[Libreoffice-commits] voting.git: vote/2013-board vote/include

Thorsten Behrens thb at documentfoundation.org
Fri Dec 6 16:21:20 PST 2013

 vote/2013-board/voting-instructions.txt |    5 ++---
 vote/include/step2-choose.php           |    6 +++---
 vote/include/step3-confirm.php          |    2 +-
 vote/include/step4-commit.php           |    6 +++++-
 4 files changed, 11 insertions(+), 8 deletions(-)

New commits:
commit 5197a78305a8cf64fa0cdbd396bd3dbd2bc79b78
Author: Thorsten Behrens <thb at documentfoundation.org>
Date:   Sat Dec 7 01:20:35 2013 +0100

    Improved wording in various places.

diff --git a/vote/2013-board/voting-instructions.txt b/vote/2013-board/voting-instructions.txt
index d49d0d6..c434bfa 100644
--- a/vote/2013-board/voting-instructions.txt
+++ b/vote/2013-board/voting-instructions.txt
@@ -35,6 +35,5 @@ to vote again.
 Thank you for your vote!
-  Simon Phipps
-  election secretary, on behalf of The Document Foundation Membership
-  and Elections Commitee
+  Cor Nouws
+  Chair, The Document Foundation Membership Committee
diff --git a/vote/include/step2-choose.php b/vote/include/step2-choose.php
index 27af8fb..d8ab84c 100644
--- a/vote/include/step2-choose.php
+++ b/vote/include/step2-choose.php
@@ -10,9 +10,9 @@ function step2_do () {
   $result .= "<p>Choose your candidates in the order of your preference by ";
   $result .= "clicking on them. Don't worry, if you click on someone by mistake ";
-  $result .= "you can correct it later. Once you are happy with the order, ";
-  $result .= "submit your vote. You will have the chance to review and confirm";
-  $result .= " your ballot on the next page.</p>";
+  $result .= "you can correct it later (by clicking on the name again). ";
+  $result .= "Once you are happy with the order, submit your vote. You will have ";
+  $result .= "the chance to review and confirm your ballot on the next page.</p>";
   $result .= "<p>You can vote for as few or as many candidates as you choose. ";
   $result .= "Your vote will be counted for your first choice candidate as ";
diff --git a/vote/include/step3-confirm.php b/vote/include/step3-confirm.php
index 5e39fc0..560d424 100644
--- a/vote/include/step3-confirm.php
+++ b/vote/include/step3-confirm.php
@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ function step3_do () {
   $result .= "<p><strong>".htmlspecialchars($election["question"])."</strong></p>\n";
   // TODO: should probably check for duplicates in $votes_array here already too
   if (count ($votes_array) >= 1) {
-    $result .= "<p>You choose to vote for:</p>\n";
+    $result .= "<p>You choose to vote for (in order of preference):</p>\n";
     $result .= "<div class=\"votedata\">\n";
     $result .= "<ol>\n";
diff --git a/vote/include/step4-commit.php b/vote/include/step4-commit.php
index 030c1fb..384b2b6 100644
--- a/vote/include/step4-commit.php
+++ b/vote/include/step4-commit.php
@@ -115,7 +115,11 @@ function step4_do () {
   $result .= "<h3>Your vote has been received.</h3>\n";
   $result .= "<p>Please write this anonymous token somewhere:</p>\n";
   $result .= "<div class=\"votedata\"><p><strong><span class=\"token\">".htmlspecialchars($anon_token)."</span></strong></p></div>\n";
-  $result .= "<p>This anonymous token will enable you to verify your vote when the preliminary results will be published. Nobody, even the Membership and Elections Committee, except you knows that this token is associated with you and only you will be able to verify your vote. It is not possible to request this anonymous token later.</p><p>Click <a href=\"./\">here</a> to return to the elections start page.</p>\n";
+  $result .= "<p>This anonymous token will enable you to verify your vote, when the preliminary ";
+  $result .= "results are published. Nobody, not even the Membership Committee, except you knows ";
+  $result .= "that this token is associated with you, and only you will be able to verify your ";
+  $result .= "vote. It is therefore <em>not</em> possible to request this anonymous token later.</p>";
+  $result .= "<p>Click <a href=\"./\">here</a> to return to the elections start page.</p>\n";
   return $result;

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