[Libreoffice-commits] core.git: vcl/win

Herbert Dürr hdu at apache.org
Fri May 10 06:04:15 PDT 2013

 vcl/win/source/gdi/salbmp.cxx |   76 +++++++++++++++++++++++-------------------
 1 file changed, 43 insertions(+), 33 deletions(-)

New commits:
commit a9129e49e23e2a8d0ee9b92e00c2bddb39395d4e
Author: Herbert Dürr <hdu at apache.org>
Date:   Wed Jul 18 08:40:50 2012 +0000

    Related: #i120306# better input checks in WinSalBitmap::ImplCreateDIB()
    Patch-by: hdu, orw
    (cherry picked from commit 7b6990763f759f2de1902f8d22a22eb8e66797f7)
    Change-Id: I106efb3960cb99367d2ecefb8bcae006f389e271
    Corrected static_cast which does not work on Win compiler
    reinterpret cas needed (base classes are not related)
    (cherry picked from commit 99e4d3a57f88f71c47f1e519bde13080f0df3041)
    Change-Id: I02fc89d1ab346231985c68d63d9710c036d2ab2a

diff --git a/vcl/win/source/gdi/salbmp.cxx b/vcl/win/source/gdi/salbmp.cxx
index 7b5f7bb..0c89359 100644
--- a/vcl/win/source/gdi/salbmp.cxx
+++ b/vcl/win/source/gdi/salbmp.cxx
@@ -329,42 +329,52 @@ HGLOBAL WinSalBitmap::ImplCreateDIB( const Size& rSize, sal_uInt16 nBits, const
     HGLOBAL hDIB = 0;
-    if ( rSize.Width() && rSize.Height() )
+    if( rSize.Width() <= 0 || rSize.Height() <= 0 )
+        return hDIB;
+    // calculate bitmap size in Bytes
+    const sal_uLong nAlignedWidth4Bytes = AlignedWidth4Bytes( nBits * rSize.Width() );
+    const sal_uLong nImageSize = nAlignedWidth4Bytes * rSize.Height();
+    bool bOverflow = (nImageSize / nAlignedWidth4Bytes) != rSize.Height();
+    if( bOverflow )
+        return hDIB;
+    // allocate bitmap memory including header and palette
+    const sal_uInt16 nColors = (nBits <= 8) ? (1 << nBits) : 0;
+    const sal_uLong nHeaderSize = sizeof( BITMAPINFOHEADER ) + nColors * sizeof( RGBQUAD );
+    bOverflow = (nHeaderSize + nImageSize) < nImageSize;
+    if( bOverflow )
+        return hDIB;
+    hDIB = GlobalAlloc( GHND, nHeaderSize + nImageSize );
+    if( !hDIB )
+        return hDIB;
+    PBITMAPINFO pBI = static_cast<PBITMAPINFO>( GlobalLock( hDIB ) );
+    pBIH->biSize = sizeof( BITMAPINFOHEADER );
+    pBIH->biWidth = rSize.Width();
+    pBIH->biHeight = rSize.Height();
+    pBIH->biPlanes = 1;
+    pBIH->biBitCount = nBits;
+    pBIH->biCompression = BI_RGB;
+    pBIH->biSizeImage = nImageSize;
+    pBIH->biXPelsPerMeter = 0;
+    pBIH->biYPelsPerMeter = 0;
+    pBIH->biClrUsed = 0;
+    pBIH->biClrImportant = 0;
+    if( nColors )
-        const sal_uLong     nImageSize = AlignedWidth4Bytes( nBits * rSize.Width() ) * rSize.Height();
-        const sal_uInt16    nColors = ( nBits <= 8 ) ? ( 1 << nBits ) : 0;
-        hDIB = GlobalAlloc( GHND, sizeof( BITMAPINFOHEADER ) + nColors * sizeof( RGBQUAD ) + nImageSize );
-        if( hDIB )
-        {
-            PBITMAPINFO         pBI = (PBITMAPINFO) GlobalLock( hDIB );
-            pBIH->biSize = sizeof( BITMAPINFOHEADER );
-            pBIH->biWidth = rSize.Width();
-            pBIH->biHeight = rSize.Height();
-            pBIH->biPlanes = 1;
-            pBIH->biBitCount = nBits;
-            pBIH->biCompression = BI_RGB;
-            pBIH->biSizeImage = nImageSize;
-            pBIH->biXPelsPerMeter = 0;
-            pBIH->biYPelsPerMeter = 0;
-            pBIH->biClrUsed = 0;
-            pBIH->biClrImportant = 0;
-            if ( nColors )
-            {
-                const sal_uInt16 nMinCount = std::min( nColors, rPal.GetEntryCount() );
-                if( nMinCount )
-                    memcpy( pBI->bmiColors, rPal.ImplGetColorBuffer(), nMinCount * sizeof( RGBQUAD ) );
-            }
-            GlobalUnlock( hDIB );
-        }
+        // copy the palette entries if any
+        const sal_uInt16 nMinCount = std::min( nColors, rPal.GetEntryCount() );
+        if( nMinCount )
+            memcpy( pBI->bmiColors, rPal.ImplGetColorBuffer(), nMinCount * sizeof(RGBQUAD) );
+    GlobalUnlock( hDIB );
     return hDIB;

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