[Libreoffice-commits] core.git: librelogo/source
László Németh
nemeth at numbertext.org
Sat Feb 23 19:10:14 PST 2013
librelogo/source/ChangeLog | 23 ++++
librelogo/source/LibreLogo/LibreLogo.py | 158 ++++++++++++++++++++++----------
2 files changed, 136 insertions(+), 45 deletions(-)
New commits:
commit a5a24fa0241930ae5f9d8a4c757e479d2de3efb6
Author: László Németh <nemeth at numbertext.org>
Date: Sun Feb 24 04:06:43 2013 +0100
fdo#61376 librelogo: fix missing Asian and CTL support, etc.
Change-Id: If2d15d7b299d0b05e9fd3171d51c1f0e947ef561
diff --git a/librelogo/source/ChangeLog b/librelogo/source/ChangeLog
index f5112b3..6fb47c3 100644
--- a/librelogo/source/ChangeLog
+++ b/librelogo/source/ChangeLog
@@ -1,3 +1,26 @@
+2012-02-24 László Németh:
+ * fix Asian and CTL language support. Language recognition depends from the
+ UI language of LibreOffice and the language(s) of the document.
+ * fix turtle shape, the problem with the old arrow-like turtle shape
+ reported by teachers and other users of turtle graphics
+ * better consistency with the UI based position and rotation settings of the
+ turtle: now Drawing Object toolbar supports also the pen color, fill
+ color and transparency, also line width settings of the turtle.
+ * real dotted line works with rectangles, also with rounded corners
+ * restore original cursor position and selection at the end of the running
+ (problem reported by Viktória Lakó)
+ * fix 'sleep' (resulted by the new default non-integer division of Python 3,
+ reported by Prof. Gilvan Vilarim)
+ * fix 1-character length variable name/casing problem (reported by
+ Prof. Gilvan Vilarim)
+ * fix false leading and ending function name recognition
+ * support 'translation' of the selected text
+ * fix bad line width settings after command 'home'
+ * fix dot shape of dotted lines (remove its 0 width 'tail') by minimal dot
+ size of dotted lines: 1pt, and shorter 'tail' size
+ * fix size of the rounded corners of the rectangle shape
+ * rotation doesn't modify the size of the selection frame of the turtle
2012-12-26 László Németh:
* fix turtle position and rotation at repeated hideturtle/showturtle
* add new languages, fix Czech and Brazilian Portuguese for
diff --git a/librelogo/source/LibreLogo/LibreLogo.py b/librelogo/source/LibreLogo/LibreLogo.py
index f797758..2fa250d 100644
--- a/librelogo/source/LibreLogo/LibreLogo.py
+++ b/librelogo/source/LibreLogo/LibreLogo.py
@@ -24,7 +24,6 @@ if "vnd.sun.star.pathname" in urebootstrap:
__lngpath__ = unohelper.fileUrlToSystemPath(re.sub("program/(fundamental.ini|fundamentalrc)$", "", urebootstrap))
__lngpath__ = __lngpath__ + "share/Scripts/python/LibreLogo/".replace("/", os.sep)
__translang__ = "am|ca|cs|de|dk|el|en|eo|es|et|fr|hu|it|ja|nl|no|pl|pt|ru|se|sl" # FIXME supported languages for language guessing, expand this list, according to the localizations
__lng__ = {}
__docs__ = {}
@@ -122,6 +121,7 @@ from com.sun.star.awt import Size as __Size__
from com.sun.star.awt import WindowDescriptor as __WinDesc__
from com.sun.star.awt.WindowClass import MODALTOP as __MODALTOP__
from com.sun.star.awt.VclWindowPeerAttribute import OK as __OK__
+from com.sun.star.awt.VclWindowPeerAttribute import OK_CANCEL as __OK_CANCEL__
from com.sun.star.awt.VclWindowPeerAttribute import YES_NO_CANCEL as __YES_NO_CANCEL__ # OK_CANCEL, YES_NO, RETRY_CANCEL, DEF_OK, DEF_CANCEL, DEF_RETRY, DEF_YES, DEF_NO
from com.sun.star.awt.PushButtonType import OK as __Button_OK__
from com.sun.star.awt.PushButtonType import CANCEL as __Button_CANCEL__
@@ -133,6 +133,10 @@ def __getprop__(name, value):
p, p.Name, p.Value = __property__(), name, value
return p
+__uilocale__ = uno.getComponentContext().ServiceManager.createInstance("com.sun.star.configuration.ConfigurationProvider").\
+ createInstanceWithArguments("com.sun.star.configuration.ConfigurationAccess",\
+ (__getprop__("nodepath", "/org.openoffice.Setup/L10N"),)).getByName("ooLocale") + '-' # handle missing Country of locale 'eo'
def __l12n__(lng):
return __lng__[lng]
@@ -145,17 +149,16 @@ def __l12n__(lng):
return None
# dot for dotted line (implemented as an array of dot-headed arrows, because PostScript dot isn't supported by Writer)
+def __gendots__(n):
+ return [__Point__(round(sin(360.0/n * i * pi/180.0) * 600), round(cos(360.0/n * i * pi/180) * 600)) for i in range(n)]
__bezierdot__ = __Bezier__()
-__dots__ = []
-for i in range(32):
- __dots__ += [__Point__(round(sin(360.0/32 * i * pi/180.0) * 1000), round(cos(360.0/32 * i * pi/180) * 1000))]
-__bezierdot__.Coordinates = (tuple(__dots__),)
+__bezierdot__.Coordinates = (tuple(__gendots__(32)),)
__bezierdot__.Flags = ((0,) * 32,)
# turtle shape
-__TURTLESHAPE__ = [((__Point__(-60, 0), __Point__(0, -100), __Point__(60, 0)), (__Point__(0, 0), __Point__(0, 100)), \
- (__Point__(-250, 0),), (__Point__(0, 250),), (__Point__(250, 0),), (__Point__(0, -250),), # single points for wider selection
- (__Point__(0, 0),)), # last point for position handling
+__TURTLESHAPE__ = [tuple([(__Point__(-120, 130), __Point__(-245, 347), __Point__(-291, 176), ), (__Point__(0, -500), __Point__(126, -375), __Point__(0, -250), __Point__(-124, -375), ), (__Point__(295, 170), __Point__(124, 124), __Point__(250, 340), ), (__Point__(466, -204), __Point__(224, -269), __Point__(71, -180), __Point__(313, -116), ), (__Point__(-75, -175), __Point__(-292, -300), __Point__(-417, -83), ), (__Point__(250, 0), __Point__(0, -250), __Point__(-250, 0), __Point__(0, 250), )] +
+ [(i,) for i in __gendots__(32)] + # single points for wider selection
+ [(__Point__(0, 0),)]), # last point for position handling
((__Point__(0, 0),),)] # hidden turtle (single point to draw at the left border of the page area)
def __getdocument__():
@@ -170,6 +173,7 @@ def __getdocument__():
# input function, result: input string or 0
def Input(s):
+ global __halt__
ctx = uno.getComponentContext()
smgr = ctx.ServiceManager
@@ -218,6 +222,8 @@ def Input(s):
inputtext = controlContainer.execute()
if inputtext:
inputtext = e.Text
+ else:
+ __halt__ = True
# dispose the dialog
@@ -244,8 +250,10 @@ def __string__(s, decimal = None): # convert decimal sign, localized BOOL and SE
return str(s)
def Print(s):
+ global __halt__
s = __string__(s, _.decimal)
- z = MessageBox(_.doc.CurrentController.Frame.ContainerWindow, s[:500] + s[500:5000].replace('\n', ' '), "", "messbox")
+ if not MessageBox(_.doc.CurrentController.Frame.ContainerWindow, s[:500] + s[500:5000].replace('\n', ' '), "", "messbox", __OK_CANCEL__):
+ __halt__ = True
def MessageBox(parent, message, title, msgtype = "messbox", buttons = __OK__):
msgtypes = ("messbox", "infobox", "errorbox", "warningbox", "querybox")
@@ -288,12 +296,25 @@ def __locname__(name, l = -1):
return __l12n__(l)[i].split("|")[0] # return with the first localized name
return to_unicode(name)
+def __getcursor__(fulltext):
+ try:
+ text = _.doc.getCurrentController().getViewCursor().getText().createTextCursor() # copy selection (also in frames)
+ text.gotoRange(_.doc.getCurrentController().getViewCursor(), False)
+ if fulltext:
+ 1/len(text.getString()) # exception, if zero length
+ except:
+ text = _.doc.getText().createTextCursorByRange(_.doc.getText().getStart())
+ text.gotoEnd(True)
+ return text
def __translate__(arg = None):
global _
+ __getdocument__()
+ selection = __getcursor__(True)
# detect language
- text = _.doc.getText().getString()
+ text = selection.getString()
# remove comments and strings
text = re.sub(r"[ ]*;[^\n]*", "", re.sub(r"['âââ«»ã][^\n'ââââ«»ã]*['ââââ«»ã]", "", re.sub(r"^[ \t]*[;#][^\n]*", "", text)))
text = " ".join(set(re.findall("(?u)\w+", text)) - set(re.findall("(?u)\w*\d+\w*", text))).lower() # only words
@@ -317,7 +338,7 @@ def __translate__(arg = None):
rq = '\'' + lang['RIGHTSTRING'].replace("|", "")
__strings__ = []
- text = re.sub("(?u)([%s])([^\n%s]*)(?<!\\\\)[%s]" % (lq, rq, rq), __encodestring__, _.doc.getText().getString())
+ text = re.sub("(?u)([%s])([^\n%s]*)(?<!\\\\)[%s]" % (lq, rq, rq), __encodestring__, selection.getString())
text = re.sub('(?u)(?<![0-9])(")(~?\w*)', __encodestring__, text)
# translate the program to the language of the document FIXME space/tab
@@ -341,7 +362,7 @@ def __translate__(arg = None):
text = re.sub(__DECODE_STRING_REGEX__, __decodestring2__, text)
for i in __STRCONST__:
text = re.sub(quoted % lang[i], __l12n__(_.lng)[i].split("|")[0].upper(), text)
- _.doc.getText().setString(text)
+ selection.setString(text)
# convert to paragraphs
__dispatcher__(".uno:ExecuteSearch", (__getprop__("SearchItem.SearchString", r"\n"), __getprop__("SearchItem.ReplaceString", r"\n"), \
__getprop__("Quiet", True), __getprop__("SearchItem.Command", 3), __getprop__("SearchItem.StyleFamily", 2), \
@@ -356,6 +377,12 @@ class LogoProgram(threading.Thread):
global __thread__
+ if _.origcursor:
+ __dispatcher__(".uno:Escape")
+ try:
+ _.doc.CurrentController.getViewCursor().gotoRange(_.origcursor, False)
+ except:
+ _.doc.CurrentController.getViewCursor().gotoRange(_.origcursor.getStart(), False)
except Exception as e:
TRACEPATTERN = '"<string>", line '
@@ -427,14 +454,19 @@ def __initialize__():
+ shape.FillColor, transparence = __splitcolor__(_.areacolor)
+ shape.LineColor, shape.LineTransparence = __splitcolor__(_.pencolor)
+ else:
+ _.areacolor = shape.FillColor + (int(255.0 * shape.FillTransparence/100) << 24)
+ _.pencolor = shape.LineColor + (int(255.0 * shape.LineTransparence/100) << 24)
+ if shape.LineWidth != round((1 + _.pen * 2) * __PT_TO_TWIP__ / __MM10_TO_TWIP__) and shape.LineWidth != round(__LINEWIDTH__ / __MM10_TO_TWIP__):
+ _.pensize = shape.LineWidth * __MM10_TO_TWIP__
shape.LineJoint = __MITER__
shape.Shadow = True
shape.FillColor, transparence = __splitcolor__(_.areacolor)
shape.FillTransparence = min(95, transparence)
shape.ShadowColor, shape.ShadowTransparence, shape.ShadowXDistance, shape.ShadowYDistance = (0, 20, 0, 0)
-# shape.ShadowColor, shape.ShadowTransparence, shape.ShadowXDistance, shape.ShadowYDistance = (0, max(20, 100 - transparence), 0, 0)
- shape.LineColor, shape.LineTransparence = __splitcolor__(_.pencolor)
- shape.LineWidth = min(_.pensize, (1 + _.pen * 2) * __PT_TO_TWIP__)
+ shape.LineWidth = min(_.pensize, (1 + _.pen * 2) * __PT_TO_TWIP__) / __MM10_TO_TWIP__
shape.SizeProtect = True
def pagesize(n = -1):
@@ -452,7 +484,7 @@ def turtlehome():
turtle.setPosition(__Point__((page.Width - turtle.BoundRect.Width)/2, (page.Height - turtle.BoundRect.Height)/2))
turtle.LineStyle = __LineStyle_SOLID__
turtle.LineJoint = __MITER__
- turtle.LineWidth = min(_.pensize, (1 + _.pen * 2) * __PT_TO_TWIP__)
+ turtle.LineWidth = min(_.pensize, (1 + _.pen * 2) * __PT_TO_TWIP__) / __MM10_TO_TWIP__
turtle.LineColor, none = __splitcolor__(_.pencolor)
turtle.LineTransparence = 25
turtle.RotateAngle = 0
@@ -464,11 +496,11 @@ def __pen__(n):
if turtle:
if n:
turtle.LineStyle = __LineStyle_SOLID__
- turtle.LineWidth = min(_.pensize, 3 * __PT_TO_TWIP__)
+ turtle.LineWidth = min(_.pensize, 3 * __PT_TO_TWIP__) / __MM10_TO_TWIP__
turtle.LineStyle = __LineStyle_DASHED__
turtle.LineDash = __LineDash__(__DashStyle_RECT__, 0, 0, 1, __PT_TO_TWIP__, __PT_TO_TWIP__)
- turtle.LineWidth = min(_.pensize, __PT_TO_TWIP__)
+ turtle.LineWidth = min(_.pensize, __PT_TO_TWIP__) / __MM10_TO_TWIP__
def __visible__(shape, visible = -1): # for OOo 3.2 compatibility
@@ -515,7 +547,6 @@ def left(arg=None):
turtle = uno.getComponentContext().ServiceManager.createInstance('com.sun.star.drawing.ShapeCollection')
-# _.doc.CurrentController.select(__getshape__(__TURTLE__)) # it works from LibreOffice 3.5
rotate(__TURTLE__, 1500)
return None
@@ -554,7 +585,11 @@ def commandline(arg=None, arg2=None):
def __setlang__():
global _
- loc = _.doc.CurrentController.getViewCursor().CharLocale
+ c = _.doc.CurrentController.getViewCursor()
+ locs = [i for i in [c.CharLocale, c.CharLocaleAsian, c.CharLocaleComplex] if i.Language != 'zxx'] # not None language
+ loc = Locale(__uilocale__.split('-')[0], __uilocale__.split('-')[1], '')
+ if locs and loc not in locs:
+ loc = locs[0]
_.lng = loc.Language + '_' + loc.Country
if not __l12n__(_.lng):
_.lng = loc.Language
@@ -569,14 +604,10 @@ def run(arg=None, arg2 = -1):
__thread__ = 1
+ _.origcursor = None
if arg2 == -1:
- try:
- _.cursor = _.doc.getCurrentController().getViewCursor().getText().createTextCursor() # copy selection
- _.cursor.gotoRange(_.doc.getCurrentController().getViewCursor(), False)
- 1/len(_.cursor.getString()) # exception, if zero length
- except:
- _.cursor = _.doc.getText().createTextCursorByRange(_.doc.getText().getStart())
- _.cursor.gotoEnd(True)
+ _.origcursor, _.cursor = __getcursor__(False), __getcursor__(True)
+ __dispatcher__(".uno:Escape")
c = _.doc.Text.createTextCursor() # go to the first page
_.doc.CurrentController.getViewCursor().gotoRange(c, False)
@@ -729,17 +760,18 @@ def backward(n):
__go__(__TURTLE__, n * __PT_TO_TWIP__)
-def __dots__(n, pos, dx, dy, r = 0): # dots for dotted polyline or circle
- k = abs(int(1.0 * n / max(10, _.pensize) / 2.0))
+def __dots__(n, pos, dx, dy, r = -1, q = 0): # dots for dotted polyline or circle
+ f = [1, 4, 4, 4, 4][q]
+ k = abs(int(1.0 * n / max(20, _.pensize) / 2.0 / f))
dots = []
px, py = pos.X, pos.Y
for i in range(k + 1):
if k > 0:
- if r:
- px, py = pos.X + sin(360.0/k * i * pi/180.0) * r, pos.Y + cos(360.0/k * i * pi/180) * r
+ if r != -1:
+ px, py = pos.X + sin(((f-1)*(q-1)*30 + 360.0/f/k * i) * pi/180.0) * r[0], pos.Y + cos(((f-1)*(q-1)*30 + 360.0/f/k * i) * pi/180) * r[1]
px, py = pos.X + round(i * dx/k), pos.Y + round(i * dy/k)
- dots += [(__Point__(px, py),__Point__(px + 10, py + 10))]
+ dots += [(__Point__(px, py), __Point__(px + 7, py + 7))]
return dots
def __draw__(d):
@@ -827,7 +859,7 @@ def __go__(shapename, n, dot = False, preciseAngle = -1):
shape.PolyPolygon = tuple( list(shape.PolyPolygon) + __dots__(n, last, c2.X, c2.Y))
shape.LineStart = __bezierdot__
shape.LineStartCenter = True
- shape.LineStartWidth = _.pensize / __MM10_TO_TWIP__
+ shape.LineStartWidth = max(20, _.pensize) / __MM10_TO_TWIP__
shape.LineWidth = 0
shape.PolyPolygon = tuple([tuple( list(shape.PolyPolygon[-1]) + [last2])])
@@ -845,7 +877,7 @@ def __go__(shapename, n, dot = False, preciseAngle = -1):
def __fillit__(filled = True):
oldshape = __getshape__(__ACTUAL__)
- if oldshape.LineStartCenter:
+ if oldshape and oldshape.LineStartCenter:
__removeshape__(__ACTUAL__) # FIXME close dotted polyline
if oldshape and "LineShape" in oldshape.ShapeType:
@@ -891,8 +923,6 @@ def point():
_.pen, _.linestyle = oldpen, oldstyle
def __boxshape__(shapetype, l):
- if type(l) != type([]): # default for circle and square
- l = [l, l]
turtle = __getshape__(__TURTLE__)
shape = __draw__(shapetype + "Shape")
if _.hatch:
@@ -913,7 +943,7 @@ def __boxshape__(shapetype, l):
shape.FillColor, shape.FillTransparence = __splitcolor__(_.areacolor)
shape.RotateAngle = turtle.RotateAngle
if shapetype == "Rectangle" and len(l) > 2:
- shape.CornerRadius = l[2] * __PT_TO_TWIP__
+ shape.CornerRadius = (l[2] * __PT_TO_TWIP__) / __MM10_TO_TWIP__
elif shapetype == "Ellipse" and len(l) > 2:
shape.CircleKind = __SECTION__
@@ -928,20 +958,54 @@ def __boxshape__(shapetype, l):
def ellipse(l):
+ if type(l) != type([]): # default for circle and square
+ l = [l, l]
if _.linestyle == __LineStyle_DOTTED__:
- __removeshape__(__ACTUAL__)
+ __groupstart__()
+ _.linestyle = __LineStyle_SOLID__
+ pc, _.pencolor = _.pencolor, 0xff000000
+ ellipse(l)
+ _.pencolor, _.linestyle = pc, __LineStyle_DOTTED__
shape = __getshape__(__ACTUAL__)
- shape.PolyPolygon = tuple(__dots__(l * pi * __PT_TO_TWIP__, shape.PolyPolygon[0][0], 0, 0, l/2 * __PT_TO_TWIP__))
+ shape.PolyPolygon = tuple(__dots__(max(l[0], l[1]) * pi * __PT_TO_TWIP__, shape.PolyPolygon[0][0], 0, 0, [i/2.0 * __PT_TO_TWIP__ for i in l]))
+ turtle = __getshape__(__TURTLE__)
+ shape.RotateAngle = turtle.RotateAngle
+ __groupend__()
__boxshape__("Ellipse", l)
def rectangle(l):
+ if type(l) != type([]): # default for circle and square
+ l = [l, l]
if _.linestyle == __LineStyle_DOTTED__:
- __removeshape__(__ACTUAL__)
+ __groupstart__()
+ _.linestyle = __LineStyle_SOLID__
+ pc, _.pencolor = _.pencolor, 0xff000000
+ rectangle(l)
+ _.pencolor, _.linestyle = pc, __LineStyle_DOTTED__
shape = __getshape__(__ACTUAL__)
- shape.PolyPolygon = tuple(__dots__(l * pi * __PT_TO_TWIP__, shape.PolyPolygon[0][0], 0, 0, l/2 * __PT_TO_TWIP__))
+ if type(l) != type([]):
+ l = [l, l]
+ if len(l) == 2:
+ l = l + [0]
+ l = [i * __PT_TO_TWIP__ for i in l]
+ c = shape.PolyPolygon[0][0]
+ k = [min(l[0] / 2.0, l[2]), min(l[1] / 2.0, l[2])]
+ p = __dots__(l[0] - 2 * k[0], __Point__(c.X - l[0]/2 + k[0], c.Y - l[1]/2), l[0] - 2 * k[0], 0)
+ p = p[:-1] + __dots__(l[1] - 2 * k[1], __Point__(c.X + l[0]/2, c.Y - l[1]/2 + k[1]), 0, l[1] - 2 * k[1])
+ p = p[:-1] + __dots__(l[0] - 2 * k[0], __Point__(c.X + l[0]/2 - k[0], c.Y + l[1]/2), -l[0] + 2 * k[0], 0)
+ p = p[:-1] + __dots__(l[1] - 2 * k[1], __Point__(c.X - l[0]/2, c.Y + l[1]/2 - k[1]), 0, -l[1] + 2 * k[1])
+ if l[2] > 0:
+ p = p + __dots__(max(k) * 2 * pi, __Point__(c.X - l[0]/2 + k[0], c.Y - l[1]/2 + k[1]), 0, 0, k, 3)[1:]
+ p = p + __dots__(max(k) * 2 * pi, __Point__(c.X + l[0]/2 - k[0], c.Y - l[1]/2 + k[1]), 0, 0, k, 2)[1:]
+ p = p + __dots__(max(k) * 2 * pi, __Point__(c.X + l[0]/2 - k[0], c.Y + l[1]/2 - k[1]), 0, 0, k, 1)[1:]
+ p = p + __dots__(max(k) * 2 * pi, __Point__(c.X - l[0]/2 + k[0], c.Y + l[1]/2 - k[1]), 0, 0, k, 4)[1:]
+ shape.PolyPolygon = tuple(p)
+ turtle = __getshape__(__TURTLE__)
+ shape.RotateAngle = turtle.RotateAngle
+ __groupend__()
__boxshape__("Rectangle", l)
@@ -972,7 +1036,7 @@ def text(shape, st):
c.CharFontName = _.fontfamily
def sleep(t):
- for i in range(t/__SLEEP_SLICE_IN_MILLISECONDS__):
+ for i in range(int(t/__SLEEP_SLICE_IN_MILLISECONDS__)):
@@ -1068,7 +1132,7 @@ def pensize(n = -1):
_.pensize = n * __PT_TO_TWIP__
turtle = __getshape__(__TURTLE__)
if turtle and __visible__(turtle):
- turtle.LineWidth = min(_.pensize, (1 + _.pen * 2) * __PT_TO_TWIP__)
+ turtle.LineWidth = min(_.pensize, (1 + _.pen * 2) * __PT_TO_TWIP__) / __MM10_TO_TWIP__
return _.pensize / __PT_TO_TWIP__
def penstyle(n = -1):
@@ -1187,7 +1251,7 @@ def __loadlang__(lang, a):
loop = lambda r: "%(i)s = 1\n%(orig)s%(j)s = %(i)s\n%(i)s += 1\n" % \
{ "i": repcount + str(next(loopi)), "j": repcount, "orig": re.sub( r"(?ui)(?<!:)\b%s\b" % repcount, repcount + str(next(loopi)-1), r.group(0)) }
__comp__[lang] = [
- [r"(?i)(?<!:)(\b|(?=[-:]))(?:%s)\b" % "|".join([a[i].lower() for i in a if i[0:3] != "ERR"]), lambda s: s.group().upper()], # uppercase all native commands in the source code
+ [r"(?i)(?<!:)(\b|(?=[-:]))(?:%s)\b" % "|".join([a[i].lower() for i in a if not "_" in i and i != "DECIMAL"]), lambda s: s.group().upper()], # uppercase all native commands in the source code
[r"(?<!:)\b(?:%s) [[]" % a['GROUP'], "\n__groupstart__()\nfor __groupindex__ in range(2):\n[\nif __groupindex__ == 1:\n[\n__groupend__()\nbreak\n]\n"],
[r"(?<!:)\b(?:%s)\b" % a['GROUP'], "\n__removeshape__(__ACTUAL__)\n"],
[r"(\n| )][ \n]*\[(\n| )", "\n]\nelse:\n[\n"], # if/else block
@@ -1299,7 +1363,11 @@ def __concatenation__(r): # keep line positions with extra line breaks
def __compil__(s):
global _, comp, __strings__, __compiled__
- loc = _.doc.CurrentController.getViewCursor().CharLocale
+ c = _.doc.CurrentController.getViewCursor()
+ locs = [i for i in [c.CharLocale, c.CharLocaleAsian, c.CharLocaleComplex] if i.Language != 'zxx'] # not None language
+ loc = Locale(__uilocale__.split('-')[0], __uilocale__.split('-')[1], '')
+ if locs and loc not in locs:
+ loc = locs[0]
_.lng = loc.Language + '_' + loc.Country
__loadlang__(_.lng, __l12n__(_.lng))
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