY : 0 ) );
-    return ( ULONG_MAX == nRes ) ? ERRCODE_IO_UNKNOWN : 0;
-#elif defined UNX
-    /* first, stat the object to get permissions */
-    struct stat aBuf;
-    if (stat(aFPath.getStr(), &aBuf))
-        return ERRCODE_IO_NOTEXISTS;
-    /* set or clear write bit for user */
-    mode_t nMode;
-    if (bRO)
-    {
-        nMode = aBuf.st_mode & ~(S_IWUSR | S_IWGRP | S_IWOTH);
-    }
-    else
-        nMode = aBuf.st_mode | S_IWUSR;
-    /* change it on fs */
-    if (chmod(aFPath.getStr(), nMode))
-    {
-        switch (errno)
-        {
-            case EPERM :
-            case EROFS :
-                return ERRCODE_IO_ACCESSDENIED;
-            default    :
-                return ERRCODE_IO_NOTEXISTS;
-        }
-    }
-    else
-        return ERRCODE_NONE;
-/* vim:set shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4 expandtab: */
diff --git a/tools/source/fsys/tdir.cxx b/tools/source/fsys/tdir.cxx
deleted file mode 100644
index 5e6ed05..0000000
--- a/tools/source/fsys/tdir.cxx
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,416 +0,0 @@
-/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- */
- * This file is part of the LibreOffice project.
- *
- * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
- *
- * This file incorporates work covered by the following license notice:
- *
- *   Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
- *   contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed
- *   with this work for additional information regarding copyright
- *   ownership. The ASF licenses this file to you under the Apache
- *   License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file
- *   except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
- *   the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 .
- */
-#define _DIR_CXX
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#include <cstdarg>
-#include <limits.h>
-#include <tools/debug.hxx>
-#include "comdep.hxx"
-#include <tools/fsys.hxx>
-DBG_NAME( Dir )
-/// determines whether insertion is required
-sal_Bool Dir::ImpInsertPointReached( const DirEntry& rNewEntry,
-                                     const FileStat& rNewStat,
-                                     size_t nCurPos, size_t nSortIndex ) const
-#define VALUE( nKindFlags ) \
-        FSYS_KIND_CHAR | FSYS_KIND_BLOCK ) & nKindFlags )
-    if ( pLst->empty() )
-        return sal_True;
-    FSysSort  nSort      = (*pSortLst)[ nSortIndex ];
-    FileStat *pOldStat   = NULL;
-    DirEntry *pCurLstObj = (*pLst)[ nCurPos ];
-    if ( pStatLst )
-        pOldStat = (*pStatLst)[ nCurPos ];
-    switch( nSort )
-    {
-        case  FSYS_SORT_NAME:
-            if ( pCurLstObj->aName > rNewEntry.aName )
-                return sal_True;
-            if ( !(pCurLstObj->aName == rNewEntry.aName) )
-                return sal_False;
-            break;
-            if ( pCurLstObj->aName < rNewEntry.aName )
-                return sal_True;
-            if ( !(pCurLstObj->aName == rNewEntry.aName) )
-                return sal_False;
-            break;
-        case  FSYS_SORT_EXT:
-        {
-            if ( pCurLstObj->GetExtension() > rNewEntry.GetExtension() )
-                return sal_True;
-            if ( !(pCurLstObj->GetExtension() == rNewEntry.GetExtension()) )
-                return sal_False;
-            break;
-        }
-        {
-            if ( pCurLstObj->GetExtension() < rNewEntry.GetExtension() )
-                return sal_True;
-            if ( !(pCurLstObj->GetExtension() == rNewEntry.GetExtension()) )
-                return sal_False;
-            break;
-        }
-        case  FSYS_SORT_KIND:
-            if ( VALUE(pOldStat->nKindFlags) > VALUE(rNewStat.nKindFlags) )
-                return sal_True;
-            if ( !(VALUE(pOldStat->nKindFlags) == VALUE(rNewStat.nKindFlags)) )
-                return sal_False;
-            break;
-            if ( VALUE(pOldStat->nKindFlags) < VALUE(rNewStat.nKindFlags) )
-                return sal_True;
-            if ( !(VALUE(pOldStat->nKindFlags) == VALUE(rNewStat.nKindFlags)) )
-                return sal_False;
-            break;
-        case  FSYS_SORT_SIZE:
-            if ( pOldStat->nSize > rNewStat.nSize )
-                return sal_True;
-            if ( !(pOldStat->nSize == rNewStat.nSize) )
-                return sal_False;
-            break;
-            if ( pOldStat->nSize < rNewStat.nSize )
-                return sal_True;
-            if ( !(pOldStat->nSize == rNewStat.nSize) )
-                return sal_False;
-            break;
-        case  FSYS_SORT_MODIFYED:
-            if ( (pOldStat->aDateModified >= rNewStat.aDateModified) &&
-                 (pOldStat->aTimeModified >  rNewStat.aTimeModified) )
-                 return sal_True;
-            if ( !((pOldStat->aDateModified == rNewStat.aDateModified) &&
-                   (pOldStat->aTimeModified == rNewStat.aTimeModified)) )
-                return sal_False;
-            break;
-            if ( (pOldStat->aDateModified <= rNewStat.aDateModified) &&
-                 (pOldStat->aTimeModified <  rNewStat.aTimeModified) )
-                 return sal_True;
-            if ( !((pOldStat->aDateModified == rNewStat.aDateModified) &&
-                   (pOldStat->aTimeModified == rNewStat.aTimeModified)) )
-                return sal_False;
-            break;
-        case  FSYS_SORT_CREATED:
-            if ( (pOldStat->aDateCreated >= rNewStat.aDateCreated) &&
-                 (pOldStat->aTimeCreated >  rNewStat.aTimeCreated) )
-                 return sal_True;
-            if ( !((pOldStat->aDateCreated == rNewStat.aDateCreated) &&
-                   (pOldStat->aTimeCreated == rNewStat.aTimeCreated)) )
-                return sal_False;
-            break;
-            if ( (pOldStat->aDateCreated <= rNewStat.aDateCreated) &&
-                 (pOldStat->aTimeCreated <  rNewStat.aTimeCreated) )
-                 return sal_True;
-            if ( !((pOldStat->aDateCreated == rNewStat.aDateCreated) &&
-                   (pOldStat->aTimeCreated == rNewStat.aTimeCreated)) )
-                return sal_False;
-            break;
-        case  FSYS_SORT_ACCESSED:
-            if ( (pOldStat->aDateAccessed >= rNewStat.aDateAccessed) &&
-                 (pOldStat->aTimeAccessed >  rNewStat.aTimeAccessed) )
-                 return sal_True;
-            if ( !((pOldStat->aDateAccessed == rNewStat.aDateAccessed) &&
-                   (pOldStat->aTimeAccessed == rNewStat.aTimeAccessed)) )
-                return sal_False;
-            break;
-            if ( (pOldStat->aDateAccessed <= rNewStat.aDateAccessed) &&
-                 (pOldStat->aTimeAccessed <  rNewStat.aTimeAccessed) )
-                 return sal_True;
-            if ( !((pOldStat->aDateAccessed == rNewStat.aDateAccessed) &&
-                   (pOldStat->aTimeAccessed == rNewStat.aTimeAccessed)) )
-                return sal_False;
-            break;
-        default: /* Kann nicht sein */;
-    }
-    if ( nSortIndex == ( pSortLst->size() - 1 ) )
-        return sal_True;
-    else
-        return ImpInsertPointReached( rNewEntry, rNewStat,
-                                      nCurPos, nSortIndex + 1 );
-#undef VALUE
-/// Insert as sorted
-void Dir::ImpSortedInsert( const DirEntry *pNewEntry, const FileStat *pNewStat )
-    // special case: no sorting required
-    if ( !pSortLst ) {
-        pLst->push_back( (DirEntry*)pNewEntry );
-        return;
-    }
-    for ( size_t i = 0, n = pLst->size(); i < n; ++i )
-    {
-        if ( ImpInsertPointReached( *pNewEntry, *pNewStat, i, 0  ) )
-        {
-            if ( pStatLst ) {
-                FileStatList::iterator it = pStatLst->begin();
-                ::std::advance( it, i );
-                pStatLst->insert( it, (FileStat*)pNewStat );
-            }
-            DirEntryList::iterator it = pLst->begin();
-            ::std::advance( it, i );
-            pLst->insert( it, (DirEntry*)pNewEntry );
-            return;
-        }
-    }
-    if ( pStatLst )
-        pStatLst->push_back( (FileStat*)pNewStat );
-    pLst->push_back( (DirEntry*)pNewEntry );
-/// shared implementation of CTORs
-void Dir::Construct( DirEntryKind nKindFlags )
-    pLst     = NULL;
-    pSortLst = NULL;
-    pStatLst = NULL;
-    eAttrMask = nKindFlags;
-    rtl::OString aTempName(rtl::OUStringToOString(GetName(), osl_getThreadTextEncoding()));
-    if (aTempName.indexOf('*') != -1 || aTempName.indexOf('?') != -1)
-    {
-#if defined( WNT )
-        rtl::OString aTStr(rtl::OUStringToOString(CutName(), osl_getThreadTextEncoding()));
-        char* pBuffer = new char[aTStr.getLength()+1];
-        strcpy( pBuffer, aTStr.getStr() );
-        CharLowerBuff( pBuffer, aTStr.getLength() );
-        aNameMask = WildCard( String(pBuffer, osl_getThreadTextEncoding()), ';' );
-        delete [] pBuffer;
-        aNameMask = WildCard( CutName(), ';' );
-    }
-    else
-        aNameMask.setGlob(rtl::OUString(static_cast<sal_Unicode>('*')));
-void Dir::Reset()
-    // remove old Reader if necessary
-    if ( pReader && pReader->bInUse )
-        DELETEZ(pReader);
-    // Remove all DirEntries from List and free memory
-    if ( pLst )
-    {
-        for ( size_t i = 0, n = pLst->size(); i < n; ++i ) {
-            delete (*pLst)[ i ];
-        }
-        pLst->clear();
-    }
-    else
-        pLst = new DirEntryList();
-    //  Remove old File-Stats
-    if ( pStatLst )
-    {
-        for ( size_t i = 0, n = pStatLst->size(); i < n; ++i ) {
-            delete (*pStatLst)[ i ];
-        }
-        pStatLst->clear();
-        delete pStatLst;
-        pStatLst = NULL;
-    }
-    // Does sorting require FileStats?
-    if ( pSortLst )
-    {
-        for ( size_t i = 0, n = pSortLst->size(); i < n; ++i ) {
-            if ( (*pSortLst)[ i ]
-               & ( FSYS_SORT_KIND     | FSYS_SORT_SIZE     | FSYS_SORT_CREATED
-                 )
-            ) {
-                pStatLst = new FileStatList();
-                break;
-            }
-        }
-    }
-    // Create new reader if necessary
-    if ( !pReader )
-        pReader = new DirReader_Impl( *this );
-    // Does the directory exist at all?
-#if !defined(UNX)   //explanation: see DirReader_Impl::Read() in unx.cxx
-    if( !pReader->pDosDir )
-    {
-        DELETEZ( pReader );
-        return;
-    }
-sal_uInt16 Dir::Scan( sal_uInt16 nCount )
-    sal_uInt16 nRead = 0; // Number of read entries in this round
-    // did not complete
-    if ( pReader )
-    {
-        // is this a new reader?
-        if ( pLst->empty() )
-        {
-            // Scan directories
-            pReader->bInUse = sal_True;
-            nRead = pReader->Init();
-        }
-        // continue reading
-        while ( nRead <= nCount && !pReader->bReady )
-            nRead = nRead + pReader->Read();
-        // done?
-        if ( pReader && pReader->bReady )
-            DELETEZ( pReader );
-    }
-    // Return read entry count
-    return nRead;
-Dir::Dir( const DirEntry& rDirEntry, DirEntryKind nKindFlags ):
-    DirEntry( rDirEntry ),
-    pReader( 0 )
-    DBG_CTOR( Dir, NULL );
-    Construct( nKindFlags );
-    Reset();
-    DBG_DTOR( Dir, NULL );
-    // Remove all DirEntries and free memory
-    if ( pLst )
-    {
-        for ( size_t i = 0, n = pLst->size(); i < n; ++i ) {
-            delete (*pLst)[ i ];
-        }
-        pLst->clear();
-        delete pLst;
-    }
-    // Remove all Sorts from list and free memory
-    if ( pSortLst )
-    {
-        pSortLst->clear();
-        delete pSortLst;
-    }
-    // Remove all FileStats from list and free memory
-    if ( pStatLst )
-    {
-        for ( size_t i = 0, n = pStatLst->size(); i < n; ++i ) {
-            delete (*pStatLst)[ i ];
-        }
-        pStatLst->clear();
-        delete pStatLst;
-    }
-    delete pReader;
-DirEntry& Dir::operator[] ( size_t nIndex ) const
-    DBG_ASSERT( nIndex < Count(), "Dir::operator[] : nIndex > Count()" );
-    DirEntry *pEntry = (*pLst)[ nIndex ];
-    return *pEntry;
-Dir& Dir::operator+=( const Dir& rDir )
-    // Read the rest of the directory
-    if ( pReader )
-        Scan( USHRT_MAX );
-    DBG_ASSERT( !rDir.pReader, "Dir::+= with incomplete Dir" );
-    if ( !pLst )
-        pLst = new DirEntryList();
-    // FileStats required by sorting criteria?
-    sal_Bool bStat = sal_False;
-    if ( pSortLst ) {
-        for ( size_t i = 0, n = pSortLst->size(); i < n && !bStat; ++i ) {
-            if ( (*pSortLst)[ i ]
-                 )
-            ) {
-                bStat = sal_True;
-            }
-        }
-    }
-    FileStat* stat = NULL;
-    for ( size_t nNr = 0; nNr < rDir.Count(); nNr++ )
-    {
-        if ( bStat )
-        {
-            if ( rDir.pStatLst )
-                stat = new FileStat( *(*rDir.pStatLst)[ nNr ] );
-            else
-                stat = new FileStat( rDir[nNr] );
-        }
-        ImpSortedInsert( new DirEntry( rDir[nNr] ), stat );
-    }
-    return *this;
-size_t Dir::Count( sal_Bool bUpdated ) const
-    // Read the rest of the directory
-    if ( bUpdated && pReader )
-        ((Dir*)this)->Scan( USHRT_MAX );
-    return pLst == NULL ? 0 : pLst->size();
-/* vim:set shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4 expandtab: */
diff --git a/tools/source/fsys/tempfile.cxx b/tools/source/fsys/tempfile.cxx
index 24557f5..46f1bed 100644
--- a/tools/source/fsys/tempfile.cxx
+++ b/tools/source/fsys/tempfile.cxx
@@ -18,7 +18,6 @@
 #include <tools/tempfile.hxx>
-#include "comdep.hxx"
 #include <rtl/ustring.hxx>
 #include <rtl/ustrbuf.hxx>
diff --git a/tools/source/fsys/unx.cxx b/tools/source/fsys/unx.cxx
deleted file mode 100644
index f26882c..0000000
--- a/tools/source/fsys/unx.cxx
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,366 +0,0 @@
-/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- */
- * This file is part of the LibreOffice project.
- *
- * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
- *
- * This file incorporates work covered by the following license notice:
- *
- *   Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
- *   contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed
- *   with this work for additional information regarding copyright
- *   ownership. The ASF licenses this file to you under the Apache
- *   License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file
- *   except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
- *   the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 .
- */
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <ctype.h>
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#include <unistd.h>
-#include <utime.h>
-#if defined LINUX || defined ANDROID
-#include <mntent.h>
-#define mnttab mntent
-#elif defined AIX
-#include <sys/mntctl.h>
-#include <sys/vmount.h>
-extern "C" int mntctl( int cmd, size_t size, char* buf );
-#elif defined(NETBSD)
-#include <sys/mount.h>
-#elif defined(FREEBSD) || defined(MACOSX) || defined(OPENBSD) || \
-      defined(DRAGONFLY) || defined(IOS)
-struct mnttab
-  char *mnt_dir;
-  char *mnt_fsname;
-#include <sys/mnttab.h>
-#define MAXPATHLEN 1024
-#include <tools/debug.hxx>
-#include <tools/fsys.hxx>
-#include "comdep.hxx"
-#include <rtl/instance.hxx>
-#if defined SOLARIS
-#define MOUNTSPECIAL mnt_special
-#define MOUNTPOINT   mnt_mountp
-#define MOUNTOPTS    mnt_mntopts
-#define MOUNTFS      mnt_fstype
-#define MOUNTSPECIAL mnt_fsname
-#define MOUNTPOINT   mnt_dir
-#define MOUNTFS      mnt_type
-struct mymnttab
-    dev_t mountdevice;
-    rtl::OString mountspecial;
-    rtl::OString mountpoint;
-    rtl::OString mymnttab_filesystem;
-    mymnttab() { mountdevice = (dev_t) -1; }
-#if defined(NETBSD) || defined(FREEBSD) || defined(MACOSX) || \
-    defined(OPENBSD) || defined(DRAGONFLY) || defined(IOS)
-sal_Bool GetMountEntry(dev_t /* dev */, struct mymnttab * /* mytab */ )
-    DBG_WARNING( "Sorry, not implemented: GetMountEntry" );
-    return sal_False;
-#elif defined AIX
-sal_Bool GetMountEntry(dev_t dev, struct mymnttab *mytab)
-    int bufsize;
-    if (mntctl (MCTL_QUERY, sizeof bufsize, (char*) &bufsize))
-        return sal_False;
-    char* buffer = (char *)malloc( bufsize * sizeof(char) );
-    if (mntctl (MCTL_QUERY, bufsize, buffer) != -1)
-        for ( char* vmt = buffer;
-                    vmt < buffer + bufsize;
-                    vmt += ((struct vmount*)vmt)->vmt_length)
-        {
-            struct stat buf;
-            char *mountp = vmt2dataptr((struct vmount*)vmt, VMT_STUB);
-            if ((stat (mountp, &buf) != -1) && (buf.st_dev == dev))
-            {
-                mytab->mountpoint = mountp;
-                mytab->mountspecial
-                        = vmt2dataptr((struct vmount*)vmt, VMT_HOSTNAME);
-                if (mytab->mountspecial.Len())
-                    mytab->mountspecial += ':';
-                mytab->mountspecial
-                        += vmt2dataptr((struct vmount*)vmt, VMT_OBJECT);
-                mytab->mountdevice = dev;
-                free( buffer );
-                return sal_True;
-            }
-        }
-    free( buffer );
-    return sal_False;
-static sal_Bool GetMountEntry(dev_t dev, struct mymnttab *mytab)
-#if defined SOLARIS
-    FILE *fp = fopen (MNTTAB, "r");
-    if (! fp)
-        return sal_False;
-    struct mnttab mnt[1];
-    while (getmntent (fp, mnt) != -1)
-#elif defined AIX || defined ANDROID
-    FILE *fp = NULL;
-    if (! fp)
-        return sal_False;
-    struct mnttab mnt[1];
-    while ( 0 )
-    FILE *fp = setmntent (MOUNTED, "r");
-    if (! fp)
-        return sal_False;
-    struct mnttab *mnt;
-    while ((mnt = getmntent (fp)) != NULL)
-    {
-#ifdef SOLARIS
-        char *devopt = NULL;
-        if ( mnt->MOUNTOPTS != NULL )
-            devopt = strstr (mnt->MOUNTOPTS, "dev=");
-        if (devopt)
-        {
-            if (dev != (dev_t) strtoul (devopt+4, NULL, 16))
-                continue;
-        }
-        else
-        {
-            struct stat buf;
-            if ((stat (mnt->MOUNTPOINT, &buf) == -1) || (buf.st_dev != dev))
-                continue;
-        }
-#       ifdef LINUX
-        // #61624# Opening file with setmntent and closing with fclose fails for glibc-2.1
-        endmntent( fp );
-#       else
-        fclose (fp);
-#       endif
-        mytab->mountspecial = mnt->MOUNTSPECIAL;
-        mytab->mountpoint   = mnt->MOUNTPOINT;
-        mytab->mountdevice  = dev;
-        mytab->mymnttab_filesystem = mnt->MOUNTFS;
-        return sal_True;
-    }
-#   ifdef LINUX
-    /* #61624# see above */
-    endmntent( fp );
-#   else
-    fclose (fp);
-#   endif
-    return sal_False;
-sal_Bool DirEntry::ToAbs()
-    if ( FSYS_FLAG_VOLUME == eFlag )
-    {
-        eFlag = FSYS_FLAG_ABSROOT;
-        return sal_True;
-    }
-    if ( IsAbs() )
-      return sal_True;
-    char sBuf[MAXPATHLEN + 1];
-    *this = DirEntry( String( getcwd( sBuf, MAXPATHLEN ), osl_getThreadTextEncoding() ) ) + *this;
-    return IsAbs();
-namespace { struct mymnt : public rtl::Static< mymnttab, mymnt > {}; }
-String DirEntry::GetVolume() const
-    DBG_CHKTHIS( DirEntry, ImpCheckDirEntry );
-    DirEntry aPath( *this );
-    aPath.ToAbs();
-    struct stat buf;
-    while (stat(rtl::OUStringToOString(aPath.GetFull(), osl_getThreadTextEncoding()).getStr(), &buf))
-    {
-        if (aPath.Level() <= 1)
-            return String();
-        aPath = aPath [1];
-    }
-    mymnttab &rMnt = mymnt::get();
-    return ((buf.st_dev == rMnt.mountdevice || GetMountEntry(buf.st_dev, &rMnt)) ?
-                    rtl::OStringToOUString(rMnt.mountspecial, osl_getThreadTextEncoding()) :
-                    rtl::OUString());
-sal_Bool DirEntry::SetCWD( sal_Bool bSloppy ) const
-    DBG_CHKTHIS( DirEntry, ImpCheckDirEntry );
-    rtl::OString aPath(rtl::OUStringToOString(GetFull(), osl_getThreadTextEncoding()));
-    if (!chdir(aPath.getStr()))
-    {
-        return sal_True;
-    }
-    else
-    {
-        if (bSloppy && !chdir(aPath.getStr()))
-        {
-            return sal_True;
-        }
-        else
-        {
-            return sal_False;
-        }
-    }
-sal_uInt16 DirReader_Impl::Init()
-    return 0;
-sal_uInt16 DirReader_Impl::Read()
-    if (!pDosDir)
-    {
-        pDosDir = opendir(rtl::OUStringToOString(aPath, osl_getThreadTextEncoding()).getStr());
-    }
-    if (!pDosDir)
-    {
-        bReady = sal_True;
-        return 0;
-    }
-    // List directories and dirs
-    if ( ( pDir->eAttrMask & FSYS_KIND_DIR || pDir->eAttrMask & FSYS_KIND_FILE ) &&
-         ( ( pDosEntry = readdir( pDosDir ) ) != NULL ) )
-    {
-        String aD_Name(pDosEntry->d_name, osl_getThreadTextEncoding());
-        if ( pDir->aNameMask.Matches( aD_Name  ) )
-        {
-            DirEntryFlag eFlag =
-                    0 == strcmp( pDosEntry->d_name, "." ) ? FSYS_FLAG_CURRENT
-                :   0 == strcmp( pDosEntry->d_name, ".." ) ? FSYS_FLAG_PARENT
-                :   FSYS_FLAG_NORMAL;
-            DirEntry *pTemp = new DirEntry(rtl::OString(pDosEntry->d_name), eFlag);
-            if ( pParent )
-                pTemp->ImpChangeParent( new DirEntry( *pParent ), sal_False);
-            FileStat aStat( *pTemp );
-            if ( ( ( ( pDir->eAttrMask & FSYS_KIND_DIR ) &&
-                     ( aStat.IsKind( FSYS_KIND_DIR ) ) ) ||
-                   ( ( pDir->eAttrMask & FSYS_KIND_FILE ) &&
-                     !( aStat.IsKind( FSYS_KIND_DIR ) ) ) ) &&
-                 !( pDir->eAttrMask & FSYS_KIND_VISIBLE &&
-                    pDosEntry->d_name[0] == '.' ) )
-            {
-                if ( pDir->pStatLst ) // Does sorting criteria require status?
-                    pDir->ImpSortedInsert( pTemp, new FileStat( aStat ) );
-                else
-                    pDir->ImpSortedInsert( pTemp, NULL );
-                return 1;
-            }
-            else
-                delete pTemp;
-        }
-    }
-    else
-        bReady = sal_True;
-    return 0;
-sal_Bool FileStat::Update( const DirEntry& rDirEntry, SAL_UNUSED_PARAMETER sal_Bool )
-    nSize = 0;
-    nKindFlags = 0;
-    aCreator.Erase();
-    aType.Erase();
-    aDateCreated = Date(0);
-    aTimeCreated = Time(0);
-    aDateModified = Date(0);
-    aTimeModified = Time(0);
-    aDateAccessed = Date(0);
-    aTimeAccessed = Time(0);
-    if ( !rDirEntry.IsValid() )
-    {
-        nError = FSYS_ERR_NOTEXISTS;
-        return sal_False;
-    }
-    // Special case if DirEntry is root
-    if ( rDirEntry.eFlag == FSYS_FLAG_ABSROOT )
-    {
-        nKindFlags = FSYS_KIND_DIR;
-        nError = FSYS_ERR_OK;
-        return sal_True;
-    }
-    struct stat aStat;
-    rtl::OString aPath(rtl::OUStringToOString(rDirEntry.GetFull(), osl_getThreadTextEncoding()));
-    if (stat(aPath.getStr(), &aStat))
-    {
-        // pl: #67851#
-        // do this here, because an existing filename containing "wildcards"
-        // should be handled as a file, not a wildcard
-        // note that this is not a solution, since filenames containing special characters
-        // are handled badly across the whole Office
-        // special treatment if name contains wildcards
-        rtl::OString aTempName(rtl::OUStringToOString(rDirEntry.GetName(), osl_getThreadTextEncoding()));
-        if ( aTempName.indexOf('?') != -1 ||
-             aTempName.indexOf('*') != -1 ||
-             aTempName.indexOf(';') != -1 )
-        {
-            nKindFlags = FSYS_KIND_WILD;
-            nError = FSYS_ERR_OK;
-            return sal_True;
-        }
-        nError = FSYS_ERR_NOTEXISTS;
-        return sal_False;
-    }
-    nError = FSYS_ERR_OK;
-    nSize = aStat.st_size;
-    nKindFlags = FSYS_KIND_UNKNOWN;
-    if ( ( aStat.st_mode & S_IFDIR ) == S_IFDIR )
-        nKindFlags = nKindFlags | FSYS_KIND_DIR;

... etc. - the rest is truncated

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