[Libreoffice-commits] .: sc/source

Libreoffice Gerrit user logerrit at kemper.freedesktop.org
Wed Jan 30 16:04:48 PST 2013

 sc/source/filter/excel/xlformula.cxx |  128 +++++++++++++++++++++++++----------
 sc/source/filter/oox/formulabase.cxx |   98 +++++++++++++++++---------
 2 files changed, 158 insertions(+), 68 deletions(-)

New commits:
commit 24bce470788aa34e5e1bb001250bfa14cee1c75e
Author: Eike Rathke <erack at redhat.com>
Date:   Thu Jan 31 00:53:05 2013 +0100

    import/export new Excel 2013 ODF functions, fdo#60032
    Change-Id: I8cf726ce5132f0cb712b30a76a76b152a681f4da

diff --git a/sc/source/filter/excel/xlformula.cxx b/sc/source/filter/excel/xlformula.cxx
index 0cee777..27cbab0 100644
--- a/sc/source/filter/excel/xlformula.cxx
+++ b/sc/source/filter/excel/xlformula.cxx
@@ -370,13 +370,103 @@ static const XclFunctionInfo saFuncTable_Oox[] =
     { ocIfError,            255,    3,  3,  V, { RO_E, VO, RO }, EXC_FUNCFLAG_EXPORTONLY, EXC_FUNCNAME( "IFERROR" ) }
-/** Functions new in Excel 2013. */
+#define EXC_FUNCENTRY_V_VR( opcode, minparam, maxparam, flags, asciiname ) \
+    { opcode, NOID, minparam,     maxparam,     V, { VR },       EXC_FUNCFLAG_IMPORTONLY|(flags), EXC_FUNCNAME( asciiname ) }, \
+    { opcode,  255, (minparam)+1, (maxparam)+1, V, { RO_E, RO }, EXC_FUNCFLAG_EXPORTONLY|(flags), EXC_FUNCNAME( asciiname ) }
+#define EXC_FUNCENTRY_V_VR_IMPORT( opcode, minparam, maxparam, flags, asciiname ) \
+    { opcode, NOID, minparam,     maxparam,     V, { VR },       EXC_FUNCFLAG_IMPORTONLY|(flags), EXC_FUNCNAME( asciiname ) }
+#define EXC_FUNCENTRY_A_VR( opcode, minparam, maxparam, flags, asciiname ) \
+    { opcode, NOID, minparam,     maxparam,     A, { VR },       EXC_FUNCFLAG_IMPORTONLY|(flags), EXC_FUNCNAME( asciiname ) }, \
+    { opcode,  255, (minparam)+1, (maxparam)+1, A, { RO_E, RO }, EXC_FUNCFLAG_EXPORTONLY|(flags), EXC_FUNCNAME( asciiname ) }
+#define EXC_FUNCENTRY_V_RO( opcode, minparam, maxparam, flags, asciiname ) \
+    { opcode, NOID, minparam,     maxparam,     V, { RO },       EXC_FUNCFLAG_IMPORTONLY|(flags), EXC_FUNCNAME( asciiname ) }, \
+    { opcode,  255, (minparam)+1, (maxparam)+1, V, { RO_E, RO }, EXC_FUNCFLAG_EXPORTONLY|(flags), EXC_FUNCNAME( asciiname ) }
+// implicit maxparam=MX
+#define EXC_FUNCENTRY_V_RX( opcode, minparam, maxparam, flags, asciiname ) \
+    { opcode, NOID, minparam,     MX,           V, { RX },       EXC_FUNCFLAG_IMPORTONLY|(flags), EXC_FUNCNAME( asciiname ) }, \
+    { opcode,  255, (minparam)+1, MX,           V, { RO_E, RX }, EXC_FUNCFLAG_EXPORTONLY|(flags), EXC_FUNCNAME( asciiname ) }
+/** Functions new in Excel 2013.
+    See http://office.microsoft.com/en-us/excel-help/new-functions-in-excel-2013-HA103980604.aspx
+    Most functions apparently were added for ODF1.2 ODFF / OpenFormula
+    compatibility.
+    Functions with EXC_FUNCENTRY_V_VR_IMPORT are rewritten in
+    sc/source/filter/excel/xeformula.cxx during export for BIFF, OOXML export
+    uses a different mapping but still uses this mapping here to determine the
+    feature set.
+    FIXME: either have the exporter determine the feature set from the active
+    mapping, preferred, or enhance this mapping here such that for OOXML the
+    rewrite can be overridden.
+    @See sc/source/filter/oox/formulabase.cxx saFuncTable2013 for V,VR,RO,...
+ */
 static const XclFunctionInfo saFuncTable_2013[] =
-    { ocIfNA,               NOID,   2,  2,  V, { VO, RO }, EXC_FUNCFLAG_IMPORTONLY, EXC_FUNCNAME( "IFNA" ) },
-    { ocIfNA,               255,    3,  3,  V, { RO_E, VO, RO }, EXC_FUNCFLAG_EXPORTONLY, EXC_FUNCNAME( "IFNA" ) }
+    EXC_FUNCENTRY_V_VR_IMPORT(  ocArcCot,        1,  1,  0,  "ACOT" ),
+    EXC_FUNCENTRY_V_VR_IMPORT(  ocArcCotHyp,     1,  1,  0,  "ACOTH" ),
+    EXC_FUNCENTRY_V_VR(         ocArabic,        1,  1,  0,  "ARABIC" ),
+    EXC_FUNCENTRY_V_VR(         ocBase,          2,  3,  0,  "BASE" ),
+    EXC_FUNCENTRY_V_VR(         ocB,             3,  4,  0,  "BINOM.DIST.RANGE" ),
+    EXC_FUNCENTRY_V_VR(         ocBitAnd,        2,  2,  0,  "BITAND" ),
+    EXC_FUNCENTRY_V_VR(         ocBitLshift,     2,  2,  0,  "BITLSHIFT" ),
+    EXC_FUNCENTRY_V_VR(         ocBitOr,         2,  2,  0,  "BITOR" ),
+    EXC_FUNCENTRY_V_VR(         ocBitRshift,     2,  2,  0,  "BITRSHIFT" ),
+    EXC_FUNCENTRY_V_VR(         ocBitXor,        2,  2,  0,  "BITXOR" ),
+    /* FIXME: CEILING.MATH is our/ODFF CEILING, but we have special handling
+     * for the weird Excel CEILING behavior, check that and unify or diversify.
+     * */
+    EXC_FUNCENTRY_V_VR(         ocNoName,        1,  3,  0,  "CEILING.MATH" ),
+    EXC_FUNCENTRY_V_VR(         ocKombin2,       2,  2,  0,  "COMBINA" ),
+    EXC_FUNCENTRY_V_VR_IMPORT(  ocCot,           1,  1,  0,  "COT" ),
+    EXC_FUNCENTRY_V_VR_IMPORT(  ocCotHyp,        1,  1,  0,  "COTH" ),
+    EXC_FUNCENTRY_V_VR_IMPORT(  ocCosecant,      1,  1,  0,  "CSC" ),
+    EXC_FUNCENTRY_V_VR_IMPORT(  ocCosecantHyp,   1,  1,  0,  "CSCH" ),
+    EXC_FUNCENTRY_V_VR(         ocGetDiffDate,   2,  2,  0,  "DAYS" ),
+    EXC_FUNCENTRY_V_VR(         ocDecimal,       2,  2,  0,  "DECIMAL" ),
+    EXC_FUNCENTRY_V_VR(         ocNoName,        1,  1,  0,  "ENCODEURL" ),
+    // NOTE: this FDIST is not our LEGACY.FDIST
+    EXC_FUNCENTRY_V_VR(         ocNoName,        3,  4,  0,  "FDIST" ),
+    // NOTE: this FINV is not our LEGACY.FINV
+    EXC_FUNCENTRY_V_VR(         ocNoName,        3,  3,  0,  "FINV" ),
+    EXC_FUNCENTRY_V_VR(         ocNoName,        2,  2,  0,  "FILTERXML" ),
+    /* FIXME: FLOOR.MATH is our/ODFF FLOOR, but we have special handling for
+     * the weird Excel FLOOR behavior, check that and unify or diversify. */
+    EXC_FUNCENTRY_V_VR(         ocNoName,        1,  3,  0,  "FLOOR.MATH" ),
+    EXC_FUNCENTRY_V_RO(         ocFormula,       1,  1,  0,  "FORMULATEXT" ),
+    EXC_FUNCENTRY_V_VR(         ocGamma,         1,  1,  0,  "GAMMA" ),
+    EXC_FUNCENTRY_V_VR(         ocGauss,         1,  1,  0,  "GAUSS" ),
+    {                           ocIfNA,       NOID,  2,  2,  V, { VO, RO }, EXC_FUNCFLAG_IMPORTONLY, EXC_FUNCNAME( "IFNA" ) },
+    {                           ocIfNA,        255,  3,  3,  V, { RO_E, VO, RO }, EXC_FUNCFLAG_EXPORTONLY, EXC_FUNCNAME( "IFNA" ) },
+    // implemented in the Analysis Add-In.
+    EXC_FUNCENTRY_V_RO(         ocIsFormula,     1,  1,  0,  "ISFORMULA" ),
+    EXC_FUNCENTRY_V_VR(         ocWeek,          1,  2,  0,  "ISOWEEKNUM" ),
+    EXC_FUNCENTRY_A_VR(         ocMatrixUnit,    1,  1,  0,  "MUNIT" ),
+    EXC_FUNCENTRY_V_VR(         ocNumberValue,   1,  3,  0,  "NUMBERVALUE" ),
+    EXC_FUNCENTRY_V_VR(         ocLaufz,         3,  3,  0,  "PDURATION" ),
+    EXC_FUNCENTRY_V_VR(         ocVariationen2,  2,  2,  0,  "PERMUTATIONA" ),
+    EXC_FUNCENTRY_V_VR(         ocPhi,           1,  1,  0,  "PHI" ),
+    EXC_FUNCENTRY_V_VR(         ocZGZ,           3,  3,  0,  "RRI" ),
+    EXC_FUNCENTRY_V_VR_IMPORT(  ocSecant,        1,  1,  0,  "SEC" ),
+    EXC_FUNCENTRY_V_VR_IMPORT(  ocSecantHyp,     1,  1,  0,  "SECH" ),
+    EXC_FUNCENTRY_V_RO(         ocTable,         0,  1,  0,  "SHEET" ),
+    EXC_FUNCENTRY_V_RO(         ocTables,        0,  1,  0,  "SHEETS" ),
+    EXC_FUNCENTRY_V_RX(         ocNoName,        1,  MX, 0,  "SKEW.P" ),
+    EXC_FUNCENTRY_V_VR(         ocUnichar,       1,  1,  0,  "UNICHAR" ),
+    EXC_FUNCENTRY_V_VR(         ocUnicode,       1,  1,  0,  "UNICODE" ),
+    EXC_FUNCENTRY_V_VR(         ocNoName,        1,  1,  0,  "WEBSERVICE" ),
+    EXC_FUNCENTRY_V_RX(         ocXor,           1,  MX, 0,  "XOR" )
 #define EXC_FUNCENTRY_ODF( opcode, minparam, maxparam, flags, asciiname ) \
     { opcode, NOID, minparam,     maxparam,     V, { VR },       EXC_FUNCFLAG_IMPORTONLY|(flags), EXC_FUNCNAME_ODF( asciiname ) }, \
     { opcode,  255, (minparam)+1, (maxparam)+1, V, { RO_E, RO }, EXC_FUNCFLAG_EXPORTONLY|(flags), EXC_FUNCNAME_ODF( asciiname ) }
@@ -384,38 +474,8 @@ static const XclFunctionInfo saFuncTable_2013[] =
 /** Functions defined by OpenFormula, but not supported by Calc (ocNoName) or by Excel (defined op-code). */
 static const XclFunctionInfo saFuncTable_Odf[] =
-    EXC_FUNCENTRY_ODF( ocArabic,        1,  1,  0,  "ARABIC" ),
-    EXC_FUNCENTRY_ODF( ocB,             3,  4,  0,  "B" ),
-    EXC_FUNCENTRY_ODF( ocBase,          2,  3,  0,  "BASE" ),
-    EXC_FUNCENTRY_ODF( ocBitAnd,        2,  2,  0,  "BITAND" ),
-    EXC_FUNCENTRY_ODF( ocBitLshift,     2,  2,  0,  "BITLSHIFT" ),
-    EXC_FUNCENTRY_ODF( ocBitOr,         2,  2,  0,  "BITOR" ),
-    EXC_FUNCENTRY_ODF( ocBitRshift,     2,  2,  0,  "BITRSHIFT" ),
-    EXC_FUNCENTRY_ODF( ocBitXor,        2,  2,  0,  "BITXOR" ),
     EXC_FUNCENTRY_ODF( ocChiSqDist,     2,  3,  0,  "CHISQDIST" ),
-    EXC_FUNCENTRY_ODF( ocChiSqInv,      2,  2,  0,  "CHISQINV" ),
-    EXC_FUNCENTRY_ODF( ocKombin2,       2,  2,  0,  "COMBINA" ),
-    EXC_FUNCENTRY_ODF( ocGetDiffDate,   2,  2,  0,  "DAYS" ),
-    EXC_FUNCENTRY_ODF( ocDecimal,       2,  2,  0,  "DECIMAL" ),
-    EXC_FUNCENTRY_ODF( ocFDist,         3,  4,  0,  "FDIST" ),
-    EXC_FUNCENTRY_ODF( ocFInv,          3,  3,  0,  "FINV" ),
-    EXC_FUNCENTRY_ODF( ocFormula,       1,  1,  0,  "FORMULA" ),
-    EXC_FUNCENTRY_ODF( ocGamma,         1,  1,  0,  "GAMMA" ),
-    EXC_FUNCENTRY_ODF( ocGauss,         1,  1,  0,  "GAUSS" ),
-    EXC_FUNCENTRY_ODF( ocIsFormula,     1,  1,  0,  "ISFORMULA" ),
-    EXC_FUNCENTRY_ODF( ocWeek,          1,  2,  0,  "ISOWEEKNUM" ),
-    EXC_FUNCENTRY_ODF( ocMatrixUnit,    1,  1,  0,  "MUNIT" ),
-    EXC_FUNCENTRY_ODF( ocNumberValue,   2,  2,  0,  "NUMBERVALUE" ),
-    EXC_FUNCENTRY_ODF( ocLaufz,         3,  3,  0,  "PDURATION" ),
-    EXC_FUNCENTRY_ODF( ocVariationen2,  2,  2,  0,  "PERMUTATIONA" ),
-    EXC_FUNCENTRY_ODF( ocPhi,           1,  1,  0,  "PHI" ),
-    EXC_FUNCENTRY_ODF( ocZGZ,           3,  3,  0,  "RRI" ),
-    EXC_FUNCENTRY_ODF( ocTable,         0,  1,  0,  "SHEET" ),
-    EXC_FUNCENTRY_ODF( ocTables,        0,  1,  0,  "SHEETS" ),
-    EXC_FUNCENTRY_ODF( ocNoName,        1,  MX, 0,  "SKEWP" ),
-    EXC_FUNCENTRY_ODF( ocUnichar,       1,  1,  0,  "UNICHAR" ),
-    EXC_FUNCENTRY_ODF( ocUnicode,       1,  1,  0,  "UNICODE" ),
-    EXC_FUNCENTRY_ODF( ocXor,           1,  MX, 0,  "XOR" )
+    EXC_FUNCENTRY_ODF( ocChiSqInv,      2,  2,  0,  "CHISQINV" )
diff --git a/sc/source/filter/oox/formulabase.cxx b/sc/source/filter/oox/formulabase.cxx
index a98e58a..3b05290 100644
--- a/sc/source/filter/oox/formulabase.cxx
+++ b/sc/source/filter/oox/formulabase.cxx
@@ -734,16 +734,59 @@ static const FunctionData saFuncTableOox[] =
     { "AVERAGEIFS",             "AVERAGEIFS",           484,    NOID,   3,  MX, V, { RO, RO, VR }, FUNCFLAG_MACROCALL | FUNCFLAG_PARAMPAIRS }
-/** Functions new in Excel 2013. */
-/* FIXME: BIFF12 function identifer available? Where to obtain? */
+/** Functions new in Excel 2013.
+    See http://office.microsoft.com/en-us/excel-help/new-functions-in-excel-2013-HA103980604.aspx
+    Most functions apparently were added for ODF1.2 ODFF / OpenFormula
+    compatibility.
+    Functions with FUNCFLAG_IMPORTONLY are rewritten in
+    sc/source/filter/excel/xeformula.cxx during export for
+    BIFF, OOXML export uses this different mapping here but still uses the
+    mapping there to determine the feature set.
+    FIXME: either have the exporter determine the feature set from the active
+    mapping, preferred, or enhance that mapping there such that for OOXML the
+    rewrite can be overridden.
+    @See sc/source/filter/excel/xlformula.cxx saFuncTable_2013
+ */
+/* FIXME: BIFF12 function identifiers available? Where to obtain? */
 static const FunctionData saFuncTable2013[] =
     { "ACOT",                   "ACOT",                 NOID,   NOID,   1,  1,  V, { VR }, FUNCFLAG_MACROCALL_NEW },
     { "ACOTH",                  "ACOTH",                NOID,   NOID,   1,  1,  V, { VR }, FUNCFLAG_MACROCALL_NEW },
+    { "ARABIC",                 "ARABIC",               NOID,   NOID,   1,  1,  V, { VR }, FUNCFLAG_MACROCALL_NEW },
+    { "BASE",                   "BASE",                 NOID,   NOID,   2,  3,  V, { VR }, FUNCFLAG_MACROCALL_NEW },
+    { "BITAND",                 "BITAND",               NOID,   NOID,   2,  2,  V, { VR }, FUNCFLAG_MACROCALL_NEW },
+    { "BITLSHIFT",              "BITLSHIFT",            NOID,   NOID,   2,  2,  V, { VR }, FUNCFLAG_MACROCALL_NEW },
+    { "BITOR",                  "BITOR",                NOID,   NOID,   2,  2,  V, { VR }, FUNCFLAG_MACROCALL_NEW },
+    { "BITRSHIFT",              "BITRSHIFT",            NOID,   NOID,   2,  2,  V, { VR }, FUNCFLAG_MACROCALL_NEW },
+    { "BITXOR",                 "BITXOR",               NOID,   NOID,   2,  2,  V, { VR }, FUNCFLAG_MACROCALL_NEW },
+    /* FIXME: CEILING.MATH is our/ODFF CEILING, but we have special handling
+     * for the weird Excel CEILING behavior, check that and unify or diversify.
+     * */
+    { 0/*"CEILING"*/,           "CEILING.MATH",         NOID,   NOID,   1,  3,  V, { VR }, FUNCFLAG_MACROCALL_NEW },
+    { "COMBINA",                "COMBINA",              NOID,   NOID,   2,  2,  V, { VR }, FUNCFLAG_MACROCALL_NEW },
     { "COT",                    "COT",                  NOID,   NOID,   1,  1,  V, { VR }, FUNCFLAG_MACROCALL_NEW },
     { "COTH",                   "COTH",                 NOID,   NOID,   1,  1,  V, { VR }, FUNCFLAG_MACROCALL_NEW },
     { "CSC",                    "CSC",                  NOID,   NOID,   1,  1,  V, { VR }, FUNCFLAG_MACROCALL_NEW },
     { "CSCH",                   "CSCH",                 NOID,   NOID,   1,  1,  V, { VR }, FUNCFLAG_MACROCALL_NEW },
+    { "DAYS",                   "DAYS",                 NOID,   NOID,   2,  2,  V, { VR }, FUNCFLAG_MACROCALL_NEW },
+    { "DECIMAL",                "DECIMAL",              NOID,   NOID,   2,  2,  V, { VR }, FUNCFLAG_MACROCALL_NEW },
+    { 0,                        "ENCODEURL",            NOID,   NOID,   1,  1,  V, { VR }, FUNCFLAG_MACROCALL_NEW },
+    { 0,                        "FILTERXML",            NOID,   NOID,   2,  2,  V, { VR }, FUNCFLAG_MACROCALL_NEW },
+    /* FIXME: FLOOR.MATH is our/ODFF FLOOR, but we have special handling for
+     * the weird Excel FLOOR behavior, check that and unify or diversify. */
+    { 0/*"FLOOR"*/,             "FLOOR.MATH",           NOID,   NOID,   1,  3,  V, { VR }, FUNCFLAG_MACROCALL_NEW },
+    // NOTE: this FDIST is not our LEGACY.FDIST
+    { 0/*"FDIST"*/,             "FDIST",                NOID,   NOID,   3,  4,  V, { VR }, FUNCFLAG_MACROCALL_NEW },
+    // NOTE: this FINV is not our LEGACY.FINV
+    { 0/*"FINV"*/,              "FINV",                 NOID,   NOID,   3,  3,  V, { VR }, FUNCFLAG_MACROCALL_NEW },
+    { "FORMULA",                "FORMULATEXT",          NOID,   NOID,   1,  1,  V, { RO }, FUNCFLAG_MACROCALL_NEW },
+    { "GAMMA",                  "GAMMA",                NOID,   NOID,   1,  1,  V, { VR }, FUNCFLAG_MACROCALL_NEW },
+    { "GAUSS",                  "GAUSS",                NOID,   NOID,   1,  1,  V, { VR }, FUNCFLAG_MACROCALL_NEW },
     { "IFNA",                   "IFNA",                 NOID,   NOID,   2,  2,  V, { VO, RO }, FUNCFLAG_MACROCALL_NEW },
     { "IMCOSH",                 "IMCOSH",               NOID,   NOID,   1,  1,  V, { VR }, FUNCFLAG_MACROCALL_NEW | FUNCFLAG_EXTERNAL },
     { "IMCOT",                  "IMCOT",                NOID,   NOID,   1,  1,  V, { VR }, FUNCFLAG_MACROCALL_NEW | FUNCFLAG_EXTERNAL },
@@ -753,45 +796,32 @@ static const FunctionData saFuncTable2013[] =
     { "IMSECH",                 "IMSECH",               NOID,   NOID,   1,  1,  V, { VR }, FUNCFLAG_MACROCALL_NEW | FUNCFLAG_EXTERNAL },
     { "IMSINH",                 "IMSINH",               NOID,   NOID,   1,  1,  V, { VR }, FUNCFLAG_MACROCALL_NEW | FUNCFLAG_EXTERNAL },
     { "IMTAN",                  "IMTAN",                NOID,   NOID,   1,  1,  V, { VR }, FUNCFLAG_MACROCALL_NEW | FUNCFLAG_EXTERNAL },
+    { "ISFORMULA",              "ISFORMULA",            NOID,   NOID,   1,  1,  V, { RO }, FUNCFLAG_MACROCALL_NEW },
+    /* FIXME: ISOWEEKNUM vs. WEEKNUM mess needs to be sorted out before we can
+     * import. */
+    { 0/*"ISOWEEKNUM"*/,        "ISOWEEKNUM",           NOID,   NOID,   1,  2,  V, { VR }, FUNCFLAG_MACROCALL_NEW },
+    { "MUNIT",                  "MUNIT",                NOID,   NOID,   1,  1,  A, { VR }, FUNCFLAG_MACROCALL_NEW },
+    { 0/*"NUMBERVALUE"*/,       "NUMBERVALUE",          NOID,   NOID,   1,  3,  V, { VR }, FUNCFLAG_MACROCALL_NEW },
+    { "PDURATION",              "PDURATION",            NOID,   NOID,   3,  3,  V, { VR }, FUNCFLAG_MACROCALL_NEW },
+    { "PERMUTATIONA",           "PERMUTATIONA",         NOID,   NOID,   2,  2,  V, { VR }, FUNCFLAG_MACROCALL_NEW },
+    { "PHI",                    "PHI",                  NOID,   NOID,   1,  1,  V, { VR }, FUNCFLAG_MACROCALL_NEW },
+    { "RRI",                    "RRI",                  NOID,   NOID,   3,  3,  V, { VR }, FUNCFLAG_MACROCALL_NEW },
     { "SEC",                    "SEC",                  NOID,   NOID,   1,  1,  V, { VR }, FUNCFLAG_MACROCALL_NEW },
-    { "SECH",                   "SECH",                 NOID,   NOID,   1,  1,  V, { VR }, FUNCFLAG_MACROCALL_NEW }
+    { "SECH",                   "SECH",                 NOID,   NOID,   1,  1,  V, { VR }, FUNCFLAG_MACROCALL_NEW },
+    { "SHEET",                  "SHEET",                NOID,   NOID,   0,  1,  V, { RO }, FUNCFLAG_MACROCALL_NEW },
+    { "SHEETS",                 "SHEETS",               NOID,   NOID,   0,  1,  V, { RO }, FUNCFLAG_MACROCALL_NEW },
+    { 0/*"SKEWP"*/,             "SKEW.P",               NOID,   NOID,   1,  MX, V, { RX }, FUNCFLAG_MACROCALL_NEW },
+    { "UNICHAR",                "UNICHAR",              NOID,   NOID,   1,  1,  V, { VR }, FUNCFLAG_MACROCALL_NEW },
+    { "UNICODE",                "UNICODE",              NOID,   NOID,   1,  1,  V, { VR }, FUNCFLAG_MACROCALL_NEW },
+    { 0,                        "WEBSERVICE",           NOID,   NOID,   1,  1,  V, { VR }, FUNCFLAG_MACROCALL_NEW },
+    { "XOR",                    "XOR",                  NOID,   NOID,   1,  MX, V, { RX }, FUNCFLAG_MACROCALL_NEW }
 /** Functions defined by OpenFormula, but not supported by Calc or by Excel. */
 static const FunctionData saFuncTableOdf[] =
-    { "ARABIC",                 0,                      NOID,   NOID,   1,  1,  V, { VR }, FUNCFLAG_MACROCALLODF },
-    { "B",                      0,                      NOID,   NOID,   3,  4,  V, { VR }, FUNCFLAG_MACROCALLODF },
-    { "BASE",                   0,                      NOID,   NOID,   2,  3,  V, { VR }, FUNCFLAG_MACROCALLODF },
-    { "BITAND",                 0,                      NOID,   NOID,   2,  2,  V, { VR }, FUNCFLAG_MACROCALLODF },
-    { "BITLSHIFT",              0,                      NOID,   NOID,   2,  2,  V, { VR }, FUNCFLAG_MACROCALLODF },
-    { "BITOR",                  0,                      NOID,   NOID,   2,  2,  V, { VR }, FUNCFLAG_MACROCALLODF },
-    { "BITRSHIFT",              0,                      NOID,   NOID,   2,  2,  V, { VR }, FUNCFLAG_MACROCALLODF },
-    { "BITXOR",                 0,                      NOID,   NOID,   2,  2,  V, { VR }, FUNCFLAG_MACROCALLODF },
     { "CHISQDIST",              0,                      NOID,   NOID,   2,  3,  V, { VR }, FUNCFLAG_MACROCALLODF },
-    { "CHISQINV",               0,                      NOID,   NOID,   2,  2,  V, { VR }, FUNCFLAG_MACROCALLODF },
-    { "COMBINA",                0,                      NOID,   NOID,   2,  2,  V, { VR }, FUNCFLAG_MACROCALLODF },
-    { "DAYS",                   0,                      NOID,   NOID,   2,  2,  V, { VR }, FUNCFLAG_MACROCALLODF },
-    { "DECIMAL",                0,                      NOID,   NOID,   2,  2,  V, { VR }, FUNCFLAG_MACROCALLODF },
-    { "FDIST",                  0,                      NOID,   NOID,   3,  4,  V, { VR }, FUNCFLAG_MACROCALLODF },
-    { "FINV",                   0,                      NOID,   NOID,   3,  3,  V, { VR }, FUNCFLAG_MACROCALLODF },
-    { "FORMULA",                0,                      NOID,   NOID,   1,  1,  V, { RO }, FUNCFLAG_MACROCALLODF },
-    { "GAMMA",                  0,                      NOID,   NOID,   1,  1,  V, { VR }, FUNCFLAG_MACROCALLODF },
-    { "GAUSS",                  0,                      NOID,   NOID,   1,  1,  V, { VR }, FUNCFLAG_MACROCALLODF },
-    { "ISFORMULA",              0,                      NOID,   NOID,   1,  1,  V, { RO }, FUNCFLAG_MACROCALLODF },
-    { "ISOWEEKNUM",             0,                      NOID,   NOID,   1,  2,  V, { VR }, FUNCFLAG_MACROCALLODF },
-    { "MUNIT",                  0,                      NOID,   NOID,   1,  1,  A, { VR }, FUNCFLAG_MACROCALLODF },
-    { "NUMBERVALUE",            0,                      NOID,   NOID,   2,  2,  V, { VR }, FUNCFLAG_MACROCALLODF },
-    { "PDURATION",              0,                      NOID,   NOID,   3,  3,  V, { VR }, FUNCFLAG_MACROCALLODF },
-    { "PERMUTATIONA",           0,                      NOID,   NOID,   2,  2,  V, { VR }, FUNCFLAG_MACROCALLODF },
-    { "PHI",                    0,                      NOID,   NOID,   1,  1,  V, { VR }, FUNCFLAG_MACROCALLODF },
-    { "RRI",                    0,                      NOID,   NOID,   3,  3,  V, { VR }, FUNCFLAG_MACROCALLODF },
-    { "SHEET",                  0,                      NOID,   NOID,   0,  1,  V, { RO }, FUNCFLAG_MACROCALLODF },
-    { "SHEETS",                 0,                      NOID,   NOID,   0,  1,  V, { RO }, FUNCFLAG_MACROCALLODF },
-    { "SKEWP",                  0,                      NOID,   NOID,   1,  MX, V, { RX }, FUNCFLAG_MACROCALLODF },
-    { "UNICHAR",                0,                      NOID,   NOID,   1,  1,  V, { VR }, FUNCFLAG_MACROCALLODF },
-    { "UNICODE",                0,                      NOID,   NOID,   1,  1,  V, { VR }, FUNCFLAG_MACROCALLODF },
-    { "XOR",                    0,                      NOID,   NOID,   1,  MX, V, { RX }, FUNCFLAG_MACROCALLODF }
+    { "CHISQINV",               0,                      NOID,   NOID,   2,  2,  V, { VR }, FUNCFLAG_MACROCALLODF }
 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

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