[Libreoffice-commits] core.git: Branch 'aoo/trunk' - 3 commits - solenv/bin toolkit/source vcl/aqua vcl/inc vcl/source writerfilter/source
Oliver-Rainer Wittmann
orw at apache.org
Mon Dec 2 10:08:52 PST 2013
solenv/bin/make_installer.pl | 172 ++++------
solenv/bin/modules/installer/globals.pm | 8
solenv/bin/modules/installer/parameter.pm | 1
solenv/bin/modules/installer/scppatchsoname.pm | 3
solenv/bin/modules/installer/scriptitems.pm | 10
solenv/bin/modules/installer/setupscript.pm | 254 +++++----------
solenv/bin/modules/installer/windows/assembly.pm | 6
solenv/bin/modules/installer/windows/component.pm | 19 -
solenv/bin/modules/installer/windows/directory.pm | 53 +--
solenv/bin/modules/installer/windows/featurecomponent.pm | 110 ++++--
solenv/bin/modules/installer/windows/file.pm | 141 +++-----
solenv/bin/modules/installer/windows/idtglobal.pm | 13
solenv/bin/modules/installer/windows/inifile.pm | 15
solenv/bin/modules/installer/windows/msiglobal.pm | 232 -------------
solenv/bin/modules/installer/windows/registry.pm | 32 +
solenv/bin/modules/installer/worker.pm | 15
toolkit/source/awt/vclxsystemdependentwindow.cxx | 2
toolkit/source/awt/vclxtopwindow.cxx | 2
vcl/aqua/source/app/vclnsapp.mm | 23 -
vcl/aqua/source/gdi/aquaprintaccessoryview.mm | 38 --
vcl/aqua/source/gdi/salgdi.cxx | 6
vcl/aqua/source/gdi/salgdiutils.cxx | 2
vcl/aqua/source/gdi/salnativewidgets.cxx | 4
vcl/aqua/source/gdi/salvd.cxx | 6
vcl/aqua/source/window/salframe.cxx | 250 +++++++-------
vcl/aqua/source/window/salframeview.mm | 12
vcl/aqua/source/window/salmenu.cxx | 24 -
vcl/aqua/source/window/salobj.cxx | 20 -
vcl/inc/aqua/salframe.h | 8
vcl/inc/vcl/sysdata.hxx | 2
vcl/source/window/syschild.cxx | 2
vcl/source/window/window.cxx | 4
writerfilter/source/dmapper/DomainMapper_Impl.cxx | 1
33 files changed, 579 insertions(+), 911 deletions(-)
New commits:
commit c6504da108d58a0730fb889b7b7279f25ed75024
Author: Oliver-Rainer Wittmann <orw at apache.org>
Date: Mon Dec 2 17:11:58 2013 +0000
123797: *.docx import: remove additional empty paragraph at imported footnote resp. endnote
diff --git a/writerfilter/source/dmapper/DomainMapper_Impl.cxx b/writerfilter/source/dmapper/DomainMapper_Impl.cxx
index 1acb8e4..c6ca332 100644
--- a/writerfilter/source/dmapper/DomainMapper_Impl.cxx
+++ b/writerfilter/source/dmapper/DomainMapper_Impl.cxx
@@ -1267,6 +1267,7 @@ void DomainMapper_Impl::PushAnnotation()
void DomainMapper_Impl::PopFootOrEndnote()
+ RemoveLastParagraph;
/*-- 22.12.2008 13:45:15---------------------------------------------------
commit e80e74b336cca423d4c897182ce591417dc50ebd
Author: Andre Fischer <af at apache.org>
Date: Mon Dec 2 16:37:27 2013 +0000
123729: More general cleanup in installer scripts.
diff --git a/solenv/bin/make_installer.pl b/solenv/bin/make_installer.pl
index def1bf0..871e806 100644
--- a/solenv/bin/make_installer.pl
+++ b/solenv/bin/make_installer.pl
@@ -256,25 +256,53 @@ sub MakeWindowsBuild ($$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$)
$modulesinproductlanguageresolvedarrayref = installer::windows::feature::sort_feature($modulesinproductlanguageresolvedarrayref);
installer::windows::feature::create_feature_table($modulesinproductlanguageresolvedarrayref, $newidtdir, $languagesarrayref, $allvariableshashref);
- installer::windows::featurecomponent::create_featurecomponent_table($filesinproductlanguageresolvedarrayref, $registryitemsinproductlanguageresolvedarrayref, $newidtdir);
+ installer::windows::featurecomponent::create_featurecomponent_table(
+ $filesinproductlanguageresolvedarrayref,
+ $registryitemsinproductlanguageresolvedarrayref,
+ $newidtdir);
- installer::windows::media::create_media_table($filesinproductlanguageresolvedarrayref, $newidtdir, $allvariableshashref);
+ installer::windows::media::create_media_table(
+ $filesinproductlanguageresolvedarrayref,
+ $newidtdir,
+ $allvariableshashref);
- installer::windows::font::create_font_table($filesinproductlanguageresolvedarrayref, $newidtdir);
+ installer::windows::font::create_font_table(
+ $filesinproductlanguageresolvedarrayref,
+ $newidtdir);
# Attention: The table "Shortcut.idt" contains language specific strings -> parameter: $languagesarrayref !
# Attention: Shortcuts (Folderitems) have icon files, that have to be copied into the Icon directory (last parameter)
my @iconfilecollector = ();
- installer::windows::shortcut::create_shortcut_table($filesinproductlanguageresolvedarrayref, $linksinproductlanguageresolvedarrayref, $folderinproductlanguageresolvedarrayref, $folderitemsinproductlanguageresolvedarrayref, $directoriesforepmarrayref, $newidtdir, $languagesarrayref, $includepatharrayref, \@iconfilecollector);
+ installer::windows::shortcut::create_shortcut_table(
+ $filesinproductlanguageresolvedarrayref,
+ $linksinproductlanguageresolvedarrayref,
+ $folderinproductlanguageresolvedarrayref,
+ $folderitemsinproductlanguageresolvedarrayref,
+ $directoriesforepmarrayref,
+ $newidtdir,
+ $languagesarrayref,
+ $includepatharrayref,
+ \@iconfilecollector);
- installer::windows::inifile::create_inifile_table($inifiletableentries, $filesinproductlanguageresolvedarrayref, $newidtdir);
+ installer::windows::inifile::create_inifile_table(
+ $inifiletableentries,
+ $filesinproductlanguageresolvedarrayref,
+ $newidtdir);
- installer::windows::icon::create_icon_table(\@iconfilecollector, $newidtdir); # creating the icon table with all iconfiles used as shortcuts (FolderItems)
+ installer::windows::icon::create_icon_table(
+ \@iconfilecollector,
+ $newidtdir); # creating the icon table with all iconfiles used as shortcuts (FolderItems)
- installer::windows::createfolder::create_createfolder_table($directoriesforepmarrayref, $filesinproductlanguageresolvedarrayref, $newidtdir, $allvariableshashref);
+ installer::windows::createfolder::create_createfolder_table(
+ $directoriesforepmarrayref,
+ $filesinproductlanguageresolvedarrayref,
+ $newidtdir,
+ $allvariableshashref);
- installer::windows::upgrade::create_upgrade_table($newidtdir, $allvariableshashref);
+ installer::windows::upgrade::create_upgrade_table(
+ $newidtdir,
+ $allvariableshashref);
if ( ! $installer::globals::languagepack ) # the following tables not for language packs
@@ -384,7 +412,9 @@ sub MakeWindowsBuild ($$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$)
my $licensefilesource = installer::windows::idtglobal::get_rtflicensefilesource($onelanguage, $includepatharrayref_lang);
my $licensefile = installer::files::read_file($licensefilesource);
- installer::scpzipfiles::replace_all_ziplistvariables_in_rtffile($licensefile, $allvariableshashref);
+ installer::scpzipfiles::replace_all_ziplistvariables_in_rtffile(
+ $licensefile,
+ $allvariableshashref);
my $controltablename = $languageidtdir . $installer::globals::separator . "Control.idt";
my $controltable = installer::files::read_file($controltablename);
installer::windows::idtglobal::add_licensefile_to_database($licensefile, $controltable);
@@ -519,9 +549,6 @@ sub MakeWindowsBuild ($$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$)
$installer::globals::packjobref = installer::windows::msiglobal::generate_cab_file_list($filesinproductlanguageresolvedarrayref, $installdir, $ddfdir, $allvariableshashref);
- # Update and patch reasons the pack order needs to be saved
- installer::windows::msiglobal::save_packorder();
@@ -545,7 +572,6 @@ sub MakeWindowsBuild ($$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$)
installer::worker::clean_output_tree(); # removing directories created in the output tree
($is_success, $finalinstalldir) = installer::worker::analyze_and_save_logfile($loggingdir, $installdir, $installlogdir, $allsettingsarrayref, $languagestringref, $current_install_number);
# Creating download installation set
@@ -563,6 +589,7 @@ sub MakeWindowsBuild ($$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$)
my $downloaddir = installer::download::create_download_sets($finalinstalldir, $includepatharrayref, $allvariableshashref, $$downloadname, $languagestringref, $languagesarrayref);
installer::worker::analyze_and_save_logfile($loggingdir, $downloaddir, $installlogdir, $allsettingsarrayref, $languagestringref, $current_install_number);
@@ -821,7 +848,6 @@ sub MakeNonWindowsBuild ($$$$$$$$$$$$$$$)
$installer::globals::makelinuxlinkrpm = 0;
if ( $installer::globals::patch ) { $installer::globals::call_epm = 1; } # enabling packing again
$run = 1;
if (( ! $installer::globals::makelinuxlinkrpm ) && ( ! $run ))
@@ -833,7 +859,6 @@ sub MakeNonWindowsBuild ($$$$$$$$$$$$$$$)
if ( $installer::globals::patch ) { $installer::globals::call_epm = 0; } # no packing of core module in patch
$shellscriptsfilename = ""; # shell scripts only need to be included into the link rpm
$run = 1;
@@ -961,7 +986,7 @@ sub MakeNonWindowsBuild ($$$$$$$$$$$$$$$)
# changing into the "install" directory to create installation sets
- $currentdir = cwd(); # $currentdir is global in this file
+ my $currentdir = cwd(); # $currentdir is global in this file
chdir($installdir); # changing into install directory ($installdir is global in this file)
@@ -1186,8 +1211,6 @@ sub MakeNonWindowsBuild ($$$$$$$$$$$$$$$)
# Main program
@@ -1206,6 +1229,7 @@ $installer::logger::Global->add_timestamp("starting logging");
# While there is no language set and logger::Lang is not yet tied to a log file,
# forward its output to logger::Global.
# Checking the environment and setting
@@ -1254,89 +1278,29 @@ my $current_install_number = "";
# Checking the system requirements
-$installer::logger::Info->print( "... checking required files ...\n" );
+$installer::logger::Info->print("... checking required files ...\n");
my $pathvariableshashref = installer::environment::create_pathvariables($environmentvariableshashref);
-# Checking saved setting for Windows patches
-if (( $installer::globals::iswindowsbuild ) && ( $installer::globals::prepare_winpatch )) { installer::windows::msiglobal::read_saved_mappings(); }
# Analyzing the settings and variables in zip.lst
-installer::logger::globallog("zip list file: $installer::globals::ziplistname");
-my $ziplistref = installer::files::read_file($installer::globals::ziplistname);
$installer::logger::Info->print( "... analyzing $installer::globals::ziplistname ... \n" );
-my ($productblockref, $parent) = installer::ziplist::getproductblock($ziplistref, $installer::globals::product, 1); # product block from zip.lst
-my ($settingsblockref, undef) = installer::ziplist::getproductblock($productblockref, "Settings", 0); # settings block from zip.lst
-$settingsblockref = installer::ziplist::analyze_settings_block($settingsblockref); # select data from settings block in zip.lst
-my $allsettingsarrayref = installer::ziplist::get_settings_from_ziplist($settingsblockref);
-my $allvariablesarrayref = installer::ziplist::get_variables_from_ziplist($settingsblockref);
-my ($globalproductblockref, undef) = installer::ziplist::getproductblock($ziplistref, $installer::globals::globalblock, 0); # global product block from zip.lst
-while (defined $parent)
- my $parentproductblockref;
- ($parentproductblockref, $parent) = installer::ziplist::getproductblock(
- $ziplistref, $parent, 1);
- my ($parentsettingsblockref, undef) = installer::ziplist::getproductblock(
- $parentproductblockref, "Settings", 0);
- $parentsettingsblockref = installer::ziplist::analyze_settings_block(
- $parentsettingsblockref);
- my $allparentsettingsarrayref =
- installer::ziplist::get_settings_from_ziplist($parentsettingsblockref);
- my $allparentvariablesarrayref =
- installer::ziplist::get_variables_from_ziplist($parentsettingsblockref);
- $allsettingsarrayref =
- installer::converter::combine_arrays_from_references_first_win(
- $allsettingsarrayref, $allparentsettingsarrayref)
- if $#{$allparentsettingsarrayref} > -1;
- $allvariablesarrayref =
- installer::converter::combine_arrays_from_references_first_win(
- $allvariablesarrayref, $allparentvariablesarrayref)
- if $#{$allparentvariablesarrayref} > -1;
-if ( $#{$globalproductblockref} > -1 )
+my ($allvariableshashref,
+ $allsettingsarrayref)
+ = installer::ziplist::read_openoffice_lst_file(
+ $installer::globals::ziplistname,
+ $installer::globals::product,
+ $loggingdir);
+foreach my $key (sort keys %$allvariableshashref)
- my ($globalsettingsblockref, undef) = installer::ziplist::getproductblock($globalproductblockref, "Settings", 0); # settings block from zip.lst
- $globalsettingsblockref = installer::ziplist::analyze_settings_block($globalsettingsblockref); # select data from settings block in zip.lst
- my $allglobalsettingsarrayref = installer::ziplist::get_settings_from_ziplist($globalsettingsblockref);
- my $allglobalvariablesarrayref = installer::ziplist::get_variables_from_ziplist($globalsettingsblockref);
- if ( $#{$allglobalsettingsarrayref} > -1 ) { $allsettingsarrayref = installer::converter::combine_arrays_from_references_first_win($allsettingsarrayref, $allglobalsettingsarrayref); }
- if ( $#{$allglobalvariablesarrayref} > -1 ) { $allvariablesarrayref = installer::converter::combine_arrays_from_references_first_win($allvariablesarrayref, $allglobalvariablesarrayref); }
+ $installer::logger::Global->printf(" %s -> %s\n", $key, $allvariableshashref->{$key});
-$allsettingsarrayref = installer::ziplist::remove_multiples_from_ziplist($allsettingsarrayref); # the settings from the zip.lst
-$allvariablesarrayref = installer::ziplist::remove_multiples_from_ziplist($allvariablesarrayref);
-my $allvariableshashref = installer::converter::convert_array_to_hash($allvariablesarrayref); # the variables from the zip.lst
-installer::ziplist::overwrite_ooovendor( $allvariableshashref );
# Check if this is simple packaging mechanism
@@ -1684,19 +1648,19 @@ for (;1;last)
if ( $installer::globals::updatepack ) { $shipinstalldir = installer::control::determine_ship_directory($languagestringref); }
- ###################################################################
- # Reading an existing msi database, to prepare update and patch
- ###################################################################
# Setting global code variables for Windows
if (!($installer::globals::is_copy_only_project))
- if (( $installer::globals::iswindowsbuild ) && ( $installer::globals::packageformat ne "archive" ) && ( $installer::globals::packageformat ne "installed" ))
+ if (( $installer::globals::iswindowsbuild )
+ && ( $installer::globals::packageformat ne "archive" )
+ && ( $installer::globals::packageformat ne "installed" ))
- installer::windows::msiglobal::set_global_code_variables($languagesarrayref, $allvariableshashref);
+ installer::windows::msiglobal::set_global_code_variables(
+ $languagesarrayref,
+ $allvariableshashref);
@@ -1745,7 +1709,6 @@ for (;1;last)
if ( $installer::globals::iswin and $^O =~ /MSWin/i ) { installer::converter::convert_slash_to_backslash($filesinproductlanguageresolvedarrayref); }
$filesinproductlanguageresolvedarrayref = installer::scriptitems::remove_non_existent_languages_in_productlists($filesinproductlanguageresolvedarrayref, $languagestringref, "Name", "file");
@@ -1848,6 +1811,7 @@ for (;1;last)
($directoriesforepmarrayref, $alldirectoryhash) = installer::scriptitems::collect_directories_with_create_flag_from_directoryarray($dirsinproductlanguageresolvedarrayref, $alldirectoryhash);
# installer::sorter::sorting_array_of_hashes($directoriesforepmarrayref, "HostName");
+ # if ( $installer::globals::globallogging ) { installer::files::save_array_of_hashes($loggingdir . "directoriesforepmlist3.log", $directoriesforepmarrayref); }
# language dependent scpactions part
@@ -2054,7 +2018,15 @@ for (;1;last)
if (( $installer::globals::iswindowsbuild ) && ( ! $installer::globals::patch )) # Windows specific items: Folder, FolderItem, RegistryItem
$installer::logger::Info->print( "... creating inf files ...\n" );
- installer::worker::create_inf_file($filesinproductlanguageresolvedarrayref, $registryitemsinproductlanguageresolvedarrayref, $folderinproductlanguageresolvedarrayref, $folderitemsinproductlanguageresolvedarrayref, $modulesinproductlanguageresolvedarrayref, $languagesarrayref, $languagestringref, $allvariableshashref);
+ installer::worker::create_inf_file(
+ $filesinproductlanguageresolvedarrayref,
+ $registryitemsinproductlanguageresolvedarrayref,
+ $folderinproductlanguageresolvedarrayref,
+ $folderitemsinproductlanguageresolvedarrayref,
+ $modulesinproductlanguageresolvedarrayref,
+ $languagesarrayref,
+ $languagestringref,
+ $allvariableshashref);
@@ -2096,16 +2068,13 @@ for (;1;last)
installer::packagelist::create_module_destination_hash($packages, $allvariableshashref);
- # saving debug info, before starting part 2
- if ( $installer::globals::debug ) { installer::logger::savedebug($installer::globals::exitlog); }
# Part 2: The platform dependent part
- if ($installer::globals::iswindowsbuild)
+ if ( $installer::globals::iswindowsbuild )
+ # Create .idt tables and a .msi file.
@@ -2130,6 +2099,7 @@ for (;1;last)
+ # Creating epm list file.
diff --git a/solenv/bin/modules/installer/globals.pm b/solenv/bin/modules/installer/globals.pm
index 04d14ea..6d43e32 100644
--- a/solenv/bin/modules/installer/globals.pm
+++ b/solenv/bin/modules/installer/globals.pm
@@ -31,6 +31,8 @@ BEGIN
+ # WARNING: the following lines are matched verbatim in i18npool/source/isolang/langid.pl
@noMSLocaleLangs = (
@@ -411,8 +413,6 @@ BEGIN
$previous_idt_dir = "";
$updatepack = 0;
$msitranpath = "";
- $insert_file_at_end = 0;
- $newfilesexist = 0;
$usesharepointpath = 0;
%newfilescollector = ();
@@ -489,10 +489,6 @@ BEGIN
$isunix = 0;
$iswin = 1;
$archiveformat = ".zip";
- %savedmapping = ();
- %savedrevmapping = ();
- %savedrev83mapping = ();
- %saved83dirmapping = ();
elsif ( $plat =~ /os2/i )
diff --git a/solenv/bin/modules/installer/parameter.pm b/solenv/bin/modules/installer/parameter.pm
index eb4209b..1cb5ba9 100644
--- a/solenv/bin/modules/installer/parameter.pm
+++ b/solenv/bin/modules/installer/parameter.pm
@@ -634,7 +634,6 @@ sub outputparameter ()
foreach my $line (@output)
- $installer::logger::Global->print($line);
diff --git a/solenv/bin/modules/installer/scppatchsoname.pm b/solenv/bin/modules/installer/scppatchsoname.pm
index 2c556ec..a9602dd 100644
--- a/solenv/bin/modules/installer/scppatchsoname.pm
+++ b/solenv/bin/modules/installer/scppatchsoname.pm
@@ -94,6 +94,8 @@ sub replace_productname_in_file
my $replacestring = "";
for ( my $i = 1; $i <= 80; $i++ ) { $replacestring .= $onestring; }
+ $installer::logger::Lang->printf("processing PATCH_SO_NAME: %s -> %s\n", $sourcepath, $destpath);
my $productname = $variableshashref->{'PRODUCTNAME'} . " " . $variableshashref->{'PRODUCTVERSION'};
if ( exists($onefilehash->{'FileDescription'}) ) { $productname = $onefilehash->{'FileDescription'}; }
my $unicode_productname = convert_to_unicode($productname);
@@ -153,6 +155,7 @@ sub resolving_patchsoname_flag
# if (!(-f $destinationpath)) # do nothing if the file already exists
# {
+ $installer::logger::Lang->printf("PATCH_SO_NAME: copying '%s' to '%s'\n", $sourcepath, $movepath);
my $copysuccess = installer::systemactions::copy_one_file($sourcepath, $movepath);
if ( $copysuccess )
diff --git a/solenv/bin/modules/installer/scriptitems.pm b/solenv/bin/modules/installer/scriptitems.pm
index 4c87dd0..74bf937 100644
--- a/solenv/bin/modules/installer/scriptitems.pm
+++ b/solenv/bin/modules/installer/scriptitems.pm
@@ -2617,9 +2617,10 @@ sub build_modulegids_table ($$)
# build map of item names to list of respective module gids
# containing these items
- foreach my $onemodule (@{$modulesref})
+ foreach my $onemodule (@$modulesref)
next if ! defined $onemodule->{$itemname};
# these are the items contained in this module
# eg. Files = (gid_a_b_c,gid_d_e_f)
my $module_gids = $onemodule->{$itemname};
@@ -2649,10 +2650,9 @@ sub get_string_of_modulegids_for_itemgid ($$)
my $haslanguagemodule = 0;
my %foundmodules = ();
- # print STDERR "lookup '" . lc($itemgid) . "'\n";
my $gid_list = $module_lookup_table->{lc($itemgid)};
- foreach my $gid (@{$gid_list})
+ foreach my $gid (@$gid_list)
$foundmodules{$gid} = 1;
# Is this module a language module? This info should be stored at the file.
@@ -2674,8 +2674,8 @@ sub get_string_of_modulegids_for_itemgid ($$)
- "ERROR: \"\" is assigned to modules with flag "
- . "\"LANGUAGEMODULE\" and also to modules without this flag! Modules: %s",
+ "ERROR: \"%s\" is assigned to modules with flag "
+ ."\"LANGUAGEMODULE\" and also to modules without this flag! Modules: %s",
diff --git a/solenv/bin/modules/installer/setupscript.pm b/solenv/bin/modules/installer/setupscript.pm
index 2018fd0..8a5a371 100644
--- a/solenv/bin/modules/installer/setupscript.pm
+++ b/solenv/bin/modules/installer/setupscript.pm
@@ -80,227 +80,157 @@ sub get_all_scriptvariables_from_installation_object ($$)
my ($scriptref, $script_filename) = @_;
- my @installobjectvariables;
+ my $installobjectvariables = {};
- for ( my $i = 0; $i <= $#{$scriptref}; $i++ )
+ my $firstline = $scriptref->[0];
+ if ($firstline !~ /^\s*Installation\s+\w+\s*$/)
- my $line = ${$scriptref}[$i];
+ installer::logger::PrintError("did not find 'Installation' keyword in first line of %s\n",
+ $script_filename);
+ }
+ foreach my $line (@$scriptref)
+ {
+ next if $line =~ /^\s*Installation\s+\w+\s*$/; # Already processed.
+ last if $line =~ /^\s*End\s*$/;
- if ( $line =~ /^\s*Installation\s+\w+\s*$/ ) # should be the first line
+ if ($line =~ /^\s*(\w+)\s+\=\s*\"?(.*?)\"?\s*\;\s*$/ )
- my $counter = $i+1;
- my $installline = ${$scriptref}[$counter];
- while (!($installline =~ /^\s*End\s*$/ ))
- {
- if ( $installline =~ /^\s*(\w+)\s+\=\s*(.*?)\s*\;\s*$/ )
- {
- my $key = $1;
- my $value = $2;
- # removing leading and ending " in $value
+ my ($key, $value) = ($1, $2);
- if ( $value =~ /^\s*\"(.*)\"\s*$/ )
- {
- $value = $1;
- }
- $key = "\%" . uc($key); # $key is %PRODUCTNAME
- my $input = $key . " " . $value . "\n"; # $key can only be the first word
- push(@installobjectvariables ,$input);
- }
- $counter++;
- $installline = ${$scriptref}[$counter];
- }
+ $installobjectvariables->{uc($key)} = $value;
- last; # not interesting after installation object
- return \@installobjectvariables;
+ return $installobjectvariables;
# Including LCPRODUCTNAME into the array
-sub add_lowercase_productname_setupscriptvariable
+sub add_lowercase_productname_setupscriptvariable ($)
my ( $variablesref ) = @_;
- for ( my $j = 0; $j <= $#{$variablesref}; $j++ )
- {
- my $variableline = ${$variablesref}[$j];
- my ($key, $value);
+ my %additional_variables = ();
- if ( $variableline =~ /^\s*\%(\w+?)\s+(.*?)\s*$/ )
+ while (my ($key, $value) = each %$variablesref)
+ {
+ if ($key eq "PRODUCTNAME")
- $key = $1;
- $value = $2;
- if ( $key eq "PRODUCTNAME" )
- {
- my $newline = "\%LCPRODUCTNAME " . lc($value) . "\n";
- push(@{$variablesref} ,$newline);
- my $original = $value;
- $value =~ s/\s*//g;
- $newline = "\%ONEWORDPRODUCTNAME " . $value . "\n";
- push(@{$variablesref} ,$newline);
- $newline = "\%LCONEWORDPRODUCTNAME " . lc($value) . "\n";
- push(@{$variablesref} ,$newline);
- $value = $original;
- $value =~ s/\s*$//g;
- $value =~ s/^\s*//g;
- $value =~ s/ /\%20/g;
- $newline = "\%MASKEDPRODUCTNAME " . $value . "\n";
- push(@{$variablesref} ,$newline);
- $value = $original;
- $value =~ s/\s/\_/g;
- # if ( $value =~ /^\s*(.*?)\_(\w)(.*?)\_(\w)(.*)\s*$/ ) { $value = $1 . $2 . $4; }
- $newline = "\%UNIXPRODUCTNAME " . lc($value) . "\n";
- push(@{$variablesref} ,$newline);
- $newline = "\%SYSTEMINTUNIXPACKAGENAME " . lc($value) . "\n";
- push(@{$variablesref} ,$newline);
- # if ( $value =~ /^\s*(.*?)\_(\w)(.*?)\_(\w)(.*)\s*$/ ) { $value = $1 . $2 . $4; }
- # if ( $value =~ /^\s*(.*?)\_(\w)(.*?)\_(\w)(.*)\s*$/ ) { $value = $2 . $4; }
- $newline = "\%UNIXPACKAGENAME " . lc($value) . "\n";
- push(@{$variablesref} ,$newline);
- $value = $original;
- $value =~ s/\s/\_/g;
- $value =~ s/\.//g;
- # if ( $value =~ /^\s*(.*?)\_(\w)(.*?)\_(\w)(.*)\s*$/ ) { $value = $1 . $2 . $4; }
- $newline = "\%WITHOUTDOTUNIXPRODUCTNAME " . lc($value) . "\n";
- push(@{$variablesref} ,$newline);
- # if ( $value =~ /^\s*(.*?)\_(\w)(.*?)\_(\w)(.*)\s*$/ ) { $value = $1 . $2 . $4; }
- # if ( $value =~ /^\s*(.*?)\_(\w)(.*?)\_(\w)(.*)\s*$/ ) { $value = $2 . $4; }
- $newline = "\%WITHOUTDOTUNIXPACKAGENAME " . lc($value) . "\n";
- push(@{$variablesref} ,$newline);
- $newline = "\%SOLARISBRANDPACKAGENAME " . lc($value) . "\n";
- push(@{$variablesref} ,$newline);
- $value = $original;
- }
- elsif ( $key eq "PRODUCTEXTENSION" )
- {
- my $newline = "\%LCPRODUCTEXTENSION " . lc($value) . "\n";
- push(@{$variablesref} ,$newline);
- }
- elsif ( $key eq "PRODUCTVERSION" )
- {
- $value =~ s/\.//g;
- my $newline = "\%WITHOUTDOTPRODUCTVERSION " . $value . "\n";
- push(@{$variablesref} ,$newline);
- }
- elsif ( $key eq "OOOBASEVERSION" )
- {
- $value =~ s/\.//g;
- my $newline = "\%WITHOUTDOTOOOBASEVERSION " . $value . "\n";
- push(@{$variablesref} ,$newline);
- }
+ $additional_variables{"LCPRODUCTNAME"} = lc($value);
+ my $original = $value;
+ $value =~ s/\s+//g;
+ $additional_variables{"ONEWORDPRODUCTNAME"} = $value;
+ $additional_variables{"LCONEWORDPRODUCTNAME"} = lc($value);
+ $value = $original;
+ $value =~ s/(^\s+|\s+$)//g;
+ $value =~ s/ /\%20/g;
+ $additional_variables{"MASKEDPRODUCTNAME"} = $value;
+ $value = $original;
+ $value =~ s/\s/\_/g;
+ $additional_variables{"UNIXPRODUCTNAME"} = lc($value);
+ $additional_variables{"SYSTEMINTUNIXPACKAGENAME"} = lc($value);
+ $additional_variables{"UNIXPACKAGENAME"} = lc($value);
+ $value = $original;
+ $value =~ s/\s/\_/g;
+ $value =~ s/\.//g;
+ $additional_variables{"WITHOUTDOTUNIXPRODUCTNAME"} = lc($value);
+ $additional_variables{"WITHOUTDOTUNIXPACKAGENAME"} = lc($value);
+ $additional_variables{"SOLARISBRANDPACKAGENAME"} = lc($value);
+ }
+ elsif ($key eq "PRODUCTEXTENSION")
+ {
+ $additional_variables{"LCPRODUCTEXTENSION"} = lc($value);
+ }
+ elsif ($key eq "PRODUCTVERSION")
+ {
+ $value =~ s/\.//g;
+ $additional_variables{"WITHOUTDOTPRODUCTVERSION"} = $value;
+ }
+ elsif ($key eq "OOOBASEVERSION")
+ {
+ $value =~ s/\.//g;
+ $additional_variables{"WITHOUTDOTOOOBASEVERSION"} = $value;
+ while (my ($key, $value) = each %additional_variables)
+ {
+ $variablesref->{$key} = $value;
+ }
# Resolving the new introduced lowercase script variables
-sub resolve_lowercase_productname_setupscriptvariable
+sub resolve_lowercase_productname_setupscriptvariable ($)
- my ( $variablesref ) = @_;
- my %variables = ();
+ my ($variablesref) = @_;
- # First step: Collecting variables
- for ( my $j = 0; $j <= $#{$variablesref}; $j++ )
+ while (my ($key,$value) = each %$variablesref)
- my $variableline = ${$variablesref}[$j];
- my ($key, $value);
- if ( $variableline =~ /^\s*\%(\w+?)\s+(.*?)\s*$/ )
+ if ($value =~ /\$\{(.*?)\}/)
- $key = $1;
- $value = $2;
- $variables{$key} = $value;
+ my $varname = $1;
+ my $replacement = $variablesref->{$varname};
+ my $new_value = $value;
+ $new_value =~ s/\$\{\Q$varname\E\}/$replacement/g;
+ $variablesref->{$key} = $new_value;
- # Second step: Resolving variables
- for ( my $j = 0; $j <= $#{$variablesref}; $j++ )
- {
- if ( ${$variablesref}[$j] =~ /\$\{(.*?)\}/ )
- {
- my $key = $1;
- ${$variablesref}[$j] =~ s/\$\{\Q$key\E\}/$variables{$key}/g;
- }
- }
# Replacing all setup script variables inside the setup script file
-sub replace_all_setupscriptvariables_in_script
+sub replace_all_setupscriptvariables_in_script ($$)
- my ( $scriptref, $variablesref ) = @_;
+ my ($script_lines, $variables) = @_;
installer::logger::include_header_into_globallogfile("Replacing variables in setup script (start)");
- # make hash of variables to be substituted if they appear in the script
- my %subs;
- for ( my $j = 0; $j <= $#{$variablesref}; $j++ )
- {
- my $variableline = ${$variablesref}[$j];
- if ( $variableline =~ /^\s*(\%\w+?)\s+(.*?)\s*$/ )
- {
- $subs{$1}= $2;
- }
- }
# This is far faster than running a regexp for each line
- my $bigstring = '';
- for my $line (@{$scriptref}) { $bigstring = $bigstring . $line; }
+ my $bigstring = join("", @$script_lines);
- foreach my $key ( keys %subs )
+ while (my ($key,$value) = each %$variables)
# Attention: It must be possible to substitute "%PRODUCTNAMEn", "%PRODUCTNAME%PRODUCTVERSIONabc"
- my $value = $subs{$key};
- $bigstring =~ s/$key/$value/g;
+ my $count = ($bigstring =~ s/%$key/$value/g);
+ if ($count > 0)
+ {
+ $installer::logger::Lang->printf("replaced %s %d times\n", $key, $count);
+ }
my @newlines = split /\n/, $bigstring;
- $scriptref = \@newlines;
# now check for any mis-named '%' variables that we have left
my $num = 0;
- for my $check (@newlines)
+ foreach my $line (@newlines)
- if ( $check =~ /^.*\%\w+.*$/ )
+ if ($line =~ /\%\w+/)
- if (( $check =~ /%1/ ) || ( $check =~ /%2/ ) || ( $check =~ /%verify/ ))
+ if (( $line =~ /%1/ ) || ( $line =~ /%2/ ) || ( $line =~ /%verify/ ))
- $installer::logger::Global->printf(
- "WARNING: mis-named or un-known '%s' variable in setup script at line %s:\n",
- "%", $num);
- $installer::logger::Global->printf("%s\n", $check);
+ $installer::logger::Info->printf(
+ "WARNING: mis-named or un-known %%-variable in setup script at line %s:\n",$num);
+ $installer::logger::Info->printf("%s\n", $line);
installer::logger::include_header_into_globallogfile("Replacing variables in setup script (end)");
- return $scriptref;
+ return \@newlines;
@@ -471,21 +401,13 @@ sub prepare_non_advertised_files
# object, the installation object is more important
-sub add_installationobject_to_variables
+sub add_installationobject_to_variables ($$)
- my ($allvariables, $allscriptvariablesref) = @_;
+ my ($variables, $script_variables) = @_;
- for ( my $i = 0; $i <= $#{$allscriptvariablesref}; $i++ )
+ while (my ($key, $value) = each %$script_variables)
- my $line = ${$allscriptvariablesref}[$i];
- if ( $line =~ /^\s*\%(\w+)\s+(.*?)\s*$/ )
- {
- my $key = $1;
- my $value = $2;
- $allvariables->{$key} = $value; # overwrite existing values from zip.lst
- }
+ $variables->{$key} = $value; # overwrite existing values from zip.lst
diff --git a/solenv/bin/modules/installer/windows/assembly.pm b/solenv/bin/modules/installer/windows/assembly.pm
index 1d17f48..32c7f1e 100644
--- a/solenv/bin/modules/installer/windows/assembly.pm
+++ b/solenv/bin/modules/installer/windows/assembly.pm
@@ -350,8 +350,10 @@ sub add_assembly_condition_into_component_table
$keypath) . "\n";
${$componenttable}[$j] = $oneline;
$changed = 1;
- $installer::logger::Lang->print("Changing %s :\n", $componenttablename);
+ $installer::logger::Lang->printf("Changing %s :\n", $componenttablename);
@@ -362,7 +364,7 @@ sub add_assembly_condition_into_component_table
# Saving the file
installer::files::save_file($componenttablename ,$componenttable);
- $installer::logger::Lang->print("Saved idt file: %s\n", $componenttablename);
+ $installer::logger::Lang->printf("Saved idt file: %s\n", $componenttablename);
diff --git a/solenv/bin/modules/installer/windows/component.pm b/solenv/bin/modules/installer/windows/component.pm
index fef5012..f79974c 100644
--- a/solenv/bin/modules/installer/windows/component.pm
+++ b/solenv/bin/modules/installer/windows/component.pm
@@ -31,6 +31,8 @@ use installer::globals;
use installer::windows::idtglobal;
use installer::windows::language;
+use strict;
# Returning a globally unique ID (GUID) for a component
# If the component is new, a unique guid has to be created.
@@ -67,7 +69,6 @@ sub get_file_component_directory ($$$)
my ($componentname, $filesref, $dirref) = @_;
my ($component, $uniquedir);
- my $found = 0;
foreach my $onefile (@$filesref)
@@ -77,7 +78,6 @@ sub get_file_component_directory ($$$)
# This component can be ignored, if it exists in a version with
# extension "_pff" (this was renamed in file::get_sequence_for_file() )
my $ignore_this_component = 0;
@@ -135,11 +135,10 @@ sub get_file_component_directory_for_file ($$)
- $found = 0;
+ my $found = 0;
foreach my $directory (@$dirref)
- if ($directory->{'HostName'} eq $destination )
+ if ($directory->{'HostName'} eq $destination)
$found = 1;
$uniquedir = $directory->{'uniquename'};
@@ -154,7 +153,6 @@ sub get_file_component_directory_for_file ($$)
if ( $uniquedir eq $installer::globals::officeinstalldirectory )
$uniquedir = "INSTALLLOCATION";
@@ -326,9 +324,6 @@ sub get_component_keypath ($$)
my ($componentname, $itemsref) = @_;
- my $found = 0;
- my $infoline = "";
foreach my $oneitem (@$itemsref)
my $component = $oneitem->{'componentname'};
@@ -356,12 +351,6 @@ sub get_component_keypath ($$)
return $keypath
- if ($oneitem->{'componentname'} eq $componentname)
- {
- $found = 1;
- last;
- }
diff --git a/solenv/bin/modules/installer/windows/directory.pm b/solenv/bin/modules/installer/windows/directory.pm
index b2b7af4..e042892 100644
--- a/solenv/bin/modules/installer/windows/directory.pm
+++ b/solenv/bin/modules/installer/windows/directory.pm
@@ -30,6 +30,8 @@ use installer::pathanalyzer;
use installer::windows::idtglobal;
use installer::windows::msiglobal;
+use strict;
# Collecting all directory trees in global hash
@@ -73,12 +75,22 @@ sub overwrite_programfilesfolder
-# Maximum length of directory name is 72.
-# Taking care of underlines, which are the separator.
-sub make_short_dir_version
+=head2 make_short_dir_version($longstring)
+ Transform the given string into one that is at most 70 characters long.
+ That is done in two steps:
+ - Cut all parts separated by '_' or '-' down to a length of 5.
+ - Cut down the result to a length of 60 and fill it up to length 70
+ with the MD5 checksum.
+ This transform always returns the same result for the same string.
+ There is no counter and reference to a global set of names to make the string unique.
+sub make_short_dir_version ($)
my ($longstring) = @_;
@@ -90,29 +102,24 @@ sub make_short_dir_version
# Splitting the string at each "underline" and allowing only $length characters per directory name.
# Checking also uniqueness and length.
- my $stringarray = installer::converter::convert_stringlist_into_array_without_newline(\$longstring, "_");
- foreach my $onestring ( @{$stringarray} )
+ my @outer_parts = split(/_/, $longstring);
+ foreach my $onestring (@outer_parts)
my $partstring = "";
if ( $onestring =~ /\-/ )
- my $localstringarray = installer::converter::convert_stringlist_into_array_without_newline(\$onestring, "-");
- foreach my $onelocalstring ( @{$localstringarray} )
- {
- if ( length($onelocalstring) > $length ) { $onelocalstring = substr($onelocalstring, 0, $length); }
- $partstring = $partstring . "-" . $onelocalstring;
- }
+ my @inner_parts = split(/-/, $onestring);
+ @inner_parts = map {substr($_,0,$length)} @inner_parts;
+ $partstring = join("-", @inner_parts);
$partstring =~ s/^\s*\-//;
- if ( length($onestring) > $length ) { $partstring = substr($onestring, 0, $length); }
- else { $partstring = $onestring; }
+ $partstring = substr($onestring, 0, $length);
- $shortstring = $shortstring . "_" . $partstring;
+ $shortstring .= "_" . $partstring;
$shortstring =~ s/^\s*\_//;
@@ -120,14 +127,8 @@ sub make_short_dir_version
# Setting unique ID to each directory
# No counter allowed, process must be absolute reproducable due to patch creation process.
- # chomp(my $id = `echo $longstring_save | md5sum | sed -e "s/ .*//g"`); # Very, very slow
- # my $subid = substr($id, 0, 9); # taking only the first 9 digits
my $subid = installer::windows::msiglobal::calculate_id($longstring_save, 9); # taking only the first 9 digits
- if ( length($shortstring) > $cutlength ) { $shortstring = substr($shortstring, 0, $cutlength); }
- $shortstring = $shortstring . "_" . $subid;
+ $shortstring = substr($shortstring, 0, $cutlength) . "_" . $subid;
return $shortstring;
@@ -558,13 +559,9 @@ sub create_directory_table ($$$$)
my $infoline;
- if ( $installer::globals::globallogging ) { installer::files::save_array_of_hashes($loggingdir . "directoriesforidt_local_1.log", $directoryref); }
create_unique_directorynames($directoryref, $allvariableshashref);
- if ( $installer::globals::globallogging ) { installer::files::save_array_of_hashes($loggingdir . "directoriesforidt_local_1a.log", $directoryref); }
create_defaultdir_directorynames($directoryref); # only destdir!
- if ( $installer::globals::globallogging ) { installer::files::save_array_of_hashes($loggingdir . "directoriesforidt_local_2.log", $directoryref); }
set_installlocation_directory($directoryref, $allvariableshashref);
- if ( $installer::globals::globallogging ) { installer::files::save_array_of_hashes($loggingdir . "directoriesforidt_local_3.log", $directoryref); }
installer::windows::idtglobal::write_idt_header(\@directorytable, "directory");
add_root_directories(\@directorytable, $allvariableshashref);
create_directorytable_from_collection(\@directorytable, $directoryref);
diff --git a/solenv/bin/modules/installer/windows/featurecomponent.pm b/solenv/bin/modules/installer/windows/featurecomponent.pm
index 4253746..c55aa0d 100644
--- a/solenv/bin/modules/installer/windows/featurecomponent.pm
+++ b/solenv/bin/modules/installer/windows/featurecomponent.pm
@@ -30,37 +30,46 @@ use installer::files;
use installer::globals;
use installer::windows::idtglobal;
+use strict;
# Collecting all pairs of features and components from the files collector
-sub create_featurecomponent_table_from_files_collector
+sub create_featurecomponent_table_from_files_collector ($$)
my ($featurecomponenttableref, $filesref) = @_;
- for ( my $i = 0; $i <= $#{$filesref}; $i++ )
+ foreach my $onefile (@$filesref)
- my $onefile = ${$filesref}[$i];
my $filecomponent = $onefile->{'componentname'};
my $filemodules = $onefile->{'modules'};
if ( $filecomponent eq "" )
- installer::exiter::exit_program("ERROR: No component defined for file $onefile->{'Name'}", "create_featurecomponent_table_from_files_collector");
+ installer::exiter::exit_program(
+ sprintf("ERROR: No component defined for file %s", $onefile->{'Name'}),
+ "create_featurecomponent_table_from_files_collector");
- if ( $filemodules eq "" )
+ if ( ! defined $filemodules)
- installer::exiter::exit_program("ERROR: No modules found for file $onefile->{'Name'}", "create_featurecomponent_table_from_files_collector");
+ # Temporary for files created from source installation set.
+ die;
+ }
+ if ($filemodules eq "")
+ {
+ installer::exiter::exit_program(
+ sprintf("ERROR: No modules found for file %s", $onefile->{'Name'}),
+ "create_featurecomponent_table_from_files_collector");
my $filemodulesarrayref = installer::converter::convert_stringlist_into_array(\$filemodules, ",");
- for ( my $j = 0; $j <= $#{$filemodulesarrayref}; $j++ )
+ foreach my $onemodule (@$filemodulesarrayref)
my %featurecomponent = ();
- my $onemodule = ${$filemodulesarrayref}[$j];
$onemodule =~ s/\s*$//;
$featurecomponent{'Feature'} = $onemodule;
$featurecomponent{'Component'} = $filecomponent;
@@ -70,7 +79,7 @@ sub create_featurecomponent_table_from_files_collector
- $oneline = "$featurecomponent{'Feature'}\t$featurecomponent{'Component'}\n";
+ my $oneline = "$featurecomponent{'Feature'}\t$featurecomponent{'Component'}\n";
# control of uniqueness
@@ -82,56 +91,66 @@ sub create_featurecomponent_table_from_files_collector
-# Collecting all pairs of features and components from the registry collector
-sub create_featurecomponent_table_from_registry_collector
+=head2 create_featurecomponent_table_from_registry_collector ($featurecomponenttableref, $registryref)
+ Add entries for the FeatureComponent table for components that contain registry entries.
+sub create_featurecomponent_table_from_registry_collector ($$)
my ($featurecomponenttableref, $registryref) = @_;
- for ( my $i = 0; $i <= $#{$registryref}; $i++ )
+ my $replacement_count = 0;
+ my $unique_count = 0;
+ foreach my $oneregistry (@$registryref)
- my $oneregistry = ${$registryref}[$i];
- my $registrycomponent = $oneregistry->{'componentname'};
- my $registrymodule = $oneregistry->{'ModuleID'};
- if ( $registrycomponent eq "" )
+ my $component_name = $oneregistry->{'componentname'};
+ if ($component_name eq "")
- installer::exiter::exit_program("ERROR: No component defined for registry $oneregistry->{'gid'}", "create_featurecomponent_table_from_registry_collector");
+ installer::exiter::exit_program(
+ sprintf("ERROR: No component defined for registry %s", $oneregistry->{'gid'}),
+ "create_featurecomponent_table_from_registry_collector");
- if ( $registrymodule eq "" )
+ my $feature_name = $oneregistry->{'ModuleID'};
+ if ($feature_name eq "")
- installer::exiter::exit_program("ERROR: No modules found for registry $oneregistry->{'gid'}", "create_featurecomponent_table_from_registry_collector");
+ installer::exiter::exit_program(
+ sprintf("ERROR: No modules found for registry %s", $oneregistry->{'gid'}),
+ "create_featurecomponent_table_from_registry_collector");
- my %featurecomponent = ();
- $featurecomponent{'Feature'} = $registrymodule;
- $featurecomponent{'Component'} = $registrycomponent;
# Attention: Features are renamed, because the maximum length is 38.
# But in the files collector ($filesref), the original names are saved.
- installer::windows::idtglobal::shorten_feature_gid(\$featurecomponent{'Feature'});
- $oneline = "$featurecomponent{'Feature'}\t$featurecomponent{'Component'}\n";
+ $feature_name = installer::windows::idtglobal::create_shortend_feature_gid($feature_name);
- # control of uniqueness
- if (! installer::existence::exists_in_array($oneline, $featurecomponenttableref))
+ my $oneline = sprintf("%s\t%s\n", $feature_name, $component_name);
+ if ( ! installer::existence::exists_in_array($oneline, $featurecomponenttableref))
+ {
+ push(@$featurecomponenttableref, $oneline);
+ ++$unique_count;
+ }
+ else
- push(@{$featurecomponenttableref}, $oneline);
+ $installer::logger::Lang->printf("feature component pair already exists\n");
+ $installer::logger::Lang->printf(
+ "replaced %d (%d) of %d component names in FeatureComponent table\n",
+ $unique_count,
+ $replacement_count,
+ scalar @$registryref);
# Collecting all feature that are listed in the featurecomponent table.
-sub collect_all_feature
+sub collect_all_features
my ($featurecomponenttable) = @_;
@@ -145,7 +164,10 @@ sub collect_all_feature
my $feature = $1;
- if (! installer::existence::exists_in_array($feature, \@allfeature)) { push(@allfeature, $feature); }
+ if (! installer::existence::exists_in_array($feature, \@allfeature))
+ {
+ push(@allfeature, $feature);
+ }
@@ -165,7 +187,7 @@ sub check_number_of_components_at_feature
$installer::logger::Lang->print("Checking number of components at features. Maximum is 817 (for Win 98 and Win Me)\n");
- my $allfeature = collect_all_feature($featurecomponenttable);
+ my $allfeature = collect_all_features($featurecomponenttable);
for ( my $i = 0; $i <= $#{$allfeature}; $i++ )
@@ -196,7 +218,7 @@ sub check_number_of_components_at_feature
# Feature Component
-sub create_featurecomponent_table
+sub create_featurecomponent_table ($$$)
my ($filesref, $registryref, $basedir) = @_;
@@ -216,9 +238,13 @@ sub create_featurecomponent_table
# At the moment only the files are related to components (and the files know their modules).
# The component for each file is written into the files collector $filesinproductlanguageresolvedarrayref
- create_featurecomponent_table_from_files_collector(\@featurecomponenttable, $filesref);
+ create_featurecomponent_table_from_files_collector(
+ \@featurecomponenttable,
+ $filesref);
- create_featurecomponent_table_from_registry_collector(\@featurecomponenttable, $registryref);
+ create_featurecomponent_table_from_registry_collector(
+ \@featurecomponenttable,
+ $registryref);
# Additional components have to be added here
diff --git a/solenv/bin/modules/installer/windows/file.pm b/solenv/bin/modules/installer/windows/file.pm
index fed6a0f..8669038 100644
--- a/solenv/bin/modules/installer/windows/file.pm
+++ b/solenv/bin/modules/installer/windows/file.pm
@@ -47,68 +47,65 @@ sub assign_cab_to_files
my $infoline = "";
- for ( my $i = 0; $i <= $#{$filesref}; $i++ )
+ foreach my $file (@$filesref)
- if ( ! exists(${$filesref}[$i]->{'modules'}) ) { installer::exiter::exit_program("ERROR: No module assignment found for ${$filesref}[$i]->{'gid'} !", "assign_cab_to_files"); }
- my $module = ${$filesref}[$i]->{'modules'};
+ if ( ! exists($file->{'modules'}) )
+ {
+ installer::exiter::exit_program(
+ sprintf("ERROR: No module assignment found for %s", $file->{'gid'}),
+ "assign_cab_to_files");
+ }
+ my $module = $file->{'modules'};
# If modules contains a list of modules, only taking the first one.
if ( $module =~ /^\s*(.*?)\,/ ) { $module = $1; }
- if ( ! exists($installer::globals::allcabinetassigns{$module}) ) { installer::exiter::exit_program("ERROR: No cabinet file assigned to module \"$module\" (${$filesref}[$i]->{'gid'}) !", "assign_cab_to_files"); }
- ${$filesref}[$i]->{'assignedcabinetfile'} = $installer::globals::allcabinetassigns{$module};
+ if ( ! exists($installer::globals::allcabinetassigns{$module}) )
+ {
+ installer::exiter::exit_program(
+ sprintf("ERROR: No cabinet file assigned to module \"%s\" %s",
+ $module,
+ $file->{'gid'}),
+ "assign_cab_to_files");
+ }
+ $file->{'assignedcabinetfile'} = $installer::globals::allcabinetassigns{$module};
# Counting the files in each cabinet file
- if ( ! exists($installer::globals::cabfilecounter{${$filesref}[$i]->{'assignedcabinetfile'}}) )
+ if ( ! exists($installer::globals::cabfilecounter{$file->{'assignedcabinetfile'}}) )
- $installer::globals::cabfilecounter{${$filesref}[$i]->{'assignedcabinetfile'}} = 1;
+ $installer::globals::cabfilecounter{$file->{'assignedcabinetfile'}} = 1;
- $installer::globals::cabfilecounter{${$filesref}[$i]->{'assignedcabinetfile'}}++;
+ $installer::globals::cabfilecounter{$file->{'assignedcabinetfile'}}++;
- # logging the number of files in each cabinet file
- $installer::logger::Lang->print("\n");
- $installer::logger::Lang->print("Cabinet file content:\n");
- my $cabfile;
- foreach $cabfile ( sort keys %installer::globals::cabfilecounter )
- {
- $infoline = "$cabfile : $installer::globals::cabfilecounter{$cabfile} files\n";
- $installer::logger::Lang->print($infoline);
- }
# assigning startsequencenumbers for each cab file
+ my %count = ();
my $offset = 1;
- foreach $cabfile ( sort keys %installer::globals::cabfilecounter )
+ foreach my $cabfile ( sort keys %installer::globals::cabfilecounter )
my $filecount = $installer::globals::cabfilecounter{$cabfile};
+ $count{$cabfile} = $filecount;
$installer::globals::cabfilecounter{$cabfile} = $offset;
$offset = $offset + $filecount;
$installer::globals::lastsequence{$cabfile} = $offset - 1;
- # logging the start sequence numbers
- $installer::logger::Lang->print("\n");
- $installer::logger::Lang->print("Cabinet file start sequences:\n");
- foreach $cabfile ( sort keys %installer::globals::cabfilecounter )
- {
- $infoline = "$cabfile : $installer::globals::cabfilecounter{$cabfile}\n";
- $installer::logger::Lang->print($infoline);
- }
- # logging the last sequence numbers
+ # logging the number of files in each cabinet file
- $installer::logger::Lang->print("Cabinet file last sequences:\n");
- foreach $cabfile ( sort keys %installer::globals::lastsequence )
+ $installer::logger::Lang->print("Cabinet files:\n");
+ foreach my $cabfile (sort keys %installer::globals::cabfilecounter)
- $infoline = "$cabfile : $installer::globals::lastsequence{$cabfile}\n";
- $installer::logger::Lang->print($infoline);
+ $installer::logger::Lang->printf(
+ "%-30s : %4s files, from %4d to %4d\n",
+ $cabfile,
+ $count{$cabfile},
+ $installer::globals::cabfilecounter{$cabfile},
+ $installer::globals::lastsequence{$cabfile});
@@ -373,20 +370,8 @@ sub generate_unique_filename_for_filetable ($$)
my $counter = 0;
if ( $fileref->{'Name'} ) { $uniquefilename = $fileref->{'Name'}; }
- installer::pathanalyzer::make_absolute_filename_to_relative_filename(\$uniquefilename); # making /registry/schema/org/openoffice/VCL.xcs to VCL.xcs
- # Reading unique filename with help of "Component_" in File table from old database
- if (( $installer::globals::prepare_winpatch ) && ( exists($installer::globals::savedmapping{"$component/$uniquefilename"}) ))
- {
- # If we have a FTK mapping for this component/file, use it.
- $installer::globals::savedmapping{"$component/$uniquefilename"} =~ m/^(.*);/;
- $uniquefilename = $1;
- $lcuniquefilename = lc($uniquefilename);
- $installer::globals::alluniquefilenames{$uniquefilename} = 1;
- $installer::globals::alllcuniquefilenames{$lcuniquefilename} = 1;
- return $uniquefilename;
- }
+ # making /registry/schema/org/openoffice/VCL.xcs to VCL.xcs
+ installer::pathanalyzer::make_absolute_filename_to_relative_filename(\$uniquefilename);
$uniquefilename =~ s/\-/\_/g; # no "-" allowed
$uniquefilename =~ s/\@/\_/g; # no "@" allowed
@@ -399,8 +384,7 @@ sub generate_unique_filename_for_filetable ($$)
my $newname = 0;
- if ( ! exists($installer::globals::alllcuniquefilenames{$lcuniquefilename}) &&
- ! exists($installer::globals::savedrevmapping{$lcuniquefilename}) )
+ if ( ! exists($installer::globals::alllcuniquefilenames{$lcuniquefilename}))
$installer::globals::alluniquefilenames{$uniquefilename} = 1;
$installer::globals::alllcuniquefilenames{$lcuniquefilename} = 1;
@@ -431,8 +415,7 @@ sub generate_unique_filename_for_filetable ($$)
$newname = 0;
$lcuniquefilename = lc($uniquefilename); # only lowercase names
- if ( ! exists($installer::globals::alllcuniquefilenames{$lcuniquefilename}) &&
- ! exists($installer::globals::savedrevmapping{$lcuniquefilename}) )
+ if ( ! exists($installer::globals::alllcuniquefilenames{$lcuniquefilename}))
$installer::globals::alluniquefilenames{$uniquefilename} = 1;
$installer::globals::alllcuniquefilenames{$lcuniquefilename} = 1;
@@ -459,31 +442,21 @@ sub generate_filename_for_filetable ($$)
my $filename = $fileref->{'Name'};
- installer::pathanalyzer::make_absolute_filename_to_relative_filename(\$filename); # making /registry/schema/org/openoffice/VCL.xcs to VCL.xcs
+ # making /registry/schema/org/openoffice/VCL.xcs to VCL.xcs
+ installer::pathanalyzer::make_absolute_filename_to_relative_filename(\$filename);
- my $shortstring;
+ my $shortstring = installer::windows::idtglobal::make_eight_three_conform_with_hash($filename, "file", $shortnamesref);
- # Reading short string with help of "FileName" in File table from old database
- if (( $installer::globals::prepare_winpatch ) && ( exists($installer::globals::savedmapping{"$fileref->{'componentname'}/$filename"}) ))
+ if ( $shortstring eq $filename )
- $installer::globals::savedmapping{"$fileref->{'componentname'}/$filename"} =~ m/.*;(.*)/;
- if ($1 ne '')
- {
- $shortstring = $1;
- }
- else
- {
- $shortstring = installer::windows::idtglobal::make_eight_three_conform_with_hash($filename, "file", $shortnamesref);
- }
+ # nothing changed
+ $returnstring = $filename;
- $shortstring = installer::windows::idtglobal::make_eight_three_conform_with_hash($filename, "file", $shortnamesref);
+ $returnstring = $shortstring . "\|" . $filename;
- if ( $shortstring eq $filename ) { $returnstring = $filename; } # nothing changed
- else {$returnstring = $shortstring . "\|" . $filename; }
return $returnstring;
@@ -524,7 +497,10 @@ sub get_fileversion
if ( $allvariables->{'USE_FILEVERSION'} )
- if ( ! $allvariables->{'LIBRARYVERSION'} ) { installer::exiter::exit_program("ERROR: USE_FILEVERSION is set, but not LIBRARYVERSION", "get_fileversion"); }
+ if ( ! $allvariables->{'LIBRARYVERSION'} )
+ {
+ installer::exiter::exit_program("ERROR: USE_FILEVERSION is set, but not LIBRARYVERSION", "get_fileversion");
+ }
my $libraryversion = $allvariables->{'LIBRARYVERSION'};
if ( $libraryversion =~ /^\s*(\d+)\.(\d+)\.(\d+)\s*$/ )
@@ -535,18 +511,23 @@ sub get_fileversion
$libraryversion = $major . "\." . $concat;
my $vendornumber = 0;
- if ( $allvariables->{'VENDORPATCHVERSION'} ) { $vendornumber = $allvariables->{'VENDORPATCHVERSION'}; }
+ if ( $allvariables->{'VENDORPATCHVERSION'} )
+ {
+ $vendornumber = $allvariables->{'VENDORPATCHVERSION'};
+ }
$fileversion = $libraryversion . "\." . $installer::globals::buildid . "\." . $vendornumber;
- if ( $onefile->{'FileVersion'} ) { $fileversion = $onefile->{'FileVersion'}; } # overriding FileVersion in scp
- # if ( $styles =~ /\bFONT\b/ )
- # {
- # my $newfileversion = installer::windows::font::get_font_version($onefile->{'sourcepath'});
- # if ( $newfileversion != 0 ) { $fileversion = $newfileversion; }
- # }
+ if ( $onefile->{'FileVersion'} )
+ {
+ # overriding FileVersion in scp
+ $fileversion = $onefile->{'FileVersion'};
+ }
- if ( $installer::globals::prepare_winpatch ) { $fileversion = ""; } # Windows patches do not allow this version # -> who says so?
+ if ( $installer::globals::prepare_winpatch )
+ {
+ # Windows patches do not allow this version # -> who says so?
+ $fileversion = "";
+ }
return $fileversion;
diff --git a/solenv/bin/modules/installer/windows/idtglobal.pm b/solenv/bin/modules/installer/windows/idtglobal.pm
index 4edfe4c..570338e 100644
--- a/solenv/bin/modules/installer/windows/idtglobal.pm
+++ b/solenv/bin/modules/installer/windows/idtglobal.pm
@@ -56,6 +56,19 @@ sub shorten_feature_gid
$$stringref =~ s/_Replacement_/_rpl_/;
+=head2 create_shortend_feature_gid ($feature_name)
+ This is a side effect free version of shorten_feature_gid.
+ The shortened feature name is returned instead of overwriting the given name.
+sub create_shortend_feature_gid ($)
+ my ($feature_name) = @_;
+ shorten_feature_gid(\$feature_name);
+ return $feature_name;
# Getting the next free number, that
# can be added.
diff --git a/solenv/bin/modules/installer/windows/inifile.pm b/solenv/bin/modules/installer/windows/inifile.pm
index b91f79d..4012478 100644
--- a/solenv/bin/modules/installer/windows/inifile.pm
+++ b/solenv/bin/modules/installer/windows/inifile.pm
@@ -28,6 +28,8 @@ use installer::files;
use installer::globals;
use installer::windows::idtglobal;
+use strict;
# Setting the profile for a special profileitem
@@ -66,21 +68,18 @@ sub file_is_part_of_product
my ($profilegid, $filesref) = @_;
- my $part_of_product = 0;
- for ( my $i = 0; $i <= $#{$filesref}; $i++ )
+ foreach my $file (@$filesref)
- $onefile = ${$filesref}[$i];
- my $filegid = $onefile->{'gid'};
+ my $filegid = $file->{'gid'};
+ next unless defined $filegid;
if ( $filegid eq $profilegid )
- $part_of_product = 1;
- last;
+ return 1;
- return $part_of_product;
+ return 0;
diff --git a/solenv/bin/modules/installer/windows/msiglobal.pm b/solenv/bin/modules/installer/windows/msiglobal.pm
index a01cc9f3..1dad785 100644
--- a/solenv/bin/modules/installer/windows/msiglobal.pm
+++ b/solenv/bin/modules/installer/windows/msiglobal.pm
@@ -37,6 +37,7 @@ use installer::systemactions;
use installer::worker;
use installer::windows::idtglobal;
use installer::windows::language;
+use strict;
# Generating the header of the ddf file.
@@ -332,65 +333,6 @@ sub get_file_sequence
return $sequence;
-# For update and patch reasons the pack order needs to be saved.
-# The pack order is saved in the ddf files; the names and locations
-# of the ddf files are saved in @installer::globals::allddffiles.
-# The outputfile "packorder.txt" can be saved in
-# $installer::globals::infodirectory .
-sub save_packorder
- installer::logger::include_header_into_logfile("Saving pack order");
- $installer::logger::Lang->add_timestamp("Performance Info: saving pack order start");
- my $packorderfilename = "packorder.txt";
- $packorderfilename = $installer::globals::infodirectory . $installer::globals::separator . $packorderfilename;
- my @packorder = ();
- my $headerline = "\# Syntax\: Filetable_Sequence Cabinetfilename Physical_FileName Unique_FileName\n\n";
- push(@packorder, $headerline);
- for ( my $i = 0; $i <= $#installer::globals::allddffiles; $i++ )
- {
- my $ddffilename = $installer::globals::allddffiles[$i];
- my $ddffile = installer::files::read_file($ddffilename);
- my $cabinetfile = "";
- for ( my $j = 0; $j <= $#{$ddffile}; $j++ )
- {
- my $oneline = ${$ddffile}[$j];
- # Getting the Cabinet file name
- if ( $oneline =~ /^\s*\.Set\s+CabinetName.*\=(.*?)\s*$/ ) { $cabinetfile = $1; }
- if ( $oneline =~ /^\s*\.Set\s+/ ) { next; }
- if ( $oneline =~ /^\s*\"(.*?)\"\s+(.*?)\s*$/ )
- {
- my $sourcefile = $1;
- my $uniquefilename = $2;
- installer::pathanalyzer::make_absolute_filename_to_relative_filename(\$sourcefile);
- # Using the hash created in create_files_table for performance reasons to get the sequence number
- my $filesequence = "";
- if ( exists($installer::globals::uniquefilenamesequence{$uniquefilename}) ) { $filesequence = $installer::globals::uniquefilenamesequence{$uniquefilename}; }
- else { installer::exiter::exit_program("ERROR: No sequence number value for $uniquefilename !", "save_packorder"); }
- my $line = $filesequence . "\t" . $cabinetfile . "\t" . $sourcefile . "\t" . $uniquefilename . "\n";
- push(@packorder, $line);
- }
- }
- }
- installer::files::save_file($packorderfilename ,\@packorder);
- $installer::logger::Lang->add_timestamp("Performance Info: saving pack order end");
# Returning the name of the msi database
@@ -1087,8 +1029,7 @@ sub create_setup_ini
installer::files::save_file($setupinifilename, $setupinifile);
- $infoline = "Generated file $setupinifilename !\n";
- $installer::logger::Lang->print($infoline);
+ $installer::logger::Lang->printf("Generated file %s\n", $setupinifilename);
@@ -1133,7 +1074,7 @@ sub copy_windows_installer_files_into_installset
installer::logger::include_header_into_logfile("Copying Windows installer files into installation set");
- @copyfile = ();
+ my @copyfile = ();
push(@copyfile, "loader2.exe");
if ( $allvariables->{'NOLOADERREQUIRED'} ) { @copyfile = (); }
@@ -1489,7 +1430,7 @@ sub prepare_64bit_database
if ( -f $fullfilename )
my $saving_required = 0;
- $filecontent = installer::files::read_file($fullfilename);
+ my $filecontent = installer::files::read_file($fullfilename);
for ( my $i = 3; $i <= $#{$filecontent}; $i++ ) # ignoring the first three lines
@@ -1766,8 +1707,8 @@ sub set_global_code_variables ($$)
# UpgradeCode can take english as default, if not defined in specified language
- $searchstring = "UPGRADECODE"; # searching in the codes.txt file
- $codeblock = installer::windows::idtglobal::get_language_block_from_language_file($searchstring, $codefile);
+ my $searchstring = "UPGRADECODE"; # searching in the codes.txt file
+ my $codeblock = installer::windows::idtglobal::get_language_block_from_language_file($searchstring, $codefile);
$installer::globals::upgradecode = installer::windows::idtglobal::get_language_string_from_language_block($codeblock, $onelanguage, "");
@@ -1948,167 +1889,6 @@ sub update_removere_table
-# Reading saved mappings in Files.idt and Director.idt.
-# This is required, if installation sets shall be created,
-# that can be used for creation of msp files.
-sub read_saved_mappings
- installer::logger::include_header_into_logfile("Reading saved mappings from older installation sets:");
- $installer::logger::Lang->add_timestamp("Performance Info: Reading saved mappings start");
- if ( $installer::globals::previous_idt_dir )
- {
- my @errorlines = ();
- my $errorstring = "";
- my $error_occured = 0;
- my $file_error_occured = 0;
- my $dir_error = 0;
- my $idtdir = $installer::globals::previous_idt_dir;
- $idtdir =~ s/\Q$installer::globals::separator\E\s*$//;
- # Reading File.idt
- my $idtfile = $idtdir . $installer::globals::separator . "File.idt";
- $installer::logger::Global->print("\n");
- $installer::logger::Global->printf("Analyzing file: %s\n", $idtfile);
- if ( ! -f $idtfile )
- {
- $installer::logger::Global->printf("Warning: File %s does not exist!\n", $idtfile);
- }
- my $n = 0;
- open (F, "<$idtfile") || installer::exiter::exit_program("ERROR: Cannot open file $idtfile for reading", "read_saved_mappings");
- <F>; <F>; <F>;
- while (<F>)
- {
- m/^([^\t]+)\t([^\t]+)\t((.*)\|)?([^\t]*)/;
- print "OUT1: \$1: $1, \$2: $2, \$3: $3, \$4: $4, \$5: $5\n";
- next if ("$1" eq "$5") && (!defined($3));
- my $lc1 = lc($1);
- if ( exists($installer::globals::savedmapping{"$2/$5"}))
- {
- if ( ! $file_error_occured )
- {
- $errorstring = "\nErrors in $idtfile: \n";
- push(@errorlines, $errorstring);
- }
- $errorstring = "Duplicate savedmapping{" . "$2/$5}\n";
- push(@errorlines, $errorstring);
- $error_occured = 1;
- $file_error_occured = 1;
- }
- if ( exists($installer::globals::savedrevmapping{$lc1}))
- {
- if ( ! $file_error_occured )
- {
- $errorstring = "\nErrors in $idtfile: \n";
- push(@errorlines, $errorstring);
- }
- $errorstring = "Duplicate savedrevmapping{" . "$lc1}\n";
- push(@errorlines, $errorstring);
- $error_occured = 1;
- $file_error_occured = 1;
- }
- my $shortname = $4 || '';
- # Don't reuse illegal 8.3 mappings that we used to generate in 2.0.4
- if (index($shortname, '.') > 8 ||
- (index($shortname, '.') == -1 && length($shortname) > 8))
- {
- $shortname = '';
- }
- if (( $shortname ne '' ) && ( index($shortname, '~') > 0 ) && ( exists($installer::globals::savedrev83mapping{$shortname}) ))
- {
- if ( ! $file_error_occured )
- {
- $errorstring = "\nErrors in $idtfile: \n";
- push(@errorlines, $errorstring);
- }
- $errorstring = "Duplicate savedrev83mapping{" . "$shortname}\n";
- push(@errorlines, $errorstring);
- $error_occured = 1;
- $file_error_occured = 1;
- }
- $installer::globals::savedmapping{"$2/$5"} = "$1;$shortname";
- $installer::globals::savedrevmapping{lc($1)} = "$2/$5";
- $installer::globals::savedrev83mapping{$shortname} = "$2/$5" if $shortname ne '';
- $n++;
- }
- close (F);
- $installer::logger::Global->printf("Read %s old file table key or 8.3 name mappings from %s\n",
- $n, $idtfile);
- # Reading Director.idt
- $idtfile = $idtdir . $installer::globals::separator . "Director.idt";
- $installer::logger::Global->print("\n");
- $installer::logger::Global->printf("Analyzing file %s\n", $idtfile);
- if ( ! -f $idtfile )
- {
- $installer::logger::Global->printf("Warning: File %s does not exist!\n", $idtfile);
- }
- $n = 0;
- open (F, "<$idtfile") || installer::exiter::exit_program("ERROR: Cannot open file $idtfile for reading", "read_saved_mappings");
- <F>; <F>; <F>;
- while (<F>)
- {
- m/^([^\t]+)\t([^\t]+)\t(([^~]+~\d.*)\|)?([^\t]*)/;
- next if (!defined($3));
- my $lc1 = lc($1);
- print "OUT2: \$1: $1, \$2: $2, \$3: $3\n";
- if ( exists($installer::globals::saved83dirmapping{$1}) )
- {
- if ( ! $dir_error_occured )
- {
- $errorstring = "\nErrors in $idtfile: \n";
- push(@errorlines, $errorstring);
- }
- $errorstring = "Duplicate saved83dirmapping{" . "$1}\n";
- push(@errorlines, $errorstring);
- $error_occured = 1;
- $dir_error_occured = 1;
- }
- $installer::globals::saved83dirmapping{$1} = $4;
- $n++;
- }
- close (F);
- $installer::logger::Global->printf("Read %s old directory 8.3 name mappings from %s\n",
- $n, $idtfile);
- # Analyzing errors
- if ( $error_occured )
- {
- for my $line (@errorlines)
- {
- $installer::logger::Info->print($line);
- $installer::logger::Global->print($line);
- }
- installer::exiter::exit_program("ERROR: Duplicate entries in saved mappings!", "read_saved_mappings");
- }
- } else {
- installer::exiter::exit_program("ERROR: Windows patch shall be prepared, but environment variable PREVIOUS_IDT_DIR is not set!", "read_saved_mappings");
- }
- $installer::logger::Lang->add_timestamp("Performance Info: Reading saved mappings end");
diff --git a/solenv/bin/modules/installer/windows/registry.pm b/solenv/bin/modules/installer/windows/registry.pm
index 6469ee1..0ed4501 100644
--- a/solenv/bin/modules/installer/windows/registry.pm
+++ b/solenv/bin/modules/installer/windows/registry.pm
@@ -350,25 +350,24 @@ sub create_registry_table
my ($registryref, $allregistrycomponentsref, $basedir, $languagesarrayref, $allvariableshashref) = @_;
- for ( my $m = 0; $m <= $#{$languagesarrayref}; $m++ )
+ my %table_data = ();
+ foreach my $onelanguage (@$languagesarrayref)
- my $onelanguage = ${$languagesarrayref}[$m];
my @registrytable = ();
my @reg64table = ();
installer::windows::idtglobal::write_idt_header(\@registrytable, "registry");
installer::windows::idtglobal::write_idt_header(\@reg64table, "reg64");
- for ( my $i = 0; $i <= $#{$registryref}; $i++ )
+ my $table_items = [];
+ foreach my $oneregistry (@$registryref)
- my $oneregistry = ${$registryref}[$i];
# Controlling the language!
# Only language independent folderitems or folderitems with the correct language
# will be included into the table
- if (! (!(( $oneregistry->{'ismultilingual'} )) || ( $oneregistry->{'specificlanguage'} eq $onelanguage )) ) { next; }
+ next if $oneregistry->{'ismultilingual'}
+ && $oneregistry->{'specificlanguage'} ne $onelanguage;
my %registry = ();
@@ -378,7 +377,9 @@ sub create_registry_table
$registry{'Name'} = get_registry_name($oneregistry, $allvariableshashref);
$registry{'Value'} = get_registry_value($oneregistry, $allvariableshashref);
$registry{'Val64'} = get_registry_val64($oneregistry, $allvariableshashref);
- $registry{'Component_'} = get_registry_component($oneregistry, $allvariableshashref);
+ my $component_name = get_registry_component_name($oneregistry, $allvariableshashref);
+ $oneregistry->{'componentname'} = $component_name;
+ $registry{'Component_'} = $component_name;
# Collecting all components
if (!(installer::existence::exists_in_array($registry{'Component_'}, $allregistrycomponentsref)))
@@ -387,12 +388,19 @@ sub create_registry_table
# Collecting all components with DONT_DELETE style
- my $style = "";
- if ( $oneregistry->{'Styles'} ) { $style = $oneregistry->{'Styles'}; }
- if ( $style =~ /\bDONT_DELETE\b/ ) { $installer::globals::dontdeletecomponents{$registry{'Component_'}} = 1; }
+ my $style = $oneregistry->{'Styles'} // "";
+ $registry{'styles'} = $style;
+ if ( $style =~ /\bDONT_DELETE\b/ )
+ {
+ $installer::globals::dontdeletecomponents{$component_name} = 1;
+ }
# Saving upgradekey to write this into setup.ini for minor upgrades
- if ( $style =~ /\bUPGRADEKEY\b/ ) { $installer::globals::minorupgradekey = $registry{'Key'}; }
+ if ( $style =~ /\bUPGRADEKEY\b/ )
+ {
+ $installer::globals::minorupgradekey = $registry{'Key'};
+ }
# Collecting all registry components with ALWAYS_REQUIRED style
if ( ! ( $style =~ /\bALWAYS_REQUIRED\b/ ))
diff --git a/solenv/bin/modules/installer/worker.pm b/solenv/bin/modules/installer/worker.pm
index a5e5906..7af7c93 100644
--- a/solenv/bin/modules/installer/worker.pm
+++ b/solenv/bin/modules/installer/worker.pm
@@ -733,11 +733,11 @@ sub remove_all_items_with_special_flag
if ( $oneitem->{'Styles'} ) { $styles = $oneitem->{'Styles'} };
if ( $styles =~ /\b$flag\b/ )
- $installer::logger::Lang->printf("Attention: Removing from collector: %s\n", $oneitem->{'Name'});
- if ($flag eq "BINARYTABLE_ONLY")
- {
- push(@installer::globals::binarytableonlyfiles, $oneitem);
- }
+ $installer::logger::Lang->printf(
+ "Attention: Removing from collector '%s' because it has flag %s\n",
+ $oneitem->{'Name'},
+ $flag);
+ if ( $flag eq "BINARYTABLE_ONLY" ) { push(@installer::globals::binarytableonlyfiles, $oneitem); }
push( @allitems, $oneitem );
@@ -2713,7 +2713,7 @@ sub generate_cygwin_pathes
for ( my $i = 0; $i <= $#{$filesref}; $i++ )
my $filename = ${$filesref}[$i]->{'sourcepath'};
- push(@pathcollector, $filename . "\n");
+ push(@pathcollector, $filename . "\n");
if (( $i == $#{$filesref} ) || ((( $counter % $max ) == 0 ) && ( $i > 0 )))
@@ -2744,9 +2744,6 @@ sub generate_cygwin_pathes
"Successfully converted %d paths to cygwin notation\n",
- $installer::logger::Lang->printf(
- "there where %d unique paths\n",
- scalar keys %paths);
commit 5e6120c21a979c05bc6b9297035e31a47b98b785
Author: Herbert Dürr <hdu at apache.org>
Date: Mon Dec 2 16:06:37 2013 +0000
#i123795# variable names should not confuse vcl Window and cocoa NSWindow types
VCL's Window type and Cocoa's NSWindow type are quite different.
Naming variables as if they were the same introduces gratuitous
complexity especially when debugging stacks where both types are used.
The names of NSView type variables have been adjusted too.
diff --git a/toolkit/source/awt/vclxsystemdependentwindow.cxx b/toolkit/source/awt/vclxsystemdependentwindow.cxx
index 121a7f5..dcf47aa 100644
--- a/toolkit/source/awt/vclxsystemdependentwindow.cxx
+++ b/toolkit/source/awt/vclxsystemdependentwindow.cxx
@@ -100,7 +100,7 @@ IMPL_XTYPEPROVIDER_END
#elif (defined QUARTZ)
if( SystemType == ::com::sun::star::lang::SystemDependent::SYSTEM_MAC )
- aRet <<= (sal_IntPtr)pSysData->pView;
+ aRet <<= (sal_IntPtr)pSysData->mpNSView;
#elif (defined UNX)
if( SystemType == ::com::sun::star::lang::SystemDependent::SYSTEM_XWINDOW )
diff --git a/toolkit/source/awt/vclxtopwindow.cxx b/toolkit/source/awt/vclxtopwindow.cxx
index 0c2b885..274e156 100644
--- a/toolkit/source/awt/vclxtopwindow.cxx
+++ b/toolkit/source/awt/vclxtopwindow.cxx
@@ -113,7 +113,7 @@ Sequence< Type > VCLXTopWindow_Base::getTypes() throw(RuntimeException)
#elif (defined QUARTZ)
if( SystemType == ::com::sun::star::lang::SystemDependent::SYSTEM_MAC )
- aRet <<= (sal_IntPtr)pSysData->pView;
+ aRet <<= (sal_IntPtr)pSysData->mpNSView;
#elif (defined UNX)
if( SystemType == ::com::sun::star::lang::SystemDependent::SYSTEM_XWINDOW )
diff --git a/vcl/aqua/source/app/vclnsapp.mm b/vcl/aqua/source/app/vclnsapp.mm
index c1e4090..d6ea760 100644
--- a/vcl/aqua/source/app/vclnsapp.mm
+++ b/vcl/aqua/source/app/vclnsapp.mm
@@ -79,7 +79,7 @@
if( nModMask == NSCommandKeyMask
&& [[pEvent charactersIgnoringModifiers] isEqualToString: @"w"] )
- [pFrame->getWindow() windowShouldClose: nil];
+ [pFrame->getNSWindow() windowShouldClose: nil];
@@ -89,9 +89,9 @@
if( [[pEvent charactersIgnoringModifiers] isEqualToString: @"m"] )
- if ( nModMask == NSCommandKeyMask && ([pFrame->getWindow() styleMask] & NSMiniaturizableWindowMask) )
+ if ( nModMask == NSCommandKeyMask && ([pFrame->getNSWindow() styleMask] & NSMiniaturizableWindowMask) )
- [pFrame->getWindow() performMiniaturize: nil];
+ [pFrame->getNSWindow() performMiniaturize: nil];
@@ -220,7 +220,7 @@
if( (*it)->mpDockMenuEntry != NULL &&
(*it)->mbShown )
- [(*it)->getWindow() makeKeyAndOrderFront: NSApp];
+ [(*it)->getNSWindow() makeKeyAndOrderFront: NSApp];
@@ -232,7 +232,7 @@
if( (*it)->mpDockMenuEntry != NULL &&
(*it)->mbShown )
- [(*it)->getWindow() makeKeyAndOrderFront: NSApp];
+ [(*it)->getNSWindow() makeKeyAndOrderFront: NSApp];
@@ -260,7 +260,7 @@
if( (*it)->mpDockMenuEntry != NULL &&
(*it)->mbShown )
- [(*it)->getWindow() makeKeyAndOrderFront: NSApp];
+ [(*it)->getNSWindow() makeKeyAndOrderFront: NSApp];
@@ -272,7 +272,7 @@
if( (*it)->mpDockMenuEntry != NULL &&
(*it)->mbShown )
- [(*it)->getWindow() makeKeyAndOrderFront: NSApp];
+ [(*it)->getNSWindow() makeKeyAndOrderFront: NSApp];
@@ -466,9 +466,10 @@
for( std::list< AquaSalFrame* >::const_iterator it = pSalData->maPresentationFrames.begin();
it != pSalData->maPresentationFrames.end(); ++it )
- [(*it)->mpWindow setLevel: NSPopUpMenuWindowLevel];
- if( [(*it)->mpWindow isVisible] )
- [(*it)->mpWindow orderFront: NSApp];
+ NSWindow* pNSWindow = (*it)->getNSWindow();
+ [pNSWindow setLevel: NSPopUpMenuWindowLevel];
+ if( [pNSWindow isVisible] )
+ [pNSWindow orderFront: NSApp];
@@ -492,7 +493,7 @@
for( std::list< AquaSalFrame* >::const_iterator it = pSalData->maPresentationFrames.begin();
it != pSalData->maPresentationFrames.end(); ++it )
- [(*it)->mpWindow setLevel: NSNormalWindowLevel];
+ [(*it)->getNSWindow() setLevel: NSNormalWindowLevel];
diff --git a/vcl/aqua/source/gdi/aquaprintaccessoryview.mm b/vcl/aqua/source/gdi/aquaprintaccessoryview.mm
index 660388a..eadf660 100644
--- a/vcl/aqua/source/gdi/aquaprintaccessoryview.mm
+++ b/vcl/aqua/source/gdi/aquaprintaccessoryview.mm
@@ -145,30 +145,14 @@ class ControllerProperties
mnLastPageCount = nPages;
if( mpState->bNeedRestart )
- #if 0
// Warning: bad hack ahead
// Apple does not give us a chance of changing the page count,
// and they don't let us cancel the dialog either
// hack: send a cancel message to the window displaying our views.
// this is ugly.
- for( std::vector< NSObject* >::iterator it = maViews.begin(); it != maViews.end(); ++it )
- {
- if( [*it isKindOfClass: [NSView class]] )
- {
- NSView* pView = (NSView*)*it;
- NSWindow* pWindow = [pView window];
- if( pWindow )
- {
- [pWindow cancelOperation: nil];
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- #else
- NSWindow* pWindow = [NSApp modalWindow];
- if( pWindow )
- [pWindow cancelOperation: nil];
- #endif
+ NSWindow* pNSWindow = [NSApp modalWindow];
+ if( pNSWindow )
+ [pNSWindow cancelOperation: nil];
[[mpOp printInfo] setJobDisposition: NSPrintCancelJob];
@@ -597,7 +581,7 @@ struct ColumnItem
-static void adjustViewAndChildren( NSView* pView, NSSize& rMaxSize,
+static void adjustViewAndChildren( NSView* pNSView, NSSize& rMaxSize,
std::vector< ColumnItem >& rLeftColumn,
std::vector< ColumnItem >& rRightColumn
@@ -657,7 +641,7 @@ static void adjustViewAndChildren( NSView* pView, NSSize& rMaxSize,
- NSArray* pSubViews = [pView subviews];
+ NSArray* pSubViews = [pNSView subviews];
unsigned int nViews = [pSubViews count];
NSRect aUnion = { { 0, 0 }, { 0, 0 } };
@@ -680,7 +664,7 @@ static void adjustViewAndChildren( NSView* pView, NSSize& rMaxSize,
// resize the view itself
aUnion.size.height += 10;
aUnion.size.width += 20;
- [pView setFrameSize: aUnion.size];
+ [pNSView setFrameSize: aUnion.size];
if( aUnion.size.width > rMaxSize.width )
rMaxSize.width = aUnion.size.width;
@@ -696,15 +680,15 @@ static void adjustTabViews( NSTabView* pTabView, NSSize aTabSize )
for( int i = 0; i < nViews; i++ )
NSTabViewItem* pItem = (NSTabViewItem*)[pTabbedViews objectAtIndex: i];
- NSView* pView = [pItem view];
- if( pView )
+ NSView* pNSView = [pItem view];
+ if( pNSView )
- NSRect aRect = [pView frame];
+ NSRect aRect = [pNSView frame];
double nDiff = aTabSize.height - aRect.size.height;
aRect.size = aTabSize;
- [pView setFrame: aRect];
+ [pNSView setFrame: aRect];
- NSArray* pSubViews = [pView subviews];
+ NSArray* pSubViews = [pNSView subviews];
unsigned int nSubViews = [pSubViews count];
// move everything up
diff --git a/vcl/aqua/source/gdi/salgdi.cxx b/vcl/aqua/source/gdi/salgdi.cxx
index 5c43366..366cda1 100644
--- a/vcl/aqua/source/gdi/salgdi.cxx
+++ b/vcl/aqua/source/gdi/salgdi.cxx
@@ -338,7 +338,7 @@ void AquaSalGraphics::updateResolution()
DBG_ASSERT( mbWindow, "updateResolution on inappropriate graphics" );
- initResolution( (mbWindow && mpFrame) ? mpFrame->mpWindow : nil );
+ initResolution( (mbWindow && mpFrame) ? mpFrame->getNSWindow() : nil );
void AquaSalGraphics::initResolution( NSWindow* )
@@ -433,7 +433,7 @@ void AquaSalGraphics::initResolution( NSWindow* )
void AquaSalGraphics::GetResolution( long& rDPIX, long& rDPIY )
if( !mnRealDPIY )
- initResolution( (mbWindow && mpFrame) ? mpFrame->mpWindow : nil );
+ initResolution( (mbWindow && mpFrame) ? mpFrame->getNSWindow() : nil );
rDPIX = static_cast<long>(mfFakeDPIScale * mnRealDPIX);
rDPIY = static_cast<long>(mfFakeDPIScale * mnRealDPIY);
@@ -442,7 +442,7 @@ void AquaSalGraphics::GetResolution( long& rDPIX, long& rDPIY )
void AquaSalGraphics::copyResolution( AquaSalGraphics& rGraphics )
if( !rGraphics.mnRealDPIY && rGraphics.mbWindow && rGraphics.mpFrame )
- rGraphics.initResolution( rGraphics.mpFrame->mpWindow );
+ rGraphics.initResolution( rGraphics.mpFrame->getNSWindow() );
mnRealDPIX = rGraphics.mnRealDPIX;
mnRealDPIY = rGraphics.mnRealDPIY;
diff --git a/vcl/aqua/source/gdi/salgdiutils.cxx b/vcl/aqua/source/gdi/salgdiutils.cxx
index 3011ffa..4ac54f0 100644
--- a/vcl/aqua/source/gdi/salgdiutils.cxx
+++ b/vcl/aqua/source/gdi/salgdiutils.cxx
@@ -198,7 +198,7 @@ bool AquaSalGraphics::CheckContext()
if( !mrContext )
const CGSize aLayerSize = CGSizeMake( nWidth, nHeight);
- NSGraphicsContext* pNSGContext = [NSGraphicsContext graphicsContextWithWindow: mpFrame->getWindow()];
+ NSGraphicsContext* pNSGContext = [NSGraphicsContext graphicsContextWithWindow: mpFrame->getNSWindow()];
CGContextRef xCGContext = reinterpret_cast<CGContextRef>([pNSGContext graphicsPort]);
mxLayer = CGLayerCreateWithContext( xCGContext, aLayerSize, NULL );
if( mxLayer )
diff --git a/vcl/aqua/source/gdi/salnativewidgets.cxx b/vcl/aqua/source/gdi/salnativewidgets.cxx
index 294396c..63d9a72 100644
--- a/vcl/aqua/source/gdi/salnativewidgets.cxx
+++ b/vcl/aqua/source/gdi/salnativewidgets.cxx
@@ -430,7 +430,7 @@ sal_Bool AquaSalGraphics::hitTestNativeControl( ControlType nType, ControlPart n
UInt32 AquaSalGraphics::getState( ControlState nState )
- bool bDrawActive = mpFrame ? ([mpFrame->getWindow() isKeyWindow] ? true : false) : true;
+ const bool bDrawActive = mpFrame ? ([mpFrame->getNSWindow() isKeyWindow] ? true : false) : true;
if( (nState & CTRL_STATE_ENABLED) == 0 || ! bDrawActive )
if( (nState & CTRL_STATE_HIDDEN) == 0 )
@@ -450,7 +450,7 @@ UInt32 AquaSalGraphics::getState( ControlState nState )
UInt32 AquaSalGraphics::getTrackState( ControlState nState )
- bool bDrawActive = mpFrame ? ([mpFrame->getWindow() isKeyWindow] ? true : false) : true;
+ const bool bDrawActive = mpFrame ? ([mpFrame->getNSWindow() isKeyWindow] ? true : false) : true;
if( (nState & CTRL_STATE_ENABLED) == 0 || ! bDrawActive )
return kThemeTrackInactive;
diff --git a/vcl/aqua/source/gdi/salvd.cxx b/vcl/aqua/source/gdi/salvd.cxx
index 819154e..bfe8796 100644
--- a/vcl/aqua/source/gdi/salvd.cxx
+++ b/vcl/aqua/source/gdi/salvd.cxx
@@ -203,10 +203,10 @@ sal_Bool AquaSalVirtualDevice::SetSize( long nDX, long nDY )
if( pSalFrame )
// #i91990#
- NSWindow* pWindow = pSalFrame->getWindow();
- if ( pWindow )
+ NSWindow* pNSWindow = pSalFrame->getNSWindow();
+ if ( pNSWindow )
- NSGraphicsContext* pNSContext = [NSGraphicsContext graphicsContextWithWindow: pWindow];
+ NSGraphicsContext* pNSContext = [NSGraphicsContext graphicsContextWithWindow: pNSWindow];
if( pNSContext )
xCGContext = reinterpret_cast<CGContextRef>([pNSContext graphicsPort]);
diff --git a/vcl/aqua/source/window/salframe.cxx b/vcl/aqua/source/window/salframe.cxx
index 4056d57..63c0447 100644
--- a/vcl/aqua/source/window/salframe.cxx
+++ b/vcl/aqua/source/window/salframe.cxx
@@ -61,8 +61,8 @@ AquaSalFrame* AquaSalFrame::s_pCaptureFrame = NULL;
// =======================================================================
AquaSalFrame::AquaSalFrame( SalFrame* pParent, sal_uLong salFrameStyle ) :
- mpWindow(nil),
- mpView(nil),
+ mpNSWindow(nil),
+ mpNSView(nil),
@@ -128,12 +128,12 @@ AquaSalFrame::~AquaSalFrame()
if( mpDockMenuEntry )
// life cycle comment: the menu has ownership of the item, so no release
[AquaSalInstance::GetDynamicDockMenu() removeItem: mpDockMenuEntry];
- if ( mpView ) {
- [AquaA11yFactory revokeView: mpView];
- [mpView release];
+ if ( mpNSView ) {
+ [AquaA11yFactory revokeView: mpNSView];
+ [mpNSView release];
- if ( mpWindow )
- [mpWindow release];
+ if ( mpNSWindow )
+ [mpNSWindow release];
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
@@ -142,13 +142,13 @@ void AquaSalFrame::initWindowAndView()
// initialize mirroring parameters
// FIXME: screens changing
- NSScreen * pScreen = [mpWindow screen];
- if( pScreen == nil )
- pScreen = [NSScreen mainScreen];
- maScreenRect = [pScreen frame];
+ NSScreen* pNSScreen = [mpNSWindow screen];
+ if( pNSScreen == nil )
+ pNSScreen = [NSScreen mainScreen];
+ maScreenRect = [pNSScreen frame];
// calculate some default geometry
- NSRect aVisibleRect = [pScreen visibleFrame];
+ NSRect aVisibleRect = [pNSScreen visibleFrame];
CocoaToVCL( aVisibleRect );
maGeometry.nX = static_cast<int>(aVisibleRect.origin.x + aVisibleRect.size.width / 10);
@@ -194,8 +194,8 @@ void AquaSalFrame::initWindowAndView()
// #i91990# support GUI-less (daemon) execution
- mpWindow = [[SalFrameWindow alloc] initWithSalFrame: this];
- mpView = [[SalFrameView alloc] initWithSalFrame: this];
+ mpNSWindow = [[SalFrameWindow alloc] initWithSalFrame: this];
+ mpNSView = [[SalFrameView alloc] initWithSalFrame: this];
@catch ( id exception )
@@ -203,20 +203,20 @@ void AquaSalFrame::initWindowAndView()
- [mpWindow setIgnoresMouseEvents: YES];
+ [mpNSWindow setIgnoresMouseEvents: YES];
- [mpWindow setAcceptsMouseMovedEvents: YES];
- [mpWindow setHasShadow: YES];
- [mpWindow setDelegate: mpWindow];
+ [mpNSWindow setAcceptsMouseMovedEvents: YES];
+ [mpNSWindow setHasShadow: YES];
+ [mpNSWindow setDelegate: mpNSWindow];
const NSRect aRect = NSMakeRect( 0,0, maGeometry.nWidth, maGeometry.nHeight );
- mnTrackingRectTag = [mpView addTrackingRect: aRect owner: mpView userData: nil assumeInside: NO];
+ mnTrackingRectTag = [mpNSView addTrackingRect: aRect owner: mpNSView userData: nil assumeInside: NO];
- maSysData.pView = mpView;
+ maSysData.mpNSView = mpNSView;
- [mpWindow setContentView: mpView];
+ [mpNSWindow setContentView: mpNSView];
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
@@ -301,14 +301,14 @@ sal_Bool AquaSalFrame::PostEvent( void *pData )
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
void AquaSalFrame::SetTitle(const XubString& rTitle)
- if ( !mpWindow )
+ if ( !mpNSWindow )
// #i113170# may not be the main thread if called from UNO API
NSString* pTitle = CreateNSString( rTitle );
- [mpWindow setTitle: pTitle];
+ [mpNSWindow setTitle: pTitle];
// create an entry in the dock menu
@@ -322,7 +322,7 @@ void AquaSalFrame::SetTitle(const XubString& rTitle)
action: @selector(dockMenuItemTriggered:)
keyEquivalent: @""
atIndex: 0];
- [mpDockMenuEntry setTarget: mpWindow];
+ [mpDockMenuEntry setTarget: mpNSWindow];
// TODO: image (either the generic window image or an icon
// check mark (for "main" window ?)
@@ -356,7 +356,7 @@ void AquaSalFrame::SetRepresentedURL( const rtl::OUString& i_rDocURL )
if( pStr )
[pStr autorelease];
- [mpWindow setRepresentedFilename: pStr];
+ [mpNSWindow setRepresentedFilename: pStr];
@@ -397,7 +397,7 @@ void AquaSalFrame::initShow()
// make sure the view is present in the wrapper list before any children receive focus
- [AquaA11yFactory registerView: mpView];
+ [AquaA11yFactory registerView: mpNSView];
void AquaSalFrame::SendPaintEvent( const Rectangle* pRect )
@@ -418,7 +418,7 @@ void AquaSalFrame::SendPaintEvent( const Rectangle* pRect )
void AquaSalFrame::Show(sal_Bool bVisible, sal_Bool bNoActivate)
- if ( !mpWindow )
... etc. - the rest is truncated
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