[Libreoffice-commits] mso-dumper.git: 2 commits - src/docrecord.py

Miklos Vajna vmiklos at kemper.freedesktop.org
Wed Aug 7 05:36:27 PDT 2013

 src/docrecord.py |  227 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++--
 1 file changed, 221 insertions(+), 6 deletions(-)

New commits:
commit 2a621595e979bf1daacc010faa7b6f32d67f89fa
Author: Miklos Vajna <vmiklos at suse.cz>
Date:   Wed Aug 7 14:31:50 2013 +0200

    dump BrcType

diff --git a/src/docrecord.py b/src/docrecord.py
index fb89308..ac8b8f5 100644
--- a/src/docrecord.py
+++ b/src/docrecord.py
@@ -392,7 +392,7 @@ class BRC(DOCDirStream):
         self.posOrig = self.pos
         self.cv = self.readuInt32() # TODO parse COLORREF
         self.dptLineWidth = self.readuInt8()
-        self.brcType = self.readuInt8() # TODO parse BrcType
+        self.brcType = self.readuInt8()
         buf = self.readuInt16()
         self.dptSpace = buf & 0x1f # 1..5th bits
         self.fShadow = self.getBit(buf, 5)
@@ -403,7 +403,7 @@ class BRC(DOCDirStream):
         print '<brc type="BRC" offset="%d">' % self.posOrig
         self.printAndSet("cv", self.cv)
         self.printAndSet("dptLineWidth", self.dptLineWidth)
-        self.printAndSet("brcType", self.brcType)
+        self.printAndSet("brcType", self.brcType, dict = BrcType)
         self.printAndSet("dptSpace", self.dptSpace)
         self.printAndSet("fShadow", self.fShadow)
         self.printAndSet("fFrame", self.fFrame)
@@ -688,6 +688,200 @@ class PICF_Shape(DOCDirStream):
         self.parent.pos = self.pos
         print '</%s>' % self.name
+# BrcType is an unsigned integer that specifies the type of border.
+BrcType = {
+        0x00: "none",
+        0x01: "single",
+        0x03: "double",
+        0x05: "A thin single solid line.",
+        0x06: "dotted",
+        0x07: "dashed",
+        0x08: "dotDash",
+        0x09: "dotDotDash",
+        0x0A: "triple",
+        0x0B: "thinThickSmallGap",
+        0x0C: "thickThinSmallGap",
+        0x0D: "thinThickThinSmallGap",
+        0x0E: "thinThickMediumGap",
+        0x0F: "thickThinMediumGap",
+        0x10: "thinThickThinMediumGap",
+        0x11: "thinThickLargeGap",
+        0x12: "thickThinLargeGap",
+        0x13: "thinThickThinLargeGap",
+        0x14: "wave",
+        0x15: "doubleWave",
+        0x16: "dashSmallGap",
+        0x17: "dashDotStroked",
+        0x18: "threeDEmboss",
+        0x19: "threeDEngrave",
+        0x1A: "outset",
+        0x1B: "inset",
+        0x40: "apples",
+        0x41: "archedScallops",
+        0x42: "babyPacifier",
+        0x43: "babyRattle",
+        0x44: "balloons3Colors",
+        0x45: "balloonsHotAir",
+        0x46: "basicBlackDashes",
+        0x47: "basicBlackDots",
+        0x48: "basicBlackSquares",
+        0x49: "basicThinLines",
+        0x4A: "basicWhiteDashes",
+        0x4B: "basicWhiteDots",
+        0x4C: "basicWhiteSquares",
+        0x4D: "basicWideInline",
+        0x4E: "basicWideMidline",
+        0x4F: "basicWideOutline",
+        0x50: "bats",
+        0x51: "birds",
+        0x52: "birdsFlight",
+        0x53: "cabins",
+        0x54: "cakeSlice",
+        0x55: "candyCorn",
+        0x56: "celticKnotwork",
+        0x57: "certificateBanner",
+        0x58: "chainLink",
+        0x59: "champagneBottle",
+        0x5A: "checkedBarBlack",
+        0x5B: "checkedBarColor",
+        0x5C: "checkered",
+        0x5D: "christmasTree",
+        0x5E: "circlesLines",
+        0x5F: "circlesRectangles",
+        0x60: "classicalWave",
+        0x61: "clocks",
+        0x62: "compass",
+        0x63: "confetti",
+        0x64: "confettiGrays",
+        0x65: "confettiOutline",
+        0x66: "confettiStreamers",
+        0x67: "confettiWhite",
+        0x68: "cornerTriangles",
+        0x69: "couponCutoutDashes",
+        0x6A: "couponCutoutDots",
+        0x6B: "crazyMaze",
+        0x6C: "creaturesButterfly",
+        0x6D: "creaturesFish",
+        0x6E: "creaturesInsects",
+        0x6F: "creaturesLadyBug",
+        0x70: "crossStitch",
+        0x71: "cup",
+        0x72: "decoArch",
+        0x73: "decoArchColor",
+        0x74: "decoBlocks",
+        0x75: "diamondsGray",
+        0x76: "doubleD",
+        0x77: "doubleDiamonds",
+        0x78: "earth1",
+        0x79: "earth2",
+        0x7A: "eclipsingSquares1",
+        0x7B: "eclipsingSquares2",
+        0x7C: "eggsBlack",
+        0x7D: "fans",
+        0x7E: "film",
+        0x7F: "firecrackers",
+        0x80: "flowersBlockPrint",
+        0x81: "flowersDaisies",
+        0x82: "flowersModern1",
+        0x83: "flowersModern2",
+        0x84: "flowersPansy",
+        0x85: "flowersRedRose",
+        0x86: "flowersRoses",
+        0x87: "flowersTeacup",
+        0x88: "flowersTiny",
+        0x89: "gems",
+        0x8A: "gingerbreadMan",
+        0x8B: "gradient",
+        0x8C: "handmade1",
+        0x8D: "handmade2",
+        0x8E: "heartBalloon",
+        0x8F: "heartGray",
+        0x90: "hearts",
+        0x91: "heebieJeebies",
+        0x92: "holly",
+        0x93: "houseFunky",
+        0x94: "hypnotic",
+        0x95: "iceCreamCones",
+        0x96: "lightBulb",
+        0x97: "lightning1",
+        0x98: "lightning2",
+        0x99: "mapPins",
+        0x9A: "mapleLeaf",
+        0x9B: "mapleMuffins",
+        0x9C: "marquee",
+        0x9D: "marqueeToothed",
+        0x9E: "moons",
+        0x9F: "mosaic",
+        0xA0: "musicNotes",
+        0xA1: "northwest",
+        0xA2: "ovals",
+        0xA3: "packages",
+        0xA4: "palmsBlack",
+        0xA5: "palmsColor",
+        0xA6: "paperClips",
+        0xA7: "papyrus",
+        0xA8: "partyFavor",
+        0xA9: "partyGlass",
+        0xAA: "pencils",
+        0xAB: "people",
+        0xAC: "peopleWaving",
+        0xAD: "peopleHats",
+        0xAE: "poinsettias",
+        0xAF: "postageStamp",
+        0xB0: "pumpkin1",
+        0xB1: "pushPinNote2",
+        0xB2: "pushPinNote1",
+        0xB3: "pyramids",
+        0xB4: "pyramidsAbove",
+        0xB5: "quadrants",
+        0xB6: "rings",
+        0xB7: "safari",
+        0xB8: "sawtooth",
+        0xB9: "sawtoothGray",
+        0xBA: "scaredCat",
+        0xBB: "seattle",
+        0xBC: "shadowedSquares",
+        0xBD: "sharksTeeth",
+        0xBE: "shorebirdTracks",
+        0xBF: "skyrocket",
+        0xC0: "snowflakeFancy",
+        0xC1: "snowflakes",
+        0xC2: "sombrero",
+        0xC3: "southwest",
+        0xC4: "stars",
+        0xC5: "starsTop",
+        0xC6: "stars3d",
+        0xC7: "starsBlack",
+        0xC8: "starsShadowed",
+        0xC9: "sun",
+        0xCA: "swirligig",
+        0xCB: "tornPaper",
+        0xCC: "tornPaperBlack",
+        0xCD: "trees",
+        0xCE: "triangleParty",
+        0xCF: "triangles",
+        0xD0: "tribal1",
+        0xD1: "tribal2",
+        0xD2: "tribal3",
+        0xD3: "tribal4",
+        0xD4: "tribal5",
+        0xD5: "tribal6",
+        0xD6: "twistedLines1",
+        0xD7: "twistedLines2",
+        0xD8: "vine",
+        0xD9: "waveline",
+        0xDA: "weavingAngles",
+        0xDB: "weavingBraid",
+        0xDC: "weavingRibbon",
+        0xDD: "weavingStrips",
+        0xDE: "whiteFlowers",
+        0xDF: "woodwork",
+        0xE0: "xIllusions",
+        0xE1: "zanyTriangles",
+        0xE2: "zigZag",
+        0xE3: "zigZagStitch"
+        }
 class Brc80(DOCDirStream):
     """The Brc80 structure describes a border."""
     def __init__(self, parent, name):
@@ -700,7 +894,7 @@ class Brc80(DOCDirStream):
         buf = self.readuInt32()
         print '<%s type="Brc80" offset="%d">' % (self.name, self.pos)
         self.printAndSet("dptLineWidth", buf & 0x000000ff) # 1..8th bits
-        self.printAndSet("brcType", (buf & 0x0000ff00) >> 8) # 9..16th bits, TODO parse BrcType
+        self.printAndSet("brcType", (buf & 0x0000ff00) >> 8, dict = BrcType) # 9..16th bits
         self.printAndSet("ico", (buf & 0x00ff0000) >> 16, dict = Ico) # 17..24th bits
         self.printAndSet("dptSpace", (buf & 0x1f000000) >> 24) # 25..29th bits
         self.printAndSet("fShadow", self.getBit(buf, 29))
commit a0020a6cc7431b1fb8b7b46697f0ece34c56232e
Author: Miklos Vajna <vmiklos at suse.cz>
Date:   Wed Aug 7 14:13:51 2013 +0200

    dump Brc80

diff --git a/src/docrecord.py b/src/docrecord.py
index b73fba4..fb89308 100644
--- a/src/docrecord.py
+++ b/src/docrecord.py
@@ -688,6 +688,27 @@ class PICF_Shape(DOCDirStream):
         self.parent.pos = self.pos
         print '</%s>' % self.name
+class Brc80(DOCDirStream):
+    """The Brc80 structure describes a border."""
+    def __init__(self, parent, name):
+        DOCDirStream.__init__(self, parent.bytes)
+        self.pos = parent.pos
+        self.parent = parent
+        self.name = name
+    def dump(self):
+        buf = self.readuInt32()
+        print '<%s type="Brc80" offset="%d">' % (self.name, self.pos)
+        self.printAndSet("dptLineWidth", buf & 0x000000ff) # 1..8th bits
+        self.printAndSet("brcType", (buf & 0x0000ff00) >> 8) # 9..16th bits, TODO parse BrcType
+        self.printAndSet("ico", (buf & 0x00ff0000) >> 16, dict = Ico) # 17..24th bits
+        self.printAndSet("dptSpace", (buf & 0x1f000000) >> 24) # 25..29th bits
+        self.printAndSet("fShadow", self.getBit(buf, 29))
+        self.printAndSet("fFrame", self.getBit(buf, 30))
+        self.printAndSet("reserved", self.getBit(buf, 31))
+        print '</%s>' % self.name
+        self.parent.pos = self.pos
 class PICMID(DOCDirStream):
     """The PICMID structure specifies the size and border information for a picture."""
     def __init__(self, parent):
@@ -707,10 +728,10 @@ class PICMID(DOCDirStream):
         self.printAndSet("dyaReserved2", self.readuInt16())
         self.printAndSet("fReserved", self.readuInt8())
         self.printAndSet("bpp", self.readuInt8())
-        self.printAndSet("brcTop80", self.readuInt32()) # TODO dump Brc80
-        self.printAndSet("brcLeft80", self.readuInt32())
-        self.printAndSet("brcBottom80", self.readuInt32())
-        self.printAndSet("brcRight80", self.readuInt32())
+        Brc80(self, "brcTop80").dump()
+        Brc80(self, "brcLeft80").dump()
+        Brc80(self, "brcBottom80").dump()
+        Brc80(self, "brcRight80").dump()
         self.printAndSet("dxaReserved3", self.readuInt16())
         self.printAndSet("dyaReserved3", self.readuInt16())
         self.parent.pos = self.pos

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